#Starscream is my favorite but I love Knockout too
chrometheraptor · 1 year
Wait who's YOUR war criminal blorbo
Starscream from Transformers! You?
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in1-nutshell · 11 months
How would the tfp cons react to finding a pod fill with small and squishy sparklings (I headcannon sparkling looking like mashbellows blobs untold they grow giant size)
Love the concept of little bean sparklings!
Hope you enjoy the Cons reactions to the little beans.
TFP Cons reacting to finding a bunch of sparklings in a pod
For the sake of the story, the pod full of the beans conveniently landed on the Nemisis flight deck one night. A couple Vechicons had retrieved the pod at the orders of Megatron. He is fully expecting a magical relic of the past or some more Dark Energon… not a bunch of sparklings inside the pod.
Oh, this is not what he is expecting… not at all.
“What in the Pit is this?!”--Megatron
“Those are sparklings my liege.”Starscream
“I know what they are!”—Megatron
His honest reaction would greatly depend whether or not he is on that space coke, I mean Dark Energon.
If he was on Dark Energon, the chances of all the sparklings surviving their first night would be slim to none. Not caring if they even survived. The only chance the sparklings would have of surviving is if the grace of one of the higher officials decided to keep them. Sadly, few would truly be up to the challenge.
If he isn’t on Dark energon, then he would be a bit concerned in why the sparklings are in the pod. But it is war after all and sadly this isn’t too out of the ordinary.
He would assign different Vehicon’s to different beans and have them all sent to Knockout and Breakdown for a checkup. He might think at first that this could be a waste of resources. But after a few days of seeing his troops with the sparklings, Megatron sees a boost in morality and a strange sense of hope in the ship. Hope that caused the movement in the first place. Hope that didn’t seem to come by so often on the ship.
He has ‘stolen’ a bean from time to time. Not even the Mighty Megatron can bend to the power of The Bean Eyes.
“Lord Megatron! I’ve been looking—what are you...?”--Starscream
Megatron mid cooing at a laughing bean.
“… You saw nothing Starscream.”--Megatron
“Understandable my liege. I will be taking my leave.”-- Starscream
He is concerned about the sparklings, not that he shows it outwards though. Starscream had plans before the sparklings came along. He was on his way to try and overthrow Megatron and now he must do sparkling duties. The universe must be playing some cosmic joke on him.
“Pitiful thing. You probably don’t even know the first thing about being a Decepticon.”--Starscream
Giggling bean noises
“…Well, I suppose I could teach you. Yes, then you will pledge your loyalty to me!”--Starscream
“Starscream who are you talking to?”--Knockout
“None of your business Knockout!”—Starscream
As Second in Command he helps oversee the sparklings needs overall. As in the statis of their health, possible predictions for vehicle mode, who is their favorite Decepticon on aboard the Nemesis...
Like Megatron, Starscream has taken a habit of ‘stealing’ a Sparkling or two. Except when he has the beans, he tries to instill some sort of loyalty in preparation for his reign as Leader of the Decepticons. Which doesn’t seem to work well on Starscream’s part.
“Now repeat after me. Hail Lord Starscream.”--Starscream
Laughing Bean noises.
“Wow not even they take you seriously.”—Knockout
*Adoption papers processing*
While he also oversees the sparklings as Third in Command, Soundwave knows how to take care of others. He has been known for stealing the most sparklings out of the entire Nemesis.
“Soundwave do you have the reports taken—”--Megatron
Soundwave carrying five beans in his tentacles and two in each servo.
“… I’ll come back later then. Carry on.”—Megatron
He often plays funny little noises to make the beans laugh. Most likely the first on board to get attached to them. When he misses some of the beans, he will deploy Lazerbeak to go see if they are okay in their caregivers’ arms. Primus help the poor soul who decides to be mean or hurt the Sparkling. That is a one-way ticket to the moon.
“Soundwave! Respond! As Second in Command of the Decepticon army I order you—”
Recorded giggles plays
“… I give up.”--Starscream
Knockout and Breakdown
Oh… oh…
Why? Out of all the places on this planet, did that pod have to land on the Nemesis?! The ship isn’t exactly known for being a welcoming place, much less for sparklings. It’s not that the pair hate the sparklings, on the contrary.
The love seeing a bit of Cybertron untainted by the war. But now they have come into the war whether they liked to or not. Knock out while prides his finish, will put it aside while dealing with the multitude of messy sparklings.
“Hey no! Put that down! No! No! How did you even get up there!?”—Knockout
“Lighten up a bit Knockout. They’re just fine.”--Breakdown
“…There’s one about to fall off your servo.”--Knockout
Breakdown has no problem getting dirty for the sparklings, hut is extremely anxious around them. He could accidentally crush them! He really doesn’t want that.
They don’t part take in the ‘stealing’ of sparklings, as they regularly come and go in the medbay. The pair both genuinely care for the sparklings and are a bit protective, especially if they come in hurt.
“Oh, Primus what happened to them?!”--Knockout
“I don’t know. I accidentally bumped into them—”--Starscream
“You bumped into them!”—Breakdown
Oh, he loves these beans.
He is one of the few Decepticons with some kindness left and is not going to let bots like Starscream take advantage of them.
“I will be taking them today.”--Dreadwing
“It is my shift to look after—”--Starscream
“Consider this me taking your shift then Starscream.”—Dreadwing
He loves his time with the sparklings. He does a descent job in taking care of them. Makes sure all under his care are well and takes regular trips to the Medbay if something doesn’t seem right.
Besides Soundwave, probably the second in the ‘stealing’ sport. He tells stories to the little ones of life before the war and how the war would be over soon so they could all go home together.
“We are missing 5 of them.”--Breakdown
“Have you checked with Dreadwing.”--Knockout
“Not yet.”--Breakdown
“He probably has the rest.”—Knockout
He doesn’t do much with the beans.
Probably didn’t even know they were around until Soundwave came to the lab with some in his servos.
“… Explanation.”—Shockwave
Won’t interact with the sparklings much, not even if he has duty with them. Shockwave most likely built a crib to contain the little beans.
Does not partake in the ‘stealing’ of the sparklings.
It is illogical.
What is this bean? Why is it so small?
He is confused at first seeing the sparklings, but once educated about the basics, he is ready. Does not matter if he is in his bi-pede mode or not, he is making sure all these beans are protected with his huge limbs.
Does not let them anywhere near Starscream.
“I order you to hand over the Sparklings beast!”--Starscream
“Did you hear something my tiny warrior? It sounded like a little pest.”--Predaking
“How. Dare—”--Starscream
Starscream is now shrieking trying to avoid the flames of Predaking.
He also plays and ‘steals’ them away. He is close ranking to Dreadwing on how often they get stolen.
“We are missing 7 of them!”--Dreadwing
“Where could they—”--Knockout
“Found them.”--Breakdown
Predaking napping in his dragon form cuddling a bunch of beans.
Soundwave snaps a picture that no one knows about.
Okay even if Megatron was on Dark energon, there is no way this Spider is going anywhere near the sparklings.
Point blank. She will not go anywhere near them.
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ricegobbler · 7 months
ok ngl I did this bc I’m bored. I might open requests, but idk yet bc I’m always busy. So I’m NOT opening any requests atm but I may soon!! I also didn’t do all the cons in this bc I’m so tired. So I’ll do the rest of them maybe tmrw.
Ok anyways this might be a lil bad since it’s my first time :( but enjoy either way!
Also I’m using ‘Y/N’ bc idk what else to use even tho I think I’m supposed to use it.
Warnings‼️: Mention of fighting(s), injuries, drugs (calling Megatron the druglord basically) slightly suggestive (mainly for Megatron and kinda for Knockout?)
(Megatron, Starscream, and Knockout)
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-Ah yes, our favorite drug lord☺️
-When he first saw you he thought of you as any other Decepticon on the Nemesis, a weakling basically.
-Every time he’d see you he wouldn’t really think much or care honestly, like I said, you were treated and thought of like any other Decepticon by the warlord. So the two of you wouldn’t rlly interact.
-But then, the first time you fought the Autobots in front of Megatron really changed his perspective of you. Yes, you still weren’t that special out of everyone else, but you did cause something special in his spark.
-After the battle, slamming Bulkhead into the ground, Megatron actually said something to you. Praising you for your strength and courage.
“I’m quite impressed, Y/N..” Megatron praised you, arms behind his back as he circled around you. “A fem with that much strength and power is quite…alluring~”
Your optics widened, feeling a bit of a shiver run up (or go down) your back. “A-alluring?…” You repeat, “Yes…very alluring..” he responded back, he then stood behind you and placed a servo on your shoulder, gripping it a little tightly.
“I’m quite glad to have you on our side~ you’ll be very useful….” He whispered into your audial.
-After that day he started treating you differently. Definitely favorite treatment. He wouldn’t get mad at you for your fails and would just brush it off, leaving the others (Starscream and Knockout) jaw dropped.
-Sometimes Megatron would com you to see him, privately. Whenever this happens the only thing that ever happens is some little conversation. Sometimes they’d be about the war, but mostly about each other and stories of both of your lives before the war. Sometimes he’d just praise you too tho, not that you minded though, praises from him were just 🙏
-I feel like he’d fall for some strong fem. Of course, he’d still be stronger. But he would love your strength, courage, wisdom and seriousness, and sometimes he’d get a little…riled up at the height difference between the two of you.
-When he finally confessed feelings for you (he wrote a poem and recited it to you💔🥹) you were treated WAYYY differently. Being called “my queen” or “my dear,” and he would fucking force the others to call you their queen.
-how he kisses?? Passionate. He’s so rough and touchy while kissing too omfg. PDA?? Hell yeah. He don’t gaf abt who’s around, he’d grab your waist in front of everyone and whisper the most…innocent..things to you!☺️
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-Our favorite high heel cunt!😝
-Just like Megatron, I feel like he wouldn’t really care about your presence, BUT, he would definitely talk to you about how everything goes in the Nemesis. While doing so I feel like he’d trail off and start talkin abt overthrowing Megatron💀
“-And then I get to overthrow that scrap of a warlord! YES! I will offline him soon and..” He paused and slowly turned his head to look at you, you just blinked confusingly and cleared your throat awkwardly.
“Are you alright..?” You ask, “I’m fine. Moving on!..” he responded.
-Yeah. Anyways.
-When he first saw your skills against Autobots, he was surprised. He’s never seen a fem do that much damage. Of course, he doesn’t say anything about it. He’s pretty quick to brush it off anyways.
-Sometimes he’d just fucking burst in your berthroom and tell you orders. Why? Bc he’s SIC ig😒
Starscream bursting into your berthroom, “Y/N!” You quickly turn your helm to look at him. “Huh”
“As your second in command I order you to do [whatever idk]!” He yelled, hands on his waist and everything.🤦🏻‍♀️
-But the more you two interact the more he realizes he doesn’t mind you being around. He seems more comfortable with you. How would you know? He’d rant to you about how he’d make you his SIC once he overthrows Megatron😭
-Then he finally falls for you. I honestly see him being hella nervous around you but tried showing off to you. One time he tried showing off he could take on Megatron, next thing you know you brought him to the Medbay-
-the way he’d confessed would be so sweet but funny too istg.
“Y/N…I..I’ve fallen for you.” He said, “you what?..” you asked, he quickly stood up, transforming into his alt and flew through the halls of the Nemesis while yelling back “I LOVE YOUUUU..!”
-After that little fail you found him in his berth in the corner like he was in time out and you just giggled. You gently rubbed his back and smiled. You also told him you fell for him and his wings fluttered.
-He’s quite silly, and you loved that. Secretly in his berthroom you’d praise him and cuddle with him (he rlly needs it🙁) he’d call you names like “my spark” or “love.” PDA?? Yes, but not in public. Sure, he’ll hold your hand sometimes in public, but in the Berth is the best place. How he kisses? Amazing. Not as suggestive as Megatron, but they’re so sweet. Soft kisses<33
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-The best flirtatious man ever����
-He heard about your arrival from the rumors around the Nemesis, at first he was actually intrigued. He wanted to know what you looked like and what your personality was.
-Everyday he’d wait for you to come to the Medbay if you had any injuries. Of course, you didn’t. So what a shame 😢
-But he’d hear any new thing about you from either Starscream or the rumors around.
-But when the day of you fighting the Autobots for the first time he was finally able to see you in the Medbay to treat some wounds you had gotten.
You, covered in wounds, entering the Medbay for the first time and meeting optics with Knockout. “My my my….you’re the new fem, hm? Nice to meet you Y/N, the names Knockout~”
-curse his flirtatious side.
-when he finally treated your wounds and scratches he just smirked at you.
“Thank you,” You said to him, “No problem, doll~ it was wonderful to meet you..” he responded.
-After that, the more missions you went on and the more you’d get hurt you’d stop by to get treated. Even the smallest wounds you’d get, you’d still visit him! You mainly liked his personality though.
-The more you came by the more he got comfortable with you, he’d start ranting to you about random things. Once, he ranted to you about his paint being scratched by Arcee and Bumblebee.
-Sometimes when Knockout had no one to treat you’d come by and talk to him. You loved his sassiness, it was so funny😭 you’d also praise him too, saying how you loved him paint and how shiny it was that day. In return, he’d praise you too.
-whenever you two hung out you would just sit on the medbays bed and swing your legs back n forth since you didn’t reach the ground. Knockout found it quite amusing, he’d definitely tease you for it.
-When the two of you got close, you started falling for him first. Mostly because of his flirtation…yeah…like I said, curse his flirtatious side😢
-Of course he’d still flirt with you, making you flushed everytime you’d leave the Medbay after your daily conversations.
-When you finally confessed he just started saying how he knew something like this would happen. He also felt the same, so yay! Then he started teasing you hella again.
-He’d obviously call you things like “doll” or “dollface,” like omg.😍 How he kisses?? Also passionate, not rlly touchy tho..he just holds you by the waist n that’s it. Praises EVERYDAY. Only if you praise him tho. PDA?? Same like Starscream, not in public.
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deja-mew · 2 months
Ridiculous Headcanons Pt. 1
Sorry in advance y’all. Okay so I was so bored at work my brain was rotting thinking of TFP characters for so long that I have this. Here’s what I think each character’s favorite cheese would be, if either they were human at some point and tried it, or could taste a big enough chunk as cybertronians; whatever excuse needs to be for them to have any opinion about cheese. (also could just be them as cheeses… idk, I work in Wisconsin, I’m always surrounded by cheese, this is what happens.)
Optimus Prime: Optimus liked Colby Jack. Good, classic Colby Jack. He likes the two distinctive colors and just generally enjoys the flavor.
Arcee: Pepper Jack; well loved, timeless, and packs a punch too. She likes that it’s soft but not sweet. Also, Jack being in the name is a bonus.
Bumblebee: Velveeta. The color is great and it’s a universal, famous cheese; everyone knows it (at least in the USA), just like him. He had it in a mac & cheese and stuck with it as his favorite. (he strikes me as a mac & cheese sort of guy)
Bulkhead: He’d chose brick cheese because it has a good, versatile, underrated taste. Also, just like him, this cheese is softer than its name implies <3
Wheeljack: Cheetos. He didn’t care that they “technically wont count as a cheese”, they’re cheese flavored enough and they’re what he likes. Especially the flamin’ hot ones.
Smokescreen: Cheese curds. Warm, squeaky, proper cheese curds. Specifically the ranch flavored ones are his top pick.
Ultra Magnus: This was how Ultra Magnus found out he was lactose intolerant. He didn’t like any of them, and he won’t be asked to try again.
Ratchet: Ratchet chose blue cheese, purely because the flavor was so distinctive. It’s also a very mature choice of cheese, which just made sense for him. 
Megatron: Monterey Jack. The warlord refused to consume any cheeses but picked Monterey Jack just because to him, it sounded like an evil version of Colby Jack.
Starscream: Cheese whiz..?? When presented with the samples he didn’t bother to try anything, but automatically went for the can of cheese whiz, as if he already knew it..??? (He did what he had to do when he was rogue. Ik it doesnt make sense but its hilarious.)
Soundwave: Mozzarella. Soundwave had already heard of cheese on the internet indirectly throughout his few years of needing to interact with human information in order to serve Megatron. Because he understood mozzarella cheese to be a monumentally important cheese to human society, he internally likened himself to it, being himself monumentally important to the Decepticon cause. No one knew that this was why he chose mozzarella, they were just glad that he responded at all. 
Shockwave: When Shockwave received the cheese samples he did not taste anything and instead just.. Left to his lab and ran some tests.. After a while he decided on feta cheese, saying that it is among the healthiest of cheeses and therefore, for nutritional purposes, is the most logical choice.
Knockout: Camembert. It’s soft and fancy and french and… He hardly tasted much it, but liked pronouncing it, and appreciated that he could spread it on a cracker instead of getting a giant chunk stuck all up in his teeth.
Breakdown: Breakdown chose Parmesan cheese because he had once seen in a movie the grater that is used at restaurants where they just keep cranking it. He said it tasted as good as it looked in the movie.
Dreadwing: Dreadwing thought that Provolone was the ideal cheese. It seemed the most sensible.
St3v3: String cheese was St3v3’s pick, even though it is technically mozzarella. For him, it was a texture thing.
Airachnid: Cazu Marzu. It’s that maggot cheese that can kill you if you eat it. It wasn’t even on the sample plate, she just brought it herself.
Predaking: Predaking chose smoked Gouda. He did admit that the smoke added a touch of familiarity to the cheese (seeing as, of course, breathing fire exposes you to plenty of smoky smells). Overall, he thought they were all pretty good, but somehow this was the only smoked one on the plate, so he chose it.
Skylynx: Skylynx thought the aged Swiss wasn’t that bad. The bitterness was enjoyable to him, and he found it best melted.
Darksteel: Limburger. It was the most controversial cheese on the plate, and that just made him think it was the most exciting one. The smell didn’t even bother him much, and he genuinely enjoyed the flavor.
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Okay, I just wanna say that I love ALL the fic ideas you came up with and I desperately want to read all of them but I know everyone else wants that too, so for the sake of your mental sanity, I'll pick my favorites
Also, as much as I cry/go feral over your angst works, your fluff/crack stuff does something to my brain chemistry that I need
So I really want to see more of the prompts I requested (omg, someone wanting to see more of their prompt, who would've guessed? Though which one you wanna expand on is up to you) as well as "Of all the things that could happen, did have to be this?", "Human Females Do What Once A Month?!", "Cybertrons newest younglings/sparklings"
Those are some of my personal favorites but if you aren't feeling it or wanna do angst, you do you. Love all your amazing work and thanks for listening to my rambles 🙃
Well thank you for the chance to write more fluff! I am so happy you like my work friend! I've been meaning to get to this request for a while now. But classes have been dragging me kicking and screaming through the mud.
Prompt for this request here.
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Of all the things that could happen, did it have to be this?
The battle for the Omega Lock was by far one of the most intense any of the Decepticons had ever engaged in. It was a fierce and brutal conflict that left both sides struggling. However in the end, all Autobots on Earth were captured, promptly executed, and had their bodies thrown into the Cybermatter as a taunt toward their desperate attempts to regain control of the relic. But of course, this singular act of smug retribution came with consequences.
As the bodies of the Autobots sank into the Cybermatter, the Matrix blazed and collected the sparks of the fallen within itself in an attempt to preserve them. Then, with the aid of the Cybermatter surrounding it, the Matrix did as it was made to. It remade those it was offered. Optimus it kept to itself, but the others? It molded them again granting them new life and hoping to save them from execution once more by altering how they emerged. It could not erase who they were, nor did it want to. No, it needed to preserve them and give them a chance.
With that in mind, there was no way the Decepticons, who were still reveling in their victory, could have ever predicted eight sparklings clambering out of the Omega Lock screaming and shivering. At first the gathered Decepticons were too shocked to act, but as a young Smokescreen wailed, Starscream moved without thinking. With soft murmurs and croons, the Seeker held the sparkling close to himself, soothing him with gentle touches and songs. After that, there was no stopping it. Megatron was cruel, but he was not the the kind to allow sparklings to die, no matter their origin. Thus he gathered the sparklings, brought them onto the Nemesis, and set course for Cybertron. Earth was all but forgotten amidst the chaos.
A meeting was held with all of high command as soon as the Nemesis was out of Earth's orbit. There was brief discussion of killing the sparklings considering they were formerly Autobots, however that was shut down immediately by Starscream throwing the biggest fit any on the Nemesis had the displeasure to deal with. The Seeker threw away any pretense of cowardice in order to defend the sparklings, regardless of whatever wrath Megatron might hold toward him after the fact. Thankfully for him, Knockout was quick to support his stance, even going so far as to threaten to damage the ship and tell the Vehicons about the incident if the order to kill the sparklings was given.
As such, with no other choice considering the threat of mutiny, Megatron sighed, and had the sparklings distributed until a better plan could be devised. The Nemesis continued to soar toward Cybertron, but the trip would take time and quite frankly, what interest Megatron had in Earth all but faded. Optimus was a sparkling, and without his foe fighting for the planet so viciously, the competitive desire to take the world was no longer present. Cybertron was his focus, even more so now that there were sparklings on board to fuel and raise. They had been at war for far too long, and now with the Autobot elites stuck as sparklings, it had practically been ended. Cybertron needed to be restored, and Megatron would see to it, if only to ensure he didn't lose the loyalty of his soldiers.
Of course, taking care of sparklings was far easier said than done. Each of the newly reforged Autobots seemed to have something... off about them. All were assessed by Shockwave and with his aid, assigned to the appropriate caretakers until further notice.
Smokescreen was biologically the youngest and based on the tests run, the most mentally stable. He behaved as a perfectly normal sparkling, with all the little quirks and habits of the newly emerged. In order to ensure that the sparklings with more... pressing needs were attended to, Smokescreen was given to the Vehicons, under the supervision of Starscream of course. The former Autobot rookie was perfectly tame for the most part and by all accounts, terrible friendly. He didn't care for who was tending to him and had a fantastic time with just about anyone. He only cried when he wanted something and was totally at ease for the most part. He had no sense of stranger danger whatsoever. His only notable quirk was the simple fact that whenever he got a glimpse of the other Autobots-turned-sparklings, something seemed to click in him.
In the instances where he caught sight of his former comrades, Smokescreen lost any and all self control. He would scream, kick, bite, and overall fight denta and digit to get away from whoever was taking care of him. There was an intelligence in his optics during those instances, and cunning calculation that often led to the sparkling somehow wriggling away and booking it after whoever it was he spotted. Thankfully for everyone, he would calm quite easily once allowed to interact with whoever it was he wanted to get to. He needed at least a half groon with the former comrade in question, but then he would not struggle against being removed.
Bulkhead was the second least difficult sparkling to handle. He and Wheeljack could not be separated without causing both to throw horrible fits and reject energon, and so were given to a caretaker together. Knockout ended up being the one to take both under his wing, partially due to their relation to Breakdown before their reforging, but largely because he was one of the few ground units that could be trusted with unruly sparklings. He treated them perfectly well and took great care of them. Knockout threw himself into the tending of his new charges, even going so far as to create carriers that he wore on his front and back, one for each sparkling. Both his charges were given ample entertainment and offered enough affection to be somewhat smothering. But of course, there were issues.
For an undeterminable reason, Bulkhead spent a great deal of time crying. Next to nothing Knockout did ever seemed to calm him. All that worked for the former Wrecker was being held close to Knockout at all times. Often this led Knockout to carry the sparkling around everywhere during the cycle, even while working. Bulkhead could not be left alone or he would begin to wail. Having Wheeljack with him helped, but Wheeljack had his own set of problems that made having him around a blessing and a curse. Perhaps due to his prior love of any and all things explosion related, Wheeljack was a master at eluding Knockout while he tended to his more sensitive ward. Wheeljack then proceeded to always get into something important, be it the inner workings of the Nemesis, or some wiring that inevitably led to partial blackouts. It was somewhat amusing most of the time for Knockout, up until Wheeljack started making Megatron mad.
Knockout has since kept to giving Wheeljack random broken electronic parts to mess with instead of watching his wreck havoc on the ship. Of course the pyromaniac still manages to escape the confines of Knockout's workspace here and there, but it is nothing serious... usually.
Arcee ended up with Starscream quite simply due to her rather debilitating problem. Anything that moved too quickly, she immediately did her best to attack and kill despite her small size. More specifically, anything with too much kibble for her liking ended up receiving her ire. Shockwave predicted it was due to lingering trauma from Arachnid, but whatever the case, she hurt herself and sometimes others because of her aggressive tendencies. Starscream, long used to tending to feral seeker sparklings, took her on as his own in an instant. He took every precaution tending to her despite her lack of flight capability. It had been far too long since he last saw or was even able to come near a sparkling.
Arcee was a vicious little thing, but Starscream handled her with grace none on the Nemesis knew he possessed. She quickly came to only calm around Starscream and her former Autobot companions as the seeker worked to earn her trust. It was an arduous process, but Starscream carefully cleaning her, singing to her, helping her fuel, and constantly holding her as close to himself as possible yielded results. She could not be around any of the other Decepticons without her newfound caretaker for fear of her hurting herself, but she was renown for the happy sounds she made when particularly at peace. Starscream has a whole album filled with photos of his adopted ward, which he shows off as if it were the documentation giving him ownership of Cybertron itself.
Ultra Magnus was a difficult sparkling to be placed under a caretaker. At first he was given to Knockout alongside Wheeljack and Bulkhead, but that swiftly led to numerous fights between the trio. Not to mention a startling lack of emotion from the former leader of the Wreckers and a subsequent explosion of it made handling him alongside the other two impossible. Ultra Magnus was a mess of emotions and couldn't be predicted at all for the most part... well except by one scientist. Shockwave did fight hard to not be given the position of tending to the sparkling, but Ultra Magnus needed a steady servo to guide him. He reacted to any sort of emotions that others presented with extreme prejudice. Shockwave had no facial components for Ultra Magnus to react to, nor did Shockwave have any outward emotional responses.
There were MANY concerns from Knockout and Starscream about Shockwave possibly turning Ultra Magnus into his lab rat or abusing him. However against the expectations of pretty much everyone, Shockwave was a highly dutiful caretaker once the mantle of being a parent was passed to him. He took all the necessary steps to tend to his ward, including setting up an entire section of his laboratory specifically for Ultra Magnus. In turn, Magnus was as happy as could be in a safe, controlled, and calm environment. He thrived in the stable comfort Shockwave provided and was content to remain quiet as the scientist kept careful tabs on what he needed and when. There was never a moment when Magnus wanted for anything, and in the odd instance where something set him off, Shockwave was there to hold him as he worked, waiting until Magnus calmed. Emotionally Shockwave was not particularly invested, but with Magnus's mental state, that seemed to be for the best for both of them.
Ratchet was an interesting case in that he REFUSED to be cared for by anyone. He was... odd to say the least. Being the most developed out of all the sparklings, he could easily toddle and was capable of managing basic words. What he said was concerning more often than not. He seemed to know things he really shouldn't, especially regarding death and medicine. In the end, Megatron himself ended up snatching up the former medic and becoming his overseer more so than a Sire. Ratchet had no interest in forming any real parental bonds, but he was more than accepting of tutelage despite his relative youth. That suited Megatron just fine as often he would allow Ratchet to roam with a Vehicon as an escort. In turn, Ratchet would visit with almost every one of his former compatriots and hang around with Megatron's inner circle, watching and learning without complaint.
The only times he made a fuss where when Megatron was eventually forced to come grab him from wherever he was hiding out and take him to his crib. Ratchet was NEVER pleased with that development. He got his energon from those his visited, and his assigned Vehicons tended to him when he required aid. He had no interest in being put to bed against his wishes, even if he was not exactly sure why. Once he had Ratchet secured, Megatron would fulfill his one vaguely parental task of the cycle and tuck the sparkling in, answering several questions and reading Ratchet a book of his choice before bidding him a good recharge cycle and leaving. Ratchet was a strange and oddly mature sparkling, one constantly hounding his fellows to ensure they were well. And despite the hatred Megatron once held to the former medic, he came to appreciate Ratchet's willingness to learn and was more than happy to give him classes necessary for a future leader. Ratchet didn't seem all that enthusiastic about leadership, but he took the lessons without complaint.
All the sparklings settled into some sort of situation, that is all save for Optimus and Bumblebee. Their situation was.... unique in the extreme. Before their reforging, Optimus and Bumblebee were bound as Father and Son. The Matrix, in its infinite wisdom saw this fact, and not wishing to destroy those bonds, came up with a fantastic solution. It simply... didn't give Bumblebee a proper frame. Optimus emerged from the Cybermatter screaming and ready to wage war despite being the size of Megatron's servo. But that was not the strange part about his and Bumblebee's situation. No, it was the fact that when examinations were run, it was revealed that Bumblebee's spark shared a chamber with Optimus's. Through some strange means, he yet lived, but was not yet truly developed. Optimus carried his sparkling within him alongside the resized Matrix, and based on the scans, it seemed that once Optimus was large enough, the Prime was going to likely go through the oddity that was budding.
That took almost everyone by surprise. Budding was not... unheard of. However it was so rare as to be little more than a fairy tale. Often it was the result of a set of spark twins forged from a hotspot not developing with enough protoform for both of them to have frames. In those instances, whichever sibling developed would eventually bulk up until there was enough protoform to break off and produce a frame for their sibling. Even in those extraordinarily rare cases, modern technology meant that it was often easier to artificially produce a protoform for the twin without a frame. With that in mind, there was discussion of having that done to Bumblebee, however a shriek of outrage from Optimus and a good look at the adult sized protoforms on board that that idea flying out the window. Not to mention Optimus's Sire coding was still active despite his youthful body, meaning that any attempt to take what he saw as HIS would end horribly. Bumblebee would be left alone, at least until Cybertron was stabilized.
Bumblebee's spark appeared healthy enough once they could strap the half feral Prime down long enough to get a solid look at his spark chamber. The gold and white mote of light spun happily around its far larger counterpart, pulsating as it swirled like a nebula. Optimus for his part was fiercely protective, and once released and given time to calm himself around his companions, he too revealed his oddities. Much like Ratchet, he seemed to know a bit too much and had little desire to seek out a parental unit. During the trip to Cybertron he largely avoided everyone and wandered the Nemesis, only remaining with his former comrades to receive fuel and check on them. Often he fell into recharge in dark corners, unwilling to settle down anywhere due to his parental desires. Thankfully for Knockout and Starscream's mental health, Soundwave, through bribery with energon goodies and respectful interaction, managed to acquire Optimus's trust.
While most certainly odd, Soundwave found himself with the young Prime as his ward. Optimus was perfectly content to remain quiet, muttering to himself and to the unframed spark within him as he followed Soundwave and watched. He was not a nuisance, and so the spymaster had no issue teaching the young Prime his craft and caring for him as required. Theirs was a strange relationship, one that never fully stepped into mentorship or a familial tie. They simply existed and assisted the other as much as possible. But of course their care for each other was quite clear when Soundwave would silently stalk the halls with Optimus clinging to one of his cables as he hurried to keep up.
They were processor ache inducing menaces at times, especially when Ratchet and Optimus managed to meet and be creepy together or when Wheeljack managed to get Ultra Magnus into a tizzy, but they were the former Autobots were Decepticon wards now. Most of the caretakers involved in tending to them would have it no other way, especially once the startling realization that they still required the Allspark to fully repair their world hit them all in the helms. That left them two choices.
One: Wait until Optimus was old enough to guide them to it.
Two: Try to focus on rebuilding Cybertron until Shockwave could find a way to locate it.
Either option involved time and a great deal of sparkling rearing in the meantime.
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bots-and-cons · 10 months
Hopefully this hasn't been done before, but this is a request for headcanons. In a world where Cybertron eventually gets rebuilt, what would Knockout/Starscream/Soundwave be eager to show to their human S/O? Perhaps a potential date locations/activities or maybe just as thanks for being willing to share Earth culture with them now that they finally have the opportunity to do the same for them? A chance for S/O to see what they're like in their element, when they're not worried about an ongoing war?
This was a bit hard to write, since honestly I don’t know much about Cybertron itself or the places there, so I just kind of came up with my own things. I mostly focused on the whole “A chance for S/O to see what they're like in their element, when they're not worried about an ongoing war?”, because that struck me as most interesting about this ask. Also I elected to ignore the fact that humans can’t survive on Cybertron without a spacesuit, because I felt like it would be an extra hassle. I didn’t do Screamer, sorry, and I feel like I went off topic… There's also this post that's a bit similar
•You’d taught him so much during the time you spent together on earth and now he wanted to return the favor
•There were also a lot of places he wanted to show you on Cybertron, of course a lot of them were still in the process of being rebuilt or still in ruins
•One that was being rebuilt was the amphitheater that once served as the venue for the gladiator fights
•He has some fond memories of that place, but back when it was destroyed he didn’t really have much of a reaction to it, it seemed insignificant at the time
•But now that it was being rebuilt, he felt like it was a new beginning somehow, the place where he’d met Megatron and started his life as a decepticon, was now being made anew, and he had a chance to make a new life for himself too
•He of course doesn’t quite explain it to you like this, but you have an inkling about why he wanted to show it to you
•When the war was going on, you always felt like Soundwave was in this perpetual state of being tense
•It’s not like he had much time to relax after the war ended either, but he’s not as on edge all the time anymore
•He’s most relaxed when he’s with you and he has this new kind of peace now that he’s home
•You very quickly realize that he was never like this back on earth
•It’s not like he’s much different, but it’s like with the combination of having you and being home, he’s found himself again
•Oh boy, Knockout has so many places he wants to show you
•He drives you around the ruins of the biggest cities and shows you the places where he used to race
•There’s a ton of rebuilding going on now that Cybertron has been rejuvenated, and the refugees are returning to their home
•Knockout is definitely the nostalgic type, and he wants to show you all of his favorite places
•But the sad fact is, those places don’t really exist anymore, they’re mostly in ruins
•Knockout does manage to find some old pictures on a datapad that he had stashed away, and he tells stories about all the places he can
•It’s so nice to see him reminiscing about how his life was before the war, especially now that it’s over, and he doesn’t have to be in survival mode anymore
•Knockout has also come to the realization that he might want to spend some more time on earth, instead of staying on Cybertron
•Now that the war is finally over, he has come to realize that his time with you is limited, since your lifespan is so much shorter than his and he doesn’t want to waste a second
•During the war it was just a fact that anyone could die at anytime, so while he loved you deeply then too, he was always prepared for the fact that he might lose you
•Now that there’s not that kind of threat anymore, he isn’t so mentally prepared for the possibility anymore
•Anyway, Knockout is happy that his home is back, but he isn't really ready to return yet
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brandwhorestarscream · 10 months
KO is my favorite. Im so sorry. KO being an unknown half cryptoid is funny. It would explain his deviance from the doorwings of similar cybertronians tho. Even if it's either a Velocitronian thing to have wheels instead or if it's his Seeker heritage messing with his frame; who knows? I imagine as a doctor his own biology probably messes with his.
And on board the Nemesis? SS gives a lot of body cues to his feelings, and KO for some reason can read them? How? What is this sorcery? Even better, SS ends up hissing as a warning, only for KO to respond back; surprising both into a very heated discussion of with was that?
Assuming KOBD were on earth before being called to the Nemesis... imagine the crap BD goes through, dealing with KO. Like,
"Wdym you wanna hang upside down from the cliff. KO it'll scratch your finish! You hate that!"
"IK. But I wanna."
Or even just casually disappearing when in a dark enough area, or a red enough backdrop. KO doesn't have the full force invisibility, but his chromatoids can still let him do light camouflage, without him even noticing. Imagine KOBD camping in a red sands cave, and BD waking up to find he can't see his husband. That'd be hilarious.
Or on board the Nemesis again;
"KO. You can't produce a numbing agent. That's not possible."
"OH. But I CAN."
It would explain his fangs. I love him too much.
Oooh this is all so good! Especially him going low-visibility in the right context. Breakdown freaks out the first time it happens, thinks he's going crazy or some shit. Nearly jumps out of his armor when Knockout's very nearly invisible servo touches his arm. He's a little chameleon 💖
Usually seeker venom is a lot more potent than just causing some mild numbing, but that's perfect for Knockout. He rarely uses it though, even after finding out he has it, because spitting on people is unsophisticated and uncouth! He would never, he refuses 😤 unless of course it's a dire situation or he's torturing someone, then maybe 🤭
If he ever happens to walk in on Starscream asleep, he pesters him about how. Seekers have magnetic thrusters that make it easy to attach to the ceiling, and since they're dangling in free space there's no chance of scratches. Knockout wants to do it, too: the instinctual desire is there but he's weary of scratches or dings.
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soujin-hyouka · 10 months
Tagged by @umaia3aurart ! Thank you‼︎🫶
Sorry if I'm wrong about some of the items I don't understand!
Last song: "Tears Can't Erase the Flame" by Sound Horizon! This song was released 8 years ago, but I listen to it in the car almost without fail☺️
Favorite color:Blue or light blue!💙🩵 I have always loved the colors of the sky and ocean since I was a child.
(Unnecessary information) My HN origin is also close to this.
Last show:Sumikogurashi for movies. For videos in general, "Transformers Galaxy Force! GF's Starscream is too sexy...
Sweet/savory/spicy:Maybe savory...?
But I also like sweet! I can't eat spicy at all.
Childish taste😂
Relationship status:I'm single forever🤟🤟
Last thing I googled:I'm searching all over the English language for this text🤣
Without that, here is a picture of Blitzwing! There is a Blitzwing and Thundercracker-only online event coming up soon, and I'm illustrating for it.
Current obsession:PSO2NGS!
I'm playing a little bit to recreate Battleship Nemesis in Creative Space. And I want to make BDKO as well as other characters...
Tagging: Anyone who sees this post!
If you're interested, do it!
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This is a reproduction of the knockout anthropomorphic image created at NGS. If I could make a prototype of the Breakdown in Creative Space, I would like to play with it in various ways…… It seems to be difficult……
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🤖💞🥲💬for the ask game! o(=•ェ•=)o
🤖- What got you into TF?
the bayformers movies! specifically the 2007 one. my dad showed it to me when it happened to air on TV and little baby me was AMAZED.
💞- Any Ships? Who's your current fav?
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I am incredibly normal about this ship. very normal.
current fave is starscream. he's so pathetic yet so cool and sexy at the same time. I love him
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🥲- Saddest Anime Betrayal?
sentinel prime's betrayal in DOTM. this was also shown to me by my dad as a wee li'l bab while it happened to air on TV. I remember thinking "noooo, Ironhide! :( too bad sentinel turned out to be a bad guy, he was cool :(" when I saw sentinel blast Ironhide.
💬- Favorite Obscure TF fact!
starscream's name was originally supposed to be "pretty poison"! iirc, another name that was gonna be used was "silver tongue". he was also supposed to be a lady but that plan got scrapped and he was made a guy instead, probably to avoid the imagery of Megatron beating his wife.
ratchet was also supposed to be a woman but got his gender changed because they didn't want girls in their boys toyline (yeah....😬). he was originally based off of this character called "nurse ratchet" from some soap opera or whatever.
not sure how obscure this one is so consider this more of an honorable mention: TFP BREAKDOWN GETS REVIVED IN THE LEGENDS MANGA AND REUNITES WITH KNOCKOUT AT THE END
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in1-nutshell · 2 months
Hello there, I love your works, but I have a silly thoughts about TFP transformers recently , I just want to see your reaction:
If Cybertronian can eat human food, they might like to eat dessert or something sweet, especially ice cream
1.Sugar leads to direct stimulation of the brain by triggering the release of dopamine, the “feel good” neurotransmitter, and the bots and cons all struggling in the war,they were definitely stressed out and tired (all of them need therapy and hugs,especially Optimus, give him a break), eating desserts and sweets is a great choice to release stress
2. For the Ice Cream part, the TFs over working and they don’t even sleep, their body might overheat,eating ice cream probably can cool them down (but might causing them brain freeze too)
That’s my theory
What do you think?
This is an interesting concept!
I've read on AU's of Cybertronian's eating human food before and their preferences, but never thought deeper than that.
I do agree with the bots and cons eating the ice cream for that 'good feeling' and when they get over heated (I mean, the bots live in the literal desert. No one can convince me that they haven't overheated on Earth before).
That being said, here's my hot take on what the bots and cons favorite (or guilty pleasure) ice cream they might be into:
Optimus Prime: Coconut
Ratchet: Chocolate
Bumblebee: Strawberry
Arcee: Lemon
Cliffjumper: Cookie dough
Smokescreen: Birthday cake
Bulkhead: Rocky road
Wheeljack: Moose track
Ultra Magnus: Buttered pecan
Megatron: Coffee
Starscream: Mint chocolate
Knockout: Neapolitan
Breakdown: Black cherry
Soundwave: Vanilla
Shockwave: Peppermint
Predaking: Salted caramel
Steve: Chocolate
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My Favorite Characters to Write For:
There are so many to choose from, but at my Spark I am a hardcore Transformers Prime fan. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I love a lot of other continuities too:
Blitzwing (the 3 personalities are fun & it’s easy to be creative)
Megatron (…big mech, big shoulders, & that voice 😫)
Lockdown (obvious reasons)
The Seekers (they’re fun)
Ratchet (I identify with him easily 😅 & writing for him is second nature)
Dreadwing (….I may have a bias :3)
Predaking (Yes I may have an unhealthy love for this smexy dragon-robot. He’s both commanding & sweet deep-down)
Skylynx & Darksteel (again… smexy dragon robots)
Knockout (Absolutely adore him. Easy to write for him)
Soundwave (…who doesn’t love him?)
Megatron (Love love LOVE this version of him)
Bumblebee (He’s fun and I like him)
Nightshade (absolute adorable nerdy baby. They are a SFW ONLY!)
Tarantulas (Normally I kill any spider in my home, but maybe it’s the voice actor or his kind and understanding personality, but DAMN I like him okay? The mandibles are a little weird though)
Starscream (enough said)
Grimlock (….just saw his episode and KEITH DAVID?)
Mirage (duh…)
Bumblebee (again, duh…)
(Really wish there was a larger cast for ROTB)
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kasai0148 · 9 months
I would love to see your favorite series your favorite transformers!
You said you liked star scream, so of course he would be fine too 🤩
I would love to know your favorites as well! Or maybe the ships that you like : D I like many series and i have many favorite characters, but i think Transformers Prime is my favorite. I have watched Transformers Prime, Transformers Animated, Transformers Armada, and i have not finished the MTMTE comics yet💔 It is hard to choose what characters are my favorite, but Starscream is always at the top, knockout too, Bumblebee from TFA, Wasp from TFA, i like all of them to be honest.😭 And In the comics i like Rodimus and Megatron alot
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silentvisor · 15 days
Stuff about me and Rp rules:
🟣 I do canon and oc rp however if you make the rp all about your oc, I will lose interest really fast. There's apps like character ai for that.
🟣 I do literate rp. I don't really do one liners so please don't put your reply as only a few lines or only one line.
🟣 Please don't ask me to be a bunch of characters while you only be one. That is not fair to me and I will lost interest really fast.
🟣 Please do not ask me for rp then ghost me as soon as I send the starter. It's not hard to just say you've changed your mind or you're busy. Please have some respect for me.
🟣 I don't do nsfw rp so please don't ask me. I only do that kind of rp with people I've been friends with for years.
🟣 I rp just about anything except stuff like SA or anything dealing with minor x adult or human x transformers. I will NOT do rp involving those things.
🟣 Like I've said before, please have some respect for me. If you lose interest in the rp please just tell me that. Don't just ghost me. I have had that happen way too many times and I'm sick of it. Just tell me you lost interest or if you got busy. I will understand.
🟣 Because of the situation with the disability in my knees, I can't work thus I am on my phone quite frequently so you will possibly get fast replies from me. But if you want a break from the rp please let me know.
🟣 I do rp as other transformers characters if the rp calls for it. But my primary is Soundwave from tfp and I like to stick as canon to the character as possible. I don't like changing their personality for the sake of the rp or for the sake of your oc. My Soundwave will be canonly accurate.
🟣 Please do not interact with me if you are a minor. If you're a minor and want to rp with me, I will tell you no.
Stuff about me:
🌙 I am a female and lesbian
🌙 I love tfp and bayverse
🌙 Yes I have read the comics
🌙 besides Soundwave I also like Shockwave, Megatron, Starscream, Knockout, Optimus, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Predaking, and Hardshell
🌙 from the comics, my favorite is Tarn from the Decepticon Justice Division
☕️ Other stuff I like:
Helluva Boss
The Dark Pictures Anthology (video game series)
Planet of the Apes franchise (the new ones not the 70's ones)
Jurassic Park and Jurassic World
Horror movies
Video games (mainly horror)
Sometimes drawing
Making edits
Rainy days
Winter and Fall
Cats, frogs, lizards, butterflies, dragonflies
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lets-try-some-writing · 9 months
Oooh, can we get a directory’s commentary on the Blind Starscream AU and the Starscream Knitting AU? I know they are small AUs, but I enjoy rereading them from time to time. Plus they involve my favorite (troubled) Seeker. Also maybe one for Broken Record too because that one was just so gosh darn good! Please and Thank you!
I got you! I love giving my thoughts on the writing! Also I seriously adore the Starscream knitting AU and I have fun with the Blind Starscream AU too. I just ran out of ways to continue them. Any ideas for them would be gladly accepted :3
Blind Starscream
It was born of a request, and honestly I wasn't the most enthused with it because I had no plot to give the AU. It was a concept game rather than a story for me. Not a bad thing from time to time, but I like having a story to follow to write for. However with that said, it is a fun one and I recall having a great time thinking about how frickin funny it must be to watch Optimus yeet water at Screamer because he's scared of the bugger.
Extra tidbit about this AU: Starscream actually thinks its super funny to pretend he can see, but ONLY around ST3V3 the Vehicon. Starscream will act as though he can see perfectly and stare with lightless optics right into the Vehicon's visor. ST3V3 is terrified, but not a spark believes him when he says Starscream can see and absolutely can end their lives. Well, they believe the second part, but most don't question Starscream's blindness.
Starscream Knitting
It has been a VERY long time since I last looked at this AU. I hardly remember where it began, but I know it was made when I still didn't know how to format anything in visually pleasing and rational way. I don't go back and read my old work for a reason. (lll¬ω¬)
That said, I have had one image in my head since I learned about how running a small business works. Starscream, with stupidly colorful packaging, slowly and carefully getting every package done with his giant frickin claws. Oh! And those nails are absolutely manicured so that he can take videos and pretend he's just a really stylish knitter. He will never admit he enjoys his claws being painted a vivid red.
He secretly watches manicure videos online and asks Knockout to do him up every now and then.
Broken Record
Oh boy. The emotions were STRONG with this fic. It was the week before midterms and I was STRESSING. So of course I gave my baby some trauma to make me feel better. I was actually at work most of the time while writing Broken Record. I listened to City of the Dead on repeat the whole bloody time because it set the mood. No escape. No victory. No hope. Only loss.
Tidbit about Smokey in this fic: He did absolutely everything under the sun to make things work, and while not shown super closely in the fic because I enjoy being somewhat sane, he had a DEEP relationship with the team. He came to see Arcee as a sister in a sense. He adored her and looked up to her for many long loops before he had to pull away and then grew to see how badly her grief was hurting her. He wasn't the closest with Bulkhead and Wheeljack, but he shared many long nights alongside them, talking about the slightly happier aspects of war. Bumblebee he saw as a brother and eventually a ward as time dragged on. As he matured, he felt the need to watch over the scout, just as Optimus did. This was never fully expressed in the fic, but if given the chance, Smokescreen would take up a parental mantle if only to honor the fallen. He was especially close with Ratchet, that with the medic being the closest mech he ever had to a father.
Surprising right? You would think he's see Optimus that way. However he can't see Optimus like that. In his optics, Optimus is like a ghost. He learns from the mech, but Optimus is a strange thing for Smokescreen. A living dead mech. As much as Smokescreen bonded to the Prime, it was all a very solemn thing. But him and Ratchet? He loves Ratchet as a son would his father. Ratchet was always there for him, always offering comfort instead of the cold conformation of loss that Optimus gave. I didn't have enough time to write it, but I really wanted a scene where Ratchet tucked Smokescreen in after a long day and even managed to get the truth from him. I wanted to write one loop where Ratchet knew, and all he could do was hold Smokescreen's servo and weep as the loop came to an end.
Another tidbit: I fully intend to write a prequel with Orion and his trial. And let me tell you, what I have envisioned is ROUGH. It will take me a hot minute to write I think, simply because writing Broken Record required me to have a VERY off mental state to make it happen. However when I write it, let me say now that Orion Pax will have no frame of reference and do far worse things than Smokescreen in an attempt to get out. There could have been other ways to get out, but after so long? He just wanted to be free, no matter the harm it caused to Megatron at the Council chambers.
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bots-and-cons · 1 year
How about starscream with a bot s/o that is the complete opposite of him and being supportive and loving towards him?
I rarely write fluff for Starscream, and even though he's grown on me over the years I’ve been writing for TFP he’s still not even close to being one of my favorites, but I don’t hate writing for him or anything. You can find the fluff I have written for him in the masterlist (link in the pinned post), but I don’t remember exactly what names they might be under so you’ll have to find out for yourself. The reader is also a decepticon
•You’re not like this with anyone else, it’s a hidden side of you that only Starscream gets to see
•You’ve been together for quite a long time, and even though many of the other decepticons are aware of your relationship, they don’t particularly care
•Megatron does occasionally use the threat of violence against you to keep Starscream in line, but most of the time he just doesn’t give a damn
•You’re effective in your post and you perform your duties quickly and efficiently, so there’s not really any reason to complain about you
•As one of the squadron leaders you’re strict with your squad and you do not tolerate disobedience, you can be a bit cruel with those who question you, at least when they’re below you in rank
•But with Starscream you’re very caring and you’d do anything for him, which Starscream sort of used to take advantage of
•You’d let him too, most of the time at least, but if it was something that would put either of you in danger you wouldn’t do it
•You’re used to listening to him when he complains about Megatron benign cruel towards him, or how Knockout screwed up again or about how he can’t trust any of these incompetent fools that he’s supposed to be in charge of
•Starscream had a very hard time understanding the fact that you actually cared about him and that you weren’t just using him for something
•But you eventually got him to understand, even though it took time
•It was mostly the little gestures, not something like saving his life multiple times, no that’s pretty much an everyday thing
•It’s you bringing him an energon snack when he’s too tired to do it himself and doesn’t want to ask for it
•It’s you waiting in his habsuite after you know he’s had a long day and you just sit with him and listen while he talks
•It’s those little kisses you steal from him when no one is looking and the way your hold his hand when you know he’s nervous
•It’s all the things you do that you don’t really need to, but that you know he loves and that comfort him
•Starscream is pretty bad at showing affection, and when he does, he acts like it’s no big deal, even though he’s very flustered and just trying to act cool
•He still has those days that he doubts your feelings for him, and he does sometimes get really insecure about it, but you just need to reassure him that you do still love him and that’s not going to change
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Definitely feel free to add whatever you think fits to mltfp :3 you definitely remember more about it than I do!
I love Griffin Bumblebee and ex-Wonderbolt Starscream.
Thank you! I remember a nice amount of the series (or well at least the mane six and most of the side characters) and i have more:
May I suggest changeling!Soundwave? They have an interesting design, both their initial appearance and their shared-love appearance, and I feel like it's just alien enough for him.
Ratchet is a unicorn with the autobot medic symbol as his cutiemark because yes, of course. Has known Oppy for Primus knows how long, okay now I'm just staring at the map
Appleloosa is right there meaning i just gotta add Cliffjumper in here, say he's from there, and he's an earth pony. He lives this time, and if he was actually in FiM he'd be mildly related to Applejack because the Apple family is/was massive as hell.
Ykw? Arcee is a pegasus but like Fluttershy she doesn't fly very much. Because i feel like her color palette would look good as a pegasus.
I agree with the one ponysona post i reblogged, Knockout is a unicorn and Breakdown is an earth pony: Clydesdale addition. It's too sweet of an opportunity to miss. They met in Las Pegasus after both of them accidentally (well as accidentally as you can get considering gambling) losing all of their bots.
Remember Fluttershy: batpony addition? She looked so damn cool in that episode, i think there was a callback to it in the halloween episode where Luna came back for the first time after being Nightmare Moon. Why do i bring this up? That's 100% how Dreadwing and Skyquake are designed.
Ratchet complains about Ponyville constantly but he loves the place just the same.
Wait there's possibility here for hippogryff! Soundwave here too, that's also an option.
The Decepticorns are based somewhere in Everfree Forest because of course it's Everfree Forest there's so many fucked up things in that forest. They deal with timber wolves constantly and it's kinda hilarious. Somehow they like Starscream but he hates this, he doesn't want to be the wolf puppy whisperer.
Arachnid our dear friend is also a changeling but her favorite disguise is well bugs. She's exactly got beef with Soundwave.
An evil part of me suggests that Optimus Prime still gets a battle mask here that he wears very often because he's got scars, but these scars were from a silly in hindsight accident. This is exactly inspired by the time I slangshot my way into the ER.
There are exactly moments in the history books about Primus and Unicron that are framed as serious but in actuality are based on funny sibling shenanigans before Unicron was corrupted. Nobody but the brothers know the truth about this.
Unicron's interactions with Megatron are more frequent than canon tfp and they are... distressing to say the least. He keeps his heralds on a much tighter leash.
Starscream ambushes Arcee and Cliffjumper from above quite an amount with varying results.
... I'm tempted to add the tfp kids and base their ponysona dynamics off of the Cutiemark Crusaders. Miko is just too much like Scootaloo for me to pass up that opportunity.
Ultra Magnus = royal guard kinda yeah yeah yeah but he has significantly less success in wrangling the autobots than he does in tfp canon.
... UM still loses a hoof.
i am exactly looking at Predaking and i am exactly looking at FiM Spike and I propose a scenario. Shockwave: unicorn addition found a young lone dragon years ago and took him in to study Predaking as his own. Because this means Preds would be older than FiM Spike, this means by the time he meets Megatron and joins the Decepticorns he is quite an amount larger and has his wings.
I'm torn between suggesting MLTFP Shockwave's backstory is akin to Sunset Shimmer's, Trixie's, Starlight Glimmer's, or something else entirely. All i do have is that he's an evil unicorn with a dragon and an eyepatch.
Breakdown also has an eyepatch but unlike in tfp canon it isn't explained.
wAIT WHAT IF SHOCKWAVE HAS A BROKEN HORN LIKE WHATSHERNAME? what is her name? She's got a namey-name, an edgy one, she's from the movie which i loved dearly, uhhh google time. Tempest Shadow, that's who she is. Loved her.
Starscream's cutiemark is a star.
Shockwave's magic is based on well shockwaves, though since his horn is broke it is less predictable than one would expect. I want to say that his horn was broken a little later in life than Tempest's, meaning he had already gotten familiar and skilled with his magic before.
Starscream's red sticky uppy part in tfp canon becomes a red hairlick that moves (especially when he's pissed or excited)
The Knockout, Optimus, and Breakdown scene happens kinda because I'm sorry but I think Knockout deserves to flirt with Optimus still.
Knockout has electric based magic.
... i almost want to say skyquake and dreadwing still end up dying but it's not "on screen" this time.
When Bumblebee flies he's got smaller fluttery wings so he flies more like a changeling, a bee, or that one buff white pegasus we see a few times
It's still Predaking who causes the loss of UM's hoof.
I almost want to say Bumblebee can talk in this and it's like a running commentary like in TFA, but often times he chirps/whirrs like he does in tfp canon. It's adorable.
primus is mltfp bumblebee cute
I am so tempted to draw these guys but perfectionist mode will kick in and it will take too long
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I'm debating if alicorn Optimus has a normal main and tail like Twilight has for a while or a flowy sparkly main and tail like Celestia, Luna, or finale!Twilight.
Soundwave still does not speak.
Laserbeak is a phoenix that Soundwave raised from an egg, but may i suggest she is a blue fire phoenix or a black fire phoenix?
I just remembered how the finale made AppleDash canon. Like. Yes. That happened.
Honestly Arachnid would probably fit Queen Chrysalis's role fairly well
In hindsight Orion Pax > Optimus Prime and Twilight Sparkle have more similarities than you'd expect personality wise.
Corrupted!Megatron has to look so fucking cool. Everyone has to look so fucking cool.
If someone calls Predaking Shockwave's pet dragon he will respond with violence
Instead of the Nemesis being a warship like it is in canon it's this badass underground base or a castle. Evil castles are always amazing.
Bulkhead is an earth pony with an anomalous past involving Breakdown, their fights are still On Sight. His cutiemark is a wrecking ball.
Maybe? Smokescreen shows up eventually and I'm torm between him being an earth pony, a pegasus, or something else entirely. His colors would look way so cool in the FiM style, whether it's his s2 or s3 paintjob.
Wheeljack would make an amazing unicorn and he still gets his explosions in his magic. i keep going on and on about the paintjobs but seriously i love how they'd translate. He deserves his magic to be green.
This got long I'll make a part two if need be
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