#I used to watch the old my little pony movies when i was a kid tho
sadlynotthevoid · 8 months
Being honest, I haven't watched a single chapter of the human spin off of my little pony. But if there was a crossover of it with og!Cale on it (preferably as the main character, but aceptable as a support character as long as his characterization is not reduced to the role of trash he acted or 'dumb/stupid, hot headed idiot'), I would read it.
Oh, so you say friendship is magic? Well, og!Cale needs friends damn it.
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k0droid · 1 year
megumi and reader
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a/n: it's currently 1:29am. all my drabbles are written at night oof | thank yall for 98 likes | thanks for 157 likes <3
tw: megumi likes you, fluff, gn reader (referred to as 'you'; i chose pink bcuz i like pink), swearing, gojo jumpscare 💔
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fushiguro megumi would describe himself as a neutral, calculating man. he’s not the one to get touchy-feely and closes himself off - even to his best friends.
so why is he such a stumbling mess around you?
maybe it’s the way you smile at him. the way you beam at him makes his heart skip beats. you’d cheese at him as if he didn’t just call you a nuisance.
maybe it’s the way you remember his interests whenever he mentions them.
“hey fushiguro! yuji told me you like my little pony! who’s ya favorite outta the mane six?” (it’s twilight. he’ll make sure to whoop itadori’s ass for revealing that to you.)
maybe it’s the way you’ll sit and talk to him for hours on end, explaining the lore to your favorite indie horror game. fushiguro, though he tries not to show it, is hooked on your every word.
however, he’s so confused why you’re friendly to someone like him.
megumi is well aware that he’s not the easiest person to like. and he’s fine with that. This irritable boy is not a jujutsu sorcerer to make friends.
but when you’re around, all of that is out of the window.
suddenly it’s a tuesday night and fushiguro is lounging next to you on a couch. the lights are dimmed and Home Alone is playing on the tv. he just had to mention he’s never seen the movies before.
“you WHAT?! b-but it’s a classic! how could you have never seen it? this is a crime! come,” you grasp his hand firmly and start leading him downstairs, “you gotta see it with me!”
and here you two are. megumi is grateful towards whatever force or deity prevented him from watching the movie earlier. kevin is way too sadistic to be an eight year old. by the end of the movie, dude can’t help but feel bad for the robbers.
yo ass cackled to every dangerous stunt that kid pulled so maybe it’s just him.
fushiguro makes a move to get up but he notices a weight on his shoulder. he looks down and see your sleeping face. no way he was too engrossed in a movie to not notice the love of his life you slumped on him. he doesn’t wanna leave you here but he’d much rather be in the comfort of his own room-
poor boy just about has a heart attack when he hears you mumble “gumi don’t leave yet…”
damn it. the way you cling onto his arm has his chest pounding so bad he’s almost afraid you can feel it through his body.
megumi curses under his breath (“fuck…so cute”)  and returns to the sofa. he waits for you to go back to sleep - which you did - but he ends up falling asleep with you. he’ll never admit it but he did enjoy the time spent with you and nothing could ruin it for him.
scratch that. gojo walked in on you two, looking for a romcom to cry himself to sleep to. he snapped a couple of pics and left all giggly n shit. satoru is definitely going to use them as blackmail.
unfortunately, gojo is fushiguro’s wingman.
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a/n: the ending was kinda rushed but i hope you enjoyed. if this gets enough likes, part two will center around wingman! gojo and gumi.
tags: idk? lemme know if you wanna be tagged
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dullgecko · 14 days
What I think the Bad kid’s favorite shows/movies were as kids (obviously the fantasy variations of these shows, also some of these may just be American shows)
Fig: Power puff girls and My little pony. Fig still loves these shows, during freshman year when she was still a trying to be edgy she would have denied it.
Adaine: Wasn’t allowed to watch tv, but she did read the Frog and Toad books front to cover over and over again. She had to hide them at a certain point because she was “too old” for them.
Riz: Scooby-doo, he’d have it whenever it on, He knew the exact hours it aired. He’d solve the mystery himself before the show was over but he still loved them. Sklonda got him a dvd compilation as a gift one day and then he’d just watch it over and over.
Kristen: Also wasn’t allowed to watch movies (unless they were religious), but once she got to watch Winnie the Pooh and she fell in love with the character. (I 100% picked this because of Ally’s Pooh push).
Gorgug: Wonderpets, he was just fascinated with the way it was animated. His parents made him little metal figures of all of the character that he keeps on his shelf.
Fabian: Peter Pan, he loved the book, though he didn’t like how they portrayed the pirates. “His papa wasn’t evil.” When he watched movie came out he wanted to watch it over and over again. There was times where Cathilda might as well dragged him to bed.
Fig: 100% All her school books were covered in stickers and drawings from her favorite kids cartoons. She had shirts and purses and hairclips and all kinds of pink and frilly accesories with the characters on them that she was STILL wearing right up until her horns started coming in. Now that she's mellowed out a bit you might catch her with an occasional hair-clip or tshirt that doesnt really match her aesthetic anymore but somehow doesnt look out of place with her other clothes.
Adaine: Still loves her books and the bad kids bought her a new set after her house burned down, plus some more they thought she'd like along the same vein. Girls nights are usually spent introducing Adaine to all the sugary sweet childrens television she missed as a kid and she gets really into it. Kristen also gets to broaden her cartoon knowledge this way so its killing two birds with one stone.
Kristen: Tried to introduce her friends to some of her favorite cartoons as a kid but only got a couple episodes in before they were all horrifed about how culty it was and never tried to watch them again (she honestly did not remember them being this bad). Fig has made it her mission to educate the other two bad girls on the joys of childrens media and every two weeks they spend a night not sleeping and binging entire seasons of cartoons.
Riz: Loved Scooby doo but, inexplicably, hates police procedural shows (aka Law and Order) because they're so unrealistic and have dumb twists 90% of the time. He loves crime documentaries with a passion but his mom has to watch them first because if he watched one and they didnt reveal the killer at the end he would not stop trying to investigate it himself to solve the mystery. She had to flat out had to ban him from watching documentaries on cold cases because obviously they dont know who commited the crime in those instances and it hooks into his brain too strongly. He's solved at least two since sophomore year (evidence and tips were sent anonymously to the authorities and arrests were made) but it screwed with his already messed up sleep schedule to the point where he made himself physically sick and Sklonda had to put her foot down.
Gorgug: Didnt really watch all that much television as a kid but used to watch a lot of gnomish cartoons when he did, or shows with talking animals (there tends to be a big overlap in this regard). He preferred playing outside and would take the cartoon figurines his parents made for him on his own made up adventures.
Fabian: Peter pan, Hook and The Princess Bride were basically on repeat in Fabians house when he was growing up. He knows that Peter Pan and Hook were portraying pirates as bad but reasoned they must just be mean pirates unlike his Papa. His Papa defeated all the bad ones and got rid of the Pirate King after all. The pirates in all those shows were still undeniably cool though to his child mind.
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kenny-power · 2 years
Johnny cade x winston!reader where dal actually sees how happy reader makes him xox ❤️😘😝😍
How happy
J.C. x Winston!Reader (REQUEST)
Warnings: Language
Fluff, established relationship, word count: 1.8k
A/N - Hi babes! I hope I did this request justice <3 I accidentally made it a lil long, but oh well! Please please please send in requests, I love them!
If anyone were to ask me to describe my brother, “understanding” and “patient” would not be words I would use. Now, “overprotective” and “irrational”? Those are words I’d use to describe him. 
Dallas Winston cares for only 2 things in his life; his baby sister and Johnny Cade. However, I don’t think he’d appreciate us being together. Which is why we have to sneak around behind his back. Dally just wouldn’t understand. 
So it’s totally not wrong to be climbing out of my window right now, with full intent to meet up with Johnny at the drive-in. Not wrong at all. 
Johnny and I have been dating for a few weeks now, but despite the relationship being new, the concept of us was not. Since high-tailing it out of New York with my brother, me and Johnny got along like fast friends. He was always the one who I went to when my brother did or said something to piss me off (which was often). Whether I was running from the cops or the socs, I knew I could always run to him. Likewise, anytime his folks were giving him a hard time, I’d be there. No matter the time, no matter where I was, I’m there for him. 
He’s been the love of my life since before I even knew what love was. 
And that’s why I just can’t tell Dallas. He wouldn’t understand. To Dally, I’m still the same 10 year-old kid that arrived in Tulsa with him, looking for a new start. Never mind the fact that I’m practically a grown-up now. I can legally drive and everything. Nope, to him, I’m still his kid sister who’s afraid of the dark and always asks for the extra pickle off his plate. 
Sure, life would be easier if I could tell Dal about me and Johnny. For example, I wouldn’t have to climb out of my window like I am right now in order to see Johnny. We would also be able to go on date, all proper-like, without Ponyboy as a chaperone to make it seem less date-y. But I can’t. Not only because Dally would have a conniption fit if he found out, but also because Johnny asked me not to tell. Not until he had at least a little time to work out a possible escape route. And who am I to tell Johnny ‘no’?
So, sneaking around is the only solution. And I’ve gotten pretty good at it, or so I thought. 
Johnny and I usually try to go to the drive-in for a date at least every other week. It’s not like we’re obsessed with watching movies, that’s more Pony’s thing, it’s just one of the only things we can do together without being too suspicious. Usually, Pony tags along with us, sitting a couple of seats away to give us at least a little bit of privacy. But Darry wouldn’t let Pony come out with us tonight - something about homework or studying, I don’t know - so tonight is one of the rare times that it’s just me and Johnny. I love nights like this. Nights where we can pretend everyone already knows about us and he can take me out like he wants and I can spoil him like he deserves. But for now, it’s still just pretend. I’m not really sure what movie is playing, some sort of western, but eventually I get tired of sitting around and get up to go get popcorn. 
“Hey doll,” Johnny protests when I untangle my arm from his, “where you going?” 
“Popcorn,” I say before leaning down to kiss his forehead. “Wanna coke?” He smiles back at me, blushing. 
“Thanks baby.” He says. Leaving my coat in my seat, I make my way to the concessions stand. It was one of those nights where it started out warm but eventually got pretty cold. So, I brought a jacket just in case. 
The concessions line wasn’t too long, but it was still several minutes before I started to make my way back to ours seats. However, I quickly ducked behind a trash can when I saw my big brother making his way towards Johnny and the empty seat next to him. The seat that still had my coat on it. Well, shit. 
Johnny was sitting quietly in his seat, waiting for you to come back. This was his favorite kind of night - one where it was just you and him. Where you guys could just be a couple, without the fear of what your big brother would do. Now, don’t get him wrong, Johnny respects the hell out of your brother. How could he not? Dallas is the toughest greaser around who’s willing to do anything to protect his kid sister, even if that means thrashin’ someone who get a little too close to her. And that scares the hell out of him. 
It’s not like he wants to keep his relationship with you a secret. There’s just never a good enough time to bring it up. What’s he gonna do, waltz up to Dally and say “Oh, by the way, I’m madly in love with your sister and plan on marrying her one day.” Johnny doesn’t think he could even try to run fast enough to escape Dally’s wrath after saying something like that. 
But, if Johnny knows one thing, he knows that he loves you. More than life itself. He loves you so much that he’s willing to face the devil called Dally if that means you could be his forever. He’s just gotta work up the nerve to talk to Dallas. 
As if God (or the devil, depending on how you look at it) was listening to his inner thoughts, a heavy hand came down on his shoulder - shaking him from his reverie. 
“Johnnycakes! What a surprise, man. Didn’t think I’d see you here. I thought Pony couldn’t come out tonight?” Johnny nervously lifted his eyes and made saw the very person he was thinking about. Dallas. Well, shit. 
He cleared his throat nervously.
“H-Hey, Dal. What’re you doin’ here?” His was dry, the words sticking to the inside of his mouth. Dally scanned the crowd of other movie-goers before responding. 
“I’m lookin’ for my sister. Apparently she didn’t think she needed to tell me where she was tonight. So’s, I’m just lookin’ in all the usual places. Have you seen her-” Dally paused, clocking what was obviously his sister’s jacket in the seat next to Johnny. “Hey, man! Are you on a date?” Dal clapped Johnny on the shoulder appreciatively. “So, who’s the lucky broad? Where’s she at? Anyone I know?” He started scanning the crowd again, trying to find you. 
Johnny laughed nervously, “I guess you could say that.” He too began looking around, to warn you. 
Dal stopped looking around and peered at Johnny’s face, which he was sure was as red as a tomato by now. “Whaddya mean by that? You guess?” He squinted at him. “It’s not Sylvia is it? I told her me and Steve’d beat the tar outta her if she was sniffing around you again.”
“No, no!” Johnny said, a little too loudly. “It’s not Sylvia. Swear it, I wouldn’t ever mess with her.”
“Well, spit it out man. Why’re you bein’ so secretive?” Dallas leaned in closer to Johnny, fighting to keep the grin off of his face. 
I watch from behind the trashcan as my older brother starts to get in Johnny’s face. Not good, not good at all. So far, there hasn’t been any yelling or signs of anger from Dal, but knowing him, it was only a matter of time. 
Staring intently at the pair, I wait to make my move. (Whether that be high-tailing it out of there or going to rescue Johnny, I’m not sure yet.) Then, I make eye contact with Johnny and see him give a tiny nod. Guess that means it’s time to fess up. Taking a deep breath, I steel myself for the incoming conversation. This probably wasn’t going to be pretty. 
I walked up to the boys, carrying a popcorn and coke, trying to smile brightly (but it probably looks more like a grimace). 
“Hiya, Dallas. What’s new?” At the sound of my voice, Dal whips around and glowers at me. 
“Don’t give me that, you little shit. You snuck out. I’ve had enough with chasing you around town to make sure you don’t get killed or some shit like that.” Staring back at him, I don’t say anything. Instead, I move around him, put the food down, pick up my jacket from the seat, and sit down. Then, just because I could, I grabbed Johnny’s arm and put it around me. Not breaking eye contact with my brother the whole time. Johnny was tense beside me.
He clocked my intentions instantly. The bad part about growing up with him is that he is almost always able to read me to a T. 
“So,” he started, tensely, “so this is why you sneak out all the time? To hang out with Johnny without telling me? What, do you think I’m stupid, or something?” His voice was getting louder, anger increasing. Oh no. Maybe I shouldn’t have acted like that. “You’re an idiot, you know that?” That caught me off guard.
“Me?” I scoffed, incredulously. “Why am I an idiot?” Dal chuckled.
“You really think I wouldn’t notice my kid sister acting as if she was in love or something? Baby, I think I could pinpoint the exact moment you two started going steady.” I paled. Apparently I’m not as good of an actor as I initially thought.
“Are you mad at me, Dallas?” I asked quietly, looking up at him through my lashes.
“Aw, hell kid.” He sighed. “No, I’m not mad. I just wish you woulda told me. I can see how happy he makes you” He turned a pointed finger to Johnny, who was quiet and pale this whole time. “You. Have her home right after, no messing around, got it?” Johnny nodded.
“Ye-yes, I got it.” Dal smirked, satisfied. Reaching into his pocket, he fished out 5 bucks and handed it to Johnny. 
“Take her somewhere to eat after. Then, get some sleep. Cause in the morning, you and me are gonna have a talk.” Then, he turned to leave. I jumped up out of my seat.
“Dallas!” He stopped and turned back to me. I gave him a hug. “Thank you.” He ruffled my hair.
“Yeah, whatever kid. Go back to your boyfriend.” Pushing me off of him, he left. I made my way back to my seat. 
“I guess that wasn’t as painful as it could have been.” I said, tucking myself back under Johnny’s arm. 
“Yeah, that’s what you say. I’m the one who has to talk to him tomorrow.” I giggled and pecked him on the cheek.
“Oh my poor baby boy.” He blushed, but turned his head to face me. 
“You missed,” he whispered, and leaned his head in to kiss me deeply on the lips. 
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alpaca-clouds · 1 month
Kids in certain media spaces/fandoms
While a certain part of my dash has this discussion - and I have heard some friends (like real world physical friends), who are in their mid 20s complain about this too - let me just try and put everyone's minds at ease: Yes, it is perfectly normal for "kids" (read = teens, maybe tweens) to consume supposedly "adult" media. And with that I mean, well... try and be a part of certain fandoms, that technically are based on media they are not old enough for if we go by rating.
Most currently I have seen the discussion arise around both Hazbin Hotel and Baldur's Gate 3. Honestly, I am not sure about the English rating system for video games, as in Germany we use the same one for games and other media, with Hazbin being "16+" and BG3 being rated "18+" over here.
And yet, obviously, there is a ton of kids younger than that hanging in those fandom spaces - and some people are very "concerned" about this.
Meanwhile I am sitting here like: "Yeah, I watched 18+ stuff at age 13 or 14 as well. Watched 16+ stuff even earlier, even though I was not allowed. And don't get me started on the books I read at age 10."
And every person who I have seen being "concerned" about this has openly admitted that, yes, they have consumed some media that technically legally they were not supposed to be exposed to at that inappropriate age, too, but "that's different". Usually this will be followed by some arguments about the abuse-themes in either piece of media.
And I am like: "Yeah, but that is actually a good thing, right? Both Hazbin and BG3 call out romantic/sexual abuse out as what it is. They show it as abusive and destructive. That is a good thing for teens to learn about." Because let me tell you one thing: No, the fact that I read 18+ Smut manga as a kid did not fuck me up. But you know what fucked me up? That back then a lot of those smut manga had stories that featured abusive/toxic relationships that were depicted as normal or even good. Because, yeah, to me when I was 14 it was indeed not quite comprehensible why my then bf doing the same stuff I read about in those manga made me feel bad. Took me into my 20s to realize what was going on there.
Sure, I kinda get what people are on about when it comes to "but what about grooming?" But... Like, most of the big fandom grooming things that happened where in kiddy-fandoms. Like, the cases I know about where in the fandoms of Pokémon and My little Pony. Because... Let's face it. The person going out of their way to groom a kid will more likely just go into one of those kid-friendly fandoms and find their victim there, than going for the teens in "adult fandoms".
I kinda feel like people are overthinking this. It is just something that happens and will always happen. Especially teens will take some interest in "adult" shows, movies and games. That always was like that and always will be like that. It was like that before the internet even, only that getting your hands at it got easier with the internet.
... Also, keep in mind that generally speaking, those age ratings are not exactly based on science, but instead mostly on moral outcry. Do I think that a 13yo will be able to comprehend the entire story of Angel Dust? Nope, probably not. And that is fine. Do I think that watching Hazbin, that is mostly rated the way it is because the characters cuss a lot, there are sexual themes and cartoony violence, will actually harm most 13yos? Nope, probably not.
Look, I do not feel comfortable with teens in most of my fandom spaces either. Especially those fandom spaces where the media deals with some adult topics. So, for the most part, I just do try to avoid interacting with them.
Just do the same. You will not be able to keep the teens out. Not by shaming them, and not by shaming their parents. And unless you want the parents to 24/7 watch their kids online (which you cannot want if you care about queer kids)... Just relax. If those kids really bother you, block and move on.
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i feel like we’re finally at the age of information transparency on the internet that studio head execs are showing their own asses in an unprecendented way. like we all knew they were bigoted old farts who hate minorities and animation as a medium BUT now we have the entire hbo max tobacle, and that’s only the most obvious.
recently two tv shows for wings of fire and phoebe and her unicorn were cancelled– the first because of netflix budget cuts and the second because “nobody wants to watch a female-led show.” as for the latter, that’s so obviously not true that it’s laughable, what with basically every disney animated show being female-led and extremely popular incl. owl house and amphibia, legend of korra being revered rightfully for its badass queer woc main, the female-led infinity train seasons being just as popular as the male-led, my little pony getting a terrifying number of fans... i don’t even have to explain this to y’all i don’t know why i am, it’s just obvious that isn’t the case. the reason i lumped it in with wings of fire though is it shows that these execs literally have their heads so far up their own asses they don’t realize that they’re literally throwing away money. both wings of fire and phoebe are EXTREMELY popular with their target demographic– i work at a library and go to bookstores like, once a week, and wings of fire is THE kids’ series right now– every library and bookstore has a dedicated shelf just for it, every kid in the us and canada reads these gay lil dragon books. i don’t know much about phoebe but i do know that i have to shelf her graphic novels every goddamn day so they’re getting checked out constantly. making these shows would give these studios an immediate HUGE audience but they don’t want it because.......... ???? honestly the only thing i can think of is bias against animation, but also i do know that while WoF is very cishet in the first few books, later books add quite a few queer dragons and that could def be a reason. 
netflix also recently told craig mccracken, creator of some of the most beloved kids shows of the 2000s, that “original content doesn’t sell anymore” and they need to do reboots and remakes instead. which is funny coming from the company that made stranger things which, while nostalgia-bait for the 80s, is an original fucking story. also the owl house and amphibia are disney’s top shows rn. the most popular kids movie right now is encanto, a completely original story. and that’s just in KIDS MEDIA, do i need to bring up the popularity around everything everywhere all at once, squid game, the knives out franchise, etc? we’re in an age of remakes and reboots yeah but original stories can still make money and gain fans if you make a good fucking product. but netflix doesn’t care about that, as evidenced by how fast they cancelled first kill and also every other show that was good.
and idk what it is but something about the state of the internet right now means that we’re all seeing this in a way we hadn’t before. we’re all seeing how fucking dumb these execs are– well, dumb or actively malicious. or even trying to commit corporate suicide for some reason. it’s just interesting to me that all this is happening now when in the past we were just kinda like. stuck with whatever we got
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kittygamer2888 · 4 months
[Long text post warning]
Guys.. there's something I need to confess..
If you guys ever thought that my Sonic and Sonic.exe phase are bad.. just know, that..
My Minecraft phase was even WORSE as a kid.
NO- FR- I used to play the game so much on my mom's old computer, I accidentally got blown up by my first mob, which was a Creeper (because I genuinely thought it was harmless), I even got 2 Minecraft plushies (I think.?) And a Minecraft poster of a cat chasing a creeper. I used to have 2 posters, but one of them just didn't wanna stick on the wall, so my mom had to put it away because the corner were already ripped a bit. I even used to have this big Minecraft torch that I would put on my wall as a nightlight (but it eventually faded in light and had to be put away as well)-- hell, I even have a Minecraft bed sheet as well as 2 pillow covers for my 2 pillows (because I had a little Among us phase and now have a blanket, 2 plushies, and a pillow cover relating to that game- BUT WE DONT TALK ABOUT THAT ^^"). And if you think that isn't enough, I have 2 little figures of Alex and this... Blaze (I think thats what it was..? Idk), both of them in minecarts stored inside of the little pokeballs I have on the desk close to the mirror. I think I might have a few Minecraft related stuff hidden away, but I'm too lazy to think about them since I just woke up and started writing this-- but yea....
I even used to have the Minecraft Story Mode games, and even Minecraft on the Xbox because WHY NOT?! :]
Though.. I didn't play Minecraft on the Xbox as much since I was so used to the PC version, so it was a bit hard to control it.
Not only that, but the fact I used to hear fanmade Minecraft parody songs of popular songs at the time.... I used to hear so many parodies of my favorite songs, even the infamous "Don't Mine at Night" song 😭
I used to hear it so much that, now when I hear those said popular songs on the radio I always play when I'm asleep, I start to remember the lyrics of those Minecraft parody songs more than the actual songs playing on the radio WHICH- MIND YOU- ITS STILL MY FAVORITE RADIO STATION TO THIS DAY DESPITE THE OBVIOUS SUGGESTIVE SONGS💀😭
But they bring back old classics sometimes and even some good new songs, so its all good👍 (and hey, maybe even a bit of Disney songs at rare times, or maybe some songs that I've heard in animation memes- those are always fun to stumble into when listening to the same radio station for years, now.)
But uhmm.................
But I guess I can't say my Minecraft phase wasn't too bad, per se...? Because I did the same with My Little Pony, The Powerpuff Girls, Pokemon, Five Nights at Freddy's(that phase was.... hell, actually. I couldn't stop talking about the game to my parents- and because of the movie that came out a long time ago but is still recent- it boosted the little fnaf phase that i had left hanging by a thread due to my Sonic phase taking over, i got to buy fnaf merch as well--), Bendy and The Ink Machine(it was a bit minor, but it definitely did a very good impact to my phase with FNAF), Cuphead(again, i watched gameplay and started hearing cuphead fan songs over and over, and i even have both Cuphead games that i never finished- i think i used to have a comic dub phase where i would watch so many cuphead dubs as well as FNAF and Baldi's Basics), Just Shapes and Beats (again- i just watched so much gameplay, I even had an animation meme phase that lasted up to 2022, and played the Story Mode many times as well as making my parents play the multi-player mode with me :])-- Fandroid, and then there was a bit of Osu one day, then I went from Nightcore to hearing Vocaloid, and then FNF (which was just watching the gameplays of almost all of the fnf mods I knew as well as hearing some of the fnf mod songs over and over, which i still do! It's just... filled with demon hedgehogs that have a little word next to them called "EXE", so uhm... YEA-), and not only that, but fnf mods were actually the ones that introduced me to the Fleetway comics and even started my Sonic.exe phase (which I still have.......-) and then I eventually watched gameplay of the Sonic.exe fan games, too.)
So, uhm...
Me having a Sonic phase isn't exactly new...
But I'm back to buying merch. And when I say that, I mean like.. I got at least 3 T-shirts of this blue gumball son of a gun, 2 Shadow plushes, 3 Sonic plushes, a rectangle package that has at least 4 or 3 official Sonic art as frames to put on the wall (but I never did because the nails that I see in my room are kinda running out, so it's just sitting there on the floor, using the wall as support to keep it up), a little Sonic school pouch to put in my school stuff, some Sonic stickers--
I think it's obvious that you can find a little bit of everything in my room.
So uh.....
That's uhm... that's all--
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clay-pidgeon · 8 months
post title pending. my weird swap au
this is the post im making for scratchswap, my au where i switch the post-scratch kids with the post-scratch trolls sharing their aspect (dirk-nepeta, roxy-equius, jake-eridan, and jane-feferi) and then the pre scratch dudes get swapped accordingly. yes this bc of the Parallels between feferi and jane and then i got a whole Thing out of it. im working on classpects/ages. characters under the cut
pre-scratch trolls
note for the record i did not think much about these guys
johune peixes: i have done 0 thinking on johune so sorry. theyre swapped w meenah and everyones really confused about how that funny little guy was a huge scary empress in every other universe
rozela zahhak: the sorcerer wooooo! pretty similar to canon rose shes just really fucking strong. good friends w aranea
dayves leijon: im still not 100% sure how to go about this one tbh but he does like romance in some form. also i got in in my head hes skittish. no idea where that came from. capitalizes b (glasses) and maybe something else?
jaidli ampora: oh i actually thought about this one a little! fashion is sorta fifties inspired like cronus but shes not a greaser thats his schtick. you dont steal a mans shtick. is there a c in that word or not
post scratch trolls
jaynce peixes: feels like i should work on that name huh. anyways jaynce does Not want to be the heiress (for reasons both transgender and not) at all and is in a little bit of denial about this. i lied actually a lot of denial. may or may not be moirails w jayque havent decided. replaces e and o with -E and -O forks and spoons!
roxxie zahhak: a little more into robots n shit than coding but still does that. bit of a jack of all trades! thinks deyirks lusus (its. kity) is the most special boy in the whole wide world. probably moirails w deyirk now that i think abt it but maybe not. im on the fence abt a lot of stuff here. uses some kind of prefix, emoticons have X for eyes, replaces x sounds with x, y (as a vowel) with ie, and s w z
deyirk leijon: WORLDS MOST NORMAL MAN (lying) lives in a cave in the middle of the woods not for catgirl reasons but because this guy is going insane in solitude works best when isolated. also uses some kind of prefix for a quirk. roxxie drops off robot parts at his house every few weeks and they make a day of it theyre Pals
jayque ampora: he helps feed gloybsub or whatever her name is and hes so normal about the deaths on his conscience. really hes so normal guys cmon. normal
pre scratch kids
mimi egbert: token cis friend sorry meenah. or not idc. more mellow because dad egbert is just a normal guy and isnt raising her to be the literal queen of the world. still meenah tho
hans lalonde: i am unsure about the name but i think its fine. the ultimate horse girl (therian). keeps maplehoof in the foyer. if he had to interact with his dad for more than 20 seconds they would both implode from the sheer awkwardness. the house is big as shit they just gesture to each other when they see each other and thats fine for both of them
manu strider: wears heart shades everywhere as a sort of joke. he doesnt actually know. caps lock is broken and refuses to fix it + uses kaomoji a lot. fujoshi to transmasc pipeline haha who said that
crow harley: im stilling working on which animal to furrify cronus with. watches a bunch of old movies and picked up those speaking habits. other shit pending
post scratch kids
fifi crocker: she wants to be crockercorps new ceo sosososo bad she would make up for all of their horrible crimes against humanity by uh. shes working on it ok?
neta strider: the she/her to she/they to they/them to he/they to he/him to he/they to she/he/they to The Creature pipeline. percentage of their diet that is fish he caught w her own bare hands has been steadily increasing. is trying to buff up on history but keeps on going down wikipedia rabbit holes and rereading the nyan cat article for the thousandth time. would still do the detective pony rewrite but would get sidetracked by the lolcat metaphor for way longer
eqis lalonde: do you know how hard it is to smush equius down to four letters? i just made this name up man. anyways i dunno what to do with her but shes a girl of the horse variety
dani english: diversity win this sickly victorian orphan child is genderfluid! fucking terrified of the lusi on the island. fancies herself sort of a romantic poet
the entirety of this was brainstormed while i was bored in class for the record. still brainstorming so im gonna edit this when more shit arises
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magxit · 8 months
A poem for Clara Bow titled “When Battling Bill of the Bowery Fell for Clara Bow”
William (Bill) Bowery
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Until I seen you, Kid, I'll say     I never was a movie fan. The ginks what got their sport that way     Was nuts to me. When Lillian Pulled Gishy stuff, I froze my face,     I had no use for Mary's smile, No goldilocks gave me a case...     Soft molls like them was not my style.
Nor did I tumble for the vamps,     From Theda Bara down the list To all them slinky modern champs     With twenty stunts for getting kissed. I was a hard-boiled guy, that's all,     Who liked to watch the ponies run, Or Babe Ruth swatting at the ball,     Film dames was not my sort of fun.
An then--well, little Clara Bow,     I'll not forget the sight I seen For the first time a picture show     With your feet jazzing on the screen. I loved your cute map then and there.     "Hello, old pal!" you seemed to cry, Aw, Kid, you've got me hipped for fair,     And I'm your fan until I die!              -- Walter Haviland
"The Unknown Clara Bow" Photo and poem courtesy of William Cramer
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greenfinchwriter · 2 months
for the fun asks: 3, 8, and/or 9! :3
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Hiiiii!!!! Hope you're well!! Thanks so much for the asks!!!
I hope these are from the correct ask game,since I've reblogged way too many. My apologies if I answered for the wrong questions!
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Tři oříšky pro Popelku (German: Drei Hasselnüße für Aschenbrödel, English: Three Wishes/Hazelnuts for Cinderella), a Czechoslovak- German co-production from 1973. The story is based on a Bohemian variation of the Cinderella fairytale. This movie is a holiday classic in my family growing up,a tradition which I've carried over to my own kids. We watch it every year during the holiday season,and it is a deeply nostalgic movie for me. Unlike most Cinderella retellings,and fairy tale based movies in general the protagonist is more than just humble,sweet,pretty,and virtuous - she's a proactive,feisty badass who is endearing for being more than the archetype one would expect.
The Avengers and Captain America movies: I know it's become kinda fashionable to complain about Marvel movies but as a lifelong comic book fan,I can hardly describe the easy,relaxing joy they make me feel. Are they perfect? No,of course not. Especially the lack of Stucky follow through. But that's okay.
The Godfather Part I and II: Masterfully made movies that do justice to the source material,and have just always fascinated me.
8. Any recurring dreams?
Unfortunately I'm not often able to remember my dreams. The ones I do remember are usually unpleasant nightmares,and of those not many are repeat offenders lol 😬
9. Tell a story about your childhood!
As compensation for the lack of recurring dreams here are two:
I occasionally used to go trick or treating on my ponies,and loved the Halloween dress up shows. Oh and I've ridden my horse through a drive thru once lol
Once when we were on vacation my eldest brother managed to convince my 5 year old self not only of the existence of nearly invisible,carnivorous jellyfish with human level intelligence (their favorite prey being annoying little sisters,ofc) but that glow sticks were radioactive - for a "gifted" kid I sure was pretty stupid😅🤦‍♀️ Our parents eventually caught on and put a stop to it but I'd wasted a couple of days terrified of beach because of the killer jellyfish that were supposedly out to get me😬😂
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serendertothesquad · 6 months
Seren's Studies: Tiny Time Travel And What It Takes From Odd Squad
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I didn't think I'd have to write two "Odd Squad knockoff???" essays within the span of a month. But lo and behold, an announcement came, left like a Black Friday sale, and then got extended as it was heavily promoted by PBS Kids up the wazoo.
I talk, of course, about their newest short-form series, Tiny Time Travel.
You might be wondering, "Okay, I can see one resemblance to Odd Squad...but is that really enough to compare it to a decade-old franchise?" And oh. Ohhh! I would say NAY. N A Y .
Because I've seen all the episodes of it. And I'm about to lay everything down on the line when it comes to how it's Odd Squad's adopted child.
Not a knockoff, mind you. This isn't Fear and Loathing in Wordsville 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Below the break. Chop chop. Time can only keep moving forward in the real world, sadly.
Let's start with a rundown for the uninitiated, because I guarantee hardly any of you have heard of this series.
Tiny Time Travel is a short-form series created by Tim McKeon, most famous for being a co-creator of Odd Squad. Unlike Odd Squad, it's under the banners of Marobru Productions, a prodco based in New York, and Easy as Pie Productions, a prodco based in Georgia. (Tim had his own prodco in the form of Hundredth Town Productions, along with Adam Peltzman, the other co-creator of Odd Squad. He doesn't own EAPP.) The series consists of 12 episodes, with no further seasons planned.
As for the premise...see if this rings a bell, hmm?
We have two 11-year-old boys, Tyler and Tony, the former of who invents a time machine that can send them both back and forward only a few hours at a time in order to help people in their town.
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You see? All it took was the one whole entire sentence and the one whole entire screencap.
The Odd Squad episode "6:00 to 6:05" was, to absolutely no one's surprise, written by Tim McKeon. Much like Tyler and Tony's time-traveling tales, it involves Olive and Otto using Oscar's Before-Now-Machine to travel backwards by 5 minutes from 6:05 PM to 6:00 PM in order to stop dinosaurs from breaking out of their room and destroying what has to be Oprah's 1,000th Headquarters.
While the tale of Tiny Time Travel runs much deeper than an episode they copied the formula from, it's safe to say that Tim likely looked at this episode for inspiration for the series, among others. Odd Squad is more abundant with time travel than Precure is with kaijus, having several episodes about it and at least one movie. Really, if you're a writer in the TV industry, it's hard to get to a point where any ideas based around a concept you love that are posed in a writers' room are shut down on sight. Tim managed to do that single-handedly and still flipped the bird as a creator by inserting time travel as a solution in the Season 3 finale. In the industry, they call that abuse of power. In the Odd Squad branch, they call that "bending the rules just this one time".
The episodes of Tiny Time Travel range greatly in terms of plot, because each episode focuses on a different client person that Tyler and Tony help. And I use the term "plot" very loosely, because while My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale can stuff lore into 5 minutes (to...varying degrees of success), Tiny Time Travel...doesn't. It's not as lore-filled as Odd Squad and isn't even half as crazy because it's purely episodic. About the craziest thing I've seen is the neurodivergent and Hmong rep, and after watching Jelly, Ben and Pogo, that surprises me next to none. (And Odd Squad, because it's got rep up and down both streets.)
There's also the matter of differing morals. While Odd Squad teaches about mathematics, and later STEM stuff, Tiny Time Travel teaches more about social language and language in general, in a way that isn't really as seamless as Odd Squad. When creating Odd Squad, there was intent to hide the lessons so kids can watch the show and not have the math be in-your-face and up-your-butt. Tiny Time Travel is far more in-your-face and up-your-butt about the lessons by a complete longshot, which I personally can't really fault it for because 5 minutes can only get you so far. (If anything, I'll fault PBS execs, because that method of delivering morals has been standard since the 90s. But I digress. I can spew about PBS later.)
So I might as well address the elephant in the room: is Tiny Time Travel an Odd Squad knockoff?
Short answer: no.
There's a lot of Odd Squad influence within it, in terms of humor, characters (Samira reminds me a hell of a lot of Polly Graph, and that's not even getting into the alliterative naming of the two protags) and general vibe, which is quite common with two pieces of media that share a creator. I'd also throw in that it's made in, and features, New York as a setting, which is where the Odd Squad pilot takes place, but that's a little irrelevant.
However, it's important to note that "inspired by" and "ripping off" are two very distinct things.
Take Wordsville, just as an example. Which I'm bringing up because, y'know, Odd Squad has more knockoffs than I've had good nights of sleep, but anyway. Wordsville is, as discussed before, a complete bonafide knockoff. It bounds over "inspired by" and goes straight into "I wanna watch you bleed!" territory by basically being Odd Squad but with a coat of literacy and digitization on it. Tiny Time Travel, by contrast, has very few straight similarities to Odd Squad. There's the alliterative names of Tyler and Tony, the inclusion of time travel (with limitations), similar music (thanks to Paul Buckley coming back on board), and a specific brand of humor that is pulled off well. But they are very few and far between, and there are far more differences. Tim looked to Odd Squad for inspiration, but he didn't seek to create a whole entire ripoff of Odd Squad. (Knowing PBS, though...maybe an Odd Squad ripoff was what they wanted originally. Wouldn't be the first time network execs made a request to Tim only for him to find a compromise.)
Likewise, another thing that sets Triple-T apart is how it was made. You're gonna wanna sit down for this one if you aren't sittin' already, because the amount of irony could probably level the planet.
If you're one of the old-timers of the Odd Squad fandom who qualifies for a senior's discount and Medicare, you're probably well-aware of Tim McKeon's absolute adoration for time travel, something that leaks into Odd Squad just as much as it leaks into his personal media preferences. Like I said, the franchise has had a ton of time-travel-related material, so much so that any ideas involving it were barred from the writers' room. All of it pretty much came from Tim McKeon's love of the concept. (And his love of pies. That too. Though whether that came from the prodco or from Tim himself remains up in the air. And yes, Triple-T does mention pie in one episode. And toast, believe it or not!)
Tiny Time Travel is basically what would happen if Tim flipped both birds at whatever writer bopped him with a newspaper and said "no more time travel episodes", and he made an entire series out of it with both government money and our money. It's like if you had a fanseries idea, money, enough passion, money, good connections, and money, and you turned it into a show. That's what Tiny Time Travel is. It's purely, unequivocally, a passion project for Tim.
Of course, there's also the underlying, less moral side to its making, in that it was made in order to fill a quota of PBS to get at least 25 new shows out by end of year. But this is one of the ones that's definitely filled with more quality. Let's be honest, the question of "am I gonna grow up to be a rebel leader and save humanity" is not something you'd find in typical PBS Kids fare. (And it also somehow passed S&P. But Odd Squad has over 70 questionable moments in the series alone -- and yes, I've counted -- so it's clear the rules of S&P don't apply to the god that is Tim McKeon. He flips the bird at that too.)
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So overall, Tiny Time Travel is one hell of a short-form series. City Island threw me for a loop a couple years back based on the object show comparisons alone (and when you get Adam Katz himself to recognize that shit, you're nigh-unstoppable), and this series threw me for a loop similarly just due to the sheer premise and near-immaculate quality.
Odd Squad was, on all accounts, a major influence in Triple-T's making, to such an extent where there's a cameo of two agents walking in the background that someone managed to spot long before I got to the "Tennis Talk" episode that featured the cameo to begin with. The show's cute, it's sweet, it's got hella good rep, and it's short enough to please attention spans around the world. (Or at least in 'Murica. And maybe some parts of Canada.) It wholeheartedly has the Seren seal of approval, and if you're tired of waiting for Odd Squad UK in 8 months like I am, this will tide you over in the meantime.
As for whether it'll get a Season 2...after "Surprise Party", I can't see that happening. Unlike with Odd Squad, which is constantly under the threat of cancellation, Tim had a chance to end the show on his own terms without PBS giving it the sharpest axe in the shed, and he wrapped it up beautifully. It doesn't need a second season. It's beautiful as it is. Keep it as a one-hit wonder. (And preserve it, because otherwise it'll become lost media by the time half the century is up.)
I'll see you all in the next essay. Seren out!
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kittyyycakes · 1 month
🎀 Agere Story Game! 🎀
Original by lilstorygames on IG! (I think anyways; their page is private so if I’m wrong let me know and I’ll update the credit!) (Blank at bottom of post)
*This is a long one so bear with me lol
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Key (in case you have a hard time seeing the image):
🩷 - Yes!
🧡 - Sometimes/maybe!
🩵 - Want to!
❤️ - No thanks!
🩷 Use pacifiers: For sure! I know real 5-8 year olds don’t typically use pacis, but they’re comforting & help me get into little space (plus they’re super cute)!
🩷 Color/draw: I love drawing both in and out of little space so this is a must for me! Coloring also reminds me of my childhood <3 (Fun fact: my favorite Crayola color is Robin’s Egg Blue!)
🧡 Use a sippy cup: Kinda?? I tried a baby bottle once before and I didn’t like how hard I had to work to drink out of the nipple :0 Might just stick with straw cups
❤️ Wear a bib: I can be a bit of a messy eater sometimes (not just in little space haha), but I don’t really feel the need to wear one
🩵 Wear a onesie: I have a few bodysuits in my closet I could try & would definitely be open to trying a onesie with a cute pattern if I could find my size!
🩷 Cuddle with your stuffies: Of course! Having a soft friend to snuggle with is always nice, especially at bedtime (I also love to snuggle with my kitty cat when he sleeps with me <3)!!
🩵 Wear oversized clothes: I would looove to get some cute oversized shirts to wear! It’s a little tricky to find oversized clothing as a fat person though, especially ones with cutesy patterns
*I don’t consider fat a bad word btw!! I self ID as fat/chubby a lot & consider it a neutral descriptor. I really hate that it’s thought of as such a negative term, but you’re still valid if you’re not comfy using it!! I will probably use it here and there in my posts when talking about myself, so keep that in mind if you follow me & if it’s too triggering for you feel free to unfollow/block if you need <3
🩵 Play dress up: 100 percent! I haven’t tried dressing up in little space yet but I love trying on & imagining cute outfit combos so this would probably be fun! The only possible downside is that sometimes when I’m little (esp if I’m feeling anxious) it makes me uncomfortable to see my grown-up body in the mirror. Anyone else experience this?
🩷 Chew on teething toys: Yeah! I don’t have any actual baby/toddler teething toys but I love my chew necklace!
🩵 Play make believe: Haven’t tried it! I don’t know that I’d do much talking (so far I’ve been a pretty quiet little- some of this is because I live with other people) but I think it could be fun to pretend to be a chef or make potions or something like that! Might be more fun with another little though…
🩵 Play with toys: Another one I haven’t tried! When I was a kid I played with toys a lot though (Littlest Pet Shop, Zoobles, My Little Pony G3, early Monster High, etc. [I wish I had kept my MLP dolls 😭]) and it could be really fulfilling to play again! (Once again this might be more fun with another little)
🩵 Cuddle with your S/O: I’m not in a relationship right now but when I am I’m hugeeeee on cuddling (Perhaps even cuddling’s #1 fan hehe)!!
🩷 Watch cartoons/movies: Absolutely! I’ve always really loved cartoons & watching lighthearted shows/movies (esp from my childhood) are sooo comforting :3 (I watched Bluey for the first time yesterday and really liked it!)
❤️ Wear a diaper: I don’t think wearing one would be physically comfortable for me- I’d rather just use the restroom (If you use diapers you’re valid though!! You’re not dirty or f*tishizing children for needing/wanting them, just remember to practice good hygiene afterward or ask your CG for help if they’re comfortable with it!)
🩷 Go on Tumblr: Yes! I definitely wanna make sure my little space experience isn’t reliant on the Internet (esp since it can be a scary/triggering place for littles) but I love looking at all the fun mood & stimboards and reading about other little’s experiences!
🩵 Have tea parties with stuffies: Never tried it! I think it might feel a little awkward or embarrassing at first since I’m not used to it (same with toys and playing pretend) but it’d be worth a shot!
🩷 Nom baby foods/snacks: Definitely! I haven’t tried baby snacks before but I love to put together little snack plates (It’s extra fun when I use kid plates- I have a bunch of fun plates from my childhood! [My fave is my pink bug plate])! I feel like it’s also encouraged me to eat more fruits and veggies since stuff like carrot sticks and strawberries work so well as finger foods :3
🩷 Have nap time/sleepy time: Yep! I think being little/having a kid-like bedtime routine has helped me fall asleep faster & relieve nighttime anxiety!
❤️ Suck your thumb: Personally I prefer my paci or chew necklace. I imagine it wouldn’t taste very good + you’ll have to deal with a wet wrinkly thumb afterwards >.< (Once again, you’re valid if you do!! Just make sure to wash your hands really good first so you don’t get sick <3)
🩵 Have a caregiver: I would really like to try and find a CG! In practice I could see myself being too embarrassed to fully lean into little space around someone (at least at first). I don’t think I would be super comfortable having an online only CG so I would have to meet someone irl (it sounds scary to be that open about agere/agedre tho!!). I also think I would have to be dating my CG for me to be fully comfortable (mostly because I don’t like to cuddle in platonic-only relationships)!
🩵 Take bubble baths: I haven’t taken a bubble bath in little space yet but I love taking them as big me! Usually I’ll light a candle, drop in some epsom salts and a bath bomb and listen to music! I also have some bubble bath mix to try out soon & may try and find a few bath friends to join me (this is another activity where seeing/being in my adult body might be a little uncomfortable though)
What are your favorites from this list?
Thanks for reading & I hope you have a great day!!
- Clover ☘️
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^Robin’s Egg Blue my beloved
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^Blank template! Once again credit to lilstorygames on IG
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phoenixnewton · 10 months
Pony’s Girl
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Ponyboy sure was handsome now.
I mean, he always has been to me. People used to call his brother Soadpop a real heartthrob- they still do really. But in the last year or two, when Pony truly matured into a man the spotlight soon turned to the youngest Curtis brother. He wasn't movie-star handsome like Soda- a way I'd heard him be described before, rather Pony was more ruggedly handsome. He took after Darry that way.
His face was all hardlines with a sharp jaw that was shaded with a permanent dark shadow. His lips were always set to a smirk that slipped between cunning and devilish to good-natured and soft more times in a day than I could keep track of. He had these bright greenish-greys that despite how much he'd seen and experienced, we're still filled with deep emotions and intelligence. Ponyboy had the type of face that'd make you stop in the street and stare.
What made it even more attractive, was that he didn't even notice the looks.
He wasn't cocky like Dallas. He didn't walk like he owned the place, or talked like he was the only voice in the room. No, he carried a silent presence. One that was slightly terrifying- if you thought about it too much.
Being the youngest Curtis brother had some downsides. When he was younger nobody took him seriously. He was just the ‘kid’ of the gang that you couldn't mess with unless you wanted one of his brothers to come after you. Which I suppose, depending which way you think about it, is sort of a perk. But when he hit his growth spurt, gained a few pounds of muscle and graduated high school. Well, that's when things started to change. Ponyboy was not little kid anymore. Hell, he was taller than most of Tulsa and had shoulders as wide as Darrys. And believe me when I tell you he packed one hell of a mean punch.
Sometime between meeting him six years ago, when I was fresh from New York with my big brother Dally, and now I fell in love with Ponyboy Curtis.
It wasn't because of his good looks, or his strong arms, or his boyish charm or his eyes that seemed to devour me from the inside out when ever I looked in them. It was because of who he was. Who he truly was, under all that skin where he was still a fourteen-year-old who loved reading books and watching sunsets. A boy who loved his friends like brothers and could see the good in everyone- even the Socs. A boy who gave me a reason to love. To live.
I loved him more than I could ever imagined possible. It scared me just how much I did. And I knew he loved me too.
I knew because he showed me everyday. Whether through acts of service, physical touch or words of affimation he'd find a way to remind me just how much he cared. He didn't need to, I’d remind him often enough. Because there was nothing that would ever change my mind. Ponyboy was my first love and he'd be my last.
When we sat on the porch of his house together, late at night when the sun had long set, we’d have a smoke together. He’d do this thing everytime where he'd put a cigarette between my lips, and gently pull my face towards his, lighting the tip with the glowing end of his own. There was something about it. Something that got me every time and made fall a little deeper for him. I could never tell whether it was the way his hand lingered on my jaw, trembling softly like he was afraid i’d disappear. Or if it was the way his eyes flicked slightly when the tips met, as it to him it felt like a kiss. Whatever it was, damn it was addicive.
I'm addicted to Ponyboy Curtis and I'm not afraid to admit it. The taste of his lips is like a drug, it makes me delirious and lightheaded. Every time his tongue slides across the part in my lips, begging like a starved me for me to let him in, I feel like my knees are going to buckle beneath me- maybe he knows that too because he has always had one arm wrapped around my waist holding me close to him, the other cupping my jaw to hold me steady. It's dangerous how intoxicating he is. I'd do anything to feel his touch, to taste his lips or the salty sweat of his skin, to breathe in his scent of leather, smoke and musk.
I remember vividly, the first time he kissed me. It was the day he got back from the church with Johnny and Dally. He was in the hospital waiting room, hugging his brothers when he saw me run in the doors. My hair was all over the place and my clothes were ratty from almost losing my mind the whole week he'd been gone. I probably looked half-deranged, gasping for breath as I stood transfixed at the sight of him, alive and beautiful with his tuff blond hair. It was all a blur after that, but I remember vividly the moment his lips first met mine. I never believed in God before I met Pony, but at that moment I knew it must have been some kind of miracle to have him alive and kissing me like a starved man. It all fell into place after that. Johnny made a full recovery, and Dally finally got a grip and reclaimed his title of best big brother albeit slightly overprotective when it came to my love life. And, I was lucky enough to be able to call myself Pony’s girl.
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silversapphire5691 · 6 months
my personal cases of lost media
so i adore lost media, mostly because a lot of internet media i grew up with is now lost. i wanted to compile my own personal cases of lost media here in the hopes that someone else remembers them. maybe some of them could be found who knows :0
prepare yourselves for a loooooong post: hoops and yoyo/hallmark ecards
ive discussed this one a lot, but a lot of hoops and yoyo media and ecards from hallmark are lost. a lot of the interactive ones are missing because hallmark took them down sometime in the early 2010s. ive gone on the wayback machine and took note of old ecards i remember watching, but i cannot access the videos. some are available on a flash player, i think the blue maximus flash player?, so some have been found. but there's still a lot missing.
pokemon figure adventures videos
back in the day, i loved watching plush/figure videos, most of which were just kids goofing around with a camera and their toys. when i first got into pokemon, i remember watching a channel featuring "episodes" of a kid playing with his pokemon figures. some of the episodes i remember included one pokemon hypnotizing another and another video where togepi goes wandering into the woods and meets a charizard (or another big pokemon). pokemon that were used often included abra, gligar, sandshrew, and aipom. i remember the beginning of the hypnotizing video starting with the pokemon talking to himself before turning to the camera and saying something along the lines of "greetings pokemon fans."
this one very well could be buried under hundreds of other similar videos but i honestly think it may have been deleted long ago.
beanie babies movie part 1 of 6
another toy video (and there will be more) was a beanie baby "movie" that was split into 6 parts. i don't remember the plot of the movie, only the first part and the first scene. it involved a goose beanie at a milk bar drunk on milk i believe. the bartender says "sir you're going to have to pay your tab now." the goose refuses and asks for another glass, to which the dog bartender says something about the goose being lactose intolerant. that's all i remember from it unfortunately.
missing strawberry516 videos
strawberry516 was a pretty big webkinz youtuber back in the day, or at least i thought so. she uploaded a video called "webkinz go to the doctor" which got over 1 million views. i actually remember it being one of the top search results for webkinz videos. she has since deleted her channel and with it dozens of videos.
switching away from youtube, this is a lost hasbro website i remember visiting back in the day. if i remember correctly, hasbro's more popular brands (littlest pet shops, my little pony, etc) had their own websites, so i think this was for the less popular brands. i remember idog and maybe gi joe had games and videos? i remember one game was some sort of sound maker maybe? i distinctly remember something involving mustard with that game, but i don't remember what brand it was for. i barely see anyone talk about this, so if anyone else remembers it, let me know!
ill probably make a part 2 to this, because this only scratches the surface! let me know if you remember any of these or if you know where to find some of these!
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windsweptinred · 6 months
Get to know me tag game
(extended addition)
So I've been tagged in three seperate tag games. And since I'm notoriously bad at following instructions... I thought, I'll just do them all at once. 🤷😅
Thank you for the tag @bobbole @martybaker @marlowe-zara @just-cosmere-fan and @mashumaru
Enjoy the essay I guess? 😅
Are you named after anyone?:
One of the three virtues? I dunno, it's probably a Catholic thing. My name sounds like I'm a Vampire Slayer love child.
When was the last time you cried?:
I'm from the north, we don't do that here. We just stare stoicly into the distance.
Do you have kids?:
One, my daughter. I'd have loved to have had more children. But sadly that doesn't seem to be what fate has in store for me.
What sports do you play/have played?:
I used to dance when I was younger, but yeah... I'd rather knaw off my own knees then do sport.
Do you use sarcasm?:
Eyes some of the answers I've given.
What's the first thing you notice about people?:
Something beautiful about them. Not in a shallow way. You spend enough time around artists for a living, you start to notice how lovely someone's elbow is. How someone holds themselves just so. How pretty someone's hair looks in a certain light. Stuff like that. Every body is it's own work of art.
What's your eye colour?
Blue/Grey... Picture what you think the skies in Britain look like, 10 out of the 12 months of the year. That.
Scary movie's or happy endings?:
Both, neither, like everything else in my life it entirely depends on my mood. I'm an intemperate creature prone to whimsy.
Do you have any talents?:
I'm far too English to admit to being talented at anything. (Insert embarrassed, awkward mumbling). I have been told I'm fleet of foot upon the moorland. Is being a moor elf a talent?
Where were you born?:
Gods own county.
What are your hobbies?:
I dabble in many an art and craft. I love walking in nature, I'd be out there every day if I could. TV, film, books, podcasts. There's so much wonderful media at our fingertips today, it's amazing when you stop and think about it. My beloved scrapbooks ofcourse, cataloguing my life and loves in an array of pictures and washi tape.
Do you have any pets?:
I have a literal zoo.
How tall are you?:
Taller then a pony, smaller then a horse. Glad we could clear that up.
Favourite subject in school?
History, I've always loved history. I'd have spent my entire education in history if I'd been allowed to.
Dream job?:
I love my current job. But if I had to pick another, something where I could be independent, outdoors and busy. Something as simple as a postlady or a moorland warden would see me happy.
Spicy/Savory/Sweet? :
I can be whatever you want me to be you delicious little love muffin. 😏
Favorite colour? :
I'm pretty sure people who barely know of my existence here on ye olde tumblr could answer this...But red.
Relationship status? :
Married a year and a half now. Engaged on Dream and Hob's centennial anniversary, married on national hobbit day.
Last song? :
Joan Jett, Dirty Deeds
Last movie?:
The Hunger Games, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.
Currently watching?:
I've just wrapped up Interview with the Vampire season one and am rewatching True Detective season 1. Both, mwah. Chef's kiss.
Currently consuming?:
A glass of shiraz, while stroking a white cat. I like to get my cultured Bond villain game on on a Tuesday evening.
3 ships? :
Corinthiel (The Corinthian x Daniel Hall), Danbert (Herbert West x Daniel Cain) and The Devil's Minion (Armand x Daniel Molloy).
Current obbsession? :
Daniels apparently.
First ship? :
Daiken/ Kensuke. Can you remember when we used to flip the names depending on who was top/bottom 😅. But Daisuke x Ken from Digimon 02.
Currently working on?:
1001 ideas. Working on absolutely none of them. I need a motivational kick up the jacksie.
(I won't tag anyone and force them to answer this monstrous list. I'm not that barbaric. Unless you want to, then by all means have at it. Let me know and I'll tag you, 90s chain mail style. You'll have to answer and forward it to 5 other people within 24 hours or 'IT' will come for you!)
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marine-indie-gal · 1 year
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Now before anyone dares to come up to Me and ask Me a simple question that I'll answer easily...Yes, I'm a Pegasister. 
I remember when back in my hey-days of the Golden Age of the early 2010s, I was completely obsessed with My Little Pony (being that it was one of my actual first fandoms alongside with TAWoG), mostly around with The Fourth Generation (Friendship is Magic). However, somewhere in my Pre-Teens, I remember discovering its actual history being that it was actually popular around in the 80s as a Toyline. Also, another thing that I remembered the times that as a young kid who is still a Pegasister to this day, I used to watch some G3 Movies and even that G3.5 Movie, "Twinkle Wish Adventure".
I have been seeing the recent generation (G5) that has been streaming on Netflix lately (only a little bit but not too much since I actually stopped watching FiM after Season 4 a long time ago as a kid and it turns out I completely missed out on everything ever since I felt done with MLP for a long time). Now that my Pegasister energy has been coming back to Me lately, I have been recently on a binge-watch to the actual very first generation around in the 80s (because I live for Old-Decade Classic Fantasy Nostalgia), Generation One.
In the First Generation to MLP, there were actually Human Characters in it despite that the first show itself actually really did had some Dark Moments which G4 and 5 brought some aspects from but I never really considered the first version of MLP to be that "Girly-Girl" since there were a lot of Fantasy Franchises with its epic dark moments in kids media.
Especially for an interesting fact that the Main Ponies (most notably the Mane 6) were actually based off of the First Ponies around in the 80s (Posey was an Actual MLP Character and main inspiration for Fluttershy before Posey even became her own character in G5). And even some of the characters (Applejack, Spike, Tirek, and Grogar) were actually a thing around in the 80s despite not including a lot of other characters that G4 brought some of the G1 characters in (Bray, Hydia, Hydia's Daughters (Draggle and Reeka), Catrina, Squirk, Lavan, Arabus, Zeb, Night Shade, Moochick, The Grundels, ect.) and of course, my most favorite characters from the First Series despite one of them that did make a cameo in Equestria Girls...The William Kids (Danny, Megan, and Molly).
After seeing some much interpretation of how that the First Human Children looked if they were to appear in the G4 Style, it was my turn to shine as I figured why not to my personal take on Megan Williams and her Siblings if they were actual characters in "Friendship is Magic" rather than have one of them be some kind of cameo-joke in one of its Modern Spinoffs.
My Little Pony (c) Hasbro G4 Interpretations of Danny, Megan, and Molly Williams (c) Me
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