#lazy blab
lazywriter-artist · 6 months
I have been tagged smh smh— looking at you @systembug
Currently watching: eerrrmmm— sweats in man who can’t start series last I was trying to watch was my rewatch of cells at work (I Lurv Lurv Lurv it so much 🥰🥰🥰) and was trying to start the ace attorney anime (also lurv a lot) & I think rewatch one punch man or maybe assassination classroom—
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: probably sweet and savory depending on the mood, not the hugest spicy fan but I will sometimes enjoy it also :3
Relationship status: currently single and not really looking to mingle 👍 traditional relationships don’t tend to be my bag for many reasons (aro/Ace spec moment B>) but I do love having some homies to vibe with o7
Current obsession: warhammer— oh god warhammer- ya guys don’t understand man— I have so many ocs I haven’t posted it’s so bad- / pos I just Lurv it so so so much 🥺🥺 would kill for warhammer- chewing on my space marine figures so so so so so much arghhh (also yeah in the span of like 3 weeks I bought 5 action figures for warhammer bc I am in fact obsessed) the irls and non-warhammer mutuals fear when its name is mentioned /J
Last thing I googled: Military nicknames
For some ideas for some guardsmen ocs ^w^
Hehehe @m0rbidm1nk @thrill-zilla-0v0 @krynnmeridia @wolf-tail @v01d-v0r4c10us an invite for you guys :)!! If y’all wanna ofc ofc
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repost-haven · 2 months
Is it gay to dream of tenderly sculpting the pecs of your magnum opus, gently and fondly refining the musculature and definition of the chin of your fine figure? To creature and to replicate that which is so beautiful? The human form.
My brain is back on its sculptor grind and I really wanna work on my human sculpting but I must bide my time (and cope with the fact I lack a kiln)
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bunkernine · 4 months
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snowflakeanimelover · 5 months
Imagine this man:
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Thomas Shelby….
Falling in love with a woman who doesnt wear skirts and dresses, but wears these:
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Fucking love suits on women, they look so good. Also, these pictures were found on Pinterest. These pictures belong to their rightful owners, not me.
That, or Thomas falling in love with a farmer girl who works hard on her family’s farm.
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blabberoo · 4 months
Do you know where I can read more driftcells fanfic bc theres like only two rn I see on AO3 and I can’t survive off that (also haiiii hello ur epic make sure u drink water gamer)
Me too. And I am starving
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nerdalmighty · 3 months
I was tagged by @the-pale-elfs-love! Thank you!!
This picrew and the last song you listened to.
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Now that it's summer, I have a bunch of flowy, fem tops and I usually wear a headband or a bow in my hair! I have a black cat at home (Ducky!) so OBVIOUSLY I had to include him :)
As for last song, I listened to "Disconnected" by 5 Seconds of Summer - one of my all time faves! (I still use iTunes, whomp whomp, and the album art is shitty because I downloaded it from the internet like 10 years ago 😭)
(Also I like to yap so you don't need to explain your choices or anything lol)
Lemme tag a few people: @riddlerosehearts, @deerbot36, @khywren, @minestrones, and @starkspi! No pressure!!
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 months
Be cringe on main. Or else.
You may be pleased to know that, yesterday, I went SUPER cringe, and it was SUPER fun. I haven't let off that much unrestrained, gleeful cringe in ten years. Fangirling to the max, knowing what I said was extra, not caring.
Interesting thing is that main has hindered my cringe for years. I've posted about it for a while, so you know I've been craving to Release The Cringe. And I think I know why I've had my issues. It's that the internet affords anonymity... to an extent. When I first joined tumblr, I was a nobody and could create my cringe with a clean slate. I bonded in a like community and have since been friends with some people (like you) for a decade (wtf). And I love that - I'm online daily with my url community and won't change that for the world. But it means I no longer have Freedom from Expectations, and that's tripped me up for the last few years.
What's your problem, Haddock? You didn't used to trip up before. Are you just becoming reserved with age?
I think it's that, historically, I've had multiple Mains irl. I had differently outlets to express different things unrestrained. I've always felt awkward expressing some things unrestrained to my family that I'll scream about with friends, and vice versa, for an obvious example. With different friend groups, I feel comfortable with different arenas. So I've started thinking, "Maybe to get me back to being cringe on main, I have to re-establish Mains." And I've started doing that. Ergo yesterday's success.
This maybe feels weird to say for some people on tumblr and their campaign to re-embrace cringe. But for me, it's refinding cringe. It's refinding spontaneity and ridiculousness and cheerful impulsivity. And I think it'll help all my mains, this one included. I'll be less concerned about being reserved if, in one area, I've already found the freedom to not be reserved.
There's no grand thesis to this response. Just a train-of-though, unedited message. I'm..... optimistic, though. Yesterday I went crazy, and it felt FANTASTIC and I want it again.
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basilouija · 2 months
what if I just started actually posting again. huh. what then. could y'all handle it. could you handle such raw power
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cannoliparty · 5 months
the next time i post a jadekat daily jades gonna have the sickest bangs ever ive been COOKING!!!!!
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theblabarmy · 4 months
transmasc dirk and transfem hal.....
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dark-falz · 1 year
Actually. Another thing I thought of would be doing a stream while gathering information, especially when it comes to Phantasy Star lore.
I know a good handful of PSO lore and little of others, but what I have for the original series is what’s in wiki’s and what I can find from people talking about in various forums from 2008.
I’ve been able to track a good few correspondences such as the rule of 3.
Motavia - MUUT - Red - Forest - Foie
Dezoris - DITTS - Blue - Caves - Barta
Palma - POUMN - Green - Mines - Zonde
With the “Heart of Poumn” description in PSO we know this is Alis Landale’s weapon from the original game, signifying POUMN represents Palma.
Rico translates of the MUUT DITTS POUMN pillars, “Light makes darkness, a pair exists, but it doesn’t always exist. Reincarnation goes forever. the rule is here. It should be sealed. MUUT DITTS POUMN”
So 2 things here... 1. I believe the light/darkness this mentions could be referring to Rykros 2. In Legend of Zelda what do they do when they can’t beat Ganon even tho u always beat Ganon. Yeah he gets sealed.
That whole inscription Rico translated, is likely the seal itself, with MUUT DITTS POUMN being the magic words for the sources of power. And in my head, it sounds like “lets take the profound darkness and just push it somewhere else” as this would confirm the ruins are indeed a spaceship from the Algol Star System of the original series used to seal Dark Falz and get it the fuck out.
There is also Dr. Osto who’s a whole individual and I’m pretty sure he’s a low-key evil magician, however I feel as though I can’t get enough information on him. I’m aware of the Mother Project and Delta and how Olga, Calus, and Vol Opt are born of her and that whole thing but I’VE NEVER SEEN DELTA AND I DON’T THINK I’VE SEEN CALUS AND IT BOTHERS ME BUT I DON’T WANNA DO THE BULLSHIT and it’d be nice to have others to talk to about that stuff u feel. I honestly have a small handful of info on him, but don’t even know where to get started with that so I’ll leave him out for now.
Lastly, from what I’ve deducted of all this is the Algolian Seal (Photon Blast/Title Screen) seems to be an interpretation of a hexagram seal. (I’ll show a diagram at some point) Note the Algolian Seal’s presence during the time of Pioneer 2 connecting with the Central Dome, and when the explosion occurred. In the ruins, Rico mentions in a log “What is this big hole? It looks like...remnants of some type of energy explosion...energy..?” Dr. Montague mentions weapons are made from “Compressed Photon Energy” and goes onto mention that the Photon Energy drawn from the creatures underground are of a “different Photon Energy”.
Ugh basically what I’m about to say is the “Why’s” or “What’s” regarding the explosion are...a lot but it guess it could be chopped up to “corruption somewhere on ragol” - error from input due to corruption of falz - energy excited Falz - Dr. Osto fucking with shit OR - Use of MUUT DITTS POUMN in the Algolian Seal.
or all of it.
But however there is also the consideration of possession we need to consider which happens in “From the Depths” along with hallucinations. Those who are possessed speak for falz about “evolving themself”. This is also relevant with Dr. Osto and his projects, but again. Not enough info. I also find it interesting that Rico at the start of the game mentions when going off to investigate the explosion, “I feel like I’m being invited”.
Back to the seal, there are 2 parts of this that move separately. Those are the 3 circles where the planets Palma, Motavia, and Dezoris are symbolized, and the outer ring of text before the middle most circle, “I wish it at an alliance from several years ago.” I can only imagine this phrase came from specifically making this seal for Pioneer 1 and 2, as its the only “alliance from several years” I can think of to take place in the timeline with several meaning 7, the amount of years it took for pioneer 2 to reach Ragol, if that is correct. Anyway, I believe this is an invocation chant, along with the planets being part of the sources of power. Now the inner ring of text which moves with the Photon Blast names reads “Please protect us be virtue of you’re the Great Light Power” Great Light Power is referring to a divine holy being. On outer most rings of Magic Circles (where the Photon Blasts are) this is where divine are used to indicate times, as there is a divine being for every day, time, hour, etc. The Photon Blast’s appear to be used as indicators of lesser divine beings than that of the main “Great Light Power” (in simplest terms, angels to the god) This leaves me to believe the middle circle of the seal represents Rykros, as stated in the spaceship pillars that sealed Falz “Light makes darkness. A pair exists, but it doesn’t always exist.” ...so...I guess...if the people of the Algol Star system used the Great Light Power to seal the Profound Darkness (as the symbol on the pillars of PSO is the same as the one on for example Nei’s chest or a few other Original Phantasy Star characters) AND the planets Palma, Motavia, and Dezoris....this is what could have further weakened the seal, through correspondence, and caused the explosion.
Anyway still trying to understand the zodiacs on Dark Falz’s arena.
If anyone has any further information about any of this please share! I’d love to learn more about this.
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lazywriter-artist · 3 months
Working on painting my little goober—
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Working with what I got and everything =w=
He gets a nice little sunset color theming bc I like the colors a bunch 🥰
He isn’t the best but he is my son 😈 ignore the fact I’m using a water bottle for grip- I don’t have too much fancy stuff so we ball
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repost-haven · 2 months
I never do anon
And i doubt you want me to be freakish
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dreamweavers · 3 months
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took my zelf birchy on a walk!
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muffinrag · 1 year
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 1 year
I'll link all 3 of those comic posts together eventually. Lazy rn...
edit: ok they should all b navigatable now. sorry for the confusing posting order.........
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