#I wanna do waterfowl dance
merlinsbed · 1 year
holy fucking shit swarm of flies is so broken against malenia and this is AFTER the bloodloss was nerfed and honestly her bleed resistance is low enough that I still see it proc on her more often than I expected with just this incantation
like it can straight up fucking knock her out of waterfowl dance if you time it well enough and she almost never dodges it
literally all I’m doing is using swarm of flies and blade of death with tiche as my summons and I’ve almost beat her several times (phantom spirits is usually what gets me in phase 2 it’s been a while so I’ve forgotten the dodges for it)
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joursdecendre · 3 months
One thing that bothers me about the elden ring dlc is how messmer is the only boss to have dialogue and a personality.
I was expecting words from at least Romina and all the lore about the Rot God that surrounds her but nothing.
I know you're supposed to read the rememberances to learn more about them but like, not even a word? Who are you? What's your drive? Why do you wanna kill me in 69 different ways?
Romina and Scarlet Rot boss is kinda personal to me so here's how I would write it:
Have the Scarlet Rot boss be Millicent.
Since she's optional you would have to finish her quest to access the fight. After she dies her spirit or something somehow ended up in the realm of shadow and she'd be controlled by the God of Rot (the one that's supposed to be a scorpion).
Her fight would be more or less the same as Malenia but easier and with her own style. Since they have no issue with fan service, give us variations of the scarlet aeonia and the waterfowl dance (with the butterflies maybe, they're pretty cool)
In her 2nd phase the Actual outer God of Rot comes out with a brand new rot moveset more akin to Romina's with the scorpion stinger.
Or maybe make Romina an actual character with dialogue and a personality.
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modeus-the-unbound · 6 months
📓for malenia if you have any (other than sword stuff!!) i've been thinking about this and i wanna hear other people's opinionsss !!
I think she would be a genuine enjoyer of Falconry. She learned The Waterfowl Dance in order to help hold back the corruption of her flesh, so I could see her gaining at least a desire to learn more about birds from that. She takes up falconry because she already accepts that she cannot touch most things with her non-prosthetic hand without hurting them. So she dons the falconer glove and enjoys the trills and chirps that her bird makes when her golden hand pets them. It also helps keep any pests out of the Haligtree. While Miquella doesn't mind the occasional creature taking up residence in it, populations do need to be kept in check.
So Malenia will spend at least two mornings a week strolling along the outer wall of the Haligtree with her falcon swooping onto any and all small bird and rodents it can spot.
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bihansthot · 8 months
My little ham is being extremely cuddly tonight and I am very here for it, I was very sad earlier because I can’t remember what Jäger smells like anymore. I find myself smelling Denny often hoping I won’t forget him too. For some reason I’ve been thinking a lot about Jäger’s final moments lately which prompts trying to remember what he smelled like, what he felt like and I just can’t remember, all of those memories are wrapped up and laced with so much sadness and trauma I just can’t separate them. I don’t know what’s bringing these feelings back up lately, maybe because I haven’t been feeling well and have been unhappy because I feel unwell. I need a nice distraction and neither of the guys I’ve been seeing are providing it. Maybe I need a hobby? Writing seems too constricting lately and not fun. I’ve been thinking about crocheting again but a) I have to learn again which no biggie YouTube taught me when my niece was born 15 years ago, it can teach me again, b) I have no clue what to make? I’d make something for Denny but he has so many clothes lol I guess he can always use more? Maybe cute hats like Good Boy Ollie has? Denny deserves all the cute clothes and hats, he’s such a good baby. I don’t deserve him.
In non depressing dog stuff I made some video game resolutions for the year that I’m not sure I’ll accomplish. If you’ve followed me for a very long time you know I also love Soulsborne games, I’ve beaten DS3 and Elden Ring but my resolution is to beat the DLC for DS3, I want to beat Malenia and Placidusax in Elden Ring and finally play Bloodborne. I’ve never played Bloodborne despite absolutely loving it. The problem is I haven’t touched DS3 since I beat it so I can’t remember how to play it and Elden Ring I’m reasonably confident I can beat Placidusax but Malenia woof waterfowl dance am I right? THB I had enough health to tank most of it if I could avoid at least one but it’s her stage two form scarlet rot dive bomb that killed me. Admittedly I’ve only tried Malenia 2 or 3 times, my partner got Let Me Solo Her themselves to beat Malenia for them. I don’t know where to start though, I have to restart them all from the beginning because I’m on PS5 now, I guess I should go in order? So Bloodborne first? I’m so scared though everything is so fast 😭 I’m a big dumb, clunky over level and use the biggest axe in the game type player and I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep up. I don’t know if I can do the DLC I don’t know if I can beat Lady Maria or the Orphan of Kos but I guess I’ll try. Wish me luck y’all, I’m not embarking back into Soulsborne until I 100% Season of the Cryomancer though and of course this will have no bearing on my MK lust/content or anything, I don’t really have Soulsborne husbandos/waifus though I guess there’s boy Anri and Vicar Amelia (yes I’m a monster fucker, deal with it) oh oh and my precious stingray boyfriend Lorian, I don’t write for any of them or self ship with any of them so there will still be lots of dumb egg jokes. Don’t worry I’m in no way taking a break from MK I’m just indulging in another franchise I love deeply too, multitasking. So I guess just a heads up that there may be an influx of rage posts about Soulsborne bosses lol Or me professing my endless love for Greirat and Boc lol Will I ever go back to Baldur’s Gate 3?? Who knows! Probably not tbh I don’t like anyone other than Gribbo and Scratch not to mention I’ve seen my partner put just hours into it. I’ve seen the game and maybe I’m just bad at it but it’s just not fun for me which is why I’m going back to Soulsborne games lol I’ll tag my posts with “Soulsborne” if you don’t wanna see my rambling about the games though but like I said I promise I will still be all MK all the time after all it’s my true love ❤️
This has been a pointless Sol rambles, thanks for reading 🩵
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goji-pilled · 3 months
they shouldve let me reason with bosses and npcs so i can invite them to the wedding smh
like nooo rykard no need to devour me, we'll be family anyways because i'm marrying your sister!! bring your wife and kid along too!
instead of killing radahn we should've tackled him and forced a bunch of the boli that heal scarlet rot into his mouth, like no time for cannibalism and all that! you gotta let the stars take their course again and come to your sisters wedding big guy!!
i didn't wanna fight rennala anyway, she's so nice :( let's just chill and talk about the wedding plans!
morgott! ...yeah idk i got nothing i feel like the guy would rather kill himself than reason with me, and not that he seems particularly fond of ranni or anyone else either.
but mohg! bro! buddy! i'm your honoured guest? you're MY honoured guest! here's your wedding invite!
not you miquella.
millicent! we're friends! please don't die or fight your sisters you're invited to your aunt's wedding...
malenia! no need to fight i just want you to come to your sisters wedding that's it, please don't do the waterfowl dance in my face :(
melina! my number one, my queen hoe, thats my... bridesmaid? groomsmaid? spousemaid??? well she'll be there anyway, so will torrent idc he's part of the family to ME.
maliketh! we can fight to the death later, now it's wedding time so be a good uncle!
marika! radagon! i dont know but your daughter is getting married! get your ass out of that tree girl smh.
messmer is like. in the same boat as morgott. though i guess marika could convince him to come along.
and rellana? yeah she's invited too idc idc.
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akinosenoragami · 1 year
Team W plays elden ring
A Blackstar theater starless fanfiction written by me. Tldr I got inspired by a discord convo between me and my friend.
This was written during W's Diety's game event but I had to put I off because of assignments. Apologies for having to finish this so late.
Taiga invites Team W to play Elden ring. That's it. Enjoy.
"Is the camera on?" Taiga asks as he checks the Webcam, "It's working." Takami replies.
"Good. Hello everyone, welcome back to another episode of gaming with Taiga~. With your host Taiga." 
"What kind of an intro was that?!" Akira questions
"Anyway, today I'm here with my team. Team W~, now please introduce yourselves. "
"Team W's top, Kokuyou." 
"...that's it? Nothing else?"
"Yeah so?" 
" Aw~ C'mon man you're no fun!" 
"Akira you're next."
"Hey y'all what's up! Team W's singer Akira! Nice to meet you pretty ladies on the internet." 
"And that's how you do it Kokuyou." 
"Shut up. Who's next."
" I believe that would be me. Hello everyone my name is Takami and I'm Team W's no.2" 
"HA! Takami did it better." 
"Now now you two don't start a fight here. Sin its your turn now." 
"There is a good level of maturity in your words which attracts a lot. I'm Sin."
"I'm sorry what? Takami translate."
"What Sin is saying is that it's nice to meet you."
"Ok whatever I guess…so anyway today we are going to be playing some Elden ring." 
"Whoo! I don't know how to play this game but let's fucking go!" Akria shouted in excitement. 
"Why did I agree to this…." 
"Kokuyou it's for our team PR, to promote our upcoming show." 
"Oh yeah, Diety's game is gonna be showing soon! And you should all be there!" 
"Alrighty…..should we play the game now?" 
"Yeah. We should."
"OK for the record 3 of us aren't really gamers per say. So we're gonna start off in easy mode just so they could get the gist of it." 
"Is everyone in?" Taiga asks
"Yea I think so." Akira responded 
"Shit. How do you control this? How do you go forward?" Kokuyou said as his character starts spinning all over the place. 
"Ahahahahaha kokuyou you suck at this!" 
"Shut the hell up Akira." 
"In the sense of things, Sin and I have both entered the game."
"Alright, so whose the easiest boss to fight…how about the soldier of Godrick?" 
"Yeah sure, why not?" 
"Aight. Let's go."
They get to the location of the soldier
"Time to take this thing down…what are you guys doing?" Taiga questions
"How do you run straight in this?!" Kokuyou starts spinning. 
Takami starts looking up the players manual, "So is this how you punch?" 
"Take that!" Akira shouts as he's faring quite well.
Meanwhile Sin. Does nothing. 
After 30 minutes or so they finally beat the soldier. 
"H-how the fuck are you guys so bad at this?!"
"This is stupid. If we have time to play this, shouldn't we be rehearsing?" Kokuyou says 
"Bitch! This is free marketing for our show alright." 
"Now now, calm down Taiga." 
"Right…*inhales exhales* say Akira since you're doing quite well, you wanna try beating a harder boss?"
"Yeah, bring it on!"
"Alright…let's see here…who is..How about Malenia, Blade of Miquella?" 
"Sure thing."
Taiga and Akira make their way to the Haligtree while the other 3 take a little break.
When all of a sudden disaster struck.
"Ah shit…my controller's out of battery!" Taiga said as he shakes his controller
"What?! How? I thought you had it charged yesterday?" 
"I did but this one is somewhat faulty."
"Well shit man…what am I supposed to do?"
"I don't know, Solo Her!"
"Aight then, imma solo her! Wait her?!" 
The boss fight begins.  [...Heed my words. I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella. And I have never known defeat. ]
" ZOO WEE MAMA! She's HOT!" Akira just screams. 
"Akria what the fuck-?" Kokuyou said, startled when he turned around. 
"Well I must admit, her character is quite attractive. " Takami said in a calm tone. 
"...." Sin just stays quiet.
[Waterfowl dance occurs]
[Akira Dies]
"Ah…damn it." 
" A loss is a loss, but those who rise above the initial failures are to be crowned the victors." 
"Sin please, that is not helping the fact I lost to a HOT babe." 
"And that's it for today's gaming with Taiga, tune in next time to see us prank the other teams."
"What?! Oh no We ain't doing that!" Kokuyou said as his face looked like he was about to beat up someone.
"Kokuyou...Stay." Takami tried calling him down.
"L-Like, Comment and S-Subscribe if you wanna see me live and don't forget to come to our show…fuck RUN!"
| to be continued >
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cowboytuba · 2 years
I suppose while I'm thinking about it, I wanna talk about my approach to Malenia.
When it comes to the one-on-one, fast paced fights in souls games like your Gaels, your Orphan of Kos', or your Fume Knights, I take a fighting game oriented approach to fighting them or strategizing.
When playing an opponent in a fighting game, I always try to keep a dual focus on my opponent and myself. Pay attention to their tools, their common openings and how they potentially close those openings to punish you overextending. The other thing you need to pay attention to is my own tools; what can I do in x situation, can I safely do y from this range or recover fast enough up close, am I far enough to be safe but still able to capitalize on openings?
To me fighting games are like a puzzle or a game of chess. Every action your opponent takes has an opportunity to counter or defend against it.
Take Waterfowl Dance, the infamous move where Malenia does a three bursts of aoe slashes with the third landing behind you with an end that blows you back a bit with a good chunk of hitstun. Now comes the considerations when I see the start-up.
Opponent: Is she targeting me or my summon? What's her current build ups? Not many factors to consider when your opponent is an ai doing essentially a super move.
Me: Where am I in relation to Malenia, my summon's position? What's my health, fp, stamina? Am I currently doing an action like trying to bleed with mohg's spear? If I am, will I recover fast enough to roll some of the hits?
These all combine after split second analysis to choose an action. If I am being focused, I often choose to use a defensive option which comes with its own choices of dodging or blocking with their own considerations. However, if I am near the end of the first or second use of Mohg's spear ash of war, then I know I could potentially stagger her out of Waterfowl if I trigger bleed and I have a few hits of armor before she staggers me or kills me outright. This is where I have to consider her potential build up which only increases the needed amount each proc. If she's focusing my summon this is a chance to attack with potentially all three hits of the ash of war as she focuses a different target. However, I must be careful with spacing and timing as the aoe could hit me or she could decide I'm the bigger threat midway and swap directions which necessitates immediate defensive action.
To break it down further, I am also thinking of our interactions in terms of being plus or minus. Malenia's hits often come out quickly, much faster than my greatspear, and can often be followed up on with that same speed. There are few instances where she is locked in an animation with no ability to react such as the end of waterfowl which is a brief total opening, her thrust, or her two hit slam attack, with the addition of scarlet aeonia in phase 2 for ranged users with physical builds tanking aoe damage and rot build up. This is to say that my ability to respond to here relies on me recognizing the strength of my tools. My greatspear may be slow but in direct conflict, it deals heavy damage and more importantly, it staggers her allowing me to achieve better spacing or to follow up.
From that point it's a dance of calculations. What can I do, what can she? How long does it take for her to recover? Can I walk behind my summon as a sort of area control tool?
In that perspective, the fight against Malenia was very fulfilling to me. Me running set after set, runback after runback, until I got one over on her. All the while, I was learning and getting her toolset down and recognizing how my own fared against hers. Of course, I could go even more in depth such as phase 2 or the tools which were present that I didn't make use of due to my playstyle, but I feel like I got the crux of my idea through
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hospitalterrorizer · 3 months
sunday - monday
the end of pride month. ..
i did not do anything, i sort of wish i had.
i am also up way too late again. i slept until 5 pm today for no reason??? so idk. screwed up... everything was going okay too it felt like, w. sleep.
anyway, i did draw more for the cover art, and maybe a couple more draw-y bits and then it'll come to collaging some more stuff together.
i also worked on music more.., other songs again. it's really fun, i forgot that, it distracts me though, i need to get to other stuff and writing songs that i want to use for b sides, while good, just probably results in more stuff i end up needing to figure out... but it does make me happy. it's just a mess to keep lists and things, which is how i tend to try to manage that stuff, keeping stuff i want for full things, stuff i wanna stick on b sides to singles, and filenames written in a notebook i have so i can memorize it all better. even just writing helps keep stuff in mind.
oh, here's something i ought to write down, i learned a new word today:
it can be a grammatical error (speech or writing (though inclination tells me that i ought to think more for speech? idk)). it can also be a faux pas, is one way to put it but that's only sort of it i think, it's also, according to webster 'a breach of social etiquette,' another meaning is 'a deviation from the proper/normal/expected order', all of this together colors the word interestingly, where grammatical failures represent a kind of social blight/failing to exist within, not just the normal i suppose but the order/ideal handed to you, to represent that thing as well. a solecism is a kind of floating tumor upon the norm, in language, perhaps then too the grammar of the body? as in, body language, reactions as solecism, that kind of thing. this all helps me, new words are important to cling to, develop relationships with.
it's good to discover a new use for this diary, i should be explicitly doing this every time i see a new word, unless it's a bunch in a day.
listening to majority rule before bed now... i did play more elden rign, but i didn't do a lot today, as i am at the final boss of the dlc without much else to explore, but i do think there is some, i am going around and doing that. it's really sad that it's gonna be over soon. i love wandering around that world they made, the overcast harsh autumn, the green/pretty places uncanny and scary by their proximity to that lovely and gnarled tree. i killed the big sunflower boss, and i really loved its design, and the fight was fun too. having seen the final boss i figure it will probably make me feel a little crazy and irritated but idk, that's kind of the arc you go through with these bosses, where at the end of it, you're like, i kind of love you. which is beautiful to me.
also having seen a lot of the dlc, it's really kind of awful to me how people seem to be responding to it, like totally hating it, or like, saying it's awful because the bosses are 'cheap'. the ways gamers get can be really freaky. it's insane that people feel their egos are wounded because they couldn't kill a boss in a videogame. the worst i ever feel is like, bothered in the moment that it killed me in two hits, which i think is a misstep, it should be a minimum of 3 hits, some bosses need a little less hp, some attacks need to be tuned too i guess, but nothing, so far, feels like malenia waterfowl dance in the base game, at least when i fought her unpatched when the game came out. that was maybe the most bs feeling thing ever, and still i really like her, she's like perfectly designed as a character, it's hard to be frustrated for long with a game that has such perfect art + design. another criticism i have... they didn't put something that looks like this in the game:
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i need it ! i need something leather in the game!! why didn't you put anything like this in the game... more tight fitting light armor plzzz!!.
anyway, as is evident, my complaints are rather thin, nothing is outright even approaching bad and all that needs to change are like, idk, maybe some deeper things related to numbers that it seems like they're getting to with this little patch they put out.
anyway.. idk what else to say about today... today a beetle got in and crawled on me? that was funny.
oh i also downloaded a bunch of free plugins of this person's site:
they're awesome, the person, and the plugins, very strange little things that feel useful already, i got one cuz it looks good for bass synths and then some noisy/freaky stuff. excited for all that.
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sundove88 · 3 years
BWW OCs Semi Corrupted Forms Part 11: Clarissa Swan
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*After a long day of practice, the Timeville Ballet Troupe has decided to head home for the night, and as the troupe leaves the theater to go home, one heads towards the coffee shop: Clarissa Swan, the prima ballerina, who is looking forward to receiving a well earned mocha*
Clarissa: Man, practice went well today. Can’t wait to dance in The Nutcracker in two months! You excited, Cygnus? *Princess Cygfried is waddling behind, catching up with her master*
Princess Cygfried: Oh yes, Dancer Sister! The Nutcracker is such a holiday classic. Especially during Christmas time. What’s it about? *Flaps her way over to Clarissa*
Clarissa: Well, it’s about a young girl named Clara who discovers the magic of Christmas through a very special wooden doll named a Nutcracker. *Shows a poster to Cygfried* See?
Princess Cygfried: Oh my gosh Dancer Sis, that looks super festive or something like that! Oh! There’s the coffee shop. *Points to the coffee shop in front of them, and the two ladies head in*
Barista: Ah, Clarissa Swan! How’s Timeville’s Prima Ballerina doing at this time? *Is making a delicious coffee*
Clarissa: I’m doing just fine. I’ll take a mocha latte with cinnamon sugar. And one sugar cookie with frosting. *Gives the barista her money*
Barista: Will do! *Rushes and gets the mocha latte and the cookie* Here ya go, Miss! Have fun tonight! *Hands over the treats*
Clarissa: Thank you very much! *Heads outside, but little does the prima ballerina know, she is about to go through some feathered changes…* Ahh. Nothing like a good cup of mocha to end the evening on-HONK! D-Did I just say that?! I never sound like a goose!
Princess Cygfried: Dancer Sis, I have something crazy to tell you: You are going through your Semi Corruption Transformation! *Notices Clarissa growing white swan feathers on her body*
Clarissa: I-Is it like Odette’s transformation from human to swan? *Feels all her feathers come in, whilst her eyes change from chestnut brown to an obnoxiously bright blue*
Princess Cygfried: Well, it begins on the nights of Scorpio, which run from late October to the middle of November. *Clarissa gains a hat, which looks somewhat like Cygfried’s, and it has a tiara on the rim*
Clarissa: My feet! Are they really a pale blue?! *Looks at her feet, which look like those of a waterfowl, only thing is that they’re ice blue* Oh my, you’re right!
*Clarissa then notices that her dress now looks something like that of Marionette Madame, but with all the hues of purple, pink, blue, and some dark shades of teal thrown in. Finally, as her arms become her “wings”, she lets out a honk that sounds like a Trumpeter swan*
Princess Cygfried: Congrats, Dancer Sis! Your Semi Corruption is 100 percent complete! *Applauds with wings*
Clarissa: I-I can’t believe it- I look almost identical to you! *Stares at herself in the waters of Lake Zircon*
Princess Cygfried: That’s the whole point of this transformation! Also- a huge benefit is that even though you transform halfway into me, our minds don’t even fuse! And don’t forget- you change back when the sun rises, not the other way around like in Swan Lake.
Clarissa: Thank goodness for that. *Flies up into the air* So, wanna go for a flight around the city? We’ll get back to my house before the Dawn breaks.
Princess Cygfried: Oh heck yes! I never shy away from new experiences. *Flies next to Clarissa, and the two swan girls soar into the night sky*
*End Scene*
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some genius pt Musings i’ve been having this time around
1) the question of “is mytho’s hair white just from unknown decades of Time Passage within the paused story, like, his hair pigmentation Aged but nothing else lol” or “That, but his hair is white from the stress” (it’s that one lol. plus fr why would only his hair change due to Time) but i wanna introduce a Third Element: i think we can suppose in-the-story tutu’s appearance / disappearance happens just before or v shortly before the interrupted non-ending of prinz und rabe, and it sure seems like some or all or some Version of tutu’s Essence & part of the prince’s heart are like, truly Merged, and what if it’s that the prince got white hair from That b/c it was more swan-esque. a la the white feathery part of ahiru-tutu’s (& that one design of seemingly-prinz-und-rabe tutu)’s hair
2) again w/the matter of how at least part of Original Tutu seems to exist on in the prince’s physical heart: there’s the brief mention that fakir and mytho dance b/c Mytho Likes To Dance, which like, would be one of those Traits that transcends his emotions, like how he protects everything (so does tutu? emotionally? while the prince protects everyone physically (against a Metaphor for Despair so is that not also, in a way, emotionally too) like thank you power couple) but there’s also the brief mention that tutu is a Spirit Of Dance maybe so it’s like, again, did tutu becoming part of mytho pass something along in that way which imbues him with that proclivity to dance (although you’ve also got neko-sensei saying his dancing was not that Emotional earlier, which makes sense, but also seems like tutu protecting Feelings happens via dance. by “seems” i mean “this is a key aspect of literally every part of this series” s/o to me) or on another note: maybe drosselmeyer just wrote prinz und rabe For Adaptation lmfao. he was like “fuck yes they’re gonna make this into a ballet.” what with this series’ implication that like....the nutcracker is one of his stories where he just so happens to have a full self-insert who textually uses that power to make stories become reality. and that sure is a ballet. and from looking it up just now i’m learning that it was Based on a preexisting story, and, reading the wikipedia summary, i’m also remembering i’ve read an adapted-into-another-book version of this story, and it sure has another layer of “story interwoven with / becoming Reality” to it. anyways my point is i suppose, Watsonianly Speaking, prinz und rabe involving Ballet could’ve been Written Into It throughout all the characters, or maybe it’s just tutu who dances, which then becomes part of mytho’s character when her sacrifice like, bonds (part of? all? whomst can say) her to his heart. bless. doylean reason is this is a series about ballet and stuff
3) Another Briefly Mentioned thing when mytho talks about how he apparently could just naturally draw birds to him. and ahiru having that happen in the first episode/s is like, could be b/c she’s a bird or could be because she has part of the prince’s heart, as is emphasized like, immediately during the Bird Visit in ep 1. so i just had the thought like, a duck who cares about mytho gets to become tutu, but what if it was any other bird, surely it Could be. that fledgling canary he’s saving in episode 1 gets to become tutu mid-fall
4) i had some other Thought and i’ve forgotten it. well in the meantime thinking about how everyone dunks on Prinz Und Rabe Textual Lohengrin as the useless loser failure knight lmaooo but then like, that was just re: the One mentioned fatal raven encounter & also specifically about that lohengrin can’t protect the prince with his sword. but like, sure Behearted Mytho can probably exercise a little more discretion in risking his life to save whatever needs protecting, vs unsupervised heartless mytho diving out of windows, but can we really suppose he was That much more careful about staying safe vs impulsively throwing himself into a situation to save something at all costs. how much work did lohengrin do simply making sure the prince didn’t die in that sort of way. thank you lohengrin
5) oh right. i was thinking about Magic i think. s/o to the person who had the idea that when tutu sacrificed herself and turned into Light she might’ve merged with Good Magic in the story’s world, which the prince also had access to, and that’s how she kind of literally becomes part of him / they share powers / they share their Swan / Dance visual themes & stuff. & i was sure at one point wondering about the Forbidden But Granted Only To The Prince (own...?)-heart-shattering ability, like, maybe at some point an implicitly more specific verb was used like “taught,” or did the prince simply just Have the power by virtue of being the prince, or did it like, come from tutu who has the tie to the prince & Loved him & has those abilities to protect people’s Feelings, although maybe that’s just like, a choice and not inherently part of the magic lol. and then the Real World Magic we see is just like, inherited. but wait then there’s that bridge & ghosts & stuff, although there’s Stories about those too apparently. nvm this one’s really vague i’m just wondering if the Prince alone has that heartshattering Magic Technique through tutu or what. could be anything
6) but no really i think i had some other Thought, i’m sure it was great & ig i’ll reblog if it reoccurs to me, but i got distracted down another mental track so, you know, rip. in the meantime just thinking like, i have no imagination but was trying to muse on some sort of big Attack power the prince could have, b/c the classic thing to happen in the story (whether mentioned in its text or not) is for mytho to go ham with some such Power Surge [Magic Thing] to drive the raven away after lohengrin gets Got. even after he gets his full prince Abilities back he mostly only seems to Attack with his sword. damn wait a second and when he just like crashes Into the raven the big Swan Made Of Light appears first like hang on like is that Him? was it part of his Transport, can he like, Also turn into a swan of light or is it just how he Appears, was it tutu’s Hope Manifestation again since he’s being That to rue in that moment, oh my god. a lot to consider. anyways, but then the thing is, some sort of like Energy Blast move would go outside the realm of [fighting with the sword alone] and the prince’s Magic mostly seeming to be like, a mobility Boost, and how everything abt the prince is centered around Defense and Protection rather than going on the offensive. but then, who’s to say the Heart Shattering technique couldn’t be used as an Attack but was used by the prince only as a self-sacrificial protective thing, and who’s to say the prince Doesn’t have other powerful Attacks to draw from but refrains from using them if there’s others around to be hurt or whatever. i’m just trying to think of how the prince could just really go tf off and Immediately get the raven to fuck off after lohengrin is ko’d because that’s appropriately Tragically Dramatic & Emotion-Fueled Magic, not to mention the best case scenario vs still having to continue like 23 hours of battle when your boyfriend Just died. i mean like boom Light Blasts type situation i guess. or maybe he could just land a really good sword hit like Right Away. thinking about it. anyways
7) oh wait shit lmfao idk if this was The other thought but it was Another thought. that everyone in The Story (Within Reality) is like, locked in The Town (although they can leave if they’re not a Character / if they entered from outside? presumably) but in episode one this all kicks off b/c mytho was at The Lake which is Outside the town, right? i’m pretty sure. which like, is that something he Can and has been able to Do.....is this a. a liminal space. or did/does drosselmeyer like drop him over there sometimes For Some Reason, like having “stages” available around here, a la the s1 finale.....like, didn’t seem like he Knew if he put mytho in front of waterfowl that one would become devoted to restoring mytho’s heart. probably Does Not Matter, Actually, but it sure happened and much to Think about there. shoutout to mytho dancing en pointe whenever it’s magical and he can do so, e.g. when dancing naked on the surface of a liminal lake, or midair with tutu. iconic
8) the point is i’m sure just Thinking About Him (mytho)
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catradoramma · 6 years
Third time's the charm, right? Fristly, I love your writing. I've read all six of your works on AO3 and absolutely loved them. Your characterization is so on point! Your writing is honestly a blessing. That being said I have a prompt for you, but only if you are still taking prompts. So Catra and Sea Hawk. I would like to request a fic where the two of them blow something up together, and get scolded by either Adora and Mermista
Okay, not gonna lie, I had a lot of fun with this one, didn’t take it too seriously and it probably shows. I’m sorry this is what happened with your prompt, but I really hope you think it’s at least fun. 
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Catra sighed as she leaned against the wall. She really hated these stupid galas the princesses put on every once in a while to garner support fo the Alliance. They were fun for a while, sure, when Catra had all of Adora’s attention, and the food was still fresh. But now was the part of the evening where Adora had to be responsible and shmooze up to all the other people attending and the kitchen had closed, leaving the finger foods left out cold and a little more than dry. 
So while poor Adora had to pin a smile to her face and waltz around the room like a proper princess to inspire everyone into joining the dumb Alliance, Catra was either left to join Adora (a bad idea considering Catra was much worse at handling small talk and bullshit; two things princesses loved), or to find something else to do. 
Catra always found something else to do. 
Usually she would munch on some food, but the food was kind of stale now and Catra was feeling full anyway. She could antagonize Glimmer for a bit, but Catra just had that heart-to-heart with her last week, and antagonizing her felt a little mean now. 
Ugh, living with princesses was making Catra soft.
Catra sipped on her cherry wine and tried not to groan aloud. It’s just that, Adora was taking so long. Usually by now, Adora would be back. She’d send Catra an exhausted look, Catra would pretend to fall asleep standing up, Adora would laugh, and then they would go dance together—an activity Catra actually loved to do with Adora. 
Except, tonight it seemed like everyone and their dog wanted to talk to Adora, leaving Catra alone and bored with nothing better to do than sip on cherry wine and wait for her lovely girlfriend to come back. 
Which is why it was almost a relief when that dumb pirate guy approached her. 
“Why hello there,” he said as he dipped into a low bow. He popped back up and stroked his moustache in a gesture that felt far too practiced to be natural. “Have you seen Mermista around by any chance?”
“No, sorry, Ocean-Owl—”
“Whatever, haven’t seen her,” Catra sipped on her cherry wine and crossed her legs at the ankles. 
Waterfowl dropped himself against the wall next to Catra and heaved a large sigh. “Where is she? I’m so bored,” he groused, and wow, that was the first relatable thing anyone had said all night.
“Tell me about it,” Catra mumbled as she rolled her eyes. 
“Why, you’re Cat-Girl Adora’s girlfriend, aren’t you?” Puddle-Parrot asked as he grabbed a drink off of the tray of a passing waiter. 
“Yup,” Catra glanced over to him before going back to her drink.
“Ah, I remember when I first met her,” he began, and Catra barely contained her eyeroll. “I let her win an arm wrestling match in exchange for captioning a boat for her.”
“Let her win?” Catra scoffed, “As if. Adora’s got more arm strength than a tank. You’re lucky you still have an arm at all.”
“The match was very close, I’ll have you know,” Salty-Sparrow defended, waving his drink around as he did.
“Right,” Catra deadpanned, unfazed.
“We sailed to my love Mermista’s castle where She-Ra, despite battling a great foe, managed to fix the gate!” Briny-Blue-Bird recounted. “Of course, it was my ship blowing up that eventually saved the day in the end.”
Catra rolled her eyes, “I was there, dumbass.”
“Ah, lucky you, getting to see my heroics up close,” Aqua-Fowl smirked as he turned to face Catra fully. 
Catra rolled her eyes and downed her drink, “Whatever, you like blowing stuff up, don’t you?”
“Like it?” Agua-Albatross scoffed, “I love blowing stuff up.”
A smirk grew on Catra’s face, “Awesome, you wanna ditch this lame party and go blow something up?”
Sea-Saddleback’s eyes glimmered with excitement. “Yes!” He exclaimed. 
— . —
“Okay, so I know Bow’s been working on some new exploding arrows so all we have to do if find some, shoot them and then watch the show,” Adora explained as she lead Briny-Barn-Owl into the training arena where the fireworks for later in the evening were piled up in a large mound. 
“When you said we’d be blowing something up, this is not what I had in mind,” Lake-Loon said. 
“Are you complaining? Because if you are, you can go back inside,” Catra hissed back at him.
“No, no,” Pond-Parakeet shook his head, “This is better I think. Less property damage.”
“Yeah, I don’t think either of our girlfriends would like it very much if we burned down the castle at Bright Moon,” Catra snarked. “You know, the centre of the rebellion.”
Seabird held up his hands in surrender and followed Catra silently. 
“Okay, stay here. I’m going to go get the arrow,” Catra whispered. Sea-Saddleback saluted Catra and ducked behind a section of fence.
Catra rolled her eyes and snuck off in the direction of Bow’s workroom. Once there, she tested the knob only to find it surprisingly unlocked. Catra slowly pushed the door open and slipped in as quietly as possible. She made her way towards the desk, her eyes searching for the exploding arrows she knew she saw him working on not long ago. 
There, on his desk was one completed exploding arrow. 
Catra snatched it up before darting back outside to meet back up with Seagull. 
“Got the arrow,” Catra whispered. 
“That was fast,” Ocean-Heron said. 
“It was just lying on his workstation. I’d have to be an actual moron to mess that one up.”
“Adventure!” Tide-Toucan whisper-yelled as they made their way into the middle of the field where all of the fireworks were piled up. 
Catra elbowed him to shut up, “Do you have a lighter.”
“Matches should do,” Water-Pigeon wiggled a matchbook in front of Catra. Catra pointed the arrow toward River-Robin as he lit a match and held it to the fuse on the arrow. 
“Here goes nothing,” Catra grinned as the fuse caught fire. Catra didn’t have a bow, or bow skills, so she just threw the arrow like a javelin into the pile of fireworks in the field and ran, Deep-Blue-Jay following after her.
“Adventure!” Eau-Emu called as the first firework zipped into the air and exploded. 
Catra laughed, turning her head to watch as firework after firework popped off into the air, too close to really be considered a show. 
Frankly, it was awesome. 
And totally worth the verbal beatdown she and Seahawk got for it later. 
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zombizombi · 7 years
i think it’s fly when you stop by for the summer
The mountains were beautiful. Jeff loved going home in the summer -- Christopher and Bethany always visited with the kids for at least a month, and even though he’d gone back to Vegas early with them last year, Jeff had a feeling that staying out in the mountains and visiting Calgary would be good for him. Hell, any escape to a different place would be good for him. And, after a rough playoff season that ended with their elimination in the second series, it seemed like Kent could use a break. New York and his mother’s new family never sounded very relaxing, and Jeff remembered how lonely Kent had seemed last summer.
He would love it in Alberta. The mountains were like medicine. Jeff knew his parents wouldn’t mind his bringing someone home to visit, and Chris and Bethany would be thrilled to have extra hands with the kids. Kent would likely get stuck in Jeff’s room with him, but that was fine. They roomed together all the time on roadies, so it wouldn’t matter.
“Come to the mountains with us,” Jeff said. They were eating dinner before heading out to the NHL awards.
Kent looked up from his stir fry. “What?”
“This summer,” said Jeff. “Come visit. You’ll like it, I promise.” He took a large bite of his own food. “Chris and Bethany’ll bring the kids and my parents won’t mind, it’ll be great. You’ll love Calgary. I’ll take you to the Stampede. It’ll be fun.”
It took a bit more convincing than that, but eventually Kent agreed to come to Canada after seeing his mom in New York. His mother was pregnant with a new baby, anyway, and he didn’t want to be underfoot. Things sounded strained, in Jeff’s opinion, but he knew it wasn’t really his business.
His business mostly involved making Kent smile.
Jeff resolved to take Kent hiking and out to the rodeo and the dinosaur museum, the kind of fun, innocent things a guy ought to be doing during a summer off. They worked it out so that Kent would visit his mother in New York before coming to Calgary at the beginning of July, where he’d stay for a month and a half. When Jeff asked his parents if they minded, their response was enthusiastic. Apparently, Christopher had mentioned Kent to them, too.
He picked Kent up at the airport by himself, ignoring the curious stares of people who recognized him. Kent waved as soon as he saw him, a smile breaking across his face.
“Hey, man,” Jeff said. Kent’s flight had come in early. “Hungry?”
“Starving.” They headed for the car.
“How d’you feel about pancakes?” Jeff asked, putting on his seatbelt. “Because we’re about to eat so many fuckin’ pancakes.”
“It’s a sin to turn down breakfast food,” Kent said. He glanced at the radio. “What is this?”
“Nope,” said Jeff, “shut it. My car, my music.” He paused. “You know it’s Rush.”
Kent groaned.
After he’d fed Kent and shown him some of the city, Jeff took them home to drop off his stuff. As he’d suspected, his parents expected Kent to stay in Jeff’s room -- Christopher and Bethany and the kids all stayed with them when they visited in the summer, which meant that their guest rooms were full. Jeff took Kent down the hallway to his room, apologizing.
“It’s fine,” Kent said. “Seriously. I don’t care.” He dropped his bag on the floor.
“I can get an air mattress or something,” Jeff said. They’d slept in the same bed often enough that he hadn’t thought about it until he saw Kent’s measuring glance at the single queen sized bed in the room.
“Why,” Kent asked, “you worried I’ll cuddle you?”
Jeff laughed. Worried? Not at all. “You should be so lucky,” he said.
“Your cohort of women would kill me,” said Kent.
“Whatever,” said Jeff. He didn’t have a cohort of women. And if he had, he wouldn’t care about them, anyway.
When they went back downstairs, Jeff’s mother met them in the kitchen. “You boys going to the opening ceremony?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Jeff said. “Where’s Chris?”
“Julianna’s sick,” she said. “I don’t think they’ll go with you tonight. But you go and have fun --” she smiled at Kent, who smiled back. “Both of you.”
“Thank you for having me, ma’am,” he said.
Jeff leaned over, kissing his mother on the cheek. “We’ll be back later.”
“Your mom is so nice,” Kent said, as they walked out to get back in Jeff’s car.
“Yeah, she’s cool,” Jeff said. He turned the key in the ignition.
“Where are we going?”
“We’ll get there in time for the dancing exhibition,” Jeff said. “My cousin’s dancing this year, so we gotta go. And then there’s a tipi raising contest, so I thought we’d go to that.” He glanced at Kent. “I’m assuming you don’t wanna stay out drinking all night, so… I thought we’d do other stuff.”
He felt warm seeing the small smile on Kent’s face.
It was crazy at the Stampede. They were there pretty early, but it was still full of people. Kent and Jeff blended right into the crowd, right up until the moment they walked into the Indian Village and Jeff caught sight of his cousin.
“Hey! Jonas!”
Jeff found himself quickly saying hi to a bunch of people he knew, being invited to come drum with old friends, and just generally losing sight of Kent pretty quickly. It was easy to do.
They spent most of their first night out in the Indian Village, looking at the tipis and wandering around. Jeff tried to encourage Kent to ask questions if he had any, and he had fun introducing him to various people he knew. By the time they went back to Jeff’s parents house, Kent was yawning -- he’d gotten up early for that flight.
Jeff knew Kent was tired when he didn’t dream.
The next day, Jeff figured that taking Kent to see as much cowboy bullshit as possible would be the most fun and typical way to pass time. There were only about a million things to do, so they started with agriculture and went from there. For some reason, Kent seemed to really like listening to people talk about what they did, and he definitely liked petting animals. His eyes went all soft as he stroked a horse’s nose, and Jeff smiled.
Asking him to come was a great idea. He’d have to remember to take Kent to the dog bowl.
After walking through vendor halls and looking at things for sale, Jeff was too hungry to do anything other than eat. They strolled around the midway, finding plenty of things to eat -- and drink. Kent surprised Jeff by actually drinking with him, and when they sat down to watch chuckwagon racing, he sat closer than usual. Jeff expected a fun, boisterous time, but he hadn’t counted on Kent being so upset by a wreck. They left after Kent’s third question in regards to whether or not the horses would be okay.
Maybe Jeff needed to alternate Stampede with something gentler.
He knew just the thing. A day trip to Banff would be beautiful. They could get up early to get in the car and make the drive over to the Banff from Calgary -- it took about an hour and a half, but the country was pretty and Jeff wouldn’t mind driving.
“Hey,” he said, as they walked up to the house that night, “you wanna skip Stampede tomorrow and go hiking? Stoney-Nakoda day isn’t until Tuesday, so it’s no big deal.”
Kent’s surprised expression brought a chill of regret to Jeff’s stomach. Of course he’d want to go hiking, away from all the people. “Yeah,” he said, as if he couldn’t believe Jeff was asking him to go somewhere quiet. “That’d be awesome.”
“Cool,” said Jeff. And then, “you know we’re not just gonna always party here, right? The Stampede’s just a big thing.”
“It’s fine,” Kent said.
His nightmare woke Jeff up halfway through the night.
In the morning, they woke up spooning and neither of them said anything. It was one bed, things happened. Right? Jeff went downstairs to make coffee before Kent had a chance to mention it.
It was an easy drive out to Banff, one Jeff had made what felt like hundreds of times. The sky was clear and they had strong coffee in hand, and Kent stared out the window, taking in the scenery.
“Pretty, huh?” Jeff said.
“It’s really beautiful here,” said Kent.
Jeff drove them to Waterfowl Lake’s campgrounds, parking the car in the cul-de-sac for Chephren Lake hiking and putting up a sunshade in the windshield. He figured they’d do Chephren first, and then if Kent wanted something more challenging, they could do Cirque Lake.
Jeff preferred Cirque Lake, but it was nice to pick something easy to start with.
It was beautiful no matter where they looked. The hike started with crossing foot bridges over the turquoise water of the Mistaya River. Kent stopped to stare at it for a little while, enchanted with the water.
“We haven’t even gone anywhere yet,” Jeff said. He laughed and tugged on Kent’s arm. “C’mon.”
Chephren Lake was a popular trail, not difficult at all. It was heavily travelled and relatively flat, but it lead them through the lush, aromatic forest. It was the smell of summer, comforting and serene.
They crossed log bridges over little streams and muddy patches, continuing through the forest until they reached the shoreline of Chephren Lake. It was even more blue than the Mistaya River, and the view was stunning. Rugged mountains surrounded the exquisite water, and it was a view that never ceased to make something in Jeff’s heart feel clean.
“Here we are,” Jeff said. A slight breeze stirred his hair. It had been a bit of a steeper climb to get all the way up, and it was hot out. He motioned with an arm. “Chephren Lake. And that --” he pointed. “That’s Mount Chephren.”
It was worth it for the look on Kent’s face. “Oh,” he breathed, eyes wide as he took in the sight of the mountains kissing the sky.
Jeff smiled. “Yeah,” he said, fighting the urge to grab Kent’s hand. “It’s perfect.”
He wasn’t looking at the mountains.
( missed the rest? find it on AO3! )
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goji-pilled · 5 months
is The Guy* there? If so, you can go to him for help.
*(Let Me Solo Her, the player famous for wearing only a pot on his head and soloing Malenia for others)
nope, i cant do multiplayer stuff because it requires a subscription (greedy fucking pigs at sony) so all i have is my mimic lmfao me and myself vs the world
but even if i could i wouldnt want to rely on someone to do it for me (its fine if others do) but i personally wanna do this alone (or fail alone too lol) i just need to figure out what to do about the waterfowl dance
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