#I think he’d love to teach you to fight bc you Also have to be strong. like him
what-the-fic-khr · 4 months
Hello I hope this ask finds you well! Happy to see the tea prompts again bc they’re so so so cute 🫖🥹
I have a fewww ideas.. bc I just love everything about your writing and I’m curious about your take on rooibos tea w/ Squalo orrr earl grey w/ Hibari (I absolutely adore the way you characterize himshdnshdjdh)
If neither of those suit your fancy, matcha tea with any character that comes to mind for ya? I’m excited to see your posts floating around again and know I’ll continue to love anything you pen for us🫧🤍
waaaaah thank you so much for your kind words, I appreciate it so greatly!!! I chose to do both because I’m in the mood to, and I’m so thankful for the support! I hope these are to your liking!
character/s: superbi squalo, hibari kyoya, reader-insert (gender-neutral)
word count: —
warnings: huh. nothing for once
prompt: tea prompts (rooibos tea, earl grey tea)
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rooibos tea; what’s their favourite thing to do with their s/o?
Squalo’s either a huge fan of resting or hates it entirely. for the sake of this, it’s not resting per se, but… he likes to relax with you, very specifically. even if he’s working; being able to actually relax is rare, and nice. watch for if he removes his sword with you around; he likes to do maintenance on it with you around because it’s not stressful, not work, and with you. it’s a sign of comfort and vulnerability
You were complaining about something, rolling around on the floor beside him as you went on and on. He didn’t care much about all the movement; you maintained a good distance so you wouldn’t knock into him.
“Besides, it was stupid to begin with and if they’d listened to me in the first place it wouldn’t have happened at all!”
You glanced over at Squalo, stretching your arms out to rest your head on. He glanced up at your silence, and his shoulders slumped. This didn’t stop him from polishing his blade, the action repetitive, calming, like habit.
He huffed when you smiled in that silly, dreamy way you did when you were enamoured with something. It still had to take some getting used to, seeing it directed at him.
“Nothin’. You look so nice and relaxed for once. Boss is gonna kick that out a window once you’re done.”
He grumbled something under his breath at this. It wouldn’t last very long, but still. He felt relaxed, for once. The soothing motions of sharpening and polishing his sword was a comfort to him. You rolling around on the floor like a kid was a comfort to him.
“I’m not goin’ anywhere for at least another half hour.” Your eyes started to light up at this, and he almost laughed at the way you started kicking your feet back and forth in the air. “You’re stuck with me until then.”
“Favourite thing to be stuck with.”
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early grey tea; how did they court their s/o?
if he’s an adult, he’d be… a bit more normal lol. I think he’d be very careful while getting to know you, but he’d like to show you how strong and reliable he is. y’know, adult in the mafia kind of stuff. younger though, he’d be a lot more… of a loser about it. he’d want to make sure you can also look after yourself in the future with him! so he’d stick to you like glue at school, be suuuuper annoying and stuff. fight, probably.
“Can’t you go easy on me or something at least?!”
“Doing that won’t keep you alive in a real fight, will it?”
You made a loud noise of complaint, but you still got back onto your feet to return to your original position. Kyoya gripped his tonfa a little tighter, nodding to himself.
If you could not even get up and keep training, there would be no point in trying.
There was potential in you he knew was there, and he’d be damned if the one he’d grown attached to would get killed because you didn’t try to get stronger. It only made sense to him that the one who put you through this was him and no one else. No one else would take it seriously.
“Get ready, then.”
You whined, but steeled your shoulders. Your gaze on him sharpened, eyes narrowing, and he felt his lips twitch up into a smirk.
Exactly the spark he wanted to see.
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ghxstmxchine · 1 year
ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ'ꜱ ᴄʟᴏᴛʜᴇꜱ
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☆ ᴀ/ɴ: letting myself be a teensy bit self indulgent on my first post bc this is my favorite thing ever. super excited to start posting more on here!
☆ ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟꜱ: SFW // includes: Miles, Hobie, Miguel & Pavitr (x gn!reader) // w.c: 0.8k
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ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴀʟᴇꜱ
Not the biggest fan of people stealing his clothes especially when everything he owns means so much to him, but when it comes to you, he’s always willing to make exceptions
He might be a bit shocked when you show up wearing the jacket he’s been tearing his room apart looking for, but he’s quick to reassure you that you can keep it and even wants you to take it
It’s different when it comes to you, he knows it comes from a place of love. You adore him so much that you want at least something of his to keep with you, especially with how busy his schedule tends to be
It’s not a one way agreement though, he most definitely returns the sentiment by taking something of yours. He likes having something that reminds him of you, it makes him feel safer sometimes
Will completely deny that it’s yours whenever you point it out, but his smile is giving him away as you chase him around trying to reclaim your jacket.
“Miles, is that my jacket?” “No? I bought this.” “It’s literally my jacket.” “Okay, then why does it fit me so well? Might as well be mine” “Miles…”
Goes clothes shopping but keeps you in mind while buying stuff
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ʜᴏʙɪᴇ ʙʀᴏᴡɴ
Always so quick to compliment how something of his looks on you, He can’t help but be such a flirt and it’s a nice surprise to see something he loves on someone he loves, he has to make sure you know how good you look 
When it comes to things such as his battle vest, he offers to make you one or at least teach you but you stubbornly only take his which he teases you for plenty because you can’t seem to get enough of him
Since you both seem to be sharing it anyways, he’ll let you add on pins or patches that you like. He also never complains if you accidentally tear it because it’s just an excuse to add another patch
When he takes your clothes he’s very loud and proud about it, walking around shamelessly in something you own. (“Don’t I look good? Almost looks better on me, don’t you think love?)
Claims that your clothes are much more comfortable than his but he’s not one to ever care about buying new things so he definitely takes advantage of anything you may have just bought
He’s very careful with your clothes, it’s almost a miracle how he never gets anything (dirt, makeup, blood, etc.) on it. For someone so punk he's so stubborn with keeping your things clean & undamaged
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ᴍɪɢᴜᴇʟ ᴏ'ʜᴀʀᴀ
He’s tricky, he’ll be a bit annoyed if it’s anything he needs at the moment but doesn’t complain if it’s anything else. He might make a comment about making sure not to ruin it but with the way he’s looking at you all day, you know he’s all bark and no bite
Flips some possessive switch on in his head and suddenly he’s looking at you like you’re some meal, he gets a lot more touchy when he sees you in something of his but won’t admit it
Even when he asks you to give it back to him by the end of the day, he never pesters you about it again, too busy staring at how good you look
Very, very rarely will ever take anything that’s yours. Half of the time it’s on accident when he’s trying to find something of his in the dark bedroom, and it’s even harder to get him to admit that it’s yours
He’s too scared he’ll ruin something of yours if he gets into a fight, especially since you take such good care of what you steal from him. He’d rather accept small things like bracelets or rings to wear
Make him one of those friendship bracelets and he’ll wear it till it falls apart
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ᴘᴀᴠɪᴛʀ ᴘʀᴀʙʜᴀᴋᴀʀ
Will completely gush for hours about how good you look in anything of his. He feels so honored that you chose something of his to wear, especially if it makes you feel comfortable
He just can’t get over it, he’s such a hopeless romantic and you wearing his clothes is automatically so romantic to him. He’s also super quick to offer up something of his if you ever need it
It always smells so good, he takes super good care of his belongings and has a very distinct cologne he wears that rubs off on everything he wears. Also his clothes are super soft, overall they’re very comfortable
He’s not one to take anything without asking, he could be freezing to death and still make sure with you that it’s okay for him to take a jacket. He’s very big on respecting others’ belongings
Wears your jacket with him on patrol sometimes, much like Miles he finds it comforting to have something from you while he’s patrolling, especially on taxing days
Washes and folds everything before returning it to you because he’s just an absolute sweetheart. He’ll let you keep anything of his for as long as you want, he’s not one to complain
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ginkgo-phyta · 4 months
Can I request Spencer (later seasons, post prison era) gifting his gf an initial necklace, but the pendant is his initial?
"This is nice, Spence, but my name doesn't start with an 'S'."
"Yeah, but mine does, and you're mine."
Feel free to take it as far as you like 😏
A/N: ehehe yes ofc, i love thissss, but also a lil funny bc my name DOES start with an S :P so imma change the dialogue a bit. keepin dis sweet- there is a lil steamy moment for like two sentences however mostly this is fluff, hope you enjoy it, my love!
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Fluff, no warnings (?), gender neutral language (im p sure, lemme know if i missed something!), 2.5k words
Spencer’s apartment is flooded with the music of joy; light jazz pours from an old style radio in the living room, your shared laughter tumbles into the rest of the place from the small kitchen, the sound of knives and forks scraping decorated ceramic plates signals the end of a well-enjoyed meal.
It was date-night for the two of you, a rare occurrence as of late due to Spencer’s teaching commitment. Initially, you were excited, thinking you would be getting more of him to yourself. You kept that thought to yourself, though, seeing how upset he initially was at not being able to help his team in the way he wanted to. That exhilaration was shut down particularly quickly as Spencer had begun bringing his work home with him. When he was working only as a profiler, sure he’d be away from you most of the time, but when he came home he’d spend all of his time present and in the moment. Now, at times, having him home almost felt worse than when he’d be away.
In the moment, however, everything was perfect. This is how you wished every night could be. The two of you bumping shoulders as you both prepare dinner; glasses of wine clinking with a cheers; old love songs serenading your flushed ears as Spencer pulls you into his arms to delicately waltz around the kitchen; his balmy eyes peering down into yours, speaking words of love and comfort. This serene feeling of domesticity was addicting. Life had been a whirlwind the past year, with it only being about six months since Spencer came home from prison. Things were jarringly different at first, both of your lives changing the way being wrongfully imprisoned changed Spencer, but you didn’t care. You could fight every battle life threw your way as long as your beautiful boy was by your side. Some days were more difficult than others, when Spencer would be reminded of the atrocities he witnessed in jail or what he had to do to survive. He’d isolate himself, snap at you, or push you away; but this evening was a good night- it almost felt like you had your old lover back.
“Dinner was delicious, angel.” Spencer beamed at you from the other side of his compact dining table, using his cloth napkin to wipe at the corners of his lips. 
“Well,” you chuckled, pushing out of your seat to collect both of your plates, “you helped me, that’s probably why.” 
Spencer quickly followed your movements, whisking the dishes out of your hands with a sweet kiss pressed to your cheek before taking them to the sink. “It was all you, beautiful.” he had whispered against your skin while leaving your side. 
You silently shook your head, picking up your wine and water glasses to be washed. “Should I dry?” you questioned as he turned on the faucet, pulling a tea towel from the cabinet below you. 
Spencer shook his head, “It’s okay, they can air dry.” he spoke with a little shrug.
“Okay!” you responded bright-eyed, throwing the towel down onto the counter next to you, a bit too excited at the prospect of not doing anything. Your reaction peeled an infectious laugh from Spencer's beautifully cerise lips, his nose scrunching involuntarily. You could stand there and just watch him exist for the rest of eternity. 
And you did just that for a minute, took in the sight of him humming along to the jazz standard wafting in from the other room, engrossed in scrubbing the food stuck to the pans you cooked in. His jawline and upper-lip were shadowed in scruff, trailing down the sides of his Adam’s apple. His hair was long now, wavy and pushed back from his face, exposing his strong forehead and giving you unrestricted access to gaze into his gentle cinnamon eyes. The years passing changed his appearance in so many ways, and you loved every bit of it. Your eyes trailed down to graze over the top of his chest, exposed by the first few buttons of his deep cerulean shirt undone; they moved over the slopes of his broad shoulders, and down to his arms working steadfast to clean up the remnants of your meal. It didn’t escape Spencer how you were drinking him in without a care in the world, paying no mind to his elbow occasionally bumping into your torso.
“You having fun there?” he teased with a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, eyes never leaving the task at hand. His words spurred you forward. 
You simply hummed in response as you moved to stand behind him, your front pressing firmly into his back. Spencer’s eyebrow arched questioningly, but he kept his mouth shut, simply letting you do as you pleased. Your head peeked over one side of his arm, hands sliding down until they reached the cuff of his sleeve. Deftly, you began folding them up, “Just helpin you,” you mumbled as a throwaway explanation, moving to his other side to do the same. Fingernails scratched at his newly exposed forearms, your muffled giggle turning Spencer’s smirk into a wide grin. “Done!” you announced, wrapping your arms around his abdomen before nuzzling your face into his broad back. Over the barrier of fabric, the running water, and the sound of his scrubbing Spencer barely heard you ask, “Didn’t I help so much?”
His chuckle sent vibrations into your cheek, “Yes, honey, you were a big help. Thank you.” Content, you pushed your face further into his shirt. 
The two of you stood like that for a few more minutes, Spencer trying his best not to move too much in order to keep you comfortable. You haven’t back-hugged him like this since before he was framed, and he didn’t realize how much he missed it until this moment. He washed the dishes a bit slower than normal, reveling in the heart-warming scene. Soon, however, he was done. 
As soon as he turned off the water, you were off him, moving to pick up the once-forgotten tea towel and face him, leaning against the edge of the sink. “Thank you for your service, soldier.” you unseriously saluted before taking each of his dripping hands in his and patting them dry. 
A titter broke through his smile as Spencer reverently gazed down at you, the way your eyes twinkled under the soft-yellow lights of his old kitchen, your beautiful hands turning his own over to attack any remaining droplets of water, your eyebrows twitching reflexively here and there in focus. The first time he laid eyes on you all those years ago he was shot in the heart by Cupid’s arrow, and it has stayed there, firm in place, ever since. 
As soon as you were done, Spencer softly cupped your face in his palms, your fingers wrapping around his wrists as he tilted your head up to look at him. He leaned down, pushing a passionate, yet gentle kiss onto your mouth. Before you could deepen it, he pulled away just enough to mumble, “I have something for you.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, and you looked up at him in confusion as he pressed one more peck to your lips before moving into the other room, your hands chasing after him. Once his words processed in your brain you perked up, excitedly following behind him.
“You got me a gift?” You question, reaching where Spencer stood at the side table by the front door, right in front of the intricate, gold trimmed mirror you hung up just last week. Your eyebrows furrowed as you watched Spencer pick up the weekly newspaper, “Uh, you got me the…local paper?”
With a roll of his eyes, Spencer wordlessly pulled you to him by the waist, mimicking your earlier actions by pressing his front into your back. You stumbled a bit, catching yourself by grabbing onto the forearm wrapped around your torso, holding you up, Spencer’s fingers digging into your waist. You peer at him curiously through the mirror before he whispers in your ear. 
“Look,” he motions down with his chin, and you do as you’re told. Spencer moves the haphazardly folded newspaper to the side, revealing a glimmering deep emerald velvet box. From the size of it, you could tell it was some jewelry other than a ring. You gasped in shock, not even having seen its contents. “Spencer…” your voice was meek and unbelieving. 
He watched you through the mirror, his cheek pressed against your temple as he opened the box before you. Your alluring eyes widened to their limits, hands flying up to cover your mouth. Your gaze whizzed to meet your lover in the reflection, “You got me a necklace??” your words dripped with incredulity. Spencer had gifted you generously in the past- rare books, handmade accessories, clothing you had your eye on, tickets to see your favorite artists live- but never before had he bought you jewelry. You never minded, content with wanting the first piece he gives you to be an engagement ring. That being said, this surprise moved you immensely. You took in the gorgeous necklace shining proudly up at you. A dainty chain in the metal you wore the most, in the middle sat a heart-shaped locket, no bigger than the tip of your pinky-finger. Before you could speak again, Spencer shifted to open the locket for you, revealing two pictures. One was older, taken at JJ’s wedding; Penelope had been going around taking photos of everyone and as soon as she neared the two of you, Spencer scooped you up into his arms as if you were the bride. The moment frozen in time showed you in the midst of a bellowing laugh, clutching to Spencer’s shoulders in shock, with your boyfriend looking upon you as if you were an angel incarnate, an equally wide smile plastered across his face. The second photo was more recent; you had invited the whole team out to a picnic brunch shortly after Spencer was released and this time Emily was the one taking candid photos. The two of you were cozying up at the edge of the yellow gingham blanket, Spencer's arms wrapped tightly around your figure rested between his legs. In the photo, his hand was cupping your jaw, tilting your face up to bring your lips close to his, the snapshot proudly showcasing his grinning mouth just centimeters from your own with the sunlight stretching out in the background. 
“Oh, Spencer,” you were at a loss of words, your fingers hesitantly tracing the silhouette of the pendant, “It’s so beautiful, my favorite pictures…” you murmured. 
Spencer hummed and nodded in response, setting the box down to take the necklace out of its confines. He straightened behind you, stretching the necklace out in front of your face, “Let me put it on you, baby.” he whispered, mouth barely moving. 
You happily obliged as he brought the chain closer to your neck, moving your hair to one side to better allow him to clasp it behind you. Spencer watched you the whole time through the mirror while your eyes were fixated on the necklace. The cold metal of the locket hitting your warm skin caused a minuscule gasp to part your plump lips, but Spencer noticed it all. The way your chest rose and fell faster, chasing after your quickened heart; the way you drew your bottom lip in between your teeth; your uncertain hands grasping at his trouser legs behind you. Once the chain was secured, the locket resting perfectly in the dip of your collar bones, Spencer placed soft, warm kisses to the exposed skin of your shoulders and neck, holding eye contact with you with each; even as he moved your hair to dutifully pepper the other side. You sighed as his arms returned to engulf your waist, tighter than before, your hands moved to rest on top of his. He noticed your eyelids flutter close just for a moment, taking him in, before they opened again and your gaze shifted back down to the reflection of the necklace. Your eyes glinted with uncertainty upon noticing the engraving on the locket you hadn’t fully processed earlier. 
“‘S’...” you spoke, reading the letter dangling from your neck. You kept your inflection steady, trying to make it seem like you knew exactly what it stood for, but Spencer knew you better than that. Before you could make any assumptions, he spoke up.
“For ‘Spencer’.” he stated matter-of-factly, his face moving up from your shoulder to rest against your temple again. 
You smiled at him, more confused than before, “But aren’t you supposed to put my initials on it. You know, cuz it’s my necklace?”
“No,” he murmured sternly against your hair. Spencer’s left hand slipped down to grab onto your right hip, his right hand traveling up your sternum to thumb over the locket before splaying out to rest just below your throat, the heart pendant resting on the back of his hand.
Another, louder gasp sucked through your lips as Spencer tugged you closer to him, your back arched a bit as it stretched, bum pushing into his groin. 
“I put my initial,” he started again, heading dipping down to mouth against the shell of your ear, his eyes looking at you in the mirror through his cocoa lashes had you biting your lip, “Because you’re mine. And now everyone will know it.”
Suddenly, you whipped around in Spencer’s arms, throwing your own over and around his neck, hugging his body close to yours. He stumbled back a bit in shock, grabbing onto your lower back to steady himself before a laugh shook through his shoulders. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you enthusiastically repeated, pressing kisses along his stubbled jawline with every word. “I love it so much, Spencer.” you pulled back all the way to stare up at him, gaze filled with genuinity. One of your hands remained on the back of his neck, the other coming down to fiddle with the locket, “This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten.” 
His previously mischievous demeanor melted off his back as Spencer drank in how you dripped sweetness. “I’m so happy to hear you say that, honey.” His hands rubbed up and down your back. “I know things have been…complicated lately. I’ve been distant and cold, which I want to apologize for, but you’ve been beside me through it all. You’re my rock, and I just wanted to show you a bit of my gratitude.” 
You shook your head as you pushed up onto your tippy-toes to kiss him again, the hand on your locket moving to lightly scratch at the side of his neck.
“I’m all yours,” you muttered against his lips, tilting your head to the other side to slot yours upon them again. You pulled away after a couple seconds, “You don’t have to thank me, my love. I know you would do the same for me.” You pressed a few more kisses to Spencer’s supple lips before pulling back again, causing him to huff. “Are you mine?” you whisper.
Innocent doe-eyes coupled with a small pout had a quiet groan dragging from Spencer’s throat. He brought a hand up to trace your bottom lip with his thumb before tangling his fingers in your hair, 
“I’m yours, baby.” he nodded. “Only yours.” With that, he pulled you back in for a sensual kiss.
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A/N: omg sorry if this sucks im so sleepy right nowwwww it took so long to write this for some reason i cant process words properly but i wanted to finish this! i loved writing this piece, and i hope y'all like reading it. ANON! how'd i do?
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sunnitheapollokid · 2 months
more leo x daughter of poseidon pls!!!
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leo valdez x daughter of poseidon headcanons & bonus blurb for y’all <3
📬 sunni’s notes : you got it artist!!! i’m having so much fun writing these two NSBAHAB like cmon. but can we talk about HOW MUCH I LOVE AND MISS THE BEACH i haven’t seen the beach in like two years it makes me wanna curl up and cry </3 and this fireboy and watergirl thing RAAAHHH also which do you guys prefer as a leo face claim?? because i use benoftheweek alot (also bc hes one of my comfort ytbers) im totally not biased. THIS IS A LITTLE SHORT SO MAYBE ANOTHER PART??? guys i actually need to shut up why is this so long okay have fun with this teehee!! lub u!!
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⊹ since most poseidon kids are from the beach, leo’s from texas, you would kind of see it as a teasing opportunity.
⊹ “how’s my lil cowboy?”
⊹ “i’m going to tape your mouth.”
⊹ even though this, leo wants to show you texas so bad.
⊹ he tells you all the good bbq places, the best rodeos in town, fucking buc-ee’s.
⊹ out of topic but yall i literally have the buc-ee’s easter shirt the hype is real i love that shirt <3
⊹ leo gets you that exact shirt. for your birthday.
⊹ since it’s the color of seafoam and it matched your eyes, he flew across manhattan and the absolute sea to get that for you for your birthday.
⊹ you chuckled at the beaver at the front of the shirt but you loved the effort regardless.
⊹ if you could, you would wear that shirt to sleep every night.
⊹ it’s canon that leo cooks right?
⊹ good. because he loves cooking for you, not just any food, BLUE FOOD.
⊹ i’m slamming my credit card on the table.
⊹ blue pancakes, blue soup, blue tacos.
⊹ he does it just to see the smile on your face.
⊹ also, whenever he goes on quests, he manages to sneak in goldfish or whale crackers for you when he gets back because they don’t have it back at camp and they remind him of you.
⊹ leo’s on a quest with piper and jason right? they’re fighting monsters yada-yada, and they have to flee. they left their stuff behind but leo goes to grab his backpack and piper just goes,
⊹ “for zues’ sake leo, LEAVE THE BACKPACK!!”
⊹ this goes for seashells too. if the quest happens to come across like a beach, he’ll collect shells for your hair or just to have you decorate in your room.
⊹ this man is so stupid in love with you.
⊹ i like to think that leo makes cute lil sea animals for you out of scrap metal.
⊹ you have a metal whale, an otter, and a jellyfish sitting by your lamp.
⊹ leo calls them your guys’ children.
⊹ you’ll accidentally slip out and cuss, and he’ll have his ears over the animals.
⊹ “don’t say that infront of bubbles baby!”
⊹ the giggle you’d let out.
⊹ gods, he’d be melting.
⊹ anyway, leo would ask percy to teach him surfing.
⊹ he can skate?
⊹ watch him surf too.
bonus blurb — longer showers? ✧˖*°࿐
leo knocked on the girls’ locker room, “she done yet?!” he yelled. piper opened the door, with a scream in leo’s face, “no buttface! go away!” leo groaned, burying his face in his hands as piper slammed the door.
when you’re a daughter of poseidon, who happened to be leo’s girlfriend, you usually take longer showers. like, long showers. showers that can maybe even last the whole day.
and poor leo was suffering by the other side of the door, his girlfriend already spending an hour and a half in the shower.
“i am going to die out here.” leo mumbled to himself. and after waiting another half an hour by the steps and getting weird stares from other campers, (name) stepped out with her hair dry, perfect, and covered in pretty white shells. “oh hey baby.”
leo lifted his head up and, “FINAAALLYY.”
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gojosatorailme · 1 year
How Lookism characters would eat you out
- Daniel, vasco, zack, gun, goo, Dg
Daniel Park
He’s a virgin. Cant expect much homie
I’d expect him to be a quick learner so he’d look at you throughout it, very experimental with it
Soft kitten licks soft kitten licks soft kitten licks.
Oh? You like it here instead? Okay! He’ll go crazy 💯
Id see him as quite shy and nervous as he wouldn’t know what he’s doing though he’d get more comfortable and confident with reassuring words!
As he gets more used to it you’ll be in tears
Soft and sensual licks, his face buried inside you flicking his tongue the way he knows drives you crazy
UI Daniel on the other hand… a menace. Absolute menace.
Forget walking bby you’ll forget how to think all together
Goodluck soldier
He’s so cute I feel like he’d be so dumb and lick the left flap
Like I KNOW he’d do smt wrong by accident bc the poor guys just so confused
Somehow has a charm to him like somehow
Maybe it’s bc his milkers are so large you get delusional or maybe it’s bc his abs are all sweaty and he looks hot but theres SOME CHARM THERE
Vascos so cute
Would put your release before his like it’s a priority he’d put the burn knuckles on the line for it
Wants to make you feel good so teach him the way and he’d do wonders
Zack Lee
Stop joking honey hes a taken man
Keep scrolling home wrecker 🤬🤬
joking he’s also in the virgin gang ^^
Whole worrywart
He’d ask if he’s doing this right, if you feel good, or literally anything
I see him as a body worshipper or like he’d be into praise
Pls tell him he’s doing a good job
Very sweet I love zack
Still a taken man tho keep scrolling boo 😒
Would he even eat you out or would he get straight to pounding your brains out let’s think for a second
Have a strong feeling he’d be so aggressive
Strong and power licks. Like not even kidding
Have you seen his body maybe he does tongue workouts too u never know??
You want him to go slower? He’ll go faster. You want him to go faster? He’ll go slower. You want him eat you out at all? He’ll dip.
He’s such a menace for what
yk how he takes glasses off during fights? He does it while eating u out and I find it so oddly hilarious
Imagine he outs the glasses on and somehow gets turned on by it GOODBYE
Slaps ur genital area?? He’s mean. He’s just mean.
This is supposed to be like nsfw but it’s a parody atp I feel like gun was such a leash kid it’s so funny HE PROBS BIT A TEACHER IM FALLING IT IDK
He’ll go feral on u 💯 dick in or tongue in idc he’s a beast
He’d degrade u Roo like calling u a little slut for being turned on by how mean he’s being with u
Better get the bag before u think abt getting his tongue
u silly thing
He’d laugh idk and the vibrations would make your eyes roll back and ur all shivering
Would lick the left flap. But on purpose.
Teases u on purpose hes just so mean
he would listen to u either like no going fast hed go slow no going slow her go fast HES JUST LIKE GUN MF
Dg/James Lee
Theres a lot to say but a lot not to say.
Eye contact. Mega eye contact.
Him as James Lee? A menace. I mean it’s already Canon that he’s a menace so why do u think he won’t be one in the bedroom?
ur so silly!
He’s James Lee the living legend of the first gen that’s know to be the best at literally every fucking thing HE WON POETRY LIKE MAD RESPECT IM SO BAD AT POETRY
If he’s good at everything he’s probably a god in the bedroom
Maybe I’m biased and I love James but. Yeah.
You’ll be screaming, crying, fucked out, and all but keep going u got this!
him as DG however…
The same. Literally the same.
Both would be such a tease.
Also part of the mean group those little fuckers
He’s so unexpected to like could he giving u small kitten licks one second and the next his tongue is faster than flash like in being so fr
To conclude, he’s a god in the bedroom and I’d like to experience it first han-
The sex legend
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reidlita · 10 months
i say, "you the bestest"
hockey player! miguel x reporter! reader
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warnings?: munch miguel 24/7 ikdr💯 degration, daddy kink, petnames (he calls you a slut and puck bunny in the blurb lol), hard sex, angry sex, blowjobs lol, chubby chaser miguel is real, dom! miguel x sub! reader but not cray cray, reader is a brat lol, afab reader, locker / public sex, breeding kink lol, choking
a/n: minors dni or ur universe is collapsing next <3. i’m canadian and hockey players r my everything, and so is miguel!! not edited / proofread
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you didn’t like him at first, bc he was grumpy and you thought he was an asshole!! but then you caught his eye while you were doing an after game report and it was game over.
you officially meet at a bar, because maybe you’re friends with one of the other players. he offers to buy you a drink, and obviously you agree because free alcohol (unless u don’t drink lol)… it ends in sex.
he snatches ur number and eventually you fall into a fwb thing, then eventually a proper relationship.
your relationship gets exposed when you two are out together and it’s all over the news— and you get into an angsty fight over it. because miguel’s worried ab ur safety but you’re just annoyed he’s pushing you away!!
miguel would be the team captain me thinks, and his number would be nine… idk why nine. he just seems like a nine guy. i think he would either be the goalie or defense.
ughh omg so like. another guy at the game is flirting with you, and miguel notices, so he slams off his helmet and bangs on the glass to tell him to fuck off >>> UGH
or another opponent from the other team starts talking about you and he just loses his shit😭because nobody can talk about his bunny without him rocking their shit.
would teach u how to ice skate, and would laugh when you fall but help you up with concern!!
gets jealous so easily it’s funny. he’s super protective and possessive— not in a beating up anyone you talk to way— because he wants u 2 be safe!!!
he goes HARD. and by hard i mean like, will having you cumming four times and sobbing. in a good way!!! ofc if you want he’ll be gentle, or sappy sex is also something he adores.
i think in this consent would be super big for him. because he’s exposed to things and photographed etc without his consent 24/7, and he hates it. he just wants privacy! so he’s always asking if you’re okay, how you are, if you want or need anything.
he’d definitely call you bunny. because like— puck bunnies. he’d think it was funny. would also call you baby, sweetheart, and angel!!! on the receiving end i think this version would like daddy! usually he’d enjoy just his name or something sweet like babe, miggy, migs, etc; but if you’re into it then go ahead!
fave position?… i think he’d like doggy style, 69, and cowgirl. if you’re 69ing with him, trust he will ravaging ur pussy like ur quivering and shaking around his dick ma😭😭.
LOVES recieving and giving!! give him a blowjob and he’s crazy. he just loves seeing you on his knees for him, your eyes tearing up and drool spilling down your pretty little lips :( would prefer cumming down your throat but again… glasses. he’d cum on ur face with no complaint <3
this man would fuck you on the phone. like, your a busy woman, and if someone calls you while he’s fucking you? don’t be shy, pick it up. if you weren’t into that he wouldn’t make you, comfort and consent is his top priority.
aftercare king? like? always makes sure you have a water bottle in cause you need water, always makes sure you have what you need!! loves cuddling you. he’s the big spoon!
he’d have a warm body but cold hands. oftentimes you’ll wake up with his hands creeping up your shirt or in between your thighs!! sometimes you just wake up with him nibbling at your tits lol
ASS MAN!!! he loves your ass. like he’s your asses #1 fan. sometimes he’ll just talk to it. will corner you when you’re in the kitchen, grabbing onto ur ass and is like “missed you s’much, baby.” your about to reply until he pinches your ass and you realize he’s not talking to you 😭.
into degration and praise, but he likes degration the most i think. (with consent) would call you a slut and make fun of you for being cock hungry. would call you a puck bunny lol, all to see you roll your eyes. loves to just use you as a toy, fucking you until your limp and crying :((
brat tamer!! brat tamer!!!!!!!!
once again, miguel’s a chubby chaser. love him. like he wants u to choke him with your thighs 🤍
would fuck you in the locker room after a game.
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“m-fuck— miguel!” you cry out, fingers grasping at the silver coaking of the locker. he grunts in reply, his fingers digging marks into your pretty little ass.
“what?” he hisses, leaning forward to whisper into your ear, “you like getting fucked like a— hah, slut? in my locker room?”
you shake your head, drool pilling at your lips as your cheek presses against the locker. the cold of the metal flutters against your skin, a welcoming feeling to the warmth beneath.
“n…ah… no,” you whimper, arching your back when he brutually thrusts into you. a rhythm of one two three that makes you moan out hoarsely.
“no?” he coo’s, voice sickly sweet, sending sharp shivers down your spine, “almost like y-you’re not letting yourself get banged into my l—mf— locker.”
you moan obscenely, clenching around him when his hips stutter. “‘s too much, mig—uel!”
“what? my little puck bunny can’t handle it?” miguel scoffs, head dipping to nip at your neck. “well, that’s just too bad, ain’t it?”
you babble, voice cracking as you sniffle. his hand crawls to your throat, pulling you into a chokehold. your eyes widen, a sob racking through your throat and his grin is shakey.
“fuckin’— shit, look at me, bunny.” he groans, eyes peering into your wide and blown out ones, “little cunt gripping my c…cock. you enjoy being fucked like a toy?”
you nod your head, eyes shutting close as your fingernails claw at his arms. the muscles of them ripple against your grasp, and when you drag your nails down his arms his thrusts hiccup.
“yesyesyes,” you cry, tongue lolling out into the curved side of your lips.
“ohh, fuck, ‘m gonna cum.” miguel whispers, and chokes out a muffled moan when you clench around him. “yeah? y-ah, you want me to cum inside y’baby?”
your head twists to the side, panting as you bob your head. “yes, pl—oh, my god. please, daddy,”
his hips falter, and his head presses against the crook of your neck when he spills inside you. his groan vibrates against your neck, and you spasm around him as your cum again.
… he has to release that tension somehow, yeah?
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just-jordie-things · 7 months
Yuji would be the best bf ever, I’ll defend that hc forever
He’d always make sure to bring you some little souvenirs when he’s on missions away, would always call to let you know he’s alright and to jnow you are okay as well. He’d answer your calls immediately. The amount of SAP that Sukuna would have to watch whenever you’re with Yuji.
No one can tell me that boy wouldn’t be the absolute most precious bf ever. You’re not feeling good? He’s there INSTANTLY. You’re sick? HE GETS YOU MEDS AND MAKES YOU FOOD. You just wanna get out and get fresh air? He’s by your side, basically carrying you anywhere you wanna go. You wanna see a silly movie that’s usually absolutely not his genre? He already bought the tickets for it, no worries.
I’ll die on that hill, yuji itadori would be the sweetest, gentlest, most perfect boyfriend and spoil you rotten with love and affection and compliments.
~ Nanami flowershop anon
ok ok ok here's just some cute random yuuji bf headcanons bc he doesn't get enough love and i am also an accomplice in that
even if he doesn't like your taste in music, he'll listen to all of your favorite artists just to be familiar with them. will also try to keep up with their socials enough to know when a new album is dropping or if they're going on tour. he'd happily go to that concert with you, too. you'd honestly never know he didn't even like the music lol
paints. your. nails. he'd start off by helping you with your dominant hand which can be a bit tricky, but eventually he's just so good at it and he finds it so calming that he just does it all for you.
definitely participates in your skin care routine just to have extra time to spend with you. then he realizes this stuff actually works and he enjoys that, too
he's ALWAYS stocked up on pads/tampons whatever your preference is, he gets exactly the kind you like and makes sure it never runs low
only makes his bed when he knows you're coming over
whenever he hugs you he can't help but pick you up and swing you around a bit. he definitely loves carrying you and just having you in his arms
will sing loudly in the shower, even if you're also there and trying to have some ~sexy bubble time~. if his jam comes on, all hope is lost.
his wallpaper is always you, but he does change the photos constantly. even daily. megumi tried to teach him how to use widgets for reminders, but yuji realized he could just have more photos of you :)
my god also you're so sappy sometimes that megumi and nobara have to walk away, but sukuna doesn't have that option, so he's just stuck there watching you have an i love you more fight while cuddled up and kissing and he's revolted. he's popped out to threaten you both on numerous occasions but nothing's ever really come of it (and maybe i simp for sukuna a bit and think i'm sooo different but i think he'd have a teensy weensy soft spot for you after a while)
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rosemaryandarsenic · 2 years
Gareth HC's (NSFW, Minors DNI 18+)
he’s a Dr. Pepper or root beer guy, sometimes he irritates you bc he doesn’t drink enough water 
Anxious person to the max doesn’t fidget unless he’s thinking really hard and then he taps on EVERYTHING. Likes getting high with Eddie because it calms him dow, has the worst separation anxiety on the planet but only once he’s close with you. 
Not a smiler unless he has to, people think he’s mad all the time but it’s just his face. When he does smile it’s contagious, lots of dimples. 
Obsessed with physical contact in a quiet way, he’s not big on PDA but he’ll always be touching you somewhere. If you’re dating it’s footsie under the table or holding your hair, messing with your hair, walking with his hand in your pocket. If it’s platonic, he’d always find a way to sit next to you, punches you a lot, slaps your shoulder. He likes to hug everyone when he gets drunk and if he really likes you he’ll fight you lol. 
Gets in fights constantly, like he’s a hothead. As he’s gotten older he’s gotten much better at controlling it but he still loses it sometimes. One time some guy grabs your butt at a bar and you get mad and Gareth is just there holding a chair like, step aside sweetheart I’m gonna bash his head in 😂 
Only gets mad when other people get hurt, will just get sad if it’s himself. He’s tough but he’s a sweetheart who’s way too protective of his friends and loved ones. 
Speaking of loved ones, if you’re together then he loves to tease you. Like he’s sarcastic as shit and loves to make you squirm. 
I just know y’all would have inside jokes that only you two know, just so you could make each other blush in public without anyone else knowing why. 
He’s got siblings, gives me older or middle sibling vibes, even though he was the baby of hellfire. Absolutely has sisters. 
He’s a little insecure bc he grew up as the chubby kid but you always tell him how handsome he is. You’re constantly mumbling something like, “c’mere pretty boy” or “hey handsome”. 
He’s not overprotective or demanding but he gets jealous as fuck. If you and Eddie are close too, he and Gareth would just fight about it all the time because,  “they’re allowed to be friends with me!!” And Gareth, “just doesn’t want them to end up liking eddie instead because Eddie’s the cool one.” This is because he looks up to eddie so much but he’s got some daddy issues. 
Chaotic bi or pan, 10000%. Likes anyone, everything, he’s just not very trusting of people so it takes awhile to open up. Once he does, oh boy he’s ALOT. 
I don’t think he’s neurotypical, I feel like he def has some mood disorders besides anxiety. Def some anger issues that he spends a lot of time working on. He picked up the drums as an outlet so he’s protective over them and his practice time. 
Refuses to date other drummers even though when you play what he teaches you he drools a little. Thinks you look even hotter playing your own instrument and asks for you to sub sometimes just so he can watch you. 
He’s genuinely wholesome but also a perv! Like won’t do anything creepy just weird, for example he steals your underwear all the time and keeps a picture of you sucking on a lollipop on his ceiling. He def has a porno mag or two that he bought because they look like you. 
Hides boners frequently. Lol. 
steals your hair ties to wear on his wrist and uses one of your earrings as a pin on his vest. It’s a little black spider, you wear the other one in one of your ears so you match :) 
Okay but I saw a prompt that was like imagine his curls between your thighs as he eats you out and I….hmnnngggg 
Y’all have sex in some strange places, always quiet and tucked away but just everywhere. The school bathroom, back of his car, the treehouse in the backyard bc his parents were home, like everywhere. 
He lets you do his makeup and his nails all the time, not insecure about it at all 
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wickjump · 2 months
Ink is the kind of guy to hold blueberry by the foot backwards and hold him up like he's a guy on tinder taking a picture of a fish.
Also Swap had to teach Dream how to speak English. (instead of 1500's Spanish) it was hard.
Dream uses text to speech like a grandpa.
(yes I will keep doing this kind of stuff in your asks.)
oh absolutely. my favorite genre ever is ‘ink is caring for small children but he does not know how to do it correctly. at this time, he has no children of his own, and was never a child himself, so really can you blame him for letting the seven year old hold a lighter and a firework? the answer is yes but he’ll insist it’s a no’. so i absolutely agree. he’d pose and everything too and save it as a starred photo on his phone. swap lets him babysit one (1) time, checks in through text, and is sent that image in response. needless to say he comes home soon after
i also love dream having issues with modern language both in english and spanish. it must kind of hurt too, though. because the language he’s used his entire life is suddenly dead to the world and nobody understands a single thing he’s saying. can we talk about how TERRIFYING that must be btw? especially before he got the hand of modern english but still was fighting nightmare. he begs for nightmare to stop the fighting, but nightmare barely understands what he’s saying. it’s been five hundred years, he’s had time to learn modern english. to him, what dream is saying sounds like broken words and concepts. the words that matter most to dream are gibberish to nightmare after so long.
imagine trying to convey something, but the words don’t make sense to anyone. imagine trying to explain what happened to you, to your brother, that nightmare wasn’t always like this, and it surely isn’t his fault, something happened to him and he needs to save his brother from it, but people just stare. because you’re babbling and nobody understands a word.
i like to think swap joined the stars fairly early on, probably around the time dream had learned basic english phrases but not nearly enough. he could introduce himself, say what he needs and some other basic things, but mostly he talks in a dead language and nobody’s actually sure if ink understands what he’s saying or if he’s just nodding along. swap actually sat down and helped teach him english and was the first one to actually try and understand what dream was saying. dream probably cried lmao
he can’t read at all either i’m calling it. not only did he never learn how to as a child but the few things he might’ve picked up on back then are useless now. bc it’s a whole ass new language, what’s up with that. poor guy just wants to read a book. he probably doesn’t even recognize his own name on paper. or his brother’s :(
also the text on dream’s phone screen is giant. you know it is. he uses text to speech and a screen reader and he still goes up and asks how to work basic things. i love him he’s so old and sad
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
Hi hi hi
Thoughts on how the main 3 (or M4 😳) would realize they’re in love with mc? Like I think for some (Felix) it would come slower but for sage he’s just. Ah shit. *enters a state of denial*
I think Felix could recognize his feelings bc he felt similarly when falling for Rime. Anisa knows she has a crush on mc and is both terrified and incredibly elated. I have no idea how Rime would react but I bet it’s a mix of self-hate and anger/sadness? Maybe melancholy is a better word? Idk. I don’t think he’d be happy about it at first
Sorry if you’ve already had a similar ask-
- coffee anon (has no better name for themself anon)
I swear I've written this prompt before but I cannot for the life of me find it in the masterlist so. Here we go . Also Hi Coffee Anon I have no idea how long ago you sent this I am so so sorry I would say I'm doing my best but really I'm mentally burdened and struggle to complete basic tasks so I'm not sure that would be completely honest. I'm trying is the point.
GN!Reader, short and sweet
Felix Escellun
You're right that Felix does recognize it from when he was with Rime. And initially that kind of scares him!! Because. You know. The only reason you're here is because he tried to resurrect Rime - for entirely selfish reasons, he realizes that now - and isn't that kinda horrible of him? To drag Rime back from the dead just to fall in love with someone else?
He tries to fight it at first but it doesn't go very well.
He can't really avoid you when he's teaching you magic. He can't stop his laughter when you say something particularly clever, or his heart from swelling when you do something so small yet so thoughtful just for his sake.
It also does not help when you fall asleep on the couch in the study and he turns to tell you something and then he just,, pauses,,, can't help but watch the way the firelight plays on your face and the soft little smile you have as you dream and feel his heart flutter.
I think the moment he really admits it to himself is in the study when he begs Rime not to hurt you. And I think that's when Rime realizes that too.
Anisa Anka
We know Anisa has dated before (I think Ayanna mentions it in Chapter 3? Anisa tried to cook dinner for someone and nearly set the kitchen on fire) so I don't think it's out of the question that she might recognize the feelings. But then we have to ask, why did her other relationships fail?
Well. I think a big part of it was her lying. There comes a point in a relationship where the act of keeping secrets - no matter what they're actually about - causes a strain. The other person has to ask, what exactly is it that Anisa's hiding? And for how long? And does that mean she could hide other things?
Honestly I think half of it is in Anisa's head. She panics and cuts things off whenever her partner starts asking questions.
But you're different. You know one of her greatest secrets - her father's true identity - and you don't seem to really care.
So maybe it's upon realizing that you're so blasé about this that she starts to fall for you.
I think that Anisa probably realized it when you guys were in Rivath and exploring her old house. She realized that she really didn't mind exposing her past if it was you she was showing it too.
Also I think the uh. The confrontation with her father where you defended her probably helped cement it.
Sage Lesath
Man it really does hit Sage like a freight train.
One day you guys are just going on bounty hunts and hanging out at taverns, the next he's pushing you against a wall and kissing you until you're both out of breath and staring at the way your eyes are all half-lidded and your face is flushed and feeling the way your fingers are curled against the back of his neck and
Oh. Oh no.
And then he does deny it. Calls it a crush. Lust. Appreciation for you putting up with his dumb ass.
He starts acting like a tsundere - moreso than usual anyways. Gets huffy when you praise him but still undeniably loves it. Bites when you try to pet him but always ends up purring and nuzzling against you.
And then you're in the cultist temple and that Corrupted grabs you and starts dragging you off, and Sage has to rescue you.
And as he's looking you over to make sure you're okay, feeling his poor overwhelmed heart burn with relief, that he admits to himself that he's hopelessly in love with you.
And then Zenith starts burning and he's able to use his Relic again.
And then the Gramme stuff happens like a day or two later and I start crying
Rime Varela
Man. Okay. So. I always struggle so much with writing Rime because 75% of the time he hates us. And I think the way he acts with Felix is different from the way he would act with you, at least in certain aspects.
Personal headcanon (since it's really all I have to go off of) I think that when you do see Felix and Rime together, the way Rime acts is more along the lines of how he acted when they were first together, before he died. Part of him is afraid that if he lets on just how much he's changed, Felix will be disgusted and leave him.
But he doesn't have that problem with you.
So I think the first time he realizes he's in love with you is when he does something so completely opposite of what he would have done when he was Starsworn - when he was a good boi - and you don't seem phased. You treat him the exact same as you did a minute ago.
Oh he hates you.
But he loves how normal you make him feel, and that's where it all falls apart.
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stargirlfics · 2 years
What are your HCs for Harwin as a girldad
Saw this ask, thought about it for a bit and me and my inner child had to take a moment bc 🥺
Just have this very vivid image of Harwin scooping up his daughter and placing her on his lap or his knee and playing with her, reading or telling her old legends, maybe even a little singing even though he’s a bit shy about that (personal hc I have lol), rocking her to sleep, soothing her when she cries, when she gets hurt and needs his support
He’d always be carrying her if he can, always close by and protective, the warmest, proudest, happiest smile on his face as he watches her take in the world around her!
Also I just know in my heart Harwin would teach his daughter to use a sword, to fight and hold her own. The “Breakbones” title is absolutely going to be passed down if he has anything to do with it! Gifting her her very own sword or dagger at some point too (like Arya was given her sword, Needle!) and most important of all I think he’d just be over the moon in love with being someone so big and important in her life
It’s his most cherished role. Other than being a husband devoted to you, his partner, his daughter is also an extension of that devotion and just from the glimpses of affection and care and presence we saw him give to his boys in hotd I just know he’d be so proud every day to raise a girl and watch her grow and just give her the world
I loved this, thank you for sending this!!! I’m so soft!
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read-weep-repeat · 1 year
HI!;!2$28: ITS ME AGAIN <3 the anon from the vampy boys ask <3 ( please can i be 🎀 anon if it’s not taken? )
joonie would walk alongside her as he took her to a littles only session of the local playarea! he has to make sure his baby doesn't get hurt 24/7 ( the playarea is a 30 second walk from their house )!
bearyjinnie and standing on his hind legs with her while she’s in babyspace, trying to teach her to walk 🥺. and when she does eventually stand, they try to push eachother over ( like polar bears do ). jin is so scared to hurt her he hardly touches her and lets his cub push him over <3
yoongles and always laying on his back around her, trusting her enough to show his stomach <3. ( i’d think he’d be a puma or something instead of a normal cat! pumas are just so yoongi idk ). mewling to her like a kitten as she babbles something across the lines of “kitty cat!“ bc hes totally not an apex predator, he’s a kitty cat.
HOBI JUMPING ON HER 24/7. LICKING HER FACE TO HEAR HER GIGGLE AND LAUGH!,!::;$$ he brings her squeaky toys to chew on, but she gets scared everytime they actually squeak :(( so he buries them all and next time he goes out to get new toys, he makes sure none of them make noise <3
KITTYMIN purring and slowly blinking at her, trying to say "ilysm🫶", but baby thinks theres something in his eyes, and wipes his eyes 'gently' ( but shes a baby so, yknow ☹️ ), making jimin meow loudly in discomfort and everyone else laughing at him
taefox rubbing their noses together and happily yipping everytime she does it back <3 he'd also cuddle with her under piles and piles of blankets to "preserve heat" (its the hottest day of the year)
JUNGBUNNY RUBBING HIMSELF AGAINST HER ALLLL THEEE TIME. making sure she knows her fluffy bunny is there always!!!! standing on his hind legs whenever she gurgles "bunny stand!". he's willing to do anything she says <3
all of them hating whenever she's in a big headspace, so they force her to be a baby by putting her pacifier in her mouth and treating her naturally how they would treat their young. it works every time!
Hi!! Yes, you definitely can be!
Joonie being so intimidating when they go on walks!! omg. He'd be her scary ass escort that's smiling at her giggling and growling at dogs that come too close.
AWWW FAKE PUSH FIGHTS!! He'd just barely brush her with his fuzzy paws and dramatically fall back. I think there would be a time where to push him down, mc hugs him and hes so surprised that they both fall back together.
Also the trying to teach her to walk makes me think of the possibility of penguin! hybrid jimin (yes he's a tabby cat rn but the idea is just so cute) Penguins put their babys feet on top of theirs to teach them to walk, and imagine jimin doing it with mc!! he'd be so happy to be fufilling his more primal urge to care for her, and would gush over her excited giggles as daddy helps her walk.
You're right! He's a black panther hybrid. He'd be so soft for her. He's definitely not a big scary predator, he's her kitty kat that purrs and shows her his stomach anytime shes near. I can imagine him stalking into her room in his shifted form, looking all scary and intense, just to immediately flop onto his back when he's close enough for her to reach down and pet his stomach.
OMG HIM BURYING THE SCARY TOYS!! that's so cute. 🥺 mc would be so confused when she's big, asking where all his toys are, and he'd just smile and go "They scared my baby, so I buried them." (She'd be so touched that he did that for her, and equally embarassed that she was so scared.) He'd definitely make her go to the pet store with him when she's little, just to be completely sure that all toys are baby approved.
awww poor Minnie, just trying to tell his baby how much he loves her and gets a eyeful of fingers. They'd all find it funny as fuck, until baby starts wailing cause she hurt her kitty :( He'd have to curl up in her arms and lick at her fingers to make her stop crying.
He so would!! he needs to let out his affections for her, and the reciprocation of his more animalistic forms of affection just scratch an itch that human affection can't. He'd drag her into his little makeshift den (gently of course) and nip at the hands of any of the boys who reach into it. Can't they see that he's gettting her comfortable? so rude.
jungkook following little her around in bunny and human form, doing whatever she so cutely asks him to. :(( Making himself known with soft headbutts and chirps when she calls out for her bunny. He'd respond to her so much in bunny form that even in human form his head snaps around when she says anything close to "bunny."
While I don't think they hate her big headspace (they love all of them) they do definitely have times where her little space is just so endearing that they want to induce it. Putting her paci in her mouth, only respoding to childish speech, stopping her from doing things because she's "too little", only treating her like their young, etc. are all things they would do to get and keep her in littlespace. 100% success rate.
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Hello :) I saw your recent/pinned post. I'm assuming you'll write for lucio cuz you said you like him in another post, so just gimme literally anything for him, hcs, a minific, idc. All I ask is for some fluff (maybe some angst 👀(just as long as there's some fluff) the rest is up to you bc I'm a dumb bitch and can't think of anything specific so :/
ok so i have lots of random headcanons for Lucio and this is a good chance to share them! also i’m writing a decently sized oneshot about him so expect that too!
he loves your hair! no matter if it’s curly, straight, wavy, red, brown, blonde, short, shaved, super long, etc
it does not matter
he’ll play with it and run his hands through it constantly
he’d be sooo happy if you let him braid it
he definitely remembers how his mom taught him to put up hair
he definitely enjoys being the little spoon but he also tosses and turns so much while sleeping so you have to hold him tight or he’ll end up on the floor
remember in his route where he talks about always wanting a familiar? he still doesn’t realize Mercedes and Melchior are his familiars
if you tell him he will genuinely gape at you
“is that why i can understand what they say??”
he loves summer and the beach but he BURNS in sun
like bright red skin, sobbing, can’t move type of sun burn
you will absolutely have to use magic to heal him
also never uses sunscreen
really bad at riding horses bc he never learned as a kid and was too embarrassed to learn later on
he’s also terrified of horses
he teaches you how to fight if you don’t already know and will let you win a lot
but he’ll dramatically act like you killed him and say the only way to help is to give him a kiss or two
he snores and no one can tell me otherwise
but he’ll deny it in the morning
he has his dogs spy on people in the castle sometimes because he likes hearing the petty tea
he secretly really likes when you act responsibly and pull him out of conflict
he thinks it’s cute but he also just appreciates it bc he saves face
he pouts a lot but if he’s desperate to convince you he’ll get his dogs to do it with him
yk that one tweet where it’s someone saying like “my girl is mad at me. i hope i die.” that’s him (Julian too)
if he makes a small mistake like accidentally bumping you or forgetting to get you something he will dramatically swoop you up into his arms and kiss you
yk those images of sailors getting home and tipping their wives over to kiss them? that’s him, all the time
he’s one of those guys who’s allergic to a million things
morga will tell you all of the stories of her figuring out what he was allergic to
most of them are embarrassing
he eats some of those things anyway because he thinks he can outsmart his allergies by eating fast
he takes forever to get ready bc he’s very picky about his outfits
he’ll give you little fashion shows if you let him
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suguruplsr · 7 months
Oh my god in the shoko series would you imagen like modern r probably being like really respected sorcerer and like being super protective of maki bc she knows what it’s like growing up Zenin especially if your a girl
And also r helping to raise megumi just <3333
So much potential I love it
i can see maki spending time with reader as she grows up. reader probably lived with shoko until she found out about maki and mai. then id imagine she bought a mansion, all because she wanted the girls to have a safe place from the zenins.
i can still see mai’s view differing from makis and readers as years go by, so she’d eventually stop coming over as maki continues to question herself as she grows up. and maki most definitely looks up to reader, but after being rejected by multiple people to help her learn how to fight curses, she felt like someone as strong as reader would never want to teach her.
but it’s actually reader who suggests it. especially after instances of hearing how maki isn’t able to defend herself when the zenins get a bit aggressive in their “discipline.” and makis jumping excitement, already planning on leaving her clan with the help of reader. also, i think that after reader gained custody of maki, she gifted her with her first cursed tool other than her glasses, which would be her spear.
for megumi, i think he’d grow up around reader and shoko a lot. satoru was always out on missions out of country while reader could sometimes stay within the country. plus he probably respects reader just a bit more than satoru, especially because she spoils him, but not really in a materialistic way. like she’d definitely take him on a few missions, and help train him. all while making sure he’s okay and keeping him safe. reader for sure invites him to the girl movie nights.
the movie nights are probably something shoko suggested on starting after seeing that maki is very wrapped up in becoming stronger, not realizing that she’s still a teen who can have interests, despite her families influence and expectations.
and remember the part about her mansion? maki and megumi definitely have keys to go there, but they bond a lot by taking care of the place whenever she’s gone. like i can imagine maki beating yujis ass if he had accidentally broke one of readers plates. or if panda stepped in the garden that readers sweet gardener takes care of every week.
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Ooh, maybe Morro for the doodle and opinions game thing lol 👀
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Ahhh shadow the hedgehog! I mean, Morro. I’ll be honest tho, this guy has some wasted potential both in universe and as a writing standpoint. I love a good edgy parallel main character and he definitely has an interesting backstory and I wish we got more of him. Idk this is an unpopular opinion but s5 isn’t my favourite (although as I say that, I watched the first 3 episodes this morning and really enjoyed it lol) since it’s a little all over the place. But he’s still very interesting so I’ll get into it. (Note after drawing him and over analysing him for like an hour, I like him even more than I did when I started writing this lol)
(Ps: currently as of this post, I have no more suggestions so feel free to spam my inbox bc I like writing essays on legos and also drawing)
Morro is actually an orphan (or abandoned idk) which is big sad, and Wu finds him when he’s pretty young and he looks pretty experienced in foraging bins for trash which suggests he’s been alone for a while. Although it’s interesting he, as an orphan child, decided he specifically wanted to climb that huge ass mountain to find rubbish. Maybe he’s always been ambitious and decided “yep I can climb a mountain” or maybe he caused trouble in a village somewhere and had to run away, and decided the mountain was a safe, quiet bet. Either I love how Wu found a child and was like “yeah I’ll teach it to kill”. I don’t think Wu should’ve been allowed to have a child actually. But I’ve noticed, in Ghost Story, Wu talked about how when the fsm died he said he’d leave a message to find his tomb and Wu never found it. Kinda sounds like Wu has daddy issues. And so this arc is now about generational trauma. I think the fsm, yknow as an escapee of war himself, probably raised Wu and Garmadon quite strictly and Wu probably grew up with a lot of pressure, first as practically a demigod, and second as one who bares the duty of stopping/saving his brother from evil. So what does a man who was raised as a warrior at a young age do when he sees a young child? Try and raise it in the only way he knew how. Wu also having to deal with Garmadon leaving and also getting ghosted by Misako at the same time so I think Morro’s company would’ve been nice. The discovery of Morro’s elemental power is interesting because we know that wind was one of the elements, the fsm hadn’t mastered, so wu may have never even encountered it. Also since a lot of the elemental masters are shown to be fighters, it might mean that the EMs typically take up some sort of fighting job in general. Could that mean Morro’s parents may have died or got lost to combat? Maybe that’s why he had his powers so young. The more you think about it, the more tragic it gets. I think, with how much of a good omen Morro seemed to be, Wu probably expected he was the green ninja. Morro definitely would’ve had some hero complex, he came in, made his master’s life a lot less lonely, he’s gonna save the world and help Wu fix things with his family. And when he’s not that, he ends up doing a lot of unnecessary and concerning things to prove himself. He gets a little loopy (and honestly it would’ve been sick if they leaned into that in the present plot actually). Morro ends up leaving to go find the Fsm’s tomb and mannn you can tell how brutally militant the fsm and Wu’s relationship was when the former literally makes visiting his grave a test of honour for his son (Ik he also was hiding the realm Crystal but yeah). And Morro leaves. Which is such a L, especially for Wu considering Wu’s father left him with barely a hint of where he died, Garmadon left him to train far away, Misako also, like everyone leaves Wu. Maybe that’s why Wu didn’t go after him. Not only did Wu tell Morro about the green ninja but also about the fsm’s tomb which lead him to his death, so yeah it makes sense why Wu would be so secretive. Because not only did the prophecy push Morro over the edge, if Wu never talked about his father Morro may not have died.
Morro has a really cool intro to the series, from the VA change of the night guard, to Lloyd screaming off screen, and then the fight at the monastery in the dark, his aesthetic, pathetic fallacy (cool weather sets the mood) and his theme, it’s very cool. I do wish though, we got more of a visualisation of Lloyd and Morro fighting for control it could even have tied back to Garmadon and his evilisation yknow? Also Morro unfortunately has a redemption at death arc which is generally disappointing. He changes his mind about all his bitterness without really any reasoning. Wu doesn’t do anything in the season really until at the very last moment, and it just comes out of nowhere. Like s5 is not on my rewrite list but if I could change anything, one of those things would be giving Morro internal conflict. Make Morro feel Lloyd’s love for his family, make Morro briefly doubt what he’s doing and miss Wu. And mannn I wish Wu played more of a role in this season, in regards to Morro. Like Wu never got to see his own father’s tomb.
I get it though, there’s a lot happening with wu already since he’s trying Nya. I do like how he’s reluctant to tell Nya about her powers especially in the season where the villain is a villain because Wu said too much. Morro and Nya also have a few parallels, both are unable to handle failure and struggle to adapt when their life changes. It’s cool because we get to see Nya succeed where Morro didn’t (and that’s why she’s allowed to wear green). I think honestly this season should’ve had more Kai development considering Kai and Morro basically have the same plot, and it would’ve really wrapped up the staff scene in s4. Like maybe with Kai telling Morro of how he avoided being like him, how Kai chose to protect others instead of trying to earn a title that he didn’t need. Maybe that would have then played into Morro’s redemption later on.
Also how come Morro got sent the cursed realm? Well I have a theory but this is basically Ninjago speed run angst percentage. So to go to the cursed realm ya got to get cursed. So what if Morro managed to curse himself? Like his swore he’d find the tomb or else he’d go to the cursed realm and him making a verbal oath actually held weight because spooky superstition. Maybe he dabbled in dark magic to help him on his quest. Idk I just think it’s poetic that Morro’s downfall is himself. Although I wish I knew why he ended up being the preeminent’s lackey. Hmm here’s a suggestion, the preeminent, in true eldritch horror fashion, is like a goddess, like the compelling call of destiny, that has dubbed Morro as her own “chosen one”, which is why he has the highest status of all the ghosts. I just need the preeminent to be creepy.
All in all I think Morro has a really good set up I just wish we got more of a learning arc for him, just to back up his redemption. Villains like the overlord, or the Oni don’t need character development because they only need to be strong, and villains like Chen and Nadakhan don’t need development because they can just be incredibly smart from the get go. But villains that have shifting moralities need to get justification on why that is the case and with Morro and Harumi, imo I think Ninjago drops the ball, and their final moments of not being awful feel very rushed. Also I love Morro aesthetic and think he should be even more insane actually, have him be weirdly connected to the preeminent and also have him be almost delusional in his quest for power because it would be spicy. But in general, Morro is super interesting and that’s why I think fanon is more popular, because people like to lean in and see if they can push Morro where the writers didn’t (although it’s more likely fanon Morro is just popular because he’s emo). Also a note about DotD, I actually love that special mostly for the villain interactions because it’s just gorgeous. Now that Morro is over his intensely huge drama Queen arc, when placed next to the other he’s kinda chill and love the fact when he shows up he scares the life out of the other ninja, but he’s actually pretty civil and other than he can’t help himself from acting villainous. But he has a sense of honour and yknow he probably would’ve made for a great ninja.
Here’s a random hc to close this off, Morro actually loved pirates and would’ve had the time of his life if he was around for s6.
But that’s it for now! Morro good.
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girlblogger666 · 2 years
Ok I’m obsessed with dad!eddie and I love your blog and here’s some dad!eddie ideas-
- like 100% he would practice EVERYTHING. Chrissy would wake up with her hair carefully braided and swaddled in a blanket because he wanted to make sure he could do both.
-He would watch My Little Pony with their daughter (and suddenly realize after 10 years where Erica got the name Lady Applejack lol).
-He’d obsessively vet any babysitter who came near his kids and give them the most ridiculous questions in interviews (“If my daughter is being kidnapped by Van Halen, where do you shoot him?” / “Umm… his leg so he can still play music?” / “Absolutely not, that’s a trick question- you don’t shoot him anywhere because you can’t bring a gun around my daughter. And you better not let her be kidnapped either. But thats not relevant anyway since you definitely don’t get the job.”). Ultimately, Chrissy makes him settle for either Hopper and Joyce or Uncle Wayne, or Murray when he’s in town.
-Also Wayne would definitely be their daughter’s favorite grandparent. He’d totally get her anything she wanted and spoil her completely. He’d research all the trends shes into (because he doesn’t know anything about these Backstreet Boys until she mentions it).
-Also Chrissy is definitely the one to teach their daughter to drive because Eddie the speed demon hasn’t driven above the speed limit since their daughter was born and is one of those parents who panic-holds the door handle and is like “BREAK!!” whenever you come within 30 ft of a stop sign.
-On that, their biggest fight was when Chrissy was in labor and he wouldn’t drive a mile over the speed limit because it would be too dangerous for them
-I love the idea of one of their daughter’s friends kinda having a similar background to his- like parents always working or neglectful or living with an extended family member and whatnot. Just never having the support they need. So Eddie and Chrissy become like their second parents and even though the friend’s kind of a trouble maker sometimes, they’ll listen to Eddie if he talks to them and gives advice and they spend all their time at the Munson house.
-also always, but especially in a Chrissy survives Vecna au, they definitely have music as a big part of their house and it almost kills Eddie when their daughter goes through a pop boyband phase in middle school (“but I love her, I love her, I’ll always support her… nomatterwhat😭 no matter if her music taste is completely mainstream… iloveheriloveheriloveher”) and by the time NSYNC or whatever starts growing on him, she switches over to heavy metal
Okay so now to discuss hehe:
- 100% absolutely Eddie would definitely be super super super like cautionary in everything he does bc he just like wants to be a perfect dad?? Probs bc he didn’t have one growing up but his uncle taught him well enough!! (We stan Wayne anywaysss) but also Eddie is a lil insecure when it comes to his bab bc he doesn’t wanna do anything wrong and Chrissy is just there to be like… “baby, it’s okay nobody is perfect!”
-MLP YESSSSS I literally love that <3 I think Eddie would take inspiration and call his lil girl pinkie pie or something bc that would be her fav pony and then he’d also mentally smile bc he’d think of that one campaign where Erica literally saved the day bc of her very important appearance as Lady Applejack
-babysitters??? Pshhhh nope Eddie, even being the proper adult/father that he is now, would literally loveeee the idea of interviewing some teenager who’s willing to watch his kid just to mess with them! He thinks it’s hilarious to watch their reactions turn from neutral to concerned after he Interrogates them with his outrageous questions….and then there’s Chrissy who’s like “Eddie, they’re just teenagers who need a job, give them a break” and he simply argues with the fact of “so?? We were once annoying teenagers” but rlly Eddie doesn’t trust anyone who’s not an adult to watch over his precious being
-OKAY…..I’m literally an uncle Wayne stan till I die 🥺✋🏻 HE JUST SEEMS SO SWEET AND PURE and knowing that he took Eddie under his wing makes me like melt! So naturally after he found out that he was gonna be a grandpa, he was like rlly happy like hugging Eddie and telling him how proud he was that he turned around his life and how much he loves him with Chrissy blah blah blah so when they finally had their bundle of joy he helped them out as much as he could bc face it….I can imagine Eddie and Chrissy to be those scared first timer parents! So from birth, their little girl was also watched over by Wayne. They’d literally grow to be besties and to the point that when she could start to speak SHE WOULD BE BEGGIN to go to grandpas and honestly they’d be grateful bc they also love their child free nights
-so when their Girl is finally old enough to drive Chrissy wouldnt even bother telling Eddie that she’s gonna start driving bc that man would def want to be the one to teach her and Chrissys explanation to why he won’t be present EVER is obviously the story of her labour 😭 which brings us to….
-Chrissy giving birth yeah? CRAZY absolutely not planned at all so that kinda left them in a state of panic cuz they thought they would have at least 2 more weeks to prepare BUT NO!! So here’s Eddie literally driving in his shitty ass van with a very pregnant chrissy who just wants to push that tiny human out, but Eddie’s behind the wheel freaking out and driving sooooooo slow which leads to Chrissy yelling “Eddie Munson, I swear to whatever God there is up there that I will chop off that dick of yours If you don’t drive any faster!!” And then he just literally bolts it bc he knows how crazy she is especially when she’s pumping out those hormones </3 but they make it all in one piece and the birth goes smoothly and Chrissy starts crying bc she’s so sorry for yelling at him and Eddie thinks it’s adorable
-YESSSS their daughter is super social, thank you Eddie for raising your babe to be just as animated as u are 🙏🏻 so obvs the little gal has tons of friends at school because one, she’s super polite, and two, she’s extremely friendly!! When Eddie and Chrissy hear her constantly begging to bring home a new friend theyre kinda shocked bc they feel as if their home has become a daycare??? Not in a bad way of course, but that fact rlly helps one of their daughters friend because that friend doesn’t come from the best home, so they take them under their wing and treat them as one of their own!! I also imagine Ed and Chris to not like want anymore children bc let’s be real…..accident baby 😔 so it’s nice for their daughter to have someone else her age around her all the time
-MUSIC YESSSSSSS like Eddie would raise her on all his fav stuff but he’s a little heartbroken when she’s into all the generic pop (spice girls 😹😹) but When she’s older she grows to appreciate everything daddy has introduced her to and all the memories attached 💕
THANK U FOR SENDING THESE I HAD A LOT OF FUN DISCUSSING!!!! Everything you said 100% true and for anyone else, reqs and discussions are open ily my babies 💕🌸🌸🌸
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