#I want to interact more with people and oof that feeling of yelling into the void
lovelybrooke · 1 year
We Could Be A Family (Platonic Yandere Silco and Jinx)
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I know a lot of you want to see new The Last of Us content, but I’ve been running out of ideas, and I want to write for something different. Please like, comment, and reblog if you enjoy.
The cold ground made your feet numb, regardless, you continued to walk. The streets were crowded, causing you to hug you bag closer to your chest, listening as the items clashed together. Your heart rate picked up as people ran into you, bowing your head in fear when they yell at you. Rushing through the congested streets of Zaun, you focus in on your destination, The Last Drop.
Your small stature allows you to sneak past the bouncers with ease. The loud music and bright light overwhelm all your senses. You hug your bag, head swiveling left and right as you look for you buyer in the crowd of people. You stick close to the walls, hoping to blend into them, as you skim the dancers and drunks. After what feels like an eternity, you stop a rough looking man, covered in tattoos, with two women hugging his arms as he relaxed into the plush seat in the corner of the room. You take a deep breath, your nerves not calming as you stalk towards the man.
You said nothing as you dump your belongs onto the table, a mixture of illegal machine parts and a few capsules of shimmer. A vial rolls toward the man, causing him to pick it up and inspect it in between his large fingers. His eyes roll over to you, his gaze threatening.
“You’re a kid, huh?” The woman beside him look disgusted, your posture tense as he and his men continue to eye you. You have to drown out the blaring music in order to hear in fully, nodding once the words process in your brain. He snears, tossing the vial into the hands of one of his men. “Guess that’s why you’d didn’t want to meet up.” He motions for one of his men to come forward, him dropping a black briefcase into the table while pushing away some of the metal. He pulls out a wad of cash that looks small in comparison to the large influx of cash. Your head darts from side to side while he does so, feeling as though your interaction is being observed, however the loud music and the flood of people makes it difficult to see anything.
Your buyer waves the wad of catch in front of your face, impatiently. You move back to look at him, his face slowly filling with anger, only decreasing when you take the money from him, stuffing it inside your bag that you take off the table. You back up silently, your eyes locked on the man in front of you until your a safe distance away.
Once your far enough away, you pick up your face, avoiding the trash and drugs that litter the grounds. You contort your body to move past the wall of people. Your breath remains tight in your throat until your able to spot the exit. You rush forward, your other senses dulled due to the overpowering nature of the bar.
“Oof” you groan, you body hitting something solid. You eyes trail upward, meeting a cold face. Her sink was dark, but her eyes were darker, disgust covering her face. What shocked you more was the one metal arm she had, shimmer pumping through it. You knew this wasn’t one of your buyers lackeys, noted by how quiet the room became, even with the music blaring. The woman doesn’t say anything, just grabs your forearm and pulls you through the dance floor, the people parting like waves.
“Let me go.” You attempt to tug the arm out of her hold, but her strength is no match to yours. She leads you through a door and up stairs silently, the music of the bar becoming distant. Sweat roles down you face as you continue to struggle against the women’s hold, stopping once you crash into her body once again as she stops in front of a large door. It’s ornate, a stark contrast to the rest of rest of the bar, almost like you’ve been transported into another dimension.
She drags you forward as she knocks on the door, the sound reverberating around the hallway. From inside, you can hear someone welcoming her in. Your dragged forward once again as she enters the room, which is big, a large table and chair in the middle with a couch right in front of it. It’s dark, the only thing illuminating the room being a large circle window that surrounds the table. There’s a man sitting at the table who your unable to recognize smoking a cigar.
The woman pushes you forward deeper into the room, glaring back at her. “That will be all Sevika.” He says, the woman, Sevika you guess, leaving. You refused to say a word in fear for your life, the man's head falling to the side, examining you. Your posture was tense, your shoulders back in an attempt to make you seem large, but your large, baggy clothing were working against you. The man slowly takes the cigar out of his mouth, blowing a puff of smoke in your direction.
"So, you're the one who's been taking my supply." His voice was groggily, which matches his sharp face. There was a large scar that ran down the side of his face and one of his eyes was a mixture of black and orange. You cough at the cigar smoke, unable to answer his question, which causes him to role his eyes and fall back into his seat. From his relaxed position, he eyes you. Your small, weak, but that isn't uncommon for a child living in the Lanes. What is uncommon, is for a child like you to be able to take shimmer from him. He's almost impressed if it wasn't for the loss of income that came from your sceams.
"I honestly thought you were smarter" he says with mock sympathy, waving his cigar around. He watches as you go from standoffish, to surprised, to unamused in seconds, chuckling slightly at your childlike behavior. "Selling my own product in my bar." He takes a puff "stupid decision." He breaths it out. You wave away the smoke, anger covering your face. Before you could even speak, the man was continuing his tirade.
"You know though, I could use someone of your expertise." He looks you in the eyes, resting his head in his hands leisurely.
"What does that mean?" You question. His eyes widen at your words, surprised to hear you talk. He quickly masks his shock, replacing it with blank face. He stamps out the rest of his cigar on the ashtray on his desk.
"I give you jobs, you do them." That doesn't explain much, you think while raising your eyebrows. "In return, I'll give you a place to sleep, food to eat, an income." It sounds too good to be true. You eye him while as he stands up and leans on the side of his desk.
"How do I know I can trust you?"
"You can't." He answers.
You think of your other options. Constantly stealing shimmer, selling it to others, and putting your life on the line to get barely anything in turn. You think of your parents, who died before you could even remember their faces. You think of your home, the Lanes, which does not care if you live or die, and it you truly realize you have no other choices.
"Okay... fine." You respond. He man steps forward and puts out his hand to shake.
"Good." You shake his cold hand.
It's been around six months since you made a deal with the famous chem-baron Silco. At the time, you didn't really know what your agreement had entail. You originally though you would just steal from local shops in the lanes. Instead, you find yourself on the Topside most days, stealing from mostly the academy.
You met Jinx a few days after you teamed up with Silco. She was very shy, which made it hard to befriend her when you were also very shy. As you continued to spend time at The Last Drop, your friendship blossomed. She shyness was just a façade for she talkative nature, often talking about the most random things. Through this, you found out that you were a year older than her, making her twelve years old. She loved to show you her bombs, and while you were kind of scared, she always promised to be careful around you.
Jinx loved hanging out with you and always begged Silco make you work less.
Silco, however, did not like his daughter associating with you. You were a worker, replaceable. You were not meant to be socializing with Jinx, you were to do your job and stay away from them. For the most part, Jinx was smart about keeping you away from Silco when you were hanging out with you, but she couldn't account for everything, and one day when Jinx wanted you to sleep over, shit hit the fan.
"Look, look!" Jinx pushes a robotic monkey into your lab. It was covered in pink and blue marker, almost staining your hands. It claps its hands, small musical sounds coming from it. You give her a small smile, which she squeals in joy at. She takes the robot back, looking around for another.
"Just wait I have a better one." She gets on her hands and knees and begins to look underneath her bed. You smile and her goofy antics, it slowly dropping as you hear stomping heading towards her room. Silco was coming.
"Jinx, I need to go." You face darts from her and the door. Jinx sits up, a deep frown etched onto her face. "Your dads going to be upset." She waddles over to you on her knees, hugging you in attempt to keep you in place.
"It's fine, don't worry." She says, giggling, not acknowledging the situation. You try to break away from her, receiving a whine in response.
The door burst open, revealing a very angry Silco. His fists are clenched at the sight of you with Jinx. Once you break away from her, you rush back, trying to leave the room.
"I'm so sor-"
"Be quiet." He interrupts. Jinx stands up, blocking you from her father.
"Leave them alone!" She cries, Silco ignoring her as he grabs your forearm, dragging out of the room towards into the hallway.
"You have one rule." He snarls. His grip on your arm hurts.
"I know." Your voice wavers.
"Then why do you repeatedly disregard it?" He belts, turning towards you to raise his eyebrows. You don't know what to say, tears falling from your eyes.
"I'm sorry." You whisper. He sneers, rolling his eyes, pushing you back in disgust.
"You have no right to cry." He grips your chin, pushing your face towards him, "You are not her sister. You are nothing." He pushes you back again. "If I see you with her again, I will kill you." He declares. "Now leave." You don't think twice, finding your way to your makeshift room, crying yourself to sleep.
Silco is scared of you.
He doesn't know why. He just knows he is.
He is afraid of you taking Jinx from him. He sees how happy you make her, and his heart warms, something which should not be happening.
Jinx is his child, you are not. He should not feel happy when you and her bond. He should not feel proud when you successfully finish a job he gives you. He should not feel worried over your health, questioning whether or not you're eating enough. And he definitely should not feel enraged when he sees you hurt, wondering who dared hurt you.
Jinx is his child
You are not
He shouldn't forget that.
After the clash with Silco, you have refused to interact with Jinx, and you only interact with Silco if you absolutely have to. He gives you a job, you do it, and you go into your room for the rest of the day.
Silco should be happy, you are leaving him and Jinx alone. But Jinx keeps asking about you, wondering where you are and if you're okay. Silco has to lie since he really doesn't know.
Silco also came to realize how much you mean to him. He doesn't want to admit it, but he likes being a father. He likes brushing Jinx's hair in the morning, he likes eating breakfast with her, and he likes knowing she's okay. He longs for that with you. He wants to wake you up in the morning, seeing you smile at a warm breakfast. He wants to gift you toys and books and watch as your eyes widen in awe. He wants to torture and kill any person who dares hurt you, even if in a way he caused it.
Silco has tried to fix your relationship, even mentioning one day that he will allow you and Jinx to remain friends, only receiving a small nod from you. He tries getting you to eat with him, but whenever you do its always silent, only talking when he does. He even gives you less jobs, but if he does, then you just stay in your room alone longer.
Silco never fully processed how much you mean to him until you ask to leave.
"Excuse me?"
"I've made enough money to move Topside." You say blankly. "I want to leave."
Silco stares off into the distance, contemplating what you just said. He stands up slowly, gazing out of the window behind him. "You're willing to abandon everyone just to you can live a life of luxury." He nods to himself, eyeing you.
"I have no one Silco." You reply.
Silco walks closer to you, stopping once he's closer enough and cupping you face in his hands. You flinch away slightly, something Silco frowns at.
"You have me, Jinx." He holds, watching as your mouth opens slightly. You back away slightly, Silco's hand falling to his side.
"I'm not your kid Silco." You mutter. Moments like these made Silco forget you were a fifteen-year-old, you acted so adult.
"I know." He looks at the ground. "I know I've treated you poorly, you didn't deserve any of that." His voice is uncharacteristically small. "I can't change the past, but I can be there for you." You back hits the door, which you realize it locked.
"If you give me the chance, we can be a family."
A/n: hope you enjoy, please feel free to tell me if you want more.
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AITA for kind of being a homewrecker?
some background: i (22f) met this guy (23m, let’s call him rick) freshman year of college, four years ago. we became really close really fast, and we basically had all the same friends (we went to a very small school, it’s hard not to be friends with most people). unfortunately i took a year off of school after freshman year, so i kind of lost contact with all my college friends. when i came back, my friends and i reconnected immediately, but especially rick. we uh… sorta made plans to hook up at that point (we were horny and dumb and mutually attracted enough), but we got to my room and we kissed (which was my first kiss) but it was bad and i changed my mind before anything happened. the thing is, we were still friends after that, and he even told me that he was in love with me and thought that i might fall in love with him. he’s also said multiple times since then that he was being idiotic and that would have been terrible for us, and i agree, so we’re both glad that nothing happened. but since we were now in different grades, we weren’t as close friends, so that year passed without further incident.
fast forward a year (my junior year, his senior) and suddenly we’re getting closer again— we’re in a mutual club and therefore hang out a lot more. i realize at some point in november that oh shit, i have a crush on him. (sidenote— i don’t have crushes. i’d never been in love. ive realized since this that i think i might be on the aromantic/demiromantic spectrum, and i’ve always just said i’m queer because i… have had a very queer experience wrt my romantic/sexual feelings. sooooo.. this was weird). i mention this to another friend, and she informs me that rick had started dating someone.
so i don’t act on my feelings and hope that they go away. (spoiler: they don’t.) in january we hung out with a group of friends almost nightly. and rick and i flirt. oh god, do we flirt. but i didn’t even notice— that’s just the way that i interact with people, and he mirrors how people around him behave, so it was just a feedback loop of flirting while one of us was in a relationship! and the worst part is that is girlfriend (i’ll call her anne) was peripherally in the friend group; she hung out with the group sometimes, but not super often.
so obviously, a couple of our more perceptive friends tell us to shut the hell up and stop it. at this point i think, you know what? i’ll just avoid him. this lasted about two days, and then one of our mutual friends (i’ll call him joe) tells me i need to talk to rick. he can’t tell me why but i just need to talk to him.
so i text rick and i set up a time to talk to him, which i’m sure was scary for him, but i say him down and told him that we need to stop, because he’s in a relationship and it’s entirely inappropriate and i’m in love with him and he’s my best friend and i don’t want to lose him. and then he laughs. he told me then that he thought i was gonna yell at him to dump anne, because he had told joe that he wasn’t in love with her and never had been. and he thought joe had told me that so i could knock some sense into him.
so uh… he told me that he was going to break up with anne that night. (which, btw, was 2 days after valentine’s day. ouch.) he also said that that didn’t mean anything for us, but… the next day we hung out one on one all day, and then the next day, and then the whole weekend, aaaaand it was kind of a relationship. we started dating. it moved very fast, because we were already friends and we had already talked about sex in the past.
the thing that really pisses me off, though, is that another mutual friend threatened to tell anne about rick and i, so rick had to tell her at a really inopportune time instead of later. she was fine about the breakup before that, but after that she was clearly pissed, and ignored us both for the rest of the year. if it hadn’t happened that way i really think that we could’ve stayed friends, or at least stayed civil, but the way that it happened is still really upsetting to me. rick and i have been dating for almost six months now, and we’re really perfect for each other and i honestly expect to spend my life with him, but the way that it started was just such a mess and it still haunts me sometimes.
(to be clear: rick never cheated on anne. he’s been cheated on before, and has a bit of trauma in regards to that. cheating is just not a possibility for him.)
so… i know that i’m probably an asshole here, but… idk. should it bother me this much? or was it more justified than i think it was?
What are these acronyms?
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wooahaes · 1 year
i know how much you love yoshinori, he is our angel baby…but what a should cause you and yosh to be enemies to lovers 🤔
oof isa this hurts me... its so hard to see yoshi hating Anyone enough to be flat-out enemies with them. im stealing from my seungkwan one where its "enemies but we were also like 4 when we became enemies" and they just never fully let go of it until now.
insert misunderstanding between you and yosh, both children at the time, that results in you yelling at him that you hate him forever (again, you're like 3-4 here) and him crying over it. despite the talking to you get from your parents, you (in your infantile rage) stick to it rather than forget about it like everyone kind of expects? which. yknow, not ideal, but the two of you aren't in the same class after that year so people just kinda forget. every time u see him tho u are filled with rage and he scowls at u. both of ur parents are sure the two of you will grow out of it, but pushing you two back together is only gonna make things worse. you're kids, sure, but you're allowed to be upset. yosh doesn't forgive you right away bc it rly hurt his feelings, and the two of you don't rly ever reconcile. ur later interactions growing up end up being arguments, and the two of u just end up avoiding each other as much as u can
blah blah post-college you start an internship at a new company only to run right back into yoshi, a new hire at the same place, and all of tht bad blood kinda comes back for you (and him, a little, too--but he doesn't think he seriously hates you at all anymore). its less mutual enemies to lovers and more "you're still upset with him bc the two of you used to be close as tiny kids and then never reconciled" and "yosh is visibly awkward around you to the point where other ppl comment on it since he's unsure of how to tread this."
... alternatively: supervillain au where ur the villain and yosh is one of the ppl trying to stop you until the truth comes out abt the ppl ur trying to bring down and the two of you (maybe w others) are made into a team to stop (insert corrupt business) from harming more ppl. the two of you are openly against the idea of working together, but you've got the common goal tht makes you set it aside... even if theres some messy spots there. probably results in one of you getting injured and having the other watch over u and some deep talks. maybe even a panicked confession later. ooough i can imagine like. serious moment of maybe reader having to sacrifice themself to stop shit from going back and yosh yelling that he Loves you and he doesnt want to lose you, but you let him go in order to save the greater good........ lies down on the floor
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kjwrites9 · 1 year
The Clinic on Knoxville By: Beth Carr
*A one-woman play, exploring the mental trauma healthcare workers go through after an act of violence* Notes * note stage directions and/or insights from the author. 
Hello all! Thank you for inviting me to speak at this year’s National Reproductive Health Conference, this is quite an honor. My name is Dr. Candace Bloom, but my friends call me Candy. I am a board-certified gynecologist and personally certified hoot-and-a-half at parties.
*joke doesn’t land* oof tough crowd, *take a sip of water.*
*joke does land* *sigh* woah my husband warned me that joke would flop, but I knew y’all would have my back. *sip of water*
For the past 14 years, I’ve worked at a small midwestern planned parenthood office. I always tell people, the most important thing you should know about me is that I love my job. I went into this field specifically to help people in crisis, I wanted to be there as a mechanism of support, never shame. So straight out of residency, I knew that working at Planned Parenthood would be the natural fit. Our office was small, and for the most part, things were uneventful. The door to the clinic is on the back side of the building, so patients rarely had to interact with protesters if we even had any. So, I’m sure you’re wondering okay… so why did this lady title this talk “what to do when your job is on fire ” if her clinic is so quiet and perfect. And the truth is it really was quiet - until it wasn’t.
So when your job is on fire, your mind kind of goes blank. Well, at first you think holy shit, but other than that it’s kind of quiet in your mind. You’re not sure if you’re angry, or sad, I think it’s just too many emotions at once. It is like if a train hit you but you don’t realize it for the first hour and then all the sudden all the pain comes at once and you –
– are pregnant Miss Wilson. I want you to know you have a couple of options going forward, however, your timeframe is extremely short. —so that is 100% still an option, but it would have to be made by the end of the week just to be safe.  —i’m sorry. i know that is so quick. trust and believe if it were up to me…well, a lot of things would be different. —hey hey, no no no. don’t cry. i’m here for you. whatever you choose to do i’m going to support you 1000%. but i can’t make this choice for you. you are the only one who walks in those *looks down and notices her shoes.* very cute sneakers you have on. —you’re very welcome. why don’t you go home and sleep on it and come back and we can talk more in depth about your options. Good *looks at computer* looks like i have a 4:30 tomorrow, does that work for you? excellent. now miss wilson, i’ll let you have the room
if you don’t have any further questions, but just know you are capable of making this choice! you are strong. and i’ll see you tomorrow.
*she leaves the room and goes to a sink. Throws away gloves and washes her hands. Puts a clipboard up in a holder. types on her keyboard for a minute and notices how late it is. maybe yells off stage*  - Paula? you still here? —i figured. well i’m heading out for the day. you go home now. the office will be fine until the morning. —i know you’ve got the calls, just make them in the morning. yes i’m sure. have a good night Paula! Another nurse approaches.
Hey hun! I’m home. Today was good. Couple new cases of chlymidia…but what else is new in this town?? hey thanks for cooking it smells amazing by the way. –no actually. –*laughs* I’m serious. I’m really not doing any work tonight. So we can get crazy. you know. watch some hulu. have a glass of wine. maybe if we are feeling extra crazy we can break out the scrabble. —yes. i am still the party animal you married. aren’t you lucky.
*phone is buzzing, candace and dan fell asleep on the couch and she is woken up by the ringer*
Dan, honey wake up - we fell asleep on the couch again. – Hold on my phone is blowing up, one second. –hello? –yes, this is she. What? Oh my gosh is everything okay no one was in the building? Right? Please tell me that. Oh thank god. Okay I’m on my way. What do you mean wait? No I can’t just sit here I’m coming up there.
Dan, the office is on fire. They don’t know what happened, but the whole place is burning. i have to get up there. i have to see it for myself.
*she see’s the building and is just flooded with emotion*
*goes back home*
*she has no words to say, but she has to take this horrible sight in all at once. the level of pain cannot be described. 
*She sits on the couch, opens her laptop, and calls the patient.* Hello. Hi is this Miss Wilson? Good. this is Dr. Bloom from planned parenthood. I, I can’t say much right now. IK we told you you could come in today, but you are going to have to find somewhere else to go.
I’m sorry to be emotional up here. I tried really hard to keep this professional and put together. But I guess really, there is nothing put together or predictable about real life. I know you all know this pain and this fear better than anyone…but every time I think about it, I just can’t help but cry and be mad, because all of this pain was the result of one guy who thought he knew best. And that that vision of best included setting a building on fire. Who is he to block healthcare? To try and harm women?  He’s nobody. I’m so sorry for yelling, but i’m just so tired. And every time I close my eyes I can still see that building on fire. Okay, if you haven’t heard anything i’ve said today, that’s fine but please here this. You have to promise me, you will take what I’ve said and you will use it. You will continue to fight for education, for health, and for the people who walk into our clinics. Becasue they deserve better than this. And we do too. We do too.
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booasaur · 2 years
Well if I erased the last minute that was a perfect episode. Their interactions at the ambulance.
Hahaha, no, even that last minute was part of the perfection! Which, it WAS a perfect ep! Look at what happened:
Jane and Ernie looking expectantly at Lucy as if she must know where Kate is at 6am on a Saturday, which she DOES
Lucy being unbelievably flustered at Kate in a bikini like, we were expecting that from the trailer and yet I still didn't expect it'd be THAT bad, god, it was the most hilarious and painful thing ever
Lucy being super worried when finding hurt Kate and being like, I'm not leaving you!
Lucy sublimating her worry and concern over Kate by telling her to put the ice pack back on her jaw and yelling at her about how dangerous it was to go in alone
Lucy then defending Kate when her boss yelled at her + Kate's soft thank you
Lucy finding out Kate refused a promotion! To stay in Hawai'i! Possibly to stay close to her! That is some Austenian stuff
Also Lucy excitedly telling Kate's boss she'll be okay and that he's lucky to have her :)
Lucy PUMMELING that lady who hurt Kate and like, never in a million years do I think she'd hurt or kill someone because of personal feelings, but did she particularly regret what happened? I wouldn't say so
Jane seeing Kate standing at Lucy's desk (didn't I say that desk's seen more than the elevator??) and immediately leaving the two to talk; as with her and Ernie looking at her earlier during the 6am thing and Jesse gently stepping in to defend Kate at the ambulance, I LOVE when other main characters are involved because writers have historically been very reluctant to expand f/f storylines into others' spaces
Oof, where even to begin with that Kate/Lucy convo? Kate just being there was great, and it starting with Friendly banter, as they'd agreed to return to after Kate's apology in 1x17, also, "you should be horizontal", like, we know you subconsciously think so, Luce
Lucy's "she won't be hurting anyone anymore" and pointed nod at Kate's sling, indicating how invested she'd been in getting the person who hurt Kate
Lucy apologizing for being hard on Kate earlier! Which, yes, just because she's worried doesn't mean she can just take it out on her, so while it was understandable, it wasn't right, and Lucy realized and apologized on her own, and so crucially, given these last few episodes, showing in practice how she views apologies, freely and quickly given when deserved
Lucy's surfing philosophy--and then the mood immediately changing from them laughing about it as Lucy almost brings up who she was seeing, the kahuna Ernie mentioned, but Kate most likely assuming she means seeing as in dating, at which her whole face wobbles and falls, which, yeah, Lucy is casually dating but nobody she'd bring up in conversation so meaningfully, the way Kate thinks is happening
Lucy visibly fighting herself and then HAVING to ask if Kate stayed in Hawai'i for her, and she did! I know people were all like, tbh, I want her to have stayed for career reasons too, but not me, I LOVED that she stayed for Lucy, muahahaha. "Because I wanted to be closer to you?" I love how freaking open that is
Poor Lucy realizing how much she isn't in a place to process this, and shutting it all down before she gives in to the temptation of thinking Kate loved--loves her and they could be a thing and then she could be hurt all over again
"I loved you, Kate." Aaah, she said Kate! Also, loved you, of course, also, like, kind of major, but she said Kate. :> And poor Kate as Lucy walked off. :<
Now okay, so that last minute. I mean, the way Lucy had to steel herself and take that steadying breath before plastering on a smile and walking up to the date? It's only further proof of how NOT over Kate she is, while also setting up a delicious obstacle to climb over in the upcoming eps (sorry to other lady, who seems nice enough). Lucy's heart isn't into her at all and actually I'm pleased that they're granting this time to Lucy (and Kacy the ship, since it's still part of their dynamic), because in other shows Lucy'd just have disappeared off screen after that talk with Kate and we'd just be told instead of shown that she's trying to move on
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I miss live theater! I'm getting antsy about it! Idk about broadway, but I think once the weather gets better we really need to start looking into outdoor shows. Like, some shows are impossible to do outside, I get that, but there are plenty that are doable! Smaller, localized outdoor performances of shows would be cheaper to put on and safer for an audience, plus would put a lot of artists back in work like...come on people Please who do I write to to get this ball rolling
- Hair. Hair literally,,,,doesn't even Have a set and for the most part the hippies are supposed to be out in a field. The only thing I could see being a problem is the snow machine for 'the flesh failures' but like...not impossible to set that up. Put the show in an actual field and the show gets even more interactive than it already is! Sell customed themed face masks with the tickets! Blankets for the audience to sit on can be spread out around the cast at safe distances. oooh and can you imagine how cool a night show would be??? yelling 'LOOK AT THE MOON' while the moon is actually out? I'm getting literal chills imagining the draft card burning scene right now, it's dark and they shut off the other lights so the trashcan is the main source of light and Claude singing right over it....chills, I tell you.
- Hedwig and the Angry Inch. It's literally a concert?? any outdoor concert pavilion would work? hell, if that's to pricey to rent out, in the show the concert is supposed to be in a parking lot lmfao so the cheaper the venue the better. You know how sometimes James Corden does a bit where they put on musicals during traffic??? That is SUCH a Hedwig vibe idk you could have a LOT of fun staging that show outside
- Rent. First of all, pandemic, housing and renting crisis, depressed young adults who desperately want hope for the future, so much else like...I'm sorry a Rent revival would slap so hard right now. The only set Rent ever has is like, a table and a scaffolding, maybe two tables if you're lucky. You can set that up anywhere. Fuck, find an actual empty lot for it. absolute vibes. Scatter the life support people throughout the audience. Whenever Mark isn't 'on stage' have him walk throughout the crowd filming people. Angel can be playing the tub drums while people enter the area and find their seats. When Roger leaves the apartment for the first time he actually fully leaves the show area until Christmas Bells starts up. The homeless characters can be scattered around the audience...like it's Easily good
- Hadestown. Okay listen. since I saw Hadestown I've wanted to see it as interactive. And what I'm proposing here is definitely crazy but NOT impossible and I feel like it would def draw an audience if only out of curiosity. Okay so like...have the show move. Like, there's an area set up for the bar in the beginning, tables strewn around with the audience and cast sitting together (at a safe distance ofc) so it feels like you're really IN the show. and when the story moves past that setting...so does the audience. Like, following Eurydice as she gets lost and dies (oof Hermes trying to get through to Orpheus can be like pre-recorded or in a different area so you can only Hear them while watching Eurydice) and then like listen....what town doesn't have an abandoned railroad track. I know it's an out there idea but would it not be so COOL to see all the railroad scenes staged on an actual railroad? Oh God and for the end the audience is once again following Eurydice, only seeing Orpheus's back until he turns around a second to soon....tell me you wouldn't get so wrapped up in the drama of that moment? hello? managing to pull off a production like this would simply fuck so hard I'm sorry
I'm tired so I'm stopping this post for now but like....I miss theater so much please let's just get safely creative please
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Okay so pro hero kiri has this big fat crush on his co worker! Reader who unintentionally rejecting his moves on her because she is so shy and awkward but slowly she shown some signs that she is into him so he changes tactics and acts more romantic which adds bonus points once he sees her blush when she reads the note attached to a deep red rose! fast forward to a couple of months of pinning and he is getting very frustrated especially with her enticing soft curves of her body so (1/2) 🌠 anon
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oof okay listen!!!! open ur ears!!! I have something to say
(Warnings - stalking, Somnophilia, dubcon, NSFW, unsafe sex, blood from a bite wound but it’s very brief lol)
You’re a little paper pusher at his agency, you barely even interact with the big man, but he always makes time to swing by your desk and chat for a bit before he heads home.
Unfortunately, you’re about as smooth as a piece of burnt toast. His casual flirting goes right over your head, and you keep rejecting his advances and it’s so fucking frustrating. Can’t you see how hard he’s fallen for you? Kiri doesn’t understand why you look away whenever he bends down to rest his elbows on your desk, giving you the perfect view down his shirt to see his fat pecs (the man knows he’s got a banging’ body okay). He doesn’t get why you shy away from his touch when he tries to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
Kirishima can’t comprehend why you always turn him down when he mentions going out with you and some other co-workers (to make you feel more at-ease, he knows he can be intimidating) for drinks or a bite to eat.
He’s stressed - the man really wants to get to know you, but it’s like you’re completely oblivious to his intentions. He’s pretty sure you just see him as a goofy extroverted coworker that loves people. After all, he does stop and say hi to several other people every day as he makes his way over to your desk.
So Kirishima decides to up his game. Starts making his feelings obvious. He gets more touchy, perching on your desk to reach and rub your shoulders, laughing at your jokes and (gently) smacking a hand against your leg like a giggly schoolgirl. He talks about his workout routine and asks you if you think his muscles have been getting bigger. Could you check? Just with a hand around his bicep of course.
He buys a few gifts here and there; a cup of coffee for you with his number on the lid, a new pen when he noticed your favorite one broke, cute socks because he’s seen you wearing cute ones before, and he saw them and thought of you.
Each and every gift is accepted with the biggest blush he’s ever seen. You turn beet red, flush stretching down your neck and disappearing underneath your shirt. Kirishima chides himself for wanting to see how far the flush went, for wanting to rip off your shirt and bend you over right here and now.
But he didn’t like you just for your body, and he was willing to wait. 
Kirishima feels emboldened by the success of his other gifts, so he decides to write out his feeling in a note, get you a bunch of flowers, and present them to you Friday night. That way, you’d have time to think things over and process your own feelings before you saw Kiri again on Monday. To him, it seemed like the perfect plan.
And god, you were so cute when he gave you the flowers, he wanted to kiss you on the nose and then taste your lips, right then and there. 
But he didn’t.
He gave you a soft pat on the back before walking away. He was around the corner before he heard you gasp, which immediately made him backtrack and peek his head out so he could see you. Was it a good gasp? Or a bad gasp?
You had a little smile on your face, eyes twinkling as you read the note.
Kirishima pumped his fist, heart soaring. He finally got through to you.
Except he hadn’t.
On Monday, you didn’t say anything to him, hardly even looked at him. When he came by your desk to ask what you thought of the note, all he got was a fierce blush and mumbled sentences, before you bolted off to the bathroom.
It’s like he was back at square one. 
It made Kirishima feel... inadequate. His old middle-school insecurities came creeping back into his life. Was he not good enough? Was he just too boring and dull and you didn’t know how to tell him without hurting his feelings? What was wrong with him?
But he was an adult now, he could handle rejection.
The thing is, you weren’t rejecting him. 
You baked him cookies, dropping them off in his office while he was out, but they had your name on them and the most adorable little note, and Kirishima’s heart almost exploded. Plus, they tasted delicious. 
He got a text from you one night, a cute picture of a spiky red dog and a “this reminded me of you... Sleep well! <3″ and he spent the rest of the night imagining your wedding.
You kept showing signs that you were interested, yet you wouldn’t even look at him in person. Kirishima concluded that you were just too shy.
That was okay. He realized that the more time he gave you, the more you opened up to him. Maybe in a few months, the two of you could go on a date or something!
In the meantime, the man liked to check up on you, make sure you were safe. He was invested in you now, subtly following you home some nights to make sure nobody looked at you wrong.
He broke into your apartment quite often, but it was entirely justifiable! He wasn’t being a creep (okay, well, maybe just a little), he was just being a good friend, a good coworker. He had to make sure everything was safe, that no one could get in (other than him), that you hadn’t left a candle burning or the stove going. 
You slept like a rock, staying asleep even when Kirishima accidentally knocked a cup off your counter and broke it. To his surprise, there was no awakening, no screaming, yelling for him to get out or that he was a weirdo. Just you, snoring in your bed, a tiny bit of drool at the side of your mouth.
It was such a domestic scene, it warmed Kiri’s heart.
Sometimes the man liked to slip into bed beside you, frame creaking under his weight. It was a tight squeeze-he was a large man and your bed was made for one (1) person, but Kirishima didn’t mind. It just meant he got to press close to you, feel the warmth of your smaller body, hear your quite little huffs and snores and mumbles as you slept. 
He let himself relax, sink into the mattress. The next time he crawled into your bed, he let himself wrap an arm around you. The time after that, Kirishima felt brave enough to scooch under the covers, squeezing his eyes shut tight as he found that your pajamas consisted of a giant shirt and panties.
Bare legs.
Glad that he wasn’t a teenager anymore, he didn’t have to worry about cumming in his pants. Still, he found himself leaving your apartment with a chubbed-up cock more often than not.
You were just so soft. He wanted to touch all of you, to lick all over and get your plush flesh in-between his teeth. He wanted to bite into your shoulders as he fucked you into the mattress, pumping you with load after load of cum, until your stomach was swollen and you cried because you felt sick.
But Kirishima also wanted to hold you close, take showers together and wash your hair for you, make coffee in the morning and talk about last night’s episode of “Chopped”. He wanted to give you sappy smooches before getting to work, make you laugh with goofy jokes and give you hugs, pick you up and twirl you around whenever he saw you after being apart, no matter if it were days or minutes.
The nasty, dirty thoughts warred with the soft, gentle ones. Sometimes they mixed, Kirishima daydreaming of sweet, romantic sex. 
He just wanted you so bad.
One night, he’s crawled into bed with you like usual, rubbing a sock-clad foot over your bare legs, pressing chaste little kisses to the top of your head as he draws you into his arms. It was nigh impossible to wake you, so he felt no fear or apprehension in taking such bold actions.
Shuffling in your sleep, you throw a leg over his hip, snuggling deeper into the solid warmth that is his body. Kiri sighs, contented.
And then you start making noises.
Little huffs of breath, tiny whimpers, and when Kirishima looks down, your eyebrows are drawn up. You twitch against him, against the thick thigh that you had slung your leg over, and then repeat the motion. 
You’re.... You’re having a wet dream.
Kirishima lets out a shaky breath, trying to focus so he doesn’t crush your arm with his excited grip. You’re rutting against him steadily now, dragging your damp cunt against his leg, sighing at the friction, lips parted. 
His cock is rapidly hardening, and he wants to rub himself against your stomach, feel the cling of his shirt as he rucks it up with his rhythmic humping. But he doesn’t.
He’s a gentleman, he wouldn’t take advantage of you like that. You’re just having an unconscious reaction to a man being in your bed. Maybe further down the road, when he’s taken you on many romance-filled dates, then he can lay you down and whisper into your ear how much he loves you while the two of you make love.
The man is so taken with that fantasy that he almost misses the gentle gasp of a name falling from your lips.
But he didn’t, because it was his name.
A shiver ran through him; excitement? fear of you waking up? He didn’t know. When he checked your face, you were still asleep, letting out those little whimpers and moaning his name quietly.
God was real.
God was real, and he had made angels, and you were one of them. 
And lord forgive him, because Kirishima was about to sin.
How could he hold himself back? You were humping his leg, moaning his name and panting, in your sleep. You wanted him, you were just too shy to initiate or accept Kiri’s advances. 
Theres no way he’s holding himself back.
Covers are thrown off, Kirishima quickly detaching from you (oh how he missed your warmth immediately) to shuck off his clothes, almost falling on his face as he ripped off his socks. 
Then he’s looming over you, quickly pulling up your shirt, lifting your head gently, guiding your arms out. Your panties came off next, slid down your legs with shaky, excited hands.
Kirishima wanted to worship you. You were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, laid there on the bed, whining in your sleep for him, thighs rubbing together. He felt himself salivating, jaw itching to open and clamp down, to eat you whole. He wanted all of you.
Climbing back on the bed, Kiri pumped his cock a few times, precum flowing from the tip helping to smooth the way. He was going to fuck you now. 
No preamble, the man just spread your legs, settling between them. A quick rub of your pussy with his fingers had him finding it already drenched, and he groaned quietly, the hand around his cock moving faster. 
He shifted back slightly, only far enough to lift your legs, pressing your thighs up and back towards your chest. Your breathing changed slightly, but Kirishima wasn’t paying attention to that now. He didn’t care if you woke up now, you had just been dreaming about him. He was your wet dream come true, you’d surely appreciate how good he was about to make you feel.
Lining up was a bit more difficult than Kirishima was used to - he’d never been this excited to fuck someone in his life, hands trembling, heart beating out of his chest, sweat slicking his skin. But then the tip of his fat cock slipped inside, stretching you open, and all was right in the world for Kirishima.
He wanted to slam home, to push and push until he was balls deep and his tip was kissing your cervix. But he held himself back - he hadn’t stretched you, and he didn’t like the idea of hurting you in that way, he wanted your first time with him to feel good.
So he went slow, pushing inside an inch, waiting. Pushing another inch, then waiting. Waiting waiting waiting, he almost couldn’t rein in his desires. But he did, for you.
“Kiri?” You mumbled, eyes fluttering open. Kirishima wasn’t expecting you to speak so clearly, hips jumping forward, seating himself the rest of the way inside your heavenly warmth as the man swore.
“Kiri?” Clearer now, with a hint of panic. Kirishima looked up, and you were fully awake now, looking at the man with wide eyes.
“Hey baby.” He whispered, smiling gently. Your hands rose, one resting against his bicep, the other settling on his chest, and he shivered at your touch, at the feel of your tiny little hands on his flesh. 
“What’s-? When did you....?” It was so cute, the confused scrunch of your face. You were still fighting the mist of sleep, blinking owlishly up at the man on top of you. Fear hadn’t kicked in, although it was simmering underneath the surface.
“Hey, shhh. Don’t worry, I’m here. Gonna make you feel the best, you’re my pretty little girl, know that? I’ve been waiting so long for you.” He whispered, swooping down for a gentle kiss.
You didn’t fight him, just accepted the lips pressing against yours with confusion. It probably felt like you were still in a dream, hazy and relaxed.
Kirishima couldn’t wait anymore, his cock was throbbing, your insides were molten and he felt like he was going to explode. He wanted, no, needed to move.
His first thrust was small, just a quick schlick out, and the same noise when he pushed back in. You were sopping wet, and the slide made it easy for him to move. Even more proof that you wanted this. 
You gasped, eyes fluttering closed as you pulled away from the kiss. Kiri huffed out a joyful, breathless laugh as he thrusted again, sparks of pleasure lighting up in his gut. 
“Mm, Kiri wait-” You moaned, nails digging into his bicep and chest. Kirishima ignored you, speeding up, trying to angle his hips to find your sweet spot. One of his hands held your hip, the other brushing your hair out of your eyes as he cooed at you. “Pretty baby, my beautiful girl. You’re making me feel amazing, love you so much. Feeling good? I can feel you trying to milk my cock. You want my cum?”
Dazed, assaulted by so many sensations straight out of sleep, you couldn’t exactly grasp what was going on. But Kirishima’s question snapped you fully awake, and you squirmed against his body. “No, no, don’t do that.” You mumbled.
“Shh, shh, you’re okay. I’m gonna pump you nice and full, you’ll feel all warm and round. Look so cute like this.” He grunted, going harder and harder with his hips.
Then he angled just right, striking your sweet spot, and you cried out in pleasure, bucking your hips involuntarily. “Mm, there we go. Feels good, doesn’t it honey?”
It was a rhetorical question - you were too busy writhing on Kirishima’s cock to answer, one of his hands pressing flat over your stomach to feel the subtle bulge of his cock as he fucked into your guts.
“Oh Kiri! Wait, I’m not-! Wait!” You whimpered, steadily reaching your orgasm. You didn’t want to cum, you needed to slow down and gather your wits, figure out what was happening and why Kirishima was here and when this had started and-
Kiri pulled out, quickly manhandling you as if you weighed nothing. He was so strong, it was easy for him to flip you onto your stomach, pulling you to your hands and knees. 
“Gonna fuck you full. You’re gonna take all of my cum, gonna get bred like a good girl, my good girl.” His teeth were clenched as he slid back home, hissing as your wet heat welcomed him. You whined at the pleasurable sensation, unable to stop your hips from fucking back, trying to take more of his cock. 
“Ohhh, fuck yeah, look at you. Knew you wanted this, wanted me. You’re so perfect, taking my cock so well. You like having my fat cock filling you up? Messing up your insides? Making you all wet and sloppy?”
His hand found its way to your clit, the area already wet from the copious amounts of slick and precum the two of you had produced. Kiri quickly began rubbing large circles over your button, thumb big and calloused and oh so good.
Kirishima’s other hand grabbed at your chest, attaching to your tit and pawing at you. He was quickly devolving into a feral man, animalistic in the way he fucked you, thrusts harsh and fast and too much but hitting you just right-
You cried out as you came, convulsing in the man’s arms at the strength of the orgasm he ripped from your body.
He didn’t take a second, spurred on by your orgams and the tightening of your cunt, and instinctively bit down on your shoulder, almost growling as he pounded into you.
“Fuck, fuck! Kiri ouch, fuck!” You yelped, his sharp teeth breaking skin.
The man paid you no heed, rabbiting his hips until he started to cum, his hot seed flowing into your pussy. His hips kept going, twitching as they slowed down until they stopped completely, both of you absolutely spent.
Nothing but the sounds of panting filled the air, and Kirishima finally unhooked his teeth from your shoulder, wincing at the stream of blood the started to roll down your back.
“Oh, baby m’sorry.” He mumbled, a bit drunk off the pleasure still coursing through his veins.  You collapsed forward, his arms no longer holding you up. 
Kirishima didn’t pull out as he laid down next to you, keeping your hips firmly cemented to his own so that none of his cum would escape, pulling you close to his body in the process. “Pretty baby, I love you. Thank you.”
It was just a dream, it had to be. You were left with no choice but to console yourself with that thought, unable (and unwilling) to think of any other possibilities. 
A wet tongue lapped at your back, Kirishima licking up the blood from the wound he inflicted. “I’ll be more gentle next time, I can be good with my teeth, I promise.”
You ignored him, letting your exhausted self flicker between awake and asleep, confused, disoriented, overwhelmed. 
What did he mean by “next time”?
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
Ranboo my Beloved please help this Kid please
VOD: TommyInnit Is Actually Depressed in Exile
(rp) Well that title can only mean Good and Wholesome things right??? Everything's going to be fine and dandy RIGHT?????????
yeah ok I'm ready to have my heart torn out again lets fucking do this
he's drowning again :(
"its ok though because its Dream. And hes great. H-hes cool" I have never heard Tommy sound more defeated :'(
[irt the Tubbo statue] Welp this isn't going to go over well
OH WOW THAT SKIN SHIT. he looks real fucked up ohnoooo. His eyes are greyer and hes got Visible Bags under them D: also his hair is messed up too :(
"we didn't do this out of pity" have lost their magic words huh oof
"if Tubbo wanted to be here he could, and he's chosen not to" :( :( :( this WHOLE SPEECH is painful and raw
Tommy is so angry and I wish he was ABLE to direct it at dream but man, I get it. Hard to watch him tear down the Tubbo statue though
.....also side note did BBH and Puffy build this while eggified that's wild lol
:( Fundy and Ranboo came to say hi. So did Philza. ahhhhhh, fucking hell :(
"Its been weeks" canonizing the longer timeline
Ghostbur ... that hits different now ;-; ;-; ;-;
I miss him already fuck
Tommy still not eating.. :(
adsfdfsf the fuckign... girlfriend bit what even is this
He's so sneaky and clever ahhh he hid the book!! fuck Dream took the last book and then he hid it too well lol
well that got depressing quick ;-;
Tommy really is so communicative he tries so so much I hate that no one seems to listen
"and he never would have gotten [exiled]" Tommy it wasn't your faaaullt
and they're trying too but he doesn't know how much Dream is intimidating them to stay away :(
shit he STILL hasn't eaten. Hes not putting on his armor either :(
I do NOT like the vibes on this "screaming station" .... seems fucked up
"the sun reminds me of a happier time, the sunset reminds me of my bench" THE SUN IS HOPE :(
and hes turning down primes
whoever suggested making a chair a "one person bench" omg adwsfdf
still hasn't e a t e n
lol always time to make fun of bbh and skeppy lol
.... a screaming station in the nether seems like an even worse idea than one over the ocean
Jack Manifold! I hear you fucking hate Tommy later!! and I have no idea why!! IS THIS IT
Fucking hell HOW IS THIS CANON
.........wow this sure is the WORST time Jack could have visited. FUCK
...he was even going to throw him a fire res Fuck
I still can't believe that was canonically Jack's last life what the fuck I can't believe that was the start of the Team Rocket arc
...he DID apologize, fuck fuck fuck
Jack and Tommy really talking past each other, this SUCKS so much like he could not have had WORSE TIMING and I wish it hadn't ended in a fucking, DEATH because I don't think Tommy ever meant to go that far at all, like, fuck man
(I know people are pretty sympathetic to Jack and all, and sure that sucked but also I'M HERE FOR MY BOY TOMMY RIGHT NOW OK)
....half a heart and still not fucking E a t i n g
running around the nether with half a heart. Building out over lava. Mans committed to the bit
................I knew it had bad vibes
FINALLY EATING!! Jesus that ghast lol
"why would he spawn there???" TOMMY THAT'S HOW MINECRAFT WORKS TOMMY adswfsdfsd
"I'm just a fucking tourist hub now" Exiles really done a number on him in a Multitude of ways
I knew that party was gonna do a number on him but man is it hard to see.
....I'm glad Ranboo's efforts have been appreciated a little bit. Its good to have SOMEONE other than Dream that Tommy's not cutting off
GOD the zoom in on the lava. Rough.
Hes tearing down the path too. He's physically and mentally isolating himself, which is ... harshly true to life
"Happy place / Theyre all happy / Its not quiet / Its just happy" Tommy writes the most Devastating Shit. Like first it was the Ranboo mail and now the sign, fuck. Its like any chance he gets to type, it just all comes spilling out, he can't help it
"Have I ever been the villain? ...(small depressed smirk)...probably" :( :( :( this is absolutely Dream's victim blaming working and everyone who dog-piled him about the walls and shit and fucking hell man, no
...the little interaction with Ranboo was a breath of fresh air, my beloved...
Wait what happened to the fake gf???
I do feel like its actually really good that Tommy managed to let ONE person through a little bit, and not brush him off out of pity. Its not enough rn but I feel like any outside connection is good for him right now.
It also does feel like it is because Ranboo kept trying even when he ran into difficulty. Its ALSO because of luck no doubt, and he managed to hit just the right vibes to not be 'pitying' because others DID try multiple times, but it couldn't have happened at all if he hadn't been so persistent with his mail either
I also noticed Ranboo questioned the "Dream and you are my only friends" line, which I appreciate
THE CHEST ROOM. FUCK. Well I know how THIS ends D:
"I owe everything to Dream, he comes and sees me and he gives me armor sometimes, and he makes me happier and he gives me a trident" . . . we're in the thick of it now huh
I LOVE THAT RANBOO SPEAKS SOME SENSE HERE THANK YOU. like Tommy's not in a place to hear it Right NOW, but I still appreciate it. He's very good at that (though he still has the backbone of a chocolate eclair lmao. Though maybe that's also why he didn't set off Tommy either)
He almost told him about the armor destruction and my heart hurts
"I'm gonna make it out of Cobblestone, because its my favorite block, it was. It is I think" :(
Ranboo really planning to run for president and help this kid get the FUCK out of exile
ALSO He's trying to clear up the compass thing, hes trying so hard. Tommy's not really in a place to hear it, but I'm glad it was said
......JACK. Hes coming in for a BIT and its just. He's bouncing off of Tommy so hard adfdf I can see how he becomes Team Rocket but also I hate that this friendship turned into hatred
asdfssfd don't ask Ranboo to STRIPE omg
why ARE there so many portals??
...."he takes shit from me" he told him :( I'm so glad he told him but fuck I wish Ranboo could help in some way. Too often you can't and you just gotta work with what you can do but at least he told him :(
"anyone can die Ranboo even me" there's that suicidal idealization! :(
"Its because they don't care Ranboo. Everyone who you think cares, probably doesn't"
GODDD cc!Tommy is a good actor though shit, the YELLING about the party I'M
Tommy is so communicative even now, hes trying to tell Ranboo and talk about it and I wish it made a difference
...he was triggered when Ranboo fought the mobs for him :( he sighed and it hurt :(
...he was testing him for pity with the pickaxe wasn't he, fuck
oh no tommy hes part enderman don't put him in water afdsfdf
back in serious mode I see.
Ranboo talking him off the literal edge, fuck
"Its never gonna end" oh Tommy... :(
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marsofaries · 3 years
Noticing You {Bakugou Katsuki x Reader}
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Cursing (its Bakugou lmao)
Summary: You thought he didn’t see you. That’s just when he started to notice you.
Notes: fem!Reader, shy!kind!Reader, Fluff, like a smidge of angst, happy ending
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You weren’t quite sure when it started... or why. It was your hyper-awareness for the one and only Bakugou Katsuki. He was, at first glance, just an overconfident jerk who couldn’t control his temper. But, that wasn’t truly him. Or at least you thought so.
He was kind. Not in the conventional kind of way— nothing about him was conventional. But you watched as he would leave a cup of coffee in the morning for Kaminari, claiming he had made too much. Or how he would place a blanket over Mina when she fell asleep in the common room. Or how he would stay up late just to play video games with Kirishima and Sero, even though he just complained the whole time.
Each little action just proved to you that he was different from what others thought.
Not only was he kind, but he was funny. You loved the little nicknames he gave everyone, laughing every time they came from his mouth. You never interacted with Bakugou, so sadly you didn’t have one. You often wondered what it would be.
And don’t forget that he was attractive! You couldn’t understand how people forgot this little fact. Yes he had a temper, but goddamn was he was fine. His soft blond spikes, his volcanic red eyes, and his taunt yet lean muscles. Everything just screamed ‘Greek God’ right at you.
Still, you knew he would never really see you. You might as well as have Hagakure’s quirk. You were quiet, always keeping to yourself. Quite like Todoroki, in a way. Although you smiled more, always trying to make each class member feel worthy of themselves. Some called you the “class therapist” which you thought was hilarious. It was derived from the fact that you always listened to what your comrades had to say, letting them rant about their problems and often giving reassuring advice.
“Stop! You’re going to make me have to have a therapy session with (Y/L/N)-chan.” Kaminari pouted from across the common room. You were observing Bakugou, as usual, hiding behind a thick book and a wool blanket on the couch. You knew that it would probably be seen as creepy, but you didn’t think it was like that. It was kind of like reading a book, how you spectate over the character and the story, becoming apart of the adventure— whether you were in the book or not.
Your head popped up at the mention at your name, having spaced out. It was a bad habit of your’s.
“Who the fuck is that?” Bakugou yelled, smacking the back of the electric boy’s head. A small huff of amusement escaped you. You knew he didn’t see you.
“Dude! She’s right there.” Kaminari hissed, digging an elbow into Bakugou’s side. Vermillion eyes darted to yours, and your heart skipped a beat. A soft smile adorned your face as you gave him a gentle wave. A small blush brushed over your cheekbones, not liking being the center of attention. You glanced back down at your book, curling your fingers tightly around the edges.
“See! She’s cute, right?” Denki shouted excitedly, quickly followed by an ‘oof’ noise. You assumed that he got punched.
You pulled your hand back under the roof, pouting lightly. It was raining... and it didn’t seem that it was going to stop very soon.
It was the end of the school day and class had ended a couple of hours ago. You were scouring the library shelves for a new book, staying longer that you intended. And now you were stuck here, unless you wanted to get soaked getting to the dorms.
You decided to walk around a bit, exploring the empty halls of the school. Wandering aimlessly, you had found that the school had a swimming pool, an anime club, and even an indoor tennis court. You peered out the window and huffed. It was still pouring.
Sighing, you peeked your head into another door, looking for a nice place to curl up and read your newest book. Your breath caught in your throat as your froze in the frame of the double doors. A massive gym greeted you, as well as one completely unaware Bakugou Katsuki.
The explosive blond was going to town on a worn punching bag, drops of sweat rolling down his tanned neck. You watched in some sort of flustered awe as the muscles of his arms tensed and contracted while his eyebrows furrowed in determination. This boy was truly gorgeous.
Not wanting to be caught, you slowly took a step back, yet squeaked as your hip bumped the frame of the door. As if that wasn’t enough, two of the theee book you had clutched to your chest slipped from your grasp, thudding loudly against the floor.
You dropped to your knees immediately— hoping, praying that by some miracle Bakugou hadn’t heard you. Maybe his music was loud enough...
“What the fuck are you doing here?” A sudden shout rang out, causing your head to snap up.
“Oh... hi, Bakugou-kun.” You stated shyly from your spot on the floor. You refused to look at him, keeping your eyes solely on the books you had just gathered. Bakugou fell silent, and you used that opportunity to get back to your feet.
You glanced back up to him, a light blush on your face. You weren’t the only one. Bakugou’s face had a slight flush— his hand gripping the fabric of his shirt tightly, right over his chest.
“Um, I’m sorry— I didn’t mean to bother you. I was, uh, just wandering around, because— you know, the rain, and....” You rambled on, gesturing softly towards the windows. A grunt of understanding interrupted you, making you look back at the blond. The blond that you had a crush on.
“You don’t have an umbrella.” Bakugou stated, staring out towards the pouring rain. He ran a hand through his hair roughly, turning away to hide the heat in his cheeks.
You watched in confusion as Bakugou ruffled though a plain black duffel bag.
You yelped as you shot a hand towards the flying object, hoping not to drop it.
It was a little red umbrella. Your heart skipped a beat.
“But what about you?” You looked up in concern, keeping eye contact for the first time since your meeting. You didn’t want Bakugou to be out in the rain, especially if he could catch a cold.
“I’ll be fine.” He answered gruffly, placing his earbuds back where they belong. You sighed, knowing that it wasn’t up for debate.
“Thank you.” You whispered with a red face and a pounding heart, even though you knew he wouldn’t hear you.
Something felt off.
Since the moment you stepped into that classroom, it felt like you were being watched. It wasn’t uncomfortable— or anything like that... just... off. You shrugged it off as you just being crazy.
You had left the umbrella at Bakugou’s door last night, as well as a little ‘thank you’ note. You hoped the hearts weren��t too much.
Pulling a book out on your desk, you jumped into your latest story. It was about a prince of magic, lost in a pre-quirk Earth. The prince had just landed when a small nudge to your shoulder startled you.
Your eyes were quick to find Yaoyorozu and Hagakure in front of you, small giggles errupting from the latter.
“Oh, hello girls!” You smiled, not at all displeased from being pulled from your book. You brushed a lock of your hair behind your ear, curious of the sudden interruption.
“Don’t look now, (Y/L/N)-chan, but—”
“Bakugou has been staring at you for the past ten minutes!” Hagakure squealed, interupping Yaoyorozu.
“I just wanted to warn you, in case you did something to make him mad—”
“Momo-Chan! Are you blind? Those are eyes of love!” Hagakure sang. You watched in confusion as the two continued to argue, wondering what in the world they were talking about.
Your eyes drifted over to the said blond, freezing as a vermillion stare immediately pinned you down. The girls were correct— you were being stared at. Bakugou’s eyes were shamelessly boring into your’s, making a deep flush crawl up your neck. He didn’t look angry perhaps— but confused, calculating. What threw you off, however, was the light blush kissing the top of his tanned cheeks.
Your eyes immediately flashed back down to your book, heart beating a million miles per minute. What was going on? Oh, how you wished your quirk was telepathy.
“I’m telling you! It’s looooovvve!”
A light breeze ruffled your jacket, making you pull it closer to your body. It was a Saturday evening, and you were just grateful for the break in training. Aizawa-sensei had been tougher than usual, and you were sure your muscles were about to give out.
You decided that a light walk around the town would be nice, reveling in the perfectly cool weather. A slight rumble emitted from your stomach, making you let out a small laugh. A small stop wouldn’t hurt.
Aoki’s. You heard of that place! It was Bakugou’s favorite place to get spicy curry. You distinctly remember, because it was one of your first times truly seeing him. Your only thought at the time was ‘of course Bakugou likes spicy food.’
Still, your mind had cataloged that moment, and here you were walking straight up to the counter.
Walking out with two spicy curries in hand (one with extra peppers), your brain hit a snag. You had ordered Bakugou some without even thinking about it. How would you give it to him? You weren’t even considered friends. What if he already ate? Would he think you were stalking him?
These meddling thoughts brought you all the way back to the dorm, still devoid of any solution. It’s not like you never surprised your friends with little gifts. Just last week you had given Midoriya a little All Might keychain. But this was different. Bakugou was your crush. Plus, you only spoke to him once!
At this point, you were thinking of just throwing the extra box in the fridge, maybe put a note with his name on it. Sighing, you opened the door, a sour expression on your face. It sucked having social anxiety.
“Hey, (Y/L/N)-chan!”
You yelped at the sudden greeting, confronted with a cheeky Ashido.
“Oh, hello.” You smiled, a bit surprised.
“Whatcha doing?” Mina questioned, dragging you in by your free arm. You yelped at the sudden tug, being pulled all the way over to the pair of couches in the common room.
“Ah, well— nothing important. Do you need anything, Ashido-chan?” You stuttered as you were dragged along. Mina had always been a bit.... enthusiastic, but you didn’t mind.
“Well, we were wondering—” Mina gestured over to the seats, and that’s when you took notice of your classmates. “—if you’ll hang out with us?”
The Bakusquad were all spread out, snack and sodas littered amongst the floor. You heart skipped a beat as you caught sight of the object of your affections grumbling angrliy to Kaminari.
“Can’t your raccoon eyes see that she was going to eat?” Bakugou suddenly cut you off, glaring hastily at the girl beside you. You watched in confusion as Kirishima and Sero shared knowing looks.
“Ah, it’s okay, Bakugou-kun! Well... I— mean, unless you don’t want me to, then I—”
“OI, WHEN THE FUCK DID I SAY THAT?” The blond sneered, avoiding eye contact with you. You looked down at your shoes, a small smile engraved on your lips. He was such a tsundere.
“Oooo, (Y/N)-chan! Is that two takeout boxes? You don’t have a secret boyfriend, do you?” Sero drew out mischievously. You watched in confusion as Bakugou suddenly tensed.
“Wha— no I don’t!” You vigorously denied, a deep blush on your face.
“Oh, she so does!” Kaminari yelled, throwing an elbow into Bakugou’s side. “Who is it? Tokoyami? Ojiro?”
“Oh, maybe Todoroki?” Mina chimed in. You sputtered noncoherently, desperately trying to clear up the misunderstanding. One, it was embarrassing. Two, you didn’t see your classmates (besides Bakugou) that way. Three, you didn’t want your crush to be thinking that you already had a significant other.
“Hey guys, I don’t think it’s very manly to—”
“Midoriya?” Sero yelled, adding to the chaos. You were feverently throwing your hands around, desperately trying to get them to stop. Also, you didn’t think Bakugou liked how loud they were being, judging by the silent, murderous glare.
“Ah shit, it must a girlfriend then!” Kaminari exclaimed, eliciting a laugh from the other three of the squad.
“No! It’s for Bakugou!” You suddenly exclaimed, tired of their teasing. The room immediately went silent as your word vomit sunk in. Crap.
If your face wasn’t on fire before... it was now.
The question came from the blond himself, his eyebrows up to his hairline. You shyly pulled the box marked ‘extra peppers’ out, sliding it gently across the coffee table.
“I, uh, saw Aoki’s, and I know it’s your favorite, and spicy curry is your favorite— always with extra peppers— with a side of rice,” You were talking and you couldn’t stop. Everything you said just stared to sound worse and worse— plainly laying your infactuation out in the open for all to see. “So, I got you some— but you don’t have to eat it! I should have asked— sorry.”
You reached to grab the box back, but it was snatched away before you could. Your eyes immediately flashed up to vermillion ones, surprised when you noted the flush along Bakugou’s tanned skin.
“Did I say I didn’t want it?” He scoffed, face a dark red.
“No.” You said softly, looking down at your fumbling fingers.
“Then I’ll take it!”
It’s been about a week since the little curry inscident, but no one said anything. You were suddenly so glad for your smart, yet extremely dense classmates. Or well, you hoped so. Everyday, scarlet eyes bore holes into your back... and everyday, your heart would beat a little faster.
Not only that, but the Bakusquad hung around you a lot more than usual. You were friends with about everyone in the class, but you weren’t really close with that friend group. For some ever reason, they decided to change that.
You walked down the halls, bag clutched in hand. Mina had told you that Kirishima had wanted to talk to you in the classroom. You weren’t sure what for, but you’d always listen if someone needed an ear. Her and Sero’s mischievous giggles were a little off putting, to be honest.
“Come on, dude! Just admit it! You are so whipped!” You heard a familiar cheery voice yell.
“Yeah, man! Confessing would be so manly! I can see it now.” Another person said, followed by a dramatic sniffle. You were hella confused now. Mina said Kirishima needed to talk to you? And now there was Kirishima, Kaminari, and another person.
“FUCK NO!” Oh, so the other person was Bakugou.
Wait... was Bakugou going to confess to someone?
You felt your heart immediately shatter, pulling your bag up to your chest. So he did have someone he liked. You could only bet how amazing they were. They would have to be the best. As soon as your crush had developed, you knew that your heart would end up in two. This was Bakugou you’re talking about. He was only focused on being number one. And if there was an off chance he developed a crush, it would have to be someone absolutely incredible.
Someone who wasn’t you.
Still, you forced a smile. You weren’t going to hold him back. You never would.
“Come on, man! I’m tired of see you googling (Y/L/N)-chan and grumbling about her all the time. Just ask her out already!”
You froze. The person Bakugou liked... was you?
Your face suddenly lit up, your heart beating faster than it ever had before.
Bakugou liked you.
Bakugou liked you.
Bakugou liked you.
Your face was million different shades of red, your fingers curled tight around your bag. What do you say? What do you do? Do you just... walk in there? Confess?
“SHUT UP, DUNCE-FACE! Even if I did confess— WHICH I WON’T, she wouldn’t even like me anyways..... she is her, and I’m, well, me.” Bakugou trailed off. Your heart broke. Never once had you ever heard Bakugou sound so... defeated. He sounded so unsure of himself. You hated it.
“Aw man, don’t be like that. We’re sure (Y/L/N)-chan likes you.” Kirishima said soothingly. You heard Bakugou scoff.
“Ah, the beast fell in love with the beauty. Poor (Y/L/N).” You heard Kaminari say, followed by a loud smack. “Dude! That hurt!”
You couldn’t help the small giggle that erupted from your lips. You loved your friends and their crazy antics.
The three within the classroom went silent, having definitely heard your giggle. You yelped as the door was suddenly pulled open to reveal a smirking Kirishima, a smug-looking Kaminari, and an absolutely furious Bakugou Katsuki.
Your face burned at the sudden reveal, but you gave a gentle wave anyway.
“Well, we’re just gonna head out...” Kaminari trailed off, giving you a wink as he squeezed past you. Kirishima followed him, flashing you a blinding smile and a thumbs up. This left you all alone... with your crush... that likes you back.
“Hello, Bakugou-kun.” You mumbled shyly, eyes locked on his. His entire face was red and he kept clenching his fists over and over again. He was no doubt planning the murders of his friends for their little set-up.
“How long... How long were you just fucking standing there?” Bakugou snarled, doing everything to avoid eye-contact. Of course he had chosen to become angry. It was easier for him, than the molten embarrassment— that was no doubt bubbling in his chest.
You pulled at the strings of your bag, suddenly feeling embarrassed for him. “Um... since you started talking about your crush.”
“Of fucking course.” He growled, running a shaky hand threw his hair. “Of fucking course you heard it all... Look, just forget that shit, okay? I won’t be fucking weird or anything to you.”
You frowned and put your bag down, slowly walking up to him. He had his eyes on the floor, not seeing you approach.
“Hey...” You mumbled as you placed gentle hands on his cheeks. He jumped at the sudden sensation, his vermillion eyes darting to yours.
“I like you, Bakugou. A lot. I have for awhile now.” You weren’t exactly sure why, but you felt confident. Maybe because you knew he liked you back, or maybe it was because he just seemed so shy in the moment. Whatever it was, you were grateful for it.
“You... you like me?” A small smile bloomed on the boy’s face, and your heart stuttered. You had never seen such a look on Bakugou’s face. It was gorgeous. “You like me!” He laughed.
Muscled arms suddenly wrapped around your waist, picking you up. You yelped at the suddenly lift, but it soon turned into a large laugh. Bakugou began spinning you around, a large crooked smile on his face.
“She fucking likes me!” He kept chanting as he twirled you around. You placed your hands lightly on the nape of his neck, smiling as you looked down at his face. Bakugou slowed to a stop, and gently lowered you back to the ground.
“You like me.” He grinned, all toothy and crooked. It was perfect.
“Yeah, I do.” You smiled, hands unmoving from his neck. Bakugou placed large hands on your waist, making sure to hold you flush against his chest.
“Of course you fucking do, I’m amazing.” He snorted.
You laughed at the sudden change of tone, looking deep into his entrancing, vermillion eyes. You gently curled your fingers into the soft blond at the nape of his neck, smiling brightly.
You liked Bakugou, and he liked you.
Suddenly, you were so glad to have noticed him.
382 notes · View notes
interact-if · 3 years
Umm hi 👉👈 I realized that most of the asks you guys get are about games and rec lists. You guys deserve so much recognition for the work you put in this blog, so I wanted to ask if I can do a little get-to-know-the-mods thing? If that's okay!
1. Besides writing, what are your hobbies?
2. Do you have a niche interest right now?
3. Any fave songs/artists/bands?
4. Any fave movies/tv shows?
5. On a scale of 1-10, how likely would you survive in your wip's world?
You can totally ignore this if you guys want, no pressure. Anyway, much love to all the interact-if mods! You guys are incredible! ❤
We saw this ask and we went 👀 👀 👀 so we’re happy to answer! Thank you so much for the fun ask!
 We also rated our survivability in all of our collective games, since Mars isn't an author! Fun stuff! Spoilers, though: it’s really not looking so great for me (Dani) but that’s fine!!!  😌
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1. I’m a photographer as well as a graphic artist (but not like. A painter/drawer kind of artist!) and, on a general level, a maker and a tinkerer!
2. Fountain pens! I only write with ink, and only with fountain pens, and I use bottled inks/converters!
3. I’m pretty eclectic with music, but my top genres are alt rock, indie, indie pop, etc, as well as top 40s and some rap.
4. I feel like this is the hardest one for me to answer? Favorite movies/shows? Avatar: the Last Airbender has been a favorite show of mine since I was a little kid, but I have a harder time thinking of shows I would call a favorite in recent years. There are shows I’ve liked, and a lot of shows I’ve watched. But I’m picky! And demanding! It takes a lot to earn a place in Dani’s Trophy Case of Favorites. 😌 I would say I quite liked A Quite Place (movie), and I liked Us (movie). When it comes to TV shows, I have a hard time being pleased with them if they don’t end well. As a result, I have a penchant for a good limited series/miniseries (because they’re stories that have an end in mind and the plot reflects that, dagnabbit).
5. Heh. Okay.
In The Goodfellows? I think I stand I chance. I can exercise my sparkling wit and lovable personality to the best effect. I’m gonna give myself an 8/10 survivability rating. Even if I don’t have the right skills, I can go crying to the person who does and they’ll save me. Maybe.
In Creatures’ Cradle? I’m super $**!%d. 😌 1/10 survivability rating. And that 1 is me being nice to myself. The day the apocalypse breaks out I would probably be patient 0. I am self-aware. I would not do well in an apocalypse. Zombies care not for aforementioned sparkling wit and lovable personality, and I have all the muscle of a boiled spaghetti noodle. So it’s a no go.
Greater Than Gods (Cruz): Well. I’m going to be optimistic. And say that I have the wisdom not to do things I shouldn’t do and not to rock boats I shouldn’t rock. I’m going to give myself a 7/10 based on insider information, but also based on reckless optimism!
Vardir (Cruz): Cruz says this is a lighthearted game, so 10/10 LOL.
When it Hungers (Roast): I’m giving myself a nice, mediocre 5/10. I think I could put my mind to work here; I joke that I’m the village idiot, but I’m actually pretty smart! Unfortunately, I’m also curious, and maybe a little bad with authorities who won’t answer my questions. So I knocked off a lot of points due to the fact that I’d probably poke the metaphorical bear. So it’s a real coin flip as to whether I’d really make it or not.
Orthall Bay (Nines): Considering the genre is “horror” and the game intro includes the words “monster” and “maim,” I’m giving myself a whooping, enthusiastic 3/10. Yes, folks, I am that confident in myself! Once again, I can’t charm the socks off a monster (or can I?), so one of my greatest weapons is snatched from beneath my feet. Alas!
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1. Beloved I’m a college student in the middle of a pandemic... i can hardly even write LOL i do draw at times which u can see in my personal blog (nothing too good really) and i used to do karate before things went to shit <3
2. Nothing niche I believe? All I do is leave Netflix as bg noise every day n play popular videgames (genshin)
3. Porter Robinson <3 I love Bea Miller a lot as well but lately I’ve been feeling Porter a lot
4. The Good Place <3
5. My WIPs:
Greater than Gods: Highly situational, the world GtG is set in is as broad as the real world LOL so I don’t have an universal answer. But keeping it vague, and knowing my own personality, I feel like 5/10. depends on my luck.
Vardir: 10/10 no one dies in Vikgade, unless you’re a hunter but I wouldn’t be a hunter <3
Others’ WIPs
I'm gonna give myself a solid 5/10 in all other WIPs because y'all aren't writing lighthearted stories either. I feel like as long as I avoid the role of the MC I will be mostly fine. I hope. But as Dani said I'm also prone to fight the wrong person and dig my own grave so 😌
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1. Well, writing is a very, very, very, distant hobby since Words Hard, but I like to crochet and sculpt a little! Anything to do with fiddling with my hands and I’m good to go. And like, debatable but graphic design is my passion [insert clown emoji here since Tumblr said No]
2. Oh yeah a bunch! DnD yelling at people, thinking of arson, crocheting, rock climbing and simply vibing. I got into podcasts a few years ago and I’m always looking for more recs, so if you have some, hmu 😤
3. Pls,,,,my music taste is,,,so weird do not let me expose myself with lack of consistency but uhh. Current songs that are stuck in my head include; Cult of Dionysus , Achilles Come Down and The Last Shanty  
4. If you’ve ever spoken to me before, I probably yelled about Pacific Rim to you or at you. Plus I love all The Mummy films and really enjoyed Castlevania (s3 excluded, we do not perceive that) as well! 
5. Ah, mod survival simulator pt. 3
Alright, let’s go!  I don’t have a WIP because again, words hard, but like, considering how feral I am when not tryna seem professional hm... 
The Goodfellows: I wanna say a solid 7/10 because I’d hardcore vibe with the Traveler and probably instigate so much nonsense. I can also bribe with blueberry cake so maybe. 
Creature’s Cradle: maybe a 4/10 and only because of pure spite keeping me alive long enough to smack someone. I’ve prepared for hypothetical  zombie apolcapyses and I won’t hesitate to bap, but will be bapped back because I’m weak as hell. 
Greater Than Gods: a toss up between 2/10 and 7/10! I can vibe and be chill but I also have terrible impulse control so... 
Vardir: hm....I think pretty good survival rates all around? If you ask me to fight then like, okay sure, your knees are mine. So maybe a 8/10? 
When it Hungers: .......8/10 just because I’d refuse to die if I can be a cool creature. Living for the aesthetic can and will drag me outta hell. But I’m also clumsy as hell so I’d probably crash as a porcelain or hold a rooster and perish (aka, real rating is a good 3/10) 
Orthall Bay: 2/10, nope. Nope I’d be taken out in a heartbeat. Monsters can go pspsps and I’d head straight into the dark creepy forest like a fool if someone comes @ me. Half the time I’ll just assume it’s sfx makeup and vibe until it’s too late. 
god, never put me in a universe where I cannot squawk like a bird and throw pebbles from a window. Oof
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Anon, you're so sweet! I give you a forehead smoomch <333 As for your questions...
1. If I'm not writing, I'm usually watching video essays on Youtube. My go-to channels as of right now is Disrupt and Aperture! I just really like their videos. Aside from that, I recently got into podcasts. Currently going through Hello From The Hallowoods and Shelter and Warning, which are made by queer creators!
2. Oh oof, there's quite a bit so I'm just gonna put down one thing. For some reason, I really got into collecting tiny astronaut things? I recently bought this astronaut desk light, and I've got a package coming in for the miniatures I ordered. No purpose for them other than I think they're neat <3
3. I'm a bit private with my music taste (even tho I have Spotify connected on Discord lmao), but there's 5 songs that I'm currently obsessed with. I keep replaying them over and over again. Just squeezing all the serotonin I could get outta them.
4. I can't really say I have a fave TV show or movie because I can't really just pick one, but my current fave is 9-1-1 and Resident Alien. 9-1-1 because I just really love the found-family dynamics and how the show tackles sensitive topics, and Resident Alien because it's lighthearted comedy. My all-time fave movie is Flipped! I have the book too and I like rereading from time to time <3
5. You're in for a doozy, anon, because we're rating each other's games <333
The Goodfellows: 7/10
Listen. Shenanigans with the Traveler. I would get up to so many of them and that is what'll get me possibly bodied, not the actual environment itself <3
Greater than Gods: 7/10
I like to think I have enough common sense to uhhh not recklessly flip stones that should not be flipped <3 I'm a cautious and skeptic person irl so I think I'll hold up well? Then again, it's a vast environment change and while I can adapt pretty quick, I wouldn't like the lack of control in the unknown.
Vardir: 10/10
Going off what Cruz said, Vardir is lighthearted and focused on personal growth so I think I'll be okay! Self-growth here I come, babey!
Creatures' Cradle: 8/10
Maybe I'm overestimating myself, but I think I'll be able to survive in a supernatural post-apocalyptic world! Ah, but it depends on the motivation though. I like the idea of rebuilding communities and eventually societies, but the survival turmoil would be a constant battle I'd have to overcome. If we're talking survival itself though, I think I'll do well.
When it Hungers: 8/10
That's probably my wishful thinking but I think I'll be fine. Maybe. Possibly. Don't like the idea of being regulated by an organization so if I was a non-human creature that could pose a problem but I can roll with it <3
Orthall Bay: 6/10
Assuming I'm not playing as MC, my chances of survival uhhh changes quite drastically. Not enough to guarantee an untimely demise, but certainly enough that it would constantly keep me on my toes. I think that's the safest answer I can get without spoiling anything lmao
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Thank you so much for asking! It's super sweet of you <3
1. Too many :'D I knit, I sew, I do carpentry (well, learning), I bake, I'm hammering away at HTML and CSS, my job kind of encourages learning new things and I take that to picking up new hobbies!
2. My time is kind of consumed with school work and work work and WIP work so not a lot of time to pursue niche interests right now. I've been watching a lot of horror game playthroughs, true crime youtubers, and an adorable show on Netflix called the Repair Shop <3
3. My taste in music is "what am I vibing with atm?" I've been listening to a lot of 80's music atm (don't @ me), but also Lo Fang and Kaleo, and whatever spotify recommends me on my discover weekly which is usually complete chaos.
4. I love the Mummy even though it hasn't aged 100% well (I'm a librarian, of course it's one of my gotos LOL), Legally Blonde, Leverage, Jumanji (the original), I'm....very bad at having recent tastes... and very bad at remembering my favorites when asked.
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The Goodfellows: I'm a creature of comfort, 5/10 if I can just luxuriate in town and not actually interact with the story sfjkdbsdkf
Creature’s Cradle: I'd like to think I have a 50/50 shot XD 5/10, I want to think I'd be decent at a zombie apocalypse but ultimately would suffer an early fate.
Greater Than Gods: 10/10 if I'm just vibing, less so if I'm involved in the actual story XD
Vardir: I'd still suffer without technology but I can also knit for a living in this world so I'm down 8/10
When it Hungers: I feel like I could vibe here, there's tech if dated, hot showers, telephones are around by now... might still get bored. 7/10 though it'd be cool to be another creature....I should make a 'what creature of snv are you' quiz!
Orthall Bay: 7/10 idk I feel like after the first monster of the week I'd just skip town XDDDD I'm the worst protagonist, I see danger I just leave.
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nishiisenpai · 4 years
you were right - ushijima wakatoshi x reader
REQUEST: “Hi! I heard you take requests, so what about Angst with Ushijima accidentally shouting at his s/o for thinking that he was right about something but actually his s/o was (you can choose about the topic, but if you need a topic, tell me) and then he is regretting it bc he never wanted to shout at his s/o who is now ignoring him and he is just apologizing so much and it makes him crazy that his s/o is ignoring him. - @janin1ushijima​ “
A/N: I love this man so much it is LITERALLY a blessing my friend introduced me to Haikyuu or else I wouldn’t have stumbled upon his sexy ass- anyways as we were speaking, I hope I didn’t disappoint and this was what you requested for!
WARNING: angst and angst only. fluff if you squint. {cursing will be added in}
WHO: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader, {Tendou! Best Friend}
part two
You were walking to Ushijima’s and Tendou’s shared dorm room to hang out with your best friend Tendou because he was bored and that Ushijima was out on his daily afternoon run that Tendou didn’t want to go to.
“Oh hey Y/N!” Tendou had greeted you at the door.
“Hey Tendou! Toshi’s not here yet, right?” You walked behind Tendou entering the boy’s dorm.
“Nope. He left me alone an hour ago and I hate him for doing so.”
“Well that’s why you got me!” You hugged your best friend after not seeing him for so long.
“Aren’t you so cute?” Tendou pinched your cheek and you shot him a disgusted face.
“Oh shut up chicken legs.”
“Hey! That’s not nice.” He grumbled and you laughed.
“Sorry, Tendou, you know I don’t mean it.” you placed a small smile.
“I know, I know, wanna play Just Dance?”
“You know it.” you shot finger guns towards him while grinning and raising your eyebrows.
“You really do be showing more emotions than Ushijima right now.”
“Hey don’t disrespect Toshi like that.” you crossed your arms huffing out air.
“Okay okay, I won’t. Now let’s play shall we?”
It’s been roughly thirty minutes of both you and Tendou dancing to Just Dance. You guys decided to sit on the couch and take a break while eating some snacks. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Tendou said making you whip your head around with a gummy work dangling out of your hand.
“BAHAHAHAH YOU LOOK SO RIDICULOUS IN THIS.”  as Tendou looks at his phone to the photo he took of you.
“SATORI TENDOU, YOU DELETE THAT PHOTO RIGHT NOW.” You said widening your eyes and instructing Tendou to get rid of the photo.
“Hmmm, let me think about it... Nah, I’m good.”
“TENDOU!” you said reaching for his phone and he lifted his arm. 
“No way! This is blackmail against you.” and you kept reaching for the phone, pressing your body against Tendou in order to reach for it. He got up from his side of the couch and started running around the dorm room. You chased after him too with the mission to delete the horrid photo off his phone. That’s when the ruckus started.
“Oh hey Ushijima.” Tendou stood in the small living area carrying his phone close to his chest.
“Hey Tendou-”
“SATORI TENDO, GET BACK HERE, OOF-” as you fully charged into Tendou’s body and wrapped your arms onto him not knowing that your boyfriend stood at the entrance way.
“Give me your phone right now. I need to delete that picture.”
“Uhm, no? You looked so funny in it.”
“No I did not! You’re not going anywhere with that.” As you hugged Tendou tightly so that he wouldn’t be able to move.
“Y/N?” Ushijima called out to you. Your head whipped to the direction of your boyfriend and your eyes sparkled seeing him.
“Toshi!” As you unwrapped your arms around Tendou’s body and headed to Ushijima with open arms but Ushijima placed a hand out.
“Don’t come near me.” He said in his monotone voice.
“Huh? Why? Is there something wrong?” Your concerned self walked closer to him with your hands in front of you but were still relatively close to your chest
“I said, don’t come near me.” 
“Babe, are you okay?” 
“Yeah, dude. Are you okay?” Tendou asked from behind.
“I SAID DON’T COME NEAR ME CHEATER!” Ushijima’s voice raised and this was the first time you’ve heard him fully yell at you. Also accused you too of being a cheater. Tendou had quietly directed himself out the door so he would stop further conflictment.
“What?” That’s all you could manage to spit out shocked during this moment.
“Get away from me you cheater. I know what you did with Tendou while I was gone.” He said looking at you with dull eyes and his sharp look.
“Baby, it’s not what it looks like. You got us all wrong.” 
“Oh yeah? Well explain that close interaction I just saw when I walked through the door!” He yelled.
“Toshi! I was stopping Tendou from running away so that I can delete a photo he had of me.”
“Oh so now both my girlfriend and best friend have secret pictures of each other behind my back?”
“Why are you acting like this? I’m telling you there is nothing going on between Tendou and I!” you yelled back with frustration rising up. Tears slowly welled up in your eyes.
“I knew that you were cheating on me. This explains all the close interactions you had with Tendou. I can’t believe I dated a cheater. And best friends with a bitch.” he scoffed and couldn’t look your way.
“You are absurd and so fucking dumb Wakatoshi! I just told you I was  trying to delete a stupid photo of me in Tendou’s phone, but you decide to pull the “cheater” card. Are you insane? We’ve been dating for years already, and you know. YOU KNOW, that Tendou is my best friend. So don’t pull this shit on me.” tears slid down your cheeks. 
“Also how can you say that about your best friend Tendou like that! You guys are buddies and not once have I tried making a move on him. You wanna know why? Because I don’t date people for their best friend. I date them for them and not to hook with their friends on the side. Tendou’s my best friend! He’s your best friend too! Sure I love him, but not in the way that I do to you!” you screamed at him.
“GOD YOU’RE SO FUCKING ANNOYING. JUST ADMIT YOU’RE A CHEATER AND LEAVE!” Ushijima yelled out at you and your eyes widened as the tears flowed down your cheeks.
“Ahhh, I see... I’m a cheater, huh?” you said giving him a bitter chuckle before going to the couch to grab your bag and taking off Ushijima’s hoodie you had worn coming here.
“Wait, no- Y/N, I didn’t mean that.” Ushijima’s eyes widened as he walked closer to you realizing what he said to you. You turned around bitterly chuckling wiping away a tear coming from your eyes.
“No you’re right, I should leave. You said that a cheater like me should leave. That’s what I’m going to do.” As you walked to the entrance to put on your shoes and grabbed the door handle. Ushijima hurriedly walked over to you.
“Y/N, listen, I-I-I was wrong. It just slipped and I’m so sorry. Please stay, I don’t know what I’d do without you and I was wrong.” he pleaded for you to stay.
“Goodbye, Ushijima Wakatoshi. I hope you take this time between us and relish on it before coming back to your senses.” You turned to face him with a sad smile as tears welled down your face. You went on your tippy toes placing your hands on both sides of his face before giving him a small kiss on the forehead. 
Ushijima had closed his eyes savouring the gentle feeling of your lips on his forehead as he let out the pent up tears in his eyes.
“Please don’t go.” As he looked at you with a raw expression he’s hasn’t shown you before.
“Goodbye.” you grabbed the door handle and left Ushijima in his dorm sitting, facing the door to where he lost you.
“Hey Y/N... It’s been five days since I heard your pretty voice or even got a response from you. I’m so sorry for what happened previously. I didn’t mean to say that or even shout at you and I was just so jealous and frustrated. If you can just text me back or call me, or say anything it would be amazing. From Toshi.”
“Hey Y/N, it’s been a full week and you’re ignoring me. I get it... I know what I did was absolute shit and I don’t know how to make it up to you... God I am so fucking stupid for blaming you and Tendou. I’m so sorry that I had to let my jealousy get to me. You were right. Tendou showed me the photo of you and my fucking god do I miss you, your pretty face, kisses, hugs, laugh... Please come back to me. I miss you and I’m sorry again for causing you so much pain. From Toshi.”
“Hey baby, it’s been three weeks since I last heard from you. I am so crazy about you. Every morning I wake up in sweat knowing you’re not with me in my bed cuddling or sending me your daily morning text messages, or asking about how my day was. I miss the way your smile would light up the room and make me feel better after a shit practice with the boys. I miss the way your cheeks turn into a shade of pink when your blushing or flustered. Gosh you’re so fucking cute and I just want to hug you to death. Not literally, but you know what I mean... I miss the way you bring food for the boys during practice and the way you wear my hoodies and how they are always bigger on you. I just love and miss seeing you or hearing you everyday. I am so sorry that I was a pain in the ass and I can’t stand not having you back into my life. So how about I make it up to you with dinner tonight, at eight pm, my place and I’ll kick out Tendou and make you your favourite? Love Toshi.”
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shoichee · 3 years
May I request a matchup please?
I go with she/her and I'm Straight! Pretty outgoing at some point but mostly is that calm sunshine in the group (or that's what I've been told) I am a Virgo and an ENFP! You see where the energy is coming yes? Hehe
Anyways,Hobbies,, You can say almost anything fun. I love sports especially Volleyball and basketball. I definitely enjoy singing, drawing, painting, writing and so many things- I just can't stop haha!
Strength? The ability to talk to Everyone easily! Communication! I love interacting with people and I honestly think its one strong point for me! I usually get pissed at people easily but Somehow they turn around and become nice to me so It doesn't bother me much anymore!
Weaknesses,, Stress is the biggest one. I can't function straight with stress and I lose my control and focus. I get really vulnerable and weak under it and like,, oops. Also Insecurities are part of the whole thing but that goes with Everyone I guess.
My interests revolve around almost everything. Curiosity. Mhm. Oh and Also I LIVE for making Others feel better. No matter who I try to take care of Everyone around me and all. Even if other people thought they were bad and Hideous. I just give the person a chance and then,,,, I get easily attached. Help.
Ah, I am not the tallest but Is 5'475 tall? Hehe,, lets not talk about the rest- Long dark hair with some hazel highlights and slightly tanned skin.
Hmm what else. Ah yes! One main thing that I LOVE is Roller Coasters.
I hope that's enough?? Haha Hope you have a good day/night! Stay Hydrated!
I just saw that another anon Said that they forgot something and since mine is in the askbox I was wondering if It's okay to add some small things? Minor details? If so here are mine🥺 (I don't remember if I submitted as an anonymous or not but I'm the ENFP gal who has a lot of energy uhh Volleyball basketball gal?)
I am a big softie who EASILY gets attached to people/things/animals and even numbers. If I liked someone and they liked this specific number, this number is now one of my favorites. Colors as well. Anything that resembles someone I really like. Plushies? If anyone got me one I'm definitely cherishing it but best gifts would be colorsets. I love coloring so any color set makes me happy.
I am a total softie. I would appear to be confident and more mature but I have this soft side in me. (And that side who squeals and screams in horror movies as well) I cry while watching shows and Whatever happens that makes me happy makes me soft like 🥺
Food makes me happy as well (Idk I'm hungry had to put that in)
Sorry If that caused you confusion and if that was messy-
Hope you have a Lovely day/night Darlin!!💖💖
Best Matchup…
Sakurai Ryō
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listen, HEAR ME OUT
he’s an INFP first off, the butter to your ENFP bread and he’s a virgo too
he’d probably be intimidated by you first by how chatty you can get ✋😭 but he’ll always be in the background, noticing your presence, being that the very observant guy he is
but you’re always hanging around the basketball courts and he has that curiosity in him that he can’t bring himself to shake off
everyone calls you the oh so wonderful “calm sunshine” and the mega-softie that he can’t help but want to get to know you, but he doubts your reputation and rumors about you just a smidge bit when he sees you yelling your ass off at Aomine, because let’s face it, he brings out the worst sides in everyone LMAO and he’s NEVER OUTWARDLY NICE (Aomine—stop making things harder for everyone, I’m begging–)
of course, noticing Sakurai doing his own shooting drills many times while you hang around the courts, you’ve tried a few times to approach him to say a quick “hi” and a chat, but he IMMEDIATELY books it out the door every time, all while frantically chanting “sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
you’re here like: “??????????? What did I do?”
it was by pure chance when you guys ended up in the same class that spring, I just know it
it was during a break when you, who were seated pretty close to Sakurai, couldn’t help but take a quick peek on his desk when you realized he was moving his pencil in a way that only an artist would do: he was drawing something
oh no… someone got a wee bit excited at that, totally not you right now or anything
even when he was half covering the paper while timidly sketching, you could totally see that he was drawing some manga panels and quickly outlining some dialogue bubbles
you made a suppressed delighted noise and he INSTANTLY scrambled to cover his sketch with his entire body on the damn desk and snapped his head up to look at the source of the sound: you
“Uh-uh..Uhm…! I’m sorry!”
“No, no!” you tried to reassure him. “I should be sorry for looking at your art without asking…”
“Oh…” he hesitated, before sitting properly again… though his arm still protectively covered the paper. “It’s fine… so…”
“But by the way!” you chimed. “I really love your art style! I draw too, so I was just really excited to see you did too, sorry if I scared you… I never meant to, ehe.”
he dares to try to glance at your figure at your giggle, but he immediately averts his gaze away in embarrassment… does he have an eensy crush on Touou’s “calm sunshine?” he doesn’t dare to even think
I would think for the next few weeks, you would be the one to initiate all the conversations with him in class, talking about manga and sharing your own drawings to make him feel better, even bringing up basketball as a topic frequently
he slowly becomes more comfortable with you, now realizing that you aren’t here to hassle/embarrass/bully/take advantage of him… poor guy
I suppose this is where your comforting side kicks in a lot more; you’re very protective of him in general, because LOOK AT HIM and tell me he isn’t the SOFTEST GUY YOU’VE EVER MET?
you’ve slowly led him to have more agency on himself + with others and have a little more self-esteem on all the encouragement and reassurance?? and you always try your best to make him feel better?
he likes that you’re the more “mature” and “put-together” one out of the two, you’re someone he can rely on in that sense
there’s gonna be a LONG TIME where he thinks he can’t be with you because he thinks he doesn’t deserve you—someone help this poor guy out
and you’re probably giving the most OBVIOUS signs that you’re smitten with him and everyone around you two are just slapping their faces like: “DUDE… you’ve GOT to be kidding me…”
fast forward where you’re probably the one who confessed and then you two get together
he’s surprisingly calm under large amounts of pressure (he has to, that’s his entire life on the courts), and when it’s with you (someone who he really, REALLY cares about) he’s willing to steel himself to be someone you can rely on during periods of high-stress and vulnerability
he gives sound advice, being really down to earth
as much as he has tons of insecurities on his own, when you have your own bouts of insecurities, he’s rushing to reassure you so adamantly and vehemently that it’s almost comical how passionate he is to dispel your negative thoughts
like, he understands you down to a T because he faces the same struggles himself
you BOTH can cry and squeal at all the types of movies together in a collective sobfest for movie marathons
bonus: there was a time when you gifted Sakurai a mushroom plush, as per his team’s suggestion… not knowing that they were snickering the entire time
“Wha-wha…? What’s with everyone associating me with mushrooms…?”
“Hm? I thought they were your favorite food? And your team told me you would love something like this…”
“Uh… erm… I guess… though I don’t think I’ve ever said any of that.”
a light bulb went off in your head, then a very large irk mark replaced it… you immediately turned and stormed off to find the conniving Imayoshi to yell his damn ear off… leaving a very confused Sakurai behind
his gifts for you on the other hand, are impeccable and well-thought out, always giving you art supplies and trinkets and plushes you might fancy
Runner-Up Matchup!
Kiyoshi Teppei
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I was debating between Sakurai and him SO MUCH
let’s just say both are great matchups to you
Anyways, our local ENFJ here is just as sunny as you here
with you two together? godamn, it’s too bright looking at you two standing next to each other, flashing everyone the brightest smiles out there like there will never be rain (cue the sunshine anime sound effect with all of the yellow rays coming off of you two)
both of you guys are quite the conversationalists, livening up any place you guys go to
like… you guys are really similar to each other, no really
it’s not hard to believe for anyone that you two would become great friends and then accidentally fall in love with each other eventually, and it feels all too natural
the only thing that distinguishes him from you is his very strong will and strong mental state overall
he isn’t the “Iron Heart” for nothing
he would definitely keep you grounded on your feet when things get mentally tough, always being there to say the right things and help you relieve the stress through massages and doing some work for you (if he can); also canon because he does this for the Seirin team
and he’s always there to stop you from being too nice to people (especially if these people were vicious and awful to you one moment and then become nice to you the next)... or instead of stopping you from doing anything, he LETS you be nice and chatty, but while you turn around to leave/do something different, he gives them a quite threatening (knowing) smile of his own as a warning not take advantage of you
he’s… not adept with his hands in terms of arts and crafts, so while you stare at wonder at his basketball techniques, he admires your dexterity with a pencil and brush… you’re like the Renaissance goddess to him or something
“Please Teppei, It’s not THAT much of a masterpiece.”
“(y/n), you know you should give yourself some cre~dit.” He would cheekily say while mussing up your hair (he, in fact, quite loves that your highlights really do remind him of sun rays)
both of you are literally holding onto each other for dear life when you two thought it was a bright idea to sit down and watch a horror movie together; it’s canon that a horror movie caused him to develop a huge fear of rats… so I’m just saying
“(y/n)! You sing?? Wow, lucky me, getting free front-row seats.”
“And who said I sing for free?” you playfully chided, and he gave a good-natured smirk of his own
“I’m glad you asked, because I can be the instrumental backing to your vocals, so I’ll be technically working to support you, as always.” he reaches into his back pocket to pull out…
a harmonica
a fucking harmonica
“How am I gonna sing to THAT?”
“Let’s try it out, shall we, (y/n)?”
bonus: imagine the hellstorm the Kirisaki Daichi team is gonna get when you see Teppei in a horrible state after that match
Honorable Mention!
Kise Ryōto
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did you say your interests revolve around everything??
did you say that you like to sing?
did you say you like to talk with people?
say less, for you have summoned the one and only Kise
canonically, Kise is pretty much the only guy with dyed hair (he actually has brown hair while everyone else has natural black), so when he spies your hair also being a bit different from the rest, he remembers your face
he noticed how sociable you are and how you got along with most people around school
and he finds you a bit more intriguing than your average person to be honest
why did I not put this guy at the top of your matchups? it all lies within his twisted personality
Kise, being an asshole that he is, would talk to you frequently and have you wrapped around his finger (YIKES, aka the people Teppei would warn to stay away from you)
I can already imagine the drama between the two of you and all the misunderstandings things are gonna cause–
see, you’re a great communicator, and contrary to popular belief, Kise really isn’t the best communicator at all—always keeping his real feelings to himself, accidentally assuming things at times, jumping to conclusions, hiding his motives at times
you’re an ultimate softie at heart and get attached really easily, and Kise at first, chalks you up as any other fangirl he’s met (OUCH)
and even when he finally reveals a more sinister side to himself, and you get pissed off and storm off, he’s a bit… thrown off… when you’re back to begrudgingly talk to him again the next time you encounter him
like, you guys will be going through 75282 hurdles before you guys truly see eye-to-eye with each other, but IF THAT HYPOTHETICALLY DID HAPPEN ALREADY…
you guys would be softies together!! he glomps on you, gets all childish on you, and you’re the sentimental person crying and being emotional
when you’re unbelievably stressed, he’s automatically by your side to support you and your needs
and when his team loses again in another match/tournament, and Kise is THIS close to crying again, you do everything you can in hopes of comforting him
people would probably look at you two and go, “eurgh, cheesy”
frequent karaoke night trips!!
you guys just share hobbies and try everything like it’s a trading card game
always going to the fairs and amusement parks to try on all the rides for fun
insanely tooth-rotting fluff in a nutshell if you can get past the huge initial obstacles
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liveblog: kingsglaive final fantasy xv
some absolute king put the movie to the internet archive - thank you. of course, i hope i'm watching the right thing haha.
regis honestly just so -chefs kiss-
it's crazy how long the wall around Insomnia was up
love when the niffs fuck up a royal gathering
young ravus! love it
ravus yelling for regis to help them :(
wow this flashback is different than the one in the anime
luna's clothes are different
but the acitons are te same
so not that different
getting some lotr the two towers vibes from this battle scene and i'm here fo it
and i LOVE this dude's invisible power nice
nyx's voice sounds so familiar!
nyx: i'm worth the wait
loving him already
but i'm liking seeing the way all these warriors are interacting with each other. can definitely tell they've spent plenty of time in each other's pockets
oh the cerberus!! i really liked that entrance
oh wait, no, what fun daemon is this?????
in love with the way nyx is using the warp
now i can ask the question: where the fuck are they? clearly not in insomnia, unless this is set during noctis' rest? but it can't be since this is 12 yrs after lunafreya became a prisoner...
hm, it'll get explained to me
nyx is nothing without the king. please remember that nyx
hm, yes, we love king regis
an envoy from niflheim????
oh it's ardyn!!!!!
god, yes, yes, yes, we love ardyn
oh he's delicious i loe his grandstanding
oh he mentioned noctis, that's a no-no
oh??? ardyn proposed noctis and lunafreya to get married??
oh this is so fucking great wow thank you ardyn
hm so this one insomnia soldier doesn't like nyx, how nice
oh shit night life in insomnia??
whatever the music is is banging
i missed his name but the dude makes sense
but where did these kingsglaive soldiers come from if they're outsiders?
i love a strategic meeting
especially because of how you can see regis actually tremble from weakness
also, gotta say, it's amazing that regis has the strength to support the wall and the kingsglaive
hm regis accepted the truce
who the hell is clarus?? i know who he is, but more like where is he, so who is he in regis' little posse
commencing operation: infiltrate tenebrae
lunafreya looks GREAT
oh hello ravus
"whatt you believe does not concern me"
god, knowing what i know about ravus, it must've hurt him hearing his own sister call him a lap dog to the empire
they have cartoons????
going back a bit, wonder what was up with the van that crow saw. bit suspicious
mm what a sexy car
i fucking KNEW it was an audi
"what good will you be without the king's magic?"
oh that IS clarus okay
yo they really just came in and said "we'll take lunafreya thanks"
hm.. i have suspicious feelings about lunafreya
like maybe she's ardyn??
"my duty is my destiny, your majesty. i'm prepared to accept whatever my come to pass"
oh so crow's defintiely dead
i keep missing his name, but this dude is so torn up over crow's death he ripped off the kingsglaive insignia
hm, so the dude is going rougue, and wow, that was overheard by three other glaives
eve of the signing ceremony...
doesn't that mean that noctis and co have left already, actually?
yes, it must, because regis wanted freya to meet noctis
so, yes, the freya in insomnia is absolutely... not ardyn
crutch dude has now joined a rebel group - i just hope he did some vetting and isn't about to talk to niffs
who is that general in the armor?? hm, interesting
oof nyx with that round bubble butt
lunafreya is missing, how nice and convenient when the treaty signing is about the happen
regis ordered the kingsglaive to go save lunafreya, nice
god, one of regis's last acts as king :(
"for hearth" "and home"
that's actually a nice call and response
god, i'd love to be a legilimens so i could read regis' thoughts. he must know what this is probably gonna be his last day on eos
the hoods are very asassin's creed and i like that inspiration
hm what fun whisper was that to the niff ambassador
oh wait that dude is the niff emperor my bad
hm, yes, we love double talk
mm sexy kills yes
god, yes, the game's afoot!
octopus in teh airship? kinky
we love traitors
oh wow the crystal has been deactivated :(
honestly though, humungous props to niflheim for diong this. like this is a BRILLIANT politcal move, it really is
yes we fucking love regis and clarus fighting together!!
"then let us once more into the fray, old friend"
so sad the outcome though :(
ouch, clarus!!
"we have broken the wall. all that remains is the break the city"
100% correct emperor
nyx is so exasperated by lunafreya
yeah this dude in the vest - like he thought he was gonna somehow be great under niff rule??
oh hello there ravus
ravus put on the ring and, hm, he wasn't found worhty
nyx is fighting the super souped up general
and it JUST occured to me that the reason why nyx sparks when he uses magic is because it's not his
so this is how luna got the ring okay
we love parallels
regis's last stand :(
oh so the crutch dude didn't do any vetting at all because he only found out that the other refugees were working with niflheim
slacking bro
but, now yo can do what you want and bring refugees into the city
idk why any one would that that niff would keep its word, but that's besides the point
hm, no airbags?
"true power is not something that is found by those who seek it. it is something that is found by those who deserve it."
crutch dude being called 'hero' = irony
haha this traitor put the ring on, idiot.
though lunafreya baited him a bit but i support that
wow this ring got passed around like a hot potato
nyx has been found wothy - until dawn
crutch dude's name is libertus
libertus threw away the pills, good job!
oh ehll yea the statues are moving!! i iked seeing that in thhe game
caught way caught up in watching the movvie
i absolutely loved the fighting. all the moving parts were done amazingly well and the effects and graphics were stunning
honestly a great fight. truly enjoyed that.
though, both libertus and luna know what nys is definitely come with morning's light, it's nice of them to be optimistic
luna doesn't fit in with the other people but separate paths yes
okay nyx was aaron paul, regis was sean bean
i knew nyx's voice was familiar
what a good movie! i really enjoyed that
love that it helps flesh out what happened prior to signing day, and also showed us how good the kingsglaives are in combat
i liked that everything was so tense and there weren't too many motivations for why people turned traitor or fighting - everything came down to fighting for home (minus niff as a whole but that's an empire so given)
also, liked seeing how the ring got passed around,and seeing ravus try it on, though it was told to us in game he had
overall, good! the backstory provided was great and really does help develop the game more
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to OPTIGAMI!!
I have never been so nervous and scream so much during an episode of this show before. And if you know me, that's saying something. Gabriel and Nathalie are getting seriously scary. Their plans are getting much more convoluted and are getting closer and closer to actually succeeding. And because of this, Alya's involvement is a lot more important now because there's no way Chat Noir and Ladybug would have managed it without her. Let's be real, the reason they chose Nino as their target was because Gabriel's still bitter about Adrien and Nino being friends after Bubbler. Awww all the Kwami's are so cute, wanting to go along. Trixx being like, oh well I have an owner so I can go! And Marinette being adamantly against it. It was at this moment I knew, Alya's getting that Miraculous permanently. But I didn't know if it'd be in this episode or not, so I didn't get too excited yet. But Trixx and Alya's bond is something I really like and want to see more of. Nino and Alya's little high-five/handshake is so cute I can't help but smile every time. x3
Marinette's freak-out about getting in the elevator. Luka's got a soft look on his face. Kagami's like "why are you like this" Max's just confused at what's going on AND THEN THERE'S ADRIEN WITH THE SOFTEST LOOK When you realize that Marinette adoringly (and appeared like she wishes she could have that, too) watching Alya and Nino do their little high-five/handshake is what saved everything in the end.....😬Cutting it really close. I thought Alec got trapped by Hawk Moth and that that's why he didn't show up. Who knew he was playing video games in a bathroom stall instead of doing his job lol. Lesson learned, I hope. xD I'm just surprised Hawk Moth's in the bathroom instead of his lair. He could do the same thing from home. 😂 I'm not a fan of Audrey, but that was really cold. The exchange between Marinette and Alya during an akuma attack is what I've been waiting for since Gang of Secrets. Adrien being wonderful and protecting Chloe, which could've messed up everything had Kagami not saved him. It's so sweet that despite what happened between them, she still risks herself to save him. "Plagg-" Marinette comes bursting into the elevator, looking in her bag "Tikk..iii!" OOF So I screamed, a lot. And laughed hysterically 😂 All Marinette had to do was run in facing the other way and she'd see Plagg and it'd be all over. All that had to happen was for her to run in a second or two later. All that had to happen was she noticed Adrien a second or two too late. But Adrien heard her say "Tikk...iii" in an attempt to cover herself. Remember, he's always had suspicion of Marinette being Ladybug and came to the conclusion easily enough. Kwamibuster did divert his attention away from it a bit, but Chat Blanc took place after and he didn't hesitate to think otherwise. Aww poor Zoe :c She's part of the "Chloe's used me as a human shield" club. (((Everything after this point, I had to completely redo because tumblr decided to suck and wouldn't allow me to post my message due to an "error" (which has never happened to me before), then wouldn't let me save it as a draft. Then when I went to copy it all, somehow everything got eaten and it wouldn't allow me to undo to bring it back 😭 Goodbye an hour and a half of my time. And another hour and a half redoing it all. So if I happen to leave anything big out, I'm so sorry. My luck has just been extremely awful lately.))) You can take the Miraculous away from the kid, but you can't take the Miraculous out of the kid. Max and Luka showing their hero sides while not suited up is so nice. Loving the Oblivio parallel! Marinette says softly, "I'm sure Chat Noir will save us." While I know she's Ladybug and knows Ladybug won't show up to save them, he doesn't know that. Her response of Chat Noir will come save them, shows that she has confidence in him. Even if Adrien knows Chat Noir won't show up, that's such a sweet thing for her to say and I hope he noticed that. Marinette: "I'M STUCK IN THE ELEVATOR" Alya: "Ohhh? With
Adrien?" Marinette: how did she know? "Yeeeeees!" Alya: oh wait this is really bad Adrien: "I'm stuck in the elevator with Marinette!" Nino: "How cool! Adrien and Marinette are stuck together in the elevator!" Alya: "Haha yeah so cool and not problematic at all!" I love this entire scene. Alya teasing Marinette but then being like oh shoot this is seriously bad. Nino being totally oblivious to it all and thinking that it's good news to get their friends closer. And Adrien's just like, I'm not going to ask for help, I'm just informing my friend I'm stuck in an elevator with my just a friend. xDD And that kiss on the cheek from Alya was adooorable! Emergency phone for the Kwami's is such a good idea. But yeah, if they all screamed "Hello?!" in my ear, I'd be chucking my phone across the room too. Adrien's like, "who's that? That sounded like a lot of people.: "I called the fire department." OK. Yes, because you tell the fire department not to fly but to ride a horse to come rescue you when you're in a skyscraper. And repeat it again "Understood, firefighters? Ride in on a horse." Adrien's over in the corner like what the heck? You also, to firefighters, totally yell, "No, no, not prehistory!" and then sheepishly grin at the person you're with. Totally not sus and makes absolutely perfect sense! And then here's the part that has me going ??? Adrien saw Optigami's eyes on the wall, immediately alerts her to that and shushes her. Now, they're hiding from an akuma, but the thing sees them. There's no hiding from it regardless of what's said. So why be quiet? And yet, he's shushing her which convinces her to hang up. Had she continued trying to talk to them, Nathalie might've caught on to there being something up. Adrien's in Chat Noir mode here, as if what she's saying could expose their identities to Hawk Moth. That intense look he gives her after the fact too really shows that, he's not messing around. They also were both just about to tell the other their identities, them being extremely close to each other to do so. They came so close! So what's going on here, exactly? Adrien's come to the conclusion Ladybug is Marinette before. In Chat Blanc, after Kwamibuster showed him supposedly that LB and Marinette are different people, he didn't hesitate to think that Ladybug was Marinette. I don't think he's ever let that possibility go. And the events in the elevator where she started calling for Tikki, and her nonsensical comments over the phone that'd be something Ladybug does, may really have him leaning in that direction. Also, so very sus again that once Optigami went away, they both were like "Oh it was nothing" "I was only wondering what that strange eye thing was." Yeah, that's why you guys sounded nervous like you had something important to say and got in each other's faces! :D It's also interesting, because whenever Marinette and Adrien are in a situation together, Adrien almost always is the one that takes hold of the situation and is more aware of his surroundings over Marinette. xD This man over here just eagerly eliminating children. x.x Like a lot of things in this show, if Alya had just answered that phone call from Nino, events may have played out completely differently! o.o There goes the Eiffel Tower again xD It never not gets blown up, knocked over, or teleported. LOL it's so funny to me, and also such a yikes moment, that while Alya rushed over to Marinette's, got the Miraculous, teleported back, found "Nino" and gave him the Miraculous, then teleported into the elevator, Ladybug and Chat Noir's civilian selves are just trapped in that elevator, awkwardly, and all alone. Likely deep in thought feeling guilty they're powerless to do anything without exposing their identities. xD But at least they're both brooding over the same thing and probably couldn't care less if the other one talks or not, nor noticing enough that the other's really quiet. XD And the way they both reacted to the portal being opened in the elevator. Cautious, but then Adrien puts his hand on Marinette's back and kind of has
her in a position where he can pull her back to him and protect her. Which is a very different kind of protection than he's offered to others, Chloe earlier in this episode being a very good example. Just a friend? Yeeaah. The fact that in every single episode that has Marinette and Adrien interact this season, there's something there, and it's just a matter of time before it's addressed. A bit sad that we didn't get actual Carapace in this episode, but I'm hoping we get him in later eps! MAJOR OOOF A train with people in it underwater, a skyscraper with probably a lot of people in it burning in a volcano, cars, what looks to be the building they were filming the music video in Frightningale, and the Arc de Triomphe on the moon. Yeah I'm seeing where things are going now with this. I'm going to write a post addressing some of these things a bit later. Ladybug in a ponytail is the prettiest hairstyle imo. Chat Noir rushes in, sees Ladybug, Carapace, and Rena Rouge all together, first wondering how they all got in "Hello, Chat Noir" there went any of his thoughts he may have had about it lol... and feels disappointed. "Sorry! I would have got you, if I knew your secret identity." Whoa hold up. Ladybug, so forwardly talking about knowing his secret identity? o.O I smell foreshadowing. "As I always say, m'lady. To know me means to love me." "Then I'll think about it." as she smirks and giggles. Guys. She's being serious. 😍😍😍 I admit, I wish we could know what she was going to talk to Chat Noir about after everything, since she thought the situation was taken care of and asked him to wait there for her. She obviously had something she wanted to talk with him about. And thank you Marinette's observation skills for knowing that's not the real Nino! But poor Alya, so horrified like that... I bet she's thinking both "What have I done? I just gave a Miraculous away to Hawk Moth essentially." and "How is it that I couldn't recognize that wasn't my boyfriend?" On the latter, Chat Noir's made that error several times as well. Hawk Moth just really sucks to do that kind of thing to these kids. Real Nino's here to comfort Alya. Doesn't even have to say a word, just gives her a hug. I absolutely adore this. They're so perfect together. ;-; "It (Lucky Charm) always shows me the right way, but this time I was shortly led astray." "Hmm." Hmm? What the heck does that mean? More foreshadowing?? What's going to happen next omg. Yes, Marinette needs someone out there who can replace her if something happens. And I know so many people are like, oh no, that should be Chat! But just think about it. Today, Chat Noir and Ladybug were trapped in an elevator in a situation where they were powerless. They came extremely close to needing to transform with Hawk Moth watching. Had Hawk Moth not been Adrien's dad and let him be, they would've transformed and fought, no doubt. A lot of things could happen, and Ladybug and Chat Noir are always in the thick of things. We've seen one or both of them become unavailable many times. It's good that someone else is their safety net. You may see Alya as just Ladybug's but she's also Chat's too. I screamed and cheered so loud when Alya got her Miraculous to hold onto! I've wanted this for sooo long now! ;-; Okay ew, the way the music went from happy and sweet to creepy when Gabriel and Nathalie were on screen. 😬 Watch: Gabriel, in his plot to try to get to know more about Alya, will have Adrien through a party or have some friends get together at his house which will likely include Nino and Marinette as well, and have him use his own son to try to get what he wants without Adrien suspecting a thing, even thinking his father's giving him more freedom and more of a normal life. How sick. x.x This was a seriously good episode! I'm very excited to see how this all plays out, because things are getting seriously intense in many different ways! Honestly, my original write up of this post was much better but I lost it all. Which makes me very sad and disappointed, but it can't be undone. :c So
hopefully this was enjoyable anyway! I'll be writing a few posts that are more in-depth about some of the events that happened in recent episodes, including Chloe's character and situation, Adrien's feelings for Marinette, Adrien/Chat's situation with Ladybug, etc that are too specific and detailed to write in a thoughts and reactions post, so be on the look out for those! c:
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konaizumi · 3 years
A Tale of a Thousand Stars ep 8 thoughts/reaction
did i watch this episode secretly on my phone while i was in class bc i couldn’t stand waiting a whole hour to watch the new ep? maybe
tian visiting torfun’s memorial to leave flowers and tell her that he’s going to pha pun dao was sweet
also him and phupha missing each other again was just a really nice scene and phupha wondering who left her flowers
i have decided to forgive dr nam for last episode (the snooping not the flirting thing) bc i know he was just concerned about his friend and he didn’t intend for phupha to have that kind of reaction, but he still should’ve confronted tian directly before telling phupha
the way tian is looking at longtae in the beginning, seeing how supportive he’s being and knowing that he’s probably about to lose longtae as well
god this scene was so painful to watch, just knowing what was coming
but the editing that combines tian’s speech with phupha reading through the notebook
also, thank you to the writers for confirming that the tian/torfun similarities are bc he’s been reading the notebook and not because torfun’s spirit is possessing him, i didn’t think they would do that but nice to have confirmation
poor tian really did go there with the best intentions
oof, when the music goes silent when phupha interrupts his speech
also, i said this last week, but it should’ve been the rangers responsibility to tell everyone torfun had died and the fact that they didn’t only added to tian’s burden and the animosity aimed at him, and it annoyed me the way the rangers (perhaps unintentionally) let tian take on the full blame and didn’t admit that they had known about torfun’s death from the start
god and the way tian’s heart break is visible on his face as soon as phupha interrupts/confronts him and he realizes that phupha won’t be on his side
and mix’s acting in this scene (and the entire episode) is just so good, you can see the way he’s desperately trying to keep in together and not completely break down, and his heartbreak when he realizes he’s all alone
also, i made a longer post about how i understand phupha’s reaction, I think it’s pretty natural and that he’s not overreacting, however, i do wish he hadn’t confronted tian so publicly like that 
just everything about this scene is just so good in the most painful way, especially the sad orchestral version of the theme song
now i think this ep is too sad for me to say it’s my favorite, but from a narrative/cinematography perspective it is my favorite, it was just really well done
i was really hoping the kids would have a bigger role this ep and begin the forgiveness process for the rest of the village, so i was excited when Meejoo came but then p’aof decided to stab me directly in the heart when she asked what death is
(also im sorry but how old are these kids that she doesn’t know what the word death is?)
(also given that everything that happens in this ep happens within like a 30 hour period, i still hold hope for the kids forgiving next ep once they have some time to process)
at least they didn’t make me watch the scene where tian had to explain what death was, that would’ve killed me
i understand the villager’s reactions too, and i do kind of wish tian would just stay home and give them some time to grieve and process before trying to interact with them–i don’t blame tian for keeping the truth from them this long, but he does need to respect the pain they’re going through
also this scene with phupha really fucked me up, the way phupha remains stone faced even though he’s clearly in a lot of pain
“i wish i could return it to her” one of the things about this story that really fucks me up is that you can’t have both torfun and tian--torfun had to die for tian to live, and if torfun had lived then tian would have died and all the characters are in a way stuck with this moral dilemma of “choosing” between tian and torfun, even if the decision was already made for them, and tian has had to deal with this problem since the beginning and made his choice a long time ago that he would have preferred that torfun had lived instead of him bc he feels like she had more to live for and left behind more than he would’ve
also the scene is so much more painful knowing that just that morning phupha had finally said out loud that he wanted tian to stay
and i was really ton this scene between understanding phupha’s reaction and where he’s coming from but also being like “please stop talking to my son like that, he feels bad enough as is”
i have often had the emotion of “i want to walk through the screen so i can give this character a hug” and i have literally never felt it stronger than this episode of atots
also thank you to dr nam who told phupha not that he was wrong for his actions, but that he should’ve confronted tian differently, also for figuring out that tian wasn’t the driver
the fact that tian just walked through the tea field so he knows that either khama was lying to him or that longtae saw him in the field and hid from him
poor longtae tho, thought he knew what was coming then was hit with “im responsible for her death”
you know what? i didn’t realize khama would have such a recurring role from the first episode, but i really like him--he’s trying to do his best for the village and that isn’t always easy and he’s the first to try to think about tian’s perspective even when it’s clearly difficult for him
also i love khaotung, he does a really good job as longtae, and as much as i loved him as chonlatee, i prefer him in more mature roles like longtae or fong
did dr nam really think phupha would keep letting tian stay in his room?
it came as a surprise to likely no one but i am glad to have definitve confirmation that tian was in fact not driving the car
against my wishes, tul did not show up this episode to give tian a hug so i hope he’s in the next ep to provide some much needed emotional support
tian’s involvement in torfun’s death is also complicated because to say he had no responsibility in it would be wrong but to say he had full responsibility wouldn’t be right either, there was so much of the situation that was just due to chance, as it the case in any accident, so i appreciate the nuance of the narrative in that tian does take responsibility (even if he takes too much) but other characters like longtae argue that it’s not his fault, bc it’s easy from an outside perspective to say it’s not tian’s fault but it would be much harder to be in tian’s position and not feel responsible that his actions lead to torfun’s death
longtae is truly best boi
tian saying he’s okay with just longtae understanding him is so sad but at the same time it’s good that he’s not trying to force other people to understand or forgive him
now i really want to know what torfun’s wish is bc you know it’s going to be all meaningful and thematically relevant
istg if i had a fucking nickel for every time tian has tried to give me a heart attack
i spent the entirety of part 4 yelling at tian to just stop being stupid
like i get it, you don’t feel like you have the time to waste to go find phupha, but still
also im worried that maybe the reason he was so adamant about doing it himself and not finding phupha was because he didn’t feel like he could go to phupha or that phupha might not believe him
tian please just listen to longtae being the voice of reason
or at least send longtae back to the village to go get phupha if you’re this determined
as soon as he pulled out his phone i fucking knew the flash would go off bc tian can’t be smart without also being dumb
pls don’t hit my son he has a weak heart
longtae running away like “i didn’t sign up for this shit”
pls stop hitting my son
i was wondering how tian’s dad would become involved in the story again and tian name dropping him to escape being killed by poachers was not it
but sakda was clearly scared when tian first said the name so obvi they’re connected and i’m assuming the person who called tian’s dad was either sakda or one of the other men there which means that tian’s dad is doing illegal shit (surprise surprise)
tian i know you’re stressed but pls let rang provide first aid
that montage at the end tho really hit me
also the parallels between this scene and the one when tian fainted in the field, it’s literally the exact same scene but the roles are reversed
also the fucking post credits scene, the emotional whiplash, the pain from knowing phupha said this stuff literally hours before everything went wrong
the way i squealed when phupha said i do (and throught the rest of the scene), it was literally the sweetest thing, it might be my favorite phutian moment so far
so for the last two episodes, im assuming that tian’s dad coming to get him and the dad being involved in illegal stuff will be the main external conflict, i wouldn’t be surprised if next ep ended with the dad showing up and demanding to take tian back
also the next ep preview, khama telling tian to forgive himself, im weak
this episode just made me feel so much, the story is just so complex and nuanced, and the characters are real and messy, and pls more bl in the future that aren’t afraid to tell more serious stories (as much as i love the romcom style of most bls i would love some more variety)
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phr0gie · 3 years
𝓕𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓢𝓮𝓲𝓳𝓸𝓱 
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1: 𝓡𝓮𝓭 𝓖𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓪𝓼
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“you’re my number one, you’re the one i want. and i’ve turned down every hand that has beckoned me to come.” - geyser, mitski
✯ synopsis: red gardenias are the symbol of secret love. y/n has been a cook for prince tooru and the rest of the oikawa family for their entire life. despite residing in the same castle, the two had never met. they lived in different worlds, so close yet so far apart. however, these worlds collide one night when prince tooru sneaks down to the kitchen for a midnight snack.
✯ note: this is it guys!! my first real post on this account!! i’m still exploring with my overall writing style and structure so please bear with me on that. remember, constructive criticism is welcome as long as you’re respectful about it! thank you so much to everyone who’s been patient in waiting for this series to come out, and h u g e thank you to my beta reader @ramunesuna​ !!! :)
✯ pairing: prince! oikawa x cook! reader
✯ tw: slight classism, minor character death mention, strong language, unresolved angst but in a romantic way you know, angsty prince oikawa hehe, kuroo makes a brief appearance lmao
✯ wc: 9k (oof)
✯ series masterlist | main masterlist
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Ever since Y/n L/n was a young child, they had always been taught one extremely important lesson. There were two worlds; one full of luxury and opportunity, and another full of hardwork and perseverance. Y/n just so happened to be born into the latter, a servant of the royal Oikawa family. Their father, the head chef of the castle, had drilled this narrative into their head. “You must remember”, he would say. “In this life, to survive in our world we must work to appease those above us. It is our safest option. Their world is too far away from ours, they will forget we’re here. It is up to us to remind them.” And at that moment, Y/n believed this was true. Above them, they heard loud laughter and music from what had to be the royal family’s fifth ball this month. And, with their fingers growing wrinkly in the sink from scrubbing dishes, Y/n truly did feel as though they were in two different worlds. So close yet so far, only a story away.
A swarm of servants flooding into the kitchen had shaken them from their thoughts. Smells of wine and cake along with the sounds of sighs of relief and complaints of aching bones had immediately filled Y/n’s senses. Frantically their eyes scanned the room, searching for a familiar figure amongst the crowd. Finally, they saw their target, an older man dressed in a white coat with a long white hat. They locked eyes and the old man relaxed immediately. He smiled warmly at them and they returned it almost instantly. 
“Ah, Y/n”, he said affectionately as he approached the young cook. 
“You look exhausted, Father”, Y/n chuckled. “Are the guests especially rowdy this evening?” 
Their father shook his head and let out a tired laugh. 
“That’s one way to put it, it’s truly remarkable how rambunctious some individuals get after a few sips of wine. Especially His Majesty”, he remarked. “After his second goblet I was afraid he was about to offer me a new position in the main house!” 
Y/n let out a loud laugh at this. The King was known to be generous with his power, however, once it was clear that he was having fun he became a bit too generous with it. After a few more chuckles Y/n let out a sigh. 
“I wish I could have been there to see it”, they muttered.
Their father let out his own sigh. “I know you do”, he said carefully, “but, I do not want to expose you to the stresses of working closely with the royal family too early. That simply would not be fair to you.” 
Y/n rolled their eyes, but still nodded in understanding. While they knew how cruel some noblemen could be to the lower-class, they still found it irritating that this would keep them from progressing with their duties; especially considering Y/n was to take their fathers place as head chef one day. 
“Besides” he added, “your time will come soon enough. After all, I am old and withered; I will not be around forever.” 
Y/n gasped at this. “Father!”, they yelled, hitting him lightly on the arm. “Do not say such things!” 
He merely chuckled at their reaction and pointed to a grand wooden clock that stood in the corner of the kitchen. 
“The clock strikes midnight” he yawned, “and we must be up early to prepare breakfast for His Royal Highness. Off to bed!”
 He then clapped, as if to emphasize his point, and walked toward the servants quarters. Y/n simply let out a light chuckle and followed him, trying to busy their mind with tomorrow’s meal preparations instead of thinking about the separate reality above them. 
On the other side of the castle, the Oikawa family ball had been coming to a close. His majesty’s coronation was but only two months away and, by tradition of the Oikawa family, a ball was to take place once every week before the occasion. Various Royalty and Noblemen had traveled far and wide for this night, decorated in the finest of silks and clothes, just to step into the family’s golden ballroom and catch a glimpse of the King's son, Prince Tooru Oikawa. You see, his majesty had created quite a name for himself. Throughout the land, he was known for his strategic mind and charming personality. He could dazzle any room he walked into and handle political matters with elegance and ease. This reputation caused his people to put him on a pedestal, genuinely believing that he would be the greatest ruler the kingdom had ever seen; leading them to create a nickname for the heir, “The Great King Tooru”. Yes, everyone was quite ecstatic for the heir to finally claim the throne, well that is, everyone but Prince Tooru. While he was an excellent strategist and an amazing speaker, there was something about the Prince that his subjects did not know. Prince Tooru had never had any experience outside of the palace walls. He had little to no idea how his people lived, what their biggest struggles were, what they thought could be improved upon within the kingdom. Hell, he had never even met his own staff! While charming and clever, his highness was nothing short of a perfectionist. He was dangerously ambitious and constantly craved improvement. So, whilst at his celebrations, he would present his confident, collected, charming self to the public, however, once the palace doors shut Tooru’s anxieties and worries would run rampant.
As the last of the guests exited the golden ballroom, Tooru’s honey smile melted into a bitter frown and his eyes were fixed on the door. His coronation was a double edged-sword hanging above his throne and he was Damocles awaiting his demise. The King noticed this and swiftly approached his son, patting a few times on the back. 
“Well,” He started, a soft, cheery tone in his voice. “It seems as though the guests had a magnificent time.” 
The Prince’s gaze stayed stuck to the door. “I want to stay the night in the village.” Tooru stated quietly, as if he were afraid the guests would still be able to hear. 
The King let out a long sigh and wandered away from his son a bit. “Tooru, we have discussed this matter before-” 
“How am I supposed to properly rule a kingdom I know nothing about?” He interrupted, finally turning his burning gaze towards his father.
“It is unfair not only to me, but to our people. They are expecting a ‘Great King’, but you are preventing me from becoming that for them!” 
The King simply put his head in his hands, clearly not wanting to discuss this any further. 
“Tooru, you simply do not understand.” 
“What?!” Tooru challenged. “What do I not understand?” 
“Enough!” The King shouted, rage and frustration clear in his tone. “You know exactly why you are not to leave the palace. It is not safe for you out there! I made that mistake once with your mother and I will not make it with you.” 
The King’s voice rang throughout the grand, golden walls of the main hall and the tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. Tooru was taken aback by his father’s statement. When The Prince was very young his mother, the Queen, had been killed whilst she was on a stroll at the marketplace one day. Back then, it was normal for the royal family to visit their kingdom. However, it was apparent that the King, as well-liked as he was, still had some enemies. Apparently they had decided to express their distaste for him by murdering the one he loved most. The incident was sudden and unexpected, because of this the King was hit extremely hard by the loss. That day he swore that the royal family was forbidden from exiting the castle. The rule was only lifted when The King himself absolutely had to leave.
“Father,” He started, his tone calmer than before. “I understand your hesitation, but that was a long time ago-” 
“I said ‘enough’, Tooru. There is no hesitation, my decision is final.” The King then made his way up the castle’s grand staircase and towards his room, not wishing to continue the conversation any further. 
Prince Tooru stood in silence as he watched his father retreat. 
“Shit.” He menatlly cursed. 
Prince Tooru turned around and threw his fist against the palace door in anger. All his frustration seemed to bubble to the surface as he glared at the carved oak. Cursing once again he closed his eyes and rested his head against the door. 
“I must meet my people’s expectations of me, but how?” 
All of the sudden, a loud grumble ripped Tooru from his thoughts. He opened his eyes and placed his hands on his stomach. Tooru began to recall the fact that he had not eaten much at the celebration, what with all the mingling he had to do there was just no time. Normally, the prince would have just gone to his room and rang for a meal like he always had. However, this time Tooru decided against it. Maybe it was the angst he was feeling ordering him to act out, or maybe it was the fact that he had reached his limit with social interaction and did not want to have to deal with possibly having to be speaking with someone. Whatever the reason, Tooru felt compelled to venture to the kitchen on his own tonight. So, pushing his frustrations to the back of his mind, Tooru made his way to the main kitchen, blissfully unaware of the young cook still awake in their chambers. 
Y/n could not sleep. They tossed, they turned, they even took a walk around the servants hall! Yet nothing seemed to aid them. They came to the conclusion that their mind would simply not leave them to rest. Sitting up on their bed, Y/n looked out the small window across the room. Over the course of a few hours, Y/n’s thoughts had still not left the idea of the world above them and its inhabitants. Being eighteen-years-old, they were the youngest of all of the chefs and servants; meaning that they were the only one who had never been around the rest of the castle. 
“Oh no Y/n, you mustn’t!”, they would exclaim. “It would not be fair to subject you to such stress, you must wait until you are able to overtake your father!” 
Y/n rolled her eyes thinking about this. They tried to understand where the people around them were coming from, they really did. However, the idea of being stuck in the kitchen was incredibly frustrating to them. 
“What a load of horseshit”, they thought. “How am I supposed to be an adequate cook if I do not even know who I am serving!” 
A loud CLANG suddenly ripped Y/n from their thoughts. Alarmed they jumped and looked around their room. Quickly Y/n bolted from their bed and made their way towards the door. Slowly they peeked out into the servants hall. It was still as can be, no doors open and there was no sign of anyone else being awake. Suddenly a loud BANG followed by a male voice cursing “shit!” came from the kitchen. 
“A thief!” Y/n concluded. 
They looked around for someone to emerge from their chambers to stop the intruder, but, unfortunately, it seemed that everyone was still fast asleep. Y/n had a decision to make; either go back to bed and risk the kitchen getting ransacked, or go stop the intruder and risk getting hurt. Sucking in a breath, Y/n carefully, as to not alert anyone of her presence, tiptoed out into the hallway and shut the door behind them. They grabbed a lit candlestick mounted on the wall and took one last look around. Quickly, yet quietly, they made their way from the servent’s quarters to the main kitchen’s entrance. Once they arrived, Y/n put their ear against the kitchen’s giant wooden door and listened for their target. Meanwhile, on the other side, Prince Tooru was searching the kitchen cabinets for a fresh loaf of bread he knew the head chef had just made that morning. However, being that it was so late, his majesty could hardly see a thing. Still he blindly searched, hoping to find the soft, sweet substance. His haste led to him bumping into a brass plate wrack, knocking over a row of porcelain plates. Y/n’s eyes widened at the sound of this and decided that now was the time to make their move. Quickly they flung open the large kitchen door. 
“Stop, thief!”, they yelled, charging into the room. 
However, what they saw was not at all what they were expecting. There, in all his glory, was a tall, young man hunched over the porcelain plates, attempting to clean up his mess. He wore an elegant silk tunic with matching white pants and a turquoise vest with elegant gold stitching swirled across the front. However, Y/n could care less about the man's attire. For they could not tear their eyes away from the crown atop his head. Golden with topaz and turquoise gems, the kingdom’s signature color and stones. The Prince felt a bit uneasy under the young servant's gaze however, he tried his best not to show it. Instead, he flashed them his signature, charming smile. 
“I am awfully sorry”, Tooru started, calmly and elegantly moving away from the broken plates. “It was not my intention to make such a mess, or to frighten you so. I was simply searching for a loaf of that delicious bread that was served this morning.” 
His words broke Y/n from their trance, as they finally realized exactly who they were speaking to. 
“Your Majesty!”, they exclaimed, knees quickly bending, hitting the floor to bow in reverence before him with their candle still in hand.
 It was a bit awkward, but what were they supposed to do? They had never been in the presence of royalty before! Tooru looked at the servant incredulously and suppressed a chuckle. 
“Your Majesty?” he questioned, amusement dancing in his tone as he approached them. “I am afraid you have mistaken me with my father, my name is Prince Tooru.”
 Y/n’s eyes widened and they gasped. “Of course” they thought bitterly, “Your first meeting with the man you’ll be working for and you soil it.” 
The young cook hung their head low, embarrassed and ashamed of their mistake but also afraid. Y/n had heard stories about servants who were killed for addressing their hosts incorrectly. What was he going to do to them?  
“Your Highness,” they started, their voice shaking slightly. “I give you my sincerest apologies. I assure this mistake will not be repeated.” 
This time, the Prince could not control his amusement. A sea of genuine laughter came tumbling from his mouth and Y/n could not help but be entranced by it. His laugh was smooth and warm, just like the cups of rich hot chocolate the kitchen had  prepared many times for the winter season. Snapping out of their thoughts, Y/n looked up at the laughing heir, confused. 
“Are you not angered?” they quietly asked. 
When the Prince kept laughing, the cook started to get frustrated. They were already embarrassed and now he was making it worse!  
“Are you mocking me?” they challenged, albeit against their better judgement.
Tooru simply shook his head and wiped a stray tear from his eye. 
“No no,” he started, letting out another low chuckle. “My apologies, It was not my intention to poke fun at you like this.” he assured. “I suppose I still have to get accustomed to being spoken to in such a formal way.” 
This confused Y/n. He was the Prince? Did not everyone speak to him this way? Noticing the young cooks' confusion, Tooru smiled and offered them a hand. 
Hesitantly, Y/n accepted his offer and allowed themselves to be pulled up by the Prince’s strength, blushing a bit despite themselves at the feeling of his hand in theirs. After helping the young servant off the ground, Tooru turned back to the broken china and began to kneel down to pick up the pieces. 
“Oh!” Y/n exclaimed, quickly falling next to him, “Your Highness please, allow me!” 
The Prince chuckled again and shook his head. “No no,” he said, lightly pushing the servant away from the mess. “It is my mess, allow me to take care of it. Besides, it would be incredibly unfortunate if you were to get hurt due to my foolishness.” 
The young cook stubbornly stayed in place. This was their job after all, if they were incapable of completing one simple task then what use did they have? 
 “Well,” they replied quietly, a hint of annoyance in their tone. “At least allow me to assist you.” 
Not giving him a chance to answer, they quickly knelt across from Prince Tooru, sat their large candle next to them, and began to pick up the glass shards. Tooru exhaled and shook his head at this yet he did not stop them, assuming they already had their mind made up. Together, the Prince and the cook picked up the porcelain pieces in silence with a strange tension hanging in the air that neither of them could quite place. After a few moments, when the glass pieces were almost all cleaned, Tooru picked up a particularly rigid piece of glass and pricked his finger. 
“Shit” he cursed quietly, but not quietly enough to go unnoticed by the servant sitting across from him. 
Y/n merely scoffed and shook their head. “And you were worried about me injuring myself” they teased. 
The Prince was about to retort, but the crimson liquid seeping from his index finger caught him off guard. Glancing at his wound, the cook set down their glass pieces and began to stand up. 
“Wait here”, they instructed before quickly grabbing their candle and disappearing from the kitchen. 
Tooru complied and stayed sat in the dark on the wooden floor, cradling his wound and occasionally blowing on it to relieve some of the sting. After about two minutes, the large oak door opened and Y/n popped their head in to make sure the Prince was still there. Upon seeing him, they quickly made their way over and sat down next to him. Tooru noticed a thick white roll of cloth in one hand and a bottle of alcohol in the other. 
“Let me see”, Y/n whispered. Their tone was softer than before, more careful and concerned. 
He complied almost immediately, placing his palm to the ceiling so his cut would be on display. The young cook took his hand gently and inspected his wound closely. Meanwhile, Tooru gazed at Y/n and began to study them. This was his first time seeing them so close and the sight made his heart skip a beat. Their (e/c) eyes shined brighter than any gemstone in the candle light, their (s/c) complexion seemed to rival any deity’s, and the feeling of their hand, gently holding his, was softer than any silk that would ever touch his body. Prince Tooru Oikawa had charmed and dazzled dozens of fair maidens and bachelors across the kingdom, however, none of them had ever left them quite as enchanted as the cook sitting right across from him did.
“Fortunately,” Y/n started, breaking the Prince from his trance. “Your wound is not deep and there do not appear to be any shards stuck in the cut.”
The young servant briefly let go of him and Tooru found himself missing their touch. Y/n took the bottle of alcohol and poured some onto a piece of the white cloth, making sure they did not spill a drop onto the floor. Then, carefully, they took the Prince’s index finger and hovered the towel above the cut. 
“This may burn a bit” they softly warned, waiting for Tooru to acknowledge their words. 
Once he nodded in understanding, the cook gently brought the soaked cloth down onto the Prince’s wound. Tooru grunted at the stinging feeling and Y/n looked up at him sympathetically.
“My apologies, Your Highness” they whispered, stroking his arm softly as an attempt to calm him. “It will be over soon.”
Tooru blushed at the gesture and looked away, trying to regain his composure. After a beat of silence, the young servant lifted the cloth from the Prince’s finger and sent him a reassuring smile. In a flash, they grabbed the rest of the white cloth and began to wrap it around Tooru’s finger. The contrast of the burning sting the alcohol left and the coolness of the soft cloth made the Prince visibly relax. Smiling at this, Y/n finished winding the cloth.
“There,” they said, holding his hand up so he could see their handiwork, “it should be better by morning.”
As Tooru brought his hand in to admire the make-shift bandage, Y/n quickly gathered the rest of the glass pieces. Standing up, the young servant began to quickly dispose of the glass.  
“You know,” they said, wiping their hands on their night shirt. “The next time you feel peckish in the middle of the night, you need only ring for a servant. There is really no need to travel all the way down here.”
Tooru smiled at this. “I suppose you are correct,” he replied as he regained his teasing façade. “However, the upper level of the castle gets so boring when you have lived there for nineteen years.” 
The Prince stood up and began to approach the cook. 
“Besides,” he continued, a large smirk on his face, “if I hadn't come I would never have gotten the absolute pleasure of meeting you.” 
He then grabbed their hand and left a feather-light kiss on the knuckle. Y/n attempted to fight the blush and smile creeping on their face.  
“Your recklessness will get you in trouble one day, Your Highness” they replied. 
Tooru simply smiled and shrugged. Suddenly the grand, kitchen clock chimed, signaling that an hour had passed. 
“The night grows short…” Y/n mumbled. 
The Prince’s smile dropped, yet he nodded understandingly. “I suppose I should be going then..” he trailed off. 
The cook nodded and watched him turn around to exit the kitchen. “Your Highness, wait!” they suddenly shouted. Tooru turned around, startled by their outburst. 
“If you come back tomorrow night, I will be sure to save you some of that bread.”
 Prince Tooru smiled brightly at this and bowed to them. “Until tomorrow then, my dear…” the Prince trailed off. A panic set in him once he realized he forgot to ask for their name. Noticing this, the young cook stifled a laugh. 
Tooru flashed them an embarrassed smile. “Right,” he coughed, trying to regain his composure for the second time that night. “Until tomorrow, my dear Y/n.” 
With that, the two parted ways. Prince Tooru left the castle’s kitchen that night with an empty stomach; however, he did not mind, in fact, he barely noticed it due to the overwhelming fullness of his heart. 
Thus began Y/n and Tooru’s nightly routine. Every night at the stroke of midnight, Prince Tooru would sneak downstairs to the kitchen where Y/n would be waiting for him with fresh bread and warm tea. There they would do nothing but talk and share secrets they never thought they would. Y/n would tell him about their life. How they grew up, how they’ve never been inside the upper parts of the castle despite living there for so long, how they long to see how the other side lives. And, in turn, Tooru would tell them about his life. How his father ran the kingdom, how he was nervous to be as good a ruler as his father, how he wished to see beyond the castle to ensure that he could be a good enough ruler for his people. Tooru considered Y/n to be his closest ally and Y/n considered him to be theirs. However, there was always an underlying tension between them that neither of them had addressed, a boundary that had yet to be crossed. It was a feeling clear as day, yet neither of them could place what exactly this feeling was. So, through a fear of ruining their perfectly good companionship, both Y/n and Tooru kept this feeling to themselves, bottled up like a secret. These meetings continued normally for about a month until one day, the Prince came up with a plan. 
It was a warm day in the beginning of June. The clock had just struck midnight and Prince Tooru was on his way to the main kitchen, as always. With a skip in his step he opened the large oak doors and saw Y/n pulling a fresh loaf of bread out of the wooden oven. 
“You seem quite happy today, Your Highness,” they said, noticing his joyful demeanor, “did something good happen today?” 
The Prince merely groaned and made his way over to them. “How many times must I tell you, you are allowed to simply call me Tooru.” he quipped, sending them a false look of exasperation.  
The cook rolled their eyes, sensing the sarcasm in his tone. “You never answered my question” they retorted, a playful smirk on their face. 
The Prince gave them a confident smile, almost unable to control his excitement. “Well, if you must know,” he started, causing Y/n to roll their eyes again. “I have come up with a plan for you and I.” 
This caught the cook’s attention. “What do you mean ‘a plan for you and i’?” they asked.
 Tooru began to beam. “I’m so glad you asked.” 
He paced around the room as he explained his idea. “For a while I’ve been thinking about our situations. You wish to experience royal life and I wish to see the world. Well, it dawned on me today! We each hold the key to what we yearn for! You are able to come and go whenever you please, and I am constantly stuck in the castle.” 
Y/n nodded, attempting to keep up with this rush of ideas. “I suppose you are right, in a sense..” they mumbled, watching the Prince pace. 
“So,” Tooru continued. “I came up with a plan to help us both experience what we long for!” 
Y/n nodded, invested in what he had to say. “Well, pray tell,” they said a bit impatiently, “what is your big plan?” 
The Prince smiled, excitedly. “My father has gone to a neighboring kingdom for two weeks time,” he explained. “Whilst he is gone, I will accompany you on your visits to the nearby town during the day; there I may finally see how my people live and become a better ruler for them. Meanwhile, at nightfall, you will accompany me as my guest to my pre-coronation balls ; here you may finally get a chance to see and experience royal life! Don’t you see, Y/n? It’s perfect!” 
Y/n gave him a disbelieving look. A beat of silence passed before they finally realized he was waiting for their response. 
“Your highness...that idea is utterly mad.” 
Tooru’s smile faltered. “How so?” He inquired. 
Y/n shook their head and crossed their arms. “How exactly do you suppose this is to work? Won’t the townspeople recognize you? Your cover would be blown! Not to mention, I’m not sure the kitchen staff would take very kindly to me slacking on my chores to go frolic and play pretend.” 
Once again, Prince Tooru let out a dramatic sigh and leaned against the wooden countertops. 
“Oh sweet Y/n,” He said, a fake pout making its way to his features as he grabbed a slice of the bread sitting in between them. “You really have no faith in me do you?” 
Y/n gave him an inpatient look, signaling for him to get to the point. 
Tooru’s proud smirk returned. “I have arranged disguises for the two of us so we will be able to go out without being recognized!” He announced confidently. “You see, my plan is foolproof.”  
Y/n scoffed. “Good, it needs to be if you are the one orchestrating it.” They teased, a smirk of their own creeping in. 
Tooru gasped in mock offense as the cook let out a large laugh at his reaction. After a few minutes, the two stood in comfortable silence. The Prince climbed up to sit on the counter he was leaning on and bit into his bread slice. Meanwhile, Y/n contemplated his idea. As much as they enjoyed poking fun at him, Y/n knew that Prince Tooru was incredibly intelligent and they trusted his judgement completely. 
“You are sure that we will not be caught?” They whispered, breaking the silence as they went to sit next to the Prince. 
Tooru nodded his head and swallowed his bread. “Positive.” He assured, placing his hand overtop of theirs. 
Y/n blushed slightly yet did not pull away. Small touches like this became frequent throughout their meetings, however, that did not mean they ceased to fluster them. Another beat of silence passed before the young cook let out a shaky breath. 
“Fine.” They finally decided. “If you are confident in your plot, then so am I.” 
Prince Tooru beamed and slightly squeezed Y/n’s hand. 
“Wonderful! We will begin tomorrow morning,” He eagerly explained. “We will meet at the kitchen’s exit just before noon. I will supply both of our disguises and we can make our journey into town.” 
Y/n let out a nervous chuckle and shook their head.
“Your recklessness better not cause me my head, your highness.” 
Tooru gave them a bright smile and hopped off of the counter, extending his hand to help his comrade off the counter. 
“Dear Y/n, you worry too much. Have a little faith in a close friend.” 
With their agreement decided, the pair bid each other goodnight and hurried off to their quarters to prepare for tomorrow morning.
The morning sun slowly rose and shone upon the kingdom and its subjects. Neither the cook nor the prince had slept very soundly that night. Be it anxiety or excitement, neither party was quite sure. However, despite their tired state, the pair still found themselves at their arranged meeting spot and time. Y/n stood outside the door, the early summer sun warming their skin and cool breeze blowing across their face. The feeling was extremely calming. So much so, that they decided to lean themselves against the door and fully enjoy the serenity of the early June weather. Little did they know, Prince Tooru had arrived a while ago. It was a rare sight, seeing Y/n so calm and content, and Tooru was enchanted with it. In the month that the two had come to know each other, Prince Tooru had only ever seen Y/n with their guard up. Constantly stressed, on high alert. It was nice to see such a stark contrast, Y/n with their guard down. 
“Angelic.” That was the term Tooru thought best fit them at that moment. 
After a few moments, Tooru decided that, while he was relishing the sight in front of him, they had to be going soon. Quietly, he tiptoed his way over to Y/n, who still had not noticed he had even arrived. A smirk played on Tooru’s lips as he appeared behind them. Carefully he raised his arms and placed them on Y/n’s shoulders, shaking them as he did so. 
“Surprise!” He shouted in their ear, causing Y/n to flinch and smack the Prince against his head. 
Y/n gasped as they realized what had happened. 
“Your highness!” They exclaimed. “Are you okay?” 
Tooru laughed and stumbled over a little bit. 
“You pack quite the punch, don’t you dear Y/n?” He teased. 
Upon realizing that he was fine, Y/n rolled their eyes and lightly smacked his shoulder. 
“You fool, do not scare me like that again!” They scolded. “I could have hurt you!” 
Tooru gasped in mock offense. “How rude, Y/n!” He whined, trying to banish the smile growing on his face.
Y/n rolled their eyes and began to walk ahead. “Are you ready to venture on, your highness?” 
Perking up, the Prince rushed to catch up with them. Together, the prince and the cook made their way into town. It turned out, the “disguise” Tooru had brought for himself was a simple blue hood along with a plain white shirt and brown pants that he had undoubtedly taken from the servants quarters. While it was simple, it was a relatively good costume. He genuinely did look like a regular townsperson rather than a prince. Once the pair arrived, Prince Tooru immediately ran off on his own to mingle with the townspeople. To Y/n’s surprise, he was actually very good at speaking to his subjects. He had told them that he was a simple traveler and asked for them to tell him more about the kingdom. This way, the Prince was able to learn more about the issues going on as well as experience them first hand. As it turned out, the kingdom was experiencing issues that he had never even learned about. Seeing the way he interacted with his people sparked a new sense of admiration in Y/n. Beneath his confident, cocky façade, Prince Tooru was a leader who genuinely cared about his people. Y/n could not help but smile at the sight of him listening intently to what each person had to say, knowing that he would remember each encounter once they returned to the palace. As the day continued on, Y/n showed Tooru around the town. They took him to the best fruit venders, the sweetest farmers, and the finest tailors the kingdom had to offer. With each stop Tooru grew more and more in love with his kingdom and the people in it. After walking away from a vegetable booth, Y/n noticed that the sun would be setting soon. They stopped momentarily whilst Tooru kept walking. 
“Wait.” Y/n said, grabbing the Prince’s wrist to halt his movements. “Before we venture back to the palace, there’s one more thing I would like to show you.” 
A soft smile took over Tooru’s features and he moved his hand to entangle his fingers with theirs. 
“Well, what are we waiting for?” He smiled, 
Y/n grinned and tightened their grip on his hand ever so slightly. Then, with their hands still intertwined, Y/n began to lead Tooru to the edge of town. The Prince could not help but smile softly as the cook excitedly dragged him to their destination. Upon reaching the edge, the two walked on a dirt trail for a little while until they were met with a small, well kept garden. There was a small river flowing nearby and a large assortment of various wildflowers scattered about. However, what really stood out were the giant bushes of red gardenias that seemed to cover the entire area. Prince Tooru looked around in awe at the beauty of the secret garden.
“I discovered this place about a week after our first meeting.” Y/n said, carefully sitting on a small wooden bench right in front of a gardenia bush. “It reminded me of you, in a way.”
The Prince’s gaze shifted to the cook’s at this. He moved to sit next to them, his eyes wordlessly urging them to continue. Having gotten the message, Y/n shifted and gave Tooru a nervous smile.
“It served as a nice, comforting escape from everyday life. A paradise, even.” 
Prince Tooru’s face flushed at this. The explanation was a bit vague but he didn’t ask them to elaborate any further, they didn’t need to. Tooru understood. This was a confession. He carefully placed his hand atop of theirs, as he had many times before, and squeezed it gently. A secret confession of a love returned. 
“I feel the same way, thank you for bringing me here, Y/n.” 
The two sat in a comfortable silence with their hands interlocked. And, as Y/n rested their head on the Prince’s shoulder, Tooru could not think of any other place we would rather be. 
As the serene moments passed the sun began to fall, causing a hazy orange atmosphere to surround the garden. The shade from the trees covered Y/n’s face as they opened their eyes. Noticing how late it was getting, Y/n turned to tell Tooru that they should take their leave soon. However, the sight they were met with caused any words they could have uttered to be caught in their throat. Next to them, the setting sun hit the Prince’s face perfectly. His eyes were closed and his head was tilted back in relaxation. The golden hues made Tooru’s hair look warm and soft. 
“Just like hot chocolate during the winter time.” Y/n recalled with a smile.
Suddenly, the Prince’s eyes opened slightly. 
“You know, staring is considered to be quite rude, my dear.” Tooru quipped, his lips curling into a smirk. However his expression was different from his usual, cocky, exterior. There was an underlying softness in his eyes and a faint blush on the apples of his cheeks. It was not hard to tell that this was a side of him only reserved for those close to him. While the rest of the world saw Prince Tooru’s confident façade, Y/n was the only person who got to see the genuine, soft side of him. The thought made Y/n smile.
“Night grows near, we must venture back to the castle soon.” Y/n whispered, fearing that if they were any louder the calm atmosphere would crumble like glass. 
Humming in agreement, Prince Tooru stood up and stretched his limbs. “Shall we then, my dearest Y/n?” He smiled, offering the cook his hand. 
Y/n accepted his offer with a content smile. With their hands intertwined, as they always had been, the two made their way back to the palace. 
Upon their arrival, Tooru removed his hood and snuck Y/n past the knights guarding the castle’s entrance. The two then scurried up the grand staircase, towards the grand hall where the royal family’s rooms were located. Y/n looked around the hallway in absolute awe. They had never been in such an elegant place before. The white marble floors were freshly polished and the golden columns seemed to sparkle. The walls were hung with beautiful family portraits that seemed to come alive on the canvas. Y/n’s gaze had been fixed on one specific portrait with a golden frame with carvings of vines etched on the sides. The painting featured a young Tooru smiling brightly and standing next to a slightly older girl, who Y/n presumed to be his sister. Behind them stood a tall man with a confident grin, who they were able to recognize as the King, and a slightly smaller woman with a kind smile that Y/n did not recognize. All of the sudden they felt two strong arms wind around their waist as well as the weight of someone’s chin resting on their shoulder. 
“This is one of my favorite portraits.” Prince Tooru whispered in their ear.
The cook’s face began to flush red, they had never been this close to the Prince before and the contact was foreign, however it was not unwelcome. In fact, it was almost comforting, being in his arms. 
“It was painted a week before my mother passed.” He continued, his voice dropping ever slightly. 
Y/n blinked, unsure of what to say in this situation. They never really knew their mother. She had died giving birth to them, so there were really no memories left of her to miss. 
“How did she die?” They awkwardly asked, mentally screaming at themselves for asking such a question. 
“I mean-” Their attempt to fix the situation was cut off at the feeling of Tooru tightening his hold on their waist.
“It’s okay.” He reassured, taking a deep breath. 
“My mother was assassinated while she was in town one day.”
Y/n’s eyes widened as they turned their head to look at the Prince, who’s gaze was still fixed on the painting. 
“Her death is one of the reasons I have been forbidden to leave the palace.” He continued. “I suppose my father fears I will meet the same fate she did.” 
A long moment of silence passed. The tension in the air was thick enough to run a blade through. 
“Do you miss her?” Y/n mumbled carefully. 
Tooru’s grip on them tightened once again. 
“Sometimes.” He replied, sounding like he had more to say. 
Just as Y/n was about to encourage him to continue, a loud GONG! shattered the atmosphere surrounding them. Frantically looking towards a giant grandfather clock at the end of the hallway, Tooru noticed the time. 
“Damn.” The Prince cursed, releasing his hold on the cook. “We are going to be late!” 
Together, the two briskly made their way towards the Prince’s chambers. Once inside, Tooru closed the door and locked it. Y/n looked around the room and noticed two outfits neatly laid out on a giant, white bed. The Prince grabbed the pile to the left and ushered the cook behind a large, blue velvet curtain. 
“Here.” He instructed, handing them the clothes. “You may change here.” 
Prince Tooru quickly shut the curtain and fumbled around the room to get changed himself. Y/n began to disrobe as they admired the garments they were given. They were made out of the finest turquoise-colored silks and were decorated with beautiful golden accents. As Y/n pulled the garments over them, they were met with a softness they had never felt from clothing before. Moving around they noted how the silks seemed to sway and how the jewels seemed to glisten. 
“Y/n!” The Prince called out. “Do you require any assistance?” 
“No!” The cook replied quickly. “I am finished.” 
Immediately, the curtain opened and Y/n took in the sight of Prince Tooru. He was wearing a silly button up shirt with a light blue-green vest and golden trousers as well as his usual golden, topaz encrusted crown. Y/n noticed that their outfit seemed to mirror the Princes slightly, what with the colors and the overall style. 
“You look very elegant, your highness.” They complimented with a shy smile. 
Tooru on the other hand was absolutely stunned. Before him he saw what he thought had to have been a deity. The way the colors complimented Y/n’s complexion and how the garments clung to their features in the most flattering way left the Prince speechless. It was at that moment, Tooru truly realized how deep in love he was falling for the cook. 
Y/n shifted under his gaze, a bit nervous that he still had yet to say anything. Noticing this, the Prince mentally kicked himself. 
“My dear, you look….” He trailed off, finding it hard to regain his composure. 
A slightly cocky smirk made its way to the cook's face.
“My my your highness.” They teased. “I believe this is my first time seeing you at such a loss for words. Do I entice you so?”
A light blush dusted Tooru’s cheeks at their jests. A soft grumble tumbled from his pretty lips as he lightly hooked his fingers to the back of Y/n’s hair, pulling them until their faces were merely centimeters apart. 
“Do not tease.” He warned, darkly and with seduction dancing in his tone. 
A heavy blush settled on the cook's face. However, before things could escalate any further, the gong! of a clock echoed throughout the room, signaling that it was really time for the pair to go. Pulling away with a satisfied smirk, Prince Tooru held out his arm for Y/n to take. Wordlessly they accepted, hooking their arm around his and allowing the Prince to lead them to the ballroom. 
As the pair entered the ballroom, Y/n could not help but be astonished once again by their surroundings. The room was ginormous. The marble floors and golden walls mirrored those of the great hall almost exactly, the only difference was that throughout the ballroom, several marble statues of various greek gods were scattered throughout the floor. With a large orchestra in the corner of the room playing a familiar tune Y/n had only heard from the castle’s kitchen and various couples already waltzing around the dance floor, Y/n had easily guessed that the part was in full swing. Prince Tooru chuckled lightly, amused at the cook's obvious admiration. 
“Shall we go and mingle with the guests?” He suggested, leaning in closely to their ear so that Y/n could hear him over the boisterous music. 
The cook gulped harshly. They had forgotten they would have to interact with an abundance of such high class individuals. Sensing their nervousness, Tooru reached to grab Y/n’s chin with his thumb and pointer finger. 
“You will do great.” He reassured. “They will adore you almost as much as I do.” 
His words made Y/n relax a bit and instilled a newfound confidence within them. 
“Alright.” They stated, determination laced in their voice. “I am ready, let us go forth.” 
Smiling proudly, Prince Tooru led the cook to the dance floor and the night truly began. As the hours passed by, Y/n and the Prince danced until their feet ached, joked with guests until their voices got scratchy, and drank various types of wine until their heads got dizzy. Y/n could not think of a time when they felt more alive. The night had been a huge success. That is, until Tooru had to part from them for a moment to have a conversation with another leader. 
“Just remain here until I return.” He had told them, his hands holding theirs. “Tis only a conversation about a treaty between our lands, I shall only be a few moments.” 
And with that, he left a feather-light kiss against Y/n’s knuckles and disappeared into the crowd of nobles. As soon as he left, the entire atmosphere of the room began to shift. The previous excitement that filled Y/n’s veins had passed and been replaced with an overwhelming feeling of anxiety. Looking around the room, Y/n had only one thought in the back of their mind; 
“I do not belong here.”
Feeling out of place and judged, Y/n frantically searched the room for someone familiar to them. They found themselves searching for the warm eyes of their father in the sea of people but, unfortunately, it was no use. Y/n felt hopelessly alone. 
“Perhaps a little fresh air will do me some good.” Y/n decided, making their way towards an exit that led to a balcony just off the side of the ballroom’s entrance. 
Exiting the crowded ballroom, Y/n leaned against the railing of the balcony. As the cool summer’s night air danced lightly across their face, they took a deep breath and attempted to relax. 
“I just do not understand you Tooru.” 
A deep voice interrupted Y/n from their thoughts. Searching for the source, their eyes landed on a balcony only a few feet away from the one they were on. They spotted Prince Tooru standing next to a taller man of whom they had never seen before. The man wore a black button up along with a dark red vest and black trousers. He had spiked black hair and atop his head sat a cold, ruby encrusted crown. Y/n had no doubts that he was also royalty and concluded that he must have been a friend of the Prince. 
“You are going to be King soon, the Great King I might add.” The man continued, a hint of annoyance in his tone. 
“Are you not worried about who will succeed you afterwards?” 
Tooru rolled his eyes at this, his signature unbothered smirk making its way to his face as he turned away from the other prince. 
“Kuroo” He started, his voice calm and collected, a stark contrast against the man’s (now known as ‘Kurro’) brash tone. “It is as I keep telling you, I need not worry about a successor. It is already set in stone that my nephew will be the next heir after I.” 
The response had only seemed to aggravate Prince Kuroo even further. 
“Even so.” He argued. “Would it not be nice to settle down with another? Find someone to spend your days with?” 
This question caused Prince Tooru’s smirk to fall and a far off look to gather in his eyes. There was an intense moment of silence between the two royals.
“I cannot afford any distractions.” Tooru said finally. “My kingdom is my first priority, you know this.” 
Kuroo had let out an exasperated sigh. 
“So, you will never be wed?” Kurro asked, defeated. 
Tooru instantly answered, the hard, far off look never leaving his face. 
Something about this conversation struck a chord within Y/n. They were unsure if it was the intensity of the situation, the amount of wine they had taken in, or the fact that (up until recently) all of their feelings had been bottled up. However, as soon as the words left the Prince’s mouth, Y/n let out a quiet, choked sob. Their emotions had moved to the forefront of their mind as the harsh reality set in. 
“Of course.” They thought, tragically. “We were never meant to be in the first place.”
Bringing a hand up to their mouth, as to not let out any more miserable sobs, Y/n promptly exited the balcony and made their way to the exit of the ballroom. Making their way through the crowd of drunk, dancing nobels, they successfully reached the front gates of the castle and continued walking. They walked, and walked, and walked, until suddenly their steps turned into sprints. Y/n thought they must have appeared to be insane, running through the town in fancy clothes, sobbing their heart out. Nevertheless, they ran. They ran until their legs had reached their destination, the garden they had visited earlier that day. With a heavy heart, Y/n took a seat on the bench they sat on earlier that day with the Prince. 
“How could I have been so naive?” Y/n thought bitterly as they buried their face in their hands and began to sob. Of course they could have never been, they resided in two completely different worlds. It was unknown to the cook how much time had passed before they began to hear footsteps nearing their location. Y/n quickly looked up and was met with a rather disheveled-looking Prince Tooru. 
“I thought I would find you here.” The Prince whispered, afraid to startle the young cook. “Why did you run off? I thought we were having a lovely time.” 
He sat down and reached to place his hand atop of theirs, as he always had, only for Y/n to flinch and remove their hand from his reach. This had puzzled Tooru. He tilted his head and looked at them with confusion, silently urging them to explain their behavior. Y/n let out a sigh and shifted away from the Prince slightly. 
“Tooru..” They trailed off, trying to find the words to explain the situation. 
The Prince was taken aback. Y/n had never addressed him by his first name before, and the sound of hit caused his heartbeat to speed up ever so slightly. 
“What are we doing?” Y/n asked, sadness deep in their voice. 
This has perplexed Tooru even further. 
“What do you mean, dearest?” He asked, genuine confusion evident on his face. 
At that point, all of Y/n’s frustration and sadness had begun to bubble over and pour out violently. 
“What are we doing?” Y/n repeated harshly. “Surely you do realize that we cannot be together, we can never be together! There is no future for us, you made that clear in your conversation with your comrades!”
Tooru sat there in shock. He had been unaware that they had been listening in. 
“Besides.” Y/n continued, letting out a shaky breath. “You and I were never meant to be anyways. We are too far apart, from different universes.” 
A choked sob left the cooks lips as they hopelessly avoided the Prince’s gaze. 
“So tell me, your highness, what are we doing?” 
A long moment of silence passed through the garden as Prince Tooru processed what he had just heard. In reality, Y/n had simply left the conversation too early. After a little more arguing, Tooru had confessed to Kurro that he had fallen for one of his servants and, following his coronation, he had sworn to find away for the two to wed. Prince Tooru loved Y/n more than he had loved anything else. After realizing he had not been the best at accurately expressing that, his heart broke like the porcelain plate that cut his finger when they first met. 
“Y/n..” Tooru mumbled, scooting closer to the cook. “Y/n, look at me.” 
He grabbed their face gently and, hesitantly, they let him. Prince Tooru’s eyes were filled with concern and love, while Y/n’s were filled with tears and devotion. 
“Y/n L/n.” Tooru whispered, his voice soft and full of complete adoration. “I am completely, hopelessly, irrevocably in love with you.” 
Y/n’s eyes widened. They put their hand on Tooru’s wrist and pulled back from him a bit, as if to inspect him to see if he was lying. Yet, when Y/n looked into his eyes, all that could be found was pure, sincere emotion. 
“I love you so much, my heart aches.” The Prince continued. “I will not rest until we do have a future together. If I am to spend my life with anyone, it has to be you. ” 
A moment of silence passed before Tooru leaned in cautiously, giving Y/n a chance to pull away. However, without a second thought, they leaned in, connecting their lips in one fluid motion. 
And, as the two lovers shared their first kiss in a garden of red gardenias, a sense of hope began to bloom in their hearts. A hope that maybe, just maybe, the universe could allow these two worlds to collide. Just this once. 
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