#Halsin wants Astarion to participate...
nyxronomicon · 11 months
omg I FINALLY fucking romanced Halsin and when I went to ask Astarion about it he was like "you wanna fuck the old man don't you" like. Yeah man have you just been watching with glee as I desperately try to get stuffed by the huge elf??
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telumendils · 1 year
asking astarion if he's cool with you hooking up w/ halsin is also very funny to me. i love how he's just like "oh i've been wondering when this would come up bc i've seen him staring at your ass while talking about the freedom of nature."
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turian · 4 months
like idk. personally if the ex military buzzcut guy with a dead wife tersely told me that i didn't know what the wasteland was like before the colonial entity he was raised up in got their hands on it and that the ncr was actually "civilizing it" or whatever. and i then pieced together that he had been conditioned by the military he was a part of to mercy kill and is therefore very against that now but also definitely did that to his wife. and he then informed me that i should leave him behind because he was literally incapable of not shooting anyone in certain faction armour indiscriminately. my response would not be to try dating him. even if i did not know about the specific war crimes he'd done yet.
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littlejuicebox · 8 months
Puppy love.
Idk how this has become an almost nightly update, but I swear I have so many ideas for this little family, it's ridiculous.
Sorry for all the Dadstarion spam to the peeps that aren't into it. I promise I'm going to pivot now. I have to edit MWC and I'm aiming to get it up this weekend or early next week.
Tags/Warnings: all fluff, Dadstarion, parenting, babies, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of animal death, idk what else but comment if you see anything
Summary: Three year old Gale finds a dog in the orchard, but there’s something curious about this interaction. Astarion is struggling with parenthood in the face of his child’s growing understanding of the world.
Word count: 1800
Astarion had, against his own wishes, been required to participate much more in this year’s orchard harvest than in years previous. Your swollen stomach certainly got in the way of performing too much manual labor and you’d enlisted your husband’s help for the more difficult parts. 
“Darling, this is really more your thing.” Astarion sighs, crossing his arms as he assesses your pout. You’d just asked him to climb the ladder and pick apples from the taller parts of the trees.
“My love, I know you are such a wonderful father and husband that you wouldn’t dare say no to the mother of your children when she asks for help while she is currently incubating two of your precious offspring.” You respond sweetly, batting your eyelashes at your husband, “Unless you’re suggesting I should climb onto the ladder in my heavily encumbered state, dear?” 
“I hate you.” He responds with a huff and a quick roll of his eyes while trudging toward the ladder.
“No, you don’t.” You call after him before nestling yourself into the picnic blanket with Gale. The silver-haired boy was playing with a set of wooden ducks that had been whittled for him by Halsin, simply ‘quack quack quacking’ as he took a break from his part of the harvest. His little fingers were stained red by the cranberries he’d helped you pick.
Astarion reluctantly picked apples from a handful of trees before he gave up and settled down beside the two of you, insisting he would simply hire people to complete the rest of the harvest.
“I’m far too hungry to continue, love,” He complained before delving into the picnic basket and pulling out lunch.
Your stomach growls in response to the smell of food carrying in the autumn breeze. Fine, he was right, it was far too much work for two adults and a three year old.
As you eat, you watch Gale attempt more than once to bite into an oversized apple his father had picked from the orchard. The child had the item cupped in both his hands, and he kept opening his mouth far too wide, sinking only his incisors into the fruit’s thin flesh.
You stifle a giggle as he bites down and sends the McIntosh flying from his tiny fingers onto the checkered picnic blanket.
“Gale, darling, perhaps you should ask daddy to cut that,” You suggest as you finish the last few bites of Astarion’s sandwich. You’d instantly devoured your meal; the twins kept you ravenous. Your husband offered half of his own to you with a peck to your temple and gentle brush of his fingers along your rapidly growing stomach.
The elf might be exceptionally self-serving when it came to his interactions with the rest of the world, but he’d always been particularly self-sacrificing for his little love.
Gale grunts dramatically as he bends to retrieve his food and then turns to look at his father. Astarion lifts his eyes from his book to acknowledge the boy with a quirked eyebrow.
“Daddy, I want the knife for I can cut this,” he says, eagerly holding out one of his hands, hoping his father will let him use the dagger.
“I think we have a few more years before you’re using blades, little prince,” Astarion responds while snapping his book shut. Then he reaches into the picnic basket to retrieve your old sussur dagger before wiggling his fingers, beckoning for the apple.
Gale groans, disappointed that he can’t hold the knife, but obliges and hands the McIntosh to his father. A few quick cuts later and Astarion is placing the sliced wedges of fruit down in front of the silver-haired boy.
“What do you say, Gale?” You prompt as the child begins eating the fruit.
“Thank you, daddy!” The three year old responds through a mouthful of apple.
Astarion ruffles the little boy’s curls, “You’re welcome, little prince.” 
A soft whine comes from a few trees away, and Gale’s head lifts from his lunch to search for the source of the sound. His curious green eyes scan the orchard.
“A doggy!” He exclaims, immediately dropping his apple slice and moving to run toward the floppy eared mutt.
But Astarion snatches his son’s hand, halting him, “Gale, you can’t just go running after—“
“Come here, puppy!” Gale calls, ignoring his father. The dog immediately obeys, running toward the child with a wagging tail and lolling tongue.
You chuckle as Astarion wrinkles his nose in displeasure, protectively pulling his son back onto the picnic blanket and eyeing the animal suspiciously. 
“It’s just a lost puppy, Astarion.” You murmur, watching the mutt closely as it slows its approach, cocking its head slightly in curiosity. It doesn’t appear to be past adolescence.
The dog whines again, its brown eyes focused on the little boy. 
“She say she is hungry!” Gale exclaims before he crouches down to grab an apple slice, “Here, puppy!”
He attempts to toss the fruit to the dog, but doesn’t manage to get it quite far enough. The floppy eared creature slowly steps forward and takes the offering, watching your family cautiously.
Another whine comes from the puppy after it finishes the apple slice, and Gale crinkles his white eyebrows while turning to look at his father. 
“Papa, she say her mommy is hurt!” He explains, lifting a small finger to point to the back of the orchard, “Over there!”
You and Astarion exchange shocked glances. A silent conversation ensues between two pairs of eyes that know one another better than anyone else. Is the little boy actually communicating with the dog?
Astarion stands, his eyebrows furrowed, intent on confirming your suspicions. He heads in the direction your child pointed, toward the edge of your property located just more than fifty paces away.
Without his father holding him back, Gale runs to the mutt and begins to chatter excitedly, cooing praises of adoration as he pets the creature. You watch your son curiously as the animal licks the remnants of Gale’s lunch off his hands, her tail wagging happily.
When your husband returns, he’s got that same furrowed brow. Gale is distracted by the dog as Astarion calls to you, “Gwann.”
You crinkle your eyebrows, mirroring Astarion’s puzzled expression, and then turn your focus back to your son. He must be able to communicate with the dog, there’s no other explanation.
“It looks like coyotes must have gotten to her,” Astarion explains, his voice low as he also assesses his son,  “And before you even suggest anything, no, Tav. Absolutely not. The twins are almost here, we won’t have time to—“
“Daddy!” Gale calls, running back towards his father, his new dog friend in tow, “Where her mommy go? We can help!”
Astarion brings his fingers to anxiously pull at his own ear. 
Nine hells.
They’re adopting the damn dog, aren’t they? 
“Well, Gale…” Astarion starts, and he flicks his eyes to you, flailing his hand open in an exasperated gesture as he struggles to come up with an explanation, “Her mommy is sick and had to go to the… animal doctor. So… I told her mommy we would watch her until she got better.” 
A lie, yes. And not a particularly good one. But Astarion isn’t about to explain death to his three-year-old.
The little boy’s eyes widen in excitement as a grin spreads across his face. He turns to look at the puppy, and somehow he’s able to figure out the dog has no idea what his father said, so he repeats the gist of it to the floppy eared mutt. The dog listens and cocks its head curiously, but then seems to give some indication of agreement.
Poor little thing.
The two of you exchange glances again. You’re going to have to discuss this once Gale goes to bed.
“Come on, darling, get your toys and let’s head back inside,” You tell the little boy, “I’m sure your new friend is very hungry; we can find something for her there. Daddy is going to pick a few more apples and then join us.” 
As the three year old is grabbing his toys, you exchange another pointed glance with your husband before thrusting your chin in the direction of the dead dog. 
“Haudh,” You murmur. Grave. You want Astarion to bury the animal before the puppy winds up finding her dead mother and tells Gale. He nods his understanding and bids the two of you goodbye, waiting until you are out of sight before heading toward the back of the orchard. 
And here he thought he was done burying corpses.
Later that night, you and your husband are in bed after just putting your son and his new companion, Apple, to sleep. Gale had chosen the name while he helped you bathe the puppy. 
Astarion had rolled his eyes and whispered to you, “I don’t know which is worse, Scratch or Apple.”
But he’d started referring to the dog by that name, regardless. 
The elf closes his eyes and presses his fingers into the sockets with a soft groan, “I didn’t know what else to say, Tav. We couldn’t very well tell our extremely sensitive son that the pup’s mother died. You know how he would’ve responded. All the saplings in the orchard would’ve been knocked down.” 
You can’t help but laugh at your husband as he works through the events of today.
He snaps his eyes open and glares at you, raking his hands through his curls and completely ruining them in the process, “It’s not funny, dear.” 
“It kind of is, my Star,” You shrug, moving forward to press a gentle, comforting kiss to your husband’s lips, “But I love watching you try and protect Gale’s soft heart.” 
Astarion shakes his head at you with a belabored sigh, “Parenting is impossible.” 
“Perhaps… but we’ve done other impossible things, haven’t we, my love?” You whisper, and the twins roll in your stomach, signaling their assent.
Astarion sighs again and nods, bringing his hand to rest upon the swell of your abdomen. He smiles as he feels the movement of the two little ones within. 
“Sometimes I think you just manage to convince me anything is possible, little love. And I’m so foolishly enamored with you that I’ll believe anything you say.” The elf says through a lopsided, exhausted grin.  
“And apparently I’ll do anything you say, like moonlighting as a farmer and digging a damn grave for a dog,” He continues, his nose wrinkling in displeasure, “You’re lucky you’re cute, darling.” 
You chuckle; the phrase reminds you of the times before Astarion so willingly told you he loved you, back when the two of you had no idea what you were doing.
In many ways, the two of you still don’t have a clue.
But you have each other. And just like every time before, you would figure it out. Together.
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scarlet-ancunin · 5 months
Okay what about Jealous / insecure Astarion 🥺❤️
A/N: ooh i know the perfect part of the game to use for this. so there will be spoilers for this story but if you dont care about reading spoilers like myself enjoy darlings~
I Was Being Foolish~
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It was after they reached Baldur's Gate Astarion was walking close to you while you walked past another store selling goods you didn't need. You had just finished declining the reward given to you in Sharess' Caress for your job well done.
You recall how distant and uncomfortable he was at first 'sorry pet, i just dont feel comfortable doing this yet' you felt bad for even thinking of doing it so you quickly told him you wouldn't let him do something he felt uncomfortable doing. His reaction made you smile 'ugh dont be so nice to me it makes me want to be nice back' he respond looking away. It made you have butterflies in your stomach.
You, Astarion, Halsin and Gale was walking towards the Elfsong to make lodgings there but due to your inability to leave things thay catch your eye alone you ended up getting side tracked by going to the beach following clues to another murder you found out about. And because you was nosey.
You ended returning back to camp with a guilty look "sorry guys i promise i will get us a nice bed tomorrow"
At the camp after planning out the next days events going to the Elfsong being the first stop then everything else that follows which everyone agrees to you decided this time you would take Astarion, Shadowheart and Karlach with you this time to give Halsin and Gale a break which they appreciated.
But as you was walking back to your tent which looked alot like Astarion's but who's really paying attention, you notice Halsin look at you as if he wanted to talk.
You wave slightly and he springs into the conversation "its because of you im able to see clearly now, and i thank you for it" he starts off smiling down at you "your Welcome Halsin" you commented only to hear him start to change his tone a bit not in a bad way but a way of....was you hearing that correctly? He wanted to sleep with you?
"You know im woth Astarion right?" Halsin nods "if he allows this to happen and maybe im hoping for his future participation. But first ask Astarion" you wasn't sure if your face was red but it certainly felt like it.
You turned and walked towards Astarion almost on auto pilot and he looked up from his book arching a brow with those lovely lips pulled to a half smile. "What troubles you my love"
"Astarion you won't believe the conversation i had with Halsin-" you startle slightly when Astarion burst out laughing "i was wondering when you was going to ask me about this"
"How can you tell?" You asked Astarion bends forward slightly "I guessed. The man can't stay quiet about "enjoying the freedom of natures gifts" " he snickers "i bet he outlaw clothing if he could" he waves a dismissive hand looking at you.
"I wouldn't have considered it, if it bothered you" you said truthfully. Halsin was the kind of man and body type that did make you curious to try, but you are staying strong with Astarion and always wanted to know his thoughts on it. And you study his reaction strongly.
"Im happy for you to have as much Halsin as you wish- but i do have one question though, its not because we haven't, you know in a while is it?" His voice was calm and Collected but you can hear the vulnerability in it as well the Insecurities that was bubbling to the surface. "Love what i have with you is wholly different and special to me" Astarion gave you a timid smile "Aww, i know i was being foolish, but thank you for saying it"
The conversation was reeling in your head as you walked back to Halsin who looked hopeful but you recall as you turned and walked away how Astarion's adorable ears twitched lightly and you could have sworn it lowered slgihtly as he went in his tent.
"Im staying strong with Astarion, i love him and i don't want to lose anything we have because of any carnal lust. Im sorry Halsin" he nods his head respectfully "its alright i don't wish to ruin your relationship. But im glad i tried rather then let it bother me and never tell"
With that you went back to Astarion's tent he was struggling to trance and you had a feeling it was probably your fault so you slip inside and close the tent for privacy and slowly wrap your arms around him securely. "I love you Astarion never forget that"
You felt the tension when you touched him slowly release and a soft sigh "i love you to darling and i will never forget it" you felt one of his arms wrap around you and both of you fell into a fitful sleep / trance.
No you wouldn't trade this for anything.
A/n: well i hope you all like this, stay beautiful darlings. I can hear half of this while writing it lol
Request are open ye
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aizawas-dryeye · 4 months
🍉!!please read if ur curious about more ways to help those in gaza!!🍉
im taking inspiration from mutuals and those i follow to participate in @ficsforgaza please go follow them and read more about their organization and PLEASE spread it
ill be doing the wip sponsorship AND taking requests, all u have to do is send me a screenshot proving u donated to any fundraiser supporting the palestinian people (not directly to me) and make sure to let me know which wip to add to, or whatever request u may have
for every US dollar, ill write 100(ish) words, and cap it off at 1000-2000 words
theres WAY more information on ficsforgaza’s blog so please please follow them to stay up to date on gaza
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honey don’t feed me i will come back (astarion)**
tags: smut, reader has a vagina but no pronouns, dom!astarion, blood drinking, biting, penetrative sex, dirty talk, name calling (dear, darling, love, pet, sweet)
summary: astarion invites (begs) you to come to his tent for a little fun
untitled (astarion)**
tags: ascended!astarion, mean!astarion, yandere!astarion, gn!reader, vampire!reader, biting, blood drinking, ANGST BITCH LIKE WOW, unrequited love, smut, name calling (love, whelp, darling, bitch), degradation
summary: your fate is simple: to be utterly possessed, controlled, and used by your reborn lover
eden (halsin)**
tags: gn!reader, mating season, abo adjacent, ruts, knotting, vague description of genitals, loss of virginity, penetrative sex, so much cum, size difference, halsin big, possessiveness, breeding
summary: losing your virginity to halsin
break me, bite me (toji fushiguro)^^
tags: DEAD DOVE, reader has a vagina but no pronouns mentioned, noncon/rape, knotting, lowkey hunting, blood, bunny!reader, wolf!toji, he hits u like once, size kink, dirty talk
summary: being lost in the woods is dangerous business, especially for such a tiny bunny. let the hunt begin
nursing on a poison (leon kennedy)**
tags: reader has a vagina but no pronouns mentioned, vendetta!leon, erectile dysfunction, lowkey mediocre sex, riding, masturbation (p and v), pls he is so annoying and awful, toxic!leon, he thinks about smacking you, hair pulling, sadism, alcoholism
summary: whiskey dick is a real thing and leon is proof, annoyingly so
mirror mirror (shouta aizawa)**
tags: reader has a vagina but no pronouns mentioned, fingering, dirty talk, mirrors, pet names (baby, honey) teasing, no sex
summary: you made the mistake of insulting yourself in front of your boyfriend
lipstick lullaby (gojo satoru)**
tags: f!reader, sub!gojo, sleepy sex, slight somnophilia but not really, desperate bby gojo, "just the tip", unprotected sex, pet names (baby, babe, good girl), m mommy kink
summary: gojo is spoiled beyond words, but you’re to blame. you just can’t say no to your baby
glint (leon kennedy)^^
tags: DEAD DOVE, noncon/rape, mentions of child abuse, good ol catholic guilt (i was raised baptist so please be patient lmao), he covers ur head with a pillow, crying
summary: pt 2 of shiny
stuck on a little hot mess (nanami kento)**
tags: reader has a vagina but no pronouns, drinking, cheating, nanami is married with kids lmao, could be considered dubcon bc hes ur boss and also alcohol, age gap, blowjob, he calls u kid, GUILT, reader is a bitch, he fucks u in the guest bedroom
summary: nanami swears you were sent by the devil himself
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i dont have many rules for requesting fics but my hard no’s are:
• scat
• feeding
• pregnancy (does not include breeding)
• minor aged characters
• graphic gore/death
i also write for several fandoms such as:
• resident evil (pretty much only leon oof)
• jujutsu kaisen
• baldurs gate 3
• haikyuu
• my hero academia
• attack on titan
• marvel
• supernatural
• the umbrella academy
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again please go to @ficsforgaza to learn more and consider donating if u can and ill write pretty much whatever u want! it doesnt just have to be x reader either, i also do ships! (excluding leon)
thank u so much for reading all this
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bhaalbaaby · 1 year
random headcanons because im bored working and been thinking about parenting since im now indoctrinated
listing in best to worst parent lol
karlach - im probably biased but i think if she could have a child to take care of, she would be the best mom. she's would want the best for them and protect them from any dangers. she's also like childish enough that she could relate to them in a more human way than like some parents iykyk lol most of her stories start with a "do not attempt this." if her kid is into sports, she's at all the games, practices, scrimmages. the coaches call her their co-coach.
gale - i feel like he'd be that dad that like has great snacks but if you talk to him for a little bit, he starts telling you about random facts he knows. he has beekeeper vibes. i also think he would be in the PTA and at every meeting, field trips, especially to the museum. he can be overbearing but he means well
wyll - i feel like i should have put wyll higher. i think he would be a great dad and is very caring and understanding, but i think he would need to work on his demons (ha ha) first before he can be committed to that. if he is free from it, he would be the best dad. he would want to be the dad he wished he had tbh. always there and present and full of love ;-;
halsin - i think he'd be pretty good. he cares a lot. but i also feel like he'd be distant if he's on a project so to speak. he would make sure his kid is taken care of and loved on for sure. i think he would also have the best stories and go on nature walks all the time. he'd make sure his kid is always staying green and recites their 3 r's lol
shadowheart - i think she'd be a waspy mom tbh. controversial ikik, but i really think she would be a waspy crunchy mom lol i do think she would be chill as her kid got older and not so protective considering her past, but just like in the game, you're gonna have to work on that. she's like the mom you found out dated a rockstar when she was younger and she's like oh yeah w/e and never talks about it again lol
lae'zel - lol she would not want to be a mom tbh. maybe a cool aunt, but i think as a mom if she's not softened, she would be a hard one ;-; rigor and perfection at all times. i think if she is softened, she'd be more understanding, but still would require the best. she is lower because she would not even think to put herself in a position to be a caretaker of a child which ya know what good for her lol
astarion - two minds of this. evil astarion would love it for the wrong reasons. he would be setting his child to be his next in line and would require perfection like lae'zel but to the extreme. good astarion would not want the responsibility because it is a lot. he'd be worried that he's gonna mess up the kid somehow and wouldn't believe he could do it. but i think as long as he has a good village he could be an okay dad lol best dressed dad. he's not going on field trips, he's not participating in PTA lol but he will go to performances and recitals.
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fandomchokehold · 8 months
Musical Songs I Think The Boys™ Would Do a Burlesque Number To
*obviously these are only ones I've listened to, I wasn't a theater kid and don't really know much about plays and musicals, please don't be weird or mean in the notes 😭 and YES as a huge ABBA fan I know all the songs in Mamma Mia are just ABBA songs*
also this is way longer than I intended so there's more under the cut
Astarion - "Sweet Transvestite" from Rocky Horror Picture Show
this one is pretty obvious and expected but like !!! yeah !!! that's just him !!! he'd do the full routine, coming up in the elevator, throwing the cloak off to reveal the slutty lil outfit he has on underneath, throwing his drink at the audience while Gale Brad is talking, lounging on the throne, and then leaving mysteriously in the elevator OH BABY !!!
Wyll - "Land of Lola" from Kinky Boots
he would absolutely slay this routine, the lyrics are practically about him - "with arms as hard as steel" "with the moves of Fred Astaire" "I'm black jesus, I'm black mary, but this mary's legs are hairy" ??? I need this man to absolutely let loose and I NEED to see him in those cunty thigh high boots 👏 RED 👏 IS 👏 HIS 👏 COLOR !!!!
Gale - "Toucha Toucha Touch Me" from Rocky Horror Picture Show
I honestly just think he'd be really good at playing the part of the "innocent shy reserved man who does a complete 180 after being exposed to pure unbridled sexuality"; we all know he's not actually like that it's fully an act because he knows he has the looks of a tired english professor but the soul of a whore I just- you don't know how badly I need to see him doing a slightly desperate unhinged strip tease on stage on a garrish four poster bed OKAY ?!?!
Halsin - "Toxic Love" from Ferngully
I need him in his pretend villain era, I think he'd be cartoony like if he's gonna work a stage he's gonna werk a stage m'kay; he is actually using this performance to raise awareness about the climate crisis and donate the money he makes towards more accessible clean energy and environmental conservation efforts and would love to provide more info and resources while still in his g-string to all interested parties in the lobby of the venue
Astarion & Gale - "Planet Schmanet Janet" from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Astarion as Dr. Frank N. Furter, Gale as Janet; we all know this is a trademark Astarion ruse to get to chase a scantily clad Gale around menacingly and torment him in front of an audience, I mean c'mon who wouldn't want to do that 👀
Astarion & Wyll - "Does Your Mother Know?" from Mamma Mia
Astarion as Tanya, Wyll as Pepper (I had to look that up apparently his name is Pepper); I feel like Astarion would identify with Tanya on a spiritual level, they're both wine aunt cougars who love luxury, and after seeing that Wyllstarion interaction where they flirtatiously talk about their age gap this song just really is about them huh
Astarion & Halsin - "I Can Make You a Man" + "I Can Make You a Man (Reprise)" from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Astarion as Dr. Frank N. Furter, Halsin as Rocky; tbh this is just so Astarion can show off the "bounty of nature's gifts" that have been bestowed upon him and Halsin just finds how this twink is climbing him and swinging on his outstretched arm like a jungle gym too amusing to not participate
Gale & Wyll - "Horny Angry Tango" from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
either of them in either role; this is purely for the theatrics and to show off their actual ballroom dance skills, Gale is going to be the one getting dipped though
Gale & Halsin - "La Seine" from A Monster In Paris
Gale as Lucille, Halsin as Francoeur; I can't lie it's purely for the height difference that's totally canon and I didn't make up in my head, the contrast between Gale "Lil 5'8" Wizard" Dekarios and Halsin "The 6'5" Bear" Silverbough is just *chef kiss* 👌
Wyll & Halsin - "Lay All Your Love On Me" from Mamma Mia
either of them in either role; they're lowkey almost fucking on stage, Wyll chose it for the drama and Halsin went along for the overtly sexual choreography
Group Numbers
"Lady Marmalade" from Moulin Rouge
Astarion's favorite and Halsin's least favorite for the same reason: it's extremely flashy and dramatic
"Rose Tint My World" which transitions into "Don't Dream It" from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Astarion as Janet for "RTMW" but Frank for "DDI", Wyll as Columbia, Halsin as Rocky, Gale as Brad, with special guest Elminster as Dr. Scott during "Don't Dream It"
"Haus of Holbein" from SIX
tbh I don't have an explanation for this one I've really only listened to the corsets part and think it's kinda cunt, idk they'd all slay in corsets
"Big Spender" from Sweet Charity
ok just imagine any of them doing Fosse choreography
"Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)" from Mamma Mia
ok just imagine there's stripper poles-
"Cell Block Tango" from Chicago
with special guests Minsc and Volo; no one knows how they got here, Minsc is a bit too uncoordinated but he's got the spirit and Volo was recording everything from the audience for research purposes but saw they were short a character and thought to himself "what better way to learn than through participation?"
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tumbleweed-run · 1 year
The Reluctant Bride pt 2
(18+, explicit) Kinktober 2023 Day 6: Dub Con
Part One
Part Two
Astarion stood straighter, offense etched into his face. “I understand I don’t have the appeal of Tav but I thought-”
“That’s not what I meant,” Gale interrupted shaking his head. He had to pause and lean against the wall as the movement brought on a wave of dizziness. 
“I’m so sorry,” Tav sounded stricken. 
“It’s not your doing, darling,” Astarion threw over his shoulder but his eyes were still pinned to Gale. 
Gale sighed, heavily, the reality of the moment and its consequences crashed down on him. “I meant,” he began again, pinching the bridge of his nose, “that this isn’t how I wanted… this.”
And that was that. 
It wasn’t some statement of desperation, a lie pulled from his lips in a moment of panic. No, he wanted Astarion. He’d thought numerous times, especially in the last month, of how they’d bring their odd dynamic full circle. He’d never been sure of just how truthful Astarion’s flirtations were and wanted to be sure the vampire wouldn’t agree to it just to please Tav. Gale needed to be sure, for both their sakes, that they both wanted this. 
Truthfully, his odd attraction to Astarion had begun long before they culled the goblin camp. 
When Gale was finally brave enough to reopen his eyes, he found Astarion staring at him. His face was closed, mask that had been endearingly absent the last few weeks, back in place. Gale felt his stomach sink, perhaps he’d misread the situation all along. 
His eyes dropped to the floor because it didn’t matter. Astarion was right, if this was the only answer to their predicament, they would have to go through with it. The curse didn’t care whether either of them was a willing participant. In fact, judging by the name, that was the exact point. 
Astarion reached out and grabbed Gale’s arm. Gale stared at the point of contact. Without the fabric between the touch was both a balm and a stimulant. It felt almost as if his fever had begun breaking instantly. 
“It’s not,” Astarion began, drawing Gale’s eyes up to his face, “how I’d wanted things to happen either.”
Gale’s eyes roved over Astarion’s face, searching for an indication as to what he meant. He realized quickly that he was just going to have to ask. “I need you to be more specific.”
Astarion clicked his tongue and sighed. “I mean I would have been willing to try this,” he waved his hand wildly, “long ago. But seeing as you near exploded Halsin just for suggestion something similar, what hope did I have? But now that seems a bit out of our hands.”
Gale attempted to process this new information, his fever sluggish brain making it difficult. “So this, if we do this-”
“We are.”
“If we do this,” Gale repeated, “I’m not… you won’t be hurt?”
For a brief second Astarion’s eyes sparkled, remnants of his flirtatious nature clawing its way to the surface. But just as quickly as it was there, Gale watched it transform into something more earnest. 
“I can’t say I’m entirely thrilled given the ‘do it or die’ nature but,” Astarion said, “I guess this is certainly one way to get passed the awkward stage.”
Gale nodded, finally accepting their situation. When he glanced passed Astarion’s should he saw Tav watching them both, eyes wide. She was chewing on her lip. When her eye caught his, she smiled. It was a tired but hopeful thing and went a long way to buoy Gale’s spirits. 
He turned his attention back to Astarion. “How should we… continue?” He asked not liking how unsure he still sounded.
“Well, first things, I think we should lose this,” with that Astarion plucked the towel from around Gale’s waist, letting it crumple to the floor. 
It was truly a sign of how badly this curse was affecting him that Gale didn’t protest his sudden nakedness. 
“Then,” Astarion continued, “I think perhaps you should go and sit back on the bed and allow me to help with that.” He looked down very pointedly at Gale’s erection which hadn’t flagged in the least despite having had no attention paid to it for some time. 
He looked hungry in a way that had Gale briefly wondering if he would leave this night with all his blood intact. 
He cleared his throat. “Are you sure? I mean we don’t know if that will work and beside how will you… I mean I can also, I have, but…” Gale allowed himself to trail off as he realized he had no real end to his ramblings. 
Astarion raised an eyebrow at that revelation. “Are you saying you wish to just get to fucking me?” He challenged. 
Gale sagged against the wall again and dropped his head. “Actually it might be best the other way,” he admitted. 
“And why is that?” Astarion sounded unnervingly interested. 
Gale cleared his throat raising his head to risk a glance at Astarion before looking away again. “We tried…” he trailed off unable to finish. He wasn’t ashamed or really bother, but it was an odd thing to talk about with someone who hadn’t been involved. 
“Oh,” Astarion’s voiced pitched up and he was beginning to sound delighted. “Your fingers or a toy?” That question was thrown backward at Tav. 
“My fingers,” she answered quickly. 
“Aren’t you full of surprises,” Astarion drawled before grasping Gale’s chin, forcing him to look at him, “but my fingers and my cock are larger than anything she’s stuck in you. So while I’m not opposed, I need to make sure we won’t cause you any undue harm.”
Gale attempted to nod. 
“The easiest way to do that, and allow us to build an allusion that this is at all consensual, is if I do that while you are distracted,” the last word positively dripped from the vampire’s mouth. 
Gale swallowed harshly at the visuals being provided for him. He was beginning to realize the effects of Astarion’s words were not entirely to blame on the curse. 
“Gale,” Tav called. She’d shifted so she was sitting in the center of the bed, gesturing for him to come join her. 
Gale slid away from Astarion and went to the bed. Before sitting, he leaned over and kissed Tav who returned it enthusiastically despite how swollen her lips were. When he did sit he found that Astarion had pulled off his shirt and had made his way back across the room. 
“Lay back in her lap,” Astarion directed him. 
It’d been less than a minutes since they’d touched and Gale was already feeling the consequences. His head had begun spinning again, just enough that he was willing to follow Astarion’s demands without argument. As he laid back the top of his head brushed against something cool and wet. The guilt reared its head again when he realized it was the rag he’d given Tav in the hopes of calming some of the pain she’d surely been feeling. 
“I’m sorry,” he told her shifting until he was comfortable. 
Tav shook her head, hair falling loose about her shoulders. “Don’t be,” she insisted, “this is my fault.”
Gale reached up and took her chin in his hand, making sure she was looking at him. “This isn’t your fault,” he told her, “I was wrong to try and blame you.”
Tav’s eyes searched his and then she nodded, Gale could tell though, that her burden hadn’t lifted entirely. 
“We can assign blame later,” Astarion spoke up now, standing between Gale’s legs.
Gale looked up at him but whatever he meant to say died on his lips as Astarion gently rested one hand on his leg. The wave of relief was almost instant and Gale found he was irritated at it. 
With an alarming amount of grace given the predicament they were in, Astarion sunk to his knees. Gale tried to follow him down but the position became to awkward to track. Instead he rested his head back again into Tav’s lap, one of her hands coming up automatically to stroke his hair back from his face. 
He moaned when Astarion gripped his cock. The other man stroked him a few times and then without much prelude pulled Gale into his mouth. 
“Fuck,” Gale moaned as his cock almost immediately butted against the back of Astarion’s throat. 
Astarion was unlawfully skilled as he sucked Gale down. The lack of need for oxygen translated to no breaks or moments for Gale to catch his breath. He truly had to focus to keep his hips from bucking up into the vampire’s mouth. He wanted to, so badly it was bordering on delirium.
As if sensing this Astarion pulled off and stood again. Leaning over him Astarion maintained a grip on his thigh in order to keep the contact. 
“Before you forget how to speak,” he waved his fingers in front of Gale’s face. 
Gale muttered the spell to coat Astarion’s fingers in oil. Well it had been intended to be just in fingers but he was too tired, too done to truly focus and enough appeared that some of it dripped onto his chest. 
Gale did not miss the glance Astarion snuck up at Tav, something passing between them that he was also too tired to try and decipher. 
“There’s oil in the dresser,” Tav said softly, fingers carding through Gale’s hair even though she was speaking to Astarion, “if you need more.”
Astarion gave a short nod before disappearing from Gale’s vision once more. 
No warning this time when Astarion’s mouth found him. Gale’s hips bucked upwards, unable to maintain his composure any longer. 
Astarion’s forearm braced across his hips then and all but pinned him down to the bed. 
Gale almost didn’t notice the finger as it pressed into him, mind preoccupied with the pleasure he was receiving. Dimly though he realized Astarion was right, Tav’s fingers were decidedly smaller. 
As Astarion worked his finger inside, expertly finding the spot that left Gale shouting, he continued drawing his cock into his mouth. He was drinking Gale down as if trying to swallow all of it. Gale was certain he was down the other man’s throat and the thought left him moaning, feet desperately trying to find purchase. Astarion held him fast, not allowing Gale to get any leverage. 
Above Gale, Tav was hushing him, or perhaps that was the sound of his blood swiftly vacating his brain. He couldn’t be sure any longer. 
Astarion had breeched him with two fingers now, pistoning them in and out of Gale. Each time making contact until Gael’s vision was devolving into spots of stars. 
He desperately hoped he’d come like this. If he did, he would be more than willing to get on his knees for Astarion. His hopes seemed to be for naught though. It didn’t matter how close he felt he was, there seemed to be just something out of reach keeping him from tipping over. 
In the last coherent vestiges of his brain Gale began to panic, wondering if this wasn’t the solution. Worried that even if they fucked there would be no release and he would die this way. 
“Gale,” Astarion snapped pulling his mouth off of him, “you’ve got to relax.”
“Shhh,” Tav urged him leading Gale to realize he was near hyperventilating. “It’ll be okay,” she soothed running a hand down the side of his face, “we’ve got you.”
Astarion’s fingers pulled out of him and Gale would later deny the whimper that was ripped from him. 
“I’m going to fuck you now,” Astarion announced, once more leaning over him, eyes desperately trying to catch on to his. “I worry if we let this go any longer you might have a stroke,” Gale could no longer tell if that was hyperbole or the truth. 
Both Astarion and Tav shifted him backward just a little until he was able to brace his feet at the edge of the bed. Then there was a brief loss of contact as Astarion worked his trousers off and Gale burned so hot Tav’s hand felt like ice on his skin. 
Astarion crawled up onto the bed between Gale’s planted feet. With little warning, he began pressing into Gale. If it hurt he couldn’t tell, the wave of relief, of calm overrode any other sensation he might have been feeling. 
“Shit,” Astarion panted above him, clearly just as affected by the sensation as Gale. 
Astarion doubled over as he began thrusting in and out of him. His hands coming to rest on either side of Gale’s arms, head hanging down so his face was lost to him. When one particular thrust slammed into that spot again Gale’s back bowed up off the bed and he gripped Astarion’s arms trying to pull him impossibly closer. 
A few more thrusts and Astarion all but dropped onto Gale’s chest. One hand hooked around behind Gale’s thigh, attempting to find leverage again. His cock was now trapped between them, rutting against Astarion’s stomach with each thrust. 
There were teeth at his throat, specifically fangs. Gale arched his neck on instinct rather than some desire to be bitten, but Astarion took the motion as permission and bit. 
The pain was sharp as it pushed him over the edge.
Gale cried out, back once again arching, as he came coating both of their chests in his spend. His arms shifted their hold, body moving again on instinct, and all but trapped Astarion against him. The vampire groaned, a wet sound, as he drank and Gale could feel his cock pulsing inside of him. Astarion’s hips were still save for small shudders as he spilled inside of Gale. Still drinking all the while. 
Gale was only vaguely aware of Tav’s voice and then Astarion’s mouth leaving his neck. The removal of his fangs worse than the insertion.
The next time he blinked he realized Astarion had slipped out of him, but hadn’t managed to go far. Gale allowed his arms to drop, effectively freeing him, but Astarion stayed laying against his chest. It was then that he became vaguely aware that room seemed to be returning to a normal temperature and his heart was slowly working down to a more livable rhythm.
They remained that way, Tav’s hands gently carding through both of their hair, until the sticky feeling on Gale’s chest became uncomfortable. Only then did Astarion push off of Gale complete, dropping onto the bed next to him. When Gale was finally able to shift he saw a strange dazed look on the vampire’s face. 
He reached out a hand and gently touched Astarion’s cheek. Astarion started, eyes darting immediately up to his. 
“I’m sorry,” was what fell out of Gale’s mouth instead of any of the number of things that he had considered saying.
Astarion shook his head, not managing to dislodge Gale’s hand entirely. “You no longer taste like bile,” he said, deflecting. 
For now, Gale was left with nothing to do but allow it. 
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pumpkinpot · 3 months
BG3 X farmers market booths
farmers market season is upon us and I am an avid faire/con/market goer. I loved the entire side quest in BG3 involving the traveling circus, and it got me thinking.... What kind of booth or show would each of the bg3 companions have?
There is only a few ways I could see the troupe actually agreeing to participate one is they are really low on funds and the other is an investigation. either works for these ideas.
Roland: He mentions that he has a big interest in making magical education more accessible to the masses so I feel that that would be a bit part of his booth. you know those booths at farmers markets that all sell secondhand books on rolling carts? I feel like that's the vibe. He has posters for magical workshops being hosted at Razmith and cozy chairs for people to sit around under and umbrella and read for a while.
Karalach/ Dammon: they decided to put their skills together and forge artisanal cloak pins and other fineries. its really helpful having someone who can heat the metals so quickly so dammon can craft quicker. Its not long that they have to eventually raise their prices because everyone at the faire wants one of their hair pins or spoon rings.
Astarion/ Scratch: He was offered a place in the kissing booth that he immediately turned down. Of course, his alternative idea was a blood drive. cheeky bastard. in the end he settled for animal handler. Believe it or not, once he no longer had to rely on animals as his food source he found he was quite good with them. He got the idea from constantly having to repair scratches ball, so he decided, with some help from Halsin, to make toys that cannot be destroyed no matter how tuff your pet. He also sells bandanas with tracking spells woven into them and treats that let your dog speak for an hour or two. Him and scratch make an adorable team, people commenting consistently on their matching hair and bandanas. He sells the most of anyone at the fair, followed closely by Halsin.
Halsin: Mans forgot that yall are here to make money. He decided make a booth for pollination education. He has a lepidopterarium for people who want to hold butterflies while he tells them the importance of local wildflowers. Everyone that visits the booth gets a seed bomb. when he was told he actually needed to sell something he settled on honey he harvested. He has to ask you what people mean when they say he's of "beekeeping age," and what "forest daddy" means.
Gale: Idk where this came from really, but I feel like he has a candle booth. but enchanted candles. hear me out. "this candle smells like the first warm day of the year, when the sun touches your skin for the first time in months," o, "this candles you can poor on your skin to heal a pulled muscle or burn," or "this candle influences your dreams and takes you where you want to go."
Blurg/Omeluum: Naturally, they have a mushroom booth. But not just mushrooms. Burg took one culinary class and decided he needed to open a food truck, but everything was mushrooms. fried mushroom poppers, mushroom tacos, balsamic mushroom skewers.. Omeluum is just happy to be able to be in public now with its partner.
My Tav (October): The plan to have a spider booth was shot down pretty quickly, so there needed to be a compromise. October decided to have a crochet booth with tons of different projects like blankets, stuffed animals, cowls etc. but they were all made by spiders. Pino was the only one present for the market and a few people wanted to hold her, though most moved along upon hearing the labour practices of Octs products.
Authors Note: I would love to write a second part to this, I just don't have the spoons at this moment. If you have anything else you'd like to see let me know!
Link to Master list (I do not have a gaming masterlist yet. Hopefully more to come!)
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fiendsandfangs · 2 months
Fiends & Fangs Fanwork Exchange Nominations Open August 3rd!
Fiends and Fangs! Friends and Fans!
We are less than a week away from kicking off the exchange with the start of the nominations period!
Before we define what nominations are, let’s clarify who can participate in this party. Anyone may submit nominations, even if you don't plan to sign up for the exchange itself! Similarly, you don't have to submit nominations in order to sign up for the exchange—though it's a good idea to submit nominations to ensure your faves make it into the tag set!
So, what are nominations, or "noms"?
As a refresher, in a fanwork exchange, if you sign up, you'll get to pick which character pairings you're open to receiving fanworks for, as well as those you're open to creating fanworks for. Want to request a slow burn Astarion/Halsin fic or an explicit Venom/Elias Ainsworth/Goliath fanart? How about a SFW fluffy one shot about Dragonborn Durge & Scratch? Don't plan on doing the exchange, but you'd love to possibly see a fanwork created for your faves?
That's what nominations are for! If you want to see those relationships as options in the exchange, they'll need to be part of the exchange tag set—even if the relationships already exist on Ao3 at large.
What's a tag set? 
The tag set is the pool of relationships from which participants can request and offer to create fanworks for. And we get to build that pool!
As a reminder, at least one character must be a type of monster/non-human entity as described in our FAQ:
an entity who is undead or living, and, if living, possesses, permanently or temporarily, in whole or in part, characteristics and appearance that are distinctly and unmistakably non-human (as opposed to "superhuman"), acquired by natural, supernatural, or other means.
This includes, but is by no means limited to, the following: zombies, angels, vampires, aliens, werewolves, changelings, tieflings, mythical non-human creatures or constructs—basically, if it's a non-human entity, it counts, even if you wouldn't typically refer to, say, an elf or an angel as a "monster". (While elves are a bit of a stretch, they do technically meet the criteria.) Mages, wizards, gods/goddesses, and superheroes do not count unless they are also unmistakably non-human.
If you have questions about nominations or any other aspect of the exchange, feel free to message @diaphanouso @dispatchwithlove @kalliesa.
So, dust off that monsterfucker permit and start plotting 😈What characters/relationships do you want to see in the exchange? Tell us in the tags!
Frequently Asked Questions About Nominations
The following can also be found in our FAQ, under "1. Nominations".
What kind of relationships can I nominate?
Monster/monster, monster/human, gen, romantic, polyamorous, and multi-character relationships are all allowed and encouraged (for brevity, we will use the word "pairing" to refer to both relationships involving two characters and those involving three or more characters).
In gen pairings (non-sexual, non-romantic), the character names are separated by "&", while romantic pairings use " / " to separate the character names.
Each pairing must consist of at least one monster character. That monster character must also canonically be a monster, or have the option/possibility in canon to become a monster. For example, a werewolf version of Gale from Baldur's Gate 3 paired with a human Tav would be rejected, because Gale, as far as we know, isn't canonically a werewolf. If, however, you threw Astarion into the mix, then "Astarion/Tav/Gale" would be accepted.
You're still free to make Gale a werewolf as Astarion would be fulfilling the "canonical monster" element of the pairing by virtue of his vampirism and elvishness. 
Can I nominate original characters, including original monster characters?
Yes to either! For an original monster, just enter "Original [type of monster] Character(s)" in the 'Relationships' field on your nomination form. That said, while original characters are permitted and encouraged, as this is a fanwork exchange, the work must at least be set within an existing fandom. 
Can I nominate my player character OC?
Yep! For a player character such as Commander Shepard, for example, you'd nominate the male, female, or nonbinary Shepard for the tag set, then during the sign-up period, specify in your request that you'd like your OC Shepard to be included in your gift, and provide information about your OC to help your gifter. But be aware that your gifter is not required to use your OC in the work. 
How do I nominate an original or non-canonically trans/nonbinary character?
To nominate a character who is an original character or not canonically trans, include their gender in the tag, then during the sign-up period, specify in your request that the character is trans. You'd do the same with an original or non-canonically nonbinary character, except you'd include "nonbinary" in the tag. 
What order should the names go in when making nominations?
Please nominate relationships alphabetically by last name, or first name if no last name is available.
Can I nominate crossover pairings?
Yes! In your nomination form, you'll pick a fandom of one of the characters (doesn't matter which), and for the other character(s), simply add their fandom after their name in parentheses. Example: to nominate Elias Ainsworth and Shadowheart, you'd choose one of their fandoms (we'll go with Elias' for this example), then in the 'Relationships' field, you'd enter their names like so:
Elias Ainsworth/Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate)
Do I have to nominate pairings to participate in the exchange? And if I nominate pairings, am I required to sign up?
Nope and nope! Nominating relationships doesn't obligate you to participate, nor are you required to nominate in order to sign up. That said, if you're planning to sign up, we strongly recommend nominating the relationships you'd like to see available in the exchange.
Where can I see what's been nominated and requested?
During nominations: To see what's been nominated, go to Fiends & Fangs Fanwork Exchange Tag Set 2024).
During sign-ups: To see what's been requested, on the collection page (the page you're on right now), navigate to the left sidebar and click on 'Requests Summary'.
Are all nominations accepted?
The mods will approve nominations only if they meet the requirements as outlined above. If your nomination is rejected, we'll do our best to contact you, either to let you know a nomination has been rejected and why, or to seek clarification on a nomination. Here are some reasons a nomination might be rejected:
You've nominated a pairing with no monster as defined above, e.g., you nominated Darth Vader/Original Male Human Character.
We've already reached out to you but received no response by the end of the nomination period.
The pairing is a duplicate of another pairing already in the tag set, e.g., you nominated "Original Cenobite Character/Edward Scissorhands", but someone else has already added "Edward Scissorhands/Original Cenobite Character".
I love so many monsters! But I've used up all my nominations—is there any way I can nominate more?
If you're out of nominations and wish to nominate more relationships, you can message us through Tumblr or Discord and we'll get you sorted. You can also post in the Discord—someone who hasn't used all their nominations may be willing to enter your pairings for you.
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Do you have any thoughts on Astarion and Halsin going from like, metamours who aren’t especially close to lovers because I think there is a lot of potential for something really sweet there lol idk
I read, and am just realizing did the worst thing by closing the tab before kudos and commenting, and INCREDIBLE smutty, smutty fanfic about the very moment this begins happening for Astarion and Halsin.Its by @vixstarria and Vix, please do feel free to link it here, Iv'e lost it heh. It has a named Drow fem Tav in the middle of a very delightful and explicit Halsin/Astarion sandwich.
That being said, here are my thoughts!
Astarion states that he is okay with Halsin because the druid is special. How so? Well, Wood Elves are polyamorous by nature and Astarion seems well aware of how they function, and knows that Halsin has 350 years of experience with consent and communication. So they start off on a very... almost professionally amiable standing with one another. Its very obvious that they havent gotten to know each other well or bonded at all by the time that Tav begins the Hinge dynamic, but they they very soon begin to be in each others space simply via both wanting to be near/with Tav.
Halsin is intuitive, smart, careful, considerate, compassionate. At first, Astarion is going to find this annoying to an eye rolling degree. However, he would be surprised that all of his teasing is met with eye-twinkling humor from Halsin
Any harsh remarks roll off the druid like water on a ducks back, and Astarion finds himself effectively de-fanged (at least verbally) in fairly short order. He also fails at any attempt to remove /himself/ in sassy ways, as Halsin pre-empts any outburst and bows out of situations in favor of letting Astarion in.
With nothing to rail against, Astarion is given the space to simply adjust. In canon, he states that he enjoys watching the PC and Halsin kiss, referring to it as a show. Eventually, I believe Halsin would ask /Tav/ about broaching the subject of including Astarion in their bedroom dynamics.
Said bedroom dynamics would begin completely separate. When tav is with Halsin, Astarion makes himself scarce. Same vice versa. This cannot go on forever, nor does Tav want it to. It is Tav, most likely, that shows some distress or discomfort about Halsin and Astarions dynamic, probably wanting to bed share, cuddle puddle, etc.
Halsin is the one to bridge the gap. He uses animal form to do so, removing any sexual undertones from the situation by wild shaping and placing himself respectfully on one side of Tav. It may be many weeks of this, but Astarion, Tav, and Halsin would begin to bed share in this manner.
during the day, Tav begins to share more overt physical affection with Halsin and Astarion while they are in each others company, and tries to leave Halsin and Astarion alone together more often as well. Halsin would make himself very physically available- oppen posture, standing close, warm eyes. He had always said "and some day, his participation", which mans he was always interested in including Astarion should the vampire wish it.
He would offer his blood to Astarion well before they share any sort of intimacy together. I believe Astarion would dance around the topic for a little while, but not long. The intimacy of being in Halsins lap would give them both the opportunity to figure out if theres a spark of compatibility between them, but it wouldnt become sexual.
One day, Tav initiates kisses/sensual touching with Astarion while Halsin is wild-shaped and in bed with them. Astarion would comment on it, Halsin would likely make an overt display of calm detachment. Hes going to be there unless asked to leave, but Tav wants him to stay, and Astarion allows it.
Halsin is internally screaming and very horny about it, but manages to stay still because he knows this is a tenuous situation.
Astarion ALWAYS acts like its not a big deal. Its Tav and Halsin that are more careful
I firmly believe their first kiss would be Halsin very "embarassingly" (in astarions opinion) asking directly for one. "May I kiss you?" this would be /after/ Astarion has boned Tav in front of him, or at least been fairly intimate. Astarion would also probably directly ask to watch Halsin and Tav together before this as well
Honestly... I think they would be alone when Halsin asks. I think he would express direct interest in turning it into a triangle and not a hinge, I think he would be very clear and soft and careful and Astarion would roll his eyes but the kiss would be... chaste. slow, soft. No wandering hands on Halsins part. Astarion breaks the intimacy by grabbing two fist fulls of his ass and squeezing.
I think it would take a lot longer than people may assume, it would be very gentle and sweet and require a lot of pre-navigation, but I do believe that should the Halsin/Tav/Astarion hinge continue post game, they would become a triad.
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mystique-6 · 4 months
Kinktober Day 10: Butt Stuff?(I refuse to use the name of the actual prompt as the title)
Summary: Astarion asks to try something very specific in the bedroom. Ailis agrees even though it makes her nervous.
Hello! My hyperfixation on Astarion has got me in the writing mood so I will be participating in Kinktober using @flightlessangelwings Kinktober list. The pieces may be part of a bigger fic(s). I have started the fic. If you like these pieces in this series, please consider checking out my main fic, This is Me Trying. (Can you tell I like Taylor Swift?) Either way, I hope you enjoy. I do plan on completing the 31 prompts though it will take me past October. I also have the fic posted on AO3.
Warning: Anyone under 18 do not interact. Please pay attention to the tag warnings below.
Tags: Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Lube, Enemas, Light Dom/Sub, Kissing/Gentle Kissing, Feelings Realization
Additional Notes: This fic involves Spawn Astarion and we are back to the sweet and soft version.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from BG3.
            Ailis went to pick up the crate of washed dishes when she felt her ass be groped.  She whirled around to give the person a piece of her mind and found Astarion smiling at her.  He was clearly trying to stifle a laugh.
            “Hello, darling,” he said and then kissed her on the cheek.  She felt her aggravation slip away, but she didn’t want to completely let him off the hook.       
            “There are nicer ways to greet me, you know,” she said tersely.
            “I disagree,” he replied.  “Any chance to touch your perfect behind must be taken.”
            “I didn’t know it was you,” she huffed.
            “I don’t think Wyll or Gale would be brave enough to try it,” Astarion said with a smirk.  “Halsin might, but you most certainly would have heard him coming.”
            “Hmm,” she hummed and bent to pick up the crate again.  Astarion beat her to it.
            “I’ll get that for you,” he said and began to lead them back towards the center of camp.
            “You’re going to help with a chore?” she said.
            “Well, I am helpful like that,” he replied and she laughed out loud.
            “What do you want, Astarion?” she asked.
            “Darling, I’m hurt!” he exclaimed, though his broad smile suggested otherwise.  “Why would you assume I’d only offer help if I want something?”
            “Maybe because I have to badger you to complete camp chores when it’s your turn,” she said.  “If you’re offering me any kind of aid, then you want something.  Spit it out, Astarion.  What do you want?”  He set the crate don and pulled her by the waist into a kiss.  She smiled against his lips and snuggled in closer to him, wrapping her arms tightly around his torso.  When he broke off the kiss, he brushed a strand of her hair off her face and stared into her eyes tenderly.
            “I want to try something new with you tonight.  I’m not sure if it’s something you’ve done before,” he said.  The first time he’d said that to her, she’d scoffed and insisted there wasn’t much she hadn’t tried.  She’d been rather adventurous in her youth.  Her confidence had proven to be hubris.  She’d realized quickly that Astarion had much more sexual experience than her and there was quite a lot she hadn’t tried before.  He never once made her feel bad for not knowing something and he was always patient with her if she had concerns.  So, the prospect of trying something new with him now intrigued her.
            “What do you have in mind?” she asked, her heart fluttered with excitement and anticipation.  Astarion smiled as he noticed it and brushed his thumbs across her cheeks as he cradled her head in his hands and kissed her forehead.  She smiled.  He really wanted whatever was on his mind.
            “Have you ever tried anal sex?” he asked, doing his best to sound casual, but he was clearly anxious asking her.  Considering her racing heart nearly came to a dead stop at the question, she supposed she understood why he sounded a little hesitant.  She shouldn’t be shocked he was asking.  He’d never outright asked her before, or even said he wanted anal sex, but he’d hinted at it with words and touches.  She knew Astarion wanted in her ass.  She’d have thought, as a vampire spawn, he’d be more of a neck guy.  And right now, she really wished he was.  She wasn’t sure how she felt regarding anal sex.  She didn’t think it was wrong or anything, but the concept of it made her nervous.  That’s why she’d skirted around his hints before.  She couldn’t do that now that he’d outright asked her and was waiting on an answer.
            “No,” she said, drawing out the word.  “I haven’t.”  Astarion nodded, even though she knew he’d expected that answer.
            “Are you interested in trying it?” he asked.  He had his arms wrapped around her waist, but not so tightly she couldn’t break free of his hold.  He was giving her the choice to stay close to him or take space if she needed it.  For that reason alone, she didn’t pull away and reached up with one hand to gently tug at a white curl resting above his forehead.
            “I’m guessing you are?” she said, avoiding the question.  He smirked.  He knew what she was doing.
            “I’ve had anal sex before, Ailis.  Giving and receiving.  You know this,” he said.  She nodded.  She knew.  “I would like to try it with you, but I’m not sure how you feel about it, other than that it clearly makes you nervous.  Are you at all interested?”  She squirmed and tried to think of a way to divert the conversation, but her mind stayed blank.  She glanced at his expectant gaze and sighed.
            “I’ve never considered it before,” she said.  He didn’t look surprised.
            “Are you willing to consider it now?” he asked softly, running a hand gently up and down her back, trying to ease her tension.  She hesitated.
            “Won’t it be painful?” she asked, thinking about where his dick would breach.  The anus wasn’t the vagina.  It wasn’t designed to have anything go up it.
            “There may be some pain,” he admitted, “but with proper prep it shouldn’t be unbearable.”  She pursed her lips as she thought about it.  “Ailis.”  She glanced back at his face.  “Do you really think I’d suggest something that would cause you tremendous pain?”  That questioned settled it for her.
            “No,” she said.  “I don’t.  All right.  We can try it.”  He smiled widely at her and pulled her in closer for a kiss.
            “Meet me at our spot in fifteen minutes,” he told her and then hurried off.  She smiled fondly at his retreating figure until her eyes landed on the crate of clean plates. 
            “What an asshole,” she sighed, and grabbed the crate and headed back to camp.
            Fifteen minutes later, Ailis stepped into the abandoned building of the Last Light Inn that she and Astarion had essentially made their hook up spot.  He was already there, pulling a clean sheet over the mattress.  She saw he had supplies ready on the bedside table.  The bottle of oil didn’t surprise her, but she didn’t know what to think at the sight of the 2-liter bag attached to a tube and nozzle.
            “Hello, darling,” Astarion greeted her as he approached.  He pulled her into a kiss.  “Ready?”
            “I guess.  I’m nervous,” she admitted.  He gave her a soft smile and kissed her forehead.
            “That’s understandable, but you’re with a professional,” he said.  “I’ll make this a good experience for you.”  She smiled and leaned into his chest as she wrapped her arms around him in a hug.  His own wrapped around her torso and he squeezed her tightly against him.  He kissed the crown of her head and they stayed that way for a moment, both enjoying the other’s presence.
            “Okay,” she said, pulling a way.  “Let’s get started.”  His lips quirked up in an amused smile.
            “All right,” he agreed and lifted the 2-liter bag of water up off the nightstand.  “Let’s get started on the prep work.  Do you know what this is?”  She was about to shake her head, but then paled as realization hit her. 
            “Is that an enema?” she asked appalled.  Astarion put down the enema bag on the bed.
            “It is,” he said evenly.  She could tell her was trying to keep her from freaking out, but also giving her space to have an honest reaction.  That was probably the only reason why she didn’t flee immediately.
            “Why do you have that?” she asked.
            “It’s part of the prep.  Anal sex can be messy.  Taking an enema first can fix that problem,” he explained.
            “So, you want me to…” She broke off.  She couldn’t finish that sentence.  “Is it really necessary?”
            “It is for me,” he said.  “I’ve had to deal with the mess before and it’s never been my choice.  I won’t do this without you taking the enema.”  His voice was firm, but he wasn’t arguing with her, or trying to be difficult.  He was just setting a boundary.  But his boundary was pushing at one of her own.
            “I…” She didn’t really know what to say.
            “Ailis, have you ever had an enema before?” he asked.  Her face turned tomato red.  Her instinct was to deny it, but instead she nodded, while at the same time, wrapping her arms tightly around herself in a self-soothing hug.  “I take it that it wasn’t a good experience.”  He said it softly.
            “It was not,” she said stiffly.  “I don’t want to talk about it.”
            “I’m not going to make you talk about it, but I would like to understand why you are so averse to it,” he replied.  “Did it cause you pain?  Were you…”
            “It was embarrassing, okay?” she snapped.  “I felt shamed over it for weeks!”  She found herself pulled into a tight hug.  She slowly felt her tension ease and she unwrapped her arms from her own torso to wind around his.
            “I’m sorry you were made to feel shame over it before,” he murmured softly in her ear.  “I don’t know who administered one to you before, an old lover or your mother, but you didn’t deserve to be made to feel bad over it.”  He tipped her chin up to make eye contact with her.  “I promise I won’t do that to you.  We’ll get it done and over with and move on to more enjoyable activities.  It won’t be brought up outside of here.”  She believed him, but she still hesitated.  He played with a loose strand of her hair.
            “We also don’ have to do this, Ailis,” he said.  “It’s okay if you change your mind.”
            “But you want this,” she said.
            “I do,” he said, “but not at your expense.  We can do something else that you’re more comfortable with.”  She buried her face in his chest and he ran his hands soothingly up and down her back and stamped an occasional kiss to the top of her head.  She sighed after a moment and pulled back.
            “How do you need me positioned to administer it?” she asked.
            “You’re certain, Ailis?” he asked and she nodded.  “All right, then.  Come to this side of the bed and lie on your side facing the door.  Remove your pants and undergarment first.”  She did as he directed.  He adjusted her to be centered a little closer to the middle of the bed, and then hooked the enema bag to the bedpost.  She started to roll over onto her stomach and raise her hips, but he stopped her.
            “You don’t need to get in that position, darling,” he told her softly.  He gently pushed her right leg up until her knee was parallel to her chest.  She saw him reach for the oil and knew he was putting some on the nozzle.  She jumped when he fingers spread some oil around her entrance, and then tensed when she felt the nozzle nudge at it.
            “I need you to relax,” Astarion said soothingly.  “Take a deep breath for me.”  She did as he said and felt some of her tension ease from her.  At the same moment, she felt the nozzle slide into her and she made a face.  It didn’t hurt, but it was uncomfortable.  And if this was uncomfortable, she couldn’t imagine how his dick would feel.  Her thoughts broke off from that though, when she felt water begin to flow into her.  She flinched and Astarion immediately climbed into bed behind her and pulled her back to his chest while murmuring words of encouragement in her ear.  She tried to focus on the words he was saying, but it was hard to focus on anything other than the odd sensation of watering flowing into her.  Her stomach began to feel full and tight and suddenly a cramp ripped across her lower abdomen.  She whimpered, and the flow of water stopped.  
            “Cramp?” Astarion asked.  She nodded and squeezed her eyes shut as another rolled through her.  Astarion lowered a hand to her distended abdomen and massaged it, trying to ease the cramp.  She sucked in a few deep breaths and finally her muscles relaxed.  “That’s it.  You’re doing so well.  You only have half left.”
            “There’s still that much left?” she whined.  He kissed her cheek.
            “It’ll be over soon, Ailis,” he assured her.  She sighed, but nodded, and he unclamped the tube.  She grimaced as the water began to flow again.  She began to curl in on herself as another cramp tore at her abdomen.  She felt Astarion reach for the clamp again, but she stopped him.
            “Leave it.  I want this over with sooner rather than later,” she said through gritted teeth.
            “But you’re in pain,” he replied.
            “I’ve felt worse.  Just let it empty,” she growled.  He sighed, but left the clamp alone.  He moved his hand back to her abdomen and tried to tub out the cramp.  After another moment the water stopped.  “Is it done?”
            “Yes, but I want you to try and hold it for fifteen minutes,” he replied.
            “What?  Why?” she cried.
            “To ensure your entire system is cleared out,” he said and she groaned.
            “Fine,” she agreed sullenly.
            “Do you want me to remove the nozzle?” he asked.  “You might feel more secure with it in.”
            “No, I want it out,” she said insistently.
            “Of course, darling,” he replied and she felt him gently ease it out of her.  She immediately curled up into a ball.  He curled around her and stroked her hair.  She tried to breathe her way through cramps, but they kept increasing and it wasn’t long before she felt the urge to go.
            “How long has it been?” she asked.
            “Five minutes,” he answered.  She whined.
            “I have to go,” she complained.
            “Try to hold it a little longer, Ailis,” he told her.  “Ten minutes isn’t as long as it feels.”
            “Easy for you to say.  You’re not the one dealing with these cramps,” she grumbled.  He kissed the top of her head.
            “You’re almost done,” he assured her.  She muttered a few curses under her breath and he laughed.  She tried to focus on his hands gently stroking her wherever he touched rather than on the cramps, but she was fighting a losing battle.
            “I can’t!” she cried.  “I need to…I’m going to…”
            “All right.  It’s all right, darling.  Go,” he said and she shot off the bed and out the door.  She didn’t even take the time to slip on her pants.  She just hoped none of her companions were around to see her. 
            About twenty minutes later, she rejoined Astarion in the abandoned building.  She saw he’d cleaned up and put away the enema equipment and she felt immensely grateful to him.  He looked up at her cautiously from where he sat on the bed and held his arms out to her.  She rushed into them and he pulled her down on his lap for comfort.  She buried her face in his neck and he held her tightly as he began to rock her.  It wasn’t long before she felt her nerves were soothed and she remembered why she’d agreed to that particular prep work.  And although she still felt nervous over it, she decided to move the night forward.
            She stamped a kiss to his neck and then his jaw and then the corner of his mouth.  When he started to smile, she kissed him deeply, moving a hand up to frame his face while the other tangled in his hair at the base of his head.  He held her tighter in return.  When the kiss finally broke, she leaned back and removed her shirt and upper garment.  She reached for the base of his shirt, but he grabbed her hand and stopped her. 
            “Not yet, darling,” he said and pressed a kiss to her palm.  “There’s certain logistics that need to be discussed.”
            “Such as?” she asked nervously.
            “I know you typically like to be face to face during the act, but it might be physically easier on you if I enter from behind,” he said cautiously.  She hesitated.  Since they had found their spot at the Last Light Inn, they had been able to expand upon sexual positions they enjoyed as she was less likely to be triggered looking down on a mattress than dirt that reminded her of her trauma.  That being said, her nerves were on fire.  She wasn’t sure she liked the idea of not being easily able to see his face.
            “I’m not sure,” she replied.  “I don’t know if it’s a good idea.” 
            “Do you think you can manage it while I prep you?” he asked.  “I’m not trying to push your boundaries, Ailis.  I just want to make this as easy on you as possible.”
            “I think I can handle that,” she said hesitantly and he kissed her again.
            “Stand up for a minute for me, darling,” he ordered and she obeyed.  She watched as he removed his shirt and then adjusted the pills on the bed.  When he had them how he wanted them, he guided her down onto the bed.  He maneuvered her so her hips rested on a pillow, raising her ass in the air.  He’d also arranged a pillow for her to hold onto if she wanted.  She wasn’t normally inclined to grasp onto her hide moans in a pillow, but tonight she thought there was a chance she’d need to.  She squeezed the pillow and tensed when she saw him take the jar of oil from the nightstand.
            “I need you to relax for me, darling,” he said, running a soothing hand up and down her spine.  “Take a few deep breaths.”  She did as he said and slowly relaxed.  She heard him uncap the bottle and then he parted her cheeks so he could access her more easily.  She stiffened again when she felt a cool, wet finger press against her puckered hole.  He pressed a kiss to the bottom of her spine and she took another deep breath as he played around her entrance, applying pressure, but not yet breaching it.  As she got used to the sensation, she finally relaxed completely and that’s when he pushed in.  She squawked at the foreign sensation as he slowly pushed into her and tensed.  She felt every groove in his finger as she clenched around it.
            “Are you all right?  Does this hurt?” he checked in.
            “It doesn’t hurt,” she replied.  “But it…it feels weird.”
            “Good weird or bad weird?” Astarion asked and she looked over her shoulder to see him grinning in amusement.  She scowled.
            “Just weird,” she replied tersely.  His free hand soothingly massaged the back of one of her thighs.
            “You’ll get used to the feeling,” he promised.  “I know if can be shocking the first time.  Now try and relax again, darling.  I can’t move without hurting you while you’re this tensed against me.”  She listened and took a few deep breaths.  This time, she also fantasized over their post-coital cuddling and her muscles eased up faster. 
            “That’s good, darling,” he praised and began to move his finger inside her.  Her brows furrowed at the strange sensation, but after a while, she did grow accustomed to his exploratory thrusts.  And it wasn’t awful.  She could feel a spark of interest between her legs, but the interest died when she felt another finger at her entrance.  He began to slide a second finger in with the first, and this time, there was pain.  She tensed and the pain sharpened as she stretched around his fingers.  She let out a sputtering gasp, and he stopped.
            “You need to relax, darling.  You’ll only make this painful if you’re this tense,” Astarion said. 
            “I tensed because it hurts,” she panted between quick breaths. 
            “It can be a little painful at first.  It shouldn’t be unbearable though.  I’ll use more oil,” he told her and removed both fingers.  She took the moment to suck in a few deep breaths and almost managed to relax before both fingers were at her entrance again.  They slowly pushed in, but even with the extra oil, there was still a slight pain from the stretch.  She focused on her breathing and tried to set her mind on a fantasy of the them together, but she couldn’t fully ignore the odd feeling of his fingers dragging against her inner walls in a part of her body she was growing more and more sure of that he didn’t belong in.
            “Tell him to stop then,” a voice inside her head said.  She opened her mouth to do so, but stopped.  This was something Astarion really wanted.  He’d asked her for this, and despite always being the one in charge of their sexual escapades, he rarely asked for anything.  She had to at least give it a fair chance, and in her opinion, two fingers were not a fair chance.  Two fingers were barely a chance at all.  So, she continued to draw in shallow breaths until his fingers were pushed fully inside her.  He stopped moving and she tried to focus her mind on anything but the ache caused by his fingers inside her.
            Thankfully, he also wanted her mind on something else.  He leaned over her and kissed her cheek.  He trailed kissed up to her ear and sucked the lobe into his mouth.  She gasped and couldn’t help a slight thrust of her hips.  The movement caused him to move inside her, but he didn’t give her a second to think about the slight pain it caused.  He used his free hand to brush her hair off her neck and began to kiss and nibble his way down her neck.  He then moved to a shoulder blade and pressed a soft kiss to it before he bit down, though not hard enough to break skin.  This time when she thrust down, there was enough friction to tease her clit and a spike of pleasure went through her so strong that even his fingers inside her felt good and she moaned.
            She felt him smile against her shoulder, and he started to move his fingers inside her again.  There was a slight sting as he pumped and scissored her open, but she was beginning to enjoy the feeling.  She experimentally thrust her hips back towards him and groaned as his fingers sunk impossibly deeper insider her. 
            “Mmm.  Yes.  That’s it, darling,” he practically purred.
            “Harder,” she ordered and he laughed but obeyed.  He thrust harshly into her a few times and she chased after her please as she thrust into the pillow and then back on his fingers.  She let out a frustrated whine when he removed his fingers completely.  She opened her mouth to complain, but her jaw snapped shut when she felt three fingers prodding at her entrance.  She tried to remain relaxed and focus on the pleasure she’d been feeling, but she couldn’t even think to move her hips to get friction as the sharp, burning sting returned worse than ever as he stretched her wide.  She bit her lip as her eyes watered and tried to bear it, but the pain worsened the deeper he went and she whimpered, feeling a tear spill over and down her cheek.  He immediately removed his fingers. 
            “Okay, Ailis.  I’m stopping,” he said in a soothing tone.  He tried to help her roll over, but she resisted.
            “No.  I’m fine,” she said, quickly brushing the tear away.  “You can continue.”  She glanced over her shoulder and saw him frowning.
            “Ailis, you clearly don’t like this,” he said.
            “I was enjoying it a minute ago.  I just need to adjust.  Now, come on,” she urged, raising her hips up to put her ass on display, trying to tempt him back into sex.
            “Ailis, sit up,” he ordered and she sighed.  She shifted onto her side and rested her head on her hand so she could look up at him.  He brushed a strand of hair out of her face and gave her a soft look.  “Why are you trying to force yourself through this and why do you want me to let you?”
            “You asked to try this,” she said, frowning.
            “Yes.  And you agreed to it,” he said, “but you aren’t enjoying this.”
            “I was enjoying it a few minutes ago.  I just…”
            “You were enjoying humping against the pillow,” he said.  “You were tolerating me fingering your ass.”  She scowled.
            “I didn’t tell you to stop, so why are you?” she snapped.  “You have the go ahead.”
            “Why would I want to keep doing something you’re not enjoying?” he said.
            “You like anal sex,” she said.
            “Yes, but I like you more and you don’t,” he replied looking completely baffled by her obstinance.
            “You asked for this.  You almost never ask for anything when it comes to sex,” she cried.  “So, I need to give this a fair chance.”  He stared at her with wide eyes and tugged his hair with his hands before taking a deep and unneeded breath.
            “I think you’ve given it a fair chance, Ailis,” he said gently.
            “A few fingers aren’t a fair chance,” she argued.
            “I think it is,” he said.  Angry tears filled her eyes.
            “Well, I don’t,” she replied.  “It’s not a fair chance until you get your dick in me and actually fuck me.”  The tears spilled over.  He brushed them away before she could.
            “I think we should stop, Ailis,” he said softly.
            “No,” she refused.  He sighed, but nodded.
            “I’m only going to agree to continue if you accept my bargain, all right?” he said.
            “What bargain?” she asked.
            “If you aren’t enjoying it after I’m inside you after three thrusts, we’re putting an end to this,” he stated firmly.  “I think we should put an end to this now, but I will continue against my better judgement if you agree to this bargain.”
            “Ten thrusts,” she bargained.
            “Five,” he returned with a sigh.
            “Five, Ailis,” he said.  “No more.”
            “Fine,” she snapped.  “Five.”  She flopped back over on her stomach.  He snorted.  She waited for him to resume prepping her, but he draped himself over her back and grabbed her arm and then brought I down underneath her and settled her fingers over her core. 
            “Touch yourself,” he ordered.
            “W…what?” she said.  He pressed their entwined hands down so her fingers put pressure on her clit.  She gasped.
            “Touch yourself,” he repeated, practically growling in her ear.  She mewled and began rubbing circles over her clit.  He removed his hand as she began to work herself over.  His fingers returned to her entrance.  She hesitated for a second.  “Don’t stop, Ailis.”  She continued and he sunk one, then two fingers back inside her.  She groaned, but any discomfort she felt was outweighed by the pleasure from the attention she was giving to her clit.  He thrust his fingers in her once, then twice, and on the third thrust, she pushed her hips back to meet him.
            The next time she felt him at her entrance, three fingers breached her.  The burn returned, but she continued to play with herself and after a moment, the burn eased and she fucked herself back on his fingers as he pushed into her and scissored her open.  Suddenly, he removed all fingers and she whined in complaint.
            “Sorry, darling, but I believe you wanted a change of position,” Astarion teased, rolling her over onto her back.  She reached up for him to pull him into a kiss and he humored her.  When he pulled away, he reached for the pillow under her and tugged it until she was positioned how he wanted her, with her hips lifted up off the mattress.  He removed his pants and undergarment and she saw his thick and turgid cock and felt a spark of anxiety.  It was far larger than three fingers.
            “You’re not going to fit,” she said.  He smirked, and she could tell he was stifling a laugh.
            “I’ll fit,” he assured her.  “Are you ready?”  She wasn’t sure, but she nodded.  His cocked lined up to her entrance and began to push in.  The burn was worse than each time before.  She bit her lip to keep from whimpering, but she couldn’t help a tear from escaping.  “I can stop, Ailis.”
            “We agreed on five thrusts,” she ground out through gritted teeth.
            “But if this is unbearable for you…”
            “It’s not.  Continue,” she ordered.  He sighed.
            “Try to relax.  And keep touching yourself, Ailis.  I didn’t tell you that you could stop,” he said.  She groaned and did as he ordered, increasing pressure on her clit to combat the burn as he pushed into her until finally, he bottomed out.  She panted as she tried to adjust to him.  Astarion was large.  Even vaginally, he was a lot to take, but she didn’t think she ever felt so full as she did right now.  She used the arm she wasn’t using to pleasure herself to wrap around his waist to keep him close.  He kissed her damp cheek and then slowly began to slide out.  He pulled back only about halfway, before slowly thrusting back in.  She took a deep breath and bore another two thrusts.  On the fourth her drew back farther, and she wrapped a leg around him and pushed at him when he thrust in, forcing him somehow even deeper inside her.
            They both groaned, and Astarion stopped holding back.  He pulled all the way out, and then shoved back in.  She felt the burn of it, but the sensation was almost pleasurable now.  The next time he thrust in she pushed forward to meet him.  One of his hands found hers and forced it to the mattress by her head, and held it there gently with his own.  They kissed sloppily, though passionately as they moved together, panting into each other’s open mouths as they joined together.  Ailis felt his rhythm start to falter and knew he was about to cum.  She was nearly there herself.  Tension was building in her core.  Sparks of pleasure shooting off like electricity as she played over her clit.  Muscles in her thighs and core were twitching and she felt her cunt start to clench.  She increased the pressure on her clit and her body jerked as she went over the edge.  All thought seeped from her mind as the world around her faded. 
            When she came back to herself, she noticed Astarion had stopped moving.  He laid across her torso, and was pressing gentle kisses to her neck.  She could feel him still inside her, though he was soft now.  He’d also found release.  She lifted a hand and carded it through his now messy, white curls.  He smiled against her jugular and then pushed himself up so he could look at her face.
            “How are you feeling, darling,” he asked.  His smile was fond and relaxed, but she saw caution and worry in his eyes.  She cupped his face in her hands and gently pulled him down to her for a deep and languorous kiss.
            “Never been better,” she replied when the kiss ended.  He smiled and stroked her cheek.
            “Did you like it though?” he asked.  “And don’t lie to me.  Please.”  She hesitated, and thought over her response.  She didn’t hate it, but…
            “Maybe we can relegate it to special occasions,” she said.  “When is your birthday?”  He laughed and kissed her again.  When he pulled back this time, he also pulled out of her and she winced.  He immediately moved down her body to inspect her entrance.  She grimaced as he probed a her gently for a moment.
            “No tears,” he told her.
            “I didn’t think there would be,” she said.  “You said you’d make this a good experience for me.”  He smiled and they kissed again before he rolled off of her and then pulled her back against his chest.  His arms wrapped snuggly around her.
            “Thank you for this,” he murmured in her ear.  She smiled, and snuggled back against him, trying to eliminate any space between their skin.  She started to drift off to sleep when suddenly her eyes shot open wide ad her heart began to pound against her ribcage.  The cold, icy grip of fear latched onto her as she realized what she’d been trying to suppress for weeks now.  What she felt was the absolute truth.  This was no longer a fling to her.  She loved him…and that terrified her. 
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alpaca-clouds · 3 months
July Break Bingo 2024
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Alright. I decided to participate in the @julybreakbingo, though I am not sure how many of the squares I will fill.
I already put in the Alternatives where I want to have them, because I had some Locations in there that would not work for the DnD Setting I am mostly writing. :P
I decided that I will mostly write about Halsin, because after the BG3 Halsummer I just... I wanna write more about my dear bear-man. Though there might be a few stories about Astarion or Tav. We will see.
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The original (without the alternatives) can be found under the cut.
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ryttu3k · 4 months
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Inspired by this post by @araneapeixes, my version of the Greater Faerûnian Polycule!
Ships highlighted in red are my favourites, the rest range between "I 100% believe this canonically happened in the past" (Durgetash, Emperor/Ansur, Shadowheart/Nocturne) to "The involved participants looked at each other and went 'Would 👀'" (most of the Halsin ships) to "ngl it'd be funny" (Raphstarion tbh).
Resist!Durge could go with any of the romancable characters tbh but that's the same for like. Non-Durge Tavs, too, and it was getting a few too many lines. That said, I particularly love them with Astarion, their stories just fit together in a way I find very satisfying, and I wanted to get the Halsin one in for my own Durge <3
Anyway. Greater Faerûnian Polycule!
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th-ramblr · 11 months
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Me? Making up an RP server? Why... yes. [Join Link] (18+)
Baldur's Dweebs is a loose campaign-style Baldur's Gate 3 Roleplay Server that seeks to recreate the BG3 experience through written roleplay and with a little more nuance than the game itself allows, welcoming writers of Origins, Canons, Tavs, and OCs alike.
Still actively looking for people to claim Lae'zel, Karlach, Halsin, and Minthara if those characters pique anyone's interest!
Most other non-Origin canons are also up for grabs.
OOC / Server Rules: (more complete rules in the discord)
Be Excellent To Each Other
No discrimination of any kind towards both "privileged" (white, male, cis, straight, able-bodied, neurotypical, etc) and "unprivileged" (poc, female, trans, LGB, disabled, etc) groups. Respect must go both ways or you're not welcome here.
Admins and Mods are people too. Treat us how you'd like to be treated.
If you feel that another user is acting inappropriately, please bring it to the attention of one of our staff. If you are having problems with a staff member, bring it to the admin. Staff are not exempt from rules.
Admins / staff are community advocates and mediators, but not babysitters. We expect you to do your own due diligence about communication.
Keep All Topics To Appropriate Channels.
Avoid political talk.
Vague-posting, passive aggressive commentary, or harassment aimed at other current group members is a kickable offense.
Participating in "callout culture" is a kickable offense, except in the following circumstances and with hard, irrefutable evidence of the accused crimes:
-Malicious stalking & hardblock evasion -Sexual harassment -Grooming (regardless of ages) -OOC Pedophilia / Hebephilia / Ephebophilia -Death threats -Suicide baiting &/or "kill yourself" type behaviors -Targeted hate, harassment, and cyber-bullying -Generally anything that would legally fall under "criminal actions" in a court of law
Roleplay Rules:
The "Canon Claims" channel is for those who would like to be the server's "Main" version of any Baldur's Gate 3 canon character (Astarion, Shadowheart, Gale, etc). The channel works on a first-come first-serve basis.
Duplicates are allowed, but not considered "canon" to server-wide events and can only be played in "Non-Canon threads". (See further down)
All RP channels are required to use appropriate tags for threads. These tags include Public, Private, NSFW, Canon, and AU/Non-Canon.
In order to request a thread be marked "Canon", you must request the tag from admins. This is to avoid accidentally mismarking a thread or mismarking a thread in bad faith.
Private threads should list participants. Those not listed should ask the thread starter for an invitation first if they'd like to join the thread.
Canon Threads will be held to a higher standard of quality and realism than AU/Non-Canon threads, in order to maintain a cohesive narrative.
Questions and Answers:
Q: Are Duplicates allowed? A: Yes and no. For "Canon Threads", there is only 1 version of each canon muse allowed server-wide. However, there is no limit on duplicates in "AU/Non-Canon" threads.
Q: How many characters am I allowed to play? A: Currently, we want to limit Origin and Companion Canon muses to one per person. There is no limit on Tavs/OCs, characters from other franchises translated into BG3 (from anime series, live action shows, video games, etc), or non-Companion canon characters (such as Cazador, Raphael, Scratch, Thorm, Orin, Gortash, Orpheus, etc).
Q: Am I required to play a character infected with an Illithid/Mind Flayer parasite? A: No. In fact, we encourage that some not be.
Claims: (updated 2/15/2024)
Lae'zel - unclaimed
Shadowheart - claimed
Astarion - claimed
Gale - claimed
Wyll - claimed
Karlach - unclaimed
Dark Urge - claimed
Halsin - unclaimed
Minthara - unclaimed
Minsc - unclaimed
Jaheria - unclaimed
The Emperor - unclaimed
Raphael - claimed
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