#Bumblebee was my favorite when I was smol
chrometheraptor · 1 year
Wait who's YOUR war criminal blorbo
Starscream from Transformers! You?
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safety-writes-noms · 10 months
Sorry I disappeared for a week I got distracted; curious now if you also were an avid g/t enjoyer as a young child that just grew into a proper interest or if it is a new spark; personally I was obsessed with fairy gardens and tiny stuff since I was smol and now I make proper miniatures and still wish borrowers lived in my walls ;-;
omg yes I was obsessed with gt when I was younger too 😭. there was this one fable book that I used to have and I used to love the thumbelina story. I also really loved anything with dragons in it. httyd had me hooked for practically half my life as well as transformers. Bumblebee and arcee were my favorites
also im so sorry abt your Halloween ask I swear I'm working on it 💪. I'm just gonna do a small basic sketch of all of their Halloween costumes but I've been procrastinating so bad lately >:(
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takingovermidnight · 2 years
Sliding into a new hyper fixation, here we go. I need to build my confidence in posting and I love @tmnt-tychou 's work, so when they came out with this idea I wanted to join the fun! Without further ado, self-indulgence!
1. In which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
Beatrice exists across the turtle-verse in different forms. She might stay close friends with the brothers in one world, have a polyamorous relationship with two of them in another, and get together with April in the one over yonder! Infinite possibilities. But no matter where she is, the turtles are a HUGE, beloved part of her family, and they feel the same about her. For this version of the meme, however, I am focusing on our beautiful Bayverse boys. <3
DISCLAIMER: Beatrice is autistic and has fibromyalgia. Each exists on a spectrum and a lot of her experiences reflect my own: the good, the bad, and the complicated. 
2. Introduce us to your OTP.
Leotrice. Beanardo. Tol and smol. Bumblebee and bonsai tree. Certified goofy goobers. 
Grgikau’s picrew can be found here! https://href.li/?https://picrew.me/image_maker/426722 
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Missing details: proper body type, braces
This is the closest I could find in a world with a frustrating lack of plus-size options in picrews, so this is not entirely accurate. I would love to see this pair come to life, and these gremlin hands do not belong to an artist, so if anyone is doing commissions and would be interested, please let me know! I have been looking around!
3. How did they meet? 
Almost a year has passed since they gave Krang the New York Goodbye and with their 18th birthday approaching, the brothers have a lot on their minds. Working alongside the NYPD means more missions and higher stakes. Stress is running high. With both Shredder and Stockman still at large, the Foot lying in wait (with others anxious to take their place on the ladder), and the lingering threat of interdimensional warfare, Leo is especially pissed off that crooked cops harassing a homeless encampment are on his radar this evening. That anger quickly stutters into intrigue when a five-foot-nothing young woman bares her braces at the officers and refuses them free food. 
It does not take Donnie long to collect evidence of their harassment and send it to the desk of Chief Vincent. And the brothers come to realize it is not a new encampment at all, but a gathering around a Little Turtle food cart, their favorite Japanese restaurant. Run by the Murakami family, they make an effort to set up every weekend possible. It is quite the complex operation of serving food and putting together bags of donations, from canned goods to toiletries to books for children to read. They are all a bit overwhelmed by the brothers at first, maybe even a little afraid. But they are also grateful, and Mikey approaches first, appreciative of their honesty. He would rather someone be open to getting to know him and asking questions out of genuine curiosity than let fear or assumptions guide their judgment. And Leo feels something clench in his chest when the young woman from before offers his baby brother a silver-studded smile and a hand, asking if he is hungry. 
She introduces herself as 18-year-old Beatrice, a high school student and family friend who babysits for the Murakamis and helps out on such weekends. When the brothers have a night off, you can often find them helping prep and serve, hidden within a tent to protect them from the cold and prying eyes. They get to know a lot of the locals (sworn to secrecy), including Beatrice, and even play with some kids that show up for a hot meal (Raph and Donnie get the jungle gym treatment). 
This year they have one more invitation to their birthday party, and Beatrice would not miss it for the world. The rest is history…
4. How is the relationship now?
You gave me permission to gush. BIG mistake. <3
After their birthday, someone is always asking her down to the lair to hang out, so much so that after graduation, they invite her to move in with them to save money and have an easier commute to college. 
April and Casey, still barely a couple at this point (they are both disasters that cannot get their shit together and I love them for it), come together as well-meaning, but weird surrogate parents for Beatrice. April loves taking her out for gut-busting ice cream sundaes and go-carts and the boys laugh until they cry as Casey recalls, with much higher blood pressure, his attempts to teach Beatrice how to drive. Though they can be awkward and dysfunctional and she values her independence, she appreciates their love and support, both of them equally hyping her up and being phenomenally embarrassing. 
Beatrice and Splinter? These two were made for each other. She is a little shit and he loves her dearly, thrilled to have another daughter around to keep his sons on their toes. At first, Beatrice was not sure what to make of him, or Casey for that matter, as positive male role models after not having one before. But she comes to see him as someone she can lean on, and look to for advice and strength. She loves him very much, and she treasures the time they spend together watching Will and Grace, playing pranks on the boys, helping each other cheat at Game Night, and him teaching her self-defense.  
Now for her beloved “big” brothers! Short jokes aplenty. They call her “Squirtle” and there is joking that Donnie needs to make a booster seat for the garbage truck. And honestly? She kinda digs it. Being an only child your whole life is often very lonely and exhausting in its own way, and having somebody to look out for you and give you that unique brand of protective sibling love? Yes please, she is overwhelmed but in a good way, and needs a minute. They are a LOT to love, but she loves them just as much, and it all works out. 
Donnie: She has different interests in common with all the brothers, and they are all good listeners, but it is really nice being able to talk about your special interests and know that the other person not only understands it but is just as passionate as you are. Beatrice loves marine biology (there are many benefits, I hear), and she could talk about hermit crab migration patterns and which species of sea snails are venomous for hours if you let her. She knows enough about chemistry and physics to try to keep up with Donnie, or at least ask him questions. And he is HILARIOUS. Mikey would be devastated to know that Beatrice thinks Donnie is the funniest dude alive. Upon learning more about fibromyalgia and autism and her life with them, he installs different accommodations around the lair and even tricks out her emergency portable cane with a few defense mechanisms for when she goes out. He loves helping her with homework, especially when he gets the textbooks after, and she tries her best to keep an eye on him and make sure he eats something besides stale Poptarts and sleeps more than two hours a night. Each of the turtles has their own way of asking for cuddles or comfort, and with Donnie, she usually ends up on his lap while he sits in his computer chair, playing on her Switch or watching him type soothing lines of code.
Mikey: Most days you cannot go five minutes without these two parroting Tiktoks at each other or making a mess of the kitchen table cooking or doing crafts. It is with his encouragement that Beatrice picks up her sketchbook again, and she finds plenty of inspiration in his antics alone. They rope Raphael in a third of the time and inevitably the kitchen gets messier when the boys start throwing glitter and peppering shells with googly eyes. On those days even Beatrice ends up in the Hashi. What they get up to depends on the day. Monday through Wednesday they could be bouncing all over the place, pelting each other with Nerf darts, swimming in the pool, and dying all the underwear in the wash pink. On Thursday Mikey might be feeling a bit down and she ends up in his bed with his head on her stomach. Friday Beatrice might be sore and tired from work or school and they find themselves on the couch in the middle of a video game marathon with the rest of the family. Beatrice grows protective of Mikey, forever grateful to bask in his radiant warmth, but also that he trusts her with his cloudy days too. 
Raph: Beatrice is close with all of them, but her best friend, aside from Leo, of course, is Raphael. Neither of them ever really says it out loud. It becomes this unspoken thing that they are a safe space for one another, a place to let it out and wind down after. No judgment, no rules. They share a lot of the same insecurities, even though they express them differently. She likes that with Raph sometimes the world just sucks, and they can leave it at that. The others are a bit mystified by the vibes these two cook up. Beatrice is so relaxed around him that she often just falls asleep on his chest or against his side if they are both reading or knitting or playing cards or watching trashy reality TV. Not out of boredom, but trust. Raph appreciates that he can vent to her, even about her boyfriend, and that she never hesitates to go to town for him and his brothers. They have a deep bond that is very special, and it is this closeness that inspires Splinter to choose Raphael to be the first to take over her martial arts training. 
Leo: Amazing how this is an OTP meme and it takes me five pages to mention the OTP. When you date one turtle, your experiences with the other three are an important part of developing that relationship, none more so than for Leo. These two do not have much of an opportunity to get to know each other until she moves in. Even then, initially, he is still the most reserved. It is not personal and she knows. He just has so much on his shoulders already, it can be hard to stay in the moment, and he wants his brothers to be able to spend time with her. They all want her attention and affection, and Beatrice is at a loss on how to get to know someone with such a full plate. Speaking of plates…she finds a solution in cooking lessons! She has no Michelin stars, for sure, but she likes cooking and baking, it is one of the ways she shows her love. And it is unacceptable that Leo is banned from even using the toaster. Leo hesitates and grumbles a bit, but a nudge from Splinter sends him in her direction, and he is surprised at the amount of pride and warmth he feels when one of his better attempts not only draws all three brothers to the table, but makes them smile and ask for seconds. They talk a lot around that beat-up old stove, and both find their walls crumbling. Feelings quietly start to grow. Life does what life does and gets in the way, and so do his own insecurities and worries, but finally, after three years of pining, the pot boils over, and he confesses. And now? They are closer than ever. Both are young and inexperienced and stubborn; every couple has their squabbles, especially when you also have four other roommates to consider and their dimension might even be at stake. The world throws a lot of curveballs, but loving one another makes it easier to step up to the plate.
5. What is each other's love language?
Leo’s Receiving: Words of affirmation go a long way with Leo. Not just praise and appreciation for what he does, but the reassurance that he is more than enough as he is, and that one argument or mistake is not going to ruin what they have. He is not a mind reader and feels deeply insecure over his compulsion to be perfect. The boy in blue puts a lot of pressure on himself and at this point, Beatrice can feel him ruminating across the room. Communication becomes very important, and she is patient while he tries to put his thoughts together, whether it be about their relationship or the tremendously heavy weight on his young shoulders. And we know all of these boys have to be touch starved. While he is not the type to makeout on the living room couch, once he becomes comfortable with the fact that he can ask for what he needs, more subtle PDA like cuddles, nuzzles, and gentle kisses and touches are definitely on the table, especially if he can gross his brothers out like “Really? In front of my pizza?” 
Leo’s Giving: If Leo loves you, he wants to help you in any way he can. Prove his usefulness. Be of service. Fix the problem. And it confuses and distresses him at first when Beatrice gets upset. It takes time to wrap his head around the fact that there are no “solutions” to chronic pain. You can do things to help manage it, but it is something you have to learn to live with, adapt to, and sometimes concede to. Beatrice has a lot of good days. She enjoys being active with him. But she has flares, and they can be bad. Frustrating for her. There are things she cannot do anymore or should limit in the future, days when her body just crashes. And she understands why he has that mindset in the beginning. It is how we are socialized to see disability: something to overcome, something that can be improved with better choices, and something he has little to no frame of reference for as a mutant turtle. No one wants to see someone they love in pain and not be able to help or protect them from it. So he works to change that mindset and adapts with her. Finds ways that he can show his love in this manner that also make her happy. Sometimes she has brain fog or gets distracted and forgets things, so with her permission he checks her bag for her pain meds, noise-canceling headphones, and other important doodads before they head out. He learns how to do special massages that help with nerve pain. He knows what her safe foods and textures are, and how to help her ground herself. Seemingly little things that actually mean so much to her. 
Beatrice’s Giving/Receiving: That sweet, sweet quality time, baby. When she and her favorite turtle man can just be and be together. She encourages Leo to be open about and share his interests with her, to indulge in his non-duty-based hobbies, and it makes her so happy to see that boyish, bashful grin light up his whole face. She reads the books and mangas he recommends to her, helps him tend to his bonsai trees and meditates beside him, and listens to him geek out about his sword collection and favorite TV shows he has not allowed himself to watch lately. And he does the same for her when he can. Arts and crafts, sports (when they play basketball he lifts her up so she can dunk and he thinks she is the cutest thing in the world; playful sparring in the dojo usually leads to something more amorous; not necessarily a sport but they explore the sewers and rooftops together, etc), their cooking lessons, etc. Donnie shuts down the security at the local aquarium and it becomes one of their special spots. Even if they are each doing their own thing in the same room, or she needs to rest, she loves when he has the opportunity to be beside her. On that same note, each has to learn the boundaries of the other. For him, she likes to be touched, but it needs to be on her terms. No ambushes and he usually asks if he can come in for a landing (cue her smile and grabby hands). For her, it means understanding and respecting when he needs alone time. 
Beatrice’s Giving: “Hey Bea, could you do a few loads of laundry tonight, please? I can help you fold it when we get back from patrol.” “Hell yeah, I call the socks!” His brothers tease that it is very old-married-couple-y of Leo and Beatrice to LIKE cleaning and doing chores together, but she genuinely enjoys some of the tasks and finds them calming. She is an acts of service gal and will happily help lighten your burden if she feels capable. Her other favorites are helping Donnie hose down the garbage truck (SO satisfying, and Mikey and Raph laugh their asses off seeing her completely sopping wet and covered in mud from their water fight) and going grocery shopping with one of the boys decked out in the most ridiculous amalgamation of trench coats you have ever seen. She also likes giving gifts. Not expensive, fancy, Christmas-list sort of things necessarily, but if she sees something and thinks of you, it is going in her bag. It might be a cool rock or a wrench set she found on sale and remembered that Donnie lost his on the highway the other day when they were being chased by the Foot. 
6. Do they get married or have any kids?
Beatrice and Leo are together for about three years when she hears crying one night on her way to where the boys will be picking her up from work. Tiptoeing into the alley, she moves aside some garbage and is shocked to find a baby mutant turtle chirping weakly at her. With no sign of a nest or other presence, Beatrice rushes the baby to the truck to get them out of the weather. After some Donnie-patented TLC, little Rain settles into their new home. While trying to solve the mystery of their origins, the whole family pitches in to care for them, but it is not long before they have imprinted on Bea and Leo and chosen them as their parents. Kids are complicated; they are not biologically compatible, and even if they were, Beatrice finds just the idea of pregnancy horrifying. Both of them accept that adoption is also impossible, and feel more than content just being together and enjoying their youth in a life where danger and uncertainty lurk in the shadows. But they fall hard for the little red-eared slider. And a year later they are so proud to include them in their special ceremony, making a promise to one another as partners, and to Rain as their parents. 
7. What is your favorite thing about this pairing? (Gush as much as you want!)
I must have put you all to sleep by now, but this pairing is very therapeutic for me, and I’m happy I got all my word vomit out, even if this is as far as it goes. This isn’t a self-ship, but I have a lot in common with Beatrice. I don’t see a lot of positive or realistic representations of women that look like me or have lived my experiences in media. Fatphobia and ableism, as we all know, continue to suffocate the world. And I’m new to fibromyalgia and unmasking my neurodivergence, which comes with a lot of complicated feelings I’m trying to understand and process. So seeing someone like Leo fall in love with someone like me for who I am and everything I have going on feels nice. Plus found family is my favorite trope and you can pry it from my cold little hands. 
I also really wanted to see more of Bayverse Leo being an absolute dork. The goofy, sweet, insecure, and emotionally exhausted teenager he is underneath all the weight he carries. Push him away from the window and onto the couch where he can be cherished as he deserves. Beatrice is locked and loaded, ready to love him. 
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kittykatzvillage · 4 years
Been watching Transformers Generation 1 lately and I have reached the end of season 2! But now I gotta go find the movie before moving on to season 3 and unfortunately it’s not on the site I’ve been watching G1 on. That’s okay! I’ll find it! In the meantime I wanted to take a moment to type out some thoughts I’ve had so far (nothing deep, just me gushing over my favorite characters and scenes) and also share some of the many screenshots I’ve been saving. It’s my first time actually watching Transformers (aside from the odd episode I caught on TV as a kid from idk one of the series airing in the early 2000s??? and vaguely the live action movies I hardly payed attention to). Anyway, I’ve been having a blast and wanted to share my enjoyment!
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I’m so glad the opening scene contains someone I’m familiar with! Bumblebee!!! He’s so smol! He fits inside other’s alt modes! qwq Also rare image of Cybertronian vehicles! :D
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A few episodes later, look at this boy doing a good spy!!! >:D He and Spike get caught a moment later but still!!
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Bee does a much better job sneaking around later!  This is also the moment Rumble became one of my favs! Rumble my precious idiot boy, you let all the Autobots sneak past you! Didn’t even clue in until everyone was leaving.
Big jump to E14, I don’t really have much to say about the episodes in between other than I enjoyed them but I was still getting used to all the characters and figuring out names so I didn’t take many screenshots. Anyway!
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Frenzy’s first appearance!!! :DDD I was honestly very confused when I first saw him. I didn’t know if this was an animation error or if there were really two Rumbles lmao! I soon realized that yes there are two of them and later realized who Frenzy was.
And for the most important scene of the the entire season!
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He get pet!!!!! :DDDD
Season 2:
The next few screenshots were just moments of Bumblebee I liked lol
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Bee with a jetpack!!! I just thought this was neat!
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I love how Bee just jumps up and over Gears XD Just Bee being cute!
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This was actually one of my favorite scenes! Where Bee rescues Optimus Prime and then Optimus hugs him. This was such a sweet scene! qwq
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Tiny! Tiny! Tiny!! The smol gets smoller!!
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I really like how Ravage was supposed to stop Spike but instead he said he’s had enough of this and goes to party with his family and a bunch of teenagers instead alksdfjsdlsdlkf XD
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Also the rest of said family at the party! Rumble clearing enjoying himself and actually dancing, Laserbeak just chilling, and poor Soundwave can’t even stand inside this building he has to kneel!
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Still on the same episode, I have found round friend!!! Cosmos has a UFO alt mode!!! That’s so cool!! Look at him!!! I love him!!!
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Megatron please! This is your own building! That you got into perfectly fine without bursting through the wall! I swear the Decepticons learned how to enter/exit places from the Kool-Aid Man. Megatron, I am begging for you and the rest of the Decepticons to learn how to use a door! 
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Finally moving on to a different episode, Bee in a teacup ride!!! I just love how cute this scene is!
The next few episodes I cover are just Cosmos appreciation!
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Don’t be mean to Cosmos! :’( And Blaster too for that matter!
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Stop hurting Cosmos! >:’(
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Stop hurting Cosmos!! >>:’(
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My demands to stop hurting Cosmos does not mean to go after Bumblebee next! >:’’( Luckily he’s fine but I was worried for a moment.
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As a side note, this giant can of insecticide is just... I can’t XD It’s just randomly out in outer space that they just pick up from somewhere???
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Oh! There was an episode in between all my screenshots of Cosmos where Starscream actually used a door!!! A miracle!!! No points for him though since it’s an automatic door and well...
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the accomplishment was short lived anyway...
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The girls!!!! Them!!!!
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Soundwave said her mind was empty and I immediately thought of this meme
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One of my absolute favorite episodes despite not having any of my favorite characters in it. It was just too funny! The Decepticons are just absolute disasters fighting over who's in charge while some of their own seekers and the Autobots just watch and the seekers are even taking bets on who will win! Soundwave and his cassettes are notably absent from the chaos, probably back in their underwater base and decidingly not dealing with this shit. Not today.
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Bee is having bad luck around water this episode but on the up side he gets held/carried around a lot which automatically makes this a good episode!
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Also Rumble honey... my poor dumb boy
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Gasp!!! Megatron has learned how to open a door!!! He even exits through the door!!! Look at him setting a good example!!! I’m so proud!!! :’D
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I just really like this image of Rumble stealing a care and driving away in it like that! XD
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Motormaster speeding towards Optimus: I've been waiting for this for a long time Prime! Me: Weren't you just created like an episode ago??? Though in his defense I suppose one day is his entire life so far so I guess it would feel like a long time for him alskdjfdsalk
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Hehehe Bee just climbs up Megatron, grabs the pearl right out of his hand, and jumps away all before Megatron even twitches alsdkfjsdlkfpfft hahaha XD Go Bee go!!!
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Don’t kill the cute creature in front of Bee!! D’: That’s illegal!!!
And finally for my last screenshot!
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wrongdeduction · 3 years
WOW. a meme. what is this. ill answer
Tagged by @libermachinae (hello hello hello and why? :D <3)
Name / Nicknames: Loikka
Height: 167cm
Languages: Finnish, English (i have a paper that says i can serve peeple in Swedish! ... it wont be able to happen, tho)
Nationality: Finnishh
Favorite season: autumn, winter :3
Favorite color: ... okra
Favorite animal: I LIKE WOLVERINES. i have a wolverine tattoo!!
Favorite fictional character: Prowl. *avoids eye contact*
Tea, coffee, or hot chocolate: tea, pls :>
Average hours of sleep: 7
Cat or dog person: dogs win this round
Blankets slept with: ... sheets? ?
Places ancestors are from: :D :D :D. Finland.
Dream trip: Marocco, Middle East ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Blog established: ...when the nsfw ban established...
Number of followers: this side blog has TWO. the other one is Fourth :D and main blog has ... maybe ... 8..? im smol :3
Random fact about yourself: i have audience who are looking while im filling this meme. hello frundsss <3 my career as a tf fan started after seeing Bumblebee with a friend and her friends. then i watched Prime, Animated and when needing more started to read IDW comics to satisfie the hunger. haven't returned from that trip yet and i have a love hate relationship with this thing. fandom doesnt help :|
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rocksinmuffin · 4 years
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Sin Queen, I loved your work for years but was to nervous to ever ask or submit any art or stories but that changes tonight.
Meet my TFA oc, Chain Angel. Given life by the allspark fragment like Wreck-gar later on in the series, she's made a place next to the orange junkion along with the other autobots.
Just like Wreck-gar her intro was sudden and chaotic, but unlike the sweet trashbot she much more self aware albeit confused of the world around her. Angel didn't start out as a fembot. Nope she started in her alt mode a junkyard dog. Great right? After the autobots heard about a giant metal dog chasing cars in the streets of Detroit, the first meeting was... a bit confrontational.
Her manner of fighting is close and personal. This includes the chains wrapped around her waist occasionally swinging and striking her intended victim or pulling them close in hopes of strangling with the pretty pieces of gold. At other times the head on her back can give energy blasts to blow anybot away. She's brutal to put it short.
Personality, accompanied with a New Yorker accent, Angel is brash, abrasive, and will not hesitate to say what's on her processor. She's the brain between the herself and Wreck-gar, acting as the voice of reason for the older junkion when the situation turns sour. So she's basically your hot tempered take no shit boston robo lady.
Her words consist of slang such as " what a schmuck", " ya mook," and "quit yer grillin." Everyone is stumped of how she obtained such a humanlike personality in such a short time frame, especially old bot Ratchet who has no honest to god idea of what she's saying. He thinks it has something to do from the trash pile she came from. But before Angel could lunge for any throats she saw little Sari staring up at her in curiosity her. Angel completely melted. cooing and nuzzling the little girl.
Upon seeing such a familiar design Ratchet somehow tracks down Wreck-gar all the while Sari puppy talks Angel into following her, chained tail wagging all the way. The medic is yelling and shaking him demanding what he did. Locking optics with the trash hound there's an instant pull. Shifting into her fembot alt surprising everyone, Angel steps closer and both emit a white glow the closer they get. Angel's demeanor softens finding someone that feels so... familiar. Wreck-gar feels the same way. It kind of feels like... home. After the meeting, the two trash bots become inseparable. Wreck-gar gives the name Angel saying she was his guardian Angel (most likely repeating it from human propaganda). They start using the terms "big bro" and "little sis" as Sari explains how they came from the same place in a similar way dubbing them family.
After that she becomes fiercely protective of anyone she deems a friend. This junkion will either treasure you or flat out despise you. (There's no in between.) And we're talking full guard dog mode. Her main favorites of the cast are Wreck-gar, Sari, and Ratchet much to everyone's shock. You so much as look at her family or friends funny she's out for blood. An example of this is when Sentinel made a snide comment about Sari being an organic in front of Angel, ending with her chasing him up a tree with Optimus snickering at his screaming ex friend.
Chain Angel has a temper that puts hothead to shame along with a sharp tounge. You insult her she comes back full force. Not only that but she has the strength to back it up. If your familiar with the tfa series than you know Wreck-gar has some serious power thanks to the allspark fragment. The only difference is Chain Angel knows how to use it. Which is good because she finds herself going head to head with bots three times her size (cuz this girl short, a whole head shorter than bumblebee) whether decepticon or neutral.
Lockdown heard about Wreck-gar housing a fragment and found the opportunity too good to pass up figuring Megatron would pay handsomely for it. But upon meeting loyal protector Angel, the bounty hunter is more than surprised to find a smol angry fem threatening to choke him to death with a gold chain. He then has an inner conflict from wanting to take her spark as well to wanting to date her. Another instance is Megatron himself humored Angel referring to her as a "mutt" patting her on the helm mockingly. Angel just stood there, silent, static cracking from her metallic hair. Let's just say the warlord didn't find it so funny when he only pulled away with a few wires sticking out of the slot where his arm should have been.
But rough tough psychobot aside, Angel is super sweet towards humans finding them adorable. She'll refer to her friends as "boo," "sweetspark," and "Hon." She even calls oppy "Hot lips" or Bulkhead as "Dreamboat" flustering them immensely. She basically gives nicknames to anyone who she considers a friend, though it does get confused with flirtation often.
Despite being from Earth it doesn't stop her from help the autobots whenever she can with Wreck-gar by her side often cleaning up the city after decepticon attacks and coming to the rescue when there's an injured friend. The trash siblings even have an intro when making it to the scene. "I am Wreck-gar." "And I am Angel." "And we are your heroes!"
Submitted by @purple-striped-shirt​
Oh!!!!!!!! I love your Transformers character, she’s so cute!!!! What a fun character!
I’m so glad you decided to share her!
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crownofhearts · 5 years
Transformers OC Asks
This list of questions was submitted by @helliontwins
Thanks for the inquiries about my babies! I hope I was able to answer them well enough!
Why that name? I understand the wing cus she’s a birb and all.
Hyperwing got her name from the speed at which she flies, as well as her overall personality. She is very outgoing, so I figured “Hyper” was a good connection between her speed and sense of self.
How old is she? From what I’ve seen she’s kind of young seeming but old enough to drink. Would you say she is the equivalent of a 20 year old or…?
She was born/Forged right before the start of the war. This makes her younger than many of the original fighters and a few others, but she got to spend time with Optimus while he was still Orion Pax. However, she spent a long while in stasis, after receiving an injury that nearly destroyed her Spark. Optimus placed her in stasis in an attempt to keep her safe during her recovery, but due to the war her awakening was delayed for a long time. A part of it was Optimus’ hesitation to bring her back online with a war going on, since she is not a combatant. She missed about half of the war, and still has the mental state, capacity, and physical state from before. She is technically old enough to drink, but Ratchet tries to keep her away from it due to the aforementioned time gap. She drinks to mess with him, mainly. Hyperwing was mad at first for missing out on everything, but she cooled down and forgave Optimus eventually. (She has some intense shock after waking up. New people, old friends lost… a whole lot to take in)
How small is she? I see that she kinda itty bitty.
She is smol. She comes up to Bumblebee’s mid-thigh. Hyperwing can sit on Optimus’ Shoulder freely, and while in her alt mode she can perch on the arms and servos of other bots
Is she any good at fighting?
Absolutely not. Mainly due to her size, she is at a serious disadvantage. She usually chooses to defend and fly away. If that is impossible, she attempts to peck at optics or other weak points.
As a courier and with her size does she even really fight?
She never throws the first stone. She is basically forbidden from joining the front lines by Optimus. Does she always listen? Absolutely not and it is giving Ratchet and Optimus helmaches. Hyperwing never wants to leave a bot behind, so if she sees someone in trouble, she will try to cause a distraction for a retreat or to buy time for backup to arrive.
Does she crush on anyone? 
Nope! She doesn’t quite understand the whole “romance” thing. Not saying she wouldn’t fall in love eventually, but she was basically raised in a war zone. Not really on her mind.
She seems to love Optimus but is it in the love love way, fatherly, brotherly, or best friend?
He is like her father. Back when he was Orion Pax and she was new to the world, he took her in. Having a beast alt-mode made her an easy target to mistreatment and prejudice, so Hyperwing would have most definitely not lasted long on her own. Since he raised her and taught her to stand tall on her own (as tall as she can with her size), she sees him as a parent. Or the Cybertronian equivalent of a parent.
I think i saw you mention how red just didn’t suit him, care to expand what you meant?
Rapidstrike is shy. His self-esteem is extremely low and he hates being the center of attention. Paint jobs that would make him too flashy might give him a heart attack. Red is a walking “hit me” signal. Is softer demeanor contrasts harshly with the war, so the more he can do to avoid attention the better it will be for him. But, I wanted people to look at him and think he was outgoing, which would also contrast his personality. That is why I gave him the colors he has. Monochrome shades with blue and orange is still sleek and looks open, but then you get to the mask and it is grey and purple. Rapidstrike is a walking conundrum, in essence.
How often do people ask if he and HW are related?
Right so this question and the last question are related to a certain anon as I got the other day. However, I recently deleted that answer because I felt like I came off too harsh and I didn’t want to be rude to that anon. That is the first time anyone has asked if they were related, though Rapidstrike was made very recently so there was a short time window to make a connection. But yeah no they have no relation
Why the mask? (I love it btw!)
I won’t go into too much detail right now, but it has to do with his low self-esteem. He was trained with another mech under a polearms master. The Master was very aloof and rarely gave positive feedback, and was not emotionally available. The mech he trained with, who later becomes a Decepticon, had a huge superiority complex and constantly put Rapidstrike down. His self-image was shattered, so he hides behind the mask since he sees himself as disposable, ugly, and weak.
NVM I just found the answer to three. Instead why the design? How did you come up with it?
I went ahead and gave a bit more info anyway J I looked at existing characters for a basis. I chose a Speedster like build, so I studied Drift and Rodimus. I wanted a smooth flow between his different parts so I looked at Chromia and Prowl. Then, I looked at futuristic or high-end motorcycles for the minor details to tie in with his alt form. His mask has the look it does because of the tear-like markings. Because he is a sad boi and since he hides his face, it reflects his inner feelings.
Why is Tangle (Deer Bot Boi) Green? Was it to match scenery? A favorite color of his? Or something else?
I wanted to tie in his design with the plants he loves so much. Also in an old D&D campaign our Ranger befriended a green deer from the Faewild, and when I was designing Tangle, it came back to mind.
Do you have any more info on Nightbright? They are an amazing pallet and I’m curious what they transform into and more about them.
Nightbright is unfortunately still in development! He is an astronomer before the war, but transition to being a dispatcher for the Autobot forces during the war.
If anything has been answered before Sorry for asking a second time! I’m just so in love with all of your Oc’s!
I am glad you like them so much! These questions are actually some of the firsts I have ever gotten for my Transformers characters, so this was really fun to do!
Also do you write about them in fics or rp as them?
Yes to the fics. As for the rp… I have been considering starting an ask/rp blog for Hyperwing and Rapidstrike, as they are the most developed. It would have to be a shared side blog for the two, since I work full time and if I gave them separate blogs I would lose track of everything lol.
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firecrackerwrites · 5 years
@ohhherewegoagain @littlejazzy @noootheghouls @mythicalstrawberrywine @rhinky-thingz 
hey i did a think bc some of you were talking about Link playing with Rhett’s fingers when he’s a smol sleepy boy and oh no its cute
It’s late, dark outside and the lights of L.A. flash by through the windows of the Uber they took back from the office. They’re exhausted, but satisfied with a long day’s work. The car stops at a red light and Link leans his head over on Rhett’s shoulder. The contact is nice, reassuring, and they both need it after working so hard. A moment later and Link’s penchant for instantly falling asleep has once again made itself known. Rhett can tell just from the rhythm of his breathing and the deeper weight of his head against his shoulder. Rhett wiggles his phone from his jacket, taps out a quick text to Christy to let her know they’re on route. “I might have to steal our boy for a while” he says, and Christy replies near instantly with “Good. He needs it. Take our house tomorrow, I’ll get the kids out.” 
By the time the car bumps over the curb to Link’s driveway, Rhett isn’t too keen on shaking him awake. He wants to spend more time just like this, knowing Link is safe and warm and content...safe from the world and everything in it, just right there where Rhett can shield him. But he can’t. He raises his free arm to jostle Link lightly. “Wake up. You’re home.” he murmurs, and Link lets out a near involuntary whine that tells Rhett that yes, Link is dangerously close to slipping into headspace. “Hey,” he whispers in the quiet of the car. “Hey, don’t worry. We got all day tomorrow. For now I need you to get inside and get to bed. Christy’s waiting.” As he speaks the porch light flicks on and Christy appears with a soft smile, wrapped in her bathrobe. “C’mon,” Rhett coaxes, and finally Link rouses enough to clamber out of the car. Rhett doesn’t tell the driver to move until the door’s closed behind the both of them. 
He’s out the door before anyone in his house is awake, making it to Link’s place just as the sleepy looking kiddos all come straggling out the doorway. A few tired murmurs of “Uncle Rhett” greet him, and he gives the obligatory hugs as they file out to the car. 
“We’re going to the rec center,” Christy’s dressed for tennis, the kids for soccer. 
“Thank you,” he says gratefully, and she smiles softly at him, pressing an affectionate kiss to his cheek. 
“Take good care of our boy,” she speaks softly enough that the kids can’t hear, he nods in return. 
“Can do.” 
“He’s asleep still. We ought to be back tomorrow sometime.” her eyes glint with smugness as he raises his brows in confusion. “Your lovely wife invited us over for the night. There’s spare clothes for you in the guest dresser.” And with that she was off, leaving Rhett to nearly burst through the front door in all his excitement. 
He’s changed into the soft set of lounge wear and into the bed with Link before Link’s woken up. By the time Link starts to stir, Rhett’s been basking in the silence of a slow morning for several minutes already. He can’t wait to spend a slow day with Link, to help him regress if he wakes up big or cuddle him if he wakes up little. He rubs a firm hand down Link’s back and Link instinctively curls closer. “Morning,” he murmurs quietly, not daring to broach the barrier of normal speaking voice lest Link be startled by harsh sounds so close to his ears. Link wiggles around a little, gives a sleepy grunt and pries his eyes open, looking confused. 
“Rhett?” It’s thick with sleep, clumsily pronounced and Rhett knows Link hasn’t gotten nearly as much sleep as he really needs to. Link’s brows draw together like they do when he’s not understanding something, so Rhett rubs his back some more and shushes him. “I’m here. Let’s just lay here a minute, take it slow,” he suggests, letting Link feel out his headspace for the day. “The kids are with the girls today, so you and me have today and tonight together. You can go back to sleep if you want to.” he offers, peering down at Link’s messy hair. Link tugs at his shirt insistently and Rhett scoots closer so he can move his head from the pillow to Rhett’s chest. “That better?” he asks with a fond note in his voice as he settles his arms comfortably around Link. “Mmm.” Is all the sleepy response he gets as Link’s heavy eyes close again. 
Rhett hadn’t counted on dozing off himself, but when he comes to however long later, Link is still a warm weight against him. A set of sleepy fingers are playing with Rhett’s left hand in a way that tells him very clearly that Link has finally allowed himself to regress. He feels a sleepy-soft smile creep across his face, moving his other arm higher against Link’s back, holding him a little tighter. “Whatcha doin’?” he rumbles softly, knowing full well that this ritual somehow soothes Link when he’s feeling small. 
“Bubba hands,” Link explains tiredly, giving a soft nuzzle at Rhett’s shoulder to show his pleasure at finally getting paid attention. 
“Does Bubba have big hands?” Rhett asks, raising his hand palm up. Link takes the cue and puts his hand up against Rhett’s. It isn’t that much smaller, but it’s small enough to satisfy Link, who gives a sleepy nod against his chest. 
“Big,” Link agrees quietly, and Rhett puts his hand back down where Link can play with his fingers again. He starts to fiddle with Rhett’s fingers, and Rhett can sense the question forming in his brain. He tugs Link a little closer and kisses his forehead. “S’goin’ on, Bumblebee?” Rhett coaxes gently. “Huh? What’s going on in that smart brain of yours?” He makes a mental note to get Link up and changed soon, get him a binky so he has a comfort object. Something about the way he’s clearly preparing himself to say something has Rhett’s instincts on high alert. 
Link toys with Rhett’s fingers a while longer, smiles softly against his shirt. “Thinkin’ ‘bout this,” he’s drawn himself out of headspace enough to talk, and Rhett perks up. Any time Link wants to talk about headspace is important, and Rhett is always proud of him for it, always makes sure to listen to him. “Oh, yeah?” he replies, sliding his hand under Link’s tee and making soothing skin to skin circles against his back. “What about this?” 
“Like bein’ with Bubba,” it sounds like it’s a struggle to talk, to form words, but his words still have that hazy sound to them like he’s happy. Sometimes coming into or going out of headspace his words sounded the same. Hazy, content, like his brain was fogged over or something. He’s glad Link still called him ‘Bubba’, though. He’s missed hearing it and there’s something endearing about when Link isn’t fully small but still uses the nickname. “Like feelin’ safe,” he insists with another little nuzzle. “Bubba’s so big and strong. Makes Link feel safe. Gives good hugs. Link likes to cuddle with Bubba in the morning. Is nice and sleepy and soft and safe.” Link murmurs, gripping one of Rhett’s fingers in his fist loosely. 
The gesture combined with the cute but honest confession has Rhett holding him even tighter, nuzzling at Link’s hair affectionately. “Oh, goodness, Bumblebee. Somebody’s using some grownup words, thank you so much for that. You did so good talking about your feelings and telling me what you like. I think my favorite part of weekends with you is getting to cuddle up too. You’re so cuddly in the morning, Bumblebee. Nothing quite makes Bubba feel as good as your cuddles do.” Link hums happily, but a different kind of wiggle has Rhett ready to move. 
“Bubba, potty,” Link insists, and Rhett’s up in a flash.
“I know, bo. Let’s get you all ready for the day, huh?” 
God, Rhett loves time with his little Bumblebee. 
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mycarhasasecret · 7 years
Hi! I love your headcannons! Can I request for a pocket-sized Tfp Optimus, Ratchet, Smokescreen and Bee? Thanks a bunch!
And my headcanons love you, random citizen!
Optimus Prime
-He likes to sit by your earbud and listen to music.
-He likes to swing his feet back and forth while they dangle off the edge of the table, or something.
-He won’t jump to reach things. He’ll ask.
-He likes to nestle himself into small places, and take naps.
-Smol angry man.
-Jumps to reach things, and grumbles when you call him short. He isn’t short. He can get it. He doesn’t need your help.
-Yup yup yup! Don’t touch him!
-He’s a biter.
-He gets made when you say he’s small. he’s not small. You’re just big.
-He’ll zip across the floor in his alt mode, dodging people’s feet.
-He likes to dangle his feet off the edge of things, and swing them back and forth, just because Optimus does it.
-Watch him. He’ll jump from high places, and say he can fly.
-This guy just got a whole lot cuter.
-He’ll zoom around the base in his alt mode, around his little race track he made for himself out of a roll’s worth of string.
-His favorite thing to do is play hide and seek.
-He doesn’t like to be in the pocket. Please, good lord don’t put him in the pocket.
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its-cullenminating · 7 years
10 facts tag!
tagged by @jasmin-au-bellona (thanks, bro!) and like, okay, lets do this?
1. I JUST GOT A MCFUCKING TATTOO!! majora’s mask, sweetheart!
2. i have a cat that i love w all my heart, his name is mouse an dhe is terrifed of everything
3. when i was a kid i wanted to be a pop star. too bad school shattered my confidence l m a o
4. i have reynaud’s syndrome and as such am CONSTANTLY cold, esp my hands and feet. i use it as an excuse for snuggles and to torture @smol-swol-bumblebee
5. dragon age 2 is unironically one of my all time favorite games, along w pokemon heartgold and legend of zelda: twilight princess
6. i like putting consistent effort into how i look -- dying my hair, painting my nails, 6 hour long tattoos, i like looking nice!
7. i have a huge collection of pins/buttons and need a better backpack to put them all on
8. i have ZERO concept of time. like, none at all. i kinda sucked as a line cook bc if i wasn’t constantly paying attention to the one (1) burger that was supposed to be medium, it would turn out well bc i can’t keep track of the time. needless to say, i can’t bake to save my fucking life.
9. im allergic to pineapples! which sucks, because i L O V E pineapple lmao
10. im really bad at pretending to be interesting lmao sorry
i tag the aforementioned room mate, bumbles up there, @urmyonlyhoe and like, whoever else wants to? not a lot of my mutuals like doing this kinda thing lmao su just like do whatever
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TFP Knock Out!
·        Why I like them:
oh. my. primus. how do i even begin.he’s fabulous. he’s sassy. he’s got style, class and he’s HOT.I LOVE HIM.
·        Why I don’t:
i can’t find anything i don’t like about him. he’s probably one of mytop 5 favourites. i can complain about tfp just killing off breakdown andtraumatizing him though.
·        Favorite scenes
·        Favorite episode
·        Favorite line
lemme just list every quote this character has said.
“Careful Starscream. You’ll dislocate alanding gear patting yourself on the back.” 
“I'm not only an automobile; I'm anautomobile enthusiast.” 
"[wolf whistles] Sweet rims. 24gauge? You're reeeeeeal heavy-duty!”
·        Favorite colour scheme
anything that’s been buffed. mmmm
·        OTP
other than that, starscream/knockout is pretty good. don’t mindbee/knockout either, even though that is a smol ship.
·        Brotp
him and starscream at times. him and bumblebee.
·        Head Canon
since breakdown’s passing he’s been working himself to deactivation andmore depressed. when he joins the autobots, he finds something a little morehopeful to look forward to.
·        Unpopular opinion 
i have a hard time shipping knockout and starscream, it grew toxic attimes.
·        A wish
he’s actually wildbreak’s dad
·        An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
it never happened, but i was really concerned they’d kill him off in thesecond season.
·        5 words to best describe them
lovely, sassy, smart, numberone, seeeeeeeeeeexyyyyyy
·        My nickname for them
knocky, KO, and the HOT BOT
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Tag Thingy
I was tagged by the lovely @dakota-of-themyscira (and @stellaristix but someone didn’t check to make sure the tagged worked!!)
Rules: Answer 30 Questions and Tag 30 People
Name: That’s Classified. (at this point I think a lot of you know it but eh)
Nickname(s): Nor, Norrison, Private Snarkles, Dippy, Lance, Sprout, Bear, Peanut, Beaner, Noro, *Nor Puns*, Child, Other Child, Zan, Bumblebee, The Literal Embodiment of Puberty, Partially Void Mostly Bees, *Insert Eldritch Name here*, Empress, and probably many more!
Gender: CisFemale
Star Sign: Aquarius (Yay Water Jugs!)
Height: 5′7″
Time: 4:01 PM
Birthday: February 9th
Favorite Band(s): Imagine Dragons, Killers (and more)
Favorite Solo Artist(s): Vance Joy (and more)
Last Movie I watched: Heathers with @mythicalsky
Last Show I watched: Gravity Falls with @mythicalsky
When Did I Create My Blog: November 2015
What Do I Post: Trash. Just straight up Trash. 
Last Thing I Googled: turritopsis jellyfish
Do You Have Other Blogs: Yup! @whoopseveryonegetsfreckles
Do You Get Asks: pffffffft I wish! (seriously guys, I love getting asks please send me some! :3)
Why Did You Choose This Blogname: Ehhhh this story is boring. 
Blogs You Are Following: 111
Followers: 53
Favorite Colors: Don’t have any...
Average Hours Of Sleep: 7-8?
Instruments: Piano
What Am I Wearing: greenish-yellow shorts, a grey tank top, and a red and white plaid shirt
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: It depends, 2-3?
Dream Job: Art Therapist, Interior Decorator, Artist, Professional Traveler
Dream Trip: too many to choose from! 
Nationality: American 
Favorite Song Right Now: Die Young by Sylvan Esso (maybe?)
Victims: @stormyboy666 @calmnature @sawyerneedsa-life @pls-boop-me-snoot @still-trying-2-figure-out @namesarehardforme @llyrica @howtotrainyournana @money-comb @crossroadsdimension @emywho15 @spidermans-pet-llama @smol-anxiety-bean @mythicalsky (whoops that’s only 14, oh well)
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explosive-stardust · 8 years
so i finally finished rwby vol.4
and hooo boi.
also my love for nora has only grown this season. i mean all of the characters really, but nora just justified her place in my heart as my favorite character
same with yang who is close second. her kicking butt and learning to live with her disability was dope! and im glad to see that she is still the amazing bombshell who is also a frikken badass.
the others were okay, i liked ruby and jaune, both were alright this season. i did like the character arc with ren, and im glad we didnt lose him. yet, please dear god let that fantheory not be true. you know the one.
qrow, taiyang, and mama and papa kitty cat were really cool too. i liked that we got to see more of the parental figures
also qrows semblance? yikes, thats so unfortunate.
oscar and ozpin are really quite the pair and im very excited how they are going to continue that pair and their story line.
sun and blake? yas please. even though i like bumblebee, i also really like sun as a character. he is mad cute and dorky and he is a really nice difference to blake. i think they compliment each other nicely.
lets talk villains.
salem was again the really unlikeable bitch. so no difference there.
cinder i was torn about, because i did feel bad for her. but she ultimately chose the villain side, so eh.
emerald and mercury were very unimportant this season. so no further opinion there.
a little bit suprised we didnt see much from the two bearded villains, the two men who stand alongside the others in the opening, but i mean they are going to be established in vol.5 im p sure.
and now a character i never knew i would like as much as i do now.
tyrian! my smol insane scorpion. i think his fighting style is dope first of all. he looks really freaky how he barely moved and just deflects. he was a very funny enemy to qrow, and them fighting, again, was pretty cool. him injuring qrow tho...not as cool
and tyrian roaring in pain when he lost his stinger? and then him begging for mercy and then him crying as he kept punching the grimm and then it slowly turning into laughter? that entire scene broke my fucking heart.
oh i forgot about weiss. she was alright. i really liked her character growth tho, she turned from being an insufferable princess into a really cool and strong character who stood up for what is right, no matter if it is against her fathers will. so yeah, i really liked weiss!
all in all the story, characters and animation was really good and i liked that it was so different from vol.3. i especially liked that they didnt just start killing off characters, but instead we got an entire volume to recover from pyrrha *ugly cry*
and hoo boi, was the ending a cryfest for me! boop playing in the background of sad renora scenes and slow instrumental cold playing in the background at the end? ho man, i was bawling as bad as one can be.
so yeah, all in all really liked this volume and im very excited for the next one!
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simonsoderbergtrash · 8 years
Tagged by @princezzie, thank you!
Name: Crissy 
Nickname: Xtra smol,The naughty child,Infernal,Crispy from my binch @deanscarnality lmao,Sister emeritus,Captain infernal,Fire hawk,Alpha female from @omega-and-alpha-rule-the-world (because i call Alpha the Alpha male) That last one is one of my personal favorites :)
Gender: Female  
Star sign: Leo 
Sexual orientation: Straight 
Hogwarts house: Don’t know  
Favorite color: Black 
Time right now:  4:12 am 
Average hours of sleep:  4 to 8
Cat or dog person: Cats but i love dogs too
Favorite fictional characters: The joker.Batman,Optimus prime,Bumblebee, Megatron,Ironhide (Transformers trash hehe) 
number of blankets  One 
favorite singer/band: Ghost,HIM are the top 2 
Dream trip: Sweden and Finland 
Current number of followers:  1,352
When did your blog reach it’s peak: No idea lol 
I tag @ithinkhisnameisemil @lucifersbrightstar @selected-heir @kodiakcave   and @gatesprincess only if you want and anyone can do this just say i tagged you :) 
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Tagged by outstanding MomDad herself, @howtotrainyournana <3
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: Hmmm flavored fresh lemonades are always a favorite :) 2. Phone call: If I need to talk to you, I’m much more likely to text you, due to being a bit awkward with phone calls (and the permanence of texts), but I’m growing to appreciate phone calls more because I can hear my friends voices! 
3. Text message: As mentioned, in general I prefer texts. I really like that with texts you have the ability to look back and reread what you’ve said, and that with texts you have more time to think about what you’re gonna say. 
4. Song you listen to: Destroyer by Saint Motel
5. Time you cried: If we are talking happy cried, a few hours ago. Sad cried, a couple days ago I think? (I cry a lot, don’t worry)
6. Dated someone twice: Negatory  7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Not really 8. Been cheated on: That requires a relationship 9. Lost someone special: Yes, of course. They still have those bits of my heart!  10. Been depressed: Not for an extended amount of time, no 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope, I’ve barely had alcohol in general. 
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Hmmmmm, always a toughy! Sea Foam Green. Pale or Golden Rod Yellow. Maroon. 
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: Soooo many! I love you all, and want to give you all the hugs! <3 16. Fallen out of love: Requires you to have fallen in love.  17. Laughed until you cried: Oh yeah XD 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Probably? 19. Met someone who changed you: Of course! Many! <3 20. Found out who your friends are: In the last year? Not really, I think in this last year I already knew, for the most part anyway :) 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I highly doubt it! 
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them, I’m pretty sure.  23. Do you have any pets: Yup! One doggo, and soon to be two axolotls! (stay tuned) 24. Do you want to change your name: Heck no! I love my name!  25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Not much, hung out with my friends! We watched D&D the animated series! @spidermans-pet-llama
26. What time do you wake up: *shrugs* it changes from day to day right now. 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Last night? I think I may have been in bed by then XD if not, scrolling through Tumblr on my phone probably! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: A couple hours ago :) 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Hmmm nothing? There are things I wish weren’t something I had to deal with, but God gave me the hand I was dealt for a reason, and each and every part of my life develops me into who I am! 31. What are you listening to right now: Thnks fr th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: *shrugs* probably!  33. Something that is getting on your nerves: acne, my inability to be there for people in the way I want to be, my anxiety, my inner demons.  34. Most visited website: Youtube or Tumblr, I’m sure!  
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: A lot!  36. Mark/s: Depends on what you define as “Marks” 37. Childhood dream: I can’t remember something specific I wanted to be growing up! I don’t think I knew!  38. Hair color: Lightish Brown with Caramel Highlights 39. Long or short hair: Both! Right now I’m all about thinking of new ways to change it up!
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Pfffft! Ha! That’s cute! no. 41. What do you like about yourself: ??? I’m an awkward, clumsy, mess of a person, but in general I’m pretty cool and I’m generally proud of who I’ve become and where I’m headed! (Proof reading Edit: legit read this as what do you think of yourself, not like, so that’s what this answer is! Apologies!) 42. Piercings: Just ears!  43. Blood type: *shrugs* don’t remember!  44. Nickname: Nor, Norrison, Private Snarkles, Dippy, Lance, Sprout, Peanut, Beaner, *Nor puns*, Child, Other Child, Zan, Bumblebee, The Literal Embodiment of Puberty, Partially Void Mostly Bees, *whatever the heck my eldritch parents call me*, Empress, and probably many many more :) 45. Relationship status: Single as heck *awkward finger guns* 46. Zodiac: Aquarius! (Yay water jugs!) 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: ...I could never possibly choose...r00d. 
49. Tattoos: Not yet! That will change someday!  50. Right or left hand: I mean if we are talking dominant, then right!  51. Surgery: Not yet!  52. Hair dyed in different color: Again, not yet, but who knows! (though I don’t really have a desire to other than for cosplay) 53. Sport: Soccer!!! But I have also played Basketball, Softball, done track, took swimming lessons, and Volleyball for a week (didn’t quit, was never technically on the team)
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: Currently? Nothing, though I’m very hungry.  58. Drinking: I have some water here I think.  59. I’m about to: Finish this and go to sleep! 
61. Waiting for: Morning, so I can talk to my lovely friends!  62. Want: Lots of things! Right now: less pain, hugs, to talk to my friends, for distance to not be a thing, more hugs, food.  63. Get married: someday, if I’m lucky :) 64. Career: Art Therapist is the plan! 
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs for sure! (although I haven’t had much experience with the latter) 66. Lips or eyes: E.Y.E.S.! ALL THE WAY! 67. Shorter or taller: ?? Depends in what context! But in general, slightly taller? 68. Older or younger: ??? Again it depends on the context!  70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Arms, I guess? I don’t know if I really have a preference!  71. Sensitive or loud: Why not both? *insert taco commercial girl* 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship. Any day.  73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Again, I don’t know if I have a preference?
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: Uh nope.   75. Drank hard liquor: Nuhuh  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No, thank goodness.  77. Turned someone down: Yeah 78. Sex on the first date: Gross no. Never 79. Broken someone’s heart: I hope not! :( 80. Had your heart broken: No? Maybe? Not quite sure.  82. Cried when someone died: Probably every time.  83. Fallen for a friend: Don’t think so. 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: usually 85. Miracles: absolutely 86. Love at first sight: love, no; attraction/infatuation, yes. 87. Santa Claus: Nope, never did.  88. Kiss on the first date: It really depends on the person I suppose
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: There is literally no way I could pick one person.  91. Eye color: Blue-grey ^~^ 92. Favorite movie: I don’t have just one 
NOW, TAG 20 PEOPLE: @theadventuresofmomanddadmom ( please answer together (; ) @stellaristix @mythicalsky @ed0398 @dakota-of-themyscira @purple-petrichor @still-trying-2-figure-out @pls-boop-me-snoot @smol-anxiety-bean @smoothjazz98 @emywho15 @money-comb and that’s close enough *~*
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