#especially when you just want to enjoy the game without worrying about those kind of things
candybunnieholic · 4 months
I'm so mad and disappointed with MoonVale because I was really excited and couldn't wait to play the game since I was looking forward to seeing what new adventures awaits us until I noticed that we have to pay for gems which sucks a lot even though it's nice that we can skipped the mini games but honestly I just have a lot of mixed feelings about the whole game now.
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koolades-world · 7 months
Ok so, when I was younger, I would hide under the sink cabinet when I was scared, upset, or angry(No one was able to find me cuz I was so quiet lmaooo).
Can you do obey me headcanons for everyone for an MC who hides when they're scared or sad and they're super quiet when they're hiding for those reasons so no one can find them/have a difficult time finding them? can you also write that they also generally hide in the same few spots because they're small enough to not be noticeable but big enough that they can fit inside?
Please and thank you!
hi!! yeah, sure thing!
this took a while so hope you didn't mind!
hope you enjoy :)
Mc who hides when they’re scared
the first time you hid, he couldn’t lie, he freaked out a little and of course he didn’t show it but he was thinking about what he was supposed to tell dia
he dropped everything he was doing and tore up the entire house searching for you
after this, he always made sure to check your favorite hiding spots before going into panic mode
he was the one who found you the first time
he immediately thought to check weird spots and was unlucky at first, but eventually discovered you in a box in the twins closet
how tf you got in there without any help is a mystery to him but he made it easier for you to get in and out
he freaks out when he hears that nobody can finds you and that they all just assumed you were with him
for some reason, nobody had thought to just text you so while you refused to give up your hiding spot, the two of you were able to talk though the situation together
let's you know how much he really cares and how worried he was about you and promises you a hug later
he understands the feeling of wanting to just disappear so he checks where he would have loved to hide
he makes sure to reassure you when he sees you getting visibly upset
he's always ready to give you the refuge you seek in his room
he almost bursts into tears when he learns nobody can find you
he spam calls you and tries to track you with his D.D.D. (and fails)
he throws himself onto you and hugs you tightly and promises never to let go
he also joins in the search in tearing up the house looking for you
when he finds you, he offers you lots of food because he thinks you might be hungry
food is his love language <3
if he happened to be asleep when you went into hiding, he instantly wakes up like he could sense something was wrong
if you happened to be hiding in his closet, he finds you pretty quickly since he’s learnt you like that spot the most
he wraps you up in a blanket cocoon with both of you inside to make you feel safe <3
he joins the search for you himself before anyone can stop him
after you're found he's quick to make sure you're alright and pats you down for injuries
after this, he constantly checks up on you whenever he knows you might be feeling scared or upset
actually, he kind of already knew where you liked to hide in the demon lord's castle because he knows everything about that place
somehow, the first place he checks, you're there
he whisks you away for a mini tea party afterwards to help you relax
while he is worried, just like the rest, all he needs to do is essentially summon you to him
he asks why you decided to hide and lets you hide in his room if you want while you talk
after that, he's off to personally deal with the brothers and whoever made you upset
he wants to go search but he knows everyone else is already doing that
so instead, he prepares for your arrival with your favorite food <3
also asks if there's anything he can do to make you comfy and sits down to talk with you
I feel like he’s also in the habit of hiding just like you
the two of you can hide together, especially if it’s at the purgatory hall
the two of you comfort each other with hugs, and playing games such as rock paper scissors
at first, he chalks up your disappearance to stupid human problems but begins to worry
he begins to think about everything that could’ve gone wrong and that it’s his fault that you ran off, potentially into danger
once he finds you, he pretends like he doesn’t care and kinda scolds you, but he’s so relieved that you’re alright
since she's close to you, she's the one who actually raises the alarm since you never showed up for your craft hour together
she hugs you very tightly and asks you never to scare her like that again
always triple checks with you now to see how you're doing
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akutasoda · 1 year
don't say anything else just stay
genshin ver [part 2 here]
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synopsis - after a heated argument, maybe a resolve is found in a comfortable embrace
includes - albedo, childe, baizhu, heizou, alhaitham, kaveh, neuvillette, wriothesley
warnings - gn!reader, angst to comfort/mild comfort, arguing, some characters are kind of scummy, maybe ooc for some, wc - 2.5k
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albedo ★↷
as a synthetic human he did not understand emotions too well. and going into a relationship with him you understood this and were going to try your best to help him learn. and he really appreciated the help.
but sometimes he would throw all he learnt about human emotions with you out the window in the pursuit of a new experiment. which was fine because he always looked so happy doing them. but when he would not talk to you, for one time a month on end and stayed holed up in dragonspine without letting you visit. rightfully it bothered you.
and when you tried to voice your concerns he simply said that this was his work and you should respect that. this, rightfully, annoyed you to no end. and then ensued the argument that made you leave dragonspine and decide in a petty act that two could play at that game.
but very quickly albedo noticed your presence or now lack of. normally you would accompany him at the small camp near his lab in dragonspine. keeping him company and giving him some very good memories. but now that you weren't there? he felt slightly empty.
he realised he had been scummy towards you. and that you were always so patient and understanding with him that he eventually took it for granted. and he knew he had to make it up to you somehow. as he wouldn't know what to do without you in his life.
so leaving his research he headed back to mondstadt. he assembled what he remembered were some of your favourite things. and set off towards your residence. and luckily for him you were still at home at that time.
you didn't want to open the door. to be slightly more petty. but you knew that would get you nowhere, so with a heavy sigh you opened the door. you would be lying if you said you didn't miss him a slight bit. and immediately you were overwhelmed by the apology and gifts albedo had given to you.
he had promised you that he would never do that again and that he missed you dearly. and truth be told you missed him aswell. so, after setting the gifts to the side, you hugged your lover and he embraced you back. leaving the air filled with heartfelt apologies and promises that would not be broken.
tartaglia childe ★↷
fittingly, childe could sometimes act like a child. not often as most the time you really enjoyed your time with childe and loved knowing that you two were an actual thing. but sometimes things could change that.
and arguments were some of those things. but you knew that it came from a place of care and love. but that still could do nothing to calm you in the middle of an argument. as some fights stemmed from actual fights.
he loved getting into fights and testing his skills against people he thought would be good to fight against. but when he came home looking quite roughed up you always worried. i meam why would you not worry?
but alot of the time you would patch him up and try to get him to tone it down a little before he seriously got hurt but he didn't listen. like a stubborn child. he always assured you he would be fine but that did little to soothe your worries, especially because you knew his line of work.
so when he came back rather roughed up you tried one more time to tell him to tone it down but this time he snapped back and this lead to an argument. and that lead to you throwing him the bandages and wound cleaning stuff before leaving for a cool down.
he immediately realized his mistake and tried to quickly bandage himself up to go after you and assure you were safe. you hadn't gone far before you heard him call out for you as you pretend not to hear him. before he caught up and immediately apologized.
he knew he had alot to make up for but the best he could do now is give you his best apology for his recent outburst and offer you his comfort in the embrace of a hug which you took. you would talk more back at home.
baizhu ★↷
as the current owner of bubu pharmacy, he had to do alot if work that was expected though and you knew that. however that couldn't help but raise concern within you as it nade you worry that overworking may flare up his disease.
and as he's said before its hard for physicians to cure themselves. so if his symptoms flared up he just had to lock himself in a room and wait for it to pass with only you and qiqi being allowed in to care for him. and you didn't like the fact that there was no way to treat this.
so you wanted to try and help but found no luck so far, but you noticed it would flare up if he overworked himself. you wouldn't bring it up when he was ill as that just seemed to be in poor taste, he should just rest and recover. but a while after he was better you brought it up.
but unfortunately what you didn't know was that it had been a difficult day at the pharmacy. so in short it turned into an argument. you both knew this was pointless but you couldn't stop. that was until he had said something that made tears brim along your eyes.
he immediately caught his mistake. he knew you were just looking out for him and he snapped at you for that. so he stopped saying anything and opened his arms for a hug, if you felt like it as you too knew he didn't mean it but he understood if you didn't want. he had hurt you after all.
but you took the hug. you wanted his comforting embrace to soothe you. and as he professed his apologies the sting of his comment wore off slightly. while it still hurt you knew that he didn't mean it. baizhu would make sure that you two talked about this properly later.
heizou ★↷
as a detective, he was often known to think quite rationally and always come up with the best solution. however sometimes he struggled to do that when faced with arguments.
arguments were still rare none the less, but whenever they did happen you two normally would get over them with little to no difficulty. or sometimes they just weren't meant to be dealt with so easily. like if it wasn't the right time to have that kind of conversation.
and sometimes it would lead to harsh comments being thrown about carelessly. but they would be caught immediately. and upon him giving a rather harsh and untrue insult towards you. you stood in shock that this it what it had lead to.
and he immediately realised what he said and quickly brought you into his embrace, apologizing more than he ever has in his life but it still didn't feel enough. eventually you two had calmed down but he still felt as if he had hurt you in some way.
but right now all you wanted to do was to cuddle in the embrace of your lover and fall asleep. you two would be able to talk about this better when you were well rested.
alhaitham ★↷
naturally he was quite a reserved, often described as cold person. harsh by kaveh. but no matter what you had managed to break down his facade and make your way it his heart. however even if things went smoothly some parts of the relationship really made you wonder if you had truly become someone to him.
arguments could happen over anything. and that was inevitable that you two would encounter some. but what you soon realised that your lover wasn't great at dealing with them. either ignoring them or leaving during an argument trying to avoid it. this really didn't help.
and that had just happened. it was a small petty argumemt but as soon as it arose, instead of talking about it like normal people, your boyfriend put up his stupid uncaring facade again and turned heel and left. leaving you frustrated and kaveh feeling sympathy for someone as great as you ending up with him. personally as your best friend he thought you could do better.
so with much frustration you tried to calm yourself down by talking to kaveh, reading or finishing whatever you had going on. until it became noticeably late and with no sign of alhaitham, you scoffed to yourself before getting ready for bed.
maybe you would sleep on the couch to really dig in the fact that you were angry with him. not that you thought he would pick up on it.
for someone so smart he didn't know how to read people very well. alhaitham got back later then he expected. and noticed you immediately asleep on the couch. he knew sometimes he was being ridiculous with how he dealt with arguments. so he got ready for bed.
but before he got into bed, he went out the the couch you laid upon, carefully picking you up and bringing you back to bed. as he tucked you in laying next to you, promising to himself that not only would he apologise in the morning but make an effort to do better for you as he reckons if you ever left him he would feel quite lost without you.
kaveh ★↷
he would like to think that he was a rational person. and for the most part he was but its funny how anger can cloud over people's judgement. as arguments with him were rare and often always solved immediately.
but sometimes if he was running late in the mornings he would start getting really frustrated and a simple comment from you asking if you could help with anything lead to him snapping at you and leaving for work in a foul mood and leaving you quite upset.
but throughout the day all he could think about was you and how upset you looked. you had only offered to help him and if he didn't have a go at you he probably would've got to the akadeymia earlier. and it was as if the archons were playing some cruel prank on him.
he had to stay later to finish off something. great. all he wanted was to get home to you and apologize like his life depended on it. he never did like having arguments last like this. but by the time he got home it was quite late out. so he didn't expect you to be up.
and you weren't but that's fine. he didn't like knowing you two were going to sleep with an unresolved argument but he didn't want to wake you up when you looked so peaceful. so he slipped into bed next to you and brought your back into his chest. he would apologize in the morning.
neuvillette ★↷
it wasn't quite the common knowledge that he struggled with more human emotions. sure a few people knew, for example you and focalors but to anyone else it was none of there business. so unfortunately arguments with him were interesting.
they could go two ways, you both reached an understanding in what was wrong and how to fix it or neuvillette couldn't see it from your perspective and sometimes even saying particularly harsh comments unknowing of how much it hurt you.
and that's where you two were now. you realised you were fighting a losing battle and your lover simply couldn't understand what you were trying to get across and instead said rather hurtful things. so before you said something you regretted you decided to go take a walk and clear your head before talking again with him.
he was shocked at first that you had left, but he rationalised with himslef and assumed you would come back. but on your walk you had gone into a trance of thoughts, wandering aimlessly through the illuminated streets of fontaine. losing track of time until the first drop of water splashed upon you from above.
great, just when you're mood was starting to improve it was going to rain. you normally didn't mind but now? really not what you wanted. guess the hydro dragon was just as upset as you were a while back. so you decided to head back.
in all honesty you were starting to miss your lover. stuff like this was bound to happen but maybe there was a different way of finding ways round it that you could talk about?
as you arrived home you were met with dead air. silence. you slipped into the shared bedroom to see him asleep. not that you could tell well from the lighting but you swore he had been crying.
missing the embrace of your lover, you quickly changed into your nightwear and slipped yourself into bed next to your lover. and instinctively he pulled you into his arms as you reciprocated the action. you two would talk it out in the morning.
wriothesley ★↷
noticeably to you, for someone of his status he could have quite a contradicting personality behind doors. not a different one but a more relaxed one as he let off all the pressure from the day and spend his time with you.
but sometimes that lax attitude dripped into some squabbles or arguments that you two would share. sometimes he would even simply brush it off and say its nothing to worry about. and that's how he now ended up messing up at work and being noticeably distracted because all he thought of was your distraught face from this morning.
he had started a fued with you over something small and insignificant that barely mattered to anyone. but he let himself escalate it and now he had left for his work and you had left for yours in the middle of the argument to avoid being late. and all he wanted to do was to go find you and apologize, if he maybe even had that chance anymore.
and you weren't fairing to well, not from guilt but from anger. he had yet again brushed off another argument he started - not that brushing it off was his fault you would've had to leave for work soon anyway. but it just stuck with you. and you were getting tired of it.
and to your surprise, right as your work finished and you left to head for home feeling bad that you hoped he wasn't there just yet, wriothesley stood outside waiting for you. favourite flowers in hand. the walk home was silent.
but as you got home the urge just to hide in his embrace grew stronger and without thinking just as you two stepped inside you wrapped your arms around him. tears brimming your vision. and he was more than willing to return a comforting embrace as he professed his apologies. this time he truly was going to try better for your sake and the relationships sake.
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zyonsay · 5 months
Js came back from a mental health break to see ZYON REQS OPEN !!! How about a Loscar x male reader smut? I don't know if you write for Logan Sargeant since you don't have him in your list so— 😭 if not you can change the driver to Lando I don't mind, but the three of them are drunk and playing drunk truth or dare and things take a turn - 🔥
I dare you LN4&OP81
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: A game of truth or dare between you, Lando and Oscar takes a turn...
Reader: Male
Warnings: Suggestive, NSFW, Dude-bro language, Horsegirl-ified reader because i said so
Now playing: 'Runway Walk' by Demrick
AN: Hey there! i FINALLY finished this and icl, not my best work. BUT i hope y'all can still enjoy this!
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Loud chants echoed through the dimly lit bar. Your team members had picked you up and were now parading you around. The bar only had limited access to your equipe of elite show riders, a few close associates along with other familiar faces. Apparently, it was your lucky day, because your best friend finally had time to celebrate one of your many wins with you. Lando and yourself had been friends since diaper times and stuck together ever since. Even though you both were inseparable, your careers were demanding and didn’t offer you much time to hang out. He was now a rising F1 star, and you fought your way into prestigious show arenas, your schedules were now filled with training, media appointments and various other events. But, whenever you did find time to catch up, you always had a good time together. Not so recently he had introduced you to his teammate, and “friend”, Oscar. He’s a sweet guy, his smile felt like a little piece of sunshine and the swoop in his hair reminded you of gentle waves in the ocean. The chemistry between Lando and Oscar was kind of obvious, but you didn’t want to assume anything. That was until Lando had drunkenly admitted to his situationship.
The loud music boomed trough the doors as you stumbled out into the cold night air. Coordinating your wobbly legs while giggling uncontrollably was difficult. Very difficult. Lando had noticed your struggles and wrapped an arm around your waist while dragging you to the nearest bench. Maybe if you were sat, you wouldn’t fall on your face. A soft breeze blew trough the city and a slight shiver ran down your spine. It wasn’t actually cold, just refreshing enough. Lando had also sat down by now and leaned his head back while closing his eyes. Your gaze flickered to him, the street lanterns painted the contours of his face in orange hues. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the poetic mood you’ve found yourself in, but now felt like the right time to tell him how you feel. You’ve always loved him, but you were also scared of telling him, or anyone for that matter. Besides. You two had very busy lives and barely got to see each other, so how would a relationship work out? But now wasn’t the time to worry about that. Not when he was looking so beautiful. How do you say this? How do you confess your feelings without sounding like an absolute idiot. Gathering all your courage, your lips parted, and the first word was ready to leave them. “Y/n. I gotta tell you something.”, his eyes were still closed, and his head was still leant back. A frustrated sigh fell from his figure, and he shifted his seat. Now he was looking at you, God, those beautiful eyes. They were so sincere and looked like a fresh margarita at the beach. “I- “, his gaze avoided your own for a second before his eyes darted up to yours again. “I think I might be into men. Like in a gay way.” That was the most bro-dude way to say that, but it sure suits him. A small smile crept onto your face. “Thanks for trusting me.”, you grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Coming out to anyone is difficult, especially when you can’t predict how they’ll react. This was worth a lot to you.
“…and I sort of have a thing going right now,” Shit. SHIT. What? If it is some random dude, you swore to yourself that- “with Oscar.” Your brain must’ve short circuited right then and there. Your expression must’ve given your shock away, because Lando looked really worried all of a sudden. “…you okay mate?”, his eyebrows knit together in confusion. Quickly, you need to react, otherwise he’ll think you’re a weirdo. “Yeah, totally.”, you gulped, “I just didn’t expect you to start something with your teammate.” Absently, he scratched his arm. “Yeah, i gotta be careful. You know, with PR and stuff.”
Obviously, Oscar is also attending the afterparty. As much as you wanted to dislike him for getting together with your crush, he was so nice that you’d feel like an asshole. As sour as the taste in your mouth was, you were happy for them. They seem to fit together really well, and you couldn’t be mad because your best friend’s relationship is working out, that’s just rude. Nevertheless, the little touches they shared filled you with jealousy. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. “Just so you know, I have your favorite white with me. In case you wanna celebrate some more later.”, you could basically hear the smug smile in Lando’s voice. Tempting. Maybe you weren’t feeling so sour after all.
Without much care, you left your shoes somewhere in the hallway, while leading Oscar and Lando towards the balcony. Usually when you were travelling around for competitons, you’d rent a hotel room, since there wasn’t really any point in staying longer than you had to. But for the finale of your season, you wanted to enjoy the beautiful city, before departing again. While your Horse was being flown back to your home country, you decided to rent a holiday home. It was relatively close to the coast, so you’d hear the lively waves when opening the windows. Your thoughts were cut short by the sound of shuffling cards. More specifically, a deck of UNO cards. Wait what. Why was he shuffling an UNO deck? Where did he even get that from?
“Nah dude, put that back down.” Lando slurred while lazily swatting Oscars hands away. Disgruntled, but indifferent enough, Oscar put the deck of cards back down. “Wild idea: lets revert back to seventh grade and play truth or dare.”, Lando’s face lit up at that. In his mind, he was already going trough all the evil dares he could make you guys do. “We’re literal adults.”, Oscar deadpanned. For a moment, it looked like Lando was thinking about something. “Well, let’s make things more interesting. Every time you pick truth or won’t do the dare, you take off one clothing piece.” He held up one finger, so it was clear that you wouldn’t be stripping completely naked in seconds. That’s an awfully odd request, but with the taste of wine still lingering on your tongue, you could care less. And so, it begun.
“Y/n, truth or dare?”, his intentions were pretty clear, but you wanted to toy with him for a little. “Dare.”, you took another sip of the fourth or fifth Bottle of white wine, that you three have been passing around like biscuits. “An easy one to start with, do a handstand.” Hah, that was a piece of cake. Scrambling off the rattan lounge, you readied yourself to do a handstand against the wall. A free-standing one might be a bit too confident in your current state. With a swift motion you hurled your legs into the air and banged them against the wall, while you did your best to not flop onto the floor. Considering how dizzy you were, you did a good job. “Impressive!”, Oscar giggled. There was nothing to laugh about, the bastard was up next. “Truth or Dare, Os?”, he was quick to answer. “Dare.” Bingo. As rarely as you and Lando got to catch up, he does talk about Oscar often. This man doesn’t even know hoe much you know about him. “I dare you to whistle.”, his smile faded. He was ninety percent sure you were aware of the elephant in the room. He sighed before pulling his shirt off. “I can’t whistle.”
Admittedly, this was much more fun than you initially thought it’d be. It must’ve already been something past midnight, but you guys were chatting away on the balcony. By now, your and Oscar’s shirts and socks had gone, while Lando was barely left in his briefs. “Truth or Dare?”, Lando intently looked at you. “Dare.” Now you’ve gotten yourself stuck in his trap. “I dare you to kiss me.”, now that made you stop in your tracks. “Dude, I’m not a homewrecker.” Oscar’s hickory eyes had a playful glint in them. “I’ll allow it.”, he leant against the backing of the lounge, readjusting his seat. Your heart pounded loudly in your chest. This is what you wanted for so long, but this feels taboo. Nevertheless, you leant forward and slid a hand behind your friend’s neck. Pulling him closer your lips met his and a contempt sigh left Lando. You felt Oscars eyes on you, they were burning holes into your skull. After all you were kissing his fling right now. The world seemed as if it was melting apart into a big mess of colors, but that all stopped when Lando gently pulled away. With slightly shaky hands, you settled back into a comfortable sitting position. “Oscar.”, he hummed, “Truth or dare?” He exaggeratedly tapped his finger against his chin. “Truth.” He now looked directly into your eyes. “Why didn’t you have a problem with me kissing Lando.”, his eyes widened at your question. For a moment he seemed to think for a good answer, but instead of speaking up, he glanced over at Lando. The brit loudly gulped, it sounded almost comical, before speaking up. “So, the thing is…” His, whatever Oscar was to him, tapped him on the knee, encouraging Lando to speak up. “I like you. Like in a gay way.” Dumbfounded, you shifted your gaze from Oscar to Lando and then back again at the pale Aussie. “And you’re ok with that?!”, you pointed your finger towards Oscar. “You see, we actually wanted you to... join our relationship.” His tone was unsure, and he kept searching Lando’s gaze.
Now you were officially flabbergasted. This must be a fever dream, right? There was no way this was real right now.
Obviously, it was, because now you were sat here with Lando kissing down your neck and Oscar pressed up behind you, squeezing your thighs, hips and waist. You leant your head backwards against Oscar’s shoulder, whining quietly. You whispered sharply, “I dare you to take those damn pants off.”, while fiddling with the buckle of his belt. Oscar chuckled lightly before slipping his pants off and propping himself up behind you again. Carefully, you reached behind you and felt his hard member in your hand. With gentle motions, you began palming him as best as possible. Lando smiled against your neck, his eyes darting up to meet Oscar’s gaze. His tanned hand tugged on your underwear before swiftly slipping underneath it. You gasped at the tight feeling of his hand around your dick. Slowly but surely, he started pumping up and down, meanwhile he continued his artwork of hickeys along your neck and chest bone. Not wanting to neglect his hard cock, you wrapped your hand around it and pressed your thumb over the tip. He exhaled sharply. Oscar leaned in close to your ear. “You wanna suck them?” Stuck in an endless loop of pleasure and torture, you could only whine as a pathetic attempt at an answer.
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zephyrchama · 12 days
Hello!!! I love your writing and hcs its so fun and silly!!!! I hope I'm not bothering you and if it's ok do you do headcanon lists? I want to hear more of your hcs if its ok
Hi! You're not a bother at all, I have so many asks I want to respond to but they're never a bother and I seriously think about every single one!
(I overthink asks way too much and then get worried that too much time has passed but I still want to answer them hhh. I also hoard praise like a dragon. I will get to my ask backlog, I've already written a bunch of stuff for them.)
I've seen that list style before, I don't think I've ever tried it? Have I? 🤔 Let's give it a shot with some headcanons. (hold on how do I make a bulleted list on this site) (I need to google it)
He probably greatly enjoys when Asmo does his nails, because that means he can't pick up a pen and is forced to rest for a bit.
I like to think he gets his gloves from the same shop as Barbatos.
I have these gray/transparent hairs in my bangs that are currently not too noticeable (my hair is naturally dark), but they sparkle in the sunlight kind of like hair tinsel. I like to think Lucifer (and maybe Mammon and Belphegor?) have hair like this sprinkled throughout their heads, and that it sparkles like starlight in the HoL's candlelight.
He'd probably iron his money. I don't know if the Devildom has bills in their currency or if it's purely coin-based, but if there are bills I feel like Mammon would take the crumpled up ones and iron them crisp again.
I bet he tried to take a bath full of coins just to see what it was like one time and got in trouble for scratching up the sides of the tub.
He goes gambling so often, he's probably good at telling when someone's bluffing. He calls lesser demons out all the time for bluffing to his face and it's incredibly intimidating.
Being one of the Seven Rulers, he's probably just as famous as his brothers and is recognized in public way more than he realizes, but he isn't approached often because he's so famous and powerful. I like the idea of a gap in how he perceives himself (an unconfident shut-in loser) vs how the public perceives him (a strong and mysterious demon within the prince's inner circle).
His tail is long. I made it irl, in-game it's gotta be over 10 feet. I imagine when he's relaxed at home it just splays out however, but anywhere else he keeps it coiled close to his body. Hitting people with the tail would be unbearably awkwardly, he doesn't want to take up a lot of space, and it's probably comforting to keep it close. He could subtly rub his own back with it when he's feeling anxious?
He knows a guy for everything. He's got a crop rotation guy. He's got an ear piercing guy. He's got ten cursed book guys. If you need something, Satan always knows a guy. Though, he prefers to be self-sufficient. I think of him as a very charismatic person who's great with other people, yet a big introvert.
He's so good at curses that I feel like he sometimes might accidentally put a low level curse on someone, without really intending to. It just happens on rare occasion, especially when he's mad. Someone looks at him funny and is cursed to spend the next three days sneezing every ten minutes.
Similarly, he's the one who uses magic most casually. His room appears the most 'magical' of the brothers, he probably has a very efficient way of incorporating his magic into daily life. (Nowhere near Solomon's extent, but moreso than the other brothers.)
He probably sings a lot, just for fun, because Ayme-san is such a good singer. You'd often hear Asmo's voice humming or singing when he's home and in a good mood (or bored). He has an easier time memorizing school subjects when he puts it to music.
I bet students at RAD search his seat after school for stray hairs, and then sell those hairs to witches for love potions. It really upsets him but after getting them to stop for a few weeks, someone will inevitably start doing it again.
Beel probably has one of the fastest reflexes out of anybody. They all have fast reflexes, but I like to think he'd be at least a few milliseconds faster than some of his brothers when physically reacting to things.
I don't think he likes being alone with his thoughts, which is why he's always eating or working out or spending time with his brothers. He might start overthinking things and getting lost in a maze of dark thoughts, so he works hard to keep those thoughts at bay. He has a lot going through his head but is a guy of few words.
I bet he knows so much gossip. RAD students probably have loose lips around him thinking he's asleep, but even if he is sleeping, he hears them and picks up on rumors. He doesn't care at all. He won't go around spreading things more. But it could become intel stored in the back of his mind.
He probably doesn't like to brush his hair - he prefers to have it brushed by someone else - but I don't think he'd allow Asmo to do it often. Asmodeus might get carried away and start giving Belphie high-maintenance hairstyles that are a pain to keep up, so he refuses hair help from Asmo on most occasions.
I was going to write the other characters but this is getting long and I realized it's not quite bullet point-y so it might not be what you wanted. ;u; Hope that's ok, thanks for the ask!
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fgumi · 27 days
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ꕥ physics; — jake drabble, wc: 1.4k, genre: romance, fluff
jake sim had always been the golden boy of the university—star soccer player, physics major, and the type of person who could light up a room with his smile. but beneath all that charm was someone who genuinely loved learning, especially physics. during the off-season, he’d often find himself in the professor’s office, chatting about the latest theories and concepts, eager to expand his knowledge.
you, on the other hand, found physics to be your worst subject. it was the bane of your academic existence, and no matter how much you studied, the concepts never seemed to stick. desperate to pass the class, you started attending office hours regularly, hoping for some kind of breakthrough. but most of the time, you ended up feeling more confused than when you walked in.
one day, during one of these office hours, the professor noticed both you and jake sitting in his office—jake, as usual, engaged in an intense discussion about quantum mechanics, and you, flipping through your textbook with a frustrated frown.
“you know,” the professor said, a twinkle in his eye as he looked between the two of you, “jake here could tutor you. he’s quite good at explaining these concepts, and it might help you to see them from a different perspective.”
before you could politely decline, not wanting to impose on jake’s time, he readily agreed, his friendly nature shining through. “i’d love to help! i mean, i’m here anyway, right?” he said with a grin.
you hesitated, still unsure. “are you sure? you’re a soccer player, after all… i don’t want to burden you.”
jake waved off your concerns with a laugh. “it’s off-season anyway. besides, i love physics, and it’d be fun to share that with someone else. let’s plan a weekly session?”
you reluctantly agreed, not wanting to seem ungrateful. “okay, but only if it fits around your schedule.”
“deal!” jake said, pumping his fist in the air. “i’ll make sure we find time. don’t worry about it.”
true to his word, jake worked with you to plan a weekly tutoring session. sometimes, his availability was a bit strange because of soccer practice, but you always reassured him that it was fine. you were just grateful for the help. as the weeks went by, you found yourself looking forward to those sessions—not just because your grades were improving, but because you genuinely enjoyed spending time with jake. he was so knowledgeable, patient, and passionate about physics that it made you admire him even more. a small crush began to bloom, though you tried to push it aside, telling yourself it was just because of how kind he was.
your grades began to improve, and jake was just as excited as you were. “i knew you could do it!” he celebrated with you after your first big test score came back. “see? you’re getting it!”
you smiled, feeling a warm sense of pride. “i couldn’t have done it without you, jake.”
jake’s grin widened. “well, i think you’ve got a real knack for this. how about we bump up our sessions to twice a week? you're doing so good and i’m having a great time! it gives me a nice break from soccer.”
you were concerned about his busy schedule and hesitated. “are you sure? i don’t want to take up too much of your time…”
“i’m sure!” jake said, pumping the air again. “besides, i’m determined to make you the next albert einstein.”
your heart fluttered at his enthusiasm, and you shyly agreed. jake’s determination was infectious, and you couldn’t help but feel excited too.
as soccer season began, jake’s schedule got even busier, but he still managed to find time for your sessions. one day, he invited you to one of his games. at first, you were unsure—you didn’t want to be a distraction or make things awkward—but jake practically begged you to come.
“please? it’d mean a lot to me if you were there,” he said, looking at you with those big, puppy-dog eyes that made it impossible to say no.
“okay, okay,” you laughed, giving in. “i’ll come.”
when you showed up to the game, jake spotted you almost immediately. his heart leapt in his chest, and for a moment, he felt like the luckiest guy in the world. with you in the stands, he played better than ever, scoring a hat trick and leading his team to victory.
after the game, he exchanged the usual “good game” with the opposing team, but his mind was already on you. as soon as he could, he sprinted towards the bleachers, his face lighting up when he saw you.
“you came! thank you so much for coming!” he exclaimed, practically bouncing with excitement. as he babbled on about how much it meant to him, you couldn’t help but compare him to a golden retriever—so full of energy and happiness. it was at that moment that you realized you had fallen for him, hard.
the weeks flew by, and before you knew it, finals season had rolled around. jake apologized and asked to go back to once-a-week tutoring sessions, very reluctantly.
“i’m so sorry,” he said, his voice laced with guilt. “i just have so much on my plate with finals and soccer… but we can still meet once a week?”
you nodded in understanding. “of course, jake. you’ve already done so much for me, i wouldn’t ask for more.”
the night before your physics final, you were in the library, studying late when your phone buzzed. it was a text from jake.
jake: hey, are you studying right now?
you: yeah, trying to cram in everything last minute. 😅
jake: mind if i join you?
your heart skipped a beat, and you quickly replied.
you: sure, i’d love that.
a little while later, jake showed up, freshly showered and in comfortable clothes that made your cheeks warm—he looked so effortlessly good, like he was straight out of a cozy winter ad. the sight of him in sweatpants and a hoodie, with slightly damp hair, made your thoughts wander to how boyfriend-esque he looked.
you two studied together for hours, jake patiently answering any questions you had and explaining the more complex concepts. when you finally called it a night, jake offered to walk you home.
“you don’t have to, really,” you protested, not wanting to inconvenience him.
but jake wasn’t having it. he playfully scolded you. “what kind of guy would i be if i let you walk home alone at night? come on, i insist.”
at your door, the two of you lingered, chatting a bit more. as you thanked him for everything, jake hesitated for a moment before pulling you into a warm hug. “you’re going to do great tomorrow,” he murmured, trying to assuage your worries about the final.
realizing what he had done, jake pulled away, blushing furiously. “uh, good luck tomorrow,” he stammered before quickly leaving, his heart racing.
the next day, after your physics final, you were surprised to see jake waiting in the hall. he had finished before you, at least 20 minutes earlier, and you wondered if he had been waiting for you all that time.
“hey,” he greeted you, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “so… how did it go?”
“i think it went okay,” you replied, still a bit dazed from the exam.
jake’s relief was palpable. “i’m glad. you worked so hard; i knew you’d do well.”
there was a brief pause before jake gathered his courage. “um, i was wondering… if maybe we could keep seeing each other? i mean, not just for tutoring, but, you know, just to hang out? this term has been one of the most enjoyable, relaxing ones i’ve had, and… i think it’s because of you.”
your heart skipped a beat, and you shyly agreed. “i’d like that, too.”
jake’s face lit up in a grin, and in his excitement, he shouted, “yes!” before quickly ducking in embarrassment as he caught his professor’s raised eyebrow through the door’s window. sheepishly, he waved, causing you to giggle.
“uh, have you eaten yet?” he asked, trying to regain his composure.
you shook your head, and jake smiled. “great! it’s a date then. i’ll take you to my favorite place.”
realizing what he’d just said, he started to apologize, but when he met your soft gaze, he froze.
“i’d like that,” you said, your voice warm and reassuring.
jake turned bright red but managed to offer you his hand. you gingerly took it, feeling the warmth of his palm against yours, and together, you walked hand in hand to lunch, both of you smiling at the unexpected turn your relationship had taken.
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disclaimer: this, in no way, reflects the idol. this is purely fiction. a/n: there's no way we were about to lose jake sim to soccer and physics... ✧ comments are appreciated! ✧ !nanamlist
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9-1-1 Masterlist
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Oh gee finally a place I can keep these! Thank you to my bestest most amazing friend in the whole world for making these headers for me i literally actually literally could not do it without you
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Two of a kind
Buck can’t stop thinking about his coworker, so he does what every guy at 3am does on a 24 hour shift!! He sneaks out to his car to get off. But it turns out, certain coworkers (that might possibly be the love of his life) have the exact same idea!
Fairest of Them All:
The party downstairs rages on as Buck decides to do something about the pretty little thing he’s been staring at all night
Clothing Optional:
I can’t. I can’t keep writing summaries. I’ve done 2
After a stupid work shift, in the stupid heat, Buck just wants to enjoy a sweet little sundae, fortunately it comes with a side of dat ass (I’m not sorry)
That Should Be Me:
Buck has never ever been jealous ever a single damn day in his life
Gamer Girl
Buck thinks you’re so, so pretty. You’d looked even prettier with your thighs around his head
Now You See Me:
✨Mirror sex✨
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Growing Pains:
Everything is all wonderful and cool and dandy until you nearly die from your appendix!!
Cry To Me:
Eddie loves when you’re crying during sex, nothing turns him on more… except when those tears are very very real and he’s very very worried
10 Things I Hate About You:
You guys freaking h a t e each other… or do you? Wink wink wink wink enemies to lovers wink
I Spy:
Eddie is the sweetest neighbor in the entire world… who knows where you work
Better Than Revenge:
You and Eddie get locked into a closet at your job after an accident, it also turns out your now EX boyfriend is a cheating asshole! Eddie has absolutely no problem filling in for the revenge role
Front Row:
Why do firehouses have to work f o r e v e r. Eddie needs a freaking shower and to pass out for the next six years on an overnight shift. It turns out someone has the same idea, and possibly another idea on how to left off some steam
Yeti Point:
Eddie finally takes you on that skiing vacation you’ve been begging him for and it’s going great! Until you get snowed in. But that’s okay, Eddie has a secret plan to keep you both warm
Slow and Steady:
Buck helps Eddie into the house, holding him up as you frantically get the bed ready for your injured boyfriend. Turns out, pain killers make Eddie horny!
Dad!Eddie x Daughter!reader
Nightmares never get easier no matter how old you get. Especially ones where your father dies
Smoke Dector:
Eddie always has to be the hero, okay not really but it’s hard when you see your boyfriend running into a burning building for the first time
One Puff Or Two:
Take your freaking inhaler Eddie 🔪🔪🔪
Into The Fire:
You’ve been on edge lately, and Eddie knows there’s something up. One night things come to a head when you have a nightmare about what happened and Eddie wakes up to a very bad situation
Night Changes:
Eddie comforts you after a bad nightmare about him dying over and over in different ways (based off of 5.14)
Busy Bees:
Two words ✨Sex Pollen✨
Soup or Salad?
✨I’ll freaking summarize this later✨
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A Rose by any Other Name
This is one of the funniest titles I've ever made up. Buck finds your simple collection of toys and shows them to Eddie... and now they want you to put on a little show for them
Finish Line:
A little game of "whoever cums first loses"
Twice Bitten:
Double Penetration from my kinktober list!
Alexander Hamilton:
Buck can't stop having feelings for Eddie's girlfriend... but what if that's okay?
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writingwithciara · 2 months
party games -chris sturniolo-
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summary: y/n’s best friend decides to throw a party and when he needs a partner for beer pong, he chooses her. a girl who’s never played the game or had a drop of alcohol in her life. what could possibly go wrong?
word count: 3.7k
pairing: chris sturniolo x bestfriend!reader
notes & warnings: in honor of the triplet's 21st birthday!!! iwrote this before they were 21, but i guess now it doesn't really matter. hope you guys enjoy this bit of self indulgence 😊 w: intended smut; intoxication; drugs; language of course
when chris had his 'frat boy' era, he didn't understand why the fans were obsessed or why they labelled him as such.
of course parties can be fun. especially with the right people. but there's no need to constantly be throwing a party every night.
sure he enjoys the occasional party but he doesn’t throw them every weekend like some people assume he does.
he prefers to spend most of his time with his brothers and his best friend, y/n.
he met her randomly at a mcdonald’s when he and his brothers moved to los angeles and he thought she was incredibly nice. she ended up showing them around town the next day and ever since then, whenever they were free, they would hang out together. most of those times it was just them. and chris preferred it that way sometimes.
they’ve been friends for 4 years and within that time frame, chris has never seen y/n drink a drop of alcohol or do any kind of drug. she didn’t even smoke weed and chris always saw her as the most innocent person he’d ever met.
so when he decided to give into his ‘frat boy’ persona & throw a party, he had to beg her to come to it. he had a backup plan prepared in case she said no.
she was sitting in matt’s room, discussing strategies for a game they were both into, when chris barged in to propose his deal.
“i’m throwing a party. i want you both to attend it.”
“chris, do you really-“
“before you say no, like you always do, i’ve prepared a deal that neither of you could refuse.”
“okay. and what’s that?” matt sat up straight and stared expectantly at his brother. y/n mirrored his position.
“yeah. tell us this deal please.”
“it’s different for each of you.” chris smiled and turned to matt. “if you come to the party, i will take my driving test and as a bonus, i will not ask you to drive me anywhere for a month.”
“okay. what’s in it for y/n?”
“remember that really expensive taylor swift concert package you wanted?”
“of course. what about it?”
“i may or may not have bought it for you and i may or may not have planned to give it to you for your birthday.”
“did you?”
“if you come to the party, i’ll let you know.” he sighed. “please? you’re the most important person that needs to be there.”
“hey, i’m sitting right here.”
“you’re lucky i love you, chris.” y/n walked over to him. “whens the party?”
“4 hours from now. and don’t worry. you can get ready in my room. already got an outfit picked out for you.”
“you really put some thought into this, didn’t you?”
“i did. so, are you guys gonna come to the party?”
“for you, i’d do anything.” y/n smiled and walked out to the kitchen. chris watched her leave and matt chuckled.
“you’re lucky she loves you.” he smiled. “you should just tell her you love her too.”
“oh please. we’re as platonic as two people can get. she friend zoned me the first week of our friendship and i’ve never wanted to change it.”
“well i’m sensing a but coming in soon.”
“but" he dragged the word out and sighed. "these last 2 months have made me realize that she’s perfect for me, matt. she’s the right amount of innocent without being too innocent. and she’s funny and she gets along with nick. do you know how hard that is for people to do?”
“you’re right. it is difficult. but she’s a good person. you guys are so opposite.”
“yeah but that’s what makes us perfect.” chris smiled. “wait, hold on. did you just imply i’m not a good person?”
out in the kitchen, y/n was preparing a snack when nick entered the room.
“hey. did chris ask you to come to the party?”
“yeah he did.” y/n put the chips away and took the dip from the fridge. “do you know if he actually got the concert package or not?”
“i’m pretty sure he did. but you didn’t hear it from me.” nick popped a chip in his mouth and walked away. chris came out of matt’s room a second later and smiled when he saw y/n in the kitchen.
“hey. you can shower first if you want.”
“okay. i just want to finish my chips first.” y/n grabbed the last few chips and shoved them in her mouth. “okay. see you in 2 hours."
"2 hours?"
"yeah. i need that much time to make myself look good enough to be seen with you guys tonight."
"you could attend the party in ripped sweatpants and a baggy sweater and you'd still look better than anyone attending."
"awe, christopher. that was sweet." y/n smiled. "but i'm still gonna get all dressed up because when do i ever get the chance to do that?"
"fair point." he chuckled.
"thanks again for the invite." she kissed his cheek and ran down to his room to get ready.
by 9 o'clock, the party was in full swing. most people were already well into their 3rd or 4th drink at this point.
chris, however, had decided to pre-game after his shower and was already on his 6 drink. they were mostly shots but with someone like chris, it was easy to get drunk.
he was surrounded by a group of gorgeous girls. and it just so happened that he abandoned those girls when he saw y/n. she was holding a cup in her hand and looking around the room. she was alone so chris walked up to her.
"is there alcohol in that cup?"
"of course not." she sipped it slowly. "matt gave me some of his root beer. and don't worry. i watched him pour it and i haven't taken my eyes off the cup since."
"well that's good to know."
"so what just happened?"
"one second, you're surrounded by every girl at this party that anyone would categorize as 'your type' and the next, you're over here with me. what makes me so special?"
"i'd tell you, but then i'm afraid i would have to kill you." he put his finger to his lips and looked around. "hey, let's go play some beer pong."
"i don't drink, chris. you know that."
"then be my partner. i know you have really good aim and i could use someone like you as my partner." he pleaded. "i'll drink everything. i promise."
"i can't say no to you, can i?"
"no you can not." he smirked triumphantly and grabbed her hand. they hurried over to the table where someone was setting up the next round. "y/n and i call next round."
"are you sure about that, chrissy? i've never seen her even sip a single drop of alcohol. maybe i could be your partner." one of the girls from earlier batted her eyelashes at him seductively but he paid her no mind.
"alright. let's do this." chris eyed the cups and pointed to the one he wanted y/n to aim for. "let's get the hardest one out of the way first, hmm?" he whispered in her ear and she tossed the tiny ball. it spun around the rim of the cup before landing inside. "yes! i knew you could do it."
"thanks for having some faith in me, chris." she smiled up at him as the guy on the other end of the table downed the alcohol.
"let's see you go 2 for 2." he wiped his lips and y/n picked up another ball. she was about to aim for the front cup but chris leaned in and whispered in her ear.
"back corner cup. you can do this."
she didn't know why but the way his words came out of his mouth, did something to her. she watched as the ball bounced past the cup and sighed. "sorry, chris."
"it's okay. you're still doing great." he kissed the top of her head as the game continued.
they conquered the rest of the game and they were setting up for another round when y/n looked at chris.
"i think i want to try drinking."
"are you positive?"
"100%. it's not like i'm driving home tonight anyway. besides, i'm here with you so i'm the safest i could ever be."
"i won't let anything bad happen to you."
"i know." she smiled up at him with her innocent smile and he knew he needed to protect her at all costs.
they ended up losing game 2 but they wanted to participate in another one. at this point, y/n had downed 6 of the 10 cups so to say she was tipsy would be a bit of an understatement.
halfway through game 3, chris had to cut her off. he had been sobering up while she was drinking and the sight before him was ridiculous, but also funny.
chris intentionally lost the game and finished off the last cup. he grabbed y/n's hand and brought her down to his room.
"ooh, christopher. if you wanted me in your bed, you could've just asked." she giggled when the door was closed.
"i'm gonna get you some water. can you get changed for me?" chris looked at her and smiled when she nodded slowly. He went into his bathroom and grabbed a cup, filling it with water before venturing back to his room. y/n was in the middle of taking her shirt off when he entered the room. her movements became slow and it felt like she was putting on a show for him.
"like what you see, chrissy?"
"no." he swallowed hard. he in fact did like what he saw but she was drunk and it would be wrong to admit it. so he just looked back at her. "you need to get changed into something comfortable to sleep in, y/n/n."
"you're no fun." she pouted and continued to pull the shirt over her head. it somehow got stuck and she turned towards where she assumed chris was. "help, please?"
chris shook his head and approached her. he grabbed the piece of fabric carefully and pulled it over her head, replacing it with one of his new fresh love shirts. her jeans were a little easier to slide down her legs and chris replaced them with some of his old shorts.
"thank you, chris. you're the best." she mumbled as she snuggled deeper into the blankets. just as she was getting comfortable, her face twisted in disgust and she leaned over the edge of the bed. chris grabbed the garbage bin and held it underneath her while she emptied the contents of her stomach into it. he sat next to her and rubbed her back gently while holding her hair back. when she was finished, chris handed her a towel to wipe her lips and he used a damp one to wipe the sweat off her face.
"feeling better?"
"no. i feel like shit." she grumbled and moved to lay on her back. chris still sat on the edge of the bed, but this time, he had to turn his head a little to talk to her.
"i never should've let you drink." he sighed, adding a little chuckle at the end when y/n dramatically threw her arm over her face.
"yeah. what were you thinking, christopher?"
"i would've stopped you but your mind was set on it. and i'd like to think i know you well enough at this point to understand that when you're dead set on something, nothing can change your mind."
"i guess that's true." y/n sighed and closed her eyes. "thank you for being such a good friend, chris. i don't deserve you."
"more like i don't deserve you." chris chuckled and looked back at y/n to see her chest rising and falling slowly, signaling she was a brief moment away from falling asleep. "get some rest, princess. i'll see you in the morning." he moved her hair out of her face and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before slowly walking out of the room & rejoining the party.
matt eyed his brother as he walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. "what? no more drinking?"
"oh, this is for y/n when she wakes up." chris smiled and passed the bottle between his hands casually. "i can't believe i let her drink so much."
"she's an adult, chris. she can make her own choices. you don't have to feel guilty for what happened or obligated to keep her from making mistakes."
"i know. but she's my best friend and i made myself a promise that i would never let anything bad happen to her."
"and so far, nothing bad has happened. you're doing a great job."
"thanks, matt. i really needed that reassurance." chris smiled again. "i hope you don't mind but i'm done with the party for the night. duty calls, you know."
"yeah. i get it. you've gotta take care of her. go on."
"i appreciate you." chris hugged his brother before heading back down to his room. y/n was tossing around on the bed as if she was having some sort of nightmare.
chris approached her and noticed her face was covered in sweat so he grabbed the wet cloth and ran it along her face. her movements slowed and her breathing went back to normal, satisfying chris. he placed the bottle on his nightstand and crawled into bed next to her. when y/n's arm landed on his chest, he stiffened up a bit but when he heard light snores coming from her, he just smiled to himself.
he was glad she felt safe around him but he knew he needed to tell her how he felt before it was too late.
the morning came faster than chris had wanted. he couldn't get any sleep with y/n beside him. she spent a few hours just throwing up in the garbage and chris was there to take care of her each time. he wiped her face with a damp cloth and got her water when she needed it.
when her eyes fluttered open and she made eye contact with chris, she couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face.
"good morning." she whispered.
"good morning." chris smiled and moved the hair that was stuck to her forehead. "how are you feeling?"
"better than i was last night, but still shitty." she closed her eyes. "i'm sorry you had to take care of me all night instead of enjoying your own party. i feel bad you missed most of it."
"hey, don't feel bad. i will always take care of you, no matter what."
"but, your party-"
"it wasn't that important. not nearly as important to me as you are."
"do you....do you mean that?"
"of course." he smiled and played with her fingers.
"you know, even after 4 years, i will never understand why i'm so important to you." she replied shyly, avoiding eye contact with her best friend. "i mean, i'm nothing special."
"hey," he grabbed her chin gently and looked into her eyes. "you are incredibly special. don't sell yourself short, ma."
"t-thanks, chris." she looked into his eyes and before she knew it, she was leaning closer. just as their lips were about to touch, y/n ducked her head to the side and threw up in the garbage bin. chris held her hair back for her while she continued to empty her stomach. when she was finished, she wiped her mouth with the back if her hand. "oh my god. i'm so sorry, chris."
"it's alright. you don't have to apologize to me, ever." he smiled and wiped the sweat from her face again. "especially for something as normal as that."
"you're sweet, christopher." she closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest. chris rubbed her shoulder and kissed her head. "how are you still single?"
he felt like saying "because i only want to be with you" but he kept his mouth shut. he didn't need to lose his best friend. he could've risked it but he didn't want to say anything until he knew how she felt. and he couldn't ask her in her current state. so he would just have to wait until she was better, no matter how long it took.
when he was sure y/n was fast asleep again, he gently moved her off his body and got out of bed. he went up to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for his brothers and y/n, since he knew they'd all have a hangover of some sort.
matt was the first one awake and when he entered the kitchen and saw chris cooking, he didn't even question it.
"good morning." chris greeted him happily.
"could you lower your voice a little, please?" matt rubbed his head slowly while he sat at the table. chris poured him a glass of water and set it down gently. "thank you."
"matt, can i tell you something?"
"yeah, of course." he sipped his water slowly.
"i almost kissed y/n earlier."
"oh my god. really? what happened?"
"our lips were like 2 inches from touching and then she ended up throwing up. but i may have messed our friendship up by almost kissing her."
"why do you say that?"
"it just feels like it. i don't know."
"look, you need to talk to her and tell her how you feel. the worst she can say is that she doesn't feel the same. but i doubt that outcome will happen because i guarantee that she has feelings for you."
"well, i won't be sure until i talk to her. and i plan on doing it after breakfast." chris heard his bedroom door shut and he finished plating the food. he set everyone's plates on the table just as nick and y/n came into the kitchen. "good morning."
"good morning." y/n sat at the table and looked at her plate. "this all looks delicious, chris. thank you."
"you're welcome." he sat across from her and everyone began eating.
breakfast was mostly silent, aside from the forks hitting the plates and the cups being set down on the table.
when everyone was done eating, chris went to clear the table by himself but y/n stopped him.
"let me help. it's the least i can do since you made breakfast and all." y/n smiled and carried half the dishes to the kitchen. she set them down in the sink and ran the water. "breakfast was delicious, chris. thanks again."
"no problem. figured you'd need some solid food in your system. hopefully you can keep it down."
"i'm sure i will." she smiled. "after all, i had a really good caretaker this morning."
"speaking of this morning, can we talk? you know, about the thing that almost happened?"
"yeah. um, sure. when do you want to talk about it?"
as y/n and chris talked in the kitchen, matt glanced over at them occasionally. nick noticed and raised his eyebrow.
"you good over there, bro?"
"yeah. i just really hope chris and y/n finally admit how they feel about each other. been rooting for them ever since that night we met her at mcdonald's." matt glanced back over towards the kitchen and noticed they were gone. "wow. they move fast."
"not fast enough." nick chuckled as he averted his attention back to the tv.
down in chris' bedroom, he was sitting on the edge of his bed with y/n beside him. she began to fidget with her fingers and chris instinctively reached over and held her hands gently.
"you know, you've been my best friend and favorite person for 4 years. and ever since the night we met at mcdonald's, i've been trying to figure out how you've had the patience to put up with me for so long. you are so incredible and an absolute angel, y/n. and i admire you so much. you have no idea how much you mean to me and i don't think there's enough time in the world for me to express just how strongly i feel about you." chris looked over at her and gently cupped her cheek. "you are so perfect."
"christopher owen sturniolo, you are unmatched. and i love you. so much more than you can ever imagine."
"if you hadn't gotten sick this morning, would you have followed through with the kiss?"
"absolutely." y/n smiled. "would you have followed through?"
"yes definitely. and even though you got sick, i still would've kissed you after."
"barf breath and everything?"
"i'd kiss you under any circumstance, y/n. i love you."
"i love you too." y/n smiled and ran her hand through his hair, bringing his lips down to hers. she smiled into the kiss and chris held her close.
"i'm going to take you on a proper date tomorrow night." chris smiled widely. "Wait, hold on. i actually have something you might prefer."
"something else i'd prefer over a date with you? i doubt it."
"oh but this is better. trust me." chris got up and walked to his closet. he pulled out a medium sized gift box and handed it to her. "i wanted to give this to you on your birthday but since it's this weekend, i think now's a better time to give it to you."
y/n opened the box and pulled out the special taylor swift vip concert package chris put together for her.
"chris, you didn't."
"oh but i did. a week from today, you'll be going to the taylor swift show in la and you'll be watching it from the front row. during the show, there's a surprise. then after the show, you'll be going backstage to meet her and spend some time with her."
"i love you so much, chris. you didn't have to do this." y/n had tears in her eyes and chris wiped them away.
"if anyone deserves this, it's you."
"i truly don't deserve you, christopher." she rested her forehead against his and closed her eyes. "i'm so glad we met at mcdonald's that night."
"me too." chris smiled and kissed her softly.
they finally got what they both wanted and they couldn't be happier. and without mcdonald's & beer pong, they wouldn't be where they are now.
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𝐵𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ, 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝐼 𝐴𝑟𝑒 𝐸𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑒!
Summary: A funny game that showed the Marauders that you and Sirius were more than just lovers: You two were soulmates... That knew what the other was exactly thinking in the most creepy way possible.
A/N: Another day, another me not knowing what I actually wrote so... Hope It's as fluffy as I wanted it to be.
Inspiration: this, this, this
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People never knew how you and Sirius got along, yet alone dating each other.
It wasn't because of hard feelings, though you were sure some of the girls planned your death already, but more like... Curiousity. And both of you understood where it came from.
He was loud, way too cheerful, loved pranking people( especially Severus even though you and Lily told them not to do that), he flirted with anyone possible and he used to even bring them into his dorm and perhaps did Godric knows what.
He was the Casanova of Hogwarts and you were... Well, you were you.
Painfully so.
It wasn't that you didn't like the way you are, though you could get awkward sometimes because of socialising for a long time. You were a quiet one unlike him, professors loved you dearly and you had enough of a friend group that loved each other, you loved reading books and getting lost in them and even preferred to be alone most of the times...
You two were very different, yet those differences were what made you both love the other fiercely.
Because no one knew behind that flirting façade of Sirius, was a boy who just wanted to have someone's unconditional love and attention. Years of abuse and neglect from his parents' did that to him. Not everyone knew that even if he would bring someone, he would never bring himself to do anything.
Because deep down, he craved a closure. Love that slowly filled your every sense until there was nothing but that flutterimg feeling. He didn't want a simple hook-up, even if people often thought he enjoyed doing that. He wanted something precious, something worth fighting for, something long-lasting.
Something that made his chest burst with joy, something that would give him power when he thought he would never stand back up again to fight.
Someone that brought him simple pleasures, a simple life of just watching his love and himself growing old together and having a good life together, away from any kind of chaos.
And you? You understood him, the real him, behind that mask and slowly crumbled his walls. You didn't carr about his reputation and gave hım a chance, after witnessing how he followed after you for a month without getting tired and didn't even bat an eye on another person until you said yes, and then officially got together.
Then, much to the others' chagrin, he never went back to his old self.
And after that, completely baring yourselves our? It was pure happiness for both of you. Contrary to popular belief, with him being a Black, he wasn't a manipulative bastard as some others worried.
He was the sweetest person ever.
He always waited for you before your house with a giddy smile and kissed you good morning, his lips lingering on your cheeks or lips for a bit longer to savour your warmth with his hands on your cheeks tilting your head up bringing butterflies to your heart, before he gathered you between his arms and led you to Great Hall to have a grab of your favourites.
He always noticed little signs about you, whenever you got uncomfortable in the slightest. He noticed how your eyes would cast down and drop tiredly when your social battery went down and had to take a breathe away from all the crowd around you. He would always tap your shoulder gently and lead you outside and then talk about anything that came to his mind with a stutter.
He couldn't help it, you always looked so adorable and amazing with his jacker over your shoulders!
He never would admit it, but talking to you made him nervous. He didn't know if it was a good one or not, but all he knew was that he didn't want you to think of him like the others did.
He wanted you to see him who was serious about his feelings for you.
Because they were... They are the most serious feelings and thoughts he ever had for someone, and you were the best thing that happened to him. You were what brightened his days, what gave him hope for another day, the one who showed him that he deserved to be loved through your gentle kisses and tender touched every time he came close to you, laid on you even if it could sometimes irritate you.
That was because of your love... He didn't realize how you tried to be more touchy with him, but absolutely hissed at anyone who wasn't Sirius who tried to do the same to you. You let hım lay on your lap, rest his head on your shoulder, kiss your neck and tickle you...
But never did you ever allow anyone else to do the same, and when James cheekily pointed that out to hım... His heart stopped beating for a second and he blushed so fiercely that everyone teased hım for it for days.
Then he cried one night, sent everyone into panic as they apologized profusely as the drama Queen he was but that was another story
He thought back to that time when he met you, a beautiful and fragile thing as he... destroyed someone's face for daring to touch his friends. Out of everything that could happen that day, seeing his literal soulmate, the other half of his soul, was definetly not on his list. He didn't even think he would have someone that understood him and loved him, especially after all that rumors about him sleeping with everyone possible and the reputation his family had.
But he did actually met that person... And turns out, he was wrong.
And it came in the form of... A pretty human cheering for him as he beated someone in the courtyard for bullying his friends and assaulting girls.
"Yeah, from the other side, the right side! It's his weakest point! If you are gonna punch someone, at least do it in the right way!" The young adult demonstrated how he should punch with their own as they cheered for him, happily watching hım beat the shit out of that damned boy as everyone else was left in shock.
And when you came skipping to him with a smile as you gushed out to him and how cool he looked, he knew that he would do anything to get your attention for the rest of his life.
And now, he had been the happiest he had ever been as ever. His days were no longer dull and he wasn't that empty boy who played around. He was someone who dedicated his everything to his lover, a decent boy who loved his friends and lover and spent almost every minute with them.
And today was yet another day you would spend the night with him.
He and James sneaked you and Lily inside their dorm for a fun night together, playing different games. Everyone greeted you happily, making small talk as Sirius LED you to where his bed was.
After making sure that it was presentable and not dirty with some leftovers, not that you cared much because... Well, boys were boys.
Sirius' back was against his own bed as his legs dangled off from the corners, arms thightly wrapped around your waist as your back was pressed against his chest. He smiled happily and snuggled into your hair with his nose, making you giggle at his cuteness as you turned to take his face between your palms.
"Awfully cuddly today, aren't we?"
"When I have a gorgeous lover like you? No doubt yes, darling..."
He peppered kisses all over your face as you giggled and pushed hım away to no avail, after all, he was much stronger and bigger than you. You never said much about him smothering you, who in their right minds would complain about their lover showing them love?
Besides, seeing Sirius almost radiating with happiness was enough of a reason for you to be happy as well.
Sappy lovers, who?
"My handsome boy, you were so good at the match, I'm so proud-" you played with his hair softly, putting a strand behind his ear a she smiled when a fake annoyed voice cut you in the middle.
"Okay, Okay, Pads, we get it! You two are very much so in love..."
Sirius slowly lifted his head to look at his very much so agitated yet happy friend with squeezed eyes. You giggled at how adorable and silly he looked with his hair bonnet on, looking like a middle-aged woman. He would always fake offence and gasp dramatically whenever you said this, flipping his hair to your face before he leant over your frame and corner you.
Your breath would be caught in your throat, blushing madly as a sudden hot feeling would fill you at the sight of his handsome face close to you and his lanky yet strong body pressed to your own.
Usually, this often meant a hot and heavy make-out that would surely leave you as a mess and also make both of you late to your classes...
But not with the bonnet.
My hair is my second everything, love! You are the first, and my luxirous hair is fhe second, I have to take care of it!
He pouted a bit at his friend's teasing, putting his head down on top of your head as he smirked at his best friends who chuckled at the whiny James that got out. He didn't take what James said seriously, because he exactly knew why he was being like this.
He and Lily were still at that stage where everything was on a thin line and everything depended on him and how he behaved.
"Oh, I see what it is~" James gulped nervously as he looked at his bestfriend with hooded eyes, daring him to say anything about the way he was a simp for Lily when Sirius threw his arms to the air and he deadpanned at the black haired boy.
"You are jealous of our soulmate bond!"
"Soulmate bond?" Lily questioned as she looked at you and smiled sweetly. People didn't take her as someone who was into this type of things, but truth is, she adored the idea of finding someone just like yourself that completed you and spend the rest of your life with that kind of commitment and security.
"It's when they know what the other will say or do." Remus explained from next to her on his bed without taking his eye away from the glasses he was fixing and she nodded, turning her face to watch the couple and the boy she definetly didn't like.
"Yeah, sure you git... I'm sure you guys also know what the other thinks." He grumbled under his breath as you raised your brows.
"You don't believe us, Jamie?" You teased him back just as Sirius did, and he smiled down at you proudly and smooched your cheeks.
He really rubbed off you and he could cry at how cute and hot you were to hım in his eyes at that moment.
James huffed out as Remus watched his friends with a smirk. James didn't know it but you two trully knew what the other was exactly thinking, much to the fear of him.
He witnessed it once, when you gave every little object Sirius had forgotten as he listed them, and then his favourite treats at the same time he was saying how nice it would be to have them.
Needless to say, that day was the day Sirius insisted you were the one for him and he was going to marry you, talking Remus' ear off with how much he said the exact same words all the time.
And now, it was his time to watch a flabbergasted James at that.
"Yeah, I don't believe you lots! How can someone know what their lover thinks?"
"Okay, then! Give us a random letter and we will say what word we thought and see if they're the same!" Sirius raised his brows jokingly, daring him to do that as James straightened and silked his shoulders.
That was competition now.
And his honor was at stake.
He was so going to prove you both wrong.
"Okay, fine, then... M!"
"Man!" You both looked at each other weirdly before bursting out laughing at how disappointedly you said the word.
"What did my kind do to you?!"
"I don't know! It just left me like that..!"
Everyone in the room was full on laughter with amazed eyes at how tuned the word left you both as James' jaw was hang open but he soon, pulled himself together and said another letter.
He was going to prove that this was just a coincidence... It was one, right?
Both you and Sirius cackled as you laid on his bed sideways, his arm under your head while he was propped on his elbow and tried to control his breathing after laughing that hard. You both were shaking from the amusement of the situation and the shocked stares of everyone as they laughed alongside you.
Not James though. He couldn't believe his own eyes and ears at what was happening. What kind of witchery he was witnessing right now?
"D!" James really wanted to try his chance one more time, so that he could have at least a little ounce of his honor in Lily's eyes who was also laughing too hard while looking between their friends and into his eyes with gleaming green ones that left hım breathless.
Maybe, this wasn't so bad-
"WHY DID I SAY THAT?!" You stopped your laughing as the room almost boomed with your laughs, Sirius looking at you with wide eyes at how fast it left his mouth and looked at you worriedly if that made you uncomfortable. It was no secret to you or anyone in the room of his atraction to both gender, but never did he ever say this out loud.
At least, like this.
Merlin, that's SO embrassing... What if they think of me weird? Or that I'm not satisfied with them, didn't love them-
But it only made you laugh harder and hit his chest in the middle of your laughing fit as Sirius looked at you in shock and tender love, his eyes watering slightly at how happy you looked.
Sirius always loved that side of you the most perhaps, if he had to pick one. You weren't usually a touchy person, very unlike him, but when you were comfortable and happy with someone, you would always touch them in some way and even hit them playfully while laughing at something.
And he was glad to be that someone for you, as you both laid together in his dorm, surrounded with people you both loved and completely loosing yourselves over how funny this whole thing was.
But the best one hadn't come yet, and as you both tried to lay back on your backs... Only one word left you two, which resulted with both of you loosing balance and finding yourselves on either side of his bed on the ground.
Both of you fell down the bed while wheezing on the floor desperately, tummy hurting from how hard you both laughed as Lily tried to walk towards you and pull you up as Remus did the same with Sirius but they both fell on the ground as you two rolled over, doubling in laughter. You pulled your legs to your chest as Sirius punched the carpet in laughter, both your friends who tried to help you but failed and gave up, and instead joined you two as well.
"Even their 'nah' is the same... This is not soulmate shite now, this is plain creepy." James muttered under his breath but still smiled at his friend's happiness, the wide smile over Sirius' lips being a first in a long time. He had never seen the flirtitous man so stupidly in love, so much of a "simp" for the person he loves as Sirius liked to call James as.
And he knew at that moment as you both held onto each other to get up with hiccuped giggles and kissed the other sweetly, that James didn't have any doubts you and Sirius had each other's backs for the rest of your lives.
And when everyone slowly drifted to peaceful sleep after a fun night together full of happines and laughter as you slept between your boyfriend's arms, snuggling to him with your legs interwined together, he squeezed you thighter as a lone tear slipped from his eye from happiness when you mumbled cutely in your sleep.
"I love you, Siri."
"I love you too. So much."
He was going to do whatever it took to keep this little haven, fragile peace he had built for himself. He would do his best to return the safety and love you gave to him to the best of his abilities. He would be someone who you deserved in your life and not disappoint you.
He was going to protect you and do anything in his power to keep his family, or people like them away from you.
He would get his happy ending, to stay like this forever with you.
He was going to make sure of it.
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Helloooo can I request the brother reaction to mc cracking their bones when stretching? I do it quite often because I sit down for ages but it helps relieve tension so much.
I love your writing style as well! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Thank you so much for the compliment and the request - they both mean a lot to me!
I want to apologize because I know this isn't my best work for sure; I'm currently sick and I also hate joints cracking lmao but I hope you still enjoy.
Lucifer: Lucifer is like me where he’s going to cringe, just a little, and his eye may twitch. The sound of you cracking is so jarring and inelegant, especially to a demon who doesn’t have that problem. I can see it being one of those “ugh, do you have to make that sound?” kind of things for him and he’ll side eye you if you do it in public. You can definitely use this knowledge to intentionally annoy him if you want to. 
Mammon: Mammon hates it. The first time you did it, he thought you broke a bone and was subsequently in tears about how you managed to do that to yourself. Why are humans so breakable?! Once he realizes it doesn’t hurt you, he calms down a bit but he definitely still gets the ick out of sheer worry each time it happens in front of him.  However, he does delight in how much it bugs Lucifer and wishes he could crack his own knuckles to do the same. 
Levi: like Mammon, Levi was absolutely shook at first that you’d somehow busted your knuckles playing video games with him (that’s the first time he heard it was after a long gaming session) and all he could think about was how he didn’t know you were such a hardcore gamer being able to keep playing after that. Once he learns the truth, he basically ignores it. He lowkey wishes he could crack like that too because he’s always tense/tight from spending so much time sitting and you make it sound so relieving.
Satan: Satan finds it fascinating; he likes learning about all the little quirks of being human. He researches about the effects cracking joints can have and exactly why it happens. I imagine that he would ignore it for the most part once he’s used to it. He does like the idea of being able to crack his knuckles, especially in that threatening way they have in movies and books, so when you guys are arguing with people he may gesture to you to do it. It might not be as scary coming from a human but it’s still plenty intimidating to watch a human crack their knuckles and have Satan pop out at the cue. 
Asmo: Typically it’s an ick for Asmo. It just doesn’t sound cute, you know? You sound old and rickety and vulnerable, like all humans do. He'll mostly ignore it though he does scold you if you do intentionally. He’s that person who would believe the urban legend about it causing arthritis and will regularly remind you to be careful so you don’t end up broken or with messed up looking joints. 
Beel: Beel has a panic moment, like Mammon. He’s worried that you’ve injured yourself in some way and is immediately all over you, asking if you’re okay and what happened. It takes a while to explain to him that it’s just air trapped between joints and that clearing it out actually helps you feel better. After that, Beel is always happy to ask if you need help cracking. He’s nervous to go too hard and hurt you but he’s the kind of person who will pick you up to help your back crack. 
Belphie: Honestly, I imagine Belphie’s got a little bit of PTSD that flares up when he hears the cracking. It reminds him of when he murdered you and heard/felt all of your bones cracking. It’s really unfortunate and the first time it happens, he runs off and avoids you for a solid day or two because he can’t look at you without hearing the sound. He’ll look up ways to help your joints so it doesn’t happen as often and you have to be careful not to purposefully do it in front of him, even if you try to assure him that this is totally different and safe. 
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Drabble-A-Thon Prompt 5
Pairing: Shigadabi
Rating: Teen
Prompt: From @dahvampire. Shigaraki is trying to play a new game when Dabi comes in and tries to annoy him, but he gets sucked in and Tomura tries to teach him how to play.
Contents: Mentioned gun violence against a child (in a video game)
The nice thing about both he and Dabi being incredibly independent is that the two of them have no qualms about not spending every moment of every day together, even when they don’t have work, treatments, or other obligations forcing them together or apart. They know when and how to seek each other out for quality time, and they know when they should leave the other alone and entertain themselves. Tomura thought that this would be an ‘entertain themselves’ kind of day when he came back to check on Dabi in the morning after his insomnia forced him from bed early, only to find that his firefly had already gotten up too, and that his workout clothes were missing. He hadn’t reappeared around breakfast, and Tomura figured that meant he wanted time alone. This was fine by him, because as much as he loves his firefly, they don’t actually have many hobbies in common that are completely outside of sex or work. Dabi reads a lot, always worrying that someone is going to notice that he has gaps in his education, and focusing on researching heroes. Tomura has done his fair share of studying and doesn’t return to that for fun, he goes to games. Especially now that he can have any system and play however he wants without his teacher or Kurogiri breathing down his neck. 
He’s about an hour into playing the new RPG has been causing a lot of buzz when Dabi comes back into their room. He must have showered downstairs because his hair is wet and he smells like his soap and shampoo instead of smoke. 
“Hey, firefly.” He expects his lover to get his book or phone and plop down on the couch beside him, but instead Dabi moves to stand directly in front of the TV. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Playing a game.” He says, immediately picking up on his lover’s attitude. Someone must have pissed him off, or he had a nightmare that Tomura wasn’t there to help with. Either way, he knows that Dabi is always angling more for a fight when things like this happen. “Come here, firefly.” 
And the fact he’s willing to put down his game and give him the attention that he clearly wants is enough to make Dabi not want it anymore. He wants to start something, not be comforted or doted on, but Tomura is good about not getting into fights with Dabi when his mood is fluctuating like this. Besides, those fights aren’t even real. There’s no genuine animosity in them, it’s just Dabi looking to get them both riled up so they can have rough sex and the even softer aftercare when they’re finished which soothes the frustration and hurt feelings that made him lash out in the first place. Dabi still struggles to just ask for the things he wants, but Tomura will give them all to him anyway. 
Dabi huffs and flops down on the other end of their couch, out of his reach, and pulls out his phone. “No. I’m still sore.” No he’s not. If he were, then he wouldn’t have gone to work out this morning, but Tomura lets him lie and pout. “I’m going to order curry for lunch.” 
“Okay.” He doesn’t hate spicy food, but it’s not his favorite and Dabi always orders the spiciest curry that he can find. He’s not going to argue with him over lunch either, and he resumes his game. Dabi will either make himself enough of a pest that Tomura actually has to punish him for his behavior, he’ll burn himself out, or he’ll actually ask for the comfort and attention that he clearly wants and he can dote on him for the rest of the day. But until he decides how he wants to go about this, he’s going to enjoy his game. 
Or he’s going to try to. Dabi sticks his feet right into his lap, making him misclick and lose his boss fight. “Oops.” 
“It’s fine, baby.” Tomura says, shifting his hand to gently squeeze his ankle as the screen reloads. “I just hit a checkpoint.” 
That only serves to make Dabi more obnoxious, of course. He starts playing news clips at full volume on his phone, shifting around on the couch, dragging his tongue stud over the staples on the inside of his cheeks to create a grating tinkling sound. He doesn’t pay him any attention. He keeps playing his game, getting up to the top floor and killing the villain who is holding the kid hostage. Dabi tries to distract him while he’s in the middle of the fight, but he doesn’t lose, getting past the boss, picking up his weapon, and going to find the little girl. 
She comes out from underneath a table, excited to see a hero in person for the first time, and the character on the screen gets the order to kill her. Tomura has heard that the ‘villain’ track is much shorter and clearly the path that the developers weren’t that invested in creating, so he takes the order that the mock-hero agency gives and shoots the girl dead, though the game carefully cuts around the violence. 
“What the fuck was that?” Dabi sounds genuinely curious now, sitting up from the couch a bit. 
“I thought you were a hero? Heroes don’t kill kids.” 
“Not as far as the public is aware.” Tomura says. 
“In games and shit.” Dabi counters. 
“This is an American game. It’s inspired by a comic series and some cases about forty years ago where they found out that heroes who weren’t getting paid the ‘correct’ amount to save hostages would bump off or leave behind the ‘extras’.” The level finishes with a cut scene that shows that the PC was commended for his work, that people were sad he couldn’t get to the girl in time, but his public approval rating went up in the aftermath of the event. 
The scene after that opens on the hub of the agency, and Tomura is able to put his points into his skill tree and pick his quirk: Fire, Ice, Mind Control, Super Strength, Super Speed, or Flying. Dabi is still watching over his shoulder so he asks.
“What quirk do you think would be good, firefly?” 
“Wait, you didn’t already have a quirk? I thought it was like Snipe. Why did you have all those guns then?” 
“It’s an American game, baby.” 
Dabi rolls his eyes, but then says, “If you’re gonna be using people like pawns, you might as well go the whole way and take Mind Control.” 
Tomura selects it, and then is dropped back into the gameplay, getting to see the different objectives and paths forward in the game. There are a lot of people to talk to within his agency, and he starts to move around the building and have different conversations with people. 
“Wait, you can decide what to say?” 
“Yeah,” he always got the sense that Dabi didn’t have any games growing up as a kid, even seeming confused when he and the others play simple racing or party games together when they’re spending time as a group, but he doesn’t mind explaining. If this can be a distraction from whatever is bothering his lover, then he’s happy to share it with him. “Come here.” 
Dabi doesn’t protest this time, though he does tense a little when Tomura pulls him in close to his side and gives over the controller to him. “This is a role-playing game–”
“Oh you’re one of those players, I should have guessed.” 
He nips Dabi’s cheek right above his staples in retaliation, but continues to show him where to rest his fingers. “I think there are romanceable non-player characters, but it’s not that kind of role-playing. It just means that you get to build your character and decide how they live in this world. Everyone who plays this game will have a character who is going to be a little different from another person’s. You get to talk to the other characters and that will change how they treat you in the future. RPGs are supposed to feel like you’re living through the experience of the game.” 
“So you want to be a corrupted hero?” 
“Know your enemy.” He wants to play this because it’s being banned in Japan, he wants to play it because it was banned on and off in America too. He wants to know if he should be having Skeptic online leaking and reposting free copies of it so that more people play it and find out what is so important about it. Media is one of the best places to strike at people’s beliefs. A game that focuses on the way that heroes have corrupted and broken this society could help them a lot. And he likes to play games. It’s a win-win. 
As he shows Dabi how to navigate to their next objective, going to see a psychologist so he can be cleared for active duty again, and he hears Dabi mumble, “There’s no way that he wouldn’t be having nightmares after shooting a kid,” and selects the dialogue option that shows a flicker of remorse from their character, he knows that this may be a win on this front as well. He’ll take over for him during the fight scenes, but if this helps Dabi work through, or distract him from whatever was upsetting him earlier until he’s ready to talk, then Tomura will take this as an even bigger win.  
Thanks so much for your support! If you would like to participate, consider checking out my ko-fi here!
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ticklygiggles · 9 months
Practicing tickle fights | Yamaguchi, Nishinoya & Hinata
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A/N: First commission from the always kind and super amazing Max (@wertzunge)! Thank you so much again for your kind, kind support Max! You are always so nice to me. I hope you enjoy these cuties!
Summary: Yamaguchi is a very reserved guy, but when he finds Nishinoya and Hinata having a tickle fight (again), he can't help but feel curious - what was it the last time he got tickled?
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He was tired. He never thought practicing could actually be this… painful. He was sore in places he didn't even know could be sore and he felt like dying with every step he took, however… it felt nice. Despite being tired both physically and mentally, he had never felt so energized and motivated to do something, especially something related to volleyball, but there he was, feeling like his heart wanted to explode out of his chest every time he noticed progress on his serve and when he received praise from his coaches and even Hinata.
He felt that after this camp, he could definitely be of more help to his team and that made him feel so happy, he could barely walk- yet again, he could barely walk with how sore he was. 
“It hurts, it hurts,” he whined as he dragged himself outside, even though he wanted to rest for the night right there and then. He felt motivated, but he also felt like he could sleep for three years straight. 
However, he still wanted to do a little more practicing before going to bed, he just needed a clean towel and his water bottle… his water bottle. Ah. Yamaguchi whined as it came to his mind that he had left his poor water bottle alone back in their room. Now he had to go all the way back for it… would it be better to go to sleep once and for all? He whined some more as he made his way back to the room, fighting the urge to just go to sleep and skip practice for that day. Only one day… couldn't be so bad, right? 
He sighed, giving himself mental strength, but as he neared the room he couldn't help but get distracted by so much noise coming from inside, interrupting his inner speech about how persistence was the key. It sounded like screams and Yamaguchi was immediately worried, his feet moving quickly, in a rush to get there and see what was happening; he didn't know what to expect to find when he opened the door, but what he saw really blew him away. 
Hinata and Nishinoya were inside the room… having a tickle fight? Yamaguchi blinked, perplexed, staring at the scene. So that was all the commotion he heard from the other side of the hallway? A tickle fight? He sighed in relief, he thought something bad had happened, but it was just his silly teammates. 
Yamaguchi was very used to this. Tickle fights were a regular thing on the Karasuno team, especially between these two. Yamaguchi could tell from their big smiles and bright eyes that they were having too much fun as they tried to pin the other. Both Hinata and Nishinoya already knew each other's weakest spots and their skillful and quick fingers did not hesitate to attack those spots that made them throw their heads back with loud, hysterical laughter. Yamaguchi couldn't help but smile as he heard their contagious laughter, they really sounded happy even though their bodies desperately tried to escape when they were under attack.
How they could engage into these types of games so effortlessly would always be a mystery for Yamaguchi. Sometimes they only needed to look at each other to know what was about to happen and it didn't matter the time, both of them were so ready for it right away. Was it really that fun? 
Hinata's laughter was really funny, he had to admit, it sounded so like him, if that made any sense. It was vibrant and somehow cute. Contagious and happy as his personality. Noya's laughter was also so like him: loud, boisterous and free. It escaped from his lips without restraints and without a care just like Noya. He never thought laughter could sound like one's personality. Yamaguchi was curious, but there was no way he would-
“Y-Yahahamahahuchihi,” Noya giggled, pointing at Yamaguchi by the door when he caught sight of him. Hinata, busy tickling Noya's sides, stopped and looked up to look at Yamaguchi and he grinned widely. 
“Yamaguchi! What are you doing there? Do you want to join?” He was short of breath as if he had run a marathon, but he didn't look tired at all. 
But, what did he just ask?! Yamaguchi felt his cheeks blushing and he shook his head and both his hands no. “That’s not it! I just came here for my bottle, I'm going to practice… again…”
They were not listening to him, were they? Noya was laughing so hard as Hinata tried to pin his arms above his head; so he was surprised when they called his name again. 
“Yahamaguchi! C'mon!” Noya said, cackling a little when Hinata tickled his ribs for a bit. “Y-Yohohou nehever join us in a tickle fight! Didn't even Tsukishima tickle Kageyama the other day?”
Yamaguchi chuckled. Tsukki would do anything in his power to make Kageyama feel embarrassed, of course he would even join in a tickle fight just to wreck him, but Yamaguchi? He didn't feel the need to join, really, it was fun to watch so he never thought about actually playing as well. 
“Yes! Laughing is also healthy for your lungs, Yamaguchi!” Hinata said, giggling brightly as Noya squeezed his thigh. 
“And you won't believe the workout you do in a tickle fight! So come here, quickly!” 
Yamaguchi blinked a couple of times, he looked behind him into the hallway and then looked at Hinata and Noya again. Well… it wouldn't hurt, right? If he was quick enough, he could avoid being tickled, but even so… maybe getting tickled wouldn't be that bad, he thought. 
Clearing his throat, Yamaguchi finally stepped in, his steps slow as both Hinata and Noya sat up, grinning brightly and excitedly at him as they saw him kneeling beside them. Yamaguchi felt his hands trembling a little as he was under their playful gaze.
“Our Shouyou here will be kind enough to let you tickle him,” Noya said, making Yamaguchi jump when he placed a hand on his shoulder, the libero giggled. “Lay down, Shouyou.”
“Huh?! Why me?” Hinata whined, but he did what he was told and even raised his hands above his head. “Noya-san is more ticklish than me,” he pouted and Noya was quick to have his fingers digging slightly into Hinata's ribs, making him laugh and squirm, his arms half way down already. 
“Did you see that? Shouyou is very ticklish on his ribs,” Noya explained, vibrating his fingers in between the spaces of Hinata's ribs, making him finally lower his arms. “You can try it, Yamaguchi. Don't be too rough, though. You could hurt him and we don't want that.”
Yamaguchi nodded, his lips sealed in a thin line as he approached Hinata, who had raised his arms again, but was giggling like a kid. Yamaguchi would have chuckled, listening to Hinata's giggles, but he was nervous. He couldn't say he had much experience with tickling. He was an only child, so he didn't have tickle fights with his siblings. Tsukishima and Akiteru have tickled him before, but that was when he was a kid and he didn't get to tickle them back since they always ganged up on him. He didn't get tickled in Karasuno either, even though they did have many tickle fights, he never personally joined nor they made him join before. 
So he was not surprised when he finally touched Hinata's ribs and he simply flinched slightly. His smile was bright, but no laughter came out. 
“Harder, Yamaguchi!” Hinata encouraged him and Yamaguchi clawed at his ribs a bit harder, this time Hinata did giggle, jerking slightly to the side. “I cahahan tahake mohohore than that!” 
“Don't be afraid, Yamaguchi! It's just tickling! Hinata loves it, believe me!”
“I dohohon’t, you dohoho!” 
Yamaguchi was not scared, he just didn't know how to do it! He couldn't help but tense even more as they kept telling him how to do it. No matter how hard he tried, Yamaguchi could only make Hinata giggled slightly and squirm softly, nothing compared to when Noya was doing this. 
“I think I can't,” he finally admitted, stopping his tickling and looking back at Noya. “I don't know how to- ah, wait! What-”
He was surprised when he was suddenly pushed back by Noya who hovered over him with a bright, evil grin, showing all his teeth. Yamaguchi tensed and all the alarms in his head went off as he also saw Hinata joining Nishinoya. 
“I think Shouyou and I should teach you how to do this, Yamaguchi, don't you think so, Shouyou?” Noya said, winking at Hinata.
“Yes! Don't worry, Yamaguchi! You'll learn first hand how to tickle someone!”
“W-Wait! I don't think this a good idea,” Yamaguchi said, blushing. “I just wanted to get my bottle, I have to do some practicing and- aaagh! N-Noya-san! Nohohohoyahaha-sahahan!” 
Laughter escaped from his lips at the mere contact of Noya's fingers against his sides. Yamaguchi thought he had stopped being ticklish as he grew up, but now he knew he was very wrong, if anything, he thought he felt even more ticklish now, but it could be that he was a bit too nervous at that moment, actually, why was Nishinoya so good at tickling?! 
“Nohohoho!” He laughed, squirming and trying to push Noya's hands away from his sides. 
“You see now, Yamaguchi? You have to do it firmly, but not too hard and you are just as ticklish as Shouyou!” 
Yamaguchi could barely focus on Noya's words as he was a bit overwhelmed by the tickles on his sides, but he did hear Hinata squeaking out a protest, claiming that Noya was the most ticklish between them too. Much to Yamaguchi's embarrassment, they quickly came to the conclusion that he was the most ticklish among the three. 
“Okahahahay! Okay! I gehehehet it! I'll try ahahahagain!” He pleaded, tilting his head back with laughter when Noya massaged his lower sides, thumbs digging into the sides of his stomach. 
“Hey, I want to tickle Yamaguchi too!” Hinata claimed and Yamaguchi squeaked out a cackle when he felt his hands clawing at his stomach under his shirt! “He really is so ticklish, look at him, Noya-san!” 
Noya laughed, “this is why you never join us, Yamaguchi?”
Yamaguchi shook his head, jerking this way and that, but unable to escape their hands. “NOHOHO! Stahahahap! It tihihihickles!” 
Both gremlins giggled at Yamaguchi’s words, but they didn't stop, on the contrary, Yamaguchi felt as if their fingers increased in speed and it suddenly didn't feel like just four hands, but ten climbing up and down his sides and clawing and wiggling at his tummy. Yamaguchi giggled and laughed and squeaked, his hands flailing around, trying to push their hands, to cover his stomach, to drag himself out of it, but it was all useless as they tickled him as if they knew where exactly to touch to have him losing his mind. 
And yet, Yamaguchi couldn't deny he was having fun. He was able to pinch firmly at Hinata's side or wiggle his fingers under Noya's arm, but even though they laughed, his actions only backfired and they tickled him more. 
“I'll dihihihie!” He said dramatically, stubbornly denying the fact that he was having a good time. “PLEHEHEASE! H-Hinahahataha! Don't do thahahat!”
“What! What! This?” He asked excitedly as his hand vibrated right in the center of Yamaguchi's tummy, around his belly button. 
Yamaguchi barked out a laugh, nodding his head as he sucked on his belly, but as he tried to move away, Nishinoya held his sides in place, fingers digging in also making him laugh like crazy. 
“Poor Yamaguchi, he can't stop us!” Noya teased, giggling and whining when Yamaguchi's knee hit him in the back. “Ouch? Why are you hurting your senpai, Yamaguchi? That just won't do! Do you want me to tickle your feet?” 
Yamaguchi shook his head desperately. “NOHOHO! I'M SOHOHORRY!” 
Noya grinned. “Did you hear that, Shouyou? I think Yamaguchi here is hiding something on his feet! Help me out!” 
“NOHOHO!” Yamaguchi laughed nervously, quickly turning on his stomach to flee away as both Noya and Hinata stopped tickling him to move lower, but perhaps since they were so tiny and Yamaguchi  was already weak from all that laughter, they caught a leg each, pinning them down with their weight. Yamaguchi shrieked, pulling at his trapped legs. “Nohoho, Nohohoya-san, Hinata! Please, listen! Lihihisten! LIHIHISTEN! NAHAHA!” 
“Noya-san, Noya-san. I think we found Yamaguchi's worst spot!” 
“Aren't we lucky, Shouyou?"
Blunt nails raked up and down his socked soles. Yamaguchi howled with laughter, fists banging against the floor as he tried to crawl away from them, but damn they had him pinned good. One pair of hands skittered their nails against the ball of his foot, making him cackling like mad as the other pair found that hypersensitive spot underneath his toes that not even Yamaguchi knew was ticklish.
Tears of laughter streamed down his face and his cheeks and stomach ached a little from laughing so much, he really thought it couldn't be worst, but then he felt them pulling his socks off and when they tickled him again, he was a goner. 
Half words were the only thing he could manage out as they wrecked his poor feet. Nails scritch-scratching the sides of his feet, the arches and fingers wiggling under and in between his toes as his attackers giggled happily. He certainly had never been tickled like that before and soon his laughter had started to turn wheezy and silent. 
“Noya-san, do you think Yamaguchi had learned how to properly do this?” 
Yamaguchi wanted to scream that he did, but at that moment he could only howl with nearly hysterical laughter. 
“Hmm, I wonder, shall we ask him?” 
The tickling suddenly stopped and Yamaguchi went limp against the wooden floor. He pressed his forehead against the cool surface and let out residual laughter as he heard Nishinoya and Hinata moving up from his feet.
“So, Yamaguchi? How was it? Did you learn how to do it?” 
He couldn't talk, or more like didn't want to, he felt slightly too embarrassed, even though he didn't hate it, he was still surprised about how ticklish he really was. Who would've thought? He really made a fool of himself laughing like that, right? Ugh, he wanted to disappear!
“Ah! Ahahahah, I dihihihid! I reheheally dihihid!” He giggled brightly when they tickled his ears, fingers lightly fluttering against the sensitive spot. He shook his head before covering his ears. “I knohohow how to dohoho it! I prohohomise!” 
Hinata and Nishinoya giggled, finally stopping to let Yamaguchi catch his breath completely. 
“How was it, Yamaguchi? Did you have fun?” Hinata asked as Yamaguchi sat up, face pink but breathing more stable. 
“Yeah, doesn't it feel so good to just laugh?” Noya added, their eyes sparkling with happiness. 
They were right. It was fun and it was somehow revitalizing. He liked it and he wondered how it was that he didn't join in the fun before.
He nodded shyly, “yes, it was fun. It feels weirdly nice, I think. I had never been tickled like that before. You both are brutal,” Yamaguchi said sincerely and the three laughed. 
Ah, this was nice. It had been a long time since he had felt as light and vibrant as he did in those moments. Who knew that a ridiculous tickle war was what he needed to relax? Well, a very one sided tickle fight, if he may add, but not for long.
“What- AHAHAHAHA! N-NOHOHO!” Nishinoya’s laughter echoed through the whole room as Yamaguchi launched at him, fingers wiggling their way under the libero's arms, tickling him with enthusiasm. 
“What do you think, Noya-san?” Yamaguchi teased, pinning Noya down and straddling his hips. “Do you think I learned something at all?”
“Let me help you!” Hinata chirped excitedly and he grabbed Noya's wrists, easily pinning his arms up above his head. 
Yamaguchi laughed brightly as he wrecked the poor libero. He never thought tickle fights could be that fun and it was even better since he knew these two silly boys enjoyed every second of it, so he let himself have fun tickling the two and letting them tickle him back. 
Either way he could keep practicing extra hard tomorrow!
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 7 months
Hi, I really love your writing! I wanted to ask if you could do a romantic head canons for Tanner and Treech because I really love those characters and the reader can be fem or gender neutral. Enjoy the rest of your day!
How pretty it is, I think I'm in love.
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Treech/Tanner x Gender neutral reader (separate romantic headcanons) Summary: Romantic headcanons about Treech and Tanner and how they fell in love with gender neutral! Reader Warning: mention of animal death (Tanner's part), blood, before and after the Hunger Games Word count: 1.4k ♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
It had been a warm October in District Seven, oddly enough since the weather was usually cold during this time. Treech kept his hands together as he swung down on the wood block in front of him. He glanced around, looking at the greenery around him, his eyes unconsciously going to you. He stared at you as you brought your ax down onto the block of wood.
He would never admit how he’d admire you from afar, how his face would grow warm when he saw you take on the harder work, or how you looked while you brought your ax down to continue your work. Treech didn’t fully understand his love for you but he would be yours if you asked him… you wouldn’t have to always ask.
The first couple times you both converse were very awkward. Treech would try making you laugh, but because of how nervous he would be, it would come off as really odd. It makes things a bit more difficult, especially breaking the ice, but it was slightly charming since he tried with his jokes (sometimes).
You would hang out with his friends and yours, having connections with each other, which makes
Just a couple hours before the reaping, Treech walked around the town, hoping to get even a sight of you.
When his name is called in the reaping, he doesn’t try finding you. He already accepted his end once he got to the stage in front of the kids of Seven. Treech’s eyes would find you in the crowd, the beauty of your soft eyes made him want to weep and ask you for a kiss before his inevitable death. But he bit his tongue and kept quiet.
The time spent waiting for the train with Lamina was mostly just sitting in silence, her occasional sob breaking the quiet. Treech could only sit with his thoughts, wondering what could have come if he actually ran to you. Perhaps you would have taken him into your arms. Or not. He didn’t want that answer for so long.
The isolation that followed while waiting for the train made everything worse, the knowledge that you could have gone home, without a thought for him or terrified about what could ensue in the arena made him worried.
After his victory in the arena, he’d finally come home to District Seven. But unlike Tanner, he wouldn’t seek you out after caring for himself for a bit. He wouldn’t show for a long while. It would mostly be because Treech couldn’t bring himself to go back to you without worrying you could have possibly seen his actions on the TV’s in the town electronics shop.
Three months, three long months was how long Treech spent trying to take care of himself after all that had happened in the arena. But he got the confidence to go out to see others, others that wouldn’t kill him, and he went to your home.
Treech spent the entire time explaining what had happened while he was in his house and how he held up in the arena, the arena explanation was the shortest since his mind hadn’t even fully recovered.
It was almost a natural instinct to confess how he had fallen in love with you, the softness of you as a whole and how you were kind. You were so special to him since you were willing to listen to him, and didn’t constantly view his victory as a real victory, just as he did. Treech couldn’t help blushing so brightly, his entire face was basically red.
“You’d like a kiss?” You asked with a breathful laugh. As much as it embarrassed, Treech couldn’t help accepting the offer, which you gave to him quickly.
Your hands held his vibrant red cheeks, brushing your thumb against his cheekbone as you pressed his lips to yours delicately. It wasn’t as amazing as Treech had imagined, far more incredible than he could have ever thought. It’s like he was getting a kiss from the heavens itself. His desperation for your lips caused him to pull you close, just close enough to put his hands on your back.
You didn’t pull away for a long while, several minutes even. Truthfully, who would want to leave Heaven?
Oh, how badly the pain in his stomach grew as he stared at you, the blood covering your fingers drew blood to his cheeks. You set the butcher's knife down before turning to leaving to the dressing rooms. Tanner swallowed thickly and wiped his face with his hands, hoping his face wasn't too red to the extent others would know.
It was so odd, how lovely you looked in a place filled with only death. He’d never understand that feeling he got when he’d see you, but Tanner couldn’t deny that he didn’t want it gone.
Tanner had met you in English class, maybe not have met you but he knew you existed, and you were lovely. You were so kind and hot and shit. What couldn't he like about you? And you worked in the same factory! So, he could see you outside school!
You were the most “magnificent piece of work” … as he would say, with the voice of a songbird that would keep him in place out of instinct.
Tanner would take any opportunity to talk to you and he wouldn’t try making it obvious that he liked when you were paired up together in class when your friends were gone. Maybe it was obvious to all, but he thought he was smooth enough (he wasn’t).
Reaping day was notorious throughout the district, all of Panem really. Tanner had spent his day with his friends or near the town square, hoping to find you around and possibly talk to you.
Nearly the entire conversation is trying to work you up enough to get a kiss, trying to butter you up before the reaping. Of course, Tanner would compliment you and your outfit and how nice you looked, jokingly saying you were trying to find him too.
You would spend parts of your time in the town square, walking with him and your friends. Your friends mainly talked about other things besides how Tanner was trying to flirt with you. He claimed they were being sad and stuff, but they were reacting like any other possible tribute, wishing their families would be fine without them. The same could be said for him too, but he hoped you would be fine without him.
When he was called for the reaping, obviously he was sad. Who wouldn't be in this situation? Maybe a murderer but that doesn't matter now. Tanner was going to walk to his death.
At the realization that he probably wouldn’t come home, he’d try finding his way to you. There wasn’t a distinct time when the new tributes could speak to their family before they left but he needed a little time to speak to you, admit he had felt a special fondness for you.
The entire time he was on the train was hoping you’d at least think of him while he was gone, hopefully positive thoughts.
But Tanner never got that, and he couldn’t get what could have come from it out of his mind. It was a partial comfort on the train ride to the Capital.
After the Hunger Games, he had gone home and slept, though his mind went to finding you. It was either your warm presence or the haunting nightmares that would seep back into his mind when he couldn’t think of anything new.
Tanner would find you again and finally give you that kiss that was meant long before the reaping. He wouldn’t try being nice about it, his feelings were intense, and that kiss will be too. He wouldn’t try pulling away for a long while, keeping you close and in his arms, where he wished you would stay forever.
Oddly enough, Tanner would confess his feelings to you after the kiss. He’d go on about how he couldn’t keep his eyes off you and later his lips.
At some point, he’d be asked about his time in the arena. Though Tanner had endless nightmares about the things he saw, the blood and the snakes, he would be boastful. He would claim he was never scared and try seeming stronger than he already was.
As time went on, you’d more likely see him stiffen and get scared at the sight or the smell of anything that reminded him of the arena. Tanner would never claim himself a victor, but he’d say he would.
♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
So sorry I haven't updated in a long while. Lowkey OOC but thank you for reading, nonetheless.
my tbosas masterlist
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rfxiii · 10 months
kind of random, but Franklin or Trevor with a hyper masc female reader would be so so cute!! ❤
(im so sorry about the long wait! I wasn’t sure if you wanted just a hypermasc fem reader or ‘hyperactive’ masc fem reader so I I kinda guessed and went with my gut. but if this isn’t what you wanted then feel free to send another request and I’d be happy to write it!)
TW: short sentence about T’s horniness
Franklin And Trevor With A Hyper Masc Female S/O:
Franklin Clinton:
He doesn’t care one way or another if you're more masc or fem. He loves you for you, and nobody can tell him anything or change his mind.
If you’re more “sporty” masc, he’s down bad. Likes to talk to you about football, basketball, even about going golfing with Michael and Trevor. He wants to take you to sports bars with him, he’s shelling out big bucks to get y’all floor seats to your favorite basketball team, he’s buying you signed jerseys. He’s living for you being into the same things he is.
He’s a big car guy, and if you’re also into cars then it’s a huge bonus for him. He likes taking you to go see races, he wants to take you to Los Santos Customs to help him pick out different mods for his car, he’ll even offer to pay for you to get your car custom rims or a new racing spoiler.
He loves that, since you’re a little tougher and more masc, you can hang with his friends. Lamar is a cool, good guy, but he’s got a foul mouth, no verbal filter, and he makes stupid decisions that often get him and Frank into trouble. And if you’re down to hang out and keep up with his best friend then that’s all the better. He loves you for it.
He’s in the kitchen struggling to open a jar and you come in, like, “I got you, babe.” and easily open it for him. He’s honestly a little embarrassed but also…turned on?? It takes him a second to sort through those feelings.
Seeing you outside in the summer, in your swimwear, cleaning his pool for him or taking care of things in the backyard is honestly so hot to him. Like, he felt a little bad when you asked to do it the first time. But after he realized you enjoyed it, he honestly enjoys just sitting back and watching you do your thing. It’s sexy watching how you handle yourself and know what you’re doing.
He knows you can do a bunch of things on your own- moving furniture, fixing things around the house, taking out heavy trash, or maintaining the yard. But he’ll never take advantage of you. Everything the two of you do is just as equal as if you were super fem.
Loves playing video games with you. He may even buy a whole other tv and console for his living room so you two can play at the same time and play online with Lamar. He gets really competitive and he loves it when you do too. Especially if you help him gang up on poor Lamar when he’s on another team.
Trevor Philips:
His ideal woman is a classy, cultured, older woman anywhere from 50 or older (Patricia). But a cool, masc, tomboy-ish girl would be a fairly close contender for second!
He’s gross, his place is nasty, he’s foul mouthed, and he probably hasn’t showered all week. Someone who’s softer, or more hyper-fem may be more easily put off by him and his lifestyle. But if you’re more masc and tougher you’ve got a better fighting chance of not being utterly grossed out by him.
He likes that you can keep up with him without worrying about getting dirty, or messing up your clothes, or getting blood (or other fluids) on you.
He does sometimes forget that you are still a woman and may appreciate softer treatment occasionally. You’re tough, he respects you as an equal, and sometimes it slips his mind that you’re not actually one of the guys.
Michael, while he is Trevor’s best friend, tends to be far more old fashioned than he is. And if Michael ever commented about how you “shouldn’t come along because you’re a woman” or how having you do something is a “man’s job”, Trevor will vehemently defend you. He trusts you and your skills without question and it doesn’t matter that you’re a woman. You’re tough, you're competent, and he knows you know what’s up.
Gets off to seeing you handle guns and other weapons. Whether you’re cleaning one of his guns, sharpening a knife, practicing shooting at the range, or blowing away cops and methed out bikers, he’s fully hard and ready to go just watching you. Seeing you handle any dangerous weapons makes him imagine you handling his….weapon 👀
He likes wrestling/rough housing with you. He may get a little too rough so you may have to remind him to chill a bit, occasionally. But he loves tackling you, snatching you up from behind, he likes when you try to overpower him or fight back when he playfully grasps your wrists and pushes at you. He just likes any excuse to be physical with you, honestly.
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quinloki · 1 year
Can you write for zoro,law, and shanks on brat taming, sensory play, and lingerie
Pretty please 🥺
Ooooh what an interesting mix \o/
I like all these character too and have pretty solid head canons for them, so this is a good way to get going for the morning.
We'll do this by character =)
Roronoa Zoro:
Brat Taming - Yes - Zoro isn't against dealing with a brat. He might need some time to get good at the whole taming part of the equation, but as mentioned before he's a good student. He becomes adept at turning your bratty behaviors back onto you, teasing you, denying you, and sometimes punishing you. There's a few times where he even heads you off at the pass, picking up on your behavior before you really get into it and putting you soundly in your place.
Sensory Play - FUCK Yes - Something about the way your breath comes out when you can't see or hear him makes a rush run through him. The whimpers and squirms from wax or ice cubes, the twitches from light touches - just the way your entire body goes on edge once your senses are limited. He'll tease that you need more training, but you can never hear the whispered words when he says them. Which works well for him, if you could train out of your reactions he'd miss them.
Especially when your body curls and flexes in need and his name tumbles from your unsure lips.
Lingerie - Sure - Zoro's not a clothing/fashion guy. He doesn't dislike clothes or anything, and he can certainly appreciate the look of you in lingerie. But if he's being honest, there's not much difference between a lacy teddy and when you wear his shirts or strut your way into his lap in nothing but socks. Undressing you doesn't irritate him, but getting to put his hands on your skin directly is what he wants the most.
He has learned that having you strip for him is something he enjoys, but mostly because it can make you squirm.
Trafalgar Law:
Brat Taming - FUCK Yes - Law has no issues dealing with brats, being a bit of a brat himself once those bedroom doors close. He'll let you drag out your behavior sometimes, and other times he'll cut you off at the pass. Depends on what mood he's in, honestly. But always by the end of things you're either eating out of the palm of his hand, or a complete and exhausted mess of condoms, orgasms, and a bright red ass.
Sensory Play - Oh god you don't even know - Law's sadistic streak can come out with this one. From denying your senses to overloading them, to a deliciously cruel mix of the two. He'll have to you worried he's left you alone in the room, using feathers and thin strings to make you second guess if you're being touched or just imagining things. He'll have you covered in so much wax you could almost be a candle yourself, and he especially enjoys cooling your skin with ice.
Lingerie - FUCK Yes - Once your relationship progresses, Law's is very likely to buy you lingerie. One or two really nice set pieces at least. He'll try to tailor what he gets you based on what you like, with at least one exception. If you don't like lace, for example, there'll be at least one lacy set, and if you've been being bratty you can be sure you'll be wearing it. If you're lucky it'll only be during a session, if you're not you'll be wearing it under your clothes for a whole day.
Brat Taming - Yes - Shanks is the kind of guy who will indulge in almost any kink you have, but don't let his "low" rating of this put you off. His enthusiasm is pretty even no matter what he's doing, so long as he's doing it with you. Playing the brat with a guy who has some of the best observation haki is not a game you're going to win, but it is something you'll enjoy. Even without the haki, Shanks has plenty of experience, he can read you and the situation well enough, and he expertly wraps you around his little finger in all the ways you didn't even know you needed.
Sensory Play - FUCK Yes - Shanks loves to tease. If there's a common theme in his likes and dislikes, it's how much he gets to make you wiggle and squirm. Physically, emotionally, mentally, it doesn't matter - as long as you're enjoying whatever torment he's putting you through he's reveling in it. Sensory play adds so much, and it's so easy to mix it in with other kinks and actions that he rarely leaves it out. From caressing you with feathers, to ice and wax to sensory deprivation - he'll have you shuddering in orgasm without even directly touching you.
Lingerie - Fuck Yes - He appreciate it when you dress up in nice things. Long weeks at sea and what everyone wears tends toward the functional, and being a tactile person I think he appreciates the feel of something different like lingerie. Just like with Stockings/hose, he appreciates the whole package - the allure of it, the feel of it, the fact that you can wear it under your usual clothes and tease him endlessly throughout the day doesn't hurt either. Shanks appreciates a good build up, and all the things it can lead to.
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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chainelunaire · 1 year
body confidence
he's deadass horrified of the idea of you touching him, but you can never tell, since he hides it really well. no, contrary to popular opinion, not because of his quirk, since he’s very confident he mastered it to a perfection. he doesn’t like to be touched at all - at least that’s what he himself thinks - so he personally is fine, but he knows it might be important for you. and since he cares about you a lot, he’ll eventually be able to tolerate your affection towards him. he’s actually one of the most socialized characters here, but in a very subconscious way. yes, he did not get the socialization he needed, but through games he kind of got the idea how the world works. and even though he does not show it, society and it’s standarts already made their way in his brain. he knows he’s not conventionally beautiful, and he truly did not care all this time. but the more he thinks of it now, the more of a dread he feels. it sits in his mind, that with time you’ll understand, you’ll see him, and that’s not what you’d want. he can’t even explain this fear to himself, let alone you. he’s partly in denial that he lacks confidence to some extent, especially in something this stupid. but, unlike others, he lets people inside quite easily, especially in comparison. and since he let them inside, he trusts their judgement. he has very hard time saying ‘no’ to those he loves. so, with enough care and some persuasion, he’ll gain that confidence he needed. it’s surprisingly easy tbh. he still won’t be the most touchy person to be around, but he’ll hold your hand on occasion and even let you lean on him on public. in private - whole other story. he’ll be much more relaxed and affectionate. he likes that how touching other person feels, he just genuinely enjoys it. so he’ll let you almost throw him around, like he’s fine don’t worry he’s having a time of his life. and it’s also very peaceful, lying on him under a blanket, while he plays some game, and just listen to his heartbeat.
you see, he’s pretty confident, and it’s kind of obvious. he was trained since he was a kid, he’s widely loved and popular and he is undeniably good-looking. however, none of it makes him feel appreciated. he doesn’t care about his body or his looks, sometimes he even has a hard time recognising himself in a mirror. he often has that feeling that his mind does not belong to his body, that his body could look different and it’s not him in a reflection. don’t get me wrong, he fully recognises his attractiveness and if needed he’ll use it without hesitation. but this is more of a learnt thing than his own feelings, you know? he was told he’s beautiful, so that’s what he grew up believing, it was never one of his concerns. he himself does not care, as long as he’s healthy and alive, he’s fine. in fact, unlike shigaraki, he really, really, dislikes touching. like, he genuinely doesn’t like others even standing close to him. he’s annoyed if someone breathes too loud for his liking. maybe it’s because everyone used to touch him without his consent, especially at the beginning of his carreer, when he didn’t know how to escape this very unwanted attention. so you’ll never tell, because he’s great at hiding his feelings and he doesn’t want to offend anyone, since it’s more of a him problem. if he’s handsy with you, too close for a comfort, hands down he needs something from you, it’s just straight up a lie. the real hawks is very reserved and introverted. his trust issues are not something to joke about. he needs a lot to truly warm up to a person, especially to an extent of letting that person touch him, especially to an extent when it’s him who initiates physical affection. so when you feel how calm and serious he became and suddenly not always friendly and funny, it’s actually a good sign. he trusts you enough to show who he really is. be patient, though he doesn’t need reassurance about his looks, he’s not so confident that he’ll be able to give you what you want and you’ll leave, disappointed. so he’ll ignore that elephant in the room for as long as he can. you need to be the one who’ll make him face his fears. only like that he can become more open and chill version of himself.
dear god, a lot to unpack here. to say that he’s walking contradiction is to say nothing. he is very confident in himself, all the while being perfectly aware of his horrifying appearance and rather weak social skills. see, his confidence comes from the fact that he knows that he looks the way he looks for a reason. those horrors his body witnessed, all the torture and abuse, they’ve changed him. all of this made him who he is today. he sort of sees his body in a very interesting perspective, as if it’s an exposition of sorts and he himself is a narrator. he very much enjoys scaring people with the stories of his life. god forbid you actually listen to even some of these (and he sadly has a lot), you’ll get why he has so much hatred in his heart. it’s you who’ll get sad hearing what he’s been through, when he lived when his family and later when he tried to survive on streets. you better not overthink it. and while it looks like he doesn’t give a damn, well, he actually does care about his looks a lot, and that’s where contradictions come from. even though he despises those societal standarts and restraints, he still in some way wants to fit in. he's a monster, but he’s a cool edgy looking monster, yfm? he’s fine with blood oozing out of the seams, but he’ll literally get dizzy hearing his own scent, and it’s burning flesh. you also won’t get too touchy with him, because those staples are here not only for the looks, they serve a purpose. he views his body as a tool, he’s not attached to it at all. that’s the result of the years of abuse and constant reminders that he’s weak. it’s still sitting in his brain, eating him alive. truly sky is the limit, he’ll never be satisfied with his powers, because that’s not what he wants. he wants recognition, for someone to say that he is strong, enough. and you see, he still won’t believe it, because his body in itself is a proof that he is weak and therefore his body has no value. he had sold it in a hundred different ways, devoting it fully to revenge is only one of them. it’s really weird how he’s very confident but has low self-esteem? you can touch him, you can hug him, you can kiss him. do whatever, he doesn’t really care. it was even worse when he was younger, because he didn’t know what to do with himself. but now he has a goal, so he’s more careful with his body. he needs it to fullfill his purpose. he doesn’t care about anything or anyone, and it’s rather sad, because it hurts him too. he can’t allow himself this, because this will mean he and his weak body mean something, and it was enough, and things that he did to himself were not okay at all. but that’s just how he’d learnt to survive, you can’t do anything about it, it might actually kill him mentally. deep inside, in some better world he would touch some grass be finally heard. he’ll learn that he’s in fact very strong, since not a lot of people would’ve be able to survive what he’s been through.
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