#I was going to romance wyll my next run but. uh. i would have to reject Halsin...
nyxronomicon · 11 months
omg I FINALLY fucking romanced Halsin and when I went to ask Astarion about it he was like "you wanna fuck the old man don't you" like. Yeah man have you just been watching with glee as I desperately try to get stuffed by the huge elf??
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sasha199 · 2 months
Gale/ Wyll drama pt. 2
Y’all…this game hits different when your Tav is a stand in for yourself.
My sister and I are playing a multiplayer as ourselves, as sisters. I was romancing/flirting with both Gale and Wyll. I made a move on Lae’zel too but THAT ended in tears. Sister is pulling both Astarion and Shadowheart.
My sister finds me hiding behind Shadowheart’s tent, “Your boytoy wants to talk,” she says, squatting next to me.
I hadn't gone to breakfast this morning, and had overheard Gale pointedly remark about my absence. I wasn't in the mood to confront my feelings about, well anything, yet, so I decided to continue to make myself scarce. But it's hard to hide from a rouge. 
“He’s not my boytoy.” I'm drawing with my fingers in the white sand, trying to make the frowny faces and squinty eyebrows of my stick figures evenly spaced. I hate how sullen I sound.
“Oh? Did someone else take that coveted title last night?”
I shrug, he hadn't used that term. Marlie looks at me a while longer, but when it's clear I have nothing more to say, she slips away.
Shadowheart peaks out from the back of her tent, "You know I have a perfectly good stool if you'd prefer to use that," her voice is as sweet and melodious as always, "I wouldn't mind the company."
"Thanks," I mutter, embarrassed, "but I'm, uh, drawing."
"Yes, look."
She doesn't. "Sasha, you're not that kind of bard."
I sigh, "I'll see you later." I scrub out my stick figures before I leave.
I half run, half crouch across the camp. Astarion might hide me...but he'd definitely mock me. I'm not in the mood to be mocked.  
I dismiss Lae'zel immediately...we're not exactly on speaking terms after what happened at the creche. That leaves only one option. 
“He won’t talk to me.” Marlie's voice is practically in my ear.
“What?” I ask breathlessly, I put my hand to my heart to quiet it's pounding, I'd just gotten settled behind Karlach’s tent. I can see fiery outline through the canvas.
“He only wants to talk to you.”
“I don't believe this.” A million butterflies take flight in my tummy.
She shrugs, “All he would tell me is that he’s been spoken for.”
“I didn’t speak for him.”
“What happened, Sasha?”
I hesitate. I'm not even sure. Gale had seemed to only want to talk about one thing since that terrible conversation with Elminster. I didn't want to hear him wax on about his "sacred duty" anymore, and I'd had enough conversations about Mystra to last me a life time. “I have to talk to Wyll.”
Marlie looks genuinely surprised, “Wyll? ‘Daddy’s boy’ Wyll? I didn’t know you needed a knight in shining armor, sis. Every time I see you you’re always drooling over the wizard’s monologues.”
“Well he won’t be monologuing much more when he triggers that orb.”
Her face goes soft, "You really think he’ll do it?"
"Everything always comes back to it." I feel hot tears prick in my eyes, "I don't know what to do anymore. I'm starting to think I just have to accept-"
“What are you two doing back here?” Karlach has discovered us, she's holding a singed teddy bear under one arm.
“Hiding,” Marlie answers unabashedly, “It’s my thing.”
“Well you’re usually a lot better at it. Sasha, Gale is looking for you.”
I blink until the tears dissipate. “I know.”
“Everything alright with you two?” Karlach puts a hand on my shoulder, I cover her hand with mine. “I know things are fraught right now, but he does care for you. I’ll never forget that “stimulation” speech he gave mid battle-“
“I’ve been trying,” Marlie says smirking, “who was it that told him to just ‘put it out there’ Karlach? ‘See what happens?’ “
“It’s good advice,” Karlach looks a bit redder than usual, “time is not on our side. Be brave, go get em, soldier.” She smacks me on the back.
I sigh and walk out from behind the tent. Marlie is right behind me, I don't see her when I look around, but I know she’s there.
I feel like I'm on display as I cross the camp. Shadowheart is kneeling at her tent entrance, head bowed in prayer, but I'm not fooled. As I cross the small rock bridge Gale looks up expectantly. I see him hitch in breath to speak…but I keep on walking…right next door and duck into Wyll’s tent…
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wetbloodworm · 7 months
doing a merripen run in bg3 so some notes on that. not spoiler-free!!
technically i started a run and lost it to patch/mod fuckery so i had to start over but i'm not too mad about that. i used a masc body and voice for him in the first run before realizing i don't have to do that just because he's a man. body 1 and one of the fem voices fit him better. he doesn't have to look or sound any particular way to unequivocally be a man. this is so freeing and when i remade him i was like YES this is IT that's MY BOY!! and ty larian for just letting me select his gender separately from these factors, unlike some games [makes direct eye contact with cp77]
went with great old one for his pact bc fathomless isn't an option. there's one on nexus but from what i can tell it doesn't utilize any dialogue tags, so great old one is good enough. they've both got tentacles it's fine
i'm gonna do something fun with this, which is decide when beul would be likely to try to take over and then use their lvl 10 character sheets to do a wisdom contest to see who wins. if beul wins, i'm playing it either until it would decide to pull back or at the start of the next long rest. this could have... consequences, considering beul is deeply homicidal. it's most likely to take over if it feels like the body is in danger and merri isn't handling the situation to its satisfaction, or if there’s an opportunity to gain power, or if there's an irresistible opportunity to kill people that merri isn't acting on. also if there's water nearby that it wants to jump into. the two can negotiate sometimes so it won't be EVERY time, but the two also don't get along great and beul can be spiteful. so we'll see how it goes.
merri really won't care about the tiefling/druid situation, like he gets feeling anxious about outsiders considering his upbringing but he also thinks the druids are being dicks. but it's also so not his problem. please just tell me where your healer is my brain is getting so crowded. since he's there he'll relay some info back and forth but he's not interested until zevlor implies someone should get rid of kagha. merri like well hang on now, THIS i can help with, if you can pay. i just have to figure out if merri would do his research first to minimize damage or if he's gonna just go after her immediately. might uh. might wait to level up some first if i'm turning the whole grove against me. because merri was not trained to minimize damage.
during the first run i was really not expecting him to go for laezel, but it turns out he really likes how direct and intense she is! when you agree to hook up she says something like 'i will come to your tent tonight and take you' and merri was just like
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during her sex scene she also directs you and if you follow you're referred to as a lapdog and, yeah. yeah. merri's into being bossed around apparently.
i made a joke later on about him worrying about taking credit for something laezel did and wondering if she'd beat him up over it, but also is that actually a deterrent for him
i don't know if he'll do the full romance but we'll see
he does let astarion bite him though he makes him stop quick, and there's a war in his head because beul HATES this while merri is just yelling WE NEED HIM WE NEED HIM THERE'S A WORM IN MY BRAIN WE NEED OUR ALLIES DO NOT STAKE OUR ALLY!!!
merri is interested in power but not as much as beul. for instance, he would be on the fence about letting the hag take mayrina but beul might try to shove forward and agree to the deal. merri has NO interest in becoming the absolute but beul is super down for it. stuff like that. it'll be fun to see who wins out.
i just want wyll and merri to have warlock chats. oh your patron fucking sucks and took advantage of you in a dire situation? bro same. like the magic's great, but oof! the cost!
that's all i got for now except for this: a boy
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tattoos are the closest i'm getting lmao. he should be bluer tbh i'll tweak that
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