#I suddenly felt like I had nowhere to go w/ my love for Horobi and Fuwa EVERYTHING was suddenly Fuwa and Naki
firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
Things that bother me…
… I need to vent a little bc I feel really ill now, but, random salt:
I find it a little ‘hm’ that all the ‘good’ henshin items were weapons for humans and all the ‘bad’ henshin items were the ones about empowering HumaGear. Like, the RaidRiser got treated as ‘misguided’ eventually, but the ZetsumeRisers were treated as ‘evil’ through and through. The ForceRisers were depicted negatively, none of mbjr used them while ‘good’ it was a ‘big deal’ when Aruto used one in the movie. The SlashRiser seems to have been made for humans initially/was to ‘repurpose’ Jin (bc I refuse to accept that Yotagaki did not see him as a tool, not w/ his ‘kill the abuse victim’ bs). Giving humans weapons to destroy ‘unruly’ HumaGear was depicted as ‘good’ while HumaGear gaining the power to fight was depicted as ‘evil’ or at least needing to be ‘repurposed.’ Literally an issue that could have been resolved by giving Izu a Driver, but I correctly guessed they were never going to do that. As much as I have complicated feelings about Izu, missed opportunity.
Another large thing that bothers me about Naki getting a wolf Key is that literally no one else got the same animal. They literally only got that Key so that they could give it to Fuwa later. Putting aside my other opinions about how that was written (aka that I don’t think that relationship had anywhere near enough development for any of that), it’s really glaring. Gai gives Yua a different Key to use w/ the RaidRiser to ‘clearly establish’ her connection to ZAIA, but it’s not another beetle Key. Jin was heavily connected to Horobi, was labeled as his son before he transformed, but they didn’t give him another scorpion Key or even an arachnid Key. No one else got the same animal. Like… They couldn’t even be bothered to just use a different canine? Yua used the Jackal Key! That would have been fine. Additionally, this was the Ark giving it to them, who hates humans. Why the fuck would the Ark give them a Key matching that of a human? Like, the fact that this is the only case of two characters having the same animal is just… Just really comes across as Naki not being their own person or character, that they were just a plot device wedged in for Fuwa. Which he didn’t need? At least not like that? Like… The implications just bother me? They still could have done them lending him the Key if it wasn’t a wolf? Like… Esp w/ all his insistence that he’s the wolf guy… It’s… Really uncomfortable implications for me. It’s not cute. It’s part of why I was really expecting the writing to make them his new ‘assistant’ and put them basically in the exact same place they were before. Like, yes, I’m personally a bit sour on that relationship bc it got shoehorned in in place of my favourite relationship, I’m still mad about the writers just dropping Horobi and Fuwa completely outside of Okada (bless him) changing a line. I would have still whined about my fave relationship going out of focus, but even the slightest follow up… But the point is, branding Naki w/ a wolf Key just… Feels like the nail on the coffin of them having no point other than giving it to Fuwa later. Like… The fact that literally no one else in the show, no matter their close relationships, ever has the exact same animal… There were other extinct animals they could have used that could still result in a similar suit. The sea mink. A bear. I would still have preferred snake bc that was Nakayama’s suggestion and I think they are absolutely right. But the fact is, it’s just really… It stands out that Naki’s just ‘an extension’ of Fuwa. Rather than giving them a wolf Key, maybe… Actually make them and Fuwa acknowledge each other when they’re not onscreen? That would have gone a lot further for me than just handing them a wolf Key to ‘establish’ their connection. You shouldn’t need to give two characters the same motif to prove their ‘connected.’ Literally no other connected characters in the show have the exact same animal. Gai wanted to be Aruto, basically, but he didn’t make another grasshopper Key. He did make another insect Key, sure, but they didn’t do that, they gave Naki the exact same animal. Like I said, even just a different extinct canine. The Japanese otter. There’s a little creature known as a flying fox that humans made extinct. Owls. It didn’t need to be a wolf. And the fact that no one else got the same animal, even when they were literal family, makes it really ridiculous to me.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
01 made sure that I don't care one bit about characters that don't give a single f*ck about a traumatized victim of decade long abused. Horobi had nobody caring about him all this time, his own son offered him on a silver platter to the Ark, Aruto thinks yelling at him to snap out of the hacking will do. And then Aruto is sad over his pet AI being stupid and suddenly everyone is up in arms and ready to jump in and help him cheer up again. Give me a break.
… I will forever keep pre-ep 42 Fuwa safely in my heart. That guy out there isn’t my Fuwa. My Fuwa is safe. -_-
It’s very… Questionable.
Like. If anyone had tried to do anything help Horobi earlier, we wouldn’t be in this situation. It’d be so much less messy and destructive. It’d’ve been actual work, but, like. It would have literally been easier.
I’ve said before that I feel like they switched the cores of Horobi and Gai’s stories, and I super still feel that. Esp given the loss of episodes, they really should have stuck w/ having the Ark as the final villain, maybe have her take over Gai forcibly, I dunno. Maybe have Gai cause the situation? I know the point they’re trying to go for is that ‘HumaGear/AI can do bad to!’ (maybe?), but we had that w/ the Ark. Like… They could absolutely still have done Horobi struggling w/ getting free, him still having resentment towards humans, but having humans reach out and help him, prove their goodness by taking the time to reach out to the biggest victim who has been the most consumed by the Ark’s influence. Like, Horobi did wrong things under the Ark’s control. He’s been completely under her control and influence for decades. Like I just ranted about, he’s been conditioned, he literally doesn’t know how to handle emotions, or even what morals are. But humans should know better, esp ones who allegedly work w/ AI. Them defying the Ark’s claims and doctrine by reaching out to him and helping him, despite everything, would have been a great moment.
Like… I do understand Aruto being super upset about what happened. Despite the issues I have w/ how it was presented, he and Izu were close. Of course he’d be mad. What bothers me is the attitude that he’s the only victim who is behaving irrationally bc of grief and pain. The way all the stops are getting pulled out to ‘save him.’ I’d feel a lot more sympathetic towards him if I felt like they were recognising Horobi’s mental state at the same time. Like I went to in my giant ramble, Horobi didn’t seek out Izu and gun for her, she sought him out when he was already volatile and in an extremely high intensity situation, which had already been escalated (by humans), and continued pressuring him until he snapped.
Aruto being upset about her death is one thing. Like… Okay. They were close. I do give that. It’s the attitude that only Aruto is the tragic one here. This should at the least be treated as a double tragedy.
That’s why Raiden going to Horobi, however I think he went about it in a not really great way, was really powerful, esp compared w/ a lot of… Other out of character behaviour we saw in the ep.
Like. Just imagine if we’d had Fuwa recognising that his aggressive behaviour played a part in this (while I do have to admit that, after Okada’s explanation and seeing a more direct translation, it feels more like a blunder Fuwa would make if confronted w/ that situation, the fact that he was the only one Horobi asked, making it clear Horobi wanted to hear his answer, bc Horobi doesn’t ask, last him he did, he got tortured, only to be told ‘I’m here to destroy you’… Fuwa may not have meant it that way, but Horobi was not in a state where he’d be able to understand the nuance, and that def contributed to over-stressing him and then Izu’s pushing put him over the edge much easier), him recognising that and then trying to at least partially make it right, take a different approach, go to Horobi and try to back Raiden up on stuff. Like… How cool would that have been? Fuwa getting a moment of realising his reckless, angry, head-on style caused damage and contributed to this situation, so, bc he’s a human who can recognise that, he’s going to go to Horobi and address it. Fuwa allegedly learned that shooting first isn’t the best answer, it would have been really cool and effective to see him trying to take the time to impart that knowledge to someone else, to try and reel back and think and strategise. Maybe he could have tried to confront both of them.
(and then the other part of that scene… Was just… So painfully ooc…)
I mean, I know Aruto is the main character, but there’s a line between ‘this is the main character’ and… This. Like, if there was any clear recognition for Horobi’s suffering at all, this would have a different tone. One person’s suffering doesn’t make another person’s less. They could still focus on how Aruto is hurt while recognising what Horobi went through. But the fact that it’s to the point that they might have (I dunno, I heard this second hand, I don’t have any subs) only started trying to raise Jin to benefit Aruto, rather than focusing through reaching Horobi… Well, if that is the case, it very much gives the air of ‘oh, it’s all fine if we just ‘erase’ the human’s ‘crime!’’ And the idea that that would make Aruto killing Jin and Horobi having to watch him die ‘okay.’ It’s the same as not recognising Gai shooting Naki bc they ‘came back.’ The trauma is still there. Honestly, I half expect, if Izu gets brought back, the people would immediately be like ‘killing Jin (and Naki) wasn’t that bad bc they came back’ would immediately be like ‘oh poor Izu that must have been so traumatising for her.’
Okay, I’m being really harsh, I’m just really frustrated.
I really care about this series. Like, despite the fact that he can’t write character relationship development to save his life, Takahashi makes me fall in love w/ characters like no other. This cast has been such troopers, so stellar. I hold absolutely nothing against any of them. Igeta and Nakayama are legends and I’m proud of them.
I talk shit, but I know it’s just a tv show, I just get very emotional. And the fact is, Horobi (and esp his relationship w/ Fuwa) ended up becoming really important to me over the course of the show. HoroFuwa’s my first real… Well… It’s hard to explain, but they are like. My first ‘official’ otp. I’m not a big shipper, and I’ve struggled w/ the concept of romantic stuff in regards to my own identity in the past, I’ve always had a weird feeling of being ‘ashamed’ for thinking about that stuff. And it was HoroFuwa and a bloody kissing scene I wrote on new years that really just… It meant a lot to me, I feel like I became more comfortable w/ myself bc of them.
Which is totally not what you wanted on your Ask, sorry. ^^; I’m just trying to explain why I, personally, get so riled up. Ultimately, the show owes me nothing, I am nowhere near the target audience. But for someone whose depression often manifests as apathy… When I care, I care. So it’s… It’s been a ride. To say the least.
I’m sorry I went so off topic and personal. ^^’ Y’all didn’t come here for that, I know.
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