#I used to sign off as my self-inserts back in the good ol’ days of this blog
libertys-lovers · 2 years
Bouquet, darling, soulmates!
YIPPEE!!! Thanks for sending an ask!
Do I even need to announce who I’m gonna make this about-
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Bouquet ~ What’s Kara’s favorite flower and why?: Roses, without a single doubt. Since they’re the staple romantic flower, Kara’s adopted them into his romantic-guy shtick very heavily lol, and that in itself has given them more sentimental value to him.
Darling ~ What sort of outfits do we wear on dates?: Most of the time, Kara wears his leather jacket & jeans combo while I wear my sundress & sunhat combo; it makes for a cute bad-boy x soft-girl dynamic that the both of us just thrive for. However, there’s been plenty of times when we just wear our regular clothes; jacket & jeans from him and blouse & jeans from me.
Soulmates ~ Do I or Karamatsu believe in soulmates? Have our views on them changed after meeting each other?: In terms of before we got together (and by extension, before we met)… Kara definitely believed in soulmates. It wasn’t just soulmates either; it was soulmates & love at first sight. Everyone he had a crush on was labeled as some sorta soulmate by him. Either he’d literally call them a soulmate or he’d simply phrase it as them “being the one”, which isn’t inherently soulmate-ish I suppose, but he sure treated it like it was- Meanwhile, I didn’t really believe in them. I acknowledged the idea was kinda cute, but I never found particular interest or belief in it.
Nowadays… Kara’s still really attached to the concept, but he doesn’t label everyone as a soulmate. It’s just me; I’m his soulmate… and Totoko-Chan, but like I’m not gonna fight that lol. As for me… I don’t think I fully believe in soulmates still, but sometimes I do think about it. Kara and I are just… so perfect; we’re like the same person created by a different god. We’re both incredibly artistic, but our artistic mediums are different. We both have our philosophies, but they’re from polar-opposite views on reality. We’re both sensitive but to different things, we’re hopeless romantics but with different languages. We have all of these differences, but yet we’re complex in the exact same way. It’s… incredibly interesting, to say at the least.
I guess my point is that we fit together real nicely. And we were never supposed to meet, ya know. There is no way we were the same person split into two, or we were created with each other in mind… but sometimes I sit there and think about how well it ended up working out anyway. And that’s amazing in its own way. We weren’t meant to be, we were even better.
This is 💥Freedom💥, signing off.
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im-like-if-a-girl · 3 years
*THE* mean-girl-dean-girl's Supernatural reboot MEGAPOST!
I'm gonna stick a little "keeping reading" here because hoooooo boy, this is a very long post.
Let's start with
Season 1
Dean kills John while they are out on a hunt in a crime of passion, but Dean doesn't remember because he blacked out. Cue Dean going to Stanford to get Sam and tell him "Dad's on a hunting trip... and he hasn't been home in a couple days."
The audience doesn't know what happened to John, but slowly figures it out with Dean and Sam as Dean slowly remembers what happened that night.
The entire first season, the boys are following the trail John left and fighting monsters as well. They find out Dean was with John, Sam realizes Dean has an unreliable memory, they have heart to hearts about their childhood and the fire, they find John's body, "how could you kill Dad?" but maybe Dean didn't kill dad, whooaaaaaa, misdirection.
It was actually good ole yeller eyes (Azazel) and he made it look like Dean killed John.
Okay, now let's move on to the first episode
Not sure how the opening would work, I would like the story of the fire to be revealed over the course of the first season, but maybe the opening scene could be a little bit of an establishing character relationships and backstory, idk, I haven't thought that far yet.
I'm thinking maybe it's like, Dean gets back to a motel room covered in blood and he listens to a voicemail on his phone from John saying he was on a hunt or something, I don't really know lol.
I do know that after the intro rolls, we get a scene of Sam waking up to his alarm and "Nine to Five" by Dolly Parton starts playing.
Y'all know where this is going.
Cue a montage of Sam's normal Stanford college life (him sitting through lectures, walking through the campus with friends) spliced with scenes of Dean absolutely slaughtering a nest of vampires (or some other monsters, whatever works best.)
Now onto
Characters!!! (And descriptions)
Dean Winchester
Some lovely person on this site made edits of Dean with platinum blond hair and it made me feel some kind of way so we're doing that, homie's gonna have platinum blond hair
Side note about the hair, later when the brothers are running from the FBI he dyes it a dirty blond/light brown (insert jackles hair color controversy here) as a disguise.
He also gets tattoos because we were robbed.
Speaking of tattoos, concept: when Dean comes back from Hell, all of his tattoos are gone. His body is a clean slate, devoid of tattoos, scars, etc. So he gets his tattoos done all over again, which he doesn't mind because he made some bad, drunk tattoo decisions in his youth.
(And before you ask, yes, he does get one for Cas, either a bee or Cas's name in enochian, something cute.)
Dean goes to therapy after Sam gets sent to the Cage.
It's actually court mandated because he got in trouble, lol, he would never go to therapy on his own.
Along with the hair, Dean gets to be the grade A twunk we all know he is.
Sam Winchester
His hair gets longer in every scene he's in
No jk, but imagine
King of Microaggressions
Sam starts off like the sweetheart he is in season 1 but in later seasons he starts enjoying killing a little too much...
It's that demon blood, ba-by!!!
He brings up issues of morality to Dean, i.e. killing monsters who aren't hurting anyone. (Yes I know this is contradictory to my previous statement, but these two facets of Sam can and will coexist.)
Sam and Jess's relationship is explored further, meaning we'll need to start with a different inciting incident, but that's fine, I think everyone can agree fridgings are *(thumbs down)*
Sam doesn't truly know what happened the night of the fire until later, and then he understands why Dean is so protective of him.
She gets to live beyond the first episode
She is also trans
No, I don't feel like I have to explain myself and I won't 💜
She urges Sam to join Dean in a search for their brother, kind of gets pulled into the hunter lifestyle by association lol.
She dies on a rusty nail after fighting vampires on a routine hunt with Sam
No jk!!!
But imagine....
She's amazing and I love her and Lucifer also uses her as leverage against Sam and possesses her because I think that'd be cool.
She supports Sam 100% and also she and Dean are buddies, pals if you will.
She meets Cas Thee El and immediately she Knows, that is a homosexual.
She dies still so that we can have a Saileen Endgame but she's not dying the first episode or in a fridging. Not on my watch.
He gets to keep his raw, light-fixture-exploding power.
I want more of that "I pulled you out of hell, I can throw you back in" energy except over dumb shit like Dean not cleaning up after himself.
He looks like a Dilf in every scene he's in, yeah, that's right, dilf with a capital D for *(GUNSHOTS)* *(gets sent to horny jail)*
She gets pink hair
And more time with Cas
And maybe a nose piercing
Feel like she should be able to kill a couple angels onscreen, punch a couple homophobes
She gets to meet Jack and teaches him swears and fun slang words.
She deserves it.
I says "that's my baby and I'm proud."
Jack starts off as a baby, but like Amara he grows up super quickly.
Like, baby to 11 year old in a couple days or less.
This is because Jack's emotional age on the show is on par with that of a 5th grader.
It's at this point when he's a young kid that he runs away from the Bunker and shenanigans ensue.
It's also at this point that Dean threatens to k*ll him.
(Still not sure if I want that in my Supernatural (threatened infanticide? In my Supernatural? It's more likely than you think) but we'll see. We'll see.)
Throughout a majority of season 13, Jack is like an 11 y.o. kid
Season 14 he's like a 16 y.o. teenager
Season 15 he's 21, you get the picture.
Listen, I love Alex Calvert a lot. He's great.
But Jack is a child and should be a child.
Kelly Kline
Kelly, baby, stay right where you are, you're perfect.
She teaches Claire and Jack swears in sign-language. Castiel is not impressed.
J*hn W*nchester stans, DNI.
He's dead.
We only see him in flashbacks and only sometimes hear his voice in voice overs.
He's not "down the road" from Dean in Heaven, in fact he instead gets to wander around in some Purgatory like Hell for the rest of his time :)
People who get to say "fuck" on the show:
Cas (but only Once)
Now onto other things
I want more of
(they need more screentime because I love them)
We know they had a thing.
They definitely had a thing.
Demon Dean
Again, I feel like more should've been done with this. All that build up for what, 2 episodes? was not utilized well at all.
Dean's Bisexuality
Straight Dean truthers DNI, my Supernatural is a show about love and being true to yourself
You think Supernatural is a show about 2 straight brothers fighting monsters?
Naw bitch, this is a show about the Gay Experience
He will get to have relations with men on this show.
Of course, only after John dies does he, y'know, display it. Maybe he kisses Cas on his dad's grave just to fuck John over, make him roll in grave.
We all agree John would be/is a homophobe piece of shit, right?
Okay, glad we're on the same page.
3 men and a baby with Jack is what I'm saying.
I love it when the Trio are father-figures to younger troubled characters they see themselves in, even better if it's like reluctant-but-loving father figure, oh, that trope gets me every time :'^)
Dadstiel and DadDean are my favorites, but I like it when Sam plays "Uncle Sam" to kids too lol.
"Fellas, is it gay to want a tight knit family with your husband, his son, his vessel's daughter, your brother, his wife, your cop mother figure and her wife and their adopted daughters? Asking for a friend."
Biggest flaw of Supernatural was underutilizing Garth.
I will never not be bitter that Garth was only in like, 7 episodes out of the whole 15 season series.
Every episode with Garth gets immediately 5 times better.
I love Garth.
Follow ups on characters who had entire episodes featured around them and then just... vanished???
This is mostly about Jesse, the magic kid whose imagination ruled an entire town like, his daddy was a demon and nothing came of that kid??? Only one episode about him?? No follow up???
Uh, there was that one episode with Ennis the guy whose girlfriend was killed by a monster? I think?? Who we never see again, that was weird.
Tamara from season 3, episode 1.
And of course-
She was so cool, and then we never saw her again :////
She gets to be a badass.
Religious imagery
As a former Catholic school student who has become for the most part, disillusioned with religion, religious imagery in TV shows like Supernatural make my brain go "brrrrrr."
Fun episodes!!!
Like, after season 6 or so, there's a drop in funny episodes
I'm talking Changing Channels, The French Mistake type stuff. (Scoobynatural is an outlier and should not be counted.)
So anyway
In my version we would have more fun episodes
I'm thinking
(why they didn't do that in the original, we'll never know.)
An episode where Dean gets to wear eyeliner
That's it, end of post.
I want less
Yeah I feel like this is self explanatory, nearly every reoccurring character in SPN is white, and black side characters normally die in the episode they first appear in, or they'll be featured as a villain (Uriel, Raphael, Billie, etc)
Also there's a lot of... uh... asian fetishism featured in the show (what with "Busty Asian Beauties) that's really gross, also Kevin was a bit of a stereotype...
Also also it's super yucky how they kill the gods from other religions like???? Uh??? That's super disrespectful, let's not do that????
I know Supernatural is like, inherently racist because monsters are a separate race that are seen as some dangerous "other" that must be eradicated by hunters in a form of genocide-
Okay we won't get into that but
Stop killing all your POC
Fridgings/Unecessary murders of female characters
I know Supernatural starts with a fridging, so this will be a hard thing to remedy, but
One death that really pissed me off was the death of Charlie
Yeah, that was pointless and we're not doing that. Charlie gets to live and be an awesome aunt to Jack.
And also Claire
Charlie Bradbury Superiority
Charlie and Garth get to meet because they're nerd/geek solidarity.
British Men of Letters
I fucking hate these guys
They're "litcherally" the worst.
The worst part is that the actors they have playing the British AREN'T. EVEN. BRITISH.
And you can tell
Uh, and that's all for now, I'll add more later.
tag list for people who liked my "if this post gets one like I'll post my SPN reboot masterpost" post.
@darianyunidi @sarasidlesaid @crazybananaalpaca @playfulpanthress @ultfreakme @fififeelsmellow @heller-char @luna8eaton @princessmeganfire @insanebot109 @queenofnightsnow @mongoose-underthehouse
Thank you for the support, hope the wait was worth it.
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letterboxd · 3 years
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How I Letterboxd #12: Joe Lynch.
Self-described cinedork and Mayhem filmmaker Joe Lynch tells Horrorville’s Brett Petersel about cinematic sausage, getting to direct Creepshow episodes and being a three-star starter on Letterboxd.
“Even when I watch what I would think is a real stinker, I also consider that there were many people involved in that film who didn’t walk on set going ‘okay people, let’s screw this up today!’” —Joe Lynch
It is always a pleasure to find film directors lurking on Letterboxd. Joe Lynch is a bona fide, OG member, having racked up more than 1,500 diary entries, giving half-star reviews to his own work, and creating lists of the movies that have influenced the making of his films.
There are the films that were in Lynch’s subconscious when he made Mayhem, a workplace splatter led by Steven Yeun and Samara Weaving. There are the movies he watched while researching the Salma Hayek-starring Everly. And this just in: films that influenced The Right Snuff, one of Lynch’s two episodes for the new Creepshow series—based on the 1982 horror-comedy classic and its sequels—which premieres on Shudder April 15.
Like so many of us, Lynch took time during the pandemic to catch up on films he had neglected to watch in spite of a previous career as a video-store clerk (a Criterion Channel subscription helped him get on top of the backlog). In this edition of ‘How I Letterboxd’, Lynch discusses how those classics have informed his craft, who his Letterboxd faves are, and why the horror genre is the future of the industry.
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Steven Yeun and Samara Weaving in Joe Lynch’s ‘Mayhem’ (2017).
How long have you been on Letterboxd? Joe Lynch: I remember when Letterboxd was in its beta phase way back in good ol’ 2012 and I couldn’t wait to sign up, breathlessly waiting for an invite to the party. At the time, I had a digital database where I would log movies I’ve seen, but it was always subject to whatever laptop or device I had handy and would just be a mess of titles with no rhyme or reason.
When a member follows you, what should they expect? I put it right up top in my description: “I am not a critic”, just a lover of cinema. At first I didn’t want to write “reviews” in the description, especially since I first started using the service whilst in the throes of a horrible experience making a film that I thought would bury me and I’d never work again. I was like, and I still feel this way, “who am I to rip on a movie when someone can throw it right back at me? Like ‘dude, you directed Knights of Badassdom, sit down’.”
I’ve always had the highest regard for filmmakers who can get anything made. So even when I watch what I would think is a real stinker, I also consider that there were many people involved in that film who didn’t walk on set going “okay people, let’s screw this up today!” but instead were trying their best and circumstances just got in the way, which always happens. Having made a few films and TV now, I’m fully aware of the trials and tribulations that go into making a movie and have all the respect in the world for anyone who can steer that ship to completion. It’s hard making movies and even harder making one that is your original vision [and] that is widely embraced by an audience.
I have very weird tastes so don’t be shocked if you glance at my recent activity and you see Casablanca, The Silence of the Lambs or Bigger Than Life right next to The Legend of Billie Jean, Con Air or Candyman 3. I’m usually bouncing all over the place in terms of what kinds of movies I’m screening. From films recommended to me, to films that I may be watching for research, or even just how I’m feeling that day and maybe need a good laugh or a good cry or to be scared stiff. I like that kind of variety. There’s something out there for everyone and every emotion. If anything, I’d say expect the unexpected when it comes to my viewing habits.
What’s your favorite feature to use and why? One of the residual effects of working at video stores as a kid was my desire to siphon people’s tastes in movies and possibly recommend films to others as well, so my favorite feature is the ease of use in logging films and being able to quickly recall those films as well in the event someone asks me “what’s something I should watch?”. Getting older, the “employee’s picks” in my head is getting a little harder to cross-reference than usual so to have the ability to whip out my phone and say “oh man, I just watched Possession and it was awesome!” is exponentially helpful to a cinedork like myself.
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‘Big Trouble in Little China’ (1986)—a five-star film says Joe Lynch.
How do you rate the films you watch? For example, what type of film is worthy of a five-star review? Funny, I always start out on three-stars mainly because I’m so proud of the filmmakers actually getting it completed! I’ve been there! I’m somewhat biased in my reflections because I’m always rooting for the artists and from there, it’s usually gauged on both an emotional level and a technical level. I always get made fun of while watching movies because I can point out hidden cuts or when a shot is reversed but [I’m] not trying to point out flaws, it's just how my brain is wired at this point. When you pull the curtain back enough to see how the cinematic sausage is made, it's harder and harder to objectively watch a movie without trying to dissect how it was done. I try so hard to shut that part of my brain off to just passively enjoy a movie but it’s tough. I usually skew towards the positive.
The films I’ve given five-stars are movies that have continually affected me over the years and have inspired me as a person and a filmmaker, which is everything from The Empire Strikes Back, Dawn of the Dead and When Harry Met Sally... to Big Trouble in Little China, The Blob, The Last of the Mohicans. I looked back at my five-stars and it’s mostly movies that made a significant impression on me from an early age and continue to do so, maybe even more so as I get older and I view these movies in a different light.
The anthology show Creepshow returns to Shudder this month. Tell us about the two episodes you directed for the series, ‘Pipe Screams’ and ‘The Right Snuff’. Both Creepshow and Creepshow 2 were important films in my youth and even today, they were some of the first movies I remember where I wasn’t quite sure if I was supposed to be scared or laugh. These films proclaimed we could do both! As a disciple of George A. Romero, Stephen King and Tom Savini, Creepshow really shaped how I watched movies and how I made them—consider the anthology I did a few years back, Chillerama, as a prime example. So when Shudder announced the show, I had to do everything on my part to convince them I could take the baton from these masters of the macabre and do them and the many fans proud.
To come to the table and say “I want ‘The Right Snuff’ to feel like 2001: A Space Odyssey crashed into The Andromeda Strain, and ‘Pipe Screams’ is my homage to The Blob and Delicatessen”—and then everyone just immediately getting it—was a dream. Between the casts I was lucky enough to work with and the amazing crew, especially the FX geniuses at KNB, it really was one of those dream jobs I’ll never forget. I hope audiences dig the madness we conjured up on those!
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Season 2 of the Shudder series ‘Creepshow’ returns to the horror streamer this month. A third season has been ordered.
If you were to expand the Mayhem universe, what would it look like? We tried! I pitched the producers the idea of the ID-7 virus in other locations and situations because in essence the idea of being uninhibited by mental and emotional constraints is so ripe. My favorite was the idea that it would get loose in a Wal-Mart or a mall on Black Friday when consumers swarm to these department stores for the best deals. You’ve seen the videos, it’s just mass hysteria. The footage already out there would have been perfect to use already and those people aren’t even infected!
Sadly it didn’t come to pass, mainly because they asked “how do we get Steven and Samara back?” and I didn’t want to force those characters into that scenario, Die Hard 2 style. Plus they’re both huge stars now and likely unavailable for the next twelve years. But the ideas people have thrown out to me show that it was impactful enough to warrant variant scenarios in a “what if?” way that’s really exciting. Who knows, maybe the ID-7 virus could find its way onto the set of a movie production…
What excites you about the future of filmmaking, especially in horror films? The world is embracing new faces and voices more than ever and it means we’re getting stories that may not have ever had the chance to flourish and be seen and heard before. For the longest time the system was much more rigid because executives and producers thought that the audience was much less accepting of a wider world view in cinema and I think the last ten years has proven them wrong. There shouldn’t be any more “token” character or “strong [insert non-white-male] character” descriptions in development meetings. I hear it less and less, which is great because that’s not our world and since cinema—especially horror—is and always should be a reflection of our culture and times, it should reflect these evolutions as well.
When I made Wrong Turn 2: Dead End, the discussions over how one of the characters—a Black character played by Texas Battle—survived at the end was not in the original script but I pushed for it mainly because it was rare for the Black character to do so in a horror film. That shouldn’t be an anomaly! Why can’t there be a ‘final guy’ or have the survivors be LGBT+ or a POC and not the usual stereotypes?
I think now it’s more commonplace to see this and it excites me for the future of the genre that artists are being more welcome to express themselves without it feeling like it’s a gimmick or a twist on the norm.
I think generations of kids growing up with horror now are gonna see these strides in the storytelling—and who’s telling the stories—and push it even further. Places like Netflix and Shudder are willing to take chances with new voices more than the studio system, now more than ever, and that’s only going to produce some great stories now and in the future.
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Erica Leehrsen and Texas Battle in a scene from ‘Wrong Turn 2: Dead End’ (2007).
How has the pandemic affected your creativity and influenced your work moving forward? Aside from losing a bunch of gigs due to the shutdown and being delayed on shooting Creepshow—which was a blessing in disguise considering the time we took to further develop the scripts and design of each episode—one of the main effects of the pandemic was how it gave many of us the time to catch up on a lot of films, mainly older ones. As you’d see from my diary entries on this very site, my viewing habits changed from a lot of modern films in that rat-race of catching up with the latest release, to mainly watching films I loved in the past and a lot of ’40s to ’70s films that I never got around to.
We have the tendency as film lovers to keep a mental list of films we’ll eventually get around to as if we have all the time in the world, but with the threat of the apocalypse and no real new content coming our way at the usual rapid clip, it was so gratifying to buy an annual subscription to Criterion Channel and start watching films like The Old Dark House, The Crimson Kimono, Contempt and many others.
All of these films impacted how I view film now and have bled into future projects I’m working on—especially on the technical side, when the world wasn’t influenced vicariously through MTV coverage and letting scenes play out in masters or longer takes, relishing in the performance or the mise-en-scéne. So, silver linings!
Before we go, who are some of your favorite follows on Letterboxd? I’m a big fan of Sean Baker, who I’ve known for almost 20 years now! We worked together in NYC and I was already a big Greg the Bunny fan but our mutual appreciation for fringe and exploitation films, especially international horror and genre films, seems to have bonded us for life. I love when he posts what he’s watching. Even if he’s just saying he screened something on Blu or streaming, his thoughts on cinema are always enjoyable and engaging.
In the same breath, filmmaker Jim Cummings has the best perspective on modern filmmaking and he’s clearly a big fan of using Letterboxd, so whenever I see peers like them using the app it makes me feel less like an obsessive movie dork myself, who should be getting back to work.
Some of the other follows I really enjoy are cineastes like Elric Kane and Brian Saur, who are the hosts of the New Beverly podcast Pure Cinema. Writers Anya Stanley, David Chen, Walter Chaw and Lindsay Blair Goeldner, musician and filmmaker Brendon Small, writer and critic Brian Tallerico, author Glenn Kenny, filmmaker Rodman Flender—just to name a few people who clearly love film and love sharing their thoughts on films in a very thoughtful way.
More times than not, I’m getting some great advice for what to watch next in my “new from friends” section! Because, like being at the video store, it’s casual conversations like the ones on Letterboxd that I love and always steering me to new films or revisiting old ones with a new perspective.
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Follow Brett on Letterboxd
Follow Horrorville—the home for horror on Letterboxd
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galaxy-otter · 3 years
Self Insert Handplates BittyBones Story- ACT ONE- Paranoia...?
You sat up in bed, cringing as the sunlight flashed your eyes. You checked the clock, 'Ten? Early rising I guess.' Yes, ten was early on your days off, or any other day in fact. You rolled out of bed and put on your favorite black tee shirt. The print on it was the grim reaper riding a cat. You slipped on a gray sweatshirt over it and decided to wear some gray sweatpants. The sweatpants got caught under your shoes every once in a while, so you wore them as pajamas since you didn't see yourself growing anytime soon. You took a peak at your phone, only to see no missed calls, no messages, and no voicemails. You weren't the most sociable of people, so that didn't bother you very much. You creaked open the door and walked down the hallway into the kitchen. You started to make breakfast when you heard something fall. You didn't want to burn your eggs, so you brushed it off as your ears just playing tricks on you.
Sitting down to eat, you couldn't help but get a gut feeling that something, or someone, was watching you. You looked around to see no one. "It's just your head being all wonky from just waking up, Y/N. Don't be dumb," you mummbled as you dug into your eggs. Unlike your dad, you actually put butter and salt in the pan while cooking eggs, so the eggs had more flavor.
Placing the plate in the sink, so turned on the faucet to drown out the alarm signs in your head. "Maybe I should investigate or something." You turned off the faucet and walked into the guest bedroom that you had made into an office since you knew you weren't going to have guests anytime soon. You slowly pushed the door open to see nothing out of the ordinary. Well, except for the dollar store vase you had bought a while back, now shattered on the soft carpet floor. You didn't really care as much as you thought you would, since you didn't really LIKE the vase anyway. You got out of the vaccume, along with some gloves to pick up the bigger shards of glass. As you started picking up the glass, someone moved out of the corner of your eye. You jerked your head up and looked around, then sighed. You smacked the side of your head a few times. 'That's it, I'm getting a mouse trap.'
Once you finished cleaning up the mess, you sat at your desk. It wasn't the best of the best, but as long as you could work, you were content. You decided on a live mouse trap so you could release the critters after you caught them. You only got one, since they were like $20 a piece. You sat back and sighed, again. You were starting to get paranoid with all this 'mice' stuff. Sure, you liked small rodents, and would break down seeing one die. You didn't want one in your walls, though. 'How would they eat? Or drink?' You drowned out your thoughts with Cavetown music. That always helps, right? Music for brain earplugs, whatever that means. You giggled to yourself as you sat on your sofa. But of course, right when you sit down, your phone rings. You groan and look at the screen.
Your best friend of ten years. You do almost everything together. 'Isn't Sunday the busiest day of the week for the company? The company she works for is always the most crowded on Sundays because a lot more people are off on this day, including you. You picked up the phone, "Hello?"
"Oh my goodness, she's alive!" Jessica shouted, you could practically see her pumping her fist up into the air.
You sigh, loud enough for her to hear, "Yes, I'm alive. What do you need, Jessie?"
"Wow, doesn't sound like it!" She laughed, then continued, "Just checking in on you. Making sure your alive and all that."
"Yeah, don't worry about little 'ol me, Jessie. I'm not goin' anywhere." You pulled out the 'lazy' accent you use.
"Alright, that's all I wanted to say! Bye Y/N, love you! 'Blows kiss.'"
"Did you just say 'blows kiss' out loud?"
You sighed, you tend to do that a lot, but laughed afterward, "Love you to, Jessie."
You hung up, switching back to Cavetown blasting into your ears. God, you can't wait until that mousetrap gets here.
(POV Change)- Brother's POV-
1-s woke up to something extremely bright shining into his eyesockets. It wasn't the beams of the lab either. He looked around. Everything was so BIG! He clutched tighter to his brother's ribcage, then started to shiver. Where were they? Most importantly, were they OUTSIDE? This felt like outside, but... not the right kind of outside.
His brother woke up a few minutes after he did. His brother was just as suprised as 1-s.
Brother's voice snapped him out of his trance, "BROTHER, WHERE ARE WE?"
"i don't know bro... i don't know."
"DO YOU THINK... THIS IS OUTSIDE?" Suddenly, Brother stood up and walked around the object they woke up on. "WHAT IS THIS?!" He pointed to a big, glass object next to where they woke up.
1-s walked around it a few times, tapping it lightly, "i'm, uh, not really sure bro. maybe it's a test thing." He retracted his hand from the object, "this might be a test, hold on." He slowly pushed it off of the tall place, letting it fall on the soft stuff on the ground. Bespite it being soft, the object shattered, causing the Brothers to cover their non exsistent ears. 1-s huffed a little bit, then sat down, placing his hands on his legs. His Brother followed him, doing the same thing.
"maybe? god, nothing seems right in this place." 1-s looked around once more, then stared at his hands. "i don't like this place, it's too confusing." Brother nodded, seeming to agree.
He did, it smelt... good, really good." 1-s searched the place for the smell, but it came from a diffent room. "can we leave? for all we know it could be another test."
2-p walked over to the windowsill and grabbed onto the curtain. "UH... HOW DO WE GET DOWN?" 2-p looked over at 1-s, hoping to get an answer.
"uhhh, grab onto it and slide down? hang on." 1-s grabbed onto the curtain and jumped off of the platform, sliding down from it. He landed on the soft floor and brushed himself off.
"not... exactly sure what it is bro."
While they were admiring the soft padding they landed on, they heard the door creak open. Both of the Brothers halted until 1-s whispered, "hide!" 1-s grabbed his Brother by the collar of his gown and hid behind the curtain. Not very creative, but it was the closest thing near them. Someone walked in and stared at the now broken object. They didn't really move at all for about 2 whole minutes. Although it was only two minutes, it felt like a century. Eventually, they left, but came back with a few things. They put a string in the wall and the machine whirred to life. That startled 1-s, badly. He was now shaking violently, as was his Brother. The machine wasn't on for long, but the sound reminded him of... you know what lets NOT think about that right now. They ended up picking up the bigger pieces up by hand. Was this part of the test? Who even IS that person? While they had their back turned, they ended up running across the room, catching the attention of the person they were running from. They jerked their head up, causing both of the brothers to tense up. They REALLY didn't really wanna be seen by them. They were just so... so... BIG! Bigger than other people they've seen. Not that there were really a lot of people they've met. They've really only seen Him, but he doesn't really count to them.
Once they left, the Brothers sagged their shoulders, letting out a breath they didn't know they were holding. "god, who WAS that? why were they so... so..."
The silence kept growing. That tended to happen everywhere they went, didn't it? 1-s sighed and slid his hand across the soft ground.
"yea, sleep sounds good right now." Sure, it was the middle of the day, but THEY didn't know that, did they?
Let me know what you guys think! ACT TWO should be out soon. Enjoy ACT ONE of the story that has not been titled yet! :)
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lejoursdor · 4 years
I feel so fucking violated.
For the last few weeks my landlord has been harassing me - passive aggressively texting me about things that could and should be taken care of after a single conversation but instead were drawn out through multiple, long, inappropriate (not to mention rude) texts at ALL hours of the day (including 3 different instances between 2-4 AM). I have had to put my phone on DND just so I could get some sleep/peace of mind at night because I have been having sleeping problems for MONTHS due to my autoimmune disease/fibromyalgia and most recently good ol’ fashion insomnia. 
I thought this morning the whole situation was finally over and that I could finally move on and focus on centering my self and nothing else today. I was unexpectedly forced to go off my depression/anxiety meds due to issues with my insurance and have been working HARD for the last month to monitor and work through the side effects that stopping that kind of medication can cause. Luckily, I had started back on birth control a month or so prior so my hormones were already in the process of getting regulated so it hasn’t been THAT bad. I only had maybe 2 days where things were scary/alarming. But otherwise it has been okay considering. A lot of bursting into tears and taking much longer to bounce back from negativity entering my life (AKA: my landlord) but I’ve been praying no sort of suicidal tendencies/ideations spring up but so far okay but I’m still on high alert just in case.
So since this drama was seemingly over and she would have literally NO REASON to contact me, at least for the day - I decided I would make today a ME day. To try to get me back on track as much as possible. I went to the pharmacy to try to straighten out some stuff with my meds but there was a setback and it’s gonna be a little bit trickier for me to get back on my anxiety/depression meds than previously thought. But I wasn’t feeling defeated so I switched gears and chose to decompress and get all the bad energy out. Maybe after 30 mins of leaving my place, I come back from the pharmacy to check my phone and i have two texts from her about the electricity temporarily being turned off & some other unimportant shit. Quickly texted that I wasn't home yada yada didn’t care byeeee. 
Shortly after I started to drive around aimlessly and listen to music. I drove through my high school best friend’s old neighborhood, by her old house and down the street to the park we used to always go to. I parked and sat there in my car for maybe 45 minutes. Just thinking of what my life has been for the last 15 years since I first went to that park. That no matter how many years have past, I still feel everything from back then, I still feel her. That I will always love and miss who she was in that snapshot in time even though I know she is no longer that person, without even having to know who she is now. That this void that she left can never be filled again, not even by her because that person, the person that I formed quite possibly the closest bond I’ve ever made - is gone. She’s so gone, she may as well have died. It happens and is a part of life and I’ve long since accepted it but that doesn't mean it doesn’t still break my heart. 
After the park I made my way to the city where my mother grew up and unintentionally ended up in the neighborhood of my grandmother’s old house. Maybe I wasn’t cognizant of what I was doing in the moment but maybe somewhere in the back of my mind I purposely led myself there. As soon as I saw the sign for Kelley Ave. i immedietely started tearing up and I just needed to see the house. Even if it doesn’t look the same, even if someone else lives there now. I drove by and it set off a bunch of emotions at once. Every couple of years I hit this point where i really miss her. The last time it was like this was my 25th birthday that I ended up spending alone. On my way home it was like a dam had burst and I couldn’t stop crying. I got home and decided I would take the rest of the afternoon to go for a walk, focus on getting through my emotions in peace. I walked to a park not too far. I ended up laying down, listening to music and bawling my eyes out. I started running all these memories of her through my mind. I wouldn’t say I came to the realization but in reflecting on the last 15 years it’s become glaringly apparent that the only safe space I’ve ever had was with her, in that house. Not the one I grew up in and definitely not where I am now. I kept trying to imagine what it would be like for 31 year old me to be able to show up at her house, walk through the door, into her kitchen, straight towards the sun soaked living room where she would be sitting in front of the glass coffee table like she always was. She’d probably be writing on napkins in Japanese, with the TV on, not watching what was on. I would sit down next to her and hug her and she would hug me back and tap my shoulder and say “Hi Chantel.” like she used to, in her strong accent, with her warm smile. And we would sit next to each other in comfortable silence like we always did and I would watch her as she scrawled her native language on leftover McDonald’s napkins. My grandmother was and still is the only family member of mine that I was ever allowed to be myself in her presence. Maybe it was a cultural thing, it just never crossed her mind that I needed to change/fit a particular mold because it wasn’t an idealogy she was familiar with, unlike my ant’s, parents, uncle’s etc. We had a great relationship, I was her first grandchild and I know that had a lot to do with it. I knew her relationship with my mom and my ant’s/uncle’s were more complicated, so not everyone has the same feelings about her as I do. But I was her favorite and she was mine and it is the only time I have ever been anyone’s favorite. She died when I was 14, she’s been gone for basically half my life now but I still would give anything to see her now and I don’t think I will ever get used to her being gone, no matter how long. All I want is to be next to her, we don’t even need to talk, I just want her to be able to be here now. I miss her so much, all I want is the chance to be with her again...
After an hour or so I walked back and started to feel a little better. Maybe not better but felt like I was able to let a lot out. All I wanted to do was go home, wind down and salvage the rest of the day and indulge in much needed self care. Where I currently stay, I have my own separate entrance attached to the main house but in order to get to my entrance I have to pass by the front of the house which currently has one of those doorbell’s with a camera attached that alerts people on their phone when there is any movement. I unlock my door and get inside. I literally put my keys, phone etc down and maybe 5 seconds pass since I’ve gotten inside and a text pops up from my landlord. 
“Nothing like fresh air for the soul! Hope your feeling better. I have good and bad days too!” 
I think this is the only moment I've ever wanted to murder someone.
I just came back from spending two hours mourning my dead grandmother, after a day filled with repressed emotions coming to the surface due to an awful few weeks (mostly due to my landlord) and I can't even come home with the expectation that I wouldn’t be bothered by her for the rest of the night. 
Today was just not the day. 
Not the time, place or her business. 
I feel like I have no peace anymore, the little I was able to grasp on to.
She has stolen it from me with her unchecked neurosis, constantly invading common boundaries. 
I’m at my wits end, truly. And I’m not sure what to do.
(Insert the dog surrounded by fire “I’m fine” meme) 
Singing off with whatever’s left of my sanity.
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The Defense Puppy and Residence Safety
Dog Trainer School We all know moments have altered. Crimes happen right now, that had been unheard of fifty many years ago. Even twenty to thirty a long time back, the globe was a different spot. Murder, theft, robbery, kidnapping, and rape are at all time highs. The stats are scary. Our businesses fall short, getting rid of billions of bucks a calendar year to theft, and we are no lengthier secure, not even in our personal residences. Firearms legal guidelines become far more restrictive each and every yr, and most people are not able to have their firearm available twenty-four several hours a day, 7 days a week, every single day of the calendar year. Every single forty seconds, an additional child is documented lacking. A woman is sexually assaulted every single two minutes, seventy % happen in the victim’s Home! Businesses drop an approximated 30 BILLION Dollars each and every yr to theft. Each and every fifteen seconds, a home is burglarized. In 28% of these burglaries, a family member is House! A house stability system is essential in today’s planet, for the two your residence and your business. In my impression, nevertheless, this is not adequate. The regular law enforcement response time for confirmed (audio or video) alarm law enforcement dispatches is around 7 minutes, nationwide, in accordance to Chelsea Mitchell from Safe Pacific Corp. Most police departments have a four part reaction timetable. The highest precedence (precedence 1) goes to a theft alarm verified by audio or movie (typically a federal government or business installation), whilst a typical motion detector based mostly method is assigned precedence three, dependent on availability. I know, from personal encounter, that the response time can be significantly for a longer time, specially if you live in a rural spot. The query is, what do you do until aid comes? You may solution this issue, as several do, with one thing like “well, I very own several firearms.” That is great, I do as nicely, but what if you are caught off guard and your weapon is not quickly accessible (appear at obtainable illustrations of property invasions)? What if your jurisdiction has very rigorous anti-gun regulations? I do not imagine, for even one next, that the concern of currently being arrested should ever discourage you from safeguarding your family members or oneself. However, arrest, pursuing a fight for your daily life, is a quite true probability in some components of the United States, and numerous other international locations are significantly worse. Another thing to consider, you cannot “recall” a bullet. When you pull the trigger, there is no turning back again. Unfortunately, a swift net lookup will return tale after story of family members who ended up accidentally shot following getting mistaken as an intruder. Whilst tragic, it transpires. Do not get me mistaken, I am not from firearms, fairly the opposite. I just imagine you are significantly much less probably to hesitate protecting yourself with lethal force, the more self-confident you are concerning your choice. The best laid strategies ... Regardless of your current safety actions, you must always search for methods to incorporate redundancy to your strategies. Ol’ Murphey enjoys throwing wrenches into our nicely laid strategies and when 1 protection measure fails, you will be happy you have backups in location. In multiple studies and interviews conducted between convicted sexual assault, theft, and burglary felons, they were questioned what protection measures were most successful at deterring their criminal intentions. Persistently, at the leading of the record, were protection dogs. When questioned why, criminals outlined these reasons: *Canine listening to talents choose up suspicious sounds before than alarm programs *Canine barking alerts homeowners and neighbors too quickly *Concern of currently being attacked by a canine *Confronting a puppy is a lot far more dangerous than working with an alarm technique Most criminals admit to totally bypassing a house exactly where educated individual protection dogs ended up stored. They merely moved to a much more accessible, much less dangerous target. These are all excellent reasons incorporating a properly qualified security pet to your stability measures is a sensible transfer. They can subdue an intruder until authorities react to your stability alarm, buy you time to access your firearm, as effectively as give you a lot more time to correctly assess a situation, probably averting a tragedy. Yet another bonus, you CAN recall a effectively trained safety canine. From a legal responsibility standpoint, this is a recreation changer. With the appropriate instruction, you can apply only the force essential to stop the menace and right away de-escalate your use of force as necessary. A properly skilled security canine is the one most successful, and safest deterrent to crimes in opposition to you, your house, your enterprise, and your family members. It would be sensible to critically consider incorporating a trained canine to your safety plan. That mentioned, I have presented a training protocol below to give you a head begin. The automated perimeter alarm It is typically explained, “The best offense is a good defense”. I believe the ideal protection is to not engage in the recreation. If somebody forces you to play the match, and your safety or that of your loved ones is in jeopardy, CHEAT! “All is fair, in enjoy and war” How do we cheat? We stack the deck. 1 way we can stack the deck is to be a handful of moves forward of prospective threats, well prepared long before threat strikes. This coaching protocol is one way to keep a few moves forward of your opponent. Very first, let’s get a couple of factors jointly. Some you will need now, other people a small later on. A dog (I know this looks self apparent, but so does not utilizing a blow dryer in the shower) Anything, Everything, that can make your puppy bark persistently (I hugely propose one thing you can manage the dogs accessibility to) Little soft treats your canine Truly likes (Ought to be modest ample your puppy can pretty much inhale them. You want your pet to just take as minor time as possible to try to eat the handle) A couple of prepared volunteers (a lot more on this later) Adequate visible markers to flag the perimeter you want to safe (Dogs see blues ideal) The 1st portion of this instruction protocol has two stages. Instruct your canine to bark on command: A fast word of caution, use some thing that your pet will only have accessibility to when YOU are interacting with her. Or else, you may possibly find yourself likely mad to the audio of a canine that barks all working day and night just to amuse himself, till you prepare her to cease barking on command. You could also wind up with a neurotic puppy if you go away your goal item out exactly where your dog can see it but not obtain it. The least difficult way to achieve instructing your pet to bark on command is if you have an item the puppy genuinely wants, that he will bark for, when you take also prolonged to give it to him and his frustration builds. If you have some thing your dog currently barks for every time she sees or interacts with it, even greater. When your puppy 1st barks for your concentrate on item, reward them with it. When you get to the level when your puppy immediately starts to bark when you existing the product, you can start holding out a small longer prior to you reward the puppy. Slower progress is considerably greater than transferring also quickly and puzzling the pet, correcting this will just take much more time in the extended operate than having the time to do it proper to get started with. Keep in mind “measure two times, reduce once”. Now, Slowly function on duration, right up until your canine will bark incessantly no issue how long it will take to get his reward. When you can correctly manipulate your canine barking with what ever strategy you are utilizing, it will be time to insert your verbal cue. You can use what ever phrase you want. You might contemplate some thing like “Easy” or even “It’s Okay”, this way you look like you are striving to de-escalate a negative scenario to any witnesses. You do not want to appear like the aggressor when legislation enforcement arrives. Also, I desire to talk in a low voice or to whisper when I give verbal instructions. This could sound odd, but there is a method to what might audio like insanity to many. One particular, there are many conditions exactly where you do not want anybody to know you are speaking with your puppy. Two, canine have significantly far better hearing than humans, they do not require us to be loud to hear us. It also assists practice your puppy to spend better consideration to your verbal cues. Finally, there actually are not any situations the place you need to have to be loud or market that you are cueing your puppy. After you have made the decision what cue and tone you will use, begin pairing your command to the barking. Reward your canine at random intervals in the course of this phase of coaching. Begin repeating the cue and praise Although the pet is barking, using the tone you determined works ideal for you. (i.e Softly stating “Easy... Effortless... great Straightforward... Easy”) This is a training strategy acknowledged as capturing. You are primarily tying a command to a behavior your dog is already presenting. This approach evidently communicates, to the dog, what behavior you are asking for. Completed correctly, this is an exceptional coaching strategy that you can use for all manner of behaviors. Clean, rinse repeat. Right after numerous repetitions, put your target item away, let your dog quit barking, and unwind a small bit. A very good sign of when your pet is all set for this stage is when your pet commences anticipating what you want. Now, give your verbal cue Without the concentrate on item. If he does NOT bark, go back again to the previous exercising for a couple of far more repetitions and then consider once again. If your dog responds correctly, immediately reward her, as quick as feasible. When your dog constantly and reliably responds to your voice command without having the target item, transfer to a variable reward routine. Educate your canine to cease barking, on command: At this point, your canine is barking on command. This is an vital element of the subsequent phase of this education protocol. You will need your reward treats for this workout. You will also require to choose on what you will use as your cease barking command. Start off with a few treats in a single hand and make certain you are in arms reach of your pet. Give your canine her cue to bark, praise and fortify as ahead of.(“Easy … good simple) Now, give your cease barking verbal cue at the identical time you present your handle hand to your dog. This is a physiological training technique. Your pet bodily can't bark even though sniffing. Your timing is essential in this physical exercise. You need to give your verbal cue at the exact moment your dog stops barking to sniff the treats in your hand. You need to reward the puppy with the take care of quickly. Do not get discouraged if it will take you a handful of attempts to best your timing. Permit your puppy have a deal with or two whilst reinforcing and praising as before. (i.e. Hush … excellent hush … hush) Soon after a number of repetitions, examination if your puppy will cease barking on command, without having presenting your handle hand for the sniff. If your pet will not give up barking with the verbal command only, return to the sniffing workouts, testing periodically. If she does, amazing! Speedily reward him with the handle. As before, slowly insert a hold off between command, response, and reward. Bear in mind to function at your puppies tempo. You do not want him acquiring bored or disappointed. When you reach the position the place your canine will end barking on command, with no the handle, and continue to be silent until finally you cue her to begin barking once more, persistently, you will be all set to move ahead. An eighty per cent reliability is the commonly approved regular of consistency. Our common is ninety-8 p.c. Function on the two barking and cessation of barking, on command, in as many environments, spots, and conditions as you probably can, to aid your puppy generalize the conduct. If your puppy struggles, or functions like they have entirely overlooked their earlier education, in a new surroundings, or beneath certain situations, no need to have to fret. Dog’s are environmental learners and this is fairly frequent. Take a number of measures back again and reinforce the coaching. Eventually, your dog will generalize the behaviors and will respond correctly, regardless of environment. Any time you alter one thing about your education, environment, duration, etcetera, only adjust one particular issue at a time, and begin with as number of interruptions as attainable. When your pet has generalized a new behavior or extra ability, slowly include more interruptions. Once your pet responds correctly, no issue the environment or distraction, you can commence to fantastic tune and perfect behaviors. Implementing the behavior: Preparation: Begin by inserting your visual markers along the perimeter you want your canine responding to. If the region is fenced, you can connect your markers to the fence. If the spot is not fenced, or only partially so, you can use study flags, strips of cloth on stakes, or one thing related. Don't forget, as revealed in the diagram earlier mentioned, dogs see blues best. You want the perimeter evidently obvious to your pet. Outdoors of this region your pet will take no action other than observation. Inside this area, your pet responds with the conditioned actions(s). You need to also decide on a command you want to use to draw your canine focus to some thing you want her to observe. The rest of your preparations revolve all around your helper. Ideally, your helpers will be people that do not visit often, or that you have sufficient helpers so you do not have to use the exact same man or woman multiple occasions. They will want to provide a mobile cellphone with headphones for some of the workout routines. Go over specifically what you need to have your helper to do in advance of time. Make confident whomever is supporting you has a comprehensive knowing of every thing prior to you start. Bringing it all collectively! So, here is what you want to do. Commence outside with your pet on leash. Act natural and do whatever you usually do, other than activities that are quite distracting for your pet, or that genuinely amp your puppy up. We constantly begin easy and include problems to education periods soon after the puppy is regular under the existing expectations. Your helper should wander up from outside of your residence line on the Outdoors of your perimeter. Your helper must act as if they are on a informal stroll, paying no interest to you or your dog. In the commencing, do not give your canine his interest and watch command right up until your helper is approaching the area the place they will cross your set up perimeter(probably a gate or driveway?). Now, many factors require to occur in pretty quick succession. You will give your dog the “attention and watch” command you chose, although pointing at your helper, this is a cognitive instruction strategy that relies on inferential reasoning. As your dog attracts her consideration to your helper, praise softly, your helper crosses your established perimeter, and you give your bark command, your pet begins barking, you praise as your helper turns on his heels and leaves the perimeter, you give your stop barking command, and your helper proceeds walking away, not looking back again, until finally out of sight. If there is not somewhere for your helper to go “out of sight”, praise your puppy as you walk inside soon after your helper has left the vicinity. All of this transpires extremely rapidly, a lot of it at the identical time. The more rapidly your helper can respond to your dog’s behavior, the more quickly and simpler your pet learns their habits dictates the actions of your helper(s), and that trying to influence the actions of people moving into your property is satisfying. This is a complex sequence of stimuli and behaviors, if you have an problem with element of a instruction exercising, split it down to its simplest actions, recognized as component education, and work on the actions individually. You can get better benefits as you have the capability to target on difficulty places. You need to usually conclude your education sessions with accomplishment, even if that means only undertaking a single repetition, at moments, particularly in areas your pet struggles. I would relatively end right after a single achievement than fall into the entice of “one more”, which inevitably does a lot more hurt than great. When the results of this outdoor perimeter training physical exercise are satisfactory, you can shift indoors. Repeat this exterior part of the instruction, although inside of, seeing with your pet from a window that gives a obvious vantage position of your helper and exactly where they will cross on to your property. For the instruction sessions within, your helper will need to have their cell phone and headphones. Call them and set your phone to speakerphone. Put your mobile phone in a pocket prior to you interact with your canine. You do not want to inadvertently create cues for your pet. Have your helper area their finish of the cellphone get in touch with on mute and use headphones, primarily generating a one way interaction exactly where your helper(s) can pay attention for their cues to complete their work. They will have to depend on your commands to your dog and your dog’s barking to know when to cross the perimeter, switch close to, wander away, etcetera. If your dog is an within puppy, within coaching exercises ought to be your main concentrate. At this point, your coaching progresses by drawing your dog’s consideration, with your “attention and watch” command(nevertheless pointing at your helper, take a look at when you can stop using the pointing and verbal cues the exact same as you have for your verbal cues in the earlier), further and additional from the place exactly where the helper will cross. Your goal becoming for your canine to shell out attention, but not bark right up until the helper crosses the perimeter, and then cease barking when your helper exits your set up perimeter. Apply with methods from diverse directions, crossing your perimeter at diverse places, at different moments of day and night, helpers of diverse sexes, and as several different races as you can, and helpers putting on different designs of clothes. Some carrying things in their arms, other not. It is important that you do not use the same helper solely, you want your dog responding to the Steps of your helper, not the specific helper you are using. The much more thorough and different your instruction periods, the a lot more your puppy will generalize the instruction and react properly. As soon as your pet responds as he must, irrespective of the variable, you can begin getting rid of some of your perimeter markers, 1 or two at a time. Repeat some of the training workouts earlier mentioned. As ahead of, if you encounter any concerns, consider a action again. Remember to go at your dog’s speed, finish every single education session on a good(success), only modify 1 variable in your education at a time, use your verbal and visual cues only as lengthy as your dog demands them, and return to them, in the starting, when you are changing a variable. Your ultimate goal, of system, is that your puppy will will respond, by barking, to anybody getting into your residence. If you are not expecting firm, you are undoubtedly not heading to be caught by surprise. There are quite a few techniques to incorporate to, modify, and/or improve these behaviors to far better match your requirements and predicament. There are also several makes use of for the individual elements of this coaching protocol. Your only limitation is your imagination and devotion to the work concerned. This training protocol is only a general outline and is not intended to handle particular behavioral concerns, nor specific situation involving your person dog, in regards to this protocol. There is far more than one way to skin a cat and your dog may possibly reply greater to different education approaches. If you expertise problems or troubles, your best selection is to get in touch with a qualified professional.
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kendrickavant · 7 years
You're a Pesca-WHAT? Why?!
So, I'm pescatarian. I don't eat land animals and no, I do NOT do the whole eggs-are-chickens-but-you-eat-that, what-about-insert random pond creature or but-chance critter-is-blah-blah-blah. I realize my limitations regarding starting anything new. In order for me to start anything, it MUST be simple. Notice I said simple, not easy. Easy is easy. I know, I know, people hate that. Tough luck, easy is easy. Simple is easy to add or mix. I'll give an example. Pescatarian is easy, " Just plan what you're eating or follow a meal plan". My issue with that is the step, plan. MY pescatarian is simple, I don't eat land animals. See the difference? Yes, Marcherie does the lion's share of meal prep and cooking for us, the kids and get-togethers but I'm destroying chips, cookies, fruit after 6pm and everything else. Heck yea I'll smash on Mickey D's for a fish sammich and extra large fries. What is the benefit of this pescatarian lifestyle shift? Multiple Sclerosis, MS to most folks, and Spondylosis. I was diagnosed in October 2016 at the ripe ol age of 38. What is MS? SpondyWhat? MS, in simple terms, is when the immune system attacks the central nervous system. Everyday activities, like walking, standing and vision, are painful or non-functioning for hours, years and anything in-between. When simple functions require focus, waking up every morning is a check list of pain and body functions. How many fingers can I feel? Which leg is dragging? Can I move my neck? Dang, I can't see shit today. Spondylosis is a degenerative spinal condition; basically, arthritis of the spine. I have pain killers for Spondylosis but my UC, Ulcerative Colitis, will kick in 3rd gear if I pop them. DONE! Well, done with explaining the big stuff. I have allergies and an immune system weaker than cheap school toilet paper. Ok, I think THAT about sums up my medical history. Obviously, changes are necessary.
Marcheie, my wife, has alwags been an undercover health nut. She meal preps, takes notes on cooking shows and replicates foreign dishes when passion tickles her hunger. Pescatarian was her idea. I signed off on fusions to treat MS. For months of fusions, I felt yucky. I'm a grown man using the term, yucky; it was bad. My mom and Marcherie did their own research while I focused on coping with the diagnosis of MS. I'll be eternally grateful for that coping time because... Nevermind, that is for another day. My Queens discovered that a pescatarian lifestyle resulted in better digestion (UC,  need it), weight loss/management (Spondylosis, less pounds, less stress on spine) and improves overall health and stamina (MS affects EVERYTHING so I need this too). I tried the Pescatarian lifestyle before my my initial diagnosis. I felt so good that I maintained throughout our Costa Rican vacation, not as difficult as you may think. When I was diagnosed, first thought I acted upon was eating whatever, drinking whenever and managing however. It reads worse than it was because I've been self-medicating since 17; I didn't suddenly go wild. I just rolled with the incurable disease news, decided my vices had gotten me this far and vices was the way to go. I followed medical instructions and prepared my Ritual of Acceptance. Everyone has a Ritual of Acceptance. Whatever you do to deal with news, issues, drama, hate, etc is your Ritual of Acceptance. Mine is ice cream, alcohol and cigars. Six months later and I was absolutely worse than before the diagnosis. I was tired, every-day-all-day-1st-hangover  tired. The various medicines had multiple side affects, mood swings, weight gain, suicidal thoughts; yup, just like those late night commercials. I'm building a brand and business, #oneloverealestate, that puts people in homes and protect families. We educate families on credit repair, insurance, mentor young people and this year, will offer our first book scholarship! Back to the regularly scheduled blogging, I'm working on rambling. I didn't have time or energy for  these diseases, their afflictions and the medical side effects. Six months after following medical instructions and my Ritual of Acceptance, it was time for changes. The medical professionals advised chemotherapy. My MS was extremely aggressive, lesions were developing at a ridiculous rate, spine had new disc issues and well, you get it. It was time for changes. I've never been a big medicine guy. Sure, I have issues, AM an issue, but my Ritual of Acceptance always worked better than medicines. I went back to the pescatarian lifestyle and felt better within 6 weeks. Pescatarian kept the eating habits simple, no land animals. That simple singular change slowly infiltrated and affected all my decisions. I ate a little less but a little more consistently. I don't meal prep but I'm cognizant of my options when I leave the house. I eat more fruit, vegetables and actively search for alternatives. By rejecting land animals, I began to choose other alternatives SUBCONSCIOUSLY. I don't catch myself until others mention what I've selected but I do it. That, folks, is simple. I'm not calorie counting, hitting the gym or excercising regularly, all which are easy. I've lost 15lbs since April 5th, 2017. I sleep better. In the 3 months of the pescatarian lifestyle, I've had no hospital visits, less allergies, less processed food, less checkups and appointments. This pescatarian lifestyle is legitimately benefiting my health and extending my life. I mentioned lesions earlier. Lesions are batches of the body affected by disease or trauma; for cancer, think tumor (seriously scary stuff). The foods to avoid/increase are the natural foundation of the pescatarian lifestyle. I reiterate, this pescatarian lifestyle works. It is simple AND it works. To help, motivate, inspire, teach, anything that exemplifies a successful philosophy of life with MS or any other incurable disease, I offer my rationale and testimony of the pescatarian lifestyle through blogging and pictures!
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oathkeeper2k17 · 7 years
A Dream Everlasting..... (Insert from my Book)
With my eyes closed and my arms out, I slowly began to turn around and around for just a moment. There's a steady down pour of rain. I can feel it falling down on my face, I can hear the distant roar of thunder, lost already in the moment I take a deep breath. I can smell the fresh air that the storm has brought in, and suddenly I begin to lose my self. Memories from my childhood begin to flood my subconscious mind and over take all of my senses.
I'm back at home, in my rusty old barn that me, my Papaw, and my Uncle Dan built out of whatever used material we could scrape up. I can hear my horse, Thunder, nicker as he impatiently waits for me to give him the tasty treat that he knows I have brought him like I always use to do. I can hear the rain beating down on the battered and already worn tin roof. The smell the fresh cut hay from my neighbors field across the road makes the moment even more real. I can sense the slight fear of getting wet and muddy darn near all the way up to my knees because of our make shift barn having an uneven dirt foundation that would allow rain water to race through the middle of the it and flood the entrance way. I can see that it is getting dark out and I know that my granny will soon become curious as to where I had wondered off to this time. She will be expecting me to drag in and she would already be prepared for the complaining I was about to do because of the quick bath I was going to be forced to take. I can hear her saying "Don't forget to wash your hair!"  Only afterwards could I then indulge in the supper that she would have had prepared by then, and if I was lucky that was going to include her homemade buttermilk biscuits that was to die for. My grannies cooking was the best in all of the south and couldn't a sole tell me otherwise. So caught up in my memories , I had completely forgotten where I really was. The rain was washing away the tears that had began to flood my face. I now can't help but to become emotional. I'm suddenly startled by the touch of someone's hand and I quickly open my eyes. There is an officer standing beside me, "Ma'am are you okay?" he asks. I look around and notice the lit up, greenish Extended Stay USA  sign and realize where I am, and it is not home. I realize that I am 1,200 miles away from home in a God forsaken City full of murders and who knows what else. I realize that I definitely am no longer that sweet innocent little child from 15 years ago. Quickly I assure the officer that I am fine, that I just felt a little lost for a moment. He kindly offers to walk me to my room. I decline the offer and make my way to the entrance of the hotel. He proceeds to follow me to the entrance and holds the door open for me. I thank him and kind of give him an awkward look. "You're not from around here, are you?" I ask him. He hesitates and finally responds, "no Ma'am, you are correct. I am not. How did you know? " I look at him with a slight smile on my face and say, " That's an easy one, not only did you call me Ma'am, you held the door open for me. Only a good ole southern boy would do that."  The officer smiled and replied " Have a good day, Ma'am." He then turned and walked back to his patrol car and I walked into the hotel. As I walk through the main entrance and make my way through the lobby I can't help but to become a bit emotional again. Hundreds of memories from my childhood continue to race through my mind and I think to my self how strange was it that during this moment of emotional distress, a handsome "southern" officer appeared out of no where, it seemed, and offered his assistance. I mean I'm sure he was at the hotel for some reason but you catch my drift. As I try and turn from the thought of the encounter and the embarrassing emotional moment that he caught me having,  I continue to make my way through the lobby,  and as I am about to pass the front desk I notice my new Spanish friend, Elberto that works at the hotel.  At almost the same time he notices me and suddenly a concerned look appears on his delightful, tan face. I suppose he noticed the distressed look on my face. Either that or the massacre that was now probably smeared all over my face and possibly even running down my neck. Before he can speak, I assure him that everything is okay, that I sometimes become somewhat emotional when it rains and that I might have stood out in the middle of the parking lot balling like a big baby for a few seconds. Okay a few minutes. Before I tell you about my friend, you first have to understand something that is very important about him. You have to understand and know that he is the one of those type of people that is always cheerful and uplifting. You know the type. He has a very entertaining nature about him. He has that way about him that can quickly change your whole demeanor. In the good kind of way. His cheerfulness kind of rubs off on you so to speak. So just like that, I instantly cheered up a little and felt somewhat better about my current situation. "How is your day going, lovely?" he asks in a concerning but upbeat manner. He doesn't give me time to answer before he starts telling me how his day has been, which is perfectly fine with me. I need something to distract me from my own thoughts anyway.  In a exciting but frustrating voice he proceeds to explain "Girl, you will not believe every thing that has went on at this here place today! The rain must have really brought all the crazies out of the wood work. I have had to call the police not one but five times! Men beating up their wives and a group of hippies thought it was okay to smoke marijuana in the lobby! Yes in the lobby! Heck, I even caught one guy trying to pimp his girlfriend out to another customer!" I laugh little and shack my head. "Sounds like any other ordinary day here at the Extended Stay!" I jokingly say. "Come by when you get off and we will talk more if you want or we can watch netflix" I offer knowing that he will probably not come. Elberto is a huge nerd and I know that he will probably go straight to his room so he can engross himself into some video game or comic book. I'm okay with that though. It's just another thing about Elberto that I have grown to love. Eventually I make my way up the winding stairway to my room on the fifth floor. I make it to my room and as soon as I unlock the door and make my way in, I can immediately  smell the fresh linen, I instantly know that the maid has made her way around to my room today and for this I am thankful. I begin peeling my wet clothes off piece by piece as I make my way towards the window. I know that it's still raining fairly steady outside and I want to at least be able to embrace the sight of it. The view is remarkable at night in the city and the rain only enhances it. It kind of momentarily washing away the smog that hangs low over the entire city. Even though in it's on way it truly is beautiful, this view from my city hotel suite does nothing for my homesickness. It only makes it worse. It makes me long to look out my window from my small county home and see the beautiful stars in the sky. See a moon hanging so low that it appears you can reach up and touch it. Its spring time now and I know that down south you can hear the whippoorwill singing and the crickets chirping.  I long to wake up to a beautiful county style sunrise and see my horses grazing in their pasture and hear to hear my Papaw's rooster crowing. I suddenly fall into an emotional trance again and begin to wonder why I am even here. Why I'm so far from home, where my heart and my family are. It continued to rain all throughout the night and eventually my thoughts subsided and somehow I was able to fall asleep. Once again I found my self at home, in my barn, in the beautiful state of Mississippi, once again a child. I could see my dear Thunder and smell the fresh cut fields of hay. Oh, the things that I would give for this dream to be everlasting. -Kayla Michelle
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