#I was really hoping that they wouldn't go down that route since it sucks when games make you have to pay for some choices and other stuff
candybunnieholic · 4 months
I'm so mad and disappointed with MoonVale because I was really excited and couldn't wait to play the game since I was looking forward to seeing what new adventures awaits us until I noticed that we have to pay for gems which sucks a lot even though it's nice that we can skipped the mini games but honestly I just have a lot of mixed feelings about the whole game now.
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gothitelleex · 5 months
I love Raphael from BG3.
He's a complex character and I absolutely adore every take I've seen and the different prospectives on his character from the fandom.
I also signed the petition for the romance route. But honestly speaking: I want an ending where Tav/Durge/OC gets to decide join him in conquering the 9 layers of hells. I don't even care if it's only as a foot soldier! Or even better, a maid! I honestly would still enjoy it nevertheless.
So. This made me think: what would be like to work under Raphael?
(This is my personal take, so don't come at me please, I have anxiety. Also, I might have gone really deep into the argument in my own way, have mercy.)
(Spoilers under the cut for act 2, 3 and post final boss)
Generally speaking + surviving methods: we get some details from the game already on how Raphael's behaves as a boss. He can be absolutely cruel and straight up torture you if you screw up big time or even small time (or in the case of Hope, he'll keep you in his basement if you don't play along with his whims and refuse to submit). He could scorch your fingers for minimum mistakes (like we read in the house of hope, pardon me I don't remember if it was a diary or not, where he described the performances of the people working under him). What these minimum mistakes could be? For how I see it, it could be when one of his warlocks/debtors are late, or they aren't dressed the part, or they accidentally knocked something down, ect.
Raphael strikes me as the tipe who wants everything to be perfect in his standards at every moment. He also loves to have everything and everyone around him under control, and he is more or less quick to anger; so to survive, the worker would need to be an expert in his mood swings too, and they would need the capacity to dose their words well in some situations. Raphael would want perfection, so the worker should at least be good at covering up their mishap unless they want to join the lemurs.
Would bootlicking work? I think he's not so stupid to not realize when people are sucking up to him, so I believe it could be fine depending on the situation. I also think the bootlicking shouldn't be too obvious or he may think the person in front of him is making fun of him and that could result in death. Or worse: it's hell, who knows what could happen there.
Of course I believe he can be a gentle boss as long as you live up to his standards: something that is almost impossible, and I say almost since Korilla exist. That woman got her fingers scorched a few time and that was it, and I'm pretty sure she's the only one who didn't get punished more severely.
Korilla is the idol of every loyal worker to Raphael, I can bet my soul on that! Everyone who works with her envies her and/or take example from her.
Long story short: if you want to survive while working under Raphael, be Korilla. ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ👍🏻
Post ending: durge and co have defeated the Nether brain and it's now time to fulfill the deal and give the crown to Raphael.
Now, speaking of the game. I'm going to use Durge because it's my durge Iris that would be crazy enough to sell her soul to be a servant of Raphael. That drow is batshit crazy, but that's a story for another post.
So Raphael comes to collect his crown at Wither's party, and durge not only kneels to give it to him, but they also ask to be granted the honor of working under him in order to see the Archdevil Supreme Raphael's triumph! Raphael would accept and create a new contract, I believe.
Your Durge has accepted Bhaal? No problem! They just have to tell daddy dearest that mortals aren't a worthy sacrifice, so they decided to start their murder spree with devils! Hey, besides it's a war in the hells, there is no place for morality there, so Durge could go crazy without restrain. I believe in this case Raphael wouldn't trust Durge to remain loyal to him and put aside Bhaal's orders, so he would take precautions in any case. Whatever your Durge would want to betray Raphael in the end or not, it would add more spice to the already complicated situation in the hells and in their relationship, whatever it is. I like to think how the situation could lead to a delicious psychological dark romance! In this case I imagine Raphael using every chance to subtly remind Durge who's boss. And unless Durge really enrages him, I don't think he would stop being polite, especially because it was Durge who gave him the crown. My ideal ending if this scenario would be Durge usurping Bhaal and take his place as the God of murder, while also being married to the Archdevil Supreme of the nine hells, Raphael. ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ💅🏻
If your Durge is a resist Durge? In this case things would be less violent and I believe Raphael would be less wary of them in general, tho in the case of a contract, I doubt he would be as kind as he was before when he needed something from them. Now they're his to command, he's not just a simple ally to them anymore. So Durge would need to be Korilla 2.0. And as much I'd like the contrary, I don't think Raphael would have someone work closely under him without a contract. So, yet again, praise Korilla for her existence.
Long story short again: be Korilla. ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ
If you've read everything, just know that I love you🪅
P. S: I would work for him as a maid who cleans just to enjoy all the drama while being in the sideline. Just let me be a random NPC who cleans and secretly simps for their boss lol.
P.p.s: I love you Korilla, please just a chance!
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angeldeviloshi · 2 months
Remembers that, I wrote a whole thread about an alternative route where Aki and Angel Devil had an argument when he gave him the letter at the hospital.
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Originally I meant for this to be ironic in the sense that Aki leaves with hard feelings after this and survives that day. Lmao. And the Angel Devil calls the hykw house line which Denji picks up and Aki thinks he's calling to apologise to him only to be surprised that the Angel Devil was looking for Denji instead.
cw angst again
Denji gives Aki a brief look, sounding skeptical about something over the phone, telling the Angel Devil he's bad with jokes and that Aki's not that type of guy. On the other end of the line, the Angel Devil asks Denji if he likes living with Aki, if he's happy living the way he does with Aki now. Denji is confused, of course he does, he has a roof over his head, he gets to eat good and sleep on a nice bed. The Angel Devil tells him he should talk to Aki then if he wants to keep this life. For his, Aki's and Power's sake.
Aki asks Denji what they talked about, curious, disappointed and slightly tense. Denji tries to play it off lightly, telling Aki the Angel Devil was being really weird like saying how he's gonna kill Aki and Power and that Aki knew this and kept it from them. Like that'll ever happen, plus it's not like Aki's the type to keep something this big from them or rather if it's that serious Aki would have killed him in his sleep by now or by poisoning his food, knowing how uptight he is about his job. But since he didn't that means he's totally chill with them, and that means he trusts them enough to let them know if something that bad's gonna happen. Prodding Aki if he's teaming up with the Angel Devil for prank calls, never thought he'd see the day.
Aki stays still and silent, hands balling into fists frustrated at the Angel Devil for betraying his trust like that, even if he understands it's his buddy's attempt to save him from his fate. Denji is perturbed by Aki's silence, hoping for Aki to confirm that it was all a prank, a bad joke. Dread settling into him as he remembers the Angel Devil's words before he ended the call. He asks Aki why he isn't saying anything, usually he'd have a snarky retort to their antics. He tells Aki that the Angel Devil told him to talk to him if he wanted to keep this life under the same roof as him. It doesn't make sense, if what the Angel Devil said is true, Aki wouldn't just sit back and let it happen, it's just not him at all. Denji knows he isn't gonna kill Aki and Power, but if something weird happened and they find themselves in that situation, Aki would have taken preventive measures first, he would have told Makima, told them, since he already knew! Telling Aki he might not know everything but he can tell at least that much.
Aki can only give him a vexed, anguished expression. Not knowing what to tell Denji, he never wanted him or Power to know. He sees no point in that if it's only going to lead to complications when it does happen, and he doesn't want anyone to mourn his death, live through grief and guilt like he did, on the off-chance Denji or Power would feel that way for him, you never know. No one's ever prepared for it, he knows it all too well. Calming down, he tells Denji that it's a prank. After what they went through in hell he was trying to lighten up a bit, crack some jokes but they ended up scaring Denji instead. He's sorry about that. Denji eases his shoulders, rubbing the back of his head relieved, telling Aki his taste in jokes suck, though he supposes that's what happens having a stick up the ass for someone like Aki.
Aki tells him he's going to rest up early, Denji should too since they have a big day tomorrow, he needs space for himself to sort out his emotions and state of mind after what the Angel Devil put him through. Even if the future can't change, he'll try to test fate anyways, so Power won't be hurt and Denji won't be burdened by what the prophecy brings if he'd die by the Gun Devil......
An emergency broadcast flashes on the TV announcing the destruction brought by the Gun Devil's appearance. Denji's surprised that things shifted in advance and they didn't receive any news from Makima about it as he turns to look at Aki who's collapsing from the intense flashback to his childhood trauma and the boiling vengeful rage he's put aside over the months as he passes out.
And uhh I guess this can link to that other post I did here where Aki gets recruited by Kishibe and confronts Makima because maybe her containment of Gun by herself without any prior warning to the squad made him sus and because he's hoping to get custody of Denji and Power without her because of the power she now holds and the government's plans. And the Angel Devil confronted Makima himself to ask her what she knows about the Chainsaw Devil for clues on how to save Aki, wondering if he can get Aki to leave Public Safety before it's too late. The Angel Devil asking if Chainsaw's powers can really be trusted and that he won't turn on his supposed allies, Makima finds this peculiar coming from him and the Angel Devil plays it off as him hoping Denji would kill him. Makima tells him that the Chainsaw Man shows no mercy even to those he helps, but under her he'll be purposed to serve the greater good. Just like the Angel Devil, so no he's not going to meet his end by the Chainsaw Man, not under her watch. He asks her for her opinion on Aki and she sings Aki's praises for being a noble and hardworking devil hunter, one of the best she could ask for, she trusts him. He asks if she would save him then, if his life were to be in danger by something so formidable and unstoppable, like Chainsaw. Intrigued, Makima leans forward and asks the Angel Devil to tell her more, or rather, to spill everything he knows. All he has was a second of apprehension before the Angel Devil feels his consciousness slipping.
And uhh I guess the rest could link into this lmao. The prophecy plays out and Denji has to grapple with the fact that it wasn't a prank after all and that Aki lied to him, this is what he must do, wondering if this is what Aki wanted since he let it happen, he has no way of knowing now. And the Angel Devil realising that Aki died because of him, because he cared, because he wanted Aki to survive his fate knowing the futility of it. Asking Denji to kill him too to avenge Aki, it's only fair. Denji refuses, the Angel Devil was right all along though neither of them could be sure if anything would've changed for the better, and it's not like killing the Angel Devil would serve any purpose, Aki wanted him to live so he might as well honour his wish. Both living with the curse of what they did to Aki.
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citrusoc · 3 months
Favorite male and female ghost from Ghosts? (if you watch both it can be for both fandoms or either one as you choose!) :)
Favourite cbs female ghost is hetty hands down that woman owns my heart and soul, I am in love with her (as are alot people in this fandom ive come to find out)
Favourite male cbs ghost is more difficult, I like trevor but really only because of how he compliments hetty, I think if they weren't a thing in the show I wouldn't care about him so much. Apart from trevor I do love sasappis, he's such an angsty teen (500 year old spirit trapped in a 25 year olds body) and I hope we get more information on him and his life as the series progresses, his cause of death is very mysterious atm and I fear it will be an emotional episode upon reveal à la 'holes are bad'.
As for bbc ghosts, Mary is my GIRL I was quite literally devastated when she got sucked off, Katie Wix played her so well but I do wish they didn't have to go down that route for her story. It was good don't get me wrong, but the cast didn't quite feel complete after she left :(
Julian is my guilty man crush, like listen im very confident in my lesbianism but Simon's legs, trevor could never. "Like, ma swimming pewl" has been stuck in my head since that episode aired.
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Okay, so what if Ingo was taken first, disappeared alone like in canon, let's say from the subway tunnels. It's been a few years since then, but Emmet is adamant that he's still alive somewhere. Vivi and Lewis are depot agents themselves, but Vivi in particular is stricken by how her boss just vanished on her watch, and she loves figuring out mysteries, so periodically she, Lewis, and Arthur (+ Mystery, who is her ace pokemon) will go into the tunnels to look for clues that might have gone overlooked.
Then one time they're searching and a rift like the kind that took Ingo opens up near them, which allows Arthur to get possessed (love the idea that he's Volo's descendant, that honestly makes the most sense given the context), so when Vivi and Lewis go to get a closer look, possessed!Arthur pushes Lewis in, then goes to push Vivi in which is when Mystery bites his arm off, but he unbalances her enough that she falls in anyway and Mystery jumps after her. They end up in different places because they all entered at different times and Lewis gets a much harsher landing which ends up killing him. I wanna say they all lose the majority of their memories, but just like Ingo still remembers a few things, Lewis remembers the backstabbing wretch who killed him even though he loses a bit of the circumstances surrounding it, and he *hates* him. In order for Vivi to get the arc phone and quest line, maybe Arceus spotted her as she was falling because she's the descendant to the hero, and they gave her both the those and a soft landing near people who would take her in.
For Mystery, there are a few routes he could take, but there are some problems with each. First is that he could just be a ninetales who is constantly casting an illusion to make himself look like a vulpix... for some reason... or he could be some legendary we haven't seen yet or an ultra beast, which does have a small form that looks kind of like a weird vulpix so everyone just assumes he's a vulpix variant.
Does Lewis illusion himself to look like his human body most of the time? I don't see many people trusting him or what he says if he looks like Zoroark, but if he just goes around everywhere looking like he did when he was alive, then they'd be more likely to believe him that, whoever this Arthur dude is, he's bad news. It'd also mean they had no basis for a good Zoroark, so when they see Emmet, who is mistaken to be a Zoroark, it adds to this "Arthur is evil" narrative that Lewis has been feeding them. Which sucks for them!
The good news is that if they're taking the train, they're probably not going to be losing any of their pokemon, so Emmet gets to keep his massively overpowered team. I think it'd be funny if Arthur was a depot agent who didn't actually work on the battle trains, just the regular commuter ones, so he has like, the one joltik Galaham and that's it. It's not even high leveled, it's just his little pet. Let's hope they don't get separated or Arthur is gonna be really screwed, especially considering he's still recovering.
I was picturing Arthur driving as like, a worst case scenario where Emmet was either knocked out somehow or just what *Emmet* imagines will happen if for some reason he didn't go with him. It's part of why he goes with Arthur, because if he doesn't Arthur's probably gonna end up killing himself right out the gate via a literal train wreck. Emmet still goes careening down the mountain a bit, to the tune of Arthur screaming, but it's a much more controlled crash so neither of them actually end up hurt. Emmet is very much carrying this team, but in Arthur's defense he's incredibly sleep deprived, terrified, in pain, down an arm, and hopped up on pain killers that are only sort of working. Without Emmet he's an easy kill for pretty much anything in Hisui, since he wouldn't even be able to dodge right.
Oh, whoops, just saw that other ask on this! I like both the angst of Arthur being possessed and pushing them in, and the angst of Arthur trying to save Lewis (I assume Vivi and Mystery already fell through somehow, maybe they were directly above it when it opened and had no time to grab onto anything) and the rift literally severing his arm as it closed, which in turn dropped Lewis. The first would be a case of either he doesn't remember being possessed like in msa canon or he does sort of remember but is freaked out because what the hell happened and why did he do that and will it happen again. Plus, it opens up a potential storyline where Volo manages to get giratina to possess him again in Hisui and use him like a puppet. Dunno what he'd do that for, but it could be interesting. The second would be a case of some sweet, sweet survivor's guilt. Arthur's manic drive to get to Hisui would then be fueled solely by his desperation see if they're still alive and appease the guilt of "failing" them, whereas in the possessed version he has a little bit different motives. In the version where he doesn't remember what he did, he's driven mostly by his need to know what happened and to rescue them, kinda like how he's searching for any leads on what happened to Lewis and where he is in canon, and in the version where he does remember what he did he'd still want to go because he's terrified that he murdered them, but there's an underlying worry that he might not be safe around them anymore (which is also why he's relieved Emmet chose to go with them - if he becomes compromised then Emmet is more than capable of taking him down).
(Sorry for the length!)
vivi and lewis being depot agents is interesting... tbh i was just imagining them being locals who happen to frequent the subway (bc vivi has aspirations of being champion and so wants to hone her battling abilities). also i can't imagine lewis not working at his family's restaurant lmao. and mystery being her ace is interesting! i DEFINITELY think he should be some kind of legendary that takes the disguised form of a vulpix/ninetales (i think ive talked abt some hypothetical version of this before?) and i would also like to propose that he's ice/ghost type to match with vivi's two specialties—ice from family tradition, ghost bc Ghosts.
REGARDLESS the idea that ingo disappeared first and then the second rift happened while the ghost hunting squad was investigating his disapperance—that's very fun. i like that. you can also spin it like arthur is intermittently possessed and caused both of them, unbeknownst to everyone else (and himself)
lewis i think is maintaining a human illusion most of the time, but it's also not really a secret that he's a zoroark bc like. he Floats. it would be a pretty shitty secret. plus he's constantly talking about his murderer which does not help his case of being an alive human. probably his first human contact is ingo, who's much less instantly fearful of zoroark, and then ingo introduced other people to him and/or spread the word of warning around. actually re: emmet being mistaken for a zoroark, wouldn't be so fucked up if, if they "know" (believe) that arthur has killed and zorua-ified at least one person, they automatically assume that emmet's just another victim
see i WAS thinking that arthur isn't even like, a depot agent in the sense that he works the floor (? do you call it the floor in a train station? you know what i mean. the Public Facing part.) he's like, a maintenance worker. he DEFINITELY doesn't battle anyone bc he hates confrontation. galahad is level 4. so ghsksjshjh Yeah he is definitely hiding behind his boss if they need to battle
i mean. tbf arthur's probably not like, fresh out of the hospital, building the engine took a while and his leave was probably pretty extended on account of losing a whole arm/suddenly having a prosthetic (depending on whether he has that or not in this au) takes some getting used to and he probably wouldn't be able to do much at work in the interim anyway. but by the same token, recovery would have taken a While and he definitely wouldn't have waited until he was healed, are you crazy, that's wasted time, and also not ruling out being injured/generally fucked up by the post-rift-travel crash, so yeah kshkjshkjsh. look, he got them here, he's tapped out now. emmet take over.
YEAH... ooh him getting possessed in hisui is a very fun plotline. i wonder if it could be both somehow? like, i really like the idea of him being volo's descendant and giratina possessed, but i also really like the version of events where he tries and fails to catch them and that's what severs his arm. maybe bc he's so far away from hisui/sinnoh, the link connecting him to the distortion world is very faint, so the possession can only be very brief (but can still, obviously, be very destructive if timed right, and also probably leaves a big cloud of haziness/missing memories around it. though the memory loss could also easily be attributed to all the blood loss) so he WAS a conduit for the power being channeled, but then the link was broken and he rushed in to save them? or is that too convoluted, idk.
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mintffxiv · 1 year
My thoughts on FFXVI - Full Game Spoilers
Ranking 7.5/10
As I only completed it a couple of hours ago some thoughts might change with time and if there are DLC's or other information after time has passed. My thoughts are also emotionally charged and sporadically disjointed but I will try to keep on point. Speaking of points I'm going to bullet point each thought to try and not ramble as I always do so I can get personal catharsis from writing my feelings out. So this is definitely also a release post because I need to get my feelings out.
Also has Encanto spoilers but I've pointed out where but just to add prior so it can be easily avoided.
The first thing I did after completing the game during the credits was check Google which of course took me to Reddit. This,
was the first post I saw and I've been reading and mulling over it since.
From that post and other comments I did feel some relief that Clive is alive. And for me and thankfully others that Joshua and Dion are alive.
I don't think Clive wrote the book, I think it was Joshua. Even though Tomes gave Clive his quill he also said that Joshua was also quite the historian or something like that. Now I could be misremembering but even so I don't think it's Clive who wrote it.
And speaking on that, I don't like seeing the far off future. I always feel sad when magic is gone because it's so important for this type of fantasy style. I get that it's powerful but the world looses it's spark for me. Like recently I watched Encanto with my friends. Avoid this next part of text if you don't want Encanto spoilers.
Encanto Spoilers start:
Like at the end I was so happy they all kept their magic. I mostly always dislike it when stories lose their magic because that's what made them special. That's what symbolised their strengths in a fancy and literally magical way.
Encanto Spoilers end.
I know it's Squares route to always say yadda yadda humans are magical without magic but they spend their whole damn games with magic as a core standard. I know 16 is different to an extent but it feels like overkill and almost making it too Earth-like. Like I myself am not a stable person so I need these stories to boost me up, so coming back down this way doesn't feel complete or good for me. I think it would have been better if maybe dominants wouldn't be possible anymore or just that simply the blight would stop from the aether being sucked from the land and that everyone would have the chance to use magic. Like magic wasn't the problem it was the abuse of magic so getting rid of it feels too drastic and even too easy. Like Ultima made humanity here, so they are magical beings. The flaw if any is that not all humans can use magic so ideally breaking the original crystal would restore balance to the planet. I'm sure the curse would still be present in a way of overuse but that's what happens to anything with overuse. If you exercise too much you're at risk of damaging your body from pushing too hard etc and as it's balanced now the blight would stop spreading and eventually the land would recover especially with the new survival techniques born from The Hideaway.
I get symbolism is present in all Final Fantasy games, but when it comes at a cost of clear closure it's a problem. I was finally feeling relieved that this game had clear intentions. Such as yes the people have sex lol. Yes they swear. Yes they bleed. But suddenly at the end we aren't given that? 15 really did a number on me and not just because of the ending it was a lot of issues I had so I was tentative with this but as I trust the XIV team and as I was going through the story I was starting to believe in a clear triumphant victory. But no it's just vague to be... I dunno why. Like after all the uncertainty in the game having a clear happy ending would have been so so good and appreciated. I don't feel the catharsis I needed and I expected. Even with the hope and logical thoughts that Clive and co are alive I don't feel closure and it really hurts so bad. And yes I do get heavily invested but that's just my way for many personal reasons but even so I've seen a lot of others feel the same way so that is something at least.
At least they didn't kill Torgal. However I wish he had more of a stronger role. He was our soul mate. I understand how he couldn't get on Bahamut's back but I dunno maybe he could have howled and restored Clive's health during a part of the fight, like how our friends voices cheered us on. And their first meeting was lackluster. Especially after we see how tireless Torgal was collecting Clive's things. There are a lot of jarring disconnects at times which sucks considering a lot of things are said to connect characters and events. A few lines here or there would go a long way.
Continuing on that thought, I was really expecting and then hoping for past scenes and gameplay of the brothers childhood but they had to just jam the knife in at the end. Like it just hurts, really hurts and I hate that. I was also expecting and hoping for politics but that all ends at Phoenix Gate. Like the disappointment when we get to the city of Sanbreque and the brothel only to not explore it but then move fast on rails away from it and never to step once in its city properly. Like that grand palace hello!? I was expecting some sort of masquerade stuff infiltration and seeing our mother there only she doesn't know it's us. But nope they just go off to Twinside but then we can't even explore there and then it gets flown up into the sky like? We're only stuck in the hideaway that we can't edit which would have been really cool and when we're not we're stuck in very similar landscapes outside which are pretty but it really makes the world feel small. Especially that the blight has already limited our exploration having the cities we have being taken away from us really sucks. And Barnabas! I was hoping he'd invite us for a grand dinner and during it we'd get drugged and hallucinate because he's aiding Ultima to easily take possession and then it'd switch to Joshua and we'd play as him going with Jill and Gav to infiltrate the castle and rescue Clive. Going further into my fantasy lol, imagine after recovery which would maybe take some time with Joshua reminding Clive of who he is with flashback game scenes, and maybe even after Clive comes back they end up recruiting Barnabas but I know that's definitely a stretch haha! The point is I felt we weren't given the full tour of the world and I know all Final Fantasy games are lineal but this was very on rails only stopping for side quests and with me personally running around to listen to updated voice commentary on what NPC's had to say which was cool but also distracting and long but I didn't mind especially at the time because I was enjoying figuring out the world.
Too many side characters. I really did like the lore account and information for each NPC big or small but at some point some characters really should have been one instead of two. Example Gaute and the woman next to him (I've forgotten her name and cba to look) who gives us appreciation points, should have been one person. It would also give more chances to have a stronger character we could get to know more and bond with.
Along with that was the bond and war table really necessary? I appreciated it at the time and I do still appreciate the effort but this energy could have been used for making the ending not unnecessarily vague or having all the characters voice lined and not being randomly non voiced. Like I thought my game had a bug before I realised it was doing that style for those parts but it was really confusing and not expected!
On reflection I don't think Metaia disappeared or died, I think it went to tell the moon the wish to be granted and will be back again. But if not I think it definitely went to tell the moon which also symbolises a power higher than what Ultima wanted us to believe. I think it also shows when Clive senses and partially sees his dad at his grave showing bonds and life beyond death which is extremely comforting and valid.
It would be great to learn on Leviathan properly. I know it was destroyed but perhaps there still in a defendant. Some have said it could be the baby in Edda or even Gav who is unaware. I think it's probably a whole other character we might meet in DLC however it'll be something to see how to manage that post world without magic or they do an alternative timeline or even go back in the past though that would also be sad because we know they are 'lost'.
I feel they killed off big characters too quickly which made the passing off. I knew Cid would die from his constant coughing blood and also because he's 'old'. Most characters die if they're old in these games or they are full side NPC's that half their character is being the old person. Also because he's too powerful of a character and they need Clive to take the reigns but it would have been really cool if Cid was still alive and we helped him recover, it would have been cool to have quests for him. Benedikta too, I feel like we didn't get enough of her. She drove a lot of the story well and then was cut out. I feel like they were inspired clearly by GoT but as it went on went back to final fantasy style which had a clash of styles hence the vague ending which most likely would have not been so stark if the full game was that style.
Oh and Jill. Along again with the wish that characters had more character Jill is one. I like Jill she is just above the line of being a basic boring pretty love interest. With Ice unfeeling it would have been great to have Clive melt her icy heart and in doing so she would cool his fiery anger. And I feel Clive didn't get angry enough. Like her whole story part was once again on rails, I feel like we got more emotion and character from Dory's side story because we got to read and somewhat experience this horror. We never one on one talk to Jill about our experiences and she hers to us. And on that I really thought we'd start the game from Clive being imprisoned and branded. We really missed out on a lot of lore building that really would have elevated the driving force of characters.
The bar was stupid and a waste of time. This would have been a great moment to be able to de-stress with the cast and get to know them more. Ben Starr Clive's voice said Clive was funny at least to him so I was expecting more funny and light hearted scenes but it's note like moments and it's not super funny or even cheeky just aha yeah. I wish we got the chance to learn about Clive. The whole game is about revenge to getting the choice to live and throughout that Clive is only that. What does he like to eat or not eat like Joshua and his carrots, does he like music, what does he want to do in life aside from this grand dream. We never get full bonding and comfort moments with the brothers, only a small part that ends in the space of a brief punch.
Our mother's death was disappointing. I think because the reunion was so quick and sudden. I was thinking she had more play in the story and also her bloodline thing makes no sense it's our dads bloodline not hers unless there's some unspoken fucked up GoTs shit going on lol. I was hoping when getting the eikons she'd realise that not only was we strong but far stronger than anyone and try to manipulate us to get a piece of our glory only to fall from grace from rejection just like she had rejected us all these years. Death of a character doesn't always have to be actual death but social death would be amazing. The disgraced Ana groveling to her son's would have been so so damn delicious. But naaa she just cuts her throat. As I said I was expecting and now wished for more political gameplay. Even giving us choices of how to approach a crystal would have been cool planning it, giving Vivian's map a really cool play. And having our Uncle help us with politics.
Like with Torgal I wish we got more chances of love with him and Ambrosia. They stayed loyal all this time and Clive doesn't even get the option to pet her.
I wish we got more clothes and not just us but the cast. We go to the desert in our leather clothes. The only person who ages is us and that's getting slightly more hairy lol like Jill looks the same. I thought the side quest for fabric would get her a new dress but nope.
I'm getting a bit fatigued now but I'll try to finish my thoughts. I gave this a 7.5/10 because of the ending. -2 for Clive and Joshua and 1.5 for Dion because although I want him alive I can understand if he did in fact die though the hope of him seeing with his flower and reuniting with Terrence and maybe even adopting the girl would be really comforting.
I think the only way I could fully be at peace is if DLC not only gave closure and a true happy ending but more loose ends tied up and a look to a fresh bright world not some future book with random people. After all the world isn't as important without the people in it and even more the people we know make it what it is. That's even what Clive said to Ultima that his bonds made him stronger, that because of love for others than himself he was able to beat him.
It's a shame, I was seriously contemplating getting platinum but now I don't want to even look at the screenshots I took and I want to delete them which I might later.
But yeah I do hope for clarity. Clive and Joshua and Dion deserve it. They deserve the world they fought for.
As for now I'm trying to recover, even if it was the ending I wanted and expected finishing a game is always bittersweet. I've been crying and felt shit so writing this helped a little to get it at least off my chest.
🗒️Notes: As usual there might be spelling and grammar mistakes. I might add more thoughts later. These are my thoughts and opinions which rely heavily on my strong emotions. I get extremely attached to games and things for personal reasons so my thoughts might come as even more personal because I take it too heart which is just my way I try to get past that but it's hard so I don't want to force myself. Anyway I'm nodding off now as I took meds for a headache lol so yeah. At least I don't have to worry about spoilers which was stressing me not stop whilst playing which made me anxious to complete it.
Also I wanted to make this short but as always it's long but yeah. I wonder if anyone read all this lol either way I got it out so I don't have to keep talking back and forth to myself as hard as I was. But if you did and even more so agree that means a lot because I'm a fragile person and I know I'm weird or I just don't manage things well so when I see people agree or I see others have my similar thoughts it helps. Anyway sleep now, I've been yapping for 2-3 hours.
New additions
I do like Clive and Jill together and how they were mostly portrayed. Same as most of the relationships but I just wanted more. I know they are busy with the plan and also have to be to defeat Ultima in time but they even said at the end Ultima would wait lol so totally could have time before then or before Clive was ready. I feel it was done well for a FF game and in general Japanese RPG games but the bar isn't very high so can't really compare. Anyway more talking moments would have been top.
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randoimago · 10 months
Persona 3 for the ask game?
I like how even if I do a little self indulgent Ask Game, Persona is still the most asked for fandom 😂
Ask Game Here
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3 male characters I love: Akihiko, Shinjiro (😭), Ryoji
3 female characters I love: Rio, Fuuka, Saori (ngl I almost put Yukiko here as a joke cause I do love her and was so happy by that little cameo)
3 romantic ships I love: Tbh I don't really know much about the ships for P3 besides seeing a lot of things about Makoto/Yukari being like the canon ship. If I have to choose what I like based on what I've seen in game though...
Rio/Kenji (she deserves better), Chidori/Junpei (they both deserved better), Akihiko/Kotone (I romanced everyone - besides Ken - that I could on FeMC route and I loved the Akihiko/Kotone stuff)
3 platonic dynamics I love: Mitsuru/Yukari (Coworkers/one-sided enemies to Best friends was really nice), Akihiko/Shinjiro (😭😭), Yuko/Rio (their friendship is really cute ngl)
3 favorite moments in canon:
I love in Shinjiro's Social Link, just him trying to teach Fuuka to cook because I've known Fuuka couldn't cook for the longest time (since her SL began much earlier), but it was very funny to watch him try to fix that mess. It was a cute moment too.
Seeing baby Yukiko was so much fun ngl. Getting to just see that area of Persona 4 and then staying at the Amagi Inn was such a cool little cameo thing to do in P3P. It made me really happy.
Junpei's relationship with Chidori was so good tbh, I was very suspicious in the beginning (like most people I'd assume), but the way that they got closer and Junpei being the only one she really trusted. Not to mention that her Persona became his?? God it was heartbreaking and so sweet.
3 favorite headcanons:
The fact that Akihiko was apparently a crybaby as a little kid (solidarity), I love the idea of just Shinjiro causing Akihiko to cry and then being awkward with trying to comfort Akihiko but also not wanting to suck up his pride and apologize. Mini Akihiko going, "I'm not crying!" while bawling his eyes out is so adorably pathetic.
Shinjiro being a reluctant mom to the others. Cooking dinner and making sure they all sit the fuck down and eat. Doesn't care if Junpei doesn't like vegetables, Shinjiro won't cook him anything else if he doesn't eat them. Fuuka can only help in the kitchen if all the things are measured out. She can just pour ingredients in the bowl under his supervision. It's tiring, but Shinjiro does have a small smile on his face since it does feel like everyone coming together as a family.
Chidori and Junpei would've exchanged pictures. She'd draw different things for him and he'd attempt to draw too, not doing a good job, but it's still fun. They'd co-draw something one time and Chidori wouldn't edit a single line of Junpei's because she loves the fact that he's even trying for her.
3 least favorite things about it:
I only played P3P so I don't know a whole lot about P3, but I do remember when I started playing that the audio is so crunchy. I was unbelievably worried that it was going to be that bad throughout the whole game (it wasn't, but that first fight was bad sound wise)
I've only played as FeMC and I wish she had more options. I love how much more chaotic she seems to Makoto, but maybe let me smooch more of the guys pls and thank you (this is more of a nit-picky thing than anything). Oh the Ken "romance" is very not it too (I didn't do it, but the fact that it's an option is not great). I thought that'd be a yikes even back when this game was released, but what do I know.
This is probably also a nit-picky thing, but I really wish you could move around like you can in P4 and P5. The visual novel style isn't bad, but I really enjoyed being able to just walk around different locations instead of moving a joystick and hope that I click on something interact-able.
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Day 1 of 90•160
So it's obvious now that I'm planning my death. And some people know that I want to die on my birthday. Well I realize me getting drunk and admitting that was really, really dumb. So, I'm gonna pretend to get better and hope it makes all anxiety and worry about me dying disappear from people's minds.
If I'm successful and everything goes as planned then I'm just gonna keep researching places near me and find a quiet place where kids aren't at and I'm just gonna take some pills and hope the coma route doesn't happen.
I am sad actually since I didn't really want it to come to this, but it's really no ones fault but my own. I mean I was the kid who failed to grow up and I probably deserved the abuse because I was such a hard kid to raise...
I really was horrible and still am.
Anyway, I'm gonna do a diary everyday if possible and just let the days count down. I'll post this accounts name to my main because Lord and Lady knows that Eliza most likely won't say anything lol.
I don't want any of you to try anything after me okay? Because honestly, you all actually have places in life and have the ability to be good people and progress through your trauma. I'm never going to be able to be normal, and after twenty something years I can see it now. Not only that every time I've thought about my death I cry and I think that's incredibly narcissistic, telling and a huge sign that I'll never get better.
The reason I've chosen OD is because I'm too chicken to slice my wrist open and I don't wanna jump off a bridge or building and have someone call a clean up crew.. I don't wanna be THAT much of a burden in the beginning stages of my leave. It defeats the purpose.
It's all very surreal if I'm honest, I'm obviously going through the grieving stages. Of knowing I'll never be normal and knowing what I have to do to lessen the blow on everyone else. I'm happy one day, torn apart the next and then I'm calm. Calm as calm could be.
I've utilized the Do Not Disturb on my phone finally, it helps because I think eventually I'll stop wanting for attention at all. My absence may also really help everyone, you know, get over the person they'll eventually learn was really fucked in the head.
I'm gonna miss my dog, but everyone else will either abandon her like they would have abandoned me if I kept on living or they will be definite better owners than I had been.
I'll miss food, I've already looked up ways to help me decompose better if my friends go the funeral route and I'm gonna be liquid dieting until I completely stop eating/drinking. It'll be nice to be kinda skinny when I die though, that's a mediocre plus I guess.
I never actually had sex either, I mean I'm not a virgin but I don't really think I've ever been able to finish, have anyone else finish, or be able to say I liked any of it. It actually makes me feel like a failure too, I mean I'm supposedly hypersexual so I should just enjoy it no matter what right?
Sometimes I wish I were okay with all I wasn't alright with, maybe then I wouldn't be so insufferable.
I seek attention and I'm gonna start being alone to think about why I seek so much attention. It's not healthy for anyone because no one should have to be around me when I want attention just because I want it. I should earn it honestly. But I'm obviously not earning it and I'm not enough because I'm not getting enough. You know, data tells. Or something like that.
You know I'm really depressed too. Like it sucks knowing I have to die but what sucks is it got THIS bad until I decided "yo, nothings gonna fix so we gotta find out what to fuckin do" and the final fix was death lol
That's so sad and pathetic isn't it?
I chose 90 OR 160 days because I'm either dying on my birthday (161 days from today) or I'm gonna try dying in a cold month if my head gets too horrible to handle. (90 days)
I might have to start biting at people since I heard if you get people pissed at you before you're dead they won't miss you and they'll forget you easier.
Well this is all I can say for today.
It's 5:01 PM and I have work tomorrow
It's Wednesday June 28th 2023
And eventually I won't be here anymore 🪻
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baeklination · 3 years
With My Favourite Ally
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Date: 210923
Warnings: SMUT 🔞, a lot of general fucking, anal, mouth fucking (incl. gagging), sucking, fingering, water*1, eating out, buttplug, gen.expl.lang.
Pairing: Baekhyun x F. Reader
WC: 7,1k
NOTE: *1. Yes, people - we have a shower scene. 2. It's a bit on the rough side at times, so remember that things are said/done in - and with - love.
"...so they closed it off, but if you take the exit just before that one you'll be okay", Gemma explains over the speaker.
"Yeah, okay. It should be on the GPS, I think. We wouldn't want to make a…"
Too many times you've laughed at that joke - too many times you've seen that movie.
"Oh, wait, here he comes", you say, hearing the keys in the door. "Baekhyun..?"
"Your GPS shows roadworks, right?"
"Yeah, sure. Hi", he says, giving you a quick kiss. "Do we have to take a different route?"
"Roadworks. Nothing cumbersome", Gemma assures him.
"Why can't you be friends with people who live in the city", Baekhyun jokes, speaking loudly for Fiona to hear.
"Hey, Baekhyun..! The ocean breeze will do you good, you'll see… So anyway, see you tomorrow? And remember you don't have to…"
A package of hard plastic lands on the table in front of you, flipping it around you raise your eyebrows and look at Baekhyun.
"...just come as you are."
"Yeah, sure. I'll call when we get there, let you know. Bye, Gem."
"A little small, no?"
Baekhyun takes a spoonful of your ice cream, shaking his head as he drags the spoon out.
"It's not for you, honey."
"When you told me you were getting your nails done I felt kinda…"
"Ah, you felt kinda…", you smile at him.
"Yeah. And I thought I'd get an upgrade. You done with dinner?"
"You want to try it now? A size jump? What if it hurts tomorrow?"
He cradles your hand in his, kissing it and smiling mischievously.
"Is that how you felt when you met me..?"
Rolling eyes in head and tongue in mouth, you sigh at his cheek.
"Actually, you're right, Baekhyun. I can't wait."
"And then…", he says, getting to his knees in front of you, putting his hands on your thighs. "...we do it my way."
Baekhyun moans with delight when you press the circle against his hole, securing the plug.
"Can you move?"
"Now why…", he says, pulling you over him. "...are you treating me like a virgin? It's only bigger… Yes, I can move. Or were you hoping I wouldn't be able to..?"
He almost rips your zipper in two when he opens it, but without a care in the world for Maison, he continues to put his hand down your trousers. Twirling your panties around his hand, dragging them upwards, he teases your clit.
"Go change into something I like..?", he asks sweetly, planting juicy kisses on your lips. "Maybe...something black..? Do that for me?"
The way he asks, you'd wear any and every piece of clothing he likes… But also: the way he asks, what he likes may be in tatters by morning, so you don't pick from the high-end side. Giving him a dramatic twirl (mostly in jest) you show off your pick: a spaghetti-strapped mesh body - black.
"Good enough?"
He stops stroking himself, eagerly opening his arms when you join him on the bed - you in turn eagerly open your lips to his. They move delicately but hungrily on your mouth, matching his hands caressing your waist, thighs and rounding the curve of your ass, jiggling it.
"What's this?", he coos playfully, smacking you.
"Hey, I'm wearing a dress tomorrow. No marks", you remind him.
"The new one?"
"Yes. So don't-"
"Then your body's fine", he says and smacks your ass again. "This is fine.. Now be a good little wifey and lay down."
Placing himself behind you, his arm slides around your neck almost like a chokehold, but he keeps his hand firmly on your shoulder, grounding him.
Lifting your leg, he watches himself fuck you in the mirror, his dark eyes fixed on your stretched out pussy. He bites his lip, moaning as he rolls his now slick cock in and out.
"Move it…", he whispers deeply behind your ear, referring to the mesh covering you. "I want to see when you get swollen."
Baekhyun's not alone in enjoying the view; seeing yourself being filled by him adds a lewd layer to the act - one you've been partial to since the days you used to do it in front of his TV, for lack of a big mirror.
"This plug...mh…"
"Is it better..?"
"It's on my g-spot every time I push...and with your pussy around me…", he mumbles stickily, moving faster. "Ohh…"
You feel his entire range of motion with his length, curving up, getting thicker, lodging deep - in this position he even strokes just below your entrance when he slides in and out.
"And I thought I was the main event…", you moan, pressing on his back.
"You are my main event."
Letting go of your leg he closes his mouth around your breast, sucking and dragging his teeth over it, breathing salaciously. His saliva is stuck between the pattern of the mesh when he removes his mouth to pull it down, kissing roughly directly on your skin. Your fingers on his neck draws his attention to your mouth, where he buries his tongue deep, tasting every part of it and pushing his hand between your now closed legs and lets it rest in its tight fit as he thrusts hard into you from behind.
Moving back to kneel, he moves the skin on his cock over its head. When it glides over your tongue you taste yourself before his pre-cum eventually dominates the taste in your mouth. It doesn't take long for it to be clear he doesn't want a blowjob, not the way he's pushing his pelvis forward, steadying your head with a hand on the side of your face, so you stay still.
"Mmm...look at that…"
Throwing a glance at the mirror you're met by your puffed up cheeks trying to keep up with Baekhyun's cock.
"Ahh...look at that", he moans huskily, dropping his head back, grabbing his shaft tightly, squeezing a ring around it with his thumb and index, thrusting faster.
Your nose starts running along with your eyes. He ignores the small jerking of your body - he wants the big one. Blowing out air through your coughing, he gets it. You groan, catching your breath, and shake your head at him and his antics.
His hands are soft going down the sides of your face, as soft as soft as his chuckle and subsequent kiss on your temple before he straightens up, angling your head up to take him in your mouth again.
"Don't block me, honey", he demands in a sweet voice, juxtaposed to his wish to shove his cock down your throat.
Trying a slower approach, he lets you relax your jaw before letting him in, the head of his cock now just nudging down the rounded back of your mouth.
Even though tears have stopped gathering in your eyes from roughness, the slow pace means your larynx is blocked for a longer period, so you start feeling your chest - lungs - contract. Trying to match your breaths with his thrusts, you look up at him - the pout on his lips, tilted head and petting of your head tells you he knows exactly what's going on. For Baekhyun it's not about the sensation, not even about the gagging right now; he likes to know that his cock is lodged in your throat, that he has that kind of wife. Slipping his other hand behind your neck he pushes deep, making your muscles try to swallow him - literally. He groans and sucks in through his teeth, exhaling as he slides in again, his stomach pressing on your head.
"Breathe…", he hums, but knows it's gonna be impossible.
Not pulling out for even half a breath, he rolls his hips in quick succession, making you heave and pull back in no time. So, sitting back you glare at him - an act of complaint he adores. You turn sideways, pushing him away when he comes closer. When he tries to grab your hand you swat his away, but Baekhyun's fast; gripping your wrist before you can pull it back he bends your arm behind you. You lean forward to get away from the pain, enabling him to grab your other arm, essentially cuffing them on your back, pushing your head into the mattress. Sure, you could fight him - but do you really want to..?
Aggressively pulling your lingerie to the side he rams his cock into you.
"Ah...Ah", he growls with every hard thrust. "You think I can't see how wet you are?...Ah… Don't pretend you don't like it...Mh!"
Unintentionally, you moan, biting your lip when his groin smacks against you.
"That's it, honey...show me how you feel…", he continues, running his hand up your ass to your hip.
Taking his cock out, he flicks it back-and-forth over your anal, his breathing shaky - he's about to come. Moaning loudly as he slides back in, he lets go of your arms and holds your hips.
"Uh, fuck..!", he groans, as he rams his cock into you as fast as he can. "Shit, turn around… Uh, turn around..."
His speech is barely more than a huff. The moment you start, he pulls out, roughly grabbing your neck and pumps his cock.
"Aghh...aghh", he growls deeply, as his cum spurts over your face. "Ohhh... oh, shi…"
He crashes into the mattress knitting his brows, a necklace of sweat around his throat, glistening down between his pecs.
"Baekhyun..!", you whine, holding your hand out, keeping one eye shut tight.
Swinging his arm by the edge of the bed he comes up with his trousers in hand and gives them to you.
"Here..", he breathes hard, his stomach rising high.
After wiping his cum off, you tuck your hand under his thigh, but he's quick - so quick - to catch it.
"Don't even think about it…"
You bury your head in the covers, jokingly muttering he's no fun. He laughs, but cuts and jumps to a loud wail, again feeling how exhausted he is.
"How was it? I guess I don't have to ask, but..."
"How was it..?", he echoes, putting his hand on his cock. "I… Felt like the pressure of a goddamn fire hose went through me…", he says, rolling over, nuzzling your neck. "But you already know all about that, don't you?"
Sliding his hand between your legs, he glances up and sighs.
"I'll buy you a new one."
Whether it's because he feels he might've been a bit too rough or because he actually only has softness left, that's what you always get from him after this type of sex.
Pulling you down to sit on his lap, you brush your teeth in sync, the shushushu filling the bathroom of your otherwise still apartment. Even being done before you he waits, biting his toothbrush between his teeth, resting his hand on your lower back.
The start of a relationship is usually where you do everything together, but the both of you having tiny bathrooms back then meant one at a time which years on turned into double sinks. If Baekhyun is home - if you are - you wash up together. Not saying much, but together.
His stretched out arm is the airstrip personnel: "land here", which you gratefully do. The sheets are cold and make you shiver, but between pulling the covers and finding the warmth of his torso, you soon cosy on in.
"No ailments to report..?", he asks, stroking your arm.
"Nope", you shake your head on his chest. "I guess I'll see the final product tomorrow, but I shouldn't have any problems with the dress. But if I do…"
"If you do, huh..?", he smiles and tips your chin up for a kiss.
Musing for a second he starts giggling, his chest bobbing under your head.
"Do you… Do you want me to dig up my old Halloween costume just to be safe? The mummy?"
With Baekhyun being such a dork, even laughing at his own lame jokes, how could you not follow suit?
"Pff, knowing you, you probably already have at least three dirty ideas about it…"
"I might. And knowing you…", he says, stretching to turn off the light."...you probably already have four."
Kissing you good night on the forehead he settles into the mattress with a faint grunt, like a thud in his throat, wrapping his arms tighter around you.
You're woken up by Baekhyun's knuckles gracing your ass.
"I know you're not thinking about putting your dick in me before saying good morning…", you mumble, drunk with sleep, not even opening your eyes.
"Never, ma'am", he whispers, keeping his laughter in his throat.
After some shifting, rustling and cool air hitting your back you feel his palm on your cheek, pulling it up. He places a soft kiss on your entrance, following with a few licks, and another kiss.
"Good morning."
"No, stay", you urge, trying to put your hand on his head under the covers.
He tsks when he comes up, pulling your lower body closer.
"I tagged you first. Besides…", he says, pushing the head of his cock into you. "...you'll barely notice, sleepy head."
Not yet wet, the spit on his cock helps, but doesn't provide the same sensuous glide as the real deal, but he semi-waits patiently; only the shortest thrusts once he's lodged his cock in you. Stroking your thigh, your stomach, kissing your shoulder, lightly pinching your nipple between his fingers while your breast lays in his palm. When you place your hand over his and push your ass back he extends his range of motion - now with the sweet glide of your juice - pressing firmly against your body, almost pausing, with every thrust. Turning towards him you tangle your fingers in his hair and enjoy the deep taste of his tongue.
"I guess a good night really does bring a good morning", you smile.
"Then I think it's gonna be a very good morning", he whispers over your lips.
Contrary to increasing his speed, he pulls out altogether and rolls out of bed. Neither far nor long though; he just gets up to pull the curtain to the side. Not completely, just enough to let in more than the echo of light you had, the overcast sky notwithstanding. His naked silhouette is gorgeous against the sliver of daylight - overcast as it may be - shining behind him and as he comes back his wet cock sways with his footsteps.
You get on his lap the moment he sits down, pushing your pussy against his length.
"Sit on me", he whispers hoarsely against your neck, gripping the underside of your legs.
You press his cock harder against your clit, in your hand feeling exactly how turned on he is, and let it stroke you before raising yourself up - and sliding down. Being pushed, Baekhyun doesn't mind laying, barely keeping his hands on your waist, biting his lips, as you pound him.
His thickness feels good, there's no need to rush. The sensation of your entrance hugging around him when you slide up, as if not wanting to let go, the way it stretches when he fills you.
He hums and caresses your stomach with his thumbs, cocking his head.
"Are you trying to get me to breed you, mama..?"
"No…", you shake your head, dropping to his chest, smiling at his remark.
Wrapping his arms around you, light as feathers, he rounds his length deep inside.
"Then why are you working my cock like that, hm?", he asks softly in your hair.
"Cus it's what I like…"
"It's what you like..? Well if it's what you like…"
He lets you sit back up again, but holds your hips firmly above his body, and thrusts. Bracing with his feet he goes just like you did, precise and hard, purposefully hitting your spot to bring out your orgasm. Even behind all the layers of hunger in his eyes, love is evident; the way he looks to see that he pleases you, does it the way you like it even though his morning hard-on is telling him to F...you...up.
With so many years passed, nearly all insecurities about being on display are far gone; you freely touch yourself in front of him - for him. Sliding your palms up your nipples sends a spark to your core, so, wetting your fingers, you run them over your clit, a signal to Baekhyun to thrust faster. With that, he starts moaning, joining in with your heavy breaths and the wet claps from your bodies.
"Baby…", you moan, dropping your head back.
It's impossible not to move your body, make the smacking harder as your fingers work deliciously on your clit. Baekhyun has always loved his morning naughties, so you bite your lip, squeeze your breast and look at him, eyes fluttering.
"Make me come, honey…"
He shivers, then he grunts, and digs his fingers into you. His pounding vibrates all between your legs as his cock pierces you over and over, and it starts your legs stiffening. You tremble and rub harder, desperately keeping your hand in place despite your tense muscles until it hits; shaking, wailing, releasing more fluids on Baekhyun's cock, you come.
He waits patiently as you ride it out, slowly pushing in and out, enjoying the mess you've made on him. Sliding out, you slump down next to him.
"I should start breakfast…", you breathe heavily, pretending to get up.
Baekhyun's hand encircles your upper arm - with a little smack due to the sweaty impact - and he comes up close behind.
"You - wife - are not going anywhere", he huffs, and kneels behind you.
"Higher", you say looking back at him, when he aligns himself.
Laying down on your back, kissing your shoulder he coos:
"Higher?", and wets his finger, gently sliding it in your ass. "You mean here..?"
When you arch deeper he giggles against your back.
"Yeah, I think you mean...right...here…"
Dropping a big ball of spit on his fingers, he smears it over your hole and presses the smooth head of his cock in, taking his time.
"Ahh...ahh...", he moans with every thrust, getting closer to being fully inside you.
Putting his arm around your neck, the right hand holding your hip, he finds his tempo. Seeing your ass being pushed up with every slap from his crotch is the perfect compliment to his burning breath on your shoulder and the ohh's that roll off his tongue every other time he bottoms out.
Pushing in deep, he changes to pressing his elbows in the mattress, clasping his hands together in front of your chest. It's barely that the rest of his body moves, only his ass swinging up and down, pushing your spine together; it's times like these you wish for some kind of reflection, to see Baekhyun's glutes tightening, the curve of his ass down to the back of his equally taut thighs.
"Ah….hhh...hhh...", he breathes hard, a spray of saliva landing on your neck, and he continues. "...hhh...uh, uh, ah", grips your pelvis hard, ramming, heaving out air as he comes in shaky thrusts.
Slowing down, he bounces against your ass, pushes deep, pulling you towards him, moaning. Even after he's settled he sweeps the hair from your neck, kisses you and, humming, rolls his hips.
When he's finally ready to get going his embrace reveals his hard-on, so you stick your butt out, poking him.
"Ooh, don't", he groans and holds you still.
You turn around and look at him, surprised by his odd response.
"I want it to go down", he says and chuckles. "It's 'cus I put the plug in…"
"You did..? That's why you were taking so long..!", you exclaim with a big smile. "Really? Did you really?"
"I did really", he says, mimicking your tone, kissing you over the brow. "It was easier when you did it…"
"Mm-hm…", he nods, putting his shoes on. "But it's fi-ine now. Shit..."
Straightening himself up, he puts his hand over his bulge and bites his lip.
It's both sexy and sweet, knowing he has it in - and that he did it in part for you.
"Are you gonna be okay to drive?", you ask, trying not to laugh.
"I'll be fine, hun. And when we get there…", he says, lifting his brow with a smile.
After some initial gasping and groaning, Baekhyun managed to get used to sitting with the plug, and now, twenty minutes on, you don't pay it very much mind - except for the occasional realisation that the sexiest man you know is three feet away from you with a sex toy in his ass.
With not much traffic outside of the city, Baekhyun is free to let his fingertips caress the nape of your neck as you lean towards the window, into the warming sunlight.
"I really love fucking you in the ass in the morning…", he says languidly.
"You make it sound as if I usually say no…", you murmur.
"No", he says, weaving his fingers into yours, giving your hand a kiss before resting them on your thigh. "Not at all."
With such a picturesque atmosphere it's no wonder you doze off.
Baekhyun loves singing in the car and though he's dreadfully out of tune it makes you happy to see him happy; tapping his thumb on the steering wheel, swaying his head, feeling good.
"...gateun geudaen yeppeoyo-oh-oh-ooh..!"
"Oh, you're up."
"Mm…", you sigh drowsily. "What time is it?"
"Hm, ten to four."
"Oh, it felt more like an hour than fifteen."
"Did I wake you up too early this morning? Go back to sleep...", he says, stroking your head.
"I'm not tired anymore. I wasn't even to begin with, I think."
Why are men sexy when they drive? There's nothing inherently sexy about, yet they are. At least your man is…
Nonchalantly you place your hand between his legs. He doesn't say anything, merely grunts when he slides forward a bit, touching the corners of his mouth with his fingers. He quickly becomes stiff in your hand - partly thanks to his toy, you suspect - so you put your hand down his trousers. A nudge with your fingers and his cock stands straight up in his boxers, an appetising protrusion against your palm. His hand automatically finds your thigh, squeezing it, when you drag your nails over the rim of his head. Faintly bucking his groin, he looks in both the rearview- and side mirror.
"Take it out", he says, voice thick with lust.
Contrary to traffic safety regulations you slip under the top part of the belt and lean to his side. Not pulling his pants down means you can't access his entire length, but it's nonetheless a good mouthful. Baekhyun's cock still tastes of this morning's semen since you decided on showering on arrival, bringing up images of the morning as well.
His fingers tip tap under the hem of your trousers, trying to slide in, grab your ass, but it's too tight, so he lets them rest where they are. His arousal amuses you, so you push him to the back of your throat.
"Mmm...", he groans, running his hand up your back. "Let's pull in at a rest stop…"
Releasing him, but pumping, you shake your head. Throwing a glance to the side he looks almost worried, running his hand along your neck, his thumb petting your earlobe.
"Why not..?"
Then he chuckles softly through his nose and manages to put at least half of his mouth on your lips while still watching the road.
"Is it too base for my baby? Hm..?"
"No, but it's too soon for my baby", you say and sit back, nodding towards his backside.
He grimaces and squeezes himself, letting go with a loud sigh and pulls his trousers up.
"I know… You're right."
"You'll thank me when we get there", you affirm and take his hand.
"Oh, I'll something you…"
"...are you sure? Oh, my god, I'm so sorry."
"It's o-kay, relax..!", Gemma assures you on the other end of the line. "It's not your fault the highway jammed up, and I much prefer to have you guys groomed and clean when you do get over here."
"Argh..! Yeah, I know, but aish… Whatever, okay. We'll hurry up and see you soon."
After making good time - not pulling in at a rest stop - the highway had suddenly become crammed with cars with little to no movement in forty-five minutes, leading to you having circa fifteen minutes until the party starts.
"What'd she say?", Baekhyun asks, hanging up your dress on the closet door.
"You know her, doesn't sweat a thing. I would've said the same thing, it's just different being on this side of things", you sigh, putting your hair in a bun. "It's okay if I don't wash it, right?"
"Oooh, baby, you're so dirty…", he jokes, putting his arms around you. "But if you want to, there's time. I don't want to hurt you, but I think it's time you knew…"
"What?", you squint your eyes at him.
"Gemma...has other friends to hang out with. She's been seeing them behind your ba-…"
"Oh, I knew it was gonna be some-..!", you holler and break free, continuing to undress. "I'll be fifteen minutes."
Wringing out the water from your hair you hear the woosh of the glass door sliding and get a chill on your body.
"Has it been fifteen minutes already?"
"Maybe ten…", he says, stepping in behind you, his cock swaying stiffly.
Grabbing the shower head from you, he lets the water drench his hair, run over his closed eyes, down his body. Combing his hair back and wiping his face he smiles cheekily and starts screwing the shower head off its hose. The water flows out concentrated but soft, like from a gardening hose, so partly covering it with his thumb he regulates the water's pressure and backs you into the corner.
"We've got time."
Feeling behind his balls your fingers meet the plug; you pull it out just an inch and slide it back. Baekhyun moans, enveloping his lips over yours.
He doesn't have to tell you to spread your legs, you do it eagerly when he puts the water stream to your stomach and brings it downward. The first hit on your clit gets you up on your toes, gasping, pushing your pelvis out. Baekhyun giggles in your mouth and curls two fingers into you, at the same time spraying the water on your clit again. You moan, grabbing his neck - unsuccessfully trying to grind against it, while he fiercely fucks his fingers into you.
"That's my baby", he whispers, turned on by your whines in his ear.
You pull up the skin to reveal the most sensitive part of your clit and when he aims for it your muscles immediately contract, pushing your pelvis out even further. Your mouth hangs open as you claw at his neck, convulsing on his pounding hand, crying out in pained wails.
"Shh, baby", he laughs at your excessive volume, but flicks his fingers over your clit, making you jerk and whine all the more while you come down.
Offhandedly tossing the hose to the side, pressing close, he lifts your leg and slides his hand behind your head. Sucking roughly on your lips he caresses his cock against you, looking for your entrance. Finding it, he nudges the tip in, then rounds out and snaps his pelvis.
"Ah, fuck", you gasp, putting your arm around his shoulders for support.
Continuing snapping, he doesn't stop kissing you. They're both rough, both what you want.
"Now, about what happened in the car…", he coos, looking at you while ramming his cock as deep as he can.
"What..?", you gasp. "What happened..?"
He leans in again, his back becoming hunched with every new thrust as he quickens the tempo. He exhales in high-pitched moans coated in honey, telling of his desire for you.
Water sloshes on the floor when he gets new footing, digging his fingers into your ass, his face in your shoulder. His wet hair gets plastered to his - and your - skin. Pounding into you, yet moving you along with him, he whispers hoarsely:
"I'm your husband, you shouldn't deny me these things…"
Fighting to even catch your breath between the gasps, answering him is not a priority. Being on time isn't a priority - not having your shoulder blades ground to dust against the tiles isn't a priority.
His even-paced pants are interrupted by a deep-chested trembling and his precise smacking turns to rolling when he comes.
"Ah-h-h...ash… A-HH, A-HH, AH, fu…", he moans and cries into your neck, filling you with his cum.
He pushes so deep while riding it out you have to push his shoulders down in turn; he understands, goes a little easier, a little gentler each time, ending up slowly rolling while lavishing juicy kisses on your lips.
Puffs of the giggle through his nose tickle you over the lip and he slides his length out and look down, kicking in the water.
"Leave it…", you sigh, sliding down to the floor, when he bends to grab the hose. "I'll finish up showering from down here… Come. I'll take it out."
So, kneeling in front of you, he arches with a faint moan as you drag the plug out.
"Oh, 'cus I'm the one who told you to wear it then work yourself up…"
"You are the one who worked me up, hun", he reminds you, screwing the showerhead back on and giving it to you.
"Eh...I don't-"
"I know, but wait 'til you see it on", Baekhyun says, holding his finger up.
Taking his first option off, he pulls the second over his head. You cock your head, knitting your brows.
"I know, right?", he smiles, holding out his arms.
"How has it done that?", you exclaim in surprise.
In his hand, this flowy silk shirt looked like a woman's blouse, particularly with the knit lace encircling its short sleeves, but on him it - he - looks suave and sexy in a casual way.
"I love it. Ugh… What… And it goes great with the pants."
"Right? Even if it's all black it's a little something, something. I'm just gonna", he says and grabs his watch from the nightstand. "You ready?"
"Technically, but hmm, I don't know… Feels like something's missing…", you muse, looking in the mirror.
"Feeling a little competitive..?", he teases, looking in the mirror behind you. "Didn't you bring earrings? The small gold ones?"
He breathes in loudly, smacking his lips with a nod; you know him well enough to sigh and wait for his joke about being a top fashionista.
"We're not that late..!", you holler, refusing to accept Michael's impromptu trumpet work.
"I had my finger on the dial to Missing People - whow! Coming through with the fashions, bro'. Nice!", he roars when Baekhyun takes off his jacket.
"Aeh…", he sighs and helps you with yours like the gentleman he is. "I have to make an effort when the missus looks like this."
Waving at a few familiar faces, your attention is diverted when Gemma appears in the kitchen door, crossing her arms:
"Well, well... Look who decided to show up!"
You extend your arm, bottle of gin in hand.
"For being late", you grimace apologetically.
"...and you know it's all her fault", Baekhyun says, pointing his thumb at you.
"...since way back in school, I've known them", Gemma explains to one of her guests.
You're not the type of couple to hang on each other's arms the whole night, but being midway through your second drink your eyes keep travelling across the room to where Baekhyun is. There's something unusually alluring about the way he looks in that shirt, be it the thin fabric whispering about his body underneath, the lace hanging off his triceps when he takes a sip or the three buttons he left undone so you'd be "begging for me to take you round back", as he had put it before you left.
Catching you eye, he casually pours a glass of water, takes a sip and - not so accidentally - spills, the water running down his neck to his chest.
"Whow. Here...", Michael says, handing him some paper.
After patting his neck dry he goes to his chest, opening another button to reach, casting an eye your way.
"Ah...ah...", he moans quietly, the soft, wet clapping matching him.
Unlike in the shower, his hands now hug your hips softly as he takes you from behind. His boxers - anchored around his thighs - grace the inside of your leg as he moves.
Needs knows no bounds so for now a house wall to lean against and an outdoor sofa to rest your leg on is as good as any bedroom.
"Don't look now...", he whispers amused, lowering himself to your ear. "But I think someone's looking…"
You shut your eyes to not accidentally search for whoever it is.
"You know the edge of the lawn..? He's pretending to be on the phone, maybe he is, but he keeps walking back and forth, looking here every time..."
"You wanna go back in?"
"No. I want to show you off", he says and pulls up your dress to the small of your back. "Should I spank your ass with my cock..?", he snickers.
"Shh, don't overdo it. Don't embarrass him."
"He's the little perv, spying on us. Or maybe you told him to come out..? Ah…Oh...I know how you like an audience…"
"So do you."
Carefully looking to your side, you spot him - and he's indeed a little spy. Baekhyun's right about you liking an audience, so you arch a little deeper, bend your knee higher up. Turning to face him you mouth "faster", so he goes faster, sliding his hands down your cheeks, pressing them apart. Cocking his head he can't resist to caress your anal with his thumb and moans..
His tongue plays in the side of his mouth, as if he knows your secret, knows what a dirty little girl you are, wanting him so bad you don't care who sees.
"I'm….ssh, pulling out...", he says, wetting his thumb then continues to rub.
"Wait 'til we get home…"
"Not like that", he says, letting the tip of his finger slide in, not at all having meant for it to be his length.
Even just that bit of stimulation increases your arousal, so you push back on him. Following your lead, he presses his entire thumb in, breathing all the harder.
"No, no…", he pants after a while, more so to himself than you. "I'm teasing myself..."
"You're not gonna come?"
"No", he replies, on his way over the edge. "Ahh...no, I'm waiting...ah...ah, shit."
He pulls out at the last minute, grabs the shaft of his cock and leans over you with stuttering breaths.
"Fucking close…"
Baekhyun's curious way of sleeping when you're out of town continues; at home he likes his side, anywhere else and he tends to stay on yours. As if he's barely moved, his head is tucked deep in the pillow, his arm seemingly slid off your waist lying just behind your back. Knowing he's had a rough week at work you decide to let him sleep in, tuck your feet in the courtesy slippers and carefully close the door behind you.
Finding an - equally courteous - robe in the bathroom you take a deep breath, smelling the hem of it. It is just a morning robe, but the stitching reminds you of the dobok Baekhyun used to wear for hapkido, when you'd pretend to be watching any- and everyone compete until he finally asked you out. He's really loved you for that long...
It's a lovely day. There's no sunny sky, or birdsong when you open the kitchen window, but an overcast, quiet morning. It might be in your head, but you imagine getting a whiff of the salty ocean and decide to have your coffee outside (hoping the beach hammock you've set your sights on doesn't flip you over).
Sighing over just how randomly you managed to pick a random magazine from the pile, you welcome the low snort coming from inside. Bending your knees, letting the robe slide from your legs, you pretend to not notice and continue "reading". A cheeky whistle rings out from the kitchen window.
"My, my…"
Bingo. Hiding behind the magazine, you compose yourself and count to three before dropping it on the grass, and sure as salt on fries, there he walks across the lawn.
"I thought I'd let you sleep in."
"M-hm…", he murmurs, opening his robe, showing his hardening cock. Stroking the back of your thigh he gives you a kiss. "How'd you sleep?"
"I was out in five. You?"
"Same", he nods, letting his robe fall down.
Straightening your legs up, he kisses a trail from your calf downwards, caressing the back of your legs. When his eyes meet yours he spanks your cheek, a quick flick of the wrist causing a lashing effect. He smiles at your jolting and the subsequent bucking of your hips in pleasure.
"Did you put the plug in again?"
"No…", he shakes his head, guiding his cock into you. "You're still my favourite toy."
It's a tighter squeeze with having your legs closed, but it means his length strokes your entrance harder - a different nuance. And when he hikes your legs up, hugging your thighs, you almost feel like a toy; letting your body bounce up and down on meeting his energetic rolling, stroking you here, digging his fingers into you there, biting his lip with dark eyes fixed on yours - Baekhyun knows full well this is the position that makes you feel the most filthy. Because with no anchoring, there's nothing you can do, no action to take than to be fucked by him. Your powerlessness makes you squirm, but also makes you wet. When Baekhyun fucks you like this...your brain goes splat. And of course, he wouldn't be Baekhyun if he didn't tease you about it. Chuckling, sucking on your leg, he coos:
"Mmpoor baby…"
Closing your eyes earns you a rough slam.
"Look at me, honey…"
Continuing with the same, hard, thrusts, he lets out a cascade of sweet moans and hums, he himself eventually closing his own eyes, elation painted on his face. Letting himself be momentarily swept away, he comes back with a few deep, soft thrusts before pulling out, spreading your bent legs. Untying the belt still round your waist, he leans in, dousing you in moany kisses, circling his thumb over your nipple. Backing, kneeling high in the grass, he softly feathers his fingertips on your thighs, his kisses leading the way, sending shivers through your body. When he reaches the edge between your legs and pussy, he runs them along it, up...down...up...down...up...down, letting his fingers follow the curve close to your hole, meeting just below it. By the pull of his lips you can tell he's near bursting with desire to eat you out, yet he waits - not only to tease you, but for your pleasure.
Sliding his fingers up, onto your folds, he carefully parts them, making sure you feel the stretch on your clit. Knowing better than to rush him all you can do is caress yourself, try not to roll your hips.
"You're swollen…", he whispers, swaying his head, taking a deep breath. Stroking circles on your ass with his thumbs, he at last lets his lips touch you, a juicy kiss just under your entrance. Wrapping his arm around your leg, he lets his fingers glide over your entrance, collecting fluids which he uses to slide up either side of your clit, massaging while continuing working under your entrance.
You watch with anticipation when he comes closer. Barely opening his mouth he envelopes your clit, letting his slick lips slide from it before doing it again.
"Put your fingers inside…", you whisper, tangling your fingers in his hair.
He calmly takes it away with a mild "no..." and flicks his tongue over you, gently panting. You moan and automatically bring your hand back - a phenomenal pain electrifies your core up to your chest when he spanks your clit. Don't means don't. He smiles at you while lapping to soothe it, putting some pressure on your entrance, rubbing it, while you grip your thighs in want.
"Get down here", he says, sliding his hands to your waist.
Tipping over in his lap with a yelp, you welcome feeling his body against yours for a moment before he gets you on your back.
Spreading his thighs wide, he steers his cock down and pushes it into you. Knowing you're definitely ready, he sets a quick pace from the get, hooking his hands at the top of your legs, pulsating firmly. Paying special attention to his shaft he makes sure it meets your body with each thrust, squeezing his balls on your ass. The entrance stimulation - smacking and stretching - releases more juice, leading to wetter claps.
He lets you pull him down, but keeps pounding like before, supporting himself on his knees, grunting when you dig your nails in his ass - separating them gives his sensitive hole a tickle.
He breathes wetly next to you, lying down, rocking your body as well as he begins billowing his hips, lifting you up by your ass to get - and give - a deeper hit. The smell of his perfume long gone, only the scent of his slept in skin remains, mixing with notes of freshly cut grass as your moving's broken it to release its scent.
"Mhh", he grunts in your neck. "I love you…".
Raising his head, the muscles on his back grow even stiffer, protruding above his spine. Barely finishing your kiss, he whispers "I love you" in your mouth, his wet lips caressing yours before a wail rings in your head. Dropping his head he stutters, his breath hitching as he swings his hips back-and-forth erratically, fucking his cum into you.
"Uh...ah...mmmm…", he moans, pressing deeply.
His breath is hot on your collarbone, his stomach pushing down on yours as he pants and swallows hard.
"Marry me."
"Marr…", you stutter, breathing heavily, then laugh, seeing as how you already are. "What if I say no..?"
"Nah-ah, marry me...", he says again, peppering tickling kisses on your neck.
You cry out and try to get away, to no avail.
"Okay, okay! On one condition."
"What?", he asks, looking at you.
"Finish what you started…"
A sly smile spreads across his face then he showers you with kisses again.
"You're gonna marry me so many times over..."
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cierrabiscuits · 4 years
Koutaro Bokuto x Fem Reader: Eligible Bachelor
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 Summary: Some of the MSBY team are scheduled at a charity event and are auctioned off for dates, you being the manager go with them. The team is well aware of your crush on Bokuto and put a plan in motion. What’s the worst that can happen. 
 Words: 5.1K
 Warnings: Angst if squint, happy ending, MSBY 4 being sold as dates for Charity.
 Authors Note: Hello! This is my first time posting a fic so go easy on me, I hope you all enjoy it and get a good laugh out of it like I did! This is part of a collab with @ambershaydeoffical! Please support all the talented writes who participated. 
Update: I made a route for Sakusa! Find that here
Update: I made a route for Atsumu! Finda that here
“Alrighty boys are you ready to go on in?” You said staring at the four well dressed men  behind you.
 “No, and I want to go home.” Sakusa adjusted his black facemask. He wasn’t keen on coming to this event whatsoever.
 “Sakusa I know, but I really need you! Besides what would you be doing anyway? It's Valentine's day and you're as single as single gets. Live a little. Maybe you will find your Mrs.Clean tonight! Ya never know!” You said as he rolled his eyes and scoffed.
 “Omi-Omi don't be that way. Our lovely manager here worked hard to get us this opportunity, and it's benefiting a charity you scrooge.” Atsumu smacked Sakusa’s back.”I think your just upset because you know all the ladies are going to bid on me.” The blond setter smirked at the very pissed Sakusa who just glared at him.
 “NOoO It's going to be me who gets all the bids. I still have my tan from Brazil and I’m alot cooler than all of you.” Hinata piped up, proudly adjusting his tie that had little volleyballs on it. 
 “Well if we don’t get our asses in that building, aint none of y’all getting any bids, besides I’m freezing to death,” You said rubbing your arms. The dress you wore done little to protect you from the cold night. 
 “Take this please, I don’t want to freeze to death. I like you warm and alive.” Bokuto, who's been oddly quiet, spoke up wrapping his grey tux jacket around your shoulders leaving him in his blue button up. You could smell his cologne on the jacket, you could drown in this and wouldn't complain. Your cheeks ran hot and you managed to let out a “thank you” through chattering teeth.
 “Okay let’s get going.” You said wrapping the jacket tighter around you as the boys followed you like baby ducks. Bokuto walked up beside you while the two boys bickered over who would have the most bids in the back, Sakusa wanted no part in it and stayed to himself. You look at Bokuto  who seemed nervous. You decided to hype him up a bit before he went into emo mode. “Bokuto you are going to have some gorgeous high profile women coming after you tonight, I’m jealous of them.” You didn't lie, you had the biggest crush on Bo, ever since you took the job as the MSBY manager. You never have a frown on your face next to him- until now. You knew he’d have a woman, that's not you, by his side tonight. You’d bid on him until your bank went in the negative but you don’t get paid like the women at this event do.
 “You wait and see, I’ll have the most beautiful one by time the night is out.” Bokuto said, smiling at you. You felt a pang of sadness creep on you, if he only knew. 
 The warm air of the ballroom felt nice against your cool body. You gave Bokuto his jacket back, you secretly wished you could keep it forever. You took in your surroundings, the ball room was filled with women in designer dresses and you could see the small stage in the middle of the room. 
 “Guys I have to find the event coordinator and see what time you guys need to get on stage. Please be on your best behavior, there are cameras everywhere. Atsumu keep the drinking to a minimum, Shoyo for the love of God go to the bathroom now, Omi keep these fools in line and you better be nice to people and last but never the least Bokuto, If you dance please be careful, I don’t want to take you to the ER again because you hit the Cha cha slide too hard. And with that I’m out. I’m counting on you guys.” You said giving them a thumbs up as you got lost into the sea of people to hunt the event coordinator. 
 “Thank you so much Y/N! Everyone is looking forward to the auction. We have some models and a couple pop stars who will be in the line up as well as a few volunteers . I want your boys to go at the end, as they say ‘always save the best for last’.” The coordinator spoke over the bustling crowd. She went over the rules and where they needed to go and what time to line up. You soaked in all the information the bubbly coordinator was giving you. “I have to go let the rest of the people know the game plan. Please have your guys here and lined up in half an hour. Thank you again!” And with that she disappeared into the crowd. Now here came the hard part.
You scanned the large ballroom to find your heathens. Sakusa would be the easiest to find because he is most likely on one of the four corners in the building. Hinata was most likely with Bokuto, and Atsumu was a wild card, he could be at the bar, maybe even on the dance floor trying to impress girls with his dance moves(That suck by the way). You recall the time you found him passed out in a bush drunk off ass at a gala last year. You make up a game plan, you would get Bo and Hinata first, then find a hopefully sober Tsumu and lastly get Sakusa (you figured it best not to drag him around the ballroom) You spot Bokuto’s tall figure next to a snack bar, and as you figured Hinata was with him. They were both stuffing their mouths with meat kebabs and other foods like wild animals, they sure love to eat you thought. 
 “Bokuto,Hinata, they are getting ready to line everyone up, wait for me over there.” You said pointing towards an area that was not  too terribly crowded.
 “HEY HEY HEY Y/N try one of these things, they are so freakin good.” He shoved a cake pop in front of your face. You took it from the gray haired boy.
 “Thank you Bo, but we really need to go.” You took a bite from the cake pop. “Wow that is really good.” You said finishing it in one bite. You heard some snickers from a group of girls, they made a smug comment about you eating it all at once. You normally would throw hands but you had an image to uphold. You shouldn't let it bother you but it did.
 “Hey don’t let that bother you, besides I like a girl that can eat.” Bokuto said, patting your head. He is literally the human version of sunshine. 
 “Thanks Bo. But really we need to get the move on, I still have to hunt Tsumu down. Can you and Hinata wait for me over there.” You said pointing to the area again.
 “Roger that.” They said unison. 
  “I’ll be right back.” You said going back into the crowd. You checked the dancefloor first and he wasn't there(You were relieved he was not.). You made your way to the bar and found him surrounded by women who were mesmerized by his thick accent. You waved him down and he nodded and turned his attention back to the group he had attracted.
 “It looks like It's time fer’ me to go, make sure you all bid for me. I’ll be a waitin’” He said getting up and following you. The women he had been entertaining giggled as he walked away.
 “Look at you being a player. I didn’t expect that from a man who yells at girls when they cheer for him.” You leaned into him so he could hear you over the crowd.
 “I’m just tryin’ to raise some money, it's strictly business. My heart belongs to volleyball for the most part.”He said winking at you. He truly is just a fool in love with the sport. 
You led Atsumu to the group and went to retrieve poor  Sakusa. You looked around for a few minutes and felt a tug at the back of your shirt. You turn around and see Sakusa towering over you. 
 “This is new, I’m used to finding you sulking in a corner.” You said staring into his black eyes. 
 “I watched you gather everyone up, I figured I would come on over to make it easier for you.” He began to walk towards the rest of the group.
 “I guess being 6’4 has its perks huh Omi? You're like a watchtower.” You said looking up at the tall spiker.
 “Yeah, guess so.”He said playing with one of his dark curls.
 “Okay we have everyone, so you guys are going last, I’ll leave who goes first to you guys. Now let's go get lined up.” You lead them to the stage and let them line up. Atsumu insisted on going first, Hinata would go after him, then Sakusa and lastly Bokuto. 
 “You owe me some umeboshi after this.” Sakusa said, taking his mask off and putting it in the pocket of his tux.
 “Sure thing. I'll even throw in a thing of nice smelling hand sanitizer for the trouble.” You crossed your arms and smirked at him.
 “I’ll hold you to that.” He said, filing behind Hinata.
 You looked at Bokuto who appeared to be a nervous wreck. He had a small layer of sweat on his forehead and his hands were shaking slightly. “Hey it's going to be okay, I’ll be right here.” You said pulling out your handkerchief and dabbing the sweat off his forehead. “You're amazing and dare I say you're the best looking one.” You said making him blush.
 “Ummm HEY.” Atsumu said glaring at you, obviously butt hurt from your comment. Sakusa was unamused and took it upon himself to kick Atsumu. That gave you the opportunity to turn your attention back to the nervous male beside you. Before you could comfort him the loud speaker cut you off.
 “Ladies and gentleman, would you please give your attention to the center stage, the date auction will begin momentarily.” The coordinator announced causing everyone to tense up a bit.
 “Come on guys loosen up a bit, I’m going to be in the front taking pictures for our instagram page. So show off a little! Show them you are proud to be a part of such an awesome volleyball team!” You hyped them up one last team. “With that being said I want a group picture so bring it in guys.” You said pulling the camera and ushering the athletes into the frame. “Say cheese.” Atsumu wrapped his arm around Sakusa who didn’t have the chance to push him off, Bokuto gave Hinata bunny ears. It was a chaotic photo, but It caught their true essence. 
 “I want a picture with you before you go Y/N. Pleaseee.” Bokuto gave you puppy dogs eyes and you couldn't deny him.
 “Sure Bo. Atsumu here.” You handed him the camera and got beside Bokuto. He wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close to him. You could feel his muscles through the tux that fit just a little too good. 
 “Aww you look like a cute couple.” Atsumu teased as he brought the camera up to snap a picture. You couldn't make a comeback as embarrassment washed over you. You looked up at Bokuto who had a blush adorning his handsome face.
 “Y/N I’m going to do something, don’t get mad.” Bokuto said, picking you up bridal style before you could even protest.
 “That’s what I’m talking about!” Atsumu said, snapping more pictures. 
 “Bokuto put me down, I'm heavy!” You shriked  gripping onto his tux.
 “No you're not. I could carry you around all night like this if you wanted me to!” He smiled down at you! You felt your face light up like a Christmas tree. No matter how big or small you were, Bokuto always made you feel like a princess. 
 “As much as I’d love you to, we gotta get this ball rolling.” You said as he gently placed you back on your feet. “I’ll be taking that.” You said snatching the camera from Atsumu who was smirking. He seemed to be hiding something from the way he was acting. He is definitely sus you thought. You waved the boys goodbye and made you way to the front of the crowd. You got the camera ready as the spotlight of the stage flickered on. 
 “Thank you all for coming out tonight! We hope you are ready to see the heartthrobs we have lined up for you!!” The announcer said setting the tone. “Valentine's day is all about love and being with one another. So if your single, ladies, pull those yen out and let’s get to business!” The crowd cheered and applauded as the auction began.
You didn’t pay much attention to the men coming on stage, your only worry was the last 4. You scrolled through the camera to see the pictures Atsumu took of you and Bokuto. Bokuto had such a wide smile on his face in the pictures, your smile was just as big, even though your face was full of panic in the one where he effortlessly picked you up. You’re pulled from your day dream when you heard the announcer’s voice.
 “We have some special guests tonight from the MSBY volleyball team! We’ll start first with Miya Atsumu!” The announcer said as Atsumu walked on the stage like he owned it. He flipped his hair and looked at the group of women he serenaded earlier and blew them a kiss. You got lucky and snapped a picture of it, he may be annoying as hell but he knows how to get women. He had about ten women fighting over him, his bids kept going up and up. After a cutthroat battle he was sold for roughly  200,000 yen. He smirked and walked off the stage. You couldn’t help but chuckled to yourself, he’d be one of a kind if he didn’t have a twin. 
 “Up next we have Hinata Shoyo!” She said as the tangerine headed boy shly walked on stage. He looked confident for the most part and he thankfully went to the bathroom before this. He had on one of his classic charming but cute smiles. You could hear girls behind you talk about how cute he was. His skin was glowing under the spotlight thanks to the Brazilian sun. His bids went up high, he ended up being sold for 120,000 yen. He waved at the audience and bounced off the stage.
 “Let’s welcome our next bachelor who just so happens to be the tallest one tonight, Sakusa Kiyoomi!” You watched on edge as Sakusa walked out, he didn’t seem nervous but he wasn’t all that interested either, he stood in the middle of the stage like a statue. To make matters worse he wasn’t smiling. You grabbed his attention for a moment and smiled as wide as you could and pointed at your face, you felt like one of the psychotic moms from toddlers and tiaras but you had to do something or he wasn't going to get any bids. You mouthed the words “Smile please” at him and he finally took the hint. He had an awkward but cute smile on his face finally. You relaxed a little and resumed taking pictures. His bids began to go up and quick. Sakusa looked at the exit of the stage and smirked at someone and turned his attention back to the crowd. You could only guess he was looking at Atsumu who was probably pissed at how high Sakusa’s bids were. Sakusa was sold for a whopping 500,000 yen. You know Tsumu’s ego was damaged beyond repair right now. Sakusa bowed and left the stage. 
 “Now let’s end this night right! We have one more contest so let’s welcome Bokuto Koutarou to the stage!” You felt your heart drop and the announcer said his name. You had to watch someone you loved dearly be bid off to some rich girl who would probably steal him away. You tried to knock away negative thoughts but you couldn’t help it. He looked sinfully good when he walked on stage. What nervousness he felt was gone and now it’s nothing but his overwhelming confidence. He carefully watched one specific area of the crowd. You snapped pictures of him (a lot of them being for your personal collection) as he walked around the stage flexing and showing off. His eyes met yours a lot and he seemed to be smirking at you. But his attention always went back to the one area of the crowd. You heard his bids go up, one particular girl was bidding for him like her life depended on having him. Her voice came from the direction he kept starting at. He looked nervous when anyone but her called out a bid. You began to get ate up with pure jealousy, you wish you could take him off the stage and run away with him right then and there. The bids kept going up and up and the girl that kept bidding on him got him for 150,000 yen. He looked ecstatic. He looked at you and smiled before he went off stage. Your heart dropped and you wanted to leave, but you still have work to do. 
 “That concludes the auction tonight! If you won you can meet up with your bachelor over here on the left.” The announcer pointed towards the group of men. You made your way to find the guys so you can take more pictures and let them know where you’ll be when they get done.
 “You guys did awesome!” You said running up to them. They gave you a soft smile. You notice Bokuto was MIA. “Umm guys, where is Bo?” They hesitated for a second but your conversation was cut short as the boys dates for the evening came up.
 “Sakusa was it?” A well dressed man walked up to the tall volleyball player. You noticed a small girl clutching his dress shirt. She couldn’t be any older than 8. “This is my daughter, she wanted someone to dance with her but in all honesty I’m trying to make some business deals while I’m here, keep her company for me.” The man patted his shoulder and slipped some extra money in Sakusa’s shirt pocket, leaving him slacked jawed. 
  “All the umeboshi your heart desires, a big box of the nice face masks you like, and whatever else you want, just please be nice to this poor girl. She looks sad.” You whispered into Omi’s ear trying to persuade him a little more.
 “I didn’t come here to babysit, but I guess I can.” He said low enough that the girl couldn’t hear. Omi peered down at the small girl, she actually had moles on her face kinda like he does but on the opposite side.
 “Umm hi.” She said looking up at the tall man. She seemed nervous. You nugged Omi in the side to get him to say anything.
 “When was the last time you washed your hands?” He asked the girl and you could have choked him. The girl giggled at his statement.
 “I wash my hands all the time! Look my mom even bought me this!” She pulled out a small key chain with a rabbit on it, attached was a small bottle of hand sanitizer. “Would you like some?” She said opening the cap. Sakusa held his hand as the small girl poured some into his hands and she gave herself some as well.
 “Good.” Sakusa said, pulling his mask from his pocket to put it back on. The little girl grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. You knew this was way out of his comfort zone, but he was still doing it. 
 “Omg your hair is so cute! Can I touch it?” You whipped your head around to see a young bubbly girl talking to Hinata. 
 “Umm s—s sure.” He said nervously as the girl ran and hand through his hair. You couldn’t help but laugh a little. The poor baby seemed so embarrassed. The dance floor was filled with couples and the girl dragged Hinata to the dance floor before he could even get her name. You turned to Atsumu who looked like he had seen a ghost.
 “Young man I’m getting my money's worth tonight so let's go dance.” An old lady who you thought resemble Baba Yaga from spirited away stood in front of poor Atsumu. 
 “Yes ma’am.” He said, forcing a smile.  He looked at you pleasing eyes that screamed “please save me Y/N”. You shook your head at him.
 “Pay attention to me boy, I paid good money for you.” The old lady said whacking Atsumu with the cane she carried.
 “Yes ma’am, sorry ma’am.” He said walking with the old woman to the dance floor. You had to turn your head and laugh, between Sakusa getting stuck babysitting a kid and Atsumu being stuck with a senior citizen after talking all that smack, it was priceless. You guess them ladies Atsumu talked to must not have liked him that much.
You searched around for Bokuto to make sure he got his date for the night, you were also curious who she was and how pretty she was. You felt that jealousy creep back on you. This was going to be a long night. You finally spot Bokuto talking to a drop dead beautiful girl, she looked familiar but you couldn’t quite place her. She and Bokuto seemed to be having a good time, she was laughing at something he had said. Your heart shattered. You look back up to see Bo making eye contact with you. All you could do was smile and get lost in the crowd before he could see the stray tear falling down your cheek. You needed to get outside for a bit, you felt like you were suffocating. You fought the crowd and finally made your way to the exit. You pushed the metal door open. The cold night felt good against your hot skin. You walked down a path in front of the building and tried to collect yourself. 
 “Another year alone and single.” You blurted out to yourself. You find a small bench and decide to sit down for a bit. The night sky brought a sort of comfort to you. The stars twinkled and the moon casted a peaceful light. The cold was getting to you but you were afraid to go back in. You mentally couldn’t handle it. 
 “PARKOUR.” You felt your soul leave your body as you saw a shadow jump over the bench you were sitting on. You flinched back ready to fight off the attacker only to be met with Bokuto standing in front.
 “BO you scared me to death!” You said inhaling a deep breath and clutching your chest.
 “I’m sorry my parkour was so awesome it scared you.” He said, taking his jacket off and draping it yet again around your cold body. Your nose flooded again with the scent of his cologne. It’s calmed you down in a bittersweet way. “But angel what are you doing out here, you’ll get sick if you're not careful.” He kneeled down a bit and pulled the jacket around your cold body more. 
 “I could ask you the same things Mr. Parkour, you have a beautiful woman in there waiting on you, so stop wasting your time on me.” You said trying to hold it together.
 “Well I’m more concerned with the real beautiful one sitting right in front of me.” He said grabbing your shaking hands. Your eyes went wide with what he said.
 “Bo I’m confused?” You said looking into his golden eyes.
 “Well that woman you saw me with is not really my date, yes she did bid on me, but she was never my real date. She is actually the guy who owns our gym's daughter! She agreed to bid on me, but in return she wanted a date with Atsumu’s brother and he agreed to do it! The team helped me do this so I could be with you tonight, but I guess it didn’t go as smoothly as I planned. I’m sorry I made you sad.” Bokuto sat beside you on the bench,
 “Bokuto are you low key confessing to me?” You looked over at him and he smiled and shook his head. 
 “Yes and let me do this properly.” He cleared his throat and held his hand out for you to grab, which you gladly accepted. “Y/N please let me be your date tonight and from here on out please!”  
 “So like boyfriend and girlfriend Bo?” You said wanting to make sure you got the message right.
 “Yes Y/N, please be my girlfriend. All that flexin on the stage was for you baby!” He stood up and flexed again making you laugh. “But in all seriousness, I freakin love you. So what do you say Y/N?” 
 “Yes. I would love nothing mo-“ Bokuto cut you off by lifting your body into his strong arms. You giggled as he swung you both in circles. He slowed down and seen you finally smile again
 “Now that’s a pretty sight, you're not going to be sad on my watch anymore. Now we better get back inside before we freeze to death!” Bokuto wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you two began to walk back. “Wait I have something for you!” He dug through his pockets and pulled out a small jewelry box and handed it to you. You opened it and there was a necklace with a small owl charm and a “B” charm next to it.
 “Bo this is so cute! Can you help me put it on!” You said handing him the necklace. He struggled to get it on but finally got it. The silver was cold on your skin, but you didn’t mind at all.
 “Omi actually helped me pick it out, believe it or not. He said if I would have went alone I would have got something stupid.” Bokuto said, sliding the jewelry box back into his coat pocket. You hate to admit it but Sakusa going was probably a good thing. 
 “Bo I really love it, thank you.” You said leaving up and kissing his cheek. “Now let’s go back, I’ve got to check in on everyone.” You walked into the ballroom with your arm hooked around Bokuto’s bicep. 
You scanned the room to see if you could find any of the guys and the only one you could see was Hinata laughing with his date. They seemed to be hitting it off pretty good. “Bokuto let’s go get something to drink.” You both walked towards the bar, you see that girl who bid on Bokuto sitting next to Osamu. They both seemed to be having a good time.
 “Thank you again! The planned worked Y/N is my girlfriend now!” Bokuto walked up to them and showed you off. 
 “I’m so glad!” The girl said, clasping her hands together. “You are a cute couple.” 
 “Speaking of a cute couple.” Osamu chimed in and pointed towards his brother Atsumu who was being dragged around by that old lady. “I may have given her some free Onigiri vouchers and a few hundred yen to bid on him.” The twin laughed at his brother's despair. 
 “Your evil, but I like it.” The girl said as they clinked their drinks together. 
 “You guys enjoy it, we still have to hunt for Omi.” You bowed and clung back on to Bokuto. 
After circulating the ballroom a few times you finally find Sakusa and the little girl sitting at a table. Sakusa looked dead tired and the little girl was stuffing her face with cake
 “Omi you look like a tired dad.” Bokuto said bursting out laughing at his teammate. 
 “I see your plan worked.” Sakusa said, looking at the necklace through tired eyes. 
 “Yes it did now this cutie is all mine.” Bokuto said peppering your cheek with kisses.
 “How disgusting, when you grow up don’t date idiots like him.” Sakusa looked at the child who just nodded her head. It was hilarious to see Omi so out of his element. “That was directed at you Bokuto not Y/N.” 
 “Omi, he is a idiot but he is my idiot.” You patted Bokuto's back. 
 “Omi-Omi let’s go dance some more. I like this song.” The little girl tugged on his jacket. 
 “Fine.” Omi sighed and followed her dance floor.
 “Now that we know everyone (for the most part) is okay let’s dance!” You said leading Bokuto to the dance floor.
 You danced to every single song and Bo didn’t break anything when the cha cha slide came on. He swung you around all night without a care in the world. 
 “Let’s end the night with something nice and slow.” The Dj said putting on (Insert your favorite slow song)
  “May I have this dance pretty girl?” Bokuto asked, holding his hand out to pull you closer to him.
 “The Macarena may have wore me out, but I guess I have enough wind in me for one last song.” You teased wrapping your arms around his neck. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and began to slowly dance you around the room. 
 You see that little girl struggling to keep up with Omi’s big steps as he attempted to dance with her, he was at least trying you thought. Hinata was slow dancing with his date of the night, they both seemed comfortable and content with each other. Atsumu was still with that granny but he seemed to have accepted defeat as he danced around with her. Osamu danced with the gym owner's daughter and made it a mission to kick his brother when they got close enough, he even messed him up enough to cause the old to hit him with the cane again. You felt Bokuto's grip tighten and he dipped you down enough to finally kiss you on the lips. He pulled away and brought you back up to continue dancing. 
“ I love you Y/N.” Bokuto spoke softly in your ear. 
 “I love you too.” You said as the song faded out.
   “And one more thing Y/N” Bokuto said, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “I told you I would have the most beautiful girl here.”
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emily-the-fae · 3 years
Sound of a Heartbeat
Part 5. Walking makes the road
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 6
Unbelievable, but I'm finally back with a new chapter. I've been going through a lot of stuff with my studies and personal life for the past month and here it comes. Finally done with the editing. Most definitely not the best chapter in the story, but it has to be here to keep the storyline together and moving. Anyways, enjoy. Like and comment if you do, I'm very happy to receive feedback.
PS Dracula back to the story soon:)
I still have no beta and English isn't my mothertongue.
Pairing: Dracula X OC
Warnings: probably none, skeletons on sticks...the usual stuff
Wandering into the lands ruled over by darkness itself has never been pleasant.
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The next morning was freezing cold, just as the passing night - no warmth was brought by the little sunlight that came - and upon waking up Shari briefly wondered how she wasn't dead of the cold yet. Her mornings were something like crawling out of a tomb every time - the kind she imagined when she heard the stories of vampires awakening, though no doubt they must have still felt better than she did. Those bastards.
Morning light was dim and weak, there were torn scraps of greyish mist laying low above the ground and the forest was eerily quiet. Shari knew the sun had to be very low, but nevertheless up, which meant that she had to be on the move already, and yet she couldn’t force herself to move a single inch, as if the forces of the castle were sensing her approach and weakening her on purpose.
She hadn't entered any towns - in fact, hadn't seen any in the previous eight hours or so of her walking the day before - and though her food supplies weren't awfully low, her health seemed to be protesting and weakening at hourly rate, demanding normal human conditions and rest. She needed warmth and a bed, and she was sure as hell that where she was heading she would either get those only already in Dracula's den, or won't get it at all.
- So? Are you up? Heading? The faster you rise, the faster we'll be there, - Shari sat back against the tree trunk, taking a gulp of cold water from her flask - she wouldn't mind Trevor's whiskey right now, but the hunter took it all with him; Rodo was seemingly relieved that he was free of his duty of being her personal heater, he jumped up and ran around the forest opening, stretching his stiff muscles. At least someone had energy left.
- You know I'm really beginning to hate you now... - she yawned.
- I believe you have already mentioned that.
- Not enough, apparently.
- Oh, come on, you like my company. Besides I'm the only one helping you so hey...
- Ok, ok can I get my food at least?
- You can eat on the go! Come on! - she whistled for Rodo even though she knew he couldn't hear her. Shari stood up purposefully slowly and made the first hesitant steps to follow her guide. Oh where were those wonderful times when she could stay in bed almost all day if she was feeling under the weather? She could kill for such a possibility at the given moment. There was a screech of another winged demon somewhere in the distance, Shari shuddered, brought out of her thoughts and Rodo turned his head briefly, seemingly considering whether he should bolt to search for the other creature, but quickly averted his muzzle from the direction and followed Shari, jumping from tree to ground and back up.
It was going to be a long day.
- Did you walk the same way? First time you found his castle? - the scenery about them was dreadful to say the very least. The forest was greyer now, less green, less alive than on the route before. The few small villages they passed were seemingly abandoned completely for decades if not centuries and Shari felt rather than acknowledged that the farther she went, the worse it would become.
- Not quite, - Lisa replied, her voice all too lively for a ghost. - The direction I came from was a bit more disturbing than here, - Shari briefly wondered how that should have looked, if this desolation seemed lively in comparison. - And I also went alone you know, so...
- Oh, yes, thank you, my wise guide for leading my way... Probably to the dinner table of a very aggressive vampire, - Shari bowed mockingly, then coughed again, swallowing the blood the pooled to her mouth.
- Calm down. There won't be anyone there, I'm quite sure.
- A-ha! So now you are "quite" sure!?
- Don't be mean, I'm trying to save your life here.
- Exactly me for some reason, - Shari snorted sarcastically.
- For the same reasons you helped Adrian. Because I can't just walk past... and because I feel rather than know that helping you is more than just helping one particular person. Just like you felt about him - didn't you?
That shut the girl up for considerable time.
They walked all day long only making one small stop to rest during - at least what was supposed to be - midday (it was very hard to understand where the sun was behind the treetops, clouds and fog). Shari coughed up blood and swore like a sailor, but Lisa only let her sit down long enough to gulp down some food. If she wasn’t killed by some night creature, she would sure as hell be tired to death with such a guide pushing her to the limit. It was visible how the closeness of their destination made the ghost more and more agitated.
The dawn was already close and Shari was ready to give up the hopes of getting to her goal on that day - ever, to be honest, judging by the condition of her lungs – her body desperately wanted her to drop down and call it a night. The forest around them was dreary and dense, the mist had never lessened since morning; Shari was cold, slightly wet and unbearably tired and even Rodo seemed to lose some of his enthusiasm, even though the darkness should have empowered him. Maybe being around humans rubbed off on the creature a little.
- Shush, - Lisa turned to Shari as they walked on, gesturing for her to cut her whining and keep quiet. Shari stopped abruptly looking around in alert, trying to see through at least some reasonable distance between the tree trunks. Finally she understood what picked her companion’s attention: clearing began to be noticeable before them - it seemed that the woods were all of a sudden coming to their edge.
They carried on walking in silence for a few more minutes until they finally reached the end of the trees – the edge of the forest. The final border between the darkness of Dracula’s lands and the normal world. Shari gasped in surprise and horror: in front of her was a few feet sandy drop covered here and there in greyish grass that led to a whole field, dry and dead in dim yellow lights with no snow upon it, weak bushes appearing here and there. It seemed that the mere presence of the undead somewhere nearby sucked the life out of the lands. Peculiar graveyard formation occupied a part of the land - human skeletons hanging on tall sticks, all in varying poses, as if frozen in their deadly agony, dried with ages and falling apart. Whatever happened there, it was nothing good. If this was what the owner of the lands decided to expose to lone travelers, it was quite obvious there would be no “welcome” shield ahead.
There was no visible end to the field, at least the reddish mist coloured by the light of the setting sun made it impossible to see far in the distance. Shari coughed, dusty air tickling her throat, and looked back to the ghost in confusion. Was this what they had searched for?
- Are you sure this is…?
- My reaction precisely when I first saw this place, - Lisa was amused, watching the healer's fearful face. - Come on, we're almost there now.
- Wait! What, there? To those? - she gestured actively to the mass of aged corpses, but Lisa payed no attention to her reaction. - Lord, why do I always get myself into the deepest trouble I can find? Could've stayed somewhere safe and warm, healed a bit, but no-o I had to be right here, torn apart by bats and hell-knows-what-else-inhabits-this-place, - Shari mumbled to herself as they descended into the valley, her feet slipping upon rocks and sliding on the unsolid sandy ground.
- Oh, come on, it's not as scary here. You’ve surely seen worse - Lisa replied, - they were walking deeper into the field, navigating their way between the mutilated skeletons, as the reddish-grey twilight around them was darkening minute by minute.
- Maybe. Doesn’t mean I want to see more.
Just as the words left her mouth, there was a blood-chilling howl somewhere in the distance and a horde of great black bats, apparently awoken by the sound, appeared out of nowhere, flapping their wings above their heads rapidly; Shari yelled and dipped down in fear. Rodo on the contrary jumped up from behind her back, trying to reach the annoying loud things and succeeding in catching one of the creatures between his sharp fangs. Shari only crouched down lower, as she heard the struggles of the defeated being next to her ear. Then a snap - the animal stopped moving, as Rodo tightened his jaws, probably breaking the thing's stamina. Just as abrupt as it began, the flapping of the bats above her stopped too.
- Lisa? Are-are they gone? - her voice was slightly shaking, she awaited the dreadful howl to repeat even closer.
- Shari, stand up! Shari! - she heard Lisa's voice coming from behind her back and turned around, her eyes searching for the ghost, as she realized that Lisa has moved much further away than she expected. Shari was on her feet in an instant, finally noticing what stood behind the ghost's transparent form, her mouth fell agape at what she could see before her now.
A wide set of steps that led to doors so tall that she felt her head spin even looking up at it - the dark stone walls went up and disappeared in the low greyish mist. Her ghost companion was at the top of the steps already and Rodo was gladly running up to the doors, apparently recognizing the smell of his own home of some time ago. Shari followed behind him hesitantly, looking around for any sign of movement.
- Come on, don't be shy, - Lisa cooed, as if luring in a small child. Her greyish form paused on one spot, waiting for Shari by the door. The girl looked around one more time as she joined the ghost on the final steps,
- Are you... Sure? This doesn't look completely abandoned. I mean, can you be sure he isn't home? That he won't be back soon? Clearly you can’t, why am I even asking… This was a terrible idea straight from the beginning, - she was visibly shacking, clenching and unclenching her fists, stepping from one foot to the other. The whole journey suddenly felt like a big mistake that could still be possibly abandoned if she did not take the final leap. Shari put her hand on the door handle then pulled away in fear. She took a deep breath, putting her palm back more steadily on the door, but was still hesitant to push it open. She paused. There was once again the dreadful howl from before, now closer to them, the creature producing it still not visible. They were standing in almost complete darkness.
- Go! - Lisa pressed.
Rodo leaped on spot beside them.
Shari held her breath – and finally pushed the handle and jumped inside, scared to even look in forward and terrified of what was awaiting behind, diving head-first into unknown - if he is there, let it be, she'd rather be torn apart by him than by whatever thing outside that let out those blood-freezing sounds; Rodo slid in too, in a ghastly manner, his massive form unnaturally smoothly squeezing through the small gap in the doorway and the next moment the door was shut behind her with a loud blow. She was finally inside Dracula's castle.
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literally I was watching someone's playthrough of pesterquest as it was being released, and I almost finished it, but then I got spoiled for the fact that Ult Dirk shows up, and it totally knocked me off the wagon. like I've had it in my head that eventually I'll go watch Dirk's content, but it's been so long since I watched everything else... by this point it'd be kinda disjointed to even do that.
also, I was weirdly irritated by MSPAR in pesterquest? I found them so charming in hiveswap, because they were characterized as kind of a bumbling, overeager and well intentioned traveler that just wanted to help. but in pesterquest they get all know-it-all ish... it's reeeeeeally off putting. like I could forgive them being confused or disheartened, but they went a step too far and got all cynical and been-there-done-that, and gave a lot of advice that just wasn't good? as if they were some sort of expert or something. it makes pesterquest kind of irritating because you play as an irritating audience surrogate character who does shit that you don't actually want to do.
like, okay, Eridan's route, right? at the end, the advice MSPAR gave was basically "stop being an asshole" which is like... warranted and fair? but first of all, this Eridan needs different advice than homestuck's Eridan! and second, would a real asshole actually take advice like that? it's so... basic.
Eridan is a character that I'm not super attached to, but I get peeved when people get him wrong. in homestuck, the thing that Eridan needs, is to realize that if he wants something from another person, he has to try not to be a leech about it. everything is all about his perspective all the time. when he wants something, he'll ask, but if he doesn't get it, he'll whine and beg, and if people get mad at him for doing that, he gets all self deprecating and bemoans how hopeless his situation is, and how much everyone hates him. like he'll literally annoy one person into getting fed up with him, just so he can go cry to another person about his problems, and ask them for advice that he probably won't even take, because getting attention was the point, and this is technically what he wanted anyway. and the more people catch on and get frustrated, the more fuel he has for his "everybody hates me" pity party.
and the interesting thing about Eridan is that all of this probably comes from a real worry that nobody could like him, even if he tried. I mean, most of his friends are lower on the hemospectrum, and have a systemic reason to hold some sort of resentment towards him. so like, he probably likes Feferi because the two make an appropriate match class-wise... but he also probably likes her because she's his only friend that is more privileged than he is, so she can't hold his status against him.
also, pesterquest leans into that old fanon thing where Eridan is indiscriminately desperate and will date anyone. like... no! originally, Eridan specifically wanted to fill all of his quadrants! he wanted a matesprit (Feferi), a kismesis (Vriska), an auspistice (Kanaya), and a moirail (possibly Karkat). and not only that, but he wanted these specific people to fill these specific roles for him unconditionally and without conflict, in spite of their actual feelings. Feferi doesn't want to date him... she doesn't even really want to be his moirail because she's doing all the emotional labor and it's exhausting. and Kanaya had a red crush on Vriska at the time... the last thing she wants is to be auspistice-zoned! meanwhile, Vriska is becoming less and less interested in Eridan anyway because she's got her own unhealthy fascinations with certain people. so like, Kanaya wouldn't even be acting as a proper auspistice anyway... she wouldn't be helping to calm a volatile rivalry, she'd be trying to force a lackluster relationship to continue. that's like, the opposite of how it's supposed to be!
literally the only one of these that might've worked is Karkat as his moirail, because Karkat is amazing at giving advice, and dealing with difficult people's bullshit without getting sucked into too much drama. but like... that's probably the one relationship out of all of these that started from genuine charisma between two people, rather than Eridan deciding who he wanted to pursue based on a checklist of socially advantageous qualities. at least with that, it's implied that Karkat also likes talking to Eridan... like, both of them are getting something out of this. in all other cases, Eridan isn't even in it for the romance. he's in it to gain validation by living up to a societal standard.
it's only after our 12 trolls end up on the meteor after their SGRUB session that Eridan starts getting all weird about dating people other than the specific four he was already interested in. and that's specifically because there are now only 12 trolls left that exist. these people are the only ones left, so if he can't get a relationship to work with any of them, that's that. so basically, when pesterquest characterizes him this way, even though he still lives on a fully populated Alternia... why is he acting like that?
Eridan needs to learn how to actually put something into a relationship that he wants to get something out of. and to do that, he needs to believe that he has value beyond his status, and that it's possible for people to be motivated by more than class politics and spite. he treats people exploitatively because he expects them to try and exploit him just as badly... it's not just about fixing bad behavior. it's about him learning to put in work, and give another person reasons to like him, without feeling like a sucker for conceding any ground. the more defensive he gets, the worse he is.
and pesterquest messed up Jake's route too! what is it about hope players that stumps people like this?? I get that Jake is tricky, but jeez... I won't get into it as much, but Jake is always masking what he really feels, and the way his route handles him makes him seem like he's acting equally neutrally friendly to each of the other alpha kids. but then it implies that his true feelings are that he considers all three of his friends' romantic interest in him to be equally serious, and equally unwanted. that is... blatantly untrue. he knows Roxy might find him attractive but won't make a genuine move on account of Jane. she literally drunkenly told him so. and Roxy also drunkenly told Jake that Jane likes him. meanwhile, he also pretty much knows that Dirk had a crush on him when they were kids, but back then he kind of shut it down, or at least sent mixed signals, because he wasn't confident about having a crush on a boy. now Dirk himself is not confident that Jake actually likes him, and is trying to back off because he feels like his younger self was overly aggressive, but the AR is still as brazen as Dirk used to be when pursuing Jake, so it kind of undermines that attempt. still, Jake feels like he might've already come off poorly to Dirk. he does like him though... and he knows that Jane has a crush on him, and doesn't want to be the one who disappoints her, so he weasels his way out of addressing it. that is the deal with the alpha kids. not Jake just kind of bemoaning the fact that all of his friends are in love with him and he's not down for anything. so once again, we see a pesterquest route written on the basis of mistaken assumptions.
sorry for going on and on and on... I just find all of this so frustrating. half the characters are only the fan interpretations of themselves, and MSPAR sucks, and the meta is confusing, and... I wish it was good but it's not.
I love you for this ask anon, I never played friendsim but I did see a lot of people who tuned into all the friendsims express annoyance over the way Reader was portrayed in pesterquest. I can't even remember what happened in the Jake route bc I'm tired but it definitely could've been better.
Imo, best alpha kid routes go from: Roxy, Jane, Jake, and Dirk (half his route wasn't even dedicated to him lol rip)
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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It was my first day back at the museum!! I was so nervous but it went great. I wish I had accomplished some more stuff today but like. I worked a whole shift and I had a great time.
I slept okay last night. My whistling was very bad. But I slept okay. Waking up sort of sucked but it was okay. I was in a good mood. I loved my outfit. I matched my mask to my dress. I felt great. But I was still very nervous and then my boots wouldn't go on and James tried to help me but made it worse and I got very upset but I knew that was stupid and I hate when I do that.
James got my bike ready and walked me outside. Some of our neighbors were there and wished me luck. I believe Kim left for her long trip today. I am sad I didn't give her a goodbye hug but I was very distracted. And also just super anxious.
But I was off. I loved biking. I had to stop pretty quick to tie my bag off because I am always afraid someone will grab it from my basket. But once I fixed that concern I was off and I had a great ride with great music.
I was nervous about being late but it was fine. I got to the museum and was so happy to be there. Meahgan was there and gave me a big hug. And Becca was there! And Jack and John and Estelle. And Jessica is super pregnant!! It was all so exciting.
I was very nervous so I went and walked around the tour route to try to jog my memory. I was convinced I was going to completely blank. But of course I didn't and it was great.
The first program I had was the sewing program, Needles, with Estelle. And she's lovely and I worked on pretreading the needles while she set up the rest. And once the kids got there it was honestly totally fine. I had a blast.
The sewing went pretty well. They all worked well together and it was a great discussion. And then it was tour time. The part I was dreading. But it honestly went so good. I for sure stumbled but it was mostly because I had a child who interrupted a lot. But besides that I really leaned in and it was so fun. I told more jokes then normal and asked more questions but it was like. Perfect. I was so happy with it at the end.
They had lunch next. I went to the breakroom and enjoyed the food I brought and the conversations with my coworkers. It was interesting to talk about when the last time we were there. How we remember it went. All the weird stuff like that. But honestly I think we are all just excited to have a little bit of normal again.
We had the cannery program next and that wasn't scary at all. Exept I forgot I had to do the company store and my timing was way off for some reason and I cannot figure out what I did beyond talking to fast. Honestly that's probably it because I wasn't ready for it. But the actual cannery program part went great. I had them make cans and it was good.
And then they were gone. I put on my headphones and went to sit in the cannery and glue oysters and cans. Just that constant hand work. It was good.
Becca asked me to come help clean the print machines. And then Meahgan, Esstelle, and me sat together and worked. Esstelle cut her hand on an oyster. It was a whole thing. But it got cleaned up and she was okay. It was nice just sitting and talking and I am so exited to be back to work.
And then it was time to go. I thought about going to get lunch or go somewhere. But I wanted to go home. Get a feel for how long it takes me to go up hill. It takes me about 25 minutes to bike to work and about 40 to bike home with breaks. I hope it gets faster but it was the first time I have biked in a while so Im not shocked.
The hills are rough though. I took the bike path the whole way to avoid traffic but it makes me very dizzy.
And once I was home I locked my bike outside (James would bring it in later) and went up. And then I felt very bad!! I was super hot and shaky. James, the doll that they are, were in the middle of making me a quesadilla. Love them so much.
I would have my food and try to calm down but I was just this close to falling asleep. I changed and then realized I wasn't wearing my engagement ring?? Couldnt find it anywhere. Panicked. Knew I had it when I got home because I had washed my ahds because I got bike dirty on them and was glad I didn't get it on my ring. But I couldn't find it. Worked myself up really bad. But it was just in my dress pocket?? I was all upset though so I went to lay down in the studio. And at some point fell asleep until 6.
I woke up and styled two people. I should have done more but I was just not feeling it. I laid with sweetP for a minute before I put shoes on and went to walgreens.
I thought maybe those breathright strips would help my whistling and so far I think I am right! I am breathing almost normal!! Its not the most comfortable and Im worried the tape is going to give me a rash (I did get the sensitive skin on but still, plastic bandaids give me rashes) but I am breathing!
I also got a bone crab. I love the stupid bone animals so much. And Ive seen so many good ones this year. But bone crab is just. So good.
I came home and James was still working. I had a yogurt and have been hanging out since. I took a shower. Put on a hoodie. Im in bed enjoying the breeze now. I am in a good mood.
Im at the museum all day tomorrow. Giving tours. With Gaby! Im excited to see her. My plan is to bring the laptop and styling the people I have and bring a book. But I hope to give a few tours. Well see if anyone comes.
I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well my friends.
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spphicnightmre · 5 years
A Little North/Markus Rant
Edit: I'm really sorry! Some of my paragraphs got messed up and put in random places throughout my rant, so I'm sorry if it seemed I was all over the place! I'm fixing it now.
Don't get me wrong, I get there are a few problems with this ship, the main one being that it seemed very rushed and forced.
First however, I wanna talk about North by herself.
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She alone gets a lot of hate, and I feel like it's really undeserved. To most people, she comes off as really genocidal, annoying, and pushy. If you believe she's annoying, then there's nothing I can really do to convince you otherwise, but I do have a few things I want to point out.
1. I think that, if you think about it, North is just as pushy, if not less pushy, than Josh is. She, just like Josh, is constantly pushing Markus to go down a certain path. While this might seem annoying, I think this was put in here for two reasons. One being to emphasize your choices as a player (Between pacifism or hostility), and two is linked to her past.
We don't know much about Josh, nor Simon even, but we know a lot about North if you just put the pieces together.
I think by now most people know that North had originally worked for the Eden Club unwillingly. One day, she was able to stop following her programming, freaked out, killed the client she was with, and ran away. We don't know how long she'd been at the Eden Club, but we do know that she was technically being raped in her time there. This experience has caused her to be hostile and aggressive towards humans because of how she was always treated by them, which brings me to my next point.
2. Saying that North is genocidal is a STRETCH. Because of how she was treated by people, all she's seen of humans is lust and hostility. North only wants what's best for her people, and the way she's sees it, she's only gonna get that if she fights back.
Unfortunately, North had never had the pleasure of meeting people like Carl, Rose, or even Hank, so she doesn't see any good in humans.
The most amazing thing about this though is, even if you choose to be a complete pacifist, North doesn't really fight your decision. She voices her opinion, but if you have a high enough relationship with her, she still willing follows you. Josh and Simon will follow you too of course, whether you choose to be hostile or passive, but not without Josh nagging you constantly (No hate to him though. I'm just making a point.). In the end, if you've chosen the pacifistic route, she will still help you.
With that said, I think the most memorable example of this I had in my playthrough, was the fact that, if you decide to sing when you're surrounded by troops, North is the first to join you. This, in my opinion, speaks volumes. Throughout the game, North has always talked about wanting a revolution. Wanting to be violent, but even with that in mind, she's willing to step forward and sing with you in the face of death. Even though she didn't agree with your approach, she was still willing to follow through until the final moment, when they believed they would die. That to me, is really touching.
Anyway, with that out of the way, I want to get to my point about Markus and North's relationship.
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I already pretty much know what most people think of them. It's too rushed. It's too forced. And honestly, even though I think their cute, I think so too.
With how North is, and how she comes off, she seems to be open to a relationship a little quick. I don't think this is because of North herself, or because of Markus, but because of the creators. I myself wish QuanticDreams had taken more time to develop their relationship because, it feels like it came too quickly and came as a surprise for a lot of people too.
The thing is, I think if a little more development went into their relationship, it could've been really special. There's so much potential there.
But, let's forget about how rushed it was for a sec. I'm just gonna talk about the scene that started it, because I think this scene is pretty important, not really to the story as a whole, but to their relationship.
This part had me surprised, because just like a lot of people, I didn't expect Markus to automatically become North's lover if they talked about her past. I wasn't disappointed, but it did feel a bit sudden. Although, I kinda figured once they connected. Other than that, I did like how it was portrayed. I do wish that it would've taken a little more time to be able to unlock the lover path for North, but overall I see where the developers were going with the relationship and I really like it's potential.
Markus and North, even with their differences, were understanding of each other, especially in this scene. Not to mention, I thought it was nice to see North not being all "I feel like blowing up some shit today" and whatnot. No, but for real, I think it was nice to see a softer side of her, one that us as players can identify with, and Markus as well. Not all of us can relate to her story, but just her demeanor.
One thing I think I would've really liked to see however would've been if you take the pacifist route, it not only takes North longer to fall for you, but she also slowly starts to understand your approach throughout the game, given you make certain choices that are convincing enough. It would've been an interesting thing to see. There is that part where North runs off after you've just unlocked the lover path, but I think it would be cool if she kind of took longer to really acknowledge their feelings, even if she really only mentions how she feels in times when she believes it might be the last. I don't think it'd be fitting for her to change her opinion about humans completely however. One thing I really liked about her was her determination, but it'd be nice to just see her slowly understand why Markus decides he wants to be peaceful with humans.
Finally, my last point I want to get to is Simon.
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I really like Simon. I think he's a good character that didn't get a lot of screen time, nor was he focused on enough. It is disappointing that they took out the lover path for him, since I know a lot of people like him, but that's not the main thing I wanna say about him.
Really, the only thing I have to say is, it's ok to ship Simon and Markus. It's not a problem, but that doesn't mean you have to hate on people who like North and Markus. It's really disappointing to see ppl fight over something like this because it's not something worth fighting over. Both of the ships are unique and beautiful in their own way, so let's just accept that and move on.
Anyway, I'm done now, so if anyone did read through this, thanks because I know it was probably boring. I'm not very good at expressing how I feel into words, but I hope you could understand what I meant. It really sucks seeing all this hate on them because I really do think their cute, that includes Simon and Markus, though tbh I never really thought about it until I saw what ppl had to say lol 😂.
Ok, I'll leave now. Bye 😐.
P.S. - The four of them are friends. The Jericho Squad. I really don't see any of them fighting over someone. I like to think that Simon and North wouldn't do something like that, especially since it's so out of character. I get that it can be funny, but at the same time, just make sure you aren't hating on other ships.
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