#I was like wtf
liyaauhr · 2 months
(i’m giving myself a break from my fic today so this is how I compensate)
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How did they realise they caught feelings?
— I imagine these two to be veeeeery slowburn for a lot of reason, as in, they get together in their senior year of High School or even maybe after in college.
— Ashlyn is pretty out of touch with her feelings, It took her a while to differentiate between romantic and platonic sentiments towards people and even then, she sucked at handling it. I see her as the type to fall for someone without even realising and dismissing her feelings as being 'oh we're really good friends!' It took a sleepover with Taylor (who has been trying -and failing- to set her brother and Ashlyn together for a while now) to realise that she had a crush on Tyler. I think the two of them would have had a long conversation about it (I honestly see Taylor as someone who's really in tune with emotions) and even then, her realising turned out to be more of a bad thing because things became awkward and Ashlyn essentially avoided any one-on-one interaction.
— Tyler on the other hand, had known about his feelings for Ashlyn for a while now but had chosen not to do anything about it, simply pushing it aside in order to prioritise his family and focusing on staying alive in the phantom realm. Besides, there was no way Ashlyn would reciprocate when all she did nowadays was act weird with him.
What was their first date?
— Their first date was at an amusement park: I firmly believe that Tyler fell first but Ashlyn would fall harder and eventually, there would be a point where she gets fed up with the lack of confrontation and decides to actually do something about the unsolved tension.
— Taylor had gotten it into Ashlyn’s head that to confess there had to be some over-the-top, extravagant declaration of love and had been restlessly prodding Ashlyn to ask her brother out because “the idiot wasn’t going to do it himself.” The plan was for the two to hang out at the theme park all day and then finally go on a Ferris wheel ride where Ashlyn would admit her feelings and if she was lucky, Tyler would reciprocate and save her from total embarrassment and if not? Well, there goes trying to eliminate the awkwardness but at least Ashlyn tried.
The catch to this plan, you may ask?
Tyler was deathly afraid of heights. Like a cat in water afraid of heights. Will freak out afraid of heights.
It was a new fear that he had contracted after he died in the phantom realm that he had never actually gotten around to telling Taylor, mainly because she was a massive thrill-seeker and enjoyed anything height related and so he didn’t want to strip that enjoyment from her, he wanted to make her happy and experiences her joys with her, trauma be damned. Still, if he had a choice he would avoid it.
That was until his totally-not-a-crush-crush walked up to him ( looking as gorgeous as ever) and batted her pretty, little lashes, asking him out to an amusement park just the two of them and who the hell was Tyler Hernandez to say no to such a goddess? (he was such a weak, weak man for her it was disgusting) .
Besides, there was more to amusement parks than rollercoaster rides, right? And Ashlyn didn't look like the type to be chasing after the adrenaline of high rides so he would simply divert her from any high rides, that wouldn't be so hard?
— Anyway, after hours of Hell and successfully keeping Ashlyn away from every rollercoaster waiting line (“pfft, I’ve went on these rides way too many times, they’re soooo boring trust me!”) Tyler found himself enjoying the day, he got to sneak glances at Ashlyn when he thought she wasn't looking and got to spend time with his crush and maybe, just maybe he could be content with small moments like this for the rest of his life, his crush obviously wasn’t planning on fading anytime soon but now, he could admire from afar, even if she did kick his ass at shooting games.
— Unfortunately, all luck comes to end eventually she practically dragged him to the ferris wheel. He tried to get out of it by saying “it’s boring, only grannies go on those!” But for some reason she was entirely fixated on that ride and that one alone.
— A normal person, at this stage would admit to hating tall rides and save their dignity and sanity but Tyler Hernandez had a date and a reputation to maintain, so if Ashlyn Banner wanted to go on a ferris wheel, he was going on a ferris wheel.
— And that confidence lasted around two seconds because as soon as they got into the air, Tyler became eerily silent, something that confused Ashlyn because normally the boy wouldn’t shut up. She glanced down and noticed that he seemed to be digging his nails into the seat so hard Ashlyn was sure it would leave marks. There was something wrong with him, it was clear as daylight but everytime Ashlyn tried to bring it up Tyler would shrug it off dismissively and make some snarky quips to reassure her (spoiler alert: it didn’t work).
— Eventually they reach the very top, the “pinnacle of romance” (as Taylor liked to put it), this was Ashlyn’s shot; she would clear the air and get rid of the stupid bug that annoyed her every time Tyler was in her vicinity. And so, she starts talking incredibly fast in 2x speed, trying earnestly as all her pent up feelings and frustrations to the boy come spilling out infront of him.
— Unfortunately, Tyler was too busy counting sheep in his head to try and catch any of what Ashlyn was saying, never mind her incredibly fast speed. Though he did catch the last part of "-and now I think I might be in love with you" and suddenly, the air was cut off from his lungs. He paled at the realisation -and also partially because he was trying to not puke-: Ashlyn Banner, that stupid idiot, liked him back, in more than a friend way!
— For a while, the two of them just stared, Ashlyn looked like a deer caught in headlights and Tyler really wished Taylor or Aiden were here to pinch him. And then- well, he ended up wretching on the ferris wheel, the rest of the ride ended up being Tyler alternating between freaking out and becoming nauseous and Ashlyn panicking while trying to help and regretting her previous life choices.
— Afterwards, Ashlyn was pretty sure that vomiting was a clear indication of an unreciprocated crush so she honestly planned on running away and getting her parents to pick her up or something. Her plans were paused when Tyler stopped her by the wrist and pulled her towards his chest, Ashlyn could feel his hands shaking around her.
— "You're so stupid, I'm so stupid and- I think I might be in love with you too."
— And that was that.
Do they indulge in PDA?
— short answer: No.
— Both of them are the type to cringe and make fun of people who engage in excessive PDA so it’s no surprise that they’re pretty averse to it themselves. The most you’ll see these two do in public is touch shoulders or sit next to each other (or maybe if you’re lucky, you get to watch Ashlyn dragging Tyler by the arms away from a fight.)
— I think it would take at least 3 weeks for them to kiss after dating and Ashlyn would be the one to initiate.
— They’d be bickering one day and Ashlyn would just shut him up spontaneously by tugging his shirt forward and tiptoeing up for a kiss. Tyler would be surprised at first, his eyes wide open and looking down in surprise but eventually he just melts and it takes a minute for them to part.
— “Shut.” kiss “The.” kiss “Fuck.” kids “up.” would be a thing Ashlyn does everytime he pipes up a little bit too much. Whether it be over something stupid like a comic they’re both reading or something else, it would probably lead into a make out session afterwards.
— Tyler’s the type to walk up to her sometimes, play with her bangs and then lift it up for a little *smooch.* It’s mostly because he enjoys the way she goes red like a tomato every time. One time he did it in public after a baseball match or something and Ashlyn froze, she could not speak for an hour and it seemed like her face and ears were permanently coloured red. Aiden had found it funny and took a picture of it which is actually saved as her profile picture now.
— All of their intimacy is in private though, most of the time people would be surprised to find out they’re dating. The popular jock and the loner who never talks? But don’t they ever only argue?
— I personally think their dates would mostly be stay-at-home dates.
— Ashlyn hates going out and Tyler doesn’t mind, so it works.
— Examples would be cooking dates, movie nights (that would inevitably get crashed by the others), little dinners together etc.
— They strike me to have very casual intimacy, so like grocery shopping together would also be considered a date for them.
— The mundane is openly enjoyed and celebrated!
Other random headcanons I have:
— Tyler has gradually become Ashlyn’s go-to hair stylist, especially for more formal events like ballet recitals. She was honestly shocked the first time he did her bangs and now feels entitled to getting it down whenever she pleases (compensation for all his moaning). Tyler grumbles about it and pretends to hate it but swatts his hand away every time Ashlyn tries to take over, he secretly really likes working with her hair because he’s never practiced on such long hair and so gets to experiment with more styles.
— When they become old enough to drive they’re both the drivers in the relationship. In the group and by themselves. Everytime they have to share a car they play rock, paper, scissors to avoid an argument over it.
— They have pretty similar music tastes. Idk I can feel it.
That’s all I can think of for now! If you have any other headcanon/scenario requests feel free to drop an ask!
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youngroyals-stuff · 10 months
Pov: meeting other YR fans in rl for the first time.
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nicestprinceofdeath · 8 months
The other day I was watching rise of the guardians and I realised that if the guardians get weaker if children don't believe in them, like when the tooth fairy couldn't fly, then jack must be so fucking powerful, like if he can do the things he's doing the entire film without a single child believing in him, then when children start believing in him he would be much stronger and powerful
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malo-mart · 7 months
Finishing up my side quests in totk and I left the absolute bottom of the barrel stuff for last. Currently going to every stable to take photos for them
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novasdarling · 1 year
I went to the shops with my mom, who was dog sitting. She left me outside with the puppy that's only met me like twice. The puppy barks for my mom, stops, and continues for a couple of minutes. I'm trying to soothe it and it's not working. We're on a busy street, so I'm not too concerned about the noise as like 3 other barking dogs have walked by and 2 firetrucks in the span of 5 minutes.
Anyway, eventually, this guy comes out from an apartment that is on top of the shops and begins an argument.
Guy: "can you get your dog to stop barking."
Me: "Sorry, I've been trying, but she's not my dog. So she's not used to me, plus she's a puppy."
G: "well it doesn't look like it. Try harder."
M: "trust me, I've tried. She's waiting for my mom in the shops. She's a dog, she doesn't understand shops."
Basically, the guy begins getting mad at me telling me to move. Now, out of spite, I stayed. If he was nicer, I would have moved a few buildings down or something. But spite made me stay put. He started raising his voice.
M: "dude, you live on a busy street. Noise happens. I'll be gone in a few minutes."
G: "a busy street doesn't mean noise."
At that point, I realized he was delusional, so I turned my back to him and ignored him. Realizing he might just be looking for an argument or enjoy yelling at women. Eventually, he must have left because by the time my mom came out, he was gone.
I live near a busy street but not on one. I'm used to loud noises, Kids, dogs, and people in their car blasting music while they wait for the person they're picking up. It's the noise of the city. Also, this all happened, like soon after noon, so it's not too early and not late.
Sorry, it's a bit of a rant. I was taught to always be overly nice, so it was a shock when he was rude from the start. Like, come on, it's a puppy who is stressed and can't come into the shops. When I was a kid, I was terrified of loud noises(i.e., fireworks) so when my neighbours had parties or set of fireworks. My mom just took me into the basement cause in her mind, they have just as much rights to do those things as anyone else. Why should she try to stop it?
Has anyone else had issues like this?
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magicalmeta · 11 months
did anyone else know you could hear Halsin talking to you (having speak with animals active) when he was being held in the camp?? cause I sure didn't!
literally how did I miss that my first play through? I was a DRUID
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d-criss-news · 2 years
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cowbutchbait · 5 months
nsfw vent!
when i had a bf he would always talk about how hard i made him and he’d masturbate when we were on the phone together (wouldn’t even tell me half the time) and i just can’t stop thinking about how that never worked for me. like i was never wet over him, i was strictly infatuated with his masculinity. im so sure he was aware of it too because when he tried to have sex with me i was reluctant (and then i gave in because i didn’t want to seem like a tease) and then when he tried to complete the act of it i was bone dry. like actually i’ve never been so dry in my life it was like trying to stick your dick in a toilet paper roll (probably)
but i just came in 2 minutes thinking about women just now. that’s all i have to say really, i used to think i had a really low sex drive but nah it was just men. i’ve never been vocal and i was just now. i’ve also never been this horny in my life, i feel like an animal.
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bunny-carrothunter · 1 year
I dreamt my brother and I tried to transfer a Gen 6 Pokémon into a Gen 2 game and it caused the game and my tv to get haunted and started receiving biblical phrases on screen as it went to static.
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cillixn · 1 year
HIII there is currently a ‘who’s the better man’ poll on twitter can we rely on the cillian girlies on tumblr to help out (especially when he makes it to the final round!!!) 🥺🥺🥺😔😔😔💕💕💕 https://twitter.com/gyllenfarrell/status/1648354764076482560?s=46&t=s1g5pr-h2GcvjKUXYh9VzQ
omg i actually voted on this earlier! let’s go cillian nation! vote vote vote!
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youngroyals-stuff · 11 months
Just a reminder that Tumblr is a weird place...
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When I saw a message notification this, I can assure you, was not what I was expecting....
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...fast Isabelle wants me to be fast...and guess what....
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Mikayla just wanted to have fun.....
Be aware that you aren't safe anywhere on the internet.
Stay safe and don't click on any suspicious links.
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emeraldcreeper · 1 year
I miss when you can like a band and know nothing about who’s in it, I was living in peace before I learned who the lead singer of love/joy (no slash I’m futilely censoring it) was, now I’m embarrassed that I like one song of theirs
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aratype · 2 years
remember when the girl who was thenmy best friend said that rockstar was basically ruining gta 6 for adding a female character ???
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repressedgaymer · 12 hours
Oh i'm right by the university and the game just ended That's why i'm hearing people be fucking crazy at midnight
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lastoneout · 1 year
People don't like to admit it bcs cringe or w/e but Homestuck really did revolutionize the webcomic as a storytelling medium and I am endlessly frustrated that before webcomic artists could really stretch our legs fucking webtoonz swooped in, set a new, more restrictive standard, and then monetized and monopolized the ever living fuck out of the concept of The Webcomic until it drove away anyone who couldn't be a professional quality manga artist for free, and now the only webcomics that actually feel like spiritual successors to Homestuck are so obscure they're basically cult classics that you have to beg people to read.
Like it's just so wild to be in high school and see Homestuck be like "we're using like fifteen different artistic mediums to tell this story bcs we can" and be really fucking inspired by that, only to grow up and see basically every webcomic ever have to conform to One Single Standard or fucking perish.
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cognitiveinequality · 11 months
So... a bunch of NFT grifters threw a party in Hong Kong this weekend and reportedly a bunch of attendees are now at risk of permanent eyesight damage because the promoters used unsafe lighting, and people are going to the ER...
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