#I thought plushie making was the more common form of sewing
tj-crochets · 5 months
Today I learned that while I can now walk around the neighborhood to look at yard sales that does not mean I should, because I will spend the afternoon with super low blood pressure I mean, I did figure that out after walking like half a block, but then I cam home and set up my own mini yard sale of just plushies, baby blankets, and quilts, and apparently "sitting outside in the sun for an hour" is too much for me physically at the moment? Definitely a learning experience lol I did sell a few plushies, a pair of baby booties, and a quilt! And the quilt went to someone super excited about it! It was her favorite color (it matched both her nail polish and her ring)
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lazywriter-artist · 6 days
List can be found here for any more asks
Heheh funnnn :3
Idrk if you wanted any oc in particular but I’ll yap abt ock some bc I like him hehehe
🤍 - Three of your character’s neutral/questionable traits
Hm, a fun thought experiment for ock bc u haven’t thought about too many in such a light X)
The main one that comes to mind is how clingy he is, it’s not always unbearably so but it can get bad at times. It isn’t often, and it’s definitely not common as ock dislikes strongly using his abilities for ‘bad’ things, but he once used his ability to dominate another’s mind and puppeteer them to prevent the man from leaving his side and being dismissed after a few months aboard Huntsmann’s ship. It took Huntsmann and berny trying to talk him down to have him finally realse the poor man. Ock isn’t a fan of people he loves being put in harms way, since as far as it goes it’s never really ended well for him. It’s a trait he’s definitely trying to make better but it’s very difficult for him.
Next is his shyness I suppose, he’s a very sort of paradoxical character as a reclusive figure too anxious to directly interact (hence why he uses his telepathy for communication most of the time when possible) but one who longs so very deeply for any sort of connection he seeks it in just about everyone willing to tolerate his silent little form shivering behind them.
Finally for this one I suppose is u g h
He can be a bit emotional at times- (sometimes VERY emotional-) so when he’s not being a shivering ball of anxiety his fluctuations have no set ways or anything of doing so.
✈️ - Does your Oc like travel or do they consider themselves a home body?
Ock definitely likes to travel! While it means he’s gotta muscle through some pain if they stumble across some areas with large crowds (telepath struggles for eel) he loves being and seeing new places as well as meeting new friends! (He must be watched or else he’s brining 30 new rats onto the ship smh)
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@ocherednoe-dno asks
💯 - share three random facts about your oc others might not know!
1) ock has a lot of little odd hobbies here and there to kill time when he’s say, experiencing one of huntsmann’s out bursts and finds himself locked in his chambers, of these hobbies ock has two major ones he’s taken a big liking to! Sewing and towel folding! They’re good things to make cuddly little friends and populate his imaginative play families.
2) kind of connecting with the earlier note Ock really likes playing with toys and things (escapism + comfort & hence why he picked up sewing) so it’s not uncommon to find him playing at someone’s feet (normally will’s sometimes Huntsmann’s) with his days plushie of choice or in his room shuffling through his massive plushie collection (some made some gifted!) to rearrange the little friends or play toys
3) Ock Is a very stunted little guy (he’s tiny in stature and build, he’s very naive, ect.) and this is included in his voice. Despite being about 18-20 for most of the ‘recent’ story, he’s got a very young sounding voice (in my mind he sounds like a young Bambi just perhaps with a slight British accent to it as Huntsmann has raised him after all and that man’s got space British thick.) mixed with his small timid stature and his very nervous tendencies those not used to him very commonly mistake him for being a lot younger than he actually is
🖤 - has your oc killed or seriously wounded anyone before? have they broken someone's heart and/or broken someone's trust?
Ig this could also count as a fun fact people might not know but, Ock has killed a man and it haunts him— Ock, unsurprisingly, isn’t a very violent little guy and doesn’t really use his abilities to harm all that much if he can avoid it. So imagine his surprise when, at huntsmann’s demand, he is forced to execute a man with his abilities. He was reassured the man was a heretic and that he deserved the emperors hand, but it didn’t stop the screams of the man or the pleads both internal and external that Ock had to listen to during hurt any less. Broke the poor little guy for months, he was shut down for a while that even Will couldn’t really get him out of it and really still comes back to haunt him from time to time (it was mostly a measure by Huntsmann to A. Really get a feel for Ock’s abilities and B. See how willing Ock was to use them for harming others among other things-)
Mh, I think he’s maybe broken someone’s trust before, mmm I think perhaps a guardsman or acquaintance or two upon the whole being an inquisitor’s psyker ordeal. Definitely has pushed a few people away even if it’s a bit out of his control
💔 - what are three of your oc's negative traits?
U h hm. Honestly a toughie for ock— shockingly I don’t think I’ve given him many negative traits
Or well, I’ve not given him any Ergh, awful traits? Ock has some traits I’ve seen listed as negative in various listicles sure but idrk if I’d personally categorize some of them as negative? It’s a question very strongly endowed with one’s own personal sense of morality ig is the trick here for my brain?
Like- ock isn’t the typical negatively associated asshole jerk man but then again people don’t tend to always be either and they still have negative traits ya do ya know? Idk- it’s a bit hard for me personally to classify things like positive and negative traits as I feel anything taken too far/in the wrong ways ect. Can be labeled as positive or negative-
I suppose for ock, based around various listicles of “negative traits” we can go with
1) Needy (not gonna do this for every one I don’t really see this as a negative bc well ik it comes from a place and so it’s hard for me to place it as negative when I don’t think it’s like— bad? It’s just how ock has been impacted by the world and as such more of an obstacle to be worked around and yadda yadda character’s flaws aren’t errors but merely features to be enjoyed this and that- though ig this also hinges on the interpretation of negative meaning negative for those surrounding him and not just for ock himself too which I mean these traits can be negative heavily for ock as well which might end them up with the label here and dependent on the interpretation that it’s classified by simply flaws that hurt and—) - kind of following with his clinginess guy really tends to take what he can and hoard it up. I will say he isn’t like— complain and whine about not being given something he could grab himself spoiled child levels of needy, but he is again very clingy and will sometimes not realize when he is over stepping and demanding a bit too much of someone’s attention.
2) cowardly - little guy lacks a back bone pretty often- it’s really when he tends to serve as just a little guy wandering around behind huntsmann and maybe sometimes sort of as communication but he’s more huntsmann‘s proof of concept of ‘I can keep it alive and keep it compliant with the inquisitions/imperiums usual bullshittery’ more than a fighting weapon (that’s what his field his for-) so it’s more in personal situations than battle
3) absent minded - while definitely not all the time ock does have a bit of a habit of being a bit locked out in certain times, settings, days, ect. And just be lost in his thoughts (sometimes leading to an anxious spiral-) and just over all leaving him very ditzy from time to time.
🐈- does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?
He’d really like to have a larger group of friends though that’s hard for him for numerous reasons and he does a lot better with smaller groups anyway.
He kind of had a ‘larger’ group already considering he finds most people he bumps into and grows attached to friends even if they aren’t so or he may never see them again but we ball
And that kind of leads to why he is just better suited for smaller groups over all as larger ones aside from stressing him out (telepath moment) for a number of reasons inside and out, he’s a very easily attached and DEEPLY attached guy so if for whatever reason he holds some level of less close less attached relationship with someone he is very very attached to (not hard to be- breath near the little guy and you’re half way there-) and he doesn’t have that reciprocated he tends to flip out a bit and not feel to great
Which really is another reason of many hunts tends to keep him on a shorter leash.
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In an effort to be a good dad, Snatcher learns to make a really durable doll for Hat Kid to use since she was upset about not having a body. (I love all your writing by the way! ^-^)
Thank you for the request! It ended up being a bit angstier than I’d thought it’d be. Also, it’s in the same timeline as the Guilt and Therapy drabbles. Though, this one, like Guilt, ended up not really being a drabble. I got a bit carried away.
Despite being both legally a father for just over a full year now and a ghost for three hundred something years, Snatcher had no idea how to console Hat Kid. He’d never seen her cry anywhere even close to this much before. But he couldn’t blame her for doing so; dying was a very traumatic upsetting experience.
The people from her home planet had finally found her. Snatcher had killed all of them, not even bothering to snatch their souls he was so angry. But he’d arrived just a tad too late. He’d still been in the middle of his rampage when her ghost had formed meaning he hadn’t even been there to protect her from the sight of her own body lying in a pool of blood on the ground.
So now all he could do was hold her while she cried into his mane. It didn’t feel like enough though. But… what else could he possibly do?
Eventually he sobs started to peter out and then stop completely.  Her grip on his mane even loosened some.
“I’m sorry,” he said in a whisper. “I was too slow.” If he’d shown up on the scene even just a minute or two faster, he could’ve saved her. “I should’ve come sooner. I…”
“It’s not your fault,” she interrupted, letting go of him to move back and look up at him. “Don’t blame yourself, okay?” How was he supposed to do that? “But… you killed them, right? You made them pay for… for… doing that to me, right?”
“Of course, what do you think I am, kiddo? I don’t let people get away with hurting what’s mine, ever.” He’d set another part of the forest on fire while he was at it too but who cared? “And if any of them ever show up again, I’ll kill them too, okay?” He forced an evil smile for her.
She nodded as she wiped away the tears leaking from her now ghostly glowing eyes. “T-thank you. But uh… I… don’t want to be dead. I know you’re dead and so are all the Subconites so I shouldn’t complain but…”
“No, it’s fine. We’ve been dead a long time but we all remember what it’s like. It’s… rough.” And she was a child, making it so much worse. But a lot of the Subconites had been children when they’d died too – children seemed have a higher chance to turn into ghosts upon death, whether that was because it was extra tragic, tragic deaths being the most common deaths that led to ghosthood, or something to do with their souls was unknown, nor did it really matter. “You’ll get used to it eventually though… probably sooner than you think.”
Hat Kid made a soft whining sound in response, hanging her head.
“Is… is there anything I can do help you feel better?” Emotional things really weren’t something Snatcher knew much about even after going to therapy for half a year now.
“I… don’t know.”
“Uh… I could make you a body to possess. I did it for all the Subconites, it helped them some.”
Hat Kid perked up a bit. “Really?”
“Uh… yeah but… it won’t make you any more alive.” He needed to clarify that in case she got her hopes up. “It just makes you feel a bit better.” He’d tried it once himself, way back at the start, but he had too much power for a doll to hold, even a well-crafted one; it had completely disintegrated within an hour of him possessing it. He’d since just grown to prefer being a free-floating spirit. It wasn’t for everyone though, especially with how hard the initial transition to it was. So… “Does that sound good?”
“Uh… yeah, yes please. I want a body.” Hat Kid nodded, sniffling a little.
“All right. Give me a few days and I’ll make you one.” It wouldn’t be the same but her death already meant things would never be the same. They just had to adjust to this thing however best they could. She wasn’t gone and that’s what mattered most.
 At first he started knitting another doll much like the Subconites had except he planed to make it look a bit more like Hat Kid – since he only had to make one instead of hundreds, he could afford to spend more time on it and personalize it. But while he hadn’t had a choice in what to make the Subconites bodies out of since sewing and knitting had been his only relevant skills and he didn’t exactly have time to learn a whole new skill he could perhaps do so with Hat Kid’s doll.
The Subconites were made out of cloth and stuffing. Serviceable materials especially when laced with a little bit of magic but not very durable. They had to be careful about not getting too wet or too close to fire that wasn’t magical in nature. It meant they were the least dangerous things in the forest because they were literally plushies. He had the time to at least try to give Hat Kid something a bit more durable so… he should do it. What though?
It would still have to be a doll of some sort. Human shaped things were both easier and more comfortable to possess. Maybe he could try to carve a sturdy chunk of wood into the right shape, make it a bit like a puppet expect without the strings so it could move. Or maybe he could try to make her a body made of metal? Basically make her a Hat Kid shaped suit of armor to possess. That’d be nigh on indestructible. It was worth a try at least. If it failed, he could go back to the puppet idea. If that failed, a plush doll would have to do because it’d certainly be better than nothing.
 He spent all his free time with either Hat Kid, helping her through this difficult time as best his limited ability to handle emotional things would allow him to, or working on the suit of armor. As with most things, he had books on the subject to help him through the process – having a book on making plushies would’ve been so nice back when he had to make all those dolls for the Subconites but that had been before he’d started collecting books again. He had more control of his magic now too which also helped a lot.
The materials and tools he used to make it were stolen from Hat Kid’s ship or the wreckage of the ship the peck necks who’d hunted her down had used to come here. Working on it was actually a really good way to distract himself from how he could’ve and should’ve prevented her death. It also made him feel better about failing to protect because if this plan worked, almost nothing could ever hurt her ever again. … Ugh, the whole therapy nonsense was making him in tune with his emotions and motivations, gross.
Eventually the question had to come up though. “You… said you were making me a body,” Hat Kid asked one evening when he visited. “How’s that going?”
“Pretty good.” He couldn’t leave at that though, could he? He’d told it’d take a few days and he’d been working on it for about a week now. “I’m not making it quite like that Subconites’ bodies so it’s taking a little while. Sorry about that kiddo.”
Her face lit up with interest, good anything to help her feel less miserable. “Really? How is it different?”
“You’ll see,” he replied with a sly grin.
“Ah! But I want to know.”
“Nope, I ain’t going to tell you kiddo. It’s a surprise and no amount of ugly puppy dog eyes is going to change my mind.” Let her frustrated curiosity distract her for a bit. “I ain’t going to tell you when it’s going to be finished either.” Mostly because he didn’t know either. “That’s got to be a surprise too.”
“Hmmm… I’m real excited then. Thank you, you’re the best dad.”
He wasn’t and he never would be but… he was trying his best. That’s all anyone could ever ask of him, right?
 It took almost another whole week to finally finish it. It was… a suit of armor shaped like Hat Kid, the same height as when she’d died. The head had been the hardest but with a little magic and assistance from a Subconite who’d been a smith when alive, he’d gotten it about right.
Next, he sewed clothes for it. Just like Hat Kid’s normal outfit except the cape he made looked like the ones the Subconites wore. He even put her hat on it after making absolutely sure all the blood had been cleaned off. Now all that was left to do was check to make sure it wouldn’t fall to shambles when Hat Kid possessed it. It shouldn’t, it was human shaped and suits of armor were the second most possessed thing after dolls but it was still possible.
“Yo kid,” he said as he popped in on Hat Kid playing with some of the Subconites. “I got a surprise for you.”
Her face lit up with excitement. “Is it the doll you made for me?”
“Bingo! Let’s go.” He snapped as he transported them through his pocket dimension to the hidden room he’d been making the ‘doll’ in.
Hat Kid let out an audible gasp soon as she saw it. “Really?” She turned her head back to look at him. “For me?”
“No, I made it look like you and dressed it up like you for one of the Subconites. I’m just showing it to you to tease you and be mean.”
She giggled a little, a sound he hadn’t heard from her in what felt like ages now. “Okay uh… how do I do the thing?”
“Just go up to it and slide into it. It should come naturally to you once you’re in the right position.”
Hat Kid floated over to hover in front of and then around behind it. She tentatively placed her hands on it shoulders. She faded into it and a second a later it jerked to life as if taking a breath, yellow light suddenly pouring out of its eye sockets.
“Oh, this feels… weird but in a good way,” she said looking down at her hands and moving them around, flexing her fingers. “Oh and I have legs again.” She marched around in a little circle, clanking softly. “This is so cool! Thank you.” She turned back to face Snatcher. The metal face was weird to look at and the mouth couldn’t change from its soft smile but he could tell she was probably smiling internally wider than she had since before her death.
Snatcher allowed himself a small sigh of relief. It had worked and wasn’t falling apart and she was happy again. “It’s whatever,” he said, trying to wave it off as not a big deal because he didn’t want to talk about how hard he’d worked on it or why. Emotions weren’t his thing.
She wasn’t having that though. She ran over and hugged him tight. “I love you dad.”
He flinched. She’d never said that before, she’d implied it plenty of times but never outright said it. “Uh…” He patted her awkwardly on the top of her hat. “I uh… um…”
“It’s okay,” she said as she released him and stepped back. “You don’t have to say it. I know you do. You wouldn’t have made this for me if you hadn’t.”
Snatcher looked away. “Let’s uh… go show all the Subconites, huh? I’m sure they’ll love it.”
He brought them back to Subcon Village and moved back to let her run around and show everybody. It needed a good stress test anyway. So far it seemed he’d done a good job though.
For this drabble event.
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krainecommissions · 6 years
Weekly Update: Work-space Tour!
I thought it might be neat to do a little sewing room tour. I’m super into looking into people’s work-space/rooms they work in. It always gives me inspiration to work and find ways to re-arrange my space to work more efficiently. 
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This here is the main space I work in. It’s where all my main sewing takes place. The table was bought from Ikea years ago, and it’s probably the best purchase I’ve made for a sewing desk. It’s fairly wide, and its solid too, so I don’t have to worry about it moving around when my machine is running. I keep my laptop on a separate table to keep it away from whatever I’m working on. On the bottom right is where I keep my patterns and notebook for whatever current project that I’m working on. The little trash can I keep there is great for when I need to toss spare thread or bits of fabric. 
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One of the most efficient things I’ve gotten set up is having my thread all out in front of me like this. Whenever I need to change something I can just reach up and grab it. The little kitty box is where I keep a lot of my immediate tools I need. Stuff like scissors or the needles for my machine. My bobbins and writing/marking tools are also kept close as well. I have part of my charm collection here as well. For no particular reason other then I like it there!
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My machine of course, and an extra lamp for more light. Unfortunately my room doesn’t get a whole lot of really great lighting. And the extra light just makes it easier to work on smaller detailed things.
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I’m lucky enough to have a big, full sized mirror for my own cosplay work. 
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I have two dress forms currently, which has really helped with my commission work (also enjoy a bit of a project I’m working on currently!). I’m also lucky enough to have two decently sized closets in this room. The right one is where I store all my personal cosplay work (and could probably use a good cleaning). The left one is for my cosplay supplies. Enjoy my figure collection in the center.
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Here’s the inside of the cosplay supply closet! I labeled things for how I sort them. I recently upgraded into 4 totes for fabric. I’m still trying to find a better way to store my fabric, but with the space I have, I don’t think I’ll be able to do much more until I go into a new space. I ended up with a whole tote of fleece because at one point I used to make a lot of plushies. I don’t make them as much anymore, but I’ll have a use for it eventually! I keep my duplicate thread in this space, as well as any tools that I don’t need immediately. 
I have a TON of patterns currently. I’ve been collecting patterns for years now, so that’s about 10+ years worth of patterns currently. I organized my patters by: tops, bottoms, separates & dresses. The left most drawer is all labeled by the type of supply. You’d be surprised how many different types of glues and interface’s you end up collecting.
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And now my cutting table, featuring the best/worst little helper. She loves to look out that window. I like keeping the table covered because I end up storing a lot underneath, and it just looks so much clearing with all that stuff covered. The table is just a normal plastic fold out table.
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The bin here is where I keep all the fabric/supplies for my current projects. Each one is separated by bags. I find it really helpful to have it all out where I can easily access it. 
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I have 2 cutting mats spread across, which makes it easy for cutting. My serger is on this table, so it doesn’t take up too much room on my main desk. And enjoy my work apron I use while working on commissions.
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And here’s the last corner of the room. It’s where my ironing board is, as well as my TV. I have my PS3 hooked up to it, where I mostly have youtube videos playing while I’m working. 
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This probably wouldn’t be common for anyone else, but I keep a big box of shipping boxes for when I send out a commission. Its an easy way to keep them all with me, since I go through a bunch of boxes. I also have a dry erase board up of all the current projects & commissions. I like having an easy visual reminder while I’m working. I’ll update it as I work by the end of the day. 
And that’s the full tour of my work-space! I’ll leave this post with my little helper looking rather cute. 
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She’s bad, but she’s adorable. 
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ges-sa · 7 years
Cosplay Portfolios | Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls by Cookie Cat Creations
New Post has been published on http://ges-sa.com/cosplay-portfolios-mabel-pines-from-gravity-falls-by-cookie-cat-creations/
Cosplay Portfolios | Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls by Cookie Cat Creations
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”25932″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Cosplayer Cookie Cat Creations Character Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls Date completed 17/06/2017 Hours spent making this cosplay I spent a month working on this cosplay Total cost involved in making this cosplay I’m not sure of the exact cost, but I would estimate that it cost around R 500. I already had most of the materials so that helped me to save on costs.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”25913,25914,25915,25916,25917″ title=”Teeth and Braces for Mabel”][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”25931,25912,25930,25910,25911″ title=”Making The Waddles Plushy”][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”25909,25918,25919,25920,25922,25929″ title=”The rest of the costume”][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”25923,25924,25925,25926,25927,25928″ title=”Mabel’s Portfolio”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Info for the Costume
It’s highly detailed cosplay of Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls (TV show)
I made this costume because……
I love this character because she is funny, silly and doesn’t care what others think of her. Her love for arts and crafts and all things shinny is also something that we share in common. I also love the show that she comes from, Gravity Falls. It was this love for the character and the show that drove me to cosplay as her.
Planning Process
I really wanted to enter this cosplay into a competition, but I found that her outfit looked kind of simple. This is why I went out of my way to make it look as accurate as possible and to add more elements to it. This meant that I added in props, such as a grappling hook and a pig plushy which feature in the show. I also made sure to make my own fake braces because they form such a crucial part of the character.
I had to break down my cosplay into different parts, there was the…
Pink Jumper
Purple Skirt
Pumps and Socks
Fake Braces
Pink Headband
Waddles Plushy
Grappling Hook
Once I knew what I needed to do I started with the outfit itself. This was so that if I ran into trouble with my props my initial cosplay would already be complete. Then I had to plan on how to make my fake braces. After looking online for tutorials I found a way that used thermoplastic, fake nails, earring butterflies, superglue and wire. Once I finished with the outfit and braces I got started on the grappling hook and Waddles plushy. Towards the end I made time to make my own portfolio titled “Mabel’s Guide To Mabel.” This was based off of the short episodes from the show. This was to show the processes I used in making the cosplay as well as to show how well I knew the character to the judges.
Techniques Used
Hand stitching
Pattern making
Working with foam
Using a heat gun on thermoplastic.
Did you have to learn any new techniques in order to make this costume?
Before Waddles, the pig plushy, I had never made a plushy before. This meant that I had to learn how to make my own plushy pattern. This was not an easy task, there were no patterns online so I had to make a couple of prototypes. It was harder than I thought it would be, but eventually I found one that I liked.
I also had to learn how to work with thermoplastic. This was so that I could make my fake braces. I had to make a mould of my teeth with the plastic so that I could remove them with ease. It took me a couple of attempts to get them to fit properly, but it worked out in the end.
Does this cosplay need special make-up to be done?
Mabel has some very distinctive cheeks. So one of the things that I had to learn in terms of makeup was how to apply blush. This was a bit tricky because I didn’t want it to look like clown make up but at the same time I wanted it to be prominent.
At which cons and events did you wear this costume?
I wore this cosplay for the first time at ICON 2017.
Have you won any awards for this costume?
While I didn’t win any awards for it, I did end up in the top ten in the novice/intermediate category at ICON 2017.
Any last thoughts on this costume? Any upgrades or alterations you would still like to do?
I’ve been told that Waddles needs to be a bit chubbier and that I need to fix up some stitching on him, so I’ll be looking into that. I’ll also get a wig so that my hair can look exactly the same as Mabel’s. Other than that I am very happy with my cosplay and look forward to wearing it at future conventions.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
We are expanding our Cosplay Corner with a brand new feature called Cosplay Portfolios. Instead of focusing on a specific Cosplayer and their cosplay journey, this feature will be taking a more in-depth look at costumes made by our local Cosplayers. We’ll look at the cost and time involved in making the costumes, special techniques that were used whilst crafting as well as make-up tips to complement your cosplay.
We hope you enjoy this feature as much as we enjoyed putting it together and we would like to invite all cosplayers to submit their own costumes via our online link [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Pictures were supplied to GES-SA by the featured Cosplayer. We do not own these pictures so if you do, and you would like to us to add the credit please drop us a mail to [email protected]
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