#I think this is the first time I've ever drawn them in their season 2 attire.
lunarpanda · 2 years
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milkytheholy1 · 1 month
TMNT Masterlist
Third base - Leo x Female Reader
Hey everyone, I currently have two requests left to do but I really want to get some stories that I personally came up with as well. I really want to try writing for different versions of the turts besides 2012 and Rise even if they are my fav versions. Sorry if the character interactions are a bit iffy in this one, I haven't seen much of the 2003 series I'm only up to season 2.
Drawn to you - Donnie x GN Reader
No, the tech-savvy turtle was drawn to you by your persistence, by the way you poured yourself into your work, how you understood the need to complete something no matter how long it took.
Turtle titan to the rescue! - Mikey x Female Reader
Okay so far warning, I haven’t really watched past season 3 of the 2003 series, I have been working my way through it though. So some characters might not sound or act like how they should from the show and I might end up getting some stuff wrong, so sorry in advance. This story will flip between 1st and 3rd person narrative.
All Turtles:
Turtle Power part 1
What if you included even more turtles in the hit tmnt movie, TMNT:Turtles Forever? This isn't an X Reader fic and takes places in the 2012 universe...well, for the start at least.
Dear diary - Leo x GN Reader
Leo practicing how to ask them out with many many scripts for acting in front of a mirror:") or maybe they find out about his diary! You can pick
A confident strut - Leo x GN Reader
Went with the first one since it's been some time since I wrote for my 2012 boy! This is going to be set before the whole sister reveal, but I wanna make it clear that I do not ship Karai and Leo together cause that shit is gross. Enjoy!
I heard you - Leo x Female Reader
The reader,who has a crush on Leo, waits by Leo's side for him to wake up in the farm house and she is so relieved when he wakes up after months
Not traditional - Leo x Male Reader
The reader is giving Leo a whole sexuality crisis so Leo asks April if it's weird for a guy to like another guy and April reassures him that it's perfectly normal, and later that week Leo accidentally slips that he likes (y/n) and in a flash the have this little moment of understanding that they both like each other and want to be more than friends.
Goodbye Leonardo part 1 - Leo x Female Reader
I know what you're thinking, two stories in one night? This is somewhat based on the season four episode: Broken Foot. Also sorry it's so long but I had to fill in some blanks to get to the build-up of the story and sorry for the rushed ending it's currently past midnight where I'm from and I'm very tired.
Goodbye Leonardo part 2 - Leo x Female Reader
Okay, okay, you'll get your stinking part 2. This is probably one of the most requested fics I've ever done, the original intention was to leave it as a standalone fic. But, because you all seem eager for more I eventually broke and decided to do it. This is set a few years after the original and doesn't follow the episode 'Broken Foot' like the original oneshot. In my opinion, it's also waaay more angsty and it might actually be sadder than the first one. So I hope the wait was worth it, enjoy!
Wrong about me - Donnie x Female Reader
Donnie gets cheated on by April and (y/n) finds out and hurts April's feelings then comforts Donnie?
Hot - Donnie x Female Reader
Donnie was talking about some science stuff the last 20 minutes, but reader can't fully pay attention to what he's saying because they're just thinking about his voice, his gestures and everything. They think "don't you realize how hot you are?", but Donnie stops talking and reader realizes they just said that out loud and now they want to die.
Happy birthday - Donnie x GN Reader
it’s the reader’s birthday and the turtles just find out and they have to quickly set up a surprise birthday for the reader.
Well done science boy - Donnie x GN Reader
Had this idea in my head for a few days so thought I'd post it, I wanted to make it a shorter story than what I normally do but I got too lost in it and it ended up being just as long, oops. Hope you enjoy!
Hello nurse - Donnie x Female Reader
Literally did this so I could pull off one reference, that's all. Enjoy!
Hots for you - Raph x Female Reader
Raph finds out that his girlfriend is bisexual?
Heard you from a mile away - Raph x GN Reader
not going to lie I had to search up what it meant, decided to do Raph since i've never written for him before in the 2012 version. So if this comes across as out of character, apologies. Anyway, enjoy!
2014/2016: Leo:
Red lips - Leo x Female Reader
“Don’t give me that face, it’s so cute I might not be able to hold back.”
Five years - Donnie x Female Reader
Donnie creates a portal that transports them to 2021.
Five years alt ending - Donnie x Female Reader
It’s weird how many people have asked me for them to have kids, but I guess if that’s what you guys want to see then here is a short version 2, if you will, of five years. Be sure to read the original or it won’t really make much sense, this is just the ending. Enjoy!
Life is a dream part 1 - Donnie x GN Reader
You felt the small vibrations of your phone in your pocket, pulling it out you saw Donnie was once again calling you crap, "H-hey Donnie, I promise I'm on Allen Street. I'm like less than a minute away." you panted into the device. You could hear his sigh through the speaker, "Don't worry about it, I'm just wasting valuable pop tart time." he joked, your laughter was his reward.
Part 2 - Donnie x GN Reader
Speaking of the brothers, Mikey was sat playing some video games while leaning over to slurp his coke, you could hear panting and the sounds of something being destroyed coming from the dojo Raph. Finally taking lighter steps into the lair, you could smell a sweet fragrance waft through the air Leo.
Part 3 - Donnie x GN Reader
"Do you remember that video where the cat plays chopsticks with the chopsticks?" Mikey asked, pushing aside Donnie and getting closer to your face. You flinched at his close proximity, your mind still trying to adjust to your bright surroundings. "Can we focus here?" Leo argued, pulling Mikey away from you, he securely wrapped his arm around his younger brother in case he felt the need to jump at you again.
Final part - Donnie x GN Reader
"What?" he asked, "Can I ask you something?" You pondered why you were willing to tell Raph some of your deep, dark thoughts and not someone like Donatello "It's a free country," he quipped going back to his knitting. "Right," you said, glancing down to avoid making eye contact "It's just that...do you think- feel like something is off?"
Parading in style - Mikey x Male Reader
So I don’t know much about pride parades in NYC but I can only imagine they’re triple the ones from where I’m from, I’m also not going to give you a description of Mikey’s human form as that can be up to you. I’ve learned from experience that everyone has a different view of these characters and it’s unfair to the reader to force them to take my view of what he could look like, so yeah he looks like whatever you want him to. Hope you enjoy!
A cold night in new  - Raph x Female Reader
Reader's apartment building's heat went out during a really chilly spring day, so when raph comes over he's all like "why tf does she have the thermostat on 5 degrees", but then he finds her cuddled up with tons of blankets on the couch, watching tv. after turning down the volume, reader explains the situation with the heat while shivering and clutching the blankets. raph has a brilliant plan for this.
Begging - Raph x Female Reader
Bayverse Raph and his S.O get into a huge fight and he hurts her feelings and Raph found her on the rooftop crying and he asks for forgiveness
Seeing you - Raph x Female Reader
The reader feels invisible and lonely, so she confides in Raph and telling him how her current boyfriend is using and abusing her. Then later on Raph confesses his feelings for the reader but her abusive boyfriend catches the reader and raph together.
I promise - Raph x Female Reader
The reader has scars from her mother and she shows Raph while crying about them and Raph listens and comforts her.tumblr
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If you enjoy Homelight (or, as I prefer "Starlander" lol) unironically, then I could recommend some fics... :)
I'm 100% balls deep into this ship, unironically. I've been reading fanfics for 2 weeks now, I can no longer say I'm not hooked
Homelander is my first trash favorite in a long time and he is so shippable with everyone and entertaining to watch just for himself so I was wondering why on earth I was feeling more drawn towards Starlander when I already was amused by his relationship with Stillwell and Maeve and I could only come up with this conclusion: Stillwell is not opposing him, and villain/villainess just don't hit the same for my villain/heroine shipper heart. I take it as a kinky ship.
Maeve is opposing him, and for three seasons I've payed full attention to their dynamic, ever since the scene where he tells her he could not handle if she was with someone else. Starlander was flying over my head - which was positive in retrospective cause I was gladly surprised by the ship and how much I loved it.
But Maeve/Homelander started to give away his position as my favorite first for the lack of scenes, then because Sarlight and Homelander's journey mirror eachother. As the actor said in interviews, you have the purest character and the worst one finding that speaking their truth benefits them. Annie has power to vex Homelander in his own game in a way Maeve never could, by using her popularity and street power. There is a sense of respect and need for validation towards his nemesis the same way Homelander has for Stan Edgar. He won't blow her head of, even though he could. He needs to beat her in her game and have her admit that she sees how awesome he is now because of it.
And the more I think about it, between the three women, Annie is the perfect combination between fierce and nurturing that Homelander would associate to the mother he never had. Stillwell is the kind of mother that loves her son as she loves a trophy - you perform for her, and she gives you the affection you need. Maeve is too cynical and jaded to be a mother figure. But Annie? Protective and gentle Annie? Annie to whom children look out for as a role-model? Annie has the power to put him in his place and be a autority figure, but the kind nature he longs for to feel the emotional hole he has.
And it's just so allruing to think she has that hold over him unconscioully to both of them.
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sapphic-agent · 9 months
Ranking MHA Arcs
Vs. Hero Killer Stain: A 9/10 arc. It had great tension, character development, character interaction, and villain. The friendship between Iida, Izuku, and Todoroki felt 10x more genuine than it ever did with Bakugou. The only thing I would change is maybe make Tensei not so virtuous. Maybe he made mistakes in the past or contributed to toxic hero society in some way. Perfect way to develop both Iida and Izuku
Shie Hassaikai: Again, just a great arc. Great villain and tension and love how the LOV are involved but aren't the current enemy. I love Mirio and his sacrifice for Eri was done perfectly, and him rejecting OFA made me love him even more. One of the only arcs where anyone cared about how Izuku was doing (love Iida and Todo forever). The only reason I'm putting it at #2 is Nighteye being a pretentious prick who pissed me off the whole time.
Battle Trial: One of the only arcs where Bakugou's actions aren't depicted as okay. Also calls out his behavior by making him lose because of it. Izuku's actions are recognized wholly, both what he did wrong and what he did right. Back when Momo was analytical and sharp. Also, evil Iida kills me every time. Just a pretty solid arc overall, good balance of tension and humor. There's only one thing I hate and it's that Izuku felt so guilty that he told Bakugou that he inherited his quirk
Meta Liberation: The only saving grace of season 5. The LOV was so well-written and Shigaraki's progression into a leader was so well done. I would have made it top three if it wasn't for Shigaraki's autonomy immediately being taken away by him wanting AFO. Kind of ruined the whole point of the arc
Entrance Exam: I had to make it top 5. It perfectly captures what made early MHA so great. It's so inspirational to everyone whose dreams have ever been discouraged. Some things could have been handled better which is why it isn't higher, but in general I love it
Sports Festival: I've talked about what I do and don't like about the Sports Festival before. There were a lot of good and bad things about it. Uraraka and Todoroki had great development, Izuku's and Tokoyamk's were okay, and Momo's was terrible. But what really keeps it out of the top 5 is the Bakugou pandering. It's the first arc that really starts to do this and it really ruins what could have been a really good arc
Hideout Raid: Again, the only reason this isn't higher is because it's so centered around Bakugou. If it wasn't just an arc pandering to him and his "development," it'd be a lot better. But I'm putting it at 7 because of the awesome fight between All Might and AFO. Easily one of the best in the series. And how that saved Bakugou was pretty damn cool ngl
UA School Festival: Gentle Criminal is tied for my favorite MHA villain with Stain. Not only is he relatable as fuck, his quirk is so unique. He was just so enjoyable. The festival was cute, though I felt as though this arc could have focused more on Eri's trauma. It's great that the festival was something for her to look forward to, but there could have been more done here. Also, Aizawa blaming his students for the other students being resentful and making them take accountability. Also, Bakugou being good at the drums for no reason
Paranormal Liberation War: As far as major arcs this one is okay. I feel like some parts of it were too drawn out, but it wasn't terrible. I liked Dabi exposing Endeavor, and Mirko chasing down Garaki like a bat out of hell was funny. Hawks' fight with Twice was also very impactful. BUT it also felt like a lot of the pros were useless. Like, Mount Lady struggling so much with Gigantomachia felt odd. She should have been more effective imo. I also wasn't a fan of how Midnight died in the manga, that felt unnecessarily brutal
USJ: This arc does a great job of introducing Shigaraki... And not much else. Like, I don't think it's bad at all, but it was a little boring. It does get points though for Tsu casually drowning Mineta, little moments like this make it watchable
Quirk Apprehension Test: The only reason this arc isn't lower is because of Izuku proving that he belongs at UA as much as anyone else. That was a great moment for him. But the QAT is quirkist and honestly just mean-spirited. Why would you humiliate a student in front of their classmates like that? Not to mention that Aizawa was blatantly singling him out with it. Just the beginning of Aizawa being a bad teacher
Provisional Hero License Exam: I struggled where to put this arc. Because honestly? It was good for the most part. I liked seeing how the kids each handled their tasks and opponents. Bakugou failed (I know I've said that this is undercut by Todo failing too, but it's still satisfying) and it really got into the nuances of rescue work. I liked it... Until Deku vs Kacchan Part 2. This fight ruins the entire arc for me. Bakugou fails because he couldn't stop being a dick for 2 seconds and decides he's allowed to take it out on Izuku? Then he trauma dumps on him while playing victim. And then coerces him into a fight. And then is rewarded from throwing this temper tantrum by being given what he wants (knowing about OFA). This was the arc where my feelings towards the series really soured. I really debated putting it at the bottom, but I didn't want to dismiss the good things about it so easily
Forest Training Camp: Only good thing about this arc was Izuku's fight with Muscular and his relationship with Kota. But after that it's Bakugou making bad decisions and everyone else having to suffer for them. I do appreciate Kota slapping Mineta though
Dark Hero: Just... So much potential. But it feels like we never really go below the surface with Izuku. This is supposed to be his arc and it barely focused on who he is. He should have spoken with the vestiges more. Also, while I can understand where they were coming from, 1A ambushing and then antagonizing him was terrible and Bakugou's bum ass apology was even worse. The only reason it isn't lower is because of my unhinged love for Lady Nagant. She's one of the best written characters in the series and I adore her. Unfortunately, it feels like Hori doesn't allow her to influence the overall story
Pro Hero: So this one is just... Weird. I mean, I don't think I hate it? The fight was pretty cool. I love seeing Hawks' quirk in action because his use of it is so creative. I don't like him and Rei being used to prop Endeavor's development though. I just don't think this arc was that good
Joint Training: So I mentioned this in a reply somewhere, but Bakugou's flawless win felt so unearned. He hasn't put any work into getting along with others and working with a team (all the "progress" he made was others- Izuku- doing the work for him). The fact that he didn't so much as struggle like everyone else was just bad writing. Momo losing even though she did put in the work to learn to strategize better and cover her bases just felt like a slap in the face to her character. Every time it feels like Hori wants to do right by her character, he ends up making it worse but had no problem propping Bakugou up every five minutes. I liked Uraraka being the unsung star of this arc, Monoma's team underestimating her and then living to regret it was nice. It's one of the only times the progress she's made as a hero is ever acknowledged. This arc didn't do a good job of making me care about Shinsou though, no substance to his character. Monoma was pretty entertaining
Endeavor Agency: Boring ass arc. It wasn't funny or entertaining and had zero character development for our main characters. Natsuo is antagonized for calling out Endeavor and poor Fuyumi gets yelled at by Bakugou in her own home for sharing her feelings. And then Izuku's bs "i tHiNk YOurE geTtINg REaDy tO fOrGiVE hiM." Like I love him but wtf is that line? Hori trying to force Endeavor's redemption down our throats
Final Exams: This arc is all kinds of bullshit. Sero takes a hit for Mineta and is incapacitated and fails. Yet Bakugou is continuously uncooperative, attacks him teammate, and is also incapacitated and passes? Not to mention it's all on Izuku to be the one to teach him how to work with others when that's supposed to be Aizawa's job. Every other match was also useless. The only one that has real development and interaction was Tododoki and Momo. Todo gets humbled and learns to stop acting above his classmates (even if he didn't do this with the intent of being harmful, he still did it) and Momo gets more confidence and agency. But no one else really learned anything or improved. This arc just proves how bad a teacher Aizawa is tbh
Remedial Course: I feel like this arc is evidence that Bakugou would suck as the main character. I was bored to tears during the entire thing. It felt like forced Bakugou and Todoroki interaction first of all. And truth be told I didn't know that kid was supposed to be mini Bakugou, I thought he was representative of Monoma. He was nowhere as bad as Bakugou was as a kid and felt a lot more chill. Also looked more like Monoma. Idk if this is how Hori wants us to see kid Bakugou or what but we know this isn't how he was. And then Bakugou gives him this whole lecture only to turn around the next arc and still treat Izuku like shit. Fucking hypocrite. Camie telling him to shut up was the only good thing about this arc (stan Camie)
And that's the list! I'm only doing these arcs because they're the only ones I've read/watched completely. I don't want to make judgements about the next three arcs without fully knowing what I'm talking about. Though the leaks for the Final War don't bode well for its ranking.
So what do we think? Agree? Disagree? Let me know!
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simmonsized · 7 months
🥑🌻🪐🥐☁️🎨 🧩 for Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
1. 🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Probably the members of my Broblematic server (@outofstrings (bird and fae collectively, u may know of the Post-Cal ask blog), @future-geometries (Jess u are the first person I thought of) and definitely @alexharrier , who I think would probably hide me from the law even if I didn't explain the crime. I am not including beloved @chaton-katreal because I think she is too gentle, i would not want to muck up her life with murder!)
Or you know, my actual partner @notanotherdoodleblog probably LOL
All fantastic people, worth of hiding crimes.
2. 🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
Honestly most of my friends are pretty busy adulting 8( so we don't get to talk as much as I'd like to. @eggwyrt because our timezones are almost earth opposites. I love u!!!! I miss you!!
3. 🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
- I've got two real life best friends that I get together with and have coffee every weekend together, and sometimes do other things, and this is significant to me because adulthood makes it hard to keep friends, let alone see them.
- I got into the marine ecology lab at my school that I have been pushing for entrance into, despite missing a pre-req. I get to be on a boat for eight hours next quarter! Woohoo!
- I got fanart for a fic I am very proud of but very rarely interact with anybody about, which has boosted my confidence and made me feel really good, and each comment I've gotten since they posted the art has made my heart sing extra loud!
4. 🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
Tbh I can't think of anything off the top of my head. My partner and I met through RVB, however, so we reference old seasons to each other fairly regularly, and I like to think we have a pretty good time c:
5. ☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
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(i do not even like Simmons that much but it's a solid username and now is part of my brand. also I am classically a blue team girly lol)
6. 🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
This is an impossible task. Insurmountable, even. There are several!! Many!!! How can I pick one?? So I will list a few:
A. Everything anyone has ever drawn for my fanfics at all ever.
B. SPECIFICALLY everything @alexharrier has drawn for me, ever. Especially specially specially these two gifs which actually make me fucking insane every time I see them.
Honestly, this had me making sounds so incoherent only dogs could hear them, years ago when I did not consider my fic would be special to anyone. I really really really treasure them.
Also both my birthday gifts, Bro at Disneyland, and Bro at Home Depot 💕
C. This artwork for RNG chapter 66, from @101-sve . It is also special to me, and it's been my wallpaper on my phone ever since c: the atmosphere, the warmth, the halo of their hair i just... Yeah!!!!
D. Recent, probably familiar still, this Holy Fucking Shit Beautiful Atmospheric work of art for metempsychosis!!!! by @askinsufferableprickmod . I really actually cannot stop looking at it. It's so gorgeous, and honestly even if it had nothing to do with me I would still be in love with it. The concept of the kids are Gods, as beings outside the mortal world they made for themselves, all that is visible here, and I really really love it!
* I know all of these are things people have drawn for me, for my content, but honestly that is why they are my favorites! It is touching to see someone put heart into something that is related to something you, yourself, also put heart into!!! I love it!!!! I love these talented artists!!!!!
ALSO: we all know Theater of Coolty, but it is so beloved to me, I can recite it in my sleep lol.
7. 🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately
On top of the other reasons I said I don't like things, you do actually have to convince me 6 times outta 10 if you want me to read a Homestuck fic in the third person. There is just something to the flavor of 2nd person that hits different. There is a reason different perspectives exist, and I think they can all be utilized well, but something about that classic, well-patterned "you, and then you" just gets me, you know?
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
I care about Rose! In fact, we started watching house of dragon (only 2 episode so far though) and it constantly makes me think of Rose because you use it as inspiration. Like obviously there’s the coronation scene which reminds me of stars. And there’s the character Willum is sorta kinda inspired by. And it’s an entirely different world, but every time I’m drawn back to Rose wondering how things will play out. (Which is not pressure to finish writing it if you don’t want to. Writer’s block can be a bitch and I get that the motivation for this project has been sucked out, but I just want you to know that I still care, and I’m not the only one.)
Also, I’ve been meaning to start my Ready, Set, Detonate analysis but I keeps getting away from me. I’m not sure there will be much to analyse, but there’s definitely fun details I want to point out. Oh and I am Looking 👀 at the fit/pac tag and kicking my feet. I don’t actually know if they are already in a relationship (I’m sure we’ll find out, but I just loved Fit’s little “Pac’s here?” That man is gone. Oh and I’m so excited for this Tubbo and to read more Bagi and the lore. Just all of it.
Then the original writing is a mood. I keep getting like a few chapters into my story before deciding it’s not good enough or thinking of something else I could do and throwing it all out. It’s this constant loop that never seems to get anywhere even though the story gets more and more fleshed out in my head every time. I think it’s because the opportunities are endless. Like there’s no characters and personalities and dynamics to stick to like there is in fan fiction. It’s free game but that does mean you have to decide everything yourself.
Anyway, best original writing advice I can give is remember the drafting process. There’s going to be a shit ton of drafts, which feels different for you because you’ve been mostly writing stories and posting them as you go, which means some minor or major editing, but leaves you without a chance to do a once over. It’s a sort of pressure to get everything right the first time. Meanwhile, original writing is something you keep close to your chest. There’s different drafting stages ranging from the zero draft (aka excessive daydreaming about all the possibilities) to the final draft (where you just go through and kill all your darlings and pour over ever single word to find the right one).
I’m struggling a lot with the first draft, which is literally just getting words onto a page. It’s a somewhat coherent mess that just allows you to shape the story and its structure so you can work off of that and edit it later on. I don’t know if this actually helps, but yeah, the first draft sucks and then it mostly gets easier. Just write, is kinda shitty advice, but it’s mainly, just get words onto a page, you will get a million chances to fix it, you don’t need to be happy about what you wrote right now.
ohhhh I'm so excited you've started watching hotd!! good timing since the second season is going to come out later this year :D I hope you enjoy!! and I'm so happy to hear you're still excited about rose. I definitely want to finish writing it, like I said it's just me worrying about if anyone will bother to read it but a lot of you have said you would so that helps assuage my worries a bit
feel free to send whatever random thoughts you have about ready set detonate you know idc if it's analysis or not I just love seeing peoples reactions!! fit and pac are not in a relationship (yet) in the fic but theres a lot of flirty pining going on lol
god yeah it's so much harder with original fiction because it feels like there's so much pressure. you have too much freedom to do whatever you want so you're constantly second guessing if it's good enough or not. and ofc I know rough drafts are supposed to be shitty but I've tried to hone my skills so that my first draft is always incredibly solid because I rarely have the patience to do heavy edits, but that's with fanfiction. it has to be different with original fiction I know but it's hard to make my brain okay with that. I keep feeling like it needs to be nearly perfect on the first run :( but yeah I'm mostly trying to get words on a page. but then I think back and realize I forgot to mention this or I need to mention more of that etc etc and it's just stressful arghhh
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crystalkitty1220 · 2 months
Monthly-ish check-in
Aka more of a diary entry than a blog post
Gonna disappear again for a bit after posting this
Decided to major in animation because ever since losing all of my confidence when it comes to writing creatively in Creative Writing class, my focus has been moved entirely to storyboards and scripts. Storytelling is still my passion but clearly I'm not very good with words, and tbh the only reason I had ever really been confident in my writing is because I'm good with grammar. I feel like my storyboards/scripts are pretty good and capture the exact energy I've never really been able to get across in my writing, but actual animation capabilities are still yet to be seen because I can barely fucking draw in the first place. Gonna also experiment with 3D modeling in college, because who knows, maybe I'm better if I can see my work from multiple angles at a time.
Maybe I'll host a MAP at some point when I fully come back to tumblr. If I do, it'll probably be centered around Traffic Life. Or maybe IBVS if there's enough people.
Fandom-wise, I somehow managed to get Echos obsessed with Traffic Life by showing them some episodes of Secret Life (specfically Tango's Torchy one). Then we watched Empires together, and now Echos is watching season 10 of Hermitcraft with me (Grian, Scar, and Joel's povs, though without them I've also been watching Mumbo, Bdubs, occasionally Zed, and now Doc. Before season 10 I only watched Grian, Scar, and Bdubs). I've even started working on a little something centered around Jimmy and the Canary Curse. Also add Xornoth to the list of even remotely evil-aligned characters that I thought were dudes at first and find out they're nonbinary/genderfluid/genderqueer after I start crushing on them. This is the, what, fifth time? At this point if I get a crush on a character I should just immediately start calling them by they/them. Specifically the Empires the Musical one btw, not the one that's just Smajor with a voice filter.
Still been having major nostalgia for Feral ever since downloading Emuferal. Got Krita to paint something based on it but I don't know when I'll post that. Wrote around three complete animatic scripts featuring the Blood Tundra kobolds. Three is actually a very small number compared to the amount I normally write per fandom. (Then again, I've only got around 2-ish for IBVS. That's probably because I like to focus on symbolism for my animation scripts, and the only consistent symbolism I can think of for IBVS is with Isaac and birds. He's been drawn in a bird cage, which is very much known to symbolize being trapped or lacking some kind of freedom. In another bit of art he's been drawn with wings, showing the achievement of freedom. Freedom from what? Hell if I know. Possibly unrelated to the bird stuff, in another bit of art, Isaac is seen holding Drew's hand. Drew has a confused, upset expression, and Isaac's expression is unreadable as always but I interpret it as being rather solemn. Isaac's feet are, notably, not on the fucking ground. He's drifting away, and Drew's trying to hold onto him. This could symbolize Isaac shutting down emotionally/socially and Drew trying to help. Or, if this connects to the freedom symbolism, Isaac might fucking die by the end of IBVS. It's probably the first one. I am eating this shit up I fucking adore symbolism.)
Speaking of IBVS, I've been reworking Curse!IBVS. The version I posted about in the past was basically the second version of Curse (I never posted anything about the first) so this one would be version three. Isaac's going back to being much more like version 1 because I decided I'm not a huge fan of the second one for multiple reasons. Due to Drew having healing powers, he and Nevin are also getting reworked - I even wrote a little snippet surrounding them just to get the vibes right, but I don't think I'll ever post it. Edward's curse is basically staying the same, but the way he handles it is being changed so he can work as a sort of foil to Nevin. I'm still trying to figure out how to turn Dez's power into a curse without making it too similar to Nevin's or Edward's. And I'm thinking Chris and Charlie can be more similar to normal IBVS, and then I can use Chris as a sort of anchor to introduce everything else. Also my brain keeps showing my this huge dramatic climax scene but unfortunately I think it's a little too out-of-character and I have no clue how it'd even get to that point.
Got the fourth Animorphs graphic novel. The whale thing is still super weird. Ax looks nothing like I imagine him. Not much more to say on that.
Started playing Royale High more regularly but it's a bit depressing because I've been playing since it was Winx Fairies and Mermaids Roleplay and now it's just Work a Job to Buy Useless Items and Invest in the Stock Market Simulator. Idk the musical chairs minigame is pretty fun.
Warrior Cats animations continue to be my main inspiration for basically everything I've ever drawn. I could write about them for hours but it's already 1am so I probably shouldn't. Oh and the new arc is pretty good if you cut out everything that isn't Frostpaw. Might be my new favorite pov character.
Really disappointed Camp Camp ended on ep 4 of the new season because literally episode 5 is always either a Jasper episode or my favorite episode Quartermoon Convergence. I can't believe my favorite character is now bald forever and my second favorite character hasn't been mentioned since season 3. On the plus side I have a whole separate document from my main script one just for Camp Camp animatic scripts because I've written so many of them. I don't know what I have more of, UTMV scripts or Camp Camp ones.
For years, crossovers have for some reason been my brain's main focus. Probably because the first ever fanfic I read was Morphing is Magic, and that shit was fire. So here's a few of the odd ones that have found their way into my thoughts:
•Yet another variation of an Animorphs and IBVS crossover.
•"The Othermind from WoF can affect people who ingest the Breath of Evil, and Nightmare's goo can break down and absorb anything, so could he be affected by the Othermind if he was stabbed one of the vines? Would it not count because he doesn't have a bloodstream?"
•IBVS constantly haunts my brain so that last one turned into the IBVS characters being dropped into the WoF world (as humans, mind you) but Drew and Nevin are in Pantala while the rest end up in Pyhrria.
•Similarly (while I was reading the new Warriors arc), the IBVS being dropped into the lake territory (this time catified) and all into different clans.
•Speaking of catification, I found this shit (below) in my ibis paint drafts, and immediately screenshotted it to send to Echos.
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I don't remember how or why I drew Drew's hair like that. I don't know why Dez would be trying to catboyify Drew, or why using the wrong materials would get him possessed by Ende from Feral. But by god, the thing that caught me off-guard most is the words "Is this what I get for saving your life? Catboyfication?" and I don't think I could write something funnier if I tried. Of course my brain immediately began to run with this, resulting in this blurb of text later being sent to Echos:
Me: it's four in the fucking morning, *stop* thinking of dumbass crossovers, they don't even make any fucking sense / My brain: monika said she had some of rachel's memories when possessing her. What if, when ende possesses drew, she's led back to his home and immediately feels like this place is a sanctuary - a safe place after being in danger for so long - something that drew has managed to find but ende still longs for. When she walks inside and sees nevin, she gets really emotional and can't stop herself from hugging him, then has to come up with the excuse that she (still pretending to be drew) didn't realized how much she missed him, then makes a fake promise to explain what happened in the morning. When she's by herself in drew's room she silently swears to drew - despite the fact she can feel he's falling into some kind of 'sleep', one that she can only recognize because she herself has been in an absent 'sleep' like that for so long - that she'll do everything she can to make sure they can both be free in this place. And when she goes to bed, she experiences drew's memory dream, and ende can relate to the feeling of having an important memory be kept from her. / And then the arms around her feel like they're turning into wings, and when she opens her eyes (though still dreaming) she sees luka. And ende demands to know why, if she's supposed to forget everything, can't they let her move on? A blizzard rages on in the background. She tries to pull away from luka's arms, but they still feel like wings encasing her - trying to keep a member of the flock safe, but only trapping her there - or like those of the watcher's. Again, she demands why they can't just let her go. Luka keeps their signature empty smile, but their eyes are not their own, boring down into ende like those of an all-too familiar statue. And then she wakes up, and she makes a second promise to the boy who can't even hear her: she's going to help him remember. / Me: stfu its sleep time. honk shoo. honk mimimimi. go to fucking bed.
Echos' reply was: "Ooo".
•Hermes from Empires SMP using the Staff of Sanctuary for Multiverse Shenanigans™
•Multiple concepts of villains from different media being thrown into Gotham City, and how they'd fare against Batman. I blame Echos and the other one for being obsessed with the Batfam and talking about DC constantly.
•Doodles of Empires!Smajor, Celestia from MLP, Dream from Dreamtale, and Sun from FNaF interacting in "my sibling got corrupted by an outside force and turned evil" club™. At some point I threw DogDay in there just for the hell of it even though he doesn't fit the criteria whatsoever. One of the doodles is just Scott, confused, with a thought bubble containing a cartoony sun symbol. (Wait, does Jake from Animorphs count? Can't believe I missed that.)
•Some other IBVS ones idk it's just constantly in my head
Also been reconnecting with some irl friends I hadn't spoken to since the Women List Dude incident. First time hanging out at a friend's house for as long as I can remember, and you best believe one of my rambles led from Spiderverse to Undertale AUs to Kirby Takes Manhattan to the origins of the ship Fingers In His Ass Sunday. Also got to learn a bit more about Women List Dude, whom none of them even knew I had experience with, and vice versa. To quote one of my friends, "Every time I talk to someone new about him, the story grows." Apparently he was fucking infamous in our school, and not even just in our grade. Istg he's practically an urban legend. "Oh, [Woman List Dude]? Yeah, I've got some stories about him..." *crackling of a campfire, the smell of smores.* Except there's concrete evidence and multiple witnesses to every account. It's honestly hilarious.
Uhh I think that's basically about it for this update. It's now 4am and I just finished rereading everything, so I'm gonna hit post and then not check tumblr again for like another month.
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 3 months
Requesting Nya, Edgeworth, and Theif for the character bingo!
(It didn't surprise me that you have good taste in characters. Also, I should watch The Last Unicorn...)
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(asks about my favourite fictional characters in 2024)
Oddly enough you got me kind of going on a theme with this one - they're all characters I expected to be tropey in a bad way, who all turn out way more interesting than I could've ever imagined. Huh.
A lot of words lie below about Dicey Dungeons (up to Reunion), the first two Ace Attorney games, and Ninjago (up to the end of season 6).
Spoilers for Dicey Dungeons (up to Reunion), the first two Ace Attorney games, and Ninjago up to the end of season 6. A warning for a mention of a suspected suicide in a backstory.
I'll start with Thief since I need a bit of warmup for the other ask you sent me:
Thief is the only time I've genuinely enjoyed a protagonist that… I'm not sure how to put it. Is shown to be a jerkass and a realist amongst a cast of otherwise very whimsical characters? Who's drawn to look roguish, sneaky, and clever, whether the writer backs that up or not. And for bonus points, is styled after D&D's aesthetics.
I usually hate characters like this. I think it's an oversaturation problem. Ronin's the closest example I have - a character that does nothing for his season's story and wins against the ninja purely out of plot necessity. Or consider Jax, who takes up a lot of screentime in TADC making the rest of the crew suffer, whose snarking really only makes the creators look insecure about the goofier elements of their own work.
And Jax has been confirmed to be a creator's favourite, which is… not concerning, but it's one of those things a creator can say to make you realise you see something very different in their work to them. Plus, a lot of people like him in the fandom. Which isn't technically part of the work. But it is annoying to see how so many people focus on this archetype even when it doesn't bring anything new to the table. This trope is always extremely obvious, and extremely obnoxious if you don't like it.
The worst thing is this isn't just relegated to the realm of fiction. Do you remember when Rick and Morty was a thing, and you had hordes of people looking up to Rick Sanchez as a role model because he was both smart and an asshole, and therefore the takeaway was that it was okay to be an asshole if you (thought you) were smart?
Maybe this is just because I made the mistake of using Reddit as a teenager, but I'm so sick of that attitude. Throw in the way it only ever seems to apply to men…
(as for the last point - I like the concept of magic and fantasy, but I'm not white and I'm fucking sick of how the genre is based in very strict archetypes when you could do anything with it. I won't elaborate on this or it'd be a whole 'nother essay; let's just say I dislike any aesthetic based off D&D.)
Thief is the only time I've seen a work dress this down: his whole arc is realising that he's been outclassed by somebody who knows the game much better than he does, and actually has the power to back it up (and is much funnier to watch too).
As Lady Luck so elegantly puts it:
"…Thief, who is so strangely proud of being clever and unpleasant! Do you think he minds that I'm so much cleverer, and so many times more unpleasant?"
You know that creeping feeling of dread you got playing the game? He's the character that embodies it best. I expected the game to play this completely straight like all those characters above, but it doesn't. It's not so much a twist as the objectively correct take on this trope, but it's still unique and genuinely insightful in a way I haven't seen since.
(Fun fact: it was actually seeing the episode 2 dialogue between Lady Luck and Thief that got me to stop playing the demo and get the full game! The streamer was fast-forwarding through all the text, but I paused and was like 'wait. this is good dialogue. I have to buy this.')
Reunion really drives this home. I love how he instead starts directing his snark outwards to keep his new friends safe. He actually does things now, as the tough negotiator of the group, rather than just claiming he's better than them. He's still kind of got his old greed in him with how he respects Lady Luck's plans to paint the moon as her face, and how he's here for profit first and foremost, but it's clear he's been forced to grow out of that previous obnoxiousness after being put through hell and back.
Dicey Dungeons has such good commentary on character tropes y'all. Seriously.
Nya's a character that had a personal impact on me growing up. I didn't notice it back then, but at least in the early seasons she's just. Objectively the coolest character in the cast. Albeit only because of misogyny reasons as you've noted, but a signifcant amount of Ninjago's appeal lies in its cool factor, so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I always thought she was going to be Green Ninja as a kid.
I had to go back and check this, but we get the Samurai X reveal just before season 1 gets onto the full potential episodes. There's something about having to build your own power in a way that one-ups all your peers while keeping it secret from them that's so cool to me. While I have mixed feelings on whether it's a good thing or not, it reminds me of how I studied a lot of maths in my own time in primary school and did better than everyone else by a long shot. Plus you don't usually see girls straight up build mechs, so this blew my fucking mind as a kid.
It was cool to see representation like that. I really like how that specialisation then leads into her potential in season 5 - when she finally begins to branch into learning something new that doesn't seem to be her thing. I've seen people doubt how realistic that is, and while you can debate how well it was paced or whether it's a good decision for the series, that's a real problem you can run into when you're AFAB (or in any other oppressed group) and talented at one thing.
You get attached to your best skill, because that's how you prove yourself as a person. It comes easily to you and you never really work on anything else, and when you're pushed to do it, you hate that it doesn't come easily to you. I didn't consider myself an artist or writer or programmer for years because I thought the stuff I made was ugly and awkward; I knew a trans guy in secondary who straight up told me that he liked his subjects because they came easily to him (which good for him, but it still proves my point that this is a real thing people go through).
I'm reminded of Wu telling Nya that while earth is strong and air is fluid, water can be both. I thought it was just a thing they wrote in to sound wise back then, but on reflection it's some really kind encouragement for her to branch out. And I like how she quits angrily in her training and tries to run for ages. How she doesn't figure it out until the end. I can see myself in that. It's very nice.
And while Skybound's very. Divisive. I think it's a good 60% of a season for her. Her story up to the ending of episode 8 has been compelling - she wants Jay to respect her boundaries, she struggles to make herself known as a new part of the team due to her status, maybe she doesn't mind being in a relationship, but she wants to at least choose for herself. And the sheer amount of optimism encouragement and energy she has throughout the season for everyone is just great.
Yeah. She's great. She kicks ass. She's unfortunately stuck in a show lead by Male WritersTM but we sometimes stumble into some decent characterisation for her despite that. She's unfortunately lowkey but that means there's less parts of her to mangle over time.
…Ninjago was such a great show. It's such a shame it was capped at 6 seasons, but at least that means they treated Nya with respect throughout her runtime except for that one time…
Also I don't know how to tie this neatly into the essay. But a while ago LEGO released a really funny Ninjago explained video done by the Honest Trailers guy, and I still fucking love how he goes off about how talented Nya is for ages instead of making fun of most of the other Ninjas' archetypes (sans Cole), and just ends it with:
'so naturally she was the last one picked for the team. Seriously, they picked [Jay] over her?'
Edgeworth I have the least to say about - it's been a hot while since I've touched AA (and only the first two games at that) and I don't want to risk misremembering fandom concepts as canon.
But the main impact he made on me was that he seems so tailor-made to be your frustrating, comically evil anime rival for the entire plot. Opposing colour scheme, stupid animations, and all. You go in thinking he's made to be a smug bastard you can knock down, and you come out recoiling from that as soon as possible in horror.
And you feel so powerful when you finally get to team up with him against someone.
Yes he does pull out absolute bullshit like the updated autopsy report, and he's still pretty insulting even in later installations. But when you're working your way throughout the first game, and you start to poke at his motivations a little further? He has an iron-clad reason to want to become a prosecutor, even as potentially corrupt as his methods may be. He seeks to help Wright if it truly brings someone to justice, which is a better portrayal of the legal system than I've seen than from many other places.
And in the end, after he saves you, you have to go back and do the same for him. And it's the best case of the game. You not only blow open a decades-old case that's been hinted towards throughout the entire game, but you also finally cut your friend loose from the ghost that he didn't even know was haunting him for years. It ties the overarching plot and the main characters' personal endeavours together so well, which is the series' greatest strength, despite what the memes going around about its wacky hijnks would have you believe.
Plus, while it's not Edgeworth's doing himself, the amount of dedication Phoenix has towards this guy is great. Whether you read their bond as romantic or platonic (or otherwise), you get the sense Edgeworth must've been someone really special to Phoenix for him to try and chase him down through years of law school and all the bullshit you're put through in the previous 3 chapters. That's devotion right there, and it catches you entirely off-guard with what you go in expecting.
He feels very human. You learn about things like his Steel Samurai collection, you give him advice on how to grow beyond the mess that is DL6. You see him take that in the worst way possible by running off to a foreign country and implying that he might've killed himself. You expect none of it. It's very touching.
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jq37 · 1 year
The fact Gerard's vision of a better world is 'none of that 5am bullshit, we wake up at 8 to workout', just the best. I wonder if Ylfa's still got dawg in her, or if that's not a thing in her new reality. Anyway, another great finale for the books, wrapped more satisfyingly than I expected. There were so many threads, I didn't think they would have the time. I was expecting the Top Hat Fairy to do something to help like Turquina, but *shrug*. I suppose Ylfa having that hat for the rest battle was enough help and was definitely not a waste of precious resources. *sighs* So many 20's, so many stressful Box of Doom's, on the edge of my seat the whole time, satisfying conclusions to everyone's story arcs. You can't ask for better than that.
OK this has been sitting in my inbox for a bit for two reasons. The first is I've just been majorly busy with IRL stuff. The second is that I have...let's say mixed feelings about Neverafter as a whole having seen the finale. 
Like, as a vehicle for comedy (which Dimension 20 largely is--makes sense considering the cast is all comedians who are friends. A recipe for shenanigans if I've ever heard one) the season absolutely succeeded. There were very few moments of this season where I wasn't entertained. Thinking about Ylfa saying the phrase, "honking big" will break me every time. Watching the cast lose their mind during adventuring party every week as they descended further into madness was fantastic. And Ylfa going in for the kiss w/ Pinnochio at the end had me dying. 
But as a story? And specifically, as a story ABOUT stories? 
[To be clear, I am talking about MY opinions here. To everyone who really loved how this season wrapped up, that's fantastic! I'm just talking about me and my thoughts. Even when I'm making broad statements, I'm still just talking about me. Cool? Cool.]
Just to start with the broadest thing, it is *insane* to have a finale that is nigh incomprehensible without having watched some bonus content, and honestly, only slightly more comprehensible if you have watched that bonus content. Like, was it FUNNY to see the full cast practically melting as they went feral for the Orange Fairy? Yes, obviously. But it also undercut any sense of like real stakes or weight to the entire affair. 
I'm not the biggest fan of final fights in general because it often feels like just drawn-out math, but I feel like, even factoring that in, the fight didn't feel as engaging as it could because by the second part of the fight, we were fighting characters we hadn't spent a lot of time with. Like, sure, I have thoughts about how the princesses were handled but we did spend time with them. Enough time to at least have some sort of opinion when they were taken down. And enough time for characters to have relationships with them that paid off during their fights--Red taking down La Bete for instance, or Pinnochio reaching out to Mira. With the fairies, we only really met three of them (Turq, The Evil One, and the Godmother), and we really only got a half-decent read on Turq. So it really wasn't that emotionally satisfying (outside of whatever emotion they were CLEARLY getting from their Orange Fairy Acid Trip). 
And then the Authors we know the least about! There were all these meta elements that were introduced in this season that weren't really explored much at all. So that element felt really obligatory to me. It was like, the fighting of a vague concept. Which isn't to say that can't work. They fully fight the American Dream in Unsleeping City 1. But that worked for me because (1) they had the concrete villain of Robert Moses to fight as well and (2) there was a very clear thematic reason they were fighting the American Dream. Put a pin in that, I'm coming back to it. 
The last two big elements in the fight are the Gander who didn't really do anything but by all accounts, SHOULD have been a bigger player and the Stepmother who ABSOLUTELY should have felt more satisfying to defeat because I actually think she has one of the more interesting stories in the story. Unlike the princesses (who struck me as shortsighted and selfish at worst and majorly misguided at best) and the PCs (who felt very rebel without a cause and a bit aimless for large parts of the season), I fully understand why a character who is always written to be evil would want to be like OK, screw it. Burn it all down. But then, at the last second, we get this, "No, wait, I actually wanted to free us all from the authors" thing and it just feels like it comes out of nowhere. Like, maybe giving her her name back gave her back her humanity or something, Fine. But it gave me so much whiplash. We did not spend enough time with her story threads for that to work imo. 
Going back to the Authors thing now. I'm going to skip over a bunch of my logistical questions about them (Is that one ink hand speaking for all Authors? For only some? What even is an Author in the context of this world? Is the world that exists above the Never After even really our world? Fairy Tales don't even have set authors most of the time. They're oral tradition. What does killing an ink hand do mechanically in the actual world? Did they kill the entire concept of storytelling or just give one person bad writer's block? ) and go to my thematic question which is, what is the tone that was meant to be struck here? Or I guess rather, why was this the tone struck? The idea of Authors as a malevolent force and that never really being challenged is so bizarre to me. Because storytelling as a concept exists in their world. So why would they assume malevolence rather than people who just don't understand they're playing with the lives of sentient beings? Like, I get the concept of seeing something just beyond your meagre comprehension and cracking. I really do. But that really only happened when Tim saw the ink. Everyone seemed to just jump on the "Authors Evil" bandwagon and didn't examine that further. And I guess you're not obligated to look further into the people who are controlling your life against your will (though, I really don't understand to what degree the Authors were actually doing that--add that question to the pile) but that makes for a very unsatisfying story beat. 
But even outside of that, it's a weird take on storytelling from a storyteller in a medium where you're seeing the storyteller on screen at all times along with the other six storytellers who are telling the story. It's like, an insane level of dissonance, watching someone narrate about how Authors are so cruel and uncaring while watching seven people who are so passionate about what they do, clearly having a great time in the world they created. It made that thread ring hollow to me. And I'm not trying to do some kind of pedantic gotcha like, "Oh ho. You said storytelling is bad and yet you are a storyteller. Interesting." That's not what I'm saying. If you want to tell a story about control and lack of control and agency and all that, then I can see having your players play characters who are being controlled by authors. But it wasn't explored in a way that made any kind of point other than, "Free will is good." Which...yeah. And I initially thought it was very cool that they were telling a story about character feeling like they didn't have agency in a medium where we literally have to watch the "extraplanar beings" controlling the characters' agency because I thought they were going to do something interesting with it but they never really did. Frustrating. 
There were hella loose ends that were never tied (What actually caused the Neverafter to merge? What does the Auroratory actually do? What caused the times of shadow*? What was going on in the other worlds?) but lastly, I just want to touch on the loose ends that actually *were* tied. Specifically in the epilogue. 
So the idea here is everyone gets to write their own stories. That sounds good in theory. But, in reality, people are gonna have wishes that contradict. And people are gonna have wishes that are bad. And people are gonna have wishes that control other people. Like, in this new reality Tom Thumb wakes up at 8. But that's what Ger wants. Is that what Tom wants? In this new reality Elody and Ger are divorced. Did they both want that? What if one of them didn't want that? What if multiple people want to be married to the same person? What if multiple people want to be royalty of the same place? What if multiple people want to be despotic dictators or the same place?
I'm not going to go through every epilogue, but Roz's in particular gave me pause. Not because she decided to not give herself a true love and in fact specify a cruddy dating life for herself--wouldn't have been my move but do you girl. No, it made me go "huh?" because Siobhan said that in this rewritten version, instead of avoiding spindles, she gets really good at handling spindles, and then when the witch shows up with a spindle, she knows how to handle herself. But that's just like...not how Sleeping Beauty works? Like, it's not that Auora's curse takes hold because she was bad at spindles. It happens because she was cursed to die (softened to sleep) when pricked by a spindle on that day and time! Michael Jordan could have been cursed to die via basketball on his 25th birthday and no amount of talent would have saved him because it's not about life experience. It's about magic. And like, I get that she wanted to have more agency in her story but that's just like...not Sleeping Beauty at that point. If she had been like, "So I spend my whole childhood preparing to face the evil fairy and defeat her in a battle of wits/magic/sword fighting/Uno/etc before my curse takes hold instead of letting people solve the problem for me" then that would have tracked for me. But as is? That was just bizarre. 
And then also the fact that the Stepmother AND the Gander were just like, good in this world? The stepmother, I can maybe kinda sorta buy. Like, I have questions 100%. Was this what Cinderella wanted? For her abusive stepmother to just get a clean slate to be in her life again? We're not given any indication that the Stepmother is really a nice person who is being forced to play into the villain kayfabe by her puppet masters and really in her heart just wants to be good. But that COULD happen (and I wish it had) so sure. Fine. But the Gander? The Gander, this primal force, just wants to be good and wander? First off, not the main thing here, but if I was Tim and this dude made my son turn to bones I'd be like??? No??? But also, I thought the Gander was like, a force of the universe! The opposite of the Goose! Yin and Yang type stuff! He can just be good with no cosmological consequences???
(Also, as I said, it's really kind of jarring to watch these characters like struggle for control of their stories and then just, in real time, while 6 actors put words in their mouths about what their best life is. I know that's the nature of the game but it doesn't make it not weird to watch.)
In conclusion, I found this season exceptionally funny but also not very narratively cohesive. I really wish it had come together a bit better because I really love fairy tales. My thesis project right now (which I'll probably share on here when I'm done with it)  is a fairy tale retelling and the last major writing project I worked on had a lot of fairy tale inspiration as well. I think there were a lot of potentially interesting ideas in this season! Pinocchio asking why other kids get to mess up but he can't is a great beat. Pib as an incarnation of an archetypical trickster spirit is inspired. The effects of a True Love's Kiss spell wearing off as your marriage crumbles has interesting implications. But it didn't coalesce in what I felt was a satisfying way. I admire the effort that went into this season and would love to see Brennan's notes because I'm sure there's a lot we never got to (some of which might answer some of my questions) but as is, it felt a bit overstuffed and underbaked. 
*OK, we actually did get an answer to this question, but it was so tautological as to be basically meaningless and I would like a more in-depth answer. 
PS: Oh! I got kind of carried away and didn't answer everything in your message. Let me fix that! 
-I think Ylfa is just a normal girl now. I did think Roz taking her in once she was separated from the wolf was very sweet. I have some existential questions about the splitting situation but the moment was still sweet regardless. I do like that people still draw her with the wolf ears though. Wolf ears are always fun. 
-It *is* very funny that Ger had a page to write literally whatever he wanted and that made the list. 
-I am fascinated by what would have happened if they'd failed that roll. I know Brennan said they'd have time looped back to the start and ended on a bummer note, but I mean like, what would the table's energy have been like. They've never lost like that before. Still haven't. And I didn't really *want* them to but also...my fatal flaw is curiosity so you know...
-Them fighting fully corrupted Tim would have been interesting too. What a cool what could have been. I'm sure there are so many of those. 
-That damn Top Hat. Do you think they're actually gonna sell that with the rest of the minis or keep it?
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lord-shitbox · 3 months
Now, I uno reverse card your ask! I would LOVE to hear all your GozuMezu AUs and thoughts!!! It's so exciting to meet someone else in current day still into Nura 😭 And your art is beautiful!!! Thank you for feeding us 🙏
YAAY HAPPY ok to be real i don't actually think of AUs That much but I do like imagining them in other fictional universes....actually scratch that my one pet AU is imagining the Gyuki clan in the American Wild West cowboy era. They have a ranch on Nejireme Mountain and they run things in these here parts; the yakuza aspect remains, they're like a crime family and have significant power in the city. Mezu in particular herds the animals (Negoro and Uwajima are bulls in this AU) and isn't too keen on combat himself but can and will instigate a cattle stampede to wreck shit if he feels like it. Gozu is a crack shot duelist he likes pointing guns at people to scare them into obedience and he WISHES he could spin guns but cannot. he can do like basic tricks but the last time he tried to do a showy gun toss he dropped the pistol and it misfired and shattered a window & Gyuki yelled at him about it (see this post) (he WISHES. but cant and will die mad)
I don't have much art for this (all of it was drawn like. february 2021.) BUT here. ALSO IT'S CHRONOLOGICALLY FEASIBLE because the wild west era was like. 1800s ish.
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OTHER THAN THAT THOUGH. mostly i imagine them being silly and stupid together. They have such a good dynamic,,, gozu is serious and aggressive and mezu is silly and friendly. they contrast each other so well & have been best buds for so long,,,,,,, They both like,., are really good material to work with for funny silly ideas, which I love, AND they can be fucked up / scary / covered in blood, which I also love. they have the range. it's wonderful.
LATELY I'VE been imagining gozumaru going to Tono because of this page from Nuramago Kage that @vistargalaxies sent me. He'd love it there he would have So much fun
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bonus: I made them in Lobotomy Corporation. im like 18 days in but I give them the best gear I have at all times.
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bonus #2 the first time I drew them Ever (late 2020. right before I went batshit insane and fixated on them for 6 months straight). sometimes I remember that the first time I found nurarihyon no mago i only saw season 2, which gozu and mezu are barely in, and didn't know there was a whole First Season I was missing until years later. its like. so insane I DID NOT KNOW WHAT WAS COMING TO ME
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skatehepburn · 4 months
💗 Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love! 💗
okay i famously am not a joiner so i don't know that i will reciprocate (but open call to @skyirons my fandom hopping bestie ilu) but thank you for asking!
i think most people on here followed me originally for hacks but i am a bit of a fandom hopper and a rarepair lover so this list will run the gamut:
"Til Sunbeams Find You," Dead to Me. Jen/Judy summer camp counselor AU.
I don't love this fic for the writing, but for the fact that someone hopped into the comments and asked me if i was on stan twitter (i was not, but i made a fuckin' account), and thereby introduced me to some of my now very dear friends. Was DTM fandom a hot fucking mess? Yes. Do we ever need to talk about s3 Again? No. Did my DTM standom give me MS? Inconclusive. But this silly show and trying to make these two characters kiss got me through some hard times and i'll always be grateful!
2. "5 Times Mary Jo Shively Almost Kissed Julia Sugarbaker (and One Time She Did)," Designing Women, Mary Jo/Julia (natch)
Just what it says on the tin! Someone commented on this fic recently so I reread it (love to never recall anything I've ever written) and it was fun! THE SUBTEXT IS SO STRONG in canon and yet there's not near enough fic imo. Due for a DW rewatch, is what I'm saying. I always enjoy getting to write southern characters as someone who's lived in Appalachia all my life 🫡
(this fic is also one i could show my twin without having to redact the smutty bits lmaooooo)
3. "who's gonna lay in your lonely bed, who's gonna love you like me?" Dragon Age, Bethany/Isabela
I'm sure Dreadwolf will get me back into the DA trenches but Bethany/Isabela has gotta be my rarepair otp. I seldom want to read a player character fic for an RPG (with the exception of maybe FemShep); I'm always drawn to pairing off the sidekicks. There's just so much AFFECTION between Isabela and Bethany in the party banter, and Bethany gets such a short end of the stick by the narrative that I really had to let her get her world rocked by the swarthy sailor with a heart of gold.
4. "in the morning i will sing," Baldur's Gate 3, Jaheira/Karlach
Most recent fic is always gonna be on the fave fic list, that's just the way it goes. In my first playthrough of bg3 my character pined for Jaheira unrequitedly and in my second I'm romancing Karlach as Shadowheart, so why not combine the two into some smut with a side of party banter! And I clearly have a thing for a bit of an age gap/hero worship dynamic as evidenced by *gestures at ao3 account*
(also tr*cy w*les's chronically online era is not helping my jaheira fixation... love that she ships her with everybody tho we stan an absolute icon)
5. "ring the bells that still can ring," Hacks, Deborah/Ava
firstly: i wrote this fic so i could make that shrek/leonard cohen joke. i'm sorry, or you're welcome, as appropriate.
secondly: i wrote this fic before so many things happened! hacks season 2, developing an incurable progressive chronic illness, getting married myself!
my wife rarely reads my fic (they support it fully! including meeting fandom friends on our honeymoon lmaoo luv u [redacted]). but i will occasionally gently ask if they'll take a peek at something, because, well, they're the person that taught me everything i know about love, so it goes into the writing!
it took them a long time to read this fic (or it at least felt like it), but when they did, they sent me a notesapp full of annotated reactions... 6 months later , after a decade together, they proposed in a drivethru.
which is to say: i'm pretty sure this fic is the reason i'm currently married, so it will always be my favorite <3
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adanaac · 1 year
Could I ask about your OC's? Specifically Ophicucus and Tsuru, I love how majestic Ophi is drawn and Tsuru fascinates me both with the concept and also how lovely you have illustrated him.
I hope you are well, and thank you again for helping me with my questions o7.
Sincerely HMAD.
oh good i get to talk about my son!!
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my blorbo my beloved my babygirl he means everything to me
i made him in 2017 so hes sort of grown up with me (or i've grown up and realised things about him that i couldn't have when i was younger. i have so many complicated feelings abt this that i made a short comic about it last year)
to preface this im not a great writer dont expect good writing from me lol all i have is my personal experience and stealing tropes from stories i like
(got a lot to say so its all going under the cut. also a lot of death mention)
So. who is this dude
Tsuru (not his real name in-story, i havent come up with one im happy with), 18 years old, a ghost
he has a little sister, Ori, 15, who was meant to be my sona but then i just drew him more and like drawing him more anyway
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first 2 drawings i ever did of him. he was based off natori natsume yuujinchou at this point, i dont remember why or if i even liked natori that much, but i remember distinctly hes based off him
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u may have noticed he sort of looks older in my older art. this is because first of all art style drift lol but also as ive gotten older ive figured out that 18 isnt actually that old.
theres also a black haired version of him (two actually) its basically something like this ⬇️
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important to know that everything about this dude is a convoluted metaphor
i lovingly summarize white tsuru as "people pleaser" and black tsuru as "nihilist prick" in my head and those are the things consistent throughout all the AU versions of him
(important differences only to me) alive tsuru doesnt act like black tsuru at all thats just his warped self perception (he also doesnt act exactly like white tsuru either)
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also alive tsuru has black eyes and the shortest hair, black tsuru has blue eyes and slightly longer hair (also white tsuru is slightly taller than both of them)
if they all existed at the same time they would hate each other on sight but fortunately (unfortunately?) he is just 1 dude with issues
the general vibe is white tsuru is the "yippee floaty trickster" brand of ghost and black tsuru is the sort of ghost in horror media that stands just outside your field of view in the darkness dripping with blood
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for the longest time only white haired tsuru was a "character", "black haired tsuru" existed just as his corpse at most, a footnote
but over the past 2 years ive figured that hes actually really fun to draw and play with, and in a different way than white tsuru
(wait fuck isnt this just abe trio. i do always almost accidentally draw tsuru when im trying to draw haruaki.... fuck.....)
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(ive had tsuru for long enough that i just keep tacking details from my fav characters onto him.....)
halls smp
so ive been on this minecraft roleplay server called halls smp with other artists for the past 2 years, theres a new season of it every few months with a different theme each time to keep things fresh and ive just been making AU versions of tsuru for it so ive had a lot of opportunity to think about him
season 1 - halloween - jiangshi tsuru
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this one is almost entirely unchanged from his base characterization because i didnt want to rp too much and also didnt know there would be future seasons at this point (also basically after the first day i gave up on being called "tsuru" bc its too hard to pronounce and everyone called me canada anyway)
same basic story, guy dies and theres now a white haired version of him (actually this is the same for all the AUs). in fact im pretty sure the black haired version of this one is exactly base alivetsuru. basically what ive been interested in exploring is different kinds of death, the events leading up to it, and what kind of person he becomes afterwards (but also in equal amounts im interested in making fun designs and playing minecraft and fucking around)
(this feels like the start of the beginners guide...)
i associate him with doves and at the time, tarot card 18: the moon, but in retrospect i now think he's card 0: the fool.
season 2 - winter - ishmael
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guy who died at sea and eaten by a interdimensional whale and got isekaied. loosely conceptually based off moby dick, although i havent actually read it LOL but i did spend a week reading up on drowning and hypothermia
strangely, his death didnt create a white haired version of him, perhaps because he didnt have anything in life to give up his identity and replace it with. (and also remember the hair color doesnt actually mean dead/alive)
im only calling him ishmael now in retrospect, at the time he was just tsuru/canada
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while designing him i had the biggest crisis bc i didnt want him to look to much like this old old oc i had (pic 1) but then i sucked it up and went with it anyway
i never got around to drawing it but his fingers are black from frostbite thats why he wears gloves all the time.
hes one of my favorite iterations of tsuru he looks so mad or upset all the time it makes me want to tease him, and also i think the grey skin and eyebags are very cute
i associate him with whales and tarot card 18: the moon
season 3 - golden grove - fox tsuru
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honestly i think this is my favorite design of him i kinda popped off. i think im just a lot more comfortable working with warm colors. and also i associate white tsuru with foxes anyway (black tsuru is totally a catboy btw) (why is he not associated with cranes if his name is tsuru you ask?? bc cranes are hard to draw next question. he did start out based off cranes tbf, thats where the white hair and the tallness comes from)
dead fox possessing his dead human friend's body (although thats only the most literal interpretation of events; in all these iterations there's only ever been 1 person) the white tsurus are mostly interested in "moving on", whatever that means to each of them
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btw my banner on this blog is him
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hes sort of a set with s2 tsuru to me, mostly bc theyre the ideals that "white tsuru" and "black tsuru" hold taken to the extremes, and also theyre on opposite ends of the "hates people hates talking" and "loves to talk and mess with people" scale
anyway. hes tarot card 10: wheel of fortune to me
season 4 - wild west - mirage
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the desert dragon, mirage. this is the season i started giving them actual names that arent "tsuru" and putting actual thought into the story lol previously it was just vibes-based character design. i have a short thing written about him thats meant to be the script for a comic, but i never got around to drawing it.
a sandworm-esque dragon that got tired of being a dragon and took up a passing witch's offer to give him a human form. this is all a metaphor i think. he has longer hair bc i wanted to spice things up a little
(also i consider this a form of death bc he left behind a giant sandworm/dragon skeleton somewhere in the desert)
the mirage-dragon thing comes from the shen 蜃 (which is used in the chinese word for mirage, 海市蜃楼 haishi shenlou, literally translating to "ocean city and shen's castle"). it's a clam-like dragon that produces foam that creates mirages over the ocean.
if u read "even if you slit my mouth", this is what the "shinkiro" or "shin" in recent chapters is. (i had one of those "smug because i already know all about the mythological creature a story is referencing" moments, which i also had with the four gods in yohaji bc i used to translate a game that mentioned them too)
isnt it romantic in a way? that the two places mirages are most known for happening are the ocean and the desert.
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i dont have too much art of him because around this time i was uhhh (checks calendar) got back into yohaji and got consumed by it for a couple months lol (can u even blame me. it was july to september that was when like chapter 91 came out lol)
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an earlier version of his design that i didnt end up using but i still really like this art
hes tarot card 9: the hermit to me
season 5 - fairytales/medieval - ophiuchus
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NO FUCKING WAY YOURE NEVER GOING TO BELIEVE THIS for this one i actually ironed out what kind of people the black haired and white haired versions of him are. and also specifically this one isnt black tsuru but alive tsuru
i have a short poem thing about him, to summarize its like so many other fairytales about grateful animals granting their saviors something, but it doesnt end well for anyone
hes based off ophiuchus and asclepius of course, but also a lot of other snake stories in general, like the lindwurm and baishezhuan
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to reiterate, for none of these stories do i consider there to ever actually have been 2 separate people, its always just 1 fucked up guy
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i also sort of consider him to be a set with mirage, for both being serpents, and also for being "black tsuru whose personality is like white tsuru" and "white tsuru whose personality is like black tsuru", thereby codifying for myself that to him, someone who's stuck in his own head a lot, what matters most to him is his ideals, what all his actions are in pursuit of
he's tarot card 12: the hanged man to me
bonus: dnd character - alba
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i also have a version of him i play for dnd, named alba to match with my party who all have color themed names. a halfling ranger who's very small and very loud. except he has amnesia and cant remember anything from before he was 12 (hes around 18 now according to him), including that he's actually a changeling who just transformed into a halfling to seem older than he is to work at a bar and nearly died in a bar fight.
(if you spend as much time fretting over semantics as me, you may note that changelings are medium sized and cannot transform into halflings which are small sized, for which my explanation is that he's been in halfling form since he was a kid, and after the amnesia he thought he actually was a halfling. this is also why his hair is white btw bc changelings have white hair. pre-amnesia in his "actual" halfling transformation he had black hair. i care too much about semantics but hey isnt dnd the semantics game anyway?)
anyway congrats alba for being the only version of tsuru that hasn't outright "died"!! if only because dnd has actual rules and i can't pull my usual death-ghost nonsense as easily!!!
hes very ship of theseus to me, all versions of him are. what makes up a person? what defines them? is it their face, their appearance, their name? their personality, their memories, their ideals? if you slowly replace each of those, one at a time, with a copy thats very similar to the original, at what point are you a different person?
as thanks for reading all of this i'll reveal what some of the metaphors are, the core of who tsuru, as a character, is to me. maybe this is fairly obvious, but all the death and personality weirdness stuff is a convoluted metaphor for depression and autism, as well as the experience of reading the things you've written years ago, seeing old photos and others talking about who you were years ago and finding that person wholly unfamiliar, that you understand the thought process of that person no more than you would a stranger's, as a result of having taken apart your identity and replaced it piece by piece with things from people you like more than yourself.
im always scared of scrutinizing tsuru too hard because he's just a weird reflection of myself, and i think i'll only be able to write a version of him thats more of a "whole person" once i figure that out for myself. the only way you see your own reflection is through a mirror after all, a flattened 2D surface.
haha this got kinda weird and depressing and personal at the end (mostly bc ive been writing this in the middle of the night, its now 4am)
after seeing my soul laid bare like this, if theres one takeaway, i think its pretty obvious why i'm so enamored by the parts of yohaji that i talk about often (huh wasnt this a post about my oc why did it become about yohaji)
oh yeah i just realised u probably also wanted to hear more about my yohaji version of tsuru specifically. honestly theres not really more to it i just like drawing him in situations. like of course the same themes apply but i just like drawing this dude thats 90% the reason hes my sona. like heres a pokemon au of him i drew recently bc i wanted to draw them as kids and also as pokemon gijinkas
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anyway thats all. not really bc i could go on and on about him but this is way too long and also way too personal at this point. i think about him a disproportionate amount, i only have 2 other ocs i remotely care about and the extent of my thoughts for those guys is "i think hes fun 👍"
this has probably also been like, the 3rd most comprehensive description of tsuru that ive made, 1st being the thoughts in my head and 2nd being the past 5 years worth of DMs with my friend who i talk about tsuru with
(why was this sort of structured like the beginners guide. if youve seen the beginners guide tell me if im right or delusional. if u havent, go watch a playthrough of it, have an existential crisis, and then afterwards tell me)
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What do you think about people shipping Alina and Nikolai? Also how do you feel about them implementing The Zoya romance going forward? Even though I do like their overall relationship between Nikolai and Alina I'm worried that they'll throw away the Nikolai and Zoya potential from the books in season 3 for Alina and Nikolai. For the 3rd season I wouldn't mind if they explored his feelings for Alina but I think maybe he could get eventually friendzoned by her because let's be honest Alina has too many boy problems to deal with another. And maybe whilst Alina is dealing with her problem, becoming darker and more corrupted, Nikolai deals with his on his own(becoming a shadow monster)where Zoya finds out and helps. And maybe over time they get closer. That's kind of what I'm hoping for season 3 regarding the introduction to the relationship. I wouldn't mind if Nikolai is hung up on Alina whilst Zoya falls for him and he remains oblivious despite the sexual tension but it would be cool if they decide to make them a main duo for season 3 constantly flirting with each other neither one ever making a move. Nevertheless, there is so much potential and I hope they don't throw it away because Nikolai and Alina have 'great chemistry' as some people say. I wouldn't completely mind if the writers gave them a little romance in the beginning but Zoya is endgame for me.
I've always been a ship and let ship person so I don't mind people shipping Alina and Nikolai, I did think they had really good chemistry in season 2 and so can understand why people may be drawn to the ship especially if they are show only watchers. I myself really enjoyed Alina and Nikolai's dynamic, however I don't think of them as a long term/ end game relationship. I will admit that I don't know much about Zoya and Nikolai's relationship as I haven't read the duology, only summaries of the books, but I could see them being very compatible and having quite an interesting, flirty dynamic.
I know alot of people are worried with season 2 ending with Alina still engaged to Nikolai and standing beside him at his coronation, that means they are going to take Zoya's storyline in the duology and give it to Alina. But rest assured it doesn't look like they are doing that at all this is what Eric (the showrunner) said about season 3:
The books also put Zoya front and center, and Heisserer heaped praise on Dasgupta: "I hope she's ready for it because she'll be a pillar of that storyline."
So it looks like they will be bringing Zoya's character front and centre and she'll still play an important role in the storyline, I think they just really wanted to keep Jessie and Alina so they had her keep her powers. It also makes sense within the narrative that she is still currently engaged to Nikolai as it would seem random if after saying they are going to marry to unite otkazat'sya and grisha they then suddenly decide to call it off without a reason. Alina's corruption arc would create that reason for that engagment to be called off in a way that makes sense with the narrative. Because even if they have her corruption arc and then pull her back from it, her reputation in Ravka as this pure Saint of Light will be ruined and so that political advantage to the marriage will be gone. That would then open the way for Zoya and Nikolai as Zoya is also a powerful grisha but one that wasn't corrupted at any point.
I could definitely see season 3 playing out the way you described with Nikolai at first having some romantic feelings towards Alina but her corruption arc means that a distance grows between them and this kind of breaks Nikolai heart watching Alina slowly going further to the dark side, but that also meaning that she is not really there for him when it comes to dealing with nichevo'ya that has infected him. I could see Zoya then stepping in to help Nikolai and that leading to them getting closer and developing romantic feelings for each other, it could have the potential to be very flirty, because I do think they both have very flirty personalities, but also very angsty because they are having these feelings for each other but he is still technically engaged to someone else, I predict drama.
But I also think there is a hint to Zoya being the one to help and support Nikolai in the season finale, when Zoya and Genya come to help Alina get ready for the coronation, as Nikolai leaves the room Zoya checks him out and then tells Alina and Genya that 'that one's a mess, I could fix him.' Also another thing she says that could be a hint at a potential romance between Nikolai and Zoya is when Alina says she is going to get rid of the coloured Kefta's Zoya complains saying she looks good in blue, which interestingly enough is the colour of the Lantsov Royals, its why Alina is wearing the blue dress to the coronation. So that too could be a hint.
I will say that personally I would love to see them develop a romance between Nikolai and Zoya as I said I think they could mesh well together, I think they would have really great chemistry so if they do decide to explore the relationship in season 3, which I strongly suspect they will, I would absolutely be down for that.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
What is your opinion about the newbies and why they didn't work? Once I read a comment hey didn't work, because they didn't have plots with Rachel and Kurt. I'm not sure how it suppose to work, they were in different states, but I found this opinion interesting.
This is an interesting question and has a somewhat complex answer!
Let's break it down...
So, first, I've heard that people who've come to the show post-it airing don't seem to have as much of an issue with the newbies as the people who originally watched it. I mean, I haven't taken a poll in a while (BECAUSE I CAN'T) but I think the animosity towards the newbies has a few layers to it.
1. Let's look at what was going on with the rest of the show at the time. First of all, you've majorly reduced the screen time and/or have let go some of your old favorites. Puck, Quinn, Mercedes, and Mike are essentially /not/ on the show anymore. Santana doesn't really come back until half way through the season. Finn doesn't show up until episode four. And even Kurt's time has been reduced.
So -- we're going into the fourth season of the show and it feels like you've replaced half the cast.
2. The old casts' story lines are revolving around the break ups of all the major ships. So now there's new people we don't know taking up space, and all of our favorites lives are miserable.
2.B In addition -- the cast was already too big in Season 3, the fact that they've added more people just feels like a lot and so unnecessary. The should have trimmed the cast and let it stay trim -- but that damn 12 person per glee club rule...
3. The new cast is intentionally mirroring the characters we already know and care about. Marley = Rachel. Jake = Puck. Kitty = Quinn. Ryder = Finn. Unique = Mercedes/Kurt. (And later Bree = Santana.) Yes, I do think the new cast kind of grew into their own about half way through the fourth season, but recreating the molds of the original characters felt like the old characters we already loved were being replaced.
4. The new casts' story lines were terrible. They're already trying to shove Jake/Marley down our throats the minute they start interacting. It quickly turns into a love triangle that will drag on and on and on.... And then there's Marley's eating disorder story that was /terrible/.
5. And... yes, then there's the fact that they're mostly isolated from the old cast. They didn't need to be involved with Rachel and Kurt (who... should have been on a different show entirely, but that's a whole other thing). But they should have been more involved with Sam, Blaine, Brittany, Tina and Artie. In fact -- The five seniors should have had the focused story lines, and the new kids should have folded into theirs. There was barely any integration and by the time they started to fix this issue, it kind of felt like too little too late.
In contrast, look at how they handled the Season 6 newbies (which, imo, were better). Each of those characters were vastly different than anyone who came before them. And they were there to service Rachel, Kurt, and Blaine's stories. (Technically - the season 4 newbies were there to service Finn's, but not to the same extent.) The Season 6 newbies (with the exception of their one episode) did not over power the original casts' story lines -- they were integrated into them, and were mostly used for comic relief. If they had handled the Season 4 newbies the same way - the push back might not have been so hard.
And look - there are people (and ever were people back then) who like the Season 4 newbies. I think most of them have grown on me over the years. I enjoy Marley and Unique's friendship. Once Kitty gets out of the mean girl phase, I like her, too. And even Jake isn't that bad. (Ryder, I just can't even with him though, and the whole love triangle was so drawn out and boring...)
So, yeah. It's a thing where you can't just point to one issue and claim that was the reason. It was a mix of just an incredible mishandling of the beginning of Season 4. :P
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rainypebble07 · 2 years
My (byler) fics- should or shouldn't you read them? -UPDATED-
This is me trying to be as brutally honest as I can about my fics on Ao3 as a guide so you don't waste your time with something you don't want to read (bc I'm bored).
1.It Wasn't a Bad Thing--- NO. This was my first fic and I have it on Ao3 for historical reasons, but it's pretty choppy and badly written, so it's probably okay to skip. I tried to write and tattoo shop/flower shop AU and I just didn't have a lot of experience yet. I wasn't even planning on posting it anywhere originally. (After I posted this originally, you guys kept clicking on it, but seriously. No.)
(But I'm working on a rewritten version of it and the first chapters are out, so read that instead!)
2. How To Handle Your Love Life and the Apocalypse at the Same Time--- I think my writing improved a lot between my first and second fics, so this one's not actually that bad. It focuses a lot on Mike and Nancy as siblings, which I really liked (they have a girls' night and it's just adorable!) and the plot's actually decent. It's probably got some of my pretty good written chapters. My biggest critique is it can feel sorta sudden at times, but if you can look past that, it's one of my favorites that I've written. This one is always fun to go back and read for me.
3. Much Ado About... Something? -- This is a high school theatre AU, so if that's your thing then YES! I adore this story and it's probably got the most kudos out of all my fics. It gets a little sad and there's a solid amount of angst, but it's got a happy ending, so don't worry. It's also fun and happy sometimes, so good balance. This one's got really positive feedback.
4. The Unwanted Return of Everything (and How it Finally Ends)-- It Depends. This one is definitely longer than my others and it's got a really long plot with, like, three different conflicts one after another. I feel like it was drawn out at points, but I guess I can't tell very well because I wrote it. It takes place a few years after everyone defeats the Upside Down and they have to come back together because it's back and at first Will's got this new boyfriend and Mike's jealous and yadda yadda, the Mind Flayer shows up, big finale and everything. It's got some of my better-written moments, but also a couple eh ones, so it's really up to your preferences for this one. In the end, I don't think it's a bad fic, necessarily, I just wish I took more time to write it.
5. Shady Business-- Superspy Byler. If you like crazy AUs, 100000000000000 TIMES YES! If I had to marry one of my fics, I'd marry this one immediately. It's Superspy Byler and I love it and I think you should read it. Rarely does it get slow because I plotted it out pretty thoroughly and it's just super fun and silly and kinda sad, but it's one of my favorites ever, so you know.
6. Mike Wheeler's Ultimate Guide to the Undead-- YEAH! This is my newest fic and it hasn't got a ton of hits yet (as of posting this), but I think you should check it out!! It focuses on Mike and Will after season one in an alternate timeline where Will died in the Upside Down and came back as a zombie. It's super fun and cute (and sometimes sad) but seriously! You should read it!
THE END (for now?)
Hopefully, this will help you out if you ever find yourself looking through my profile on Ao3 or if you just needed something new to read right now (I understand, we all do). This probably isn't relevant to anyone, but I wanted to make it bc I thought it was amusing.
Alright, have fun!
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There is Thunder in Our Hearts
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Summary: Due to an ill-fated decision of Ragnar's during a troubled time, Athelstan is almost killed. Which Ragnar blames himself for, of course. But accepting blame isn't something he's ever been skilled at. (Part 1)
Notes: Angst, mildly shippy, Athelstan POV for now, but I've got some really good ideas for a Ragnar perspective later so...we'll see. Set sometime after season 2 (or potentially within an alternate timeline of season 3??? I have no idea). Will be cross posted to AO3 (with Even More Notes!).
@levithestripper do you want this edit: forgot to also tag @procrastinatingsoicanreadfanfics I even AFTER I'd asked them if it was ok and proceeded to just. forget immediately. Now finally, the story.
The first thing Athelstan registers when he wakes up is that he is in pain, and a good deal of it.
After a long, fogged moment, he remembers why. And then panic hits him in a wave of cold sweat, his eyes snapping open so fast his head swims. Light stings his eyes, but not that of torches. Where are the earl of Guthbrand's men? Where are his own assigned fighters? He's too weak to sit up from where he's lying, let alone fight anymore...
He stifles a groan as his eyes fall shut again. His back rests against something soft, his skin seemingly bare...it's hard to think at all, let alone know where he is, or when, or how he got there. The worlds of past and present alike spin around in his head. Torchlight and taunts. Steel and the stench of burning flesh.
"Athelstan?" A voice cuts through the swirl of his thoughts. With a great deal of effort he opens his eyes again and sees the pale blur of a face hovering above him. It splits into two blurs, then melds back together into one again.
I am seeing things, he thinks. A vision. It's happened before.
"Ragnar?" he mutters, and his heart sinks. He's come back. He's heard about Athelstan's failure.
But he blinks hard, and it's a woman's face he sees. A frowning one, bathed in candlelight. "It's me," says Lagertha. "Don't talk - and don't move, are you mad?" she adds, as he tries to sit up and yelps in pain.
"I've been hurt," he says. She has to know, someone has to know soon or he'll surely die... "I - there's an arrow - "
"There was far more than that," says Lagertha, her frown deepening. "Lie still, will you? You'll start to bleed again."
Athelstan swallows hard, trying to calm himself. Now he can at least tell he isn't in the dark woods, slumped against tree roots and clinging to consciousness, and he isn't surrounded by the rival earl's men - that alone would be cause for celebration, if he had the strength for it. Instead he's inside, the wooden beams of the ceiling above him familiar now that he's awake enough to notice. The hall, of course. The bed he normally occupies when he spends nights there. A wax candle flickers and dances from somewhere near his bed. It must be night.
A straw mattress is beneath him, a heavy bundle of sheepskins and blankets drawn up over his bare chest and his right arm strapped firmly across it in a sling. If he tries to move it so much as an inch he quickly grows lightheaded with gnawing pain.
"Where is Ragnar?" he croaks out.
Something shifts in Lagertha's face, that he can't read. "Near. It was he who brought you back, after those fools of men left you abandoned."
Her words bring a sick swoop into his stomach. He closes his eyes, struggling not to let the memories overwhelm him.
I tried to make them listen, he thinks. I tried. I knew I couldn't, but I tried...
But he brought him back. Ragnar brought him back. He didn't deserve it.
Forgive me, he thinks, Oh God, forgive me.
He shifts again and a stab of pain slices through his shoulder. An arrow had taken Haakon too...he battles nausea as the image of it piercing his eye swims through his head. The old man had believed in him, if no one else had.
"Haakon is dead," he says quietly. "I - I saw him die. I was with him - "
Lagertha lays a hand gently on his uninjured shoulder. "Save your words. You need rest now; there is little more that can be done for you if you don't let yourself heal. Haakon was a wise man and a skilled warrior - the gods will care for him well."
The strangeness that it's her here with him and no one else finally sinks in. "Why are you here? I thought you were defending Hedeby."
Her lips tighten to a thin line. "We are little safer there than anywhere else. I have brought my people here, for a time, so together with Ragnar we can decide what to do next."
Athelstan frowns, trying to keep his head wrapped around what she's saying. "How bad has it been there?"
"We won't talk of that now. When you are better."
"I need to find Ragnar," Athelstan repeats, but when he tries to sit for the second time his vision goes black around the edges. Lagertha shoves him back down again, harder than before. "I told you to stay put, priest. Ragnar can wait."
Breathing hard, Athelstan closes his eyes again, too feeble to fight the sting rising behind them. How could he have been such a fool?
It's Ragnar who is the fool, not you, he thinks, somewhere in the darker corners of his mind. But he cannot say that aloud. He'll take the blame, it's far easier and neater than placing it on his best friend's head.
But he had asked Ragnar not to send him - came very close to begging him not to. That was a fact.
"Keep me here, where I can advise you," he'd told him. "You have sent away all your best fighters elsewhere - and I have never been one of them. Wait until the raiding party returns from the west, at least."
But his friend had given him a look that - long though he'd lived with the Norsemen and seen many that were fiercer - had unnerved him. Ragnar had been in a vicious and unpredictable mood of late - Thor-like, Athelstan had thought privately. And who could blame him with unrest on all sides of his kingdom?
"I will send who I like", he'd said gruffly. "Do you think I should not trust you? Have you given me reason not to trust you, priest?"
The way he approached Athelstan then, the glint in his eyes when he looked down at him, brought back all too strong memories of their first meeting. There was a breathless moment where he had to forcibly remind himself that he and Ragnar were no longer enemies. That this was only a mood, one of which his friend had often.
"You can trust me," he said quietly. "You can trust me as your advisor, but I doubt other men will trust me as their leader whatever you might think. In their eyes I am still a Christian - "
"They will listen to me," said Ragnar, infuriatingly confident. "I am their king. If I tell them you are to lead them into battle, they will follow you."
Athelstan may have been less of a fighter than his fellows, but in that moment he had to work very hard at not letting himself break something. "And if they don't? It would be far more beneficial to give this job to another." He paused. "You sent Torstein away - "
"After you had advised me not to. So how can you know I plan to take your advice at all, even if you do remain?"
Athelstan closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Once. Twice. "You will have sent everyone away who is close to you, save for your wife and sons, if you do this," he said. "Why, Ragnar?"
Ragnar didn't look at him, giving a twitchy half shrug. "We are besieged," he said. "The Gotlanders think us weak, and mean to humiliate me. And the earl of Guthbrand thinks he can get away with raiding our lands. My lands." There was a map on his table - carefully made with Athelstan's help - that he stared down at, so intently it was as if he wished to burn it to ash with his gaze alone.
Then he looked up at Athelstan, still as menacing as ever. "Do you know how hard it is? To be tied to this hall and that chair?" he nodded carelessly to the fur-covered bench he had taken as a throne. "I would like with all my heart to make corpses of Guthbrand and all his dogs, to take on the Gotlanders myself - but I am king of these people now. It is my duty to remain here, to protect Kattegat. That duty belongs not to you, not to my brother, not to any of my fiercest warriors. To me."
He came closer, eyes piercing into Athelstan's head. "Your duty is to remain loyal to your king. Would you disobey me?"
Athelstan held his gaze. "I would not."
"Then you are going to Guthbrand. And you are bringing me the leader of the rebels, alive."
That was days ago now. Athelstan does not know how many. "Lagertha," he says, turning his head as much as he can to look up at her, "how long has it been? How long since..."
She adjusts a wool blanket where it's fallen from his shoulder. "Ragnar brought you back two days ago. You were barely alive."
Two days, he thinks grimly. It took Christ three to rise from the dead.
He can't recall being brought back. All he remembers after the night in the woods is pain and darkness and voices he wasn't sure if he knew.
"What - how bad - "
"You took an arrow through your shoulder, and one in the leg, and many wounds besides that," she says. Athelstan can't help but notice her voice is far gentler than what he is used to, and his heart sinks. Has his state worried her so badly?
"And Ragnar - "
"Yes, he went looking for you - after the rest of his men came back laden with stolen goods, but without any sign of Guthbrand. He was not pleased."
It gives him the barest satisfaction to know that, at the very least, Ragnar was as frustrated as he had been with the company he'd taken north.
"Here - " Lagertha takes a cup in one hand, and helps him lift his head with the other. He's so weak even that is exhausting, but he gratefully accepts the water she holds to his lips.
One of her hands rests on his blankets. "You have lost much blood. You will need plenty of rest." She pauses, regarding him shrewdly. "Ragnar has worried. I have worried. I am relieved to see you recovering, as will he be when I tell him."
"Ragnar will hate me," he blurts out. It isn't until he says it that he feels how true the thought is and has been. The sting behind his eyes grows, paired with a lump in his throat. "I failed him."
Lagertha lets out a sharp breath through her nose. "Ragnar has been in an unreasonable temper, I have heard. He can be the most stubborn, impatient man in this world at the best of times - I know, I was married to him. You are not to be blamed for his foolish choices. If anything it should be you hating him, at least for a short time."
But Athelstan cannot summon the strength to blame Ragnar now. His shoulder throbs and his leg throbs and every bone aches, and all he can manage to think is that his pain can only be some sort of punishment.
"Priest," says Lagertha, not unkindly but with a hint of her old sternness, "I can read your face as easily as you read that holy book of yours. Do not blame yourself for what happened. You did all that was required of you - and it seems you are the only one who did."
"I tried to hold them off on my own," he says, unsure if he's trying to convince her or himself. He tries to swallow the lump in his throat. "When the others deserted...I didn't. I tried to fight."
When he'd taken his first arrow wound, when Haakon had fallen dead beside him, he had been certain he'd be next. And when the earl of Guthbrand's men had surrounded him where he staggered, he'd barely managed to whisper a final prayer to whichever god may be listening before he'd given a strangled yell and swung at them.
The fight hadn't been a long one. One of him and many of them...he'd managed to kill a few and injure more, but there was little to be done. At some point they must have believed him dead because they left him where he was to seek out the remainder of the men he'd brought with him. Even though most of them had scattered by then, having taken the loot they'd come for, not caring that Athelstan's - and Ragnar himself's - orders had been otherwise.
I tried to warn him, Athelstan thinks. One of those pointless tears leaks out of his eye. I warned him the others would not obey the plan. I warned him I was a weak leader. He ought to have known. I did try.
"Oh, Athelstan." The mattress creaks as Lagertha shifts closer to him. Her thumb brushes the place where the tear landed. "I am sure you fought well. You are no coward. Is that what you want to hear?"
I am a coward. But that is not what matters. "I thought I could - could keep them in line. I've never been a leader. I only wanted to do as he wanted and do it well, even if I knew it was foolish. But I failed. I failed."
He hears Lagertha sigh. "You have failed no one. But you are still weary and in pain, and I think once you have healed some more these thoughts will not trouble you so much."
What if he wants the thoughts to trouble him? He feels he more than deserves them.
Lagertha is trying to lift his head again. "The healer left this with you. It will ease your pain."
She spoons a bitter mixture of herbs into his mouth, and he tries not to wince. The relentless throb in his shoulder begins to dull almost immediately, but with it the fog in his head increases. He mutters a word of thanks and Lagertha shushes him.
It isn't hard to close his eyes again. His limbs feel weighted, iron-bound. Something has drained out of him, the last few days and hours leaving him more exhausted than he's ever been in his life. Everything feels like a horrible blur, one he wishes were a dream. A long, bitter rope twisted of things he'd rather forget.
Lagertha's hand rests against his forehead. "I can only stay a little longer, I must go soon. You just rest, someone will check on you."
Athelstan manages only a small sound in response. She might give his shoulder a final squeeze and then he thinks she's gone, but doesn't have the strength to open his eyes and check.
A strange combination of peacefulness and dread washes over him. He longs to speak to Ragnar, to apologize, to tell his friend everything and try to explain himself and apologize some more - but at the same time he never wants to have to face him again. The thoughts battle each other, in slowed and broken fragments.
Light plays outside his eyelids. The tear stings against his temple and more come, silently. In his mind he knows it's just the exhaustion and pain, and the medicine, but he can't help thinking bitterly that his tears are only another weakness.
Christ wept, he thinks.
It's a relief when sleep finally claims him again, spiraling him down into the dark.
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