#I think if you like Hench you might like this. similar kind of thing
aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads // twitter thread
The Meister of Decimen City
a chaotic superhero satire
a genius who’s labelled a villain by the government after her super intelligent dinosaur children get loose is put under supervision 
and has to confront her past / deal with the trauma of her complicated family/sibling relationships
and also the realisation that she might be asexual
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keeloves · 6 years
From Paws to Thumbs Review
 As a belated valentine’s present to my boyfriend @disneyfanforever3 I am going to be writing a lengthy review of his fanfiction that he wrote on another website called deviant art. I will leave links if you are interested in checking it out. I have also decided I will be reviewing this chapter by chapter and then summarizing it up at the end. This way I can details correct that I didn’t in my video and so it will be nice and long and thorough. Also sorry if there are spoilers.
Chapter One kind of starts out slowly but that’s okay because we are having Scamp and Angel established as characters. Chapter one takes place after the ending Lady and the Tramp Scamp’s Adventure after Angel gets adopted. These two love to explore every possible chance they get. However Lady and Tramp don’t approve of them exploring. Scamp relationship with his parents more specifically Tramp reminds me of Triton and Ariel/Ariel and Melody. Both Tramp and Ariel lied to their children about their background and they have similar personalities but with slight differences. Both Angel and Scamp are feel like outsiders to their families but it is made even worse because of Scamp’s three annoying Bitch Sisters (See what what I did there?) Annette, Nicolette and Danielle because of how they always bully both Scamp and Angel. Lady isn’t so bad but she can be annoying but Tramp irritates the hell out of me in this chapter and that is mainly due to him making promises he never keeps, his hypocrisy and him of all people should understand Angel the best. Worst of all after Scamp and Angel bust curfew really badly and trying to reason with their parents Scamp over hears his parents talking about how they think about getting rid of Scamp and Angel simply because they can’t handle them. This really tragic especially for Angel because of how she bounced around from five families and doesn’t want to lose what she has and this is terrible for Scamp because this might mean he will be separated from Angel and thanks to his sisters bullying him he all ready feels unloved.
Chapter 2 also starts off somewhat slow but that is okay because in this chapter we are introduced to the third main character from this story Patch. Patch like Angel and Scamp loves to explore and go places. He loves his family dearly and his parents love him dearly but he also feels like he is treated unfairly because of how his parents treat his brother Lucky. Lucky like Scamp’s three annoying ass sisters loves to antagonize Patch. He bullies Patch, calls him mean names and constantly excludes from adventures that he goes on with his other two siblings Rolly and Penny. Rolly and Penny don’t bully Patch but they also just stand by while Lucky is bullying Patch and say nothing. Well one night after Lucky got home late during roll call for bed time Pongo pulls Lucky a side to talk to him about his behavior and why Patch shouldn’t go to dangerous places. This reminds me of Ariel and how Triton is always scolding her about going up to the surface. Long story short Patch and Pongo argue and Patch feels defeated. To make matters worse his brother Lucky convinces Patch that their parents will give Patch away. Now we have three dogs who love to explore and they feel lost alone and a little betrayed by their families. The Dalmatians move to America for a few reasons. One Anita and Darling are sisters in this story and they want to be closer to family and two to be safe from Cruella and her two idiot Hench men.
Chapter 3 is about how the Ratcliff’s move to New England to be safe from Cruella. They travel there by boat. In this chapter things start to pick up and move along at a faster. This is where Scamp and Angel meet Patch. The three of them instantly form a bond. Well after the three pups  argued with their parents mainly Pongo and Tramp and not feeling like their parents are listening. They go and explore this house. This house belongs to a magical Wizard named Chris (Yes the author/my boyfriend inserted himself into this story all though he shows up in the next chapter) Anyways Scamp, Angel and Patch explore this beautiful house. One room catches their attention it is the magic room. This room contains a crystal ball, and a bunch of magical potions. Well they accidentally knock a magic potion over not knowing it is a magic potion. The three dogs drink it because they are thirsty and believe it to be milk. After drinking this they feel weird and fall into a deep deep sleep and end up transforming into humans.
Chapter 4 This is the Chapter where we meet the narrator/Wizard Chris. He is is in early 20s. Like any other morning Wizard Chris went down to make himself some breakfast that is until he gets side tracked by some snoring coming from his magic room. There he finds three naked children. He was not to pleased to see three naked children so he quickly covered them in robes the color of their collars. Wizard Chris has his house located far on the country side and is very much a hermit. He only leaves his house for essential items like groceries and he only talks to people when he absolutely has too. Yeah he ain’t real social is he. Well from this chapter on little did Wizard Chris know his life would be changed forever by three very special friends Scamp, Angel and Patch. Also the three children freak out for a bit because they changed from dogs to humans. over night. (BTW yes Wizard Chris gives them clothes in fact I believe he posted those pics on Tumblr if not I will give you a link once I am done with this review.)
Chapter 5.
The parents Tramp, Lady, Peridita and Pongo all try and make up with the three pups. However they are super nervous of what they are going to say. Only problem with them trying to make up with the children is that the children are gone and the parents have no clue where they are. All four parents are worried about the kids. Pongo tries to go an makes amends with Patch. In this chapter Pongo and Peridita remind me of King Triton and Sebastian  from the episode of Little Mermaid episode called Charmed. In that episode Ariel discovers a magnifying glass which she calls a  “Bigger Mcjigger” but when her father sees it he gets angry and destroys it. Later on in the episode he is practicing his apology to Ariel which is what Pongo is doing when he is preparing to talk for Patch. Both Sebastian and Peridita remind Pongo and Triton that an apology that needs to come from the heart. This chapter is probably is one of the more fun chapters because we have worried parents, three run away children and best of all Cruella is plotting her escape from insane asylum. Cruella is one of the smartest villains ever. Her escape plan involves her stealing a news paper, faking injuries and knocking out one of the guards with the rolled up news paper and then stealing his uniform. She has to wear a hat to hide her skunk colored hair because well that would blow her cover if she didn’t. She also locks the guard in her cell. “Cruella Devil Cruella Devil” if she doesn’t scare you no evil thing will.
Chapter 6
In this chapter the three puppies now turned into human children thanks to the potion learn how to act like humans. Which meaning to walk like humans, eat like humans and refraining from their dog instincts like chasing squirrel  up trees. If you guys were wonder if there were any negative side affects to this potion I am afraid there is. All three children fall ill in this chapter but luckily these are common sicknesses in children. Scamp has measles, Angel has the flu and Patch has the Chicken Pox. All though for a moment Patch thinks he caught something from a chicken lol which I thought was cute. I also learned in this chapter you don’t give sick children belles because then they become annoying but still enduring. However before they got sick the four parents were looking for them. Perdita and Lady could sense that Scamp Angel and Patch were their children while Pongo and Tramp laughed. This chapter also shows that mothers tend to be more in tune with their children. Also Wizard Chris feels like an older brother taking care of his three younger siblings and plus his “Hard shell” begins to crack when the three children become ill. (Chasing Squirrels up trees happens in the next chapter.
Chapter 7
The children have recovered from their illnesses and they along with Wizard Chris had a fun day at the park and he of course has to teach them how to act like normal children as in un teaching them from their dogie instinct. However this chapter is where things start to get more interesting because “Wizard Chris” meets this “frail old woman” who some located the big mansion that the Wizard Chris lives at. She was tired because she walked in red stilettos yeah she ain’t real smart. Well it turns out that frail old woman was Cruella. She went and stole the magic book from that Wizard Chris owns. In this chapter she puts together her own team of Villains. She steals a potion that makes animals talk. This chapter she meets Buster an old friend turned enemy of Tramp. Cruella and Buster end up making a deal to help each other get revenge. Cruella mainly wants revenge on Patch since Patch is the one defeated her and Buster wants revenge on Tramp for stealing his “Girl” (Not Lady) and running off and getting married and he wants revenge on Scamp for abandoning him. If this happens Buster will be given the chance to be a human forever and he will have money and power. She also meets the Siamese cats as in the cats that belong to Aunt Sara. She also makes a deal with the cats by promising them a life supply of Fish food and milk. They are kind of group thinkers.
Chapter 8
This chapter is probably one of my favorites because it digs into Angel’s background and how she became a street dog and why she changed home five times before getting permanently adopted by the Darlings. In case anyone is wondering what Angel’s parents look like this them and Angel of course. Her mom is the golden retriever and her dad is the Pomeranian.  https://www.deviantart.com/azulalover1/art/Angel-and-her-Parents-764104159. Anyways a brief summery of Angel’s background and how she ended up a junk yard dog for years. Once Angel was a happy little puppy with two parents just playing in a junk yard well one day this dog catcher came for the dogs. The dogs tried to run away as fast as they can but Angel’s dad accidentally got ran over by the dog catcher vehicle and her mom ended up getting her paw caught in a rail road track and got hit by a train. The poor thing seeing her parents die no wonder she keeps having nightmares. The best part about this chapter for me though is that when she wishes she would have died and Wizard Chris, Patch and Scamp but mainly Scamp reassure that she is loved and that her new family (The Darlings) won’t put her out on the street again.
Chapter 9.
Okay I am not going to lie I am going to boost my own ego here a bit. See my boyfriend wrote Paws to Thumbs long before we ever met and in this chapter he was originally going to have Scamp being chased through out the woods. I was wondering if he would consider having a dynamic between the two boys Patch and Scamp because I haven’t seen them interact that much and he also wish he could find a way to include Patch more. Well thanks to my suggestion this chapter was posted later than expected and went through a major rewrite to include Patch more and incorporate him more into the story. I really love this chapter not just because I helped inspire it but because the two boys get a chance to bond and because they have a lot in common such as being well off in families and being born into luxuries that Angel did not have until she got adopted, they both feel like their parents don’t listen to them and they both have siblings that give them a hard time because they are jealous of Patch and Scamp and they love to explore. Anyways, the three Children and Wizard Chris are the park on a beautiful day just playing until Scamp hears a strange noise. Well it turned out to be a “bear” growling at him. It soon started to chase Scamp. Patch tries to help Scamp by jumping on the “bear’s” back but ends up getting thrown off towards Scamp and the boys are chased through the woods. Scamp is almost kidnapped by Buster (which he doesn’t recognize Buster because is in his human form not dog form) and if you are wondering why I put air quotes around bear its because the bear is “Reggie” another dog that is so scary even Buster is afraid of him and even before Reggie got transformed into an actual bear he looked like a dog bear hybrid. Luckily Patch knocks out Scamp (No pun intended since Patch has a brother named Lucky) I love this chapter because the two boys bond and open up to each other about their families and how they feel their parents don’t understand them. A side from being almost killed and kidnapped in this chapter this chapter was awesome. (There are more details but as I said I will be leaving a link below so you can go check out the fanfiction and I promised Chris I wouldn’t give too many spoilers lol)
Chapter 10
This chapter isn’t quite as exciting but this chapter warms my heart because I ship Scamp and Angel so much they are such an adorable couple and in this chapter I am reminded of Cory and Topanga because both couples confess they are in love with each other at age 14. Angel tells Scamp she is in love with him but while he is sleeping. Another reason this chapter warms my heart is because this shows how much these children have come to love and care about each other. First Angel has nightmares but those stop because Wizard Chris put a spell on her to stop the nightmares. Now Scamp keeps has nightmares one about being eaten by that strange bear and the one where he over hears his parents talking about sending him away (The second one did happen as discussed in the first chapter) however before he can tell Angel about the second dream because they over heard Patch having a bad dream and that dream was about Cruella. Angel and Scamp help Patch feel better by staying up with him and talking about the nightmares and Scamp then tells Angel about his second nightmares. I adore this chapter because the kids grow closer together and share a deeper bond and that is beautiful. Well shortly the nice moments are ruined between the children when a grumpy Wizard Chris gets out of bed and disguises himself as an ugly old hag as sweet revenge for waking him from his “beauty sleep”. However another reason I love this chapter very much is that we get a bit of back ground on the narrator (Wizard Chris’s background) about how he ran away from home when he was 10 years old and he claimed he was bullied and that his dad didn’t understand him. This shows that these four ar kindred spirits. This also shows that not only did these kids need Wizard Chris but it shows that Wizard Chris needed these kids too. In this chapter it is also revealed a magic mirror that Scamp sees in the magic room. The only problem is that the magic mirror shows Scamp’s reflection half and half. As in half human half dog. Oh and the last thing about this chapter is that Scamp finally confesses he is in love with Angel all though he doesn’t say it to Angel and  Wizard Chris has to tell him. I love this chapter so much.
Chapter 11
At this point the Scamp, Angel and Patch have been humans for a little over two months and Wizard Chris has found away to change them back into dogs but there are a few problems none of the children want to go back to being dogs. Wizard Chris is trying to convince them to turn back to dogs and make them go back to their families but the only problem with that is he is being hypocritical in this chapter since he refuses to work out his issues with his family and thankfully the kids call him out on this. While the four argue about whether or not they should go back to their families. The villians in this story finally make a reappearance. Buster, Cruella and the two Siamese Cats (Si and Am) that are now humans and the three are being reprimanded by Cruella for not being able to kidnap the children. Buster’s plan of revenge is to have Tramp’s family work for him for all eternity (Okay so I added that in for dramatic affect) and Cruella has plans to still make a coat out of them (I think that is still the plan) or she plans to enslave all the puppies. (I am sure my lovely boyfriend will correct me if I got stuff wrong lol)
Chapter 12
The kids ran away into the woods just until they were out of Wizard Chris’s sight and this where Scamp reveals the information about the magic mirror to Patch and Angel and how about the they see their reflections. When the Patch and Angel look into the mirrors themselves they like Scamp also see their reflection split in half as in half dog half human and this makes them more confused then ever. The mirror reminds me of the mirror in Harry Potter the magic mirrors reflect the individual's heart’s desire. Oh and Angel almost tells Scamp that she is in love with him but of course that nice moment had to be ruined by the bear “Reggie”, Buster Cruella and Si and Am. The children were so scared they ran for their lives they got separated and didn’t even realize where they were running to until it was too late. Patch ran into Cruella his worst nightmare. She put a spell on him to make him tell her where the other Dalmatians were. Patch tried to resist telling his family wearabouts but couldn’t because the magic was too strong and he gave in. Angel were being harassed by the two Siamese Cats the two ladies chased Angel and captured her and tied her up with a rope and Angel tried to escape but couldn’t. Scamp is captured by Buster. Scamp runs from and he thinks he is free from Buster only for Buster to capture him again. Buster tries to manipulate Scamp into going with him but luckily Scamp isn’t going in so easily. Well now to review Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Finally we get to see The Darlings, Rodger and Anita in this chapter because it feels like forever since we we have seen them this also means we see Pongo, Perdita, Lady and Tramp. This chapter is about to get real interesting because Wizard Chris meets the families of the three children officially. He goes and explains everything and after he is done he has to do a bit of convincing to prove he is telling the truth. Jim is the one who needs convincing the most. Well in his defense if a random man showed up to my house claiming he was a wizard with three dogs that had turned into human children I would be skeptical as hell too. Finally Jim believes him after Chris makes the animals talk. If the four humans as in the Darlings and Anita and Rodger didn’t believe in real magic before well they are about to believe now. Anita and Rodger become extra terrified when they find out that Cruella not only escaped the insane asylum and discovered where they were now living. Wizard Chris tries to stop her but he gets trapped in a bubble and he can only get out if someone from the outside knows the spell. Buster threatens revenge on Tramp by taking Scamp and because Tramp steals his girl.  Oh and the main characters. Oh and some other dogs get turned into humans and those dogs are Tramp, Lady, Perdita, Pongo, Tramp’s sisters Rolly, Penny and Lucky. (I am getting slightly lazy with this review lol)
Chapter 14
In this Chapter the children’s parents get turned into human by Cruella and luckily they were wearing clothes since they didn’t drink a potion. Angel frees Wizard Chris from this green bubble thing. It didn’t take long for Angel to escape since she grew up a street dog and knew how to get herself out of any tricky situation so growing up a street dog in this case worked to her advantage so her and Wizard Chris to try and go and find the others. Patch and Scamp were trying to negotiate with their stuborn siblings to help them. With Patch Penny was willing to help Rolly had to be convinced to help because he wanted food like usual and Lucky was annoyed with Patch because Lucky taunts Patch all the time. Tramp’s sister were being their usually bitchy selves. I love this chapter because it has one of my favorite moments! Patch and Scamp finally stand up to their bratty siblings. Scamp shoves his three sisters and Patch punched Lucky in the eye so yay! Finally Lucky admits his jealously to Patch and Lucky is jealous because he feels Patch is the favorite. Annette, Collette and Danielle finally confess their jealously to Scamp. They are jealous of Scamp and Angel because the two aren’t afraid to be themselves and for a long time the girls though they only had their looks to rely on. I find this chapter to be one of the more exciting chapters. Buster and Tramp full on fist fight the the bratty siblings are put in their place and it is awesome. (If Reviews beome a little skimpy I am trying not to give too much away as I said there will be a link after I am done reviewing this fanficition) Oh and Cruella destroys Wizard Chris’s magic carpet but before that he turns Reggie into a mouse. Plus as a mouse he probably won’t eat any humans or at least try and he was hella scary as a dog.
Chapter 15.
Buster tries to manipulate Scamp one more time. He tells Scamp that they could be human forever and that Scamp wouldn’t have to deal with Tramp’s lies. Scamp considers this for a split second and he comes to his senses. Scamp made that mistake once and wasn’t going to do it again. He loved his family and his father very much. Cruella Dev Vil tries to manipulate Angels by offering her what she wants and that is to bring her parents back to life. Magic can do several things but it can’t bring the dead back to life. Cruella tries to kill Angel but fortunately fails well fortunately to Scamp and Angel while unfortunately to Cruella. Scamp almost dies by falling out of a tree but luckily Wizard Chris has just enough magic to keep the tree but unfortunately due to the spell on his hands he wasn’t able to hold it long. Anyways Angel declines Cruella’s offer and realizes that she has a family that truly loves her. Once again Scamp was this close to telling Angel he is madly in love with her but that doesn’t happen for two reasons the villains interrupt them and because Angel isn’t sure they will make it out of their situation alive. Buster tries to kill Scamp and Angel but misses because he gets hit in the back of the head. Cruella tries to kill them but thankfully she misses because Patch jumps on her back. He tries to steal the book back but can’t he rips out a page he chants a spell hoping to harm Cruella but all he does is grow a dinky little flower. Cruella ties the three kids up and tries to kill the once more but fails. WIzard Chris wakes up frees the children and Buster and Cruella start to fight.
Chapter 16
This is the second to last chapter and it is kind of sad but I have enjoyed writing this review just like I have reading the fanfiction. I love this chapter because the main four characters bond and the kids learn how to do magic. They use a magic spell to defeat Buster and Cruella. However this spell requires four wizards because it has to have the four elements which are water, fire, earth and air. While the four Wizard Chris, Scamp Angel, and Patch have come up with a plan to defeat Buster and Cruella the two are arguing on who gets to kill who. This chapter reminded me of Halloween Town 2 when Marni wants to reopen the portal and her family and her one Goblin friend Luke who is not a warlock helps her anyway because he is her friend and he believes. The three children are not Wizards but they believe in magic they love each other. Oh and I forgot to mention that Cruella had split the ground earlier and turned into lava. Scamp tries to Angel he is in love but she wants him to hold off because at that moment life felt too short. The four defeated the two villains once and for all. However I would argue their own vanity and greed killed them. They fell in the lava. Scamp tried to save Buster but failed. When Cruella died her dark magic wore off and didn’t last forever. Si and Am turned back into cats and all of the magic Cruella performed was undone and the magic carptet was restored. If this chapter taught me anything revenge is never the answer and your own greed could litterally end up killing you. Also everyone makes up with their families and Lady and Angel have a beautiful moment together. Another one of my favorite moments is that Wizard Chris realizes how much he loves the children and the parents come to and understanding with their children. Oh and Scamp’s three sisters and Patch’s brother Lucky all get grounded for a month for bullying.
Chapter 17. 
Well people we have arrived at the final chapter. Wizard Chris heads back to go make up with his family. He is very sad because he has grown to love the children and he was going to miss them so finally he heads back to his family and at first they don’t recognize him because he is now a grown adult in his early 20s and not the 10 year old little boy that ran away. I also forgot to mention that Wizard Chris lied to the children about his family not looking for him because they did he just used magic to hide himself. The one reason his parents recognize and know that it is him is because of a scar he has on his right eyebrow. This chapter really warms my heart because Wizard Chris gets to make amends with his family gets them back in his life while also gaining a new family with the three children and their families. The three children decide to stay human so they can have a life of freedom and joy. They might have been born dogs but will live out the rest of their lives as humans. Also Wizard Chris moves his house along with the Darling’s house to be next the plantations where Anita and Rodger live along with the Dalmatians. Angel decides to live with Wizard  Chris, Jr is happy he gets a big brother and Patch is happy too! The three dogs now turned humans can live their life of freedom and still keep their family.
Well this review was going up later than I intended but none the less this was a belated Valentine’s day present for awesome boyfriend @disneyfanforever3. I really loved this fan-fiction because it shows that no matter what trouble you are having with family they will always love you and care for you. I also liked how Tramp developed in this series and I am happy he got a nice moment with Angel. He realizes that he should have understood her the most just because how similar their back grounds were. Also Scamp and Angel finally pronounce their love for each other and it makes me so happy! I hope I got some details right because for some chapters I skimmed and tried to give you the gist. Anyways here is a link to his fanfiction if you want to go check it out. https://www.deviantart.com/azulalover1/gallery/62089614/From-Paws-To-Thumbs 
Also I want state we have officially been dating for a month but we both think one month anniversaries are stupid but I just felt like sharing that. Anyways I hope enjoy this review. Oh and I should mention that Patch always felt like Lucky got special treatment. Well the reason Pongo and Perdita were easy on Lucky was because for Lucky was dead for a few moments when he was born hence why he was named Lucky.
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I literally titled it Western Sexytimes BTF
Marty McFly was so done with all this shit. First he gets sent back to the past and has to fight his mother’s attentions and play matchmaker between her and his dad. Then he goes to the future to save his kid but old Biff screws things up and changes the past. Then he goes back to the past before his starting point to prevent young Biff from screwing things up. Then he has to go to the Wild West. Dressed like the gayest cowboy in the world.
And apparently in the wild west, sexual orientation didn’t matter much as long as a guy was on top. But the poor fool on the bottom? Well, let’s just say the slang was surprisingly similar to what they used nowadays.
It all started when he first landed/drove into the wild west and the Indians were chasing him.
They stopped and stared.
Then an old wrinkled Indian with feathers and beads in his hair dismounted his horse. He turned to Marty and spoke.
“White man sodomizer,” he said in heavily accented English.
When Marty escaped them he ran into the cavalry.
“Well I say, I’ve never seen anything quite so…effeminate,” said a mustached cavalry leader.
Hell even the bear tried telling Marty how gay he was with interpretive dance, consistently pointing to its nether regions and Marty’s ass.
And when Marty was saved by his own great-grandfather’s parents, they gave him strange looks. But the baby said it straight out. “Gaygayagay,” Great grandpa William babbled in Marty’s arms before peeing on him with a knowing look. Which is totally creepy on a baby, to be honest.
Then he went into town. Everyone stared at him, man and woman. Even the children stared.
So he entered the Saloon looking for Doc.
“Hey McFly. Ah thought ah told you t’never show yer face here again,” of course. What would time travel even be without running into a Tannen?
Then he turned around and there was a manly looking cowboy with a gang of gunslingers giddily gawking-okay, evil cowboy henchmen (Marty’s brain gets alliterative when he’s nervous).
“An’ who might you be, li’l Pansy lookin fella?”
“Marty-Clint. Clint Eastwood,” he said.
“Well ain’t he purty in pink, right fellas?” Marty blushed as another mothertrucking Tannen got into his personal space.
“Check out them teeth boss,” said evil cowboy henchman number 1. “Only a man in’erested in th’ biznis o’ pleasurin’ other folks keeps his teeth that clean.”
The men were leering at Marty.
“He’s much prettier th’n those harlo’s up there. Whattaya say we take ‘im for a spin.” Evil possibly gay cowboy henchman number 2 said.
“Hey, I am not gay. No fucking homo. Goddamit 1950s, why do your cowboy costumes have to be so gay? I ain’t no queer or ‘sodomizer’!” Marty McFly was so done with this shit.
“Now holdup sweet thang. You don’t have to say one more word. Buford here’ll decide your fate. Personally I hope to keep ya.” Evil certainly gay cowboy henchman number 3 lightly slapped Marty’s face. “Y’all are much too pretty t’ be a dead man,” he leered.
“I think you are all just sexually confused and frustrated guys who will definitely eventually give each other AIDS one day. And hey, did you say Buford? As in Buford ‘Mad Dog’ Tannen?”
Mad Dog hissed and everyone in the saloon hid. “I. Hate. That. Name. For that I’ma ride you like a dog. S’all about establishin’ that you’re stronger’n the other guy, which won’t be too hard, eh runt?”
Marty gulped and reached for the first alcoholic drink he’d ever been served, downing it in one gulp. It burned as it went down, but the liquid courage lived up to its name.
“J-just leave me alone you gay cowboys. Geez,” he said and tried to run away. Instantly he had four guns in his face. “Dance li’l runt,” Buford said and shot at Marty’s feet.
“Technically that’s redundant,” Marty whined while jumping and ducking. He decided to actually dance, distracting the men who were now salivating at his moves.
“This one’ll be great in bed,” definitely gay said.
“He ain’t a woman but he’s breathin’ an’ well-groomed,” said henchman number 1.
“After him!” yelled Buford. Indeed, Marty had used the dancing to sneak away and ran out of the saloon, short legs taking him as far away as possible. 5’4 isn’t short. It’s not!
The evil gay cowboys jumped onto their horses (not a euphemism) and rode after Marty, who was eventually captured by a lasso.
“Well lookee here. We’ve caught ourselves an appetizer. Now y’all better not get that pretty lil’ outfit’a yours dirty boy. Now stand up an’ walk behind us or we will make y’ regret it.”
Marty stood up and ran behind the horse, too terrified to even stumble.
They trotted/walked for hours before coming across a big ranch with a mansion that almost bled money.
“Please let me go,” Marty huffed. “I’m gonna pass out man.”
He was led to the stables where the horses were tied up and Buford still did not let go of the dumb lasso.
The evil gay cowboys then laid him on the stable floor and started tying his legs to some posts.
“Wait, wait! You got me, I am a prostitute. Now if you tie me up and use me you might feel as good as a horsefucker. But if you let me do my thing, you’ll have a more willing partner who will make you feel good.” Damn his dumbass mouth. At least he’d have some semblance of control if they listened, but how would he be able to tell it was rape in the future-his future-if he was initiating?
The gay cowboys looked at each other and then at Buford. “Ya bring up some good points. Displease us an’ we’ll go back t’ this. I must say, I ain’t neva seen a male prostitute before, but mah expectashins are th’ same.”
They brought him into the house, still in that damn lasso. There was a room with a vintage looking bed that was huge for the 1850s. Marty climbed onto it and noticed the cowboys holding some rope menacingly. He gulped.
“So, a-uh-a few standard procedures before we begin. One: we limit this uh sex party to the house, not the barn or stables. Two: we have some kind of lubricant and protection-”
“-Protecshin? Ah’ve got protecshin right here,” one of the confused henchmen said and held up his gun.
Marty remembered the magical immunity pill Doc made him take in 2015 that would protect him from any disease past, present, and future from his base line time (1985).
“Uh nevermind. About that lubricant though….” He trailed off, questioning.
“What kinda whore don’t carry supplies with ‘er? Th’ only lubricant in this house is water ‘n saliva. We’d love for you t’use saliva,” probably gay said, stroking Marty’s cheek.
“Right, okay. I’m a little new at this, got a family to feed, sorry.” He ducked from the man’s gaze.
“Git started boi or ah’ll tie you t’ the bedposts and fuck you dry.”
Marty sighed and got to work, remembering his alternative. He hummed a sexy tune and started dancing, the pelvic moves of the 1980s a sight for the cowboys. Gaining more confidence, he started to sing.
“I’m bringing sexy back. Yeah. Them motherfuckers don’t know how to act. Yeah…dirty babe. You see these shackles baby I’m your slave,” he gestured to the rope and pretended to tie it around his neck. “I’ll let you whip me if I misbehave,” he grabbed Tannen’s whip and playfully tapped it against his ass. “It’s just that no-one makes me feel this way.”
The men watched as he slowly stripped out of his very pink outfit and tossed it on Definitely Gay, humming the chorus.
“Ah thought you said ya’ll was new t’this. Where’d ya learn t’do that?” Probably Gay’s eyes were wide with wonderment.
“The internet. Spent a lot of time in 2015, hence Justin Timberlake.” They all looked at him confused and he gave a sexy smirk, resuming his singing-dancing-stripping routine.
Once he was naked, he had to let the men touch his body.
“Such smooth supple skin,” Hench no 1 said as he rubbed his hands up Marty’s back. Marty leaned into the touch and moaned as he’d seen girls do in the adult theater back home. He felt more hands caress him and imagined he was at home with a bunch of girls. Suddenly he was painfully hard and he could feel how hard the other men were as he clumsily rubbed up against them, grinding on their crotches. His breathing slowed and his face turned red. He then felt himself being picked up and moved away from his little pre-orgy.
“Hey, what gives?” he asked.
It was Buford who looked exactly like Biff up close, Marty noticed.
“Ah’m takin’ ‘im first. Ya’ll can have him after me.” Marty’s heart pounded with fear and…anticipation?
“Now make like a forest and g’t!” He bellowed. His henchmen left the room disappointedly.
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