#I walked out of the crowd and suddenly everything went silent
autumnshighlady · 5 months
Run For Your Life
Dark!Azriel x reader
summary: you have a stalker who has been following you for a while, and suddenly things escalate
warnings: DARK DARK DARK FIC! seriously, Az is a psycho stalker, dubious consent, oral sex (m and f receiving), voyeurism, masturbation, violent language, oh did i mention Az is insane in this fic
word count: 7.2k
see the playlist for this fic
this fic is the reason I'm never getting into heaven. y'all better enjoy it. let me know your thoughts! also it's heavily inspired by the book Haunting Adeline, which isn't a good thing haha. also none of this is proofread sorry lmao
seriously, this is a dark fic. consent is dubious at best, reader is definitely coerced. read at your own risk.
Darkness began to creep in, the shadow of the mountains swallowing the edges of Velaris. For most people in the city, the evening brought a new sense of life to the community. They’d go out dancing at the various pubs, or browsing the night market in the town square. Shop owners would be headed home to their families, content after a long day’s work. Everyone in Velaris looked forward to the hours after dusk.
Everyone except you.
While the crowds rushed towards the city centre, you went the opposite way towards your house on the edge of town. You hurried down the winding path, the noise from the city growing faint. A cold breeze stung your cheeks, making you walk faster. You clutched your bag tightly to your chest, a faint yet distinct sound of footsteps echoing in your ears.
He knew how to be quiet, yet he was making noise anyway.
Your heart raced as the footsteps grew closer. You didn’t break into a sprint like your instincts screamed at you to. He had never hurt you, never even come close. It was a game he seemingly liked to play with you – make his presence known and set your teeth on edge, creeping closer only to disappear at the last minute. Every time you turned around at the sound of his footsteps, there wasn’t a trace of a person anywhere near you. At first, you thought you were going crazy. But after a few weeks, you realised it was him.
Teeth chattering in the wind, you pushed through the gate to your house. The footsteps behind you had vanished, but you knew he was somewhere nearby. Watching. You could always tell when he was there – the world around you seemed colder, more silent, like the quiet before the breaking of a storm that never came. You would get a chill up your spine, as if invisible shadows were gently licking at your skin. That’s how you knew he was there.
You closed the door behind you as you entered your house, fiddling with the seven locks you had bought and added to the door. You grabbed your bag and pulled out yet another lock, one that had cost you a pretty penny. The shop keeper had assured you that it had an ironclad spell on it, making it impossible to be picked or broken. But that didn’t matter, he would somehow find a way through it just like he had with the other seven.
After installing the heavy lock, you scanned your house’s main room. Nothing appeared out of order, everything was where you left it. There was no eerie chill in your house, indicating that your shadow had not been inside today. Content as one could be in this situation, you made quick work of getting ready for bed. Your stomach screamed at you to get something to eat, but you ignored it. Your pantry door creaked open, but you grabbed the handle and slammed it shut. You could tell that he disliked when you went to bed without dinner, but after the long day you had, you couldn’t be bothered to care.
Weary, you climbed under the covers, knowing that somehow he was still watching. Despite all your curtains being closed and windows being bolted shut, he would still find a way to watch. He never touched anything – you or anything in your house, which reassured you enough to drift into sleep.
Until the next day.
You woke up to the smell of an omelette filling your nostrils. Blinking away the last blissful sensations of sleep, you sat up in bed and sighed before pulling on your fuzzy robe and waddling out to the kitchen. The fogginess around your head instantly cleared as you approached the counter, noticing a fresh veggie and cheese omelette sitting on a plate by your usual stool. A tall glass of orange juice was carefully placed next to it, and a bouquet of midnight-blue roses were perched in your previously empty vase.
Your stomach did a backflip. This was new. Your shadow had never done anything like this before – he had been content just to observe you, to play with your fear like a cat toying at a mouse. Evidently, he didn’t like being ignored. The rational part of your brain wondered if the meal was poisoned somehow, a trap designed to render you unconscious or dead. But some sick part of you knew that it was safe, and urged you to eat it.
You weren’t stupid, you knew he was a stalker. You were pretty sure you knew who he was, too. There was only one male in the Night Court with the ability to be so discreet. As an advanced linguist, the High Lord had come to you several weeks ago for help on decoding an ancient language from a manuscript. Alongside him was his spymaster, whose intense hazel eyes sent a chill down your spine much like the one that haunted you now.
If it was indeed the spymaster who was your shadow, then you had no hope. He was the best there was when it came to spying – there was no chance of anyone being able to help you. Not that you’d told anyone about it. If you had, they would never believe you.
So you accepted your fate, doing your best to live your everyday life with a haunting presence always a few steps away. Begrudgingly, you took a seat on your stool and took a bite of the omelette. It was still warm, and you scoffed. Surprisingly, it was delicious, better than anything you could cook for yourself. A cool but soft sensation gently stroked at your cheek, as if to praise you for eating. You ignored it, glancing at the door you had bolted shut last night.
It was still closed, but every single lock was undone.
A few days later, your shadow had made a new routine. You had gone to bed again without eating, and the exact same thing happened every morning – you’d wake up to a freshly cooked breakfast. Soon enough, you found yourself going to bed without eating on purpose, knowing he’d make sure you ate in the morning.
It was insane, you knew. Letting him do this to you – watch you while you sleep, eat the food he prepared for you. Evidently, your self preservation instincts were lacking, but you were lying if you said it didn’t send a little thrill through your body knowing he was watching your every move. You felt sacred, yet protected at the same time. It excited that sick part of your brain that relished in the danger of it.
After another long day in your office studying manuscripts, you headed home. For the first time in weeks, there were no echoing footsteps accompanying you. It felt almost lonely, which made you want to slap yourself for your stupidity – who misses being followed? So you walked in silence, an uneasy feeling churning your stomach. Your shadow had stuck to a single routine for weeks, and now things were changing. Now, you were less sure that you were safe in his presence. Yet you didn’t fight it. One way or another, he would get whatever it was he wanted. He would decide when to leave you alone, not you.
Immediately upon entering your home, you knew he had been there. A fresh bouquet of blue roses adorned your table, and there was that eerie chill in the air despite the heat from the fireplace. Heart racing, you set your bag down on the table next to the roses, scanning the room. Everything seemed in order, but something tugged you towards your bedroom. You found yourself blindly following it, anxiety making your bones jitter.
You stepped into your bedroom and gasped. Your bed was perfectly made, despite you leaving it a complete mess this morning. But that wasn’t what grasped your attention. At the foot of the bed there was a rectangular box. It was black, a dark blue ribbon wrapped around it and tied in a perfect bow at the top. There was no card, but you knew who it was from.
Any rational female would have simply grabbed it and thrown it as far away as possible, but the rational side of your brain was losing lately. Your curtain was slightly open, and you knew he was watching through the gap. With shaking hands, you undid the bow, letting the midnight blue ribbon fall from the box. Carefully, you opened the lid, holding your breath as you did so. You expected maybe a decapitated head, or a bloody knife, something to prove just how insane your stalker was. But no, what was inside the box was somehow even more startling.
Within the box was a dark blue nightgown. The cups were lacy and sheer, leaving nothing to the imagination. A small bow adorned the centre of the plunging v-line, and sheer panels of cobalt blue fabric were draped from the lace cups. Folded right next to it was a thong in the same colour, so thin it barely counted as panties. 
“What the fuck?” You wondered aloud, holding up the nightgown. It couldn’t even be classified as a nightgown, the way it covered nothing. You could have sworn a deep chuckle was carried in through the breeze from your window, so faint it was practically inaudible. But you knew he was watching, gauging your reaction.
For the first time, you spoke aloud to him. “No, I am NOT wearing this you sick fuck.” You shouted, tossing the lingerie onto the floor. “I’ll eat your stupid food because it tastes better than anything I can make, but I refuse to put this on. Creep!”
Fuming, you settled into a steaming hot bath. It was the one room your stalker’s presence never entered, the one place you got peace from him. At least he has a shred of decency not to spy on me in the bathroom, you thought bitterly to yourself. He was getting bolder, and his recent gift made you squirm. On the one hand, it was terrifying – a strange male wanting you to wear lingerie for him, breaking into your home day after day and watching you without you even catching a glimpse of him once. But on the other hand, it was exciting. Your life seemed so dull and mundane, having him in it brought excitement to your day.
Yup, you were definitely sick in the head.
You finished your bath and ignored the lingerie, opting for your usual t-shirt and shorts attire. You climbed under the covers, ignoring the eerie presence outside your window. “Go fuck yourself.” You muttered to him as you drifted off into sleep.
The second you woke up, you knew he had done something. Typically, the first thing you did upon sitting up in bed was brushing the hair out of your face, having gone to bed with it loose. Instead, you felt no tendrils of hair sticking to your cheeks. Heart racing, you slowly reached behind your head and felt your hair. To your horror, it was pulled back into a neat braid tied together with a fragment of the blue ribbon from the box. It was slightly damp, as if someone had put an oil in it. Your breaths shortened as you pulled the braid over your shoulder, hands shaking. You noticed the chair in the corner of your room. The lingerie that had been on the floor all night was nearly placed on it, ready to wear.
The message couldn’t be more clear. He was escalating things – not once before had he ever touched you, until last night after you refused to put on the nightgown. Wear it, he seemed to say.
Your throat was dry as you peeled back the covers and walked over to the chair. Today was your day off, and you hadn’t planned on going anywhere. Several chores needed doing around the house – reorganising, cleaning, the works. You’d be damned if you had to do it basically naked. So you scoffed, strolling over to your wardrobe and opening the doors. Every nerve in your body froze as you faced an empty closet.
He had taken all of your clothes to ensure you would put on the lingerie.
You angrily slammed the door. “Fuck you!” You yelled, not knowing which direction to aim your fury at. “If I put on your gift, will you give me my clothes back?”
Something invisible caressed your shoulder. Yes, it seemed to purr.
You rolled your eyes, but took a deep breath and turned back towards the chair. You figured it was better to make him happy, and with a sigh you peeled off your shirt and pants. No doubt he was watching, taking in your naked form – but with the revealing lingerie, he’d be seeing it all regardless. 
Swallowing what little remained of your dignity, you slipped the thong and nightgown on. You tried not to think about how it fit you perfectly, clinging to the shape of your breasts like it was custom made for your frame.
By dusk, you had finally completed all your tasks. It was demeaning, washing dishes with your ass hanging out. No doubt your shadow enjoyed the view. But after a while you had begun to not care, trying to ignore the heat that pooled in your core at the thought of him watching you, exposed like this.
You groaned when you entered your bedroom, finding another gift at the foot of your bed. It was in a smaller, square box this time, but was wrapped the exact same way. “Mother above, what do you want now?” You muttered, sitting down on your bed and ripping the ribbon off your gift. You let out a gasp as you peeled off the lid and peered inside.
At the bottom of the box was a blue vibrator. It was shaped like an L with a white circle at the top and three buttons going down the side. Gingerly, you pressed the bottom button and the small ring at the top began to vibrate gently. So you clicked the top button and pressed the ring into the palm of your hand. The vibrating increased, and sucked at the skin on your hand.
“Fucking hell.” It was a suction vibrator. You knew without a shadow of a doubt what he wanted you to do with it. But you were stubborn, and chucked the device across the room. It hit your wall, and landed on the floor with a thump.
“Absolutely not.” You hissed. “I am drawing the line here.”
Deciding you had lost enough dignity for today, you crawled into bed grumpily and closed your eyes.
Hours passed, but sleep did not come. It felt hot in the room, so you kicked off the sheets, letting your warm skin breathe. You tried everything – counting down from 100, telling yourself a story, but nothing brought the peaceful bliss of sleep. He was watching you, without a doubt, laughing at your pathetic attempts to force your brain to shut down.
But you couldn’t stop thinking about how it might feel to get yourself off while he watched. Once, you had drunkenly confessed to your ex boyfriend that you wanted to explore the idea of being watched while he fucked you, or while you pleasured yourself. You had been shot down instantly, making your cheeks go red with embarrassment. But that hadn’t changed your feelings about it.
You flinched as an invisible shadow gently caressed your cheek. It felt like silk against your skin, cold but comforting. A few seconds later, it skimmed just above the curve of your breast, teasing the edge of the lingerie. 
“What are you–” Your question was cut off by a moan as the shadow flicked over your nipple through the thin fabric. You couldn’t help but arch up into it, your body already tempting to beg for more.
Your breaths became pants as the shadow graced your other nipple, teasing the buds through the fabric. It trailed down your sides before taking up residence on your inner thighs. Without thinking, you spread your legs for the invisible force that was touching your body and making your core heat up. That deep laugh you thought you had heard days ago sounded again, causing your cheeks to turn red. The shadows caressed your inner thigh, crawling up towards your pussy before jumping over to the other leg and starting again.
It was embarrassing how wet you were. Your core was throbbing, begging to be touched. But the shadows denied you, content to ghost over your pussy and continue their dance along your inner thighs. You reached down to grab the bedsheets, but your hand knocked against something hard. It was the vibrator.
He was persistent tonight.
You tried to hold out, to leave the vibrator on the bed and ignore the soft sensations driving your body wild. It went on for so long, to the point where tears began forming in your eyes. If the shadows weren’t going to satisfy you, you’d have to do it yourself.
“This is sick.” You muttered to yourself, grabbing the vibrator. Taking a breath, you switched it on and cranked up the setting. Settling into the sheets and spreading your legs wider, you placed the suctioning ring to your clit. Almost instantly, your body jolted at the intense sensation and you gasped.
A deep, velvety voice sounded in your ear, so low it was almost inaudible above the sound of the vibrator. Good girl.
You gasped louder, chills going down your spine. Your stalker was watching you get off wearing the lingerie he bought for you, and it sent a thrill through your body. You moaned, letting your back arch off the bed as you grinded into the toy. Your core was pulsing, and you nearly screamed when you felt that teasing shadow slip into your hole. It curled inside of you, instantly finding your g-spot. You whimpered at the sensation, as your legs began to twitch, approaching your orgasm at lightning speed. You shamelessly moaned as your orgasm ripped through your body, writhing your hips against the high speed of the vibrator.
You tried to pull it away, but that invisible force stopped you. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't drag your hand away. “No, no, no…” You whimpered pathetically, core screaming from oversensitivity as both the vibrator and the shadow relentlessly attacked it.
Yes, sweetheart. Take it. Give me another one. You heard the voice echo next to your ear.
“I can’t.” You cried, fighting with all your might to move. Yet your hand and hips remained frozen.
Yes, you can. 
You began sobbing, your body having no time to recover from your first orgasm as the second one rapidly approached. The shadow in your pussy pumped in and out even faster, hurling you over the edge just minutes later. 
Your pillow was soaked with your tears, and everything began to go fuzzy. You lost track of the amount of orgasms he forced you through before you passed out.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed when you woke up. Your body was back under the covers, a fresh soft pillow behind your head. You groaned, the memories of last night flooding back like a burst dam. You had never orgasmed so hard in your life, nor so many times in one round. You remembered that voice in your ear, praising you and talking you through it.
You sat up in bed, rubbing your eyes. Instantly, you knew he was there. But it was different this time, closer. You slowly turned your head, and were met with a pair of hazel eyes and towering wings at the foot of your bed.
You inhaled sharply, finally meeting eyes with your stalker – Azriel, the spymaster of the Night Court. “Good morning, sweetheart.” His voice was as cold and smooth as the shadows that teased you last night. 
Finally, after weeks, your survival instinct kicked in. You scrambled off the bed, making a run for the door as fast as you could. Your heart pounded in your throat as you reached for the handle. Before you could grab onto it, a scarred, cold hand clamped down on your wrist. It was like iron, no matter how much you fought, he did not ease up. You closed your eyes, too scared to look at him.
“Let me go!” You screamed, using your free hand to slap his chest as hard as you could. Azriel did not flinch, as if you were nothing more than a fly. He grabbed your other hand, pinning it to your side. He stepped forward, forcing you to walk back until you were pressed against the wall. You felt him lift your arms until they were above your head, hands digging into the cold wood. He held them effortlessly with one hand, his newly free one coming down to stroke your cheek.
“You have such pretty eyes,” He murmured. “Let me see them.”
You sobbed, tears wetting your cheeks. You were terrified – you had heard stories of what the shadowsinger was capable of, the torture he inflicted on his enemies. Was this one of his sick torture methods? And why you? Still, you kept them squeezed shut.
The male growled, his hand gripping your jaw firmly and forcing your chin up. “I said open your eyes. Don’t make me ask again.”
You obliged this time, prying your eyes open to look at him for the first time. He was much taller than you, his muscled frame towering over your own. His short dark hair was tousled, strands of it teasing his forehead and making those hazel eyes look even more menacing. His face was sharp and undeniably beautiful, and Mother above his wings flared menacingly behind him. They were enormous. Your eyes met his – hazel eyes that had watched you, unseen from the shadows for weeks on end.
“Please don’t hurt me.” You said shakily.
His brows furrowed, confusion that looked genuine crossing his features. “Hurt you? Why would I want to do that?”
“Because that’s what you do for a living.” Your voice was meek, and you tried to ignore how smooth his voice was.
“But not you.” He said, thumb stroking your jaw. “Never you. Unless you asked. Gods, I would do almost anything you asked.”
You gulped, jaw beginning to ache from the pressure of his grip. “Including leave me alone?”
Azriel chuckled darkly, leaning in closer. “That’s why I said ‘almost’, princess.” His hand released your jaw, snaking its way down your body and settling on your waist. He gave it a squeeze, letting out a chuckle as you gasped. Your traitorous body giving away the faint scent of arousal that grew at his actions. “Besides, we both know you don’t want that.”
“Leave me alone.” You begged. “I don’t want this.”
“Oh, but your body says otherwise.” Azriel moved his hand down past your hip, cupping your backside and squeezing sharply. More arousal pooled at your core, and you whimpered. “See?” His velvety voice was laced with satisfaction. “You crave my touch. After hearing your sweet moans last night I don’t think I can live another day without hearing them again. I hadn’t even touched you and you came so hard all on your own. You’re going to utterly fall apart when I get my cock inside you, sweetheart. I’m going to ruin you.”
 He pressed his hips into you, letting you feel his massive bulge against your lower stomach. You gasped, the sheer size of it almost unsettling. You felt wetness pool between your legs, and you pressed your knees together. Azriel noticed, and chuckled again. “Do you have any idea how hard I tried to hold off touching myself last night as I watched you?” He purred, lips grazing your ear. “I couldn’t do it. After your second orgasm, I finally pulled out my cock and imagined it was your hand wrapped around it. It took everything in me not to take you right then and there.”
You growled, baring your teeth. “Let. Me. Go.” You hissed, ignoring your body’s desire to give into whatever he wanted.
Azriel sighed, letting go of your wrists and removing his hand from your backside. Your arms dropped down, shoulders aching from being pinned up. You let out a breath, unsure what was going on. “Disappointing,” He said lowly. “I was going to let you have me any way you wanted. I was going to be gentle, take my time, give you whatever you asked. I’d have tied myself up if that’s what you wanted. But have it your way.”
The spymaster took a step back, his eyes going dark. “I’m going to let you run. Run now, and don’t let me catch you.”
Your entire body went cold. What had you gotten yourself into? “And what happens if you catch me?” You asked nervously.
The smile that spread across his lips terrified you. “I fuck you. I claim you whatever way I want, and you take it like a good girl. You can fight it all you want, but you’ll learn your place by the end of the night. Now run.”
You didn’t hesitate before bolting out of the bedroom, throwing your door open and running towards the woods. You didn’t care that you had no shoes, or that you were still in the revealing lingerie. You ignored the freezing bite of the forest air as you ran into it.
You weren’t sure how long you had been running. Azriel had reverted back to his favourite game from when he first began following you – every time you heard footsteps, you ran. They caught up to you, and when you turned around to face him, nobody was there. It was torture, and you were ready to give up. You leaned against one of the trees, gasping for air.
“Giving up yet?” Your shadow’s voice sounded in your ear. You spun around, but he wasn’t there. “You’re making this too fun, sweetheart.” He called from a distance, suddenly further away.
Taking another heaving breath, you forced yourself to run. You zig zagged through the trees, trying to lose him. You knew it was hopeless, that he was just toying with you. But you’d be damned if you didn’t go down trying.
You turned around to see if he was following, and the wind suddenly got knocked out of your lungs as you crashed into a tall figure. You thought you were going to fall on your ass, but strong arms grabbed you and held you upright. You couldn’t help but scream at the surprise. Panting, you looked up and were met with Azriel’s sly grin. “Caught you.” He purred. “Looks like I win.”
You gave up. From the moment he had laid out the lingerie for you, you knew it would come to this. To him having his way with you. It all led to this, and while the thought terrified you, it also ignited something animalistic in you. There had been a certain thrill to running through the forest like a deer being hunted by a lion. Again, that sick and twisted part of your brain won over the sensible part. Deep down, you knew that you wanted this. You had only fought for the sake of your own pride. You craved the thrill.
As if sensing your submission, Azriel leaned down and buried his nose in your neck, inhaling your scent. “You smell so fucking perfect.” He groaned, lips brushing your skin. “I can’t wait to taste you. That's all I’ve been thinking about.”
Suddenly, the world spun around you, and you found yourself back in your bedroom moments later. The warmth was welcome against your ice cold skin, and you were secretly relieved he wasn’t about to fuck you like an animal in the dirty forest. You didn’t have time to question his actions before he bent down and captured your lips in his.
You moaned as his mouth claimed yours with a dominance that made your core wet. There was no romance behind it, just pure claiming desire. You melted into him as one of his scarred hands reached around your lower back and pulled you against his solid chest. His other hand reached up and grasped your hair, tilting your head back to get a better angle. 
You gasped at the tug on your scalp, and Azriel snaked his tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch of it. You’d never been kissed like this before, and it was making your head spin. Hesitantly, you reached up and clasped your hands around his neck, tangling your fingers in the hair at the top of his neck. He growled into your mouth in response, kicking your legs apart with his feet and settling his thigh in between them. 
Azriel’s lips made their way down the column of your neck, biting and sucking harshly as he went. You moaned as his thigh moved against your throbbing core, sending a warm sensation up your body. The delicate panties you were wearing did nothing to hide how wet you were, the juices from your cunt seeping onto his dark pants. He moved his mouth down to the tops of your breasts, biting down hard with his sharp canines and making you cry out. You’d for sure be covered in a million bruises tomorrow.
“Fuck, I can feel how wet you are on my thigh.” The shadowsinger groaned into your skin. “I’ve barely even touched you and you’re this soaked already? It’s pathetic, coming from someone who said they didn’t want this.”
You could only whimper, defenceless as scarred hands grabbed the sides of your nightgown and ripped it apart with one pull. It fell to pieces on the floor beside you. You felt yourself being lifted into the air, and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. It was hard not to gasp as your sopping cunt was pressed into his rock hard bulge in his trousers. Azriel carried you over to the bed and roughly tossed you into the mattress, causing you to bounce over the sheets ungracefully. Quick as a viper, he snaked his way over top of your body, making you feel incredibly small.
He smirked as his lips met your nipple, sucking harshly and making you cry out. He did not treat your breast gently, covering the mound of flesh with bitemarks and bruises from his lips before moving to the other one. You went to push him by the shoulders, the intensity from his mouth bordering on too much, but his hands quickly found yours and pinned them to the mattress. You were utterly helpless beneath him, and it sent more wetness to your core.
Azriel lifted his head from your breasts, smirking at your flushed face before trailing his lips down your stomach. He let go of your hands, but tendrils of darkness snaked their way around your wrists, taking his place. They pinned your hands above your head, unable to move. You could have sworn they chuckled at you – the mischievous shadows at their masters command had been torturing you for weeks, finally getting to reveal themselves in their true form.
Azriel gripped the string of your panties in his teeth, hazel eyes making contact with your own. He pulled them down your legs with his mouth, the animalistic action making you even wetter. Instinctively, you closed your legs once he removed them. Once he tossed the panties aside, rough hands pried your legs open. “Now, now,” He tutted, his deep voice lulling you into obedience. “Am I going to have to restrain your legs, too?”
You shook your head, relaxing your muscles into his grip. Azriel smirked triumphantly, settling on his knees on the ground at the end of the bed and yanking you closer to him by his ankles. “Good girl.” He praised, wrapping his arms underneath your thighs and putting your hips in an ironclad grip. A fresh wave of arousal pooled from you, dampening the sheets – and his smirk grew wider.
“Do you like it when I tell you what a good girl you are?” He asked, cocking his head. “Or would you prefer if I told you that you’re a pathetic little slut, all spread out for me? An ungrateful brat who ran through the forest to defy me when she could have had things her way if she just asked nicely?”
You whimpered, screwing your eyes shut at the humiliation. It was embarrassing how much your body was responding to his words alone. If he didn’t touch you soon, you were sure you were going to explode. A harsh nip on your thigh brought your attention back to the spymaster.
“I asked you a question.” He growled dangerously. “Are you a good girl? Or are you my little slut, ready to give herself to me to do whatever I want?”
“I…” You tried to find the words, but found your ability to speak had gotten lost in the forest somewhere with your dignity. Before you could try again, your body was flipped over so that you were laying on your stomach, arm still bound in front of you. A loud cracking noise filled the room as Azriel smacked your left ass cheek with thunderous force. You couldn’t hold in the cry that slipped out.
“Every time you disobey me, you get ten spanks.” Azriel said firmly, his voice cold as stone with no mercy to be found. “You are to count them aloud. If you lose track, I start over. Understood?”
You nodded, but it wasn’t good enough. Your right cheek took the blow this time. “I expect a verbal response.” He hissed.
“Yes!” You cried out, skin stinging from the slap.
“Good. Now count.”
Azriel brought his hand down again, alternating sides. You counted out loud, tears dripping onto the pillow. The spymaster was a trained Illyrian warrior with three times your muscle, so it hurt like hell. But you couldn’t deny that it made you even wetter.
“Ten.” You sobbed as Azriel made his final hit before flipping you around so you were on your back again.
“You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” He hummed, leaning into your cunt and inhaling your scent.
“Yes.” You said eagerly, not wanting to endure another round of his fierce hits.
“See? You’re learning. Soon, you’ll be perfect at it, my own little toy who will do whatever I ask without talking back. Unless you enjoy your punishments, I wouldn’t be surprised if a slut like you acted out so she could get put in her place.”
You whimpered, unsuccessfully attempting to move your hips up in his firm grip. “Please.”
Azriel smirked again, lifting his head. “Please, what?”
“Touch me.” You couldn’t take it anymore. The feeling of his warm breath fanning right above your cunt was getting to be too much. You didn’t care about anything else right now other than him.
“Since you begged so nicely, sweetheart. I will listen to you just this once.”
Finally, those sinful lips met your core. You cried out as he delved in like a man starved, licking a bold strip up your pussy before attaching his lips to your clit and sucking hard. He was rough and relentless, putting the vibrator he got you to shame. His lips and tongue were everywhere, exploring every inch of your pussy. You couldn’t move your hips against his attack, forced to lay there and take what he gave you. 
The male who stalked you for weeks, who happened to be the spymaster of the Night Court, was on his knees eating you out. He slipped a finger in your hole, the scars and ridges making your body sing. After a few more minutes, he easily slipped in a second.
It wasn’t long before you felt your orgasm rapidly approaching. It hit you like a landslide, and you saw white as the tension between your legs snapped. You almost sobbed as it wracked your body, unable to even buck your hips to ride it out. Azriel groaned into your core as you soaked his face, but he eased up as you came down from your high, unlike what he did with the vibrator. When he finally pulled away, your arms were released, and your entire body was trembling like a leaf. You opened your eyes to see Azriel pulling his shirt above his head, revealing whirling black tattoos and a muscled abdomen that snapped you out of your trance. Immediately, you sat up in the bed, fixing your eyes on his shirtless form. You didn’t have to glance up to know that his face was a look of pure male pride as he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his trousers and boxers all in one go, stepping out of them and leaving both of you completely naked. 
Your jaw went agape at the size of him. He was long and thick, unlike any male you’d seen before. While you certainly enjoyed sex with males, your mouth had never watered with the urge to put their cock in your mouth.
Until now.
Azriel stroked himself, wings flaring behind him. He looked like a god above you, pure muscle and desire as he stared down at you. “On your knees. Now.” He ordered with an authority that sang to your desires. You didn’t hesitate to scramble onto the floor in front of him, kneeling. He guided his cock to your lips, which you gladly opened to allow him entrance. The moan he let out as you encased as much of his cock in your mouth as you could was otherworldly.
You looked up at him through your lashes. He had tilted his head back, the column of his throat bobbing with groans as you slid your lips up and down. There was no way you’d manage to fit it all in your mouth, so you reached up and grabbed the base with one hand, pumping gently to meet your mouth.
“Oh, fuck.” Azriel moaned, reaching down and gathering your hair in one hand. “Just like that, princess.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you gagged around him, but kept going. You had expected the shadowsinger to be quiet, given his reputation. But no, his groans and sighs echoed throughout your bedroom, spurring you on. As the minutes passed your knees began to ache, but you welcomed the pain.
Suddenly, Azriel pulled himself out of your mouth. You whined, wanting to please him further.
“Such a pathetic slut, whining that she didn’t get to suck my cock for longer.” He growled, hoisting you up by your arm and flinging you back onto the bed. “I thought about coming in your mouth, but no. I’m going to fill up that sweet cunt of yours instead. And you’re going to take it.”
You were laying on your stomach facing the mirror on your wall to the left of your bed. You watched your reflection as Azriel grabbed your hips and lifted them up in the air, forcing you to prop yourself up on your elbows. His hazel eyes were so dark, the colour barely showed. They met yours in the mirror as he learned down and grabbed your hair again, forcing your head up to face the mirror head on. “You’re going to watch as I fuck you.” He said, lining himself up with your entrance. 
He kept one hand in your hair as he guided the tip into you, causing you to cry out. The stretch stung, despite being prepared. He was bigger than any cock you had taken, and your body struggled to accommodate. Azriel didn’t give you much time to adjust before he was pushing himself fully in, groaning. You tried to force your body to relax, knowing you were going to be sore the next day. He slowly slid himself almost all the way out, relieving your muscles before slamming back into you with a force that nearly knocked the wind out of you. You gasped, and instinctively went to turn your head into the pillow, but a harsh tug on your hair from Azriel made you stop.
“Keep watching.” He said firmly. “If you take your eyes off the mirror, I won’t let you cum. Got it?”
“Yes.” You whined. Azriel grunted, and began pounding into you at a relentless pace. The loud sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room as you were fucked mercilessly.
“This is what you fucking needed, isn’t that right?” Azriel hissed as he thrusted into you. “To be treated like a slut? All those other boys been too nice to you, letting you get away with talking back. They don’t know what you truly need. To be put in your place, properly fucked within an inch of your life. Nobody can make you feel as good as I can.”
His words poured over you like honey, the pain subsisting into drunken bliss. The bed was shaking beneath you, headboard banging against the wall loudly. As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. Nobody had ever fucked you like this, in a way you didn’t know you needed. It was so wrong, letting him do these things to you. But it felt too good to deny yourself it.
Azriel bent over, covering your back with his tall frame as he adjusted his angle and thrust even harder. One hand was pressed to the bed to steady himself while the other gripped your jaw firmly. You watched in the mirror, and it was perhaps the most erotic thing you had ever seen – Azriel’s wings flaring as he claimed you, muscular arm holding you in place, utterly helpless against him. He sunk his canines into your shoulder, hard enough to draw blood. You cried out as his teeth carved into your flesh, the mixture of pain from his bite and pleasure from his thrusts sending you towards another orgasm. He released your jaw and reached down to rub your clit harshly.
“Nobody’s allowed to touch you but me.” He growled in your ear, watching your face in the mirror. “You’re mine, and mine only, you got that? If I even scent another male has touched you, I’ll cut his hands off and leave them at your doorstep. You belong to me now. Cum for me.”
He accentuated those last three words with thrusts, and it was enough to send you over the edge. Your entire body shook as you came around Azriel’s cock, black fuzziness surrounded the edges of your vision. You watched through your lashes as Azriel bared his teeth, growling like an animal as his hips sputtered and he spilled himself inside you. He let out a moan that could have shaken the entire forest. You screamed weakly as he spurted inside you while you rode out your orgasm, the sensation nearly making you pass out.
You both panted as Azriel pulled himself out of you. He climbed off the bed and you immediately collapsed. The room was spinning, your body completely spent. The spymaster casually put on his clothes and crouched down so his face was level with yours. 
“I’m going to have so much fun with you.” He purred before his shadows encompassed him and he vanished, leaving you alone wondering what just happened.
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causenessus · 4 months
Meeting Your Eyes. | Bungou Stray Dogs
inc: dazai, chuuya, tecchou (ft. cranky jouno <3), tachihara
written in 2nd pov (female implied!)
song recc: my jinji by sunset rollercoaster
word count: 1492 words
lil scenarios of meeting their eyes <3 chuuya and tachihara get special treatment with lowercase names in theirs bc their just so soft and i love them so much but they're all so sweet !!! i refuse to write dialogue in paragraphs so sorry they're mixed with the headcanons (๑´ ^ `๑) hope u enjoy!! this is my slightly late valentine's day post <33
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tries to meet your eyes the whole day at the agency
peeks above your laptop screen and to the side trying to grab your attention and pouts when you don’t look at him
solely because he wants attention or because he wants to convince you to go somewhere with him
Atsushi has discovered that it’s impossible to communicate with Dazai when he gets like this
the boy can only watch as Dazai progressively gets closer to you, and by the end he’s completely on his desk and leaning over yours <3
“[Y/N]...” he whined, using a hand to move your computer screen back and forth
“yes?” you said, keeping your eyes focused on the wobbling screen
“look at meee, please?” he inched closer to your face, almost breaking your mask
you know as soon as you look at him you won’t be able to say no
he’ll be giving you puppy eyes the entire day, and he knows that if he can get you to look at him, he’ll be able to convince you
“I’m sure Kunikida-kun wouldn’t mind if we went home a little early, can we please?” he continued to beg
you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath as you tried to clear your mind, “even if he doesn’t mind–which I think is highly doubtful–I still have work I can get done. so the answer is no. you can hang in there, love.”
your words went through one ear and out the other, “can you say it while looking at me?” he was using a soft, quiet voice that was making it hard to stay strong. if he wasn’t so persuasive, you’d love to look at your boyfriend’s pretty face. it was already hard enough to not look at him even though you knew how convincing he could be
a hand brushed against yours, starting to play with your index finger as Dazai whined your name again.
you opened your eyes as you answered, “no, ‘Samu–” the moment you met eyes with him, your resolve faltered
he had the most adorable expression on his already endearing face that made your heart ache whenever he looked at you like this.
you averted your eyes as you silently closed your laptop, beginning to pack your bag, “...I suppose I could get it done tomorrow. and as long as it’s turned in by its deadline Kunikida-san will be fine with it.”
“oh! my belladonna!” Dazai exclaimed as he practically threw himself onto you, arms wrapped around your neck, “I knew I could convince you. let’s go home,” he gave you an innocent smile, pressing a kiss to your lips before pulling away to gather his own things
chuuya meets your eyes from across a corporate party
you’re the only one he can truly feel comfortable around in such a large setting. he feels safer knowing you’re safe when he’s around you and can see you
plus, he’s more than happy to walk around with you. he’s proud to be walking with the beautiful lady who’s turning every head <3 it’s even better because he knows that no matter what, you’re all his
he looks for you the moment he arrives at the party, searching the crowd for your face
he ignores anyone trying to talk to him or offer him something to drink. honestly, he waves everyone away, completely focused on finding you
he pushes past a couple in the crowd and suddenly he’ll see you; your eyes slightly wide and mouth parted as you meet his eyes from afar
as soon as you see him, you’re pushing through the crowd to get to him and he’s doing the same. you never take your eyes off of him, scared to lose him in the crowd again
when you finally meet, it’s like everything was set just for this moment. a beam of light perfectly shines over you both as you meet in the middle
“you look stunning, sweetheart,” he can’t help but say, hands trailing down your sides, resting on your hips
your arms drape across his shoulders and around his neck as you brush noses with him, “so do you, darling.” you both share a smile, continuing to look into his slate colored eyes. “I was looking everywhere for you.”
he can feel his heart start to slow as he relaxes in your hold. “so was I, doll,” as he stares into your eyes, he realizes that all he needs is you.
“say,” he murmurs, eyes lowering to watch his hands as they draw circles on your skin, “I know we just got here, but I just wanna be with you. wanna get out of here?” when he looks back up at you, his eyes are playful
“as long as I’m with you, I don’t care where we go,” you respond, intertwining your hand with his as he starts to lead you through the crowd <3
you meet eyes with Tecchou when you look across the table to find him already looking at you
your heart stirs, stricken by those pretty amber eyes, and he hasn’t even processed that you’ve caught him staring
he’s so entranced in you that he only smiles when you meet his eyes, his head resting on a hand
“Hiro, you’re staring again,” you say softly, your cheeks warm a little under his gaze
“I can’t help it, angel. I could stare at you all day and it wouldn’t be enough, you’re just too perfect.” <3
Jouno is most certainly not happy about it
“Tecchou-san, I can hear you ogling [Y/N]-san from here and I really wish you would stop. Please stop breathing while you’re at it,” he scoffs from the other side of the table
(it’s Jouno’s special way of saying he’s happy for you both <3)
probably how you ended up finding out that he liked you
he had never hidden how much he stared at you because he was never ashamed of it
you thought he was so charming when you first met him that you were surprised he would ever take interest in you
“it’s not just that you’re beautiful. it’s just like I can see how pure you are in character. everything around you is brighter, whether I’m looking at you or when I’m with you. it’s been like that ever since I first met you,” he answered when you brought this up the day he confessed
(ear plugs did not save Jouno in the room over who was reaching for a trash can
you try to hold his gaze whenever you meet eyes with him but you’re always the first to look away, face turning red while he only continues to look at you with a lovesick smile <3
you’re the person tachihara looks to whenever someone says something worth sharing “a look” for or when someone says something funny
yk like when someone says questionable and you look to someone else like “did they just say that fr?”
that’s tachihara and you <3
whenever jokes are made, he laughs and looks at you to see if you found it funny as well
loves to laugh with you and make you laugh <3
he has a ton of inside jokes with you
for example, radios are heavily used in the mafia so that everyone can communicate
earpieces do their job, but despite the beauty of modern technology sometimes their audio can be so scratchy and incoherent. especially when people get farther away, the audio just gets harder and harder to understand
once, when tachihara took you out on a date and you both were walking around in a store, a worker came on to the intercom to say something but it just sounded like a jumble of fuzz and garbled words.
he nudged you with his shoulder saying, “sounds like hirotsu every time he tries to speak to us during a job.”
you both were crying, holding onto shelves and dying of laughter afterwards <3
and now every time during a job when you hear hirotsu through your ear piece, you both immediately look at each other with mischievous smiles and stifled laughter
even during the most serious of meetings–you both could be standing right in front of Mori and it’s like you guys have a telepathic connection
you both will look at each other simultaneously and share the same thoughts
meeting eyes with him always ends with you both having uncontrollable smiles that automatically spread across your faces <3
along with the knowing looks you two share, there’s so much love and adoration in your eyes for each other
he also knows that if you don’t meet his eyes or if they’re not as lively as usual, something’s wrong and he’s always quick to ask you what he can do to help <3
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Feyd-rautha x Atreides reader headcanons pt.3
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3
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- the black sun burned on the sand of the arena, which was soaked with the blood of the slaves killed in honor of yours and Na-Barons engagement
 - the Atreides were appalled at how many lives were lost just to celebrate
 - Feyd was standing in the middle of the bloodied bodies, staring intently at his betrothed, who was sitting next to his uncle
 - he made his way towards the tower with quick steps and when he reached just below the spot he dropped to one knee and looked up at the figure of his betrothed
 - I was confused as to what he was waiting for and why all the people watching this fight were suddenly silent and watching you with the same focus as na-baron
 - the baron's huge hand landed on your shoulder, " He is waiting for his prize Lady Atreides."
 he grunted in your ear and nodded to the slave who was handing me the knife. My confused expression must have told the baron that I had no idea what to do.,, He shed blood for you in the arena, now you must go through, now you need to spill yours blood for him."
 - I approached the edge of the balcony and looked down at the waiting Feyda, whose eyes were wide in anticipation.
 - I cut my hand with a sharp knife, held it out in front of me so that the blood could fall freely.
 - but nothing could have prepared me for the sight of Feyd-rauth as he swallowed my blood as it dripped onto his lips
 - after a while Feyd stood up and shouted something in the Harkonnen language, which I didn't understand, but the crowd went wild, thanks to the words and shouted the same words as my future husband.
 - the baron laughed behind me and pointed out, "My lady they are shouting for you, they are shouting for their na-baroness."
 - at that moment I was filled with pride and excitement
 - in the end it won't be so bad to marry him, there was still the boy in him who carried me on his back when i got hurt
 - the morning of the wedding arrived and the servants were swarming everywhere to prepare everything in time
 - the wedding was supposed to be mainly in House Harkonnen style, but my father was able to talk the baron into allowing one tradition of House Atreides, that the bride and groom have a net soaked in water draped over their heads during the ceremony to bind the new couple together into a happy future.
 - this tradition was one of the oldest in Caladan and I desperately wanted to follow it, I didn't want the whole wedding to be based on my future husband's lineage, but I wanted to have a piece of my heritage there as well.
 - the whole day passed too quickly and before I knew it I was standing in front of the door of the ceremony hall.
 - my father had tears in his eyes and gently kissed my forehead before he offered his arm and we both walked towards the altar.
 - Feyd was happy, he knew from the first moment he saw her that she would be his. Even if he had to start a bloody war because of her, he would do it. And now he was finally going to have her, watching her float to him on her father's arm.
 - as if in a dream he stretched out his hand to her and helped her climb up to him, he didn't even notice when someone threw a wet net over them and cold water started running down his neck, he didn't notice the words of the man who was giving them away. He snapped out of his stupor, when he and his soon-to-be wife were invited to pour their blood into cups and drink each other's blood. He didn't even notice the blade that cut my palm, I could only watch her as she slowly swallowed my life-giving liquid.
 - Oh how beautiful her lips looked when red blood glittered on them
 - her blood was sweet I wondered what her next fluid would be so sweet. Now finally came the favorite part of Harkonnen weddings, namely the hunt.
 -,, If I were you, I would run away, my na-baroness."
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agustdakasuga · 1 year
The Way Of A Criminal: Chapter 4
Genre: Mafia!AU, Criminal!AU, Angst, Romance
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Your father was a stranger, you never knew who he was and what he did. But one day, someone knocks on your door, informing you of his passing. Now, you learn more about him, his life and the legacy you are expected to continue with the help of his 7 executives.
Story warning(s): This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed/gore, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking and gambling. This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. Please read at your own discretion.
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Instead of dealing with all this head on, you avoided it. You put everything aside and went on with life, spending all your time doing work, studying and doing your university projects.
Wonwoo noticed this and decided to invite you for a night out. Just a chill night with some drinks. Usually, you would decline, which is why Wonwoo has never invited you out. But you could use the distraction. Maybe being out of the house was good.
“Coming!” You ran down, fixing your earring. You didn’t really know how to dress for a night out like this so you picked a random dress. It was a dark blue, crushed velvet cocktail dress.
“Come on in.” You opened the door for him. Wonwoo smiled, bowing before removing his shoes to come in.
“This dress isn’t really motorcycle friendly, is it?” You let out an awkward laugh, going into the kitchen to get your phone that you left there to charge.
“I didn’t ride my bike since we might drink. I’ll call a cab.” Wonwoo said. He just stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do since it was the first time he was in your house.
“(y/n)?” Wonwoo suddenly called your name, stopping you in your tracks.
“You look great.” He smiled softly.
“Oh... Thank you.” You felt your cheeks heat up at his sudden compliment. He held out a hand to support you as you wore your shoes. After locking up the house, he escorted you to the cab that was waiting for you. And of course, Wonwoo opened the door for you to get in first, being the gentleman that he is. The car ride was silent.
“C-Can I ask you something?” Wonwoo threaded lightly. You hummed, nodding your head.
“I know you like your privacy and I shouldn’t pry but there were this rumours and pictures floating around about some expensive sports car and handsome guy picking you up. Is he one of them?” He asked nervously.
“If by ‘one of them’, you mean my father’s... employees. Yes, he is... or was. There are 7 of them.” You rubbed the back of your neck.
“Are they bothering you?”
“Can we not talk about this anymore? I just don’t want to have to think about it for a few minutes.” That came out a lot harsher and colder than you expected. But Wonwoo didn’t react.
“Sorry. I’m...” You sighed, not really knowing how to piece your words together anymore.
“I understand. Don’t worry about it. I didn’t mean to pry.” Wonwoo smiled comfortingly. Thankfully for you, the cab stopped outside the club. You looked at the long line outside that didn’t seem to be moving,
“Don’t look so worried. My friend put our name on the list so we can just walk in.” Wonwoo laughed. You both got out and he grasped your hand, giving your names to the bouncer. You were so stunned by his action that you just followed him without a word, letting him lead you.
“There’s a table there.” Wonwoo said in your ear on top of the loud music. You were still shocked that he was holding your hand that you just followed him.
“Phew, it’s crowded.” You said, casually pulling your hand away to check if you dropped anything from your bag.
“Yeah, that’s what you get for being here on a Friday night.” He chuckled. You stood at the table while Wonwoo went to get drinks at the bar. The standing table was thankfully at the side of the bar, which meant less people.
“Relax, you’re here to have fun.” You told yourself.
“Here.” Wonwoo got himself a beer and got you a cocktail. It was a nice refreshing drink with flavoured soju as the alcohol.
“Let me know how much everything is tonight and we’ll split the cost.” You told him as you took a sip.
“It’s okay, (y/n). It’s my treat, just enjoy yourself.” Wonwoo smiled. He clinked his glass with yours. Although this wasn’t your exact idea of relaxing, you were glad that the noise and the crowd made the place too loud that you didn’t need to start sharing your feelings. Wonwoo was a good friend but you just weren’t used to sharing so much about yourself with others.
After some drinks, you excused yourself to go to the toilet. But of course, there was a line. About 15 minutes went by without the line moving. You were about to give up when someone grabbed your wrist.
“(y/n) sshi?” You looked at the familiar face.
“Oh... Uh...”
“Yoongi.” He said, letting you go. You nodded your head. Other people in the line now had their attention on you and Yoongi.
“Come.” He nodded over to follow him. You didn’t know why you just went along, not even asking why he wanted you to go with him. You came before a staircase with two guards. But they parted ways upon seeing Yoongi.
“Sir.” They bowed respectfully as Yoongi cooly walked up, hands tucked into his pockets. You quickly bowed your heads back to the guards and caught up to Yoongi.
“You can use this bathroom instead. It’s cleaner and safer.” Yoongi stopped before a door.
“A-Are you sure?”
“If I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t have went down to fish you out of the crowd. Take all the time you need. This is our own private bathroom so no one else is allowed to use it.” He explained. You nodded, bowing gratefully to him before entering the restroom.
The bathroom was a lot more opulent and grand, with black granite and gold trims. Like Yoongi said, it was very clean, unlike a usual club bathroom. It was definitely a boys bathroom with urinals but you just used one of the stalls.
“Hyung, why can’t I use the bathroom? I really need to go!” You heard voices outside as you were washing your hands.
“Only the 7 of us use it anyway. Unless... Do you have a secret guest in there?!” The person talking to Yoongi gasped as if he just uncovered something scandalous.
“Watch your mouth.” You heard Yoongi threaten.
“Sorry, I’m done.” You opened the door. But you didn’t expect Yoongi to be standing so close that you ended up bumping into his back.
“Oh, no wonder hyung was guarding the bathroom.” The male said. He didn’t mind you and just brushed past to use the bathroom. Yoongi moved you away from the bathroom door, not wanting you to accidentally get hit.
“Thank you. Is it okay if I just stay here for a few more minutes? You can go back to what you were doing before.” You asked timidly. Yoongi took one look at you and nodded. You didn’t need to tell him anything for him to know what you were thinking. The club was getting overwhelming. Yoongi never really liked coming too unless his brothers make him.
“Why did you come if you don’t like it?”
“A friend brought me here as a distraction. Plus, I’ve never really come to a club before.” You replied. Yoongi nodded his head.
“You don’t need to stay and accompany me. I’ll go back down in a bit.” You said.
“It’s okay.” He leaned against the opposite wall. You took your phone out to send Wonwoo a text, assuring him that you were safe and that he could go home first. But you didn’t tell him where you were and who you were with.
“Actually... I wanted to apologise. My brothers told me I shouldn’t have offered you a smoke the other time. I just thought it would help.” Yoongi looked at you.
“It’s fine. I honestly didn’t think too much about it. There were other things to think about.” You shook your head.
“Understandable. I’m sure you have your fair share of confusion and questions that come along with it. This is just the start.” Yoongi said. You didn’t let his straightforward tone faze you, nodding your head glumly.
“Well, I should go. Thanks for letting me hang here.” You straightened up.
“No worries. I’ll walk you down.” Yoongi followed suit. You walked behind him, not sure of the way to the exit. With your insistence, Wonwoo had gone home on his own. You did feel bad for abandoning him when he was the one that invited you out but you also didn’t want him to wait.
“Do you have a ride home?” Yoongi asked.
“I told my friend to go home first so I guess I can get a cab home.” You waved him off, getting your phone out. But Yoongi stopped you, his hand grasping your phone and covering the screen.
“It’s not safe and cheap to get a cab from here at this time. I drank a little so I shouldn’t drive. Hang on.” Yoongi waved over one of the bouncers.
“Use the company car and send her home then report back.” Yoongi ordered.
“Yoongi sshi, it’s really okay.”
“Get the address from her and make sure you see her entering the house before coming back.” Yoongi ignored you. The bouncer nodded and bowed, running off the get the car.
“(y/n) sshi, hyung.” You both turned to see Taehyung jogging over. He had a big, square-ish grin as he waved.
“Jimin said you were here and that Yoongi hyung was with you. Are you driving her home, hyung?” Taehyung tilted his head.
“I drank. So was gonna get one of the workers to drive her back.” Yoongi explained, standing back as he lit a cigarette to smoke. Taehyung nodded his head.
“I’ll drive you home. I didn’t drink since I am the designated driver tonight. Bring my car instead.” Taehyung called out. The worker bowed and ran back into the club. Yoongi decided to go in first after his cigarette was done, not liking being out in the cold. He shot you a nod while you bowed gratefully to him. While waiting, Taehyung put his jacket over your shoulders.
“Did you come alone?” Taehyung asked.
“No... I came with a friend but I abandoned him. Yoongi sshi was kind enough to let me hang out in the quiet area. So I told my friend to go home first.” You said. You didn’t know why you were explaining so much to him.
“This isn’t you scene, is it?” He teased. You pursed your lips and shook your head. The noise and the crowd just wasn’t comfortable.
“Sir.” The car stopped right in front of you. The worker came out, bowing and passing Taehyung’s keys to him.
“Here you go. Watch your head.” Taehyung opened the car door for you to enter. You sat inside, keeping the sides of his jacket close to you so it wouldn’t get caught in the door.
Taehyung confirmed your address before starting to drive. One hand held his head, elbow resting on the door next to him while the other hand was on the steering wheel. During the quiet ride, you fiddled with the hem of the dress, pulling it down every now and then.
“Are you cold?” He asked.
“No, I’m good. Thank you.” You replied softly. With your head leaning against the headrest, you looked out the window. The only reason you would be out this late usually was because you were working.
“Thanks for dropping me off again.” You said as Taehyung pulled up outside of your house.
“Any time.” Taehyung smiled. You unbluckled your seatbelt and got out of the car. But before you could walk further, Taehyung rolled down the window.
“Goodnight, (y/n)!”
“G-Goodnight, Taehyung sshi.” A small smile formed on your lips as you bowed your head and entered the house. Like the other day, Taehyung only drove off after he was sure you had entered the house.
Only after you entered the house and you heard Taehyung drive off, that you realised you had forgotten the return him his jacket. You removed it carefully, as if any movement would cause it to tear like tissue. You inspected it, trying to figure out if you should wash it on your own, and risk ruining the expensive material, or just send it for dry cleaning.
“Hi, Wonwoo. Did you make it home safe?”
“Oh, (y/n). Yes, I am home. I went home after you sent me that text. Are you alright? You scared me.”
“Yes, I am alright. I just found a quiet space to chill for a while so I didn’t want you to wait for me. I just got home. Sorry for ruining the night. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” You said, putting your shoes away.
“Don’t say that, (y/n). I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy yourself.”
“I did enjoy myself, Wonwoo. Thank you for bringing me out to feel better.” You laughed. After wishing each other good night, you hung up.
You took a shower and was feeling peckish so you made yourself some ramyeon. There was always ramyeon in the kitchen for when you or your mother needed a late night snack after working.
“I’ll have to drop the jacket off at the dry cleaners tomorrow.” You groaned tiredly, looking at the blazer that rested over the back of the chair.
Hoseok was one of the first ones to wake up. After a day of working and a night of drinking, the boys all usually slept in during the weekends. The moment his foot touched the bottom of the stairs, a maid ran over to him, bowing her head in fear.
“What is it?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Your workers are here, sir. They said that it is important for you to see them immediately.” She relayed timidly, afraid of making him angry.
“Send them in. And get my breakfast.” Hoseok shooed her away before shuffling to the dining room. Like any other normal person, he didn’t like having to work on the weekends.
“Good morning, Boss.” The 3 men put the crate that they were carrying down and bowed to Hoseok.
“This better be important for you to be here on a Saturday morning.” Hoseok said, not even looking up at them. He was more focused on the tray of food that the butler had placed down in front of him.
“The shipment is here early. We thought you would want to check it right away.” One of the men informed. Hoseok put his napkin on the table and stood up.
“Show me.” He commanded as he walked over. The men opened the box, revealing the contents inside.
“Very nice...” He picked up one of the items.
“Business on a Saturday morning, Hobah?” Yoongi came in. Hoseok’s workers bowed upon seeing the pale man enter the dining room. But of course, he didn’t even spare them a glance. He sat down in his allocated seat, waiting for the staff to serve him his breakfast. His breakfast was usually an iced coffee then his food 20 minutes later.
“Can’t help it, hyung. You want the best, you’ve got to work when others aren’t.” Hoseok laughed while Yoongi snorted at his comment. He placed the items back into the crate.
“Leave this here. I’ll show the others to see what they think. Good work. We’ll discuss the rest on Monday.” Hoseok said.
“Of course, boss. Have a nice weekend.” The 3 bowed, moving the crate to the side of the room before leaving the mansion. Hoseok took his seat across Yoongi.
“So hyung, I heard you had a little moment with the girl.” Hoseok asked.
“What moment?” Yoongi asked back, no emotion on his face as he sipped the last bit of his coffee.
“Jimin said you loyally guarded the door for her as she used our toilet. Even stayed with her in the hallway after to comfort her.” He explained. Yoongi rolled his eyes, his brothers really needed better things to talk about.
“I saw her the moment she entered, I’m surprised you guys didn’t considering how high our booth is. She needed to use a toilet and the queue was insane so I offered her to use ours. And I wasn’t comforting her, she needed a quiet place and I stayed with her. That’s all.” Yoongi explained.
“Well, that’s a lot more interaction than what the rest have got. Looks like she’ll warm up to you first.” Hoseok said.
“No, she’ll warm up to Taehyung first. He was the one that sent her home.” Yoongi dug into his food on the tray that the butler brought him. Hoseok hummed but couldn’t help the giggle that escaped him.
“What’s Hobi laughing about?” Namjoon came in. He had been awake for a while, opting to sit in his room to read the newspaper rather than come downstairs right away.
“No idea.” Yoongi replied, putting a chopstick of rice into his mouth.
“Ah, seriously, Hobi. I thought we established that we are not going to bring work into the dining room?” Namjoon tsked at the crate in the room.
“It’s fine, Namjoon ah. I’ll move it after breakfast. The boys needed me to inspect the goods, that’s all. Even risked bothering me on a Saturday to do it.” Hoseok waved the leader off. Namjoon shook his head with a sigh.
“Bring my breakfast.” He ordered as he took his seat at the head of the table. The butler bowed and left.
“I’m done. Going back to sleep.” Yoongi stood up and shuffled out of the room. The weekend was for Yoongi to catch up on sleep, it was normal to not see him for the entirety of the two days because he was just sleeping or resting in bed. Jin and Taehyung were the last ones that had breakfast. Jungkook and Jimin would sleep in until dinner time.
“Here. Take what is yours and leave the rest. I told you I would get things done.” Jin dropped the stack of files on the table. Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung shrugged, going through the pile to retrieve their things.
“So, hyung, did you find out anymore information about (y/n) when you did your stalking?” Taehyung asked.
“Yah, Taehyung! That was supposed to be confidential.” Jin hissed at the younger exposing him to the rest. However, the younger just shrugged.
“You’re running a check on her?” Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
“I’m not running a check on her... Well, at least not the background checks I usually do. I just wanted to find out about her to maybe try to connect with her in some way. She is a closed book.” Jin explained.
“So what if she is a closed book, I’m sure you can still find whatever you need on her.” Hosoek laughed.
“That’s the thing... She does not have much of a record except for her birth certificate and basic school details. Everything else either doesn’t exist or has been wiped.” Jin informed.
“Wait, you’re telling me there is actually information that you can’t find?”
“How do you know information has been wiped? She could have just not had that much of an eventful life so far. I doubt she can wipe her own records and she doesn’t seem to have a reason to do that.” Namjoon said. He didn’t know you but you didn’t seem like a skillful hacker that could wipe records.
“I know information has been wiped because I am the one who wiped them...” Jin admitted with his head slightly hung.
“Boss wanted me to wipe them. He was paranoid, especially when it came to her. So my task was to regularly wipe her records that were 'not relevant’. Hospital visits, stuff like that...” Jin gulped.
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grandmother-goblin · 4 months
Apotheosis - Chapter 1
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Ao3 - Masterlist
Summary: Halsin didn’t know what he had done wrong. One day, everything was fine between him and Zilvira, but then she suddenly started to avoid him all together. So Halsin decided to follow her to Sharess' Caress in hopes of getting a chance to set things right.
Relationships: Halsin x Female!Tav
Rating: Explicit (18+) for eventual smut.
Word Count: 4.3k
Chapter Tags: Mentions of past trauma, fantasy prejudices, non-consensual drug use (not between the main characters), drow!Tav.
Notes: A big, huge, thank you to @brabblesblog for beta-reading!
It was only a week ago that Halsin was convinced that Zilvira was interested in him.
There hadn’t been a single shadow of doubt in his mind. In fact, it would have been difficult for him to believe she wasn’t interested in him. That knowledge wasn’t just ego or vanity talking: it was years of experience. 
Zilvira had never said anything outright, but she was far from subtle.
It was in the way her curious, intelligent eyes watched his lips when he spoke. It was the way she always lingered in his tent for a moment after their late night conversations, as if waiting — hoping — for him to initiate something. There was the way she messed with her hair when she saw him approach, the way her fingers ‘accidentally’ brushed against his when they walked side by side, the way she smiled up at him with her cherry red lips, the way they could talk for hours…
It had been a long time since Halsin had treasured someone’s company as much as he did Zilvira’s. 
When he was with her, the weight of his responsibilities sometimes felt light enough that he could forget about them entirely. His failures as Archdruid, everything that happened with Kahn’s, the Shadow Curse… Zilvira had a way of pushing them all to the back of his mind.
If only for a moment, Halsin could pretend that his only concerns were for himself, for her, and for the nature that enveloped them.
With her, he could just be Halsin.
Not an Archdruid. Not a leader. Just Halsin.
And it wasn’t until he met Zilvira that he realized just how long it had been since he felt like he could be himself. Truly himself — without putting on any sort of mask of stoicism and authority expected of druidic leadership.
So when Zilvira suddenly stopped speaking to him, it felt like a part of himself went silent as well.
Their once long, easy, conversations turned monosyllabic, overly polite, and professional. Like she thought they were simply business partners rather than a friend he had grown to cherish. All the warmth that had once emanated from her had become an impenetrable wall of ice — but one that only formed to keep him out.
And he hadn’t the faintest idea why. 
Lanterns illuminated the main street of Wyrm’s Crossing with a warm, orange glow that dulled the silvery light of the moon. The distinct aroma of fried food mixed with the salty sea air. Crowds of people gathered around food carts and outside of taverns, chattering away one another like there weren’t hundreds of refugees waiting to get into the city just a few minutes away. 
Like there weren’t metal monstrosities looming around every corner, watching their every move.
Cities had always made Halsin a bit uncomfortable, but he couldn’t remember the last time one made him feel so unsafe. Between the Bhaalists, the Banites, the Absolute, the Steel Watch, and the Guild, his disquiet was hardly unfounded. 
People stopped to stare at him as he passed through the crowded thoroughfare. Perhaps it was because of his druidic attire — completely standard in the grove to wear soft leathers adorned with nature, but out of place in the city. Or, more likely, they simply stared because of his stature.
He heard some whispers as he passed by. ‘Is that the bear man?’ and ‘I heard there was a giant elf in the city, but gods damn he’s huge!’ 
Nothing he was unaccustomed to hearing. There were certainly worse things he could be semi-famous for, that was for certain. 
Whatever people thought about him did not matter nearly as much as finding Zilvira. Their comments went in one ear and out the other. 
From what Karlach had told him, Zilvira had gone back to Sharess’ Caress; a bar and brothel they had stopped in a few days ago on official business. Apparently, Zilvira was hoping to find Inspector Valeria somewhere in the establishment — probably polishing off a bottle of wine. Last time Zilvira had spoken to Inspector Valeria, the hollyphant had demanded she needed to find more convincing evidence if she wanted to exonerate a tiefling refugee of murdering Father Lorgan.
And Zilvira had done just that. 
Halsin had been under the impression that she’d wait until morning to turn in her findings. Or at least until normal working hours. But when it came to protecting the innocent, Zilvira had never been the patient sort.
Although Zilvira would not have expected him to follow, Halsin wasn’t sure when he would get another chance to catch her alone. Maybe, just maybe, he could convince her to walk back to camp with him. Then maybe they could finally have a conversation about… 
Well, whatever it was that had gone wrong between them.
Whenever Halsin thought back on the past interactions with her, he couldn’t pinpoint a single thing that would have triggered her change in behavior. At least, nothing that made sense.
One morning, she was fine. He remembered how she smiled up at him as she poured him a cup of tea — a ritual they had shared for weeks. How she asked him about Oliver and Thaniel, saying that she missed them already. How her eyes followed a fuzzy bumblebee as she sipped her tea, oblivious to how he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.
It was that morning that Halsin had decided he wanted something more than friendship with her.
But he never got the chance to say something, because by that afternoon she could hardly even look at him.
And the following morning, she had found an excuse to have her tea alone.
A subtle ache gripped his chest when he recalled the moment of rejection. Of course, he tried to ask what was bothering her, but she just gave him a watery smile and said everything was fine.
That was two days ago.
He needed to figure out what was going on with her. Not just for his own sake, but for the sake of everyone else they traveled with. He had made a promise to help with her tadpole, a promise he intended to fulfill, but… did she even still want his help at all?
The bond he felt between them was undeniable, and it. was something he cherished. Besides Thaniel, Zilvira was one of the few people he could truly count as a friend. 
If she was pushing him away after everything they had been through together, there had to be a reason why.
Although several people lingered outside of Sharess’ Caress, there fortunately wasn’t a line to get in. If there had been, he probably would have waited outside since he wasn’t there for any of the services the place offered. Under different circumstances, he might partake in some of the indulgences. 
It had been a long, long time since he had done such a thing.
Tobacco smoke mixed with a myriad of sweetly sour aromas of perfumes and ale, barely masking the scent of too many bodies packed into the establishment. Though the outside air had been pleasantly warm — nice enough that he could wear his sleeveless leathers — inside it turned thick, humid, and almost oppressive. The door had barely closed behind him before he felt sweat beginning to coat his skin.
Halsin glanced around the taproom, hoping that he would be lucky enough to spot Zilvira right away. If she was in the room, she would stick out like a white swan among common mallards. It was difficult not to notice her. 
At least, it was difficult for him not to notice.
“Well, well,” a sultry, feminine voice came from somewhere to his left. The owner of Sharess’ Caress, in her spot behind the reception counter. Mamzell Amira, if he remembered correctly — the woman who hardly cared at all when Zilvira informed her that one of her employees had been brutally murdered simply because it affected her earnings. “I was hoping to see you again, handsome.”
Halsin did not quite share her sentiment, but he gave her a tight smile in greeting. 
It wasn't completely her fault. Cities had a way of turning even the kindest hearts callous — it was often the only way people could survive.
The Mamzell leaned across the counter in a way that put her cleavage on full display. “I’ve loved plenty of elves back in my day, but none of your — ” her eyes roamed up and down his body, pausing at his chest, biceps, and a little lower than what was polite “ — physique.”
Part of him wanted to roll his eyes at her flirtations. It was just an act as part of her business, so he knew not to take the comment too personally. But still, it was tiring to hear variations of the same observations from everyone.
When he thought about it, he realized Zilvira never made any sort of comments regarding his size. She never made him feel odd for being larger than the average elf. At the very worst, she occasionally asked for his help retrieving something that she was too short to reach. But nothing beyond that.
“You look like a man who has seen a great many things,” Mamzell Amira continued as she rested her chin in her hands, “but I’m certain Sharess’ Caress can show you a great many more. I’m sure we have something that would interest someone of your experience.”
“Perhaps another time,” Halsin replied diplomatically. “I’m actually here looking for someone. A young drow woman with white hair, cut about chin-length, and lips red like cherries.”
“‘Lips red like cherries,’” she echoed as the corner of her mouth tugged into a teasing smirk. “You sound smitten, you poor thing.”
Maybe Mamzell Amira had a point, but it was an accurate description. Halsin never once saw Zilvira without her bright red lipstick — she jokingly called it her ‘war paint’. Sometimes, he found himself wondering how often she had to reapply it. Or if it would come off when she kissed— 
Halsin pushed the thought aside. Focus. No point in thinking about Zilvira’s lips when she wouldn’t even use them to speak to him. 
Mamzell Amira tapped her finger to her cheek as if in thought. “You know, I’m not supposed to answer questions like that. Customer confidentiality and all of that. But since you helped me out before….” She cocked her chin toward the curtained area behind her and gave him a wink. “If anyone asks, you didn’t hear it from me.”
Halsin inclined his head toward her gratefully, tension draining from his muscles with the knowledge that Zilvira was here. He could finally talk with her.
Heart fluttering in his chest, Halsin made his way toward the back room.
Wine wasn’t helping.
Resting her elbows on the sticky, wooden table she had been sitting at for the last hour, Zilvira ran her fingers through her hair and exhaled slowly. She had hoped that the alcohol in her system and a topless tiefling gyrating to music on a stage not ten feet away would have been enough of a distraction. 
It should have been enough of a distraction, considering she had never been someplace like Sharess’ Caress until a few days ago. But as excited as she was to experience all that the city had to offer, her mind kept drifting back to Halsin.
Zilvira took another sip of her wine. She couldn’t avoid him forever, nor did she want to, it was just that — How the hells was she supposed to pretend everything was normal after what he had said?
Gods, she felt like such an idiot. 
She had thought they had a connection. A real connection. She had thought it was mutual. There was always a softness to his eyes that made her want to melt, the gentleness of his words, the comfort of his presence.
He made her feel safe, and she thought at the very least she might provide the same comfort to him.
But she had been mistaken.
Zilvira pushed her wine goblet toward the edge of the table, not wanting to take another drink but needing something to do with her hands other than pull her hair out. It was only her second drink, and she was just starting to feel the effects of the alcohol. 
Normally, she didn’t resort to drinking when she had a problem. She liked to face things head on but….
She didn’t know what to do. 
She hadn’t meant to eavesdrop. Truly, she hadn’t. Hells, she wished she hadn’t, because then she would be having tea with Halsin under a canopy of stars rather than cheap wine in a dingy taproom.
Ignorance was rarely her friend, but Zilvira longed for it at that moment. 
It wasn’t like she could just pretend she hadn’t overheard the tail end of Halsin’s conversation with Shadowheart. And it wasn’t like she could bring up what she had heard to him without admitting that she had inadvertently listened in on a private discussion. She shouldn’t hold something Halsin said against him if his words were never meant for her ears.
Though, she wished she had learned that he had some history with drow another way. 
A long and unpleasant history.
From the bit of the conversation she had heard, Halsin apparently had been a captive of a drow noble house for a few years. He said that seeing the drow twins at the brothel had reminded him of his ‘misspent youth’ — that drow seemed to be as much of a novelty on the surface as he had been  in the Underdark.
Based upon her limited knowledge of the drow in the Underdark, it was all too easy to parse Halsin’s words.
No matter how Halsin tried to play off his years of captivity as if it was nothing but the mistake of a young druid, there was some resentment to his tone. 
From the sound of it, whatever wound the drow had inflicted upon him seemed to still be a scab. Not quite a scar.
When that scab healed, there was no way of knowing how bad the scar would be beneath. Raised and angry, a light indentation, or just a faint discoloration one could only spot in the right light.
Zilvira’s first instinct had been to express her sympathies and offer an ear to listen. If the conversation had ended there, she might have done just that. 
But then he said a few words, words that sounded so light and easy in that deep timbre of his, that struck her like a sharp blade to the heart.
“I count myself lucky that I made it out of the Underdark alive,” Halsin had said matter-of-factly. “Cruelty comes to Lolth’s followers as easily as breathing. It’s part of a drow’s nature.”
“Surely that statement doesn’t include Zilvira?” Shadowheart had replied with a playful edge to her tone. Like she already knew the answer had to be some variation of ‘Of course not!’
“She’s a drow, is she not?” Halsin had said instead, without a moment of hesitation or a hint of humor. 
Zilvira had expected to hear a follow up. Something to indicate that Halsin didn’t think of her as cruel. 
But no. 
He left it at that.
Zilvira closed her eyes and willed the hurt and confusion of the memory away. 
The monks had warned her that the world outside of the monastery would treat her differently — that most people would be wary toward her because of her ancestry. It was part of the reason Zilvira had rarely ventured far from that hidden grove where the Eldathian monks had raised her. 
She knew why the surface world was wary of drow, but she thought that if people would just give her a chance they would —
Zilvira startled when the table jostled beneath her. Quickly, she grabbed the edge of the table to try to hold it steady before it toppled over and she could only watch as her goblet of wine teetered off the edge. 
A lightning quick hand snatched the goblet before it crashed to the floor. “Whoa!” a man exclaimed. “I didn’t mean to bump into you there.”
With his hand poised over the mouth of the goblet, he set the wine safely in the center of the table. “That could have been bad,” he said with an adorable laugh that immediately drew Zilvira’s attention to his face.
He was a young man. Neatly trimmed blonde hair, clear skin, bright eyes, and dressed in a Flaming Fist uniform. He gave her an easy smile as his eyes met hers.
Zilvira cleared her throat and averted her gaze, hoping the young man didn’t notice the dampness in her eyes. It was one thing to cry over Halsin alone, but she didn’t want to do it in front of a stranger.
“Good catch.” She picked up the goblet of wine and brought it to her lips. There wasn’t much left, and she swallowed the remainder of the dry red along with her impending tears. She set the empty goblet on the table with a little laugh, “Can’t spill it if it’s empty.”
The blond man rubbed the back of his neck and gave her a sheepish smile. “Can I get you another one?”
Zilvira shook her head. “No, thank you,” she replied amicably, though she was flattered by the offer. “I think I’ve had enough for one evening.”
“Are you leaving?” he asked, his brows raised as a small pout grew on his lips. Then he cleared his throat. “I saw you across the room and — well, I was hoping to have a drink with you. You’re really stunning and I would never have forgiven myself if I didn’t at least say ‘hello.’”
Her cheeks heated at the compliment, and Zilvira pushed a loose lock of her hair behind her ear. The blond man wasn’t really her type, but he wasn’t unattractive by any means.
Maybe a few minutes wouldn’t hurt. Talking to a friendly stranger seemed preferable to drinking alone. Besides, maybe the young man could help her keep her mind off of Halsin. Even if it was only for a few moments.
“I’m not leaving just yet,” Zilvira said and nodded to the empty seat across from her. “What’s your name?”
The man beamed at her as he told her his name: Jack. He pulled the chair around the table so he could sit closer to her, crowding her personal space in a way that seemed more over-friendly than overbearing.
Jack, Zilvira quickly learned, was the type of person who was extremely easy to talk to. He had a boyish charm about him — a playful innocence in his eyes and a smile that probably got him out of all sorts of trouble. More than that, he seemed very polite. 
Sweet, even.
Conversation came easy to them. Even with all the people crowding the room, Jack only had his eyes on her as he hung on her every word. Like she was the most interesting woman he had ever had the privilege of speaking to.
Yet a few minutes into the conversation, a sense of uneasiness came over her. It almost felt like she had had too much to drink, but… she didn’t have that much to drink. Did she?
She looked at her empty goblet, but found that her eyes were unable to focus on it. It doubled, then her vision went dark for a moment, only for it to come back a second later.
Zilvira sat back in her seat, trying to hold her head high in an attempt to look sober as Jack continued to talk. It was strange. She never had a problem holding her drink before, but something didn’t feel quite right.
Perhaps there had been a drink mix up and her wine was stronger than she had realized. 
A warm hand rested gently on her forearm, a featherlight touch that felt oddly comforting. She wanted to lean into it. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Jack asked, his brow furrowed with something like concern. Although she couldn’t quite put her finger on it, something about his expression seemed off.
Or, perhaps, it was just another side effect of the alcohol. 
Shaking her head, Zilvira attempted to stand. The room blurred as she got to her feet, like she had been spinning around in circles, and she quickly sat back down. 
“I think I had too much to drink,” she said, her voice echoing in her own ears. “I should probably get some water.”
Yeah, that was probably it. A little bit of water and she would be feeling better in no time.
“Here, let me help you up,” Jack said and wrapped his arm around her, providing her some support as she tried to stand again.
The corners of her vision darkened, but it wasn’t as bad as standing up on her own. She leaned against Jack’s chest, inhaling the sweet and spicy scent of his cologne.
“Thanks,” she mumbled. “I don’t normally get like this.”
Jack laughed good-naturedly. “Don’t worry. It happens all the time around here. You’ll get no judgment from me.”
Even with his assistance, it felt like she was walking underwater with every step. Almost as if she could just tap her foot and float away. 
Zilvira blinked hard as if it would make the room stop spinning. “I should probably get back to my camp.”
“In this condition?” Jack asked incredulously as he walked her toward the curtain that led to the main tap room. “You should probably lie down and drink some water. I have a room here. I’m happy to let you stay until you sober up a bit.”
Laying down sounded nice.
It sounded really, really, nice.
Amidst the blackness and spinning of her vision and the volume of the music surrounding them, Zilvira almost didn’t notice the alarm bells ringing in her subconscious.
Something was wrong but… she couldn’t quite place what it was.
Each one of Zilvira’s steps felt huge, like she was trying to step over a puddle. She glanced down at her feet, but her steps seemed normal. At least, from what she could tell. She was at least keeping pace with Jack, so hopefully she wasn’t walking like an utter lunatic in public. 
Being drunk was embarrassing enough as it was.
Jack stopped suddenly, pulling her to a halt alongside him. “Oh, excuse me, sir,” she heard him say. “Sorry, my girl had a bit too much to drink. If I could just get by you —”
His girl? Wait —
“Your girl?” An all too familiar voice echoed in her thoughts, drawing her attention away from her feet.
Even if her eyes couldn’t focus, she would know that voice anywhere. When the black spots cleared from her vision, she saw Halsin standing before them with a deep furrow to his brow. 
Gods, why did it have to be Halsin of all people? What the hells was she supposed to say to him?
“Funny you say that,” Halsin continued, his expression like a brewing storm cloud. “Because I’ve been traveling with Zilvira for weeks and I know this is her first time in the city.”
Jack’s hand tightened around her upper arm, making her wince. “It was just an expression, big guy,” he replied coolly. “We were just getting to know each other and — ”
“ — She is in no state to be in a place like this with a stranger.” Halsin crossed his arms over his chest and took a single step closer, forcing Jack to tilt his head back to look up at him. “I’m her friend. I’ll take care of her from here.”
Jack’s hand was like a manacle on her bicep, but it was probably the only thing keeping her standing upright. 
“Listen, you creep,” he said, his voice loud and projecting as he rammed a finger at Halsin’s chest. “We don’t know you, so leave us alone and find someone else to bother.”
Zilvira could barely keep track of the conversation. Her thoughts were like clouds that drifted through her mind, slipping through her fingers every time she tried to catch one. 
But Halsin was right — she knew that much.
She weakly tried to extract herself from Jack’s grip, but felt herself losing her balance. She latched onto his Flaming Fist uniform to keep herself from falling face first onto the floor. 
“He’s my friend,” she muttered as she leaned heavily on Jack. “I should go back with him.”
For a moment, Zilvira wondered if she said anything at all or just thought of saying something. Gods, what was wrong with her head? She hadn’t been this drunk — well, she had never been this drunk.
Adjusting his grip on her arm, Jack pulled her tight against his side. Then when he spoke again, it was with a firm, authoritative, voice that carried over the music. “She just said she doesn’t know you. Stop trying to harass her.”
Zilvira could feel eyes on her and… she realized she didn’t care. Normally she would have been mortified to be the center of attention in such a way, but at that moment she just wanted to lay down and get away from all the noise.
A gentle warmth brushed against her fingers, and she glanced down to see a large, suntanned hand littered with whittling scars held out toward her.
“We should get going,” he said to her, ignoring Jack entirely. “I’ll walk you back to camp.”
“Don’t touch her.” Jack shoved Halsin’s chest with his free hand, jostling her with the movement.
With feline-like reflexes, Halsin grasped Jack’s wrist. “Last warning,” he said, his voice low and his expression thunderous. “Let Zilvira go. Now.”
The next thing she knew, that hand holding her upright had vanished and she heard the distinct sound of flesh hitting flesh as she crumpled to the ground.
Then she heard a roar.
Next Chapter
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strangemaleswaps · 7 months
Strange Cop Dad Swap
I made my way to the kitchen, expecting some good alcohol since Brittney was rich. Holy shit! There was a huge variety of everything! Now THIS is what I expected at a college party! Who fucking cared if I wasn't even in college yet, or old enough to drink? This shit is crazy!
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"What would you like my good sir?" asked some random guy at the table. I didn't think he was an actual bartender, since he was wearing normal clothes. Probably just some weirdo.
"Oh I dunn-" I didn't even finish my sentence when he put something into a shaker and poured it into a red plastic cup. He then handed it to me. Well, I guess if I'm at a college party, I gotta act like a college party guy. I chugged it all down in a second. Suddenly my throat burned like hell.
"Fuck man, one step at a time! Save the chugging for cheap beer. These drinks are classier." He poured me another. "This time baby steps my man."
I was kinda mad, but accepted the drink anyway. I walked back into the living room where people were on the dance floor. I saw my buddy Trent dancing with yet another random girl he just met. I swear that dude solely exists to break hearts.
"Hey! Garrett! Did you get the drinks?
"I got one. If you want one, go get it yourself."
"Ah fuck you! But seriously though aren't you scared your dad's gonna show up? I mean he IS a cop around here."
"Probably not. I'm sure there's lots of parties going on right now. What are the chances that he'd come to this one?” I noticed someone started talking to Brittney. It must've been bad because she widened her eyes and turned the music off. With the new silence in the room, we could hear the blaring police sirens outside.
"Shit who called the cops?" Someone said. The door opened and none other than my stupid dad appeared. His ugly bald head reflected the multicolored lights and he looked around at everyone, while I tried to hide myself behind the crowd. Beside him was the sheriff, Marty. My dad may have been good friends with Marty but he didn’t have to bring the fucking sheriff for something as simple as this.
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"Allright allright, party's over. Nobody's getting arrested as long as you cooperate." Everyone started walking out the door and I was exposed. My dad widened his eyes when he noticed me.
"Garrett?! What the fuck are you doing? You know better than that!" He just HAD to start the lecture NOW out of all times, embarrassing me in front of everyone.
"What? I can't come to a party now?"
"Don't try excuses on me! I saw that cup in your hand. What? You expect me to believe that's water? Get in the car. Everybody else move it!” We both started walking outside while Marty stayed to lead the others.
Inside the police car, we were silent for a while until he blew up on me once again.
"I can't believe you were fucking underage drinking! Do you have any idea how irresponsible you are?! You're in your senior year of high school. Do you really think that’s going to be a good habit when you go to college?! You're grounded until graduation. I don't care how harsh that sounds. Graduation you hear?” I knew that nothing I said would change anything so I kept my mouth shut the rest of the car ride. 
Back at home, we said nothing to each other as I walked up to my room and slammed the door. About an hour went by and I heard a knock, followed by my dad coming in.
"Go away."
"I just wanted to say that I overreacted a bit back there. It made me so angry seeing the type of person you might’ve ended up as." He was fumbling with his wedding ring. I don't know why he keeps it on anyway. I never knew my mom, and it's clear my dad is divorced so why does he wear a damn wedding ring? He needs to find a girlfriend or something!
“You have no idea how stressful it is! Why can’t I go to some little party just to unwind?”
“I was young once too! I just don’t want you to go down a bad path. You have so much more to learn. This isn’t a good habit to form when you go to college.” It was then that I blew up on him.
“Hey at least I am going to college! Unlike a certain dumbass cop…” His eyes widened and I saw nothing but pure anger on his face,
"I was going to shorten your grounding sentence, but after that attitude not anymore!" He then slammed the door once again.
Trent texted me a bit later, asking if I was going to be able to go to Brittney’s homecoming party. Shit! I forgot about that! There was no way I was going to miss it so we devised a plan for me to sneak out.
The night arrived and I had my plan all set. Trent was going to call the cops on some other party to lure my dad away. When he leaves, Trent will come and pick me up and it's party time! I was in my room pretending to be bored, when right on schedule, my dad came in.
"I got another dumbass party to shut down so stay here, and don't even think about leaving this room. You're still grounded." He had a serious look in his eye.
"Sure sure. I'll be good," I said sarcastically. I looked out the window and as soon as his car was out of sight, I texted Trent. Within minutes he arrived. I quickly got dressed and he picked me up.
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"Dude, you're either the bravest guy ever, or the stupidest."
"Hey, I won't stay too long. Just enough to see what it's like really. And then I'll be back in my room before he comes home."
The house was easily twice as packed as the last party, it was incredible. Brittney came down the stairs and approached me with a confused look on her face.
"Hey, wait I thought you were grounded or something. Aren't you afraid your dad is gonna come back? He better not."
"Nah, relax. He's doing some other stupid police work. I won't stay too long anyway."
"Allright, if you say so."
I went to the kitchen, like last time, to find an even bigger variety of drinks! Nobody else was in there so I thought I'd experiment myself this time. I picked up the shaker and started pouring drinks, even though I didn't know what the hell they were. But I didn't care! I'm just glad I was able to sneak away from my dad. I tried the drink and…well it was actually awful. Oh well. I headed to the dance floor and started showing off my moves. I could hear everyone cheering me on until I felt a bit faint. The last thing I remembered was falling over and a couple people looking at me concerned.
When I opened my eyes, I was outside in the dark. What happened? Was I that drunk and they kicked me out? I felt pretty normal though. I walked back up to the door. When I closed it, a draft flew in, which was especially cold on my head for some reason. I let out a deep breath and when I turned around, everyone was staring at me. But it wasn't the type of confused stare I expected; it was a terrified stare. The music stopped and it felt like they were staring into my soul.
"Uh, I'm ok now.” My voice sounded really weird. There was an awkward silence until someone shouted in the back.
"Well party's over…AGAIN!" As everyone started walking out, I noticed Brittney was yelling at someone on the floor.
"Nah, fuck you Garrett. You're not allowed here again. Get up!" Weird coincidence that there was a guy with the same name as me on the dance floor too. As the crowd cleared, I felt a chill down my back as I found “Garrett” looked exactly like me! He seemed to be unconscious. When I approached him and Brittney, she looked up at me…which was weird because we were the same height. Did she get shorter or something?
"Oh uh, he didn't get beat up or anything bad. Just had a few drinks I guess." She spoke so compliantly, unlike the normal way she gives me attitude with every sentence. I noticed the guy on the floor was wearing my clothes too. He didn't just look like me, he WAS me! Was he a clone or something? What's going on? A breeze came through the still-opened door and hit my head again. Why is it so cold up there? I touched the back of my head, and felt a smooth spot. What the fuck? I searched around for my hair…for ANY hair! But all I could find was a smooth bald head. It couldn't be…I looked down at myself and found I was wearing a police officer's uniform, complete with the badge and full utility belt. Brittney stared at me, concerned.
"Is uh everything all right, officer?" No no! Don't call me that!
"I uh, can I use your bathroom?"
"Uh yeah, it's up the stairs and to the left."
As I made my way up and through the hallway, I stared down at my hands, noticing eerily similar things - a wedding ring and a watch that looked exactly like the one my dad wore. I opened the bathroom door and quickly locked it. I gazed into the mirror to find my fears had come true. I turned into my dad!
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I grabbed my cheeks and tried pinching them, to make sure it wasn't all a prank and I was just wearing a mask, but nope. I could feel it all. It was real. Fuck! I saw how smooth and shiny my head was; I knew he shaved his head every morning, but I didn't realize how smooth doing that actually made it. It's like a fuckin bowling ball. I hate this! I had long hair before and now it's just all gone! It was freezing up there! I hated cops, so it was really uncomfortable wearing an officer's uniform too.
"Hey are you ok in there?" It was Brittney. I faked a flush and washed my hands.
"Is Garrett still asleep?" It felt weird referring to myself in the 3rd person.
"Yeah he won't wake up."
"I'll just carry him to the car."
Brittany walked to the kitchen, probably to clean up the alcohol before I saw the amount of it. When I got to the living room, I found Marty standing there. He looked up when he approached me and pointed at me. 
“Hey you! What do you think you’re doing?” Shit. Does he know?! 
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“I’m sorry I-” He turned his fake frown into a smile.
“Don’t be. Sometimes we just can’t let anything else come before our duty. Even me.” He leaned over to kiss me. What?! What’s going on? “I guess we’ll have to reschedule that date to some other time.”
A date? Does this mean the whole time, my dad was gay? And for Marty? Was the whole wedding ring thing a facade? Marty actually had one too so maybe they both did it to prevent a scandal within the police department or something? I snapped back to reality when I noticed Marty was still waiting for an answer.
“Uh yeah, sure. Of course!”
“Good! Let me know!” He rubbed my bald head. It was then that I started getting hard …my dad's cock was getting hard. Marty wasn’t my type though! But suddenly the thought of him was making me feel good. Is this because I'm in my dad's body or because he's flirting with me? 
I picked up..myself..off the dance floor and put him over my shoulder. I walked over to my dad's police car, and reached into my pocket for the keys to open it. I placed…myself inside, buckled him in, took my phone out of his pocket, and sat down in the driver's seat. I always hated my dad and hated cops in general but it felt pretty awesome actually sitting in the driver's seat of a police car. Like one of those movies where they have to steal one to save the world or something. The flashing lights were still on, but luckily I knew how to turn them off. I pressed the button and began driving home.
When I got home, I picked up my body once again, and carried him. It didn't really occur to me earlier, but if I'm in my dad's body, does this mean he's in my body? Fuck, I can't stand the thought of my dad going around embarrassing me in front of everyone! But he still hadn't woken up yet. What if whatever magical spell made us swap was keeping him asleep? But if he does wake up I need somewhere to put him at least. I walked upstairs and towards his room, and placed him on his own bed. I guess that'll do. I went over to my own room and plopped onto my bed, the pillow feeling extra comfy touching my bare head. I rubbed it again, actually kinda enjoying how it felt. Even though the body belongs to my dad, I'm still borrowing it right now. So I guess I have the freedom to touch myself anywhere. Not that I would want to go…down there. That's my dad's cock, gross! But I'm gonna need to jerk off eventually; I'm already feeling kinda horny now…but why? The thought of Marty crossed my mind and I suddenly was imagining him naked. Shit, not this again. He kinda was cute though, in like a lame cop kinda way. Man, I honestly wanna fuck him now.
At this point my cock was getting so stiff that I could barely take it. I started stripping, taking the heavy utility belt off first. Each garment came off until I was just in my dad's boxers.
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I can't believe I was about to do this. I felt around my new dad bod, then peeled the underwear down to see my dad's cock. It was actually pretty big, maybe like 10 inches or so! So nasty…but I had to focus on the thought of Marty to stay hard. I took the underwear off so I was fully nude, laid down on my bed and started jerking it. I imagined Marty cornering me against the wall, kissing me until he grabbed my cock. He then got down on his knees and started sucking it until…I was pulled out of my fantasy and came. The white load shot all over my bed, much further than I could ever do in my body! After the climax wore off, I realized how gross it was that my dad's cum was all over my bed. But it felt so good! Actually, I have no clue how long I'm gonna be like this, or how long my dad is going to stay asleep so I could definitely take over his life for a bit. I'm not grounded anymore! Even better, I guess I'm a cop now so I have power and authority! I took my dad's phone - I mean MY phone - and called up Marty.
"Hey Marty, I have an idea…”
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Being Inarizaki’s Manager
Manager Defends Inarizaki
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Inarizaki x Gn! manager
Warnings: swearing (?)
AN: this is a request from @plutoistireddd!
Being the manager for such a stoic team isn’t easy
They have high standards and literally work their butt off to fill them
They can be dramatic at times, namely two specific individuals 👀
So needless to say, finding you, our unbothered, calm angel was a blessing for these boys
Literally nothing rattles you
When Atsumu is aCtInG lIke a ToDdLeR you simply ignore him and move on
When the twins fight, you simply assure nobody else is in harms way and walk away 💅
You are probably the calmest person anyone has ever met
Kita, Aran, Omimi and Akagi adore you
Literally you provide the chill they need without the dramatics
Like when Atsumu gets all worked up, you simply say “Sumu you are literally the best high school setter in Japan right now, what do you have to worry about?”
Atsumu 👉🏻😐🤨 you’re right YN!
Literally there’s absolutely nothing that phases out sweet Yn
Onetime, you were walking back to the gym and the water bottle carrier broke, spilling water bottles and water all over the floor
The team thought “this is it, this is the one!”
Suna was ready with his phone 📱
Kita, Aran and Ginjima were ready to calm you down
But nope, you just shrugged and said “well now I won’t have to mop the floors tonight” as you went, grabbed a mop and cleaned up
The guys 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
Literally they were convinced nothing would ever break you
But what they didn’t realize is that their precious Yn had one weakness and they were too silly to see it
To outsiders, it was obvious how much you carried for your team
You would do anything in your power for them
You carried for them all like friends and family
So when Inarizaki made it to Nationals, their cheer section followed
And while you appreciated the support, you knew first hand how annoying and awful they could be
Sure they were supportive but they could also be huge jerks
During the game everything remained pretty neutral
When Riseki, our precious first year was up to serve and panicked, the crowd started in on him
That’s when your irritation started to grow
It had happened at other games but you we’re definitely reaching your limit
You tried your best to remain calm but it was difficult
During the final set, the crowd was all over the place
Boos and cheers were intermixed and your agitation only grew
“YN you ok?” Coach asked, noticing your balled up fist
You simply nodded, “trying to find your chi” as Hinata would put it 😂
When they twins quick was stopped by Hinata and Kageyama, you watched the ball fall as the boys frantically chased for it
You knew it was over and you knew what was about to happen
But unbeknownst to the team, you weren’t going to deal with it
Kita called for the boys to line up as you quickly followed
Akagi, Suna and Kita all watched you come to stand in front of the team
Your arms crossed and you stood in a power stance, protecting your boys
Suna was so mad he didn’t have his phone 😅
“ALRIGHT LISTEN UP!” You screamed as the crowded settled
The guys rn 👉🏻 🧍😐😳
“They boys played their hearts out and sure they have regrets but I swear, if I hear ONE BAD THINGS about them, I will personally ruin EVEDY SINGLE ONE of your pathetic lives! This is the time when our team needs support and if you can’t BE that support, then walk your butts right out that door and never come back!” You shout as the crowd all look at you
The team 👉🏻👁️💧👄💧👁️
The crowd 👉🏻😳🫣
The coaches 👉🏻😐😏
You 👉🏻🔥👄🔥
Suddenly the crowd starts applauding as the team stands there
“YN is right, these boys played a fantastic game?” Someone yelled
You nodded, happy with the outcome as you strolled off the court and to the sidelines, grabbing your stuff and heading out
The boys silently followed you, Kita in the lead as he spoke
“Umm YN,” he said
You turned around, putting your hand up to stop him
“Kita don’t thank me. I love you guys and I’ll do anything to protect you. You played your hearts out and while I’m sure you have regrets, that match was beyond amazing and well, today just happened to be Karasuno’s day,” you smiled as the boys all started to cry
You set your stuff down, going to hug them as a team
“I gotta say Yn, that was pretty badass,” Suna added
“I’m actually surprised it wasn’t Atsumu who finally broke you,” Osamu said
“Hey! I’m not that hard to deal with!” Atsumu said
“Oh you definitely are Sumu but we all just deal with it because we love you,” you say 🥰
Atsumu 👉🏻🥲 pain
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I have a request; Reader and her family isn’t on best terms, so when they come to her show and try and act supportive seeing how popular she is, reader acts out knowing they abused her for years saying she would be nothing.
Rhea basically comforting reader please? I’m so deprived of the lack of content recently in the Rhea tags…you’re a amazing writer and I miss your work for her :(
No pressure though, have a good day :)
The World Outside
Rhea Ripley x Fem!Reader
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It hurt to see them smile behind the barrier as if nothing happened. It didn't make you feel better. It didn't just make those years of degrading go away. Most importantly, it didn't make you any better of a wrestler when they were watching.
Rhea could almost smell the dread dripping off your body when you looked around from the corner of the ring, eyes plastered and stuck onto one place like your body suddenly decided that neither flight or fight was an option. It felt debilitating, your brain refusing to acknowledge anything other than them.
Rhea grabbed your waist and picked you up from the ropes, cheering in victory with the crowd at the win you just earned yourself. Momentarily, everything was okay. Time stopped when you looked into Rhea eyes, her smile almost reaching her eyes. For a moment, you forgot they existed. You were so focused on Rhea that you didn't notice her own attempt at distracting you from whatever made you freeze up.
You smiled and cheered with your group, looking into the opposite side of the crowd and cheering again. Thankfully it was the end of the match, and you all made your way down the walkway. You stayed close to your girlfriend, fighting back tears as you pretended your parents weren't sat 5 meters away from you.
"Hey, what's up?" She asked the second you were out of camera's view. Her gentle touch on your shoulders just made you want to sob more, the want to leave was stronger than ever. You shook your head silently, looking down as you rubbed your face with your hands.
"Can we just go back to the hotel? Please?"
Her eyebrows furrowed but she nodded, leading you to the locker room. She placed her coat on herself and didn't even bother changing, reaching into her pocket for her car keys to give them to you.
"Go to the car, okay? I'll get the rest of your stuff."
You nodded and offered her a small smile, grateful she wasn't one to push for answers. You grabbed your coat, let the key drop into your hands and you left the building, heading for the car park as quickly as you could. Nobody backstage bothered you, thankfully, the match only being a small one that you didn't have press conferences for.
Your feet dragged as you felt the cold air of the car park hit you, all the colour on your face dissolving when you saw who was standing next to Rhea's car. There was a moment where you just wanted to turn back, but why should you?
This was your environment, they had no right to invade, especially after they basically told you that you were going to be nothing. You didn't have to feel scared of them anymore, didn't have to hide you passion anymore. Because those cheers you hear and the bell that rings every time you win makes up for the childhood you spelt with them.
"We went backstage but the crew told us you were gone!" Your mum laughed, walking towards you as you blankly stared at them, opening the car door to push your coat into the back seat. "How have you been!"
You scoffed at her act of innocence. Act as if she didn't end up locking you in your house just to stop you from going to wrestling practise. It hurt, her sudden change in demeanour. You rolled your eye and went to open the passenger door, thinking of how you'd explain this to Rhea. You were planning on completely ignoring them until rhea got here, but it wasn't until your mum tried to hug you that you snapped.
"Get off me!" You pushed her off. "You have some fucking nerve showing up here."
She seemed stunned, taking a step back and watching you slam the car door roughly before she spoke up again.
"Wasn't my support the only thing you begged me for when you were a ki-"
"Yes! When I was a child! You know, when a kid needs their parents support the most? Yeah, then. Now you can shove your support where the sun doesn't shine because guess what; I don't fucking need you anymore." You sniffled, unaware of the fact you even started crying. "I don't need you, or dad, or the thing you so call support. You're only here because you saw I've finally made it! Something you told me I will never do when I was little. You have no right showing up here. Go back home, wherever you are now, I don't care. I don't need your pity, and I certainly won't give you any."
"Well, we're here now, aren't we?" Your father stepped up from behind your mother and gave you a sympathetic smile as he held onto your mums shoulders reassuringly. He was the exact same as you mother, a fucking hypocrite. "We want to say-"
"Sorry?" You scoffed through your tears. "Say that to the 15 year old you used to lock away and deprive of social interaction for months because she was going to training. Honestly, fuck you both and leave me alone."
"You heard her." Rhea's voice sounded from behind you, opening the back of the car to place your stuff in before walking towards you and your parents. Her hand ended up on the small of your back as she led you away and closer to her passenger door. She ended up closing your door before turning towards them, limiting what you could hear before she started to speak again.
"Who are-"
"She's right, you have no business here. She asked you to leave her be so fuck off." She talked as she walked to her side of the car, opening the door cutting your mum off.
"Excuse me, that's my daught-"
You handed her the keys and she turned the car on, immediately starting to drive away from your now screaming mother. You were still sat sniffling as Rhea pulled into the hotel parking, her hand drawing circles into the inside of your thigh as she put the car into a stop.
"You okay?" She whispered, looking at you from the side. You gave her a weak smile and nodded, getting out the car with her and picked up your stuff before heading towards your hotel room. You didn't even manage to put all of your stuff down before she came up to you and wrapped her arms around your waist, picking you up into her embrace.
You hugged her shoulders and let your legs wrap around her waist, a sign leaving your lips as she carried you towards your shared bed. You let out a laugh when she fell onto the bed with you still attached to her, both of you bouncing as the beds mattress caught your bodies. Her smile when you laughed instantly made you feel better, a small giggle leaving your lips.
You loved her, especially her ability to make the world outside go away.
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darknesseddiem · 1 month
hi babe !
i hope your doing okay !! can i request n°10 and n°13 with roommate Eddie Munson, some angst and fluff pleaaaase ??
love u
nono 🫶🏻
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𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥
"With the raven's wings retreating into the night, the cold air carries the faint whisper of your escape—a haunting reminder that, just this once, you’ve slipped through the shadows."
This blurb is part of the writing game created by me, join me and the raven in this maze of stories. 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐥.
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Ever since you moved in with Eddie, your life turned into a complete circus, and not the fun kind.
I mean, this guy made it his personal mission to torment and annoy you in every possible way. It was like he had a sixth sense for when you were in a good mood, because that’s exactly when he'd show up with his unbearable attitude and ruin your day.
You’d be chilling on the couch, finally finding your zen after a long day, and boom, Eddie’s at your side with some ridiculous comment or a loud snack, crunching like a rock concert in your ear. It's like he had an alarm set to interrupt any hint of peace you managed to scrape together. He was the king of passive-aggressive vibes, and his superpower was turning your bliss into chaos.
But it wasn't like you had much of a choice. You'd just moved out of your parents' house, and your wallet was emptier than a ghost town on a Tuesday night. Plus, you had a lease binding you to this disaster zone of an apartment, and breaking it wasn't exactly in the budget.
So, there you were, stuck with Eddie the Terrible, who seemed to think that personal space was an urban legend and that common decency was for other people. Every time he walked into the room, it was like a dark cloud rolled in, and you couldn't help but wonder what cosmic force had brought the two of you together. If only you'd had a crystal ball before signing that lease.
Everything seemed totally fine at first. When Steve and Robin introduced him to you, he seemed chill, fun, even charming in that "he's probably got a ton of friends" kind of way. If only you'd known what you were signing up for...
The first few days living together in the apartment were bliss. He helped you with the move, carried all the heavy boxes, and went out of his way to make sure you felt comfortable. He was quiet when you needed silence, even respected your sacred moments on the couch while you binge-watched Modern Family. But, you know what they say, when the deal seems too good, it's time to raise an eyebrow.
It didn't take long for Eddie's true colors to start leaking out. Those same colors were about as subtle as a clown at a funeral. The same guy who had been so considerate and quiet suddenly turned into a one-man circus, complete with loud music and a never-ending collection of weird hobbies that made you wish you could build a soundproof bubble around yourself.
Silent nights turned into your own personal heavy metal concert, and your sacred couch time was constantly disrupted by the RPG campaigns he insisted on hosting at the apartment. Oh, and let's not forget about the marathon sessions he spent in the bathroom, perfectly timed to when you were running late. It was like the old Eddie had vanished into thin air, replaced by a cheap knockoff who didn't understand the concept of a volume knob—or basic courtesy, for that matter.
Gone were the days of quiet evenings, replaced by head-banging riffs that could wake the dead. Trying to watch your favorite show? Forget it—there was always a horde of his geeky friends crowded around the kitchen table, rolling dice and arguing about some wizard’s spell-casting ability. You'd go to grab a drink and feel like you'd wandered into the middle of a convention.
And those bathroom stunts? A whole new level of infuriating. You'd be in a rush, scrambling to get ready, and he'd be in there for what felt like an eternity, probably reading one of his comic books or watching cat videos. The guy had a sixth sense for the exact moment when you'd need the bathroom, and he used it to make your mornings an absolute nightmare.
Which brings us to the present moment: you pounding on the bathroom door like there's no tomorrow, hopping up and down like a kangaroo, and shouting for the thousandth time. "Eddie, I swear to God, if you don't come out of that bathroom right now, I will pee on your bed!"
The only response you got was a noise that could only be described as someone eating in the most grotesque, inappropriate way. "Wait, are you... are you watching ASMR while I'm about to explode into a puddle of pee? Oh no, you did not. You are going to hear from me!"
The sound from inside got louder, and then he replied, "Sorry, I can't hear you. I'm busy watching this guy stuff a whole chicken leg into his mouth."
It took every ounce of restraint not to break down that door and give him a piece of your mind. Eddie's antics had hit a new low, and your patience was hanging by a thread. This was the pinnacle of absurdity, the kind of moment that made you question every decision that led you here. You'd been through a lot with Eddie, but this? This was a whole new level of "what the hell." It was like living with a YouTube compilation of the most obnoxious trends, all crammed into one bathroom-occupying nightmare.
You might need a whole new strategy—or, at this point, just a new apartment. Because if this was a glimpse into the future, you weren't sure you wanted to stick around to see what else Eddie had in store.
“Please, for the love of God, let me pee…” you said, almost on the verge of tears. This was getting exhausting. Eddie must've sensed the shift in your tone, because the annoying sounds suddenly stopped, and the door swung open to reveal a metalhead with frizzy hair, wearing Looney Tunes pajama pants.
He had this sheepish grin on his face, like he knew he'd pushed you to your limit but didn't quite realize how close you were to snapping. He stood there in all his ridiculous glory, holding his phone with a paused video of some guy eating what looked like a plate of ribs, totally unbothered. "Hey, no need to be so dramatic, it's all yours," he said, stepping aside as if he wasn't the cause of your impending bladder explosion.
You shot him a look that could've melted steel, then dashed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind you. As you finally got your much-needed relief, you could hear Eddie outside, humming some awful heavy metal tune to himself. It was like he had zero clue—or zero care—about how his antics drove you up the wall. He was just Eddie, living his best life, while you were left to deal with the chaos he left in his wake.
After the morning incident, you grabbed your coffee and headed straight to work, determined to shake off the chaos that was life with Eddie. But you could only escape for so long, because lunchtime rolled around, and you returned to the apartment, only to find a scene that looked like something straight out of a sitcom—think The Office, but even more ridiculous.
Eddie was in the kitchen, wearing an apron that said "Kiss the Cook," with his hair pulled back in a makeshift ponytail. The whole place smelled like something was burning, and he was frantically waving a dish towel at the smoke detector, trying to get it to shut up. It kept beeping, and every time it did, Eddie flinched like it was personally attacking him.
On the stove, there was a pan with some kind of unidentifiable charred mess, which he was desperately trying to scrape off with a spatula.
Your smile vanished the moment you noticed that the charred thing in the skillet was none other than the octopus you'd bought just the day before.
"What the hell?" You were furious, and it didn't help that Eddie was grinning like he was some kind of innocent angel.
He shrugged, clearly oblivious to the level of your outrage. "Oh, that was yours? My bad, I thought it was just... some random squid or something." He scratched the back of his head, as if he'd just made a minor mistake and not destroyed a perfectly good piece of seafood. The sight of him smiling like that only made your blood boil even more.
Your plans for a delicious lunch were now literally ashes, and Eddie was standing there like he'd just successfully solved a Rubik's Cube. You had to take a deep breath to keep from shouting. You'd put a lot of effort into picking out that octopus, and now it was just a blackened lump that even the trash bin would reject.
"How do you not know the difference between an octopus and a random squid? And who just grabs something from the fridge without asking?" you shot back, trying to keep your voice from escalating into full-blown rage.
Eddie looked around as if hoping to find an excuse or an escape route, but there was nowhere to run. He was cornered, and he knew it.
That was the last straw. Tears welled up in your eyes, and Eddie's expression shifted from cheerful to guilty in an instant. Before he could say anything, you turned and bolted out of the apartment, exhausted by the whole ordeal.
You couldn't stay there another minute. The anger and frustration had been building for weeks, and now it had boiled over. You needed space, air, and most importantly, a break from Eddie and his chaos. You didn't know where you were going, but you knew you couldn't be in that apartment for another second.
You walked for what felt like hours, letting the cool breeze and the distant sounds of the city calm you down. The world outside was peaceful compared to the constant drama of living with Eddie. As you strolled through the park and sat on a bench to collect your thoughts, you realized just how much the situation had been draining you.
You didn't go back home for the rest of the day. Instead, you found solace in the simple things—grabbing a coffee, listening to music. Anything to clear your mind and remind yourself that there was a whole world out there, far removed from Eddie's antics. You needed this time to figure out your next move, to decide if you could keep living with him or if it was time to break the lease and find a new place.
The one thing you knew for sure was that you couldn't keep going like this. Living with Eddie had become too much, and you'd had enough. It was time to put yourself first and find a way out of the madness.
As soon as you returned, he tried to talk.
"Don't talk to me," you snapped, cutting him off mid-sentence. No room for discussion, no excuses. Just the sharp edge of your words.
Eddie looked taken aback, his eyes widening as if he'd just been hit by a surprise splash of cold water. You'd never spoken to him like that before, but you weren't in the mood to hear whatever half-baked apology or lame excuse he was about to offer. After everything that had happened, you just needed space and silence.
He hesitated for a moment, then nodded and backed off, his usual bravado deflating like a punctured balloon. You could feel him watching you as you walked past, but you didn't turn around. The time for talking was over, and you didn't owe him anything. You'd already had more than enough of his antics for one day.
You went to your room and closed the door, thankful for the barrier it provided. It wasn't much, but at least it gave you some distance from Eddie and his chaotic energy.
After some time reflecting, you decided it was time to talk about your decision. You went to the living room, where Eddie was watching one of his nerdy movies. He was glued to the screen, engrossed in whatever epic battle or spaceship chase was playing out.
"We need to talk," you said, standing by the couch with your arms crossed. Eddie turned his head, startled, but didn't say anything. He paused the movie, knowing this wasn't just a casual chat. "This isn't working," you continued. "I think it's better if I look for another place to live."
Eddie blinked a few times, processing your words. He shifted uncomfortably on the couch, scratching the back of his head. It was clear he hadn't expected this conversation. "You're leaving?" he finally asked, a hint of concern in his voice.
You nodded. "Yeah, it's just... too much. The constant noise, the bathroom thing, and then the whole octopus incident," you said, laying out the reasons. "It's not healthy, and I can't keep dealing with this."
Eddie looked genuinely regretful. "Hey, I'm sorry about all that. I didn't mean to—"
"It's not about apologies," you interrupted. "It's about needing space, needing peace. We just don't work as roommates, and that's okay. But I can't keep living like this."
He nodded like he understood your reasons, but what he said next was not at all what you expected.
"Ever wonder why I always bug you?" he asked, looking at you with an expression that was hard to read.
You frowned and shook your head, genuinely puzzled. "No, not really. I just figured you were... I don't know, Eddie."
He took a breath and then, almost sheepishly, replied, "It's because I want to get your attention."
Okay, what the hell? Your heart suddenly raced, and your mouth opened in a shocked gasp. Was he serious? All those antics, the noise, the drama—it was all because he wanted you to notice him? It sounded like something out of a high school rom-com, and it left you reeling.
"Wait, are you kidding?" you asked, trying to process what he was saying. Was this some sort of joke? But the look on his face told you he wasn't messing around. This was real, and he was genuinely trying to explain himself.
Eddie seemed to sense your disbelief, and he shrugged, looking a bit embarrassed. "I know, it's dumb, right? But I don't know how else to talk to you. You seem so... I don't know, together. And I'm... well, I'm me," he said, gesturing to himself like he was some kind of cosmic disaster.
This conversation had taken a turn you weren't expecting. You'd come here to tell him you were moving out, and now you were dealing with a confession that threw everything into a whole new light. What were you supposed to say to that? It was hard enough dealing with his shenanigans as a roommate; now he was confessing that there might be more to it.
He continued, "Ever since Steve and Robin introduced us, I’ve been interested in you. You’re so smart, beautiful, and funny that I found myself falling for you, little by little."
Oh my God, it felt like your heart was about to burst from the rollercoaster of emotions you'd experienced today.
"Was it a stupid way to get your attention? Yes. Was I a jerk? Absolutely," he said, rubbing his temples like he was trying to make sense of it himself. "But I got so lost in my own feelings that it was the only thing I could think of to make you notice me..."
This wasn't at all what you expected when you walked into the living room. You'd imagined a straightforward breakup with your roommate, but now here he was, confessing that he had a crush on you. And not just any crush—one that had apparently driven him to turn your life into an ongoing episode of Jackass.
It was a lot to take in, and you didn't even know where to start. Part of you was still annoyed at him for all the chaos he'd caused, but another part of you felt a twinge of sympathy. Maybe Eddie wasn’t just the relentless man-child you thought he was. Maybe he was just... confused and desperate for your attention.
"Eddie," you began, struggling to find the right words, "you can't go around making my life miserable just because you like me. That's not how this works." You shook your head, trying to ground yourself. "I'm glad you told me how you feel, but this isn't the way to handle things. It just makes everything more complicated."
Eddie looked genuinely regretful, as if he realized that his antics might have done more harm than good. "I know," he said, his shoulders slumping a bit. "I didn't think it through. I just... I don't know, I panicked."
The whole situation was like a scene from a cheesy romantic comedy, but it was happening in real life, and you weren't sure how to navigate it. You'd come to tell him you were moving out, and now you had to figure out how to deal with this unexpected confession without losing your sanity.
You sighed, feeling like you'd been caught in the world's most twisted emotional chess game. After a moment of gathering your thoughts, you confessed to him, "I can't say I don't feel anything for you either... From the first day, I liked you, but I'm just so mad about everything." It was time to set things straight. "We can try something more, if you promise to never pull those idiotic stunts again, or I swear I'll kill you." The two of you chuckled at the last part.
Eddie's eyes lit up, a smile spreading across his face like you'd just given him the best news in the world. He looked almost like a puppy that had been let back inside after getting caught in the rain. "I promise, no more of that stuff. I mean it. If I do anything dumb, you can smack me with a frying pan," he said, putting his hand over his heart in a mockingly solemn gesture.
You couldn't help but laugh at his exaggerated seriousness. It was hard to stay mad at him when he was being so goofy. "I'll hold you to that. I have a pretty big frying pan," you replied, raising an eyebrow.
Eddie chuckled, clearly relieved that you weren't storming out the door. "Deal. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean to make things so hard for you. I just... I guess I went about it in the worst way possible." He rubbed the back of his neck, a little sheepish. "But I'll do better, I promise. If it means we can try something, then I'll be on my best behavior."
It felt like a weight had been lifted, and the tension in the room eased a bit. You knew there'd be a lot of work to do to make this living arrangement function without the constant drama, but at least now you had a new understanding between you. It wasn't exactly the romantic journey you'd pictured, but at least it wasn't a total train wreck.
"We'll see," you said, giving him a half-smile. "But one more thing, Eddie—if you ever lock me out of the bathroom again, I won't just threaten to pee on your bed. I'll do it." The laughter that followed was a sign that maybe, just maybe, things might work out after all.
“Okay, I’m starving,” you said, breaking the mood with a light touch. “Sushi?”
“Sushi?” He grinned and pitched his voice into a silly imitation, making you roll your eyes. “Eddie, I’m serious,” you said, trying to sound stern.
“Eddie, I’m serious,” he repeated with an even bigger grin.
“Stop mocking me,” you whined, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Stop mocking me,” he echoed in an exaggeratedly whiny voice.
“I’m getting the frying pan,” you threatened.
“Sushi sounds great to me,” he replied instantly, flashing you his best innocent smile, you rolled your eyes and went to order the food.
You wouldn’t lie—even his idiotic ways had managed to win your heart too, but you’d never admit that to him.
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dreamwritersworld · 1 year
Once innocent. Part 2. (Sully family x reader)
Just a friendly reminder that is a mini series showing more back story of Y/n past and all her hardships in life! 💗
Her grandmother was the only one who heard Y/n’s screams and prayers to Eywa and it’s a moment she would hold dear to her. A moment so precious and harmful to Y/n’s heart. So private.
That’s how Y/n became…private. She made sure to learn how to braid her own hair memorizing the words Rey’akana told her, describing everything he was doing. She kept on practicing at the same time every day. She tried hanging out with the other kids but she stopped because when one girl had a bad day and she decided to pour her own rain of sadness over Y/n for no reason, lashing out on her telling her something that deeply hurt her, realizing other people saw what she was scared to always hear.
“Your dad is olo'eyktan and he can take of everyone else but you! Your too oblivious, weak and stupid !”
The mean girl made Y/n gasp with her words and the shove she sent to Y/n but Y/n made EVERYONE in the room gasp at how quick she was to punch and fight the girl. Y/n threw a couple of punches until she saw the girl had enough “what my dad is, what my family is, has fuck all to do with you!” She kicked the girl to the side and walked away quickly sprinting in the forest.
‘Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t fucking cry.’ There it was. Her body rejecting emotional emotions. ‘crying is weak. It should not be acknowledged.’ If Y/n was preventing herself from feeling the way she felt it would soon lead to her silent frustration. She yelled frustrated screams before realizing she left a crowd of people back there…dad was gonna figure it out. She was going to get yelled at again. This time it wasn’t even her fault, she wasn’t gonna let herself get pushed around. She waited it out, drowning in her mind. Blood sliding down her knuckles until she decided it was time to go home, preparing herself for the hits she was going to take.
Her father didn’t even allow her the chance to breathe. “Y/n. Where have you been! We have rules set for you for a reason. You are not allowed to throw hands. You broke every rule. You embarrassed this family. Stressed your mother out. She is pregnant. You’re going to need to Grow up.” I looked down afraid the next words will just prove the girl I had punched correct.
“Look at me when I’m speak to you! I swear to Eywa Y/n you’d be nothing without me because I had to go out there and cover your stupid actions.” I looked at my dad with tears threatening to come out as I was digging cuts from my fingernails into my hand. “are you crying? You better not cry. Don’t be pathetic y/n. Warriors don’t cry. You will never be a warrior crying like that.” There he goes using own dreams against me. I immediately turned away blinking my tears away
“No sir, I am sorry for causing harm to your family.” He held no remorse “You are grounded so you are not allowed to fly your ikran. You will stay close to your mother. Or just stay home for all I care. Your a mess outside by yourself. Do you understand?” I looked into my fathers eyes accepting what he had just said, to get it over with i said “yes sir.”
I walked away, walking past my siblings and mother to go towards my small kit of healing supplies shaking and searching for healing ointment to cure my wounds. I began quivering feeling like my world was closing up, my lungs struggling to breathe. I soon was drowning in my own tears, at least that’s what it felt like…drowning. I tried calming myself. Memorizing the words Rey’akana gave me. “I need you to live Y/n. I need you to that for me Y/n, that’s your job now.” Hearing his voice over and over again brought me peace, I only saw him in my dreams. He was the way a father should be. He was my father figure when I slept. I missed him until I closed my eyes. Dreaming was the feeling I searched for all the time, because suddenly the world went quiet. It felt peaceful. I was at peace in my dreams but right now my body won’t shut down and it’s making me frustrated.
Everyone just seems to be ok with it. ‘The anger, the level of anger’ it feels like everyone’s just out to make me not feel normal. Maybe this is just my punishment for always running after my dad. Never learning my lesson. Maybe I do deserve to just take the hits for causing so much harm. I’m just fucking exhausted. This is so draining. I just need a really long sleep. If I could have a different past I promise you I would…my eyes start to get heavy and I hated the the way my eyes burned when they closed but I’ll endure it just for a couple of hours of sleep.
*y/n’s dream*
“Hey sunshine. Why the forest? You always pick the forest.” (acknowledging the setting) Y/n laughs unsure as to why she always picked this part. “I’m not fully sure. Maybe it’s because this is where it all started. Where you taught me to shoot, do my hair and learn how to survive.” He agrees acknowledging how she was always eager to learn and quick at it too. “So what happened this time?” Y/n twiddled with her fingers “I’m sad Rey’akana, my dad is closing in on me, getting tired of me and I don’t know if everything I’m doing is right. His ideas go against my morals. What I taught myself, what you taught me. He’s wrong.”
He sighs “You are a handful but I didn’t ever get tired of you. Trust me Y/n, it’s not your fault. you’re father always had a difficult and frustrating idea of how life should be for you. You’ll pull yourself out of drowning. I know you get those panic attacks, sunshine. The ones where you feel like you can’t breathe. But You’re a survivor and I firmly believe that.”
Y/n looks up again and smiles “Your right. I just needed to hear you say it.” I begin crying looking at him so close yet so far…? “Why are you crying, sunshine?” I let out a sob. “I just really miss you. I wish you were here Rey’akana. He hugs me saying “Memories exist outside of time and have no beginning or end. As long as you live I’ll be with you forever.” He comforted me for a minute before saying “Eywa’s sending you a gift Y/n. You have to be strong. Remember your job, live Y/n. You can come back to me anytime Y/n but for now push through, sunshine.” Chiming could be heard “It’s time Y/n.” I give him one last hug and we say our goodbyes. *
Y/n woke up head pounding because of how many tears she let out. Time to come back to reality. I have to follow Mom around perhaps I can try talking to her.
It’s only been thirty minutes with her and I’m sitting in my own puddle of nervousness…is this normal? I can feel some type of frustration sitting within her, some type of confusion or tear is she ok…? I’ll just ignore it, if it bothered mom she’d tell me…right? She would never be mad at me and not tell me the reason, she wouldn’t hold resentment towards her own child the way dad did.
..No this just feels wrong. Why is she staring at me like that…? Whatever I’ll just ask.
“Mom…Are you ok? Is it the baby? I’ll go call grandmother or if that’s too much I’ll get my supplies I know a few things on pregnancy’s from what I’ve observed.” Neytiri gives a shocked face, her daughter noticed her concerns and Neytiri is too scared to confront Y/n afraid of hearing the truth.
“Mom? It’s ok you can tell me! What’s wrong mom?” Neytiri stumbles upon her words finally deciding to just let it out “I- are you ok my child? I know what your father said may have cause a little bit of frustration, I heard you. I was the only one that heard you my child. Why do you do that? Why do you hold your breath?”
Y/n looks up confused “W-what? No mom I- I’m fine truly. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I just I ran out of oxygen in that moment it’s ok mother I- I really didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just…”
I stopped myself …if i finish this sentence right now and if mom doesn’t completely agree with it. Dad will know. But right now I feel like maybe someone cared..it’s been awhile…maybe mom can do something?
“It’s just what my child…? What’s hurting you? Tell me it’s ok.” Ok this is it I can finally get my point across gently “mom words hurt, I- I didn’t mean to get so mad at the girl but- you should’ve been there to hear what she said. How much scary truth there was lying in her words. And then Having to come home to dad not allowing me to even catch a single word in to explain myself , just yelling to no end, talking down on me. It’s not easy mom. I was innocent in this situation. I was just defending myself.” Neytiri eyes gaze at her daughter could this really be what caused her child to be in such a deep panic when she left the room..? “Oh my child I’m so sorry, I should’ve done something. I’ll defend you next time. I promise.” I breathed out a laugh and smiled. I’m happy. This is it. My mother was finally going to defend me…she heard me. I’ve been heard.
I believed that until I got ungrounded a week later from that moment. I was about to leave from training until I heard people talking about me..? “I mean all of the olo'eyktan children are good but uh…. y/n? There’s something cold behind her eyes.” I’ve never even seen this girl in my life…? Why is she talking about me? “Don’t get me wrong, shes great at everything but something happened and that makes her completely separated from the rest you know..?” I can’t hear this conversation anymore. They have no right. They don’t know what I’ve been through. They don’t know me. I’m going back to home.
“Y/n! Again? Why are you out doing nothing.? Watch your siblings! Do something for a change. Loak almost got hurt today everyone was there BUT you. Where were you. You should’ve been there to stop your siblings!”
I barley even walked through and I was being yelled at AGAIN about something I didn’t even know occurred. I was doing something. I was training. I was doing duties throughout the day what is he talking about..? I look to my mom while she’s standing next to my dad pleading her to defend me for something I didn’t even do. She just shook her head at me…? What do you mean no..? My heart breaks once more. I’m being failed by them. Again. And im left to go against my dad again by myself.
“Sir I didn’t mean to. I was doing chores around the village I can assure you I-“ he didn’t even let me finish my sentence. “I do not care. I do not want to hear your excuses. Y/n go somewhere rn and think about what you did wrong before trying to defend it.” I look up absolutely in disbelief and walk away. I can’t wait to receive the gift Rey’akana mentioned. What is it? A way out? Please be a way out.
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir @itshype
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puppy-coded · 2 years
Bad Mood {N.S.}
✰ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Upset reader, Newt being a literal saint despite being yelled at and ignored.
✰ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Newt Scamander x reader
✰ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1k words
✰ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You’ve been in a bad mood lately and Newt wants to get to the bottom of it.
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You woke up kinda cranky and you had no idea why. 
Maybe it was hormones, maybe it was nerves since Newt was still in America, maybe you simply woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
You got up, stretched, drank water, and checked the counter where your owl, Oliver, always put the Daily Prophet and a letter from Newt. Every morning while he was gone.
Except Newt hadn’t written you a letter the day before.
That just soured your mood even more.
You spent the entire day trying to tidy up and not think about it. 
It was something that even Diagon Alley couldn’t fix. Diagon Alley has been your favorite place to be since... forever! It would seem stressful to others but it’s nice once you get used to the crowds, the noise, the vendors.
Everything just makes sense there even when it doesn’t.
You bought ice cream and moodily went home, hardly acknowledging everyone you knew in the most magical place in the world.
You got home and cuddled with your cat in the dark silence of your bedroom. You did your best to go to bed and, eventually, fell into a dreamless sleep.
The next day the Daily Prophet and a letter from Newt.
A letter from... Newt.
He ignored you and you knew he could take it.
And before you knew it you had a pile of letters from him on the counter over the next two weeks.
You stared at the pile of letters, biting your nails nervously. You had no idea what to say or where to start even if you did.
So you waited until he got home.
It had been two months by that point.
You weren’t even home when he walked through the door and it just made Newt worry about you more.
He had been worried since you stopped writing to him but he held out hope.
Hope that you’d write back.
Hope that you were okay.
And when you walked in with groceries, almost dropping everything when you saw him, he couldn’t help but smile.
You put your stuff down and gave him a small smile, not even looking into Newt’s eyes.
He got close to you and grabbed your chin gently with his thumb and index finger. “Why aren’t you looking at me?” He asked, the hurt evident in his voice.
You pushed his hand away and shook you head.
The truth was that you were disappointed in yourself. You let one bad day snowball into this moment.
It sucked.
You felt the tears welling up and you just shook your head. You knew if you spoke then you would start crying.
So you said nothing.
You would rather let your husband, with whom you’ve been in love since you were fifteen years old, believe you were mad at him than to admit your feelings.
But Newt knew you better than that.
He’s never seen this side of you so... he gave you space.
He tried his best to not take it personally, to take care of your regular chores, to do whatever he needed to make you feel better.
He knew you weren’t mad, you just seemed off.
About a week after he got home, Newt was sitting at the table while he read the Daily Prophet. You came out of your room and put your head on his shoulder to which he smiled. 
“Glad to have you back,” Newt said gently as if he was talking to one of his creatures.
You pulled your head off of him and pulled up a chair silently. “I’m sorry.”
Newt looked up and frowned. “For what?”
You scratched your nose in an attempt to keep from crying. “I, uhm... I was being a jerk Newt and I shouldn’t have been.” You told him, tears finally falling. “It all started when I woke up a few months ago and our usual letter wasn’t there. Then I got petty and didn’t respond and then the letters kept coming and I was too embarrassed to write back when it had suddenly jumped to two weeks later and... and...” You could hardly understand yourself since you were getting loud and talking faster and, you know, sobbing your eyes out. 
Newt leaned forward and put a hand on your knee. He gave your tear-stained face a gentle smile and squeezed your knee a little. “It’s okay.”
It just made you want to rip your hair out. “But it’s not okay!” You responded petulantly. “I was being a... a... a... pillock. I was being stupid.”
“You were not being stupid my love,” Newt tried assuring you. “I understand, you were out of routine. You’re never out of routine and I’m sure it was a hard day,” He told you sincerely.
You sniffled and wiped your eyes. “I’m sorry. I feel like I’ve messed everything up.”
Newt grabbed your hands and squeezed slightly. “You know what I was doing the day I forgot to write?” He asked.
You shook your head and squeezed Newt’s hands back.
“I was getting you this,” Newt let go and went to his suitcase. He rummaged around for a little bit when he finally pulled out a three-headed pup. 
Your eyes widened and you got up to meet Newt and the new pup. 
Newt smiled at your reaction and handed you the small hound. “His name is Bear and I got him for you since I knew that you get lonely here when I’m doing other things for work.” He said as he shoved his hands into his pockets, a slight blush creeping up to his cheeks.
You smiled for the first time in months and put your head on Newt’s chest. “I love you so much. I don’t deserve you.”
Newt wrapped his arms around you, shaking his head. “You’re wrong. You deserve the universe.”
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joelswritingmistress · 7 months
Last Halloween: Chapter 22
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Summary: After a tragedy involving Joel happened on Halloween one year prior, the town now shuns him while ignoring the details of the now closed case. You are seemingly the only one to offer empathy to a man the town is making out to be a monster.
You were feeling the aftermath of the adrenaline rush from all you had just accomplished. You didn't even have time to contemplate all the what-ifs that could potentially come from your town-wide announcement.
All you could do was relish in that feeling of accomplishment because of what it could potentially do for Joel going forward. You wanted him to have his life back. You wanted him to be able to walk into the grocery store without people whispering. You wanted him to have the respect he deserved.
I need to see him, you thought.
The hospital was a quick ten minute drive, just an exit up the highway. You rushed in that direction, eager to see his face and hold his hand.
When you arrived, a doctor was speaking with Joel and his parents stood side-by-side off to the side. Everyone nodded as the doctor spoke and you tried your best not to be a distraction as you slunk into the room.
"Thank you," Joel said to the man in the white coat, who nodded, said hello to you in passing and then exited the room.
"Hi," you addressed everyone.
"The doctor said I can go home in the morning," Joel informed you.
"Good." You nodded, though in the back of your mind you didn't know if that was the safest option. Part of you wished they would keep him there for a week, until Vic was caught and things blew over.
"Mom," Joel managed a little smirk. "You and dad go get some rest. I'm going to be fine."
She looked at him with tears in her eyes still and moved in beside him to kiss his forehead. "We want to be sure you're okay."
"I'm okay." Joel nodded. "Please get some rest."
Joel's father placed a hand on his son's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. He then turned and shook your hand. "It was nice meeting you, hun."
"It was nice meeting you, too." You shook his hand and then exchanged a hug with Joel's mother.
They bid a temporary farewell for the night and you sat down beside Joel.
"You need to get some rest, too," he said to you.
"I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight." You sighed and told him what had happened at the Mischief Night Movie Marathon. "Steve got me the footage from the ice cream shop last Halloween."
Joel's eyebrows pressed together and he was suddenly more attentive.
"I.." you hesitated. Not for a second did you wonder if Joel would approve of your actions. But what if he didn't? What if he wasn't okay with you broadcasting the worst moment of his life for the entire town to witness.
"What?" He finally asked when you didn't continue.
"I.. took over the podium at the Mischief Night Movie Marathon in the center of town," you went on. "And I showed everyone what *really* happened last Halloween."
You swallowed hard, not looking away from his eyes. Joel stared back at you and you had no clue what he was thinking or feeling.
"I had everyone's attention. Everyone heard me. Everyone saw what Johnny did to you." You shook your head and when he still didn't say anything you apologized. "I'm so sorry, Joel. I should have asked you first-"
"You did that?" He cut you off.
You swallowed hard and your eyes, your damn eyes, started to glisten again. With a nod you added, "I hope that's okay. I got my hands on the disc and I just went for it. If you're pissed at me-"
"Pissed at you?" Joel asked, touching your face. "You just.. risked everything for me." He shook his head with his pressed-together eyebrows again. "You really did that? Just now?"
You nodded again and gave a closed-mouth smile. "You're not mad?"
Joel managed a little grin. "No."
You leaned in and hugged him against you, closing your eyes as you embraced.
"I wish I could have seen you." He cleared his throat and sighed.
"The entire crowd was silent," you said. "Most of the town was probably there."
Joel moved his hand to cradle the back of your head. "I'm glad you're alright."
"I'm glad *you're* alright." You pulled back and lightly passer over the swelling on his face with the pad of your thumb.
"Did they catch up with Vic yet?"
You shook your head. "Not the last I heard."
"I don't want you to be alone."
"I'm staying here with you."
"There's nowhere for you to sleep."
You motioned to the chair by the window. "I'm going to put these two together. I have some blankets in my car in the trunk."
"I guess it's not worth arguing with you over, is it?" Joel asked, light heartedly.
You shook your head. "I'm staying." Your lips pressed against his. "I'll be right back. Do you want me to get you anything? Some candy?" You managed a small smile.
"I'm okay." Joel grinned back. "Please be careful."
You kissed him again and hurried down two flights of stairs to exit through the main doors and out into the lot. The warmth of the hospital was left behind in the old, brick building as the automatic doors whipped open.
Even just a few steps outside, the vibe changed. The night air was still; quiet. Not a single person at that moment walked to or from the hospital. The parking lot lights were scattered and their bulbs only managed a dull glow. One light in the far corner flickered, highlighting leaves as they swirled down to the pavement in little tornado patterns.
You contemplated going back inside but rather tossed your hood back up over your head and kept walking. Your sneakers crunched over the leaves that had created their own little blanket in your path.
You glanced to the left and right, and then straight ahead as you made your way down a row of cars. In your pocket you fiddled with your key fab and in the distance the lights on your Mazda flickered.
As you glanced over you shoulder at the towering brick building, eying the glow from the sliding door you had just walked out of, you had this feeling of being stranded in an ocean. The beach was right there, but what if something was lurking? Would you be able to make it back?
Stop! Your imagination always had a tendency to run wild, but now that feeling was heightened on every level.
You reached your destination and quickly hit the unlock button and reached for a pair of sweatpants in the back seat before tackling the set of plaid blankets in the trunk.
When you slammed the trunk back down and re-secured your vehicle, your eyes lifted toward the woods line. Beneath the pale orange glow of the flickering light, you swear you saw the orange pumpkin mask amongst the trees.
You closed your eyes and reopened them. This time you squinted. Was someone there? Or was it your imagination? You couldn't tell.
With a deep breath you hit your key fab button again and began to walk down the aisle back toward the hospital. It was only a football field's length away.
The whistle of the the wind made you freeze for a second but you quickly identified the noise and kept going. It didn't keep you from glancing up at the branches hovering over the parking lot.
The glow from the sliding glass door was closer now, and you picked up the pace and walked faster. Behind you you thought you heard the crunch of leaves, or the scraping of sneaker tread against the asphalt.
It's a hospital, you reminded yourself, people come in and out all day long.
But where were they? Where were all the people?
You began to jog now. As silly as you felt, you couldn't help it. Walking was no longer an option. You half expected a hand to come down on your shoulder and pull you away from the safety that lingered now just twenty or thirty yards away.
Amongst the faint chorus of the creaking tree branches and the whipping wind and crunching leaves, you were certain you heard your name being called. It wasn't a shout. It was the opposite. A whisper.
Fuck. You picked up the pace now, desperately staring at the doors as you ran with your arms full of blankets, willing them to cradle your body to safety.
You could see the man sitting behind the desk that you had already passed several times. It almost gave you a false sense of comfort but you didn't let it. You kept going.
That's when it happened. Your worst nightmare. The hand on the shoulder. The touch that triggered your fight or flight response.
You turned with a scream so loud it alerted the desk clerk and you were prepared to face off against whatever was behind you.
"Miss, I'm sorry." A young man put his hands up, holding one of your blankets in the air. "You dropped this when you were running." His eyes were wide and he kept his hands up. "I'm so sorry I scared you."
You took in a deep breath and the clerk came running out.
"Are you okay, ma'am?" He asked, eyeing the man in front of you.
You put a hand on your head, embarrassed by your reaction. "Yeah," you said quietly and then cleared your throat. "Yes. Yeah I'm just jumpy." You looked at the man with the blanket. "Thank you, I'm sorry."
He half smiled. "It's fine. I was trying to call out for you but I don't think you heard me." He handed you the blanket.
"I'm sorry," you said to the two men again and then awkwardly made your back inside. Right then you recognized how much the events of the last twenty-four hours had taken a toll on you.
@untamedheart81 @amyispxnk @grogusmum @ghostwritesthings @strawbunnyx @ayamenimthiriel @noisynightmarepoetry @jiminstinypinky @tuquoquebrute @pedr0swh0r3 @runningmom94 @mellymbee @shayna-d-clown @bbiophiliaa @theclassicvinyldragon @tiffanypooh @mandijo17
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n0t-vzin1s · 1 year
I read your Bf Chuya and Dazai fics and they are so cute! Could you do one of each of them getting married officially to their s/o. What would each of the weddings look like and how would their s/o react to them meeting either Dazai or Chuya at the wedding?
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of course i can!
chuuya/dazai marrying their s/o (seperately)
dazai would definitely go all out
i'm talking matching suit/dress, everyone he's ever known, and the fanciest shit you can imagine.
would probably get one of his friends to officiate
chuuya would be the flower girl.
he wouldn't have some song that you'd normally hear. nono-
he's gonna play something stupid. probably his song about suicide
when the wedding was over, he would probably either have a whole ass jet or a horse drawn carriage to escort you to the airport
yours and his favourite flowers combined
a large blue theme, i feel like he really likes blue tbh
the two of you would probably get extremely drunk, sneak off into a bathroom and get high together
written 👏 vows
he wanted to be original, but his ended in "join my for the most extravagant of double suicides"
you just had to scoff at him for being such an idiot
but he was YOUR idiot
he would probably take you to italy for your honeymoon (or anywhere you wanted to go)
the two of you would wear a pin on your shirt, of the first words he said to you
"marry me"
he quite literally
married you
you would shove his face in the cake
dw he laughed it off
chuuya was vv respectul to you, and you took a good liking to him!!
but he did ask one question
"why are you marrying this dumbass?"
which even YOU weren't sure why but here we are
dazai stood at the alter, waiting patiently for you. everyone he knew looking up from the crowd as (probably) kunikida officiated, he was rather nervous. of course, not to marry you. he had been waiting for this day since he met you. he was nervous for life after marriage.
but he heard the music start playing, and suddenly everything went silent as you emerged from the large double doors at the end of the walkway. his eyes finally got to meet yours as he had been waiting for since eight last night. you looked beautiful, there was no denying it. nor was there anyway in hell his eyes were coming off of yours.
you grinned at him in response, walking up as you felt all eyes on you, but that didn't matter at this moment. because the love of your life was waiting for you at the end of this excruciatingly long walk. and you were excited. chuuya was behind you, throwing petals rather aggressively while mumbling things under his breath.
his hands gripped yours hastily as you reached the alter, the cold metal of your promise ring against his hands as kunikida began speaking,
"kenji, can i have the rings?" and on cue, kenji brought the rings to him, the both of you putting them on eachother as you smiled ear-to-ear.
(idk how weddings go so i'm skipping to the vows.)
"i will love you until the day i die, [f/n]. i have since the day i met you, and i will until i take my last breath." he spoke softly, "now, will you join me in a double suicide?" you could only smack him in response.
"alright, go on. kiss her."
he didn't hesitate as he grabbed your face, his lips soft against yours as he mumbled something. "i love you."
as did you.
chuuya has a red themed wedding.
no doubt, he's wearing the most lavish of red and black suits tailored to fit him perfectly
whereas you wear something similar. dark themed colours
alcohol at every corner
black out drunk at your wedding. no denying that
surprisngly, no after party. he wants to get drunk in his own home
small venue, maybe about 50 people
violin music playing, some classical songs that he loved as a teenager
would carry you bridal style out to the car
actually scrap that
it's probably his motorcycle.
the exhilarating feeling after his wedding relaxes him
he would have a red flower to put in your hair
or he would wear his hat and put it on your head as he carried you out
as well as dazai, he wrote his own vows
but his were all based around the future
like how much he loved you and how he wanted to start a family n stuff
the flower girl would be elise
his best man would either be dazai or no one else
you had gin and higuchi
he bought you the fanciest ring you can imagine. i'm talking REAL diamond. you only deserve the best after all
this was your first OFFICAL time meeting dazai and you can understand why chuuya hated him.
his first words to you were
"10/10 would bang" which resulted in him getting punched
chuuya watched the doors to the venue open up slightly, everyone in the room started to stand as the music of his favourite musician played in the background.
when you came into view, he was certain he was going to die on the spot. you looked amazing in his eyes, and he couldn't wait a second longer to be your husband. he was excited for you to take his last name, it made him feel accomplished.
when you stood in front of him, he finally felt happy and at peace. the way yours eyes shimmered, the way you smiled at the site of him had him melting. you had him wrapped around your finger and both of you were aware of it. but he loved every second of it.
when everything began, he accidentally let out a tear. he was just so happy that he could finally call you his. he had dreamt of marrying you for over a year, and now, that dream became a reality.
the red lights around the place dimmed slightly as you began reading out your vows. the ones you'd spent three and a half weeks writing. but how was he supposed to focus when you looked this good infront of him?
when it was his turn, he said-
"fuck it, just marry us already."
but he told you his when you got home.
i feel like this really sucked! the only wedding i've ever been to was when i was four years old so i don't really understand them haha
thank you for the request! hopefully i did a decent job lol
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thefallennightmare · 27 days
I'd like to request Noah dating reader who works for the fire department please🔥 I got an idea about FD getting call from the venue where BO concert is happening and the reader is on shift and going there. But feel free to write whatever plot you feel comfortable with, thank you🥰
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@thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee
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Noah was SO proud to tell everyone that his girlfriend was a firefighter.
He knew how taxing of a career it was so on the days you were home, he made sure to take care of you.
Letting you sleep all day if you needed it.
Rubbing out your sore muscles after a particularly long and hard 48-hour shift.
Tonight was not one of those shifts.
It had been a very chill day, with only a few calls for a grill fire or a cat stuck in a tree.
You were coming on hour 43 of your 48-hour shift and even thought that you'd be able to make the Bad Omens show tonight.
Suddenly, the alarms in the station went off, causing you to rise from bed when the address was rambled off.
Quickly, you and your fellow firefighters suited up and were in the truck heading towards the fire.
The neighborhood started to look familiar and your heart sank when you realized where the fire was.
The local venue in town.
Where Bad Omens was set to perform in a few hours.
You had a job to do though, you couldn't let your heart get in the way.
All of you emerged from the truck, getting the orders from your chief.
"How many are trapped inside?" You asked while setting on your oxygen mask.
"Everyone got out safely. The venue staff says the fire is in the kitchen."
Briefly, you looked around the chaotic sight outside, the dark smoke escaping through the windows of the venue. Your heart was in your throat until you saw Noah and the rest of his friends hanging out in the crowd of people behind the yellow tape.
Your eyes locked immediately and he gave you a reassuring nod with a smile, a silent way of telling you he was okay.
Noah watched with worry as you slipped inside the burning building.
"She'll be alright," Matt assured him with a squeeze to his shoulder.
"I know," he nodded. "This is the first time that I'm actually watching what she does; walking into burning buildings so it's a bit unnerving."
Ten long and excruciating minutes later, Noah saw you step back into the fresh air, and remove your oxygen mask.
He didn't run up to you or bother you because he knew you had a job to do.
You conversed with your chief for a few minutes before he dismissed you with a nod so you could go talk with Noah.
"Hi angel," he breathed with a soft kiss to your lips.
"Everyone okay?" You asked.
They all nodded. "How'd the fire start?"
You looked to Jolly. "Grease fire. Everything's taken care of now. You'll be able to perform tonight still."
"Are you able to make it?" Noah asked.
You leaned up towards him to kiss his chin. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."
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ao719 · 1 year
Best Kept Secrets
Best Kept Secrets - What I Chose To Do (Chapter 12)
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Summary: An unforeseen encounter with the past proves that even the best-kept secrets eventually make their way into the light.
Title inspiration: Easy On Me - No Resolve
Book/Pairing: TRR; Liam x F!OC
A/N: I ended up having to split this chapter, otherwise, it would have been so long. Thank you to @burnsoslow for prereading. Please excuse any errors.
Rating: M • Warning: This series will contain NSFW material. If you read, you acknowledge you are 18+
Catch up here
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With trembling breaths, Liam made his way through the hotel lobby toward the revolving doors, still unable to process what he’d just seen.
Amara … holding a baby. A baby that looked to be around the right age to be … No. That can’t be.
Liam couldn’t get the little girl’s piercing blue eyes to leave his mind along with all of the questions filling his head as he stumbled out onto the sidewalk through the revolving door. When he looked up, his gaze met a wide-eyed Daniel at the trunk of the car parked in front of his vehicle. He knew. He had to have known. They said nothing as they stared at one another for a moment before Liam hurried toward his SUV, passing a familiar-looking woman standing near the passenger door; he couldn’t nor did he care about placing her at that moment.
Sliding into the driver’s seat, Liam started the SUV and tore off into the street.
Daniel ran inside, spotting Amara standing in front of the elevator doors; he rushed toward her. “Amara?” When she turned to face him, he was met with a flood of tears as she shook her head.
Amara felt like she couldn’t breathe. This was not the way she ever wanted Liam to find out. Hell, none of this was supposed to happen. Not her coming back to this place. Not her seeing Liam again. Not them rekindling things between them. Not him finding out the secret she’d kept from him, the one person who should have been privy to it from the beginning. None of it.
In the blink of an eye, Amara felt as if her entire life was spiraling, and suddenly, she found herself right back to that moment two years ago … when it spiraled the first time.
Dipping her hands into the pockets of her khaki trench coat, Amara walked along the sidewalk that bordered Central Park; late September had brought cooler weather and replaced the park’s green with shades of auburn, crimson, and gold. When she came to the crosswalk, she stared up at the pedestrian signal, tapping her heeled foot against the rain-soaked concrete. When it changed, giving the signal to the crowd of waiting pedestrians, she made her way across the street.
It had been days shy of two months since Amara had left Cordonia and returned to New York with Daniel. Riley had chosen to stay behind, wanting to give her relationship with Drake a chance.
It wasn’t something Amara could fault her for; she’d have done the same thing … if only.
Upon her return, Amara had fallen right back into her usual routine of burying herself in work; it was imperative that she did. Every night, she stepped inside her silent apartment after a long day’s work, and her mind immediately went to Liam. When she would sleep, he consumed her dreams. And if she didn’t keep herself occupied with work, every spare thought she had went to him.
Amara missed him. She missed his smile and laugh. She missed talking to him. She missed the way he looked at her and made her feel. She missed his touch, his kiss … everything about him. Despite all of that, neither had attempted to reach out to the other. With the way their last conversation had ended, she didn’t expect Liam to give up easily, but as the days turned to weeks and weeks to months, it appeared that he, too, had fallen back into his old routine. She had told him to let her go … and that’s exactly what he’d done.
It’s what was for the best, at least that’s what Amara continued to tell herself. She needed to move on, and she knew that eventually, she would. One day, she would wake up and not think about him, and go about her day without him once crossing her mind. One night, she would fall asleep and not have him plague her dreams.
Eventually. One day. One night.
Pushing through the revolving door of the building, Amara headed to the elevator and took it up to her designated floor. She stepped out into the lobby of an office and approached the reception desk, confirming her appointment before she took a seat in the waiting room.
Twenty minutes later, Amara was called back. They checked her weight, took some blood, gave her a sample cup before letting her into the restroom, then took her back to the private room where she waited again. As she stared at the ticking clock on the wall, each sweep of the second hand had her wondering about him.
The door opened 15 minutes later, pulling Amara from her thoughts. She glanced over, greeted by a warm smile. “Amara.”
“Hello, Dr. Naman,” Amara smiled in return.
“It’s been a while.”
“I was abroad for work.”
“I see,” the man grinned. “And you’re here for your Depo shot today?” he asked, looking at her chart.
“Yes,” Amara nodded.
“You’re late to get it,” he noted. “It was due at the end of June.”
“I know” Amara let out a breath. “I was still abroad when it came due. I got back at the end of July, but things have been kind of hectic and this was the first chance I could get in to see you.”
“Pardon me for such a forward question, but when was the last time you had intercourse?”
Amara’s cheeks tinged pink. “Oh, uh …” She let out a breath. “End of July …” The man nodded. “Why?”
“Well, your urine hCG … it came back positive, Amara. You’re pregnant. And based on your blood levels … you’re about eight weeks along …”
Amara’s spinning world came to an abrupt halt as she stared at the physician. You’re pregnant. The color slowly drained from her face as her heart started to race. Eight weeks along.
Through her dizzy vision, Amara could see the man’s lips moving but there was no sound as she began to drown under the weight of the news he’d just told her. She felt like she couldn’t breathe, and her stomach began to twist. She raised a trembling hand to her mouth and sensing what was about to happen, the doctor quickly brought a small waste basket to her; she lurched, losing the contents of her stomach as a wave of emotions crashed over her.
“Amara, try and relax.”
Shaking her head, Amara began to cry. They hadn’t been careful. It foolishly hadn’t crossed her mind because it wasn’t something she usually had to worry about. And she never would have guessed she could be pregnant; she’d had no symptoms. She hadn’t been sick. She didn’t get her period due to the shot, so she couldn’t say if she missed it or not. She had been a little more tired than usual lately, but she blamed that on the long hours she’d been working.
“I take it from your reaction that this is a surprise … and perhaps not a welcome one …?”
Amara wiped the tears from her cheeks only for them to be replaced by more. “This … this can’t be happening,” she said in a cracked whisper.
“Is the father in the picture?”
“N-No …” Amara whispered in reply. “He’s … he’s not in the picture …”
Oh god. Amara’s breath hitched as she thought of Liam. How was she going to tell him this? What would he say? What would he do? Those last two questions were stupid to even think about. She knew exactly what he would say and exactly what he would do. She had told Liam that the two of them going public would destroy him, that they would be scrutinized and picked and pulled apart until there was nothing left. Imagining what they would do should they find out their King had a child with someone other than his Queen …
A new wave of panic washed over Amara. The King. She was carrying the child of a King. Technically … the heir to a throne. Jesus Christ. It just kept getting worse.
Amara canceled the rest of her meetings that day and headed straight home. She sat in front of the window of her apartment that evening, staring out at the city below, lost in thought. She was told before she left the office that she had options and a decision to make.
Amara was carrying Liam’s biggest dream, but a constant reminder for her. So much for eventually, for one day, for one night. She’d never be able to escape him with this. She’d never not think about him. She’d be reminded every single day for the rest of her life of him.
Despite that, Amara couldn’t bring herself to consider her other options. She didn’t know why because it would certainly be easier on her to make this disappear and act as though they — and this — never happened. She never did like things easy, though. But she knew it was something she couldn’t tell him.
Liam couldn’t know. Not now, anyway.
Not only could this destroy Liam’s reign and all the work they had both put into his image, but Amara already felt a fierce protectiveness over the piece of him she was carrying inside of her. She was not going to allow their mistakes to be passed off as the fault of someone entirely innocent in this and have them scrutinized, especially not a child. She needed to figure things out, not only for herself but for their unborn baby. And until she did … whenever that may be … he couldn’t know.
A knock on her apartment door startled Amara from her thoughts; before she could answer it, Daniel used his key, letting himself in. “Buttercup?” he called out. She glanced over from the darkened corner of the living room as he flipped on the lights and set a bag of Chinese take-out on the counter. When she spotted her, his brows furrowed. Her eyes were puffy and rimmed-red, her cheeks still stained with tears. “I knew something was off when you canceled your meetings,” he said as he approached her. “What the hell is wrong?”
As Daniel crouched down in front of her, Amara began to cry again. She’d been unable to get control over her emotions since leaving the doctor’s office.
“Buttercup … what is it?” Daniel asked. “Did something happen at your appointment?”
When something was bothering Amara, she wasn’t the type to let it show or talk about it, dealing with it in her own way. But this was too big … and not something she’d be able to hide for very long. “I … I’m pregnant,” her breath hitched.
Daniel’s eyes slightly widened. “Whoa …”
Amara’s breath hitched. “Yeah …”
“Ok …” Daniel blew out a breath as he ran his fingers through his hair. He had a lot of questions. “Who, uh … was this a one-night stand kind of thing … or was there someone you were seeing? I don’t recall you mentioning anyone …”
Closing her eyes, Amara shook her head as she began to cry harder. She needed to tell someone. She needed to talk to someone because if she didn’t she was going to suffocate underneath her secrets. She took in a breath, attempting to compose herself before looking back at Daniel.
Amara told him everything.
By the time she had finished, Daniel stared at Amara in stunned silence. “Please … say something,” she spoke in a cracked whisper, unable to take him just looking at her anymore.
“I … I’m not really sure what to say …” Daniel took a deep breath. “You … you loved him? Like really loved him?” More tears fell as Amara nodded and her face twisted with remorse and heartbreak. “But his father threatened to basically run your life into the ground …”
“I thought by leaving … that I would be doing him a favor … both of us. I didn’t want to … but I didn’t feel that I had much of a choice. He’s … married.”
“Well, the choice has been kind of made for you now,” Daniel smiled weakly. “When you tell him about this …” He trailed off, noticing the look on her face when he said the words. “Amara … you’re going to tell him about the baby, right?”
“I-I … I can’t,” Amara shook her head. “Not until … I don’t know when. I just can’t right now. I need to figure things out.”
“What is there to figure out? He’s the father,” Daniel scoffed.
“I know that,” Amara sniffled. “But this … this will destroy everything we worked for … that he worked for.”
Daniel shook his head. “I think it’s safe to say that he probably wouldn’t give a damn about any of that.”
“The scandal this would cause … this baby will always be marred by what we did. That’s not … it’s not fair to them …”
“And it’s equally as unfair to keep something like this from Liam,” Daniel retorted. “He deserves to know.”
“Please,” Amara cried. “I know it’s not right … but for now, this is how it has to be. Even if you don’t agree … please just … just try and understand. I’m only trying to do … what’s best for everyone involved …”
“Amara?” Daniel questioned, pulling her from her daze. “What do you want to do?”
Amara wiped her cheeks and took in a breath attempting to calm herself; it didn’t work. “I-I … I can’t leave. Not now. Not … not when he …” Her words were cut off by a silent sob.
“Ok,” Daniel said. “Get back upstairs. I’m going to get Imogen and the bags, and I’ll stop by the front desk to let them know we’re extending our stay.”  
Amara nodded just as the doors slid open; she turned and stepped inside as Daniel hurried back outside. With a very short and vague explanation, he told Imogen there had been a change of plans, and they loaded the cart back up with all their bags. Once back inside, Imogen headed for the elevator as Daniel stopped by the front desk. As he waited for the confirmation from the concierge that their length of stay had been updated, he pulled out his phone, sending a message to Riley.
Drake and Riley walked back from the stables, waiting on Liam to return; with the state he was in and the way he had rushed out upon hearing Amara was leaving, they wanted to wait, just in case. When Riley’s phone chimed with an incoming notification, she pulled it from the back pocket of her jeans and glanced down, seeing a message from Daniel.
We’re not leaving. Liam showed up … he knows.
Riley’s eyes widened, but before she could send out a response, she heard a vehicle skid to a stop out front of the palace; she and Drake both glanced up and watched as Liam got out, slamming the door shut behind him before he hurried inside.
“Uh oh …” Drake sighed.
Bounding up the stairs two at a time, Liam headed for his study. When he walked inside, he slammed the door shut behind him and immediately went to his bar cart, pouring himself a finger of scotch. He tossed it back in one gulp before pouring another, still reeling over what he had just seen and struggling to grasp the reality of it. No, perhaps he shouldn’t have walked away, but he didn’t know what else to do at that moment. He had so many questions, none of which he could articulate properly due to the storm of emotions coursing through him, which he couldn’t seem to get under control.
A knock on his door went ignored as he poured another finger of scotch, trying to do something to take the edge off and allow him to think straight. It wasn’t working. A moment later, the door opened, and he turned to see Drake and Riley step inside, looking at him curiously.
“Li …?” Drake said hesitantly. “Did you … did you see her?”
“She had a baby,” Liam replied, running his fingers through his hair. “I-I saw her holding a baby.”
Drake’s brows furrowed. “Wait, what? What the hell are you talking about?”
“Exactly what I just said!” Liam’s voice raised. “I walked into the hotel, and she was standing by the elevator, holding a baby! A little girl!”
“Ok …” Drake said tentatively.
“I-I think she — I think she’s mine …?”
Drake arched a brow at the sheer confusion laced with Liam’s words; it wasn’t a statement or a question. “What makes you think that?”
“If you saw the look on Amara’s face … she looked fucking terrified to see me. Like I was the last person she wanted to see.” Liam turned, tossing back another swallow of scotch. “We just stood there and she didn’t even say anything. She just started crying.”
“Well … what did you say to her?”
“Nothing,” Liam threw his arms up. “I turned around and walked away because I didn’t know what else to fucking do! And I couldn’t exactly cause a scene and start asking questions in the middle of a crowded hotel lobby, now could I?”
Drake noticed Liam’s hands were trembling. He’d seen Liam worked up over the years, but never quite like this. “Ok … let’s just … take a breath. Amara’s been here for what … like, two months? You’ve been spending a lot of time with her. Don’t you think you would have noticed something regarding that big of a secret?”
Liam thought back, and immediately, he closed his eyes, shaking his head. He did notice … he just didn’t have all of the pieces to the puzzle to make them into something. There was Amara’s reluctance to stay in Cordonia when she first arrived. Telling him she needed to talk to him, that there were things she needed to tell him. Her refusal to allow him anywhere near her hotel. The days in which she would take for herself … “quality time” as he was told. Her baffled curiosity over the betrothal aspect of the alliance.
They were all there … all but the main piece.
“I can’t fucking believe this,” Liam breathed, running his hands over his face. “And Daniel. He was just as shell-shocked to see me when I was walking out of the hotel.”
“Daniel was surprised?” Drake asked. “Like … just surprised to see you or —”
“Surprised to see me because he knew what I just saw,” Liam interrupted. He met Drake’s gaze and suddenly, they both had the same thought, and they knew the other was thinking it.
If Daniel knew … someone else did too.
Drake turned to look at Riley; she had been standing behind him, uncharacteristically quiet. “Ri, did … did you know?” he asked.
Riley didn’t have to answer; the look of guilt on her face was answer enough. “I-I … I’m sorry, Liam,” her voice cracked as she shook her head.
“You knew the whole damn time?” Drake asked, his voice raised. “Since she left?”
“No!” Riley shook her head as she looked at Liam. “I didn’t find out until she got back, I swear. The day you told me she was here and I went to her hotel … she was acting weird. She was surprised to see me … a little too surprised. And she wouldn’t let me in at first … but then she did …” She let out a breath. “I was catching up with her and Daniel, and I heard … I heard the baby crying when she woke up from a nap …”
Liam let out a sharp breath. And although he now had even more confirmation, knowing Riley knew the truth and all but confirmed it, he still couldn’t wrap his mind around it, not letting it fully sink in.
“That’s when she told me … everything,” Riley explained. “About you and her two years ago … the baby … all of it. And she said she didn’t tell me because she didn’t want to put me in a tough spot …”
“Jesus Christ, Riley!” Drake bellowed. “How the hell could you keep something like this from him? From me?”
“She told me she was going to talk to him! And it has nothing to do with you!”
“Yeah, she didn’t tell him the whole fucking time she’s been gone, but you really believed she would tell him now?” Drake retorted.
“It wasn’t my secret to tell!” Riley shouted. “It wasn’t my place!”
“He’s your friend!” Drake yelled back.
“And so is she!” Riley looked between him and Liam. “I made my opinion on the matter — which was that she needed to tell you immediately — very clear, but that’s all I could do was just try and continue to urge her to tell you! I couldn’t force her to do it and I certainly couldn’t do it for her! Again, it wasn’t my secret to tell!”
“Did you know … that I was going to see them when you told me she was leaving? Liam asked.
“No,” Riley shook her head. “Amara never wanted you to find out that way, Liam—”
“Sounds like she didn’t want him to find out at all,” Drake quipped derisively.
“Shut up, Drake,” Riley chided, earning a look from him before she glanced back at Liam. “I wouldn’t have sent you there to purposely find out that way. I told you about her leaving because I felt like you deserved to know the truth and I didn’t want her to leave without telling you. I had no idea you’d run into them like that. I thought she’d be with Imogen while Amara was getting things situated. Again, I made my opinion no secret to her. I begged her to tell you, Liam. Daniel did too. And she was going to! She was just … so damn scared. She didn’t know how …”
“Who the hell is Imogen?” Drake asked.
Liam’s brows furrowed. “The woman … I saw a woman with Daniel …”
“She, uh …” Riley sighed, closing her eyes. “She’s her nanny from back in New York.”
Liam thought back to that woman he saw with Daniel and how she looked familiar … and suddenly, he realized. His eyes widened in disbelief as he remembered seeing her at the End of Summer festival … and the small little girl she pushed in a stroller … that he had given a balloon to; he remembered her big blue doe eyes and the gummy grin she gave him. I can’t believe this. He felt as though he’d been punched, realizing he’d actually stood in front of her once before and had no idea who she was. He’d been face-to-face with her … with his … he couldn’t even bring himself to think it yet.
“This is unbelievable,” Liam breathed. He turned, leaning against the window frame, looking out at the gardens, his mind too muddled to take much more. “I appreciate you guys waiting around … but I need to be alone. Please.”
Drake sighed. “If you need to talk … you know where to find me.” He turned, glowering at Riley as he walked by her and headed for the door.
When he walked out, Riley remained there for a moment. “Daniel messaged me … she’s not leaving now. She stayed. Just so you know …” Liam simply nodded in response. She turned to leave, but stopped, looking back at him again. “For what it’s worth, Liam … I truly am sorry. Just … please try and understand … it wasn’t my secret to tell.” He didn’t say a word nor look back to acknowledge what she had said. She sighed before turning and walking out.
Sitting in front of the window, Amara rocked in the chair. She was still reeling in the emotions over everything that happened just a few hours ago; her eyes were heavy from crying, and her nerves had her on edge. She had no idea what was going to come next with all of this. She didn’t know if she should try to reach out to Liam or if she should give him some space and wait to see if he reached out to her.
Amara glanced down at her daughter’s hand curled inside her own from where she lay asleep in her arms, and she let out a breath. The consequence of her actions two years ago had 10 little fingers, 10 little toes, and just like her father, she had a mischievously adorable sparkle in her brilliant blue eyes when she smiled. She was perfect in every way and the light to her mother’s darkness. She gave her life meaning and purpose and there hadn’t been a single moment since she graced the world with her presence that Amara regretted anything that led to her existence.
The only regret Amara ever had regarding any of this, a regret she felt even now, was keeping it from Liam. It hadn’t been an easy decision, and no, perhaps she had no right to make it at all, but it was one that she made with the notion that she was protecting both their child and him. She felt nothing but guilt, knowing the weight of what she was hiding, but she did it out of love and with good intentions. Did she plan to ever tell him? She couldn’t say. Truthfully, she never expected to see Liam again after they parted ways two years ago, but there hadn’t been a single day prior to her return that she hadn’t thought about telling him.
When Amara returned to Cordonia for an indefinite amount of time, she knew she needed to talk to him because being there with him, she had no excuse not to. She didn’t know how, though. It wasn’t something she could casually bring up and drop on him; it was something that was going to alter Liam’s entire life. And the more time that passed, the more obstacles got in the way and the more difficult it became to tell him.
First, Amara learned the terms of the alliance. Knowing she held Cordonia’s best-kept secret — a hidden heir to the throne — sent her mind spiraling. She wanted no part in a betrothal agreement for her less than two-year-old child. Then, Liam said he didn’t want that either, that he would never agree to it, so it eased her nerves a little. But she knew that telling him was now even more delicate than it was before.
Then, there was Liam’s divorce. The night he told Amara about it in Ramsford, she panicked even more about telling him, certain that news of a divorce paired with a secret love child wouldn’t bode well. That’s why she sent Daniel to work with him because she needed Liam to be strategic with going about announcing it … for the sake of their child. When the announcement was finally made, the King and Queen opened up and gave the entire truth about their arranged and agreed-upon marriage. Amara was certain of two things at that point. One, should news of their child get out, that would be made to be the reason for the divorce, despite it not being true at all. And two, Liam and Madeleine would both be painted as liars, using the story of an arranged marriage they wanted no part of, not as a reason for the divorce, but as nothing more than an excuse to cover up the King’s infidelity.
There seemed to be one complication after the next when it came to Amara telling Liam. Perhaps she was overthinking it all, worrying over nothing, and maybe she should have trusted that in telling Liam, he would have known what to do, but she was in protective mode. Her only thought was how to go about this and leave both Liam and their child as unscathed as possible. Again, her intentions were good despite how rash and misguided they were. She only ever wanted to protect them both.
When Amara learned that Liam had signed the alliance, she didn’t stop to think about the reason behind it because, at that point, it didn’t matter to her. She went into immediate fight or flight mode, and she chose to run in order to keep their child safe. She didn’t know what this meant for the future, how Liam was going to get out of this, or if he even could. She supposed she would have to talk to him about it … if he chose to talk to her at all.
Amara couldn’t get the look on Liam’s face when he saw her in the lobby to leave her mind. Confusion, heartbreak, anger, betrayal … she could see it all in his expression in those moments before he turned and walked away. That told her that he knew; even without really knowing, he knew the truth. And she had no idea what to expect or what came next.
A chime from her phone pulled Amara from her thoughts, and she glanced over where it sat beside her on the window sill; her heart stopped when she saw a message from Liam on the screen.
We need to talk. Meet me here at the palace tomorrow morning at 10.
Amara let out a soft breath as she grabbed her phone, reading it over again; even through a message, she could sense the shift in him. She thought about a dozen different things to say and ask at that moment, mostly wanting to know if he was ok, but she thought better of saying anything at all other than to respond to his message and let him know she would be there.
After setting her phone down, Amara glanced down; she ran her fingers through her daughter’s soft blonde hair as more tears of guilt and worry started to fall.
The following morning, Daniel offered to stay at the hotel with Imogen while Amara headed to the palace to meet Liam. Her nerves were completely shot at that point; she’d gotten sick twice that morning over the sheer anxiety she was feeling.
When she arrived at the palace, she slipped out of her car, and glanced over, seeing something in her peripheral vision; she saw Drake and Riley across the way, coming from another door, heading in the direction of the stables. Drake looked pissed, walking in front of Riley as she trailed behind him with an exasperated yet equally as sad expression. She happened to glance up and the two women locked eyes; Riley said nothing before she turned and disappeared around the corner.
A throat clearing pulled Amara’s attention; she glanced up to see Bastien waiting to escort her. She quietly followed him inside and up the grand staircase.
As they neared the door, Amara felt her stomach twist in knots. She could hear nothing but the pounding of her heart in her ears as she was led into Liam’s study. She slowly glanced over as she stepped inside, and her eyes fell on him; he was sitting at his desk, staring out the window, wearing an inscrutable expression.
Bastien cleared his throat, unsure if the King had heard them enter. “Ms. Onasis, sir.”
“Leave us,” Liam instructed sternly without a glance in their direction. Bastien looked over and offered Amara a curt nod before turning and exiting the room, closing the door behind him.
Amara slowly looked back at Liam; he had yet to move. The tension in the air was so thick, it was almost suffocating. Liam was furious. Though he had yet to speak to or even look at her, she could sense it; his posture was like stone, his jaw was set tight, and she could feel the disdain rolling off him in waves that she was sure she would be drowning beneath at any moment.
Amara let out a soft breath. “L-Liam—” She abruptly paused when he held his hand up to silence her.
Liam was trying his best not to let his emotions get the better of him, but he was struggling. He’d barely slept the night before, still trying to process what he’d seen, and still struggling with the reality of what it meant. But the more he thought about it, the more emotional he became when bits of truth and realization would come to him. Throughout his life thus far, he’d felt probably every emotion there was, but not as strongly as this, and never all at once. More than anything, however, he was angry, so angry that he couldn’t even bring himself to look at Amara, afraid that doing so would cause that anger to take over any rational part of himself that he was clinging to.
Still not sparing a glance at her, Liam remained silent as he motioned his hand to the chair on the other side of his desk, gesturing for her to sit. Amara swallowed thickly, keeping her eyes locked on him as she walked over and slowly lowered herself down. His silence was almost unbearable as she waited for him to say something … anything.
Finally, after a few torturously quiet minutes, Liam cleared his throat; he dropped his gaze from the window, but still wouldn’t look at her. “How old is she?” he asked in a quiet yet cold tone.
Amara ran her sweaty palms along the length of her denim-covered thighs, chewing the inside of her cheek to keep her lip from trembling. “She’s … she’s almost 15 months …”
Liam imperceptibly shook his head as his heart broke just a bit more from the clarification. That was 15 months he had missed, 15 months worth of memories and milestones. “What’s her …” He trailed off, ticking his jaw before swallowing over the lump in his throat. “What’s her name?”
Amara’s eyes fell shut, her brows knitting as her emotions started to get the better of her. She opened her eyes, blinking away the tears, taking a few moments before she was able to speak. “Sophia.”
Closing his eyes, Liam roughly rubbed his hand over his mouth, forcing down the sob that was threatening to escape by clenching his jaw. Sophia. He looked up at the ceiling, taking in a few quick breaths as he continued to struggle to keep himself composed. “And she … she’s …” He knew the answer, but he needed to hear her say it. Out loud. He was struggling to get the question out, however.
Amara looked down as her breath hitched, knowing what he was trying to ask. “… Yours,” she replied in a cracked whisper.
Liam finally looked at her. Sitting in front of him was no longer the woman that he had fallen in love with two years ago, the woman he had been given a second chance with, the one that he vowed to never let go again, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. All he could see was the woman who had stolen something from him. She stole his dream, one he had shared with her two years ago, making her very well aware of how much this would have meant to him. She had stolen precious time that was rightfully his, time that he would never be able to make up for.
She had kept a secret that he had every right to know.
Never in his life did Liam feel bitterness and resentment the way he did at that very moment. The only thing saving Amara from the full extent of the wrath he was feeling was the same thing that made him feel that way at all: she was, against all odds, the mother of his child.
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rayan12sworld · 5 months
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💠A Shared Hunger
The first time it happened, Lan Zhan was six and walking along the covered balconies of the Cloud Recesses when, quite suddenly, he was not.
It happened between one blink at the next, hitting him with such a violent wave of disorientation it was unlike anything he had ever experienced. His foot was raised but it never came down on the familiar wood of the balcony, instead he found himself standing on a foreign street, ankle deep in slush and starving.
“She’s going to hurt him,” Lan Zhan forced out between hitching breaths. “Please, xiongzhang, we have to save him, please.” “We’ll find him, Lan Zhan, it’ll be alright,” his brother whispered into his hair. “We’ll find him.” Not if he died. What would happen if he died? Lan Zhan would never get to see through his eyes again. He would never ever get to see what his real face looked like. Lan Zhan cried like he hadn’t in years, until he finally felt wrung out and the courtyard outside the dining hall was completely empty of people.
He had raged at his uncle that night. It had been silent, but his mouth, his body, the entire house had been thick with it. His uncle was able to fix everything, and the fact that he couldn’t simply take Lan Zhan’s hand and lead him to his soulmate was unforgivable to the child. His uncle had tugged at his beard and clucked sympathetically but it had just made Lan Zhan remember the chickens and the woman and grow all the angrier. Why was no one helping his soulmate ? Even if Uncle didn’t know where he was, even if Lan Zhan didn’t know where he was, even if they couldn’t help him yet (they would, they would, his uncle had promised him gently even while Lan Zhan had sat stiff and furious on his lap) why was no one else helping him? The streets of that town were crowded with people, why did no one see? Why did no one care?
He should mind. He wasn’t a baby. He wasn’t weak. He was advancing quicker than anyone else his age. He was second heir to the Lan clan. But his soulmate had been attacked by dogs and all Lan Zhan had been able to do was watch and at this moment he didn’t feel strong or skilled or brave. He had never been more scared in his whole life. All he could imagine was the sealed doors of the Gentian House. -
His soulmate was alive. The next day Lan Zhan went to his lessons and threw himself into them with a fervour that startled his teachers. His soulmate had survived. His soulmate was brave and strong and unstoppable. Lan Zhan would have to work hard to be worthy of him. He would have to work to ensure no dog, no nothing , ever, ever hurt him ever again.
His soulmate fell heavily, all the wind knocked out of him as he hit the ground with a thump. “I told you it was no good. Do it properly next time, idiot,” the boy sneered. Lan Zhan woke to his own body and found his jaw clenched. Hate, he decided, would not suffice for the Jiang boy. Perhaps next time Uncle went to Yunmeng he would insist on going to Lotus Pier instead of continuing his hunt through the towns. He would find this boy, beat him soundly with proper martial forms, and then make him tell him where he went when he saw his soulmate.
Except it wasn’t. Not quite. Because it was Lan Zhan , who was quietly diligent and brilliant in his work. Who loved his soulmate more than many grown men had ever loved anything in their entire lives. Who would pour his everything into truly and entirely loving someone as much as he could. Lan Zhan would do it, Lan Qiren realised with mounting horror. He would teach himself to fly years before any disciple could possibly be expected to. He would leave during a snowstorm, on a journey with which he knew his much older brother struggled. He would do all that, to try to save a child he had never met but knew was in pain somewhere. And the gods alone knew what would become of a child like that, still so young, on a sword that had no alignment to him, in weather that wasn’t fit for even a grown cultivator to be out in. “We have to widen the search,” Lan Qiren heard himself saying.
The fanfic is really cute and sad at the same time, Lan Zhan is so stubborn he really left his sect to find his soulmate even though he is a child
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