#she and Nyx would have been fine as opposed to like
I genuinely love that Kingsglaive is just the most by-the-books action movie ever. Like it’s so Hollywood Summer Blockbuster it’s funny. Which honestly suits how goddamn American the setting of FFXV is. But yeah like in the middle of all the fantasy video game shit in FFXV, like, Die Hard happens off-screen in the middle of the prologue. It’s great.
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stillness138 · 5 months
where are characters from the first Hades game now, and some other character-centric theories:
inspired by this post by @thebuttsmcgee
so from the technical test gameplay stream we learned that Chronos straight up took over the underworld and kidnapped not only Hades, but Zagreus and Persephone too. out of the underworlders from the first game, Charon is still doing his thing in secret, Skelly returns in a new coat, the Wretched Broker is back too, and Hypnos is the only other guy from the House who's hiding at Hecate's hub, but he's also fast asleep...
personally, i think Hypnos might be cursed or something like that. Chronos using Hypnos's schtick against him? lose time by sleeping through it all? or maybe he just wakes up a bit later. hell, maybe he's always asleep during the test but not the final game because he would've dropped a spoiler or something.
so what about the rest?
assuming they're not all imprisoned somehow,
-Nyx and Thanatos: they could've fled to Chaos. a narrator's note at the Crossroads says that it houses 'those still loyal to lord Hades', but doesn't necessarily say 'all of them'. Nyx visits Chaos in the first game once their relationship is mended, and like the post i linked said, Than would've probably tried to protect the family and the House for as long as he could. but in the face of no other option, i think Chaos would be a viable place to flee to for the two of them, out of Chronos's reach similarly to the Crossroads. Than also visits the surface though, so maybe he'll show up at the Crossroads at some point? maybe in a plot point, trying to help Mel free Zag and the fam? both of them are important enough to warrant an appearance.
-the Furies: my idea is that all three of them were forced to serve Chronos. they're a very important part of security and upkeep down there, i think he would've wanted the realm's employees on his side. i don't however think they're going to be the bossfight between Asphodel and Tartarus. they, or Meg alone, should have some presence however.
-Sisiphus: it would be kinda cute if the furies went behind Chronos's back and helped to tuck Sisiphus away somewhere safe, given that he is loyal to Zag/the family and maybe that'd mean they were ordered to torture him again. depends on what Chronos's rule over the underworld looks like for the different shades there, but Melinoë speaks to the few that hang around at Crossroads in an almost comforting manner, so i imagine Chronos is trying to rule by fear and get shades on his side that way. Bouldy's gonna be sad, but fine. i hope. but at least a mention would be nice.
-Achilles and Patroclus (and Theseus&Asterius): ...they're probably separated again, aren't they... brainstorming now, i like (pain and) the idea that they're both in Elysium, just not together. because i think Elysium would've risen up as an army of sorts trying to oppose Chronos, given it's all warriors and heroes. separated by war. Nemesis having Stygius with her makes me believe Achilles could be wielding Varatha. additionally, Theseus being forced to step up and put his vanity aside, delicious idea i think. also, Mel arriving to this supposed paradise only to find it in a desolate state. all of them, i think, should be at the very least mentioned too.
-Orpheus and Euridice: they could be both hiding or imprisoned or forced to serve, but. what if this time it's Euridice who's looking for Orpheus. he's at the house and at Chronos's whim, while she makes it to the Crossroads and asks Mel for help. it'd be a shame if they were never heard from again.
-Cerberus: probably locked up with the fam :( orrr he's running wild all around the realm and Chronos is literally incapable of taming him. that would've been fun. Cerberus bossfight tho... nah. no way he wouldn't see something familiar in Mel. but it could be fun too if done right. he definitely has to reappear.
-Dusa: wild theory time but she's hiding in the rafters, spying on Chronos. :D. if the situation is much more dire, she's either also forced to serve, or even banished into Asphodel to be with the other gorgon heads. either way i think she'll pop up again in some capacity.
-House Contractor, Head Chef, Resource Director: probably unwillingly continuing their jobs under Chronos's rule. although the chef might've lost his job, depends if Chronos like, eats normal food. well mostly onions and fish but still. alternatively, the chef will also show up at Crossroads like the Wretched Broker does.
-THE GOOD SHADE from Elysium: okay war hero good shade arc when? i'm sorry, but i love them.
some other ideas, theories and wishes:
-the obvious one is Hera, like many others i also hope she will appear as a major boon giver.
-i have a feeling, however, that Hermes might not. it seems a bit that Artemis and Selene are filling up his role as the little bit specific boon giver, but maybe i'm wrong. Artemis provides crit boons just like in the first game and Selene has a bit more of a Chaos vibe to her. let's see.
-i do think, or would like it if, Chaos shows up, but not as a boon giver. but i believe they would definitely have something to say about Chronos's actions.
-back to Hermes though... there's that sealed staircase that leads upwards from the Crossroads. people have already been theorizing this, but there might seriously be a section of the game taking place on Olympus, or at the very least somewhere under it. still, i don't think Hermes would be a boon giver either if he does appear. i would however like to see him interact with Charon.
-the Fates will, i think, remain obscure, even if Moros has more of a connection to them. maybe they'll be mentioned and explored a bit more, but i wouldn't count on them appearing by themselves.
-i would however like to see at least one more of Nyx's kids. originally, i also hoped Erebus himself ever shows up personified, but i like what they've done with it as a place.
Eris is i'd say the biggest contender, given that she's namedropped in the first game through a weapon aspect and a purchasable item. maybe she's even boss material (again, if Nemesis has the sword, Eris may wield the rail).
-same thinking can be applied to Ariadne (she lives with Dionysus on Olympus, does she not?), Talos (giant robot made by Hephaestus, how cool is that), and Lamia (snake lady with personal history with Zeus and Hera, would even make for a cool boss too i think, although i always viewed her as a more melancholic figure. but i'm just spitballing here). there are also Atlas, Prometheus and other names on Charon's many items, those are less likely to make an appearance imo.
-Talos also obviously has a weapon aspect in the first one, and then there's Chiron. in myth, he is the son of Chronos. the juiciness of that situation, given he has a relationship with Achilles and Patty as well... perhaps he'll be Elysium's miniboss in the spirit of Asterius? or straight up a main boss? or actually a friendly? i really hope they did something with him, the potential is so very there.
-i think Daedalus will remain present just in name and spirit.
-now that i'm on the weapons though, for all we know there might not be such a thing as weapon aspects (at least not tied to specific figures) in Hades 2, but if there are, including hidden aspects, i'd like to see nods to more of other world mythologies/histories/cultures, like Egyptian, Japanese, pre-columbian American or Slavic.
-this brings me to keepsakes and companion plushies, if they're in the game at all and if so, who gives them out.
keepsake-wise, beside the olympians, Hecate is obvious, as well as Odysseus, and Nemesis and Moros are too. Arachne and Skelly also. Charon seems likely, so does Dora. maybe Hypnos if/when he wakes up. Selene, probably.
i'd say, if companions are a thing, it's also up to Nemesis and Moros, Odysseus, maybe Hecate, likely Arachne, and if there's 6 of them like last time, the final one will be from either Dora or someone we haven't seen yet. or Hecate doesn't give one (she's pretty op for a summon) but Skelly does.
-this also ties into romance! it's been deduced a long time ago, right when the trailer came out, that Nemesis and Moros are very likely romanceable. i also see the appeal and potential of romancing Dora, and from the technical test, i like Melinoë's friendship with Artemis. Hypnos's presence at the Crossroads is interesting from this point too, but i wouldn't guess he'll be romanceable if/when he wakes up.
there are more details to speculate about, especially in gameplay and resources (boss room rewards! the equivalent of nectar/ambrosia to give characters!) but i wanted to keep this mainly about the npcs.
honestly curious what other people are saying!
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idkjustletmescroll · 3 months
As a girl eagerly counting down the days until July 26th, I've made up a list of shit I want to see happen in season 6 of the dragon prince that I do in fact expect everyone to care about:
1: Janaya janaya janaya janaya I just love themmmm (buuuttt they both have to stay alive).
2: Speaking of janaya, i know there's a chance we get a wedding this season, which i wouldn't be opposed to. If we kept humans and elves as the main conflict like we did in the first three seasons, I'd say they should have it at the end of the show, but it feels more like aaravos vs the dragaang at this point, which...
3: More characters with more to do! In the first dragon prince, we had a bunch of minor characters (the other monarchs, prince kasef, opeli and corvus, nyx, ethari, a shit ton of soldiers, etc.), do things that affected our main characters in plenty of ways, which made it feel like there was a whole world out there being affected. Now, it's not that there are NO side characters affecting the main plot, it just feels so centered on the aaravos plot. I feel like they should have kept a bit more "elves and humans need to unite and move forward to defeat aaravos" but it's fine. I still like the show.
4: Rayllum making up. Not necessarily in a romantic relationship, though I would EAT THAT UP if it happened, but, if they haven't gotten back into their romantic relationship by the end of season 6, they should clearly be well on their way there, and we should know how they both feel about it.
5: De-coining. They've been trapped in there long enough.
6: I kind of want to see viren well and truly dead, just because of the downward SPIRAL it would send my girl claudia into. But I also feel like he has more to offer? I know we have a clip of him doing SOMETHING this season, but that could be a flashback. Idk. I feel like him voluntarily giving up power, and his own life, was a good ending for him, and the way claudia reacts in that first teaser we got definitely makes it seem like he's dead? But I also kind of want him to have a meaningful interaction with the other characters he's affected--rayla, callum, ezran, obviously; I kind of want to see what would happen if he realizes how far gone claudia is, joins the dragaang with the belief that he can save her from aaravos, and somehow meets janai? I feel like they've always had really strong writing for viren, though. So I'm trusting you, tdp writers.
7: Terry turn away from Claudia. This could turn into him trying to sabotage her, straight-up leaving, becoming a double agent, whatever. But he can only delude himself for so long.
8: I want the sunfire elf conflict to end and for them to help fight aaravos (he killed khessa and corrupted lux aurea, okay? They deserve to help beat him). I'd also be fine with them wrapping THAT conflict up somewhere around the middle of season 7, but I don't want them dragging it out all through to the end of it.
9: The key of aaravos should become more important. I get that it was essential to callum figuring out primal magic, but also, we've had it since s1 ep4, and it's still very distinctly in callum's possession. What else is up with this thing?
10: Janaya (again) being badass war generals. We all saw them in the first three seasons, right? Amaya was fully ready to kill a teenager (an elf, but still), in her first episode. And also kicked down a door and won my heart. She threw multiple elves into lava. Janai took over amaya's fortress thing and tried to kill her for a good bit of her screentime (I wish they would emphasize janai being strategic a little more. Like...she would've HAD that stronghold if that soldier didn't start using sign language). THEY led the defense of the storm spire!
11: ANDDD speaking of janaya, one last thing: I want the human soldiers respecting janai, and the sunfire elves recognizing Amaya as their queen. Even just a "your radianceS," plural, or something. She's going to be their queen--consort, i guess, technically, but still. I feel like we haven't gotten a big enough sense of that.
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
Opinions on Socks and sandals. For Oc’s *and* Rent-Frees
*cracks my knuckles* Okay let's go
Roxy: Socks are fine. Sandals are fine. For the love of everything holy, do not combine them.
Dani: As a feature in a joke outfit, sure. If that's genuinely your sense of style? She's judging you hard.
Toni: Wears socks and sandals regularly. It's just easier, okay?
Kazurin: Agrees with Toni. If it's comfortable, who cares?
Luna: If you're going to wear socks, just wear shoes??
Xilixas: Wear whatever you want, but know that he will judge you.
Avlaroess: Is pretty sure there exists a kind of footwear made to be worn with socks. And it is not sandals.
Salem: Won't lie, there are times he's tempted to wear socks and sandals just to upset some of the others.
Fihn: Enjoys wearing sandals, but not a big fan of socks.
Tahlen: Enjoys wearing socks (with shoes), but not a big fan of sandals.
Lillianna: Will judge you hard for wearing socks and sandals together.
Owen: Sometimes wears socks and sandals to annoy Lillianna.
Fenway: Prefers to be barefoot.
Sykes: Understands this is a subject that people get heated over, but isn't sure why.
Jamie: May be undead but that doesn't mean he doesn't have standards. Socks with shoes, Sandals with bare feet.
Jade: Doesn't pay enough attention to the people around him to notice something like that, so he doesn't really care.
Jude: Prefers socks with shoes, but isn't strictly opposed to wearing them with sandals. Just as long as Lillianna doesn't notice.
Aquarios: Doesn't care either way. If it's comfortable, it's comfortable.
Perenia: Thinks people get upset about the silliest things.
Ghost: Like Owen, he sometimes does it specifically to annoy someone.
Kiyba: Same as Owen and Ghost.
Alexei: Literally could not care less. Do whatever you want.
Sasha: Will advise you to take care who you bring this up to, because...
Tsuragi: Will have a fashion attack if you wear socks and sandals in their presence. Hope you're ready to be a mannequin for a while.
Dezyn: Doesn't combine them himself, but doesn't have strong feelings about people who do.
Sans: Combines them regularly.
Red: Says he has standards, but has been seen wearing socks and sandals.
Violet: Is all about comfort. Socks and slippers are preferred, but sandals do in a pinch.
Poppy: Has standards.
Nyx: Doesn't personally like the combination, but will not hesitate to wear it to annoy someone.
Ash: Wears socks and sandals on occasion but doesn't have very strong feelings about it.
Nightmare: Socks and slippers is as far as that goes. Sandals leave his feet too exposed.
Fresh: Doesn't see an issue with it.
Beacher: Would much prefer to just wear sandals, thank you.
Briar: Doesn't want to see anyone wearing socks and sandals, but won't have as violent a reaction as Tsuragi.
Razzle: Doesn't care. If you're comfy, you're comfy.
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gemsofthegalaxy · 2 years
Just saw an interesting post and its 1am so I am going to admit something that may be shocking or controversial, i don't know bc i'm not deeply engrossed in the fandom yet but,
I don't find the character art for Hades to be "hot". It's very beautiful, stunning artwork. Don't get me wrong. but, the characters themselves.....
I don't know! I think it's mostly just my tastes because I don't find super muscular people that hot personally, and most of the are p beefy (well, the men at least, and the women are mostly just lithe/thin which is also. Eh.)
It honestly reminds me of that article where it's like "everyone is beautiful and nobody is sexy".
Like, Aphrodite is straight up naked and she is one of my fav designs but more just because she's pink.... but I don't know if i'd be like "damn she's so fucking sexy" at least based on the character art in the game.. like, fanart in a different style would probably change my mind
The hottest ones to me are Meg, Nyx, and Thanatos and that is more before of their voices and storylines, and in the case of the latter two, their styling (love the emo boy vibes from Thanatos and i am SURE that's not a controversial opinion lmao).
Which, like, I also fully comprehend what I assume they were going for was like, these are Gods of course they're stereotypically beautiful and absolutely shredded and "objectively" attractive but I have been slowly but surely becoming one of those quibblers who finds the mainstream beauty ideals to be like... boring and overhyped....
Although, I guess I can't assume they're supposed to be "hot" (as opposed to just godlike beautiful and impressive) I've just seen a couple of Vox articles thirsting over the art and been like... really?? Cause they dont really do it for me.
Also... this is not necessarily a problem lmao i am just making an observation. We dont actually need any more hypersexualized video game art, at least of women characters, soooooo it's fine. I also find characters hot based on their personalities/storylines first and foremost anyway (hey, just like real people lol)
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thevermilionwitch · 3 years
Okay, this has been living in my head rent free
Imagine Makaria and Melinoë in the Hades game
So, imagine that Hades has that class game where you get to choose which class you will choose in a save file. Instead of one character, you can choose either of the three for the rest of the game that fits your style.
Makaria, the goddess of blessed death
Class: Mage or Sorceress. Any class title that uses magic.
Makaria is the calmest and soft spoken, maybe shaken up to her father's stern voice and grown accustomed to it over time. She works in Elysium to accommodate the shades there and comes home through Charon. Amongst the three, she has the most share of face from Persephone, almost like a splitting image of her. Golden locks, green eyes, which brings a lot of pain for Hades to look at and just quickly sent her forth to Elysium for her responsibilities. She rarely see her siblings and she felt like she doesn't belong in the family for her looks and capabilities.
Makaria would be working along side with Thanatos, of course. Her main arsenal would be a scythe (or nothing) and uses magic based from the boons. Unlike Zagreus, whose boons empowers his physical aspect and weaponry, she has spells and summonings that fights for her (e.g. Poseidon boons would give her the ability to send a tidal wave etc). Instead of using the Daedalus hammer to empower her arsenal, she uses Hekate's torch. She can probably romance Thanatos or help him to get together with Zagreus. It's not Hades if you didn't reunite or counsel some couples in your House.
There are exclusive boons that can only be attained in her run. Maybe:
Apollo - gives boons that could blind or stun enemies
Eros - boons that can make enemies fight for you temporarily
Melinoë, the goddess of nightmares and madness
Class: assassin or rogue. She is probably has the highest based offense stats but, squishy af
Melinoë has the same trait as Zagreus. Having the heterochromia but the opposite. Identical and having that twinsies vibe with him. She is probably closer in terms of relationship with Zagreus and probably the first one to be heartbroken when Zagreus decided to leave.
The most vicious among siblings, Melinoë would be working along side with the Furies sisters, which punishing to those who committed the heaviest acts. She would wield whips or dual handed weaponry. The boons would empower her weaponry and physique much like Zagreus. However, she can wield two different boons in the same attack type (e.g. You can have Curse of Agony and Heartbreak Strike at the same time). However, if you are going to change or sell your attack boons, you'll lose both of it. This can only apply on the attack slot. Instead of using Daedalus hammer to upgrade your weapons, Melinoë is using Hephaestus' anvil. She can probably romance Meg or help her get together with Zagreus instead.
There are exclusive boons that could only be attained in her run. Maybe:
Eris - boons that can confuse enemies and strike others instead
Hestia -boons involving pyrokinesis
Why would these two escape? Despite having decent jobs in the House (and probably doing better than Zagreus), they would get sick of their father's neglect and striving for perfection in the House. Melinoë would jump in to defend Zagreus about her father's treatment on him. Makaria would want to talk the sense out of his father but, only to be shut down. So, what is the perfect way to speak about what you feel? Wreck your father's place to get his attention of what you want to say.
How would they be born? Remember about Dusa?
Tumblr media
They have the similar situation, but only the three was successfully saved by Nyx. They thought it was only Zagreus but, the Fates had some twisted intentions to it. The two came from Zagreus blood and came forth, forming their own bodies and mind. So Nyx decided to saved the three and bounded into the Underworld. The prophecy did said that Hades will not have an heir of his throne. It is because that Melinoë and Makaria are already doing best with what they were doing. They would probably would not like the throne even if their father forced it upon them.
The siblings would be NPCs in each other's runs (or save file) of course. I would imagine it be like:
In Zagreus route, he will try to fix and creating a bond with his sisters, especially to Melinoë who is heartbroken with his attempts to escape.
The sisters would either be a boss (Melinoë in Tartarus along side with the Furies, and Makaria being a mini boss in Elysium just like Asterius. She wanted to see if you are ready for the champions and for Hades up ahead.) Or, helpful chamber NPCs (like the keepsakes at the end of each boss fights, they bring weapons for Zagreus to change in mid run. They are all over the Underworld and hard to find. Most likely, Makaria would be the one bringing Zagreus the weapons.)
Melinoë's keepsake would be a dagger or a necklace. Whilst Makaria's keepsake would be a bracelet with white butterflies (opposed ro Thanatos' purple butterfly keepsake.
Zagreus as the sisters' miniboss would be similar to Makaria. He wanted to see if his sisters are actually capable of facing their father. Zagreus as an NPC is, ofc, being his sisters' weapons. He is 100% supportive of the escape but, he wanted to see if they are actually ready for it.
Zagreus' keepsake for them is similar to the 3 headed shoulder pad he has on. (SIBLING SHOULDER PADS!!)
They all have different reactions when they learned about their birthmother. Melinoë would be furious at Nyx but, subsided quickly and apologize. Makaria would be confused and feel a bit distant to Nyx, but recovered quickly as she helped her escape
Hades' interactions will be different to each sibling. He is both disappointed in them though, since they were perfectly fine and just decided to escape. Makaria would have some tame and heartfelt interactions with Hades. Saying that she looked like her mother and how it pains him to see her everyday, and decided to shut her down entirely, repeating the same thing what he did to Persephone. Melinoë would be harsh but, tame too. Insults left and right, and downright saying he is weak for letting fear getting the best out of him.
Persephone would recognize them cause of their fiery feet since it is how she remembered her stillborn child before she left. She learned the truth when the sisters spoke about Zagreus, the name Persephone had given to her son.
After she learned that she actually have three children, she was so heartbroken to know she actually left not only 1 but, 3 of them. Melinoë would be definitely feel awkward and sheepish around Persephone while Makaria feels so loved and warm.
This give the sisters a purpose to go back there whatever it takes, leaving their purpose and jobs entirely to know the truth.
Once the siblings knew the truth, they find ways to help one another.
I finally let it out oml. This will stop haunting me at night.
Feel free to add more! This could be a potential fanfiction but, my writing skills are not the best of it. I can only give ideas
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bloodycassian · 3 years
An arrangement of power - reader is an officer for a top tier Illyrian camp. The bat boys introduce someone to the Illyrian way.
Would love some feedback on this - if you guys want this continued etc.
A dark hum fell over the camp as the long awaited night court party arrived. You took a deep breath, the tension in your shoulders peaking. The Illyrians were in formation as you had ordered, their wings tucked in formally behind them. Their swords polished and shining. The soldiers were utterly silent, awaiting their high lord. Knowing a foot out of line would lead to a steep punishment.  The grace of his entrance was overwhelming. You felt as if your shoulders were near a breaking point from the stress. Your jaw clenched as the general scanned the crowd, looking for anyone out of sorts. Thankfully, not one of your soldiers took the challenge he presented. "A fine day for flying, isnt it?" The high lord greeted you. Your wings flexed, and you bowed. "Welcome to the highest ranks of Illyria. Ravik extends his graces to you, high lord. And company. This camp has come a long way since its foundings." You welcomed the whole party. You glanced over a shoulder at Tariel, the camp's highest ranking officer, just a step below you in the pecking order. He gave the signal, and the camp placed a fit on the shoulder in unison. The three most powerful Illyrians in existence all raised their eyebrows in shock.  You nearly shook with relief once you were given the signal to bring the court into the camp leaders tent. Ravik was generally a considerate male, for Illyrians at least. But you couldn't recall a time someone had disrespected him and left that tent harm free. As the camp leader, he had to enforce his position against any that would dare rival him. The tension did not leave totally, but the general welcome was out of other way at least. "I must say I am impressed." Rhysand said with a coy grin once you had exited the public eye, leading him to Ravik's massive tent. You nodded thoughtfully, attempting to keep your cool and not let your hands shake as you held up the tent flap for the group to walk inside. The three Illyrian males and the small, young male they had brought along.  You stood in the corner behind Ravik, letting yourself relax just a miniscule amount more now that the high lord's attention was not focused solely on you. The spymaster with the broken hands did scan every inch of the room, however. It made your skin crawl. "Last time I saw you, you were in the mud of a battlefield, turning over bodies." Ravik said, voice gravelly with centuries of shouting orders.  "And look who I managed to find, not among those bodies." Rhysand replied, nodding to the two commanders at his sides. Their grins in response made your heart race. They looked like predators. The male behind them was motionless, and seemed to almost blend in with the background of the tent where he stood. He showed no emotion, just those bright eyes boring into Ravik's.  "And what is this then, surely this one wasn't left on those killing fields after the war." Ravik pointed a crooked finger behind them. The generals' siphons glowed a bit brighter at the words, but when their leader nodded they parted, revealing the boy with wings.  Ravik gasped. Rhys smiled devilishly. "This is Nyx." He placed a hand on his shoulder and brought him forward. "And he will be training with you."  +++++ Ravik was stunned silent for several seconds. You had made a subtle move forward as the tension in the room spiked yet again. The siphons glared all around. Ravik's were dull, as if he wasn't threatened. You let that comfort you - slightly. The boy said nothing. Rhys said nothing. As if they were waiting to see how you would react.  Nyx's wings slowly unfurled behind him, then you recognized it. The shape and size of them, the lighter coloring of them against normal Illyrians. The way he seemed to blend in, unless he was front and center. The high lord's son. The name had registered slightly, but was more like a myth. The boy born of a once human mother. The boy blessed by Night itself. His fathers successor. His father's son, now that you could see.  The silence broke when you took one step further, standing beside Ravik, and bowing yet again. You hoped it would cultivate peace, and relieve the tension in your body. You could have turned to jelly under the high lord's stare.  "Thank you." Nyx's voice was a soft, light tone. But seemed to echo with the remnant of power lurking behind it. His eyes bore into you, then flashed to Ravik as he began laughing. A cold, choking sound that you'd heard maybe twice in the one hundred fifty years you'd known him. Your blood ran cold.  "You want your prodigy sent to Illyria? For what kind of training that Cassian hasn't shown him? Or what magic tricks the living shadow hasn't?" Ravik laughed dismissively. Nyx did not look away from him as his father prowled the room, walking over to a set of ancient armor in the corner. The fur rug beneath him seemed to shrink in his presence.  He admired it a moment, the silence making you want to flee the flimsy cloth tent. It felt suffocating with so much power in the room. The Prodigal son looked to his shoulder to Cassian, who nodded. Then cast out a hand to the armor his father was admiring, then it was gone. You blinked, and Rhysand only chuckled. Your gaze drifted to the now horrifyingly powerful son and you realized. The armor lay on the ground, bent to pieces like it had been melted. The leash of transparent power he held rivaled his fathers. The room was throbbing with silence. The words to be said were a million and nothing all at once.  "That was my favorite piece." Ravik said, unbothered. "What is the point here Rhysand, I take him in so you can do what? Him tp be able to pin the Prince of Bastards?" He scoffed, standing from the head table. Nyx cringed, showing the only emotion since arriving.  "He needs to learn the ways of all people in his court." Rhys nodded to his son, who looked at him with discomfort. "He needs to learn of his heritage."  Ravik seemed to consider a moment, then barked another laugh. The tension eased slightly yet again. A rollercoaster of emotion trapped inside the too small tent. "This is no place for his actual heritage, Rhysand. You know as such." He slowly talked to Nyx, grasping his chin and turning his head. Nyx's eyes never left the camp leader's.  Rhysand smiled, and took a seat at the opposing side of Ravik's desk. "High Ladies are hard to please, it would seem. This was the only camp she would allow."  Ravik hummed a response, then let go of Nyx's chin and patted him on the cheek. He turned his back on the high lord's son, and sat back down in his throne like chair. "So you want him to train. I will need to know his skill level to see where to start him at." Cassian raised an eyebrow to Azriel, who gave him a slight nod in response.  "We can show you-" Cassian began, but was cut off by Ravik's burning stare. He held the cards in this decision, Rhysand couldn't force him into training his son.  "He will fight against my master officer." You felt your heart sink to your heels. "You understand, of course. So we know how he reacts in a real battle situation. So we know you're not playing it up for show." He laced his fingers in front of him and smiled sweetly at the high lord. Azriel's fists clenched.  Rhys' stare at the camp lord was enough it made you want to melt into a puddle. You felt yourself begin to sweat with nerves. With the power Nyx had just shown you wanted to flee the tent completely, not face off against him. Even if it was just for training. You didn't know the extent of those powers, and it was terrifying.  "If your Officer is open to it, I accept." Nyx said cordially, those piercing eyes sizing you up. You wanted to groan, but only nodded. Your pride couldn't take the hit of rejecting such an offer. If he kicked your ass, it was to be expected by someone with such power.  Rhys stood with the grace of a cat, and extended an arm to Ravik. "Thank you, old friend." He smiled again, and Ravik extended an arm to the high lord. They locked arms, hands clasping their elbows. It felt like a weight was sinking inside you. Cassian patted Nyx on the back, and you attempted your best smile at him.
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tsukai22 · 2 years
Fire Emblem Fates supports I really like
I was reflecting on my post about my grievances with FE Fates and the supports that didn’t happen, so I thought I’d post about the supports I really liked.
Arthur & Beruka: My current favourite support in the game. It starts with Beruka on her way to carry out an assassination (I believe this is the only support where Beruka is actively doing anything assassin-related), and Arthur being hired to protect the person she’s been hired to kill. It ends up being really good, and it’s probably the only support I don’t want to spoil.
Selena & Setsuna: I just find it hilarious how Setsuna kept guilt-tripping Selena into accompanying her to the shops using puppy-dog eyes. ...It now occurs to be that I suck at describing why I like some of these supports...
Arthur & Setsuna: This used to be my favourite until I did Arthur & Beruka’s support. I find it hilarious that someone thought it was a good idea to pair the two most miserably unlucky and somewhat untrustworthy people to collect the food for the Hoshidan-Nohr mixer. I like how they overcome each other’s bad luck in their A support, which leads nicely into their S support if you do that.
Odin & Laslow: It reveals a lot about what they’re doing here if you can’t be bothered doing their DLC chapters. I like how they have serious realisations about why they’re here and what they’re doing, while reminiscing about their home in their A support - as opposed to their other support personalities that usually portray them as varying degrees of comic relief.
Laslow & Soleil: Mainly for their A support, where Laslow tells Soleil about Olivia and how horrible it would feel if Soleil died protecting him. He really wants to tell her the truth about where he came from but isn’t able to - Soleil understands and just focuses on cheering him up. Cheering each other up is also a theme of the full support line that I like.
Soleil & Kiragi: I like how they get along really well almost instantly - to the point where Soleil can let her hair down and confide in Kiragi about her current negative feelings, when she would’ve just put on her usual smile with anyone else (except Laslow, probably) and pretend that it’s fine. Kiragi then gets to cheer her up, with Soleil asking him for advice about how to do that. It also reveals a bit about what happened with the small army Soleil was leading in her paralogue.
Sakura & Elise: We learn that Elise can play the violin and that Sakura can play the koto, and that they can do some improvising to have their instruments sound good together. They also are a natural match for each other personality-wise.
F!Corrin & Caeldori: It reveals a personality trait about them that isn’t brought up anywhere else - they both like romance novels. It starts with the usual embarrassment of revealing what types of romance novels they like, followed by them not being able to find a single other female member of the army who likes romance novels (which is even more amusing if you’ve recruited Nina).
Jakob & Nyx: These two usually start disliking other people from the outset because of the topics brought up, but in this case the two agree on a lot of things and get along quite well from the outset.
Soleil & Shigure: I just think it’s a nice one.
27/3/20223 EDIT: Mitama & Rhajat: It’s enjoyable since they very quickly bond over their love of being left undisturbed, and especially seeing Rhajat being geniunely happy (at least by her standards) for the entire Support chain. Normally, she’s gloomy and/or anti-social the entire time but there’s none of that in this one.
I might edit in more over time.
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MK 11 Nozomi vs Canon intro fight dialogues part 2
TW/CW for: Trauma, kidnapping, hints of abuse
Nozomi, Melantha, Shariah, Nyx, Michiko, and Fuyuka all belong to me
the rest belong to midway/NRS
Nozomi: Shariah is nearly done healing if you would like to see her.
Baraka: I will believe that when I see her myself Goddess!
Nozomi: What did I just say?
Nozomi: Hey, does it ever occur to you that I have a mother?
Baraka: You’re still Quan Chi’s spawn.
Nozomi: Yeah but I’m also Fuyuka’s spawn!
Nozomi: I am here to help!
Baraka: We don’t need your help!
Nozomi: That’s not what Kitana said.
Nozomi: I appreciate your gratitude Ms. Cage.
Cassie: Don’t sweat it. Just call me Cassie.
Nozomi: Oh? So who’s the humble one now?
Nozomi: Out of my way Cassandra!
Cassie: What has Raiden ever done to you!?
Nozomi: Didn’t he get your mother killed?
Nozomi: I am a mother trying to help her daughter. Move please!
Cassie: And I’m a daughter trying to save her mother!
Nozomi: I promise you, Sonya won’t be hurt.
Nozomi: Go home aunt Cetrion.
Cetrion: Nozomi, please don’t do this.
Nozomi: I said, go home!
Nozomi: Did you know the truth too?
Cetrion: Only the One Being knew the soul you harbored
Nozomi: But did you know of his plan to contact that soul?
Nozomi: Aunt Cetrion trust me, Rain would never hurt me.
Cetrion: He has a lot to prove before I believe that.
Nozomi: And here I thought Mom’s judgment was enough for you.
Nozomi: My mom isn’t weak!
D’Vorah: Then why does Kronika want her erased?
Nozomi: Cause my mom poses a threat to her!
Nozomi: Tell your new master that if she touches my world, I’ll erase her instead.
D’Vorah: This one would like to see you try.
Nozomi: Watch me!
Nozomi: Want to know a secret D’Vorah?
D’Vorah: And what would that be, Nozomi?
Nozomi: I’m not scared of you either.
Nozomi: I’m more than a demi-goddess, Erron.
Erron: Well what in tarnation are you?
Nozomi: A whole mess
Nozomi: Erron I’m not good at anything
Erron: Who hurt you?
Nozomi: A lot of people.
Nozomi: I have it in for a lot of people Black.
Erron: Would those happen to be the same people who hurt you?
Nozomi: Yes. And no.
Nozomi: You seek revenge?
Frost: Give me the ideas grandma!
Nozomi: First, who are we going against?
Nozomi: In all seriousness, your mom said you do have a temper.
Frost: A temper that’s saved me!
Nozomi: A temper that has also hurt you.
Nozomi: I am ageless, yes.
Frost: Then you must be older than Kronika herself!
Nozomi: Do you not know how agelessness works?
Nozomi: Don’t worry about me uncle Fujin. I’m fine.
Fujin: I am sorry we didn’t get to Gae before he got to you.
Nozomi: He’s dead. We don’t talk about him.
Nozomi: You wanna know what my other goal is?
Fujin: Yes! Please, talk to me.
Nozomi: There is no other goal. There is only revenge.
Nozomi: I must admit, I will miss some people when I go.
Fujin: What is stopping you from staying?
Nozomi: A lot of things Uncle Fujin. A lot.
Nozomi: Then you can oppose him?
Geras: You. You are his mother.
Nozomi: I may harbor her soul, but I am not Khaos!
Nozomi: If I have three daughters, I won’t let them be eaten.
Geras: You might not be able to avoid that fate, Nozomi.
Nozomi: That will be one fate I won’t repeat!
Nozomi: Tell me Geras, does Kronika mess with my memories?
Geras: It is the back and forth from your world to ours.
Nozomi: That’s impossible!
Nozomi: I never answered your question did I?
Jacqui: What question?
Nozomi: The one of my disappearance after seeing my dad get decapitated.
Nozomi: The family matters my mother is attending is not one I wish to go to
Jacqui: Why not?
Nozomi: I might see him again.
Nozomi: Not my mom, but the sword she wields.
Jacqui: The famed Reaper of Nebulas?
Nozomi: The very same!
Nozomi: You made sure to put the books back right?
Jade: I am borrowing one right now
Nozomi: Nobody takes books from mother’s temple!
Nozomi: Platonically means out of friendship
Jade: Oh! What strange language you gods have.
Nozomi: That’s actually an Earthrealm term.
Nozomi: I suggest Melantha. The Goddess of Death herself.
Jade: There is more than one Death deity?
Nozomi: Yes there is.
Nozomi: Bold of you to assume we have family get-togethers in the first place, Briggs.
Jax: You’re right. My bad.
Nozomi: No worries Briggs.
Nozomi: Oh yeah? Name one other time I lost my shit!
Jax: When your daddy got his chopped off.
Nozomi: Name another time!
Nozomi: I don’t think Rain wants to go with me
Jax: Long distance relationships can be hard.
Nozomi: Long distance?
Nozomi: No. No. Cage, Quan Chi is my dad by birth.
Johnny: What about Raiden?
Nozomi: He’s my dad in spirit.
Nozomi: If you think me controlling lighting is weird just wait til you see the other elements I control.
Johnny: Are you the Avatar?
Nozomi: I need to watch that with Lao again.
Nozomi: You don’t get enough recognition in Hollywood Cage?
Johnny: Not anymore.
Nozomi: Ouch!
Nozomi: There are variants to my name depending on the characters used
Kabal: The what?
Nozomi: At least according to Earthrealm customs.
Nozomi: I’m not saying Kristy lied! I’m saying, did she say it was me?
Kabal: Well, not exactly.
Nozomi: So why am I the first person you went to?
Nozomi: No I do not make em revenants like my dad.
Kabal: Then what do you do?
Nozomi: Have you met Michiko and Reiki?
Nozomi: Why does my potential union to Rain interest you?
Kano: Bloke owes me a lot of money
Nozomi: And you think I’ll help pay for that? How cute.
Nozomi: I’ll teach you a lesson you’ll never forget!
Kano: Eh sorry teach. School’s out for the summer.
Nozomi: Welcome to summer school Kano!
Nozomi: A Devil, a Goddess, or a Titan.
Kano: What do all those have to do with me?
Nozomi: Pick whichever you want to call me, but you’re still paying your debt
Nozomi: I’m gonna miss you.
Kitana: Won’t you stay?
Nozomi: I’ve stayed long enough
Nozomi: Your friend Jade cares a great deal for you
Kitana: Her, Mileena, and Nyx are like my sisters.
Nozomi: Nyx says hi by the way.
Nozomi: Mileena is worried you don’t care for her
Kitana: What!? I need to invite her over.
Nozomi: Better do it fast
Nozomi: Nyx wouldn’t hurt Shariah, Kollector.
Kollector: And you believe that?
Nozomi: I’ve witnessed that
Nozomi: My debts aren’t always of the monetary kind, Kollector.
Kollector: What do you mean by that?
Nozomi: It depends what they offer.
Nozomi: Look, whatever went on between you two is none of my business.
Kollector: Could you atleast talk to her for me?
Nozomi: Fine. But you owe me.
Nozomi: He is my dad in spirit
Kotal Kahn: Then who was your dad in birth?
Nozomi: Quan Chi.
Nozomi: If you must no, Shariah has made a full recovery
Kotal Kahn: I’m glad to hear this
Nozomi: So are several others
Nozomi: Do you still wanna see that card trick?
Kotal Kahn: I would actually.
Nozomi: Great! You won’t be disappointed!
Nozomi: Ok wise one! Then who would be a better match for me?
Kung Lao: Liu and I are still going over the list.
Nozomi: You two made a list!?
Nozomi: Does Jin want a magic trick done for his birthday?
Kung Lao: He said, and I quote, “If she could poof me up a boyfriend that would be great”
Nozomi: Unfortunately, I am not that talented.
Nozomi: I’ll miss you so much Lao
Kung Lao: Why do you have to leave?
Nozomi: I can’t stand being hurt anymore
Nozomi: You and Lao made a list!?
Liu Kang: Ah. Has he told you who’s on that list?
Nozomi: No, but now I wanna know.
Nozomi: Liu, how could I forget the little boy who insisted on holding my hand all the time?
Liu Kang: I really wish you hadn’t reminded me about that.
Nozomi: Why not? It was cute!
Nozomi: I’ll miss you a whole lot Liu.
Liu Kang: Please don’t go!
Nozomi: I have to protect myself somehow.
Nozomi: Good news! She’s made a full recovery!
Mileena: Then I’ll throw a celebration for her!
Nozomi: Be careful. She needs to take it easy.
Nozomi: Didn’t think you cared for his happiness
Mileena: Rain’s been a good friend.
Nozomi: Well color me shocked.
Nozomi: Have you been over to Outworld to see your sister?
Mileena: I’m scared she’ll send me away
Nozomi: She won’t. Trust me.
Nozomi: I may harbor her soul, but I am not Khaos!
Nightwolf: Deny as you might, she made her home in you.
Nozomi: I didn’t ask her to!
Nozomi: Bad things happen to me a lot, Nightwolf. It’s nothing new.
Nightwolf: Why are you so comfortable with it?
Nozomi: I’m not. That’s why I’m leaving!
Nozomi: Raiden is a good dad.
Nightwolf: He cares a lot about you.
Nozomi: I know he does.
Nozomi: Please. What is there for him to brag about?
Noob Saibot: Your ability to fully restore a life.
Nozomi: I forgot he was there for that.
Nozomi: There is a difference between rage and hate.
Noob Saibot: Not for Michiko.
Nozomi: Perhaps she hasn’t had the chance to fully express that.
Nozomi: I am aware where my cousin has chosen to stay.
Noob Saibot: So you’ll take over the Brotherhood of Shadow right?
Nozomi: I thought you wanted to do that.
Nozomi: Tell me, why does everyone forget that I am also Goddess of revenge?
Raiden: Cause we’re not used to that side of you.
Nozomi: There are a lot of sides to me you aren’t used to.
Nozomi: Trust me, Rain will be a good husband
Raiden: For his safety, he better be the best
Nozomi: Hey! Enough with threatening my fiance.
Nozomi: I will miss you the most, dad.
Raiden: I promise you, I will do a better job protecting you!
Nozomi: You’re Earthrealm’s protector dad. Not mine.
Nozomi: If you don’t want to come with me then maybe we can try long distance?
Rain: But my darling, I would be too hurt without you by my side.
Nozomi: Then join me! Please.
Nozomi: Yeah, I don’t trust Hotaru either. He might get stab happy again.
Rain: Then let me go with you Nozomi.
Nozomi: I don’t wanna risk your health my love.
Nozomi: Rain, I don’t want worshipers or followers.
Rain: But you deserve them.
Nozomi: Not really.
Nozomi: What impression do I give Hanzo?
Scorpion: You give off a kind and caring one Nozomi.
Nozomi: Didn’t think I did.
Nozomi: By that description you gave, I say you like Michiko too!
Scorpion: Ahem. No!
Nozomi: I see you blushing Hasashi.
Nozomi: I’m still mad at you for killing my dad!
Scorpion: But wasn’t he found hiding in the void?
Nozomi: You’re lucky he was!
Nozomi: Rain won’t hurt me Shang.
Shang Tsung: I will trust your word for now Nozomi.
Nozomi: And I thought we were friends.
Nozomi: But being elusive is like second nature to you.
Shang Tsung: Not with you my dear friend.
Nozomi: Have I had that great of an effect on you?
Nozomi: How could you help her!?
Shang Tsung: Nozomi please. I did not know the One Being had you.
Nozomi: But she did! And you helped her!
Nozomi: Touch the sword and I will take your soul!
Shao Kahn: So the little welp wants to follow in daddy’s footsteps?
Nozomi: Follow? I perfect steps not follow them, Shao.
Nozomi: Brainwashing someone isn’t loving them Shao!
Shao Kahn: And what would you know of love?
Nozomi: A lot fucking more than you!
Nozomi: First you snap Lao’s neck and now you wound Shariah?
Shao Kahn: Is the short one gonna do something about it?
Nozomi: I’m gonna kill you over and over again!
Nozomi: Surprisingly, not a lot of people are in my debt.
Sheeva: That is a relief to hear.
Nozomi: In fact I collected my last debt a few hours ago.
Nozomi: Good news! Shariah is fully healed!
Sheeva: Then we shall celebrate her recovery!
Nozomi: She does need to take it easy.
Nozomi: Is there anyone you want me to bring back?
Sheeva: I have healed from their deaths. I’m alright.
Nozomi: If you change your mind, you know where to find me.
Nozomi: I don’t think there will be a wedding
Sindel: By the gods, what happened?
Nozomi: Rain doesn’t want to come with and he doesn’t seem up for long distance
Nozomi: Shairah has healed completely!
Sindel: Good. Shao Kahn is still paying for what he done
Nozomi: Done and done!
Nozomi: Do me a favor, and don’t get corrupted again.
Sindel: Trust me. I am sticking to Edenia.
Nozomi: Good. Pulling you out of the corruption was a nightmare
Nozomi: Shariah is now fully healed.
Skarlet: Tanya and I thank you.
Nozomi: No need to thank me.
Nozomi: I’m taking you up on that offer!
Skarlet: Where is he?
Nozomi: Probably loitering around Raiden’s Sky Temple.
Nozomi: Consider us be-friended.
Skarlet: This is perfect!
Nozomi: Let’s start blood-bending!
Nozomi: I am not a sadist. I don’t enjoy torturing people.
Sonya: So just killing them?
Nozomi: Precisely.
Nozomi: I’m not sticking around for anyone, Blade.
Sonya: Why not?
Nozomi: I have been hurt too much.
Nozomi: There are a lot of things you don’t know about Kronika.
Sonya: I’m betting there’s a lot I don’t want to know.
Nozomi: According to mom, yeah.
Nozomi: She was still processing what happened.
Sub-Zero: The old grandmaster was a fool to allow Shen to train her.
Nozomi: Had he really not known what Shen was doing?
Nozomi: I’m a titan by origin of my birth Kuai.
Sub-Zero: Then you could’ve taken down Kronika!
Nozomi: Well I wasn’t able to!
Nozomi: I can’t risk being hurt again.
Shinnok: I promise you, I will up the guards in the Netherrealm.
Nozomi: I’m not staying.
Nozomi: Uncle Shinnok, Rain’s not gonna hurt me.
Shinnok: I have a torture room with his name if he does.
Nozomi: Uncle Shinnok!
Nozomi: If I don’t get to, tell aunt Charu I’ll miss her
Shinnok: This is like losing my sister all over again.
Nozomi: Hey, I’m not gonna be trapped anywhere.
Nozomi: Dad, I can’t stay.
Quan Chi: Isaac won’t hurt you again.
Nozomi: It’s not just Isaac!
Nozomi: I don’t think there’s gonna be a wedding.
Quan Chi: Ah so death is the flavor of cake Rain wants.
Nozomi: Dad!
Nozomi: I know seeing loved ones go is hard, but I’m not dying.
Quan Chi: But I’m afraid you will.
Nozomi: My heart’s not as bad as it was.
Nozomi: You can try, but you’ll die before you even reach me.
Hotaru: Don’t underestimate my tracking abilities, Nozomi.
Nozomi: I’m doubting your attentiveness Hotaru.
Nozomi: I still haven’t thanked you.
Hotaru: For what?
Nozomi: For helping Rain find me when you did.
Nozomi: If you make my cousin upset one more time, I’m taking your head.
Hotaru: Not if I take yours first!
Nozomi: Oh it’s on!
Nozomi: My sword is sharp too.
Reiko: I prefer your tongue.
Nozomi: Well you won’t be keeping yours!
Nozomi: Out!
Reiko: I didn’t even get a chance to speak.
Nozomi: I don’t care. Go!
Nozomi: You being told you were a blood God ain’t impressive.
Reiko: Aww darn.
Nozomi: Besides, what’s a God to a Titan?
Nozomi: My son. I am so sorry.
Meat: Why do you have to leave?
Nozomi: I can’t stand being hurt again.
Nozomi: You won’t get flesh. I will make sure nobody gives you any
Meat: You can’t do that if you leave.
Nozomi: I can’t heal if I stay.
Nozomi: Hey good news son. Shariah is fully healed.
Meat: Oh good. I was worried for my friend.
Nozomi: She was worried about you too.
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leiahal · 3 years
Sweet Mafia
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The Bar:
The Bowie knife glistened with crimson as the man before her crumpled to the ground in a heap of sobs and blood. She gripped the dagger tight in her hand and narrowed her amber eyes that shadowed the devil himself.
“Anyone else want to challenge my authority? I’ll surely carve you into nothing as he before me.” Eerie silence met her. “Good, now get this fucker out of my presence.” She snapped handing her right hand man the knife and walked away with a sway to her hips.
He quickly wiped the blood off of the blade and followed her.
“Why must these males question me?” She sighs in aggravation.
“That I have no idea Cass.” He replies.
“Tyson how could I ever thank you for being by my side through all of this?” Tye was her best friend since she could remember. She took over the mafia after her father had passed and Tyson followed in the footsteps as his mother before him. No matter what happened the Nyx and Wilder family were always in charge. Man or woman, it did not matter.
“You know I would never leave your side Cassiopeia.” Yes her name was a mouthful be he only said it when he was absolutely truthful. Plus he’d never lied to her.
The two were a team to be feared as were each generation before them.
She turned to him and smiled a genuine smile, “What would I do without you Tye?”
“Probably get yourself arrested.” He chuckled.
“Oh don’t be coy, you know the government comes to us for their.. special tasks, they wouldn’t dare arrest me.” There was a wicked glint in her eye as she reminisced the last job given by the government, that was a bloodbath.
Well.. for the opposing side since their weapons were new and improved by the best weapon makers themselves.
“Ms. Nyx we have word from K.C. that a shipment is coming to the docks at 12 noontime, most likely the smuggling of drugs from the cartel.” Lucy, the youngest but most fiercest to be accepted into the family said. Yes the mafia is a family not by blood of course but they’ve all bled for each other as if they were. Bonded by violence and retribution. Cass had a soft spot for the girl and adored her as if she had birth her, herself. Occasionally her stone eyes would soften when she saw the girl only 15 years of age.
“Thank you Ce have your brothers tend to the matter and you can go back to your classes.” The woman nodded and gave the girl a small smile.
“Yes ma’am.” Lucy exited the room with a brilliant smile upon her face going to alert her brothers.
“That little girl..” Cass shook her head, “How unfortunate but fortunate for us, her family abandoned her. I am glad Marcel found her and brought her to us.”
“She is truly something else.” Tyson agrees.
“Alright Tye I’m gonna go to the bar, you coming with?” Cass questions.
“No, I’m pretty sure you can handle yourself, I’ve got to pick up my mother’s medication.” Tyson’s mother was sick, been sick ever since Cass’s father passed. They were sure it was just a coincidence though. Surely no one would try to blatantly poison them lest they wish for death.
“Give Monti my love.” She took Tyson into a short but meaningful hug and exited the building and pulling off in her car.
Black silk spaghetti strap shirt, high waisted skirt with fishnet stockings and platform high heels. Pocket knife in her garters and a choker around her neck. One kick ass shaved design on the side of her head as the rest of her hair flows freely in her natural curls. With a slit in her eyebrow and thick lips, a slender neck to a decent sized D cup breast and inked arms she was a force to be reckoned with. She wasn’t skinny that was for sure, she was muscular, built. Thighs that could kill if given the chance.
Cassiopeia was a gorgeous independent woman. She never looked for solace in anyone, she provided her own safe haven.
She strut into the bar looking sexier than she ever could knowing not one would dare try to touch her. She owned the damn town.
The bar tender gave her what she always got, silver on the rocks. A tequila drink, Tyson always chided her on her choice of drink when she could be sipping the most fine wines.
She disliked wine however.
Looks like she got here just in time as two started to argue just about a foot away from her. She scoffed at how easily men fought when given liquor and a piece of eye candy they’d never get any off.
“Back off, you little shit she’s mine. Why don’t you be with your own slut too busy opening her legs for others.” The taller guy said practically all in the buffer guy’s face. The brute in the chair grunts in response still feeling on the woman’s thigh. The woman looked almost uncomfortable between the two men fighting over her before things took a sickening turn.
The taller fellow pushed the man in the chair. The brute got up and pushed him back harder. The two started full on fighting and no one cared to stop them... that was until he came in.
Pitch black hair, tall, strong jawline but soft dimples a not too muscular but still muscular built body, toned calves, apparently stark white perfect teeth and clear blue beautiful eyes any would die to have. His voice like velvet to Cass’s ears, the simple sound started a fire that grew within her, slow but burning bright.
“Hey! Hey! Stop it!” He tried to separate the men fighting causing him to get punched and knocked back.
Cass sprang into action without thinking and grabbed her knife out her garter. With one quick throw of the knife and a hold on one’s bicep it temporarily paralyzed the two fighting. She finally push the two apart and told them to leave. There was no back talk they got their things and left. The girl looked relieved and the guy on the floor holding his jaw looked up to her in amazement. Cass grabbed her knife and wiped off the little blood that was on it and put it back in her garter. The extended her hand to the guy on the floor and pulled him to his feet.
“H-hi.” He stuttered to say.
“Hello.” She smiled— yes actually smiled to someone and it wasn’t an evil smile. Or one only Tye and Lucy got to see.
“My name’s Jayce but uh you can call me Jay.” He rubbed the back of his neck as a blush crept up his neck.
“Cassiopeia but you can call me Cass.” She wanted to giggle but she had a facade to uphold. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
“C-could I buy you a drink first?” Jay’s cheeks stained red and that wasn’t just the blow to his jaw.
“Sure Jay. Why not.” She smiled.
He wasn’t anything special to the average person around here but from then on he was more than special to Cass.
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arandompostarchive · 3 years
SALEM - Ch. 19
Summary: In all the centuries of your existence, you had never been dragged out of hiding by another god, put in a superhero team and forced to save the universe. But it seems your luck has run out.
“I’m not certain what I thought would be up here, but it certainly is not this,”  Thor said, his voice a contrast against the silence of the ship. Loki wanted to leave as soon as possible between the flying, the fighting, and the pissed-off Olympians he was not having fun in the slightest.
The military aesthetic of Moros’ ship was making him beyond uncomfortable. He was used to the cleanliness of the tower, and he could admit that his own rooms had a certain amount of polish to them. But the overwhelming stench of bleach was nauseating.
“It doesn’t much matter. We need to find my brother.” Loki nodded in agreement and turned away from the group to find directions through the ship.
The three of you had landed in a hanger, Loki could tell some of the ships had been taken or used, probably to fight the Avengers below. As much as the group disliked him, he could respect their abilities. And their loyalty to you, although the Captain could be much nicer.
“Here!” He heard your voice echo through the quiet hanger. He silently cringed, hoping no one had been alerted. Once he got over to you, you pointed at a map nailed to the wall. It was in a foreign language, but he translated quickly. “Main Room. That sounds like somewhere he’d be, right?” Loki only nodded and the three of you began moving toward the Main Room, a rather vague name in his opinion.
The halls were long and silent. You were concentrated on finding your brother and you ignored any guards you saw. That left Thor and Loki to deal with them. While the guards Thor fought were probably just unconscious, the guards he fought had a dagger or two sticking out of their side, something the team wouldn’t approve of at all.
Soon, you arrived at a larger, dark door. Once your group entered, Loki heard a deep voice. “Sister.”
“Brother.” He heard you respond.
“Isn’t it beautiful?”
The voice was rough and deep. His words were clearly heard and crisp despite the dark tone to his voice. Then, you began to walk forward. Your hand stayed on your sword, but you didn’t seem afraid as you stepped toward your brother.
“Y/n! No, stay back here he could—” Thor’s hand covered his mouth for a brief second before he let go, assuming Loki wouldn’t speak again.
“Let her. She knows Moros. We’ll stay close to her, keep a close eye on him and everything he does.” Loki nodded, accepting this.
Moros’ voice echoed off the sides of the ship. “Please, get more comfortable.” He saw your magic spread from your eyes. Eye? He was certain you couldn’t see yourself, much less know what you looked like, but your magic was much different without the patch.
Instead of the dark veins simply spreading from your eyes, they had spread throughout your scar, making it look like a black spider’s web was covering half your face. He found it oddly beautiful. Much better than you wearing that ugly white bandage over it.
He got a bit lost in your conversation. You were arguing calmly with your brother, something he couldn’t relate to. Any other time he’d give Thor some sarcastic remark, but for whatever reason, he just didn’t feel like it. He doubted he’d ever feel that way again.
You turned to both of them, mouthing the words ‘stay alert’. Thor seemed a bit confused, so he leaned over to convey the information.
“She said ‘stay alert’. I’ll watch the left side of the room, you watch the right. She has a point, Moros is being too easy going. Too calm. It could be nothing, but I’d rather be wrong and over-cautious than dead.” He said to Thor, doing his best to stay quiet.
“I suppose I am breaking your toys, aren’t I?” Moros said, gesturing out of the window. After meeting you, Loki had researched everything he could about Olympians. As much as he bragged about being a god, which he was, he wasn’t a god by the ‘traditional’ terms.
Asgardians had conquered the Nine Realms, instating peace over them, but they hadn’t created worlds. He had learned about your grandfather, Chaos. He created your mother and her siblings as well as the heavens themselves. Admittedly, you were a fascinating being. A real god, a grandchild of a being who formed the stars themselves. It made him wonder why you’d ever waste time with humans, much less waste time with him.
“You’re better than this, you know. You sit all day with humans. They’ll die before you blink. You’ve got, what? Maybe fifty more years with them? That’s nothing. And then those Asgardians.”
He perked up at that word, preparing himself for the insult to follow.
“Even they die, Sister. Give it 4,000 years. You’ll see. They aren’t gods. Not real gods. They haven’t shaped worlds. They didn’t create the sky, like our ancestors. They don’t control the tides or move the sun. They control wars or love like us. They don’t control magic, like you, Sister. You could defeat that sorcerer of yours. And that brute he calls a brother? He is no Zeus. They’re no gods, Sister. Not like you, not a witch capable of more destruction than I could imagine.”
Moros’ plan was confusing, to say the least. Try to kill you, trap you, then recruit you? He figured this was a last-ditch attempt to avoid a fight. That small fact gave him a bit more confidence. Maybe Moros thought he was outmatched.
Moros was saying something else to you. Loki was very aware that he should probably be paying attention to this, but for some reason he still let his mind wander.
“What did he mean?” Thor asked from beside him.
“What?” Loki asked, not understanding the question.
“He said ‘even they die’. Of course, he’s right, although our deaths are far in Midgard’s future. Did…” Thor seemed hesitant to explain whatever theory he had. “Did he mean that Olympians do not die?” He asked.
Loki hadn’t thought about that. He’d always assumed Olympians and Asgardians shared similar life spans. He always thought his life might be too long. That, maybe, by the time he died, however far off, he might be bored with the world.
For him, Asgard would move normally. Everyone had long lives, there would be nothing out of place if he lived for another 4,000 years. But for you? You’d lived on Earth for most of your life. You’d made friends there, and almost all of them were mortal. You’d have to see Tony and Peter die. He knew you really cared for them, and them for you. You’d even have to see him and Thor die if you could really live forever.
So, he asked the question, praying he was wrong.
“You won’t die?” He knew you could tell he was upset, but he hardly cared about that while he floated about New York City with an angry god in a giant warship. He had a little perspective on his situation.
He saw your slow nod, confirming his suspicions. He could feel his heart sink, mostly in sympathy. You really would get bored with the world. You’d have to watch everything shrink and wither around you. The plants, animals, your friends. He knew it would hurt. What hurt worse was knowing he’d be one of them.
“Not unless someone kills me. We’re much different than Asgardians, though I suppose that was obvious.” He didn’t respond to you. In all honesty, he wasn’t sure what to say. Were you upset? Happy? Angry? Would him sharing his own emotions make you feel worse? Maybe you didn’t want to talk about it?
He shook the ideas from his head. There would be time later. If there was a later, the dark part of his mind whispered. He’d make sure there was a tomorrow. He had to.
“Look at them. You must enjoy it, the fighting? It’s who you are.” Moros continued talking, droning on about something Loki didn’t care about. He was much more worried over you. You found a way to attach yourself to most things, even if they didn’t want the attachment. Like Steve. He didn’t want anything to do with you for most of the past year, but even through that you did nothing but treat him as an equal team member. If that were Loki, someone would end up with a dagger in their side. Most likely Thor.
“At the very least, don’t stand in my way. Go home, back to Olympus. I’ll even let you take your friends. Zeus would never oppose a daughter of Nyx!” Moros’ odd, jovial tone broke through his thoughts. It took him a second to process the thought, his mind still slightly clouded. But you paused at Moros’ words. To take the team and leave Midgard. He couldn’t believe he saw the gears turning in your head. Like this was a difficult decision.
“She’s considering it. She’s actually considering it.” Loki said under his breath. The revelation was mostly to himself, though he was aware Thor could hear him just fine.
Loki knew that out of the whole team, he’d probably be the only one willing to leave. Each of them put the lives of others before their own, they’d never willingly leave their planet. And he knew you. You’d never take them away from Midgard if they hadn’t chosen to leave themselves.
Then he thought it all over. You loved the team, even the Captain. Y/n was buried here. You would leave this life behind, even if it was mostly fake.
“Y/n, I know you may not like the humans as much as I do,” Thor began. Loki almost rolled his eyes. You weren’t going to do it, there was no danger. “especially after everything they’ve done, but you aren’t thinking of saying yes, are you? There are billions of life forms here, not all of them are the same evil you’ve seen in your life. Please j—”
“Have you ever seen a sunset?”
“What?” Moros said. Loki asked the same question under his breath. He wasn’t sure what you were doing.
“A sunset. Have you ever seen a sunset here?”
Thor looked… concerned. “What is she doing?”
“I have no idea…” As curious as Loki was, you had asked them stay alert. There was no one else in the room. He could hear your voice and Moros’ echoing in the room. Almost everything had been cleared from the space, save for Moros’ chair in front of the window.
“There’s a beautiful sunset in all of their romantic movies, they sit and just watch them constantly. Really. They do nothing but sit and watch the sun fall. There’s all these gorgeous colors, purples and oranges and yellows and pinks.”
Loki smiled at your description. He could remember the day he met you. A lonely girl at the side of the lake, someone he could sense power rolling off of. That was back when you were mortal. A bright orange sun falling in the distance behind a dark forest. You were beautiful. He could see the light against your soft features. At first, you backed away from him, but he remembered how you slowly began to move closer once you knew who he was. He still hoped you hadn’t seen him move closer as well.
“What is she thinking?” Thor said, his face falling. “She’s going to kill us all.” Thor’s faith in you was crumbling quickly. He turned to Loki, hoping he’d provide any sort of answers for him.
“I’ll admit, I am not sure what she’s planning. But she knows him, we do not. Maybe she’s appealing to some buried part of him?” Loki did his best to reason with his brother, seeing you glance back at him and Thor. He wanted to reassure you in some way even though he thought that whatever you were doing was a terrible idea. “Just keep your wits about you. We should let her continue whatever she is doing, but stay prepared for a fight.” Loki hoped there wouldn’t be one, but he also wasn’t sure how you would be able to talk Moros out of it. Considering the giant army attacking anything in sight, Loki didn’t think Moros would give up easily.
“The kid isn’t responding, what’s going on up there?” Loki heard over the com in his ear. He could see you pull yours out of your ear, though he wasn’t certain why. Thor responded before Loki could.
“We’re alright,” Thor began. “Y/n is making an attempt to speak to her brother, though I suspect it will not have the effect she hopes.” Loki nodded, though Tony was unable to see him. Moros had sat back down in his chair, seeming bored with your attempt to talk to him.
He could hear a sigh over the com. “You’re sticking with her, right? Why isn’t she responding?”
Loki answered this time, “We’re here with her. She took her com out, I believe it is broken.” He could see your com on the ground, it seemed damaged, though he wasn’t certain how.
“Be careful. Tell her that too, I’d rather her not die today.” With that, the com cut out. Loki found it funny. Tony likely wouldn’t admit his fondness for you unless it was directly to your face. He could share the sentiment.
“I suppose it was worth an attempt, huh Sister?” Moros stood, dragging his sword with him as he stepped closer to you. You sighed.
“I suppose it was, Brother.”
Moros took the first swing, raising the sword to slam down onto you. You easily dodged, sliding to the side and swiping at Moros’ legs. Loki ran forward, moving to help you before he heard Thor groan beside him. There were several guards behind Thor, a blade had swiped against Thor’s side. From the amount of blood, he believed the sword to be one of the god-killing weapons. Though, by Olympian standards, the Asgardians weren’t gods. If their weapons could kill Olympians with some effort, and easily wound Asgardians, he wondered what it would do to humans.
Thor slew the guard behind him quickly, kicking the small sword that had cut him aside, away from incoming guards. Loki could see several running toward them, rendering him unable to help your fight with Moros, a fight you weren’t liking at all.
Moros was a skilled fighter, as is expected when you control destruction. Which isn’t to put down your fighting skills, you could certainly keep up. Your mother had fought to make you a minor war god because of your fighting ability, something Ares himself supported. You were able to fly with your abilities, though it took energy. You dodged Moros’ swings with flight, doing your best to swing back as much as you could.
You were able to nick the side of his leg as well as cut his neck, though he had managed to make a large cut across your stomach, thankfully it was one that would likely heal within minutes. You were thankful for the small mercies. The fight made you wonder who’s side your mother was on. She wasn’t afraid to pick favorites, especially when most of her children were murderers.
Moros’ broadsword swung down again, slamming into the ground beside you, the metal scratching against the iron of his sword as he pried it out. You took his delay as a chance to stab him through the stomach. His scream echoed across the room, drawing the attention of nearby soldiers. You recognized some of them from your unit on Kalan. Across the way, you saw another person fighting, Moros’ soldiers falling around them. You recognized Mios’ armor from across the room, or at least you recognized the colors of his rank. He smiled at you and nodded and you nodded back, thankful for his assistance. After all of this, you’d be certain to make sure he can do what he actually wants to: make the universe a better place.
In your moment of distraction, Moro slammed the flat side of his blade into your head. You felt yourself slam into a wall on the far side of the room. Everything was fuzzy. It was already hard to see with only one eye, and that certainly wasn’t helping. You did your best to shake off the blur and get back to Moros. You could see someone standing in front of you in a defensive position.
Once you had shaken off Moros’ attack, you could see Loki fighting in your place.
“The so-called god wants to fight? So be it.” Moros swung his sword towards Loki, this time using the blade instead of the flat side. Loki was able to dodge then circle Moros, drawing the attention away from you. You silently thanked him, hoping he’d somehow sense your appreciation.
Thor was holding his own well in the background, slaying and injuring soldiers until they stayed down. He saw another figure helping him from across the room and he offered a small nod, establishing the new person as his ally. Eventually, he had cleared his area of guards. Most of the men seemed to have gone to fight in the city against the rest of the team. The second his last soldier hit the ground, he ran over to the other figure, helping them to take out the rest of the guards around them and any stragglers that came in to attempt to fight them.
“I thank you for your assistance! Who are you exactly?” He asked. The person’s identity was a second thought behind their allyship. The mystery person seemed familiar to him though.
“I’m Mios. A friend of Salem from her time on Kalan. I assume you’re one of those Avengers?” Thor was slightly confused about why he referred to you as Salem, but he figured it was perfectly reasonable that you’d introduce yourself that way.
“That is correct. It is good to have another ally up here.” He realized where he knew Mios from, remembering the video he had seen earlier. “You sent Salem that video, yes?” Miles nodded in response. “Thank you, the warning was greatly appreciated.”
He stuck his hand out, grasping the other man’s hand in a firm shake. There was a silent agreement for both men to continue fighting together before they rushed toward Loki and Moros. Thor helped you stand up, making sure you were alright. You accepted his help without argument and jumped back into the fight.
Fighting alongside Loki felt… good. Granted, you would’ve enjoyed more if it wasn’t because your genocidal brother was trying to destroy the world. Thor and Mios did their best to help as well, though all of your fighting styles clashed. Thor and Mios let you and Loki take the lead, offering assistance whenever they could.
You were slowly managing to tire Moros out. You dodge most of his attacks. Loki threw his daggers when he could then retrieved them using magic and you got a few good stabs in.
You were well into your fight before he made an effort to talk to you again. “Sister, we could be allies, instead you fight me! Stand aside. Let me wreck this planet, you can watch my armies lay siege to their towns. I know you love a good battle.” Loki slid beneath him, catching his foot with a dagger. The much larger man fell back, narrowly avoiding Loki and using his hand to brace himself.
You let your sword slam down against him, lodging the weapon into his forearm. Loki tossed a dagger into the wound and you used your strength to slam down on the weapon, severing his arm. His hand and part of his forearm hit the ground, is thick, black blood covering the floor. He screamed. The long sword dropped from his other hand, clattering loudly against the floor.
“You only say that ‘cause you’re losing.” You stayed calm as Moros picked up the sword. He waited for his hand to heal and seemed moderately surprised when it didn’t. You could see more guards filter in, probably alerted from Moros’ scream. They scanned the room, seeing the other guards on the floor, the colors of their blood mixing into one thick liquid. There were one or two who wisely turned and fled from the room, earning some yells from their peers. Better to run a coward than die a hero. Thor and Mios almost seemed thankful for something to do.
Moros did his best to stay alert and keep the pain of losing his hand from showing on his face. It wasn’t working.
“If you surrender now, I’ll let you leave. I’ll get Mother to keep you on Olympus, away from any planets you might hurt. I won’t give you this chance again.” His expression tightened and he almost seemed to be considering your offer before he shook the idea away.
“You think I want to stay with the pompous gods up there with a babysitter? I will not take your pitiful bargain.” You sighed. He was going to regret not taking you up on that, though you knew your mother would appreciate not needing to get another god to babysit her children. She wouldn’t like Moros dying though. You’d have to find a good way to apologize later.
Loki thrust forth before your train of thought had been completed. You shook your head, coming back to your senses to help him. Loki’s dagger landed in Moros’ chest, right where his heart was. You were thankful Loki had a talent for throwing daggers. Moros was able to rip the dagger out from his chest. He seemed to marvel for a minute at the black blood covering the dagger. Thankfully, he was too distracted by the literal hole in his chest to care much about you sneaking up behind him.
“So… you stole my weapons. I shoul—” You didn’t let him finish. Instead, you shoved your longsword through his neck. He made a gurgling sound and you could see dark blood spilling out of his lips. You suddenly realized how hard you were breathing. Now that the adrenaline was wearing down, you felt dizzy and almost light-headed.
“Not bad, my love,” Loki said, standing next to you. You were beginning to accept the statement, though you focused more on how faint you felt.
“Y/n, you’re bleeding,” Loki said, a look of horror on his face. That would explain it.
You fell against Loki’s side, doing your best to support yourself. Loki laid you down, though you kept trying to stand. You looked back at the wall you had slammed into, there was a piece of metal sticking out, covered in the black color of your blood.
“Loki, I’ll heal. Look, it’s the wall, not Moros’ weapon.” You did your best to explain, though you tasted your blood in your mouth. It wasn’t metallic, like the description you had heard about mortals. Instead, it was a bitter, burnt taste. Like someone had lit leaves on fire and let you eat them. It made you want to spit it out, but you didn’t have the energy.
You tried to glance down at the wound, but Loki slowly moved your head away.
“You need to take a minute, I know you’ll be alright but you can’t just stand up and walk around right now. Let yourself heal more, we can stay here before we head back down. I’ll let the team know.” You really shook your head. You could see the remaining guards running from the room, hopefully to call off their attack on New York.
“Salem!” You heard Mios’ voice beside you as he rushed toward your side. “She’ll be okay, right? This isn’t enough to kill her is it?” He asked quietly. You could hear Thor in the background, probably updating the team on the situation.
Loki paused before he answered. “I… I don’t think so.” You silently wondered how bad the wound was. You could feel your blood on your hands and you looked at Loki.
“I’ll be fine, it’ll just take longer than usual.” You did your best to talk through the pain and the blood pooling in your mouth. Thor knelt at your side as well and began discussing what to do. The pain was slowly getting worse, making it harder and harder to talk. You could feel yourself healing though, the cold air on the inside of your body (where it definitely shouldn’t be), though you weren’t anywhere close to standing. You had a feeling you’d be sore for a while after this. You weren’t perfect when it came to healing. That was much more Apollo’s thing.
You glanced over to where you had left Moros on the ground. You could see his body on the other side of the room, though you swore he was moving.
“Can you heal her?”
“If I could heal her don’t you think I’d have done it by now!” You could hear Thor and Loki arguing above you. Mios was quiet, simply looking at you.
“Loki, I just meant ‘can you help?’.”
Loki sighed. “No, I can’t. Healing is far from my specialty. Anything I know came from Mother, and I never learned anything about this.”
The longer you looked at Moros, the further you saw him move. Your eyes widened in surprise as he gripped his chair, pulling himself closer to the small control panel at the front of the room.
You tried your best to warn everyone around you. What you tried to say was, ‘Moros is alive, someone stop him’, but with the blood still in your mouth it sounded more like an, unfortunately, series of gurgles.
“Let yourself heal, talking might make it worse, I’m not sure what injuries you have. I can see it improving already. We just need to wait.” You shook your head, trying to figure out another way to warn them. Loki went back to arguing with Thor.
“We could try bringing a shield ship up here to get her a medic, though I’ll admit, I don’t know how to navigate this thing.”
You tapped Loki’s lap and pointed, though he simply tried to hold your hand to calm you, more focused on his conversation with Thor. He wasn’t even looking at you.
“I think the best thing is just to wait. She’s healing, I can see it slowly closing, though I’m sure her organs need to repair themselves first. She’ll be alright. I’ll use magic to ease the pain, that’s all I can do.”
With Loki tightly holding onto your hand in an attempt to calm both you and himself, you used your other hand to tap Mios, who was the one person in the group who was actually looking at you. Once you got his attention he cocked his head, silently asking what you needed as not to interrupt the brothers in their effort to decide what to do. At this rate, by the time they made a decision, you’d be fully healed.
You used that hand to weakly point toward Moros, who was now at the controls trying to find something or other.
“You two!” Mios shouted, reminding you that he probably didn’t know either of their names. “Moros.” He said, stepped over you and drew his weapon. At least he wasn’t wasting time.
“Stay here,” Loki said. You tried to say ‘how would I even go anywhere like this?’ but it simply came out like gurgling that he took as agreement. Unfortunately for all of you, the ship lurched forward, pushing Thor, Mios, and Loki onto one of the metal walls next to the front window. You also slid forward. While the three men had been pushed against a wall, you landed on the back of Moros’ chair. The remaining weapons on the ground fell around you, and you weakly used your abilities to throw them to the side.
Several bodies fell, all landing on the windshield in front of you. Your abilities were helping you heal instead of hurting, so you let the dark veins around your eyes deepen in color, hoping it would help instead of hurt.
You saw someone’s rather large axe fly across the room, lodging itself into the window, making a crack across it. You hoped the window wouldn’t be too damaged by the bodies that had landed on it. Most of them landed on the metal walls next to it and you could hear Thor’s protests about being next to a dead man from across the room.
“At the very least, I can ensure there won’t be survivors,” Moros said weakly. The weapons you had used should’ve killed him by now. It seems you underestimated the power of adrenaline.
You managed to sit up and spit out the blood from your mouth from your spot on the back of Moros’ chair.
“Y/n stay where you are, please.” Loki was doing his best to avoid falling swords and clear the drops of blood from his face of the dead men around him. You shivered at the picture and tried to ignore the drops that were falling around you as well. Instead, giving your attention to Moros.
He was doing with the wiring of the control panel. You saw smoke coming from the panel as well as sparks.
“I’ll drop this thing out of the sky, with any luck, I can get it to explode.” Moros was ranting on again about something or other. You were far too busy gathering up the strength to do something about it.
You looked over toward Loki, who was still looking at you with a pleading expression hoping that you’d stay where you were until you could at least stand well.
You shook your head at him, hoping he’d understand your answer to his request for you to stay put. You’d admit you were slightly stalling, hoping your body would somehow miraculously heal before you decided to walk into another fight.
“Loki,” you hoped your voice would reach him. Luckily, he nodded, silently asking you to continue.
“I love you.” You jumped off the chair, not looking at his face. You heard him say something from behind you. As you fell you grabbed Moros’ neck, using as much force as possible to slam the two of you into the window below.
You felt the glass break below you. Admittedly, that wasn’t the plan.
But it would still work.
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whirlybirbs · 5 years
Dude what if Ru figures out that Grim likes somebody and like asks him about it??
summary: ru and grim talk about heartbreak.pairing: grim x nurse!readerwarning: angst and feelings and grim being mopeya/n: a follow up to this piece. i like this lil plotline. also, ru + grim sibling vibes. i am so proud of my lil padawan baby. 
The trek to the new frontline is long.
The entire battalion fans out along the trails – as of last cycle, Master Plo Koon had fortified an area 50 klicks East of the landing zone. They’d managed to push the Separatists through the farmlands and out of the main villages over beyond the expansive fungal fields. 
Ru overheard Nyx talking to her Master about the beginnings of an airfield they’d laid down, as well as the beginnings of a mobile medical unit an hour or so ago; now, as the sun begins to set, the squadron running point has fallen relatively quiet.
Someone who’s been uncharacteristically quiet is Grim.
The Mirialan slows up, falling back through Hauler and Shade, to match pace with the medic in question. 
The skull-faced trooper juts his chin in greeting. 
“You good?”
“Yeah,” Ru supplies, wiping at her upper lip. The humidity is horrible. She can feel the back of her robes soaked from sweat. She’s just thankful that the sun will give some relief soon, “You?”
“Good,” he musters, ducking below the sagging leaf of a neon green pitcher plant, “Wishin’ we were there already, but good.”
“You’ve been quiet.”
Grim snorts.
“Yeah, well, everyone seems pretty pissed we’re back on this stinkin’ sauna of a mushroom cap,” Grim cracks a wry smile, nudging the fifteen year old with his elbow, “Didn’t wanna ruin the mood.”
Ru knows he’s lying. He blink three times and then looks at the ground. His face falls faster than usual. 
All his tells. 
She lets the conversation quiet and die out. For now, there’s more important things to get done – the General hails her from the front of the pack as the sun dips low. Suddenly, the bioluminescence of the plant life bathes everyone in greens and blues as if the whole forrest woke up. 
“We’ll set up camp here,” Nyx chirps. Fennec nods, finger moving to radio in the other battalions farther down the line, “Gimme two man rotations, every two hours. Light restrictions in one hour. I wanna play it safe tonight.”
They’ve started to settle in, about thirty minutes later, when a painful cry is heard back through the forest – the entire Squad’s eyes turn owlishly to stare into the dark; without question, Grim is on his feet. The fire carves the shadows in his face to look more menacing than he really is as he pulls his helmet on.
Ru joins him.
“We’ll go check it out.”
“Be careful,” her Master warns, “Radio in when you know what’s going on.”
There are clusters of men, squads of nine to ten each. camping along the trail. Grim and Ru are quick, winding to each dying campfire and trying to find the source of the sound.
“Was that any a’ you bastards?” Grim asks, finger darting around the fire. 
The troopers point farther down the line.
“Sounded like Fire Company.”
Instantly, Grim’s chest tightens.
Ru can feel it, through the force, but says nothing. She only nods and weaves through the small encampment as they dart to the company in question – one of the larger ones. 
Instantly, Grim and Ru find the source of the scream.
It’s a trooper named Flight. He’s sprawled on the ground and surrounded by a number of his brothers – Grim and Ru cut through the crowd with ease; the sight of the medical insignia on Grim’s shoulder seeming to soothe some of the anxieties.
It’s not like it matters.
You are already on it. 
Crouched beside the trooper, you’re already working off his boot and digging through your pack for a muscle relaxant.
Grim’s chest does that thing – that tightening feeling – again and Ru watches carefully as the medic throws himself into the dirt and eyes the troopers bare ankle. 
“What happened?” Grim asks no one in particular, avoiding you as you continue to work on the injury. 
“Tripped, sir,” Flight explains, hissing in pain as you gingerly lift his leg to reposition his ankle, “Damn roots are everywhere.”
“It’s a dislocation,” you say curtly, “I’ve got it handled.”
Oh. Oh, Ru feels your words. You’re angry. Upset? Hm… no. It’s hurt. You’re trying to ignore Grim as much as he’s ignoring you. Suddenly, Ru feels like she’s been thrown into a pit of swirling emotions that come to no end. Unresolved. Tension. 
“Elevation,” Grim reminds you sternly.
You didn’t ask. “I said I had it handled, sir.”
Ru winces. Grim pats the trooper’s leg as he stands, pointing to the rest of them as Ru shifts in her boots. “Switch his shift out. He’s gonna need to rest – come morning, I want two troopers watching his step. Got it? And lights out in fifteen. Commander’s order.”
You don’t even look up as the Chief Medical Officer stalks away.
Ru jogs to catch up.
The padawan, walking in step with the medic, tries for a few moments to find the words – but she has a hard time. Her mouth hangs open for a second, and then she turns her head to blink up at him. 
“What’s going on with that?” 
Grim swears… first Shade, now Ru’kali. 
Ru wishes he didn’t have his helmet on. She can only read him so well when his face is hidden. But, his voice is a good enough tell that he’s uncomfortable. 
“What’s going on with what?” 
“I’m not dumb,” Ru says, crossing her arms as they walk. She picks her knees up high over the vines running from towering pitcher plant to pitcher plant, “You and –”
“Ru,” Grim cuts her off, “It’s nothing.”
She raises a navy brow. Grim ignores the look. 
“… Friends don’t lie to each other, y’know.”
Grim gives a ragged sigh. 
That’s been her thing… ever since she was little, she’d been so adamantly opposed to lies… even white ones, aimed at protecting her from harsher truths. She’d grown up quick, thanks to the mentality and thanks to the war. But, it had earned her a solid reputation as the Squad’s confidant. Honest, kind, and good at keeping secrets. Nothing like the rest of them.
He stops in his tracks, and Ru does the same. She looks back at him over her pink shoulder. 
“… Me and her,” Grim offers suddenly, “We… I… It didn’t work out.”
“Why?” Ru asks, as if it’s an easy thing to answer.
The medic’s shoulders sag and he looks up to the sky. 
He hates talking about feelings. God, he fucking hates it.
But, this is Ru. She knows that about her brother – and so, she steps closer and softens her face enough to give Grim the breathing room to stumble through his words.
“She… was worried about what would happen if someone up the chain found out,” he pries out of himself slowly, trying his best to avoid the hurt that seeps into his wording, “Back on Coruscant, someone let it slip that there were relationships gong on and there were nurses getting fired left and right, and troopers getting demoted, and – uh, it wasn’t good. She kept saying she was worried about me losing my position as CMO, so… It just. Didn’t work out.”
“She was trying to protect you,” Ru says, like it’s plain-as-day, “And not herself?”
Grim swallows the realization. “I guess so.”
“And… so?” Ru cocks her head, “You two hate one another now?”
“No!” Grim nearly yelps. Ru blinks. He brings his voice back down, “No, I… I could never hate her. Ever. I – Ru, it’s fine. Can we drop it? Please? S’ nearly lights out.”
Oh. He’s upset. Guilt floods Ru’s face.
“…I’m sorry.”
“No,” he waves her off, shaking his helmet as he steps forward to keep moving, “It’s… It’s not your fault. It’s just fresh.”
“Have you talked to her?” Ru asks finally, as they make their way back to Talon’s camp site.
“No,” Grim musters, “I don’t think – I don’t think that would be smart.”
“She was upset back there –” Ru mumbles, “I think, hurt. That’s what I felt. You saw her and she saw you and it all was like that feeling when you’re trying to unravel para-chord and you can’t find the end. It felt unresolved… Maybe talking to her would help that feeling.”
Grim’s heart whines. 
“Maybe, Ru. Maybe.”
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sasuhinasno1fan · 4 years
A blessed meeting at dusk- Klance Month Week 2
It wasn’t planned at first but House of Night just came to mind when I started this. I also wrote a good chunk of this on like an hour of sleep, so any mistakes, I apologize for. I caught a few when looking over it but I know I didn’t get all. Even writing this, I’m making basic spelling errors and my dyslexia is really switching words. Again, just pre-klance in this but I plan for it to definitly expand in the next fic. So hopefully you enjoy.
@monthlyklance Dusk/Healing
Lance should be asleep. He should be but sleep alluded him. If he’d been new to this whole vampyre thing, he would of said it was because he wasn’t used to sleeping the whole day away. But he’d been a vampyre for a while now, almost a year. Plus with extra nights being up later because of Dark Daughters and Sons meetings, he had every reason to want to fall asleep.
Maybe his mind was still buzzing with everything that happened. Honerva, their High Priestess and headmistress of their School of Night, said that war was coming. Humans had to be taught their place and they would teach it to them. Nyx wanted this. That was a lie. Allura heard the words herself and Lance considered her to be his High Priestess more than Honerva. It was hard for others to believe her though.
It was a gigantic mess really. Allura was blessed by Nyx, the stories went. The mark of Nyx that every vampyre had was different for her. Her own was fully coloured in and she had markings as if she was a full fledged vampyre and not a fledgling. But she wasn’t the only one with markings like that. Hunk, Pidge, Shiro and Lance all had markings like that, their extra markings matching the elements they’d been affiliated with. Expect Shiro. While Lance had Water, Pidge, Air and Hunk, Earth, Shiro didn’t seem to have a special ability given to him by Nyx. He never complained about it.
“I was dying from a disease with no cure and thanks to her, my parents never have to be in fear of whether or not I’ll die. Well, assuming I live through the Change.”
A scary thought, but they all knew Shiro would be fine. And when he was with Allura, they were the power couple who could do anything. Until Allura slipped up. Lance wasn’t mad at her, not when he heard from Shiro about how his own feelings had been wavering. Allura had fallen for Honerva’s son, Lotor. Except, no one knew that little fact until he went spouting about his conquest with Allura and they couldn’t even beat him up for it. People saw Allura as a slut and her break up with Shiro didn’t make it any better. He was glad that they’d all stopped and talked, letting Allura and Shiro talk about the wavering affections for each other, how as much as they cared for each other, the spark was gone. Even in the midst of the chaos, their group could stand strong. But they still looked weak in the eyes of the whole school. Not a laughing stock, since they knew Nyx wouldn’t appreciate that, but they had no standing in trying to prove Honerva wrong. The woman had the school eating out of her hand, and as of right now, there was nothing they could do.
Just as they were dismissed to go back to their rooms, the Sons of Erebus, warriors who served the vampyre council arrived, acting as soldiers for a war that shouldn’t happen.
“If this continues, darkness and evil will overtake everything and vampyres will never be seen as good again. This war will destroy everything.” Allura had said that night by the oak tree they had dubbed as theirs.
With everything going on, Lance should of taken the excuse to rest after the effects of the day before, so he could be ready to help Allura spread the truth. But worry was eating him alive. Nyx was powerful, but she never controlled her children. They had to believe the truth of their own well being. Other than her soothing and caring words, there wasn’t much she could do.
Lance pushed the comforter off him, grabbing his Fourth Former pull over and stuffing his feet in his nearby high tops. If he couldn’t sleep, he’d at least do something to distract him.
The sun was still out, even as it approached dusk and Lance could feel the slight discomforts a fledging felt around the sun. he quickly darted across the grass until he reached the Gymnasium. Lance took a deep breath. He enjoyed being in here, though he’d love it more if the fencing students picked up after themselves. Lance pulled out targets and went to his locker to pull out his usual gear. He grabbed his bow, making sure his hip quiver was adjusted just how he liked it. With his glove in place, he notched his first arrow, pulling it back and taking a breath, before letting go.
Archery was something he’d done in school when he was human. He’d never been more glad that muscle heads wanted to challenge themselves and convinced the school to do a trail class, which was filled by more than just muscle heads. His friends always said that if they knew Nyx didn’t give him the affinity of Water, they’d swear she blessed him with archery skills. This was Lance’s release, his way of escaping everything. He feared that his skill would be used in this stupid war.
“Hey!” the sudden shout surprised Lance so much that the crescent moon design he’d been shooting was thrown off by an extra arrow on the back side on the moon. “What are you doing in here?”
Standing by the doors was a member of the Sons of Erebus. Lance recognised the armour from when they appeared at Honerva’s announcement. This one though had a hood on his head, blocking most of the top half of his face. Lance could only really make out black hair and the barest hints of the markings of a fully turned Vampyre on his cheeks.
“Aren’t teachers supposed to be in bed also?”
Teachers? Oh, Lance’s mark. Like Pidge, Hunk and Shiro, his own was filled with a different colour as opposed to the normal turned Vampyre. Apparently there were said to be Red vampyres, though they were rare, but nothing like the 3 of them. Lance woke up after passing out at home as his parents got him ready to come to House of Night with a bright blue filled crescent moon and wave like markings framing his face. He had gotten mistaken for a teacher by new fledglings all the time. To a warrior who didn’t know him, that same mistake wasn’t much of a leap.
“I’m not a teacher.” Lance tugged at his pullover. “I’m a student. I have permission from Professor Slav to be here.”
“It’s 7 pm. The sun has barely gone down yet. Why in Nyx’s name are you in here?” the guy approached him, clearly smart enough not to stand in front of Lance while he was armed. Lance still couldn’t see his face that well, though he could see his eyes now. The were purple, kinda like the sky just before it goes dark. Lance missed seeing the sky like that.
“Wait 7? it was like 5:30 when I got here? When did it get so late?”
“Aren’t classes delayed for you anyway since the sun will still be setting by the time 7:45 comes around?” the guard asked, watching Lance pull his glove off and his hip quiver.
“By 15 minutes. I’m heading back now, you don’t have to stick around.”
“I’d feel better escorting you back myself. High Priestess Honerva wants her students protected.”
“Yeah I’m sure.” Lance muttered under his breath as he headed to his locker and put his things away. He decided to leave the targets, give the fencers a taste of their own medicine. He got a look from the warrior but he didn’t say anything as they left the building.
The sun was mostly gone, the dark purples and reds taking to the sky as it got closer to night time. It didn’t feel as bad to be outside so Lance took his time walking across the lawn. Just because he was being escorted back to his room didn’t mean he was gonna make it easy. The Sons of Erebus, as far as Lance was concerned, was just as much the enemy as Honerva was. They followed the High Priestess and it wasn’t Allura.
He stopped when he heard barking and the yowling of a cat. Yowling he fully recognised.
Zuko was an odd cat. Most cats at House Of Night either roamed free or bonded with a vampyre. All his friends including him had one. Zuko, a small British Shorthair who had the temper of a banished prince, didn’t belong to anyone but included himself in their group. They guessed it had to do with them always following Shiro’s cat Kuron around. With no owner of his own, they all took care of him. And now Lance had to do it again from a...dog? A large fluffy Husky to be exact.
Zuko was up in a tree, one he was usually found in, hissing down at the dog. With him was Lance’s cat, Katara, which he fondly named after seeing how the two could swat at each other but Nyx forbid if another cat tried attacking while the two were together. (Lance wasn’t afraid to admit he was Zutara trash)
the guy aimed for the dog, grabbing it’s collar and pulling. “Kosmo down!” the dog listened, still barking away at Zuko and Katara. Clearly they didn’t appreciate that and they jumped from the tree, onto the guys head and into Lance’s arms.
Lance scrambled to hold two fluffy cats and not inhale a lot of fur. He could feel the claws digging into his skin as the two hissed at the dog.
“Kosmo, sit! Be quiet!”
Lance took a look at the guy, who’s hood had fallen off, no doubt from when the two used his head like a spring board. His hair was long, though from the back, it looked a bit like a mullet.
“How did you even get out?” the guy scolded the dog, who seemed to be pouting.
“Why do you have a dog in a campus full of cats? Was your school different or something?” Lance asked, trying to figure out what a dog was doing here. Cats were the animals of Nyx. Who in their right mind brought a dog to a place that was filled with cats?
“Or something. I didn’t bond with a cat, I bonded with a dog.” the guy said, facing him.
Lance stared. When he was gifted with his affinity to water, Allura had told him the reason his, Shiro, Pidge and Hunk’s marks were so different. His blue was for his water, Pidge’s green for air and Hunk’s yellow for earth. Shiro’s purple should of meant Spirit but no such luck. He always stood in place for the fire candle during blessings, because no one ever arrived with a red filled crescent moon.
Until now it seemed. What had been hiding under the hood was a red filled moon and flame like marks on the guy’s forehead.
“You. You have...” Lance trailed off.
“Didn’t think you’d be one to judge.” the warrior snapped, pulling his hood back up, once again hiding his marks.
“I’m not judging. it’s just, we never thought we’d…Shiro and Allura are Fifth Formers and the whole time since me and my friends came here and became part of her court, she’s never seen anyone with your markings.”
“So you’re not the only one?” the hostility in the guy’s voice disappeared, leaving caution.
“the whole main court of the Dark Daughters and Sons have them. Well, except Shiro doesn’t have an affinity but his mark was still filled when he arrived here.”
“High Priestess Honerva has said things about you.”
Lance glared. “I’m sure she has. Look, your decision is all your own, but I hope you understand Nyx enough to know this war of hers is going to get everyone killed.”
“The High Priestess thinks the humans are out to get us.”
“So is the Church of People. Nyx sees everyone, including the humans as her children. You guys call yourselves the Sons of Erebus, who was Nyx’s lover. If you listen to Honerva and go along with this, you’ll be disgracing Nyx.”
“You don’t make that call.”
“No but I’ve heard enough of her and Allura’s cries to know this isn’t right.”
Lance knew if he continued to stay here, he’d dissolve into a fight with the guy and probably put their group in even worse light. So he turned and left, ignoring the fiery stare of the vampyre behind him.
“He had the mark?” Allura asked, as they all walked to their home room classes, almost 2 hours later.
“Yep, red crescent moon, flame marks, everything. Clearly he knew who I was but I’m pretty sure he would of kept his hidden were it not for the cats. I shouldn’t of fought with him. I was just, mad that someone who was blessed by Nyx would think this war was ok. we’ve been blessed by Nyx and we’re made out to be the enemy. What does that say about Nyx?” Lance said.
“Lance, I know dealing with this is hard and we want to defend Nyx with our dying breath, but this guy deserves to make his own choices. He hasn’t been through what we have, so his experiences aren’t the same. We can’t force him.” Shiro said, putting his hand on Lance’s shoulder.
“Not to mention that Honerva and her precious little boy twisted everything to work in their favour.” Pidge complained from her spot in the front. “the Sons of Erebus might not be able to do anything anyway. The serve the council, which Honerva rules over. Unless the Head High Priestess of the all High Priestesses decides Honerva is in the wrong, even if he did believe us, he’d be no help.”
Lance sighed. He knew it was true. Until Honerva slipped up or Nyx herself appeared, they were on their own.
“Allura.” a silky voice called. They all stopped and Lance could see Allura tensing.
She turned with a fake smile, a staple to what she’d been wearing the past few days. “High Priestess Honerva. How can I help you?”
the guy from last night, along with a few other warriors followed Honerva. The glee she had from holding such power over them was so evident, but to anyone else, she just looked like her regular self, High Priestess of the House of Night.
“I would like to introduce you to Kolivan. he’s head of the Sons of Erebus. This is Allura, Preistess-in-Training of the Dark Daughters and Sons. In fact, this is her court.”
the tall muscled man with a stern look and a scar on his face, bowed his head. “A pleasure to meet the ones blessed by our great Goddess.”
he meant that. Lance could tell and judging from Honerva’s face, she wasn’t happy about it.
“Yes, blessed by Nyx. I hear you have one in your midst as well?”
Kolivan nodded to the hooded guy, who pulled it down, revealing his red markings. “This is Keith. he’s a student at the House of Night in Texas. His proficiency in fighting skills has allowed him to advance into training with us. The High Council has asked that he guards the blessed ones.”
it was clearly the first time Honerva had heard of this.
“The High Council? I was not informed of this.”
“You weren’t supposed to. The Head High Priestess of the Council is a seer and saw great danger to us if anything were to happen Priestess Allura and her court. We decided one of their own and one of our bests should be the one to protect them. Should he say the word, we would be there to defend them. Of course, I’m sure you’d agree.” Kolivan explained with a look that said he didn’t need her approval.
“It’s like a blessing from Nyx herself.” Hunk whispered.
He wasn’t wrong. Here they thought the arrival of the Sons of Erebus meant they had no way of stopping his war, but now it looked like they might have a chance, to at least try.
Keith stepped forward, not taking his eyes from Lance and bowed his head. “I look forward to getting to know you all. Please place your trust in me.”
As Lance stared back at those dusk purple eyes, he hoped that Nyx blessed them all. He had a feeling they’d need it.
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buns-with-a-book · 5 years
Meòraich means meditate or ponder in Scottish Gaelic. Since Eternis Brillia, Cassandra’s hometown, is set in Scotland, I figured this title is appropriate.
While set in the Devil May Cry universe, this is purely backstory for Cassandra and what made her leave home. 
Fandom: Devil May Cry Characters: Original Characters Tags: @nimnox @furyeclipse @synchronmurmurs 
Summary: Twice does Cassandra Sagefire ponder over her fate to the portrait of her ancestor Deirdre Sagefire. But the lesson remains the same: her fate is in her hands. 
Cassandra wasn’t fond of large ceremonies, especially in that giant cathedral. It’s grand four wings were decorated in nothing but the best, white draped from every column and the cathedral spotless. It’s grandeur was nothing but breath-taking, especially to guests of the family.
And yet, looking back upon the cathedral, garbed in glorious white, it looked like a beautiful bride to be. Much like her, when she walked down the aisle to meet her groom. She looked to the newest photo on the wall, the large portrait of her and her groom posing in the gardens of the cathedral.
She was in a beautiful silver dress, intricate lace sewn throughout the dramatic skirt. Her veil was held up by a sparkling elegant circlet, an heirloom passed down through the family. Cassandra frowned at the mark on her face, a slap from her own father for trying to oppose the wedding. Even with heavy use of foundation, she could still faintly see the mark. As for her groom, he was in a black tuxedo, his brown hair combed to look slightly windswept. In his black eyes was a hint of disinterest, hidden behind a smile. Pinned to the corsage was the image of an armored lion, holding a banner in it’s maw. That man was Draco Kinnaird, a minor lord in the house to outsiders, but to her, her own personal bully. She could still remember the day that her father had announced she was to marry Draco Kinnaird...
The Sagefire estate was decorated for her eighteenth birthday. Cassandra, being the maiden of the hour, was dressed in her best. Her long blonde hair was braided and draped over her shoulder, pale pink wild roses nestled in her braids. Her shoulderless dress was a dusty pink hue, matching the roses in her braided hair. Surrounding her were the ruling class and the rich of Eternis Brillia, who only attended for her status as the daughter of Nyx and Stella Sagefire, the direct descendant of Deirdre Sagefire.
“Lady Sagefire, what do you plan to do?” A young woman asked. Cassandra took a glance to her, trying to think if she was from another house or something.
“Ah...I’d like to leave Eternis Brillia, actually.”
“Oh my! Leave our fair city?” She exclaimed in surprise.
“Yes.” Cassandra nodded. “I don’t want to stay here forever as a pretty figurehead. I’d love to actually...explore what lies beyond the walls of Eternis Brillia.” The young woman looked ready to say something before the gentle but attention-snapping ting of metal against glass caught their attention. Cassandra looked up to the table, where her father, Nyx, stood. His black eyes scanned the crowd.
“Honored guests, I would like to make an announcement. Lord Theon Kinnaird and I have come to an agreement that will benefit all of Eternis Brillia.” Cassandra frowned, drifting away from her conversation partner as she watched Lord Theon stand with her father. “I would like to announce the engagement of my daughter, Cassandra, to Draco Kinnaird. In six months time, she will be a lovely bride!”
The world felt like it was falling around her. A young man with blond hair stood up with Lord Theon, a man she recognized as Draco. He stepped around the table across the room towards her. Cassandra could barely hear the rest of the announcement, her heart was hammering in her head as he took her hand.
“T-There must be some mistake. I can’t marry you, you bullied me when we were children.” Cassandra breathed, shaking from shock.
“There is no mistake.” Draco’s voice sent shivers down her spine, shivers of fear. “I hope our engagement will be fruit-” She blocked out the rest of his words, promptly pretending to faint. She heard cries of shock around her, followed by some maids rushing to her side to get her out of the stuffy ballroom.
‘A good pretend fainting is perfect for getting out of this situation.’ She thought. As she was taken out of the room, her mind was starting to figure out ways to get out of this unwanted marriage.
Despite all her planning and efforts, the marriage continued. She looked down to her ring, a gaudy creation made of diamonds and gold. She hated it. She hated everything about this marriage, about Draco, about her father resorting to physical violence to shock her into going along. She reached up, rubbing where her father’s hand hit her face. It was the shock of being slapped by her own father that stunned her into going down the aisle.
Cassandra let out a heavy sigh, moving her gaze away from the portrait. Her eyes moved to the portrait of her ancestor, hanging over the roaring fireplace. Her ancestor Deirdre Sagefire, considered a saint in the city, stared back at her. Her blond hair fell freely, a crown of sage and roses upon her head. She remembered all the legends about her ancestor, how fearless she was in the face of adversity and danger to lead a rag-tag army to victory against the armies of demons led by Mundus, the King of the Underworld. Of course, she was never alone, as she had four other maidens with her when the Earthmother gave them the gift to fight back against the demons and Cassandra herself was not embroiled in life or death combat with the King of the Underworld.
However, as she stared at the portrait of the serene saint, she could only wonder.
“Saint Deirdre…” She murmured. “What was it like, to stare down the master of all demonkind? What kind of strength did you pull from to even think about fighting him? Is that why you told your followers to persevere in the face of adversity?” She looked to her left hand, the hand that she used to wield Astra, the Blade of the Stars, the gift to those of the line of Sagefire. “Is this why you tied your blade, a gift from the Earthmother, to those of your bloodline? To remind them of your strength? To give hope in times of need?” She sighed. “I’m gonna need that strength...I don’t know what to do…” She looked up, finding no answer in the portrait. She let out a sigh and walked away to her room. She refused to share a bed with Draco, she would rather die than do that.
Her bedroom was a simple room, decorated in pale blue and beige. She looked out the window, overlooking the city and the highlands beyond. In the distance, she could see the river Spey. The midnight sky glimmered with countless stars, a breathless sight. She changed into a silken nightgown, her mind racing with thoughts. She knew she wouldn’t get any of her answers tonight. Passing another look to the midnight sky, she slipped into bed. She would think of a plan to make the best out of this unhappy marriage in the morning. For now, rest was calling for her.
Fury burned through her body as she stormed through the Sagefire Estate, bag full of legal papers and supplies to last her. The estate was empty, everyone else off at the Kinnaird Estate for the party, a party that Draco was throwing just to show off the money he had from marrying into her family. That was money that could’ve been better spent saving her mother, who slipped into death weeks after the wedding. The mere thought about her mother, slipping away in her arms, while Draco partied it up in the nearest pub only added to her fury. She could still feel the sting of Draco’s words, her own lawfully wedded husband (that she never wanted).
The grand gazebo in the gardens of House Kinnaird were decorated lavishly for the party. Cassandra frowned at the wasteful grandeur, the party only being thrown just because Draco had the money and nothing to do with his evenings aside from lavish wasteful parties. As she walked amongst the rich and ruling class, her footsteps led her to Draco (much to her chagrin).
“As I was saying, I think we should focus on investing in our security.” Draco was saying. “Wouldn’t do to let outsiders into Eternis Brillia, right?”
“Security? From what, demons?” Cassandra asked, making a face at his words. Draco turned to her, away from the men he was conversing with. She recognized them as members of the High Council. “Our security is fine enough, we should invest in educating the populace.”
“Cass, Cass dear, this doesn’t concern you.” Draco grinned, his tone the same patronizing tone that irritated her.
“I’m quite certain it does. We’re supposed to be married after all.” Cassandra said coldly.
“How about you go get me a drink, dear?” There was no love in the pet name and she felt it. “I’d hate to get you involved in council business.”  
“Considering you only have my hand because of a deal I didn’t have a say in, I suggest you get your own drink.” Cassandra narrowed her eyes at Draco. Draco smiled nervously at the councilmen.
“Excuse me, I need to have a chat with my...wife.” He took her forearm, his grip tight, as he roughly dragged her off. They found themselves behind the rose bushes, not too far from the gazebo.
“Let go of me.” Cassandra snarled, ripping her arm out of his grasp.
“You’ve embarrassed me, Cassandra!” Draco hissed. “I thought you were raised as a proper wife.”
“Proper wife?! You bullied me, Draco.”
“Oh, you’re still on about that?” He growled. “We were children then-”
“And you haven’t changed a single bit, you wasteful evil little cockr-”
“Silence!” Draco snarled. “Just let the men handle the business, it’d be too much for you.”
“For me. You’re worried about me.” She whispered. “You liar. How dare you talk about that when me dealing with your flippant partying is the biggest strain on my mind. I would rather deal with the council than you.” Draco rolled his eyes.
“Cassandra, look, it’s a man’s world. I don’t care if you’re Saint Deirdre’s daughter, you’re my wife. That’s all you’ll ever be.” He said. “Now, if you’re going to be a bitch about it still, go home and...I dunno, clean the house or something.” He pushed her aside as he returned to the gazebo. She watched him go, breathing heavily, before promptly leaving the gardens of House Kinnaird.
That was the last straw.
The fancy dress she once wore to the party was long off her, changed into a dress more suited for travel. The white transitioned into gold, the skirt reaching her knees. Underneath the skirt were shorts that stretched to her mid-thigh, her mother warned her never to wear skirts without matching shorts. Beautiful heels were changed to boots. Around her shoulders, the fabric stretching down to her wrist, was a white shrug. Connecting the two parts of the shrug was a deep green jewel. She remembered how her mother adored the jewel, saying how it matched her eyes. Cassandra was often reminded of the deep dark depths of an ancient forest. Hoisted around her chest was a travel bag full of documents she would need outside the city. As she moved, a familiar portrait above the fireplace caught her eye. Cassandra stopped, staring up at the portrait over the smoldering fireplace. As before, the saint stared back at her with her painted smile.
“Is this what you meant, to face the challenges of life and fate and grow?” She asked, Astra snapping into her sword hand. “Trapped in a marriage I never wanted, with a fate I never asked for...I’m taking my fate into my own hands.” She stared at the blade, glimmering in the faint light from the moonlight outside and the simmering embers of the fireplace. She took in a breath and held up the braid of her hair. Sliding Astra between her hair and her neck, she wrapped the braid around her other hand to hold it steady. With a swift movement, she pulled Astra through her hair. It slid through effortlessly, as if it was nothing more than air. She could feel her hair fall to the sides of her face. Her eyes fell upon the braid, rubbing the hair with her thumb.
Twenty years of maintaining her hair, living peacefully and without conflict, rested in her hands. It was sobering to see the braid in her hand, a symbol of the luxury she lived in for so long. She looked to the smoldering embers in the fireplace and threw the braid in, watching as it burned away into foul smoke. Astra disappeared in her hands. Her eyes moved up to the portrait, dark green meeting painted blue eyes. A silence fell between them before Cassandra turned, her back to the portrait. She strode out of the room, not daring to look back to the remains of her hair, of the symbol of luxury she once lived in.
Her feet led her to the stables of the estate, walking to her personal horse. The brown Clydesdale horse, Alasdair, let out a neigh as she approached.
“Hey there.” She murmured, guiding him out of his stall. “Wanna go for one last ride?” She asked. The horse nuzzled her. “Good boy.” She laughed, getting his saddle on him. She knew of a secret exit, a crack in the wall that surrounded the city. Perhaps it was her sympathetic heart that wanted to have one last ride on her horse before she left Eternis Brillia for good. She didn’t dwell too long on that, not with the time she had ticking away. With the saddle secured to the horse, she secured his bridle onto him and led him outside. She quickly hopped on Alasdair and urged him onward, the Clydesdale running through the moonlit fields towards the wall. As she approached the crack, hidden by bushes and trees, she skid the horse to a halt. She couldn’t take Alasdair with her to the world beyond, a mobile lifestyle away from Eternis Brillia would make it difficult to give him the care he needed. Given the best thing she could offer was fighting, a life of the mercenary, she couldn’t take care of Alasdair. She eased Alasdair to a stop and dismounted. She reached up, giving the horse a gentle pat before giving his hind a harsh slap. The horse, spooked, raced off back to the stables. She watched the horse go before crawling through the brush.
‘First step in taking control of your fate: dealing with spiders and dirt.’ Cassandra thought, pushing aside leaves and cobwebs. She found the small crack in the wall, the crack barely large enough for her to crawl through but, undeterred, she began to crawl through. She made sure to hide the crack in the wall behind her. She didn’t need the guards of Eternis Brillia trying to pursue her and drag her back.
Finally, she reached the other side of the crack. Cassandra looked upward, seeing the wall of Eternis Brillia stretch above her. She let out a breath, freed at last. She quickly took off along the moors, towards the town of Rothes. From there, she would begin a new life.
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charlottedabookworm · 6 years
That Cruellest Cut/I Swear It By The Styx fusion thing that is totally @hamelin-born‘s fault:
Styx had never really taken much interest in the Lucian military system.
Well, she knew a fair bit about how the Glaive worked, mostly by osmosis and the desperate need to know what Nyx had gotten himself into, but she hadn't cared enough to learn anything about the rest of it, to put faces to the names that she'd learnt out of necessity.
She just. She hadn't cared.
Now, with an extra twenty years of memories knocking about in her skull - memories of a life where this world had been a game - she regretted that.
Because she'd been living in this city for nearly a decade and, if these memories were right, if she wasn't making connections were there weren't any, then her and Nyx's parents were alive and one of them was in Insomnia.
And Styx hadn't known.
The moment that that occurred to her, the moment that she connects that name that she'd heard in rumours to the face from her new memories, she dropped everything she was doing and stormed to the Citadel.
She had to know, had to be sure before she could tell Nyx - who was on duty anyway.
It didn't take long to make her way to the office of the Marshall of the Crownsguard - because she'd memorised floor plans where she hadn't faces and isn't that fucking ironic - but when she got there, she was stalled.
Styx could sense a presence in the office, knew that only a wooden door separated her from a man thought long dead, but the secretary refused to let her through without an appointment - and, any other time, Styx would understand, but not right now.
"Fine." Styx snapped. "I'll make an appointment." And then she raised her voice to the point that it would be easily audible to anyone in the office. "PENCIL IN THAT STYX HELIOS ULRIC WANTS TO SEE LORD MARSHALL COR LEONIS - “ 
There's a deafening crash and then the office door is flung open, slamming against the opposing wall, and her faeder is standing there - dishevelled and wide-eyed and panting slightly and staring at her in shock and hope and he's alive.
She wanted to laugh at the shocked look on the face of the secretary, but her breath caught in her throat as she stared. Her faeder was alive.
She'd known, she'd hoped, but...
And then his arms were around her and she was clinging to a man who she was certain that she had watched die millennia ago and gods, she wished that Nyx was here instead of on-duty - wished their father was here, that their family was together again - even as she revelled in the comfort of her faeder's arms.
"Faeder," She sobbed into his shoulder, fisting her hands in the back of his shirt like she had when she was a kid and didn't want to let him go.
"Styx," The word sounded as though it had ripped itself out of his chest, but his voice was so familiar that it ached. She'd missed him, so much, and she hadn’t even realised how much she’d forgotten about him until now. "Your brother-?" He choked on hope and tears, unable to continue, and Styx rushed to answer.
"Alive." She said, feeling him relax. "He's alive. We both made it, faeder, they didn't catch us. Nyx is even a glaive." She laughed at the bitter irony, her brother and faeder had been working in the same place for years and had never once run into other.
The gods just couldn't let them have anything, could they?
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Writing Uncomfortable Subjects
Some thoughts on this post, 
“ you’re not entitled to a constant stream of uninspired feel-good pap. not in your music, not in your television, and certainly not in your books. “
A constant stream of feel-good pap is the very petri dish in which odious thought processes are allowed to grow unchecked. This feel-good pap is the Soma of Brave New World. Give the Proletariat their happy drugs, in this case, meaningless media rife with pretty people with petty problems and impeccably whitened teeth, and they won’t question the rising shit-storm of discontent, maltreatment of the lower classes, or other unpleasant subjects like sexism, racism, and homophobia.
Interestingly enough, despite the extreme right-wing assertion (kowtowed to by Bumblr) that erotica is a terrible, no good, awful, and very bad thing, the place where I curtail certain uncomfortable subjects the most stringently is in erotic writing. In spite of the fact that characters in the Naughty Netherworld universe are always banging, group sex is far more common than one-on-one couplings, and much of the action takes place in an arena where wild BDSM play is acted out for an audience, there are a few things that will never be described explicitly in these otherwise uninhibited tales.
These things are:
Any kind of non-consensual sex
Any kind of dub-con encounters. Even though there is no shortage of bondage, the characters are one hundred percent on board, and it’s obvious.
Sex with minors. 
These stories are very inclusive. I hate labeling them as “interracial,” which is a keyword that I do use when publishing on Kindle. I also hate feeling that I need to include a label such as “BBW.” People of all races are just people, and large women are just people. Unfortunately, we don’t yet live in a world that is quite so inclusive, and so I do feel the need to use what I deem fetishizing keywords to promote the Naughty Netherworld brand.
One of my main reasons for using such keywords is to let people know that these stories are for them. I would not be the first person to be sick and tired of trying to find a good romantic or spicy erotic read, only to discover that it’s rife with Barbie and Ken lookalikes with a few department store manikins thrown in as supporting characters. I want a realistic selection of people, even if some of those people happen to be shape-shifting alien sex fiends.
I want to read about the five-foot-tall, 100-pound elf prince falling in love with the six-foot-tall, 400-pound human baker who has lost her belief in magic. (This is one of the few monogamous couplings in the Naughty Netherworld sagas.) 
I want to read about the geeky ginger film fan and the strong, sinewy Japanese vampire (both male) falling wildly in love and enjoying introducing newcomers to their extremely spicy world together. 
I want to read about the powerful, six-foot-tall, dark and intimidatingly beautiful mad scientist and sorceress redeeming herself to her tiny and deceptively strong, smart as a whip Asian wife. 
However, these characters weren’t out there. So Team Netherworld created them.
Do subjects such as racism, sexism, and homophobia make appearances in these stories?
Yes. In Carnal Invasion VI, Kali and Nyx recall their first meeting. Nyx, who is, in reality, one of the shape-shifting extraterrestrials, adopted the form of a badly burned “comfort girl” and she and her fellow extraterrestrials rescued the trafficked women and girls from the “comfort station”. In the same book, Kali recalls allowing herself to be taken prisoner in a death camp where she uses her powers to raise the dead and destroy the place. She suffers abuse at the hands of the guards. 
Due to the explicit erotica inherent to these stories, there were no exact descriptions of the abuse endured by Kali at the guards’ hands. Had this not been an explicitly erotic story, the offenses against Kali would likely have been described in greater detail. However, I wanted to be sure that no-one would be tempted to confuse sexualized abuse with erotic bondage and role-playing.
I like to think that the Naughty Netherworld stories are feel-good stories--very joyful, smutty stories for a mature audience. The characters in these stories are much more accepting of those who are not considered conventionally attractive than real people are. In spite of occasional heavy subject matter, the general spirit of these tales is a fun-filled sexy romp among dirty-minded friends.
However, there are those who would say such stories should not be allowed. Some would frame the work as being “sinful.” Some might postulate that homosexual activity is “unnatural.” Still others might be opposed to the “mixing of the races.” Some might be angered by the idea of women in positions of power. Some might proclaim that describing larger characters as sexy and desirable is “glorification of obesity” or some such rubbish. 
People of various sizes, shapes, nationalities, and races exist. Not everyone looks like a fashion doll or an impossibly thin, heavily Photoshopped model. In fact, the majority of people do not bear any resemblance to the glossy images we have been told we are supposed to resemble. Human sexuality has a spectrum. Not everyone is heterosexual, and being heterosexual is not morally superior to being homosexual, bisexual, or asexual. 
People are not perfectly unblemished. People can have scars, moles, crooked teeth, funny noses, wrinkles, structural anomalies, any number of so-called “imperfections.” Not all people are perfectly able-bodied. Some have lost limbs. Some have conditions which impair their mobility. Many deal with invisible impairments, including psychiatric conditions. A fair number of the characters in the Carnal Invasion series are working through PTSD due to past abuses.
The point being that feel-good stories are all fine and good, but stories are not there just to entertain, they are there to educate. If every story was completely sanitized of any uncomfortable topic, the literary world would be gutted. We would be left with nothing but a bunch of meaningless, watered-down twaddle.
Evil characters who do bad things SHOULD make you angry. They should make you think. 
A world where no-one thinks is a dangerous place indeed.
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