#by how many plushie making blogs I follow lol
tj-crochets · 5 months
Today I learned that while I can now walk around the neighborhood to look at yard sales that does not mean I should, because I will spend the afternoon with super low blood pressure I mean, I did figure that out after walking like half a block, but then I cam home and set up my own mini yard sale of just plushies, baby blankets, and quilts, and apparently "sitting outside in the sun for an hour" is too much for me physically at the moment? Definitely a learning experience lol I did sell a few plushies, a pair of baby booties, and a quilt! And the quilt went to someone super excited about it! It was her favorite color (it matched both her nail polish and her ring)
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
Hi darling today i am into angst (idk why) so this is my ask
So, creator reader was tortured and killed (by literaly everyone) so when she comes back TRAUMATIZATED OF DEATH she doesn't speaks to anyone, she doesn't scream if she is angry or so, she just cries until the persons who hurt her are not near her. She also has a fav tea(you choose darling), a comfort meal (you choose again) and a COMFORT PLUSHIE(it can be any plushie sweetie) who gets carried in the creators arms
What do you think darling?
Ooh, super cute idea, anon! Angst it shall be, though I can't promise I'll be any good at it lol- And sorry, idk if you want Fem!Reader, but I mainly do GN!Reader so- :')
Also, before anyone gets confused or I have to use repetitive words:
F/T = Favorite Tea F/F = Favorite Food/Meal
As for the plush, I'll simply use the basic teddy bear. I know, kind of plain—but tbh I kind of like it so we're keeping it, bois.
I hope you enjoy this oneshot!
Disclaimers! This Oneshot includes: Bad Grammar, Spelling Mistakes, Angst, Mentions of Trauma/PTSD, Mentions of Violence, Mentions of torture (briefly), & Arguments.
If you are not okay with these terms, or are facing some sort of mental illness yourself, please skip this story.
Please let me know if I mess a warning!
𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭.
It was over.
It was finally over. You were finally free from that torment—that torture. You knew it the very moment you closed your eyes, and the world went dark.
Yet, Teyvat wasn't letting you go. No, it refused to let you go. You were stuck, in this stupid hellhole you once used as your get-away from reality.
You're stuck in an absolute nightmare you had once dreamed of being in. And you hate how you still feel guilty for hating it.
But, most of all, you hate how you're still stuck in this miserable world. You hate it, you hate it, you hate it.
These "acolytes" of yours were sickening. They kept begging for your attention, no matter how many times you've made it clear that you want nothing to do with them. You felt like you could keel over puking whenever they get down on their knees and beg for forgiveness.
You already forgave them. What were they continuously pestering you for? Isn't forgiveness enough to ask from their victim? The person they hurt the most?
You took a sip out of your F/T, trying to calm your nerves. Your "followers" were all nothing but heartless NPCs, you reason with yourself. You've given them enough.
And yet, you still felt guilty for ignoring them. Their eyes tear up like the day you were killed, after the most, horrible, bloody, and messy—
You shudder, shutting down that thought as best you can. You've drank all of your F/T just thinking about this entire thing to begin with, so you focused on your F/F. Only half of it was eaten.
You take a bite out of it, trying to fight away the tears as you remember another memory during your time in this wretched world. A person, out of nowhere, just straight up yelling at you, threatening you, insulting you...
You hate to feel weak, but at the same time, you feared to be too mean. So you stayed there and took it, praying that this annoying and upsetting person would just go away already.
They eventually do, but it felt too long. Your heart was broken, and your eyes just shed a tear or two. You were glad you had your teddy bear in your bag, as you cuddled it to your chest in that spot to make you feel less sad.
Truly, damn this world. Even if your heart couldn't let go just yet.
The End.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I have no idea if I did this good or not but I do hope you like this, anon! And, if anyone's curious for whatever reason, the GIF was chosen because it's like Reader drowning in their memories :')
✦ Check Out the Ghost Rebel's Blog Description to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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celabi · 2 years
been having scummy scara brainrot thanks to u and i cannot stop thinking about that one scenario where reader is also a yandere. love when two little freaks find each other <3 i actually uhh started writing a fic about it but like. idk. i never finish anything. i was hoping i could share some of it (all that i have rn) with u since it is directly inspired by ur blog lol. it's nothing special or interesting so feel free to ignore if u want but here's: scummy scara. from scummy reader's pov :)
Scaramouche is obsessed with you. You’re certain of it.
He’s so obvious sometimes that you have to wonder if he wants you to notice. The way his face flushes and his intense gaze flits away every time you make eye contact. The way he shivers and shifts his position every time you innocently tap him on the shoulder or brush against his arm. The way his typical insults stutter and fizzle out whenever you smile at him. The way he seems to inhale the slightest bit deeper when he’s in your presence.
(Just for fun, you had ruffled his hair once and called him a good boy. It was absolutely comical, the strangled noise that left his throat and the instantaneous widening of his eyes as he shot up from his seat and practically bolted to the bathroom. It took everything you had to school your expression into sympathetic concern - or at least, something other than the smug grin threatening to break through - when he came back several minutes later, all sweaty bangs and wobbly legs, mumbling something about a sudden stomachache.)
He’s so cute, how can you resist indulging him now and then? It doesn’t hurt to leave your used napkins and chewed gum at the top of the trashcan for him to pilfer when he thinks you’re not looking, does it? They’d just go to waste anyway! And so what if you started leaving your blinds cracked or switched out your curtains for more translucent ones? You’re just trying to let in more sunlight, and if that just so happens to make it easier for him to take his little photos - well, what’s the harm in that, really?
Of course, you had to make sure it was only you that he loved before rewarding him too much. Although you’ve painstakingly ensured that his reputation is just negative enough for most others to avoid him, the occasional rumor here and there, surely it’d only be a matter of time before someone realized how adorable he really was. His eyes had sparkled with nothing but awe and reverence for you when you gave him that cat plushie for his birthday, too infatuated with you to even think about checking it for the listening device you implanted inside. Ever since then, you’d gotten your confirmation many times over; every night, as a matter of fact, with a symphony of sweet, pathetic moans and whimpers of your name into the plushie - accompanied by very familiar slick, wet sounds - until his voice was hoarse. (It was a shame you hadn’t installed a camera instead, but you’d been worried about it being too conspicuous.)
But no matter how utterly endearing his obsession with you is, you can’t help feeling frustrated. Just a bit. Because if he’s really this enamored of you, why hasn’t he made a damn move yet? He hasn’t asked you out, hasn’t even attempted to drug or kidnap you, and he’s only broken into your apartment twice. You’d even done him the courtesy of pretending you were asleep, but the following mornings, the only notable changes you’d discovered each time were that a few pairs of dirty underwear had disappeared from the laundry hamper, and a few new cameras had been hidden around your bedroom. Not a single mysterious stain on your pajamas or inexplicable mark on your skin. It was almost insulting.
At this rate, you might just have to take matters into your own hands.
Oh wow this is hot 🫣 he’s so cute jfc, I’m in love with this ??1!1? Your writing is 💋, and you captured him perfectly what 😭😭 and reader knowing of his obsession and purposely teasing him??? 🤭🤭 I love it so much, thank you for sending this!!
sorry for replying so late, I’m not feeling too good atm. <33
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mingmeng-pspsps · 1 year
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I don’t know if this counts as an AU because it’s not REALLY Sans. It’s just a Sans PLUSHIE who can talk but can’t move much. He behaves LIKE Sans but he knows he’s made to accompany kids (and sometimes adults). So tell me where in the spectrum does this fall. Only a selected toys (Sans or not) are “blessed” to have the ability to talk, move, and have a mind of their own.
This idea started a long time ago with a photo of my funny Catholic preacher-speaker sitting next to my Sans plushie minding each other’s business at a church where I used to serve. (Photo at the end of the blog). Then it escalated when the pray over ministry prayed over my plushie and literally drenched him with holy water by accident because they enjoyed the plushie’s cuteness during our servants retreat. For some reason after my plushie’s blessed, my nightmares stopped as long as I have him with me… I lost the holy plushie to a toddler last week who borrowed yet didn’t return him during service.— So, I am spending the week and the following days being attacked by strong negative energies leading me to delete all my social accounts (except this), quit school, cut ties with everyone, and lock myself in my room to confine these energies without hurting anybody. I am confident in posting here cuz there is nothing interesting here for everyone to see here in my timeline. And I got little to no followers to please lol
The name of this AU is “Seeing God’s Wonders As A Plushie” or for starters, “PlushieTale”. It tells a story of a Sans plushie who accompanies a problematic teenager who serves at church. He has seen all of the traumas and abuse the teenager has been through, yet no one, even their own family, did something about it. The teenager bought the plushie when they ran away, with their hard earned money, because they love Undertale and they have no one to be with. Plushie!Sans really wants to help them but he can only do very little (he’s literally made of plush, he can’t beat the shit out of everyone) so he just comforts them and stays by their side. His opportunity to find someone to help his kid was the servants’ retreat, where he met servants, a preacher who will be his competition in making humor, a wise yet sleep deprived priest, and God himself. Will he get the right help from these people?
I’m gonna be honest, I made this AU for me to see who will win the comedy showdown between Sans and my preacher, and how many people would be howling and/or frowning in the venue. And I’m pushing through after I saw articles of the Pope acknowledging Undertale in a positive way. So yeah…
(The preacher will be heavily referenced on the motivational speaker and author, Bro. Arun Gogna. You can search him up on Google if you like)
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softxsuki · 1 year
꒰ ˆ ꒵ ˆ꒱ Hi, Han! Congratulations on 1000+ followers! I've been around since you hit 400 and I couldn't be more proud of you and how far you've come. You're too good for this world and just seeing you pop up in my notifications puts a smile on my face. („⊹𝅒⊹„) I'm sure you’ll get even more supporters soon (as you deserve) and I hope I'll get to see your blog keeping on growing! Thank for all of the content you put out for us, this plataform wouldn't be the same without you and would mean a lot less to me. (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・
Anyway, if it's okay, could I please send in a request for the event?
❥ Pronouns:
𖤣 they/them
❥ Fandoms:
𖤣 Tokyo Revengers, Obey Me, Jujutsu Kaisen
❥ Gender:
𖤣 It doesn't matter!
❥ Type of matchup:
𖤣 Romantic
❥ Myer-Briggs Personality Type:
❥ Zodiac:
𖤣 Sagittarius
❥ What I value:
𖤣 loyalty; open-mindedness; respect.
❥ My type:
𖤣 I don't think I have one, I never judge people by their looks and don't consider anyone I've met, until now, ugly.
❥ What's my personality like:
𖤣 observant; pretty short-tempered; indecisive (but i do make good choices); smart; ambivert; creative; genuine; lazy; camera shy; optimistic; I can get easily confused; forgetful; moody; reliable; sassy; people say I have great taste (for music, fashion, food, crushes, decorations, locations, etc); spontaneous; stubborn; sensitive;
❥ Hobbies/things I like to do:
𖤣 I don't think I have any talent to hobbies... So here are the things I like to do: traveling; shopping; exploring new places; spend hours swinging on swings; listening to music; eating out; collecting plushies;
❥ Details:
𖤣 I'm at my last school year and still have no idea of what to do with my life; I'm from Brazil; I've been trying to gain a little bit of weight; I have a sweet tooth; I'm very picky when it comes to food;
❥ Kind of scenario:
𖤣 Hmmmm, maybe what mornings with them are like?? I really don't know!!
𑁍 Take your time, Han! I hope you have an amazing day and life!! Thank you for existing, you're insanely special to me and to many others. 𑁍
1000 Follower Event Matchup #27
This event is CLOSED. You can view the event masterlist here.
Note: Thank you! It's crazy that I made this event when I hit 1k and now I'm at 1.5k...these matchups took me way too long. I'm so sorry for the wait. But omg you've been around since I was at 400 followers :( you've stuck with me for a while! Thank you so much for all your support. I hope you like who I matched you with <3
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Runner-ups were: Mitsuya, Lucifer, Megumi
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I feel like Draken would be your support system
He’s such a dependable guy, he’d want you to lean on him for once
He loves your sass btw, it adds a little spice to your relationship that keeps things interesting, so keep pushing his buttons
Always takes you out to eat, watching you with a little smirk as you happily enjoy your food (even if you’re picky and only eat chicken tenders with fries) as long as you’re happy he’s happy
He’s not the biggest shopper, but whenever you want to go out shopping he insists on tagging along, kinda playing your bodyguard and official bag holder, you’re not holding any bags with him around
What are mornings with Draken like?
Hmmm, I think he’s not the biggest morning person, so he’s a little slow at waking up (after all, he lives in a brothel which is more active during the night)
Groggy morning voice as he cuddles into you, hiding his face in the crook of your neck 
So definitely a slow morning, but be happy, because you’re getting an unusually clingy and cute Draken lol
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This man’s brother is the avatar of sloth lol, he’s pretty fond of your laziness
Beel is our gentleman :( he’s a big ol teddy bear
Super loyal and respectful, he treats you like you’re his treasure
Pls don’t lose your temper with him :( he’d get all pouty, though having Satan as his brother, he is pretty used to it, but it would hurt more if you specifically get mad at him
You’re eating out like 10 times a day with him LOL
If you’re a picky eater, he’d gladly take whatever you don’t want from your plate, and even shares some things on his own plate that you love :( <3 so in love omg
And if you’re trying to gain weight, he’s the perfect person to help you out with that :D 
What are mornings with Beel like?
Well…he’s already up in the kitchen making you both breakfast
Surprises you with breakfast in bed every morning and is actually able to control his urges and manages to not eat the entire plate before it reaches you
He’s down to do whatever you want for the day, he’ll follow you around :) so long as you feed him along the way
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This cutie is perfect boyfriend material, especially for you
I picture him taking so many off-guard pictures of you to save to his phone; no matter how much you try to convince him that you look horrible in them, he just spends the next few days gushing over them, admiring the small image of you on his phone <3
He feeds your plushy addiction, he finds your collection cute and loves seeing how happy you get when you get a new one added in 
Loyal golden retriever boyfriend 10000000%
Goes on a walk to the park with you while you swing on the swings side by side, chatting and eating the ice cream he bought you :D 
What are mornings like with Itadori?
Energetic…I hope you’re a morning person, because he’s fresh as a daisy pretty early in the morning, ready for another adventure with you
He’s the type to watch you as you sleep, waiting excitedly for you to wake up, and eventually you do wake up from feeling him watch you lol
Morning kisses are a must and maybe even some cuddles
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Posted: 08/28/2023
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thesoulofasurvivor · 2 years
○    name: Brittany, or you can call me Britt.
○    pronouns: she/her.
○    preference of communication: just tumblr pms. I do have discord I have a few people on there, but right on tumblr is just better and easier lol
○     name of muse(s): on this blog, it's just Bailey
○    experience/how long (months/years?): I've been writing for a long ass time I just don't know how long lol, I want to say at least since 2015, but honestly, probably longer than that. I haven't been consistently roleplaying in all those years, lots of on and off, but yeah
○    platforms you’ve used: like a bunch of random roleplay websites, but ever since I joined tumblr I've never looked back
○    best experience: okay honestly I think right now is my best experience I mean, I've been on tumblr a long time but since coming back after a two year gap during lovely covid, everything has been just extra fantastic. I've met back up with people I used to write with, I've met so many amazing people and I just couldn't possibly feel more welcome and more excited to write with everyone. I just love it here lol, everybody here is what makes being here such a great experience
○    rp pet peeves / dealbreakers: I mean, this is actually kinda hard. It is a little frustrating when people follow me or follow me back and then never interact cause I get stupid happy when I see new followers. This rarely happens but it still did happen..... People who tell me they know nothing about my character and ask me to tell them about my muse, and their excuse is "well she's an oc," as if my blog isn't flooding with information about my muse. I guess not really roleplay specific but, it's definitely annoying when people complain about things other people in the rpc do when it's literally like, like it doesn't matter it's this innocent thing but for some reason they're treating it like it's a crime. Biggest dealbreaker is not respecting my boundaries and just being rude, or passively rude. Like seriously just be nice and compassionate and we good
○    fluff, angst, or smut: fluff and angst. I don't like smut, I don't care about smut, I just... have zero interest. And Bailey is 14 years old anyways so like, jfc no. Even with muses of age, no smut. Angst and fluff though yesyes
○    plots or memes: I am literally the absolute worst when it comes to plotting. My brain is just, it don't function that way? Me and plot ideas do not have a good relationship at all. That doesn't mean I won't plot at all, I will, if that is what people want. But I always tell people and I put it in my rules that I am literally so terrible and please don't get mad at me if I can't think of anything lol. So obviously I love just winging it, and I really love memes and continuing from memes cause they help give ideas!
○    long or short replies: I feel like I mostly do 3 or 4 paragraphs. I try to match what my partner writes. I think I can write more than that if I try, but I don't want to overwhelm anyone so I try matching what they write. It also depends on the reply because sometimes depending on what's going on I can write more or can't figure out how to write more
○    best time to write: I have no life whatsoever so my best time to write is literally just whenever the heck. All of the times.
○    are you like your muse(s): In some ways? I think we both enjoy the word fuck oop, but she's definitely more confident than I am and won't hesitate to punch you in the face with her knife whereas I am scared of my own shadow... But we both love stuffed animals. I have a huge collection of plushies and she's really attached to her stuffed bear.
tagged by: @demcnsinmymind tagging: @betaofthedead @wexarethewalkingxdead @wolfvirago @divxne-calcmity and if you see this and wanna do it, do it!
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hotarutranslations · 1 month
Hiru Nan Desu!-san
Nihon TV "Hiru Nan Desu!" I got to go on the live show💛
It was a lottt of fun for a full 2 hours
Nagashima Spa Land Definitely go! I'm definitely going! Everyone was like that on location, from the VTR, It was fun and charming🌻
UFO Slider.. I wonder how many laps I could do..
I think I have a strong core because I dance🕺
If we went together on a location shoot, I feel like I would slide the longest! that is, my mysterious confidence lol
With that, I really, Want to go! Its nice! It seems fun!
…that's how it felt🥺🫶🏻
Did everyone enjoy it too~~
Before, on Hiru Nan Desu Thursday! I got to appear on it but, (a food report with a dance, I did 10 kendama in a row, I really remember that it was fun🤍)
This time, on Hiru Nan Desu Wednesday! as well, It was warm, it was 2 hours where we laugh a lottt Also, it was 2 hours where I felt like I was on summer vacation the most!
It was overflowing during the show but,
This week, Hiru Nan Desu x Detective Conan Collab Week
…I'm really happy about the timing, I'll remember being able to make a guest appearance👓🎀
I love Conan and solving mysteries👓🎀
I'm excited to solve the mystery, with Conan's friends!!! Since I delcared it,
I'm nervous about solving the mystery~~😂⚠️
Thank you very much, for letting me answer one…!
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I brought my plushies with me🤍🤍🤍 (I'm sorry for the chain covering Ran-chan's face..)
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In the morning,
Fuji TV "Nonstop!" I got to introduce Morning Musume '24💚
Thank you very much💚
Tsunku Punchline…
That is already a power word…
Introducing us in this way, I'm really happy about it thank you very much💚
On August 30th, At Rakuten Mobile Park Miyagi,
Ceremonial Pitch⚾️
I'll be doing it but,
Further, many other event appearances, have been announced today
Details are here
I can spin a lot of towels again!!
I can dance to the team song again!!
Ha--!! I'm happy!!
By all means, by all means, Please come hang out in support🥹❤️
Its August 30th (Fri)
I'll be waiting!
With today, I had a shoot after the live show,
it was reallyyy fun..🫣🤍
Look forward to it
Debut song 48th Pyoko Pyoko Ultra~
I danced a lot on my own..
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺Hello Pro Dance Every other Thursday at 11:30PM~
📺Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" Ishida Ayumi Goes~! I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿 August 14th new single✨ "Nandaka Sentimental na Toki no Uta/saiKIYOU"
🪩Hello! Project 2024 Summer ALL OF US "Vega" "Altair" From July 13th~September 1st Traveling To 7 Cities Nationwide All Hello! Project groups are performing🔥
🪩Sawayaka Goro Birthday Event September 8th on the day of Goro-san's birthday🎂 I'll be appearing as a guest at the birthday event🎂
🪩"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!"
Its Ishida Ayumi's last tour💙 I'm looking forward to seeing you
→Tickets are on general sale
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
I visited as a guest🪽 "Sayashi Riho and The Time From Now On" presented by Meiji Bulgarian Yogurt
📻I visited as a guest🤍 Harami-chan no Harami Fan Radio♪
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12864493589.html
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darealsaltysam · 3 years
what your paladins main says about you
a comprehensive essay by a paladins player of right around 4 years
this is like really long so i’ll make it under the cut so my followers don’t have to scroll through this if they don’t wanna
(for context i’m a current maeve main, i used to main skye and sha lin and played tyra a long while ago)
it’s not a phase, mum
“i don’t care we don’t have healer, i’m really good at him i swear”
you ult every time it loads in and you die before the final shot
your favorite mode is siege because you can fly up and shoot the whole point on ult
you’re usually really stand-offish and don’t communicate much and/or a 13 year old boy with anger issues
you are level-headed but in a scary way
you will hold the point solo even if it costs you your streak
“get on the point” “guys get on the point” “attack the objective”
you’ll ult to save yourself 99% of the time
good leader
you probably used to main lex or androxus before he came out
“he’s like a flank, but a tank, he’s great!”
you chase after solo kills instead of sticking to the point
healers hate you, flanks and damages fear you
your favorite mode is death match
you’re a former/current tf2 player looking for something fresh
you don’t like working too hard so you spam turrets on the point and hope for the best
“healer stick to me i’m boutta ult”
actually really nice between rounds
but you don’t communicate much mid-game and kind of do your thing
Bomb King
you’re a really old player. you have the beta makoa skin and you were there when lex was first released. veteran’s discount.
your favorite maps are the old ones and they barely show up any more
the team always underestimates you
“who plays bomb king in 2021 lol?”
you need a hug
“wait, he’s a flank? i thought he was a tank??”
you’re also a veteran in the game
you’re a dying breed. i like never see you. do you even exist?
you’ve been here since like the first day of the game
buck gets so many skins and you want all of them but the best you have is a random recolor
sweetest person alive
“we can do it guys! let’s try to all rush the point this time!”
you are the bane of every flank
the opposing team hates you, your own team kind of doesn’t notice you’re there
*casually gets a pentakill*
you know those weirdly political kids who like ww2 and know the details of every tank to ever exist? yeah that’s you
but like that’s corvus. as a character.
but no one ever plays him.
like i never even see him do you exist???
you are a cryptid.
yo ho you’re a hoe
no seriously the other team views you and they FEAR you
“yeah i just got a penta kill” “YOU WHAT?” “eyes on the point mate don’t get distracted”
hella good at the game and hella casual about it
you like onslaught on the one sea map the most
another veteran, are we?
you’re either useless or can wipe out a whole team in seconds. there is no in-between.
you always have a really cool skin.
dovahkiin, dovahkiin...
“i don’t care about the point i gotta get them trips”
you bought her because you thought she was cute, admit it
*turns into ice right before dying* *turns into ice right before dying* *turns into ice right be
your personality type is identical to her. no question about that.
always buys faster reload and better speed
strangely good communication with the team
gay gay homosexual gay
“he’s kinda hot if you look at him the right way”
fernando is the tank for gay people
you are gay people
i don’t have much more to say
mum energy. not as much as inara mains, but still, mum energy.
will protect every member of the team with your life, even the flanks
you’ve been maining her since she was first added
i bet you didn’t even know she’s canonically seris’ sister
“we’ve literally failed to capture the point the last 3 times we might as well give up and go to another game”
“yeah i have a gremlincore tumblr blog, how could you tell?”
i honestly have no words
you’re kind of like a catboy but a racoon
do you even heal the team or do you just pretend
you were there when lex got announced and thought he was cringe, now everyone finally agrees with you
he was your first purchased character and he’s stuck around ever since
he’s the only healer you can play well
“i am groot lmao”
you would never say a word to your team
would give your life for the tank but that’s about it
daenerys targaryen on drugs
your favorite anime is my hero academia
your husbando is todoroki
you see where i am going with this
“team protect me i’m gonna ult” *dies 5 seconds into ult*
your team is your family. you will protect them with your life.
can only hold your own with a good healer so you have good teamwork going for you
*cutely places wall in front of your ult*
useless in tdm so you stick to onslaught, siege and koth
are you a furry, furry, or a furry?
“victow! dont ult on my tweam pwease! uwu!”
you 100% find her attractive in some way shape or form
you are either a 30 year old redditor who enjoys loli content or a 16 year old teen who is playing a shooter for the first time
she’s kind of cute, i guess
i can never tell if i’m going to absolutely destroy you or if you’re gonna kick my ass
*cutely holds you up so the whole team can shoot you to death*
you’re a healer??? i guess???
your character has such deep lore and i bet you don’t even know half of it
one day you were playing and your team desperately needed a tank. you picked the first one you saw. suddenly, you’re lian’s foot stool
despite 2 layers of heavy armor, you’d still let this man walk all over you
“this skin is really cool, wish it wasn’t behind a pay wall...”
you actually know the game’s lore, for some reason
i never trust people who are good at a sniper. if you’re bad that’s natural and you’re 99% of the population. if you’re good you are definitely up to something
you’d sell your sister for 5 pennies if you could
you’re missing from the team all game and somehow have the most kills
“we have a kinessa???”
you are an urban legend to your team
someone’s been watching naruto
you are so shit at the game. like i’m sorry. no one’s good at koga i’m so sorry
how do you have so many skins for one character???
you’re always missing from the point
healers hate you. so does the enemy kinessa.
quit the game /nm
“who mains lex in 2021??? lmao???”
wall hacks, aimbot, and it’s all legal for you as an ability. you are a hacker in a world of puny vanillas. you like it easy so you go for the easy min max character. have fun getting hated
you think he’s hot and press on his loading abilities just so he can scold you and you can hear him being mad at you
*bonk* go to horny jail
"she could step on me”
you used to main some sort of healer but switched over when you got sick of everyone being needy
you can hold a point all on your own for a really really long time but the moment your team gets there you start flunking
you wish you had more skins for her
you don’t
so imagine this. it was like 2018 and you were just chilling playing the game. you kept getting killed by maeve. in every game. she was in every game you went to and she kept killing you over and over and over again. you got frustrated, snapped, and bought her to see if you could do the same to others. you are now the maeve in every game. the cycle repeats.
your whole team doubts you but then you casually get a quad kill and they just sort of look away
you die a total of two times each round and 99% of the time it’s because you go too fast and fall off the map
you repeat everything she says in her accent because you think it’s cute
“welcome to ze meant streets, kitten!” “can you shut the fuck up” “i hate to cut and run, he-he!”
you have the plushie skin or the beta skin, otherwise you don’t main and only play casually stop lying to yourself
“attack turtle go brrr”
you’re really good if you get paired with a good healer
otherwise you’re useless
you wish you could get better teammates because you could really thrive with an organized group. but on paladins you won’t get that, i’m sorry-
i always forget this guy is even in the game
you’re definitely under 6 foot IRL
you have an older sibling you always fight with
you’d love to have a snake irl
you’re really chill outside of the game, but when playing you hella rage
you are so precious
but also such a little shit
you annoy me but i also want to give you a hug
“let’s go guys!! to the point!! wheee!!”
please never change but also get out of my sight
you always main the new character until the new person drops
somehow always have enough credits to buy the new champion whenever they come out
you don’t like having a stable main cuz you get bored
you like hanging out at the training rage
hate siege and love team death match, you like your games quick
you are the worst and best thing to ever happen to this game
you only pick him to heal yourself and hardly ever heal your team
no one notices you there until you ult
then you get focused
honestly you just seem like you wanna do your thing and i can respect that
you probably go to therapy or desperately need it
you always love the demons in media
you like being in charge of the team and wreck the point any time you are there, you like fighting on your own but having a healer nearby is nice too
you probably have daddy issues
you think ruckus’ and bolt’s dynamic is cool and that’s one of the main reasons you started playing him
he’s the only tank you can play
you used to main either inara or ying at some point but chose violence instead
really short irl. you physically relate to ruckus and spiritually to bolt.
“funny goblin man :)”
certified girlboss
you can hold an objective all on your own or heal your whole team no problem. either way you are SLAYING
“alright. who’s ass am i kicking today?”
mum energy is inferior to inara but still kind of there
i’m like 50% sure you have a foot fetish
Sha Lin
*pointing and chanting* incel, incel, ince-
whether that’s about you or the character you can decide
you like minecraft bedwars on the side
“if i don’t get this headshot i am literally going to spontaneously combust”
really useful when there’s no other long distance people - otherwise a nuisance
AWOOGA *jaw drops to ground, eyes roll out of head* BOOBA BOOBA BOOBA
you bought her for the tiddies, didn’t you?
she’s actually really satisfying to play once you get the hang of her, but can be real tough on rough days
you need a break i think - maybe play some other game for a bit?
*casually gets team kill with ult*
you own at least one pretty knife
you played him when he was unlocked on rotation, fell in love, and spent a whole evening collecting credits to buy him fully
“haha bird man”
i’ve said what i said about snipers. if you’re actually good at him you are hiding a body somewhere. i fear you.
why does everyone ship him with viktor????
little furry child
he reminds me of tommyinnit because he is small and annoying
if you play him you are tall and intimidating 
i’m friends with a tall scary talus main
i can’t say bad things please spare me
you always ult at the worst time and just get killed again 5 seconds after
“hey losers watch this” *goes on the point, dies, revives, kills one person and dies again*
you’re only a good tank if you cooperate
you don’t
on your own you’re a pretty good player
you think the cat is hot, don’t you?
“his accent is kinda cute tho hehe”
you saw that one ending scene in zootopia with the dancing tigers and it CHANGED you
you are probably a furry. if not your awakening is coming. be ready.
you’ve been playing this game for too long
you’ve seen skins rise and fall. you’ve seen nerfs and buffs. you’ve seen reworks and remakes. you are ancient. older than the dragons and wiser than makoa. respect.
people see you on the opposing team and get really annoyed
“the point is really crowded, we can’t move in” “don’t worry guys, my ult is charged up”
you’re really good at all the characters but you like this guy a lot because you think he’s funky fresh
you’re either new to the game or have been playing for too long
either way you can KICK ASS but you need to keep behind your team to do the most damage
flanks are the bane of you, especially the fast jumpy ones
you really want one of the cooler skins but you can only ever get the basic ones. such is the curse of maining one of the OG characters.
“bite me”
you are level 100+ guaranteed, and everyone fears you
“oh shit they got a victor. flank focus him”
you probably play COD and CS:GO normally and wanted to go with something familiar and easy. your skill from the other more advanced games DWARFS everyone else
but why are you playing “guy with gun 132″ in a game with magical elves and fairies. like come on bro.
you don’t have any in-game friends because paladins is your guilty pleasure game you would never admit to
“step on me” syndrome cranked up to 100%
this woman could spit on you and you’d still respect her more than your own mother. good for you
“i’m not a simp. i’m just tier 3 subbed to pokimane ironically”
you sweat the game hardcore. former victor main or he’s your secondary.
you’ve got her on level 50+ at least
like the maeve mains but somehow worse
bought her out of spite or played her while she was on rotation, now here you are grinding credits for her a day after she became unavailable
honestly you’re really good at the game i have nothing else to say
you enjoy the newer characters more than the OGs - you’re either a former vivian or lian main
you miss the play of the game feature in the game because you’d get all of them with this girl
you seem like the moji mains at first but show your true colors soon after
“fuck you” x50
you are a trash talker on max overdrive. you need to sit down, do some breathing exercises and have a drink.
you hate your own team more than the opposing guys
when you see a willow on the opposing team you make it your sole goal to eliminate her as many times as humanely possible
i bet you didn’t know she was canonically female until you read this
you don’t like sweating too much so you pick the tank that leaves you heavily relying on your healers and damages
you can hold a point really well so you like siege and onslaught
“are vora and yagorath connected in the lore somehow and do i really care?”
you have a friend who you always party up with to be your healer, otherwise you might switch to another character
“tanks love me, flanks hate me”
you are too powerful. literally. how are you so strong
you’ve mastered the most difficult healer in the game. the others are really easy for you to play but you have trouble with seris
motivate your team a lot but start shading and trash talking if they don’t cooperate
you’ll gladly play someone else for a long while and like taking breaks from her
this is your first main after switching over from overwatch. we can smell it on you.
you’re really annoyed with his personality and voice lines but the character is too good to play for you to pass him up for that. you respond to his voice lines aloud very aggressively to let him know he’s an ass
you try your best but you’re not a great team player
infinite trips on a good day, die repeatedly without kills on a bad one and you switch over to vora or skye for a bit.
this took me hours to write out pls leave reblog and note thanks uwu
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gimbapchefs · 3 years
♧ hi i love u :-)
You’re my: best friend on here?? you're also the mutual i talk to the most and i think the one i've talked the most about nonbts things
How I met you: i don't think i've told you this but i remember going through the jikook tag (my daily ritual last year LOL) and seeing your posts and just thinking you were a really cool person but my ass is shy and also didn't make content so i was like imma just stay in my shell but im happy i slid into your messages one day. i think you rb one of my posts and screamed in the tags so i was like oKAY today is the day you become friends with rosebowl
Why I follow you: your content is wonderful just like you and i get a kick out of the tags you leave. also i think we both flip our sh*t at anything any member does and i love that about us
Your blog is: lovely (im terrible at adjectives h e l p) i always have liked your black theme with a pop of color whether that's the red or now orange, it just looks really clean?? and your profile picture/header always match really well. on your desktop format the d-2 image is so cool and the whole theme is just incredible
Your URL is: lol ur not kim seokjin but ur butterseokjin (sometimes i think im funny 😂😂) no really i like it even tho i was so confused when you first changed it bc i didn't see your pinned post and i was like who tf is butterseokjin messaging m-OH IT'S SHARIKA NVM 😂 i also rly love rosebowl it's a clean name with references we love to see
Your icon is: i can't function when jimin pulls his hair up like that and the orange coloring is beautifulllll, in regards to your old icon of yoongi imma be totally honest that for the longest time i didn't look at it closely and i always thought it was jungkook and then i looked at it after we'd started talking and was like WAIT A DAMN MINUTE THAT'S YOONGI then went a little feral
A random fact I know about you: you have a degree in international business and studied abroad in the uk which is awesome in so many ways and im excited to see where your future takes you :0
General opinion: i love you and also hope we can hang out one day esp since we live in the same country and most of my mutuals are on the other side of the planet in very different time zones. let's continue those chats about pancakes (yknow 👀) and i look forward to chatting with you even more :)) i really do appreciate our friendship everyday boo 💖🥺
A random thought I have: yknow you gave me a jikook photo so lemme dig something up from my 2016 archive
Tumblr media
(when we meet one day we should get matching plushies or something and be cute like this)
mutuals send me a ♧!
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stargazing-enby · 4 years
Hello Knower of All Things Queer! (Like seriously, I love you and your blog for all the info lol) Please could you tell me what the hell queerbaiting is?
Thanks! 🐸
I'm really glad you like my blog! I learn so much through the things I reblog, so I'm glad others do too 😊
I think the urban dictionary and Wikipedia definitions are pretty good tbh! It's basically a marketing technique where mass media creators add subtle cues that their characters may be queer but never actually make them canonically queer. That way, they can attract queer fans and allies—who are basically starved for representation—with the "promise" that there will eventually be canon rep, while also avoiding the wrath of their queerphobic audience.
Sherlock and Merlin from the BBC are the most well known examples, at least that I know of. I've only seen the term queerbaiting used in the context of hinting at romance/attraction between characters of the same gender, but I'm sure this also happens with trans characters as well as with other identities.
The thing is, when shows, movies, etc. hint at something that is accepted in society, like a straight* relationship, the audience doesn't need to question or analyse it. It's understood by everyone that those hints will follow through and those characters will be some brand of canon. Even if they don't end up together, their relationship will definitely be explored in some way. Why would those hints be there if not? That'd be poor storytelling.
But that's not true for things that aren't acceptable by society's standards, and in particular for queer themes. Following the example of ships, if two men or two women share intense looks, have moments of vulnerability with each other, or clearly display intense emotions for the other, there is absolutely no guarantee that anything beyond that will ever happen; that the characters will even acknowledge those emotions. In fact, in fandom spaces, anyone who DARES point out the clear chemistry between the characters—which is often being portrayed in the same ways as it's usually shown between straight characters—will have to face the wrath of all the homophobic fans of that media, who'll tell them they're trying to turn a good friendship into a queer one for their own personal agenda.
This happened with Princess Bubblegum and Marceline in Adventure Time, for example. They didn't become canon until the last episode of the show, where they kissed on the lips. Think about it. Through the show, it had been shown that the shirt Marceline gave PB held more emotional value that a plushie Marceline had owned for a thousand years that the man who rescued her during the apocalypse and raised her, only to lose himself to a curse and abandon her, had given her. Through the show, they are shown wearing clothes that belong to the other, blushing when looking at each other, singing about their feelings for the other... Hell, it's canon that they were really REALLY close before the events of the show, but PB's need to care for her kingdom made her push Marcy away. There was even a whole miniseries about Marcy becoming a mortal for a few days and growing up enough as a person that she was finally at a point in her life where she and PB could be equals and could finally "be together forever".
Why do we have to analyse every single frame of a show and argue and write entire essays to "prove" our ship is canon before they kiss on the lips, when straight ships only have to look at each other for 3 seconds once and everyone already knows they'll be canon?
And yes, I say "on the lips" for a reason. After Ruby kissed Sapphire's face several times in a row while she lifted her off the floor in the last episode of season 1 of Steven Universe, homophobes on the Internet bullied literally anyone who dared imply they were anything more than siblings, or perhaps really good friends.
I mean, for fuck's sake. In Voltron, Keith told Shiro he loved him—he loved him—after a super intense battle where Keith risked his life to save Shiro from himself—and they STILL didn't become canon! It was the Bubbline argument all over again, except this time, instead of arguing with homophobes on Instagram about how, no, they were NOT just really good friends, we had to argue with antis on twitter and tumblr about how NO, that is NOT brotherly love! Ffs!!!!!
This has turned into a 3am ramble, but my point is that the way so many mass media creators capitalise off of queer identities while not making an ounce of effort to normalise our identities isn't just disgusting and queerphobic, it's also fucking dangerous. Because it teaches homophobes they're right when they silence us and tell us we're making things up—it teaches them that queer people identifying with their favourite characters are, in fact, forcing queer identities onto those very straight characters. It teaches them that they're rational and we're emotional.
And it's so fucking exhausting.
(Shoutout to Adventure Time and Steven Universe for making the wlw ships canon, though!!! But yeah, I used them as examples of how explicit our representation needs to be in order to count, and how this can be used in order to queerbait viewers—to give just enough hints that something SHOULD happen to attract a queer audience, but then never follow through and have the rest of your viewers be completely okay with that).
*I use 'straight' as an opposite of queer on this post
Ps. please bear in mind I'm not an authority in this topic—these are just my thoughts. Feel free to share yours!
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quasieli · 3 years
top six: fictional characters that give you gender envy, flowers, little things that make you happy and d&d moments :D
Ooh lotsa questions!
Gender Envy:
1) Bow from She-Ra (2018). Something about buff athletic dude who wears crop tops and is soft as hell is very Gender to me.
2) Vax from Critical Role. Pretty boy, kinda goth rogue? That’s sexy as hell and I wish that was me. 
3) In a wildly different idea of gender envy, I’ve been thinking about it lately and @quantum-lesbian’s character in the Frostmaiden game I’m in with them, Ambrose, is Big Gender. Beautiful non-binary drow with a starry and kinda witchy aesthetic that dresses super grandly and ostentatiously no matter the occasion? Yes please.
4) Pete from The Unsleeping City, specifically season two. I adore season one Pete but season two Pete that works in a queer bookshop and has a teapot arcane focus, is artsy and is unapologetically a trans man who doesn’t give a shit about gender roles? Sign me the fuck up.  
5) Beau from Critical Role. Buff GNC lesbian mixed with academia, but like academia from the prospective of a grad student with ADHD trying to learn everything about their special interests? A+, I love her and I’m jealous. 
6) I’m gonna cheat a lil bit for this last one. I know the prompt is fictional characters, but Julia Lepetit and Jacob Andrews in their Hitman streams? Simultaneously both of them were Gender for me. Jacob esp felt like that for me, which is weird cause dresses can make me dysphoric, but I am also slightly envious of the Dude in a Dress type of gender presentation. 
Can you tell that I’m a confused trans masc enby
Gonna put it under the cut from here cause oof, there’s still a lot more.
1) Big slut for Sunflowers, always have been, always will be.
2) Fun fact, my dad’s family used to own a flower shop (in like the 70s, so I never got to see it :(), and one of their big things was hydrangeas. My dad has always loved them and now I love the snowballs too!  
3) A recent favorite, the Baker’s Globe Mallow. It’s a type of flower that only grows from the soils of forests that have been affected by wildfires. It’s a simple little flower but I love the idea of something beautiful rising from the ashes after tragedy. A little dramatic, but I’m queer, ofc I’m dramatic.
4) Roses are another important flower to my family (Rose was a family name for a couple generations), and ya know, they’re a classic. 
5) There’s this beautiful magnolia tree in front of my house that blooms with the most beautiful white and pink flowers every spring, and it’s one of my favorite things to see every year. 
6) There’s so many different types of Lillies and they’re all very pretty, but the Purple Stargazer is prob my favorite.
Little Things That Make Me Happy:
1) My cat, Maddie. She may be a cranky girl at times, but she is also very sweet and will always be my baby (even though she is 12). 
2) Not a little thing really, but my best friend. Just getting a sweet/silly text from her or the two of us chilling in a room, sitting in a comfortable silence because we just like being together, nothing better. 
3) Baking, esp if I’m doing it for others. I’m not much of a sweets person myself, a little treat every once in a while type person, but I love baking. It’s a very relaxing process for me, even when it can sometimes get stressful, but seeing people enjoying something I made, especially something that brought me great joy to make, is simply the best. 
4) In the same sorta vein, crafting and other art, but that’s a bit more personal. I love making things for others, but art, particularly drawing, is something I do more for me. It’s such a great feeling when you can get into a really good art mood and just sink yourself into a project. I love it.
5) My plush toys. Yes, I am a 23 year old, no I will not stop loving my plushies. I just got a few new friends, which I made a post about recently, and they such good cuddle buddies. However, there is one king amongst them all. I have this old, beat up christmas puppy beanie baby, on his tag named Jingle Pup, but I just call him Jingle. I had one version of him since I was like 6, but he currently lives on a shelf cause he is very beaten up and fragile, but his “brother”, who I got when I was 8, is still in kinda good shape and is currently chilling on my chest as I type this lol.
6) Again, not a little thing, but it’s important to mention; D&D. The game itself is such a joy, but truly the best part of it is the people. I love creating stories and memories with people through this weird little game. Truly one of my favorite things to do.
D&D Moments:
These are all gonna be personal moments, rather than anything from actual play shows/podcasts. RC is Reforged Campaign, where I play Saube, and FM is Frostmaiden, where I play Sparks.
1) RC - Meeting Mahety, Saube’s girlfriend. We met her way back in session 12 and we are now up to like session 73. Saube saw her and was immediately big heart eyes at her but also felt a bit awkward and shy. So, being a game a dice, I decided to roll. 10 or higher, Saube would talk to her, 9 or lower, she’d stay put. I rolled a 17, 17 is now a lucky number for me. I love Mahety and I’d die for her. 
2) FM - This was an insane fight that should not have been so crazy, but in a fairly early session, my group went up against an angry druid and her awakened animals. So much batshit stuff happened in that fight, and we unfortunately lost our bread loving bard (RIP Agneyis), but one of my favorite combat turns happened in this fight. Our artificer, Omaren, has a robe of useful items and one of the patches on it creates a large pit. Thinking quickly, Omaren tore off the patch, slid it under one of the dire wolves we were fighting and created a looney tunes style pit under it, allowing us to take it out easily via pot shots. Such a clutch move and such a funny visual, especially because the dire wolf kept failing the checks to get out of the pit.  
3) RC - Saube’s Zebrith (I will never remember how this actually spelled RIP). So, for context, Saube ended up with a death curse (long story) that mechanically meant they had disadvantage on any death saving throws. Scary as hell, need to get that fixed! So, Saube and their party had to be smuggled into another country to talk with some religious leaders of a goddess known as The First, the goddess of death. They were told that Saube would have to go through the aforementioned ritual, which included her soul leaving her body for a short period of time. During this ritual, her friends had to call back to her, to say things that would bring her back to her body and I still cry thinking about that game. That ritual was not only important for Saube bodily, but spiritually as well. After that ritual, Saube officially became a cleric of The First! 
4) A real sappy one, RC - Saube meeting all of her friends. Anyone who follows along with the rantings on my blog probably knows how important this game is to me. I met this random group of strangers on tumblr and formed a D&D party with them and now, a year and a half later, I honestly think it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I know that sounds silly and dramatic but not only has this game brought me so much joy and comfort, but I also gained a group of really amazing friends who have been nothing but amazing since day one. As much as Saube knows she can depend on SICL, I know I can depend on my group of weirdos lol. We both love our friends very much and even though we’ve all been through some crazy shit, we wouldn’t change it for the world.    
5) RC - Just playing Saube in general. I really didn’t intend for it to be this way, but Saube is very much a reflection of myself. She is the first long term character I have ever played and so much of me is in her. I try not to treat D&D like therapy, because that’s unfair to my DM and fellow party members, but playing Saube has allowed me to work through some of my own problems, especially social anxiety, in a lot safer of an environment. It isn’t so much that I’m asking this game to help me fix my life, but playing out these scenarios that, in the real world, would make me anxious or make me freak out, I can stop, take a moment to breathe and work out these issues in a way that makes sense to me. Playing her has led me to understanding myself a bit better, as well, and that’s truly such a wonderfully unexpected gift from this whole experience. 
6) Lastly, a silly one: RC - Getting a crit 6. The last session of this game got real interesting. Saube’s party ended up in the ethereal plane and magic got real fucky there. So, any time any of us tried to cast a spell, we’d roll a d20, not look at the result, and then try to guess what number rolled. The closer to the number, the better the result. A few times, a few people managed to get within like 3 or 4 of their roll, but oh the power I felt when I rolled a 6 (on Saube’s die!) and guessed it correctly! So, not only did the spell (Bless) work, but it worked super well. So instead of getting +1d4 to attack rolls and saving throws, Saube and two other party members got +2d4 to attacks, saving throws and skill checks. So powerful I broke the rules of D&D lmao. 
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kuroosweakness · 4 years
🤡🤡🤡,,,, a ha ha,,, ha bonjour my lovely wife😃 i have disassociated with the world for like a month lol what a laugh. 🍜 is,,, haha back whoops. i’m sorry for disappearing uwu i sometimes forget time is a thing and by the time i know it,, whew it’s been a whole month🤡
complete and utter clown shit,,, anywho i came back to tumblr and ofc the first thing i did was check ur account bc i luv u (side note wtf is up with everyone on their period too you can clump me into that group damn, and i feel u with the inconsistent periods, i’ve had mine for like what 8 years now?? holy shit,,, i promise i’m not old i was just cursed w/ an early period😔 and i gotta say bc helps with getting it regulated if that’s something ur okay with trying out i would suggest it :)) anyways tangent done)
and i see you aren’t doing awesome..? :( i wanna let you know that you are super super appreciated and if you need to take more time for requests!!! you don’t owe us any explanation!!! and if anyone tries to say otherwise send em to me😡 bc you are such a precious kind person so pls do what you need to stay healthy!!!!!🥺💖
now to make up for my lost time here are some kuroo headcanons bc i know you will always accept those and if you’re having a hard time i hope these will cheer you up :,)))))
will definitely take you to build-a-bear for a date and you would make each other stuffed animals and he would make you keep it a secret and you swap at the end
would want you to meet third gym + kenma bc he want the people he cares about to get along and would be so happy when you do
ngl dear lia,,,, he would totally make fun of your height but not in like a bad way he thinks it’s so cute and he loves that he could literally just carry you everywhere but he’ll like call you shorty and names like that but the second anyone else makes fun of ur height he is out for BLOOD
and if you ever feel insecure abt your height or he takes things tooooo far he’s right there wrapping his arms around you and whispering comforting words telling u how much he loves your height,,,, ugh my heart
also !! he gets so excited when he talks abt things he loves like volleyball, or if he learned a new chemistry fact he’s such a nerd asjfhdh
also if he ever gets any news you are the first person to hear about it,, he loves to call you and hear you be as excited as him when he tells you
also he is so good at comforting people and being able to tell when you’re feeling off even if you hide it well, and when he notices he just picks you up, plops you in bed, and puts on your fav movie and comes and cuddles with you
SO,,, i hope these cheered you up babes i missed you lots, pls forgive me🤠
lots and lots and lots and LOTS of kisses bc i missed so many days :((((
how’d u not pass the character limit, this is a whole post 😭i luv and appreciate this so so so much :’ i already read it all the night before and slept in tears. GOOD tears, happy tears. but also sad tears because he’s not real 
was the month break good?? i’m so glad ur back hehe <3  🥺welcome back to my blog bubs! (not that u ever technically left)
🥺🥺🥺<3 i’ll try my best to stay as healthy as can be. you better be doing the same >:) 
riiight so many of my followers on their period the same time as me 😳inconsistent periods are scary bc you never know when they’ll come :(( aw getting ur period early must’ve been rough :’( 
ahhhh kuroo headcanons!!!! u really came through :’) 🥺
- i’ve never been to build-a-bear and has always dreamed of going every time i passed it in malls ... i shall go make myself a black cat plushie and buy him t-shirts and shoes and- :’ 
- it’s the fact that i’ll be hugging his stomach for me 😔if he slept on my bed, his feet would be sticking out lmaooo 😭am i the only one who occasionally likes being teased about my height...? it makes me feel kinda special knowing people are at least talking to me- 
- i- <33 
- i’ll be excited along with him 🥺what do i get excited about? kpop...i don’t think kuroo would be too happy with me talking about other guys with a grin on my face 😭
- thank you for giving me a new scenario to think about when i sleep >< (am i the only one who makes up scenarios in my head in order to fall asleep. i look forward to sleeping so i can close my eyes and just daydream in peace) 
these hcs pained my heart in a good way :’) thank uu so much for all of these and please come back to talk to me sometime or when you have more kuroo headcanons. u are now obligated to give me kuroo hcs whenever u think of some >:) 
more and more and MORE kisses (with future ones to come) <33 
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peluromantic · 4 years
ok so idk how many people actually read these types of things, but here’s a little “about me”/intro to my blog because i just made it!
-i don't know what name i want to go by yet,,,i guess you can call me toy for now, since i’m very into toycore lol idk -i’m still figuring out my gender, i’m questioning caelgender and aesthetigender among others -my pronouns are they/themself, crypt/cryptself, star/starself, or ⭐/⭐self -i’m 18 (nothing here will be explicit, but it’s important people know i’m an adult!) -i’m objectumromantic and peluromantic, i’m mainly into plushies but i might be into other objects too, i’m not sure yet! i’m not in a relationship,,but i do have some crushes,,,,
i made this blog because the objectum community here seems very cool and approachable! i never imagined that there would be such a big and open community,,so i’m hoping i’ll make friends and cool mutuals! i don’t follow back from this blog, but I hope to keep my main a secret! i don’t use it much, but some irls follow, so yeah,,,,i’m not really ready for them to find out i’m trans and objectumromantic yet
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yawnjunie · 4 years
extra long tag game (seriously, it’s very long)
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tagged by: @soobindipity​ (ty eri!)
tagging: @acethetiques​, @bloomingjun​, @txtdream​, @bulgo-gyu...(i’m honestly so lazy so if you want to do this, go ahead! feel free to ignore if you were tagged)
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
side effects! (oops this is a txt blog) but i’m pretty sure this is what made me want to stan skz! the song is very experimental, as it’s psychedelic edm (i believe), but i liked it a lot after a few listens. i was totally obsessed with the choreography as well, because the whole thing is just...art. they attracted me because their style of music was different than what i had seen before, and on top of being extremely talented and creative people, they were also super funny and caring.
another group that comes really close to being my favs is day6 (and i cannot even begin to describe my infatuation with this group). i listened to “shoot me” and “sweet chaos” and BAM that’s all it took to drag me into stanning this group. i’m not familiar with the inside jokes and all that, but i just love listening to their music! there is not a single bad song in their entire discography! i also have the largest heart eyes for young k’s “young one” project covers and eaJ’s original songs.
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
going to an ivy league or just any amazing school in general (lol is this really gonna happen tho 🤪)
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
gone out with my friends, probably (going for a boba run, going to the mall, etc.)
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
a tiny book called “be active” by charles m. schulz, filled with motivation quotes. i also bring around a book, in case i get bored.
favourite type of plushies and why?
the extra fluffy kind that i can hug or use as a pillow, but i like the bear plushies a lot too (from daiso/miniso).
favourite song right now?
darn i don’t have one 😳 but i like listening to “ribs” by lorde
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
how to make macarons, how to make/compose music, the korean language
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
i can’t think of something off the top of my head :( (i promise my life isn’t that boring but my brain isn’t conjuring up anything helpful)
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones when i want to listen to music by myself/with a friend, speakers when i want to share music openly
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
banh mi and 🍅 (even though i just had a bowl of them...sorry beomgyu)
+ also this coconut that i’m trying to open? but it’s not cooperating with me 😔
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify, it’s unproblematic for the most part
ten questions (by eri, answered)
1. what’s the best trip/vacation you’ve ever had?
when i went on a tour of china (i went to a bunch of places, from the city to the mountains). it was fun exploring places i’ve never been to!
2. do you have any random fears/phobias? if yes, what are they?
spiders and bugs :(
3. weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
either mangostine (i hated it, sorry soobin) or frog legs
4. do you have any hidden talents? what can you do?
uhhhhhhhhhhh i can memorize things quickly? i mean i don’t think it’s that big of a talent but i can remember trivial history facts really well
5. what is an activity you’d like to try out someday?
swimming underneath a waterfall or just living in the wilderness
6. when did you get your first phone and what type of phone was it?
a very long time ago when i was in 2nd grade, when i first got an ancient flip-phone...i pretty much never touched it because i never really needed to use it
7. what is a movie you never get tired of watching?
kimi no nawa! i’ve watched that movie 3 times already and it’s a great movie so i wouldn’t mind watching it again :)
8. biggest pet peeve?
dirt encrusted fingernails >:(
9. earliest childhood memory?
i’m not sure :( my memory is just a jumble of things from my childhood
10. as a child, what did you want to be? what about now?
i wanted to be anything and everything...one day i would be like “i’m going to be a doctor” and the next i would be like “nvm i want to be a magician” and as for now, i’m actually not sure because i’m interesting in many fields, including areas in both sciences and humanities.
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
name: blu
nickname: blu
birthday: sometime when the flowers bloom
zodiac: aries
nationality: american
languages: english, chinese, spanish, (a bit of) japanese
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: [redacted]
inspiration for muse: txt and other groups i stan! i also like to take inspiration from my life experiences, books i’ve read, songs, movies. shows, and so on.
meaning behind my url: there weren’t any canon urls for yeonjun so my brain somehow went hmm? yawnjunie? sounds good (i’ve been asked this before and honestly there isn’t much logic behind my url lol)
blog established: June 5th, 2020
followers: 153 (it’s a small-ish community but thank you all for the support!)
favourite animals: dogs, cats, wolves, foxes (i just love animals in general)
favourite books: asoue, the miraculous journey of edward tulane, the joy luck club, the giver series (there are more but i can’t think of them)
favourite colour: blue (i love all the colors)
favourite fictional characters: alyssa and james (teotfw), the baudelaires (asoue), and other people i can’t think of atm
favourite flower: i don’t think i have a specific favorite flower, but i like orchids!
favourite scent: the scent of pu’er tea (or the scent of dried flowers)
favourite season: i don’t have one, but i’m leaning towards autumn
average hours of sleep: 6-9
cats or dogs: dogs (i’m serious)
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea all the way
current time: 01:05
dream trip: south america, europe, japan
dream job: tbd :’) (but i want to be in a profession in which i’m helping people)
hobbies: eating, playing piano, being a tubbs™
hogwarts house: ravenclaw (i think)
last movie watched: can’t remember, but it was probably a film about a mermaid who tried to find true love on land but ended up dying
last song listened to: i’m in love with you by kina
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1-2
random fact(s): i love mint chocolate ice cream, i like my milk tea with a bunch of toppings (pudding, aloe vera, boba pearls, etc.)
10 things I can’t stop listening to
if i could ride a bike - chevy
pinocchio - eaJ
fly me to the moon - young k
holo - lee hi
lmm - hwasa
man in a movie - day6
laughing on the outside - bernadette carroll
remember (from natsume’s book of friends) - uru
sparkle - radwimps
i loved you - day6
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jisvnq · 4 years
tag games✨
(stealing emmie’s idea *cough*)
so putting some tag games under the cut here <3 thank you for tagging me !! and please, if you want to, please continue doing it because i enjoy doing these quite a lot :3
the order is messed up though lmao sorry
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get to know me tag 💕
tagged by ;; @flirtyhyuck​
rules ;;  tag 10 blogs you want to get to know better
name: zamantha
gender: female
height: somewhere around 5′1″? don’t think i grew much since we last measured lmao
sexuality: good question
jk idrk just yet but here’s something that i feel describes me best rn ?
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favorite animal: dogs? foxes? idrk but otherwise, it’d be a dragon
current time: 
cats or dogs: dogs
dream job: astronaut like anything that has something to do with music (like performing or production) or science (probably more on chemistry though cause i’m a nerd)
when i made this blog: april [something] 2019
why i made this blog: because i had ideas i wanted to share and make other people happy with these ideas as well
reason for url: my handwriting is crap so my u’s & v’s and g’s & q’s look the same + blog is about jisung so yeah 
(and also to kathy, hyuck doing that tongue thing, yes)
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5 random facts 💞
tagged by ;; @heart-bleeding-autism-angel​, @pinkhyunie​ (different kind of tag, but same content hhh)
rules ;; write 5 random facts about yourself and tag some mutuals/people you’d like to get to know better !!
i recently just learnt blackpink’s stay on the guitar
i really really wanna learn misfit on the drums but we only have electric drums and my father won’t teach me how to set it up 🤧
i think wayyyy too much
i can somehow destroy anything i can get my hands on (both on purpose sabotage but more often than not, on accident 🤡)
i’m horrible at responses and replying :/
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a bunch of tags 💓
just emmie’s hugeass tag that i’ll be answering cause why not
tagged by ;; @honeydh​ (the whole thing <3), @heart-bleeding-autism-angel​ (keeping up with mutuals tag)
keeping up with mutuals tag 💗
favorite color(s): green
last song: DINOSAUR - AKMU
last movie: Your Name (haven’t actually watched anything else since then 💀💀)
last show completed: Crash Landing on You (this is the only show i managed to “finish” 💀💀💀)
currently reading: The Martian - Andy Weir
currently watching: i don’t really watch any shows
sweet, savory, or spicy: savory (i can’t take too much of any flavor, really)
craving: kwek kwek :(( also boba and maybe like pizza
tea or coffee: coffee
5 things tag 💖
5 things you can find in my room:
19472 plushies
fuzzy blankets & fluffy pillows
a bed
a desktop computer
and a mess
(the room is literally just a bed and a computer + i share it with my siblings skhf)
5 random things about me:
i love studying about different languages and cultures of different places
i don’t really like cake 😬 (too-sweet things in general too, like candies)
but i really like those sour gummies though, they pass
i google so much random shit that i know too many things i won’t be able to use in school
i like learning, but i hate school with a burning passion
5 favorite bands:
i saw “bands” and the first thing that popped into my head was fall out boy skjd
parokya ni edgar lol
5 favorite girl groups/soloists:
taylor swift
hailee steinfeld
moira dela torre
5 favorite boy groups/soloists:
stray kids
ed sheeran
bruno mars
15 questions tag 💝
nicknames: zam (irl and here), z (just here), zennie, zatan (help ?!?!?), zsung
zodiac: libra
height: ^^ pocket-sized
last thing i googled: “why do ants carry dead ants” 💀 
song stuck in my head: DINOSAUR - AKMU (it just sounds so good 🥺)
number of followers: 1,275 :o
amount of sleep i got: i’m hibernating (like 12 hours? idk when i slept but i just woke up)
lucky number: 18 (lucky & favorite number)
favorite song: yes
favorite instrument: by sound, violin & piano, but to play, it’s got to be the drums skjdfh
dream job: like i said, astronaut something related to either music or science
aesthetic: i’m bad at like art stuff and design help me pls hm idk maybe like rn i’m feeling stuff like stupid poses in polaroid photos, remembering something that happened like years ago with a friend and laughing about it together, playing at a playground at night, sleepovers where no one actually sleeps, late-night roadtrips, camping with friends and stargazing, just like everything nostalgic yk
favorite author: i pick up whatever book and just read tbh so i don’t really have a favorite, per se
favorite animal noise: crickets chirping (idk i just have some good memories tied to this sound it’s weird skfs)
random: as suggested by one of my timestamps, i don’t really like pizza crusts
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cecechiro · 4 years
the extra long tag game ;)
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tagged by @yawnjunie​ thank you friend ;u; ily blu~
tagging @meiiyue​ @dulcaet​ @lordseochangbin​ (y’all don’t have to do it, i didn’t really know who to tag since my moots circle is small ;w; but i’d like to get to know you all more c: )
tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
firstly, i stan so many amazing groups. but, i’ll do the two i’ve been listening to frequently, or months, i should say.
for stray kids...hellevator was a piece that moved me a lot. i could feel their emotions, hardships, and experience through the lyrics :( the song really means a lot to me. i didn’t really get into them when they had the survival show, but i knew of their predebut show and their debut song. the time i finally got into them for real was last year, somewhere in august. it was during side effects era when i learned more about them. i didn’t really settle into their music yet since i was insistent on learning about who they were first. so, i got to know them before listening to the rest of their music :) my faves are changbin and chan :3
for ateez...their whole discography are bangers and i’ve never skipped any of their songs when i first listened to it D; but if i had to pick a song, it’s either twilight or utopia. i saw them during kcon 2019, but i wasn’t into them yet!! i got into ateez the beginning of this year actually. i saw their performance video for answer, and whoosh, i fell in love with the music and everything. i really love their music styles, especially the slower and softer songs? their dancing is insane too, all of them O_O i can’t fathom how much passion and energy they put into dancing, especially that ‘part’ in hala hala. my faves are san and seonghwa. fun fact: they were the ones that caught my attention first when i saw that ateez performance video that got me into them
rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
to have different career goals? i get sticking to one career you would choose for life, but, i’m a person who has an aspiration for arts and crafts/visual and performing arts. i’ve tried everything. ceramics, drawing, graphic design, photography, dance ;)
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
well, i’m a home-body...so maybe go to the beach or mall with friends or cousins
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
chapstick, i guess. i carry it in my jean pocket and it’s just lodged there looking pretty.
favourite type of plushies and why?
the huggable ones where i can use to comfort myself or just to hold :)
favourite song right now?
stay gold by bts
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
how to make/compose music, the korean language, dance~ (pretty similar to blu’s lol)
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
i was running upstairs to the second floor where my room was and one of my brothers was coming up as well. he was catching up to me fast so i speed ran upstairs and zoomed over to my other brother’s bathroom. i was wearing socks, so right when i stepped foot onto that bathroom floor, i slipped and landed on the ground.
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones to listen to music at night or for videos and speakers for computer games and etc :)
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
fettuccine alfredo
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
i’ve been using spotify. which is kind of ironic bc i didn’t get the point of why my friend uses spotify and pays for it. but look at me now haha. i prefer it over apple though, but i don’t particularly know why.
my questions to you:
1. what is your favorite scent?
2. what makes you laugh the most?
3. proudest accomplishment?
4. dream vacation spot?
5. favorite food to eat during breakfast?
6. any pet peeves?
7. do you collect anything?
8. what song describes you?
9. most interesting thing you ever saw?
10. animal that describes you best.
rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
name: candace
nickname: ace
birthday: nov 3
zodiac: scorpio
nationality: american
languages: english, hmong, & a little bit of french and korean
gender: female
sexuality: bi
height: about 163cm
inspiration for muse: stray kids, ateez, various groups
meaning behind my url: supposed to be a word play of my nickname and the french word for aesthetic(s), which is esthétique. so, ace + esthétique = acethetiques
blog established: June 2013
followers: 1,014
favourite animals: dogs, cats, wolves, dolphins
favourite books: sounder..i forgot the author’s name :(
favourite colour: blue, black, and white :)
favourite fictional characters: kamado tanjiro and maquia
favourite flower: cherry blossoms and hydrangeas 
favourite scent: the scent of rain falling on the grass and ground
favourite season: autumn
average hours of sleep: 4-9
cats or dogs: both
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea
current time: 8:42pm
dream trip: laos, thailand, uk, japan, south korea, china, france
dream job: graphic designer? interior design? i’m not sure.
hobbies: eating, piano, sleeping, baking, playing games (i’m a gamer c’:)
hogwarts house: huffepuff
last movie watched: railroad tigers
last song listened to: highway to heaven english version by nct 127
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): i used to have 100 urls...it’s down to 30 i believe. i changed my url a lot, hence the old age. groups that got me into kpop was boyfriend and vixx.
10 things I can’t stop listening to
easy - stray kids
inception - ateez
love shot - exo
epiphany - bts
maria - hwasa
starry night - mamamoo
destiny - mamamoo
100 ways - jackson wang
can’t you see me - txt
love scenario - ikon
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