#I wanna see that big Saiyan with the mane
nimedhel09 · 3 years
SDBH commentary - episode 31 (SPOILERS AHEAD)
And we're back baby!
Well, not really, I'm still sick, still out of it, but I'm kind of alive, so let's go for a SDBH episode.
As always, it'll be more ranting about stuff and random commentary than anything else.
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- I think Fuu's new design is growing on me, lol
- I LOVE SS4 Vegito. I love SS4 period.
- Bluper Saiyan is overrated and needs to die. SS4 SUPREMACY!
- And we're moving!
- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! He's comiiiiing! My evil legendary saiyan husbandooooo!
- Ok, but WTH is this animation? I hate it. Also Broly's face is weird. It's not its beautiful self. It looks all round and weird and stuff. Even his body is kind of weird? Like there's something off with they way they drew his muscle?
- OMG! SS4 Broly. I LIVE and I LOVE. (I'm a Broly fangirl, can't you tell?)
- Waiting for him to destroy the heck out of the protagonists and basically everyone present in this weird place. Though I'd be happy to see some BLOOD, thank you.
- I hate this fight.
- Fuu being ignored and going back to his nefarious plans.
- What is happening?
- Ah we see a bit of the baddies: Turles and scientist-guy (I can't be bothered to recall his name) and oh? Poor Cumber being imprisoned in that thing and looking at... Hearts?
- Hearts who, btw, got a glow-up, design-wise. He looks prettier this way, LOL.
Aaaaaand that's the episode?
Like, we barely go a fight. I didn't enjoy Broly destroying the heroes or anything, I'm still confused of what Demigra is doing here (ISN'T HE SUPPOSED TO BE A BADDIE????? SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME), as is nearly always the case in Super and Super-adjacent media (outside of the ToP ark and the DBS Broly film), the fights and most of the animation and just the way the characters are drawn are poopy, power scaling is a MESS, and the plot? How to say this? It's also a big old mess and I don't know why I keep on inflicting this to myself (I know why: SS4, the xeno crew and seeing old baddies make their comebacks, plus Cumber... yes, I'm not even sorry to say that I have a thing for big saiyans - be they evil or not, looking at you DBS Broly - , ok?).
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elisajdb · 3 years
GoChi Week 2021: A Fulfilled Life: Part Three
GoChi Week 2021
A Fulfilled Life
Day Three Prompt: ChiChi and SSJ4 @gochi-week
“Are you sure you and Dad don’t want to see the fireworks show in Satan City?” Gohan asked. “It’s going to be a lot of fun.”
ChiChi scrubbed her brush over the grill gates in heavy strokes. She smiled at Goten carrying Pan on his shoulders as he followed Mr. Satan and Majin Boo in the airship. She checked on Goku laying in the hammock as he recovered from his food coma. The family had a big barbecue to celebrate the spring holiday. Goku and Gohan hunted meat of wild boar, bear and dinosaur. Goten skinned and cleaned the animals. Videl and ChiChi seasoned and cooked them with the traditional burgers and hot dogs on several grills. Since Mr. Satan bought the extra grills, he felt his contributions were done and relaxed drinking beer and serving Majin Boo and playing with Pan.
After the barbecue, plans were for everyone to go to Satan City to see the fireworks show but seeing how comfortable Goku was on the hammock, ChiChi knew Goku had no plans to leave and thought it will be best she and Goku spend the evening at home. She wasn’t too keen on going to Satan City anyway. Satan City was a ninety-minute commute and after hours of grilling and now cleaning, all ChiChi wanted to do is nap on the hammock with Goku after everything’s done.
“No. You and everyone go have fun. Your Dad and I can catch the show on TV.”
Gohan frowned at his Dad puzzled at his sudden need to take a nap after the barbecue. It put a wrench in the family plans. If Dad took a nap, Gohan knew Mom wouldn’t want to disturb him which meant they weren’t coming to the fireworks show. Gohan initially thought his Dad was pretending to sleep to get out of the cleanup but his Ki was so low Gohan knew he had to be sleeping. “Well, Videl’s Dad will probably invite us to stay at his home after the fireworks so we won’t be home until tomorrow.”
ChiChi dipped the grill brush in a bucket of hot and soapy water before scrubbing the grill grate again. “Okay. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
When Goku opened his eyes, he saw ChiChi placing the plastic covers over the grills. He stretched out to feel Gohan’s Ki. He felt Gohan with Videl, Pan, Goten, Mr. Satan and Majin Boo. All four hundred miles away. He and ChiChi were alone which meant he can finally tell her about his latest transformation: Super Saiyan Four.
Goku wrestled when he will show ChiChi. She hated his form as a Super Saiyan Three. The missing eyebrows disturbed her. Goku didn’t have high expectations of ChiChi liking this form. Super Saiyan Four really made it known he’s an alien and he worried the animal nature in him will frighten her. Goku also knew he was on borrowed time. One thing ChiChi hated is everyone knowing everything about her family except her. It’s happened far too many times and everyone, including Pan, knew he could transform into a Super Saiyan Four.
The barbecue came at the perfect time. Goku knew he only had to go to sleep and ChiChi will decline them both going to the fireworks show. Alone, he can tell her.
“Goku, are you still sleeping?”
Goku turned his head to see ChiChi approaching him. He stretched his arms over his head and feigned a yawn. “Just woke up. Where is everyone?”
The hammock dipped slightly as ChiChi climbed in. “Probably landing in Satan City now.” She snuggled against her husband and laid her head against his shoulder. Her hand slipped in his karategi shirt to caress his chest. “Very rare we are alone these days.”
As ChiChi’s nails grazed his chest in seductive strokes, Goku had an idea what mood ChiChi is in. He wanted it, too, but he had to tell her about Super Saiyan Four. “Yup. Feels good.”
ChiChi’s hand dipped down his shirt to stroke the muscles on his stomach. Oh, yeah, she was in the mood and at the worst time. “With everyone gone, our options tonight are really limited.”
“Limited?” He jumped feeling ChiChi’s teeth nibble his ear. Oh, boy. She really was in the mood.
“There are three things we can do. One,” ChiChi tugged his lower lobe. “We can stay here, watch the sunset and watch the stars twinkle in the skies as we fall asleep under them.”
That was a nice idea. “It’ll remind us of the camping we did. What else?”
“Two.” Her tongue licked the shell of his ear. “We can go inside and watch the fireworks on TV.”
Goku’s eyes rolled back. ChiChi and her tongue could bring him to his knees. If he gave in to the rising need of his body and have sex with ChiChi, he won’t tell her about Super Saiyan Four. “What’s the third?”
ChiChi left a tender trail of kisses from his ear and down his face. “We could go inside……” Her hand dipped past his stomach to under his pants. “Take off our clothes……” Her fingers glided over soft curls as it kept moving south.
“Yeah…..” Goku exhaled. He resigned himself to making love to ChiChi tonight and telling her about Super Saiyan Four another time. “Nngh,” he groaned as ChiChi’s fingers wrapped around his member in soft strokes. “What else?”
ChiChi’s warm breath fanned his skin. “Or…. you could….” She gripped him tightly. “Tell me the real reason you pretended to go into a food coma and get out of seeing the fireworks tonight!”
ChiChi no longer looked like the seductress that always made him lower his guard. She looked like an angry woman holding him in a very vulnerable position who can bring him real pain! ChiChi’s gripped tightened. Oh, boy. He needed to be very careful with what he says next.
“You knew?”
“Goku, you didn’t eat enough to put yourself in a food coma. I know how much you can take.” ChiChi squeezed him tighter, causing Goku to wince. “So, what’s going on?”
ChiChi was the one he always let his guard down with and she often used that to her advantage. In the past it benefited Goku but now Goku realized it could be very bad for him. “I did wanna tell you. I was waitin’ on the right time.”
ChiChi squeezed again. Goku howled. “Tell me what?”
Her voice was tight and on edge of snapping. If he said the wrong thing, he will pay for it. “I have another transformation.”
“Another one?” ChiChi eyes rolled, exasperated. “What does this make? Four? Five? I’m losing count. Never mind,” she released Goku. “Let’s see it. What do I need to prepare myself for? A spike updo? A long spiky mane? You’re going bald? How far do I need to stand back?”
ChiChi took the news of another transformation better than he expected. It gave him hope she wouldn’t be repulsed by Super Saiyan Four. Goku carefully got out of the hammock. The last time he got out with ChiChi in it with him, ChiChi was flipped out of the hammock and face planted on the grass. “No. You can sit here. I’ll transform in the sky so there’s no damage to our home.”
ChiChi’s eyes went up as Goku flew into the sky. Almost immediately, ChiChi felt the usual side effects of Goku transforming. Goku was far enough that when the ground shook, it was a tiny tremor and not enough to topple the grills or picnic table. She could hear Goku’s battle cry and see gold light covering him. It was near blinding that she had to turn away until the transformation was over. When the tremors stopped, ChiChi looked up again. Goku began his descent and ChiChi’s mouth dropped. Slowly, she rose to her feet and walked to him as he touched the ground. ChiChi expected Goku with gold hair in a spiky updo or something in a long mane. She even thought he will be bald this time but not this.
Goku’s hair was black but longer and wilder like a lion’s mane. His pupils were yellow with a deep red color surrounding his eyes like eyeshadow. In his previous transformations, Goku’s clothes never changed. It did this time. His shirt was gone and his arms and his chest except his pecs were covered in a red covering that looked like fur. His pants were goldish and not the dark green he wore at the picnic. ChiChi leaned to the side when she saw something wiggling behind him. He had a tail, too?!
“Oh…. my…..” ChiChi breathed.  
Goku didn’t know if that was a good ‘oh my’ or a bad ‘oh my.’ “Well…. what do you think?”
ChiChi snapped her gaze from his tail to his face. That voice. That deep, seductive bedroom voice. “Your voice…..” Goku didn’t sound like that unless they were in the bedroom when his body was over hers as he slid in and out of her and her hands were clutching his body while she screamed under him.
“What’s wrong with my voice?” He smirked as his tail wrapped around ChiChi’s waist and pulled her against him. He smelled the fresh scent coming from between her legs. ChiChi might be trying to hide it but he knew how she felt about this transformation. “I thought you liked it.”
“Nothing’s wrong. Ooo,” she exhaled as his tail moved to her right thigh and up her dress. She caught his naughty smirk. Oh, he was confident now and inducing some payback for earlier. “You’re very bold.”
“It’s the transformation.” He pulled the zipper down from the back of her dress. “It makes me more aggressive and in tuned with my needs.”
“I…..” her voice was breathy as she felt his need poking against her stomach. “I can feel it.”
He pulled her dress down and exposed her breasts. “I was nervous I’d scare you but you like it.” His tail went higher. “You like it a lot.”
“How do you know ….?” She gasped as the furred red tip teased her through her lacey underwear. The tantalizing caresses created a surge of liquid heat to her core.
“Just a wild hunch.” ChiChi threw her head back as Goku pushed aside the lace and slipped his tail inside. Her insides clenched his tail and nails dug into his arms as Goku’s tail went deep in her, withdrew and plunged deeper again. “Make that a big hunch,” he shrewdly guessed as his mouth closed over a nipple and suckled hard.
“Ahh!” ChiChi’s hips bucked against him. Her moans told him she needed more and he rewarded her by wigging his tail deeper in ChiChi and rubbing his hips against hers. She rewarded Goku with more of her viscous juices seeping his tail.
“You’re really enjoying my tail.” ChiChi was so tight, wet and slippery. The more she bucked against him, the thicker he grew in his pants. “Which is better, ChiChi? My front tail or…..” his red tail shoved deeper in ChiChi, stretching her longer and wider than ever before “Back tail?”
ChiChi answered with a sharp cry of his name and convulsing as she came on him. She sagged against him as her legs buckled. Goku held her steady with an arm around her waist. He was hard as a rock and needed relief but pushed it aside to comfort ChiChi.
“Goku,” ChiChi panted, “you know how I said I hate Super Saiyan Three?”
“I think I’m gonna love Super Saiyan Four.”
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abhisheksingh098 · 4 years
SAIYAN RAP CYPHER | FabvL ft. RUSTAGE, Daddyphatsnaps, Dan Bull, NerdOut & More [Dragon Ball] 
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Joey Nato:- Ayo, you know what's crazy? I learned that me and that dude Gohan got a lot in common Nato, all the haters that tried me will be first to tell You that you won't get buy me with a perfect sell 'Cause I'm married to my goals like my goals Videl My father taught me how to win, but I learned to fail And pick a low in my life, any low I've had Was in the pickle low key, but the key was fight back Even when I was a teen, I would know I'm bad The way I killed a 16 would make Gohan snap Look, legend in the making, can't stop my story And if a Sensu bein' a little hostile towards mе I'm a power up quick and deliver that fast pain Thеy Saiyaman only as good as his last game I heard you pack a punch, but I guess none landed Dummy, you should know I'll beat you one handed And if you mess with family, take a guess what we'll do We won't wanna fight you, nah, we'll wanna kill you, Nato Dreaded Yasuke:- See me walking in the public Sporting the green and black armor on Bandana with the blood drip I was considered low budget Look at me now, fighting the crowd, take you all by the dozen Judging my exterior, I'm raising my thermals Thinking I'm inferior, making ya soul furlough Beat you down thorough Hoping you can manage my final spirit cannon and make ya blood curdle This the time to panic When you see the golden hair, even battle damaged I give you a thousanf-yard stare Not gonna be fair when I start feeling my rhythm You should be scared, ya blood staining your denim Standing there thinking how did I get my momentum? And will be passing down, cause of nepotism Super Saiyan ain't nothing to playing with Enemies don't gotta chance, even when I show them the tip Dan Bull:- Ay, what you bringing? What you saying? I'm the king of the Saiyans Someone from the southern U.S.A., would say I'm advanced Solving the toughest puzzles There must be tuffles living in my brain Still ruling my people, I don't really care what Frieza claims King Vegeta's staying, like a Fajita stain Firing execution beams and heaps of Ki in waves I've seen regimes and seasons change, how could it be the same? You keep on feeding the flames, you're going to free this ape Vegeta's ancestors stand the test of time I guess it's down to diet, genes and some exercise Best alive 'till my son took the crown Now I rest in the sky up above trunks looking down There's a bright future ahead of him, like every parent's hoping for I might have met my descendents if I never had that broken jaw There's so much lore that I could go through more Than even Goku could hope to when he grows new balls Shwabadi:- Yo, I see you thought it was over But then the fusion tango boosted power roasting opponents The coldest foes that I'm owning, the Ki is flowing an ocean You had the nuts to step to one of us, but now you're facing Bofa These thugs People that keep the beam tucked Lethal when thinking you'd of dreamed to beat us Fetal position, you can clear the tear ducts Crying to yourself 'cus you're weak and we're peerless I got twice the will in me, a Gemini man Don't need a smith, come with quickness when I jeopardise plans Double vision, they can't seem him, 'cus I'm fast with the hands Punisher drive, push 'em aside, now I'm sending 'em back This dual personality, you woulda thought'd be a mismatch Two beefy dudes sandwiched together, that's a Big Mac One man think tank, never skipped gym class Think fast, Kamehameha with a Big Bang Gameboy Jones:- Coming to you live, it's the man from the planet of the apes You don't want the smoke and I ain't talking 'bout a vape Tide pod ship, yeah my whip so clean I've been taking planets way before I even hit my teens Raditz stacking cabbage, I'm banking on being savage Heart is full of malice, unleash it by causing havoc You don't want the beef that's unfortunate, there's no salad If I see my brother, I'm snapping that little carrot No app, but I'm bringing in the discord I'm pedal to the metal, that's how opposition gets floored Microsoft, I'm about to give you one note Facing me is suicide, us Saiyans are to cutthroat Pride of a lion, check the mane But I go ape shit, me and you are not the same Compared to me, you ain't even looking half as nice If you wanna beat me, you'll sacrifice your life! None Like Joshua:- This is for Gohan, so long you robots Krillin's own thot, isn't even the most hot or that nice Like I am when it comes to tough fights Goku taking 20 episodes, I'm taking one slice More humble than any Saiyan here on the track 'Cause I know when to attack and when to hold it back Coming from the future, man, it's all out of whack 'Cause Goku's got to live, so don't shoot, he's not Goku Black Or Zamasu, what I've seen will haunt you Travel to the past seems too paradoxical But I've got to killin' villains, saving my fam Now my sword is shaving off years from your lifespan Simpin for Mai chick, she's searching for my Dragon Balls I don't need to make a wish, I can hurt the baddest gods Immortals underestimate me 'cause my dad's a loser Thia Mai is too young, so it's back to the future Zach Boucher:- They don't hold a single hope if they're alone Find a sacrifice against this elitist, you will need it That's my last advice I'll be undefeated and I mean it though, I pack a fight Handing eveybody, one way tickets to the after life Now they're coming at me assuming they're quick Nah, practically practice, they're done with, I'm over this shit Getting so impatient, God I hate how it's over so quick So I'll let you die for nothing, like the Namek, Tien, and his buddy did Say he's Super Saiyan, but I'm saying that he sucked at it You just need to find the little strength that you've been mustering While I keep it deep inside my veins until it clutters You're like Gohan, how you stuttered Killed your friends and all your brothers I was sick of living deep inside the dark But that's when I met Vegeta, he would teach me where to start They don't realize I'm still alive to tear you all apart You call it destruction, I call that a pockmark Connor Quest:- Goten since I was below ten, I've been hard as stone henge Enemies they curve me like a road bend Broke them limits, making grown men fidget When you see me up in GT, I'm the golden ticket Need a scope lens just to even see the height I'm hitting Deny the physics, these guys are tripping If they think that I could give in Collide the digits, call it popping the Trunks Because I'm riding with him, feel the burn As you get offed by the son Flip round turn the tension high No, these clowns ain't friends of mine Kamehameha drop a body to the floor Get a strike to a vital just to end your life Step with a rush on your neck, bust collarbones This is how you make a hero's son, fuck Boruto Ki on lock, you can fight with us You'll be sweeping up the pieces of your teeth after you bite the dust DizzyEight:- Looking for a hero? Then it's us Had to double up to maneuver when it's clutch Give him big rounds, know for the dough I go nuts Fella, sit down, it's known I bring thunder when I punch Ya'll talk too much, enemies do the most What I speak leave 'em toast, when I spit they go ghost You're not the real thing, I'm in a game full of clones They copy what I'm on, then hope that they explode You can't copy me If you do, you do it sloppily They're just throwing shots at me But I promise you never stopping me So much potential You can check my credentials You don't know that you in for Greatness what I'm meant for FabvL:- Hold up, I see 'em wanting the prince Throw your best punch, guarantee I won't even flinch I got the drip that'll turn your number 1 to a bitch Shoot this Galick gun unload it, yeah I'm draining the clip So call me sensei I've been healing the game, better than Dende Type a hero that the villains and their friends say Is truly worthy of the crown, never dead weight Hyperbolic rent payed the best way I got the baddest chick in the whole galaxy Used to say that Super Saiyans were a fallacy Now I've learned that evil deeds are just cowardly Richest man on Earth, so fuck your whole salary Really think you could hang with all the best? No way, royal blood, got it running through my chest Don't play, stupid villains, I could kill without regret All day, listen up, you will do whatever that I say! NerdOut:- Y'all done screwed up I acquired the jewels and now I'm fused up You about to get bruised up Best of both worlds, I use superior stragedy You're not even half the man that used to be half of me You choosing defeat If I wave my arm, the wind will put holes in you Now that's shooting the breeze Go ask Majin Buu, oops it's too late I'm out for 60 minutes, but for you? I only use 8 Laughing while I'm waiting for this union to dissolve 'Cause I don't think the ladies are approving a ménage But if Chichi and Bulma wanna cuddle tonight They better watch out 'cause now I got double the pipe And Gogeta's no match, he stay losing He had to do choreographed Tik Tok dances to make a fusion So which Super Saiyan are you choosing? These dim-witted half-pints or pinnacle of evolution Rustage:- Hit that, Wukong with the staff breaking bodies like a Kit Kat Rip your team in half like I'm moses when I split that Whiplash punches like it's gift wrapped, spit facts Treat you all like Frieza with a bitch-slap Saiyan from the planet of the apes, I'm not playing Best be praying to this God I'm raising stakes I ain't waiting, I be saving every person, every race Passion blazing 'cus I'm facing any aliens in my way Say my name, call me Goku Hanuman, stand my ground, yeah I won't move Chris Chan, when I'm loud with a blown fuse Understand, hear the sound of your bones bruise Go through faster than my flows do A monkey but better than Luffy, I'm king of the planets Ain't needing no piracy I'm stunning, just look at my moves, I'm top of the charts And I'm needing no rivalry And finally, they're fighting me bust in beats like it's Chichi Easy your characters tough, but can they beat me? Daddyphatsnaps:- So you made this far, huh? Now you and me Hahahahaha Somebody hold me back, I'm going berserk And at the rate I'm going, bro I'm 'bout to blow up the Earth It's lunch time, eat your every punch, I'm knowing it hurts your pride Legendary Saiyan, I was chosen at birth, I'm the truth 'Cus I always been the hardest, I'm a bad bitch You had to work to get to where I started so savage Had the Super Saiyan gods saying "oh damnit" He's so made bitch, he breaking up the whole planet Well, if it's gonna go, then I got something I should get off my chest And I ain't talkin' 'bout the X, see you sipping the flex I got these little green bitches out here gripping my pecs I'm ill turn you green bitches then your hitting the deck I'm a god damn God, are you out of your mind? It's strange, millions of scenarios, you die every time Murder you without a trace and 'geta brought me the lime You'll get bodied out your body if you rowdy with mine
https://img.youtube.com/vi/VigYo7W10Ik/maxresdefault.jpg from Blogger https://bit.ly/343heDB
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nimedhel09 · 3 years
SDBH Heroes commentary - episode 28 (SPOILERS AHEAD)
Well, see, I already did this post, but it just... vanished. I'm still confused. It's a good thing I was live-live-commenting on Discord so I have most of the stuff I wanted to share here, lol!
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- Evil Towa being Evil.
- Info on Fuu! Does he know? Does he want to? I mean, the boy is super interested in experimenting and doing crazy science, I don't think he'd be the kind to want to rule anything.
- Poor Time patrolling gang being in distress.
- Mechikabara flashback appearance!
- Girl how I love the idea of makaioshin (I really have to explore, finish Xenoverse and buy Xenoverse 2, haha).
- Main Character Syndrome always infecting the "plot".
- Mira appearance!
- NOOOOO WHY YOU HURT MY BABIES??????!!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!! I'd like to speak to Mira's manager, please.
- Time patrolling gang yeeted into the abyss.
- Love Fuu's transformation design. Saiyan-y, but also demon-y. It's cool. Love his nerdy psychotic crazy scientist persona. Suits him well. And the voice acting is perfection.
- Double NANI???!
- Big dragon is big.
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And: scene.
It's good that I remembered a lot of things I said, even with the alcohol in my bloodstream (why am I such a lightweight? I didn't even drink a big glass of the wine of anything, lol). And of course thanks Discord for having the things I said so that I could also add what I forgot.
And once again, a question stays: Where is Cumber? I wanna know more about him. Why is his aura like this? Why are his eyes red? What's his story? What did he do in his life before Fuu? What did he dream of? Who the heck is he really, behind all the violent Saiyan-ness?
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elisajdb · 5 years
Family Album: II
Son Family Week 2019: @sonfamilyweek
Gohan Day (5/8)
Characters: Gohan
Prompt: Responsibilities
“I’m home!” Gohan announced. He slipped off his shoes at the door. He felt his parents Ki and followed it to the living room. Gohan saw his parents sitting on the floor talking and laughing as they looked through the family’s box of pictures. “Mom, are you finally working on that album?”
 “Mmm-hmm,” Chichi finished attaching a page of pictures together. “And your father’s been helping me.”
 Gohan placed his book bag on the sofa and joined his parents on the floor. He grabbed a handful of photos and sorted through them. A sad smile was on his face as he sift through the photos. These were taken during Goku’s second death.
 “What ya got there, Gohan?”
 Goku had moved over to sit next to Gohan. He looked over his shoulder at the photos in Gohan’s hands. “Oh, this must’ve been when I was dead.”
 Gohan shook his head amused. Only Dad would make a comment about being dead sound so casual. “Yeah.” Gohan handed Goku a photo of Goten. Goten was in his onesie sleeper. His hands were stretched out towards Gohan as if he was trying to reach him. “I was coaching Goten to walk to me.”
 Gohan handed Goku another one. Gohan was on his hands and knees in the front yard with Goten sitting on his back smiling. “Goten was two then. I was his horse.”
 “Ah,” Goku studied the photo. “I remember doing that with you.” He noticed a third in Gohan’s hands. “Who took that one?”
 “Must’ve been Grandpa.” In the photo, Chichi slept on the sofa with baby Goten sleeping on her chest. Gohan was in the background sweeping in the kitchen. “I was cleaning up after lunch.” Gohan rubbed the back of his neck. “Goten was a handful. I guess all Saiyan babies are. I helped out when Mom let me.”
 Chichi explained herself. “I didn’t want him helping so much because Gohan was a child and should’ve been focused on his books.” She sighed. “But he is your son. Stubborn but helpful.”
 A photo in Gohan’s hand caught Goku’s eyes. It was a photo of his entire family. Gyu-Mao stood while Chichi sat in front of him with Goten in her lap. His youngest son held a picture of him. Gohan stood next to Chichi holding the four star dragon ball.
 “That was a good one.” Gohan smiled at the picture. “Goten was three when we took that one. It was the first time we really talked to him about you.”
Gohan wiped a brow. The logs from the tree he cut should last them a couple of weeks and the boar he finished breaking down should last them three days but with Grandpa coming over later, Gohan knew it will last only two. It was a big boar and Mom will eat one serving for dinner but she’ll work the meat in tomorrow’s breakfast, lunch and dinner for him and Goten. Though three, Goten didn’t have the appetite of a human three-year-old. He probably ate as much as the average twelve-year-old. Gohan laughed. He was twelve and ate like an adult.
 “How much did Dad eat when he was our ages?” Gohan wondered. He shook his head amused. “I don’t know how Mom did it with the two of us.”
 Gohan entered his home and removed his shoes at the door. All the tree cutting and animal gutting left him smelly and his clothes dirty. He’ll need a shower. He considered soaking in the cauldron but doing so will remind Gohan of the one not here. Clearing his head, Gohan entered the kitchen. Food cooked in pots on the stove but half the carrots on the cutting board weren’t cut. Next to it was a bowl of vegetables waiting to be cut. It wasn’t like Mom to leave the kitchen with the food unfinished. Gohan saw the answer to his question when he spotted fresh red, yellow, blue and green paint hand prints on the kitchen table, a couple of chairs and floor.
 While Mom cooked, Goten played with the paint. Gohan remembered doing this when he was Goten’s age. Gohan used the paper his mother gave him to paint. He never used the table, chairs or floor like his brother. Goten probably got paint on himself and clothes which caused Mom to rush him to the bathroom to clean up.
 Grabbing a bucket, he filled it with soap and water. He used a sponge to clean up Goten’s mess. Mom didn’t need to do this, too, when she came back. She had enough on her plate. Finished, Gohan decided to look for his mother and brother. Laughter from the hall bathroom drew Gohan to the door. He stood in the doorway watching his mother dry Goten fresh from his bath.
 While his mother dried Goten, she dropped kisses on his face which caused Goten to giggle. “Stop, Mommy. It tickles.”
 Mom rubbed Goten’s body with the soft, fluffy towel. “But you love being tickled.” To prove her point, Mom tickled Goten under his arms which caused the three-year-old to break out in giggles. “See? You love it.”
 “Yeah,” Goten admitted with a laugh. Mom kissed his cheek again.
 “Hey, Mom.” Gohan stepped in the room. “Goten had fun with the paint?”
 “Too much fun.” She rose with Goten in her arms. “He got it all over himself and the kitchen.” Chichi sighed. “I bet the paint’s dried. I probably won’t get the stains out.”
 “I cleaned it up.” Gohan smiled at his mother. “No stains.”
 “Oh, Gohan,” Chichi sighed as she left the room. “It’s not your responsibility.”
 “I wanted to.” Gohan followed his mother to his room. “I also got more firewood and a boar to add to dinner.”
 Chichi placed Goten on the floor. Goten kept close to his mother as she took out clean clothes from the drawer. “I appreciate your help, Gohan, but you’re not your father. It’s not your responsibility to….. Goten’s not ready for…..” Goten was in the room. He couldn’t hear this. Chichi handed Goten his underwear and socks which Goten put on by himself while she pulled out a shirt and overalls from the drawer. “Your responsibility is studying, playing with your brother and,” she looked at him wryly, “taking a shower. You need one.”
 Ten minutes later, Gohan returned to his room fresh from his shower. Goten sat on the floor playing with his toy blocks. Mom was in the kitchen working on dinner. Goten looked up at Gohan grinning. “My name.” Goten pointed at the other blocks that spelled his name.
 Gohan sat on the floor across from Goten. “You’re right, Goten. It’s your name.” Goten giggled and clapped his small hands. His laugh was so infectious. He was always so happy and carefree. From his hair to his mannerism, he was just like him.  
 “You’re just like Daddy.”
 “Daddy?” Goten repeated the word. “What’s Daddy like?”
 It wasn’t the first time Goten asked that question but it was getting to the point where he and Mom couldn’t keep denying to answer it. It wasn’t due to them not wanting to talk about Goku to Goten. They weren’t sure if it was time. Getting older, Goten was growing curious and noticing things.
 If Goku’s name is mentioned, instead of ignoring it Goten will ask, “Who is Goku?” He noticed Goku’s pictures around the house and say, “Me.” When told it’s not him, he will asked, “Who is he?”
 It got to the point where Chichi did tell Goten he had a father but he was dead. In his own way, Goten understood what that meant but it didn’t squelch his desire to learn more about his father.
 Gohan knew Dad was a sore subject for his mother. On the anniversary of his father’s death, Mom only wanted to be around him, Grandpa and Goten. If a moment or memory of Dad was triggered painfully, his mother would run to her room. Once, Gohan followed her and found his mother crying in his father’s fighting gi.
 Three years and he hasn’t forgiven himself for his tragic error. Gohan didn’t think he ever will. There were two important people paying for his error. To atone, whether his mother liked it or not, Gohan vowed to take over the responsibilities of the one who can’t be here. He will tell his baby brother about the man he will never meet.
 “Are you ready to know about Dad, Goten?”
 The three-year-old nodded. “Mm-hmm. I wanna know about Daddy.”
 “All right. Wait here.” Gohan left the room. He returned a minute later with the family album. He sat next to Goten and opened it. The first page was a photo of Goku and Chichi on their wedding day.
 Goten stared at the happy picture of his parents. He put his tiny hand on Chichi’s face. “Mommy.”
 Gohan smiled at Goten’s recognition of their mother. “Right. That’s Mommy.” Gohan directed Goten’s hand to Goku’s face. “And this is our Daddy.”
 “Daddy,” Goten murmured staring at the picture of his father. “Me.”
 Gohan chuckled. “No, that’s Daddy. You see, Goten, you and Daddy look alike.” He ruffled Goten’s spiky mane. “You act alike, too. Daddy was always laughing, smiling and just happy like you.”
 Goten grinned, “Really?” He stared at Goku’s smile in the photo. He put his tiny hand on Goku’s face. “Daddy.”
 Gohan turned to a page of the album of Goku holding three-year-old Gohan on his shoulder. “So, Goten, let’s talk about Dad.”
 “You’re really going to tell me about him?” Goten asked awe at the smiling picture of his father.
 “Of course, Goten. It’s my responsibility.”
 “Our responsibility.” Gohan and Goten looked up to see Chichi entering the room. She sat down and put Goten on her lap. She gave Gohan an encouraging smile. “Go ahead, Gohan. Let’s tell Goten about Daddy. Start with your first memory of him.”
 “Right.” Gohan returned the smile, happy his mother was coming around. He stared at the photo of his younger self and Dad. “My first memory of Dad…….”
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