#I trust Z and Niall and that's IT
theeliampayne · 2 years
"Okay, that's it!"
Zayn quickly ducked behind a tree, just barely missing the item being thrown at him.
Which would have worked if there weren't three others waiting for him.
The first day of spring had come surprisingly fast, and the weather was better than it would probably be for a while. So, naturally, the boys decided to make the most of it and have a water balloon fight. 
Everyone teamed up against Zayn, including Liam. Usually, his boyfriend was indifferent and stayed out of these fights, but today - for whatever reason - Liam had felt like joining in. Zayn would like to blame Louis for this.
The sudden round of balloons being thrown at him gave Zayn no time to move out of the way. Within seconds, he was soaking wet, playfully glaring at them all.
"You all cheated. I'd like a rematch," Zayn declared, crossing his arms over his chest. "And this time, I'd like someone on my side."
Liam rolled his eyes, a slight grin on his face. "I'll join you, then, love. Can't just leave my own boyfriend out here alone, now."
"I'm going to ignore what happened back there if you actually protect me this time."
"Don't worry, Z. I'll be your human shield," Liam replied, straightening his posture to seem taller. "But you'll have to do a bit of work, you know. I can't hold them off forever."
"You're strong, I think you can handle it."
"Unless we're bringing the leprechaun over on our side, I'm going to suggest you help out. Either that, or I can delay your second round of being hit by balloons for a bit."
Zayn looked over at Niall, who had been watching them. "You want to join us?"
Niall smirked. "Depends. What's in it for me?"
The needy fucker. 
"I'll get you Nando's," Liam spoke up from where he was filling the balloons, turning his head toward the other two. "If we win, of course."
Niall seemed to think it over for a minute, then went over to Liam and Zayn's side. "They didn't offer me anything, so I'll take that risk."
Liam finished filling and tying the balloons, tossing them into the buckets. "Alright, then," he moved the buckets over to the middle of the yard, gently setting it down. "Are we all ready?"
Once everyone was ready, Liam pulled out his phone. "Okay, we all know the rules. Once you get hit three times, you're out. No hitting the head or below the belt. The team with the most still here once the timer runs out, wins."
"Now. Ready?"
Everyone got into a starting position, facing the buckets. "Okay. In three.. two.. one!"
All of the boys rushed to the buckets, grabbing as many balloons as they could hold. Louis wasted no time getting to a hiding spot, Harry following suit shortly after.
Liam, Zayn, and Niall all stayed back to come up with a plan, Liam keeping an eye out for the other two, just in case.
"So. What's the plan?" Niall whispered.
"I don't know. Liam's the smart one around here, ask him. He's always got some sort of plan," Zayn shrugged.
Both looked over at Lian expectantly.
"Why is it always me? Why am I always the 'guy with the plan?'"
"Well, you do have a plan, don't you?"
"Niall, you stay here and keep an eye out for the husbands. Zayn, you come with me to find them. And Niall, if you see them, tell us. Just give a shout if you need us," Liam instructed.
"Looks like we're having Nando's tonight, boys," Niall responded confidently. He had a lot of trust in Liam's thrown together plan.
The whole thing had been rather chaotic. Liam's plan worked out - but just barely. Louis and Harry had been known as the masters of water balloon fights, the dream team, husbands with telepathic abilities. So it came to no surprise that they nearly won.
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alexenglish · 5 years
me when any other member of 1d speaks on 1d: really? was it really?
me when niall speaks on 1d: I trust u with my life and you’d never lie to me
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Hey! Could you please write me a Zayn Malik x reader imagine? Anything really! I read your Niall and Harry ones and I loved them!
Hiyaaa hun! Thank you for the request!❤️ I’m so sorry it took so long, thank you for being patient! But in honor of Zayn releasing his new song, I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to write this! Happy reading!💛
This is kinda short, but I hope you like it!!!
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In your New York apartment was where you and Zayn hid out during the pandemic. As difficult it was to be away from your families, the both of you had each other’s back when being locked up grew overwhelming. Though you and Z had been together for a year and a half now, you guys never spent every single day together. You had your own job, traveling around the world and modeling for the biggest fashion companies in the world. While Z was working on his own thing and going to the studio from time to time. Sure, your schedules never aligned, but that didn’t stop you both from pursuing each other.
The media tried to tear you apart, creating nasty rumors of cheating and affairs that were far from the truth. There were fans who warned you about him, saying he’ll treat you like how he did the last one, but you could care less because you knew the truth. You knew Z was committed and loyal, you trusted him to not go behind your back while you were across the world. Long distance had made your relationship more interesting and strong. From scandalous FaceTime calls to surprise visits, you both made an effort for your relationship to work.
Now here you both were, in your shared apartment, waiting for his new single, “Vibez” to drop for the world to listen. This was his first release in 2021 and it was going to be the second single for his upcoming album, Nobody Is Listening. You were beyond proud of your boyfriend. You’ve seen the process of his upcoming album. You’ve seen him day and night playing around with beats, scribbling in his journal, and mumbling words to himself. You admired his diligence and how much time and effort he dedicated to his work, he truly deserved the hype.
A bottle of champagne and some snacks were laid out on the coffee table. You and Z were snuggled on the couch counting down the minutes till midnight. His phone was connected to the tv screen as he switched from ITunes to Spotify to Twitter and Instagram. He face beamed as he read his fans’ excitement for his single.
You smiled at him before placing a kiss on the side of his mouth, “Only a few more minutes.”
His eyes remove themselves from his phone screen to connect with yours. Placing the phone down his hand cups your cheek guiding you closer to him. Your hand wraps around his wrist as your lips touch, moving against each other like they always do.
Pulling away Z gazes down at you, “I can’t wait for you to hear it.”
“Me either, I’m excited!” You giggle against his lips. He pecks your lips while his other hand plays with the ends of your hair.
“Have I told you what it’s about, babe?” He asks you. You tilt your head trying to remember if he had mentioned anything about the song.
“Mmm, I don’t think so.”
Zayn hums tightening his arm around you and pulling you closer to his chest, “Well it’s about you.”
“Another one about me?” You perk up.
“Of course it is, you’re my muse for this album.” The smile on his face reaches up to his cheeks making his eyes crinkle at the sides. You nuzzle your head in his neck as he continues to explain, “You know, spending everyday together has made us closer than ever. Not that we weren’t already close, but it’s a different kind of close ya’ know? Like you’re a constant in my life that I need to have all the time.”
You nod kissing his collarbone, “Well, I can’t live without you either, Z.”
“Then let’s spend our lives together.” His sentence makes you snap your head up to look at him. A dreamy expression is on his face as he stares at you. Taking your left hand and kissing your ring finger he asks you, “Promise you’ll marry me one day?”
Tears fill your eyes as you nod. You cup his cheeks and crash your lips together, “I’ll marry you any day, I could marry you right now.” You laugh against his lips as he pecks your lips multiple times.
The moment was ruined by his alarm going off, meaning the song finally dropped. You shifted off him but his hand moved to your waist keeping you slightly above him.
“Let’s see if it’s up.” He opens his Spotify and checks his account. When the single’s cover appears on his page you cheer wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I’m so proud of you! Oh my goodness, congrats baby!” You cheer pressing kisses on his cheek. Zayn laughs sitting the both of you up, “Let’s listen, I wanna see your reaction.”
The opening beat of the song plays. You listen intently, bopping to the beat as you hang on every word he sings. When the song ends you look at him with the biggest smile. He looks at you waiting for you to tell him your thoughts.
“I love it, I love the beat, the lyrics. You sound absolutely amazing!” Z watches you fondly as you go on and on about the song. Hands wildly waving around as you described how you were feeling. You jump up from the couch and take the champagne bottle from the table. You hand it to Zayn, “Will you do the honors?”
He winks taking the bottle. It opens with a pop making the both of you cheer. You move to take the glasses but Zayn stops you. He holds the bottle up between the two of you, “I love you and I can’t wait to spend my life with you. You have been my rock through it all and my biggest supporter. Thank you for giving me your love, I’m yours till the end of time. Here’s to forever.”
His eyes sparkle under the lights as he takes a sip straight from the bottle. You giggle with watery eyes. He holds the bottle out to you and helps you take a sip from it. When the rim of the bottle leaves your lips they’re replaced by Zayn’s soft lips. He tasted like champagne as your lips danced under the warm lights of your living room, his new song playing in the background on repeat.
He holds you close to him, eyes gazing down at you as you both sway to the song. The only thing that mattered in that moment were you and him. Sure his song just debuted, but here you were in his arms. The person he claimed to be his ride or die and would do anything for. You were his everything and he would have you for infinite lifetimes if he were allowed to.
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bakagamieru · 4 years
Hi! I've been feeling really down, as well as frustrated and sad these past few days and I guess I'm here for a bit of reassurance maybe? Your blog was what opened my eyes to Ziam and also to the stunt ot4 v Zayn and all that, about a year ago, so I'm quite new. Your masterposts especially have been very informative! So basically I trust your judgement in this as someone who's been here a while and gone through it. Anyway, I completely believe in Ziam along with Larry now (been a Larrie (1)
(2) a long while) and I also believe all bbg's are fake etc. The thing I still get confused about/doubt sometimes, is the whole Harry&Louis & Zayn 'feud' thing. Most days I'm sure in my heart that all the twitter fights and post-interviews being mad at Z is all fake and part of a narrative. Zayn honestly even put lyrics to a song about a fight before actual fight for fucks sake?! Also it was all so ridiculous and public, childish, etc. it can't possibly have been real. Then his 'falling out
(3) with NB in the end. Also what ELSE (if not that 'fight') could they have been mad at him for? For 'leaving' because of his health (or whatever they said was the reason)? And after all this time still being mad/or at least bringing it up? Sounds very unlike H&L too doesn't it? Then I remember rbb/sbb, and this is something I've researched TOO MUCH honestly. Some people still refuse to even admit it was there or that it meant ANYTHING. But that goddamn yellow smiley was there several times
(4) after the 'twitter fight'. Why would that be the case? Also Ziam being together, and Louis being so close with Liam and hating on his man? It just doesn't add up anywhere. Sorry I know this is just me sounding very insecure about it all and atm I kinda am. I was having a discussion with a Larrie the other day. One of the bigger blogs with a big influence and lots of people reblogged and agreed with them, when I was trying to point out how I think 1D as a 'whole' are still being under some
(5) form of contract or image clause at the very least. They said the whole contract thing is fanfiction at this point (besides Louis essentially) and the other boys are all free to do whatever. They also don't believe in Ziam or that Zayn is friends with the boys at all. Mentioned how Harry is still 'salty' about him in interviews etc etc. They are so SURE of themselves. But yeah even though I mostly KNOW I still doubt on this because of the fucked up narratives. what if H&L / Zayn really did
(7) has been a stunt? Not saying they hang out as best friends these days maybe, what with their own lives and pandemic on top of it, but do you still think they're 'family'/ot5forever'? I honestly feel like I get gaslighted even by Larries these days and it's not much fun to follow them anymore :( Seeing Harry with Niall made me smile though! Gives me at least some hope that they still are close xx //This got very long, I'm so sorry. You can answer in tags if you wish :)
Number 6 never seems to have made it to my inbox.  Good job numbering them, though, because I never would have realized one was missing otherwise.
Anyway, I hate to say it, but talking to Larries is a fraught prospect.  Almost all of the people who still call themselves Larries don’t believe in Ziam and it’s because they’ve never bothered to actually look at the evidence.  They don’t treat all of the boys with the same respect or interest that they treat Harry and Louis, so any time you try to convince them of a stunt related to Liam, Zayn, or Niall, they’re likely going to make their decision based on nothing but bias and refuse to budge on it no matter how much evidence you have.  Taking their word on Louis being the only one still under contract/sabotaged when they clearly don’t pay any attention to what’s actually going on with the other boys would be foolish.  You can always try to change a Larrie’s mind and maybe there should always be people that do try, but from my perspective, it’s just a depressing and infuriating situation to put yourself in.  
At best, I would have those conversations privately, especially if the blog has a lot of influence.  A blog with a lot of influence has ulterior motives to not changing their views publicly because if they do, they may well lose followers.  You may have a chance of getting them to look at evidence if you’re talking in private though.
I know the whole 1D friendship thing is hard right now because it’s been more than 5 years since they’ve really interacted.  We’ve gotten some Niam, Nouis, and Lilo here and there, but most of that is just talk even, no pics.  Because we have no immediate evidence of their friendship in front of us, all we have to rely on is interviews which we KNOW are BS-narrative machines.  It’s hard to ignore them when it’s all we have, but we should ignore them anyway because past experience has taught us just how much interviews push stunt narratives.
I would actually say the whole Narry outing recently gives us more to believe in than anything else.  If Harry and Niall hung out completely in public and we only found out about it through a picture a week or two later that could easily have never been identified by a fan, then it’s pretty likely that all the boys have managed to hang out whenever they want without being noticed, right?  Especially if they went to each other’s houses instead of to a public hiking trail.  There’s so much going on behind the scenes that we don’t have access to or knowledge of.  Zayn could have hung out with any one of the boys at any time because we hardly know where he is.  He’s almost never even on social media, so there are huge chunks of time where he’s unaccounted for.
The hiatus is hard specifically because of a lack of new information and because the status quo (in terms of the BS narrative) has had no reason to change for a long time.  I’ve said it before, but with Zayn’s situation, the only time after hiatus started that it makes narrative and business sense to reverse the “feud” narrative is leading up to a reunion.  That means we most likely WILL NOT see any improvement until a reunion approaches and with the pandemic, that’s definitely not happening this year and probably not even next.  It sucks, but the status quo of BS being maintained is what we should expect right now and just because it IS being maintained isn’t a sign of anything having worsened.  It’s just logical.  If you want to use the hype of a reconciliation to get fans excited, to sell tickets, to earn money, etc., then you need to wait until a reunion so that you HAVE tickets to sell and money to earn.
I would say hold on to the logical conclusions you can come to from the time when we had a lot of information to go off of (the OTRA tour and just after) and try not to read into anything happening now because there’s just about NOTHING happening right now and there’s just not enough data to find patterns and draw conclusions about the reality behind the fakery. 
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thechampagnelovers · 4 years
thoughts on each 1d member? not about the music, but about how you see them and how you feel about them
nony, this is an amazing question.
i wanna start by saying they’re all very talented musicians and the nicest people in the music industry and they all deserve good things in life. this is my personal opinion on how i see them portrayed by social media/general public/the fandom.
I’m gonna start with Zayn. I think he’s madly talented (maybe a little bit more so than the rest of the boys) but he’s inevitably gonna drag all his past with him forever (not only because he left yk, but the fact that he’s the only no-white person out of ot5 has already condemned him, bc the music industry is racist :) ) and that must unmotivate him so much. also the fact that he was so overworked in 1d that he literally can’t be on stage again just infuriates me so much, if anyone has to sue s*mon is zayn. he deserves so much better, but i hope he’s happy and i hope he knows we love him and we’ll follow him to the end of the world. I want to hear him sing about love, about his baby, about his art and his cute little farm. i want to see him happy. 
Liam: everyone is so quick to dismiss Liam and his feelings. He always shows himself very happy and his managment always tries to sell him on the sex appeal side and it’s so easy to miss whats really underneath all that. Liam has faced mental health problems that led him to substance abuses. he was a father at only 23. none of you know how YOUNG that is to be a father. he has battled his problems and has found a healthy way out of them and that takes so much ENERGY and it’s so painful to do. recovering is so hard, and not everyone makes it. Liam has been through a lot and people don’t realise it (but that’s because we don’t hold the same standards to all of them oops)
Harry......... I respect him a lot, because he said “fuck it, im gonna do what i want, sing what i want, dress like i want and im not gonna hear anything you have to say about it” and he took that approach because EVERYONE has an opinion on him and ughhhhh that must be so annoying tbh. ngl tho, the fact that he’s so distanced with his fans doesnt sit right with me, but i have a feeling it’s because of how toxic many of them are (im talking about stalkers and crazy het harries here) so i get it, although it makes me a little sad for the good fans. In many regards i feel like post-1D zayn and harry are very similar but the only difference is that harry is white lol, and that is why they’re treated so differently by everyone (and probably the reason Z is mad at him because he knows thats true)
Louis: remember what i said about not holding the same standards for all the 1d boys? Louis is what I meant. When everyone is so quick to dismiss liam’s story and trauma, on the other hand the only thing people seem to talk about louis is about his family and what he went through. we all love louis but i cant help but feel like many people (and many stans) feel pity for him, and louis would HATE that. Louis is the strongest person i’ve seen and a clear example of not letting fame get in your head, and all his life experiences (even before he became famous) made him that way. I feel like people struggle to see Louis without another lense that’s not “poor boy, he’s been thought a lot” when in fact we are more than our experiences and our losses. i feel especially drawn to him bc we both come from very similar families and both our families have gone through similar experiences, and that’s why it infuriates me when people can’t see beyond it. 
lastly, Niall. it’s no surprise niall is my fav and i’ll try my best to be as objective as i can. that being said, niall is truly, out of all of 1D, who has made it almost intact. what i mean is, niall has managed to make a name for himself as an artist without dragging with him all the dramas and bullshit from the past. and you know how did that happen? he didnt have dramas from the past, BECAUSE HE WAS THE MOST UNDERRATED 1D MEMBER. From day 1 they made niall feel out of place and like he wasnt enough, he was pushed down in every way possible. all the boys always felt protective of niall because he always got the worst part and was made fun of. if you’re not a niall stan you might not know this but niall was planning on releasing “this town” on SOUNDCLOUD. MILLIONAIRE NIALL HORAN, A BOY WHO WON THOUSANDS OF AWARDS AND SOLD OUT THOUSANDS OF ARENAS WORLDWIDE WAS GONNA RELEASE HIS MUSIC ON SOUNDCLOUD LIKE HE WAS A UNKNOWN RAPPER. that itself has to show you how much they did dirty to him and how they fucked with his confidence. his solo career is amazing and stands out from the rest of 1d because it really was built from almost ground zero, because no one thought he could do it, not even himself. the same way i say i relate a lot to louis in a family perspective, i relate a lot with niall from a personality perspective. niall has a lot of confidence in himself but it was crushed down for the longest time, and now -as an adult- he’s recovering it, he’s learning to trust himself and trust his music. outsiders might think niall is over confident when in reality people like him (people like me) are really insecure underneath all our jokes, we fake it till we make it. i just love him a lot. 
ask me my thoughts on anything
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 34
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.1k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: okay sooo idk how i feel about the chapter BUT! i added a link with pictures of the characters and it took me over 2 hours to do that so if you could comment or at least look at it, it would mean a lot to me! (scroll down for the link, you cant miss it)
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : two but its pretty much the same thing :) i mean he doesnt get ‘angry’ tho but i hope its still what you wanted :)
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Chapter 34 : Her chapter
March 30th, 2018
I had no idea who Niall had invited but before we walked in the bar, I moved closer to him and got up on my tiptoe to look in his eyes, both of us now hidden by his cap. His lips curled as his eyes roamed on my face and I pressed my lips together. I was a bit stressed to meet some people from school after so long but if I wanted to be honest, being away from the crowds and the paps seemed like amazing time off to me and I was pretty sure Niall felt the same.
"No kissing, no hold hands, no cuddles." I pointed out with a grimace. "It's gonna be a long evening."
"Okay, first off, you can cuddle me, they're used to it. Second of, can I remind you that it's your rule? If you want, we can definitely tell them we're together but keeping low profile." he pointed out, raising his eyebrows as he waited for my answer.
I wanted to. I really fucking wanted to, and I could feel my heartbeats accelerate the longer we looked at each other. I licked my lips and smiled before shaking my head. I couldn't make a decision and it was driving me insane.
"We'll just... see how it goes." I finally let out before sighing and getting back down on my feet.
"I'll follow your lead, petal."
His words made my lips curl and I nodded slowly before he turned around and walked in. It felt amazing to know I had my say in all of this. A lot of times, when we were dating and even before, I felt like Niall lead me the way he thought was right and I just followed without a word. Perhaps, he had matured, or maybe he was always like that but he just took the lead because I didn't. Either way, it was refreshing and it made me feel important.
I followed him inside and a familiar face seemed to illuminate in the back of the bar. The smell reminded me of my teenage years and somehow, I suddenly relaxed despite the people I had just noticed.
"Zara?" I let out with a frown before Niall bent closer to me.
"I called her, thought you may want to see her." he whispered before walking closer to the table.
Zara jumped out of her chair and ran to me, wrapping her arms around my neck so tight I could barely breathe anymore. She started jumping quickly up and down, bringing me in her wave and I laughed as I hugged her back. Despite everything that had happened to me in my childhood and teenage years,  Zara was the only one I trusted completely besides Niall. I had a few friends and we all hung out together but Zara was the one I was the closest to, the one I told almost everything to, except maybe the fact that I had always been in love with Niall. That, I hadn't told anyone and even now, I wondered how the hell I succeeded to keep that secret to myself for two decades.
"I haven't seen you in so long!" she added, hugging me even tighter before her embrace loosened and she pulled away to look in my eyes. "Still can't believe you followed that eejit to London. Why?"
She was very expressive and the facial expression she was sending me made me laugh.
"You know me, can't be away from his dumb face for too long."
Her lips curled into an amused smile and she pulled me to the bar, ordering beers before tilting her head and staring at me some more. I frowned and waited, knowing that a question was coming.
"You two dated a few years ago yea?" she raised her eyebrows as I nodded. "Okay now let's talk about the real shit. How does he fuck?"
My eyes got bigger and I chuckled, shaking my head. "Z!"
"No no, hear me out!" she continued, bending down closer to me. "Remember when Michelle, Lisa, Megan and I would get mad at you for ditching us for him?" she let out with a chin movement towards Niall.
I couldn't help but glance at him. He was sitting with a few people I recognized but I just licked my lips and turned back to my friend, shaking my head. "I didn't dit-"
"Oh you did. All the time." she cut me, making me raise my nose up in a grimace. "Well we always spent at least half an hour talking about you two and with the years, the conversations became... you know. I mean he grew up and," she paused and leaned back to take a look at him before looking back at me. "He's... he's hot."
I started laughing, shaking my head slightly at her enthusiasm.
"Niall was always hot." I pointed out, making her roll her eyes.
"You... it's different. I mean, I know you always said you didn't have feelings for him but girl, I know you better than that." she explained, making my heart literally stop beating. "Anyway, that's beside the point. So we did talk about the size of his cock and the way he fucked and we all had theories. I think it's time you reveal the truth."
"Forget it." I laughed, shaking my head.
"Why does it matter, you two broke up a million years ago!" her face suddenly changed and her lips parted as she moved closer. "You whore, you’re still dating him?"
She raised both of her hands up and closed her eyes. "Alright alright, none of my business." she chuckled, opening her eyes again, her smile turning into a fond one. "I really hope for you, though. I know how much you love him. I can see it in your eyes."
I held my breath as she grabbed two beers, letting me take the two others and we walked slowly to the table.
"Don't be surprised okay? Ava is here. I know she's not your fave person but just pretend she's funny. Or interesting. Or ignore her, that's what I do."
I laughed again but my heart dropped in my chest when I noticed Ava, leaning against Niall as they were both laughing. I started thinking about that time I caught him masturbating in his room when he was 13, and how a few years later, he had admitted he was jerking off thinking about her. The whole thing made me swallow hard and I held the mugs tighter in my hands before placing them on the table. Most people looked up and when I noticed Rian, my eyes got bigger and I chuckled low.
"Wow, hey! What are you doing here?"
He got up and kissed my cheeks gently as I did the same before shaking my head. The last time I had seen Rian was when Niall and I went ice skating together when we were dating. Niall had shown a bit of jealousy back then and even if I knew I shouldn't, i really liked it. Of course, I had dated Rian for a few months and he was the first guy I ever slept with, but Niall seemed to forget that the reason I gave in to Rian after so many years was because he had lost his virginity to someone who wasn't me. It had hurt me so much that just thinking about it made it impossible not to swallow the lump in my throat.
"He's coming to visit me." Ava said, her hand on Niall's thigh to hold herself as she moved closer to me. "We have a thing going on."
Rian rolled his eyes with a smile and shook his head slightly before shrugging. "Just trying to see if it could work." he explained before talking lower. "I'm not moving back here though, there's no way."
I let out a louder laugh and nodded. "Yea, I'm not moving back here either."
The truth was, I didn't want to move back here mostly because I didn't really know anyone anymore. My parents were back in France, many of my friends had moved away and Niall... well, Niall was the person I wanted to follow. Or more, Niall was the person I wanted to be with. I didn't have to follow him, like he said. We could just take decisions together.
"Come on, petal, sit down."
Niall's voice reached my ear and I smiled, sitting next to him as he squirmed a bit on his chair to move forward, leaning his arms on the table and getting away from Ava's touch. I felt suddenly relieved and he sent me a smile. I felt his knee hit gently against mine under the table and my lips curled more.
"So what's up between you two?" Rian asked after sitting next to me. "Last time I saw you, you were together, then we all read in extremely reliable online articles that you two split and Niall was dating that actress or singer? What's her face? And Liv was getting married to an hollywood actor. This is some crazy shit, mates."
"I'm... not dating Heidi anymore." Niall pointed out, pressing his lips together in an awkward smile.
"And I called the wedding off and broke up with Dylan."
Everyone stared at us and Zara chuckled slightly after half a minute, shaking her head. "Wow. You guys need more drinks."
We started drinking and talking and after a few hours, I was starting to be tipsy. I walked to the bar to get more pints and while waiting, I leaned on the counter to stare at Niall. He was laughing with our old friends and I was suddenly thrown back to when we were younger and would hang out all together. I could pretend life was easy back then but it would be a lie. I had to admit, though, that everything changed when Niall left, and I do mean everything.
My lips curled on the left when I watched him throw his head back. I could hear his laughter even from where I was and something jumped inside me at the sight. I already knew, but once again, it hit me how much I loved him and how i'd never be over him. I didn't want to be over him anyway. I wanted to be with him.
"Having a good time?"
I raised my eyebrows in surprise before turning to the voice with a smile before looking at Niall again and finally putting my attention back on Rian.
"Mmhm, and you?"
I was getting so tipsy that I had a hard time hiding my attraction for Niall. I knew my eyes were probably betraying me but I was at that point where I didn't give a fuck anymore. A few more people we knew had joined us and we were all getting a bit drunk but when I turned around and smiled to Rian again, I noticed he was way past that stage. He sent me a small smirk and bent down closer, making me move back instinctively.
"You know you were my first fuck." he pointed out, making me chuckle low.
"Yea you were my first fuck too."
"You ever wonder what it would feel like more than a decade later?" he whispered after bending down more.
My lips parted and I glanced at him, standing up and shaking my head. "Honestly, no."
"Come on." he slurred as I pressed my lips together. "Just one time. I never really understood why you broke up with me, y'know?"
I looked up at him, feeling uneasy, and swallowed hard. I didn't want to cause a scene and I knew he was drunk but at the same time, I had no fucking idea what he was thinking at that exact moment. I knew he thought I was single, which I was... sort of, but I had the feeling he would insist even if I was officially taken.
"I just didn't have those feelings for you, that's why." I pointed out.
It was true and at the same time, it was also because I couldn't take Niall out of my mind. I felt his arm slither around my waist and pushed him away gently but firmly, raising my eyebrows at him.
"Two things. One, you're drunk and two, I'm not interested. It's been years, Rian, we both moved on." I pointed out. "Besides, aren't you with Ava now?"
"Ava and I have an agreement. Until we're official, we can fuck whoever we want. That's why she's all over your ex boyfriend."
My lips parted again and my heartbeats accelerated. I turned to look at Niall but for some reason, he had switched seat with me, leaving a free chair between him and Ava and I sighed of relief without thinking.
"That's why you said no to me for so long before agreeing to date me, right? That's also why you broke up with me isn't it?"
I turned back to him, noticing he had moved closer again. "What?"
"Him. Him and his fucking stupid angel face. You've always wanted him and he never fucking wanted you. The only time he dated you he fucking left you to be a famous little shit and now you're still looking at him like he's some sort of god."
"Shut up, you're pissed." I said low enough, getting suddenly angry.
"Still. You know i'm right." he added, sending me a small smile. "Come on, I'll make you cum so hard."
I felt Rian's hand on my breasts and this time, I pushed him harder as my heart seemed to stop.
"I said no!"
I felt my whole body on fire as I stared at him but he moved closer and grabbed the back of my head, pulling me against him to kiss me. This time, I started hitting his chest hard to push him away and I heard a chair scratch against the wood floor before falling down. It took about half a second for Niall to be between Rian and I, pushing him hard enough to make him back away a few feet.
"She said no."
"Oh yea, mister perfect is there again to save the day!" Rian let out a bit too loud in a sarcastic tone. "Same as you were back then. Always there to be the perfect 'best friend'." he laughed, doing quotation marks with his fingers on the last two words.
"Rian, don't go too far." Niall only replied, shaking his head slightly.
"She's not yours, anymore, Horan! So let it go!"
"I'm afraid I can't do that."
I took a step back, surprised by how well Niall could keep calm and glanced at our table to see all of our friends watching the show. It was not really how I imagined my night.
"You're a fuckin' asshole and I've always hated you, ya know that?"
"I'm very aware." Niall sighed. "But she said she was not interested, so keep your feckin' hands in your pockets."
"Or what?" Rian yelled, this time. "Or WHAT?"
"Rian, stop!"
We all turned to Ava who was frowning and Rian scoffed, shaking his head. "You stay out of this." he turned to Niall. "And you!" he grabbed him by his shirt and my heart sank in my chest as I moved closer, grabbing Rian's arm and trying to push him back.
"Please, stop!" I let out, suddenly panicked.
Niall didn't send me a glance and kept looking at Rian, "Liv, move back. Please Liv."
It took me a few seconds and I did as he asked just when Rian started talking again.
"She's not your girlfriend." he repeated. "So mind your own fuckin' business!"
"But I still love her." Niall admitted louder, making my lips part and my whole body throb. "I'm still in love with her. And I'm not gonna let you touch her, not without her consent."
Everything happened a bit too fast for me to react and I barely saw Rian let go of Niall to throw his fist at him. Gladly, he was totally hammered and Niall easily dodged his hit before throwing his own first on Rian's jaw. My eyes got bigger as Rian fell on the floor and I finally closed them, bringing both my hands on my face.
I remained motionless, eyes closed and silent, until I felt someone pull me out and I only opened my eyes again when I felt the fresh air hit the skin of my face. It was a bit cold and I shivered, bringing my arms around myself before I felt someone wrap theirs around me from behind.
"Hey, you okay?" I didn't have to hear his voice, I immediately recognized Niall from the way he was touching me, and the way he smelled. God he smelled amazing. "I'm sorry about all this."
I shook my head and sighed. "Let's leave, okay?"
I noticed Ava and two other guys try to put Rian on the backseat of a car and Zara quickly ran to me, raising her nose up and placing her hand on my arm.
"Are you okay?" she asked softly, tilting her head, before I nodded. "I'll message you, okay? And if you invite me to Cali, I'd love to visit!"
I chuckled and nodded. "We can definitely plan that."
She glanced up at Niall and tried to stop a smirk from gracing her face without much success.
"Have fun you two." she just chuckled. "I'm rooting for you."
I laughed and closed my eyes again, a bit embarrassed but quickly, Niall moved away and reached for my fingers. I let him take my hand in his and we walked in silence. I knew where he was taking me but I didn't mention it and when we sat in the grass, I moved my legs over his thighs and felt his hand on mine, warming me. It was cold and I knew we wouldn't last too long outside but I enjoyed being close to him in silence. It took at least 20 minutes for Niall to talk again and hearing his voice made something stir in my stomach.
"I'm sorry." he said in a low tone, looking down at his hand on my thigh as he gently brushed his fingertips on my pants. "I don't know why I did that. But he had his hand on your breasts and I suddenly wanted to kill him."
I stared at him for a few seconds without talking and waiting for him to look up but he didn't. I pressed my lips together and placed my hand over his, grabbing his fingers and squeezing them.
"Thank you for defending me." I just replied, making him nod slightly. "You were so laid-back, I didn't expect you to throw your fist at him. You don't need to apologize."
He looked up at me and sent me a fond smile as I bit my bottom lip. Slowly, I moved closer and kissed him gently. I could feel my head spinning from all the alcohol in my body and when he deepened the kiss, I felt my eyes flutter behind my eyelids.
"I'm sorry." I whispered against his mouth. "I should have told our friends we were together. It would have spared a few problems."
"Not your fault. It's entirely his fault. He shouldn't have touched you after you said no, whether you were taken or not. He's an asshole and he deserved a good punch. I'm just happy I'm the one who gave him." he confessed, making me chuckle. "I can't believe he did that."
"Well he was seeing the way I was looking at you apparently. And he probably saw how Ava was all over you, too. Must have been hard for him to be rejected twice in the same night. I've rejected him a lot, too."
"Still not an excuse." Niall whispered, kissing my lips very gently.
"I know."
"Don't defend him, he's an arsehole."
"I know."
We remained silent again as we kissed some more. I felt his hand move up on me and slip between my thighs, the side of one of his fingers pressing on my pussy. I whimpered very low and chuckled.
"It's way too cold to fuck here."
"I know." he groaned. "I just can't believe we have to sleep at my mom's. Every single time we come visit you don't want to let me fuck you."
The way he pouted and his childish tone made a laugh boom out of me and I finally leaned my forehead against his and brought my hand to his cheek.
"I'll let you tomorrow morning, but only if you agree to do something tonight that I've always wanted to do."
He frowned and pulled away to stare at me suspiciously. "I want to ask if I'll regret it but if you let me cum inside you tomorrow then I'm ready for anything."
I laughed again and kissed him with a smile. It felt so great to be wanted even if most of the time, It also felt surreal. We walked back to his mom's and it was extremely late when he tried to find the right keys to walk inside before realizing the door was not locked. We both laughed as we walked inside, and it made me realize we were both still quite tipsy. We walked slowly, trying to remain silent without much success and when he bumped into the table, we both laughed. He pulled me closer and started kissing me hard, sticking his tongue on my mouth only to turn me on, I suspected. His normal taste was altered with the taste of beer but I loved it and I moaned low in his mouth. I couldn't remember how we ended up on the roof but I stared up at the sky, tilting my head with a smile.
"That's really all you wanted?" he asked after a while. "Watch the stars like we used to do on the roof of your house?"
I kept looking up at the indigo sky and pressed my lips together before licking them.
"We used to do that all the time, just you and I, and I remember wishing you would kiss me every single time. That's why we're here. I want to kiss you while we watch the stars together."
Niall chuckled low. "You're so cheesy. I blame you for my romantic side."
I turned to send him a big smile. "You're welcome."
His lips curled into a fond and loving grin and I bit my bottom lip.
"I will kiss you anywhere you want. Any time you want. For any reason you can think of, or for no reason at all except that I love you."
I felt my heart melt in my chest and breathed in, trying to keep my tears in. He was leaning on his side to look at me, holding himself with one of his elbows and arms, and suddenly, I could see the adorable 14 year old he used to be, with his blonde hair and his crooked teeth. I felt my heart swell and my eyes watered, letting a tear fall on one of my cheeks as I sniffed. Was I really going to push away this man out of fear? Was that a good way to live life anyway? To stop myself from being happy in fear of being hurt again? It was ridiculous.
"We will be together, Niall."
He frowned slightly and moved his upper body closer. "What?"
"If you still want of me..." I repeated before breathing in deeply. "if you still want to be with me.. really be with me. Officially. It will happen."
"I'll always want that Olivia." he simply replied but I could hear surprise and happiness in his voice and when I looked up at him, his eyes seemed to sparkle. They shined even more than they did at the bar when he was drunk and it made my heart jump in my chest. Perhaps, it was only the reflection of the lights of the streets, or maybe I was hallucinating it... but I didn't think so. He seemed genuinely excited by my words.
"I just need more time. But it will happen." I explained more. "I'll never be able to live without you anyway. And I don't want to. I don't want to live without you, Niall."
His lips curled into the biggest smile and he chuckled, moving closer and sliding his hand behind my head. I could feel his fingers sink in my hair as he pulled me closer.
"Best news of the day. It beats everything else." he let out low. "Now, I'm going to kiss you beneath the stars until you're too tired to keep your eyes open."
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ao3feed-larry · 4 years
madness issue
by PurebloodPoet
Każdego dnia budził się, mając wrażenie, że wciąż śnił... chociaż słowo ,,śnił" nie bardzo pasowało w tym przypadku. Każdej nocy miał inny koszmar, każdy równie przerażający i powodujący dreszcze na jego ciele. Chciał wydostać się z tej pułapki; krzyczał, zdzierając sobie gardło, ale nikt go nie słyszał. Potrzebował pomocy, wiedział to, ale nie był w stanie schować dumy do kieszeni i poprosić o nią, na pewno nie wprost. Nie mógł być pośmiewiskiem wśród innych uczniów, nie mógł okazywać słabości.
Cóż... na pewno nie wszystkim, bo nocami był za słaby, aby udawać, a Lucjusz Malfoy na pewno nie będzie z tego powodu zadowolony.
Words: 1913, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Polski
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, One Direction (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Liam Payne, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Niall Horan, Cedric Diggory, Newt Scamander, Luna Lovegood, Zayn Malik
Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Adventure & Romance, The Cure, Anxiety, Male Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Female Friendship, Boys Kissing, Boys In Love, Enemies to Lovers, Love/Hate, Hogwarts, Hogwarts Third Year, Hogwarts Fourth Year, Family Issues, Trust Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Mental Health Issues, Love, Madness, Dreams and Nightmares
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/34L64VG
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missandrogyny · 5 years
“So,” Liam says, as Louis unlocks the door quietly. “If you don’t believe in this flat being haunted, why the fuck are we here?”
Louis glares at him. “To prove a point,” he says, letting them both in. He closes the door behind them and walks into the spacious living room, keeping an eye out for singing walls or moving furniture. There aren’t any, so Louis gets to work—he pushes the glass coffee table off the middle of the room, unfurls the purple blanket he’d brought on the ground. “To prove my point.”
“And you’re doing that by…conducting a séance.”
Louis resists the urge to sigh. “Yes Liam,” he says. “We’re going to see if there are any ghosts in the flat by conducting a séance.”
Liam just looks even more confused. “But I thought séances were supposed to call the ghost,” he says. “If there are no ghosts right now and then we call a ghost…then the flat’s going to be haunted, isn’t it?”
Trust Liam to make everything a lot more complicated. “Look,” Louis says, rolling his eyes. He takes a seat on the blanket, crossing his legs. “I have no idea how this entire thing works. All I really want to do is prove that there’s no ghost in this fucking flat, look Grimshaw in the eye when I tell him there’s no ghost, and watch him eat his quiff.”
Liam opens his mouth again, presumably to say something else, but Louis is saved by a knock on the door. “That’ll be Zayn and Niall,” Louis tells Liam, and Liam gingerly sets down the bag he’s holding, goes to open the door.
Niall bounds in, clearly excited, followed by Zayn, who’s got something tucked under his arm. “Hiya lads,” Niall says, and reaches over and gives Louis a hug. “This is exciting, isn’t it? A séance! I thought they only did this in the films.”
“Well, we’re doing one now,” Louis says, primly accepting a hug from Zayn. Zayn takes a seat next to Louis’ right, Niall to Louis’ left, and Liam right across him. “You got the Ouija board, Z?”
“Yeah,” Zayn says, pulling out the thing under his arm. He places it in between them all.
There’s a silence. “Um,” Liam starts. “Why is the Ouija Board…sparkly?”
Because it is. The board is garish—bright purple letters and numbers stark against the baby pink background. Its edges are outlined in purple glitter, and on the top, the words My First Ouija Board are proudly printed in sparkling silver in some terrible, cursive font.
“Zayn,” Louis says. “Where exactly did you get this Ouija board?
“Hamleys,” Zayn answers, brushing stray pieces of glitter off his shirt. “In the girl’s section.”
“Google said so,” Zayn replies, completely unbothered. He digs into his pocket, and Louis can only watch incredulously as he pulls out a sparkly red planchette and drops it onto the board. “Here.”
Louis opens his mouth to say something, but Liam beats him to it. “Never mind that,” he says. “If it works, it works.”
Louis takes a deep breath. Lets it out. “Okay,” he says. “Niall? Do you know how to start a séance?”
Niall grins at him. “Fuck yeah.” And then he’s reaching into his jacket and pulling out some paper. “Lifted the whole thing from WikiHow,” he says, smoothing out his print outs. Sure enough, the top part of the page reads WikiHow, and the print out is covered with those terrible vector photos. “God, that website is so helpful.”
Louis actively refrains from commenting on that. “The candles?”
Liam pulls out the candles from the bag he’d dropped earlier, arranges them in a little square in front of them.
“Okay,” Louis says. “Now we’re ready.”
How to Perform a Séance, by Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn (with credits to WikiHow)
1. Make sure everyone is ready to take part in the séance.
2. Be seated in a circle and light the candles. Make sure electric lighting has been turned off or dimmed.
(“Wait,” Louis says, as Liam lights the candles. “Are those candles scented?”
“They were the only ones left in the store!”)
3. Join hands and close your eyes to begin the séance. Holding hands closes the circle and allows your energy to build up inside the circle.
(“Liam, why’re your hands so sweaty?”
“What do you mean my hands? Your hands are the sweaty ones, Zayn!”)
4. Focus on the purpose of the séance to help you make contact. If you choose, the person acting as the medium can state the purpose aloud to keep everyone’s thoughts on it.
(“The purpose of this séance is to see if ghosts actually exist,” Niall says aloud, tone somber.
“And to tell Grimshaw to suck it,” Louis adds.
“And to tell Grimshaw to suck it.”)
5. Recite an opening incantation if you’re acting as medium. The opening incantation officially begins your séance and invites the spirits to join your circle.
(“Hello, Spirits,” Niall says. “Welcome. To our circle. We’ve got fun and games. We got everything that you want honey, we know the names.”
Zayn elbows Niall in the side.)
6. Ask the spirit a question when you feel it’s near.
(“I feel like the spirit is near,” Niall says. “Do you feel like it’s near?”
“How is a spirit supposed to feel like?” Liam asks.
“I always imagined it to feel like a cool breeze on your back,” Zayn says.
“Oh.” Liam frowns. “I feel hot. No, I don’t think it’s near.”)
7. Hold hands throughout the séance to maintain the circle.
(“My forehead’s itchy,” Niall complains. “Can you scratch it for me?”
“Where?” Louis asks. He lifts their joined hands together, using the nail of his index finger to scratch at Niall’s forehead. “Here?”
“A little to the left.”
“A little bit more.”
“Okay, to the right a bit.”
“Okay, perfect.”)
8. Decipher the spirits answers to your questions.
(“Wait,” Zayn says. “We gotta put our fingers on the planchette, like in the films.”
“But how do we do that without letting go of each other’s hand?” Liam asks.
“Could we do it without letting go of each other’s hand?” Louis asks.
“Let’s try,” Niall says, and places his and Louis’ joined hands on the planchette.
They can’t do it.)
9. End the Séance when you’re ready.
(“Okay,” Louis says, one finger on the planchette. “Someone is definitely pushing the glass.”
“It’s Liam, Liam’s pushing it,” Zayn replies.
“No, I’m not!” Liam answers. “I’m just pressing down on it, like you told me to.”
“Liam, you’re not supposed to press down on it, you’re supposed to just leave your finger on it.”
“Oh. Oops.”)
“Well, that was fun,” Niall says, yawning. It’s a little past two in the morning—they’d ended up playing with the Ouija board for about an hour, sniping at each other and spelling out increasingly obscene words. Louis had managed spelled out ‘penis’ five times before Zayn had complained, flicking at his finger. “No ghost though.”
“I wonder why,” Zayn muses.
“Probably because there wasn’t a ghost in the first place,” Louis says triumphantly. He feels a little giddy, actually—the séance had been a little all over the place, but they did everything Niall (and WikiHow) told them to do, and no spirits made contact with them. “Which means I get my commission and my bonus, and Grimshaw can suck it.”
Liam pays him no mind. “You don’t think it’s because the Ouija board is fake, do you?”
“I think it’s because our scented candles were too much,” It’s Zayn who speaks up, picking up his Ouija board. Throughout the séance, he’d steadily grown more and more attached to it, to the point that he’d said that he ‘might actually just bring this home’. “Because someone decided to buy two vanilla candles and then two lavender candles and light them all at the same time.”
“I told you, it was the only one left in the store,” Liam says, rolling his eyes at Zayn. “They weren’t that bad.”
“They were terrible, Liam.”
“I don’t know,” a new, unfamiliar voice pipes up, and all four of them freeze simultaneously, look at each other with wide eyes. “I quite liked the smell.”
Louis closes his eyes. Takes a deep breath. Counts one, two, three, and turns around slowly.
Finds himself staring straight at a boy he doesn’t know.
He’s—well. Quite handsome actually, with dark curly hair and a grin a mile wide. He’s wearing what looks to be a band shirt and some dark jeans, boots in his feet. When he raises his hand to wave, Louis can see he’s got a ring on each finger.
All in all, he looks quite normal, except for the fact that he’s a little bit translucent.
“Hi,” the boy—the ghost—says to Louis, grinning. He reaches out a hand, and when Louis tries to take it, he feels nothing but air. “I’m Harry.”
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sunshinesteviee · 5 years
Rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then choose 10 victims.
i was tagged by @parkerpetey thx bb
meet me in the hallway by harry styles
if the world was ending by jp saxe and julia michaels
fire away by niall horan
ghost by halsey
people crying every night by a r i z o n a
trust by the jonas brothers
mess by noah kahan
sexy plexi by jack johnson
soulmate by lizzo
killing me softly with his song by fugees
i’ll tag whoever the heck wants to do this bc i’m lazy af xoxoxoxo
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minddofbecka · 4 years
(long) gc fic rec
All The Days Of My Life by rilla - 41k
It's 2016. At the end of the band's last tour, Zayn and Harry get married in Vegas. It's not the worst thing that's ever happened to them, but it certainly comes close. Half fix-it fic, half woke up married.
Trust Me by alnima - 78k
Zayn has trouble trusting Harry to catch him when he falls, but Harry is determined to be there no matter what it takes. Part 1.
Stay With Me by alnima - 173k
Zayn and Harry could never get it quite right. And now isn't any different. Except it is. Part 2.
and you and i were fire, fire, fireworks by trishapocalypse - 21k
espresso yourself yeah?? I stopped by there today
YOU WERE? what time??? maybe I saw you???
oh it was like half-eight? had an early class and all
oh ): i was hoping maybe you were there when i was… woulda been like fate, huh??
(Or: the one where Zayn is drunk and lonely and Harry is a number graffiti'd on a loo stall door that Zayn texts. A lot.)
like a sledgehammer by colourexplosion - 5k
Harry’s a good flatmate otherwise. He doesn’t ask questions when Zayn leaves without telling him for a few days and comes back looking refreshed and a bit younger than before. He doesn’t burst into Zayn’s room unannounced and he respects the fact that Zayn doesn’t go out during the day unless it’s absolutely necessary.
And if he’s figured out Zayn’s a vampire, he’s never brought it up.
Or, Zayn's a vampire and Harry's his human roommate.
let me be the one who calls you baby by alnima - 8k
“You look lovely, you hunk of man meat,” Harry declares, winking at Zayn.
Zayn blinks at Harry, his movements stilling for just a second before he continues to crawl into bed. He settles back against the pillows, wets his lips, and says, “What did you just call me?”
“Hunk of man meat,” Harry repeats, and it sounds kind of silly the second time that he says it.
“Right, I thought so."
Dancing On My Own by rilla - 59k
A Four Weddings and a Funeral au. Zayn and Harry keep meeting at weddings over the years, and slowly fall in love.
baby i’ll never leave if you keep holding me this way by estrella30 - 10k
“Does he have your mark?” his mum asks. Zayn shakes his head. He’d looked at Harry’s wrist explicitly for the edgings of Zayn’s family crest but couldn’t find anything. Not that that means Harry’s not the one; it might need a touch or connection to come to the surface. Zayn’s not sure he wants to find out though. He doesn’t know if he’s strong enough to know for certain.
“Ah, well. It could be coming,” she adds, and Zayn shrugs. She’s silent for another moment, before quietly adding, “You could pick him, you know.” She sounds thoughtful, distant even. Zayn wonders what she’s thinking about, what she’s remembering. “If you want to that is. I know you’ve not been looking for your mate Zayn, but maybe this was what you needed. Maybe you needed your mate to find you.”
or - Zayn is an immortal modern times non evil sexual incubus who is reluctant to find his mate. And then he meets Harry.
all that is gone and all that’s to come by greenandgolden - 10k
Once upon a time, Zayn’s Instagram had been littered with photos of Harry. Some of them together, some of him alone. One of Harry sleeping in Zayn’s bed, his face a bit puffy and his hair a wild mess sprawled across Zayn’s pillowcase. Pictures of them with each other’s families from holidays and birthdays, everyone with smiles on their faces and their arms wrapped around each other. Most of those photos are saved on Harry’s phone, hidden away because he couldn’t bear to delete them but at the same time he can’t stomach looking at how happy they were together versus how miserable he is now that he’s alone.
a post break up au
i fall in love whenever we meet by leighbot - 5k
“You had on operation on your back, babe. D’you not remember?” the man says as he reaches a hand out to rub gently at Harry’s chest.
Harry turns back again, feeling queasy with all of the movements. “No. I’m sorry… are you my doctor, too?”
“No, I’m not your doctor. My name is Zayn, H. Do you remember me?”
“Zayn,” Harry repeats, enjoying the way the word buzzes at the tip of his tongue.
Or, the one where Harry has temporary amnesia after surgery; he doesn't need his memories to know he loves Zayn.
He Feels Like Home by moonstarwrites - 21k
Under the impression that he would never meet his soulmate because others in his family faced the same circumstance, Zayn married Perrie and built a life with her. While that life wasn't anything out of the ordinary, it would do. Then, Zayn met his soulmate, Harry.
Love Is Blind (and darling, right now, I can’t see you) by purpledaisy - 35k
Harry had squeezed his eyes shut pretending it was real for the moment, that Zayn was actually his. Still, it doesn’t matter if the lights flashing behind his eyelids were the brightest they’d ever been because Zayn must have had his eyes wide open just waiting for it to be over. - Written for the prompt: pretend boyfriends
Boy with a Coin by Archangel_Blood - 29k
A piece of paper falls out of the bundle, and Louis snatches it and starts reading before Zayn can prise it off him.
“He’ll have eyes as green as frogs.” Louis arches an eyebrow at his brother. “Very romantic, Zayn. He’ll wear sparkly boots and he’ll be marvellously kind. He can juggle, and he—four nipples?” Louis barks out a laugh. “Zayn, such person doesn’t exist!”
by thisonegoes - 87k
Zayn's dad explained it to him in a small speech, the day she was born."No one prepares you for it. There aren't any manuals. Sometimes being a good parent means simply keeping your kid alive. Keep them breathing, make sure they're safe, love them until you could burst with it. On days when everything feels especially hard, just remember that your kid is Number One. Everything else becomes secondary. Less than. Minuscule by default. And believe me when I tell you this: when she eventually paints you a picture, sings you a song, does a cartwheel... always be sure to clap. If you're proud, make sure to say so."An AU about being a father, having faith, and growing up.
What If This Storm Ends by Archangel_Blood - 18k
Despite all evidence to the contrary, Harry does actually know how to take a hint; sometimes he just chooses not to. It’s not that he particularly enjoys disappointment, but he can deal with it. What ifs, on the other hand, those are the paper cuts and grazed knees that seem like nothing much, yet they take forever to heal, itching and stinging and driving you mad.
Give It All Away To You by disarm_d - 10k
“Zayn’s got love at first sight,” Louis says. “Again.”
University AU in which Zayn and Harry figure out how to give each other what they want.
we can take the darkness by leighbot - 72k
“I’ve met the guy and he’s always making eyes at you when you’re not looking.”
“No, he isn’t,” Zayn dismisses, finishing off his second glass of water. “I would have noticed if Harry ‘made eyes’ at me,” he says, using the air quotes. “We’ve been best mates for over three years.”
“That’s why I said: when you’re not looking,” Griff repeats. “It’s like you’ve never seen a Sandra Bullock movie.”
Zayn rolls his eyes and stands up. “Harry Styles and I are best friends,” he says, loudly and clearly. “Nothing more.”
Entangled Arms (or a vacant space) by vinoharry - 43k
When Harry first approached him at the bar, hips swinging and walking dick first, Zayn thought it was going to a night of perfunctory small talk before they fell into bed together. But Zayn got so much more than he bargained for.
new clothes, bloody nose by dutty (vodka) - 22k
The one where Zayn is an escort and Harry happens.
a sky full of stars by weddingbells - 20k 
In which Harry Styles is a librarian and Zayn Malik reads lots of books, and Harry pines and Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan tries to help him to get the boy who might be the boy of his dreams, and Harry just wants to know everything about the tattooed angel he can't stop thinking about. Basically.
You Might Just Be What I Need by PornyZiallFeels - 47k
Saw Zayn again today
Figured you would that’s the thing with dot n his daughter being mates
Runnin into him might become a regular thing now
Fuck me
your love is a waiting game by alnima - 26k
It’s been four days without Harry and Zayn’s feeling brave. He loves him, but he’s not waiting for him, not anymore. If Harry can’t love him – won’t love him – then he’ll find someone else.
When All I Want Is You by estrella30 - 9k
The flat is small. It’s tiny and cramped and nearly everything that’s inside is either broken or on its way to needing to be fixed. They’re never going to fit all of their things here, and will be in each other's faces every second of their lives.
Zayn absolutely cannot wait. It’s tiny but it’s theirs. It’s going to be theirs.
When Harry moves out a year later and Zayn’s left alone, the flat’s never seemed so big.
or - Zayn and Harry move in together and don't have a lot of money and everything falls apart (and then gets put back together)
where did the party go by shuttermutt - 34k
"…insofar as the two parties who want to wed should decide to do so before they have both reached the age of eighteen (section 1.ii) they will have a period of one year henceforth to decide if the marriage is fruitful and if not, they shall be allowed to part as if having not been married in the first place…" Section 2 of the 'Romeo and Juliet law', passed into law in Britain and its territories, 1803
They duck into a tattoo parlour that’s halfway between the city centre and Harry’s mum’s and Zayn gets two black lines carefully inked onto his left ring finger. He smiles up at Harry while it’s being done.
"It’ll last forever," he says. "Just like us."
Conspire Against the Odds by whatwasthatharry - 38k
“Louis?” he asks, eyebrows knitted together as he tries to process what just happened.
“Yeah, Z?”
He sounds tired, and Zayn finds himself wondering if it's because it's clear something is weighing on Harry..
“Is everything okay with Harry?”
(A story in which Zayn meets Harry during their senior year of college and immediately becomes infatuated with him. But Harry disappears most nights, and it's clear he's hiding something. Zayn wants desperately to know what's going on, but no one seems to want to tell him anything.)
In A Flash by hmarie - 24k
Zayn found Harry slouched in the corner of the destroyed nursery. His hands covering his face as tears streamed down his cheeks. The white crib Zayn had spent five hours making sure was put together 100% correctly, flipped over and smashed to pieces. Zayn had to step over the crumpled blue bedding in order to even get to Harry.
“I can’t do it anymore, Z.” Harry’s sobs tore their way from his chest.
Zayn’s fingers trailed across Harry’s cheeks, wiping away the remaining tears. He cradled Harry’s face between his palms as a few more tears slid from his own eyes. He slowly nodded. “Regroup, we can do that.” Zayn let his forehead rest against Harry’s as he gently leaned forward to capture Harry’s lips. “Let’s get out of this room.” He quickly stood and pulled Harry with him.
Or- Harry and Zayn give up on their dream but Gemma won't let them.
you can drive all night by liquidmeasure - 25k
"Harry needs someone to guide him, to tell him where to put each part of himself. It feels right somehow, and lately maybe something more than right, because sometimes he catches himself contemplating intentional accidents, just to see if Zayn will come running, where he’ll touch Harry. An elbow, a shoulder, the curve of his waist."
Harry doesn't know where to put his parts. Zayn helps him figure it out. Louis yells a lot.
Million Dollar Man by soyane - 50k
Harry is a student, who'd much rather focus on writing articles and participating in conferences than working to pay for his bills.
Zayn might have a proposition for him.
What If This Storm Ends by Archangel_Blood - 18k
Despite all evidence to the contrary, Harry does actually know how to take a hint; sometimes he just chooses not to. It’s not that he particularly enjoys disappointment, but he can deal with it. What ifs, on the other hand, those are the paper cuts and grazed knees that seem like nothing much, yet they take forever to heal, itching and stinging and driving you mad.
Once upon a different life by withbatedbreath (heart_eyes) - 45k
Zarry version of The Vow
When it comes to love you're an easy fight by orphan_account - 11k
AU. Harry never really could say no to people.
Hands All Over by blainedarling - 8k
“Point is,” Louis leans over the back of the sofa. “Point is, that Harry Styles has got a very good bum. And I feel very confident in saying that having seen it up close and in person now, too.”
The room goes very still, and quiet. Even Niall stops eating.
“What was that?” Zayn asks, as calmly as he can manage. This is Harry Styles they’re talking about. It’s not like he’s got a crush or anything, but— He might have gotten off to that photo of him on holiday in the tiniest of tiny yellow shorts more times than he would care to admit.
“Harry Styles,” Louis replies coolly, his eyes twinkling. “Was signing off on his pre-exercise questionnaire upstairs when I was on my way down.”
—or, the one where Zayn tries and fails to massage his celebrity crush without getting massively turned on.
Tight Lips and Cold Feet by mmaree - 17k
He remembers an intensity of feelings but not a lot of words.  He recalls drunken laughter with mates, sunny days and shy smiles, shit weed and tattoo parlours, cold sheets and burning touches.  Harry recalls a fantasy where real life took a backseat, where all that mattered was that they were young and alive.
At some point, Harry got scared.  He needed something he could hold on to, something he could be sure of.  But the more he dug for reassurance, the more Zayn clammed up.
And the more they f*cked.
Maybe Zayn saved his words for his books when he should have spoken them aloud.  Maybe Harry should have ended it better instead of running away like a coward.
Then again, maybe he should just stop dwelling on the past.
Or the one where Harry gets cold feet.  Three years later, Harry’s an editor and Zayn is the new writer he’s been assigned to work with.  
They have a lot more than just a book to work out.
Readiness is Near by greenandgolden - 13k
“Morning everybody, sorry I’m late.”
Harry looks up from his tablet, his heart dropping when he sees Zayn walking into the room. He’s heading for the desk in the front and no, this is not happening. Harry did not just douse his professor in coffee. He did not just give his professor his shirt and his phone number.
A teacher!zayn, (adult) student!harry kidfic.
hey moon (please forget to fall down) by leighbot - 7k
He spots a tape on the nightstand on his side, next to a glass of water and two small paracetamols. Zayn, watch me is written on a sticky note and Zayn smiles, confused, as he scoots closer to the edge.
Or, a 50 First Dates AU.
on the line by alnima - 32k
Zayn nods and watches him, feeling like he should feel relieved. Mostly he’s worried. It’s a silly thought, but sometimes Zayn wonders if Harry has some boyfriend across town that he goes to see on nights like this, nights where the air feels different between them. And because even after six years, it’s never made sense to Zayn why Harry, a salesman, needs to spend so much time at the office at night. But who is he to have suspicions when he’s about to head out and deal with some drug trafficker across town?
Or, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the Zarry version
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alexenglish · 5 years
Why do you trust Z and Niall?? I honestly ignore Louis because it’s the same shit of ‘just when I was starting to feel like I had a place we broke up’ like?? Get over it and realize you didn’t really have a spot in 1D to begin with.
except he did wym??? don’t be shady.
Zayn and Niall have been the most consistent with how they talk about 1D in their post-1D careers so I trust that. Louis obviously went through some shit with Zayn and had already lied during mitam promo about how the band regarded Zayn. Liam’s backtracked and retracked and explained and resplained so many times I’m not even sure what his official stance is currently, and Harry’s… Harry. the way he talks around things… you know. I genuinely think that the way the latter three rely on their 1d narrative to inform their solo careers differs so their soundbites differ and that’s their prerogative but also I don’t trust what they have to say about it lmao
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Idk if you’re still doing the prompts (it’s okay if you’re not, I understand), but ziall and #18 pretty please? xx
thank you!! I got a little carried away with this one
ziall: as encouragement
A drop of sweat falls from Zayn’s forehead and lands on his phone, blurring the words he’s been reading over and over from his hiding spot away from the dance floor. He wipes it off with his thumb, irritation rising as the motion causes the text to scroll all the way down and lose his place.
Fucking Hawaii.
Harry and Louis had sold everyone on their plan with photos of the resort and promises of swim-up bars and endless beaches, but they’d neglected to mention the humidity. How it gets into your clothes and your hair, causing everything to permanently wilt. Even after the sun’s gone down, Zayn can still feel the moisture in the air.
Fucking destination wedding.
Zayn cranes his neck for a look at the party. It’s a relatively small group, maybe thirty of them altogether, clad in bright colors and leis and singing along as they twist and shout. Utterly carefree, reveling in the cheesiness of it all. It’s easy for them. They don’t have a fucking speech to give.
Well, one of them does, Zayn remembers when his gaze lands on Niall. He’s always the life of the party and this one is no exception. Perched on Liam’s shoulders, his white dress shirt half unbuttoned, swaying as he takes a gulp of beer. No anxiety clawing at his insides before it’s time to make his toast.
Zayn would hate him, but there’s the minor issue of having been secretly in love with him for going on two years now getting just slightly in the way of that. It hadn’t been unrequited love at first sight when Louis dragged Zayn along to meet his new boyfriend and his friends. No, it was so much worse than that. The two groups had blended seamlessly, not just that first night but from then on. Niall quickly became one of Zayn’s closest friends, the person whose texts he would actually reply to and who could get him to join in their pick-up football games.
The weirdest part was how effortlessly he’d woven himself into Zayn’s life. That doesn’t just happen; it usually takes Zayn years to let someone in and trust them so completely. He’d only admitted that he considered Louis his best friend when they’d applied to the same college, and they’d met the first day of junior high. But there was just something about Niall, right from the start.
Zayn wipes the sweat from his forehead as he watched Niall cackle from his perch. He can’t quite hear the sound, but his brain automatically supplies it to match the image. Biting his lip, he lets himself watch while his mind drifts to his oft-revisited list of things he loves about Niall.
Niall’s easy going, completely at home and comfortable in his own skin, no matter the company. Something about being next to Niall always emboldens Zayn, gets him to relax at least a little bit.
The phrase “salt of the earth” might as well have been invented just for him. Unlike most people, he says what he means and means what he says. He shows up when he says he will. He doesn’t call attention to his own problems, he just gets on with it. He accepts thank yous, but never seems to need one.
He’s smart. And not just book smart, he has emotional intelligence in spades. He knows how to laugh at himself when he’s wrong, though.
He’s fun. He loves to laugh. He wears dumb socks with weird prints.
He watches golf, for fuck’s sake. Even plays it occasionally. That’s when Zayn knew he was a goner, when he let Niall drag him to a driving range.
He’s… looking right over at Zayn.
Fuck. Zayn quickly steps out of sight, leaning against the wall that hides him from everyone, but he’s sure it’s too late. Niall has spotted him hiding and will be over to investigate in five… four… three… two… one…
Niall’s cheerful voice precedes him and Zayn briefly considers making a run for it, but he’s too slow. Niall rounds the corner and grins, throwing his arms out for a hug. And Zayn is weak, he’s a weak, pathetic man who takes what he can get, so he allows himself to be drawn into Niall’s arm, accepts the sloppy kiss to his wilted, sweaty hair, and returns the hug.
“What,” Niall starts as he pulls back, keeping his hands on Zayn’s shoulders. “What are you doing back here?”
“Speech,” Zayn mumbles, holding up his phone. “I was just going over it.”
“Speech!” Niall exclaims, shaking Zayn gently by the shoulders. “Fuck, I forgot about that. I’m gonna have to wing mine, Harry’ll kill me.”
Zayn rolls his eyes. Of course Niall forgot about his fucking speech while Zayn has been agonizing over his in the corner all night. If that doesn’t just about sum the two of them up.
“Nah, he’s not going to kill you,” Zayn grumbles, shaking Niall off so he can find his cigarettes and lighter in his pockets. “Because you’re going to crush it after I stammer through mine and fuck it all to shit.”
“Fuck it all to shit,” Niall repeats, looking mildly impressed at the curse. “You sure you’re not any Irish?”
Zayn laughs in spite of himself as he finds his pack and lights himself a cigarette. He takes a drag and leans back against the wall, closing his eyes.
“I don’t know if I can do it,” he says quietly, half hoping Niall doesn’t hear him. He senses Niall shift to lean against the wall next to him, feels the body heat along his.
“Why not, Z?”
Add that to the list: a fondness for nicknames.
“You know me,” Zayn replies, wiping sweat from his forehead again. “I just… I don’t like public speaking, I clam up and my head starts pounding and nothing comes out right.”
“You always do better than you think,” Niall remarks. Zayn doesn’t look, but he’s sure Niall shakes his head at him. “But look, it’s a smaller group than if they’d got married at home, right? All people you know. Does that help?”
“Honestly?” Zayn says, taking another drag as he flicks his eyes over to Niall, who’s watching him intently. “I can’t tell if it’s better or worse.”
“Yeah,” Niall says, wrinkling his brow. “Feels like a lot of pressure, huh?”
“It’s for Lou, you know?” Zayn replies. He runs a hand through his hair and immediately regrets it, having to wipe the sweat off on his pants. “I just… I want him to know I’m really happy for them. I don’t want to fuck it all to shit.”
“You’ve got it all written out?” Niall asks, gesturing to Zayn’s pocket where he’d stuffed his phone. When Zayn nods, he continues, “Okay. It’s not how you say the words that’s gonna matter to Louis, the actual words are what’s going to matter.”
Zayn nods again, begrudgingly admitting to himself that Niall has a point.
“So, here’s what you’ll do,” Niall explains, pushing off the wall to face Zayn fully. “Just read it right off your phone, and I’ll stand at the front of the crowd, so when you look up, you’ll see me, and you’ll know I’m not, like, judging you or anything. Because I won’t be. I wouldn’t.”
Zayn closes his eyes for a moment. He can’t look Niall in the eyes as he makes that kind of promise, it’s too much. It’s too hard, knowing he doesn’t feel the same way.
“Then,” Niall says, and Zayn can hear the smile in his voice so he peeps an eye open. “Then, when we get back, you can print it out all nice and frame it, give it to them. You know them, they’ll eat that shit up with a spoon. Harry might cry.”
Zayn laughs as he tosses his cigarette stub to the ground and crushes it with his heel. Before he can stop himself, he’s pulling Niall in for a hug, swaying him side to side and murmuring “thank you” in his ear. Chances are he’s actually going to get through this night and it’s all down to Niall.
There’s another kiss pressed to his sweaty hair, a soft one this time. Hesitant. Zayn stops swaying, frozen in place. It’s like he’s forgotten how to move, but so has Niall. They’re just standing in a hallway holding each other.
In the distance, the music cuts out and Louis’ voice over a microphone travels over to them but Zayn can’t quite make out the words. At some point, he’s going to have to remember how to move. He has a speech to give. But so does Niall. And Niall’s just standing stock still, his arms around Zayn.
What is going on?
Finally, Zayn shifts back far enough to meet Niall’s eyes. He parts his lips to say something, though he has no idea what, and Niall leans in and captures them in a kiss. Still soft, still hesitant. And fucking perfect. Zayn’s lips move automatically to meet Niall’s, and then the two of them move together, slowly. It’s several kisses, really, but all wrapped up into one. One all-consuming kiss, the likes of which Zayn has dreamed about, but never believed would actually happen.
What the fuck is going on?
Harry’s voice booms over the microphone and this time Zayn can make out his name. They break apart, both panting slightly, and look into each other’s eyes.
“You’re going to crush it, baby,” Niall whispers. He tucks a lock of Zayn’s hair behind his ear. “Just look at me, like I’m the only one there, okay?”
“Okay,” Zayn says, letting out a shaky breath. He steels himself to say something, he has to, he needs to know what this means. “And then–”
“And then I’d say we have some things to talk about,” Niall says gently. He squeezes Zayn’s hip before his heart has a chance to fall, and pecks his lips. “Like how I’ve had feelings for you for a long, long time.”
Another peck to Zayn’s lips.
“And I promised myself…”
One more peck to Zayn’s lips.
“… that I’d actually do something about it on this trip.”
A last lingering kiss.
“Is that okay?”
The question is so absurd that Zayn wants to laugh. But looking into Niall’s clear blue eyes (another thing to add to the list), he stifles it, promising himself to tell Niall how ridiculously, over the top, gloriously okay that is later.
He has a speech to give.
send me a ship and a number and I’ll write a kiss
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1dreality · 6 years
Zayn Malik was never the celebrity you thought he was. If it wasn’t already obvious from his detached, often melancholic interviews in the wake of his 2015 departure from One Direction, it will be from the title of his second solo album. The very elongated 27-track Icarus Falls is comprised of more of the sparse R&B that Malik has perfected since his first release Mind of Mine in 2016, but like its titular myth is also indebted to themes of incredible ascent and crushing decline.
A decline not of Malik’s career, it should be said, but rather of his own mental health, the album serving as both an intimate meditation on Malik’s life so far and a dire warning about the trauma of instant fame. It all leads to one obvious question: Is Zayn OK?
In an age of millennial openness and Instagram confessionals, Malik remains something of an outlier: an enormously famous and highly visible celebrity, but one whose ambiguity allows us to project much onto him. In our collective consciousness, he has been the 1D-fleeing villain, smoking cigarettes, being mean to his bandmates on Twitter and looking miserable as well as the “soft boy” pin-up, a vulnerable figure in desperate need of a hug.
Much of that ambiguity is intentional. Along with declining to tour Mind of Mine, Malik is often press-shy, choosing not to take part in TV sit-downs or play the social media game in an era in which somebody like Ariana Grande spends much of the waking day interacting with her fans on Twitter and Instagram.
And while Malik has been open about some of his past struggles, including his battle with an eating disorder at the height of his One Direction fame and consistent difficulties with anxiety, they’re often revelations that feel accidental in nature. We learn of them during an unexpected moment of truth-telling between him and a journalist, the subject quickly changed soon after, or through lyrics that are just descriptive enough to imply deep truths. Even talking about his anxiety in an essay for Time Magazine felt like a necessary course-correction after a string of cancelled gigs led to unflattering rumours about his health in the press.
Whether Malik’s public persona is intended as a protective mask or not, it is still difficult, particularly in the wake of Icarus Falls, not to feel something for him. After all, his jump from a working-class kid to an international superstar worth a reported $50 million, practically overnight, is the sort of trajectory most of us would struggle with at the age of 40, let alone at 17 when Malik auditioned for The X Factor.
Icarus Falls doesn’t cover any new sonic ground for Malik as an artist. It sees him return to the same well of threadbare, silky R&B that helped Mind of Mine easily trounce his fellow One Direction bandmates in the “best first solo record” stakes. But it does whirr with a noticeable sadness, Malik repeatedly mourns the peace of his pre-X Factor past and beats himself up for mistakes he feels that he’s made since. And when he speaks of emotional pain, it often sounds not like something confined to history, but rather something he’s dealing with every day.
“I’d rather be anywhere but here,” he sings on Good Years. “I close my eyes and see a crowd of a thousand tears / I pray to God I didn’t waste all my good years.” On Insomnia: “I’ve been roaming and strolling all in the streets / Burning my eyes red, not slept for weeks.” On Back to Life: “I been flying so long / Can’t remember what it was like to be sober.” On Satisfaction: “Nobody said this would be easy / Nobody gave me a rule book to follow.”
Even typical love songs are fatalistic in nature, talk of Armageddon running through both Flight of the Stars (“I will follow / Hold you close standing on the edge of no tomorrow”) and Tonight (“Love me like tomorrow’s never gonna come”), while much of the album nods to an unnamed great love in Malik’s life that he needs to overcome incredible odds to be with – nothing new for love songs, but given a greater weight when paired with his statements over the years. Because if we know anything about Zayn Malik, it’s that he often can’t stand being Zayn Malik.
Through much of the little press he has done, Malik has expressed unease with most of the trappings of fame, particularly the assumptions that he ought to be personable and friendly with industry figures or musical collaborators. And when it comes to One Direction, he still appears burnt by the experience. While he told Vogue in November that he has recently been able to see his time with the band as “an amazing experience,” despite the “bulls---” of what he refers to as “the machine,” he also told GQ in June that he didn’t make any actual friends during the peak of his fame: “I definitely have issues trusting people.”
In the numerous articles that pop up every winter recalling how good The X Factor used to be, clips are embedded that showcase many of its most memorable contestants, and every year it becomes that bit more shocking how much One Direction looked like children during their time on the show. The scrawny limbs, those Justin Bieber haircuts, the awkward school-talent-show bopping and shuffling. It somehow worked, enough at least to turn them into a tween phenomenon, but in hindsight it’s indefensible that they were pushed as significantly as they were.
There was always something deer-in-the-headlights about the band in its early days, a sense that at least a few of them had been pulled along for the ride as opposed to having a firm grip on the steering wheel. The hunger so visible in pop bands of similar notoriety, whether manufactured or not, wasn’t always visible – and while all of them have transitioned into stable adults who are, for the most part, comfortable in the spotlight, their jarringly different responses to fame remain clear.
It’s important to remember, for context’s sake, that Malik was always a reluctant star. Only attending his original X Factor audition after being guilted by his mother into waking up early and making the journey there, he was, in his own words to The Fader, “a lazy teen”. And even during the audition stages, he expressed reluctance to properly join in, walking off stage during a choreography rehearsal and having to be coaxed to go back. At the time, Malik’s reaction registered as a petulant strop, but now feels oddly prescient.
Of Malik’s One Direction bandmates, Harry Styles was always the most naturally inclined to superstardom – such an affable schmoozer and networker that it was quickly no longer surprising to see images of him palling around with Mick Jagger or Stevie Nicks. Liam Payne always bore the personality of someone very eager to be seen, lack of self-awareness very much included, while the perpetually chipper Niall Horan has always simply appeared very, very happy to be there. But both Malik and Louis Tomlinson have often visibly struggled, uninspired by the more performative and fraudulent elements of celebrity, or the levels of attention handed to them by Simon Cowell and co.
“What I really can’t ever get used to, or really enjoy, are these super geared-up celebrity parties,” Tomlinson told Noisey last year. “No one actually cares. You see people who are beyond self-absorbed, and that’s why it can be a dangerous place.”
Malik has echoed similar sentiments. “I don’t work well in group situations, with loads of people staring at me,” he told GQ. “And when you say ‘star’… everyone wants you to be this kind of character that owns a room or is overly arrogant or confident. I’m not that guy, so I don’t want to be a star.”
What’s odd is that, for all his claims, Malik does bear all the superficial trappings of modern stardom. He’s a fashion darling but is permanently magnetised to the covers of cool indie magazines. Furthermore, his on-again/off-again relationship with supermodel Gigi Hadid has, since 2015, become a Generation Z equivalent of Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder in its aesthetic-heavy, era-defining popularity.
But Malik is also simultaneously detached. The GQ profile, his most extensive recent interview, bears all the hallmarks of a journalist struggling to fulfil a word count because of an uncommunicative subject, writer Carrie Battan even expresses Malik’s tendency to reply to her questions in “friendly but anodyne one-liners.” Like the very best of pop idols, from Britney to Beyoncé, Malik is so compelling principally because he’s so hard to read. But this can also be a poisoned chalice: every expression of doubt or self-pity determined to be a cry for help, every revelation shaping an image that may or may not be real.
It means that listening to Icarus Falls isn’t an entirely joyous experience, Malik’s lyrics painting a picture of a young man still working through the discomfort of his sudden fame and the trauma of a moment in the spotlight marred by illness and fractured relationships, many of its scars still visible today. But it’s also a record that you can’t help but admire as a result, especially if it serves as a form of catharsis for him.
In the decade since Britney Spears was forcibly taken to the hospital surrounded by hundreds of paparazzi photographers, our collective relationship with the idea of fame has greatly altered, particularly for a generation who watched Amy Winehouse essentially die before their eyes. The one beneath them are currently coming to terms with a raft of recent pop star crises, from Demi Lovato’s overdose to the deaths of artists like Mac Miller and Lil Peep.
For all the obvious charms in Malik’s life, from his incredible fortune to a kind of artistic freedom that he never had in One Direction, you’d have to be particularly cold not to feel empathy for the sheer strangeness of his adult existence; a world of rampant, maddening attention that has historically led even the strongest of stars into tragedy.
The Zayn Malik of today is a little bruised, a little listless, his magazine profiles never complete without references to the cloud of marijuana smoke that lingers around him, or his need to lock himself away from the world. It doesn’t sound like the most ideal of outcomes for a man who calls himself a pop idol Icarus and sings with whispery detachment that he has “[flown] too close to the sun.” But we can only hope that it at least serves as a parachute.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 6 years
Freddie was by no means the firstsame Louis related thing that was handled needlessly badly from a pr pov. He handled larrie badly, compare and contrast with Mendes. He handled the weedvid badly. An apology (like mamy before) him, would have saved him alot of rat emojis. He imo pushed for handling the racism thrown at Z badly 'never mind all that shit' instead of direct call outs. Idk if its Louis' rumoured stubborness and hard headedness or possibly his and/or mgts desire to always, even when utterly morally reprehensible, keep all parts of the fanbase 'onside' by this attitude of never explain never apologise. Idt its proof of mgt 'sabotage' but maybe a deep lack of trust, bad feelings, miscommunication led to L refusing to work with pr. So he makes these glaring, jarring mistakes. Blow ups followed by silence. Even after Z left, during MITAM promo, those tight lipped one line answers. Niall never being allowed to answer. I think that was L again.
I think he has some mgt potentialin terms of developing and encouraging acts. But pr wise? I think he has too adversarial an attitude sometimes. You could see it the last time they were on Graham Norton, almost like he was waiting to take offence. You have to play the game in some respects. Privacy about petsonal life? OK, best have some other party tricks up your sleeve. Completely schtum about your bandmate leaving, going from 'we're all brothers' to 'work colleagues' with no explanation. You're pushing the patience of chat show hosts who are trying to entertain an audience who most def are not going to be fascinated by ten minutes on your 'process'. I've seen hosts actively wanting to help them give 'good tv' and be stonewalled by boting repetitive answers. In my larrie days I used to think it was all mgt! sabotage! Now I think sometimes L was too stubborn and too defensive and too afraid to trust for his own or the bands good. I think xfc has given him alot of confidence tho.
I hope he to roll with the punches and keep things in perspective for real. He *says* he does this but so many things about him make me feel he actually just buries it deeper inside and builds up defensiveness, instead of truly letting things go. Nothing about Freddies media hamdling strucl me as odd when I stood back and realised @Louis is Louis. It all looked familiar to how Larry was handled, how Z leaving was, or even that dj twitter row last year. Emotional outbursts, followed by too much silence If Louis didn't have a pr team he really trusted, or didn't want to trade favours it may not have been so simple to have Freddies birth handled the way he wanted. Also UAs in this fandom are a scary force by themselves and almost certainly by then some at least were firmly team Azoff in their loyalty.
So maybe Louis didn't know which way to turn. Maybe didnt trust B either. Also whats ALWAYS left out of larrie/babygate/anti analysis, is how lucrative, how locked in and easily guaranteed the larrie market is itself. They're the fallback, those rainbow filled IICF pause shrieking crowds proved that. What would really really break my heart is the idea of Louis being badgered in that year to keep that stringing along for MITAM and HS1. Larries were so proud of the effect of their 'boycott' of Four. I wonder though just how long reaching was that effect.
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briannamarguerite · 7 years
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Hello, Lovelies! I’ve read about 30 amazing fics in January (and I only finish ones I like, so I rec all these). Thank you to the authors for sharing your talent!! You guys are rockstars, and I love you. These are in the order I read them. xox 
to the light by @fondleeds 
Harry is a mermaid lost at sea and Louis is a boy determined to make his first Christmas a memorable one. Gorgeously written, an absolute fave
Unbelievers by @isthatyoularry
The one where Louis and Harry definitely aren’t friends, and football is everything. A re-read, and I loved it just as much
Frankincense-ational by @londonfoginacup
Harry Styles works at the Hillsyde Library with his friend Zayn and best mate Niall. Louis is a fireman. Emmi has the best, funniest brain and you must read
Faded From This Touch by @allwaswell16
Louis Tomlinson is about to make his long awaited return to music. His label feels his hair isn't in tune with his image. So cute!! based on the haircut manip
A Dream is a Soft Place to Land by @lululawrence
Harry might have told his friends that he was dating someone and has to show proof for their party on New Year's Eve. My b-day fic :)) w/all my fave things!!!
A Snail's Pace by @phd-mama
A late night misunderstanding might just change Louis' life. super cute, super short, super funny. love it a lot
But Why Wonder, Why Wonder? by @100percentsassy
Marcel Styles has improbably landed a job in the fashion industry, and Louis Tomlinson is the actor-turned-lingerie-designer he’s been infatuated with for years. a re-read, a fave and I hadn’t realized it had a second chap. a gift.
For Reasons Wretched and Divine by @indiaalphawhiskey
An AU in two parts. Two boys, two stories, and hopefully, two chances at love. I loved this idea since it was just a prompt, and India totally did it justice. A fave. 
If the Surface Begs You Home by @becomeawendybird
Louis can't seem to stay away from the mysterious pregnant mermaid his friends introduce him to. You can always trust molly’s fics to be absolutely lovely
As if No One Knows Anything but Us by  whathappenedinwellington (a03)
YouTuber Louis watches Beauty Vlogger Harry’s coming out video. I got onto a YouTube kick, and this was very sweet. Bonus: they had twitter interaction first
A Life That We Share by @all-these-larrythings
Harry's son get bullied until Louis' son shows up. I don’t usually do kidfic, but this was *darling*. I love the premise, and harry and louis are so SOFT w/each other.
It's halftime. Are you ready to go? by @gaycousinlarry
Football is gay and Harry is trying to cope. (50 Reasons Fic). Overwhelmed Harry and really really really hot smut. you literally need this in your life.
Remind Me Again by @gaycousinlarry
The romantic platonic friends to lovers AU where they are forced to speak about everything that has always been unspoken. Guys, i was not okay after this. Its a gorgeous look at the way love isn’t always butterflies. It hurt, but it’s lovelyyyy
the sun comes back up by @gaycousinlarry
The Just Hold On AU where Harry is looking for an adventure and ends up with so much more. Oh have you noticed a trend? Go read everythings Eli’s done.
more fics below the jump - sorry it was getting so longggg ...
sidewalk angels echo hallelujah by @nooelgallagher 
When Louis' dog goes missing 7 days before Christmas, he doesn't have much hope for a Christmas reunion. Very cute missing dog fic
Sympathy For The Devil by @taggiecb
Or the one with Santa Harry and Satan Louis and a series of misspelled letters to Santa. Please read this it’s freaking cute as heck (yes i went there)
Woke Up Feeling Knotty by @jaerie
Beta Louis has a kink for knotting and the secret aesthetic porn blog he runs about it is more than proof. *So* unique, plus tumblr interactions!! Go read!!
this is no bridget jones by nicheinhischest (ao3)
Basically: it's a Giant American University AU Wherein Lots Of Things Happen To Everyone. This is Ziall (with Z pining over Liam), with a side of Larry, BUT F*ING READ THIS NOW it’s so soft, so lovely, even if you’re not into Ziall.
All the Silver Moons by @louandhazaf
Nick wakes up in a strange hotel room and is apparently visiting Louis on tour. You’e missing out if you dont read Tomlinshaw. love everything this author does.
Crave by @dimpled-halo​
Louis’ new talent at the record label is Harry Styles. But they’ve already met before -- at a BDSM club. Y’all. Y’allllll. i was sweating when i opened the fic, and then that phrase, you know the one. but its always really sweet too. fave!
The Things You Say Don't Drive Me Away by @londonfoginacup​
Louis thinks the boy who works at the bakery, with the big glasses and sweater vests, is pretty cute. short, marcel-y fic. seriously read everything emmu writes!
Out With The Old, In With The New by @jaerie​
Harry becomes the pack's new alpha and Louis can't wait to be bred. Holy hellllllllllo. incredibly hot werewolf sex. there’s just no way around it. go read it!
Wild Is A Fire by @leavingonatrain​
Nick has a kink. Louis uses it to his advantage. Yes more Tomlinshaw and it is *goooood* stuff. (the kink is daddy kin and there’s lots of jealousy too)
blinded me with sweater vests by  veterization (ao3)
Marcel really is the geekiest person Louis has ever seen. Sweet Marcel fic where he gets *hot* after high school but Lou liked him even when he wasn’t
i was at an all night diner by @yoursongonmyheart
the one where none of the boys can sleep and they all meet at a diner where it's always 3 a.m. The writing was gorgeous!! and ot5 feeeeelssss
Only Reason by @letsjustsee
Louis is most definitely not the world's foremost expert on beekeeping. He decides to roll with it anyway. This is HILARIOUS. so unique and cute!!!
If I Was Stronger by @haloeverlasting
A Girl Direction AU where Louis holds universes inside her, and Harry just wants to hold her. Brit’s gorgeous girl direction, with beautiful writing, complex, nuanced characters, and love that’s not always easy. go readdddd please!
*i read one more fic, but it’s anon so i’m going to wait til its revealed to inclued
The Romantic Prawn Who Loved Christmas by @bixgirl1
It's just like a holiday Hallmark movie! ...With, uhm, sleepwanking. Bix can do no wrong in my book! Loved this - I laughed, blushed and teared up!!!
If the Fates Allow by Saras_Girl (ao3)
A story about life's disregard for our plans. So soft, so sweet, Harry’s head over tailfeathers in love and it’s adorable.
BOOKS (why not? they were both fantastic)
Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda
They Both Die At The End
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missytearex · 6 years
To Read List - Ziall
This list is purely for myself to keep track of everything I still want to read. Its gonna change as I actually read though them and find more stuff to add.
Find fics I’ve already read here.
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playing from the same hand by brokendrums
Niall and Zayn grow closer on the European leg of the Where We Are Tour.
Zayn hums again, low from the base of his chest and Niall’s hand skims down Zayn’s arm six more times, Niall counts them slowly to match his rhythm, before it feels a bit more natural.
"Don’t think Perrie’ll make Paris,” Zayn finally says. And that’s that.
It’s Undoubtedly Love by sunshinexbomb
“So, Zayn Malik likes me,” Niall repeats, strumming subconsciously at the guitar that’s still in his hand. “Does he really like me, like me, like me? Do you think he does?” he sings to the same tune as before.
Liam and Louis both shrug. “Dunno, but that’s what he said. What are you going to do?” Liam asks.
“Nothing,” Niall replies, strumming out a few more chords.
“Nothing?!” Louis exclaims. “You’ve gotta do something. Zayn Malik just said he thinks you’re cute and you’re gonna do nothing?”
Niall’s the one to shrug this time. He takes off the snapback on his head, ruffles his hair a bit before saying, “Don’t think there’s really much I can do is there? Just gonna record my video now. Go on with life.”
In which Niall sings songs on YouTube, Zayn is an international pop-star, Harry tells stories, Louis does makeup, and Liam likes to take pictures.
Crawl Into Your Atmosphere by spibsy (lucy_and_ramona)
Niall doesn't see it coming. Zayn's on the football team. Niall's in marching band. This isn't supposed to happen, except... then it does. 
Bombshell Blond (Wired Up To Detonate) by slashter
“Correct me if I’m wrong,” Zayn starts, leaning forward and resting his chin on his hands. “But you look a little...nervous?” Niall scoffs but Zayn can see the worry underneath the surface. “Consider yourself corrected.” Zayn just raises an eyebrow at that, and eventually Niall groans, rubbing at his face. “Fuck. Okay, look, I’m not good at this whole--” he waves his hands around, “--wooing thing. I’m not someone who goes on dates and, like, does all that. I’ve never had the time to do that, even.” “You’ve never been in a relationship?” Zayn asks, a bit surprised. Niall blushes. “Never really cared about stuff like that, until I met you.”
[Or the one where Zayn's a spy, Niall's his target, and the whole world's their playground]
see the sparks filled with hope (you are not alone) by niallszayn
„Hello,” Niall mumbled, hot flush already crawling up his neck again. „I should…I won’t keep you from your work.” Zayn sighed a little and rubbed at his forehead, leaving a small smudge of dirt behind. Niall’s fingers twitched with how much he wanted to reach out and wipe it away. Ireland, 1923. When Niall returns from war, he’s not the same young man he was before. Back home at his parent’s mansion, it takes an old friend and young gardener to get him to open up. But what is Zayn to Niall? What can he be?
The One With The On-Screen Boyfriend by brokenstereotype
Zayn Malik plays the star role of Zander Phelps on the hit television drama show, Bradford Heights. When newcomer, Niall Horan is cast to be Zander's new love interest, things take an interesting turn for Zayn. It might not be the worst thing to happen.
An on-screen boyfriends AU that contains as much drama as there is sweet gay loving. Featuring in-love-but-nonhalant-about-our-feelings Liam/Louis and Harry as the chef roommate that is Zayn's biggest fan.
Out of Space, Out of Time by flares
Zayn: Hey, I’m Zayn. I’m here for our date.
For a few seconds, he just stares at the screen, tapping his fingers lightly against the table. Harry’s voice—“You’re fine, Zayn. You’re doing fine.” — barely registers in his head. The text ‘Niall is typing…’ pops up and Zayn wishes that he’d been more adamant about the alcohol. Wine is sounding really good right about now.
AU in which Zayn is new in town, Niall might not be where Zayn thinks he is, and Harry sets them up on a blind Skype date.
headlights, strobe lights (& we can take the long way) by restitched (beingothrwrldly)
Zayn and Niall go on an American road trip after Zayn graduates from uni.
Warnings for cursing, Niall making fun of Zayn, Zayn making fun of Niall, lots of selfies, lots of kissing, Zayn singing karaoke, Niall with too many feelings, and all of the donuts and waffles on the east coast.
lighthouse by justaboat
au. niall's been waiting for zayn his whole life. when he finally comes it might be too late.
i wanna hurry home to you by roofpizza
zayn is an actor; niall is a cameraman. hollywood sucks, but at least they've got each other
come take my pulse by nicheinhischest
"Everything’s always better when the sun comes up," Niall says, idly drawing a Z on Zayn’s elbow. Or an N. It’s hard to tell. “Sorta funny, when you think about it - whole world’s fucking dead, but the sun still rises and sets like nothing’s changed. The predictability is nice.”
Zayn sighs and tells him tiredly, “Y'know, you say eerily cheerful things for someone who bashed a zombie’s face in with a golf club today."
rhythm & blues by JaneKerkovich
Zayn thinks being a college freshman with an English major and a boyfriend in a frat is enough for him -- until he loses a bet, loses The X-Factor and loses Niall.
bruised giver, grit spinner by hungerpunch
"Niall's never seen romantic love in the real world. His parents were never married, but even the marriages he’s seen haven’t looked happy. He's seen love in the movies, sure, but the movies aren't about Dogtown. The romantic comedies aren't about poor kids with fucked up parents. They aren't about a skinny skater boy and his best friend. But maybe, he thinks, they should be."
A Z-Boys AU.
Experience Points by el_em_en_oh_pee
The good news is that Simon has decided to let Zayn start officially developing the game she and Liam have spent years talking about creating. The bad news is that, because Liam is bedridden after a debilitating accident, Simon puts the new girl, Niall, on the project with Zayn instead. The worse news is that Niall is just Zayn's type.
Some Nights I'm Scared You'll Forget Me Again by pukeandcry
Zayn stifles a groan. He’s not terribly surprised -- Harry’d been mooning over Louis since the day they met three years ago when Zayn had moved into the house next to him -- but he’d been hoping that Harry would eventually get over it and redirect his attention to someone else. This development does not bode well for that turn of events, though. (High School AU)
Not All Stories Have a Happy Ending by KelliDiane
Andy Samuels has been traded. His replacement, Niall Horan, doesn’t really impress the team captain, Zayn Malik.
10 things i ____ about you by robpatFF
“Did the doctors tell you anything already?”
Niall shrugs a little. The movement catches the collar of the too-big t-shirt he has on, one of Liam’s he must have stashed away in his bag. There’s a bruise on his shoulder, probably from the impact, hitting something hard, unmoving and solid. “Far as I know I’m thinking about trying out for X-Factor next month. They said that already happened.” He bites his lip, and his gaze flicks over at Zayn for a moment. “Did I win?”
Amnesia fic.
something about the boy by countthestars
About three things Niall is absolutely positive. First, Zayn is the most attractive person he’s ever seen in real life. Second, the chances he’s actually a vampire are, like, slim to none. Probably. And third, he’s going to kill Harry for putting that idea in his head in the first place.
if i was your boyfriend by countthestars
Zayn's an up-and-coming R&B musician. Niall's a uni student. It's complicated.
burning bright by countthestars
Sometimes people aren't what they seem.
what's a ghost to a nonbeliever by countthestars
Liam shoots Zayn a nervous look. “Zayn’s not,” he starts, clearing his throat. “Zayn doesn’t really believe in ghosts. He’s a, whatchamacallit, a--”
“A skeptic,” Harry says, green eyes gleaming. “How… intriguing."
when the moon hits your eye by countthestars
Niall delivers pizzas and Zayn's a little bit in love.
brighter than sunshine by countthestars
Zayn’s come to trust Niall, and Harry by extension, more than he does most people. Niall had seen through the chinks in Zayn’s armor and had gotten under his skin with impressive quickness. There are still parts of Zayn’s life, though, that he doesn’t know how to share.
Zayn’s learned to trust Niall with himself, he thinks, but he doesn’t know if he can trust him with the most important thing to him.
or; the one where Niall and Harry work in a bakery and Louis and Zayn are struggling to figure it all out.
all the stars align by countthestars
“Your mark,” the boy says. Niall glances down at the name scrawled across the inside of his bicep, his chest suddenly tight. “Yeah,” he murmurs. “'S kinda unusual, right? Never met a Zayn.” “I'm Zayn,” the boy tells him, sounding a bit strained.
Spin For You by sunshinexbomb
“You and Zayn will be going home together tonight if it’s the last thing Payno and I ever do. This pining has gone on too long.”
Niall rolls his eyes, muttering, “I’m not pining.”
“Totally are, mate,” Liam says sympathetically, cuddling into Niall’s side. “But it’s okay. Zayn totally is too. He’s just too,” Liam pauses, making some vague hand gestures, “y’know, to admit it.”
Or in which Niall has a big, huge obvious crush on Zayn and just won't admit it.
Where Everybody Knows Your Name by StormDancer
“Well boys,” he says, scratching at Harley’s head. Rhino barks at that, and Zayn obliges him by petting him too. Apparently, that means that he’s showing too much attention to the dogs, and Tigger appears from wherever she’d been hiding, taking her rightful place in his lap. “And girl,” Zayn adds, politely. “Guess we’re back.”
The Ground Whereon He Walks by StormDancer
“You could come home with me.”
“Yeah?” Zayn turns, waggles his eyebrows and leers. “You offering yourself as a rebound?”
“Hah,” Niall snorts, and glances down at the ground. “No, like. I’m going home to spend the summer, you could tag along, if you wanted.”
Zayn blinks. “To Ireland?”
like a cigarette in the mouth or a handshake in the doorway by zouee
i've been down across the road or two, but now i've found the velvet sun that shines on me and you // Zayn and Niall start living together
Come Get Back in Bed, We've Still Got Time Left by YinAndYangOnIce
based off of this really fucking cute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFYlRd85xsQ
Does It Ever Drive You Crazy? by YinAndYangOnIce
like I said based off of Karakura's work about after the Night Changes video, Niall goes to a convenience store to nurse his wounds after a date gone horribly, horribly wrong where he runs into Zayn, who's had a similarly awful night and they find a way to cheer each other up
The Tale Of Lucky and Bright Eyes by YinAndYangOnIce
Zayn is the editor-in-chief of his university's literary magazine who is dragged to a party by his best mates and meets Niall, a carefree, frat boy with whom he is instantly enamored. Soon after that party, someone starts writing anonymous love poems to him and sends them to the magazine.
I Major in Loving You by YinAndYangOnIce
“You told him what?” Liam crowed, staring at him with wide, judgmental eyes while Louis howled with laughter next to him. 
“I had no choice!” Niall said, dropping his head into his hands miserably.
“Actually, you did,” Liam said incredulously. “You could’ve told him that you weren’t actually part of the art program!”
“But he was putting words in my mouth and I didn’t want to tell him I’d stalked him there and he was really, really hot, Li, I didn’t want to freak him out,” Niall said pleadingly, as if he was appealing in court and Liam was a law student, so he wasn’t that far off.
Niall is an idiot in love and is just really bad at this romance thing.
How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep by brokendrums
Tour ends and Niall has insomnia. Zayn vows to cure it.
i set my clocks early 'cause i know i'm always late by theamazingpeterparker
Contrary to popular belief, signing up to be a TA in the US History to 1865 freshman course might be the best decision Niall's ever made.
Or, the one where Zayn reads a lot of books, and Harry reassures Niall that there's nothing wrong with wanting to sleep with your professor.
who let the dogs out by theamazingpeterparker
Zayn wants a puppy and Niall's a huge pushover.
skinny love, just last the year. by theamazingpeterparker
Zayn doesn't like Valentine's Day. Niall gives flowers to random people on the street.
you and me plus baby makes three by alnima
After the death of their friends, Zayn and Niall are forced to raise a baby together. Not like they have a problem with that, just a problem with each other.
follow the sun by carissima
Zayn needs a date to his cousin's wedding. Niall's ready, willing and available to be his plus one.
Or the one where Zayn and Niall are pretend boyfriends and it goes exactly how you think it goes.
perspective by words_unravel
per·spec·tive pərˈspektiv/
1. the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point. 2. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
or, a look at four ways Niall and Zayn are Niall and Zayn.
this is how it starts, lightening strikes the heart. by justaboat
zayn doesn't want to date niall (except that he kinda does), niall has a secret, louis is a little shit, and harry and liam are the roommates that give (mostly) bad advice.
You've Got This Spell On Me by VeronikaLP
The one where Niall is a cheery Hufflepuff on said house's Quidditch team and Zayn cheers for him even when he's a Ravenclaw. Featuring disgustingly-in-love Larry, and a pinch of Sophiam.
on the brink of by autopsyofwebs
Niall tries not to think about it. Knowing something and doing something about it are two different things. If anything, he thinks he should feel relief. He’s one of the lucky ones. A lot of people never meet one of their soul mates, much less get to speak to them or see them every day. It doesn’t have to mean anything, he tells himself, and still loses his breath every time he catches Zayn on the stairwell, the crease of his smile, the way he laughs like he’s glad to see him.
les mystères de l'horizon by hungerpunch
"Preferably heist!fic, but anything with ziall as partners in crime (con artists, hackers, assassins, etc.) in an ot5 team. I'd like for one of them to be new to the team and for Zayn and Niall to start off on the wrong foot."
we put the world away (we get so disconnected) by horlik_aholic
Greek Mythology AU where Niall's sad, Zayn's immortal, and Liam and Louis are doing what they can.
Featuring wrathed gods and ancient curses and dazzled Niall.
take a chance on me (you won't regret it) by liferuining_feels
“And what about you? What do you want?”
Niall can’t find his voice but he wants to say you. I want you.
Or the one where Niall tries to help his friends figure out what makes them happy. For Niall? He just wants Zayn.
The Picture of Zayn and Niall by mightierthanthecanon
Based on the prompt: English Lit professor Zayn is a bit confused as to why he's so fascinated with one of his students, Niall Horan.
After All This Time by justyrae
Niall had expectations about his years at Hogwarts, but none of them prepared him for meeting Zayn.
I Wanna Show You Where I Sleep, Keep You There A Couple Weeks by KayleeJohn
Zayn wants to complain that Louis said he’d have the bed until at least morning, but it comes out more of a strangled groan than anything else, “Ngh,” punctuated by a click in Zayn’s throat.
Or the one where Zayn accidentally ends up cuddling with Niall, but he kind of doesn't mind it.
maybe we found love right where we are by niallszayn
Zayn Malik is one of the hottest magazine editors in the industry but he's overworked, so his business partners suggest he get an assistant. Enter Niall Horan, who is quirky and fun and can't write an article to save his life, but he can make a mean frappuccino (and on one rare occasion, give an orgasmic back rub after a long stressful night) so Zayn keeps him around, but definitely not for his face, absolutely not, nope.
Where Do We Begin? by shipsdrifting
Clearly, if he's to follow Niall's lead, the protocol here is for both of them to pretend that they've never met, that they have no recollection of the events that unfolded between them that night.
Zayn takes a breath and sits up straighter. He can do this. Zayn can absolutely try to forget that night ever happened.
Or, Uni AU where Zayn and Niall start working next to each other - and they both kinda pretend that they've completely forgotten about that drunken but mind-blowing one-night-stand they had a month ago.
Who Needs Dubai? by Idzzdi
“Never thought I'd see you on this side of the counter,” Zayn says lowly, looking amused and more awake then Niall has ever seen him in his life before. Also, more attractive. He looks so effortlessly cool it is just not fair and Niall's mouth has become so dry, all he can do is stare.
or Niall has this thing for his coffee shop regular Zayn and they run into each other one night at the airport. Zayn shows him how to properly annoy the airport security.
the awful edges where you end and i begin by nicheinhischest
“I could’ve killed you a dozen times,” Zayn tells him, and he means for it to sound like an apology, maybe. Proof of a conscience, even after everything. Even after this. “A hundred.”
Niall mockingly clicks his tongue in disapproval. “And I’m supposed to thank you for saving it all for a melodramatic stairwell scene?”
You're the cure, you're the pain by ifzi0531
"I hate to break this to you, but I don't think a baby uses rabbit shampoo for bathing." Zayn teased.
Niall pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "You know what I meant! I thought we agreed that practice makes perfect or whatsoever."
Zayn and Niall babysit a friend's bunny, during which Niall tells Zayn that he wants to adopt a child.
Naive Melody by liquidmeasure
"The clock on the side table says it’s just after midnight when he wakes up to Theo screaming and crying for his mother. Just after midnight, so a good three and a half hours of sleep and that’s that. It’s like the kid has finally caught on that all is not well. That his parents have really and truly gone. He keeps crying when Niall picks him up out of his cot and it seems he doesn’t stop for three days."
Post-Zayn canon fic. Zayn steps in to help Niall deal with Theo. Niall isn't sure how to deal with Zayn.
This is sort of a mish-mash of a couple of my prompts, including canon pining and single dad Niall with optional accidental baby acquisition. I couldn't figure out how to give Niall a baby without something terribly sad happening, so I opted for an extended babysitting gig. I hope it works! <3
of an endless summer by petals
Zayn shrugs unapologetically. “My first time away from home,” he admits with a blush that make Niall’s knees feel weak. “But there are perks, I think.”
“Yeah, I love it here,” Niall says. “It’s kind of nice getting paid to do stuff like this, like watch kids swim in the lake, while you either swim with them, or you could even read a book. I don’t know, there’s a lot to love.”
“Not really the perk I was thinking of,” Zayn says. “But yeah, sure. The lake, whatever.”
Niall stares at him, watching as Zayn winks before he goes back to his food.
All We Got Up To by venividivici
AU where Zayn and Niall go on a double date with Liam and Louis, that Harry ends up accidentally crashing. (But come on, it's Harry.)
You start a fire inside that I could never control by heart_eyes
“They call us freaks you know, in the local paper—on the news.” He said just above a whisper still cautious, as if admitting out loud that Jay's suspicions had been correct that secret service would jump out from where they were hiding just waiting for Zayn's confirmation before they carted him away to some lab somewhere for experimentation.
“That’s because they don’t understand, refuse to…it’s not like that everywhere though, in the bigger cities we’re more accepted not just tolerated so long as we stay hidden but praised for our abilities—they call us heroes.”
“What like Superman? Batman?” Zayn asked, tone mocking and full of doubt, but Jay’s next words chased the amusement right off his face.
“Exactly like them
(or the one where Zayn attends Heroes Anonymous meetings)
and if you know me, like i know you by horlik_aholic
They promised each other they’d keep in touch, but it wasn’t something that even needed to be discussed-- of course they’d keep in touch. They were Zayn and Niall.
Now Niall’s a senior in high school, newly 17 and ready to breeze through this last year and take on college next fall. He hasn’t heard from Zayn in 3 years.
or, Zayn moves to Niall's town after 3 years of not talking and Niall is coping.
(one of these days) i wish you were a hologram by groundopenwide
Zayn’s stomach churns, and he has to squeeze his eyes shut. “Right now—this is real? I’m not imagining things?”
“I’m right here,” Niall says softly. “I’m always right here, Zayn. Been here the whole time.”
Zayn's been having dreams- dreams that seem so real, he can't even distinguish fact from fiction anymore.
better than words (more than a feeling) by petals
im so sorry, Niall sends back. Followed by, mate got a new num, forgot it
He waits for the reply, because honestly, he sent this guy a picture of himself in the bath. In a green bath. The guy is probably laughing about it with his friends, Niall will probably become a meme on the Internet or something. Blond idiot in green water sending naked selfies to stranger meme.
i rly am sorry, he sends, hoping that’ll be enough to keep the guy from spreading his picture.
dnt worry bout it, cutie xx is the guy’s reply and Niall groans, dropping down on his bed face first. He can’t remember how to breathe. Honestly can’t remember.
Happiness, not in another place but this place. by LauDom
Niall stared at the screen for a long time. Had he met someone else in the club last night? What did the Z stand for? Zoe, Zander, Zeus?
So he decided to be funny and even though his face showed a clear hungover and sleep deprived-ness he sent a pouty selfie and texted: “Sorry, I think u have the wrng number.”
Sweater Weather by xTammyVx
It wasn't until they were outside the club that Niall squeezed Zayn's hand and said, “Come back with me?” then, “I kinda like you.”
Zayn wasn't stupid; he knew that the number of people Niall had slept with over the span of his four-year-long career was exactly what one could expect from a superstar, and that he probably pulled with lines like that all the time. However, simmering below that self-awareness was the unbelievable, untamable fire spreading from where they were touching, and all Zayn wanted was more.
2015: Zayn meets Niall on a post-concert night-out.
2019: Niall comes home for a mid-tour break.
So Hot That I Melted by PigSlay
Zayn's working his way through college to get his degree in art by working as a bartender at a local pub. One night, a group of people, including one stunning blonde named Niall, come there. After that, Niall keeps coming back almost every night and after serenading Zayn during one open mic night and exchanging phone numbers, they slowly become the best things to ever happen to each other.
A Story for the Kids (orphan_account)
"Da, why do you look at Zayn like he's a princess?"
[Niall and his daughter are new to London and Zayn's personal life is a bit messy. Somehow, they make things work.]
I'll Dance With You, I'll Laugh With You (Til It's Christmas in the Room) by tobedwithacupoftea
After a death in Niall's family, he must stay at Hogwarts over Christmas their seventh year. Zayn also stays at the castle and though the boys have a more than amazing Christmas, some ill-advised magic at New Years may ruin it all.
crooked love in a straight line down by leighbot
“You’d like him if you got to know him,” Liam whispers while everyone else finds seats as well.
“I already know him,” Zayn responds.
“Seems like there’s a bit of tension between you two.”
Zayn rolls his eyes hard enough they hurt. “Like homicidal, maybe.”
Or, the studying abroad AU where they're all supposed to stick together but Zayn and Niall get off on the wrong foot. Zayn finds solace in his graffiti, a pretty American boy and a mysterious commenter on his art blog.
With side 'love at first sight' Liam/Harry and 'it's complicated' Louis/Eleanor/Nick.
Sore Winner by venividivici
"No. No, no. Just. Just shut up. Figure Skating isn't a game, okay. I don't play figure skating, I perform it. Big difference from your elementary recess time you call a sport. That's a game." Niall only inhales, sighs loudly into the cold air. "This is nice. You and me. This chilly night, the stars are bright. Perfect time to lay out how we really feel about each other, don't you think?" Or, Zayn likes the stars; Niall reads too many horoscopes; and neither is mature enough to drop their irrational hate.
One, Two, Three Strikes You're Mine by littlepinkbow
Having a crush on a player from your rival's baseball team is bad enough. Even worse when they're literally the most relaxed person ever. It just takes a bit of time and a bit more reckless abandon to figure it out.
let your heart go boom by liferuining_feels
Zayn arrives in Dublin with no expectations except to forget about the life he left behind in London. He's here on exchange for a year, and his only plan is to learn to be himself again. But no matter what, he can't seem to shake off the feeling that he's so helplessly lost.
Then he meets Niall, and suddenly life becomes a little bit more easier.
But what Zayn forgets is that time is ticking, and there's a return ticket to London with his name on it.
All He Needs by sunshineflying
Niall is out and proud at uni, but back in Ireland nobody knows he's gay - not even his family. After some conversation with his best friend and roommate Zayn, as well as their friends Liam and Louis, he knows it's time to just go home and be honest with his family. His crush on Zayn complicates things a bit, especially when Zayn offers to go to Ireland with Niall as moral support, but he follows through with it anyway.
Happiest Place On Earth by pocketfullofbees
It's always weird. Each time he sees the actual character he's surprised people recognize him. Then again, he never saw himself as any type of royalty.
Or the AU where OT5 work as face characters at DisneyLand and Zayn's hopelessly in love with an Irish Faerie.
This Night was Made for Us by zaynplusanyone
Niall and Zayn have a tie that binds them, a bond. It takes them a while, but eventually they figure out that that bond is meant to be there, that it means something more. Tonight is about celebrating that bond, enjoying what they have, and remembering that even when the world is moving too quickly around them, they will always have each other.
Promise You'll Be Glad You Came by Jairo
“It’s Halloween and we’re trick-or-treating but you have no candy” AU.
Ain't No Sunshine by acue
AU where Zayn and Niall meet in an airport only because they were the ones to get assigned the same seat and Niall finds something out about Zayn pretty deep into their relationship that should have been mentioned at the way beginning.
Or the one where Zayn is in the army and Niall is completely smitten with Zayn, and waits for him to come home in one piece a lot.
Walk Away Now and You're Gonna Start a War by Niallaeger
Even the glass of water he had tried to force himself to drink, while sitting on the floor by the bedroom in Niall’s apartment debating whether or not he should bother to get up, left such a horrid taste on his tongue that he couldn’t make it past the first couple sips. It was like all the words he hadn’t said that morning mixed with the bitter taste of the ones he hadn’t had the decency to hold back, and now they’re just lingering, in his head, over his tongue, making his stomach turn, and now Harry’s asking him if he’s alright because he looks a little sick and all Zayn can do is nod.
Or, the one where Zayn doesn't think he can do anything right, and Niall just needs a little time. Basically, your soccer!AU with a healthy dose of angst.
The Not Exactly Late Night Show With Niall Horan by WhyHelloThere
When Niall forgets to book a guest artist for his radio show, Harry sets him up with a friend of a friend. Things just go from there.
I'm sending postcards from my heart, I don't care who sees what I've said by niallszayn
Niall spots who has to be the hottest guy on campus at the library but fails to ask him out when they run into each other. He posts about it on this cool new app though, and hopes for the best.
another uni!au full of pining
Skate Your Way Into My Heart by littlepinkbow
Zayn really can't help but being fond over the ridiculously sweet boy attempting to teach the kids in his class how to rollerblade and Louis really really can't keep his mouth shut.
I've got your body on my skin (and tequila on my tongue) by bonjourziall (punkjuggie)
And at that exact moment Zayn didn't feel the need to drown himself in alcohol anymore. Because Niall's lips were far more intoxicating than any brand of tequila and Zayn craved Niall’s touch more than he craved the burning of the alcohol. or Zayn and Niall both start using alcohol as an excuse to keep hooking up with each other. or Niall is literally the reason that Zayn is becoming an alcoholic.
Perfection Will Not Come by becauseziall
"Later! I promise!" Zayn called after him, backpack weighing down his shoulders. Niall looked back over one shoulder with a goofy grin that overpowered the rest of his face.
"Yeah! Just keep studying your Calc, alright?"
Zayn turned so he walking backwards for a moment. "Yeah," he smiled, "alright," and with that, he turned around, heading back to his dorm, thoughts of sunshine and happiness and beautiful filling his mind.
start off the day singing by leighbot
Secretly, Niall’s pleased by the extra time spent with Zayn, often baiting the children to help him encourage Mr. Malik to join them for a song or two. At least, Niall hopes it’s secret. Based on the teasing he often suffers when around Louis or Harry, he doesn’t think he’s been as subtle as he’d like.
Thankfully, Zayn doesn’t seem to have picked up on Niall’s crush.
Or, the one where Niall is an elementary school music teacher and Zayn's first graders are possibly Niall's favorite class... and not just because Mr. Malik has a pretty smile. Okay, it's a bit because he has a pretty smile.
From Wrong to Right by sunshineflying
Zayn's struggling to let go of an old relationship, but his best friends and roommates Liam and Louis are determined to help him get over it. A chance encounter at a club and a failed attempt at getting someone's number leads Zayn right to the man he's been waiting for.
a house built by a doctor to the stars by fakeheaux
"There's no way you live there," Zayn laughs, brows pulling together. "That's Murder House, bro, no way."
Niall shrugs. "Murder House to you. Murder Home to me."
or niall is the baby of spirits ben and vivien harmon, raised by an eclectic group of ghosts
i don't wanna lose your touch (i don't wanna hurt this much) by fakeheaux
"Okay, so. So...you're stuck with each other," Harry says slowly. "Literally."
Zayn sighs, already done with the whole thing. "Yeah, Harry."
or zayn and niall get magically bonded together after they eat some sus chinese food
know you're not alone by fakeheaux
There are many beliefs of what a shift feels like. The most common one is that the shift always hurts, even after you’ve become used to it. In his opinion, that isn’t quite true. It’s not painful, per se, but it is intense. Shifting, to him, is like a rush of endorphins, adrenaline, and relief all at once. He shifts and it’s like going back home. It’s like - like the best feeling in the world.
or zayn doesn't like dogs which bothers niall so so much
on a wednesday, in a café by fakeheaux
"I like your glasses."
or niall is nosy and zayn speaks urdu in coffee shops
they say we are what we are, but we don't have to be by fakeheaux
"They hate us," Niall murmurs. "They're not going to let us fight with them, just 'cause we wear green."
Zayn shakes his head. "Green's just a color, babe. Don't make you who you are."
it's our paradise (and it's our war zone) by fakeheaux
"We were on a break!" Zayn yells.
or The One With Ross and Rachel, Reimagined
me, her, and the moon by dramaturgicallycorrect
“I think I should go home,” Niall says. “You should really get on. Dance with those boys your mum wants you to dance with.”
“I only want to dance with you,” Zayn says, taking her hand and giving her a spin, watching her dress flair beautifully before she pulls her in tight. She holds Niall’s waist tight, and Niall curls into her, resting her head against her chest. They sway slowly to the muffled sounds of the big band and clutch each other for dear life. This is all Zayn needs, her girl and the moon and the stars.
[Or Zayn invites Niall to her going away party, but neither of them want her to go away.]
that which we call a rose by dramaturgicallycorrect
Zayn pops his head around the door suddenly, the sounds of Louis stomping down the stairwell echoing out behind him. “Wait,” he says, even though Niall isn’t going anywhere. “What’s your name?” “Ah. I’m Niall.” He grins. “Although... what’s in a name?” “That which we call a rose,” Zayn says, trailing off with a small grin before the rest of him disappears behind the closing door.
[Or, they're at Juilliard and Niall plays the guitar and Zayn has a beautiful falsetto and Liam, Harry, and Louis need some help putting on Romeo and Juliet.]
nevada's fault by irishmizzy, miss_bennie
“Niall Horan, will you -- ow,” he winces when Harry flicks his neck, but when Zayn starts up again, the disaffected tone is gone, “will you do me the honor of marrying me tonight and winning this bloody game of truth or dare?”
this is no bridget jones by nicheinhischest
“Harry," Zayn feels like he’s losing it, "Harry, you know my life isn't a romantic comedy, right? No matter how much you try and make it one."
"Please, I've seen Love, Actually like... thirty times," Harry says, grinning. "This is going to be so much better.”
the creation of ursa major by robpatFF
Niall would pull him all the way if he could, wrap his sunlight infused hand around Zayn’s and pull them up until they couldn’t breathe. And Zayn would let him, only to return (loyal, dependable, periodic) and settle around his Sirius before he’d float off again.
i can see the sun in late december by robpatFF
Written for the prompt: it's cold in ireland and zayn is all skin and bones and niall is all extra blankets and warmth and kisses (basically lazy kissing under the covers fic) and then this happened
Settle Down With Me by robpatFF
artist!Zayn and fratboy!Niall. Zayn draws and Niall's in a frat and they make it work somehow, they do.
this silver spoon has fed me good by hickeyziall (scentedziall)
"We realise you won’t be thrilled about this, Zayn, but we hope you understand that this is necessary for you to be considered the heir of our business in the future."
Zayn cleared his throat to gain the attention of the boy, who whipped his head around in response. He was taller than Zayn, young and lanky in a charming way that matched the dimples in his cheeks. He wore long, wild hair, hardly contained in a bun, and the uniform green apron with the patisserie’s logo printed in black and white next to his nametag.
"Good luck. You’ll need it."
aka rich kid working in a bakery au?
The Lost Souls by daretoliveforever
Zayn is unique. He receives visions. Most people would think this is a gift. But Zayn thinks it’s a living Hell. He sees people having their lives taken away from them. Either by themselves, or others. The worst part is Zayn doesn’t know what to do. How can he help people when he’s only seen them in the visions?
Baby, It's You by alnima
Zayn Malik has an obsessive crush on famous Internet blogger Niall Horan, but what happens when Niall starts posting about a crush of his own?
amidst all the weather by Livy_May
Niall doesn’t tell Louis, for obvious reasons. He doesn’t tell Harry, either, because if Harry knows something, it’s only a matter of time before Louis knows it, too. And he doesn’t tell Liam because Liam is honestly the worst liar he’s ever met.
He’s not trying to keep it a secret. It just sort of... happens.
Wings Wouldn't Help You Drown by wasp
Zayn just wanted to watch the sun set, watch it bleed into the sky as same as ever in a world that’s forgotten about them, completely slipped under their feet and morphed and fucked up some more.
to put a little sunshine in your life by khakis
san diego au. zayn's a brooklyn boy who follows his maybe-ex-girlfriend to san diego. it turns out a whole lot lovelier than he could have hoped.
“Look at this little family,” Harry murmurs.
“You big softie,” Louis says, but his voice is so steeped in fondness that Zayn can almost taste it, and he feels warm in a way that has nothing to do with the crush of bodies around him. He cranes his head a little and Niall meets him halfway, anticipating it, grinning as their eyes meet and reaching a hand up to grip comfortingly at the back of Zayn’s neck. Yeah, his gaze says, you belong here. We want you here. I want you here.
And then the chicken is burning and Harry yelps like he’s the one being singed and they fall apart as easily as they fell together.
Up towards the sun by wannabe_free
The first time Niall sees the small lumps on his back he freaks out. He stands naked in front of the mirror, the glassy surface still blurry with the steam of the shower he’s just had. There’s something in his back that feels odd. It doesn’t necessarily ache; it’s like a stretching feeling, something from his insides fighting to come onto the surface, pulling at the skin and muscles that come in its way.
AU- OT5-Niall centric. Niall isn't human.
Perfect Storm (orphan_account)
“Who the hell thought it was a good idea t’watch a horror movie in the middle of a thunderstorm?” Niall groaned.
The boys watch a scary movie during a storm, and it leaves Niall a bit shaken up (not that he'd admit it). And Zayn is there to save the day, as usual.
Whiteboard by lostinsanity
Niall’s a musician, Zayn’s an artist. Music and art are their lives, respectively. And the story shouldn't be much more complicated from there. But it is, because Zayn is deaf.
Of You I Grow Fonder by Klavier
"I'm Niall Horan, and it's a pleasure to meet you without deep-fried potatoes in my hair."
let's get (meta)physical by murkya
Zayn has a Niall situation that he's capital I Ignoring, and then suddenly he's got a burning problem he really can't ignore, capital letters or not. (modern myth/religious beings AU?)
staked through the heart and you're to blame (you give love a bad name) by biggrstaffbunch
Zayn's a vampire slayer and Niall's a vampire and it's all as star-crossed as it sounds. But also, maybe it's not.
(Featuring Liam as a Watcher that would give a certain Sunnydale librarian heart palpitations and Louis as the hell-raising--but not in the literal sense--sidekick. Plus, Harry.)
Inside My Heart, Inside This House by zzegnas
Niall recovers from his knee injury in the comforts of the English countryside with his two best friends, Harry and Liam.
amour doux by bisousniall
Niall runs an authentic French bakery in London, and he swears he hired Zayn for the extra help, not just for his looks. Also his employee Louis is harbouring a huge crush on their customer, Liam. Harry is there to keep them all together.
Eat Your Heart Out, Gertrude Stein by skullage
Zayn doesn’t have a watch any more; he measures time in distance. How long it’s been since he made Niall laugh, how far apart they were when they said goodnight. How many pieces he could put between his room and Niall’s, how many hours, minutes, seconds since Niall said his name.
Compass Rose by eiqhties
“We’re like all the directions coming together, you know? Like a compass. What do they call them? Compass rose, that’s us.”
An AU in which One Direction are an indie rock band touring America. There's lots of open roads, cramped vans, and pining for the service stations in the UK. Oh, there's also a lot of pining for each other, too.
i was made for sunny days (i was made for you) by nicheinhischest
"Don't do dances," Niall repeats with a smile. "Don't do pool parties. What do you do, Zayn Malik?"
Zayn shrugs. "Play baseball. Date you."
swimming pools by pixies
au where everyone is home from college for the summer, and zayn has the summer he never expected. includes: college rivalries, southern accents, and lifeguards.
delivery entrance to narnia by irishmizzy, miss_bennie
"You okay?” Niall mouths. Zayn knows he’s mouthing it but he can hear it loud and clear, which is fucking weird. He blinks. His head hurts, right on the top where Liam had touched it, but all over, too.
(The one where Zayn gets superpowers.)
do you care if i stay? by justaboat
zayn and niall go on a road trip.
Beer and Band-aids by hotnuts
Niall shoves his numbing hands deeper inside the warmth of his hoodie, biting the cold back with chapped lips and shaking limbs. He hums to keep his anxiety at bay, small noises in the form of some drowned out Justin Bieber tune he hasn't been able to get out of his head since he left Ireland.
Or, that one ziall street au where Zayn is a misunderstood artist, Niall is the cute Irishman who shouldn't be walking around London at night and they fall in love with each other over a lot of alcohol, bruises and angst. Also Louis is a sassy pub-owner with a hipster boyfriend.
here i love you by myownremedy
Louis reckons Niall should just tell Zayn, reminds him that they live together in the tiniest, most overpriced apartment in all of New York and the walls are thin enough that Niall knows what Zayn sounds like when he’s getting off, and they never cook because their kitchen is so tiny, it’s basically a flat with two closets serving as bedrooms and an even smaller bathroom, and they are married, according to Louis, so Niall might as well make it official.
Niall and Zayn (and the rest of the gang) are students at NYU, and Niall and Zayn live together in an overpriced shoebox apartment in the Village. Also, Niall's been in love with Zayn since freshmen year.
I Will Give You the Moon (It’s the Least I Can Do) by TheMipstaz
5 times Niall thought Zayn was a werewolf + 1 time Zayn actually was
never felt like home (until i had you) by groundopenwide
“Missed you.”
Zayn’s voice is hushed, careful, as though he’s not sure he’s allowed to fully make the admission. Each syllable slurs together like he’s spinning molasses.
Niall shuffles his head down the pillow until he can kiss each of Zayn’s knuckles, just once. Zayn hums, the sound coming from far away. They fall asleep with their hands intertwined.
Or: Tour ends, and Niall goes home to Zayn.
follow the marks you left by littlecather
“Yeah,” Zayn nods, voice heavy. “Probably best if we … don’t tell them. For now.”
“For now,” Niall agrees. There’s too much promise in that, though. Niall’s not sure just yet if he can see a point in the future when he can tell them - that he went to see Zayn, without any of them knowing. That he kissed Zayn. That he’s going to see Zayn, again, to possibly do that, again.
Secret relationship; canon.
Soul Mechanism by alexenglish
When a chance encounter with a stubborn human manifested a magical bond within Zayn that had been dormant for decades, Zayn could not deny being intrigued; by the connection, and the boy, and what it meant for a demon such as him -- a demon who had been without a master for many years.
The universe always had a purpose, and meeting Niall was only the beginning.
(And you will always be someone who was beautiful, once.) by softly (alexenglish)
I will always love you, or anyway I will always have loved you now.
(Look at you.) by softly (alexenglish)
I do not believe in love at first sight. But god damn.
(Don’t worry. We’re all doomed eventually.) by softly (alexenglish)
I know your weakness. It’s kisses. You are doomed.
(no one could steer me right, but mama tried.) by softly (alexenglish)
You aren’t really a good person, but god damn, you make bad look awesome.
(Let’s join a street gang! Is NASA recruiting?) by softly (alexenglish)
This town isn’t big enough for the both of us. Let’s run away together!
Killing Time With You by flares
“People got together whenever they felt like it before they came up with the clocks.”
“Yeah, and now, like, no one does,” Zayn says. “Most people want to just date their soulmate, because what’s the point in wasting your time if it’s going to end, right?”
You'll Find What You're Missing In Between the Lines by flares
Niall: its weird to take a cat on the bus right ?
Don't Break Character by flares
It’s all a bit mortifying. Zayn wonders how he ended up being the one embarrassed in this situation.
For a Second There, We'd Won by flares
Zayn can’t stop looking at Niall’s fingernails, bitten down and red, and he wonders what had him so anxious. But he’s not in any place to ask anymore, so he keeps his mouth shut.
Looking for Astronauts by flares
He doesn’t have a crush on Zayn. Like, Niall really doesn’t. It would be stupid. They’re in space. They’re the crew of the first human mission to Mars, for fuck’s sake. Niall doesn’t have time for crushes.
Or he shouldn’t, at least. Logically.
Sipping on Something Sweet by flares
It’s ridiculous how careful he is, actually, and Zayn wants to laugh, if only because the alternative would be to cry. Maybe thinking he might break isn’t too far-fetched of a belief.
I'll Be Your Mirror by liquidmeasure
"I don’t want to talk about walking corpses and sisyphean tragedy. Let’s wander. Let’s eat!” He pulls Zayn forward, over the cobblestones, through the dark. “The city is being reborn around us and you’ve been holed up so far away from me for so many decades. I want to show you everything. I want to climb to the top of it and look down and dedicate it all to you.”
A Ziall Vampire Love AU for Halloween.
I've been wanting to write this since I watched Only Lovers Left Alive earlier this year, so if parts of it seem familiar, that's why. I basically took a Jim Jarmusch movie and made it about Ziall. Sue me! (Wait actually don't sue me. Please.)
All of Me by FallingLikeThis
Niall Horan is perfect.
Zayn came to this conclusion a long time ago. And the depths with which he believes it just grow more with each passing day.
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