#I stopped watching cause I took issue with moffat’s show running
thresholdbb · 10 months
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aight so I have a lot of (mostly non-positive) thoughts on the new episodes of Doctor Who so lemme rant for a bit because I’ve been wanting to do this for ages.
(if you enjoyed the new episodes and liked the storyline/execution/whatever or you just don’t want to get into The Discourse TM, I wouldn’t recommend reading this post, but do what you want):
This rant is mostly for myself to rant a bit, but also to see if anyone else feels the same way, which, is kind of the point of Tumblr anyway but akshjajsa 
this isn’t an attack on Jodie as the Doctor or a “Chibnall ruined Doctor Who!!!!1″ type of post, but a measured critique on the aspects of the premiere of Series 12 that I really didn’t like.
This is only discourse on Spyfall Part 1 and Part 2, as I haven’t watched Orphan 55 yet.
Here we go.
First things first, the things I actually did like:
I actually only watched a few episodes of Series 11, so I’d just like to note I love Team TARDIS with my whole ass heart ahsjahsja they are great companions and have a great dynamic
I liked the concept of the mission they had to deal with it, even if I didn’t like the execution
Sasha Dhawan was EXCELLENT in this. The way his demeanor changes completely when he stops pretending to be O, his portrayal of the Master, everything about him here was great
The plot twist scene was great. The Doctor’s reaction, the Master’s child-like attitude and excitement, Team Tardis being confused af, it was really good from start to finish and Jodie and Sasha’s acting truly made it click. 
Jodie was also really excellent here btw. The way she portrayed the Doctor’s feeling of being frozen during the reveal scene perfectly, her finally getting to show off the Doctor’s darkness, her dynamics with the Master, her seeing Gallifrey in shambles, etc. She killed it
Ada Lovelace and Noor Inayat Khan were GREAT additions and I kinda wish they were full-time companions lmao. Also I ship Thirteen and Ada a lot tbh
The whole scene with the back-and-forth between the Doctor’s message and Graham and Graham landing the plane was hilarious. Graham used to be my least favorite new companion but I think he’s one of my faves now
Part 2 was overall much more fun than Part 1, and the characters were more entertaining as well
I mentioned this before when talking about Jodie’s acting, but seeing Thirteen finally go dark is great. I’m excited to see where this is heading towards, and from what I’ve seen, it’s gonna cause Team TARDIS some conflict, which was kind of overdue. I just really hope Chibnall can lower his ego and allow other writers to execute these concepts in ways he can’t throughout the series
I was also left genuinely intrigued by the whole Timeless Child thing and am looking forward to that so. Yeah.
Now, what I didn’t like:
First of all, it’s written by Chibnall himself and he’s the only writer. ‘Nuff said
The episode seems to take a bit too long to introduce the characters once more and show their daily lives before we get to the point or even first see the Doctor. Maybe that’s just me but idk
Like I mentioned, I like the potential of this mission. A CSI-esque episode but make it sci-fi/Doctor Who. My problem lies with the execution. It wasn’t a fun storyline, and after the Master reveal, it just feels like it’s sidelined and simply there as “oh look Doctor, you looked away and the Master started using ANOTHER alien race to get your attention AGAIN”. It didn’t feel fun either, since there was just. So much info-dumping and not enough answers. The problem isn’t that it was unoriginal, it’s that it was uninspired and boring
Not to mention the Kasaavin ended up being sidelined so much that everyone was just ??? kind of confused about them. Also I’ve seen some people say they are literally just the Cybermen 2.0 and I kind of agree
I got the vibe that “O” and Yaz were flirting and just. Ew. I do not fuck with that
Part 1 in general just felt completely boring and the storyline was so generic you could replace the conflict with literally anything else and keep the twist and it wouldn’t change a thing lol
Also, as happy as I am that we have a POC incarnation of the Master, I’m...conflicted. I am going to miss Missy a whole lot, and the Master going back to being a man is...kind of boring, but that’s not my issue. I understand that, after what happened with her, Missy might’ve given up on redemption and decided to go back to her old Master-y ways, specially with the whole Timeless Child thing, that was so traumatizing the Master felt obligated to destroy Gallifrey, BUT it feels like it just inutilizes Missy’s entire character arc during Capaldi’s run and introduces a new plot element just to make the Master go back to their old villanous ways. It’s sorta cheap
Speaking of cheap plot elements just introduced to retconn things Moffat did, we’ll get back to Gallifrey later
The scene with the Master telling the Doctor to kneel made me uncomfortable. Having Thirteen be the first female Doctor (and arguably the gayest Doctor at that) and then have the Master, her antagonist, be a man...meh. But then have him tell her to kneel and to essentially humiliate her by telling her to call him “Master”, that had my stomach a bit uneasy. Like, yeah, Simm!Doctor did much worse to Tenth, but the implications are much, much, different in this context. Idk, I personally was left uncomfortable by that scene
The Doctor turning the Master over to the N*zi officers was so, so fcking shitty like. I’m not mad at the Doctor, I’m mad at Chibnall for putting that in the fcking script. WHY DID HE THINK THAT WAS A GOOD IDEA?????
The Doctor wiping Ada and Noor’s memories just felt so...unnecesary. Like, the Doctor has interacted with historical figures in the past and kept their memories intact (Agatha Christie comes to mind as an exception, though that was accidental). And besides, what for? Ada and Noor having memory of what happened interfered with nothing (I might be wrong on this as I kind of erased anything the Doctor said in that scene from my mind involuntarily lmfao but even so, I can’t come up with any good excuses that could be used there anyways, but if I am missing something notify me in the notes) and they don’t seem like the type to tattle about it or smth
Ah, and now we get to Gallifrey, or what I like to call, both the best and the worst example of what a retconn is. Listen, it doesn’t matter whether you liked Moffat and/or his decision to bring back Gallifrey, but you have to agree this is ridiculous. Chibnall didn’t want to have to deal with what Moffat left him with (a restored Gallifrey and the implications of that) so he had The Master just destroy Gallifrey by himself and discarded it like a chess piece, like. Am I the only one legit dumbfounded by this???? First of all, it took the Daleks an entire war to attempt to destroy Gallifrey, and they actually failed in the end, and yet the Master destroys it by himself, no stress. I legit don’t get it. Listen, I have mixed thoughts on Moffat’s decision to do so and I hate Hell Bent as much as the next person, but this is Chibnall discarding yet ANOTHER arc. That’s two arcs in one premiere. Wow. It legit sealed the deal for me that this premiere was a hot mess.
That’s it (that’s it, she says, after writing a whole essay). Again, this is not an attack on Chibnall’s Doctor Who, Jodie as the Doctor or me telling you how to feel about this episode. My opinion seems like an unpopular one from what I’ve seen but I stand by it lol. 
As a closing statement, fingers crossed that Chibnall lets other people write too this series lmfao.
(This is my first indepth critique of anything here so, hum, if you disagree, please be kind akhjahsjahs I doubt this will get much notes anyways but)
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Fandom Newsletter #4
Today is Friday, the 26th of October, and Welcome back to another Fandom Newsletter! 
Writers: Atlas, Blackpurrl, Fyne, YoursTruly Editors: Fyne and YoursTruly 
“Oh my God, Karen! You can’t just ask people why they’re white.” ~Mean Girls
Let’s get started! 
First to YoursTruly with the Horror, Hannibal, Tim Burton, Animation, and Gaming fandoms--
Horror: Horror fans love the new Halloween movie! The movie has been a massive success among fans young and old! The movie gives off a nostalgic vibe, even referencing the older movies several times throughout the film. However, if you’re going to see this movie, stay until after the credits, there’s a little surprise at the end. 
Hannibal: The Fannibals have began trying to bargain with show runner and producer Bryan Fuller for another season. The show left off on a not so satisfying conclusion, and many fans want more. Bryan Fuller has even teased the idea himself quite a few times. Will we get another season one day? Guess we’ll have to wait and see. 
Tim Burton: Disney is offering, throughout the month of October, Halloween themed cruises. They even offer an onboard show featuring Jack Skellington and Sally. And you can even meet these characters for pictures! Now that’s a cruise! Also- The Nightmare Before Christmas celebrates its 25th anniversary this year! 
YouTube: YouTube recently crashed worldwide for two hours. YouTube hasn’t said much about the incident, but problems like this are becoming more and more common on YouTube. Many people are wondering what the causes of these issues are. 
Animation: Goretober is in full swing! Many animators have been uploading their daily Goretober art. 
Gaming: The season of scary game releases is upon us! October is the month where many creators on platforms like Steam and Gamejolt are releasing their horror games in anticipation for Halloween. 
Now to Blackpurrl with the Harry Potter and Bands fandoms, along with World News--
Harry Potter: Countdown to Fantastic Beasts: 27 days!
Bands: Did you know, about twelve hours of songs are uploaded to SoundCloud every minute? Insane!
World News: Denmark Shooting for the Digital Stars
Next to Fyne with the Sherlock, Supernatural, and Spooptober fandoms, as well as the weekly positive news--
Sherlock - Ever wonder how our beloved show even came to be? Apparently, for years, writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss took a train to and from Cardiff while working on Doctor Who, and discussed various projects they were interested in doing. One that kept coming up repeatedly was a modern-day adaptation of Sherlock Holmes. This reportedly went on for some time (with neither man making any particular effort to get it up and going) until Moffat’s wife, Sue, invited both men out for lunch. Her place of choice just so happened to be the Criterion, a watering hole and eatery in London’s Piccadilly Circus. It just so happens to be the same place where the fictional John Watson (Sherlock’s best friend) first hears of the famed detective. The two men got the hint and began working on the series, bringing us our show that we have today. I think we all owe Sue a little bit of a thank you, don’t you?
Supernatural - Did you notice that (according to Archangel Michael in the episode The Song Remains the Same) Dean and Sam come from the bloodline of Cain and Abel? So is this important? Or is this just another coincidence?
Spooptober - This year is the year that Halloween movie Hocus Pocus reaches its 25th anniversary. The premise of the movie is this: After moving to Salem, Massachusetts, teenager Max Dennison explores an abandoned house with his sister Dani and their new friend, Allison. After dismissing a story Allison says is superstitious, Max accidentally frees a coven of evil witches who used to live in the house. Now, with the help of a magical cat, the kids must steal the witches' book of spells to stop them from becoming immortal.A family favorite movie that almost everyone has seen and that is playing on at least one channel nearly every night of October. If you haven’t seen this iconic movie, you definitely should go channel surfing at some point this month.
Positive News - The words we use to talk about mental health can perpetuate stigmas. A new portrait project featuring people who have mental health issues aims to make us think again about the language we choose.
Lastly to Atlas with the Voltron, Musicals, and Movie fandoms--
Voltron: This fandom is a ticking time bomb set for December 14th. We are all going to die.
Musicals: George Salazar ships Boyf-riends! 
Movies: Who else wants a live action Corpse Bride?
Now back to Blackpurrl with the weekly movie review--
Movie Review: Hannibal Rising
This movie relays the story of Hannibal Lecter’s childhood. Although most of the especially gory parts are not on camera, the viewer eventually knows exactly what became of the victim. It provides an interesting plot, and explains why the famous cannibal does what he does. I would not recommend this movie to anyone under thirteen or anyone who cannot handle tragic stories. Overall, I’d give it a 10/10.
And back to Fyne with the weekly trivia fact and quiz--
Trivia Fact - Did you know that the inventor of liquid soap became paralyzed after he slipped in the shower?
Are you an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist?
1. You fail a test. What is your reaction?
A. I'm stupid. I’m going to fail my exams.
B. This was just a blip. I’ll do better next time. 
C. The questions were too hard. This is where my abilities stand.
2. You have quit smoking, but you accidentally have a cigarette. Which of the following is your reaction?
A. You have been set back, so you just go right back into the addiction.
B. You have been set back, but you believe you can quit again.
C. You have been set back, so you come up with ways to avoid similar circumstances that led you to the set back.
3. You are shown a picture of a man who isn’t smiling. What do you think this man is feeling/doing?
A. The man is plotting, rude, or experiencing something unpleasant.
B. The man is relaxing, thinking, or did not have enough time to smile. 
C. The man is posing for the picture.
4. A close friend of yours sets you up on a blind date. How do you feel about this?
A. You have no clue what your date is like and you are afraid they’re going to set you up with a complete loser.
B. You have faith in their opinion and want to see for yourself what your date is going to be like. 
C. You decide to see what your date is like and decide for yourself how well your friend did. 
5. You’re a business owner who goes bankrupt. How do you proceed?
A. You see this failure as a sign that you are not meant to be in this business and pursue other options.
B. You see this failure as a lesson and use it to help you further your business in future reference.
C. You see this failure as a sign and choose to make plans to pull yourself out of bankruptcy.
6. You get a raise. How do you feel about it?
A. You don’t understand why you got the raise and you wonder if there is an ulterior motive.
B. You accept the raise happily, glad that your hard work has finally been recognized.
C. Yay! More money!
7. You’re an accountant and today you made a mistake with a number. What is your reaction?
A. You figure out where you went wrong, and then feel horrible about it for a long time afterward, questioning your abilities and worthiness as an accountant.
B. You figure out where you went wrong, fix it, and move forward.
C. You recognize the mistake and move on. 
8. You have a bad day. Which of these is you after the day is over?
A. You believe that your life has been full of hardship and negative experiences.
B. You see the bad days as part of your life that help you grow or benefit you in some way.
C. Recognize that you had a bad day, and resolve to try again tomorrow. 
9. You are struggling with groceries and someone comes to help you. How do you respond? 
A. You become suspicious, tell them that you have nothing to give them, and maybe even yell at them to leave you alone.
B. You thank them and talk about their day or ask them about themselves.
C. You politely say thank you and either accept or decline their help. 
10. You go on a vacation. Which of these is you?
A. Complain about everything you do and could potentially do, and eventually wind up not wanting to do anything at all but watch TV in the hotel room.
B. You want to experience as much as the location has to offer, even though you had no plans about what to do.
C. You enjoy the vacation and plan extensively about what you want to do and when.
Mostly A’s: You appear to be a pessimist. Always seeing the bad and negative in everything probably isn’t helping you be any happier or lead a happier life. Try and maybe appreciate things more often.
Mostly B’s: You appear to be an optimist. Always seeing the good and positive is probably helping you be fairly happy, and even leading to a happier life style. Though try not to be too optimistic all the time because it may end up hurting you in the long run.
Mostly C’s: You appear to be a realist. I guess you’re sort of a neutral character. Good for you.
(This isn’t physiologically proven, its literally just a test I made up in my free time so don’t take the results to heart and please do not be offended)
And finally, back to YoursTruly with the weekly book review--
Book Review- The Life Of P.T. Barnum is a fantastic book for anyone who loves a good biography. The book is a wildly entertaining autobiography by P.T. Barnum about his own life, starting from his childhood and following him through all his adventures. All in all, a fantastic book. 10/10 
Wish our illustrator and writer Blackpurrl a happy birthday today! Comic is brought to you by our very talented artist, Blackpurrl. That’s all for this week, we’ll see you next week with another Fandom Newsletter! 
Signing off, 
Atlas, Blackpurrl, Fyne, and YoursTruly 
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madslogo · 8 years
a love letter to the doctor who/sherlock fandom
you deserve so much better than these shows. 
alright, let me explain. a couple of years ago, these fandoms were my life. i was very interested in these shows, and since the fanbase was and is made up of primarily teenage to 20-something girls, i was immediately welcomed and made comfortable in it. i had fun with you guys! we made theories, analyzed every bit of information we got, and it motivated me to write more and work on something that i found i loved. as “cringey” as it can be painted as, this fandom was a fun thing to be apart of and i had a genuinely good time as a part of it. 
the issue isn’t with you guys, though- it’s with your showrunner. 
steven moffat runs both of these shows, and they both have one thing in common- lazy writing both about women and for women. 
i am absolutely not attacking you for enjoying this and loving these characters. i also loved these characters and were inspired by them! the issue is with how they’re treated in the show. 
here’s a good example from sherlock: irene adler. putting aside the fact that she pretty much revolutionized my entire life, she was deeply interesting, intelligent, and good character- for the first half of the episode she was in. 
irene was so cool and interesting to watch because she posed a serious threat to sherlock. she directly countered him and beat him when they went head to head, showing that he could be outsmarted and she, more importantly, was capable of doing all of this on her own. 
this unravels towards the ending- it’s shown that she needed moriarty to do all of this and she was secretly crippled by her love for sherlock. 
the issue with this isn’t even just that she’s “turning straight” for sherlock (or that she’s another stereotype of the hypersexualized bisexual if you’re looking that way), it’s the fact that she is helpless if not for men and because of men. she depends on moriarity to be intelligent and she falls apart for sherlock because he’s a smart, intelligent, better than her man. 
she isn’t the only character like this. think amy pond and how the doctor constantly yells at her because he knows better than her. think clara and how her entire life, everything that makes her special, revolves around that she lives for the doctor. think mary and how her entire life is a tool to give john and sherlock reasons to develop as characters. think the master turned missy, suddenly a flirty, hypersexual being completely enthralled with the doctor in a way she wasn’t in her earlier incarnations. even river, an amazing and mysterious time lord, dies for the doctor because he’s so wonderful that she had to see him. 
it doesn’t even stop there! can anyone explain where demon’s run came from? i am genuinely wondering here and i have been for years now. where did kadavra and her space army come from?! why can the doctor cause a second big bang but can’t go back in time slightly before or after the paradox where amy and rory are stuck instead of leaving them behind? i haven’t seen the new season of sherlock, but i’m seeing even more complaints about the plot with that, too.
every time someone questions moffat on it, he treats the fandom as though they’re just too dumb to figure it out. 
first off, if your viewers couldn’t put together how something was done on your show without it being explained, especially in something that has such a massive and diverse following, you are a bad writer. fact. cut and print, you are. if something doesn’t make in-world logical sense to your viewers your writing is weak. 
the fact of the matter is, moffat views you all as too stupid to be able to realize that he made giant plot errors. he creates these female characters the way he does because he thinks that this is all you guys are limited to.
here’s the thing: you aren’t. so many of you are incredibly creative and smart. you guys invented ways for this shit writing to make sense in fantastical and spellbinding ways. you didn’t find yourselves in the shit boxes that he made for you, but instead took his “superior men” characters and made them more interesting and deep than he ever could. you drew and wrote and thought and inspired yourselves and each other in more ways than anyone else. 
you deserve so much better than a shit writer who thinks he’s better than you all when you’ve all done so much more creativity than he ever has in his garbage shows. take what you’ve learned and go. go make your own stories. make women you can relate to because they’re actually closer to people than puppets. fall in love and build worlds and travel the world with the power that you have inside of yourselves. you made friends and little worlds and families out of this. take them with you and make them better. you can do anything in the world alone but you don’t have to. you made friends and a community, and you can help each other and continue to build each other up while also spiting the same shithead that accidentally brought you together. 
these shows aren’t shit because you guys are interested in it. it’s shit because it’s underestimating all of you. you can and will make better things that you can all love and share. 
so yeah. fuck moffat and his shit writing. love yourselves. that is all.
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