#like consistently people assumed I made the blankets
tj-crochets · 5 months
Today I learned that while I can now walk around the neighborhood to look at yard sales that does not mean I should, because I will spend the afternoon with super low blood pressure I mean, I did figure that out after walking like half a block, but then I cam home and set up my own mini yard sale of just plushies, baby blankets, and quilts, and apparently "sitting outside in the sun for an hour" is too much for me physically at the moment? Definitely a learning experience lol I did sell a few plushies, a pair of baby booties, and a quilt! And the quilt went to someone super excited about it! It was her favorite color (it matched both her nail polish and her ring)
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potofsoup · 3 months
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Happy July 4th, everyone, and good luck to the UK voters out there!
Wow it's Year 11 of doing these!! Here's the AO3 link to the past 10 years, and here's the tumblr link.
Reminder that this is a long game -- some of the judges making decisions were appointed back in the 80s. Many of the cases that were decided this round were from Trump's term. So it's going to take long-term, consistent voting over a decade to start tipping things in the other direction. (Which I talked about in 2018 re: Trump shenanigans and 2022 re: Dobbs).
A lot has been done by the Biden administration (I'm assuming most folks have seen this post by boreal-sea with their very helpful sources), and much of that will be overturned by Trump, especially if he gets the Senate, and especially now that he would have a blank check for anything "official". So let's make sure that doesn't happen.
And even if Trump does get elected, your decisions down-ballot might effect control of the House or Senate, or might make it easier to vote next time, plus the whole plethora of state and local issues. It's Republican state attorney generals who are challenging climate regulations, for example.
Plus, when you really get down to it, only one of the candidates plans on pardoning himself and all his friends if he wins, and attacking the government if he loses. Maybe that guy shouldn't be the President.
If you're new to voting, remember to check voter registration deadlines! I'm a permanent vote-by-mail voter and it's so nice. :)
Transcript under the readmore
Page 1: Sam and Bucky meet up with Steve for a picnic. Steve: Thought you guys were still in Sudan? Bucky: I’m forcing Sam to take a break.
Sam collapses onto the picnic blanket. Sam: Oof, it just never stops, does it? Steve: Nope.
Bucky hands Sam an orange popsicle. Bucky: Eat and relax for a bit, Sam. Sam: Thanks.
Page 2: Bucky asks Steve: How are things state-side? Steve responds: HORRIBLE. Bucky: I thought you’ve been tentatively hopeful about what Biden has been able to achieve? Steve: I was! Student loans, child care, climate regulations, infrastructure, labor, trans rights … he’s quietly done a lot through regulatory improvements and congress bills. But now all people will talk about is how he’s OLD. And then there’s the Supreme Court’s decisions … Chevron and immunity… Steve puts his head in his hands, while Sam and Bucky look on with some concern.
Page 3: Bucky hands Steve a blue/raspberry popsicle: Steve, take a deep breath, and a popsicle. Sam: Sounds like we missed a lot. What’s going on? How bad is it? Steve: Pretty bad. The Supreme Court has made some decisions that give the Court and the President A LOT of discretionary power. Sam: Yikes, that doesn’t sound good. Steve: Well, the Chevron thing means that judges with life-term appointments can override policies made by government agencies. And now it’ll be harder to hold a President accountable because he will have immunity for any “official” actions.
Page 4: Sam: So if the President tries to, say, overturn a democratic election result, he’ll be allowed to as long as it’s in his job description? Steve: I don’t think threatening state electors is “official” business, but that will be decided by federal judges. Who get their jobs by approval from both the President and the Senate. Bucky: Yeesh. No wonder you’re stressed. Any good news? Steve: Well, thanks the Biden and the razor-thin Senate majority, the newer bills don’t rely on the Chevron deference. Still not great but not catastrophic. Sam, squirting ketchup on his hot dog: So what I’m hearing is that it’s now more important than ever to have a President and a Senate who you can trust to appoint fair judges, pass bills, and not commit crimes.
Page 5: Steve: Plus all of the state level offices, now that more and more deciding power has been thrown back to the states — abortion, LGBTQ rights, voting access… Bucky: Hey, at least this is a big election year so we can actually do something! Steve, with his arms crossed, looking surly: Except that all people want to talk about is how Biden is “too old” and “not doing enough,” as if that is on par with Trump’s desire to dismantle basic rights! As if the candidate who doesn’t embody ALL their ideals is not worth voting for! Bucky interrupts with a smart and a loud “PFFT.”
Page 6: Bucky: Um, Steve. YOU were like that in 1940. Sam, nudging Bucky: “Oh, this I gotta hear. Spill, Barnes.” In sepia, Steve is pacing around their apartment while Bucky is sitting and reading a newspaper. Steve: I can’t believe he’s running for a 3rd term! we need a fresh candidate to vote for! This is hardly a choice at all! AND he refuses to engage in Europe! All of Europe under fascist control and we’re just twiddling our thumbs? He’s letting millions die through his inaction! Bucky: Most people don’t want another war, Steve. If he came out for it, he would lose. Steve, indignant: But Buck, it’s your Polish relative who are in danger! Bucky, closing his newspaper and looking at Steve: Yeah, and between FDR and Willkes, I trust FDR to help if he could.
Page 7: Steve, in sepia, looking away: Should he be encouraged to do more? Maybe I should vote for Browder. The Communists have historically be Anti-Fascist.
Sam interrupts off-screen: Waitaminute! STEVE was going to PROTEST-VOTE? Steve: We were in a Blue State, Sam! Sam: But what about the down ballot races?! Steve: RELAX, I did my due diligence down-ballot. I wanted a senate that’s more progressive than the President.Voted LaGuardia for Mayor, too. Steve hesitates: Then, when I got to the President… I realized that the Best case scenario would be that my vote did nothing, versus if it actually spoiled the election. And when I asked myself who I could trust to work with my Senator… well, FDR had a good record with Labor. (sepia shot of young Steve voting) Bucky interrupts: Hold on, Steve.
Page 8: Bucky, eating a cookie, arching an eyebrow: You didn’t vote for Browder? Why didn’t you tell me? Steve: And have you say “I told you so” for the next century? Bucky: Heh.
Steve, with hand on his chin: What’s weird was that, despite everything, I still felt HORRIBLE when I ticked that box. Sam: Sounds like you built up the meaning of that vote far too much in your head. Logically, we know that a single box can’t represent all of the complexity of a whole system, but the desperately WANT it to. Just look at how people have built up so much around the term “Zionis” that it’s made productive conversations difficult.
Page 9: Sam and Steve speak in the background while Bucky reaches into the cooler and pulls out a box. Steve: Sigh. And that’s something that goes beyond the election. Sam: Which is why we need to vote, AND do other things. Bucky, looking at Steve and Sam: Like how Steve works to push organizations on the local level? Or like all the work you do as Captain America? Sam: Exactly. Vote AND.
Sam looks at Bucky fondly: Like how you vote AND make me and Steve take breaks. Bucky, looking stern because he can’t handle compliments: Shush, Sam.
Bucky holds up a cake that has the number “107” on it: It’s time for cake. Happy Birthday, Steve.
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cr4yolaas · 2 months
mezzo forte — birthday boy
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track 2: homesick for a person | masterlist | track 4: the horse
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hajime feels heavy on her couch. his head has been pumped full with compressed air and is bound to burst if he gets up. he hates the vulnerability that comes with being drunk.
"...yeah, i'll text sakusa and have him pick haji up tomorrow. just get home safely. bye, tooru."
all he can see is her back, but he can envision the expression she's making right now — brows furrowed, the inside of her cheek caught between her teeth, and a collection of creases on her forehead. he wants to laugh. but the pressure on his body is too much of a burden to bear, so instead, he waits.
she turns around to meet his sleepy, weary face, riddled with exhaustion and ache that she doesn't want to imagine experiencing herself. "'m sorry i couldn't get you a gift," she whispers. her hands adjust the blanket she'd draped over him moments prior, ensuring the fabric reaches up to his shoulders. "i wasn't too sure what you'd like. i feel like i get you the same thing every year."
the couch dips with her weight as she sits beside him. apologies spill from her tongue, but he can't quite hear them over the ringing in his ears. "it's alright. don't need a present when i have you, anyways," is all he can muster under heavy, alcohol-ridden breaths before he falls victim to his own slumber.
there's a pause in the air. she's the only one awake to feel it.
under the influence, people are bound to say words they don't mean. they're bound to form sentences that bear no real representation of their true thoughts, thus leading to misconceptions. she figures this is one of those moments.
beneath the cave of her chest, her heart beats faster than it should — so much so that it's unhealthy. his words, construed from what she assumes to be a place of inebriation, render her immobile, and she fights a long-winded battle with herself about the truth of it all.
frankly, she doesn't want to believe it.
hajime was a straightforward man; that much was an inarguable fact that had maintained its consistency throughout the course of their lives. he expressed what was necessary. and so, if he could not — or rather, would not — voice any means of reciprocation for whatever had been boiling and bubbling in every inch of her being when he was sober, she would take that as the truth. for now.
a headache cracks away at her skull. too many thoughts spiral without any end, and she wants nothing more than to rid herself of them.
the blue light of her laptop burns her retinas, but she figures it's the reasonable solution. the safest solution. garageband slowly opens up, and a small tab of her notes sits in the corner, etched with another love letter yet to be littered throughout another melody. something in her chest aches and burns. she can't escape it.
somewhere in the middle of it all, the man beside her stirs awake. she fails to notice the soft groan he releases nor the shift of his body to a more comfortable position. he's met with the blaring screen propped up on her knees and a soft instrumental pouring from the speakers of her computer, the volume low enough that he has to strain his ears to capture it completely. his eyes fall to the lines that take up the other half of her screen.
it's different. he recalls her other lyrics being vague, hinting at a feeling that he didn't know of himself. but something is more explicit in these words, and the lines form between the dots scattered throughout his brain, albeit blurred.
in his limbo between sobriety and intoxication, hajime finds himself fighting against the belief that it isn't him. that, in the words she so carefully crafts, he isn't the one she thinks of — but he wants to be.
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♪ hi i've risen from my deathbed !!
♪ i hope this chapter made sense </3 i'm not cooking very hard with the pacing of this smau
♪ yn freaked out about tooru visiting irl and got all of the excitement out of her body before texting the gc so she didn't seem too hyper LOL
♪ the bday dinner was a mess ... they didnt even make reservations bc they werent initially planning on going out to eat so they kept going around in a big group trying to see which restaurant had available seating ... it did not go well
♪ everyone kept calling iwa the bday boy and he kept drinking to distract himself from it (out of spite) but it did not go as planned clearly
♪ imo haji has a pretty low alcohol tolerance despite having a "tough guy" exterior. it's one of his gap moes iykwim
♪ yn has been using garageband since hs and never changed to any of the apps that her label recommends bc she's scared of using a different interface </3
♪ i don't have much to say i just want to work on the next couple of chapters already
♪ but i think by this point i've decided this smau isn't going to be as long as blue spring, esp bc i don't have much to establish on the main dynamics btwn oiks iwa and yn given that they have such a long history together
♪ but idk !! we'll see where my heart leads me
♪ i already feel kinda uninspired for this smau which hurts my heart bc i really liked the concept and there was sm hype for it but i feel like it was never meant to be a long story yk
♪ sorry there's my impending doom rant
♪ i hope u all enjoyed <3
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taglist: @froyaoya @causenessus @guitarstringed-scars @yuminako @chemiru @sunnyskiezzzz @httpsivy @itsdragonius @theycallmenanamisgirl @wyrcan @19calicos @hunnies4bunnies @mawenskiblue @diorzs @loverlunaire @mfcherry @solaqes
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I've been thinkin' on it, and I think the biggest reason people are still insisting that Ed is just awful and abusive and whatever (aside from the racism of it all) is because the writers of OFMD fundamentally assume that viewers will like him and be on his side.
And, like, that is one hell of a reasonable assumption. Before s2 we spent a lot of time getting to know Ed; we see he's very sweet and smart and can be silly, and his self-esteem isn't great and he already has a lot of self-destructive tendencies and struggles with believing he can have nice things. These are all things we see in s2 and none of them should come as a surprise. We've gotten to know Ed and in s2 the writers assume we will be able to grant him even the barest ounce of sympathy.
"But he's being super violent and hurting the crew!" Ed's behavior at the beginning of s2 is best described as "a bit over the top" in the context of the show, and before he pulls out all the stops trying to get the crew to mutiny on him in his suicide attempt, he never actually hurts anyone except for Izzy (Izzy's the guy who threatened him and caused all this, or he'd still be crying in his blanket fort at the start of the season. OFMD has ALWAYS had a "talk shit get hit" philosophy and Izzy should not be the sole exception).
"But he never had to face any consequences for his actions!" I think almost getting beaten to death and then having to spend an entire episode convincing yourself you deserve to live is a pretty big consequence, actually.
"But he never apologized!" The group apology in s2e5 was obviously a joke (Stede clearly wrote it anyway and made Ed memorize it, look how Stede mouths along and Ed fumbles his lines), and it's pretty clear that Ed's conversation with Fang is meant to represent what he's doing with everyone. He's trying. He thinks up a way to try to give Lucius closure, even though it doesn't work, and when Fang mentions something Ed did that hurt him, Ed immediately and genuinely apologizes. It is not a wild jump to assume Ed's doing that with other characters and the show just assumes we're smart enough to figure that out from context considering how the crew are good with Ed again in s2e6.
"What if he hurts Stede/is abusive to Stede?" Multiple characters ask Stede something to this effect, Stede says "that's really stupid, of course he won't," and Stede is right. Question easily answered.
We're shown that Ed's response to being hurt and upset is not immediately violence. His first response is to go and hide and make himself feel safe - tub, blanket fort, hiding under the blanket and Anne and Mary's. Violence is Ed's response to feeling threatened. There's a difference. We're shown this over and over and over again, and frankly the only reason I think some people miss it is because they don't care to think about what's making Ed feel threatened in the first place.
It's just so clear that some people watching this show care so little about Ed and only care about what he can offer in a scene with other characters. Ed did not enjoy anything that happened at the beginning of the season - the last time we see him in s1 he's sobbing his poor eyes out and that's implied to have been consistent through s2e2. He's suicidal and having a miserable time and yes, he's hurting people who care about him, but it's not just for funsies, it's because he's trying to get himself killed. It's wild to me that some people can turn on the Ed and Stede show, see Ed pull himself out of such a terrible place by the end of the season and commit to a life with his boyfriend, and think that the show is setting up Ed to be abusive or imply he hasn't gone through any character growth and just coasted through the season.
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koolades-world · 6 months
wow it's almost been a year since i wrote the original and figured it was about time that i finally made part two. plus I've been trying to clear out my drafts lol
part one can be found here if you're interested in that! part one is it's own complete piece and this is just follow up!
enjoy <3
just like lilith (part two!)
It was a beautiful day in the human world. The sun, while admittedly rather intense, shone down on the beach where two chairs sat underneath a large umbrella. A green towel was strew over of the chairs. A small cooler filled with ice and various snacks acted as a table between them for a couple books and two waters. Nearby the chair was a few small sand sculptures, if they could be called that. They were more like sad, vaguely castle shaped piles. The two occupants of the chairs were nowhere in sight, but they could be assumed to be in the small, nearby cabin that sat tucked back from the shore.
A lone figure was walking the beach, and set their eyes on the house. Grimacing at the sand, they set off towards it. Inside, it was a little cramped, but there was just enough space for two people to be comfortable. The kitchen didn't have a real table, and instead had two stools butted up against a counter. The kitchen itself was small and had the basics. The living room was also small, consisting of just a loveseat, coffee table, and a wall mounted TV. Against a wall sat a ladder, leading up to a small hall with two connecting doors. One was shut, and water could be heard running behind it. The other door was wide open, however, and someone could be heard walking upstairs. A curtain was pulled over the doorway to give the illusion of privacy. With a deep sigh, the person started up the ladder, but was stopped by whoever was in the room with the open door coming out and yanking back the curtain.
"Lucifer." The voice that greeted him was one that he knew well. He sounded oddly calm. Lucifer looked up, knowing exactly who was speaking to him.
"Satan." Lucifer back up a little to get a better look at the demon he though he knew well. He was in swim trunks with a floral print and had a matching flower tucked behind his ear.
"What do you want?" Satan stared down at Lucifer with a silent, burning fury. They hadn't come face to face since the night he and Mc escaped to the human world, and while he'd had to to let the rage dissipate, his festering indignation to how his brother treated both himself and Mc lingered.
"You know why I'm here." Lucifer watched as Satan balled him his fists, and with a deep breath, relaxed them again. He'd been getting much better recently with controlling his anger, and he only had Mc to thank for that.
"The thing is, I don't. You never apologize, and even if you did, it wouldn't even begin to start to repent for what you've done. You don't ever stop to consider how your actions affect others. Your selfish desires always seem to take preference over those around you, even if that person is someone who did nothing but make our lives better. We don't want to talk to you right now." He took another deep breath, and turned his back. "See yourself out and close the door behind you." Satan attempted to yank the curtain shut again, and it remained half open as he went back down the hall. Lucifer knew following him would only escalate the situation more. The way sharp way Satan referred to "we" stung, but this was simply the results of his own actions. Satan was right. Lucifer had simply been cut by the shards of the window he'd broken.
He took a seat in the tiny living room, looking around the the signs of it being lived in. Several more books sat stacked on the coffee table, and a blanket he knew was Mc's was folded on one of the arms of the loveseat. Two mugs of old coffee sat side by side, one half drank and one almost empty. He could easily tell which belonged to who even though the mugs were identical. Mc was a slow coffee drinker but Satan always drank his quickly, since he always did it while reading. Mc also preferred their coffee with more creamer than Satan did, as one mug was lighter than the other. He knew them well, well enough to know that what he did would hurt them even before he went through with it. Yet, he did it anyways.
He wasn't sure how long he sat there waiting. He heard the water shut off and through the half shut curtains, he saw Mc open the shut door, and glance around anxiously. They met his eyes, and he saw them visibly stiffen. They retreated back into the room Satan had went into. He heard their hushed whispering. Eventually, they emerged together again, moving the curtain back over. Satan had one of his arms around their middle, holding them close. Mc's hands were constantly moving. They cracked their fingers one by one and flexed them, studying them. They didn't look up at him.
"Hello, Lucifer." They greeted him, still looking down.
"Hello." He paused again. Satan was looking directly at him, staring into his eyes. "We looked for you for a while." That statement wasn't untrue. The night everything went down had been hectic, and Lucifer doesn't remember resting once.
After Mc ran off crying, the remaining six brothers stood motionless in the dining room. Lucifer was horrified with what he'd done, and his brothers seemed equally as guilty looking. Even if they hadn't actually done anything, they were complicit, and they knew they'd all royally messed up. Beel had been the one to break the silence, with a "now what?" and looked almost as upset as Mc had been. For once, nobody knew what to do. They knew that Satan and Mc always had the answers to these kinds of things, but they were the victims in this situation. Eventually, they resolved as a group to just leave them be until morning. Lucifer couldn't sleep, and spent the night tossing and turning. When he resolved to go apologize and had formulated a response he deemed good, he set off to Mc's room, because they were much less likely to react violently. That's when he realized they were missing. Upon this realization, he checked Satan's room too, and their favorite spots to hang out, but found nothing. He alerted his brothers, and they spend a while searching tirelessly. That's how he eventually ended up where he was now. He wanted to tell them the whole story, but he knew it would just sound like an excuse, or beating around the bush.
Satan and Mc made no move to speak. He tried to continue, but the words died in this throat. "If that's all, you can go now." Mc said. Satan moved to close the curtains again, looking at him with a gaze that told him to actually leave this time.
"No. I'm... no, we're sorry. I know my words aren't enough. Lilith is dead, like you said and pretending you're her is unhealthy and unfair to you. Both of you. My inability to move on should not have to become your problem." Lucifer's rather sudden apology caused Mc to finally look up at him. Their eyes were red, and Satan tightened his grip on them. "Neither of you asked to be part of this dysfunctional family. For that, I'm sorry. You don't deserve this." He looked between the two of them.
"Took you long enough." Satan seemed less angry than he had been before.
"I'll be going now. I just wanted to make sure you were safe." He got up from their sofa, and made his way to the front door.
"Lucifer, wait a moment." Mc was behind him when he turned around. They seemed hesitant, and he saw the remainders of the injuries he'd given them. He felt like a major dick. But, despite that, they hugged him. Not for long, but enough to to function as a thank you, or something along the lines of affection. Satan was quick to take them back once they let go of Lucifer, but the softer look in his eyes let him know that Satan, while had not forgiven him, was grateful.
"Take your time out here. Return when you are ready." With that, he set off, shutting the door behind him, leaving just Satan and Mc alone again.
"He must've felt really guilty to go that far, huh." Mc said quietly.
"It's unlike him." Satan locked the door and peaked out the window for his older brother. He was already gone. "Looks like our plan worked then." He turned back to Mc, who'd sat in the spot Lucifer was just in.
"It's alright to be honest with yourself, you know. He was concerned about us. He was probably searching the entire time we were gone. You hate him, and right now, I kinda do too, but I can't deny he seemed genuinely sorry." Satan took the seat next to Mc. They began to mess with the flower in his hair, readjusting it.
Satan didn't respond, but leant into the touch. While what Lucifer and his brothers did hurt, he felt warmed by how much they seemed to care. "Ready to head back out? I can help you make a sand castle this time, if you want." He smiled at you.
"Yeah, that sounds nice. You're much better at that than I am. While we're out there, we can talk about our plans." Mc didn't stand up just yet. "Thank you, Satan. For everything." They hugged him. It was longer and more amiable than the one they'd given Lucifer.
"Thank you too." Satan felt lost most of the time when it came to matters such as these, but he was eternally grateful to have someone who understood, even a little, about how he felt. He gave them a kiss on the top of the head, causing them to giggle and return the favor.
Despite everything, he had you, and that's all he could ask for.
thanks for waiting!!! here are those who asked to be tagged <33
@eccedentesiast-sapphic @sammywo
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queenie-official · 7 months
Chapter Eighteen: ‘A New Era’ Bridgerton!Au Anakin
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previous chapter: 17
The Royal Heart series Masterlist
a/n: happy valentine’s day lovelies 🫶🏼 here’s a sweet treat from me to you 💋💋 (side note i have not proofread 👩‍🦯😭)
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the following days passed a little too quickly for your liking. that’s not to say you’ve had a bad couple of days- on the contrary really. in fact you could even argue they’d been the best days you’ve spent happy consecutively in a while.
Anakin and you had been sticking together like glue. two souls locked in a fiery passion. the success of the ball had spurred you both on, and although Padme had expressed her concerns that the people will start to talk soon if they do not see signs of an heir to be- at the rate you were going the worries would cease in an instant. that would be one less worry on your list, or so you thought…
a certain royal advisor seemed pretty dead set on you and Anakin not having a moment alone together- it was easy to ignore at first, opting to just sneak off with each other to take care of your needs. but now, now it seemed as if Barclay was behind every door you opened. you can’t even tell if this is purposeful. at first you thought there was a chance he was working for Valorum or even still working for him whilst he was locked away. but you quickly realized he was sucking up to you way to much for that of a man to be trying to manipulate you, in all honesty the way he was acting was that of a man riddle with guilt. someone who wanted to atone for their transgressions, but even be was laying it on a bit thick.
you’re pulled from your thoughts as you feel Anakin begin to stir beside you, his arms loosening his grip around you as he moves his palms to rest on the fat of your hips. softly rubbing his thumb over the bare skin there, a silent greeting to what he may assume to be his still sleeping wife. little did he know you’d been awake the last hour, not wanting to move from his warm embrace before he woke up. only to then be swallowed by your own spiraling thoughts in your wait.
you turn to face him, eyes trailing over his bare chest before landing on his face. the sun cascading its warm glow that made him look borderline angelic, honestly you don’t think you could ever tire waking up to this. the way his lashes fluttered with every twitch of his eyes as he fought to stay asleep just a moment longer if his mind would will him too.
just as you begin to reach up to cradle his face you hear a knock on the door. couldn’t of been Eleanora, she would come till you rang for her. same with Rex and Braeden so that could only mean… Barclay
you couldn’t help the scowl that appeared on your face, practically holding your breath as you prayed he’d give up and walk away. then again Barclay always was the persistent type, he certainly didn’t give up and walk away when it came to trying to get you to went to marry in the first place. you honestly weren’t even mad at him for that anymore, after all if he hadn’t gone behind your back and done what he did with the council would you even be with the Man beside you. The very person who despite all odds felt as if he was connected to you from an invisible string. one that continuously pulled you back to him even when you pushed him away,
you can’t entirely credit the string for that after all Anakin stood his ground to be beside you after what came out in lady Whistledown’s papers no matter how hard you tried to evade him.
another wave of knocks sound from the door causing you to sigh, breathing out the air you’d been holding in. a small chuckle leaves Anakin’s mouth drawing your attention to him, he’d smiling. watching you pout in annoyance from Barclays incessant behavior. of course he’d find humor in this, any chance to tease you he would. at least you could count on Anakin for his consistency.
“good morning” he yawns out softly, moving one of his arms away from you to stretch. the blanket resting over top of you both sliding down his torso further in the process, his V line now exposed to the golden light of the sun.
“morning, though i’m not sure i’d say Good” you grumble and he snorts, a teasing grin settled onto his face. right as he’s about to make a retort another bunch of knocks come from the door. you groan, pulling yourself up onto your feet. the cold air causing your skin to prickle with goosebumps. quickly wrapping yourself in a robe before you open one of the doors.
just as you thought Barclay was stood with his hand raised caught right before he could knock again. “Can i help you with something Barclay?” you ask him with a passive aggressive tone to your voice. he gives you a more nervous unsure smile back.
“good morning you’re majesty-“ you huff at his greeting, cutting him off with a snide comment barely hidden under your breath. “highly debatable”
“sorry?” he asks a bit perplexed, unlikely he hadn’t heard you properly but you brush it off. waving him off, wordlessly telling him to go on. “right well, i’ve come to tell you there’s a bit of an emergency- you see with majority of the royal council now removed there’s been a bit of an uproar with the more upper class citizens.” you raise a brow, you weren’t entirely surprised. it was bound to happen eventually the positions need to be filled and a lot of the rich were definitely the types to fight and brag over whether or not they saw themselves fit for said spots.
you hum slightly in thought, “i don’t suppose this could wait until the king and i are dressed?” you ask rather sarcastically. watching as Barclay begins to stutter before he clears his throat and shakes his head. turning on his heel and muttering how he’d meet you both in the throne room when you were ready. what a glorious day this was starting out to be.
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you massage one of your temples with you finger, trying to snuff the growing headache you had. you, Anakin, Barclay and the royal secretary Laurence had been going around in circles with who to fill the shoes of treasure and high Chancellor. you’d already chosen the new war marshall and admiral of the navy- they were easy to select. people who were already in the kingdoms army, people who were skilled but not violent and willing to cut corners just for a bloody victory. finding people like that was rare but easy to narrow down and in the end the choices were obvious.
Barclay and Laurence both where stuck on finding someone of sufficient status, you however didn’t care so much about the status. you just wanted someone with an actual level head to work alongside with. Anakin was for whatever you wanted but he also could see why the status mattered- not that it wasn’t clear to you. it was the same as it always was, to hire someone from the lower class over someone from upper class would be a scandal. talk about obdurate, perhaps it would be easier to ignore anger of upper class if not for whatever Lady Whistledown may write on the matter. ‘i’m never one for doing what’s easy over what’s right’ Padme’s words echoed in your head as you continued your line of thinking, if someone of lower class fit the position better then someone of status then it’d be worth fight for. Padme would certainly agree with you there.
you turn to look back at the three beside you, completely tuning out the discussion as you continue to think on this. you could only wish there where more men who thought the same way Padme did out there, you knew for a fact there were definitely women- wait, why were you only looking at men to fill these roles? sure it’s the traditional approach but if they were stuck on traditional approaches you wouldn’t have even been given the crown in the first place, it would have gone to the next closest male relative. no doubt Valorum was the reason it didn’t, he did think he’d manage to get away with manipulating you. now he was rotting in a cell and you where officially the head of Alderaan. the people may defy their queen but if the king was in agreement…
“Anakin” you spoke, sitting up straight as you watched three heads turn your way.
“what do you think about a new era?”
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Tag list: @luvvfromme @gatekeepingirlboss @bimbo-baggins86 @iluvanakinskywalker @bby-imasociopath @curlycarley @burnthecheshirewitch @misscaller06 @sweetcheesecakesblog
AHHHH HI GUYYYS, I HOPE YOURE ALL HAVING A GOOD VALENTINE’S DAY 💋💋 this actually still took my quite a bit to get motivation to right 😅 but i really wanted to write a chapter for the holiday it seemed only right- anyway i’m not promising this means we’ll have a consistent upload schedule again buuttt i am going to try and do either a weekly or biweekly update for the series (please do not hold me accountable for this statement 🙏😔) I hope you all enjoyed tho 😋 love you huns Xx<3
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restinslices · 9 months
Jesper Fahey x Spouse (no gender specified) Word count: 2150 Summary: You and Jesper aged differently. You aged as any Otkazat’sya did. Jesper on the other hand is Grisha and ages much slower. As your mortality gets closer and closer, you and Jesper have a much needed talk. Wrote this on my phone at midnight😀
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People could say a lot of negative things about Jesper Fahey. 
He was a shit gambler, a flirt, a drunk, he didn't think, he could be selfish at times, he could give you a headache with one sentence, among other things that could make anyone go in the opposite direction. 
But it was impossible to say he wasn't loving. Jesper held onto people and treated everyone like family, even when there were conflicts. There were plenty of times when you and Jesper would have a disagreement, yet he still looked at you like he'd both die and kill for you. Jesper could sometimes make promises he'd easily break for the right price. The promises he made to you though? There was no card game, no shiny gun, no heist, no amount of cash that could make him turn on you. 
Jesper supposed that's how he got himself to where he was now and honestly? He wasn't sure he liked it. 
Was it selfish to say apart of him wished you two never became something more or maybe that he never met you? Was it selfish to look at your aging body and wish he walked away and stayed away after The Ice Court heist? Maybe. He wasn't sure he cared though. 
Aging gave him a tap on the shoulder, but aging slammed into you. That didn't mean you were unattractive in his eyes, it just meant your body felt the stings of aging. Bad knees, hips, shoulder pains, wrinkles, all that was normal and expected. Jesper practically looked the same as he did when you two met. You were closer to death but he felt like the true ghost; forever stuck in a single moment. No changes to himself, only to his environment and the people around him. 
Or maybe even a time loop, but only for himself. Everyone else was free and moved on. Not him though. 
Jesper didn't realize he was staring until you said something, 
“A penny for your thoughts?”. 
“You're staring”
“Oh” Jesper said with realization, “an accident”. Partially true. 
He smoothed out the blankets in front of him to distract himself but that worked as well as anyone would imagine. Your face was imprinted on his mind, and although Jesper could've just laid down and went straight to sleep, he knew it'd be all he'd see when he closed his eyes. 
Jesper heard you close and set your book down, then felt your eyes on him. 
“What're you doing?”
“Smoothing these blankets. They're quite wrinkly”
“Why? Why does anyone do anything?”
You sighed, “why won't you look at me?”
“I'm getting rid of the wrinkles on this blanket like I said”
“Because you can't get rid of mine?”. Jesper's hands stopped moving and he finally looked at you and another wave of sorrow hit him. Why did your inevitable death hit him so hard? 
Maybe it was because you were the last one left. 
Kaz, Inej, Wylan, Matthias, they were all gone by now. Matthias’ death was the first hit he received since his mom passed and as time went on the rest of his family, even if not by blood, passed on. Sure, he had Nina but Nina’s home was Ravka. Nina was more often busy than not and she was not the fondest of Kerch. Many times you suggested moving to Ravka for a “change of scenery”. He knew the truth though. You wanted him to get used to living somewhere else so he could be closer to Nina and not alone. You were the last consistent thing attached to his younger life and by some twist of fate, he'd be doomed to outlive majority of the people he met. He wondered if he did something awful in a past life to deserve this. 
“You've gone quiet again Jes”
He shook his head. “I don't know what to say”
“Too much on your brain? Don't know how to get it out?”. He assumed you took his silence as an answer because next you said “just say whatever, even if it doesn't make sense”. 
He took a deep breath then. It's not like you two hasn't talked about this before, but it was usually a small conversation that he'd slip his way out of with some dumb excuse. 
“I have something to do”. “I'm tired”. “Let's go eat”. “I have to go write a letter”. The list went on and on. This time though he couldn't think of an excuse and with limited time, he knew he had to speak to your living body now instead of a tombstone. 
“I don't think I'm ready to do this without you”
“Do what?”
“Live”. It came out breathy and quiet. He could tell he had upset you by how deep your frown was. Or maybe that was another sign of aging. He couldn't tell. 
“I can't do it”. 
“Yes you can”
“I can't”
“Jesper Fahey you can break into a Fjerdan Ice Court, escape, survive months at sea with Kaz Brekker, go toe to toe with every gang in Ketterdam and you still use the words 'I can't’?”. In any other circumstance he would've laughed and made some comment about how amazing he is. He didn't this time though. Nothing really felt enjoyable or funny anymore. Not when you could have some attack at any moment and be gone. 
“You're beautiful,” he said. “Absolutely stunning. I don't think I've ever seen anything as beautiful as you”
“There's the stars and sea yet I’m the most beautiful thing you've seen?”. 
He nodded. “Absolutely”. 
“Is that why you're with me then? My charming looks?”
“You could look like all things wrong with the world and I'd still want you”
“Jesper the poet? I think I like it”. Your fragile hand held his and your eyes locked onto his. “You can live without me-”
“I can't”. The tears he had been fighting so hard to keep away finally slipped. He didn't bother wiping them away, too scared to let go of your hand. “I wanna be able to but I can't”
“Why?”, he  repeated. “I just can't”. 
Your thumb rubbing over his hand soothed him for a moment, but only a moment. That calmness died when you spoke again. 
“If this is hard for you, you can go. You don't have to see me like this”
“Where would I go?”, he asked with furrowed brows and a mix of hurt and confusion etched on his face. 
You shrugged. “Ravka maybe? Make it your new home-”
“My home is here. With you”
“You'll have to find a new one when I go”. 
His hand slipped from yours, frustration building in his chest. It all sounded so easy but it was only easy because you were the one dying. You wouldn't have to feel another part of you ripped away. You wouldn't feel anything anymore. He would. 
He'd think about it almost everyday and a hole would form in his chest and pull him into this thick fog and within this fog he'd hear the future. He'd hear a heart monitor go flat. He'd hear your breathing become shallow before it eventually stopped. He'd hear his own crying. Yet you would come along and act as if everything was alright. You'd be calm and fine while he was breaking on the inside. 
“Jesper Fahey, I am going to die and there's nothing you can do about it”. 
“Jesper Fahey, I am going to die and there's nothing you can do about it”. 
But you didn't stop. You repeated it again and again and he thought he must've been hallucinating and finally reached his breaking point. He covered his ears but you grabbed his hands and intertwined your fingers with his. You opened your mouth but he cut you off with a broken voice. 
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because you don't understand you can't control this”
“I understand fully” he said quickly. “That's the whole problem. Can you stop being calm and show some sort of emotion for once?”
“What do you want me to do? To cry? To think about it and stress myself to a migraine like you do everyday?”. He hated how you looked at him then; with pity. It felt like with one foot in the grave, you'd always use the other to stay near him and soothe him and it made him feel selfish. “You wanna know how I feel?”. He didn't answer but you continued anyway. “I am terrified of death. Faith exists to calm us of this fear but honestly, I'm still scared. I don't know what's next. I don't know how it'll feel. I don't know if I'll see a light or if I'll be in darkness. I don't know how I'll go out and I don't know how it'll feel to take my last breath. I'm terrified but worrying about it everyday? That's not living. I'll be on my deathbed slipping away and all I'll think about is how I should've lived more”
“You are so stressed about me dying but honestly Jes? You're just making yourself live through the inevitable every single day. We should be loving each other now more than ever when we have the time. We're gonna get to my final moments and we'll both have regrets, the only difference is you'll have to live with yours”. 
Jesper couldn't help but let tears fall from his eyes. He knew you were right and that he should be holding you close during this time, but he couldn't help but listen to the tiny voice in his head that drove him insane everyday. Everyday was a reminder that for some unknown reason, he'd live much longer. Years would pass and he'd forget your face and always have to look at pictures or letters to remember you. One day he'd even forget your voice. How long would that take? 10 years? 20? 30? 
The more he thought, the more his breathing became erratic and his vision blurred. Blinking away tears didn't work. They'd just come back. You guided his head to your shoulder before your hand found its way to his back to rub circles on it. Jesper wasn't known to cry, but he cried. Hard. And you let him. When his breathing returned to normal, it wasn't because he was no longer sad. It was because he was exhausted. His eyes and nose had gone red by now and his face felt incredibly sore. 
When he quieted down, you spoke again. “I want to love you while I still can but if you don't want to see what'll eventually happen… I’m… I'm willing to let you go”. It was hard for you to say. He could tell because of how quiet it came out. Were you willing to? Probably. Did you want to? Absolutely not. He didn't need to ask or look at you to know. 
Jesper had a big choice to make. He stayed, spent the rest of your life with you and eventually buried you or he could leave and try to get a jumpstart at a new life. He wouldn't see age continue to eat at you and when your time came, he wouldn't be there. He'd be leaving you alone. He probably wouldn't know exactly when you died. Years would pass and he'd just guess that you were gone. 
Jesper was ashamed of how long it took him to make a decision. Leaving seemed so good. The pain of watching you continue to grow old would be no more, but then he'd be left with another pain; the pain of never seeing you again. Of knowing he abandoned you when all you wanted was to hold him close. You had no family and no notable friends besides him and Nina now. You'd probably be found and with no one to identify you, who knew what would become of your body in Kerch. A body with no name. And he'd become a body with no home. 
“I'm not going anywhere”. He finally lifted his head up to look at you and although he still felt that pang in his heart, he didn't look away and try to avoid your gaze. He just looked at you, mapping every detail of your face so he could look back and remember just how beautiful you were when you're gone. 
“I am so going to miss you”
“Of course you will” you said with a small smile and you finally got a chuckle out of him, even if it was small. 
You didn't have forever. You both knew you were on limited time and one day you'd be apart, but you both promised to love and cherish the time you still had together and maybe, just maybe, you'd see each other in the next life when the sun finally set on the both of you. 
I am feral for this man in the most wholesome way possible. Legit just wanna hold his hand and hear him talk about dumb shit.
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godlike-enigma · 1 month
bani ☆ she/her ☆ entp 5w4 ☆ minor (𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗹𝘆 18+ 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘀 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝗺𝗲) // side blog: @ilubeau
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HI GUYS !! i post daydreaming-related stuff here but it's also kind of a mix of everything, i'll also post anime related stuff, i'll never really stick to just one thing but what i CAN tell you i'll be sticking to is my centrecosm mostly (my main paracosm, i'm staying loyal to the one i've been building for the past 4 years) it's also a blanket paracosm so there's loads of subcosms inside it but at the end of the day it's linear and takes place chronologically.
i have a few paracosms here and there so that's why i call myself a paracosmist but really and all they'll never compare to my main one. ಠ_ಠ
❤︎ this is a safe place for all madders (ง'̀-'́)ง, i really wanna make friends that are passionate with opening up about their little daydreaming worlds, i'll listen to you yap about it all day long.
i have 60 paras (characters). yes. you heard that right. SIXTY. i have a whole pinterest board on it and i update it regularly -
also yeah i'm a microcelebrity on pinterest idk if you've seen me around but yeah wtvr 😭😭 ALRIGHT LEMME GIVE YOU GUYS A LIL SYNOPSIS ! (i've never done one it's kinda scary)
my paracosm consists of 50 Gods, 4 archdemons, 4 archangels and God themself (God doesn't have a gender) and 5 monotheistic Gods, my paracosm has its own lore of different mythologies. greek, norse, and egyptian mythology. fiction has no limits, so i can bend it to fit my desires, i LOOOOOVE mythologies of all kinds, so i made my own lore using the names you see on the pinterest board. all of the Gods have the same power and no ones more powerful than each other except for God and Satan. the Gods are the most beautiful, ethereal, alluring individuals in heaven. Satan made it so that whenever someone who is not a God sees a God's appearance, they physically feel like they can't say anything. this is to prevent any romantic relationships. so whenever, for example, a human who is granted permission sees them, obviously, their initial reaction would be shock and the need to compliment them. right when they're about to do that, they start to feel choked up like they can't get the words out. it'll go on like that until they give up. the gods have noticed that a lot of the time when they show their selves to other people and they start reacting like that.. they start thinking its because they're ugly or something. LMFAOO, they'll be like "damn i'm THAT ugly???" and its so ironic bc they're actually trying to tell them they're more than beautiful, but they CAN'T because of Satan. he has a lot of unreasonable rules, and the Gods just put up with it because they appointed him as the leader whilst God is gone, so they kind of did to themselves... to put it in a nutshell, the Gods have never been complimented. like. ever. so 😭 its only factual that they'd feel like they're the ugliest individual alive. Satan is currently acting as the overseer of the Gods whilst God is away, so he gets to do whatever he wants to. the Gods are the main characters, the archdemons and archangels are side characters, Satan is the antagonist, and God is... mysterious. they don't pop up. ever. so the Gods just assume they don't like them. i can go on and on about this, but i feel like i'm yapping too much ... this isn't even 0000.5% of the story. sorry, guys, this is a really bad summary, but trust me, you'll find out more about it if you follow through with my posts 🙏🏽
tags i'll use (>﹏<) :
#𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗱 -> posts that are not daydreaming-related
#𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗶'𝘀 𝘆𝗮𝗽 𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 -> original posts
#𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗱 𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁 -> vents about madd
#𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗯𝘆𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗶 -> art i make about my paracosm or anime and stuff
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
Just read chapter 17! It was sooo worth the wait!
It totally flew over my head that nico and will got a apartment (had to go back and reread, lol) but I feel like someone needs make a pintrest board on what there house looks like, what do you imagine?
As soon as I read that will was going to a party I KNEW he was going to trigger nico with alcohol. It was really sweet though how he just kept confessing his love to nico, I couldn't keep giggling at that part
Oh poor will, the dating accusations with ncio are only going to get worse lol. In all honesty I guess he's not going to care that much about people knowing he's bi, but I don't think nico will like the speculation
Nico making the luckey one the seventh track omg we love the cabin 7 refrence!
I am so ready for this new album (my spotify playlists consist of nicos music from this au, not even egsagurating) I'm so happy with the addition of all falls down (I hc that the saxophone was Austin's playing!)
Also will Hazel and or Frank ever make a appearance in this au? If not why? (Genuinely curious)
This was a great chapter! I hope you have so much fun at the eras tour, and I hope you get a good suprose song!
so sorry it took so long for me to respond to this!!! at first i wanted to wait till i was able to make a pinterest board, but then i couldn't really find exactly what i wanted (but still made a board - here's the link!) so i decided i'd just describe it:
it’s a penthouse, and right now it’s veryyyy empty. they moved into it just before will’s next semester started so not much time to decorate!! they kept all like the basic furniture, so i do think they have a sort of living room connected to the kitchen - hold up, now i’m realizing i sorta based that layout off my uncles house. don’t know why i did that but!! we’re going with it. so they have two couches in the “living room” and a tv, leading to a kitchen with the generic appliances + a kitchen island - then i think that there’s a hallway with doors to one of the bathrooms, the guest room, and the studio, and then the master bedroom is also like. right across from the kitchen. if im even making any sense. i actually don’t know what a penthouse looks like so im just going off of pinterest vibes💯💯 anyway i think that eventually, they’ll also def have a lot of (fake) plants (bc lord knows they don’t actually have time to water and take care of plants), and LOTSS OF BLANKETS. i think that like almost every time they go to a target or smth to get smth they actually need, they walk out of the store with at least one blanket. they’re all over the couches, the beds, the chairs, idk why but i just want their apartment to be very very cozy :) aside from that, will 100% has his record collection moved to their room, with a few hanging from the living room- there’s definitely shelves of a bunch of awards or posters and things like that - A PHOTO WALL TOO!! definitely a photo wall. i also think that both nico and will are very messy, at least when they’re busy with something (and they always are) so every countertop and table and desk is filledddd with clutter. like so much. papers and textbooks and headphones and laptops they’re everywhere.
i realize it’s actually really hard to explain my vision for their apartment, which is funny bc i have a very specific layout in my head - and also one for nico’s apartment in so american btw!! so maybe sometime ill figure out how to draw a floor plan just so i can show yall what im thinking, but in the end, that’s the general vibe of it!!
now on to the rest of the ask‼️
will is ADORABLE he’s just such a simp and i love him for that. drunk words r truly sober thoughts in his case
youre 100% right with will not really caring abt people knowing!! i know some people assumed that will was the one being outed, and this was going to lead to some sort of angsty plot line, but seriously- will doesn’t care for that stuff. in his eyes, he’s already out, because he’s come out to all of his friends and the people he knows. the people on twitter are trying to search for something that just isn’t really that important
YES YES YES FOR THE ALL FALLS DOWN HC!!! i forgot to mention the songs and the artists in the end notes but seriously, all falls down by lizzy mcalpine is SOOOO fucking nico. i almost considered it being apollo (which i think it could also be) except the production style just wasn’t rlly very him if u get what i mean?? he’s much more like mainstream pop, and nico is too but he’s less worried abt sticking to a genre and i think it matches him perfectly
hazel and frank WILL be making their appearances soon!! i’ve had their backstories planned for sooo long and i can’t WAIT to finally include them. it’s been a long time coming but i swear it’ll be worth the wait!!
thank you SOO MUCH and i’m sorry again for taking so long to respond to this!! i had an incredible time at the eras tour and got some AMAZING surprise songs so thank you for that!!
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plasmasimagination · 10 months
Hi! Congrats on getting 300+ followers!! If it's cool, may I get a matchup for Honkai Star Rail? (Sorry if it's long,,,, I'm just super excited and happy for youu windidbid) (please no sampo)
I'm an INFJ who's pronouns are she/they. My sun in Gemini, my moon is in Ares and my rising is cancer.
I'd describe myself as curious, easily excitable, pretty witty, a bit shy, bubbly, and low-key feral. I'm observant and calculating by nature, but I tend to keep that hidden. At times, I do tend to be depressive and super anxious (due to past bullying). In addition, I have a habit of being really hard on myself and pushing myself to my limits. I'm in a better place now, but sometimes it haunts me.Gaining my trust is pretty hard, but if you do, I'm riding or dying for life.
I like to try new things(, foods, activities, ext.) The issue is I have a weak stomach and get sick easily if I don't get enough sleep 😅 (strong mind, weak body hdudbdj)
I love cozy things!!(soft pastels, blankets, oversized sweaters, big scarves, stuffed animals, fairy lights) But I also have a love for the macabre My favourite outfit on cooler days consist of oversized sweaters, leggings, runners and a giant blanket scarf on top!
My hobbies include reading, writing, singing (in private) drawing, napping, learning new things, and playing video games. In the winter I love to figureskate!!! I know a bunch of tricks on the ice.
People have described me the following:
super self-aware
Constantly nervous (kinda true),
" riddle wrapped in an enigma, locked in a box, then shoved in a beehive" - my sibling
the grandma friend (Specifically the one wanting for their husband to come home from the war idk why tho)
Unhinged at times
Goofy insights
I tend to joke around with my older sister about them buying me something (like a snack or something) but the moment they say "alright bet" and then proceed to buy me the said thing I get flustered and be like "noooooo :(( I was just kidding >_< pls i take it backkkkkk)) because I'm not used to being on the receiving end of this kind of stuff.
I actually like to sing. It's just that I'm shy about it and only sing when I'm either by myself or comforting someone. When people catch me singing, they’re shocked af. I've had an where people from my church group with the priest (like around 30) caught me singing, and we had a staring contest for about 15 seconds before they bombarded me in compliments.
I've eaten a burrito with North Carolina Reaper sauce out of curiosity and ended up getting sick as a result (I even had to sign a waiver when I ordered it ahebej)
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Thank youuu!
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HELLOO HI HI HI HI CUTIEPIEEEEE, absolutely thankful for the amazingly written request *mwah mwah mwah* was very easy for me to write because you let me know everything I needed
And I match you up with
No words. You two are a match made in heaven
Your calculating nature + his observant nature = absolute power duo
He would absolutely not allow you to push yourself to your limits. He will nicely distract you from something he thinks you're overdoing/ hurting yourself by doing it, he will tell you there's no need for it, and reassure you
YOU LIKE COZY THINGS?? WELL GREAT!! Jing yuan himself is just super cozy to be around, he's like a huge cotton ball, super soft and cuddly!!!
You say you're constantly nervous? Take a Jing yuan, he might not make it dissapear, he's not god obviously, but he will try his best to calm you down, telling you to breath, speaking softly to you, just generally trying his best to make you be comfortable
Enigma....hm not a problem for Jing yuan, as we know he can reach deep into people's hearts and feelings, i assume he would also be like that with you, taking his sweet time over the course of you guys being together to understand you, every small thing about you, even some things you didn't even know yourself about yourself
He always can't help to chuckle at how sweet and cute you are at times, he's the type of man to get you anything you ever dreamed off, and will spoil you in every category, and he finds it even more satisfying seeing your reactions to his small surprises
All in all, I think you two are perfect for each other and when u marry I expect to be invited to the wedding 🥰🗡️
Don't forget to eat and drink babe, take rest, and stay cute
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stellasvault · 1 year
I’m not exactly sure where to go for requests so I’m gonna assume this is okay (I’m new to making requests 😭😭😭) but we all know that Miles grew up in New York and loves the culture there and I just think it would be really funny if he had a girlfriend who was from a very rural southern area and she isn’t used to city life at all. Idk just a silly little thing that popped into my head that I think was cute
ur in the right place don’t worry!! also ur right this is such a funny idea i love it, thank u for requesting! 💜
“sorry, i’m not a city gal”
pairings: 1610!miles morales x fem!reader
warnings: sfw, reader and miles are kinda in a long distance relationship
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you loved miles, you really did. you loved everything about him.
his adorable cheeky smile when he was genuinely happy, the way he awkwardly held your hand when he was feeling clingy. there was just one thing you didn’t understand:
how did he live in such a large and loud place?
you had grown up in a country area where everyone was spread out and cars were consistently used to go basically.. everywhere. so it was definitely a change when you first arrived in brooklyn with no idea where you were going. you were fresh out the train, dusting yourself off and adjusting your headphones.
you already didn’t like this place. did people seriously just be this disrespectful and live with it? chewed gum and stickers blanketed the walls and ground, and you swore you heard the sound of tiny feet scurrying. rats? blegh, you didn’t even want to think about it.
ok.. you thought, just find his apartment, and walk up to his floor. that’s it. you reassured yourself, looking at your cell to remind yourself of the directions.
it took lots of turns, retracing your steps, and asking strangers who had no interest in you, but you made it. you looked up at the tall building blanketed in graffiti.
what if they talk in city slang and i don’t understand? you panicked, biting your freshly-manicured nails. or what if miles decides he wants to break up?! you got yourself even more riled up with your horrible scenarios, fidgeting with your phone.
your panicking was interrupted by your phone’s familiar ringtone, vibrating in your palm. you picked up, still nervous. you perked up as you heard the voice you loved so much: the voice of your boyfriend, miles.
“mi amor, you okay?” he spoke into the phone, obviously anxious to talk to you.
you smiled at his usual awkward reaction. “yeah miles, i’m fine. what’s up?” your visit had been planned for days, carefully organized so that it would fit both of your schedules.
he sighed. “my parents, they won’t let us go out until they talk to you…” he trailed off apologetically, knowing talking to rio and jeff could be a challenge.
you gasped sharply. again?! what do they want this time? you thought to yourself, ridden with fear.
“hey, i can feel you being nervous from all the way over here!” he laughed into the speaker, it was almost like you could hear his stupid grin. “it’s fine. they just want to make sure you’re ‘respectful’ or whatever.” he reassured you.
you felt a smile tugging at your lips, your boyfriend was too adorable for his own good. you sighed in a mockingly dramatic way. “fine, if you insist.” you heard him mutter ‘yes!’ in victory, making you giggle.
“see you soon?” he asked rhetorically.
“soon.” you repeated excitedly, before rushing up the stairs of the apartment.
the last hour had been a blur of sweating nervously, having laughing attacks, and sneaking tight squeezes of the hands when mrs. morales & captain morales weren’t looking. you couldn’t even count the amount of times mrs. morales had corrected you on her and her husbands names.
you now sat at the top of the apartment. it was dark, but the lights of the city illuminated the sky beautifully. miles had shared this was one of his favorite places to think, his favorite place, however, was where his late uncle told him how to spray paint.
“it can’t be that bad!” miles laughed, playfully shoving your shoulder.
you sucked your teeth. “i’m afraid it is that bad.” you placed the piece of scrap paper even closer to your chest, making sure it was completely hidden.
“if you show me, i swear i’ll show you my sketches!” he promised, waving around his chunky sketchbook in his hand.
you debated whether not to give in, all the outcomes running through your head. but, the lingering curiosity got to you, you knew you had no choice.
“if you laugh, all those precious figures of yours are going straight out of the packaging.” you warned him with gritted teeth. the anger you showed was hiding your plain anxiousness. miles absolutely adored art, you knew that. but what if yours wasn’t good enough?
he shrugged, confident that he wouldn’t let out a single chuckle. you slowly turned around the white paper to reveal a sketch of miles. in the picture, a slight smile was tugging at his lips, and his eyes seemed to shine through the paper somehow.
he almost immediately tugged the portait into his hands, observing it silently. “wow..” was all he could say.
you squirmed slightly. all his face showed was that he was definitely focused, but did he like it?
“mami, this is amazing.” he turned his head to look at you in awe, but his expression showed he was getting a burst of energy. “how did you hide this from me? you always insist you never want to draw, but there’s no way you’re bad at this!” he laughed, grabbing one of your hands with his free one.
you tried to decipher whether he was just trying to be nice or if he was being honest.
“so let’s see that sketchbook.” you smirked. his face scrunched up in anger.
“i hate you..” he muttered under his breath as he flipped through his book.
“and i love you.” you cupped his face and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.
thanks for reading! likes and reblogs mean the literal world to me <3
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
I like to think venti would really love Disney and studio gibili movies, especially the princess movies, he be thinking of himself as a knight that saves the princess(the reader). Or the Disney faries? I mean faries and him both fly so there’s something in common. Just sit him down for a Disney movie marathon and by the end of one marathon he be singing all the Disney songs.
I love studio ghibli movies with all my heart I could talk about them for hours fr, I tried to think hard about what his favorite ghibli movie would be and I can't decide between Totoro for the fun whimsical aspects (the soot sprites are adorable and kind of remind me of how I think wind wisps would act, plus the big ass tree which houses an ancient god that has the ability to ride on wind *cough cough*) or Princess Monoke, which is obviously a completely different vibe but it's just a really strong message of humanity vs nature and gods (plus the forest spirits are absolutely adorable and also remind me of wind wisps)
Thinking on it further, it's kind of weird looking at some of the similarities between Khaenri'ah and Laputa from Castle in the Sky, both being incredibly technologically advanced human made cities that ended in ruin, not to mention had giant robots used as weapons that are consistently seen overgrown, you could probably make an interesting au with that
It's also mildly interesting how many ghibli movies reference the wind, like The Wind Rises (which I've heard Scara say about a million times now) and Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Anyway, since I could ramble on about this forever, moving on to Disney, which regrettably I didn't get as much into
I really don't know if he could ever truly see himself as the knight or prince who "slays the dragon", in game he pretty adamant about being the storyteller for those types of people, claiming to follow the traveler on their adventure because that's just what bards do, and his best friend's a dragon too lmao
He'd probably get into the genre anyway because they are similar types of heroic stories that he's familiar with, assuming we're talking about older classic Disney which contains a lot of those tropes, but it would be difficult for him to see himself in any of those characters because a lot of them are way more serious and less whimsical and free, he would probably relate more to the fairies and animals and occasional drunk tavern-going side character
(As cliche as it is to say, I think the most comparisons I can see is with Peter Pan, I mean green wearing childlike in behavior musically inclined hangs out with mythical creatures can fly and whole philosophy is living leisurely/freely? I couldn't not bring it up—)
And really he would totally learn all the songs that you like just in general, movie or otherwise, because he just has to be prepared to serenade you at any given moment of course, it's like a staple of his personality
But I think the best part we're overlooking is just movie marathon with Venti, laying together on a bed or couch covered in blankets with and unlimited supply of snacks while you get to watch his eyes just light up at the magic of animation, getting to rewatch all the movies you haven't touched in a handful of years yourself, a perfect evening
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bitchfitch · 1 year
I think the like, core of that minotaur thing is Serapis's connection to the maze.
When he was a little prince he lived in the lap of luxury, never had to worry about the cold, or hunger or thirst. He was clothed in fine linens and silks and fed with fresh veg and grains even in the dead of winter.
He lived locked away in single rooms. Alone for most of his days with only occasional visits from the servants who did a lot more of the rearing of him than his mother or his stepfather.
He had a gnarly temper for a while. Lashing out in desperate bids for attention until he couldn't stand the isolation that came from making the few people he got to see too scared of him to come into his room. He was lucky it happened when he was still small. that all of his fight was drained out of him or locked away under cold and jaded calm before he'd hit the first growth spurts of puberty. Otherwise far more blood may have been drawn.
Even then, as he grew into a young man who was quiet and so slow to anger that those who cast insults his way thought him stupid for not rising to their bait, he was still treated as though he were little more than a wild animal waiting to explode in fury.
It didn't matter how polite he tried to be, how much he bit his tongue or bowed his head to those who should rank below him, he was still locked away in that contraption of a maze the instant it was deemed complete.
Long winding halls, near total isolation. No consistent source of food or drink. When the prisoners of war turned tribute and given dulled swords were released into his paths and told to find their way out or slay the beast. What was he to do but learn a taste for meat?
There were towers in the maze. Tall lookout structures that were used to spectate the battles that would rage between man and beast and between desperate man and desperate man. He knew they watched because one tower was just as much a prison as the rest of the maze.
A boy barely older than him would talk to him through a barred window. They had to shout to hear one and another. The boy was just as innocent as he. They bonded over the suffering they had to endure because of the crimes of their parents. Found companionship and kept eachother grounded.
The boy told him the father he had been imprisoned with made them wings. They would escape, and the boy swore this next part over and over to Serapis, as soon as they made their escape they would open the gates from outside to set him free too.
The minotaur would never find out why Icarus failed his promises. Why it seemed the maze itself grieved for days and days.
He still lingered by the empty tower whenever his path brought him beside it once more. Often still talking to an empty window when he sat to rest and scrape blood from his fur.
Monsters crept in too. winged things at first, things that could clamber back out. They rarely stood to fight him. Many took pity and left food and comfort items for him. blankets and bits of twisted twine jewelry. Little pieces of life and connection that he learned to treasure. He didn't care to keep track of who left him what. He would defend any against attack from the scared and desperate things the king kept sending to their deaths.
Soon dens and clans began to form. treasures were brought into a prison turned fortress. The monsters knew it was only by the minotaurs grace they were kept safe, and so they all lended him aid when it was his turn to be in need. Food and twine bracelets turned to medical aid for his injuries and gentle company even when he forgot how to speak
the maze was made to keep something with divine strength contained. the monsters and their magic, the tributes and their suffering. It all congealed along the lines of magic wardings until the fountain formed and began to grant rebirth to those who had given so much blood to the Maze's black soils.
when the first envoys came for him they bowed and he assumed they meant to trick him. The second batch lived longer. The third didn't ask that he follow them back to the Maze's entrance so that he may be free to take his stepfather's throne. He was dragged fighting and bloody the entire way to the entrance.
He didn't care what lie beyond the walls anymore. he didn't care to escape. The maze had become more home for him than any palace ever could. He fought and fought, killed and gnawed at the chains. and then his own bound limbs until they managed to get a rope around his muzzle. he still thrashed until he once again had no more fight. his home left behind as he was once again locked in a single room.
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th3sp4rr0w · 1 year
Day Ten
A03 Link <- Starts at Chapter/Day One for those just joining us :))
Prompts For Day Ten Branding/Scarring/Collar
Alt. Prompt For Day Ten Bullied
Prompts Used for Day Ten Branding, Scarring, Bullied
Tw's; Death Mention, Mentioned Experimentation, Panic Attack
Chapter Ten under the cut :)
Being able to hold his baby again brought up so many emotions.  
Sure, he had given him affection while he was injured. Soft touches and forehead kisses he’d never be able to remember, locked away by the worst two weeks of his life forever. The whispered words of encouragement hung in the air until they were no longer needed, fading away into whisps you only catch glimpses of.  
It hadn’t been what either one wanted or needed. Now that he could hold him without fear of aggravating his injuries, he could hold him close to his chest, breathing in his scent. Talia had gotten up a while ago and was awkwardly hanging around, probably waiting to escort them out.  
He’d have to apologize to her later. He knew he’d been a jerk. He’d make it up to her someday.  
For now, he smoothed down his child’s hair, thumbing over the small white patch gently. He had never had it before; he assumed it was the effect of the pits. When they got back to the plane he was going to give him as full a medical work up as he could, take his temperature, see how the burns had healed-  
“Papa?” he asked.  
That was another thing. Neither of his kids had ever consistently called him anything except for Bruce and B. After he came back, Jason had exclusively called him papa, willingly climbing into his lap and clinging to him. He tried not to show it, but he was worried; it was such a stark personality change-  
“Yes, sweetheart?”  
“Can I get some water, please?”  
He and Talia made eye contact. He slowly moved them so his legs were hanging off the bed, “Yes,” he grunted, standing up. “Lets get you back to the plane so we can get you home.”  
Talia nodded. She briskly walked over to them, grabbing the cot herself and wheeling it out as Bruce carried his boy.  
He was already planning on giving him some more hydrating I.V. fluids, but debating on removing his nasogastric tube. He was awake and alert, so it’s not like he needed it anymore.  
… Lesli and Alfred would kill him and nobody would ever find his body. Dick would probably help them and there was only a few other people who would care, all of which would support their decision after hearing what he’d done. He decided against it.  
They boarded the plane and Bruce rushed him over to the med bay. Talia came in with the cot, wheeling it to the center of the small area.  
“Thank you,” he grunted, placing Jason down gently.  
She nodded. Then she was gone. That was just how it was when they were together; it was passionate, and possessive, and it left them wanting more than they knew they could have. They always had to be gone by morning.  
He still held the zebra. His hospital gown was splattered with Lazarus waters.  
“Alright,” Bruce muttered, “I’m going to do an exam really quick.” He grabbed a water bottle and handed it to Jason, who opened it.  
Jason nodded, playing with the zebra’s mane with one hand and holding the opened bottle with the other. “Before we do that, can I, um...”  
“What is it, sweetheart?” he asked.  
“I’m cold,” he said, looking up at Bruce with puppy dog eyes he knew had come straight from Dick’s book. “I think I have some sweats in here. Can I change into them?”  
Bruce sighed. “I’m sorry, Jaylad, I need to check you over. I can grab you a blanket,” he offered, turning around to look in the cabinet. Dick ran cold, so he always kept a stash somewhere in most of his various cars, planes, what have you.  
“Okay, papa,” he said sweetly.  
Bruce brought down some thick blankets and watched as Jason piled them on. He didn’t question it; he was just glad he was sitting here.  
Bruce checked his forehead temperature first. 96; no wonder he was cold. He’d be back into range shortly.  
He checked joints next, bumping his knees to check their reflex. He checked them off in his head while he did them.  
“Jaylad?” he asked.  
“Yeah, papa?”  
He took a deep breath. “Can you tell me your full name?”  
“Jason Peter Todd-Wayne,” he said immediately.  
“Remember these words; ball, dog, house. Can you do that for me?” Jason nodded, so he continued, “What’s your birthday?”  
“Augast 16 th , 2007,” he said.  
“Good, you’re doing very good,” he praised. He didn’t have ear checkers or anything like that, but he did have a flashlight pen on him. He shined the light into his eyes as he asked; “Do you know the date today?”  
“Umm... No.”  
“That’s okay,” he muttered, brushing a wayward curl out of his face. “That was perhaps a little dumb on my part, of course you wouldn’t know the date today.”  
Jason giggled brightly. It was like hearing magic. Bruce hadn’t even realized how much he’d missed it. “Yeah, it was a little dumb,” he agreed.  
Bruce tried not to smirk. That would only encourage him.  
“How about this,” he said instead, beginning to check his head for any tenderness, “What’s the last date you remember?”  
“Um, April 8 th ,” he replied. Bruce hummed.  
Most people didn’t remember their traumas right after they happened. He had dared to hope Jason was part of that majority.  
“Okay, chum,” he said, brushing hair gently with his fingers so he could separate it and get a better look at the scalp underneath, “Can you tell me what we did?”  
“We went to Ethiopia for... a case,” he avoided mentioning that name, “And you saw me awake working on a project,” he continued. “You told me to go to bed and that we’d sight-see. You took me to a lot of different buildings, and we went to get souvenirs for people,” his eyes widened a bit, sitting up straighter. “Did you give Alfie and Dick their presents?”  
Bruce grunted. “No. Figured you’d want to do that,” he said.  
Jason relaxed immediately. “Thank you,” he said.  
Bruce grunted in lieu of, ‘you’re welcome’. “What else do you remember?”  
“Um... we came back to the hotel to get ready for patrol,” he said quietly. “You left Flynn on my bed. I... I didn’t even see you get him for me.”  
Bruce hummed. “You remember more than I thought you would,” he said softly.  
Jason nodded, hugging the Flynn a little tighter. “... Papa?”  
“Yes, Jason?”  
“I’m sorry,” he said immediately.  
Bruce paused. “Sorry for what, chum?”  
Jason looked up at him. His hand tangled in Flynn’s mane. “I... I messed up.” He took a deep breath.  
Bruce stayed silent, offering his hand to the boy. Sometimes silence and a little bit of support went a long way.  
He took it. “I let you down,” he said. “I- she, mmm.” He trailed off, looking at his lap.  
“I was talking with her. Before we went, I mean,” he admitted quietly. “She didn’t want you to know. I think she just wanted to manipulate me for money,” he admitted.  
Bruce’s heart broke. “You don’t have to talk about it, sweetheart.  
Jason nodded and braced himself. “It started when I got sick and Dick brought me all those files.”  
Bruce was patient as Jason went through the whole story. He still preformed the medical exam as he went. He never interrupted Jason, other than to ask what the words he said were. He didn’t hesitate saying them before continuing on to prove to Bruce that Sheila was the biggest piece of shit he’d ever heard of.  
He remembered that case. He remembered the mom screaming that she had not given her kid permission and now she was dead, and all she could think about was that she hadn’t checked on her that night before she went to bed. It was the girl’s father that had taken her to get surgery from a back-alley surgeon to save money.  
“Jason?” he asked.  
Jason paused from where he was ranting about how stupid he’d been. “... Yes?”  
He put his hands on his shoulders. “It’s not your fault,” he said firmly.  
“Nope,” he said. He finished up the exam, sitting on the bed. “Did you ever find your mom’s file?” he asked.  
Jason flushed and nodded.  
“Then you know I left it blank. Do you want to know why?”  
He nodded again.  
“I had tracked her down to Ethiopia,” he started, wrapping an arm around Jason’s shoulders. “She had only been there for maybe a month, and she was thriving, for the most part. When I cornered her in an alley when she was coming home from work, she begged me not to take her back to New Jersey because she had a kid buried here,” he said gently.  
Jason looked suddenly angry. “She lied.”  
“... What?”  
“Well, I don’t know to who,” he amended, “But-” he groaned. “She told me that my older brother choked to death and my twin got swapped with someone else’s dying kid,” he said.  
Bruce’s expression darkened. “She said what?”  
Jason looked over to him, somewhat desperate. “We have to find him. They should know,” he pleaded.  
He thought about what he would do if Jason or Dick got swapped for other kids. He’d want to know. He’d still care for whatever children needed it, he thinks, but he’d... he’d want to know.  
“Of course,” he said softly. “But, at the time,” he continued, “I didn’t know about all this. She cried. Said that night was her biggest mistake and she’d just wanted to help. That she had been desperate to treat her own kids herself since she didn’t have any money to take them to the doctor and lost them both because of it.”  
Jason looked at the floor. “You believed her.”  
“I believed her,” he echoed. “Trusting someone and wanting to believe them isn’t stupid, Jace. It makes you a good person, a better person than them, anyways. It means you want to see the best in people, even when they don’t deserve it,” he kissed his temple. “I’m sorry she didn’t deserve it.”  
Jason let himself fall sideways and into Bruce’s arms. He held him for a few minutes in silence.  
He stared at his cheek, brushing his thumb over the mark. He still didn’t know how to tell Jason about it. That was, until the curtain of silence gently pulled away.  
“I have scars now,” his voice was neutral and soft, “Don’t I?”  
He took a deep breath. “The J he carved is still there, isn’t it.”  
Bruce put a hand in his hair. “Yes.”  
He hummed. “I want to see,” he said softly.  
“Please, papa,” he whispered. He looked up at Bruce. “I don’t want the first time I see it to be when I’m alone. If Dick sees it before I do, he’s going to make it sound worse than it is because he loves me and he’s worried but it’s going to get me freaked out and then, even after I see it, I’ll think it is worse than it is. If I need to live with it, I want to prepare myself first.”  
He couldn’t argue with it. He helped Jason sit up and got up himself, finding a hand-held mirror he kept in the plane for Babs when she tagged along for missions and handing it to him. At first, he kept it pointed to the ceiling. He played with Flynn’s soft mane before taking a deep breath and looking.  
His eyes widened. “Whoa,” he said softly.  
Bruce stayed silent as Jason turned his head back and forth, pinching the white shock of hair in his bangs. “I think this might get in the way,” he muttered.  
He kept looking in the mirror. His eyes trailed down to his arms and hands. His eyes scraped over the flesh of his legs, using the mirror to check the back of them. He whistled. “I’m gonna have to wear pants this summer, aren’t I?” he joked.  
Bruce snorted. It was never “shorts weather” in Gotham. It was like the city was allergic to anything besides “foggy overcast”.  
The gown slipped below his shoulder as he grinned up at Bruce. When he looked back in the mirror, he furrowed his brow. He angled it different ways before sliding the gown off the other shoulder and looking there.  
“Jason? What’s wrong?”  
He made a small sound. “I... where are my scars?”  
“Not those,” he amended, “My other ones. From before the warehouse,” he clarified.  
Bruce looked more closely. The small scar hidden by his hairline he’d had forever was missing upon closer inspection. That shouldn’t have...  
He knew what scar Jason was looking for. The day his mom died...  
Well. Willis was never the most reasonable or rational man. Jason wore that scar like a badge of honor, saying it brought him closer to Cathrine. He’d talked about getting the date she was born and the date she died around the scar as a memorial tattoo.  
He checked the boy’s shoulders himself. It was gone.  
“No...” he muttered. His fists clenched, bringing themselves down on the cot. “No!” he shouted. “No, he doesn’t get to take this away from me! He’s already taken enough, why does that bastard get this, too-”  
“Jason,” he said, catching his fists. “It’s okay. We can think of something else,” he promised.  
Jason looked up at him, his baby blues a light shade of green. “I hate him,” he snarled.  
“That’s okay,” he said as soothingly as he could.  
“I want him to die.”  
“That’s okay, too.”  
He made a sound like he was dying. “Why does he get this too?” he asked, voice fragile. “I want my mom. My actual mom, not that two-faced lying blonde bitch-”  
“It’s okay,” he said and put a hand over his shoulder. “It’s okay. You miss her. You loved her. I know all you wanted was to have a mom again, sweetheart. That’s okay,” he said, his voice low.  
“When we get back to Gotham, can we visit her?”  
Bruce found himself nodding immediately. “Why don’t we make a day out of it? We can visit mine and Dickie’s parents, if he wants to,” he promised.  
“That sounds nice,” he said softly. “Can I bring an Austen book? Mom could never choose a favorite anything, but Jane Austen-”  
“Was her favorite author,” Bruce finished, smiling. “Yeah. We can make that happen.” he took a deep breath. “Maybe I’ll bring along a book of my own. My mom loved Heidi by Johanna Spyri.”  
Jason looked at him. “Really?”  
Bruce smiled softly. “Yeah. She used to read it to me every night.”  
“What’s it about?” he asked.  
“A little girl, Heidi, is being raised by her aunt after her parents pass away. She never wanted kids, and she hates having to take care of her. She’s out of work, and struggling financially when she finds a job, but she can’t take Heidi with her. She finds her sister-in-law’s father in the mountains and tells him he needs to take care of her now. He didn’t want to raise another child after losing his daughter, but Heidi was determined to get him to come out of his shell. Just when she gets settled in, her aunt comes back and takes her to live with her and the family she works as a nanny and maid for,” he glanced at Jason, who had stars in his eyes. “I don’t know what happens after that.”  
“Why not?”  
Bruce was silent a moment. “Mom never got to finish reading it to me.”  
“... Oh,” he said, grabbing Bruce’s hand. It was so small. “I’m sorry.”  
“Me too,” he said, squeezing his hand.  
Jason was quiet for a moment longer. “Mom used to read Pride and Prejudice to me at bedtime, ‘fore she got too sick,” he admitted. “She passed before we could finish, too.”  
Bruce squeezed his hand. For all their progress, there would always be things in his boy’s life he could never undo.  
“I’m sorry,” he mirrored Jason’s words.  
“Me too,” he said, his voice the ghost of a whisper.  
The moment was peaceful. No emergencies. No heartache. Everything was okay, and the silence was bliss.  
Of course, that meant that it wasn’t meant to last.  
Talia ran up to the plane and ran inside. “We have to go,” she said.  
“What?” Bruce morphed into Batman in seconds, standing up and already working his way to Talia. “What do you-”  
BANG! Jason ducked down on instinct, Batman tackling Talia to the ground as a shot rang out.  
The bat recovered first, closing the door to the plane before he ran off in the direction of the cockpit.  
Jason put Flynn in the shelves with the blankets, where he’d be safe and wouldn’t fall to the ground no matter how bumpy this ride got. He looted the cupboard where extra clothes were stored and found a Robin suit, domino masks and mask fluid and all.  
He ducked into the bathrooms and changed quickly. He hadn’t moved much since waking up, but he took the fact that he hadn’t landed right back on the ground yet to be a good thing. When he emerged, Talia looked at him. She made some sort of... sad sound. He didn’t know what it meant.  
He didn’t have time to figure it out.  
He went into the cockpit with Batman. The bat growled at him to go back to the med bay, but he ignored him in favor of strapping himself in and yelling to Talia to get into some sort of seat.  
Whether the bat liked it or not, they worked in synch. It was like a work of art, each of them flipping switches and pressing buttons without talking.  
And maybe it was dumb. He knew if this was Nightwing, he’d be making fun of him relentlessly. He knew Agent A would probably get cross with him in that way that only he knew how. None of that mattered right now.  
Batman fell apart without Robin. He could tell by the way the man’s eyes looked like he put greasepaint over them, except they weren’t shiny so he knew he didn’t. The slight tremor in his hands suggested he’d been drinking too much coffee.  
He knew the bat, and he was fucking exhausted.  
Robin needed Batman. He wasn’t going to let him get himself killed.  
Jason might be terrified, but Robin had always been fearless.  
He ignored how his heart had been hammering against his rib cage since Talia had ran into the plane.  
They had been talking for a few hours and everything was going probably as well as it could be all things considered.  
Danny had been disorientated at first, especially after so much information was just thrust upon him. Gotham had a spirit protecting it? He was ‘hers’? He was welcome? What knights? How did the Waynes play into it?  
Most importantly, a grown man with a bat phobia really decided to play dress up and punch people in the face for a living? Thank the ancients he was rich because Danny’s pretty sure that didn’t count as a real job.  
His tongue felt loose tonight. It kept blurting out odd shit, and he was pretty sure he was scaring the... what does he call these? Birds?... The nice people currently feeding him and bantering back and fourth.  
Eventually, Agent A had told Nightwing he was headed upstairs. He said he could reheat leftovers in the microwave if they needed to, but “If you mess up my kitchen, young sir, I assure you Batman will be the least of your worries tonight.”  
He’s pretty sure that, in his rush to say “Yes, Agent A” he’d accidentally name-dropped the guy. Batgirl Danny had been distracted, but it was funny seeing the look on the vigilante’s face. He and Batgirl had been ganging up on the man ever since.  
“I still can’t believe it, ‘Wing,” she tutted. “After all these years-”  
“Oh, hush it,” he’d responded. “Like you didn’t almost call you-know-who dad the other day.”  
“Voldemort’s your dad?” Danny whispered, pretending to be star struck.  
They cackled brightly in response. Batgirl was wiping tears from her eyes.  
“N-no,” she finally wheezed out.  
“Man, what would that say about you if he were?”  
“That I was a poorly written fanfiction character that doesn’t make much sense?” she guessed.  
Danny snorted. “I bet by the end it’d reveal you were a secret Weasley kid Molly thought was stillborn or something,” he joked.  
“Hey!” she snorted as she fought back laughter, “You’re supposed to be on my side!”  
“I’m on whichever side’s more entertaining.”  
Nightwing sounded like he might be dying. “I love this kid,” he breathed.  
“Of course you would,” she said without any heat. “You would probably choose him over me, your poor, poor girlfriend-”  
“ You’re dating him ?” Danny interrupted. He smirked, trying to make it obvious that he was joking.  
“What’s wrong with me!” he yelled. Danny raised an eyebrow.  
“You carry tasers on you. Tasers are the worst weapon ever,” he made sure to put enough in it to not sound like he was being mean on purpose, but it wasn’t wrong. “You’re probably a cop.”  
Batgirl’s laughter turned into a roar. She fell out her chair.  
“I’m a cop in training!” the man squawked indignantly.  
A second passed. Then two. Then-  
“YOU’RE ACTUALLY A COP?!” he yelled out. “I WAS JUST JOKING!”  
“WHAT’S WRONG WITH BEING A COP?!” Nightwing matched his energy. They were both still giggling. Batgirl hadn’t even tried to get off the floor.  
“COPS ARE THE WORST?!” he banged his hand lightly against the table for comedic effect. “They KNOW mind control is a thing and yet, when I have a perfectly reasonable explanation, they still want to try to charge me!”  
Nightwing doubled over. “Dude,” he wheezed out. “Where the fuck do you live? Why is that normal to you?!”  
He devolved into more giggles. “You guys live in Gotham-”  
“You don’t! People on the outside-”  
“Nightwing, we aren’t in jail,” Batgirl laughed out from the floor.  
He could tell both of them were having a good time. He was having a good time, exchanging banter like this. It reminded him of Tucker and Sam.  
They’d love them.  
He sat on the floor and leaned over. “If he thinks the mind control’s weird,” he stage-whispered to Batgirl, “Wait until he finds out we have a school evacuation protocol incase the food starts getting possessed by the lunch lady ghost again.”  
“Again,” the adults said in unison. Danny laughed at them.  
“Dude, this is probably the most insane town I’ve ever heard of,” she grinned. “If you’re fucking with us,” she added, “You’re doing a phenomenal job at it.”  
“I’m a terrible liar,” he dismissed. “’Sides, my town’s weird enough, I don’t need to make shit up to sound more interesting.”  
“Language,” they scolded simultaneously.  
“Seriously, where is this town? I kinda want to visit,” Nightwing said.  
He paused for a second. “That’s not a good idea.”  
He frowned a bit. “What? Why not?”  
“The ghosts,” he said simply. “Though, they’re the least of your worries. It’s more the government that’s the problem, but I’ve been sworn to secrecy about that until the time’s right.”  
“Phantom, are you being for real?” Batgirl stepped in.  
“Yeah,” he said, shrugging. “It’s a bummer, but we kind of only have one shot at this. It has to go well.”  
They shared a glance. “Tell us how to help. When the time’s right, of course.”  
Nightwing turned to face him. “We know all about having to wait to tell people things until the right time. We respect it, but we wanna help,” he clarified.  
Danny found himself smiling a little. “I’ll have to talk to the team,” he said finally. He his phone out of his thigh. “Huntress is the one-” he looked up at their horrified faces.  
“... Phantom?”  
Oh no. “Yes?”  
“Did you just pull our phone out of your leg?”  
Danny tried not to look suspicious. “... No?”  
They looked at him for a few minutes.  
“Wow,” Batgirl said eventually. “You really are a bad liar.”  
He stood for a second. “I’ll explain when the time’s right?” he said, giving a guilty smile. “Anyways, Huntress and Dahlia are the ones organizing the plan,” he said. “I need to update them anyways,” he said, opening the group chat. He typed up the message as he spoke.  
Ghost Boy    
Turns out bat vigilantes exist  
They got a sweet cave and good cookies  
They want in on the plan, that cool?  
Black Dahlia  
Oh my god??  
Pics or it didn’t happen.  
Danny snorted. “Is it cool if we take a picture? ‘Dahlia doesn’t believe me,” he explained.  
“Yeah, for sure,” Nightwind said as Danny got his camera ready.  
“I can’t wait to blow their minds,” Batgirl added.  
They took the picture, peace signs held up to the camera. Danny opened the group chat again.  
The Pharoah  
Dude how do you go to Metropolis and end up in Gotham with the bats??  
I’m not good at math someone explain  
Red Huntress  
You dumbass  
He obvi got on the wrong bus  
Black Dahlia  
Be nice kids  
Anyways give us pics or I’ll kill you again  
The Pharoah  
Considering you killed him twice that’s not funny  
Ghost Boy  
Its hilarious, actually  
Proof btw  
Also use codenames!  
Theyre reading over my shoulder  
Nightwing laughed as Batgirl huffed. The phone chimed again  
Black Dahlia  
Holy shit you actually did it  
Go little rockstar  
The Pharoah  
Ghost Boy  
The Pharoah  
Ghost Boy  
Oh, the spirit of Gotham wanted to talk to me  
Said I was hers??  
Nightwing and Batgirl both made questioning, concerned noises. Danny ignored it.  
The Pharoah  
The fuck  
Red Huntress  
Phantom stop being cryptic and make sense for once in your damn life  
How childish are you smh  
The Psychiatrist  
Ignoring the fact you three are up at a ridiculous hour  
Phantom. Explain. Now.  
Ghost Boy  
I have no clue  
Got on bus, bus did not go to Metropolis, lady on roof called to me and now I’m here  
The Psychiatrist  
See this is what we aren’t supposed to do  
You followed two vigilantes' home??  
Ghost Boy  
I followed them to their cave hideout that I suspect is underneath their home  
I think Nightwing carried me actually  
I think talking to the lady messed w me btw, I did the brain thingy for a bit afterwards  
The Pharoah  
Brain thingy  
Red Huntress  
You got carried by Nightwing??!  
The Psychiatrist  
That does not narrow it down  
Did you dissociate?  
Ghost Boy  
What’s that?  
The Psychiatrist  
Did you feel the “my skin isn’t mine and there’s a fire in my brain but I can’t move” weird  
Ghost Boy  
Nightwing snorted softly. Sue him, these kids were entertaining.  
Red Huntress  
Jesus fucking christ  
I dated you  
Black Dahlia  
Hell, I knew he was like this and still dated him  
The Pharoah  
You could’ve dated Jhonny disguised as you-know-who  
Black Dahlia  
That truly was his worst fail  
Red Huntress  
Hang on a sec  
They want in on the plan??  
Ghost Boy  
They know nothing beyond that a plan exist  
Like very little information do they actually know  
This is your plan, I dont want to mess it up  
Red Huntress  
This could probably help us  
Bc if we get bigger names on board the public will eat it up  
We'd have a higher chance at getting the article too  
You trust them?  
Ghost Boy  
I ate their cookies and they didnt poison me  
They also looked at my head and havent asked for anything in return  
I think they gen just wanna help, I trust them  
The Psychiatrist  
You ate food from strangers  
Ghost Boy  
It was home cooked I couldn’t resist  
It was also delish  
Can we make cookies when we get together again  
Black Dahlia  
“[redacted] [redacted] [redacted] you are so absolutely grounded when this is over, I did not raise you to take food from strangers you just met idc that they’re vigilantes-’  
I'm sick of typing you get the gist  
Ghost Boy  
… no cookies then?  
Batgirl cackled from where she sat.  
The Pharoah  
I didn’t know she knew this many curse words  
You’re fucked  
Ghost Boy  
Shes swearing?? Im so screwed  
“Phantom? Can I type for a sec?” Nightwing asked.  
“Sure,” he said, handing him the phone.  
Ghost boy  
Hi all!! I’m Nightwing  
BG and I just wanna help  
Phantom seems like a good kid, you all do, and if there’s trouble we can help  
Red Huntress  
Hello, Nightwing, Batgirl  
I’m Red Huntress  
I really am sorry, but I think it’d be better not to loop everybody in just yet  
It’s a very delicate thing and if we get too many people on board too quickly it could get really screwed up  
Black Dahlia  
Plus, the people of our town wouldn’t trust you guys to know what was best for us.  
Ghost Boy  
Then what can you loop us in with?  
Red Huntress  
Can you give the phone to Phantom?  
I need to talk to him and ONLY him rq  
“Phantom?” Nightwing started out, “Red-”  
Danny took the phone gently, reading over the messages. He could see he already had a DM from Val.  
“I’m gonna go over here for a sec,” he said, moving away from the vigilantes. They stayed still, smiling at him.  
Red Huntress  
Tell them a gov agency is holding us against our will and manipulating the people  
Maybe tell them you had to run bc of it?  
Ghost Boy  
What abt ghost stuff  
Like what would be the reason for the gov to hold an entire town captive p much  
Red Huntress  
I mean  
Being dead is a medical condition  
Just specify that it’s non-contagious but incredibly common and bc of the stigma around it you don’t wanna talk abt it much  
Ghost Boy  
“Okay,” he said, pocketing his phone this time, “She gave me the information that’s safe to explain.”  
“Okay,” Nightwing said. “What’s going on?”  
“Why isn’t some of the information safe?” Batgirl asked.  
He took a deep breath. “Our town’s been through a lot. About a year and a half ago or so, something happened. You know how most of your rogues have mental illnesses?”  
“Yes,” both of them said. “We try to treet it, but it’s often too aggressive. Why?”  
“Because,” he continued, “A lot of the rogues in the town have, a medical condition is how I’ve been told to put it,” he said, shrugging. “It’s accurate enough. Anyways, it causes a couple weird brain quirks and most of the rogues we see are just trying to fulfill those.”  
“Is this ‘medical condition’ being dead? Are we talking about ghosts?” Batgirl asked.  
Danny rolled his eyes. “I’ve been told I cannot confirm nor deny,” he said. Val could be so paranoid sometimes.  
Nightwing nodded. “Naturally. Where does the government fit into this?”  
Danny could feel himself starting to shut down. “As far as I know, the particular agency we’re dealing with has been around for a while, more or less unused. But because our town is so bad, they got called in.”  
He took a deep breath. “They are horrible. They cause a lot of damage to our town, and they’ve almost ended lives. I think that if they stopped fighting, we could probably come up with a solution that’s good for everybody, not just one party,” he continued, “But the agency just wants to eradicate us!”  
“Whoa, they’re trying to commit genocide?” Nightwing asked. He pointedly didn’t mention ‘us’.  
“Pretty much,” he confirmed. “I think I’m saying too much,” he backtracked a little, “But... it’s not good. They’ve convinced everyone above voting age that they’re here to protect us, but they’re not. Everybody younger than that knows it. I think some of the adults do, too, but it’s enough that they’re allowed to stay in town. They’re using a couple’s lifelong dreams to manipulate them into giving up research.”  
“How is it legal?!” Batgirl exclaimed.  
Danny looked at her. “Ghosts aren’t considered sentient. We’re considered braindead and hostile, and any evidence to the contrary is immediately thrown to rot. And if they even think you might be a ghost or ‘corrupted’ by one? You disappear. Nobody knows where they’re being taken.”  
“Is this people, too?” Nightwing asked.  
Danny got quiet. “We don’t know. One couple went out of town for two weeks and wrote back months later that they had so much fun on vacation that they lived there now. They had to go to a funeral. A classmate’s older sister left for college and nobody’s heard or seen her since, and the police said she never showed up for the first day of classes. The police told us she ran away somewhere.”  
He closed his eyes. “It’s subtle. We might be reaching a bit. But-”  
“No, that’s... that’s awful,” Batgirl breathed. “Why hasn’t anyone done anything?”  
He looked at her. “We only found out about the missing civilians recently, while we were looking into other things to make our case stronger. Believe me, it would not have gone on this long if we had known sooner,” he swore. “We uh, we know they’re taking ghosts though. We’ve seen them take ghosts before.”  
It was silent for a moment. “Why are they taking ghosts?” Nightwing asked.  
A few seconds, then- “I’m not really sure if I can tell you. But they are. We haven’t been able to do anything because of public opinion. We’re trying to start a social media buzz before we go to any reporters, so more people are willing to read about it. The only issue we might hit with that is-”  
“-The government could find out what you’re doing and go to the media first to spread misinformation,” Bat girl finished.  
“Yeah,” he said. “But I trust my guys,” he said. If Red and Dahlia say this’ll work, I believe them. Besides, the psychiatrist in the group is backing their plan and she’s usually never wrong, so.” He shrugged.  
“So, you were going to Metropolis to...?”  
He saw them exchange a look.  
"I really don’t know if I can tell you. I think I’m not supposed to,” he said, nervous. “If this plan fails, I think we’re in deep trouble.  
“What do you mean?”  
He was silent. “I’m not supposed to say,” he said quietly. “I... look,” he said, straightening out. “I lost everything. Most of the civilians still have their heads, but others are absolutely freaking out. I lost everything,” his voice cracked, “to this stupid war. I had to leave because of it. My, uh, my parents were gonna send me over to the agency,” he mumbled.  
Batgirl grabbed his shoulder. He felt himself move closer to the edge.  
“How is it legal?” she asked softly.  
“... They snuck in a bunch of things a long time ago while making a bunch of laws. A few made it legal to hunt ghosts.”  
She made a sound.  
“Are they dangerous?”  
Batgirl snapped her head up. “What?”  
“Are they dangerous?” he repeated.  
Danny looked up at him. “What do you mean?”  
“Have the ghosts hurt people?”  
He licked his lips. “They often underestimate how fragile a person is. Ghosts are just people, though; saying all ghosts are evil is like saying all humans are evil,” he explained.  
Nightwing wet his lips. “Are you sure? I just looked it up-”  
“A lot of the main research groups are incredibly unscientific with their methods,” he said, near robotically. “If you read further into the article-”  
“Oh my god,” he interrupted. “Batgirl, come look at this,” he said.  
Danny got up too. He felt like someone had grabbed his throat seeing the article name.  
Nightwing was talking, probably giving details. Batgirl was making comments. He couldn’t breathe, there was something on his throat-  
He started clawing at it. Both adults turned and attempted to grab at him.  
On instinct, he turned intangible. They were looking at him and now they knew and oh god they were going to hand him over-  
He backed away. They could do their placated gestures all they want he knows what they do to people like him-  
He runs. He can’t help it.  
Seems like that’s all he’s been doing lately.
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Hehe hi! How you doing? I know you just put the post up a minute ago but could you do abc agere for stiles? 💙
As I said when you messaged me I ABSOLUTELY can and am extremely excited to do this! Because you didn't specify which ones I will do all of them 😂 I think I got a *littleeeee* carried away with this! 😅
ABC agere ask game:
Stiles Stilinski
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Age: "What is his regression age?" I think he is a 'baby regressor' He'd regressed anywhere between 1-3.
Baby: "Does he have any nicknames that people give him whilst regressed?" Yes but Lydia (when in a caregiver headspace) is the person who used nicknames for Stiles the most, normally consisting of Sweetheart, Sweety. - Things like that!
Caregiver: "Does he have a Caregiver, does he want one?" Yes! Not only does he have *primary* Caregivers BUT he also has Caregiver babysitters!! His main Caregivers are Noah, Derek and Melissa! However as I said previously when Lydia is in a Caregiver headspace she is more than willing to look after him!! Peter is also someone who became a babysitter for Stiles however Peter looks after Stiles less than the others. Same as Peter, Deaton also occasionally babysits but mainly when Scott is there too.
Difference: "Does anything about him change between his big and little headspace?" Not too much changes really, I believe he regresses because of the supernatural drama and his mum so when he's small and can let his guard down he'd be more open and vulnerable. {I hope this one made sense, I was struggling to explain what I meant 😅}
Energy: "What are his energy level like when regressed?" This boy is a bundle of energy!!! I swear you'd assume he'd had about 4 cups of coffee! It is truly adorable tho!! 🥹
Friends: "Does he have any regressor friends, anyone who he gets along with whilst small but not when big?" The pack love him (and I headcannon half of them as Regressors too!!) Soooo! I think friend wise Scott, the two of them cause so much chaos for Melissa and Derek or Noah and Derek. - Depending on which parent they would like. HOWEVER Derek doesn't get an escape 😂 He's close with Allison anyways but when the two of them are regressed they are brother and sister, no doubt about it. - Now it's not like he doesn't like Isaac however the two of them do bicker a lot! But when small the two of them are like two peas in a pod! Where one is, the other is! Between Stiles, Scott and Isaac EVERYONE has their hands full however Derek is gonna be one tired wolf because the three of them will definitely cause him to run out of energy! He most definitely sometimes asks Deaton for help with the three of them. Deaton absolutely knows how to look after them, and they are angels for him. (Derek swears they do it just to tease him!)
Gear: "Does he have any Regression gear?" Okay! So he has a few things, but overall I don't think he'd have a lot. The pack knows about his regression and so does Noah however he doesn't like the idea of anyone he doesn't trust knowing he can be vulnerable. So that being said he only has some gear, so people can't really find it. When the pack found out about his regression he only had a baby blanket (that he has had since he was a baby), he has a batman dummy/pacifier!!! A batman plush, And a grey sippy cup! Scott and Melissa got him some Chewalry upon finding out!! Peter bought him a baby bottle! (This is one of Stiles's favourite part of gear!!) After one bad/impure regression nights (with Derek looking after him) Derek decided to get him a plushie and a few toys, (such as Dino figures, Lego, a few things like that!) for Stiles and now Stiles has a wolf plush, a batman plush, baby blanket, pacifier, bottle, some Chewalry and a sippy cup!!
Home: "is it safe for him to regress at home?" Yes! Noah is one of Stiles's Caregivers and loves to look after Stiles.
Involuntary: "is his regression voluntary or not?" Depends! If something particularly bad happens (normally linked with the supernatural) then his regression becomes involuntary. However I do think his Regression is more involuntary than voluntary!
Jingle: "any music he likes to listen to?" Disney!! This kiddo LOVESSS Disney, he is singing along to every lyric!!
Kite: "Any outdoor activities he likes to do?" The park!!! Stiles loves going to the park!!!
Life: "does his regression interfere with his daily life?" Simply put, yes. When things go wrong Stiles gets emotional and struggles to not regress. His caregivers are always there to help him with whatever he needs though.
Monster: "does he have any fears whilst regressed?" Yes. The supernatural. When big Stiles is always looking after people and his friends but when small the supernatural and the troubles that come with it scares him. (Derek and Peter alone won't ever let anything happen to him, let alone the others!)
Nostalgia: "is there anything from his past that helps him regress?" Mario is his main one, followed with Jurassic park/world!! 🍄🦖
Object: "does he have a comfort item while regressed?" His wolf plush!! It reminds him of all his friends and how his friend group came together (Scotts bite)
Play: "when regressed does he play? What does he play as?" On more than one occasion he has played wolves with Scott and Isaac. He wanted to feel like one of them and the boys were more than happy to help :) However he mainly just plays with toys (Dinosaurs are a popular you for him!)
Quizzical: "while regressed does he wander off and get lost? Is he easily distracted or entertained?" Stiles is the king of wandering off! He definitely does get distracted easily however that's not necessarily anything to do with his Regression and more his ADHD.
Relationship: "does his friends know about his regression and are they supportive?" As I've previously said yes!! In fact not only are they supportive but some of his friends are also Regressors and the others look after Stiles <3
Snacks: "what does he eat when regressed?" Spaghetti hoops! Cookies, (specifically Halloween ones? Idk why it just seems right!) Cereal! (Normally without milk 😂) and ice poles!!
Toys: "what toys does he play with?" Dinosaurs, superhero figures and stuffed animals!!
Unusual: "what's 'different' about his regression?" Honestly I can't really think of anything off the top of my head.
Vaunrable: "is he capable of doing adult activities whilst regressed? If not who helps him?" He trys. Butttt he does struggle, Noah and Derek normally help him in generally however at school Lydia or Allison look after him.
World: "is there anywhere that he feels safest?" Scotts house. I honestly can't explain its just his number 1 safe place. His house comes 2nd, he does feel safe at his but he finds something comforting about being with Scott, knowing Scott will keep him safe. (Not that he doesn't feel the same about Noah but keep In mind Scott is an alpha!)
Xxx: "how does he show his affection whilst regressed?" HUGS!!! HE LOVES RECEIVING AND GIVING HUGS!!
Yuck: "is there any part of his regression that he doesn't like or feels embarrassed about?" Honestly I feel like he'd be quite embarrassed about his regression just in general.. Noah has to have multiple talks comforting Stiles to let him know his regression is okay...
Zoo: "Any animals he likes?" Fish? (Don't know why.. just likes them." Dinosaurs (if that counts) and dogs. - relatively self explanatory?
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elusivewildflower · 2 years
I just read all the romantic confession prompts and DAMN, I’m so soft rn — literally a fic/blurb/HC with any of these would make my knees buckle
But anyways how about 14 w/ our beloved Court 🥺🫶
I love your writing and I love youuuu 🤎 so glad I found you 🫂
Omg bestie this was literally one of my favorites when I was reading that list!! I love you so much, I’m so glad we found each other too!! 💕 There’s so many ways I could’ve gone with this one, I hope you enjoy what I chose! (also I'm sorry this took so long, it's been sitting in my drafts for forever.)
Romantic confessions, prompt 14: “i dream of you. all i do, is dream of you."
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The familiar sound of your ringtone jolted you awake. As you rolled over in bed, blinking the sleep away from your eyes, you reached for your phone. Bringing it close enough that you could read who was calling at 3 o’clock in the morning, you were greeted by the caller ID of ‘private number’.
Now, most people would ignore such a call, but you weren’t most people. The man you loved almost never called from the same number twice, and even if it was the middle of the night, you’d always answer. Your heart raced in your chest as you swiped your thumb across the screen to answer.
“Hello?” Your voice was thick with sleep when you spoke.
“I’m sorry for waking you up,” came the reply before a brief pause, “I just needed to hear your voice.”
There was no verbal confirmation of who it was, but you didn’t need one. You knew exactly who it was just by the sound of his voice. Six. He sounded a little worse for wear, and that had worry lines etching across your forehead.
“It’s okay,” you assured him. You never cared what time he called, only that you were able to speak with him. “Are you alright? You sound…tired.” You weren’t sure that tired really covered it, but he’d know what you meant.
“I’ve been better, but I’ll survive.” He brushed off whatever injuries you assumed he had nonchalantly, just like always. A slight hiss escaped his lips as you heard shuffling on the other line. “How are you?”
You moved into a sitting position on your bed, just as you assumed he had a few seconds ago. You glanced longingly at the empty spot next to you. “I’m good, but I miss you.”
Six let out a low hum in response. “I miss you too, baby.”
Your heart clenched in your chest at his words. It was almost as if hearing him admit he missed you too made you miss him even more. You’d give anything to have him laying beside you every night.
“I sleep better when you’re here.” You admitted softly, your fingers curling around the edge of the soft blanket that laid over your lap.
Six’s response was spoken just as softly, “I know, I do too.”
There was a brief moment of silence where only the sound of each of you breathing could be heard. You were the first to break it. “Did you have another nightmare, or just that bad of a day?” You asked curiously, desiring to know which had him calling you so late at night with a need to hear your voice. You knew nightmares plagued him often, but so did bad days. You blamed his line of work for that.
“Mm, both.” Six hummed out lowly in response, as if it was the norm for him. Unfortunately, it probably was.
You frowned, shifting on the bed as you moved to lay back down and get comfortable. You’d love to have Six’s arms wrapped around you and your head laid on his chest, but your pillow would have to do for now. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Not right now,” Six began, “and it’s not safe for you to know yet.”
“I understand.” You pause, searching for a way to keep him on the line, to keep him talking. Even if you should be asleep, you can’t bring yourself to end the phone call yet. “Do you ever have good dreams?”
Six repeated your question back to you, as if it took him by surprise. He then let out a breath of air, almost in a soft laugh. “Sometimes.”
You were happy to hear that he wasn’t always plagued with nightmares. However, now you were curious to know what his good dreams consisted of. “What are they about?”
There was a brief pause on the other line. “I dream of you,” Six began, “all I do, is dream of you.”
Warmth spread through your chest and you smiled. “I love you, Six.”
“I love you too,” he immediately replied. “Now go back to sleep, baby. I’ll be home in a few days.”
As soon as your phone was back on the nightstand and your eyes fluttered shut you were out like a light, dreaming happily about the man you loved.
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