#I tried to piss him off to see what happens (he was an npc)
leier-coyol · 4 months
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I redrew Nesso to be a blade champion
A quick sketch of him with my felinid Catnip, she's 5'1
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How do you think the boys were when MC didn't come back for a day? I imagine Kaito starting a riot and probably crying. Maybe even failing to sneak out lol (I love him 😭)
Oh GOD! the CHAOS! I'm gonna do this more as a group headcanon for both houses. Thank you for sending in a request!
It was around lunch time when the message that MC went MIA on a mission. These are the headcanons of the brave souls that survived that day.
Jin was already pissed that he lost his newest gopher (affectionate) to do stuff for him. But the second that message dropped. He had to do a double and even a triple take to make sure he read that right. As soon as he's sure he IMMEDIATELY get Tohma to check the tracker on the cruiser he lent out to them (he's rich. He absolutely has a tracker put on his shit)
Kaito is screaming, crying, throwing up (okay maybe not that last one). He's READY to go dive into the water to save MC. He is LOSING IT scoob!
Some would think that our boy Luca would try to keep Kaito calm....in actuality he's almost just as bad. He just manages to keep it on the inside. He's trying to do it through the proper channels (ie Professor Dante) but when that doesn't work or will take too long for their liking, he's coming up with an escape plan right alongside Kaito.
We gave to remember that Luca has already lost one of his loved ones. He's sure as HELL not losing another one without a fight!
Tohma is STRESSED! Not because MC is missing though. He's concerned sure, but he's sure they'll come back soon, missions are typically dangerous after all. He doesn't have much faith in the academy itself. Its more of a logical way of thinking. Its one day, he's sure they're fine.
Where his stress is coming from is the other Frostheim ghouls. He's basically that meme of someone with kids on leashes each going in different directions. Someone HELP this man's before he goes gray!
Alan had to hear from someone else. He was shocked to hear that MC had gone missing. It was even worse since the last time he saw them they weren't sure if their ability worked or how it worked. He went to go ask some of the professors to see what happened but got what was essentially nothing.
Sho was worried but he didn't show it. He tried to play it off like he was too focused on his food truck to worry about the honor student. He did however ask his brother about them when he saw him next. His brother mercilessly teased him about possibly liking MC and Sho instantly regretted asking. Every now and then he considered trying to call MC to see if they would answer.
He decided against it and focused more on his truck to keep his mind off of things.
Leo doesn't care. At this point he still wants to take MC down. So while its not the way he wanted to do it, it meant no more annoying NPC tagging along on missions with them. So to him, it was a win. The only annoying part was Alan and Sho worrying about them. He didn't get it and just laughed at the gossip on WickChat about the meltdown at Frostheim.
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mejcinta · 5 months
As someone who joined the hotd fandom recently (its a shitshow lmao), and has read many funny (albeit a bit toxic) discussions, I think it's hilarious that, just like his brother, Lucerys Velaryon (I had to search his name because I don't know their names lmao) is often only mentioned/relevant in the discourse when the topic is about his obvious bastardy, his horrific action of maiming a child (and not being apologetic about it), his accidental death (which, I'm sorry, but the moment his tiny dragon attack a war hardened giant dragon, I knew he was fucked, literally fuck around and find out, this kid), or the need to propped Rhaenyra up for the morality ranking bs. Like, the greens gets so much discussion about their dynamics with each other, as well as their personality, despite having less screen time. But Lucreys, the only gist I could get from both teams is that, he was a bully (but he was a child uwu) then struck a kid with a knife in a 4 vs 1 fight (he was trying to protect his brother uwu), wasn't punish for it, was heir for driftmark, and that's about it. Like, the closest hint of personality I could find was him admitting he wasn't ready to inherit driftmark, and being an awful human by smilling unapologetically towards Aemond but other than that I see nothing? But a plankwood, a literal npc that occasionally says something and has to stand next to Rhaenyra, looking like he shat himself. Like, I could've been more sympathetic towards him but nah my man is boring af and that godawful smile at the dinner scene still pissed me off lmao. LMAO, sorry about this rant but I saw a post claiming that they took Lucberys traits and gave it to Aemond and, say, even in the book, there's no mention of anything about his traits? The show tried their best to give him one but made Luchekrys even more bland and annoying lmao.
Urgh! When will people stop being envious of Aemond?
You see, something I've observed about the writing on Team Black is that it suffers terribly from a case of favoritism.
Yes, you can love something to the point of utterly destroying it!! Just like you can spoil a favorite child to the point of serious illness by giving them too much candy.
The writers WANTED the audience to favor team black, and so ended up making them the most boring, upstanding people in an asoiaf show, WHILE sugar coating and making excuses for every single wrong thing they did!!! There are no evident consequences for their actions (everything bad that happens to them is someone else's fault), but what i find more annoying is you will never find team black characters acknowledging their shortcomings or explaining their actions. THEY JUST DO AS THEY PLEASE, and any inconvenience they face is a plot against them...certainly NOT the fruit of their labors.
None of that shit is realistic. We all know for a fact that people like these in real life are the most insufferable and stuck up pieces of shit to live with!
Team Green benefit from more organic writing. Their flaws are acknowledged, even by themselves. They're imperfect people trying their best to get by, trying to change and failing, forced in a corner that they must fight their way out of and harboring ambitions that they often fail to achieve. They struggle as a family, they fight a lot, but by the end of the day they understand that they need to work as a unit to ensure their survival.
ALL OF THIS IS HUMAN, REALISTIC AND UNIVERSAL. What makes a character compelling is showing their inadequacies, making them acknowledge their inadequacies, making them fail, making them win at a cost, making them fight, making them struggle.
Characters that easily get what they want and whose actions can always be excused are boring, boring, boring.
It is ironic that even with all the excessive vices the writers added on Team Green's plate, they only wound up making them more fascinating and worth talking about.
I really can't say the same about Team Black. Daemon is the only thing happening for them because they let him be controversial, just like the Greens.
Long rant, but you can see why Lucerys comes nowhere near being as interesting or layered as Aemond and the rest of the Greens.
His fans can complain all they want, but the fault ultimately lies with the writers, who diluted these characters in efforts to make them the perfect protagonists.
And I don't think much will change in s2.
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ofsmokenandgold · 1 month
Land of Women Episode 5
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More flashbacks - this time Julia, playing bitlles with Mariona to determine who gets Andreu - Julia loses deliberately because she knows Mariona really likes him - but it's not clear at this point if this is before or after she slept with him.
Later this is important because they have another game to determine whether the ladies have to listen to Gala after she has pissed them off once again, and Julia flashes back to the earlier game and deliberately underthrows thinking she's back 40 years before. It also results in a conversation between Julia and Mariona that leads to them working out their differences (Julia apologizes for sleeping with Andreu when she knew Mariona liked him) and to Mariona getting on Gala's side over the winery.
So Gala - she begins the episode bargaining with Tony to give him installments based on the profits from the winery - which she is absolutely not entitled to - but I can forgive that as a temporary stalling measure so Hank and Kevin don't kill them. She then lies about who they are and sticks Amat with housing them, instead of telling Andreu when she had the chance. And when she finally talks to Amat, he explains why he's so mad at her and tries to get her to come clean, but it just results in her lying some more and focusing on that fact he said he was worried about her.
They go into Day 8 with Amat trying to figure out who the guys are and finding a box of shells, so he knows they are dangerous. He goes in search of Gala only to be waylaid by Montse who wants to talk. And he's a total fucking arse again - he apparently blew off the date they had the night before and hasn't been answering her calls and texts. For someone who yelled at Gala for worrying him by not answering her phone, he's really blasé about the fact that he just didn't answer Montse because he "was busy". And actually, he wasn't busy - we see him standing at his bedroom window watching Kevin for quite a long time the night before - he could have called her then if he wasn't so focused on Gala. And he blows her off once again - he's too busy to talk - she doesn't fail to notice that the first place he goes when he's done with her, is to Gala's side.
Can I just say how much I love Ariadna Gil here - I don't know what the hell the writers/showrunners were intending, but she lets us know with face and body and gesture that Montse is deeply unhappy with the way she is being treated, even if she's too much of a mature adult to make a fuss about it. I have to wonder if she saw the way the story treated the character and just thought "Fuck it, I'm not going to let her be an NPC." But then, anyone who is cool and smart and interesting enough to have been in a relationship with Viggo Mortensen for the last 15 years, I'm sure knows how to craft her characters in ways that give them life and authenticity - regardless of what the writers are doing.
Eventually, Kate saves the day with her drawings of the women, and Gala finally apologizes and makes an impassioned speech about how special they all are and everyone rallies round to get the wine ready for Edna's visit.
And finally, Gala comes clean to Amat about what is going on and he says he won't let anything happen to her and that he trusts her to get them all out of this mess. Cue an almost kiss, interrupted by the arrival of Fred - nice timing Fred, I appreciated it, even though many others didn't.
So, I have to ask - why does Amat trust her? She's made consistently bad decisions, she's arrogant, stubborn, entitled and rude, her lies have put all of them in danger - especially if it turns out that Amat may have his own reasons for hiding out (see episode 6). And he's known her all of five days (we first see Gala the evening of Day 1; she meets Amat on Day 3 and this is now the evening of Day 8).
I get chemistry, I really do, and their chemistry is undeniably great, but it doesn't make up for careless storytelling. And this is really careless, she's given him no reason to trust her or even like her - but here they are about to kiss. It really makes him look like he's thinking with his dick. Yes, she's pretty, yes she's glamorous (even in "dirty work clothes"), yes she's new and different and exotic, but none of that is a reason to be this into someone you've known for all of five days and THEN we add on that he's already in a relationship (no matter how casual, it's still a relationship).
It's like the writers are SO focused on the romance and the relationship between the two principals that everything else gets either ignored, or twisted to fit the story of Amat and Gala's ill-fated (but of course, ultimately happy) romance.
But I shouldn't also forget that once again he's very pretty and is really rocking the layers - t-shirt, henley, shirt and waxed jacket.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
the biggest problem with skyrim i see people critiquing it not point out isn't just "the writing is shallow"
i mean it is. but a lot of games have overall shallow writing without that being an issue. sometimes you dont need 90 pages of lore for smth. sometimes simple events can spiral out of control into massive problems. the elder scrolls series definitely has a world so complex though that it should have more interesting and detailed writing, but the biggest problem with skyrim isn't that
the problem is video games are not just writing and a setting. there is game play, themes, characters, and often multiple overlapping stories/plot lines in that setting. And all need to work together as cogs in a machine or the whole thing doesn't fucking work right. it's like making a play, and while i almost fucking failed script analysis in college (dont ask), i do understand that, and how different parts of the experience are weighted as a decisions
skyrim is a game that is heavily weighted towards gameplay and exploration of a setting. its primarily a sandbox game. thats all well and good, a lot of my favorite games are. it is a power fantasy that is (supposed to be) about play choice and agency. and almost nothing in the fucking game actually reinforces and works toward it. in fact it often directly contradicts it.
skyrim tries to bring up a number of themes, especially in the main story quest. stuff like morals, power, how to wield power, what actual justice means, and the nature of violence. and it does absolutely fuck all with it. if i as a dragonborn misuse my power at best i will piss off the guards which literally can happen to anyone. most of the time no matter what i do no npc gives a fuck who i am. i can be the thane of every hold in skyrim, most of the population will still be rude assholes to me.
take paarthurnax. we all hate and bemoan the dilemma we are given. either kill dragon grandpa or be locked out of the blades stuff from now on. it seems like such a stupid choice to the point one of the most popular mods is telling delphine "shut up im in charge". but i think, even if its subconscious for most people so they don't even realize it, the reason this choice is so stupid has nothing to do with the fact we like dragon grandpa (or at least not the whole thing), but because the entire empire is built upon horrific war crime after horrific war crime of emperors with dragon souls. tiber septim did absolutely heinous shit on and off the battlefield. he killed innocents. raped. abused. lied. manipulated. and he never really repented, unlike paarthurnax. what does he get? well after a convoluted scheme we learned about back in daggerfall, he gets to be a whole ass fucking god and gets worshipped. there are potentially elves who remember his reign of terror and being ruthlessly slaughtered and removed from their homes, their cities burned and families killed, all out of greed from this motherfucker. and they are the bad guys for opposing his worship. they are portrayed as cartoonishly evil mass murderers, torturers, schemers, etc etc and at no point do we get a genuinely sympathetic take from a thalmor agent where they list out all of his war crimes and horrible shit he did that still effects them to this day, and to top it all off the empire left them to fend for themselves during the fucking oblivion crisis.
so as delphine bemoans all of paarthurnax's war crimes and horrible things he has done, how no amount of repenting can make up for it and he's too dangerous to leave alive and we should kill him Right Now because what if he, even by accident, succumbs to his nature as an Evil Dragon and does horrible things again, she is also actively defending the horrific, much more recent war crimes of other Evil Dragons just in mortal form. if delphine has a point, then so do the thalmor, but they are just cardboard bad guy elf nazis and the empire can do no wrong.
violence is rewarded time and time again, but THESE characters being violent is bad. because. all dragons are evil and able to be corrupted by power, but the player if they decide to be a massive asshole don't really face that much scrutiny besides ultimate gameplay inconvenience. because this is a sandbox power fantasy! you should make your own choices without being punished! but that means the story about power, the cost of violence, justice, and morals, as well as your greater place in the world can have no gameplay weight. and if it has no weight in the most important part of the experience, then it has no fucking weight at all
i could go on and on. like how the dragons are supposedly intelligent creatures with their own language, culture, customs, and morality system but are basically for most of the game about as smart and engaging as the average bear or wolf you encounter on the road outside of 2-3 dragons in heavily scripted, linear conversations during the story, but we'd be here all day.
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magpie-blues · 16 days
Introducing my durge, Adonis aka my latest run
He is a githyanki draconic sorcerer (red dragon) and he matches with Orin.
For this run I did romance Astarion, but realistically he for real can romance anyone. Here are some dialogue and information if he were an NPC in your group! And some dynamics he has depending on who he romances within the group. I apologize if I excluded some alternate endings for characters, I’m writing all this impulsively but I will defiantly come back and add more when I can.
“Piss off.”
“What is it now?”
“Not dead? Hm… impressive,”
“What do you need?”
“You are well, I assume?”
“Have you slept? You look dead,”
“What shall it be?”
Very good:
“Good fortune, my ally,”
“Yes, friend?”
“I’m ready to help,”
“It’s good to see you well,”
Romance (Redeemed Durge)
“My gold. It’s good to see you…”
“Yes, my lover?”
“Have you eaten? Do be careful, love,”
“Half of my soul…” *insert gazing longingly*
Romance (Bhaal’s Chosen):
“Yes? Speak, lover,”
“Don’t mumble, talk to me, sweetheart…”
“You look delicious, my sweet,”
Dialogue specific to each character romance:
Shadowheart (Selunite)-
“My moon,”
“As long as you are happy and well, I am content. You’re the only goddess I’ll ever worship,”
“You’re in pain… is it that damnable lady of the dark? I don’t care if it’s impossible, I’ll find a way to kill a god,”
Shadowheart (Shar)-
“If the dark is where you stay, then I’ll never see the sun again…”
“You have become a formidable woman.. I pity those that get in your way,”
“I’d rather choose Shar than my damnable father… take me with you, I beg. I will be her faithful servant at your command, my dear. Just say it and I will do it-“
Lae’zel (If Lae’zel chooses to continue to be loyal to Vlaakith, Adonis’s romance will end, since he does not follow her or anyone. But he will have some dialogue when you try to talk to him):
“How does it feel? Being a puppet to a false god?”
“Please, Lae’zel, rethink your choice- oaths are just words, can’t you see she’s a liar?!”
“Then kill me. Kill me for her. Kill me knowing I wouldn’t kill you for my father even if he tried forcing me. Kill me and tell her you’re victorious and when she rids of you, think of me and wish I was there..”
Lae’zel (Rejects Vlaakith/Support Orpheus):
“You are stronger than you were before… I hope you’re proud of yourself for how far you have come. I know I am,”
“Hah- you could be suffocating me and I’d thank you. I will always wait for you… I’ll wait centuries more if you asked,”
“I’ve been fighting all my life… for centuries under false immortality I did not want… I hope you understand why I can’t join you… but I will wait… and you’ll forever have my heart. Go- save our people.”
“As in…. You’ll be gone… forever? …. No, no I won’t let it happen- she won’t take you!”
“Damn the gods, damn the hells, damn it all! You don’t deserve any of this! There has to be a way, we’ll find one, together-“
“Don’t let her stomp out your flame… please… I cannot loose you- I’m only alive because of you… I love you,”
Wyll (Grand Duke):
“I’m not usually fond of politics and such… rankings- but if it’s you… Hail Grand Duke Wyll Ravengard!”
“Yes, Grand Duke~ at your service, my love,”
“You don’t own your father anything… and I still strongly believe that… but… if you wish to stick by him and make amends, that is your choice- but I will not forgive him for what he has done to my love,”
Astarion (Ascended)
“I love you, I do… but you are asking me to trade myself from one master to another- for you to ask me this… I cannot let myself be chained again…”
“You have become what you’ve hated. You’ve lost yourself… until you can see that, I am no longer yours…” (automatic breakup/loss of romance)
This is true even if you let Adonis become Bhaal’s chosen.
Astarion (spawn):
“You inspire me… everytime… if only I could be as brave as you,”
“You’ve lost the ability to walk in the sun, but not for long. I’ve heard stories of a SunWalkers ring not too far from the city- let me retrieve it for you… or perhaps… we’ll both explore the world we were deprived of. Let me show you what you’ve been kept from all those years,”
“My sun and stars… what can I do for you?”
Gale (Rejecting godhood):
“All that power… and you truly didn’t choose it? I… I’m… I am in love with you- truly… you stupid, stupid man,”
“Mystra can kiss my ass. You’re perfect.”
“I am no god, though I am a spawn of one. Don’t treat me like one, treat me as your lover… not your god…”
Centuries ago, Adonis was sculpted from Bhaal’s rotting flesh and sent away with the intention to be Bhaal’s chosen and perfect son. Adonis does not remember much from is time in a creché, but he has been told they found him in infancy, just hatched, in the nest of a red dragon, who fiercely protected him. He doesn’t believe the story, but those memories have been fogged.
What he does remember he being Bhaal’s chosen all his life. Being taken when he was mature enough by the cult of Bhaal on his command to make them immortalize his son and preform a dangerous and harmful ritual to do so for their new leader who will lead them for years to come.
Adonis was cursed and tortured for the pleasure of Bhaal before he rose after being given the gift of immortality and the ability to not die and can only be killed. For Bhaal, if he could die, then he wasn’t worthy to lead the cult anymore and made it Adonis’s goal to destroy all his enemies and never fall to death.
For years, Bhaal controlled him to do senseless killing and rites, rarely he was given his own right mind or free will until one day, he met an elven woman bard whom he fell in love with. However, she didn’t entirely reciprocate, but he did not hold it against her and stayed her friend and loved her from afar. She appreciated his companionship and made many songs dedicated to their adventures together that are still famous and popular even after her senseless death…
Bhaal, upon seeing this, forced Adonis to murder the woman… the memory was so long ago he can’t even remember her name- but the trauma and his regret of that time haunts him enough that even after he was lobotomized by Orin, he couldn’t forget her face.
There is an ability to restore most of his clouded memories in a similar way you can with Shadowheart, to which he remembers that she called herself Rose, a not very traditional elven name but one she cherished and choose for herself. That was the first time he fell in love and after that, he never felt that way again… until now.
Adonis is part of the asexual spectrum. He doesn’t like mindless sex simply for pleasure. He isn’t fond of it being used to manipulate nor does he really enjoy it leisurely. He prefers if it means something but doesn’t indulge often. He is very straightforward when he says no. If you bring him to Sharess’s Caress, he will verbally express his discomfort if you ask him to do any acts of intimacy, especially with others.
In that way, he doesn’t have many romance scenes that are explicit. A few times he may flirt if he is comfortable and there is once I believe he would want to and if the feeling is mutual, you would get a romance scene. Most likely if he is redeemed and near the end of Act 3.
Anyway I only use mods to use the different hair styles and I hate the mods that change githyanki’s noses or makes them literally just look like elves if you are that person get away from me.
Anyways if you have a tav or a durge with extensive lore tag me and let me see and rant about them to me I wanna SEE!
Petition to take all of our durges and tavs and put them all on an adventure in one big party together so they can talk and comfort each other.
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
Does Aemond ever get into discussions with coworkers about certain historical events cause yk he works at a museum and when the discussion of the dance of the dragons come up — does he get really defensive? I can imagine the discussion starting with a “Honestly none of it would have happened if Lucerys just turned around instead of being all brave and shit. War averted at least for a little while.”(An actual argument I have heard btw LMAO) Basically a coworker being a lowkey team green defender.
What would Aemond do/say? Or what would he do in a similar situation? Because I imagine the Dance of the Dragons is a huge historical event, def one good for argumentative topics..
(Ik Aemond would not let that slide but I need to know just how hard he would get on their asses. Plus I love seeing you talk about how your characters are, the dynamics are something I adore!)
Aemond is a big time loner, spending most of his time in the archives and going to Lottie’s for his lunch break, so the only time he ever finds himself chatting with co-workers is when Mona drags him along to the break room and it usually never ends well 😭
Not only is he a history buff, but he’s actually part of history. Knows these events like he just experienced them yesterday and will argue with anyone who tries to spew bullshit. When co-workers start discussing topics like the dance only for Aemond to come walking in they immediately switch to something else because he takes it way too seriously in their eyes.
Someone could make an offhanded comment like. “I’m with Vaemond 100% seeing a bastard take my ancestral seat from right under me would piss me off too.”
Que to Aemond who’s rolling his eye and constantly butting in to tell the guy he’s just as much of an idiot as Vaemond because CORLYS and LAENOR passed Driftmark to Lucerys making it his birth right.
This then leads to him telling everyone they shouldn’t be in this field if they don’t even know the simplest of facts.
He goes back to sipping his coffee while everyone else is like wtf
Some random work room npc : “I just don’t understand why the kid wouldn’t go back after seeing that big ass war dragon. He must’ve been a few screws loose.”
Random work room npc #2 : More than likely, seven knows his mother wasn’t the smartest for trying to pass him off as legitimate.”
Aemond “Lucerys persisted because as a prince of the realm he was given an order by his queen to deliver a messenge. It was his duty, as well as everyone else’s duty to not lay a finger on him since messengers are off limits. But you wouldn’t understand duty since you spend all day in here instead of finishing your paper work.”
Now Aemond is known by all the staff as ‘that guy who doesn’t play about Lucerys Velaryon’
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honey-0tu · 2 years
Brits Against Hawks AU
I’ve talked off @theminiartblog ’s ear about this au (pls pls check out her amazing Flora AU pls) and I have three drabbles and an 80+ page fic in my google docs about this au but I have only explained it in scattered discord dms to one person who knows layton and two people who have the misfortune of being great listeners despite knowing jack about lost/unwound future
Also this is very much an AU rather than, like, my opinion on what actually happened in canon.
OKAY NOW TO GET INTO IT, major lost/unwound future spoilers under the cut!
I always found it. odd. how there were all these people in the Underground London yet we don't get an explanation for the presence of anyone other than the scientists and organizers? I like to believe that Hawks’ actions pissed off way more people than just Clive and during his time as a reporter, he found more and more people who had been wronged by him in one way or another. There were 10 people killed in that explosion, if we take off Claire and Clive’s parents, that still leaves 7 other people whose deaths were covered up. Layton was hospitalized for his investigation, I would hazard a guess that not everyone who has investigated Hawks managed to do so and walk away with their lives. Not every future London resident was connected to that accident but it’s hardly a stretch to think that Hawks pissed off people in other ways. He was backed by a corporate sponsor so I could see him sabotaging businesses so his corporate sponsor could add new branches to their businesses and so on.
Now, it would be significantly harder to find a bunch of people who were super chill with the idea of tearing up London from the ground upwards. But with more people comes more money and connections so I believe the group as a whole bought up the area which was above the cavern where future London sat so no civilians would be harmed by the mobile fortress. Dimitri still didn’t know anything about it since he was one of the people who they were getting revenge on, Clive had planned to have Dimitri take the fall for the possession of weapons in the research lab but Clive always planned to take responsibility for his side of things as he is the only one in the group with the resources for the consequences of it, he didn’t want that falling on an average civilian.
Now it gets a little tricky because since I handwaved casualties and added accomplices, it starts to look like Clive is acting as a martyr but. well. no. He still destroyed an area of London which will be hell to rebuild and he kidnapped the prime minister, throwing the country into turmoil. He’s well aware of what he’s doing even if he believes it to be right, he knows there’s no 110% guarantee the evacuation will go perfectly, he knows there’s a chance people will die and the blood will be on his hands.
Now, going back to the residents of future London, Becky was my favorite as a kid and still is my favorite NPC so I put her in the role of Clive’s actual partner and accomplice since Dimitri was just a pawn both in this AU and in canon tbh. I think her levels of refusing to take nonsense and getting straight to the point would balance out Clive well, keep him from going a bit too self-sacrificial or elaborate. She wants to get revenge on Hawks originally for ruining her family’s business of several generations but that motivation grows stronger when she discovers people have died because of him. However, she wants everyone to get out of this as unscathed as possible.
Besides some of the people around his age who could be old classmates and former Dove family staff, he found most of the residents during his time as a reporter. He tried to use his position to find other victims of Hawks so they could work together to pool their evidence together but it kept failing. These repeated wasted efforts to hold Hawks accountable in a legal manner are what led to the desperation which fueled the construction of Future London.
Ok so they’re getting ready for the big 'show', maybe half a year before Lost Future happens, and Clive starts to wonder if he’s going too far. Cue Dimitri’s plan to bring Hershel into the story. There’s no great way to write this but basically Clive starts to wonder if he can gaslight Hershel into realizing what’s going on and helping him and the residents find another way to hold Hawks accountable publicly without causing mass panic. The Thames Arm reveal happens and Clive gives up on hoping the professor will help. Ending of Lost Future ensues.
After the events of Lost Future, Hawks is first arrested on embezzlement or something along those lines while Chelmey and Barton search for evidence from 10 years ago. The professor and Clive were a great help with that, as the professor remembered enough that he could fill in blanks from Clive’s gathered evidence and corroborate it.
Dimitri is arrested along with Clive, they’re the only people from Future London who are arrested, Clive always intended to make sure the rest of the group weren’t caught or found out. A handful of them came forward to lighten Clive’s sentence and Clive’s lawyer was able to keep them from receiving any sentences because their involvement was limited to stuff which weren’t crimes. The rest of the residents worked on assisting the professor with gathering evidence on Hawks. 
Now Clive’s mask is gone, he cannot be left in a room with Dimitri without them arguing and bickering lol Clive always thought Dimitri’s motivation was stupid and hated the idea of a time machine but he had to pretend Dimitri was valid but now he gets to complain at him so now he’s a pain in Dimitri’s butt
Now there’s a gaping hole in London, Clive (under unpaid community service during his prison sentence) and a handful of other construction workers from Future London (under actual paid employment from the city) build an area called Undertown in the space where Future London was (there’s an underground city in the Wandering Castle book so there’s some other canon precedent for the idea!)
That’s all I’ve got for this post but I’ll make a tag to compile future posts under for this!
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foster-the-moths · 2 years
u have some awesome dreams . give me them👁️ njkhdcjd actually tho of the three i remember u sharing it's interestign that all three involved you being some sort of whimsical creature (i'm counting altsar as a whimsical little beast he's very silly and fun to m e)
WOOO YEAH i love talking about my dreams they are so Strange um putting all of these under the readmore bc. they are so fucked up sometimes SJFLDJFLJSJF these ones are more horror oriented bc those are some of my favorite ones. i am just listing 4 for now, because this post got very long. i can post more of them later maybe. i have a LOT more but these are just semi-recent ones i can access easily.
warning for descriptions of body horror, gore, injury, death, and parasites (big maggot) and images of body horror and parasites.
1: had a dream a was a little victorian boy (like 3 or something) on vacation with my family and we were on a train but oops!!! we got on the demon train by accident. the conductor surgically removed all of the skin off my face, taxidermied it, sewed it back on, and then sent me to a shadow mirror realm for 18 years. i got back to the Real realm and it turns out it had only been 3 years for my family; but they had still all been distorted beyond recognition and made into worse versions of themselves. my father had turned into a weird goat man, my mother resembled a deep sea fish, and i couldn't remember what happened to my sister or brother. they also didn't recognize me because i had aged 18 years. the rest of the dream was me trying to reverse their transformations.
2: had another one in which i was trapped in an extra-dimensional liminal space that changed and grew as i explored it. It had video game physics which is always fun. when i walked there was view-bobbing and my hands were always visible in front of me, like a first person shooter. i could also sprint jump and b-hop and side sprint and stuff like that. there were also small creatures that latched onto me and tried to kill me, but my hands were extremely lethal (they caused instant burning pain to whatever they touched, and if i pressed my hands against a living thing it would 'melt') so i was able to fend them off. this meant i was basically unbeatable, but could still be hurt.
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^this is vaguely what i looked like. i could only see my hands but i'm pretty sure the rest of me wasn't 100% human. i'll draw something better later maybe.
3. a more tame one i had recently was i got trapped in a fantasy video game by accident and ended up in a village that used pinecones as currency. so i had to grow pine trees. and then this other guy started growing saplings on MY farm plot and i was PISSED. he showed me his farming techniques though so i let him stay. time passed very quickly, each hour was a new season, so four hours was a 'year'. i did not realize the implications of this until about two weeks (about 80 'years') had passed. the npc villagers started aging and disappearing and the guy who i planted trees with turned to face me and his face was rotting away. he told me i took too long.
4. less tame one. I had a giant maggot parasite that replaced all of my organs and it tried to control me via telepathic mind battle?? but. i won the telepathic mind battle. so now i WAS the maggot. and i was piloting my own body with weird nerve things and instead of organs there was just a giant maggot in my abdomen but i WAS the maggot and i could feel myself inside of myself. it was like if you could feel your organs against the inside of your skin. incredibly unpleasant sensation. i had to hide the fact that i was a maggot because usually the maggot wins the psychic mind battle and kills people so if my doctors found out i had a maggot parasite in me they would kill me.
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^diagram of parasite in the body. the red is the 'nerves' used to control the body. the brain of the host and parasite become merged, which is how i 'became' the maggot. the maggot could also like. climb up the throat and peek its head out of the host's mouth to maul people with its fangs.
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MCD SUMMARY: Aphmau Fucks Around
This will consist of Episodes 1 to 7
It kicks off with Aphmau in a little world of her own, talking about "season one of minecraft diaries" and putting a journal with a summary of the og series into an empty bookshelf. It's almost as if she expected the second season not to last long. lmao.
Before Aph spawns into the world of Ru'an, a handmade cutscene of two unknown guards (later revealed to be Zenix and Garroth) talking about how, after the death of their lord, the village has been having trouble, until they are interrupted by a noise. The scene cuts to an unknown person running away from a clearing.
Aphmau spawns into the clearing. She talk about minecraft stuff, then sees the same guy who ran away chopping a tree. Aphmau chases after him, and you can see his nametag reads "Vylad". Vylad leads Aphmau to a village- the village of Phoenix Drop.
Aphmau talks to the villagers and guards, finding out that the village lacks a lord. She falls into a hole 3 times and decides to stay and become the lord.
Honorary babe house mention- Aphmau rescues all the "babes" from a well and shoves them into a 3x3 with dirt floor
We witness at least three people die as night comes- I was wondering where those people went in the later episodes. Aphmau jesus you are not doing a good job at lording. (It's okay though the villagers that die dont have any significance)
Aphmau tries to get Emmalyn into the babe house- this backfires, Emmalyn lives with Aphmau now. This is probably significant, considering it was a plot point in the reboot. I dunno.
Episode 2 starts with Vylad- the guy who brought Aphmau to the village- and another masked man observing the village. And- oh? What's that? Aphmau got someone to voice them! Anyway, there is an ominous shot of Vylad looking at Aphmau, while the unfamiliar guy says that Vylad was just supposed to scout tonmake sure the lord was dead- not stick around. "Our lord gives me your rations anyway." Okay that was surprisingly funny for the situation-
Aphmau spent time off screen fixing the paths in the villages. Aphmau days she will do some more stuff off screen, except talk with the NPCs because she pissed off Emmalyn.
Garroth points out that Aphmau fixed up the streets, Aphmau confirms it.
"I'm calling the guards if you bother me again" dear god Emmalyn chill.
None of the villagers like Aphmau, lmao.
Aphmau finds two villages on the horizon of an ocean. The first village is over water and has no paths. Aphmau kidnaps Donna and goes to the next village and finds it in the same condition as the first. Donna disappeared, but she comes back.
Episode 3 starts with a greyscale flashback to the old lord's home- You can see Vylad come into the clearing, holding a flint and steel. A closeup shot through the window reveals someone with long hair and elf-like ears. It's pretty clear what Vylad does next.
Aphmau, over a stream, fixed up the town and got a lot of resources. Nice.
Aphmau interacts with Garroth and the first... err... conversation screen pops up. Garroth asks if Aph has talked to Zenix, and she says no, so Garroth requests Aph talk to Zenix.
Donna lives! In the babe house.
Aphmau talks to Zenix, and he thanks her for the work she has done on the town. After Aph breaks the fourth wall a bit, Zenix warns her about how being seen as a Lord is bad. Upon further prompting, Zenix backs out and says some bull about the world moving in directions that might not be good. Zenix you little sh-
After a while, Aphmau returns to talk to Garroth who explains that he thinks its a good idea for the world to change. Apparently, "The more [Aph does] for villages things will start to change. Events might happen around the things [Aph] build, although it might take some time... people in the world will become more "aware" - and that doesn't always attract positive attention." He also makes a fourth wall joke. Garroth then directs Aphmau to the previous lord's home- in the forest - for mote answers. Aphmau ends the episode there.
No cutscene begins episode 4, but Aphmau heads over to the old home immediately. It's burnt to a crisp, the only things left are some piles of ashes, a crib, and a diary/journal.
It appears to be a diary reminiscent of someone who spawned in the world for a survival adventure- just like Aphmau. Pages 1 through 3 are normal looking diary entries, while pages 4 through 25 have been ripped out. The last page, page 26, is viewed only briefly until Aphmau gets knocked out. The text reads, "Why...? This is my world. NOT his. Milfina..."
A cutscene begins. The man from episode 3's cutscene is there with a dagger. An unfamiliar girl is there as well. The man begins with saying that Aphmau doesn't look like a replacement, and that he doesn't know why Vylad is hanging out around the village. The girl lets out a manic giggle, and says that "I don't think it's her he's interested in. Vylad has a history with this place, I wouldn't put it past him if he's just here to relive that victory." The man laments that with her here, Garroth and Zenix will start to regain their memories. The girl wants to leave her there for the funsies, something about a king, and the man just leaves.
Aph wakes up, doesn't realize someone knocked her out, and the diary is gone. She steals the desk. Slay, ig.
Zenix intercepts Aphmau as she returns to the village, and is worried about her. He asks if she found anything, then retracts his statement and commands she get some rest. Aphmau then goes to find Garroth, and finds him missing from his usual spot at the top of a 3x3.
She locates Garroth, and turns out he is talking to man named Paul. Garroth has bought a lot- enough to fund Paul's journey home and to feed his family, but still has Aphmau look at his goods. It's a diamond block for a strawberry seed, one for an orange sapling, and one for a rice seed.
Turning her attention to Garroth, who asks her to hold out her hand. After accidentally slapping Garroth, Aphmau receives on of each of Paul's goods.
Aphmau spawns in her first do- Thorgi. This is important. Why? Dog.
Aphmau starts off episode 5 with Emmalyn slander.
Aphmau talks to Zenix and finds he likes Paul, but doesn't trust him. Understandable. Aphmau tells Zenix about what she found- Zenix is concerned, and decides to investigate.
Paul is all out of goods, a "mysterious fellow" bought him out. Apparently, there are docks. Garroth tells Aphmau about this.
Omg Brendan built the dock OMG VISCHER
Listening to Jess talk about all the ideas when I know what happens is so surreal lmao
Aphmau ends the episode with a promise of a house on the hill.
holy shit she moved the well- well well well boys, the phoenix drop we(i) know and love is beginning to take form
Aphmau moves into the house on the hill, falls asleep at night, and Vischer FUCKING EXPLODES DUDE The cutscene shifts to show the girl from the cutscene in episode four to be looking over the docks. It's implied she did it.
Aphmau pushes an old and creepy guy away from her house (I'm pretty sure he has some significance later-) and heads down to the destroyed docks after seeing them in the distance. Zenix is down there, says he wants to keep this under wraps, says bastard, and directs Aph to Garroth. Also Zenix memory ??? Aph talks to Paul, Paul reveals that Vischer fukcin died. Garroth further explains that the village is small so it can't handle big issues. Garroth requests that Aphmau take Paul and Vischer's body back to their village.
Aphmau talks to Brendan, and tells him about the docks blowing up, but not Vischer, so Brendan goes to work on fixing the docks. The episode ends.
Episode 7 begins with Aphmau going to the well and finding someone new there- Kiki. She has a "hamster party"- that's really just a hamster give-away. I do not think we ever learn Kiki's real name- Oh yeah her brother is Brendan- Zenix refers to the hamsters as "Strange, adorable creatures."
CUDDLEZILLA IS BRENDAN'S??? well tickle my nose and call me sketchy it's been far too long since i've seen anything before Malachi's arc.
I just want to say Aph's perpetually full inventory pisses me off sorry-
Aph proceeds to build the ugliest fucking boat i've ever seen with just a chest for Vischer's body. By god.
That is the end of the episode- and the end of this first arc, as Aph heads to Vischer's village in the next. I'm ending the first part of the summary here- hopefully the next one won't take too long.
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boneheadboner · 3 months
Error can't catch a break in the Depths in Despair UTMV
This is absolute stupid crack shit I came up with, to sum up Error's experience throughout the stories I have planned.
SUFFICE TO SAY? Spoilers for the shit I'll write eventually.
Error: [Has kidnapped Sonia from her universe] Well this fucking sucks. Error: This stupid anomaly exists when she's supposed to be a dead NPC in literally every iteration of her existence. Sonia: Uhhh, hellooo, I have a name??? Error: AND this stupid anomaly has been mucking around in the main universe. Error: You know what we do with those? Sonia: Uhhh... Let them live? Error: NOPE! We Delete them. Sonia: [Being deleted] Hey, this is actually pretty painful? Can you maybe not-- Error: This is taking too long. Error: Whatever, it's already in process of happening, it'll do it's thing. Error: I gotta go get rid of more anomalies and flip off Ink, seeya. Sonia: ... Well this sucks. Sonia: I hoped at least it would be quick, but... this is... Extremely painful. Sonia: Well... At least no one has to see me go out... Snafu (Error!Paps): [POPS IN] OHHAI THERE~! [ An indeterminate amount of time later] Error: [Comes back to the antivoid]
Error: Welp, that was fun. Error: Alright, time for some Undernovella. Error: Error: Error: Error: I sense a disturbance in the force. [Peeks at different AUs by changing the channel.] Error: [Finds out that not only did he fail to delete Sonia... But he has fucked up so much, that now he's essentially caused new divergences of AUs to crop up. Because there's now fragments of the bitch he tried to delete that wound up IN those AUs to cause the divergences.] Error: Error: Oh shit. Error: Error: Oh fuck. Error: Oh shit fuck fuck fuck fuck Error: Error: Error: I can't let Ink find out about this. Error: he's NEVER going to let me live it down!!! [Petty manchild self proclaimed god of destruction goes on warpath to hunt down every damn fragment to delete... Only to find out they keep glitching out and sending fragments of their memory to other remaining living fragments.] Error: S$#% f*$& #*&$# S*%$&Y#(* of a %#$*$R#*& thank fuck Ink didn't notice-- Ink: OHAI RURU Error: Please die, also is that a new swap you have? Ink: LMAO yeah we've had him for 2 weeks! He's fucked up! Blue, this is Ruru! He's the multiverse God of Destruction! Blue: ERRR... GREAT WAY TO LET A GUY KNOW HE'S A RED SHIRT. Dream: Ink, that's insensitive, and Error, don't you dare. You already are at least 80% responsible for the last 5 swaps we've had dusting. Blue: [deadpan] WOWZERS, YOU ALL HAVE SUCH HIGH HOPES FOR ME. Error: .... LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Error: Hey, hey pissbaby, guess what?! Error: When I'm done thrashing you idiots? Error: I'm going to stop by your universe and say hi to your brother! Error: And then I'll delete the whole mistake of a universe~! Blue: [Drops the cheerful tone] 'Scuse me? Error: And I'll make sure he's the last person I delete!!! LMAO Ink: Ohhh, Ruru always says these things, he's so funny!!! Bwahahaha~!! Dream: [UNSETTLED] Uh, Blue, don't do anything-- Error: What? Gonna cry?? Error: Gonna beg me not to??? Error: Gonna piss yourself before you dust from a SOULattack?? Error: LMAOOOOOOO---[Proceeds to get fucking OPM'd through 3 goddamn buildings, as Blue gravityhax'd close to him before punching him] Dream: UHHH-- Ink: [Trying to bodyblock Blue from Error's path] Aw Bluuuue, he was just playiiii-- Blue: [Completely dead tone] Ink? Get between me and him, And you're next. Ink: .... OKAY~! [STEPS ASIDE] Blue: [Proceeds to catch up EZPZ through gravity hax, to Error while he is Yamcha'd on the ground.] Blue: [Grabs the back of Error's head, and starts slamming his face into the pavement in a move to (almost successfully) turn Error's face into an empty cavity]
Error: [FINALLY recovers from the shock of the first hit, and tries to defend himself with his strings] Blue: [Proceeds to loop those strings quickly around his own arm, and then loop them around Error's neck. Blue starts pulling on it in a move to either strangle Error, or sever his head off from how hard he's pulling it.] Error: HEY THAT'S CHEA%$*T(&%($#$#&*$#@(&#@* Blue: [completely dead tone] You listen to me, pal. Blue: Monster, Immortal, god, I don't care what you are. Blue: If you so much as breathe the same universe's air that my little brother breathes? Error: Blue: I'm going to break your metatarsals and metacarpals, and slowly work my way up. Blue: Bit by bit, bone by bone, Until all that's left of you is a skull. Error: Blue:[Cheerful tone] OH, BUT DON'T WORRY. YOU'RE A GOD, RIGHT? THOSE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IMMORTAL LAST I CHECKED~. Error: Blue:[completely dead tone again] And that means I can wait for all those bones to grow back, just to break them all over again. Error: Blue: You're going to wish you were mortal, just so that way death could save you from me.
Error: Blue: [CHEERFUL TONE] SO, JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR? [Dead tone] stay the fuck away from my little brother. Error: [Clawing desperately at the strings around his neck, dealing with being overwhelmed by physical contact] eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Blue: Understood? [Cheery] GOOD~! GLAD WE COULD HAVE THAT TALK~. YOU'RE SUCH A GOOD LISTENER, MR. ERROR. [Gives the strings one LAST harsh pull, before letting go of them] Error: [IMMEDIATELY SCAMPERS AWAY FROM BLUE] AAA$#$@%@%@A#$@&(*$*@^^!@*&AAA#(^!@*&(%^#AAAA@&(%$@AAAA(^(#)@*&^ Blue: [Smug as SHIT] Error: [Teleports up into the air, before tearing a hole to the Anti-void quick and using his scarf to hide his absolutely shattered and crumpled in nose and busted teeth] Error: $#*%&@(@ @*#&@(&%!@)(%@ FUCK YOU Error: FUCK YOU, YOU SUCK. Blue: Shucks, pal. Whip it out so I can. Error: !!!!!!!!! Error: *&$^#*&$^@ #$*@&(#&( FUCK ING WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Blue: A lot. Want me to get the list??? Error: $#&^*$#^&*%^@*^%&*@ SCREW THAT I'M OUT. [YEETS HIMSELF INTO THE ANTIVOID, CLOSING IT BEHIND HIM] Ink: [Catches up, missing ALL of the shit Blue just subjected Error to] Ink: HI BLUE!!! Where did Ruru go? Blue: OH, HE JUST LEFT~! Dream: [Catches up as well] BLUE ARE YOU OKAY?! Blue: OF COURSE~! SHUCKS, YOU SHOULD SEE THE OTHER GUY! LIKE WOWZERS, I THINK I FELT HIS NASAL BONE BUST. Dream: ..... Ink: .... Dream: ... [A bit horrified] Oh by the stars... Ink: ... DID YOU GET A PICTURE??? Wow!!! Ruru with a busted in nasal bone, I never thought of that!!! I wanna draw it, but I don't know what one looks like. Blue: ... WOWZERS, AND YOU SAID I WAS A LITTLE FUCKED UP! Ink: Hey Dream-- Dream: NO, Ink, just... No. Ink: But-- Dream: We are NOT seeking out a busted human skull just for you to get an idea of what that might look like. Ink: Awwwwwwwwwwh Blue: ..... So is it like... A sex thing orrrrrrrrrr??? Dream: Hyperfixation, actually... Ink: OH, I'VE DRAWN SEVERAL GOOD PICTURES OF RURU'S PPs!!! WANNA SEE?! Dream: Ink no-- Blue: ... You SURE that isn't a sex thing???? Dream: [Facepalming] Ink: [Is happy screeching because Blue didn't give him a no] [MEANWHILE, IN THE ANTIVOID] Error: [Fuckign sobbing while listening to Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful"] Error: THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT Error: I GOT THRASHED BY A SWAP Error: A SWAP!!!! Error: [GROSS SOBBING] Error: I CAN'T FEEL MY NASAL BONE, AND MY TEETH ARE LOOSE. Error: WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK [MORE GROSS SOBBING] I AM BEAUTIFUL, NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAYY... WORDS CAN'T-- Ink: [Has gotten in somehow] OHHAI RURU~! Error: [THE LOUDEST GLITCH SCREAMING OF TERROR]
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kimarisgundam · 4 months
My friend got cocky and thought that Exec was "untouchable" cos he's fairly established as a fixer now 🤦‍♀️
I did tell my friend that I didn't like the vibes those NPCs were giving off... but my friend was like "I won the Facedown. They won't dare to do anything. I'm the top dog here."
Like dude, we are in Dogtown. I don't think we should be picking fights over seats at a bar
They tried to start a physical fight as we were leaving, but I gave them a warning stun as my Netrunner...
^ That 2-3 sessions ago, so we completely forgot this even happened. But during last night's session, Exec got nabbed when he went to smoke alone 🤦‍♀️
It's just an RP thing, but Exec has a bad habit of storming off on his own when pissed. Usually Wraith Nomad will follow him since he's Exec's hired muscle...
But Wraith was busy restraining Rockerboy cos Rockerboy was threatening to beat Exec up 🤦‍♀️
Solo1 and Solo2 were busy trying to get in between Wraith and Rockerboy after the situation escalated into a full-blown fight after Wraith made a very snide remark 🤦‍♀️
And my Netrunner was well... she's known as a "cold blooded shark" cos she just doesn't care 😅... I felt the entire situation was beneath me, so I continued enjoying my drink while they fought 😅
Now we need to rescue Exec... but we (as ourselves and as our characters) don't know if we can trust Wraith Nomad/my other friend cos he's Raffen Shiv...
Wraith and the other 2 wraith NPCs were hired by Exec. They are bonded to him by eddies... now that he could potentially be killed, what's stopping them from turning on us if the other side buys them over...
As my Netrunner, I flat out told Wraith that I don't trust him. And if he and his flea ridden pack show any signs of betraying my chooms, I will put them down like the vermin they are >:T
I don't know if he's pretending to be hurt, but can you blame me? They are Raffen. Our first encounter was him trying to kill me >:T
Rockerboy told me to cut it out. But ok? This is your fault for starting a fight with Exec. And don't try to act like you are morally better than me cos you always call Wraith a traitor too >:T
Not sure what's the full backstory between you two. But it's clear you don't trust him too cos he was exiled from your mother's family >:T
A hypocrite like you has no right speaking to me >:T ! You don't even like Exec. But I'm close to Exec. So shutup if you don't understand how I feel >:T
^ I actually feel bad irl for saying that cos of RP reasons 😅... Rockerboy was tortured by my Netrunner's brother 😅. But cos my Netrunner can't accept that her brother is dead, she's using his opticalware 😅
Now when my Netrunner says something hurtful/spiteful towards Rockerboy, she triggers his ptsd cos he will see her brother in her eyes...
My friend RPs this by breaking eye contact with me. And omg it hurts my heart 😭. My Netrunner is a bad person 😭
It hurts me so much cos my friend ships our characters together, so I'm aware Rockerboy still likes my Netrunner even though she turned him down and hurt him multiple times 😭
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jupitermelichios · 3 years
So I’ve been playing a lot of skyrim lately, because it’s video game comfort food, and I decided it was time for my Redguard Dovahkiin to settle down. (Actually I specifically just wanted to be able to adopt some of the random orphans you meet because I felt guilty about them, but you need to be married before you can do that so that there’s someone at home to take care of the kids while you’re off galivanting).
So I travelled around a bit, chatting up likely looking npcs until I found one I both liked and didn’t feel guilty about marrying (I feel bad if I marry one of the warrior adventurer types, making them be a stay at home mum) and settled on an obnoxiously cheerful argonian called Shavee because her life was frankly shit, and I thought she’d probably be good with kids.
So off I go to Riften to the Temple of Mara to arrange the wedding. I book it in for the next day, realise I didn’t bring anything nice to wear, and spend the night before the wedding robbing every house in the city in the search for something to wear. Eventually decide everyone in Riften has terrible fashion sense and break down everything I stole into raw materials and use them to craft myself an outfit and some jewellery that i’m pretty happy with. I even carefully pick out my fanciest looking sword to wear.
(don’t know why I bothered, frankly, shavee turned up wearing a shirt covered in suspicious stains and weilding a pickaxe, it’s like she doesn’t even care about this marriage)
(also for comedy purposes, bear in mind I play with survival mods that mean my character needs to eat and sleep to live, and I literally spent the entire ingame night on this and forgot to eat and drink anything either and then just downed four bowls of wolf stew right before entering the temple so I didn’t starve during the ceremony. also I discovered during the wedding that I am dying of rockjoint, which I contracted from sleeping in a pile of hay on the floor of a skeever infested cave, so even being six foot tall and jacked can’t make up for the fact that I am exhausted, running a fever, and probably covered in wolf which I spilled because my joints are slowly atrophying, and even the fanciest clothes in the world aren’t going to cover that up)
so I enter the temple, and my finance is there, and Lydia my housecarl, and some random NPCs the game thinks are my friends because I did fetch quests for them
One of the random NPCs is Lisbet. Atfter I did her fetch quest, I then did another quest in which I discovered Lisbet is secretly a cannibal and part of a demonic cult that worships the daedric prince of decay by kidnapping priests, sacrificing them, and then eating their corpses. Raw. I think the raw meat is the sticking point for me here honestly.
I ultimately decided not to sacrifice the random priest to a daedric prince in exchange for one magic ring and all the raw human I could eat, because frankly, that doesn’t sound like much of a deal to me. I was expecting there to be some kind of dialogue choice where I could nope out at the last minute, but it turns out there isn’t one, so after they drugged the priest and tied him to the altar, I just got out my sword and started swinging.
I killed most of the cult (including the town butcher, because I had brought meat from him before and was extremely pissed off that he might have been secretly feeding me humans) but a couple of them got away, which I figured was fine because they weren’t trying to kill me.
Except it turns out, if any of them escape, then every time you see them in the future there’s a random chance that they’ll fly into a violent rage and try and murder you.
Lisbet is at my wedding. Lisbet decides that clearly me marrying this random argonian woman with two lines of dialogue is the happiest day of my life, and she cannot allow me that happiness, when I’ve taken so much from her.
So she tries to kill me. Only she can’t, because I’m stuck in a pre-rendered wedding animation, and also she’s sitting next to Lydia, my faithful retainer and owner of a really big axe.
It also turns out that Lisbet is essential, meaning she can be knocked unconcious but not actually killed because she’s needed for some quest or other. And the minute she wakes up from unconciousness, she tries to kill me again, so Lydia knocks her unconcious again, and I’m stuck, I can’t move, because I’m supposed to be in the wedding animation.
Except Shavee has, not unreasonably, see all this and decided that she doesn’t like me enough to risk getting murdered, and has done a runner, leaving me at the altar, but more importantly, leaving me trapped in a broken pre-rendered animation, so all I can do is stand there at the altar, staring at the space where my fiance was supposed to be, listening to the sounds of Lydia trying and failing to beat a cannibal to death behind me.
Okay, I think, clearly this wedding isn’t going to happen, I’m going to go for the registry office option and complete the wedding using the dev commands. I do this. The priest gives me a wedding ring, and I can finally move again. I chase after Shavee, who has an impressive turn of speed on her, and eventually catch up right by the city gates. I try to talk to her.
Apparently using the console has completed the wedding for me, but not for her, because she still only has the same 2 lines of dialogue she usually has.
Clearly this is working, I can’t leave my kids with someone who can only say 2 things and doesn’t even know she’s their mum, that’s irresponsible.
I try loading from inside the temple. I get the same problem.
Eventually I figure out that I need to use the dev controls to disable Lisbet’s entire existence in the universe.
Shavee and me get married. As the priest reads the vows, I stare at Shavee and wonder why she couldn’t even be bothered to put on a clean shirt. I wonder what kind of mother she’ll be.
Once the ceremony is over, and I’m happily married to the dirty green lizard of my dreams, and we’ve agreed that until I can make her recognise my extremely nice modded house exists I will share her single bed in the unheated flophouse in Windhelm she calls home, I re-enable Lisbet, because I’m worried I’ll forget if I leave it too long.
Fun fact about skyrim, it loads in quite a lot of npcs and objects by dropping them from the sky. I have no idea why this is the case, but it’s objectively the funniest way to load in objects.
I re-enable Lisbet. She falls from the sky, clips through the roof of the temple, and lands in the pew beside Lydia, stands up, draws a knife, and is immedately beaten unconcious.
I no longer care, because Shavee now has all the exciting new spouse-only romantic dialogue options like “Could you cook something for me” and “have you made any money lately”, and I know she’ll be a great mother.
I limp to the door of the temple, while around me the guests not involved in the Lydia-Lisbet murder cycle scream and duck for cover.
I open the door to the temple, immediately collapse and ragdoll down the steps, which is how I discover I am dying of rockjoint.
I limp to the orphanage down the street, adopt two kids, and then finally remember that I’m carrying garlic bread, which as we all know, cures all known illnesses.
When I emerge back into the street, full of the joys of motherhood and garlic bread, I find the town in disaray. Lydia is chasing Lisbet through the streets with an axe and a dragon is circling overhead, burning npcs to death. People are running for shelter, screaming, while the guards try to take down an entire dragon using only the worst bows and arrows in the game.
I decide that as a parent, I have to think of my own safety first and leave them to it.
I head out of the city, intent on returning home and figuring out why Shavee refuses to move in with me. A man hanging around the stables challenges me to a boxing match. For want of anything better to do, I agree.
Halfway through the fight he dodges at the wrong moment and I punch one of his horses in the head.
Two guards attack me while I desperately try to surrender. My kids will miss me, but I’m prepared to go to jail for my horse crimes, I’m an honest citizen. Also my horse crimes seem somewhat less important than the dragon.
The guards refuse to accept my surrender. I am stabbed to death. As I collapse in front of the indifferent horse, Lisbet exits the city, followed by Lydia. The last thing I see before I die is Lydia swinging her axe at Lisbet’s face.
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swindle-comic · 3 years
was it hard trying to develop certain details for each chapter, plot point by plot point, or did you initially know where you were headed and just fill in as you went (or, ongoing i guess, since youre still writing)? as someone who's writing for a comic i'm curious to see others' creative processes
Hmmm. Well I've known since Ty was created how the story kicks off and how the story ends. All the stuff in the middle is littered with potholes that have been gradually filling themselves in over the last two years. So a lot of stuff is blurry but I know the basic idea of how the next handful of chapters go and a fuzzy haze of all the chapters after that. So I start off with just this vague list of bullet points on what needs to happen and then once I sit down and tackle the process of actually writing a script its like
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Like Ty swindling Louie. Set in stone since the very beginning. I consider this the original opening from back when the story was a structureless blob.
The actual chapter one was slipped into the narrative before the Swindling Incident because it was necessary in introducing teenage Louie and establishing his Whole Deal. He's adjusting well to high school, (in his own way) he's still a smooth talking opportunist, and his confidence has grown tremendously since the show to the point where it's bordering on arrogance and he needs a bit of a reality check. This whole chapter was a breeze to write cause it's all about characterization and nothing plot relevant.
I remember being a little stumped on how to establish Louie's interest in finding a boyfriend as this was a comic, not a fic, and I couldn't show the reader everything that was going on inside his head. And then I realized how dumb I was cuz Louie was always intended to shoot his family a quick text, only for them to text back that they couldn't join him for lunch. So the boyfriend exposition could be dropped there too. AND it gave me a chance to write character establishing introductions for Dewey, Webby and Lena. So, what was originally a quick moment of exposition, less than a page at most, evolved into this huge scene. This same thing ends up happening A LOT.
Had no trouble with the Scrooge scene since that was also set in stone since the beginning. You can't just give Louie a Goldie without hearing Scrooge's thoughts on it. It's his God given right to be the first one to comment on the matter. It CAN be quite tricky to write in Scrooge's voice but that's unrelated.
Then with the triplets bit, my basic premise going in was "Louie is pissed. He updates his brothers on the situation. Ty lore explained via Dewey, leading to Kit lore." So the purpose of this scene is completely expositional. But nobody wants to read a scene that is clearly shoehorned in to spoonfeed you information. I want it to be funny and and interesting and dynamic and character-driven.
BOYD was thrown in
1.) To spice things up
2.) To introduce him early on cuz if I didn't, he would not appear for a really really long time.
3.) Because I love him.
And I added the whole scene before Louie barges in to further establish Huey and Dewey as their own people, who aren't just NPCs who T-Pose in their bedroom until Mr Protagonist Louie shows up to give the story a purpose.
And then after he shows up and the plot resumes, I tried very hard to keep all of them in character, even when there were three of them bouncing off each other, which can be very hard to write sometimes.
So like, the plot points weren't the hard part here. I knew what plot points I had to include. It was delivering the plot points in a fun and natural feeling way that got tricky.
And another thing I need to be conscious of in every scene with the ducks is "Does this feel Ducktales-ish?" which is. Very hard. Because obviously the triplets aren't gonna act the exact same as they did in the show. They're older, they've developed a little more. So I need to stray a little further and have them act in ways they probably wouldn't act in the show but also I can't go so far that they're unrecognizable from their canon counterparts, yknow?
So in conclusion: the plot points come naturally cuz they've been decided for years now. Lots of other stuff? Hard. Lots of more hard stuff to come. But we're learning as we go. I do not think this was what you're original question meant but I'm very bad at staying focused so here is a tangent.
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angrelysimpping · 2 years
How do you think the npc's of your choice would react if you asked them to were a skirt / if they had to ?
I assume you mean M!Characters cross-dressing cause that's what I'm gonna dooooo
You want Avery to do what?! No. Why would you even ask that?
Has To
Fuming. Don't tell him he looks good in a skirt (he looks so good, it's really not fair). Avoid Avery until they have a moment to calm down. Even if you aren't the reason Avery has to wear a skirt, he'll take his anger out on you.
Split between barking at you to get the fuck out of his office and figuring out how much he could charge you to see him in a skirt. Fuck it, he might just demand you pay him for having the gall to ask him to wear a skirt.
Has To
Pay him. Pay him right fucking now before he does something you'll both regret.
Yeah, yeah, sure! If that's what you want! He'll do just about anything you ask him to, really. Just, maybe not in front of a lot of people? Or in the daytime, maybe? Kylar's already a social outcast, he doesn't want to draw more attention to himself and maybe not be able to protect you if he needs to because of the skirt.
Has To
As long as you're the reason he has to wear a skirt, Kylar is fine. If it's because of something happening to his clothes and only having a skirt to wear, he's flushed and hiding the whole day. Only calms a little when you tell him he looks cute in a skirt.
Oh, uh, maybe? Will you be with him the whole time? At low confidence, he might, but just in the orphanage and you have to promise not to make fun of him or take any pictures. At high confidence, he'll go out on the town with you.
Has To
His face is burning but handles it fairly well. At high confidence, you would think it was his choice to wear the skirt.
Pure Sydney isn't likely to. Maybe, maybe, you can get him to try on a skirt in the library shop. But probably not, he gets very flustered. Corrupt Sydney you can get to wear a skirt out and about. Might change back if he sees Leighton lingering around the library, though.
Has To
Very flustered, regardless of his purity or lack thereof. Keeps fiddling with the hem, making sure it stays down. Will punch someone if they try to flip his skirt up. Dying if Leighton sees them.
Haha, no. High likelihood that Whitney gets pissed that you even asked him to wear a skirt and retaliates.
Has To
Trying so goddamn hard to act as if he chose this and it's not because he has to. Will flip off Leighton if he sees them staring. Will try to get you on your knees and under the skirt to have you suck him off.
The singular yes from any of the resident bastards. He just has to be at the point of the blackjack game where he's already lost his briefs. Gives you a cheeky grin if you tell him he looks good in a skirt. Not giving the skirt back, that is Wren's skirt now.
Has To
Blushing, blushing so hard. Tries to act as if he's fine with having to wear a skirt but he's very flustered by the whole situation.
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
Azure Gleam - Ch 3
It says it's prologue, but it's the third chapter of the game, so that's what I'm calling it.
In case you're wondering. Yes, I despise that person now. First villain I've ever truly HATED in this game.
I love how Arval calls what happened to Tomas a "conclusion."
Still seems weird they trust Shez so fast.
Though, I wonder if Dimitri recognizes her power as the same as those from Duscur and will suspect her?
Dimitri being a sweetie and checking on Shez. Assuring her that her power isn't evil, it's just a matter of who is using it. And hearing him speak somewhat positively of his own strength this time. 😊😊😊 I should've known it would be him being nice instead.
RODRIGUE, my beloved 😊😊😊 But we didn't get to see him
So it was Rufus. Not surprised. Declaring war on Rodrigue. Gross. Felix sounded pissed.
Wow, Rufus, trying to claim Rodrigue wants to make Dimitri his puppet king. That takes some imagination. Or is it just Cornelia using him?
Dimitri telling everyone to calm down and not rush to conclusions. Good for him.
Rhea sending help! Good. So who is in our unit. It's Catherine, right?
So no Sylvain or Felix in the camp? They're not here in the discussion. I'm proud of Ashe for making his own choice, but I can sympathize with Annette.
Arval told me to "run wild" lol. Yessss.
Oh, Felix and Sylvain and Rodrige are here!!!! YESS, good, only Annette is missing. I love her and all, but it's the Faerghus 4 + Dedue that have me in a chokehold.
Waiiiiittt, are they suggesting Rufus was involved in Duscur? An NPC only said it so far, but that is an interesting idea.
WAIT, WHAT????? Rufus had Dimitri under basically house arrest, spied on, and went through all his letters??? WTF??? Was it really Rufus or Cornelia? Poor Dimitri. That explains why he's so distant from everyone.
I love this random NPC student woman ready to throw down for Dimitri. You and me both, girlll.
WAIT! Duh, it's not Catherine, it's Gilbert!! OMG, yes, and that's why they had Annette leave.
I love how the knights seem to actively want Dimitri to lead and want to work under him, not Rufus (or Cornelia).
I'm 100% doubting Felix's denial that he's not bothered by the false rumors about Rodrigue.
Yeesh, Rufus is a real shithole, hunh. If you piss Dedue off, you're probably a trash level human being. And he tried to harm Dimitri countless times? The writers just love beating up on Dimitri.
So that campaign Dimitri put down was an attempt to kill him? And Rufus send assassins after Dimitri??
I mean, I always kinda headcannoned that Dimitri's life after Duscur had to be a living hell because all of his father's closest allies (sans Rodrigue, Gautier, and Galatea) got killed, but it's kinda cool to see headcannon go cannon.
And no wonder he and Dedue are attached at the hip. They were probably both targeted for violence quite a bit.
I made Dimitri laugh 😭
Am I bias, or is Dimitri and Shez seem more natural/cuter than the other lords. I know, I'm just bias.
Ohh, a Rufus portrait! Yeah, Lambert won in the looks department, hunh.
Dimitri wants to resolve this without bloodshed.
Rufus just . . . ripped the letter up. And called Dimitri a "creature." And keeps trying to kill him.
And . . . calls him a rapid animal . . . uhhh, wonder where I've heard that before. Like, Rufus is talking about Dimitri, the same way he talks about himself. And Felix. I wonder how much he heard that shit from Rufus.
Like, I can't remember that last time I hated a character so much so fast.
This is going full Hamlet/Lion King, guys. He helped set up Duscur, the asshole.
Cornelia really is the only effective member of TWSITD.
Why does this game always have Dimitri have to kill his family.
Felix being helpful as always lol.
And Dimitri avoided this for so long to avoid civil war and avoid killing his uncle. But so happy Shez is supporting him.
Guys, I cannot wait to get to the mini-camp thing in this route. The other two routes had such cool lore bits and etc . . .
Feels good beating up Klineman.
Cornelia again lol. She's just deliciously awful. And OFC she just retreats lol. Back for another map later I'm assuming.
Rufus really just said he'll never get along with Dimitri because "man and monster" can't work together. Really not going to feel bad killing this guy.
So Dimitri finished Rufus with a knight killer move. Seems right.
Dimitri MVP again.
Cut scene time.
Dimitri's killing his family again. Shit. Why. He's way too young for this. And Rufus is spewing vile shit right until the end. This is hardcore for an FE game.
Geeze. Why. 😭 Look I don't care about Rufus, but Dimitri. Why.
Wait, is that Sylvain's dad??? HOW MANY DADS? WHY NO MOMS.
Yep! Guessed right.
That said, Rufus is a shit. He deserved that. Dimitri didn't.
Is this route going to be about finding TWSITD/Duscur? Just how many people played a role in Duscur?
Dimitri telling the truth to everyone. That's my boy. He's always the one that comes clean of the three lords. And we love him for it.
And clearing Duscur's name, no matter what the cost. We stan a legend. God, this is exactly what AM was missing. SOOOO glad AG is carrying it out.
Wait, Rodrigue retiring and handing it to Felix? Why? I like this change for Felix, but why?
FUCK YES!!! Dedue + Rodrigue team up to restore Duscur wasn't on my AG bingo card exactly, but it's hype as shit. And Rodrigue volunteering to take the blame for Duscur to keep Dimitri's name clear 😭😭😭
Rodrigue just telling it to Felix straight. But Dimitri saying he's going to talk to Felix anyways. Because Felix can't go back to school now either. I just love, Dimitri, ok? This is so the opposite of the other lords who just never talk to anyone and hide everything.
And Dimitri telling Gustav you're staying put. Not putting up with his shit. "I will make a place for you." 😭😭😭😭
Reorganizing the army?
Dimitri working too much and not sleeping. Name a more iconic duo.
Oh, great, he's promoting Shez too, lamo. But smart to make his own private army removed from Rufus, wanting people strictly loyal to him. But he's supposed to be the stupid one.
Wait, army of commoners?? What about the status quo? And doing it because he understands the commoners have much harder work?
Man, Dimitri over here making all the changes. I seriously love this so far. But unless Dimitri or the other Blue Lions got bad writing, I was always going too lol.
Ah, Shez accepted with no prodding from Arval? These two are kind of sweet.
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