#I tried so many random brushes and im not giving up yet but ugh I also cant figure out how to make my own AAAA
rimeah · 5 months
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Twenty-four days of hell
jj maybank x reader
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( GIF CREDIT: @rudypankows )
Twenty-four days. It’s been twenty-four days since you last spoke to JJ, and it’s killing you. Your heart feels heavier and heavier with each day passing, and the fight won’t stop replaying itself in your head. It’s torture for you, and as hard as you will for it to just stop, it won’t.
“Well, maybe I don’t want to be just friends!” you screamed, and his eyebrows furrowed.
“The fuck you mean, just friends!?” he had yelled back, equally as angry.
You shook your head. “You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t think I do!” JJ yelled, taking a step closer.
You scoffed. “I’m not gonna keep playing this game with you, Jay. I’m not gonna keep letting you fuck with my head, it’s not fair.”
“I’m not playing a fucking game, Y/N! So let’s just stop this shit and pretend it didn’t happen, alright!”
“No,” you said. You watched as JJ’s jaw clenched. “No, I’m not gonna keep pretending like everything’s okay. Like you’re not with me every morning and running back to her every night. I’m not fucking doing it, JJ.”
“I’m not—“ he paused, sucking in a breath. “I’m not fucking around with you, okay? I promise, I’m not.”
You shook your head, disbelieving. “I’m done.” You turned your back, walking away, only for his hand to grip onto your wrist. You spun around to face him.
“You’re done, are you? You’re just gonna— just gonna walk away like I don’t even fucking exist to you anymore.”
You pushed him back and he stumbled, his jaw slack and tears in his eyes. “Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
That was the last time you had seen him.
That moment twenty-four days ago on the beach was the last time you had heard his voice, seen his face, touched his skin, and you were lost without him. You don’t think you realised how much that stupid little fight would affect you, but you just couldn’t keep doing it.
You couldn’t keep pretending like you were okay when you saw her hand in his, when you saw her lips crashing against his, their bodies a jumble of limbs between each other. Not when it was your hand in his only a few hours ago, your lips on his, your bodies intertwined.
It was breaking you. Slowly but surely, it was shattering you to pieces.
You didn’t think it would be this hard when you agreed to it at first. When JJ had kissed you that night, and you had kissed him back, not caring that he had a girlfriend, only focused on the feeling of his lips on your skin.
It was stupid. And for the first time, you think you remember why you and Kie had come up with the ‘no pogue on pogue macking’ rule. Because all it takes is two, and the whole group comes crashing down with you. And then, well, then you’re lost.
You don’t know if Cheryl knows what you had been doing with JJ for a good month or two now, and you tell yourself that you don’t care, but that’s not true. You care too much, if anything.
If he hadn’t told her, so what? He doesn’t care about you, you know that. He doesn’t give a shit, and neither should you. But, god, you can’t help it. You can’t help that you’re helplessly in— not in love, no. It wasn’t love, not yet, but it could be ... You’re helplessly in .. like with him. It sounds stupid, but you don’t know how else to describe your infatuation.
You’re lying on the soft grass, picking it with your fingers, staring up into the sky, thinking about him. This is where you had met JJ first, at your 7th birthday party. Unbeknownst to you, your mum had invited practically the whole neighbourhood. You weren’t rich, so it was only a small party with jugs of squash, a few bowls of crisps and a huge cake your mum and little sister had baked for you.
It was nice.
At first, you were shocked when all these random kids showed up, because you didn’t know these people. You’d seen a few of them at school, sure, but you really had no idea who they were. You got scared and hid yourself away in your room, sure that no one would come into the house.
That was until someone did.
A small blond headed boy with shining blue eyes opened the door, looking behind him to make sure no one was following him. You stayed silent, confused as to what he was doing. He shut the door quietly, sneaking over to your desk and taking your favourite pen.
Clearly, he had not seen you sat in the corner of the room, looking at him annoyed.
“Can I help you?” you spoke up, eyes narrowed and glaring. He jumped when he head your voice, turning around at the speed of lightning to face you.
“Uh, yeah, I was just, uhhh,” he said, panicked, “looking for the bathroom.”
“Rightttt,” you stretched out, standing up and brushing off your legs. “And that’s why you took my pen?”
His eyes widened slightly, and he laughed it off. “Ohhh, this?” he asked, holding the pen up. It was pink and sparkly, you weren’t sure why he’d want it. “Nice pen. Very sparkly.”
You just glared at him, hands crossed over our chest. “Yeah, and it’s mine. Why are you in here, anyway?”
“Told you, bathroom.” He shrugged, looking at you curiously. “Why are you here? Isn’t this, I dunno, your party?”
You huffed and rolled your eyes. “Yeah, but I don’t know like anyone here,” you admit.
“Im JJ,” he said, holding out his hand to shake your hand. You eye it suspiciously at first, but eventually give in and shake it.
“Y/N,” you nod. He grinned, and you forgot about how he had tried to steal your pen.
You didn’t know it then, but you had made a forever friend. You didn’t know that you would fall in love with him then, that you would later come to get your heart broken by him.
You didn’t know that he would keep the pen, and although you both know it’s stupid, he still has it, tucked away in his dresser as a ‘emblem of your friendship.’ You won’t ever admit it, but you love that he still has it. In fact, you think it’s adorable.
Oh, how much you want to go back to then, when everything was so much simpler.
Your thoughts are broken by the familiar ding of your phone, indicating a new message. You know that it’s probably just another text from Kie, John B, or Pope, but you check anyway, just to be sure.
get ur ass to mine. mandatory
pogue meeting.
mandatory? that’s a big word,
surprised you know it
ha. ha.
just get here
i’m good, thanks
u can’t just keep ignoring him,
we haven’t seen u in ages
watch me.
With that, you switch off your phone, turning it on silent and continuing to lounge on the grass, looking up at the sky.
“Ugh, dude,” John B groans, putting his phone on the counter. “She says she’s not coming. Can’t you just go and talk to her already?”
JJ glares at him. “Hell no.”
“Come on, JJ,” Kiara whines. “It’s not fair that none of us get to see her anymore.”
“She’s right, you fucked up. Big time. And we’re paying the consequences,” Pope adds.
JJ rolls his eyes, taking a large swig of his beer. “You’re just agreeing with her ‘cause she got you pussy whipped.”
“I do not,” Kiara says, glaring at him. Pope stays quiet, eyes slightly wide with the confrontation.
“Whatever, man, just talk to her,” says John B, plopping himself down on the sofa.
“Fine,” JJ spits, grabbing his beer and sauntering out of John B’s house.
“You better not fuck up again!” Kie calls out behind him. JJ grumbles under his breath on his way to yours. He knows the way by muscle memory, and at first he really isn’t going to go — he’s just gonna pretend he did and say you didn’t want to talk. But then he gets closer to your house, and he starts to think about how much he’s missed you. How much he wants you back in his life, so he takes a chance.
Your peace is disrupted as you hear the soft pads of feet against the gravelly pavement, walking onto the grass and over towards you.
You know who it is, and you hate that you do, because you’ve memorised him down to the weight of his footsteps. JJ.
You make no move to recognise the fact that he’s there, but you both know you know he is. Your eyes glisten with tears, and he gulps, because he did that to you. Him, who would never dream of hurting you, not in a thousand years, has. And it nearly breaks him inside.
Eventually, he comes to lay beside you. Neither of you speak, and a tense silence fills the air. It’s not a comfortable silence, rather filled with unsaid words and the heavy weight of hurt and guilt instead.
“I broke up with Cheryl yesterday,” he says, after a long silence. You don’t answer him, just continuing to stare up at the sky, but your heart gives a small lurch of joy.
Maybe he does care, after all ...
Your words fail you, and all you can say is, “Okay.” This is the moment you’ve been dreading for those full twenty-four days, actually having to talk it out with him, face even more rejection than you already have.
You don’t think he likes you any more than a friend. You don’t think he likes you the way you like him. But you’re wrong.
“Okay?” he asks incredulously. “Okay? Is that all you’re gonna say to me?”
You sigh. “I don’t know what else there is to say.”
“A lot, Y/N. A whole damn lot,” he says, and he sounds like he doesn’t want to talk about the ‘a lot’, and you understand that, because you don’t either.
“We ... ” you start, but you trail off. “We don’t have to talk about it now. Y’know, take it slow kind of thing.”
JJ smiles. You can’t see him, because you’re looking up at the sky, but you know that he smiles because you know him.
“Okay,” he says.
JJ reaches out to intertwine his fingers with yours, and you let him, squeezing his hand in return. He squeezes back.
There’s a comfortable silence, and you both lay on the soft grass, looking up at the sky, holding hands, grinning like love-crazed fools — which, you suppose, you are.
The silence doesn’t just mean silence at this point. It means all the months of going back and forth meant something more. It means, in so many more ways than words can say, hope. Hope for the future and hope for each other.
So you keep the silence, and you bask in that hope, because the twenty-four days of hell and all that happened before doesn’t matter anymore.
All that matters is you and him, and the hopeful silence you lay in, touching in such a simple but intimate way with so many unspoken words between you that the silence seems to sum out.
Twenty-four days of hell and it was worth it.
A/N: hi :)
also oops there’s a little fault in our stars reference there by accident
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Multipart Commission - Harry Hook x Reader - a prince behind the pirate - part 3 - stress
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You flourished your hand, ending the signature the paper needed to be approved, “okay my half done” you announced, stretching back in your seat and groaning lightly “alright, i’m gonna get to my dress fitting kay? See you later Ben” he waved you off, intently staring down at the paper he was overviewing.
You ran to Evie’s dorm, smiling as you entered, Mal sitting on her bed wearing her own cotillion dress. “love the dress Mal” you chirped, making her jump and looked to you surprised.
‘oh! Uh thanks,” she muttered distracted, eyes drifting to her mother in the tank.
“just in time (y/n), now here's the form and go get changed so I can make any changes to the size or anything kay?” you nodded and grabbed the light pink dress, going behind her changing setup.
Minutes later you stood on her little platform letting her move your body around and pin the fabric. “so, what do you think” Evie smiled up at you, glancing down you moved your arms around and took a deep breath.
“pretty good! If I could have some gloves that end in a princess point?” Evie beamed and grabbed her measuring tape, grabbing your arm, and started to measure.
“read it fast at lightning speed, remember everything I need” you glanced at Mal, who tossed her spellbook to the side and grabbed a evacuate book, waving her finger around and spelling it.
“Mal please teach me that, It would be so dang helpful for Sundays with my grandma” you laughed, mentally patting yourself on the back as Mal looked to you and gave you a small grin.
“well I think, Mal should give her spellbook to the museum!” Evie grabbed the book, Mal gasping and reaching for it “she doesn’t need it”
“you remember what I was like I couldn't even remember what class I had next without it” Mal whined, reaching for the book.
“I don’t know about you Evie, but I had that book I would use it for the same reasons Mal is using it, it's a lot to go from an isle girl to a lady of the court, there are so many rules and expectations that it's so mentally exhausting keeping up with it all!” you had a habit of talking with your hands so as you ended with your mini-rant you dropped your hands from the air and let them hit your legs.
Mal gave you a grin, the brightest you’ve seen the last couple months, Evie looked from the book to Mal and sighed, placing the book back in Mals lap “I guess you're right, but you have to tell Ben soon, i’m sure he'll understand the pressure you’ve been under to perform”
Mal nodded glumly, picking her book back up and continuing to read. You sighed, glancing at the refined sketch of your dress Evie was shoving in front of you.
“love it Evie! If its no trouble, maybe some more lilac?” Evie smiled and shook her head.
“no problem at all, you, Mal, and Chad are the only ones not done yet, I already finished the others and Jane and Lonnie had their last fittings yesterday” she chirped, grabbing a marker and opening it with her teeth, scribbling in some more lilac in your dress.
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“Alright then, I have to get back to my dorm, I have some stuff on my computer that I need to send out Jane” Evie nodded and helped you off the pedestal, and unpinned you.
Three minutes later you left for your dorm, humming your mother's song as you did.
-I know you I walked with you once upon a dream- you smiled as you thought of the black-haired dream boy with the accent.
-I know you~ the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam- you stepped into your room and closed the door behind you, kicking off your shoes and collapsing into your desk chair.
“Alright, let's get to work” you muttered to yourself, clicking on your tablet and refining some décor sketches.
Harry pouted as Gil wiggled his brows at him “the dream girl again huh~” he laughed as harry pulled the napkin away, the form of the dream girl messily sketched on to the dark brown napkin.
“shut up” he growled, quickly punching Gil in the arm, causing the teen to yelp and wince as Harry's rings slightly cut into his skin.
“oww!” Gil whined, pouting as harry snickered and stuffed the drawing of dream girl in his pocket.
Uma came out of the kitchen and tossed tray in front off harry, glaring at the tv as she turned, she growled and hit Harry's arm, he lifted his arm allowing Uma to grab one of the crab patties and chuck it at the tv.
“ugh!” harry chuckled as she flicked the residue off her hand and leaned on the table, a nasty look on her face.
“What a poser” harry laughed and glanced at the tv.
“traitor!” Uma glanced around, raising her brow at the crew
“Hello?!” the crew roared, tossing some of their food at the tv.
Harry ducked slightly, a small grin on his lips. “oh I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces” he wiped some mayo from the screen, sticking his finger in his mouth to lick it off “yeh know what I mean?”
“Gil!” he jumped slightly, glancing at Uma, a couple of fries hanging out of his mouth “wanna quit chocking down yolks and get with the program?!”
He swallowed down and gave a nervously smile “yeah what they said?!” Uma rolled her eyes and glared at nothing in front of her.
“that little traitor, who left us in the dirt!”
“and turned her back on evil” harry cooed, lifting a fry and smirking.
“who said you weren’t big or bad enough to join her gang!” the crew went silent, harry sighing from Gil's lack of timing. “ back when we were kids….what? You remember she called her shrimpy and the name just kinda-“ gil caught Harry's eyes, which were yelling at him to shut up “-stuck?” he ended quietly, looking back down at his food.
“that snooty little witch” Uma muttered to him, looking up at him and sneering at the tv “who took everything she wanted and left me nothing”
“no, she left you that sandbox and said that you could-“ Uma slammed her hand on the table, giving a “nice” smile to Gil.
“I need you! To stop talking~” she purred, nodding as Gil shrunk into himself.
“look” Harry pushed his tray away, gesturing out to the isle “we have her turf now, they can stay in boradon-“ Uma groaned and smacked his arm.
“harry that’s her turf now!” she turned off the tv, smacking her hands on the table and leaning back with her heels “and I want it too, we should not be getting her leftovers!”
She turned and smirked at Harry, wrapping her arm around his shoulder “son of hook” she grabbed Gil and pulled him into her side “son of Gaston and me! Most of all daughter of Ursula!” she pushed Gil back to his food and turned to harry.
“what's my name?” harry dropped to a kneeling position, taking off his hat and putting it to his chest. “Uma~” she turned to Gil and repeated.
‘what's my name?”
“oh um, Uma?”
She grinned and turned to the crew. “what's my name!?”
“UMA!” satisfied, Uma nodded, eye-catching the dirty white napkin in Harry's pocket, she smirked and pulled it out, dangling it in front of harry. His eyes widened and he scrambled to grab it.
“Uma!?!” she cackled and looked at the drawing, her eyes softening slightly.
“any new things about dream girl?”
Harry sighed and shook his head “not even a smidge, she was talking about planning about some important event and how shes stressed about it n stuff” Uma stared blankly at him. “wha?”
“you dolt she's planning cotillion, your dream girl is in Auradon!” harry stopped….that made a lot of sense?
Harry groaned and facepalmed “im so stupid”
“you are” Uma stuffed the drawing back in Harry's pocket and walked around the table to grab orders, “tell ya what when we take over she can be your little pet kay?”
Harry shrugged, that was the best he could get in a villain ruled world so he would take it.
It meant that no one else would touch his dream girl at least.
You sent the last piece to Jane, sighing and leaning back in your chair, the door suddenly slamming open, you flinched and sat up, Mal rushing in and slamming the door behind her, the muffled voices of the press behind the now-closed door.
She quickly locked it and sighed, starting to walk around the room and breathing heavily. “Mal!” you stood and walked in front of you, holding out your hands. She reached out and grabbed them, holding onto them tightly as she closed her eyes and tried to calm down.
Her eyes flashed open and glowed, her hair flying around slightly and her grip tightening on your hands. “okay okay breathe, breath, it’s a panic attack mal, it'll pass”
With your help Mal managed to calm down, you letting her collapse against your bed, she buried her face in her hands, letting loose a sob. “why can't they just leave me alone for five minutes!!” she screamed.
You sighed and kneeled in front of her, gently prying her hands away, frowning as you saw her red eyes. “I know, I know, it's hard. The press doesn’t really get boundaries, and hardly understand the unspoken rule of ‘don’t harass a minor’ but ya know”
“how do you deal with it” she muttered, sniffing slightly and wiping her cheeks.
“uh, ignore them the best I can and if not smile and wave? Sorry, but i’m no help with it” you smiled, brushing her blonde hair back. “its, unfortunately, something all us royals deal with, trust me, we all hate it, just some of us are better at hiding it”
Mal laughed, taking one more deep breath and sighing “okay, um, I should probably get back to my dorm room now, thanks (y/n)”
You grinned and helped her stand up “no problem”
Mal looked at the window and raised her brow, which you shrugged at “you wouldn’t be the first to sneak out the window to get away from the press” you snickered, watching as Mal just went ahead and climbed out your window.
“see you tomorrow Mal!” she smiled back at you and nodded.
“see you tomorrow” she repeated, hopping out of your window and walking across the ledge to get down easier.
You closed the window and decided to get ready for bed.
Only two more days to cotillion.
--end of part 3--
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bluescarletdiamond · 5 years
Tharntype the Series: Ep. 7 Review
Y'all I’ve been sad all day so lets GET THIS BREAD I haven’t seen any spoilers apart from what was shown in the preview so IM HELLA EXCITED
Section 1
Cute lil techno omfg
I love how he called them over
Omfgjsjdjdj techno saw that shit
Girlfriend??? Oh shit lmao I just realized
Lmao he ain’t talking to her anytime soon
“I’m not thirsty” and mans drinks every time lmaoooo
I love Techno’s character
Techno knowsssss lmaooooooo Jjejjsjs
Bruhhh this man really thinks they dropped out lmao
Lmaoooo type’s reasoning got me ded
Klui is so funny lmao
Bruh SEO loves him and you can’t change my mind 😔
Oh he told him in Korean I’m ded
ugh tharn and type are so cute
Tharn is so cute when he looks at Type ughhhh
Section 2
Who is this
Oh shit lmao it’s type
“Four months with Tharn really bored me to death” SHALL I REWIND TO ALL THOSE CRAZY MOMENTS
I love Type’s dad already :))
I love Type talking about Tharn lmao it’s just so funny
He is zoasting his mans so hard
His dad exposing his ass is quality content
I don’t know how I feel about this white dude.... I’ve seen too many dramas to know he will be significant
Awwww calling each other :)))))
“I will never fall for it” BITCH you fell a long ass time ago
Omfg I love when he’s an ass (jokingly) to Tharn and then smiles cutely after
Lowkey Thanya looks like one of my cousins lmao
I love all of them I wanna know more about Tharn’s family
Thanya scolding Thorn gives me life
awwww I’m guessing that’s his childhood best friend
Y’all it’s the white guy again 🤔🤔🤔
How funny would it be if Kom ended up being gay lol
Oooohhhh party time!!!
Damn they really wilding here lol
It’s the damn white guy again
I already know type is gonna pop off
Fucking type omfg
Okay type chill buddy you’re BOYFRIEND is GAY bro calm yourself
I already know my mans Kom is LWNDHD HE JUST IF
type is S H O O K
I feel so bad for Kom 🥺🥺 I cant imagine how he’s felt that whole time
Type better say sorry real mf ing quick 😡😡
Section 3
Idk who he tried calling but I hope it was Kom
Awww Tharn calling him :))
Tharn is lowkey jealous lmao
Omfg Type needs to chill
“I miss you” lmao type I know you ass miss him
Idk man I agree he should apologize properly but at the same time she shouldn’t meddle
Also holy shit she just chugged the fuck outta that beer
Bruh she likes him damn
I feel for Mai, I’ve been in that situation many times smh
Bruhhh 🥺🥺🥺 he doesn’t like her back
Random but I like her fit
Damn you go sis
Okay what is the dude searching for - ope it was for the keys
Okay what’s he looking for now! ?
Wow he really just dropped hella paint brushes lmao
is he depressed? What is the significance of it all??!!?!!!??
I’m so confused welp
Literally what connection do they have to tharntype?
Oh this mans is being subtle about it
Teaaaaa he just asked him to draw a picture for him
AND WE’Re back to type :)
He hasn’t apologized to Kom yet :::(((((
I’ve never seen hair done like that lmao but Thanya got style lol
Tharn’s dad has such an interesting style to him lmao
Oh shit it’s because he’s half Thai lol
they’re like huh??!?! When Tharn left lmaooo
Section 4
they have a really nice dorm lol
AaisjshKSJSJSHEJJEBA OH SHIT “you’re welcome home gift”
AazbsjKkKkdkjsjjsjsjejeBRUH I CANNOT
they kiss so good omfg
Wow poetic cinema at its finest
Omfg I love Tharn making fun of him
Bruh why he’d have to say it like that 😔
It doesn’t have to type :((((
Tharn just wants to show you off type :///
But like I get type not wanting to tel his parents at least
I said it before and imma say it again THArn teasing type is my fav
ugh that food looks so smacking y’all I can’t
I’m glad he apologized to Tharn NOW APAOLOGIZE TO KOM YOU BUTTHEAD
Awww he’s feeding Tharn lmao
Wtf lmao he was laying on a store mattress
Type is ready to beat both their asses
This salesgirl lmao
His mom really out here
Type is realllylyttt trying to catch these hands
Ugh they are so cute when type isn’t being a stubborn hoe
Overall + Preview
Overall I really liked it! They weren’t as cutesy as I thought it would be but of course that’s because despite Type finally realizing his feelings and accepting them, there’s still one underlying issue: he is not accepting of the fact that it’s a gay relationship and thus only wants to keep it a secret even though Tharn doesn’t want to. I think once this issue is solved we’ll get a lot more cutesty tharntype!!
The preview: HOOOOH BOI this next episode will be spicy!!!! A jealous type is what I’ve been wanting and hopefully it will help him in finally fully accepting his relationship with Tharn and actually being okay to showcase their relationship! Since type is a very easily angered person, I think this friend of Tharn’s will anger Type to the point of like kissing Tharn in public or something!! I guess we’ll find out next week!!
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fatesinthenight · 7 years
Dark's Heart (part 4)
Dark's phone buzzes for the fourth time in a row. He doesn't have to look at it to see who it is. Since he gave you his number you decided to mess with him by sending him texts any time you have the chance. Dark dares to look at his new message, he picks up his phone to see you sent him a picture of a cute black kitty with the caption "I found your final form :D". Dark groans and pushes his phone to the side continuing his work. He realized he messed up the night of the day he gave you his number when you texted him.
Prey: Night night Darky. Have all the bed bugs bite you tonight :)
The next day you asked him some random questions that he decided not to respond to.
Prey: So I was just wondering. Do you ever not wear suits? Is that your only thing? And if it is why not wear different color suits. I think you would look good in some purple. Maybe some pink (Willford would love that).
Prey: Hey do you ever just have a me day? Like do you just take a day off for yourself to relax because it seems like your due for one.
Prey: Dark I'm board. Do something.
Prey: Dark important questions. Does the dark side really have cookies? Have I been lied to this whole time? Do you offer cookies? If so would like some upon joining.
Dark has gotten these kinds of texts for the past two days and now he was at the point of no return. There were many times he considered getting his deal over with but he knew in order to make his so called victory sweeter he had to wait til the week was over for the planned date to crush you. But the more texts you sent him the more he wanted to just end it. He ended up changing you name on his phone to "Annoyance". His phone buzzes again but this time it doesn't stop, its a phone call.
He looks at his phone to see it is you. Dark swipes it to end call. Before he can put the phone down you call again. Dark looks at it and ends the call again. But then you send him a text saying he really should answer the phone because he would enjoy her pain. So you call once more and this time he answers it.
"What doing you possibly say that will-" Dark stops himself when he hears you sniffling. "Are you crying?"
"Ummm *Sniff* yea I am..." You wipe your tears with your hand.
"And you assumed I would enjoy the sound of you crying?" Dark saids amused.
"Well you have a thing for watching people in pain so yea. Since you particular think im a bother for you I think you will enjoy my pain." You let out a sad laugh.
"What could you be crying about? I didn't think you could with the whole 'I have been through things so I'm strong attitude'. " Dark is starting to enjoy this.
"Well sometimes some things come back to bite you in the butt and it all comes back." You pause.
"I don't mean to intrude on this happy moment but wouldn't you feel better talking to a friend rather than me?" Dark is curious to that.
"Well I could talk to a friend. I already did but I feel like I need some cold hard truth and so far your the only one who can do that not caring about hurting any ones feeling. So I need some of that." You lay in bed and roll over on your side. Your pillow is stained with some tears and have been through some tissues. You hold the phone away from a moment because you hiccup. Then you feel something behind you.
"I had to be here to see it for myself." Dark is standing in your room looking down at your back. He has a smirk on his face, even though you cant see him you can tell he has one.
"Take a seat its going to be a while." You point to the bed. You feel the bed move as he sits down on it. "So I have been having problems with someone. Someone I used to go out with wants to get back together with me. The think is they were such a jerk in the end. I mean we have been together for maybe like 9 months and they were sweet and all but it turns out it was all a sham. They dumped be because I didn't let them get into my pants and then told everyone that I was the one trying to get into theirs. On top of that they tried to apologize and say lets be friends so I did and they made a big deal about me getting time to myself before dating. And guess what they immediately get into another relationship after a week from dumping me. To top it off they were just a jerk and said it wasn't their fault. Then I hear they became single again and they come to me all nice. And don't want to fall for it but they were being so nice and it reminded me of when we were first together... ugh I don't know..." You lay there confused.
"You sound like a sobbing teenager." Dark saids flat out. He sighs. "Is this really why your crying?"
"Its more of I made a stupid mistake to add fuel to the flame..." You bury your face in your pillow. "I recently made out with them in a moment of sadness over something else and now they think we have something again and are telling everyone that we slept together and they did it out if pity yet are being nice to me about it."
"Your stupid." Dark said straight out.
"Now my friends think it is true and they don't really want to talk to me. the friend I did talk to was trying to hear me out but they really didn't help to be honest. They said I just need to lay low and get over it..." You get the tears again. "I just feel lonely right now.. so there you go. You got what you wanted I'm a mess so savor it."
Dark looks at your back. He puts a hand on your shoulder and flips you over so you are now facing him. His expression was calm and he looks at  your cheeks slightly red and your eyes puffy from crying. "You are letting this be the thing that gets to you? " He looks amused and then sighs. "To me it seems like you still feel for this person after everything. Was he that deep into your roots to make you feel this way?" You nod. "I see. You are acting like a child basically. You know this person is wrong for you but yet here you are letting them get to you. It is only empowering them knowing they are making you miserable. They feed off of it and it makes them feel good knowing they have you in their grasp."
"So like you then?" You laugh a little.
"Precisely but I do it to make others bend to my will with what I want them to do. This person on the other hand seems to do it just for the pleasure of watching you squirm, not much for any real purpose. As much as this is pleasing to watch it is also not." Dark admits.
You look at him confused. "What? Aren't you loving this?"
"As of now I feel as if someone has taken my job. If anyone is going to make you miserable it was going to be me. Not some everyday person who enjoys breaking hearts." Dark huffs. "No class at all. Unlike me who does it best. I cant believe you will fall for this sloppy work. I thought you were better than that."
You look at Dark for a moment. Was he... trying to make you feel better? "Are you trying to make me feel better?"
"If it does then it will only benefit me when I bring you down after our date." Dark saids calmly.
You smile up at him. You laugh a little at his words. "Thank you."
"For what? I just called you stupid and a child and basically told you your reasoning for crying was uncalled for." Dark raises an eyebrow.
You snuggle to your pillow. "I know but I needed some tough love. And I still say you were trying to make me feel better. So thank you Darkiplier." You stretch in bed and snuggle your pillow. "I need sleep. Goodnight Edgelord." You close your eyes and instantly knock out.
Dark looks at you sleeping. He also thinks how can a person fall asleep that fast. He gets up from the bed to leave but then turns back to look at you. He studies your calm face and the fast you have that smile back on again. That smile... Dark notices that you still have the hints of a tear on your cheek. Without thinking he brushes his thumb over it. He leaves it there suddenly. His finger stroking your cheek, but you are so far asleep you don't notice. He doesn't know why he was doing it but he was. He moves his thumb to your lips brushing it slightly. He stops himself and shakes his head, leaving back home through his void.
"Where have you been?" Willford is in the kitchen munching on some marshmallows.
"None of your business." Dark walks to the fridge and takes out some stuff to make a sandwich.
"Dark does not want to talk about what he does with us. He feels we are already to much inside of his business." Host narrates at the table finishing up his food.
"I bet he was with (Y/N). Always sending texts and all." Ed sits back in his chair.
"How can you possibly know that for a fact?" Dark really doesn't want to get into it. He makes his sandwich and takes a bite leaning on the counter.
"You have been receiving regular messages from (Y/N). Every time you do you have a tendency to groan in frustration." Dr.Iplier saids drinking some coffee at the table.
"I thought we weren't support to give out our numbers after..." Silver looks down the table where Bim sits not touching his food.
'It isn't our fault he was so naïve to believe that person that they were interested in him. Of course they wanted Mark." Dark saids matter of fact.
Bim sinks to his seat and Google looks at Dark. "Then what are you doing with (Y/N)?"
"That is different. They owe me." Dark saids.
Willford smirks. "You sure about that because it doesn't look like it to me. You would have done something so much sooner yet you are taking your time with this one. I think you like them. Always looking at your phone at their picture. I noticed that."
Dark's aura goes out. His shell is cracking and he wants to really punch Willford. Everyone is already bracing themselves for him to explode on them. However Dark straightens himself up. "Willford stop acting so childish. (Y/N) is different from what I have dealt with. This one takes time. And I look at their photo just imagining how I will wipe that smile off their face. Goodnight then."
Everyone sits there in awe. Dark should have had everyone pinned to the ground and gone mad from everyone taking a jab at him but he didn't. He let is slide in some way...
"I don't really know (Y/N) but I hope they stay longer. What ever they are doing to Dark.. its working." Willford saids watching Dark leave.
Dark is ready for bed. Sends a message to Google to ruin your ex's funds, social media accounts, and make random purchases with their card information. He tells Google not to question it and he doesn't. Dark lays in bed and thinks of you. He couldn't help but notice that when you laid on your side your shirt exposed a little of your waist. It looked smooth, almost tempting to run his fingers over the spot. He snaps out of it and turns in bed. He looks at his thumb where he brushed your lips and presses it to his lips. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "What are you doing to me?"
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cimorenegal · 6 years
Less poor, more guilty: Ulta Edition
So, last October we got an Ulta in my town, which is like a mixed bag because on the one hand YAY it timed really well with my getting a job so it meant that I would be able to, you know, actually go once in a while... but it also means that now I have money to spend so I actually, you know, spend it.
And as most people who have been poor (or are still poor) will tell you, being poor for an extended period of time can make you feel a LOT of guilt about spending money, even if you’re staying within the boundaries you have set for yourself, and not in danger of financial ruin because you bought some foundation or makeup brushes.
ANYWAY the reason I bring this up is because I went to Ulta today and had the Clinique lady help me with some color matching (which I’m still a LITTLE uncertain about because like, my face skin is always so PINK and freckly that I don’t really know what part of my FACE I’m supposed to look at to match, and the foundation she thinks matches still feels like it might be too dark to me, but on the other hand the lighter foundation I got before DID realllllly draw out my skin’s texture when I tried IT (that might have been partly application) so we’ll see.  Yay being able to return opened cosmetics if I dislike them.
BUT back to the real reason I bring this up, which is that I reached “Platinum” status on my beauty rewards, and I am kind of excited because it means I get more beauty rewards points and more goodies, but I also like.. can’t squee over it because I feel guilty since that means I spent $450 at Ulta.  And I feel like I REALLY can’t mention it to my partner because I don’t want him to be like “UGH YOU’RE THE WORST!” (with love, but also like a “dude i’m not into makeup” eyeroll- full disclosure here I also lovingly rib him about his sillier interests, I just don’t like to invite the ribbing when I actually feel a little self conscious about it) when he inevitably asks what “Platinum” even means, though I guess I can just be like “YEAH BABEH IM PLATINUM STATUS WOOOO”  
THE GOOD STUFF:  I got some cerave eye cream and I’ve been regularly washing my face with some cetaphil foaming face wash I got with an ibotta rebate, plus i picked up an ELF hydrating primer to try, and I took advantage of the spring HAUL sale to get a Real Techniques “Ultimate Base” set that came with their version of the beauty blender, a nice brush, and a concealer brush, plus a nice lil stand for the blender.  And of course the foundation (which is the Clinique Fit workout makeup because BLESS HER HEART the associate saw that I was a SWEATY GIRL and brought me the makeup that stood up to sweat without even asking).  I’m not 100% sold on Clinique yet and I know she pushed it because she’s the clinique rep in the store but I’ll give it a try and branch out from there.
I also did a big girl thing and returned two huge misses I’d ordered online.  I had gotten a few random Makeup Revolution things because I wanted the cute free pallette they were offering so i picked up their Blur Primer and Sport Fix Extra Hold fixing spray.. and they were both HUUUUGE mistakes and reminded me that I just need to stick to things I can try in the store because holy shit they both smelled TERRIBLE.  The primer was like really sickly sweet smelling and smelled almost exactly like the Zoya Naked Manicure hand cream which is too strong and I hate, and the fixing spray was just gross.  The fixing spray MIGHT dry with less scent but I did not give it a chance.  I just said “NOPE” and returned them.  There are so many fixing sprays out there.  I found several just today that were hundreds of times more tolerable.
Other than the overpowering (to me) smell, the primer was nicely textured, though I don’t know how it looks under makeup because I couldn’t keep it on long enough to use it.  So ymmv if you don’t mind perfumey smells.  I’m hoping the ELF one I picked up today works better for me- it definitely smells better.
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lesoleilxjulien · 7 years
topic: being with julien.
also- something i realized like briefly just yesterday when i was looking through my bookmarks and i stumbled on that artist you send me a few weeks ago? yeah i realized julien is going to be jerome's first like in a male aspect. because he never had the chance to do anything with a guy ( like i mused about something that he tried a few months after he broke up with marie and before leaving for seoul with someone he knew but that didnt work out at all because he ended up crying seeing as the wound was too fresh. i dont know if thats canon yet but im musing if it fits jeromes character and after that he just went with women because his mindset was "replace marie with bodies" and it just never happened ) so i'm just. huh. isn't that something.
Also omg. Granted Jerome isn't the first male Julien has been intimate with, Jerome is definitely the first he's in a relationship with. But there's a lot of firsts too and they take it slow but go at their own pace and when it gets too emotionally intense for Jules or too physically intense for Jerome they take a moment to calm;;; or even that one time that Julien prob asks if Jerome wants to try it with Julien topping /just/ to see if it's something he's interested in
i honestly had just realized that and was just /oh./ but jesus their first time. so eager but jerome knows he's not that physically familiar with the situation so he stumbles sometimes and its cute (big bad jerome stumbling during sex? literally no one would believe julien. like when he's drunk he has AN EXCUSE but sober- oh. its so cute and julien laughs breathily but not for long bc jerome learns quickly) and he's very zoned in on juliens vocal and physical cues because /am i doing it correctly is he enjoying it/ which is SELFLESS and oh the both of them are feeling things out and because their first go to position is julien ontop of jerome the more expierenced one can take the lead at first whilst the more emotional experienced one can just mumble against his skin and drown him a bit in affection. but ohno the loud breathing and the gentle kisses (in contrast of the tad too passionate kisses they were sharing just moments ago) as they're in their calm moments;;; SO GENTLE AND CALM jerome's fingers brush along juliens spine- other hand resting on his hip- juliens hands are on his chest- they're breathing against each others lips- jerome is still inside of him- they don't say anything because they don't have to, they just have to look at each other to know when it's okay to go again- and when it's the time one of them starts moving, slowly and nothing hurried- AND OH. I DONT WANT TO THINK ABOUT THEIR FIRST TIME BC IT HURTS ME SM. LIKE. ITS SO SOFT. oh- but oh my god bottom jerome. look. i've thought about this once or twice. three times. a few times. because i always saw jerome as a bit curious and he trusts julien a lot (which clutches heart) plus its even more something he never experienced before. and though jerome is more of a top because of many variables i can see it and clutches pearls the first time julien asks him i can see it being asked during one of their soft big spoon little spoon moments with julien just pressing kisses to his shoulders and jerome stays silent for a moment as he thinks about it before he experimentally pushes his hips back and "mhm." he doesn't give a definite answer but ITS IMPLIED. BUT cue it happening and it is so vurnible and jerome's so trusting but you can practically feel him growing nervous when juliens hand moves south (not bc of julien but bc its unfamiliar) but julien is so gentle and caring and "are you sure?" and jerome just whispers back "i love you" before pressing their lips together and he spends most of the prep phase kissing julien because the little noises he makes are embarassing RIP- AND YO IF JULIEN IS JUST DOWN THERE JEROME IS GRABBING ON HIM TO COME BACK UP. which- ok. look. before the clothes would have come off (or in the process of coming off) he'd be all talk and suggestive comments about if julien is going to be able to leave him like he leaves julien afterwards. /IF HE CAN/ but during it HES A MESS. liTERALLY JULIEN HAS TO FLIP HIM OVER TO STOP HIM FROM KISSING HIM. (also random but showers- after a long day and julien is just shampooing jeromes long locks and jerome pretends to get shampoo in his eye and julien is concerned and jerome just takes that oppertunity to sneak an arm his waist before kissing him. AND OK THATS CUTE but CONCEPT. the water is pouring down on both of them and juliens hands are settled nicely on jeromes neck after fingers had been brushing through wet hair as one of jeromes hands are on the wall whilst the other is placed on juliens hip. and its just the sound of water and their breathing in the steamy shower, foreheads resting against each others as they just enjoy this calm little moment together, three syllable words hanging in the air ripriprip ok bye)
omf. tbh and the first time it’s probably in LA after julien shows up and they talk and get their feelings sorted. they’d be in jerome’s hotel room after the show, just kissing a lot and taking their time kissing and exploring. jerome seems to stumble here and there but julien would just let out a breathy chuckle before kissing jerome again and showing him the way. they both pay close attention to the other to make sure they’re enjoying it; while jerome is keeping alert on julien’s reactions, julien is focused on making sure jerome is okay and he encourages him. they spend almost all night touching and kissing and moving with each other while enjoying the feel of the other because /this is real, he loves me and i love him;;;;;;/ but it’s seriously the softest. it was jerome’s last concert anyway so he’s technically done and has the weekend leftover in the states and tbh he was just going to go to sf and surprise julien anyway so they end up staying in la the rest of the weekend before flying home. ugh fuck me up with this first time shit. BUT. yes bottom jerome is definitely something i thought about a few times as well. while it doesn’t happen as often, it’s still something that happens from time to time. and when jerome first confesses that he’s never been with a guy before Julien makes a note of that, planning to bring the topic up eventually. But yes they're spooning and Julien's hand is gently rubbing Jerome's arm "if it's not something you're interested in or comfortable with it's okay... I just wanted to see if it's something you'd like to try" Julien murmurs between kisses but when his hips roll back and y e p. Julien would find the noises leaving Jerome to be so cute. He'd take his time and be careful with prepping, kissing Jerome and murmuring words of encouragement. And TBH OK. Jerome teasing and Julien would smirk a little bc he's not going to fall for Jerome's comments. But honestly, it starts with Julien on top of Jerome kissing and taking it slow and when he finally pushes into Jerome after flipping him over, Julien takes a lot of time to kiss Jerome's shoulders while rolling his hips and his hands are wrapped around Jerome's hips. HEAVES. But omg they're taking showers together help ;;;;; it's nice and steamy and warm and especially after a long day they want nothing more than to relax both with the hot water and the kisses. They'd take turns washing up while kissing each other and talking about how much they love and miss each other ughhhh fuck me up
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