#I want this for stolitz
askfordoodles · 11 days
btw, just putting it out there that my hope for the Helluva Boss endgame is Stolas abdicating his Royal title and privileges and going to live with Blitzø and working for IMP as their accountant.
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Clearly, they have a lot of paperwork that they currently push onto one of their assassins (Full Moon) and Stolas has been established as a nerd who loves reading loads of boring paperwork (Oops).
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It would also tie in nicely with the conversation they had as kids (The Circus), and make it serve as very cute if on-the-nose foreshadowing.
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smedenn · 18 days
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Blitzøs entire life spent being unwanted. So he adapted, and learned how to be something needed, something to be used.
Which is why I think he firmly believes he is being used by Stolas. He simply cannot fathom a different reality, one in which he is wanted for once in his life.
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purplesound · 3 months
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silly t-shirts :) original pictures under the cut
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gyroshrike · 6 months
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Finally finished the thing
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vannahrt · 6 months
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Vivienne, I- *chokes* please I- *sobs* I just wish- *gag* I- please I don’t have much- *sob*
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Don’t fucking look at me.
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angelshizuka · 2 days
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#that time blitz left vs that time he didn't wanna leave
HELLUVA BOSS 1.07 - Ozzie's 2.08 - The Full Moon
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nyxofdemons · 1 month
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actually fuck the moon deal fuck healthy communication. stolas looking like he's about to fly off the handle? blitz SMILING about it?? the bedroom eyes and feet kicked up on the dash??? fuck problem resolution brother i'm ready for season 3 to be their hatefuck era
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sentientsliotar · 8 months
So we’re all in agreement that Fizzmodeus is Stolitz without the pain?
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Like ok yes there is pain-
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But these two have heard of a magical thing called ✨communication✨
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Which leads to shit like this
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vvenuspng · 23 days
just wanna say thanks for making so much Stolas with him serving Cloaca SEVERELY
need this ask plastered all over my damn walls.. this ask has become my new daily affirmation im not even kidding.. i fuck up on something & i tell myself. at least someone out there thinks i can draw stolas serving cloaca severely…. need this ask tattooed on me tbh thank u
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anyways. a stolas for u <3 thank u
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miyakuli · 3 months
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** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
Artist : @haramibara
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phddyke · 1 year
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blitzwhore · 2 months
Hold on, man... I'm having Thoughts and Emotions...
What if Stolas and Octavia made plans to watch the solar eclipse together on Earth to make up for not seeing Azathoth's tears? And maybe Octavia suddenly suggested inviting Blitzø and Loona over as well, since they were all together that other time, too?
And when Blitzø sees the awkward text from Stolas inviting them (I'd understand if you're busy or would rather not come, but Octavia seemed keen on the idea of seeing Loona again), he isn't sure he wants to go, because things with Stolas have been so weird lately, and he's deeply in denial about the feelings they have for one another. But Loona kicks him in the butt about it because he's being stupid, and so he reluctantly texts Stolas trying to sound as nonchalant as possible (shur y nut, portal plz) while freaking out inside.
And he doesn't know what he was expecting as he crossed that portal, but a mountaintop above the clouds is definitely not it.
“Thank you for coming,” Stolas says, and Blitzø can't help but notice the way Stolas bows to him—and then he pushes that information aside, not knowing what to do with it. “I hope the localisation is fine, and not too cold. Anywhere else would've been too crowded.”
“It's whatever,” Blitzø shrugs, and hates the way some of the light leaves Stolas' smile. He's only been here for half a minute and he's already messed things up.
Next to them, Octavia is explaining the intricacies of solar eclipses in detail to Loona. Absent-mindedly, Blitzø notices the way Loona softens around Via, but keeps it to himself, not wanting to be kicked in the nuts. Instead, he looks around for a semi-comfortable stone and plops down on it, wincing when Stolas sits carefully by his side.
He's searching desperately for something to say when Stolas announces, “Look up, everyone, it's about to start!”
At first, Blitzø notices nothing. Well, nothing but the mild discomfort of staring directly at the sun.
But then he sees it. The moon—a corner of it, anyway—overtaking the powerful star. And, for a second, he can't breathe.
Of course, the partial eclipse lasts long enough that conversation sparks up again, though awkward and sporadic. Stolas asks about work, Via talks about the moon's mountains. Blitzø tries to quieten the voice that says he doesn't deserve to be here.
But when the total eclipse nears, they're all too entranced to talk. As darkness washes over the sea of clouds below them, the seconds seem to slow, and each of his heartbeats thrums through him, echoing in the ground underneath him. He's one with the earth and the sky, and, when it all goes dark, the whole universe stops breathing with him to experience this.
He only remembers to breathe when, in the complete darkness, he feels thin, long fingers curling around his own.
Too entranced to remember all the reasons why he's not allowed to want this, Blitzø squeezes Stolas' hand firmly back.
They are one. Of course they are. How could they not be, when the sun and the moon themselves are?
It's less than two minutes before the sunlight begins regaining its territory and washing away the darkness, but it might as well be a lifetime.
A lifetime he spends with Stolas' hand clasped firmly in his own, surrounded by their daughters, marvelling at the vastness of the universe. Feeling like, maybe, they're all insignificant enough to deserve all the love they can find.
But, inevitably, the moment passes and reality settles back in.
Blitzø doesn't want the moment to end, but, of course, the moment doesn't care. And, too scared to keep holding on to a hope that feels as fragile and ephemeral as an eclipse, Blitzø lets go of Stolas' hand.
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bleucaesura · 5 days
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Something to wreck your day?
Watched Full Moon for the bajillionth time just now… And this part… Oh boi… THIS PART…
As Blitzø is rushing to say “I’m sorry” and he’s portaled out, it sounds like you can maybe hear him finish saying it…
His voice echoes in the portal:
Gonna go die now. Thanks…
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oatmealdoodles · 16 days
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I’m obsessed with the way Stolas carries Blitzø
+ shaded ver:
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royaljestersfirst · 12 days
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Blitz fffuckiiing instinctively follows Fizz's hand as he gets spinned around?????
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and then Fizz slips the mask on him again after seeing how excited he gets??? help
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Can't wait for that falls first-falls harder shit to hit blitz like a fucking freight train
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