#I wanted my eventual car to look like Bumblebee lol
chrometheraptor · 1 year
Wait who's YOUR war criminal blorbo
Starscream from Transformers! You?
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bots-and-cons · 5 years
As I found the other anons “pear shaped” adventure of human and autobot ask amusing could I ask for a continuation of Ratchets one plz? Betting an entire emerging ration someone gets punched as honestly while the bots are pretty good at calming relatively calm or excited people I doubt Fowler and the bots would be v good at someone who DID NOT WANT NO THANK YOU. About the entire circumstances lol
I feel like this is just gonna turn into “how Ratchet became a guardian” and I love that. and if I feel like it I can write another part to this. The first part can be found here.
Ratchet didn’t really think when he locked you in the back. He was supposed to pick up the kids for Primus’s sake. How would he explain some raving human in his back space?
“Hi Ratchet” a boy said and climbed on to the front seat.
Let! Me! OUT!“ you screeched and seemingly startled the kid.
“Wow, Ratchet kidnapped a human!” a girl yelled, sounding rather excited.
“Not so loud Miko, and no I did not” the car answered.
“You kids, you need to help me, I want out of here” you pleaded
“Are we taking them back to the base with us?” another boy, seemingly a bit older than the previous one, asked.
“We have to” the car answered.
The car started up and all three of the kids were squished on the front seat, you pouted on the back and planned your escape. They would have go let you out at some point, right?
Eventually the car stopped. The kids hopped out and the older boy came to open the back door for you.
“Here we are” he said.
You basically sprinted out, but you were quickly stopped by another five or so robots standing before you.
You just stared at them in awe. This was cool, you had to admit, but you also definitely wanted nothing to do with this. You would rather sit at the back of the ambulance than deal with this, but when you turned around the ambulance was gone and standing there was the bot you had seen before.
“Ratchet, what is the meaning of this?” the biggest bot asked calmly.
“I had to transform in front of them and came to the conclusion I had to bring them here”
“Could someone tell me what the hell is going on?!” you growled and kicked the biggest bot’s foot.
It only hurt you however, you grabbed your foot and jumped around on the other one. The big bot didn’t even really acknowledge you had kicked him. He just looked down on you with a bit of a worried expression.
“I am Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron, also known as autobots and we are here to protect your planet from the Decepticons” the biggest bot said, sounding oddly official.
“Ahhah” you nodded, being able to process about two percent of what he just said. “So aliens?”
“Yeah, but like cool battle aliens” the girl chimed in.
You decided it would be best to keep calm, and try to talk yourself out of this. You could handle this, just keep calm.
“Miko, we are not battle aliens” a big green one said.
“I know Bulk, but it sounds so cool”
“You said you’re here to defend us humans from Decepticons, so are you the good guys or something?”
“Yeah, pretty much” the smallest bot said.
“Okay, so if you’re the good guys, you’re gonna let me go right? I’ll keep my mouth shut and I’ll never talk about you to anyone, I swear. I just wanna go home”
“The robots looked at each other. You could see they didn’t really know what to tell you. 
“Please, I just want to go home” you pleaded.
“Do not misunderstand, you are not a prisoner here” Optimus said.
You sighed in relief.
“But since you have seen us we will look after you from now on. You knowing about us puts you in danger, since the decepticons would now consider you our ally”
“What do you mean look after?” you questioned skeptically.
“It means you get to hang here at the base if you want to, and you have to check in on us so we know you’re okay and didn’t get kidnapped by Megatron” the kid called Miko explained.
“Megatron is the leader of the decepticons” the younger boy said.
“Okay just a sec could I get an introduction tour or something cause I’m kinda tired of being so confused”
“Uu, let me”  Miko exclaimed.
“Go ahead” Ratchet rolled his eyes.
“I’m Miko and the big green bot there is my guardian Bulkhead, or Bulk”
The big green bot waved at you awkwardly.
“And like the big guy said, he is Optimus Prime and you already met Ratchet” she said, nodding towards the grumpy ambulance. “This is Jack and his guardian is Arcee. And then we have Raf and Bumblebee”
“Nice to meet you all… I guess” you added under your breath. “I’m (Name)”
You listened as the bots explained the situation to you. They told you about what the decepticons were doing on earth. You listened, but really you just wanted to get home and never come back here again. As luck would have it, Ratchet was appointed as your guardian, and he seemed just about as happy about it as you.
At least on the ride home you got to sit on the front seat.
“So Ratchet, right? I know you’re not very thrilled about being my guardian or whatever, and I’d rather have nothing to do with this but, I hope we can still get along”
“We’ll it’s good we have a mutual understanding of the situation”
You could basically see him rolling his optics, as Miko had told you the bot’s eyes were called.
“Hey I didn’t choose this, you forced me into this” you huffed.
“I’m aware”
The rest of the way went in silence. Ratchet dropped you off at your house and you calmly walked inside. You could deal with this.
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Survey #229
“goddamn, need some help, ‘cuz my girlfriend’s in love with someone else.”
What would you consider to be the worst television channel out there? Idk. I don't watch TV. Are you currently sitting on your bed or some other place? Where? I'm lying in my bed. Have you ever had anyone drop off animals at your house? What kind? No. When was the last time you were somewhere that offered free Wi-Fi? Today/technically yesterday but w/e. My school offers it free, but the connection isn't strong. Do you know anyone who is on drugs? Are you personally on them? I mean, I know people with prescriptions of course. If you mean illicit drugs, yes. I don't take them. Name one interesting fact about yourself that people might not know about? Uhhhh I used to be a dancer. Do you ever have to write down a phone number to remember it, or not? Oh yeah, I don't even have my own phone number memorized. Who was the last person you talked to on an instant messaging service? Hm. Oh, Facebook says the friend of my sister whose wedding I shot. I did it like, two or three or so years ago and she wanted to know if I had the raw photos I took, and I'd literally JUST cleaned out my OneDrive a couple days ago, so they were deleted. Talk about bad timing. What color are your curtains? Are you satisfied with this color? Maroon. Yeah. Does your phone have texting? How many times a day do you text, estimate? Yeah, and I don't have a clue. Sara and I generally text all throughout the day. When was the last time you were stung by a bee? What kind was it? Uhhh over a year ago or something. Was the only time. It was just a bumblebee. Do you know anyone personally who had their house burn down before? Yes. Do you think the media can further manipulate our teenagers anymore? Ohhhh, I'm sure it could get even worse. Who would you consider to be your favorite American Idol on the show? I've watched so little of that show. Do you know anyone who has their septum pierced? Does it look painful? I know two, off the top of my head. And I mean, a piercing is a needle shoved into your skin. It's obviously painful to a degree. I'd imagine the septum to be more painful than a lot considering the thick cartilage. Has anyone ever complimented you on your singing? Did you believe them? Yeah, and I dunno. I don't generally like my singing voice, but I think I sing some songs okay. Do you know someone who constantly tries to embarrass you on all occasions? Omg no, I could never handle someone like that with how poorly I handle embarrassment. Has anyone ever kissed you in the rain? Did it seem romantic at the time? Yeah, and I guess, only really because it's an "accepted" thing as romantic. Something you're taught young. What is one part on your body that hurts at this moment, if anything? Nothing, at the moment. What was the last song you listened to? Did you enjoy this song? This metal medley I adore of Shadow of the Colossus pieces is on rn. What is your heritage? Do you have a bunch of mixed heritages? German, Irish, and Polish. When was the last time you listened to a genre of you music you despise? I didn't really *listen* to it, but some ass was blaring his rap music in FYS today. Have you ever tried the cinnamon challenge? NO, do NOT. That shit is noooot a joke. People have died. Do you ever countdown to anything? Not really, at least not seriously. Who was the last person to visit your house besides family? A friend of mine and Mom's, Randy. My rat Mitsu apparently fell or something, and her teeth were knocked crooked, and they became grossly overgrown and had to be clipped. He works at a wildlife rehab clinic and is overall just real experienced with animals. It was so awful though, seeing her like that. He's coming over about once a month now to keep them clipped; he's quite sure she has... damn, what was it? Metabolic bone disease (very common in rats), I think, that will push her teeth to keep growing. I can't remember exactly what he said, but. Are you allowed to watch rated R movies? I'm... nearing 24, lmao. How many bedrooms are in your house? Two. Do you see more of your mom or dad’s side of the family more? Mom's. I see both very rarely since they live states away, but yeah, Mom's. I haven't seen anyone in Dad's fam since I was a little kid. Are there any tattoos that you really want to get? lol got a few hours to talk? Do you really believe that everyone has a soul mate? Definitely not. You are compatible with sooooo many people. Do alligators scare you? I mean I wouldn't walk in front of one or anything, but as animals themselves, no. I think they're cool as fuck. Dinosaurs, man. Do you have abs? *ugly wheezing laughter* Have you ever been in detention? Twice I think, but only for too many tardies arriving at school. Do you believe in vampires? Uh no. Can you play the guitar? Not anymore. Have you ever kissed someone while they were dating someone else? Wow, no. Do you like hot dogs? Sadly. Are glasses a turn on or turn off for you? I don't care. Do you have a hot tub? Darling we poor. Would you ever try one of those dating websites? I like to pretend that one time NEVER fucking happened. I very much doubt I would again. Do you like to be tickled? Ew no don't. When’s the last time you flew a kite? Not since I was little. Do you ever take a bath and eat food at the same time? ... Does anyone do that?? Do you hate long surveys? No, I prefer them. I just do them over time. Gives me something to do... and I also don't spam where I share them. Do you like the taste of blood? UM no. Has anyone ever given you flowers? Yeah. When was the last time you swam in a lake? Wowie, I couldn't possibly guess. Who was the first friend you made in Junior High? That's a good question. Maybe Hannia? If you could learn any language, what would it be? GERMAN. I wanna be fluent. When was the last time someone asked you your age? Uhhh idk. Have you ever been on a train? No. Has anyone ever tried to physically fight you? No, but one girl literally told me she almost punched me. I used to hate her more than anyone in the world because she's Jason's ex and really hurt him, and yet now we're friends, lmao. Oh, how things can change. When was the last time you were angry? Last night because my headache wouldn't fuck off. What’s your worst subject in school? Math. I'm failing like, badly. What’s your favorite genre of music? Metal. Have you ever been called too skinny? OH MOST DEFINITELY NOT. Do you prefer analog or digital clocks? Analog clocks are way more aesthetically pleasing, but digital are more convenient. Do you have any stickers decorating your computer? Bruh I have tape, get on my fckng level. Tell me about the last nightmare you remember having. It was about seeing my grandma, who's really beginning to suffer from her chemo. What snacks do you usually get at the cinemas? Popcorn and a drink, then rarely a candy. Usually Sour Patch Kids. What scent is the deodorant you use? That's. A good question. I haven't payed attention. What did you last receive in the mail? The book Sara sent me. What is your favorite kind of fruit? Strawberries. How far away do you live from your place of birth? Like... 10-ish minutes? Have you ever been in a police car? Only when being transferred from the ER to psyche hospitals. How do you mark through your word search puzzles? I draw a line through them. Or circle them. Depends on the font and size, really. Have you ever sewn something? Idk how to sew. Name a CD you have or one you would like to have. Ha ha, the very first CD I personally bought was the "You're Awful, I Love You" album by Ludo. When I knew like, only three songs, ahaha. Have you ever watched an episode of Barney? I loved him as a kid, so, y'know. Can you name more than five U.S. presidents? Yeah, but I definitely don't know a lot. Are any of your neighbors’ yards in desperate need of a grass cutting? No. Do you still have your tonsils? Yessir. What does your mother’s wallet look like? What about your dad’s? Idk. I don't pay attention to Mom's and I very rarely see Dad. Who was the last person you cried in front of? My mom and one of my school advisors. And people who walked into the library. Do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again? He may still want to be, idk. It doesn't matter though. Does your ex hate you? The only ex I have that I think might is Jason. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you can talk to? Girt. Does anyone call you babe? Sara sometimes. Is your school’s mascot an animal? Yes. All my schools' were, lol. What would happen if you were stuck in an elevator with the person you’ve fallen the hardest for? I don't want to imagine it. Do you think that hair extensions and colored contacts make a person fake? Oh my god. Where do your hands go during kissing? I mean that. Depends. Generally just around a person's sides. Conservative or liberal? I'm such a mix. Do you have unlimited texting? Ye. Were you ever in the spelling bee? Never been a part of one. Do you dress suggestively? No. A very explicit song you’ve listened to recently? Ahaha, "Love Rhymes With Fuck You" by Jeffree Star is on right now and it is. Intense. When did you last see someone you know in public? Errrrr good question. Do you think you’d survive if zombies took over the world? Hell no. If you were to write a novel, what would it be about? The meerkat RP I've done since I was 10. My friends and I have made novels upon novels worth of stories. Are you currently pretending to be someone’s friend? No. Are you an impatient person? YEP!!!!!!!!! Are you afraid to watch movies that have sex scenes with your friends? Friends, no. It's awkward with family, though. Who sings the last song you listened to? Jeffree Star. Have you ever had a serious issue involving your eyes? No, other than being a blind mfkr. Have you ever watched South Park? Who’s your favorite character? Yes. Don't have one as I don't really care for it. Do you have sensitive teeth? Yes. Does it bother you to get shots in the mouth? Does it hurt? Nah. And I mean at the dentist they numb you, so not really. When did you last talk seriously with one of your parents? I have no clue. Does anyone ever say they miss you often? Sara. I mean we talk all the time, but she means like, physically being there. Would you rather become a wizard or a vampire, if you had the choice? Idk. I like vampires more, but a wizard sounds funner. Have you already moved out of your parents’ house? I've talked about the apartment situation enough. Are your parents divorced, married or separated? Divorced. Have you ever thought you might just have obsessive compulsive disorder? I'm diagnosed with it. Do you think it’s rude to text someone else while on a date? YEAH. What is the funniest movie you’ve ever seen? White Chicks never fails to get me. Has one of your websites ever quit operating or shut down? Were you sad? Recently the site I used to upload large .gifs I needed to use online shut down & I'm still mega tilted. There's probably others. Who is the person you talk to the most in your house? I only live with my mom. Is there a television show out there that you never miss? No. What movie have you seen too many times to be healthy? Ha ha, The Lion King I & 2 and Finding Nemo. What is your biggest responsibility in your household? Take care of my pets. How cold did it get where you live, last winter? Idr. Very, for NC anyway. Do you ever wonder what your exes are doing? I only ever wonder about Jason. Have you ever been caught in a huge lie with your parents? Never told a biggie lie to 'em. Ever ride in a limo? When did you last do so? No. Are you sober at the time being? Yeah. Have you ever lied to someone & said they could sing when they couldn’t? Possibly? Are you more tolerant of hot or cold weather? Describe a time when you were extremely cold? Describe a time when you were extremely over-heated? I handle the cold far, FAR better. I physically cannot last very long in like, even 80 degrees. The coldest I've probably ever been was when Sara and I were walking once up at her house and it was really windy. I think the absolute most over-heated I've been was when I was taking bridal shots of my sister's friend outside in the summer for a long long time. I was nearly to the point of tears and was absolutely soaked in sweat. When we got back in the car, I literally finished at least three water bottles in a very short period of time. I think I even downed half of another. What was something weird that you did as a child? Did anyone make fun of you for it? Were there any other children you knew who did the same thing? I actually created this trend in elementary school of digging tunnels in the sandbox with my hands because I wanted to feel like a meerkat, lol. No one made fun of me, I think? And as stated it kinda became a thing, so yeah, there were others. What has been the hardest thing about growing up? What was the easiest thing about it? Was there ever a time when you wanted to stay young forever? Was there ever a time when you wished that you could be older? Accepting my mental illnesses was by far the hardest. Easiest, uh... idk. Enjoying more freedom? There was definitely a time I wanted to be a kid forever; I remember I criiiied when I got my period for the first time because I didn't feel like one anymore. Simultaneously, there were certainly times I wanted to be older. Who was the last person you yelled at? Do you often yell at this person? Are you on good terms with them again, or are you still upset with them? I practically roared at Mom for pulling the rudest shit on me like a month or so back. I definitely don't yell at her a lot. We're on good terms now, yeah. If you work, do you get along with your coworkers? Which one of them have you known the longest? Is your current place of work somewhere that you plan to stay for a long time? Sadly no, so these questions are N/A. Name three items that have much sentimental value to you. Who gave you these items, and for what occasion? Do you ever have a harder time throwing away things that people have given you? My pebble from Holly Hill, my childhood plush moose Brownie that I got in Ohio, and the stuffed meerkat Jason gave me. It's not really because of it being from him, but rather because it comforted me deeply after the break-up. The little guy is so worn from all the love I gave it. I do have a hard time getting rid of things people give me. Who do you speak with more often: your online friends, or those that you see face-to-face? Of which type of friend do you have more? Which of those friendships do you value the most? Online to all three questions. Are you often misunderstood, or do you think that people can get where you are coming from pretty well? Do you think that you have a good ability to understand others? If yes, explain? Eh, idk, really. I feel like I don't communicate how I feel well enough, but I think people understand me decently. Most, anyway. I know I'm pretty good and relating to people. When was the last time that you had a headache? What did you do, if anything, to help it feel better? Which is worse for you: headaches or stomach aches? As previously mentioned, last night. I took medicine, but it was sleep that actually helped. AND I CANNOT DEAL WITH STOMACH ACHES. Gimme a headache over that shit any day. Have you ever had a crush on someone you met online? If yes, what happened between you and that person? Do you think that online relationships are legitimate relationships? Yes, and we're dating now lol. And of course I do!! Out of all of your past friendships and romantic relationships, which one was the worst? If that person were to show up at your place, would you be willing to talk to them? Friendship: Colleen. No, I wouldn't talk to her. Romantic: Tyler, but I mean sure, I'd talk to him. Well, Jason was the traumatic one, but the *relationship*, on my end, was a fairytale. It was the breakup that was... yeah, y'all know. Yeah, I'd be willing to talk to him, but quite honestly I'd probably end up collapsing into a sobbing heap because yeah PTSD. If any, how many friends have you made in the past year? How many have you lost? Is making friends something at which you are good, or does it take you awhile to form friendships? I've made a couple friends online, and I lost none, I think anyway. I can be someone's friend very easily, but it's the trust that really takes a while. If you are 18 or older, did reaching your 18th birthday make you feel like you were an adult? If not, what moment (or moments) made you feel like you were finally maturing? I don't remember, honestly. As a kid, did your parents force you to eat everything on your plate? If you had them, how did you feel about family meal times? If you were to have children, would you have structured meals with them? Well, Mom tried, but my picky ass usually won, lol. Some days I miss family dinners, other days I'm glad to do my own thing. If I were to have kids, I'd probably want to have family dinners, really. What was the last new thing that you tried? What is something you did a long time ago that you might like to do again? I don't know. I don't try new things often. From my past... I dunno. It's too late to think of all this stuff. What is your least favorite part about going to the doctor? What about going to the dentist? Which of those people would you rather see? THE GODDAMN WAIT. My dentist is usually pretty quick, so that's not typically a problem there. Instead, I fucking hate when I have to get x-rays done because I have a very small mouth, and the things they stick in your cheeks to bite down on are always way too big for me. I have to use a size down from adults. Do you ever take care of anyone younger than you (ie. babysitting, watching a younger sibling, etc)? Do you like doing this, or does it get to be a hassle? No, and hell no.
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imaginethatalena · 7 years
#34: Batfam x Reader
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Thanks @crazyfreckledginger for requesting! I’m sorry that the ending kind of sucks, but I hope you like the rest of it. My brother is a big Transformers fan so he helped me out with the Transformers part. I hope you like it ❤
Request Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3: Tell me if you have enough of my requests (hey don't blame me blame the anon who asked you if you write for Transfomers) So it's another crossover and the reader has scarlet witch powers and gets badly injured whist on patrol (she moves around alot but patrols the cities she goes to). She is found unconscious by the batboys and brought to the cave. They stitch her up and when she wakes up, Bruce asks her a few questions because he has suspiscons on what she is. She doesn't tell them much and says that she has to leave now. Bruce stops her and says that she is in danger and that they will protect her but she declines and leave rapidly. Bruce orders the boys to get her back whilst he does some research on her. The boys 'stalk' her and discover that she can really defend herself after being ambushed by a villain (idk Bane?) because he wants to use her. Then a group of police cars arrive and are shooting at her and the boys are about to step in when a group of sports cars, motocycles and vans arrive and the police car transform in decepticons and the autobots transform and fight them. After the fight, Jazz finds the boys snooping and brings them to the group. The reader recognises them but doesn't say anything. Ratchet says his line in the movie (it's something like "The boys pheromon levels suggests they want to mate with Y/N" and it become awkward but the other autobots become very protective? I dunno how to end it lol! I'm really sorry this is long!!
“God dammit!” You cussed when you saw the amount of blood coming out of your leg. You had just barely made it out of a battle with a particularly violent mugger, and you had gotten very badly injured. You thought that your telepathy and telekinesis powers would give you an edge over such a low risk criminal, but this one had a big knife and good aim. The person you were saving had gotten away, which meant it was time for you to leave and assess the damage.
You were getting lightheaded and you fought to stay conscious, realizing that the blood loss was worse than you thought. You had to stay conscious long enough to alert someone to where you were.
“Help!” you shouted into the night. You had been wandering the northeastern cities of the United States for a couple weeks now, and every single one had had at least one vigilante on duty the nights you were there. Tonight you had come to Gotham, and you knew there was an entire family of vigilantes here. You hoped one of them would hear you.
“Help!” you shouted again, but this time your voice was much softer. You lost consciousness moments later, just as a dark silhouette appeared in your vision.
“Over here!” Dick shouted to his brothers, leaping to the ground with the grace of his acrobatic training. Damian dropped down with the help of his grappling hook while Jason sped around the corner into the alley on his motorcycle, Tim sitting behind him.
“Shit,” Jason said. Dick was crouched next to you, checking your pulse. “Is she alive?”
“Yeah, but she’s bleeding pretty badly.”
“We need to get her to the hospital,” Tim said.
“Are we going to just ignore how she’s dressed?” Damian asked, pointing to your outfit. It was obvious you were a vigilante of some sort. “What if she has an identity to hide? We can’t risk that.”
“We’ll get her to Alfred, then,” Dick said. He scooped you up from the ground and went over to Jason. “Tim, get off. Let Jason take her.”
Once Jason was sure you weren’t going to fall off his motorcycle, he sped out of the alley and into the city. His brothers would catch up. Getting you medical help was the priority.
You awoke to a tugging sensation in your leg and you opened your eyes to see a high stone ceiling above you. You raised your head to look around and saw you were surrounded by six unfamiliar people.
Startled, you sat up and pulled your leg away from whoever was holding it, feeling a sharp pain as your skin stretched around the half done stitches.
“Ow!” You clutched your leg and cast your nervous gaze around. “Who the hell are you?”
Four of the people were young men, the oldest looking to be in his twenties and the youngest to be around eleven. They all backed away as soon as they saw you were panicked, but the older man at your side gave you a chastising look.
“My dear, you’ll have to allow me to finish the stitches before you can move around,” he said, his kind voice accented by a British upbringing.
You reluctantly gave him back your leg under the hard suspicious gaze of the final person, a tall man who appeared to be the father of the four boys.
“Who are you?” he asked you.
“I asked you first,” was your reply, but you didn’t need an answer. Aside from the old man tending to your leg, you recognized each of them from their superhero suits. This was the Batfamily. Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, and Robin all shared the same curious look, but Batman’s was cold and careful.
“Who are you?” he asked again, his voice firm, and you thought it would be best not to fight him and just answer his questions.
“I’m Y/N,” you said. “I’m kind of a vigilante, but I don’t have a home, so I just drift from city to city and do what I can while I’m there.”
“What kind of vigilante?” he probed. “Do you have any special abilities?”
“No,” you lied. “I’m just a fighter trying to do some good.”
“When we brought you here, we were followed by a few cars,” Nightwing said. “We lost them fairly easily, but we wanted to know if you knew anything about them.”
“I don’t.” You were just full of lies tonight, but they didn’t need to know everything about you all at once. You didn’t trust them.
“We believe you’re in danger,” Batman told you as the old man finished up your stitches and started wrapping your leg. “I think you should stay here until we learn more about the people following you.”
“Thanks, but no thanks,” you said, getting to your feet and looking for the exit. “I have to get going.”
“Wait.” Nightwing put a hand to your arm, but you quickly pulled away. Realizing that teleportation was the only way you were going to get away, you opened a portal beneath your feet and slipped away before they could stop you.
“Go after her,” Bruce ordered his sons, already at the Batcomputer. “I knew there was something off about her. I might have a lead.”
“What are we waiting for?” Jason asked, already revving the engine of his bike. Bruce had managed to get a tracer on you, and they were all ready to follow you back to downtown Gotham.
“Hey, Jason,” Roy said, climbing off his bike when the four boys showed up. “Why did you call for me?”
“I thought we could use your help on this one,” Jason said as they continued to search for you. When they found you, they were surprised at what they saw.
“Forget it, Bane!” you were shouting at the man attacking you, a hulking figure with green veins highighted on his unnaturally bulging muscles. “I’m not going to join your stupid secret society!”
“Your power is wasted saving the lives of ungrateful civilians,” he told you as he fought against your power, manifested as a golden glow that kept him away from you. “If you will not join us willingly, I will take you by force!”
“Good luck with that,” you said, and opened a portal beneath his feet. “Have fun in Arkham, asshole.”
The Batboys couldn’t do anything except stare at you in awe. You had gone toe to toe against Bane, a Rogue that even Batman had failed to defeat, and won with little to no effort. They were about to speak when a number of police cars and vans sped over to you and surrounded you. Instead of policemen exiting the cars, the cars all began to transform into robots that stood hundreds of feet taller than you. Soon after, a silver sports car, a yellow Camaro, an ambulance, and a pickup truck arrived and also transformed.
“Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?” Dick asked.
“What the hell is going on?” Jason gasped. Roy stood next to him in stunned silence.
“This is impossible,” Tim said.
“Duck!” Damian shouted. The robots had begun to fight, and the collateral damage of their battle was enormous. Parked cars were smashed, sparks flew in every direction, and the robotic shouting coming from what was supposed to be their mouths was deafening. Eventually the boys could see the majority of the robots chasing away a few of their brethren.
“You Decepticons should know better than to challenge the Autobots!” one of them shouted, presumably an Autobot towards the retreating Decepticons.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” one of the four remaining robots asked, the one that had previously been an ambulance. “You’re injured.”
“I’m fine, Ratchet,” you told the robot. “It was just a couple stitches. Where’s Optimus?”
“He’s with Sam right now. Who fixed you up?” another robot, the one that had been a silver sports car, asked you.
“I was picked up by the Batfamily, Jazz,” you said. “But don’t worry. They don’t know about you.”
“Are you sure about that?” John Cena’s voice came from the yellow robot.
“Since when did you start quoting vines, Bumblebee?” you asked with an amused smile. “And yeah, I am. Why?”
“Because you were followed.” The boys heard a deep robotic voice above them, and they were all grabbed by the last robot. It was surprisingly fast for its size, and there was no escape once he had dropped them to the ground near you.
“Shall I kill them?” it asked, revealing cannons in its arms pointed straight at them. The boys began to panic, Dick and Tim pleading with the robots while Jason, Roy, and Damian shouted meaningless threats.
“They’re the ones who helped me, Ironhide,” you said, rolling your eyes. “They’re fine.”
“What are you?” Tim asked in wonder when Ironhide put his canons away.
“We’re the Transformers,” Ratchet told him. “Are you the Batfamily Y/N told us about?”
“Yeah, we are,” Jason said. “You guys were the cars that tried to follow us.”
“We thought you were kidnapping our friend,” Jazz said defensively. “Of course we’re going to search for her.”
“Pardon me, but I’ve scanned these boys, and their pheromone levels suggest they want to mate with Y/N,” Ratchet said. “I don’t believe they would mean to harm her if they---”
“Listen here,” Ironhide’s cannons came back. “If you’re all thinking about mating with Y/N right now, you better be prepared for the consequences. Right, Bee?” The yellow autobot’s face was covered by a combat mask and he readied his own guns.
“Guys, guys!” you shouted, stepping in front of the boys. “Calm down! It’s fine! I barely know them!”
You turned to the boys with a serious look.
“No one is supposed to know about them,” you said. “Can you keep our secret?”
Dick, Jason, Roy, Tim, and Damian all nodded. They weren’t sure how to feel about your robot friends, but at least now they knew you were safe.
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