#I was really upset that i missed getting his your tickets last year bc i was a mess
allofuswantgwinam · 7 months
Trevor Noah used to be my actual favorite and the loml but his silence during the genocide has completely disappointed me. Idek who he is anymore.
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aliaology · 11 months
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summary: reader finds herself falling for the new jersey devil’s center even if her heart is supposed to lie with the new york rangers.
pairings: jack hughes x fem!reader
warnings: none..? just yn getting sappy as hell bc she fell for jack!! use of ‘daddy’ but not in a sexual way.
lowercase intended.
BASED ON “tennessee orange” by megan moroney
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living in new jersey wasn’t much of a difference than living in new york, at least, not to you. at times it just felt less chaotic, in a way that made you miss the chaotic streets of nyc. but moving to new jersey to become a media manager for the new jersey devils was a pro and a con.
growing up in new york city, meant you and your family were very big rangers fans. your father had seasonal tickets, every year. you went to every game with him that you could.
when your family heard you now worked for the new jersey devils, it felt like hell broke loose. working for the.. enemy? now thats foul play, you just betrayed your home team! but you didn’t regret it.
see, there was this boy. specifically number 86, a center for the new jersey devils. jack hughes. he was cute, scratch that— he was hot. you, like many other girls, fell right at his feet. of course you didn’t out right do so or show that.
but he as well— fell hard for you, maybe even harder.
not only did you work for the ‘enemy’ but now you were fraternizing with one?
you had the day off, sitting at your now shared apartment with your current boyfriend of nine months. you didn’t tell your family about him, he didn’t tell his about you. the media had no idea that the jack hughes had a girlfriend either.
your thumb hovers over the call button. the stool under you creaked as you shifted your weight. you clicked the bright green button.
it rang until it didn’t, “hello?” the sound of your mother’s voice filled the room.
“hi mama.” you spoke gently. “ive got some news for you” you told.
“finally! i havent heard from you in so long sweet girl, please tell me everything!” you could hear her smile from the other end of the phone.
you smile. “just don’t tell daddy, okay? he’ll blow a fuse.” you chuckle.
your fingers tap against the counter as you anxiously listen to her laugh. “okay, sweetie. are you okay?”
“dont worry— im doing okay. listen— i know you raised me to know right from wrong, it aint what you think, promise.” you start.
“honey, you’re kind of scaring me.” your mother nervously chuckles.
“listen, okay? i um— i never thought i’d honestly see this day, seeing how scared i was with my past relationships—“ you cut yourself off with a nervous laugh.
“i met somebody.” you told. you heard a quiet gasp on her end.
“really? honey thats amazing! tell me about him— about your relationship.”
you let out a breath. “hes got blue eyes, the prettiest eyes ive ever seen, mama. hes so good to me too, he always holds the door open, he never makes me cry. there has never been a moment where he’s made me upset.”
“oh honey..” she trailed off, sounding happy.
“im not done, mama. last weekend he took me to michigan, where his family lives. we watched a football game, a college one. his brothers used to go there. he let me wear his cap that has been on his dash forever— mama i swear i fell even more for him under those stadium lights. hes perfect.”
“but..” you trailed off.
“but? there’s a but? honey… whats wrong?” your mother sounded concerned.
“mama, you cannot tell daddy— he’s gonna think its a sin. but mama hes a player on the new jersey devils— but forgive me, i really like him, mom. hell, im learning how to golf for him mama. hes perfect, hes got a smile, mama his smile is killer. ive never seen one like it.”
“honey… you’re dad is right here, listening.” you clamped your mouth shut. just your luck.
“does he make you happy?” you heard your father ask.
“yes he does, daddy. i know hes a devil but god you would love him! i know he aint where we are from, but he feels like home. hes got me doing things ive never done. he makes my stomach burst into butterflies, he makes me blush, he makes me feel loved.” you explained.
“and you know i still want the rangers to win, daddy” you told.
you heard him chuckle. “as long as he makes you happy, sweetheart.”
you grin. you stay on the call for what felt like hours, talking about jack. when you finally end it, you feel arms wrap around your shoulders and your chest. a kiss is pressed to your temple.
“i hope you know how much i love you” jack mumbled, trailing small kisses from your forehead to your cheek and your jaw.
“and just so you know, you look better in new jersey red than new york blue.”
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i #hope this wasnt shit LMAO first time posting on tumblr 😻🤘
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lucinatta · 1 year
I need some advice. I recently was broken up with and I'm reeling from it. We met when i was 19 and he was 32 and we ended up hooking up 6 years ago. He didn't tell me until after we hooked up that he had a wife which started a crazy feud, but he eventually divorced his wife and convinced me to be in a relationship with him. The relationship was pretty rocky at first because he was very emotionally abusive. Like he would constantly reprimand me for doing the wrong thing and saying the wrong thing and would lecture me for hours and not let me sleep until I agreed with him. I used to live with him sometimes because my mom got evicted and i couldn't hold down a stable job because I had an untreated learning disability and he would pick fights with me every day when I would say/ do the wrong thing and sometimes he would even kick me out.
While he did all this its v confusing bc he was also very good to me at the same time?? He helped me out when I was evicted and let me live rent free with him. He helped me get my diagnosis and helped me look for a job. He helped me get over some of my insecurities and would urge me to go to therapy and helped me get my driver's license. The last 2 years he started becoming more spiritual and became a lot nicer to me (He would still reprimand me but not as often) and urged me to do yoga and meditation. He started getting serious and during that time he was throwing ideas around of leaving everything behind and going to a yoga center etc. I was so drained atp from the constant mistreatment and feeling like I wasn't a priority so I went outside the relationship to explore my options. i met a guy that I was going to meet for dinner and just talk to, but I was drugged and assaulted. I felt so guilty that I told my boyfriend and he broke up with me. This was a year ago. Since then, we've been on and off because he would come back but couldn't commit because he couldnt trust me. Early this year he moved to a different state and he reached out to me to ask if I wanted to visit him out there in the summer. I was cautious but I agreed because I missed him. We started calling and texting every day and he started hinting that he wanted a relationship with me again. I started catching feelings again and was grateful for the opportunity to make things right because I fucked up. I bought the plane tickets and two days after I bought them he told me that he was getting women flirting with him out there and that he wanted to explore his options. I was so upset and I asked him why we couldnt work things out, he told me he still couldnt trust me after what happened. He told me it's best if I get a refund on the tix and just stay home. I felt so crushed, I felt like I was lead on and I feel so ashamed and guilty over what I did. The worst part is I felt like I ruined everything and it's my fault that the relationship ended the way it did. What do I do???? I have no friends and no one to talk to.
Oh my god anon I'm so sorry this is happening to you please please please drop that man asap!!!!! He's abusive and manipulative and predatory, he knew exactly what he was doing going after you at such a young age.
Abusive relationships are almost never all abuse, there's always "good" moments, that's why most people stay, but the good doesn't negate the bad. This man took advantage of you when you where very young and in a vulnerable situation! Also, you didn't "fuck up", you were ASSAULTED, it's not your fault and the fact that this man blames you for your assault tells me all I need to know about him. I would really suggest going no contact, I know it can be scary since you don't seem to have a lot of other people in your life, but I believe it's for the better.
A good way to make friends as an adult is joining activities like a book club, a sport, or a class. But I would also recommend you reach out to women in your life, even if you don't talk much, they'll probably will be able to help more than a stranger on the internet. You deserve to be loved and respected, do not ever forget that <3
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female-eren · 1 year
I need some advice. I recently was broken up with and I'm reeling from it. We met when i was 19 and he was 32 and we ended up hooking up 6 years ago. He didn't tell me until after we hooked up that he had a wife which started a crazy feud, but he eventually divorced his wife and convinced me to be in a relationship with him. The relationship was pretty rocky at first because he was very emotionally abusive. Like he would constantly reprimand me for doing the wrong thing and saying the wrong thing and would lecture me for hours and not let me sleep until I agreed with him. I used to live with him sometimes because my mom got evicted and i couldn't hold down a stable job because I had an untreated learning disability and he would pick fights with me every day when I would say/ do the wrong thing and sometimes he would even kick me out.
While he did all this its v confusing bc he was also very good to me at the same time?? He helped me out when I was evicted and let me live rent free with him. He helped me get my diagnosis and helped me look for a job. He helped me get over some of my insecurities and would urge me to go to therapy and helped me get my driver's license. The last 2 years he started becoming more spiritual and became a lot nicer to me (He would still reprimand me but not as often) and urged me to do yoga and meditation. He started getting serious and during that time he was throwing ideas around of leaving everything behind and going to a yoga center etc. I was so drained atp from the constant mistreatment and feeling like I wasn't a priority so I went outside the relationship to explore my options. i met a guy that I was going to meet for dinner and just talk to, but I was drugged and assaulted. I felt so guilty that I told my boyfriend and he broke up with me. This was a year ago. Since then, we've been on and off because he would come back but couldn't commit because he couldnt trust me. Early this year he moved to a different state and he reached out to me to ask if I wanted to visit him out there in the summer. I was cautious but I agreed because I missed him. We started calling and texting every day and he started hinting that he wanted a relationship with me again. I started catching feelings again and was grateful for the opportunity to make things right because I fucked up. I bought the plane tickets and two days after I bought them he told me that he was getting women flirting with him out there and that he wanted to explore his options. I was so upset and I asked him why we couldnt work things out, he told me he still couldnt trust me after what happened. He told me it's best if I get a refund on the tix and just stay home. I felt so crushed, I felt like I was lead on and I feel so ashamed and guilty over what I did. The worst part is I felt like I ruined everything and it's my fault that the relationship ended the way it did. What do I do???? I have no friends and no one to talk to.
Oh girl. He's abusive and leaving him is the right thing to do. Don't fall for it again. He seems really mentally unstable to me also tbh. I don't really know what to say, I think your biggest hurdle is going to be loneliness. And perhaps the reason you haven't left yet and are in this really messy situationship is because you seem to only have him. I know what it's like to feel you only have a partner in your life and no other friends, and feel like it's impossible to make new ones. But this man is not good and not worth it - a grown, married man pursuing a teenager is a nail in the coffin on its own. Then add all the rest. You need to put yourself first, and probably get some therapy if you can. The feeling of guilt and shame and disgust over being assaulted, even over just feeling used and dirtied, is something I know all too well and I haven't quite healed, not sure if I ever will. What I do know is we need to prioritise our future well-being, and this guy will not contribute to your happiness and health.
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v-hope · 4 years
One Way Ticket
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader (ft. Yeontan bc Family)
Genre: Flufffff, established relationship, long distance relationship (not for long), and like, slight angst at the beginning if you squint your eyes and do a backflip
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Long distance relationships are never an easy thing, and although you and Taehyung had managed to make it work for four years and were used to not seeing each other that much already, he couldn’t help but feel like his birthday was ruined at the news of you being stuck at the airport due to a bad weather flight delay. However, although things didn’t quite go to plan, it only took for you to arrive two hours before the day was over for it to be his happiest of birthdays so far.
A/N: Hellooo, well, obviously this is for my man’s birthday 🥳💝 This story takes place in my Red Flags series’ timeline since one of you requested it and I thought it would be really cute, but you don’t need to have read it to understand what’s going on here. I hope you guys enjoy! please let me know your thoughts~
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“You were supposed to be here today” Taehyung reminded you, unconsciously tightening his hold on the phone as his low voice did a good job at letting you know just how upset he was.
You sighed, that alone letting him know you weren’t having a good time with said fact that was just not happening anymore either. “I can’t control the weather, love…”
Now, he knew that. Of course he knew that. But right then, he really fucking wished you did control the weather. That way you wouldn’t be stuck in another continent still due to a snowstorm that had delayed, if not cancelled, all flights that week — a stupid snowstorm that was keeping you away from him for longer than you should have.
It was a joke. It had got to be a joke.
That was what Taehyung kept telling himself throughout the whole phone call, and continuing to believe —to wanting to believe— so even after you hung up.
You were supposed to arrive that night. That had been the plan all along. All his schedule he had rearranged so he could make sure that particular night he would spend with you. Just you and him. Since the very next day, also known as his birthday, he would have to go to rehearsal for BTS’ presentation on the 31th like every other year, he was looking forward the most to this night. He had it all planned out. Your flight would arrive at 8pm, he would pick you up and then the two of you would have dinner together back at your —now— shared place. You would wait up until midnight, have some cake afterwards, and then stay up late so you could, well, catch up on a few coupley things you had been missing out on for a good while now. After all, you had not seen each other in nearly five months.
It was funny, how he used to always say he would never be able to do long distance relationships when he was younger, yet here he was now, four years —and going strong— into one. It was hard as hell, he could not deny it, but he wouldn’t have had it any other way, not as long as he got to be with you in the end. And at the end of the day it was all worth it, for you had finally graduated uni back home, managed to find a job in Seoul, and were now moving in with him like the two of you had agreed on a long time ago, once you realised you were most definitely sticking together for as long as your lives allowed you to. So, even if he had to wait a little longer to see you, this time it was different, for you had only gotten a one way ticket, and he would never again have to drop you off at the airport and cling on to you like his life depended on it, somehow being harder for him to let go of you as the years went by.
Nevertheless, it sucked. Right then, it really fucking sucked. Five months had gone by without seeing you already and turns out he would now have to wait one or even two more days than planned? Bullshit. And that if he was being optimistic, because he swore to God he would lose his shit if you had to spend New Years Eve on a plane, alone. Not like you were spending it together to begin with either, since he had that thing to attend to, but you would at least have a good time with some of the friends you had made during the time you had stayed in Seoul for your uni’s exchange program, and who had now invited you over to a party you had oh-so-excitedly told him about.
That night, Taehyung went to bed late. Still wanting to believe with everything in him you were just pulling a prank on him like you loved to do every now and then, and that you would walk through the front door anytime with that tired face of yours after the long ass flights to Korea he was so used to by then — the same exhausted face that would light up as a bright smile took over your factions instead at the sight of him.
However, that night, you did not make it home. What you did make it to instead, was to be the first one to congratulate him on his day. Over the phone, yes, with the airport’s background noise and not in person like he had wanted to, yet there you were being once again the first one to do so, at exactly 00:00. And somehow, that alone was enough to make him happy before going to sleep. Not as happy as he would’ve been with getting to sleep with you in his arms, of course, but happy nevertheless.
He did not lose faith, though. The next morning, as he got ready to head out to rehearsal, he kept glancing at his apartment’s door over and over, still waiting for it to burst open anytime and for you to walk inside right after.
When that didn’t happen, he looked forward to the moment his members brought him his birthday cake as they waited in the dressing rooms for their turn to rehearse. Now, the guys hadn’t told him they were bringing him cake, but after all these years it was pretty much a given. And it would only make sense that you were there, right? Whether it was bringing the cake to him as everyone in the room sang the traditional birthday song to him, or showing up as a surprise right after.
Once that didn’t happen either, he couldn’t hide his disappointment anymore — still being grateful to everyone else for trying to make his special day a memorable one, yet not being able to fully enjoy it without you there. Even falling in the cliché of wishing for you to be there as he blew out the candles. That was truly all he wanted, after all.
And once his schedule for the day was finally cleared up, his last hope was walking into the apartment that night and seeing you already there waiting for him.
Again, that didn’t happen.
Biting the inside of his cheek as he walked into an empty apartment, although Yeontan was there to excitedly welcome him back home and had managed to bring a weak smile to his face, he couldn’t help but feel his eyes well up with tears. Telling himself over and over how stupid it was to be upset over something neither of you could control, he contemplated calling you for a few seconds, shaking that thought off with a tilt of his head and deciding to go take a hot shower instead. No matter how bad he wanted to, if he did call you, he knew for sure he would end up being even more upset than he already was, and then you would end up being upset as well, and that he did not want.
Not even bothering on drying his hair later that night, he changed into his pyjamas and called Tan to go keep him some company like it was usual by then. Watching the fluffy dog make himself comfortable on the mattress, Taehyung turned the lights off so he could get into bed for once and for all — wanting nothing but to sleep that day off so you would hopefully be there by the morning. Although it would no longer be his birthday, he wished he could at least get to spend some time together before he had to head out once again.
Before he could completely doze off, however, he felt Yeontan snap up from his sleep and effusively wave his tail from side to side as he ran to the closed door of the bedroom. Letting out a tired groan, Taehyung glanced over at the clock on his nightstand, staring at the number ten on it for a second before he turned the lamp on and fixed his eyes on his excited pup.
“I already fed you,” his voice came out hoarse at the lack of speaking, catching Tan’s attention for a second there before he was back at barking at the door. “Don’t tell me you want to go to the b—”
That’s when the sound of a key making it inside the front door’s lock caught his attention. And, you see, only two people had a key to the apartment. One was his, of course, and the other one, much to his excitement right then, was yours.
Not even having time to catch his breath, he jumped off the bed and opened the bedroom’s door, watching Yeontan sprint down the already illuminated hallway as you had just turned its lights on — a huge smile parting his lips at the sight of you, not being able to hold back a giggle of his at the way you had panicked and closed the door harder than you had intended to, so Tan wouldn’t be able to run out of the apartment.
“Tan-ie bean!” you excitedly greeted the pup first thing as he reached your side.
Struggling to move past your suitcase, you managed to kneel down to pet the cute ball off fluff with one hand as you held the other one as far up as you could, holding a strawberry cupcake with a single candle on it that you had already lit up right before coming in — maybe not your brightest of ideas.
Staring up at your boyfriend, who was still on the other end of the hallway, you smiled brightly and stood up straight as he came closer. “Happ—”
Before you could even finish what you had initially planned to sing and had by then settled for cheerfully chanting instead, Taehyung had already pulled you into his arms — unintentionally blowing out the candle as he had rushed over to you way faster than he’d like to admit.
“I missed you” he mumbled, wrapping his arms tighter around your figure and burying his face in the crook of your neck as he felt his heart at ease.
You smiled sweetly, wrapping your arms around him as well —being careful enough not to stain his designer pyjamas with the cupcake’s icing— and pressing down a small kiss to his shoulder.
“I missed you, too” you cooed, hearing him giggle when you planted a kiss on his neck this time.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were getting on a plane already?”
“Because I thought I would get here before you came back from rehearsal and I’d surprise you. You know, wait for you with dinner and whatnot…” you pouted. “But then of course I had trouble with my luggage and got here way too late. So I got you a cupcake and a candle instead!”
Taehyung giggled at the way you had ever so cheerfully said that last part, pulling slightly away from your body so he could glance at the cupcake in your hand you had just raised up in a victorious way.
“You could’ve just showed up barehanded, said ‘happy birthday’, and I would’ve been the happiest”.
“You interrupted me when I was about to tell you ‘happy birthday’, though” you huffed over dramatically.
Letting out a light laugh, he securely cupped your face in his warm hands and rested his forehead on yours, smiling blissfully as ever at how close he was able to have you right then, at how he was able to feel your warmness in his hands after all those months. “You can say it again now”.
“But you already blew out the candle” you pouted, bringing the treat closer to him so he could see your point.
“I guess this is the moment my wish comes true then”.
“You didn’t even get to make a wish, you idiot” you rolled your eyes.
“Oh, I did” he nodded his head determinedly. “Earlier today. And not to brag about it, but it already became true”.
“Was it perhaps for me to arrive today?” you coyly batted your eyelashes, earning a very visible roll of eyes from him.
“Cocky, aren’t we?”
“I mean,” you shrugged, taking a step back from him and his hold. “I can always go back home and send your actual wish ov—”
“Yah,” he stopped you as you dramatically turned around to pretend to leave and Yeontan followed right after, pulling you back to him by your wrist. “I didn’t spend pretty much my entire birthday wishing for you to get here so you can leave me just like that” his eyes turned softer, yet still held that playful vibe in them. “Besides,” he pulled you closer, this time by your waist. “Funny how you said ‘go back home’ when this is your home now, baby” your heart skipped a beat at his remark, appreciating the way he looked up and puckered his lips as he pretended to fall deep in thought. “Hm… Maybe I misheard”.
You giggled at the way he had copied your overdramatic ways, bringing your free hand up to sweetly caress his cheek. “My bad, love”.
Taehyung smiled, with that boxy smile you fell in love with years ago, and nodded softly to let you know it was alright. “Can I get my birthday kiss now?” he murmured, ever so faintly brushing his longing lips against yours. “I’m kinda dying over here”.
Shaking your head in amusement as you laughed, you bit your lower lip. “Just kiss me already, you dork”.
So he did, not even dreaming of wasting another second before his lips hungrily crashed against yours. He had missed you like crazy, he always did, but right then, as your soft lips were pressing on his and your hand made its way from his cheek to the back of his head, entangling your fingers in his still damp hair, he realised just how bad he had craved your touch, how bad he had craved you.
Having him deepen the kiss, you couldn’t help but take one step back as you had lost your balance — his hand being quick to bring your body right back to press against his, later resting on your lower back to keep you steady as his other hand firmly cupped your cheek.
“Happy birthday” you mumbled against his mouth when you had pulled away to catch your breath, feeling the corners of his lips curve up before he pressed them to yours once more.
“It is now” he hummed, drawing tender circles with his thumb on your chin and not being able to hold back a giggle when it was you the one to steal a kiss from his mouth right then.
Your breath hitched when you felt his hands made their way down your body, letting out a squeal when they grabbed your thighs and picked you up without a warning — your arms wrapping tightly around his neck and legs around his waist as his hands were firmly placed on your ass to keep you from slipping down while he walked the two of you out of the hallway and into the living room, having Yeontan run past you two and go lie on the couch.
“Yah, I just got here and you’re already going for second base?” you teased him with raised eyebrows.
Taehyung shook his head, cockily raising one of his own. “I’ve earned my right to all bases a long time ago, I don’t know what you’re talking about”.
“Don’t get too cocky, Kim Taehyung” you warned him as he sat you down on the edge of the counter, being careful enough not to knock down one of the pictures of the two of you that were neatly displaying on it. “I might revoke all your rights”.
“You wouldn’t” he daringly squinted his eyes. “Not on my birthday”.
You threw your head back, letting out a loud laugh and placing the cupcake down on the counter before you went back to his eye level. “Only under two hours until it’s over, so...”
“You wouldn’t” he repeated confidently.
“What makes you so sure, old man?”
Shaking his head in amusement and deciding not to comment on the taunting name you had just called him, he didn’t even try to hide the smirk that was curving up the corners of his lips as he leaned in. “I just know”.
Not even trying to play it hard anymore, you met his lips in the middle, humming contentedly when he placed his hand behind your neck so he could take control over the kiss he was not quite willing to let go of yet. And neither were you, which is why your eyes remained closed and your lips slightly puckered up —clearly wanting more— when he suddenly pulled away one minute later.
“Okay, now tell me my birthday present!” he demanded.
Still being too stunned by the intoxicating kiss he had just given you, it took you a second to open your eyes after hearing his muffled yet excited words against your lips — eyes locking with his excited ones as his hands unconsciously rested on your thighs.
“Oh, it’s in my bag!” you jumped up once you managed to understand what he had meant. “Let me go get it”.
Although your words were meant for him to move aside so you could get up on your feet and rush over to the forgotten suitcase on the hallway, Taehyung did not move an inch — if anything, tightening the hold of his hands on your thighs to keep you from going anywhere.
“Not that one”.
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “The cupcake?” you offered, earning a light laugh from him, along with a small shake of his head. “Sex? Because I know I was just threatening with revoking that right, but since it’s still your birthday, I mean...”
Taehyung laughed wholeheartedly, once again shaking his head no as he brought his face closer to yours. “Although I would love that and will take you up on that offer later,” his bold words managed to bring some heat to your cheeks. “That is not what I meant”.
“What did you mean then?”
“Just want you to tell me something...” he hinted, gently caressing your sides. “How long will you be staying, baby?”
You rolled your eyes when it finally hit you what he had meant all along. And you couldn’t help but laugh lightly at how such simple things were the ones that made him the happiest. “Well, considering I only got a one way ticket over here this time,” your heart sped up at the way his smile grew wider at the sound of that. “And that the rest of my stuff will arrive here in a few days… I’d say I’m staying for quite a long, long time”.
“How about forever?” he smiled brightly.
You giggled, tilting your head up in anticipation as you felt him lean in to press his mouth on yours. “I like the sound of that”.
“I love the sound of that” he agreed, pressing another kiss to your smiling lips.
And you truly did, for although you were leaving everything behind, your family, your childhood friends, your culture... it was easy as long as you had him. And even though you knew there would be times homesickness would hit you like a truck, especially when the time came and Taehyung would have to go on tour with his group, you were ready to start your new life here with him. You had already lived here once for a year, after all, the only difference being you now got to live with your long term boyfriend, and, of course, that you wouldn’t have to count down the days until you had to go back home and away from him anymore.
“Everything alright?” he wondered, catching up on the way you had momentarily spaced out.
“Mhm…” you were quick to reassure him with an eager nod of your head. “Now eat your birthday treat before I do” you threatened, grabbing the cupcake that had been lying next to you all along and bringing it up to his face.
Taehyung chuckled, pressing a lingering kiss to your neck that was sweetly followed by another one. “But I have my birthday treat right here…”
Although flustered by both his words and the way his lips kept peppering soft kisses all over the sensitive skin of your neck, you stood your ground. “Pretty sure I’m your girlfriend, but oh well”.
He chuckled once more — before you could react, dipping one of his long fingers on the icing and spreading a good amount of it on your lips. “Now you’re both”.
You didn’t really get to fully laugh at his playful antics before the sound of it was muffled by his mouth sucking on your bottom lip, his fingers holding onto your chin to keep you from pulling away as he deepened the kiss — making sure to remove every last trace of icing on your mouth before he slid his tongue into it.
Breaking the kiss for a brief second for what he thought was to catch your breath before bringing your already swollen lips back to his awaiting ones, he found himself letting his jaw drop when you opened your mouth not to kiss him once more, but to bring the infamous cupcake up to it and loudly bite down on it.
“Yah, that is my strawberry cupcake!” he called you out — although trying to act mad, having a hard time hiding his smile at the way you had just covered your full mouth as you laughed whilst trying to chew right then.
“You weren’t eating it, so…” you shrugged.
Before you could take another bite, however, he grabbed your wrist, quickly moving it up to his mouth instead and shoving the entire baked good into it in just one go.
Petrified after what just happened, you stared at your now empty hand — amazed by the way he had managed not to bite into your fingers with how fast and forceful his mouth had been, before your eyes fixed on your full-mouthed boyfriend as he struggled to chew the whole thing down.
“Mine” he stated, not minding to cover his mouth as he was almost done with it already.
“I tend to forget how big your mouth actually is” you admitted, mindlessly sucking the remains of icing from off your fingers.
Taehyung scoffed, rushing to swallow down so he could properly speak. “You out of all people should know what my mouth can d—”
“You know,” you cut him off before he could pronounce that last letter and bring his cocky point across. “Booking a return plane ticket sounds really tempting right now”.
“Oh, yeah?” he tauntingly raised one of his eyebrows, pulling you closer to the edge of the counter and making you wrap your legs around his waist. ��Good thing from now on those return tickets will bring you right back to Seoul”.
That was what made him the happiest. After all those years of buying ticket after ticket, all those years of having to drop you off at the airport so you could go back home, all those years of having to wait for endless months just so you could see each other for a few days, all of that, was over now.
From that night on, this was your home. You, him and Yeontan, and of course, the eventual additions that would be made in a couple of years.
And that was the best part. No matter where you travelled to from now on, you would always just go visit abroad and return right here, back to him — never again being almost about to miss his birthday, for you would both go to sleep and wake up right next to him during all the upcoming ones, just like he had ached you to do every single day ever since you got together four years ago.
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HEY BESTIE ITS ME AGAIN! i was wondering if i could get a will request with angst. LOTS AND LOTS of angst about will and the reader seeming to always miss each other in sense of relationships and because of that the reader distanced themself from will so months pass by and they both are single then and they run into each other and eventually get into a fight bc he’s upset that they ghosted him and eventually have an angry love confession and happy ending?
thank u sm bff
YOU WANT ANGST, I"LL GIVE YOU ANGST...in a fairly decent amount cause this was hard to write for some reason🙃 sorryyyy @poulterfilms
Why did life have to be so hard?
You watched as Will got ready for his date that night, giddy and excited to be going out, rambling on and on about how nice this person was, who he met a few days prior.
You just smiled and nodded along, pretending that your heart wasn't painfully throbbing with jealousy.
You hated this feeling, longing. It was strange, you never felt this way before with Will. You've been friends with him as long as you can remember, seen him have plenty of dates with other people. So why did you suddenly feel like you wanted him all to yourself? It wasn't like you at all.
"So, what do you think?" Will asked, snapping you out of your thoughts, slowly spinning around to show off his outfit.
You plastered on that same fake smile that you unfortunately got into the habit of doing nowadays. "You look great, Will. You always do." You didn't mean to sound so sad, but it came out that way and you internally cringed.
Will cocked his head with a confused grin. "You okay?"
You nodded your head eagerly. "Of course!" You stood up from where you sat and quickly adjusted the collar of Will's shirt, struggling to pull away when he smiled at you. "I always have to fix that damn shirt collar." You chuckled weakly, forcing yourself to take a couple steps back.
Will copied your chuckle, turning around to do a once over in his mirror. "What would I do without you?" He joked, but you frowned for a split second before shaking your head.
"Well, don't wanna keep the lucky date waiting, right?" You patted him on the shoulder, maybe a little too hard since Will rubbed his shoulder with a grimace afterwards.
"You are absolutely right. I'll be off then, night, love!" Will placed a quick kiss to your cheek, heading out of his house, leaving you alone with the ghost of the kiss lingering on your cheek. The innocent, and most importantly, friendly kiss.
You looked around the living room solemnly, looking to your feet to see the two pups you were trusted to take care of while the owner was out of his date. Welp, at least I have his dogs to share my misery with...
You had no idea how you let this happen. You've always seen Will as a friend, and nothing more. You've both hyped each other up when one of you scored a date. Will has seen you off to plenty of dates and never had a problem with it, so why couldn't you do the same for him?
Unbeknownst to you, Will actually has had similar feelings. He didn't know how it happened, but he developed strong feelings for you. He clearly knew you didn't feel the same, and he had to sit idly by as he watched you be in and out of relationships with people who weren't him.
He's never been one to get jealous, but he'd definitely be lying if he said he never was jealous of your partners. He wanted to be the one to hold your hand, he wanted to be the one to open doors for you, to be the one you smiled at when he wasn't looking. He decided to move on, even if it was the last thing he wanted. But his respect for you trumped his lust that he felt at the same time, he just wished he could turn his feelings off.
You decided to hole up in your apartment after Will came back from his date, the date that went "extremely well." The "he'd definitely be seeing this person again" date.
You couldn't say you were devastated, for obvious reasons. You didn't want to tell Will you had feelings for him, and you didn't want to be selfish. You always felt selfish nowadays.
You just felt like a burden.
It was hard hanging out with Will, always having to hear about his new partner, how they're so nice and kind and caring and apparently so fuckin' amazing...it made you want to vomit. It made you not want to hang out with him as much anymore, but thankfully, that decision was made for you. Will didn't have time for you anymore, he really wanted to make his relationship with this new person work, more than he wanted to keep your friendship strong, you thought.
Eventually, you just stopped trying to initiate conversations. Will would text you, all the time really, he'd just be too busy to see you. Between acting roles and sending time with his partner, you'd only be with him through text messages.
An epiphany struck you one day: you deserved better.
You knew you were right, and that's why it made your choice to painful. You had to cut ties with Will, but you had no idea how you'd do that without breaking down.
You took the coward's way out, at least, you thought it was cowardly.
You simply just stopped replying to his text messages. But once he started to text you messages like "can we talk?" you thought you might give him a chance. You said you'd do it tomorrow, then tomorrow turned into the next day, then a week passes, then a month. You stopped thinking about it, you didn't want to think about it, because every time you did, the urge to contact Will got stronger and stronger. You wanted to move on. You needed to move on. But, you never could get him out of your thoughts completely.
Months and months go by, and before you know it, it's Christmastime.
You'd decided to travel around after cutting off contact with Will, mostly just couch hopping with friends, exploring the area to get your mind off how heart broken you felt. It was a good distraction, for awhile. But now that Christmas was soon, you had to go back to your home town; you did miss your family quite a lot. But you did feel that similar anxiousness after coming back home, thinking about Will and the "what ifs." Will always loved spending time with his family during the holidays, and you knew he'd probably be in town.
Just going outside to check the mail was nerve wracking to you, but you chuckled bitterly at your paranoia, it's not like he was going to show up at your house out of the blue. He wouldn't do that.
Your family really wanted a Christmas tree, a real one. You tried to use your allergies as an excuse to just stick with an artificial tree, but your parents were dead set on having a real tree. It wasn't exactly a lie, you used to get real trees, you just couldn't be around one too closely or else you get into a sneezing fit. But you really just didn't want to be out in the town, just in case.
But your family dragged you along to help pick out a tree anyway, in the freezing cold.
You idly kicked some icicles that were formed on the bottom of tree branches, smiling subtly to yourself as you heard the crackle of the ice hitting the concrete. You looked over to see your family still trying to decide on what kind of tree they wanted, and you remembered how indecisive your folks were. You were gonna be there for awhile...
"Y/n?" As if you weren't freezing enough, the voice that you heard from beside you made a chill go up your spine, causing you to sink down more into your coat.
You looked to your left, unluckily for you, seeing your former best friend beside you, an unreadable expression on his face. "Will...? Uh, w-what are you doing here?" You weren't sure if it was the cold that made you stutter, or just the pure nervousness and almost fear that you felt.
Will uncomfortably shifted on his feet, taking a deep breath before answering. "My, uh, mum wanted to have a tree this year. I'm guessing yours did too?"
You nodded curtly. "Yep."
The awkward silence made you want to curl up into a ball and throw yourself off a cliff.
"We should probably talk." Will said.
"Uh," You nervously rubbed your hands together, "I don't think that's a good idea..."
"Why not?" He asked bluntly, his expression turning cold.
You sighed. "I...well, I have to help my parents get this tree so..."
"Fine. I'll come by later."
"See you tonight." And with that, Will walked away in a hurry, not giving you the chance to refuse.
You bit the inside of your lip hard, a coppery taste coating the tip of your tongue when you explored the small dent in your mouth that you created from stress.
You figured this day would come soon enough. Karma's a bitch, as some say. You thought you'd have a bit more time to prepare yourself for a confrontation, but the universe decided to be a jerk and sucker punch you in the face with your regrets.
You went home, feeling like a knife was twisting in your gut as you helped your family set up your Christmas tree in the living room, constantly glancing at the clock every chance you could.
Eventually, your family decided to leave the house once more, having bought tickets to a play that night, which you politely declined to go to. You weren't interested in yet another retelling of the Christmas story acted out by little bratty children who couldn't remember their lines half the time. No, you have somewhat decent standards.
You just sat on the living room couch with your family pet, staring at the clock, seeing the hands move slowly until it finally reached nine o'clock. You untensed for a moment, thinking that maybe Will decided to not come over. The loud ring of the doorbell quickly squashed that idea.
You opened the door, not surprised to see Will on the other side, his cold expression unchanged from when you last saw him.
You said nothing as you moved aside, opening the door wider for Will as he walked in.
The air felt thick, like there wasn't enough oxygen for both of you to be in the same room. It felt similar to whenever you pulled your blankets over your head when you were little and afraid of the dark, thinking that nothing can hurt you if you were completely wrapped up in the comfort of your duvet, but never getting enough fresh air to keep those blankets over your head, eventually having to pull the blankets off to breathe. You really wished you had a blanket now...
"Well?" Will broke the silence, looking to you expectantly.
You shrugged slightly. "Well what?"
Will chuckled bitterly, shaking his head. "You know what, Y/n." When you didn't reply, he continued. "You stop talking to me all of a sudden, for months, not even telling me why. I need to know why, I deserve an explanation."
You sighed, looking anywhere but at him. "I just...needed some time away..." What a fucking lie...
"Some time away, really? That's your excuse? We were best friends, everything was fine, so what went wrong, huh? Why did you just up and leave everything behind without telling me?" You closed your eyes, trying to calm yourself as his voice got louder with every sentence. "Are you even listening to me? Do you hate me now, is that it? I don't know what I did, please, tell me." He pleaded.
"Will..." You whispered, finally looking to him to see unshed tears in his eyes. "it was me, not you. You didn't do anything wrong..."
Will stepped closer to you, his arms crossed. "Do you have any idea how much it hurt to be ghosted by the one person you thought cared about you the most? It really fucking hurt. And now, you're just standing here like you don't even care."
"I do care, Will." You said softly, reaching out to touch him but he quickly flinched away.
"Then why did you leave? I want the truth."
"I wasn't happy...with myself...with you." You started, walking over to take a seat on your couch. "I felt alone. You spent all your time with your partner, you rarely had time for me anymore."
"Wait, my partner?"
"Yeah...the beginning of this year, you started dating that person, I forgot their name..."
Will shook his head. "It didn't work out with them, I'm not seeing anyone, haven't for awhile. But that's not the point. Why didn't you just tell me that you felt alone? You know I would've made time for you if that's what you needed."
You felt like you wanted to scream, frustration starting to consume you, but you settled for a muffled groan. "It wasn't just because I felt alone..."
"Then what?"
Fuck it...
"Because I hated seeing you date other people. I absolutely hated it. And when you started gushing about how amazing this person was, I felt like I wanted to bash my head in with a hammer." Okay, maybe that was a little exaggerated, but you got your point across.
"You didn't want me to date other people?" Will's heart beat rapidly in his chest, just the thought of why you possibly felt that was making him anxious to ask, "Why?"
You were scared to answer, afraid of his reaction. What if he hated you? That would be the worst case scenario, you'd rather die than have him hate you. But, you did owe it to Will to tell him the truth. The unfiltered, honest truth.
"We've been friends for as long as I can remember. We always told each other everything." You smiled weakly. "We'd always be happy for each other whenever we went on dates and found people that made us happy. But...there was a point where I realized that no matter how many dates I went on with other people, I never truly found happiness in those people. Because, I always thought about someone else...you." You looked up at Will. "You've always been the one person to make me truly happy. And I finally figured it out, it's not because you were my best friend, it's because...you're the one I always wanted to be with, Will."
Will took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to take in your words. "That night, when I was about to go on that date, you weren't yourself. You looked sad..."
"I didn't want you to go. I wanted you to stay with me." You wiped away a few fallen tears with your sleeve, sighing tearfully. "I was being selfish...really selfish." You frowned.
Will carefully sat beside you, looking straight ahead. The red and green lights placed crookedly on the Douglas fir being one of the only light sources in the room, illuminating your tear ridden face and causing a reflective shine to Will's glassy sorrowful eyes.
"I had no idea." Will said, being the first one to break the silence yet again.
"That was kind of the point." You sniffled, curling your knees up to your chest.
"...I'm sorry."
You furrowed your brows, looking to Will in confusion. "Why are you sorry? I'm the only one who should be sorry."
Will shook his head. "No..." He laughed sharply, clenching his fists in his lap. "It's funny."
"What is?" You asked, trying not to sound offended.
"I've spend years trying to get over my feelings for you, and you tried to do the same. Guess I'm not as intuitive as I thought."
You silently gasped. "Will? You...? Huh?"
Will smiled weakly. "I only started dating other people because I was trying to push away my feelings for you, and of course, it didn't work."
"Will, if this is some joke-"
"It's not. Have I ever lied to you?"
"...no. You've had feelings for me this entire time? And I punished you for it..." You said as you felt the tears well up in your eyes again.
"No, Y/n, no. You had no way of knowing, just like I had no way of knowing how you felt about me."
"I'm so sorry, Will. I never should've left."
Will quickly grabbed a hold of your hand, bringing it up to his lips to place a gentle kiss on your knuckles. "You're here now. It's okay...we're okay."
"Can you ever forgive me?"
Will smiled softly. "Of course. I've never been able to stay mad at you for long."
You frowned. "What if I deserve it?"
"No. No, you don't. It's all going to be okay."
You took a deep breath, trying not to burst into tears again as Will pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace. "What now?"
"Maybe it's too early to ask but...we could go on a date." Will chuckled weakly.
You looked back up at Will, trying to hide your growing smile. "Really?"
"If that's what you want."
You looked at the clock. "It's getting a little late, I don't think that many places would be open right now. We could go out tomorrow?"
"It's a date." Will smiled.
You sighed. "I really wish I would've talked to you about this instead of running away..."
Will shook his head, bringing his hand up to gently caress your cheek. "I shouldn't have raised my voice earlier. So now we both have something we regret. But it's okay, Y/n. I felt like running away quite a few times myself whenever you went out with someone else...or just hiring a hitman or something."
You laughed genuinely, playfully pushing Will's shoulder. "I think my family is gonna be home soon."
"That's my cue to leave, I take it?"
You pouted. "I don't want you to."
"Well, hey, we'll see each other tomorrow." He smiled.
You walked Will to your front door, frowning as he opened it. "I never used to be the clingy type with anyone."
Will turned around to face you, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you in for a warm hug. "It's all going to be okay. We're gonna do this thing right."
You pulled away with a huff, looking deeply into his eyes. "I really want to kiss you right now." You giggled.
Will grinned, replying to your statement by leaning in, delicately brushing his lips over yours before fully placing them onto yours passionately. You could truthfully say that the kiss made you weak in the knees, it was everything you imagined it to be and more. It was intoxicating.
The kiss quickly got heated, and you didn't know if you'd be able to stop yourself. Will grabbed at your sides, trying to pull you even closer than you were already, eliciting a quiet moan from you when he gently pulled on the roots of your hair. But you finally forced yourself to stop, trying to catch your breath.
"Sorry." Will quickly apologized.
"I didn't want to stop." You snickered, running your hands through your now tangled hair. "We haven't even gone on our first date yet and I already want to rip your clothes off."
Will blushed and grinned. "Guess we'll just have to save it for tomorrow then."
"Tomorrow it is."
I had trouble writing this, if you couldn't already tell. Ugh, I have no idea why the reunion bit threw me off balance so badly
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robinofinashiro · 4 years
request from anonymous: “hewwwoooo my favourite fanfic writer! i love ur ficssss so much. they keep me sane during this quarantine. may i request for a cute fic with porco and reiner chasing after the same girl (the reader)” 
note: i’m done with finals! you guys can send anything you’d like now! but sjksjksjk, i’m your fave??? but i went with the AU bc that’s what ppl have been asking for so i’m just assuming. 
request status: fully open!
pairing: porco galliard, reiner braun x fem! reader
you sat with Marcel as the two of you tried to cram for the same exam you had coming up. you were a year underneath him but you were in the honors program at the university so you almost had the same classes as he did. 
“between this exam and the project for Bio, I think my brain is going to combust,” you murmured to Marcel. he chuckled before taking a sip of his coffee, “well that and considering I heard my brother on Facetime with you until three in the morning, that could also contribute to your fatigue,” your face fell warm at the comment. 
you chucked a scrap piece of paper at hime, making him dodge it. you saw Reiner walking towards the two of you. you waved him over, his face instantly lighting up. 
“hey Braun, I thought you said you were going to skip coming to campus today?” you asked. he shook his head, sitting down next to you, almost immediately wrapping his arm around you, “nah, figured that if I didn’t come today, I wouldn’t see you until next Monday,” he mentioned. 
you saw Marcel’s face drop in slight annoyance before shaking it off. you couldn’t help but wonder what made him do that but decided not to pay too much attention. 
“that’s very flattering,” you murmured shyly. “so, what’s a cutie like yourself doing this Saturday,” he asked, “oh! I have plans with Marcel and Porco. they want to check out this restaurant a few towns over and Porco offered for me to come along,” you said excitedly. 
Reiner rolled his eyes, not happy about your plans, “why? were you planning on doing something?” you asked. Marcel immediately texted his brother to come down to the cafe. he hated to get into other peoples business, especially if it came to his hot headed brothers personal life but he knew more than anyone how you meant to him so he had to do the brother thing and notify him of Reiner’s intentions. 
“I was just wonderin’ if you wanted to come with Bertholdt, Annie, and I to ice skate, I wanted to take you as my plus one,” he stated. 
you thought for a moment. 
“well, what time are you guys planning on going? I can come after I’m done with Porco and Marcel!” you said excitedly. Reiner’s eyebrow raised as he saw Porco basically jetting down the stairs, “oh hey, Porco’s here!” you exclaimed 
Reiner remained silent, looking at the boy who was now glaring at him. the two of them continued to stare at each other, making you wonder why the air suddenly became thick. 
“uh, guys?” you said clapping your hands in front of their faces. they both instantly looked down at you, “sorry,” Reiner said bringing you to his side, “I was just thinking of something,” he spat.
Porco laughed sarcastically, “care to mention what is was, Braun?” he asked. you looked to Marcel for help, “guys, enough, let it go. Porco, you need to head home to grab your soccer gear,” Marcel said. 
the two of them brushed off the words as you placed your hand on Reiner’s shoulder, “hey, how about you come with me to class. I want to get there a bit early and I know your class is in the next hall,” you whispered, hoping they would finally end their stand off. 
“sure, I have no problem in walking you,” he said. Porco’s anger instantly rose, “I’ll come bring you lunch. I know how much you like the restaurant by my house,” you looked over to Porco, “you really don’t have too. you’re already paying for my dinner tomorrow so I can’t make you do that again,” you tried to say. 
Porco grabbed your hand, “for you, I’d do anything,” Marcel’s mouth dropped at the sudden declaration of love that was not normal coming out of his brother. Reiner on the other hand immediately retracted you from his grasp before taking your other hand, “lets go before you’re late,” he said. 
you gave Porco one final smile before walking away with Reiner. Marcel stared his brother in disbelief, not knowing what to do with what he just saw. “well, you gonna explain what I just saw?” he asked. 
Porco shook his head, “no,” and with that, he walked away. Marcel followed him, “listen, you know I’m the last to get in your business but this little competition over her has to stop. either one of you confesses and she accepts it before it goes to the shit and ends up dating someone else because of both of your immaturity,” Marcel lectured. 
“don’t you think I know that?” Porco retorted, “I’ve been fighting tooth and nail for her and I refuse to lose to Reiner of all people. plus, I heard from Pieck that she plans on choosing one of us soon so if it happens before she hangs out with Reiner on Saturday night then it’ll just be the cherry on top of it all.” 
Marcel rolled his eyes, brushing off his friend and brother immature attitude. 
Saturday morning finally came as you crawled out of bed. being that today was relatively the last day you had with both boys before you confessed to Reiner or Porco, you woke up with a feeling of nervousness in the pit of your stomach. 
“you ready for tonight?” Pieck said over Facetime. you shrugged, “kind of. I’m just nervous. regardless of who I actually like, the other is going to be so upset and I’m more than likely going to lose a friendship out of them,” you replied. 
she nodded understandingly, “well, do you know who really owns that heart of yours? one of them has to stand out more than the other,” she replied. “it’s hard. Reiner is such an amazing guy. he understands me in ways that Porco doesn’t. arguably, he’s been there a lot more than Porco has but Porco is just so different. he’s almost as if he’s the piece that I’m missing.” 
you growled, putting your head against the wall as she laughed, “listen, don’t stress yourself out. just see how today goes and if you happen to see that you like one more than the other, tell them right there,” you nodded as you saw Porco’s message telling you he was outside. 
you told Pieck goodbye before slipping on shoes and grabbing your bag. she could only hope that if you didn’t pick Porco, you let him down easy. she knew how Porco was, especially towards Reiner and didn’t want to be at the receiving end of the news if you told him no. 
“hey Marcel, Porco!” you said excitedly. Porco grabbed your hand softly as Marcel jokingly gagged, “be quiet. you’re just mad you don’t have anyone to be with,” Porco told him, “my date is meeting us there so fuck off,” Marcel countered.
the entire ride to the restaurant was you three just talking about whatever came up and because Porco sat in the back with you, he held your hand the entire time. every so often, he would rub your hand with his thumb making your face a bit warm. 
his grasp was very different in comparison to Reiner’s. Reiner’s hold was soft, almost like a delicate flower as Porco really held your hand as if it was the last time he’d ever get to hold it. 
“we’re here so get out my car,” Marcel said. you gave him the finger before hopping out of the so he could find parking. Porco held your hand, walking you to the small bench a bit away from the restaurant. you were confused as to why. 
“I want to talk to you about something,” he said grabbed your hand. you nodded for him to continue, “I know I’m basically fighting for you with Reiner. Ik know the two of you are close but I want you to know that I’d be the best option for you. I can give you the world and more,” he whispered before bringing you in for a kiss. 
he was lucky that the bench was so far from the restaurant as he slipped his hand on your thigh, pinching it softly. you moaned quietly at the movement but quickly enough moved back. 
“not here Porco and it’s not fair to Reiner and you know it.” 
he nodded as he let himself off you before getting up and giving you his hand. the two of you walked to the entrance of the restaurant, greeting Marcel’s date before walking in. 
after the dinner you walked to Marcel’s car, he had given Porco the key mentioning he’d get a ride back with his date. you sat in the passenger seat, holding his hand harder than you would be. 
the drive was eerily silent. he knew that you were now going to be with Reiner, essentially on a date with him and he had no control of what you did with him so the nervousness was bubbling up in his stomach. 
as he got the rink, he saw Reiner grabbing your pair of skates and paying for your ticket. he saw the way your face lit up at seeing him and a bit of sadness washed over him. 
“i’ll talk to you later?” you asked as he nodded. Porco kissed your hand softly before letting you out of the car and pulling out of the lot. 
you ran too Reiner, Annie, and Bertl, them saying hi almost instantly. Reiner handed you the skates as he patted the seat next to him. 
“here, I’ll tie your skates for you,” he offered, pulling your legs up. you smiled, “thank you Reiner,” you whispered. he slowly tied the skates before rubbing your legs softly, “you look amazing tonight,” he mentioned. 
you smiled, “stop, you’re just saying that,” your murmured shyly. he shook his head no, “i’m not. I’m glad you came out tonight and I want to show you that tonight is going to make up for whatever you didn’t enjoy today,” he added on. 
Reiner grabbed your hand, the one specifically Porco had kissed and brought you closer. this time, the kiss he had given you wasn’t as heated as Porco’s was. it was softer, more gentle, and nice. 
“lets go before Bertl and Annie think something happened to us,” he joked, finally pulling away. 
the entire time you were with Reiner, he had you within close proximity almost the entire night. singing songs in your ear as they played through the loud speaker of the rink. ‘you were meant for me’ from the movie Singing in the Rain was specifically the song he was singing. 
your face had felt warm the entire time. you found it sweet that such an old song was what he chose and knew from heart. 
Bertholdt and Annie had left the two of you a while after skating. the two of them claiming they were cold but you knew it was more of the fact that they probably wanted to give you privacy. 
“we should get going before you catch a cold,” Reiner said finally taking his skates off on the bench. he once again helped out unlace the shoes before handing them to the worker and meeting you back on the bench. 
the two of you walked to his car, him opening the door for you. upon him getting in the car, you looked over to him and smiled before reaching over and giving him a kiss. he instantly returned it, happy that his car was parked in a section with not many people looking in. 
“wait, i can’t do this, i don’t want to get my hopes up,” Reiner said trying to pull back. you sighed knowing what you were about to say would be just like word vomit, “Reiner, it’s not getting your hopes up if I’m just waiting for you to ask me out,” you whispered. 
his eyes widened, realizing what you meant. “wait, are you saying?” he asked. you nodded shyly as he practically fist pumped the air in excitement, “I’m so happy to hear those words,” he said pulling you in for another kiss. 
you let him kiss you for a while before pulling away, “I need to get home. I should text Porco,” you told him. Reiner nodded as he finally pulled out the parking lot and making his way back to your dorm. the entire time you had texted Porco. 
“I’m sorry Porco.” 
as soon as he received the message, he knew what it meant. he felt his anger rising as his hands clenched in anger. Marcel was sitting beside him as Porco stood up from the couch, leaving his phone accidentally open. he peered down to the message and sighed. 
Marcel knew you had no intentions to upset him so badly but he just felt sad at seeing his brother so upset. 
you looked too Reiner and nervously smiled at him, “hey Reiner, do you think you can take me back to my dorm?” you asked. a part of him felt the shift in the air as you couldn’t really look at him anymore. 
Reiner was starting to connect the dots as you were silent through the drive home. you were holding his hand but not the way you would be and trying to make conversation but couldn’t keep it up. 
once you got back to your dorm building, you got out, Reiner walking you to the empty back entrance. you held his hand as you stood in front of him. “you don’t have to tell me, I can tell,” he told you, now holding both your hands, “i know but I feel so bad,” you murmured. 
Reiner shook his head no, “don’t. the world was meant for us just to be friends and as long as I’m able to be your friend, that’s all I ask,” you nodded as he placed on final kiss on the top of your head before giving you a small goodbye. 
you looked to your phone and texted Porco wondering if he could meet you at your dorm. you made your way to your room, kicking your shoes off and pulling on a hoodie and shorts. 
getting a response that he was downstairs, you walked down slowly, seeing him holding something in his hand. you opened the door as you stood in front of him and smiled. 
“how are you?” he asked softly, “fine, glad you wanted to meet me this late,” you responded. Porco laughed as he grabbed your hand, “always,” he replied. 
you pulled him in for a hug, surprising him a bit, “I hate to say it this way but I want you,” you managed to say. Porco’s mouth dropped a bit before he picked you up and spun you around, “seriously?” he asked. 
you nodded as he brought you down for a kiss. you wrapped your arms around his neck. the two of you remained that way before you finally pulled away and looked at him with a soft smile. 
“you have no idea how happy that makes me. can i just cuddle you for a while?” he asked. you nodded as you opened the door and let him practically let him carry you in. 
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realcube · 4 years
BNHA shopping headcanons pt.2
part 1 here! (momo x reader, todoroki x reader, iida x reader)
Uraraka x Reader
Bakugo x Reader
Kaminari x Reader
tw// cussing, irresponsible moeny-spending 😳
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Ochako Uraraka
if you have ever watched mha you should know that Uraraka is  canonically dirt poor
well maybe not dirt poor as from what i know, she isn’t homeless but..
it’d be a fair assumption that she is an extreme cheapskate
she really is that bitch at the cinema who deadass walks in lookin built like manatee from the neck down but her skinny face really doesn’t sell the act
and she smells like off-brand skittles and soda from a mile away but box office clerk pretends not to see shit because they are too underpaid to deal with an determined, skint bubble girl first thing in the morning
oh and did i mention she exclusively takes you to early bird specials for the huge discount
so, needless to say, when you want Uraraka to come see a movie with you in the afternoon, you have to pay for her ticket
now, with that in mind, why would she ever want to go shopping as a date? shopping!
the whole premise of ‘shopping’ is spending money - something she is very much against
so, obviously you thought it was a prank when she texted you to ask you on a date to the local mall
none the less, on the day you showed up - with a pocket knife in your purse, just in case - and to your pleasant surprise, Ochako was standing there outside your favourite jewellery shop with a cheesy grin on her face
“(Y/N)!” She called out, skipping up to you and throwing herself into your arms. “Guess what?!”
You giggled, delighted to see her so happy but confused as to why - as usually she gets upset when she is surrounded by so many expensive things. “What, bubbles?”
She pulled out from the hug to reach into her pocket, grab her hand-me-down wallet from her dad and unzip it to show you the many notes she had cramped inside there. “Look! Remember when I told you I couldn’t come on dates on weekends with you anymore because workloads at the UA were increasing? Well, truth is, I couldn’t see you because I’ve been holding down a secret job at a dessert place for the last few months - and look! I’m rich!”
You felt your cheeks heat up and your eyes become glossy for some reason, it just made you emotional seeing Uraraka so happy and excited, despite the fact you noticed that the money in the purse was definitely no more than ¥5500/£40/$53 - so either she had already started spending or she had been severely underpaid for 4 months of work.
“Ochako..” You croaked, sticking out your bottom lip and doing nothing to resist the tears that came rushing down your cheeks. “I’m so proud of you.”
Uraraka shook her head rapidly, “No!” She whined, shielding her eyes with her wallet, “Please don’t cry, (Y/N)! Then I’ll start crying too!”
You nodded, wiping away your tears with your thumb, “Okay, bubbles.” You mumbled, feeling the spark of emotion inside you die down, “So, where shall we go first?”
“Um..” Uraraka hummed in thought before pointing to your favourite jewellery shop which stood behind her, “There! I’m gonna buy you a necklace; to make up for last year when you got a me a really pretty bracelet for valentines’ day and all I could afford to get you was a candy necklace.” She mumbled the last part before taking your hand and dragging you into the shop.
She didn’t even spare a second so you weren’t able to explain to her how you actually really liked the candy necklace - it was delicious! 
Also, while she shifted through all the pretty necklaces looking for one that would ‘compliment your gorgeous eyes’, you realised something - she definitely wasn’t built to be poor.
I mean, yeah, she is very stingy when it comes to shopping for herself
but when it came to buying you a necklace, she was ready to take a mortgage if it meant you’d be satisfied with your gift
or maybe you could call that reckless spending-]
Katsuki Bakugo
when y’all go on dates it’s usually to one of your houses or maybe an abandoned park or something
but because you said you had a way better aim than him - he challenged you to a game of laser tag! and since it was just you and him, he said you could consider it a date
however, when you both arrived at the laser tag arena, it was closed 
neither of y’all checked the opening times on the website so how were you supposed to know that it was closed on Mondays?
after a long while of bickering between the two of you, y’all just decided to spend the rest of the day at the mall next door
and when i tell you bakugo should be on bargain fkn hunters
he is also very clueless when it comes to giving gifts so he takes this as an opportunity to figure out what you want for your birthday/valentine’s time
you show him a crop top you think is cute and he is like ‘i literally do not give a fuck’
he says he is just following you around the shop bc he doesn’t want you to get kidnapped 
but in reality, you see him out of the corner of your eye typing in his notes app ‘black crop top’ as soon as you turn away to hang it back up on the rack
he refuses to shop for himself because ‘all the shit in these shops are ugly and overpriced’ 
as if that is a good enough excuse to hide the real reason why he won’t look for clothes in these shops; which is that he exclusively shops in Hot Topic and ASOS
he gets butterflies whenever you show him any article of clothing and say it’d look good on him, despite the fact his response it usually something along the lines of 
‘fuck off, that shirt is so ugly! why would i want to wear that?!’ or
‘of course i’d look hot in that - its a fucking tank top! don’t be stupid, (Y/N).’
and mentally he does the same for you whenever he sees a cute shirt or a cool pair of shoes but he stays silent, wanting to keep up his ‘i don’t give a fuck’ façade.
in fact, the whole time y’all were shopping the only thing he recommended to you was a revealing piece of lingerie that a mannequin was displaying in the window of a Victoria’s Secret 
“hey, that’d look good on you, (Y/N)!” he chuckled, pointing at the set from across the hall
you rolled your eyes, punching his shoulder without missing a beat, “Of course i’d look good in that - it’s fucking lingerie! don’t be stupid, bakugo.”
Denki Kaminari 
y’all hang out at the mall quite a lot but mostly for the food court
by now y’all have probably eaten at every single chain in that bitch at least twice so obviously you go there quite a lot
after you eat, y’all stroll through the mall window-shopping since you probably spend all your money on food 
however, after Kaminari’s birthday he was pretty loaded so he was finally able to walk around the mall and actually buy something other than food! crazy, i know. 
you both were so hyped to buy shit - you forgot how to act
anyway, kaminari hadn’t decided what he was going to spend his ¥7000/£50/$66 on
‘clothes?’ you suggested
‘what’s wrong with my clothes?’ he replied defensively.
‘body spray?’
‘are you saying i stink?’
‘hair product?’
‘i have more than enough, heh.’
‘phone case?’
‘i have one..’
‘that’s a funny word-WAIT!’ he yelled, shock running through his body as the ‘best idea of all ideas’ dawned on him. ‘wait here, (Y/N). I’ll be right back.’ 
with that Denki ran off, leaving you outside Sephora with no money 
It took him a while to come back but once he did, a foolishly wide grin painted his features, “(Y/N)! Look!” He yelled, motioning to his huge white bag.
He opened it to show you what was inside, “A yellow blanket?” You asked, cocking your head to the side.
“Yes! It’s 5x5 feet because you said the blanket home that we cuddle in is too small.” 
You blushed, rubbing the back of your neck, feeling kind of bad that Denki spent him birthday money to make you happy. “Oh, well, I didn’t mean that-” 
“And feel it! It’s so fluffy and soft!” 
You nodded, reaching down and stroking the blanket, “Oh my-” 
“It feels like heaven!” he finished your sentence
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marciaownsmylife · 4 years
purly hc - “what could go wrong”
curly sneaks ponyboy out to a concert that he is not supposed to be at
•ponyboy is stupid in love exhibit A
•the entire town was buzzing for spring break because there was a rock concert being held at the drive-in
•concerts didn’t happen often in tulsa and when they did they were usually some boring old people music the parents went to
•so just about every teen in tulsa had a ticket or knew someone or was gonna sneak in
•except ya boi ponyboy
•darry said no, and ponyboy begged for weeks and weeks but darry was not budging in the slightest
•soda was going tho, but he didn’t have school and he could pay for his own ticket
•practically everyone in the gang was going, except for darry and ponyboy
•pony was so upset over this, he had been sulking anytime anyone mentioned it, and it’s all everyone talked about, so that was a lot
•even dallas has gotten johnny a ticket, darry wasn’t too keen on that but it wasn’t his place to judge
•curly however was not only certain that he was going, this bitch had a whole ass plan to get on the stage
•and pony was apart of this plan
•so it came quite a shock to him when he tried to explain what pony had to do, that ponyboy told him he wasn’t going
•”what tf do u mean you’re not going?! how am i supposed to become tulsa’s next rockstar if ur not there????”
•pony was already in a bad mood because of the concert being mentioned so he wasn’t humouring curlys jokes (curly was dead serious tho, we been knew)
•but curly always got his way so he decided that he would just have to do a little more thinking than he was used to
•which was any sort of thinking in the first place
•curly suggested to pony that he’d just sneak out
•pony pointed out that he still didn’t have a ticket
•”leave that part to me, baby curtis, all you gotta do is be at your window”
•and so it was settled ponyboy was going
•but he made curly promise not to get on stage because if ponyboy was going he had to be careful not to run into any of the gang,
•darry had personally told them that there would be a cash reward for anyone who snitched on ponyboy, and this wasn’t just for the concert this was in general
•most of the gang didn’t really snitch that often but they all knew that the cash would be high if pony was caught at the concert
•curly was fine with it, as long as he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to be doing, whether that be sneaking pony out or getting up on stage, he was cool
•the night of the concert came and pony had gotten dressed with his pyjamas over his clothes and gotten into bed, he’d also made sure to be extra pissy that day so everyone knew he was pissed off because he ‘wasn’t going’
•which was pretty easy because being a brat was like his specialty with him being the youngest child and everything
•soda and steve has already left, so all pony had to do was wait until darry went to bed
•darry was a heavy sleeper, once he was down he wasn’t getting up until tomorrow
•but of course, he went to bed late tonight to make sure pony was asleep before him, or so he thought
•tap tap tap
•right on cue, that would be curly
•pony stripped off his pyjama layer until he was in his normal clothes and tugged on his shoes
•he opened his window, with as little squeaking as possible, to see curly with his signature grin
•”why ponybabes you look stunning,”
•”it’s the same thing i wore to school today,”
•”did i stutter,”
•they hurry to the drive-in because darry had made them late by going to bed later
•by the time they get there they missed the first song but it didn’t matter to them much, now at least all the flashing lights were already going and it would be harder for people to recognize them (more so ponyboy)
•pony had obviously forgotten his jacket because it’s what he does, so he grabs curlys because it’s fucking freezing
•after they had shown their tickets to the guy at the door, he had put X’s on their hands to show they were under 21 and shouldn’t be served at the bar
•curly wasn’t happy about this, he tried to convince the guy that he was 22, it didn’t work for a second
•they get in and decide to stay around the edges of the crowd to avoid people they knew
•pony was having the time of his life, the adrenaline of sneaking out and the excitement of being able the feel the guitar solo shake the ground was the best thing he had ever felt (bc he’s a virgin lol)
•curly was happy because pony was happy, he even managed to convince him to dance
•as the night went on the boys hadn’t seen anyone they knew, and they had even been to the bar to get water (to curlys disappointment), so they started getting closer to the middle
•curly really wanted to show ponyboy the pit before the show ended so they made their way there for the last couple songs
•this is where it gets tricky
•as another song started the singer instructed for people to get on eachothers shoulders
•curly thought this was a great idea
•and they had managed to sneak a beer each from the bar in the end so ponyboy wasn’t really at his best thinking capacity
•so pony got on curlys shoulders and it was all going fine until he looked to his right and saw johnny about three feet away from him on dally’s shoulders
•johnny didn’t see him yet so pony still had a chance, tugged on curlys hair to get his attention and motioned for him to let him down
•curly did so straight away because he thought pony was about to fall, when pony was down he pointed out johnny and dallas to curly, they were still pretty close to them
•they pushed through the crowd and we able to get away
•until pony bashed straight into his brother soda
•pony thought they were done for, his whole life was gonna be spent locked up in his room because darry was never gonna let him out again
•but he didn’t have long to contemplate his doom, before soda hurled on the ground next to him, and pony quickly put together that sodapop was absolutely shitfaced drunk, he probably didn’t even recognize ponyboy
•pony wanted to help him, but he knew if soda was here steve wasn’t far behind and he didn’t want to push his luck so he left his poor brother heaving up his dinner on the ground
•he raced after curly to catch up with him
•once they had evaded the gang they made a stop a the port-i-loos and decided they would leave now before the last song so ponyboy would be home in bed before soda stumbled in, ponyboy wasnt so sure that soda was even coming home that night but they had to be sure they weren’t caught
•two-bit finally made his appearance when they were on their way out, he was also on his way out but it wasn’t his decision
•he was getting dragged out by security for being too drunk. two had a surprisingly good memory so if he saw them he would remember it, no matter how drunk he was
•curly had spotted him just before two-bit looked their way, he was going to see them either way, so the only chance they had was to make sure he wouldn’t recognize them
•so curly did what any rational tipsy teenager would do, he shoved ponyboy up against a wall and started making out with him, covering ponyboy from view in the process
•it took ponyboy by almost complete surprise, almost because curly was a sucker for spontaneous kisses, pony just wasn’t expecting him to be so rough but then again curly had to make it look like it was some random broad he was with
•it worked, but pony and curly had forgotten all about two-bit by the time they were done, and two-bit was long gone by then
•they got back to pony’s house and snuck him through the window without waking darry and they kissed goodbye and that was that
•it like 5am when they got back and pony had to get up for school 2 hours later and he was not feeling it fam, let me tell you, this boy had never felt to tired in his 14 years of life
•darry was suspicious but pony had the perfect excuse that he didn’t sleep well because soda wasn’t there and he got a nightmare so he was covered on that front
•school however he had no choice but to go or darry would have known, it wasn’t too bad since most of the school were either taking the day off or in the same boat as him since they were all at the concert too
•the teachers knew what was up too so they didn’t really bother much that day
•he was walking home with johnny, he was honestly surprised johnny went to school today until johnny told him that he wasn’t actually at school
•he just showed up to talk to ponyboy after
•now ponyboy was like (nervous laugh) hehehehe whaaaattt ???
•johnny doesn’t fuck around, he gets to the point
•”so like are you and curly a thing??”
•ponyboy is just kinda like ‘deny until you die’
•”what? no, i don’t even know him, like, curly who???”
•spoiler it doesn’t work
•turns out johnny and dallas had seen them in the pit, they were gonna say hi after the song but curly and pony had sketched before then
•pony was like “shit when are you gonna cash in to darry and snitch on me then,”
•he had accepted his fate
•”nah man i’m not gonna do that, and it took me all morning to convince dal not to either,”
•pony’s like tf?? why not?? because if he’s being honest if he were johnny he’d be cashing in as soon as he could
•but what ponyboy didn’t know was that before he saw johnny and dallas, curly had.
•but not in the pit, behind the bar
•they had been making out
•so curly had this information that johnny had assumed he told pony about but clearly he hadn’t
•by now pony caught on to the fact that johnny thought he knew something so he played along
•they switched the subject after that, but johnny hadn’t forgotten that pony still hadn’t answered his previous question about him and curly, he decided to leave it for now
•soda had stayed at steve’s the night before and when ponyboy got home, darry was too busy lecturing soda on his drinking that night to even notice ponyboy practically passing out as soon as he got in the door
•but in the end, curly and pony counted this as a win
anotherrr purly hc because i love these boysss, my online school started back from easter break today so there might not be any more hc too soon :(((
but i have 2 more ideas lined up, one for jally and one for johnnyboy
i also kinda want to do a point of view from jally of this night at the concert idk we’ll see
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jenni42085 · 4 years
Nervous <One>
Chapter 1
 Evangeline “Lena” nervously shakes her leg and tries to let the music soothe her mind and soul.  Mentally she is thinking of how much people will be upset if she just decides to trade in her return ticket sooner to be closer with her daughter.  Her parents and his parents both agreed she needed a break and some “me time” but she wasn’t too sure if this was a smart idea.  She realizes her daughter is young and won’t fully remember her being gone for a week but guilt still plagues her.  She leans her head against the window and thinks of him.  
 Thinking of all the good things he is missing, not by choice but rather fate’s choice.  300 days since he was taken from her in a tragic car accident.  She can still remember the officers at her door looking sad and not sure what to tell her.  A wave of sadness washed over her as she felt the sadness that has slightly controlled her life the last 300 days.  Some days were better than others but a day like today where she is flying to see her best friend Marylea in California with out her precious Eevee makes her a little bit more on edge and more time to let her mind wander to different places and topics.
 Usually having the playful but shy 1 year old makes her mind focus on her instead of who isn’t with her anymore.  She is wondering if this week will help her or make her regret ever coming out.  It’s only a week she thinks to herself.  A small part of her thinks that she needs a little time away to completely heal but the rest of her feels guilty for letting her family watch her daughter.  Her greatest joy lately in life has been being a mom.  She thought being a wife was an amazing thing but since being a mom she has felt like her life was complete.  She leans her head back as the plane endures some turbulence, I pray this plane makes it, Eevee can’t lose another parent.  With those final thoughts she drifted into a well deserved nap.
 “No, no, no” Jeff yells as he frustratedly throws the next headshot back in the stack of the others “These girls aren’t what we needing for his image!  Does anyone ever listen to me?”  As he says this he looks around at a few people to have them acknowledge him and his question.  He sees yet another text from his client Chris going unanswered since he already knows what Chris is going to ask him. 
 “Maybe he could just not go because of a ‘medical problem’” he heard someone say.
 “Absolutely not!  This man is Captain America!  He has great health and it really great with the press AND his fans.  There is no way he is going to miss this premeire.”
 “Well, what exactly is he wanting?” Marylea asks as she quietly places his drink order in front of him.  She was still new to California and was looking for better work than being a runner.  She wanted to write but she knew she had to first pay her dues.  So until they thought she was ready to write, she’d be getting coffee.  
 For the first time in a long time he felt hopeless.  He knew Chris never had any crazy demands, so he was trying hard to please him.  It is not that often you get an actor who isn’t a complete douche bag, acts crazy in public,  or hasn’t made a bunch of unattainable goals.  Jeff runs this hands through his bleached blonde hair and grabs his coffee and looks at his new assistant.  She hasn’t been there long but he knows she always got his coffee right and she was always quiet.  Maybe the mouse is finally showing that she is more than a coffee runner.  “He wants a real woman.  Not a model, an actress, or anything like that.  He wants to take a person to the charity event and movie premiere who makes him happy.  Someone who looks like they go together.”
 “You know he is our client and we will do most everything for him but, we aren’t a dating site.”  Anna states flatly as she takes a sip of her water. 
“Not the point. Happy people make for better press.  The guy wants to go out a few times with someone who isn’t completely star struck.”  Jeff knows what would make his client happy, he just has to find it. 
Marylea stood quietly as she debated on letting Jeff know that she had a person who could possibly fill that position. She’s well aware that Lena hasn’t been seeing anyone since the death of her husband. And she had  met Chris a few times and sat in a few meetings with him and honestly he seemed like a good guy.  She thinks they would actually make a great couple since they are both so loving, giving, and most importantly selfless.
Jeff noticed that Marylea had gotten even more quiet and was silently debating something in her head. “Speak.”
Startled Marylea looks up at him like a deer caught in headlights. “I.... ummm ....”
“Well...”, Jeff stares at her slightly intimidating at her. 
“My friend is in town for a month or so.  She isn’t a model or anything like that.”
“Ok and ?” Anna replies with the look that Marylea shouldn’t have been talking. 
“Well, to be honest. She’s black and quite beautiful if you ask me. She is single and honestly needs a boost in confidence”
Anna rolls her eyes while Jeff looks intrigued, “ If she is so beautiful why isn’t she in a relationship now?”
 Marylea was really hoping no one would have asked that question but it would come out sooner or later. “Her husband died about a year ago. She has a one year daughter.  She’s been giving all her time and energy into raising her alone.  Even with that on her plate she still volunteers and fosters animals.”
 “So no crazy exes?” Jeff questions.  Marylea shakes her head quickly. “Why is she out here for a month?  Where is the baby?”
 By this point Marylea has decided to pull up a chair and sit down with the table of inquiring minds to the issue. “All of her friends and family think she needs a break. Her parents are watching her daughter for a week, then she is being flown out here. As her bestie, it is my job to get her back in society as a 34 year old mom. You know kind of get her groove back.”  
 Jeff slowly shakes his head. “This.  This might actually work”. He stands up and stretches as he is thinking that this will benefit everyone. “The press eats it up when people have kids and everyone knows how much Chris loves kids we could have them doing events for kids.  Depending how beautiful you say your friend is she might have a gig for a bit. But this is upon Chris’ approval though.”
 “That’s fine. Hold on I have a few good pictures of her and Eevee.”
 “She named her daughter after a Pokémon?” Anna replies with a smug smirk. 
 Marylea doesn’t appreciate anyone talking about her god-daughter like that.  “No, her name is Evelyn. Eevee is her nickname thank you very much.” 
 By this point Gary has joined the group at the table and smiles like he has won the lottery. It’s not very often Marylea even talks let alone sticks up for herself or anyone but here she goes. “Meow!  This little kitty is finally showing her claws.”
 Hearing that Marylea blushes and puts her head down slightly. “I wouldn’t have suggested her if I didn’t think she was a good choice or that you guys had anyone who would fill the requirements you are looking for.”
 “Good point. Well, she a beautiful girl and her daughter is adorable.”  Jeff says as he hands Marylea’s phone back to her. 
 She opted on the most recent picture she has of her bestie granted it wasn’t the happiest day. Ezra’s funeral. Lena was in a simple black dress with her wedge heels to give her some height. She had opted to pull her naturally curly hair into a sleek bun. Lena was never one for a lot of makeup but on that day she wanted to look her best for him so she did smoky eye makeup and wing tips. Eevee was in her arms in a black tutu. 
 “When does she get here?”  Jeff questions. 
 Marylea looks down at her phone. “She should be here in about an hour. Her flight from West Virginia left on time from the looks of things.”
 “So we can meet her soon?”  Gary perks up to hearing this news. He honestly was tired of looking through millions of head shots of females who didn’t fit the criteria that was asked. 
 “Yeah. I was going to have her meet me here to get my house key then get settled.”
 Jeff thought about things and looked at his phone and quickly sent a message out to Chris. “Have her come here and we will let Chris meet her directly to see what he thinks.  If he approves then you can tell her about a gig she has.  Deal?”
 “Deal!” Marylea replies excitedly.  
 Lena rubs her eyes and stretches as she is one of the last ones to get off the plane. She didn’t think she needed sleep but apparently she did.  It felt to actually sleep soundly and not have to wake up every 45 minutes or so bc she was afraid something was happening with Eevee. 
 This will be the longest she has gone without her little girl and it is kind of uncomfortable. Only a week.  She continues to think of the benefits of having a week away and she isn’t really getting a lot of positives.
 Lena takes her cellphone out and messages everyone to let them know she made it safely and check on her daughter.  Once she knows everyone is ok, she breathes deeply and is enjoying the feel of the sun on her toasted almond skin.  She doesn’t need a tan but a little extra sun would be great for the full on J.Lo effect that she likes.  This is going to be a good trip.  I’m ready for new experiences and new friends.  Uber drops her off in front of a boring blue building, she texts Marylea to let her know she was outside and waiting for the key. 
 “Lena!!!  You finally made it here!”  Marylea shouts when she sees her bestie of ten plus years.  Marylea practically knocks Lena over in an embrace. “I’ve missed you soooo much!”
“I know!” Lena replies just as excited as her bestie. “I’m loving it out here already. It’s so much better than Charleston.”
“Now you see why I hate coming home sometimes.”
“I totally get it. So what time do you get off?”
Marylea thought about breaking the news to her or just letting her relax first. “Well I don’t get off for another few hours. You can hang here if you want. And ...”
“I don’t mind waiting for you and seeing how much of a big shot you are from a small town,” Lena replies. She wasn’t really tired the nap on the plane ride was plenty of sleep. At this point she was ready to explore. 
Hearing Lena say she has no problem with waiting for her made the stress in her chest relax. Might as well let her get her guard down then tell her, but it might be better to do it like a band aid.  “That’s great!  I may or may not have a project/favor to ask of you.”
“Shoot. Anything for you!” Lena replies with out thinking. 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes of course.  This is vacation right. What’s the worse you could ask of me?”
Marylea looks at her feet as they ride up the elevator. “Funny you should say that.... so you know this is my new job.”  Lena nods and keeps smiling. “Well, I may or may not of gave your name to be a date for a celebrity.”
“Excuse me?”  Lena relaxed smile went straight into a deer in headlights look. “You are shitting me right?” 
Marylea shakes her. “I shit you not.  They want needed someone who would go to a few functions this month with a client.”
“Ok but they couldn’t find a model or another actress?”
“See that’s the thing he requested someone who wasn’t in the industry.  He didn’t want a white or ambiguously racial lady.  He wanted someone real.”
“So you thought I would be a great person to fill those shoes?!?”  The elevator comes to a halt and Lena feels her blood pressure raising.  “I mean have you looked at me?  And I have a daughter. Who would want to date me?!?  Even if it is fake.” 
Marylea can tell Lena is having a small manic episode due to the fact she was speed walking down a hall way in a place she has never been in. “Lena calm down please. Everyone can see you!” She squeaks out, even though the outside of the building looks horrible the inside has been renovated with all glass walls which everyone can see.
Lena turns around and stops in her tracks. She is feeling stressed but, she doesn’t want her best friend to lose her job that she has worked so hard to get. “Yes yes. I’m sorry but have you looked at me lately and thought to ask me first?”
“You were on the plane.”
“Not the point,” she replies with a grin. 
Marylea tilts her head to the side and grins back,” would you rather have a smoke signal?” 
“Smart ass.” To that Lena flips her off then hangs her head down. “Look I know you aren’t thrilled about it but, I figure this is a good stepping stone for me to start writing and not being a coffee runner.  Plus when I was told what they wanted I couldn’t think of anyone else but you.”
Lena’s face soften with happiness to know her best friend thinks that much of her. “What about Eevee?  I can’t be away from her for a month to do a ‘gig’. I’m stressed out from being away from her after 13 hours.”
“They already know you have a child and etc., and it’s not even guaranteed that he is going to be cool with this whole idea my boss has thought up.”  
Chris nervously sat on Jeff’s couch as he waited for this mystery lady to show up. He knows that he asked Jeff for something of a miracle but he was starting to realize while he is waiting maybe he could have done a dating site. But he couldn’t kid himself he has been trying on and off for 3 years and every time he would think the lady was into him for him, she would start asking for help to “break in” to the business.  At least with the girl being Jeff’s assistance friend maybe just maybe she has no interest is the business. 
“Lena calm down!  Everyone can hear and see you!”  He heard Marylea whisper scream at a short messy bun wearing beauty speed walking down the hall way.  Chris couldn’t see her facial features but her body type was that of someone he wouldn’t kick out of bed. She had on ripped Bermuda shorts with an oversized button down yellow shirt that made her skin glow. He noticed she has a few tattoos showing. 
“Jeff.” Chris asked standing up stretching. “Is your mystery girl here yet?”  
Jeff looks up from his desk looking at Marylea and the mystery tattooed girl walk into her office. “Yeah, I do believe she just walked in with Marylea. What do you think so far?” 
Chris walks closer to the glass wall to get a better look at the girl even though she is still pretty far away. “ I don’t know. Maybe we can try. I still need to see her face to face and not from a distance.”
Jeff noticed the way Chris was focusing on the short mess bun wearing girl who was pacing around in Marylea’s office that he might have found something he likes. Granted the picture he was shown of the girl she was quite beautiful, hell she’d be his type if he wasn’t already crushing on someone else. 
“Well, I’ll get Marylea and Evangeline to come meet you for a few minutes and tell me what you think.  You know I’ll never make you do anything of this nature unless you want to.”  
“Yes I know.”  Chris replies still not taking his eyes of the girl pacing. Her body language looked like she was on the brink of a panic attack. 
“Marylea.” Jeff’s voice came over the intercom and made both the of females jump attention. “Is your friend here and ready to meet him?”
Marylea quickly glances at Lena with pleading eyes and her clasped together. She sees Lena nod her ok. “Yeah she’s here and I’ll bring her to your office.”
“Ok great hurry up. Time is of the essence.”  Jeff said as the line when dead. 
“You know you owe me right?”  Lena looks at her while her hands are slightly shaking as she looks into the mirror. “By the way. . . You never told me who this ‘big shot’ was.”
“Don’t freak out ok?”
“Yeah, see saying that makes me want to not only freak out but panic majorly.”
“Spill it Marylea.”
Marylea takes a deep sigh, “ it’s Chris Evans.”
Lena stood there a moment and took in who she just said. “Like Captain America Chris Evans?”  Marylea looks silently at her and slowly nods. “ no way on God’s green precious earth. Have you looked at me and have you legit seen him?!? “
“Look, Jeff thinks you would be perfect for Chris. Just meet him first. Please??”
“Fine let’s go.... this won’t last long. He’ll meet me and see what I’m in and immediately turn me down.”  Lena says as she links her arm with Marylea. 
“Stop thinking the worst. Please. You and I could really use something awesome happening to us.  Plus you are a smoking hot momma with a cute booty”  
Lena sighs deeply and leans her head on Marylea. “I know we both do but how do you know that this is it?  Like couldn’t we just win the lottery or something easier?  Something less stressful?!?” 
By the tone of Lena’s voice she could hear her friend was close to having a minor panic attack. She started breathing deeper so Lena could hear and start unconsciously breathing deep also.  This trick has always worked and apparently still does now. 
The pair stand outside of Jeff’s door for a brief second knowing the two men could see them. Marylea squeezes Lena hand and Lena gives her a nod of approval. 
Even with the nod of approval Lena is wondering why me.  Part of her is nervous because it was Chris freaking Evans, then the other part of her worries about what Ezra’s family thinks of her leaving Eevee for a week while she goes out with a movie star. 
Chris can see the nervousness of the messy bun golden brown skin goddess as she is tightening her grip on Marylea’s arm. Good to know he wasn’t the only one who was nervous. He got a better look at her, she had dark brown eyes, an adorably small nose, plump lips that looked kissable, and a diamond stud lip ring on the right side of my mouth. 
“Hello I’m Evangeline.” She stuck her hand out to Chris then Jeff. She gave them a strong handshake and nervous smile. 
“I’m Jeff and this is of course Chris.”  Jeff introduced even though they all knew Chris didn’t need to be introduced. The silence in the room started to go deafening and Jeff realized he needed to leave them alone to test the waters. “umm Marylea follow me to the board room will you?”
Marylea looked confused as to why they had to leave but she followed him out the room. 
“So.....you just flew in?”  Chris asks slightly nervous. 
“Umm yeah. Just an hour or so ago.”
“Was it a good flight?” He asks as she walks away from him to the window. She is maybe 5’5 if that, which is adorable. From what he count on her body that is showing she has about ten tattoos. Never dated a woman with that many she must be a badass. 
Lena can feel his eyes on her and she isn’t sure how she feels about this. Sure she has been checked out before but right now she feels like he might want more than just a date. “Yeah it was good. I slept most of the way so I consider it a good flight.”
“That’s good. So....”. Chris isn’t sure why this petite girl is making him so nervous. 
Lena turns around to look at him; if she didn’t know any better she’d think she makes him nervous like he makes her nervous.  She slowly crosses the room feeling his eyes on her the whole time. “So what exactly are you wanting or needing?  I’m not a call girl. I’m a mom. And isn’t there a model or struggling actress you could have  decided on?” 
Her bluntness shocked him and herself. She was internally shaking even saying it but, she didn’t have a chance to ask Marylea any of these questions.  Once it was all out she realized how rude she kind of sounded and that honestly wasn’t her character. “I’m sorry to sound so blunt and rude. I didn’t mean it to come off that way. I’m just .... I just ....” She stops again hanging her head in defeat, while plopping her body down on the couch next to the still stunned actor. “I’m just not sure I can be what you are wanting. This last year took a man who I loved very much away from me, I’m raising an one year daughter alone, I’m doing a week away from her and I guess I’m just not fully ready to come out of my shell even though I really need to.”
Chris sits there slightly stunned by everything she said. Honestly he couldn’t imagine how she is holding it all together but he admires that. “Well, I’ll be honest with you. I don’t want or need a call girl, model, or actress.  I tried dating sites but let’s be honest they are. . . “
They both look at each and say in unison, “horrible.”  They chuckle together and he continues.  “I just want some one different to spend some time with. Maybe go with me to a few events. Not as a girlfriend or anything but just a friend.  But if things develop I wouldn’t be upset either.” 
“Ok. That I could possibly do. But I have a little girl who comes first.”  Lena replies as she is slowly relaxing after his admission. 
“Oh I understand that you have a child and want her always to come first and I’ll help you in any way that I can.  Jeff said this was your vacation and I want you enjoy your time out here.  Maybe we could go to Disney one day,”  The look he gives her is meaning that he is honest about what he means. He isn’t sure of her whole backstory but he knows he is a smitten kitten with her genuine smile that lights up her whole face. “Can I see a picture of your little girl?”
Hearing all of this is slightly overwhelming and shocking to hear a man want to not only help out but also spend time with her daughter and want to see her. She smiles at him as she pulls her phone from her back pocket. “Umm let me find the most recent one of Evelyn.”  She shows him a picture that she took of her right before she left. She was in a blue polka dotted onesies with her hair in pigtails. 
He took the phone out of her hand examine the small infant who looks a lot like her mother with the same small nose and genuine smile. Her eyes and skin were a few shades lighter than her mother making him wonder if the baby’s father was white. “She’s absolutely adorable. So she will be here in a week?  Is she flying alone or with someone?”
“My in-laws are flying to Japan so they are flying to Cali with her for the layover.  I hope she is a good flyer.” She replies with a hopeful smile. 
“In-laws?  I don’t mean to pry but did you get a divorce?”  Chris asked before his mind would stop him. 
She knew that it would be asked sooner if not later. “No, he died in a car wreck right after Eevee was born.  I want her to know who he was from me and his side of the family, I keep the connection always open.  She’s their first grand child.”
He nods his head feeling like a dumbass for asking because he could see the slight bit of sadness come across her face when she was replying. With out thinking he puts his arm around her shoulder and gives her a hug. At first he felt her body tense by the sudden physical contact but she slowly relaxed in his arms. 
“Thanks for telling me. And just being honest.  I think that is why I needed help from Jeff because I just want to hang out and know someone genuinely. You know?”
“Understood.  Just odd that you would need help.”
“Really? Why is that?”
Lena bit on her lip ring finding the words to say not realizing that he thought she was absolutely adorable. “Well, let’s see. You are very handsome, and from what I’ve seen in the media an all around good guy.”
Chris blushes at her comment. He’s never been good accepting them and wondering if the person who says them are genuine or not. “Thanks. I try.”
A small silence happens between them but not in an awkward way.  “So, how are you guys doing?  What do you think?  Will this work for you Chris?”  Jeff says. The way he said it makes Chris slump, since it makes him feel like he has to accept to be polite even though he wanted to be linked up to her. 
Lena shifts her attention to Marylea who is giving her a hopeful smile.  This is worse then being picked for a team. “We are good. I think we are meshing really well.”
“Ok great!  We just have some paperwork to go over and need you to see his schedule and compare it to yours.” Jeff says as he crosses the room to his desk. 
“Paperwork?”  Lena and Marylea reply in unison. “What kind of paperwork?”
Jeff stops searching for documents on his computer to look at the two females. “Yes, paperwork. NDA meaning you won’t go to the press about Chris or any of his personal business.  Nothing to crazy and he can fill one out for you since you have a daughter.”
Chris looks at her, her expression is unreadable. He doesn’t do anything to be exposed to the paparazzi but he knows Jeff wants to be safe. “I’d rather her not sign it.”
“Umm excuse me?  Ladies I need a word with him. I’ll call you back in a few.”  Jeff says with a slightly frustrated look. 
The women nod and leave the room looking confused like Jeff. “Dude what’s that about?”  Jeff asks. 
“I trust her.”
“Maybe so but I think you should have her sign it.”
“I’d rather she not.  What if I end up with her?  I don’t want that to be a reason why she isn’t with me.”
“But you don’t even know her yet.”
“Key word is yet. I think we might actually be good together. If I don’t feel like it’s ok we can revisit it in two weeks”
Jeff sighs deeply and looks at the hopeful look on Chris’ face. “Fine. But two weeks and that is all.”
Lena and Marylea walked down the long hall way to Marylea’s office. Before the two got all the way to her office they hear heavy foodstuff coming their way. 
“Hey Evangeline! Wait up!” Chris says. 
“You guys done so soon?”  Lena asks with a questioning expression. “Ready for me to sign the papers?”
“Yes and no.”  The two women gave him confused expression.  “Yes we are done and no you don’t have to do the NDA.  I trust you.”
“Thanks.  I guess.”  Lena replies.  “So how does this all work?”
Chris shoves his hands in his pockets looking a little unsure.  “Well, we could lunch or dinner today if you would like.  I know you just got into town and I know you and Marylea will want to catch up.  Just figure a meal together to know more about each other and the events I have to attend.”
Marylea can see Lena’s body slowly grow tense, she knew Lena was probably going to put off hanging out with Chris as long as she could.  Before Lena could open her mouth, “How about your guys do lunch since I don’t get off work for a few more hours then afterwards us girls can have girl’s night.”
Lena turns her head and looks at Marylea like she has lost her mind.  “Yeah sure we can do lunch.”
“Great!  Let me tell Jeff I’m leaving and we will be good to go.”  Chris says cheerfully.
As soon as the door shuts, “Seriously?  What have you signed me up for?”  Lena says as she pulls out her mirror to make sure she looks decent to be seen out in public.
“You’ve signed up for a good time.  I promise it will be ok.  Just trust that it will be ok.  I think you guys will get along just fine.”
“Yes yes, but you owe me big.”
“I know.  Drinks on me tonight.”
Chris comes back to the office, “Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”  As the two leave Marylea’s office, Chris’ hand moves to Lena’s lower back to usher her out the room.  This will be ok.  This will be ok, she mentally chants to herself.
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europeanguy · 5 years
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Some Kind of Magic
Pairing: Shane x Platinum!MC (Veronica/ “Ronnie”)
Words: >2k
Rating: G, Fluff
Summary: Shane and Ronnie reminisce about 2006 and Shane is a being a big melt
A/N: many many thanks to @pixieferry for “beta-ing” this, without whom this drabble would be one huge yikes. Thank you for all your help and all the encouragement 💛 I forgot to ask you about titles so this will do HAHAHA
tagging @8im8the8one bc she ships this and has good taste LMAO
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“Do I look okay?” Veronica turns to Shane, then turns back again to the mirror. She pouts and points at the nearly invisible dark circles under her eyes - even Shane couldn’t lie, no amount of concealer can hide the hours upon hours they spent awake brainstorming for her Christmas album. “God, I look like a zombie.”
“But a very pretty - albeit a little tired - zombie.” Shane snorts from his place on the bed from the other side of the room. But she did look pretty, with or without a scary professional stylist who micromanages her everyday clothing choices. “Did Zadie pick that out?”
“Yeah, oh my god, you should have seen her face when she saw me packing this skirt in an overnight bag.” Veronica smooths out her maxi skirt, then cuffs and uncuffs her sweater sleeves. “I can’t believe I kept you up all night writing lyrics with me.”
“I’ll be alright… I’m worried about you, though. Do your fake dates always have to be this early?”
“Dinner is kind of teetering in the danger zone, if you know what I mean.” Veronica winks at the mirror as she ruffles her brown bangs. A non-awkward silence slips in, seconds ticks by before they burst into laughter. “Fiona just said dinner is too romantic at this point, okay?”
“Riiight… we can’t have you munching on oysters in dim lighting with Raleigh Carrera, cause you just might jump him.” Shane bites his lip to stifle his laughter. He almost feels a sense of deja vu - as if they were eight again laughing under the pillow fort that they always build in her parent’s living room. It’s as if this has happened before, except now they’re older and miles away from home - still somehow together.
“Ugh!” Veronica groans in frustration and walks over to Shane’s bed, collapsing beside him. Her weight makes the mattress dip as she tries to find a comfortable position. She ends up squeezed next to him, arms crossed. “I don’t even like him like that.”
Shane nods, closing his eyes. “It does suck that your first relationship is with a hot famous guy, Ronnie.”
Veronica smirks and burrows her cold feet under Shane’s legs.
“Eeee!” Shane squirms away. “What’s that for?!”
“That was for sassing me,” Veronica shrugs. “Speaking of fake relationships, weren’t you my fake husband?”
Back then, it was for a little movie he was shooting with his dad’s camera. That was when Shane fully realized that he’s into the whole concept of telling stories through film, so it’s only obvious that the star of all his projects would be Veronica - who also happens to be the only actress he can find that’s willing to work for candy. Everett, Veronica’s older brother, promised to play the officiant role but bailed at the last second - so they had to be creative and use their teddy bears.
“Damn, you really upgraded.” Shane still remembers that summer and how upset Veronica was when she found out that Shane already ate his ring pop wedding ring.
“Not really,” Veronica shrugs. “I mean, I don’t think he’d re-tie my shoes for me for a whole month until I figured out how to do it myself.”
“Oh my god, you still remember that?” Shane covers his face in embarrassment. “I think you realized you had to do it yourself when I accidentally tied your shoelaces together and you landed flat on your face.”
“Accidentally.” Veronica makes air quotes, earning a scoff from him.
“I was four!”
“I miss that playground… not how the sand tastes though.” Veronica smiles. “Are you coming back home for Christmas?”
“I don’t know, honestly.” Shane sighs. “Mom and Dad are already bugging me about booking plane tickets. Apparently she needs my help to convert a bunch of home videos she found in our attic.”
“Please tell me I’m invited! I want to rewatch all our movies!” Veronica sits up.
“That’s already a given.” Shane stretches his arms then proceeds to feel around the bed for his phone. “Huh… mom just sent me a video.”
Dear Shane,
Dad and I figured it out, but you still have to come home, I know for a fact that you’re not eating well at your dorm… I can tell from your Pictagram pictures. Please tell Ronnie we miss her and we’d love for her to spend the holidays with us. Love you sweetie.
Shane bursts out laughing at his mom’s use of LOL - and the fact that his mother follows him on Pictagram.
“What is it?” Veronica lies back, scooting closer to Shane so she could peek at his phone’s screen. “Aww, I miss your mom too.”
Underneath the message is an attachment of a video, with a slightly blurry, and hauntingly familiar, thumbnail.
“Is that-?”
“Oh god. Oh no. Oh my god-” Shane tries to scramble away but Veronica’s prying hands are too quick, and she snatches the phone away from him.
Veronica taps the play button and instantly, hundreds of voices and clapping meld together into unintelligible noise and the video slowly focuses on the stage as an older student shuffles to the microphone stand. 
“I now have the pleasure of announcing the final act of the Winter Talent Show,” they start a little too loudly, sending feedback throughout the auditorium. “Please welcome Shane and Ronnie as they sing Way Back Into Love!”
The announcer runs offstage and the stage lights flicker on as the curtains open, revealing a ten-year-old Shane and Ronnie by his side - both terrified. Shane remembers that moment when Ronnie couldn’t let go of his hand. The auditorium is silent and whoever is taking the video sniffs.
“Look at us!” Veronica coos at the screen, and just in time the video zooms in to their faces as they step forward to the mic stand. The announcer runs back with a spare microphone and stand for Shane, gives the two kids an encouraging nod before awkwardly running off. Shane looks at Ronnie and they finally let go of each other’s hands to get in position.
The first few notes of the song starts in a soft piano instrumental, and little Ronnie closes her eyes as if to take a breath. She opens her eyes and looks at Shane for reassurance, the uncertainty slowly fading from her face. She sings, softly at first.
I’ve been living with a shadow, overhead. I’ve been sleeping with a cloud above my bed. I’ve been lonely for so long, trapped in the past I just can’t seem to move on.
“Noooo, no no-” Shane grabs a pillow and buries his face in it, trying to drown out his own voice as he sings Hugh Grant’s parts in monotone.
“You weren’t that bad!” Veronica pokes his side as she continues to watch the video.
All I wanna do is find a way back into love.
Ronnie’s voice carries them throughout the whole performance, making both of them sound good.
“I still don’t know how you do that.” Shane tosses the pillow off his face, giving up and decides to watch the video again.
“Do what?” Veronica can’t stop smiling as she watches them finish the song and excitedly hug on stage as the crowd breaks into applause.
“That whole angelic voice thing.” Shane says oh-so-casually, hoping she doesn’t notice the tell-tale blush on his cheeks. 
As the video comes to an end, little Shane and Ronnie hold hands as they walk backstage amidst the applause. Her hands were cold and clammy from nerves, not that he ever cared if her hands were sweaty or sticky with candy. 
“That was so cute.” Veronica wipes her eyes, handing Shane’s phone over to him. “I love you, you know.”
Shane nods, trying not to put too much meaning in her words. “I know.”
“No, really,” Veronica sighs. “You didn’t really want to be on stage but it was my first time performing in front of a crowd that big, so when I asked you to sign up with me and you agreed, no complaints.”
“Well thanks to me we didn’t win, so.” Shane grins. A week after the talent show he gave Ronnie a trophy out of empty tissue rolls held together by glue. 
Veronica sighs exaggeratedly and chuckles. She shifts position, locking her eyes onto his. His mouth goes dry. Was his best friend, since they were four, making heart eyes at him? Nah, he must be hallucinating. 
He tries to squelch that weird flip-flopping in his stomach, whatever the hell it is. Tries to ignore the subtle scent of her shampoo, not quite masked by her perfume, and it takes him back to when they were ten with asters in their hair. Don’t stare at her soft lips - shit too late, too late. They’re inching closer, her breath is warm on his skin and everything’s tingling and
Both of them nearly jump out of their skin when her phone starts ringing, cutting through the thick tension in the air. Veronica scrambles to get her phone and Shane’s cheeks ignite as he sits up to put some distance between them.
“Hank’s downstairs,” Veronica rolls her eyes and smiles, “Time to show up at fake brunch.”
“Duty calls!” Shane stands up and clears his throat, suddenly feeling awkward. Oh god. That was so unnatural just now. What’s wrong with you, Shane?  “So uh, I’ll walk you out?”
Veronica slips her socks on, quickly shuffling around the room to shove her stuff back into her bag. “Sure!”
“Wait, don’t forget this!” Shane fishes under his duvet for her lyrics notebook, then follows Veronica who’s already hurried out of his room. Shane spots something pink at the corner of his eye, but ignores it as he jogs down the stairs of their shared loft. After Veronica slips on her boots, Shane hands her the notebook.
“Oh my god, thank you.” Veronica takes the notebook and gives him a tight hug. “Hang soon, okay?”
Shane watches as she rushes down the hall to the elevator. She flashes him an uncharacteristically shy smile while waiting for the elevator to reach their floor. It reaches them with a soft ding, and Shane’s stomach drops as his roommates step out - looking confused when they come face to face with Veronica. Veronica gives them a sheepish grin as she steps in the elevator, looking at Shane one last time before the doors close.
Tucker looks back at the closed elevator and back at Shane - who simply shrugs in innocence.
“That was… that was-”
“I thought you guys wouldn’t be home until Sunday?” Shane nonchalantly types a text to Veronica as he steps aside to let his roommates in.
You left your wig 😂😂😂
“Do not change the subject right now.” Tucker lugs his suitcase inside. “That person who obviously just came out of our place-”
“My friend-Ronnie? Yup.”
Shane’s phone pings with a text.
Looks like you have some explaining to do 😂
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Another A/N:
1. Ronnie is my Open Heart MC’s (Everett) little sister, she’s 23 and he’s 27.
2. honestly that’s it my mind is already blanking its almost 2 HAHA
3. Oh YEAH I almost forgot to talk about that edit…
4. I feel like Shane turned out as a cute kid but man…. Ronnie was looking a lot more demonic in the previous versions (I used to ILITW MC kids + their faces, not unlike my TRR edit with the TE MCs + the gang)
5. anyway i know i said i quit writing but this just stemmed from me needing Shane x MC content and not finding any so I took it upon myself to just make them lol (also Way Back Into Love is kind of my recent song obsession)
6. I just love hugh grant okay
7. okay bye
65 notes · View notes
Hey who wants to hear the miserable story about how I had to deal with loneliness this year? Feel free to scroll on I just need to write it down to, I suppose close the chapter on the story? Read if your curious, or maybe also need guidance, or just want to learn some tips on how to help someone dealing with it. This will be poorly structured it’s just... getting it off my chest I guess.
People talk sometimes about university students often struggling with loneliness, and often going overlooked because they’re not seen as ‘vulnerable’ as other populations. I mean, look! They’re in a city! They go out every night and piss off the locals! They can’t be lonely!
It started back in 2018 (yup, that far back), when my friends decided that it would be better for my mental health if I didn’t live with them. No lie, that was the actual fucking reason. I was heartbroken; I’ve missed out on a lot of typical “growing up! Yay!” Type things because of my mental health, trauma and bullying and the fact that “living with friends” was gonna be added to the list was fucking heart breaking. But I dealt with it, because I had no where else to turn. No one else to move in with. I cried for like 2 hours solid after they so sweetly told me they didn’t want to live with me because I have *anxiety*. Not even one of the quote unquote “””scary””” mental illnesses (which would have been a MAJOR dick move), just plain old anxiety attacks and hiding from people to calm down. I proceeded to have break downs every Wednesday for 3 months while searching for somewhere to live, bc it was always a stabbing reminder that I was so unwanted.
(They planned to move in with 2 other people so it’s not even like they were only searching for a flat to fit *just* them)
I study 300 miles away from home, literally the exact opposite part of the country. Despite not having many friends growing up I was never lonely because I had a great family who would always chase it away. Maybe I was lonely a bit at school, but I could always come home and my parents chased it away. It was recurrent, but not constant.
I got a place for the new academic year. Studio flat, great location, tiny and over priced to Hell but I was in a safe area which was great because *no one was looking out for me anymore*. I didn’t have flat mates to check I was alive everyday, no one to chat to when I got home. If I got sick, I was completely on my own. My next door neighbour is lovely, don’t get me wrong, but she’s a working professional, and I’m a second year student. Everyone else in studio flats are mature students, masters, phD students or working people. And me. I have so little in common with these people it’s tough to start a conversation with them.
My birthday is early in the academic year, so we didn’t celebrate it until about a month after. Half of my friends didn’t even bother, no card, no presents. Okay, fine, I’m not materialistic, but acknowledgement would have been nice I suppose. This is the only time they came around my flat, and they are the cake I baked to celebrate.
But they inexplicably started to just stop interacting with me. There were 5 of us, they’d pair up in lectures and only talk between themselves between lectures and left me sat quietly trying to speak to someone, ANYONE, because hello? I haven’t got FLATMATES. I talk to NO ONE outside of this “friendship” group. They don’t seem to care much, they just keep telling me how wonderful it must be to live in a studio.
They invited me round to celebrate another friend’s birthday at their shared flat. He gets presents from everyone, including the two that left me out. Their flat looks lived in, there’s board games out while I don’t have room for any of them in mine. They’ve got bean bags everywhere it looks so damn nice. “But your kitchen is bigger than ours!” Eve tried to tell me (an absolute LIE), but they don’t roll out of bed and immediately land in the kitchen. They don’t have to chose between watching tv, eating or living the flat any time they want to dry clothes bc there’s no room. I want to cry throughout the visit, I storm off once were done. I don’t know why. I know now.
Loneliness feels like a weight on your chest. It’s a double edged sword where both edges only cut you. You desperately seek interaction but it also upsets you. I wanted to hang out at their flat because I hadn’t hung out with them in nearly a month at this point, but when I got there I realised they hung out together every. Single. Night. While I cried alone in my room. It made everything so much worse. And they laughed it off.
They stopped posting in the group chat, they talked to me even less. Never invited me out, but there’s no way I could prove *they* went out so it was pointless complaining about it. I was meant to go to a concert with one of them, I reminded her about tickets an entire month before, offered to buy hers. She cancelled 5 hours beforehand. I went alone.
It was a Toyah concert. I fought back sobs in the opening song “Good morning universe”, because it repeatedly asks “how are you today?”. I was awful. I finally had it figured out. I was lonely, isolated, and I didn’t know what to do.
Before anyone gets too sad, the story only continues for 2 weeks past this concert.
1st November, they joke about how Blake, friend number 4, practically lives at their flat, and I get angry. Why does HE get to live there? Blake has flatmates, Blake’s not alone! I should be practically living there because there’s NOTHING in my flat but silence. The internet is on the fritz and I’ve yet to figure out the tv, I don’t even have background noise except the kettle! I storm off, vow to never interact with them again.
I go out for drinks with my neighbour for her birthday. She buys me a pint of coke bc I don’t drink. I hate coke, but I drink it all and chat with her friends. It was a great night.
That weekend I bake pumpkin cake and bread for knitting society, and calm down. I overreacted a bit surely. One more chance, that’s all I’ll give them. The cake and bread doesn’t all get eaten at the society so I bring some for them on the Monday.
Tuesday night is bonfire night. I sit in my flat wishing I could go out and see them rather than just hear them, but I don’t know where to go. I have no one to go with.
Wednesday im sat in lectures beside them, and a friend not in the group but still a friend comes over to chat. One of them excitedly tells her about how they went to a display last night “look at these photos I got of (friend in group)!” I ask if they went out last night, the phone is quickly put away, they ignore me. I ask again. The friend outside of the group is confused and leaves before the lecture starts. I spend 3 hours with loneliness ripping out my lungs, because how could they? They could’ve dropped me a message to say they were going and I could meet up, but they didn’t even do that? Why?
After the lectures finished I corner one of them. The first of my friends at university. The first person on my course I befriended. “Did you go out last night?” “Yes” “without me?” Another runs up “it was last minute it wasn’t planned!” Laughs it off. So I rush off. I don’t say good bye. That was it.
I went home and cried. Told my parents what happened. Cried down the phone to them. “It’s time to cut ties with them”. I know it is. It’s still hard.
So yeah. Miserable story. But any sad story should have a happy ending, right?
The next day I told someone what had happened. She immediately called it bullshit and invited me to join her friends. They’re really nice. I like them.
I left the old group chat. No explanation, just “I’m hanging out with X now. Laters” and I left. I wrote my frustrations and explanation in a shitty poem, called it shitty in the poem itself, but also said they didn’t deserve better. They didn’t deserve even that, so I didn’t send it. I think it was a very sexy decision of mine.
But most importantly, through the hardest points, most of my weekly socialisation every week came from the two societies im part of: my society (knitting) and the nerd society. 4 1/2 hours a week of socialising isn’t enough, surprisingly. But it got me through.
But more importantly are the people I met there. I don’t want to tell them what happened, I fear they’ll be upset that they didn’t help more, but they helped so damn much. So much more than could ever be expected from anyone. That final Wednesday, when I’d cried my heart out, 2 people texted me out of the blue and lifted my spirits so much I laughed that evening where I’d cried in the day. Stupid texts too. “Baby rabbits and kittens, cos you’re a vet right?” And “I only just got this message, I would have LOVED some pumpkin cake 🙁”. Poor lads probably weren’t expecting the wild conversations we had afterwards but friendships blossomed from it. Sorry new friend, hope you like the cheese scone recipe you definitely did NOT see coming that day.
The society meets on a Thursday, but it was to be a video watching thing more than a social thing. Loneliness was still tearing me up inside, I wanted to talk to someone damnit! But I went because I needed cheering up. I laughed so hard, I sang theme songs with others, and we all went to the pub afterwards. I’d never been before, I planned to leave at half 10 so I could shower and go to sleep in reasonable time for a 9am lab. I got chatting to the cake boy at 22:25. By the time we left the bar and he’d had his fill of chocolate rolls at my flat (I offered, he was hungry and Sainsbury’s was closed) and I was in bed, it was 00:40. Oops.
But I wasn’t lonely anymore.
Whats there to learn? I suppose don’t take advantage of your friends. If someone is living alone, check on them OFTEN. Make sure you don’t just pair up for conversations in lectures. Invite people round more.
And don’t under estimate the power of a text message. The lack of one ruined one friendship, one daft one about pumpkin cake built another.
(And I baked cookies for my new friends and we ate them in front of the old friends. Get rekt).
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lovedeluxe92 · 6 years
okay so i started working at jimmy johns in early febuary of this year. i needed a job rlly bad and money desperately, just something to keep me afloat and to afford food. what i experienced...i was not at all prepared for lmao. i was sexually harassed, verbally harassed, had my hours fucked with, had management and even the owners of the company who could give a fuck less about their employees, had to deal with my fellow coworkers AND managers being on k2 and other drugs, and the final fucking straw which was getting my tip money stolen from me OUT OF THE SAFE BY A MANAGER. i started working as a delivery driver. which was INCREDIBLY stress inducing at first bc i worked at the one right downtown. i had to deal with
i started working as a delivery driver. which was INCREDIBLY stress inducing at first bc i worked at the one right downtown. i had to deal with
traffic, pedestrians NOT LOOKING WHERE THE FUCK THEY WERE GOING DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY PPL I ALMOST KILLED CAUSE /THEY/ DID NOT LOOK, we have ‘parking police’ and i legit got about 15-20 tickets during my time there bc that asshole was out for blood and anytime he saw my car, even if i wasnt parked illegally (oh did i mention we had like 3 parking spots all on the street and all with a 2 hour limit (: ) or hadnt been parked in a spot for the full 2 hours. so there was that. 
see when i first started everything was fine. we had good employees who worked hard and did what they had to do. they were all stoners, but whatever i could care less about that. SO. our assistant manager, he was a mess. racist, homophobic, rude, loud. the worst. we would do dabs out in his car (yeah i know but i worked at a fucking jimmy johns) and he would just say the most questionable shit. i remember this one time he saw my phone background was a pic of me and my bf and was like ‘oh you like black guys? what’s your sex like? i bet it’s really good’ and im not gonna go into too much detail here, bc it upset me and its racist,  but he kept going and said some REALLY creepy shit i was like wtf and told him to never speak to me like that again or i would report him for sexual harassment (side note: one time he thought i did report him for sexual harassment and was like “who are you gonna buy weed from now?” LITERALLY ANYONE YOU PIECE OF SHIT.) he would always be like “DAMN THICK’ whenever i would bend over and do everything. I TOLD MY MANAGER AT THE TIME. she  didn’t do anything. AND the owners of the franchise definitely knew bc like...there’s cameras and they can hear everything we say? but no one did fucking anything. and i needed the money bad so i had to stay. of course i told him off constantly. he was white and always saying the n word. just a piece of fucking shit. 
i think the happiest day of my life was when he FINALLY got fired. my manager had to go to another city for a week and help out that jimmy johns bc i guess ALL the employees and managers did a walk out (yeah this happens at all the jimmy johns owned locally in my area i wish i was kidding) and left his inept ass in charge. it took him 5 mins to make sandwiches (FREAKY FAST hello????) he was just a poor manager. but THEN he started using k2 again. and he was a zombie. there was no point of him even being there bc like he would just go to the back of the store and just stand in front of the freezer door staring for like 10-15 mins at a time.i was a driver and didnt know how to make sandwiches yet and this bitch seriously was just standing there cracked out of his mind on k2 in FRONT of customers (and i will say our customers were SO nice at least) takking phone calls slurring his words. it was embarrassing. i rememeber i had 2 customers who had waited almost a HALF HOUR for ONE sandwich bc i was having a panic attack and losing my fucking mind trying to make their sandwiches while he was in his truck getting high and refusing to come in. one of the customers actually gave me a tip and told me i was doing great and the other one was like ‘im so sorry this is happening to you, that guy is  fucked up’. anyway, he passed out on k2 in his truck one night and got the cops called on him and got banned from the property :) i still saw him from time to time and he looked disgusting & miserable and it made me so happy. 
mostly we just had grown ass employees, fucking 30 year olds, just acting like children. always on drugs. i had one coworker pretend to slap my ass and i called him out and he was like ‘it’s a joke im not apologizing’. people would try to take deliveries from me. AND LET ME JUST SAY, not even to fucking brag even slighly but i was the best worker there my entire time there bc regardless of where im working i am giving my 100% every day and no one else there would. but ppl always tried to step over me and did not respect me. we had one coworker who had 3 felonies and one day like 4-5 cops came to our store to tell us to call the cops the next time he showed up for work (surprise surprise he fled bc they took an hour to get to the store despite the fact we were literally like not even 4 blocks from the police station) and he was always high on k2. forever late. day after day no call no show. he had his friend get hired on who would go down to subway and talk shit about subway in his uniform??? lmao and subway called us one day and was like ‘can yall not?’ he also threatened to burn down the store and then my manager (who was always on a power trip if we’re being honest) purposefully withheld his paycheck to fuck with him, because he was fucking with her, so we dealt with him WAY longer than we should have? 
then this one bitch that became manager, SOMEHOW, we were seriously always that desperate for staff and we hire anyone bc the managers are overworked af and just want to take the load off. anyway, SHE was always high on k2 as well. and she would always overshare rlly traumatic personal things from her life to me and all the customers and its like....girl we dont wanna hear that pls try and get some help. she was not currently being abused, i wanna specify. she was talking about things from her past. i sympathized with her but like im a victim of dv too lmao i dont wanna see your bruises without being asked first. and then i remember one day i left my money bag there (i kept my tips in it and had like $37 in there or something) and this bitch who was making MORE MONEY THAN ME seriously fucking went into the safe (we caught her on camera lmao) and stole that money out of my bag and left a few bills to make it seem less suspicious i guess??? lied about it to my face? then quit bc she ‘wasnt gonna sit there and be accused of something i didnt do’ like ok lmao
then to top it all off at one point my old manager just stopped giving a fuck and the store went to shit and we got complaint after complaint and she started being so rude to all of her staff, including myself (and we were like besties so i was devastated) and she cut my hours when she was submitting our work times for the checks because i would clock in early to help out....LIKE SHE ASKED? and it was just everything i said to her...her response was just the most rude and hateful voice and just....it was so rude. i cried every single day after work. she eventually got replaced and then quit 
but then this new manager, whom i loved, was very depressed and just had a lot wrong with him mentally but he was still very....drama starting and attention seeking. he would talk about suicide nonstop 24/7 and not to be callous but it just made me so uncomfortable and triggered me so much? they did overwork him and i will attest and agree to that and he had a lot on his shoulders but he couldve gone to mcdonalds literally any day and gotten a job with better hours, better pay, and better benefits. i kept telling him over and over to leave bc he had so much managerial experience he couldve been hired anywhere! all resteraunts down here are perpetually hiring, especially for managers! i would know bc i was looking for another job lmao. but he’d text me every night saying things like ‘well lets hope i drink myself to death’ ‘suicide is painless’ etc. and it was just......VERY uncomfortable for me, as someone who has attempted suicide and still struggles with ideation from time to time lmao it was just the most triggering environment ever 
like idk how i lasted that long but i worked my ass off, saved up my money, have a good paying job and im trying my best to forget this entire experience (honestly i did have some good times) but i really dont....think i can lmao 
ON A POSTIVE NOTE: we had some of the kindest and most caring customers ive ever had in my life. i was shocked. but the amount of times i had a shitty customer in my entire time there i can count on one hand lmao like....even when they were shitty they were like ‘im sorry i know yall work hard and everything’ like i miss my customers SO MUCH because we actually had relationships with them and shit and ugh god. if the customers were shitty tho i would never have kept this job lmfao 
i stayed at this job simply bc i made enough money for rent and my bills perfectly and it was one of the few jobs where i was paid an hourly wage + tips. and i wanted my next job to be a job in my field. that’s why i stuck around so long, it took some time to do that.
so yeah theres my mess i love anyone who read this and you can have my first born and be the beneficiary to my life insurance when i die
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xuxisbbymami · 6 years
Fifa Reactions~NCT
Warnings- swearing, mentions of sex and oral. Gets a bit angsty
AN- so it’s the World Cup and I thought I should write something. Don’t worry I’m still writing Psych 101 I just thought I should only upload 2 chapters a week so I dont finish it too quickly. Also the quality of the story is a lot better if I’m not updating daily. (Y sí hablo español. Mi familia de mi mama son de Chile pero se solo un poco español)😊😊 A hoe too mad her country didn’t make it to the cup😭
Taeyong- “He’s a soccer player and the other team cheats so he gets into a fight” (Uruguay)
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Uruguay has won only 1 World Cup and today are the semifinals. Your boyfriend and his team have worked their butts off to get here and are determined to get into the finals. The first round they are in the lead by 2 points. In the second round the opposing team catches up with them. But Uruguay maintains their stamina has most possession of the ball. Everyone is sure they’ll pull through and break the tie. The other team though was also hellbent on getting into the finals. When Taeyong dribbles the ball and passes it to his teammate who is about to score, multiple players from the other team bombard and steal the ball from him. Tae snaps. While the ref is blowing the whistle and taking the ball from the other team Tae runs up to one of the players and shoves him down. “What the hell man”?! “It’s not my fault you can’t take a little dirty play”. Tae gets on top of him and starts punching him. You, sitting with the subs, run out on field to get your boyfriend. “Tae! Please get off him! You’ll kill him”! Your usually sweet and passive boyfriend angry is already bad enough but you know with the added stress of winning and extra hard training he’s deadly. He hears your voice and stops to look at you. You pull him off the guy with help from his teammates who were watching in sidelines just as shocked as everyone else. The two of you go into the locker room where he can calm down. You rub his back let him lay in the crook of your neck. After everyone settles down the officials decide the other team is disqualified but Tae will not compete in the finals.
Taeil- “Your team lost against Korea he’s bragging” (Denmark)
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You knew by the end of the first half Denmark was done for. The score was already 5 nothing and you knew Korea hadn’t gotten started yet. Every attempt Denmark made at a goal Korea deflected it and your boyfriend cheering and celebrating wasn’t making it any better. You roll your eyes when Korea seamlessly scores 3 more goals by the end of the game. Taeil points and laughs at you. “Y/n did you see that? It would’ve been better if Denmark didn’t show at all”. He’s literally rolling on the floor dying of laughter. You straddle his waist and bang on chest, “Shut up Taeil I get it your team is so much better than mine. No one cares”. You get off him and storm into the room you guys share. You weren’t really mad you just hated that he had to brag about it. You would’ve been fine taking your L in peace. A moments later your boyfriend comes through the door seeing you pouting. “Hey baby” He sits a couple feet away from you not wanting to make you even more mad. “You know I was just kidding. I love seeing you pouty. You look so adorable”. “Whatever” you mumble. He tackles you with a hug and kisses all over your face. “Babyyyyy I love you!!!! Stop being mad and let love youuuuuu”!!!! You let out a sigh and let him continue with a tiny smile on your face.
Johnny- “You guys dress up to support your team” (Morocco)
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Johnny knows how much you love the World Cup. Growing up, whenever it came one it was the center of your household. This is your first fifa away from home and Johnny wants it to be just as special. He surprises you with tickets to see your country, Morocco, play. The day of the game Johnny buys face paint and matching jerseys of your favorite player, Mbark Boussoufa. He paints your face the color of the flag and you his. “Thank you so much for this Johnny. This is so sweet”! He kisses your nose before he spray dyes your hair, “You know I would do anything for you baby”.
Yuta- “You guys lowkey beef bc your teams are competing against each other” (Senegal)
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When you saw Japan and Senegal would compete you knew that your apartment would be filled with an unspoken tension. You both are very prideful when it comes to your countries and take this very seriously. The day of the game he invites over 6 of the guys over to watch. During the match they feel the unbearable tension and watch you two as you both intensely watch the tv screen not saying a word. When the winner is announced let’s just say one of you had to leave that’s how bad it was.
Kun- “He’s a soccer player and losses a game and gets upset” (Peru)
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Peru got annihilated. They fought hard and gave it all they had but they were no match for France. When your boyfriend walks off the field with his head hung your heart breaks. You let him go into the locker and change while you wait in the car. He comes about 15 minutes silent. You take off your seatbelt and climb over the center console into his lap. You hug him tight and he nudges his head in the crook of your neck and sobs. “It’s all my fault I should’ve ran fast or guarded my teammates or-” “Kun,baby, it’s not your fault. You’re part of a team. You play together, you win together and you lose together. It’s not all on you. And it’s just this one game you still have a game next week and look how far you’ve made it. You made it onto Peru’s national soccer team and you guys qualified for the cup. America couldn’t even do that”. He chuckles a little and you continue to rub his back. “You gave it your all baby that’s all that matters. You poured your whole heart onto that field. I’m so proud of everything you are and have become”. He lifts his head up and kisses you softly. He pulls back and mumbles against your lips, “Thank you for being there for me. I don’t deserve you”.
Doyoung- “He’s a soccer player and gets injured” (Belgium)
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He’s running to get the ball when he suddenly collapses. His teammates see him and pause for a second but know that if they lose possession of the ball for even a second it’s over for them. You, on the other hand, see that he’s down and hop up. “Someone go help him he’s hurt”! The paramedics rush out to get him and you run to his side. He’s groaning in pain and agony. “I’m right here baby don’t worry. Just relax”. You get into the ambulance with him and they rush you guys to the hospital. There you are told that he tore his ACL and would need surgery. Him being doped up on morphine to kill the pain doesn’t really comprehend the situation; you do though. He won’t be able to compete for the rest of the cup and probably be off for a season. That’s all if everything goes smoothly. If the tear is worse than they predicted he could possibly never play soccer again. You know that when he becomes aware of his predicament he’ll be devastated. You sob in your half conscious boyfriend’s lap and just pray everything goes well.
Ten- “Your team won you brag about it (vs Korea)”(Mexico)
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“GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!” You scream as you run around your apartment’s living room. Mexico just nailed Korea in their coffin with the final score 6-3. Your boyfriend though doesn’t mind. He sits back and watches you prance around screaming. He loves watching you get so excited and act like a child. That’s the only reason he even watches this. He couldn’t care less whether or not Korea wins. “I WON!! MY COUNTRY BEAT YOURS!! HOW DOES IT FEEL LOSER??” You hop onto his lap and bounce around. He smiles at you lovingly, “Amazing. Simply amazing sweetheart”.
Jaehyun- “Your teams are tied” (Sweden)
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You both were on the edge of your seat. Sweden and Korea are tied 4-4 with 3 minutes left on the clock. Before the game you both decided that whoever’s team lost had to get the other person head. You love giving your boyfriend head just as much as he loves giving you head but your competitive sides aren’t allowing it. The ball is in your possession your team is dribbling the ball to the goal. You’re sure your team has won the game. That is until they completely miss giving the ball to Jaehyun’s team. You’re screaming and cursing while he’s laughing and clapping loudly. Korea dribbles the ball to their side and scores a the last minute. “You know what you have to do babygirl” he smirks and puts his hand behind his head. You sigh and roll your eyes but gladly tie your hair back and get on your knees.
Winwin- “He gets really into the game” (Nigeria)
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You didn’t care for sports. Never have and probably never will. Your boyfriend though loves sports. When the World Cup started you were not looking forward to hearing him and his buddies screaming at the tv. You usually go to your bedroom watch a movie, sleep or go out when sports in general are played in your home but today you decide to watch. You surprise him by sitting next to him and his friends on the coach.Your boyfriend’s favorite team, Nigeria, is playing today so you know it will be extra loud today. As the match starts your surprised that this isn’t half as bad as you thought. The real show though was watching your boyfriend intensely watch the screen, clench his jaw and yell every so often.
Jungwoo- “Your team misses a goal and you curse in your language” (Costa Rica)
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You grew up with soccer and fifa being the pride of your country. Every 4 years it was mandatory to tune into the World Cup and cheer on Costa Rica. This year when they make it into the semifinals you lose it. You start thinking they might actually win this year and this only makes your hopes and expectations for your team to grow. For the entire match Costa Rica holds their own. They maintain a score to keep up with their competitor and currently have possession of the ball. All they need it one more goal and they’re off to the finals. They move to take the shoot but go over the goal. “PINCHE PUTA” You exclaim. Your boyfriend, in the kitchen, hears you and comes into the living. “Baby?” He asks trying not to laugh. He doesn’t speak Spanish nor does he comprehend it well but he knew a swear when he heard one. You hardly swear but you do it’s always a delight to him. “I’m sorry Jungwoo. It’s just that we were so close”. He walks over to you and sits down on the sofa. You lie down in his lap and allow him to rub your hair. “I know baby. I know” he chuckles to himself.
Lucas- “He plays soccer and makes a winning shot” (Egypt)
Lucas has trained extremely hard to be where he is now. Late nights and early mornings got him here to the finals and you couldn’t be prouder. You watch from the sidelines as your boyfriend is out on the field hustling. His love and passion for the sport is one of your favorite things about him. Seeing him sprint back and forth across the field causes you to have to fan yourself even though you’re just watching. He looks so good when he’s sweaty and completely focused on something. Egypt is tied with their opponent when Lucas is passed the ball. You immediately jump out of your seat. He dribbles the ball down the field and makes a corner shot. You and the crowd go wild. He just won his team the World Cup. You laugh and even cry a bit as you see him run across the field screaming and cheering for himself and his team. You know he deserves the win more than anything. After the game ends you both run into each and you give him the most passionate kiss you can muster. “I’m so proud of you baby! You did amazing”. He smiles down at you and kisses you back with twice the passion you gave him. After games ,especially wins, Lucas is always a bit excited. You know that the two of you are about to enjoy a long delightful night.
Mark- “His team wins so you get mad at him” (Portugal)
It’s the long anticipated game. Portugal VS Spain. You are rooting for your home country Spain and your boyfriend Mark is going for Portugal, probably just to defy you. You both are completely immersed in the game watching to see which great nation will win this epic battle. At the end of the 1st half the score is 4-0 and you like many others feel like Spain will win hands down. That is until 2nd half Portugal decides to actually bring the heat surprising everyone. Portugal ends up winning 4-6 and you can’t believe it. “You cheated it's your fault my team lost! You did something didn’t you? This isn’t the real game is it? This is rigged!” You accuse. Mark just laughs at you, “Baby I’m sitting right here next to you watching the game too. How could I have done anything”? You roll your eyes and turn your back to him. You refuse to believe anything he has to say. Mark knows what you’re doing. You’re ignoring him. He finds it absolutely adorable that you can’t accept the fact that your team lost. He smiles to himself as you pout and don’t even look at him.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Just wanna say Johnny is fine ASF SM NEED TIMO GIVE HIM MORE LINES AND ATTENTION. And tumblr sucks ass. 10 pics per post???? What type of fuckery??? And every time I want to post tumblr forgets how to work
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fymoanstax · 6 years
Monsta X Promposals
Here you go! Thank you so much for requesting and we hope you like it! 
-Admin Ponyo and Admin Hyungwon
Shownu/Son Hyunwoo (Written by: Admin Ponyo)
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You and Shownu are good friends
Since freshman year
You had the same music class and things just clicked
And he had kind of a huge crush on you
So Shownu really had no idea how he’s going to ask you to prom
He’s not really a plan it kind of guy
He’d much rather just straight up ask you
None of that fluff and mush and set up
He decides he’s just going to be blunt about it
So one day you’re standing at your locker picking up your things before leaving school
And you’re talking with a friend
And as he approaches he hears you talking to your friend
But all he really catches is
‘He asked me to prom’
And when your friend asked what you said you replied with yes
So Shownu basically thinks he’s missed his chance
But you were really TALKING ABOUT A GAME
So shownu leaves on his merry way a bit disappointed but still breathing so whatever
It’s like a week before prom and you have a dress. Perfect shoes. After prom plans. BUT NO DATE
At this point you’re thinking of just putting an ad up on the school bulletin board  
‘Seeking prom date; requirements: must be alive’
One day you’re stressing over your lack of prom date while lying face down on your bed
Then you feel the bed dip beside you and when you look up shownu is there
“What are you doing here?”
“My mom made like 6 batches of cookie for no reason and she told me to bring them over. Your mom let me in.”
“Well…where are the cookies? I need to stuff my face right now.”
“Is something wrong?”
You sit up on your bed with a sigh
“Nobody has asked me to prom
“Wait are you serious?”
You nod your head slowly
“Be my prom date.”
“Just go to prom with me.”
“Was,,,,that your promposal to me?”
“What’s a promposal?”
“Where you propose,,,,that we go to prom together you know.”
Shownu shrugs ( like he is literally this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
“You really don’t know what a promposal is?”
“I didn’t think prom was that serious. If it’s being compared to wedding proposals I guess I kind of have to step up my game then.”
“I’m a low maintenance girl. Don’t even worry about it.”
You kinda hold Shownu’s hand to reassure him you know
Over the next few days before prom your friend group has received an abundance of promposals.
One of your friends had a red carpet rolled out for her. Roses handed to her along the way. Big sign.
Another friend had a song written and performed for her.
You just stood by and watched with a small smile on your face.
Shownu notices bc he’s very observative
And he makes a plan.
He’s going to prompose to you
Prepare yourself
It’s literally the day before prom, a friday.
One of Shownu’s friends, Kihyun, is leading you to some undisclosed location blindfolded
“If I end up dead the whole world will know it was you because I don’t know anyone else with a tie that has the notes to their own song on it.”
“Jokes on you, Wonho has one too.”
“I-,,,,,,I’m not even gonna ask”
“We’re here!”
You feel Kihyun mess with the back of the blindfold (tie really) and soon enough it falls off of your face
When you look up you see five shirtless guys
Shownu is number one with a ‘P’ painted on his chest
Next is Wonho with an ‘R’
Third is Changkyun with an,,,,,’M’
Then there’s Jooheon with ‘O’
And finally Minhyuk with an exclamation point. E x c l a m a t i o n point !
Shownu obviously sees the look of confusion on your face and looks down the line
“Changkyun! Jooheon! You’re in the wrong order! And Minhyuk it’s supposed to be a question mark!”
Changkyun and Jooheon merely look at each other and shrug
“I had to run here from my student council meeting sue me for wanting excitement and stability in my life rather than uncertainty!”
“You guys ruined my promposal!”
Shownu is about to apologize to you but you’re,,,,,,,,,laughing
“This is honestly the best promposal ever. Look at Jooheon and Changkyun’s tummies!!! Not to mention McMuscles over here you and Wonho are literally McDreamy and McSteamy. Then there’s,,,,,Minhyuk. Keep up the good work buddy!”
“Does that mean I still have a chance?”
“Shownu I already said yes to going to prom with you I’m not changing my mind now.”
“Oh god that’s good.”
And you guys kind of hug like a little bit closer and maybe touchier than usual
“Wait,,am I McDreamy or McSteamy?”
Wonho/Hoseok (Written by: Admin Ponyo)
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“If you were really my best friend you would do this for me.”
“ Uh Uh, don’t you pull the best friend card on me Wonho.”
“I’m just saying…”
“Last week I let you borrow my car to take your little girlfriend out on a date. And you nearly crashed it!”
“I knew I shouldn’t have told you about that. Come on please! I’ll even pay for your ticket.”
“Hmm,,,,,I’m interested now.”
“...and pay for dinner?”
“I’m sold.”
“Great. All you really have to do is accept my promposal in front of the entire school and make it believable.”
“I’m sure you of all people know how great I am at acting. We DID meet in theater club where we played the lead roles in 3, soon to be 4 consecutive plays.”
“Ah yes, you were my first kiss scene and my first death scene.”
“And don’t you forget it!”
“So tomorrow. School assembly. After my student body president speech. Don’t worry about a thing.”
“Wait, you already had this planned? How did you know I was going to s-”
Wonho begins turning down the school hallway to his class while you walk straight
“You’re my best friend I knew you’d help me out!”
That’s the last thing he says before disappearing into a classroom
Wonho is your best friend.
You met in theater club freshman year
Between practicing kissing (for scenes of  course), memorizing lines, and becoming comfortable around each other you just grew very close
Although this did leave you in hot water with his on and off girlfriend Mina it didn’t really affect your relationship
You starred as the lead roles in the theater clubs major productions every year, leaving the smaller works to other students of course.
But with your senior years production under way and Wonho spending most of his time rehearsing with you, his girlfriend Mina had had enough
She broke up with him,,,,,,,,,again
And his genius plan involved making her jealous
Prom was in two weeks
Wonho was going to ‘prompose’ to you at the school assembly but you had your friend date Jooheon and you would fill him in on everything later
So its assembly day and Wonho is just about to wrap up his speech
He’s a very charismatic guy you know so the entire student body swoons when the lights begin to dim and a video pops up on the projector screen
The screen flashes a whole bunch of short video clips sped up
‘Prom?’ flashes a couple of times and then the video clips slow down
It’s a bunch of off guard videos of you??
Videos of scenes from the plays you and Wonho have been in
Your favorite song is playing in the background
There are videos of the two of you taken by the other guys
You tear up a little bit,,,,,,,,,,,,in a fake way?
It’s a really really cute video, this wasn’t even acting you were actually surprised.
Suddenly there’s a spotlight on you.
And Wonho is running off stage with a bouquet of flowers
Straight to you
This is it.
This is the moment that Wonho told you to prepare for
You have an insanely shocked look on your face as he finally makes his way up the steps
Good thing you were sitting on the end of the row
So Wonho just kinda gets? Down? On? One? Knee?
Does he know this is just a PROMposal not a REAL proposal
“Y/N, you were by my side at my lowest point when I split my pants on stage will you be by my side when I’m at my best at prom?”
“Of course, Wonho. I’d love to be your prom date.”
Insert a series of ‘aww’ and ‘why didn’t you ask me to prom like that?’ or other variations of course
But out of all the aww and everything you hear the one scoff from the crowd
Wonho’s ex, Mina, is sitting in the row behind you
Wonho must have noticed her too
Because the next thing you know WONHO’S GOT HIS BABY SOFT LIPS ON YOURS
hE ! KISSinG ! yoU !
And you kiss him back,,,,,surprisingly quick
It wasn’t weird to do this?
You knew Wonho’s lips like the back of your hand.
You rehearsed this dozens of times
But this times its kinda different because he’s got one hand on the small of your back and the other one is cupping your face and your arms have magically wrapped around his neck and wow wow wow
She pretty much yanks him away from you like no joke
And you have to admit you’re upset
But also kinda happy bc this is what Wonho wanted
Wonho would be happy
The same Wonho that you were HOPELESSLY IN LOVE WITH
He. Would. Be. Happy
The entire student body is waiting for a catfight
But that doesn’t happen
Because Wonho grabs your hand?
Like intertwined,,,
And he very politely tells Mina to keep her hands off of him
You just kinda stand behind him very obviously confused
“Wonho isn’t this what you wanted?”
SURPRISE ! It’s not.
He wanted you
To go to prom with him
And the lil sob story he gave you was just that- a story
He wasn’t feeling it with Mina anymore
There was always something a little more than on stage chemistry between the two of you and he finally worked up the courage to build on it
He did have to lie lol
But at least he’s going to PROM WITH YOU
“I never wanted to go to prom with her. I wanted to go with you Y/N. It was always you I wanted to go with.”
You’re flattered
Like aww that’s cute and all but also
“Why did I practice my shocked face in the mirror for 2 hours last night then?”
Minhyuk (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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Minhyuk had a whole ass crush on you, like it was very obvious.
Everyone knew it.
Your friends, his friends, the teachers at your school, probably the workers at the cafe that you guys always went to when you were walking home.
Except you lol
So when prom was coming up, people kept asking him if he was going to ask you.
He wasn’t even going to because you seemed like you didn’t like him like that.
But also, you were kind of really hoping that he would ask you but you weren’t very sure if he liked you like that.
(You weren’t….the best at noticing all the times he looked at you like you were the sun but it was chill)
It was only when your friends and his friends collaborated and told him that yeah you very much liked him and you were just very bad at hinting at it did he decide to ask you to prom.
But now he was very pressured to make sure he asked you in the best way possible.
He just didn’t know like,,,,how to do it.
He could go the cliche route that’s in movies.
You know the whole make a sign with a corny phrase.
Or a scavenger hunt that leads to the beach where his promposal is written in rocks placed strategically on the sand.
He looked online for ideas, and even asked friends for advice.
But suddenly prom was three weeks away and HE STILL HADN’T ASKED YOU.
A lot of people have asked you, and he was actually there for most of them since you guys always were together.
You didn’t see his sigh of relief whenever you rejected them.
And there was some...really good promposals too.
Someone found your favorite chocolates and just gave them to you.
One person did a whole musical number just to ask you out.
But you weren’t interested in any of them.
As time went by, you kind of numbed to the idea of prom.
Like it wasn’t a big deal if you didn’t go.
You didn’t actually see the big deal with prom anyway.
There was just a tiny bit of you that hoped Minhyuk would ask you and that maybe it’d be fun with him.
He wasn’t asking though so….
One day, after Prom Rejection #20, you two were walking home like you always did.
Rejecting prom dates have started to become sad for you because after each one Minhyuk still didn’t ask you.
He had sensed you were a little down, so he was trying to cheer you up.
The boy even bought you ice cream. Like what a sweetie pie.
Anyway, you guys were walking and the sun was setting, so it was vvvvv aesthetically pleasing.
You guys were joking around and he was trying to eat your ice cream and he finally succeeded after he had locked his arm with yours and leaned over.
You had pouted and he just laughed, offering his own ice cream.
After  a while, it had gone silent and you two were just walking when suddenly
“Hey, Y/N. Why do you keep rejecting everyone?”
He didn’t know what he wanted to hear, but he still asked it
“Oh. I just don’t wanna go to prom”
You said it so nonchalantly, but he was kind of very heartbroken?
Like he saw this as if he were to ask he was gonna get rejected to.
He wasn’t good at changing subjects though so he just kind of stayed silent and kept walking.
“What? What’s wrong?”
You stopped in your midst bc now HE  was upset and he helped you so now you gotta help him.
“Oh I..It’s nothing,” Minhyuk gave you a huge smile but you were not convinced.
You just kinda stood there with a worried expression.
“It’s just,” he finally sighed, “I was going to ask you to prom, but—”
“Wait you were?”
“Uh...yeah but if you don’t—”
“Yeah I’ll go to prom with you.”
He was taken aback by that like????
Everyone was going to the extremes???
And he had just mentioned it??????
“You— You will?”
“Yeah. I thought you weren’t going to ask so I didn’t wanna go,” you shrugged.
Minhyuk is vvv ?????
“I...rejected everyone because I didn’t want to go with them. I wanted to go with you. But I didn’t know if you felt the same.”
“Well...I do!” He was giving you the biggest smile
(It looked like sunshine oh my god)
“Well?” you looked at him, waiting.
“Are you going to ask me or not?”
Minhyuk was grinning from ear to ear.
The girl of the dreams was going to say yes to his promposal.
The setting was perfect.
And he didn’t even have to rent a horse.
“Y/N? Will you go to prom with me?”
“Of course Minhyuk.”
Kihyun (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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Kihyun,,,,,had been trying to ask you to prom for the longest time.
But like, whenever he’d try you’d just kind of not know?
The ways it would fail got more intense that more he tried to ask.
He gave you a book and said that he really recommended that book to read?
“Oh I already read this book and yeah it’s really good!”
A note asking you?
You lost it.
He went inside your classroom?
You were absent.
He put balloons in your locker????
He decided to put a note on your dog’s collar
The dog BIT him
He got desperate and did the whole throwing a ball at you and hoping you caught it.
Yeah he was a whole ass mess.
It’s okay his friends were also huge ass messes that ruined most of his promposals.
At some point he tried to be original and when you and a group of friends went to a nearby theme park, he was going to ask you at the go karts.
Jooheon forgot and hit him so hard he just spun out of control so all you heard was high pitched screaming.
Wonho fell on the cake that Kihyun made for you.
Changkyun ate the SECOND cake.
Minhyuk forgot that Kihyun canceled the beach promposal because he thought it was tacky and everyone leFT HIM AT THE BEACH WITH 5 POUNDS OF ROCKS.
Shownu was in charge of flowers to give to you but he misinterpreted and he gave you FLOUR. You were very confused. He never gave you an explanation.
Hyungwon was literally the only one that didn’t do anything and that’s because he was dealing with his own failed promposal.
Finally, a few days before prom, Kihyun was exhausted.
Like what he gonna do now?
Thankfully, you were SUPER oblivious that you also didn’t know that other guys were asking you to prom.
You have a dress and everything, but you just didn’t have a date.
You didn’t really care if you had one.
You kinda wanted to go with Kihyun honestly.
But you also didn’t notice the entire time that he was asking you so….
Anyway, Kihyun finally just gave up.
Like, it was too late.
You probably already had your prom planned.
Maybe this was just your way of saying you wanted to be friends.
They kinda knew that yikes they probably had some part of you never actually knowing, so they decided that there would be one huge ask by all of them.
Kihyun,,,was not aware of this.
So you and Kihyun were just hanging out you know, things that friends do.
It was after school and you and Wonho were people’s rides home so like you had to wait for everyone to show up.
But when they showed up,,,,they had flowers?
Kihyun first thought that one of them was going to ask you and got kinda mad because most of them already had dates and Changkyun has a girlfriend.
He looked extremely irritated but then Wonho started talking.
“So, Kihyun failed at asking you to prom.”
“Like 30 times.”
Minhyuk continued.
And you’re very confused????
Like when did he ask you to prom??
You even turned and asked him.
“You asked me to prom???”
Kihyun caught on to what was happening a little, but was also kinda surprised that you didn’t know.
“I’ve been trying to yeah but it never worked out.”
“Well there was the book, I tried to use your dog, I threw a ball at you once, I made two cakes.”
Kihyun kept listing all the things he tried to do and you only had like vague memories of them?
Like you remember the book, and the time he hit you in the face with a ball, and that one time he tried to talk to you while you were on go karts.
But it never really hit you???
“Hey we’re in the middle of a promposal here”
Hyungwon interrupted you two.
“Right, sorry.”
You turned your attention back to them.
“Anyway, as we were saying. Kihyun obviously couldn’t do it. So we’re going to do it for him.”
Hyungwon continued their obviously practiced speech.
They made their way down a line (It was Wonho, Hyungwon, Shownu, Minhyuk, Changkyun, and then Jooheon) and said their parts.
“Go to”
“With Kihyun?”
You turned to Kihyun who looked equally surprised, but he got over it quickly.
“Well? Will you?”
He was smiling at you and it was the most precious smile ever like wow who could say no to that.
Not you!
“Yes, Kihyun I’d love to go to prom with you!”
Kihyun looked so happy when he gave you a hug like this boy deserved it.
The lengths he went through just to get you to go to prom with him wow.
Then it just kinda hit you.
“Wait is that why Shownu gave me flour?!”
Shownu gave you a thumbs up.
Jooheon (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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So Jooheon had a set plan.
He was going to do a little scavenger hunt and it would lead to his house where he’d ask you to prom.
Some of the boys had to be like checkpoints and clue givers and some had to help Jooheon decorate the front of his house while you looked.
He would probably be in a tux, to make it look more fancy.
Of course,,,,,that cost money,,,,
He did not want to ask until he had enough money to pay for everything.
So he took extra shifts at his job and set aside money.
He was a pizza delivery guy and he tried his best to be the best pizza delivery guy so he could get good tips.
It was working pretty well.
He got to houses early (probably by speeding) and people appreciated that.
Sure he might have destroyed a couple pizzas.
It’s fine they were still eatable.
He was working one last shift that would probably give him enough money to buy everything needed for the promposal and prom itself.
(He calculated everything so that he wouldn’t be asking you to prom one week before like some other guys)
And suddenly the phone rang and he was in front so he answered.
“Changkyun? Why are you yelling?”
“Okay but why are you calling?”
“Wait WHAT”
“How am I supposed to come up with a plan right this sec— I GOT IT.”
Jooheon could hear Kihyun faintly shouting “No!” in the background.
When he hung up, he immediately ran into the kitchen.
Everyone that was working there knew he was working more to ask you to prom tbh.
So when he ran in and said there was an emergency regarding prom they just kind of accepted it?
He told everyone the alternate plan that had to happen that second and everyone just kinda stepped aside and let him work.
His big plan was to make you a pizza with “Prom?” spelled on it with sausage.
Your house was fairly close to his work so that wasn’t a problem.
It was actually making the pizza and baking it before the guy asked you.
He was certain the guys could stall enough.
But also he was not certain the guys wouldn’t wreak havoc while stalling.
Anyway, he made the pizza and impatiently waited while it baked.
Once that pizza was out the oven, he put it in the box, scribbled something, and then rushed out while his coworkers were wishing him luck.
He’s pretty sure that he drove through around 3 red lights just rushing to your house.
He made it in like 5 minutes though so it was worth it.
But then,,,,he saw that,,,Kihyun’s car,,,,was parked on your front lawn????
He also saw another car parked in front of your house and his heart started racing.
He practically sprinted to your front door and rang the doorbell.
When the door opened, his heart dropped when he saw that it was Minhyuk.
“Am I too late???”
“No, no you’re just in time. The guy just got here.”
“Who’s at the door?”
He heard you spoke and he suddenly got super nervous.
Like he wasn’t nervous when Changkyun called, or when he was making the pizza, or running 3 red lights, but suddenly it kinda hit him that he was asking you to prom.
“Uhhhh pizza”
“I didn’t order pizza!”
“Changkyun did.”
“Actually yeah I did, but then I forgot my wallet. Do you think you could—”
“Fine I’ll pay for your stupid pizza that you had delivered to my house.”
Your voice got closer and closer and Jooheon got more and more nervous.
And then there you were!
Jooheon almost blanked like for a split second he completely forgot he was holding pizza and was supposed to ask you to prom.
Jooheon saw the boys look disappointed behind you.
“Hi? Changkyun ordered pizza and requested you as the delivery guy again huh?”
You were joking, getting money out your wallet.
“Wait no. This one’s on me,”
Jooheon suddenly remembered that he had a task to do! He could see the other guy impatiently waiting and he was not going to let HIM ask you to prom.
“You drove here to give me free pizza? That’s true friendship right there wow.”
“Well, actually I had a question.”
You were very confused.
Like what does he mean he drove all the way there with free pizza to ask a question????? Couldn’t he have texted it or something????
The guy caught on and went to go hurry but the boys are very very very good at stalling.
(Changkyun tripped him lol)
Jooheon opened the pizza box, looking for your reaction.
“Will you go to prom with me?”
He gave you such a cute smile that you knew that you were blushing intensely.
“Yes of course!”
You didn’t even hesitate, like you damn well knew you wanted to go to prom with Jooheon for weeks.
So the fact that he asked you just made you extremely happy.
And he was so happy, he laughed and went to go hug you before remembering he had the pizza so he stopped himself.
He looked so excited and you were also excited and wow can you believe you’re going to prom with Jooheon???
But something else was bugging you.
“Why did you open the pizza box?”
“Oh bec—”
He looked at the pizza and realized that,,,,,he brought the wrong pizza,,,,and someone else was going to get your prom pizza,,,,,
“I….you still want a free pizza?”
You laughed and agreed to it.
Later on, you learned that the guy didn’t come over for math help but to ask you to prom.
You would have said no anyway.
Looks like Jooheon had nothing to worry about after all.
Hyungwon (Written by: Admin Hyungwon)
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You and Hyungwon were actually childhood friends yay
You guys were inseparable and remained so until the present.
You were kind of opposites though?
Like he was vvvv lazy and really liked to sleep, and you were very energetic and liked to be on top of things.
But it’s okay, you guys balanced each other out.
You kept him in check so that he wouldn’t sleep for a whole week, and he made sure that you were you know,,,,sleeping.
Of course with a friendship as close as yours, people joked that you two would probably end up together and instead of being awkward about it, you humored them.
When you were kids, you guys even joked that Hyungwon would be the one to take you to prom.
Hyungwon did not forget about that joke tbh
He,,,,had developed a huge crush on you over the years and when prom was coming up he decided that was the perfect time to tell you.
He had it planned.
He didn’t really plan things often, but he knew him planning every single detail would both shock and impress you.
There was going to be a bouquet of your favorite candies, a corny song that he imagined you rolling your eyes to, and then he would ask.
But,,,,he,,,,was too late,,,,
The day he was planning to ask you, some guy had already asked you.
And you said yes.
He was vvv salty about that, but he didn’t let you see it.
He smiled, said congratulations, and tried to move on.
When you started to plan with your friends, he sat there and listened as you tried to decide what dress to pick and if you and your date should match.
And then,,,,,your date wanted advice from him,,,,bc Hyungwon is your best friend?????
It was pure torture for him, but hey, he was your best friend, he couldn’t just pretend it wasn’t happening.
So he did help.
He gave advice of floral arrangements for the corsage and boutonniere
(They were flowers that he wanted to give you at prom if you had said yes)
He offered your favorite color as a reference for what you would be looking for
(He had already bought his tie in that color)
Before he knew it, he had planned his perfect prom with you….with some other guy.
Whatever you were going to be happy and that’s what mattered.
He witnessed that for weeks.
At some point he got kind of sick of hearing about it so whenever prom came up, he just excused himself.
You noticed, and always wanted to go check on him, but were always dragged back into planning.
The thing is despite literally telling him your dream prom, the guy just ignored Hyungwon’s advice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So prom planning wasn’t going smoothly.
Hyungwon didn’t know that though.
Well one day, he was just chilling, laying down, scrolling through his phone
It was about a week before prom
And suddenly there was a knock on his window.
He went over and lo and behold
There you were, in the flesh.
He was used to you just randomly showing up, you did that a couple times a week.
But for some reason, seeing you in an oversized sweater and jeans, crouching in the tree outside his window with a huge grin on your face kind of made his heart hurt
It was weird and he hated it.
He let you in and you immediately started talking, like with no time for him to even say hi.
“Okay so I’ve been thinking right? Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? I haven’t!”
“It’s because they’re ugly Y/N.”
“Don’t talk about my babies like that!
“What’s the rest of that thought?”
“Oh right! Let’s go find baby pigeons!”
“It’s 2 in the morning.”
It was then he realized that you were trying to distract yourself from something and the baby pigeons were a cover for something.
“Baby pigeons!” You were so excited.
“Y/N what’s wrong?”
“Nothings wrong I just want to see a baby pigeon!”
“You’re not going to see a baby pigeon at this time so what’s wrong?”
You stayed silent but then just sat on his bed.
“The guy I'm going to prom with? Yeah that's cancelled. He called it off so quick and immediately got a new date.”
Hyungwon sat next to you, feeling angry that someone did that to you, but also relieved because he never really liked that guy.
“I'm sorry he did that. But look on the bright side. We know he's a jerk and you dodged a bullet.”
You gave him an unenthusiastic laugh and then just looked sad.
THAT really made his heart hurt.
“I’m going to have to explain to face people now asking what happened and I don’t want that.”
“Then don’t. Refuse to comment and if they don’t then I’ll—”
“Are you going to threaten to beat people up again?”
“--give them a strict talk?”
You just laughed a little and shook your head.
“I’m not even that sad about it. I don’t think I really liked him? I just thought prom was required a date because that’s what we always were told and then it was getting close and he was the only option.”
He kinda felt bad bc he was not an option since he hold off on asking.
“You know it’s weird. Do you remember when we were kids and we said we’d go to prom with each other?”
Hyungwon’s heart skipped a beat because yeah! He really did remember that!
“I thought...this is stupid I know and I don’t know why I’m telling you this….I thought that maybe you were gonna ask me.”
You didn’t look at him since it was a little embarrassing (for you)
And Hyungwon just about flew off the bed.
You were waiting for him to ask and guess what he didn’t do!
Thankfully, he actually never threw away any of the stuff that he was going to give you because he just couldn’t be bothered to throw it away so his bright idea was to ask you to prom right that second
At 2 A.M, after you had just gotten dumped.
“You weren’t wrong, actually.”
He was,,,reaching for something under his bed? It was the candy bouquet
(Why the candy bouquet was under his bed we will never know)
“I...was going to give you this when I asked you to prom, but then he asked you. Wonho got rid of the sign that actually asked you, so I just kinda have this.”
He handed you the candy bouquet and you’re just ??????????????
You were still stuck on the fact that he wanted to ask you to prom?????
“I lost my chance and I’m going to keep apologizing for that but—”
“Wait are you really asking me to prom?”
You interrupted him, completely in shock.
“Will you let me finish?.”
“Oh! I’m sorry go on!”
You perked up significantly and it made him laugh a little.
“Y/N...Will you— Oh wait a song is supposed to be playing!”
“It’s that song that you hate that always plays on the radio. It was supposed to play in the background.”
You groaned and rolled your eyes.
“Please don’t play it.”
“Fine because you just got cancelled on, I won’t play the song. Okay. This time for real. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? Even though I’m asking at 2 A.M in my pajamas with probably melted chocolate?”
That caught you off guard bc girlfriend???? You thought this was about prom???
“Yes, of course I will!”
You guys hugged and all the mushy stuff. He gave you the candy bouquet and everything.
It was rlly sweet.
P sure one of you cried.
“Oh and also go to prom with me?”
“Oh yeah sure of course.”
You got a boyfriend and a prom date!
I.M/Changkyun (Written by: Admin Ponyo)
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Changkyun is the only one with a girlfriend
You’re his girlfriend
He’s dating you
And prom is coming up
And some people assume that because you’re dating you’re going together
But you’re still waiting on that promposal
Like two weeks before prom you see him with a lot of promposal-ly stuff
One day he just has an entire cake
And you think this is it
But he just eats? It?
Another day you see kihyun’s car parked on one of your friends lawns while you’re walking home and changkyun told you he’d be hanging out with kihyun that same day
You assume he’s asking her the best way to prompose to you
But here you are,,,,,,still waiting
There’s an entire song on some music sheets on his dresser one day
On the corner it says hyungwon
Is changkyun gonna ask hyungwon to prom?
Maybe who knows
Then another day you see him sprinting across campus,,,,,shirtless,,,,,,with an ‘M’ painted on his chest
You walked a little slower
Hoping one of your friends would come get you and take you to the site of the promposal
It is literally TWO DAYS BEFORE PROM
And out of the blue you get a text
‘What color should my tie be?’
You are MAd
Not only has he not formally asked you to prom
He also hasn’t been picking up on your subtle hints that your dress was maroon and that maybe he should be matching with you
You don’t respond to his message obviously
No lie 10 minutes later your doorbell is going off like crazy
Thinking its an emergency you run downstairs and open the door
It’s Changkyun
He’s doubled over, sweating, panting, trying to catch his breath
He looks like he’s gonna say something but instead he puts a finger up as if asking for a second
You stand there, hands on your hips and nothing but sass radiating off of you
“I…...came as ………...fast as I………..could…….because you left me on,,,,,,,,read.”
“Me leaving you on read is the last of your worries Changkyun.”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“I-I did…..ask you?”
“I got you a CA-...oh wait no that was kihyun’s cake.”
“My friends and I spelled out prom on our che-.....That was Shownu…”
“I have now realized that I, Im Changkyun, forgot to ask my own entire girlfriend to prom”
“You big jerk! I bet you don’t even have tickets!”
“That’s not true! Wel-...actually it is you got me there. But I am also friends with the student body president and I’m sure he could pull a few strings for us.”
“You better hope so otherwise you can consider yourself single after prom”
“Oh come on babe don’t make any rash decisions”
You cross your arms over your chest when Changkyun pecks your lips
You’re kind of a brat but Changkyun likes it?
“Wear your black suit. Maroon tie. Your new pair of dress shoes. Not the glossy ones. The matte ones.”
“Anything for you.”
“I’ll see you on Saturday.”
“OR we could head upstairs and ‘watch’ a movie”
Prom day has arrived
Changkyun has not seen your dress but when you walk out your front door his jaw drops
You know how we fangirl over good ass pictures of the boys
That’s him @ you rn
He’s the personification of ‘i WOULD PAY HIM TO HIT ME WITH A CAR’ lol
That’s it.
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osakishinya · 6 years
My Experience At Monsta X Concert
@last-dance-anywhere-but-here id like for you to read my experience bc i need to express my feelings i cant hold in my heart ^^
I was so nervous when i got to the theatre.  My brother who went with me was trying to calm me down lol.  I knew that we had tickets to go meet and high five them but I was scared that I was going to make the same mistake again and not get to meet them. *** Short Story last year: I bought tickets last year thinking that it was where the high touch area was at.  But dumb me didnt check the seating chart correct and ended up at the very back of the theatre, meaning that i didnt get VIP seats and so no high touch.  I was very upset. *** When I went to the front desk to ask them I was sssooo anxious and nervous.  I didnt want to feel the same disappointment as i did last year when they told me that i didnt get the right tickets to meet them.  As I waited anxiously for their reply, my heart almost stopped right then and there when the lady said, "So you are in the VIP section so you do get to join in the high touch."
Was I finally going to meet them in person??  Is this a dream??  Dont tell me wrong plz!  Am I really going to meet Monsta X?  The group that stole my heart?? The same group that always has me on my toes?? The very same group that taught me how to smile, how to laugh and how to love again??  My heart adn my brain can barely process it all. Standing in line for 3 hrs wasnt too bad....but why did it feel like forever??  Maybe bc I was too excited and anxious to see them.  As I looked at the lanyard around my neck that said "VIP" I smiled and felt some weight lifted off my shoulders.  I did it right this time around.  I was finally going to see them face to face.  I told my brother I wasnt going to cry this time bc i already kind of saw them already. (even tho the tickets i bought last year was all the way in the back!!)
*Fast Foreword* When we finally got to our seats, I was ssssoooo happy where we were seating. They were perfect!  Right in the middle on the second row.  My hands were shaking so bad bc i was so excited.  Maybe too exited that I started literally hypevenilating.  I was finally going to see them perform live at this close of a distance! 
You know, ive always watched them from a distance.  always watching their music videos and their live stages on youtube or on TV.  I've always wondered if i would ever meet them in person.  I told my mom at one point that if i meet them in person at least once in my life, my life will finally be complete.  Why you ask??  They're just some boy group.  No, they're not just any boy group.  They're my happiness that I thought I gave up on.  They helped me pick up the broken pieces of my heart that was shattered.  They mean the world to me.  
As soon as the music started and they rose from the stage, I swear time froze right there.  Am I really seeing this??  Where they really in front of me?? Is this a dream?? Without realizing it, my vision was starting to get blurry.  Am I really crying??  AGAIN?? I thought to myself, that I have to hold it in bc i didnt want to meet them with swollen red eyes, plus ruin my makeup i nthe process!  Damn I knew I shouldve wore waterproof eyeliner! lol  As they performed, all i could think was, wow.....they are real people living in the same time frame as me.  And I finally get to watch them perform my favorite songs ive been listening to forever. Seeing Wonho just a few feet away from me was like a dream.  His smile, his laugh, his silliness, all real.  He's the very reason I can love again.  His love for his fans, his love for his members, his love for music.  That's the reason I can feel love again.  Overall, they were all amazing!!  They exceedingly performed very well!!  It was the best performance yet!! As the stage was coming to and end, I felt like time went by too fast.  I didnt want it to end.  Ending it felt like the ending of our time together.  The ending of my dream.  Am I about to cry again??  Stop!!  When it did end, we waited until it was time to go backstage to finally meet them.  And oh man was my heart about to burst out of my body!
We went and stood in a single file line to go meet them.  As the line was getting shorter and closer to them my breathing starting shortening.  I couldnt breathe at all!!  I turned to my brother to help me control my breathing. Im really going to meet them!  Can I really do this without screwing anything up?  Or fainting in front of them?? Im so nervous!!   When it was finally my turn, Hyungwon was the first I saw.  As I walked towards him and touched his hands, time literally froze right there when our eyes met.  He was sssoooo ethereal that I swear there was light shining behind him at how handsome, how beautiful, how elegant he looked.  He gave me the sweetest smile and said, "Nice to meet you, thank you!"  My heart stopped right there.  At that point I realized something.....no way, I think Im in love again. (im sorry Wonho!)
Though i wanted to stay longer with hyungwon, of course I had to move on. And so next was jooheon, he was sssooo super cute and adorable!! I finally got to see those cute dimples in person!  Thought I wanted to touch his cheeks so bad I had to continue to move on!  I.m was very handsome!!  I mean he looked really good!! 3 years difference is ok right??  Im not that old! lol Kihyun was definately the highlight of my life.  Not only cute but handsome and very friendly!  I could tell he really loves his fans.  His interactions with me and his fans was wonderful!
Then finally, next was my Won & Only.  Wonho.  The man I fell in love with.  The reason for my life to be brighter again.  The reason I can love again.  As I touched his soft hands that felt like silk, I wanted to say something to him but I froze right there.  Stupid me couldnt say anything!!  I have so many things i wanted to say to him but there was just too little time.  And so I quickly whispered a "I love you" to him.  I think he didnt hear me bc i said it too quiet as he just smiled and nodded.  Even though there are language barriers and even though he might've not heard or understand the words that came from my lips, the point is......i got to tell the man of my dreams that i love him.  And Im content with that.
Shownu was next and i gotta say....he was FINE as HELL!!  damn like when he performed on stage, i knew he was a really good at dancing but seeing him live made me realize that he really got some MOVES.  He is just ssooo sexy and such a manly man!  Now i understnd why fans call him a bear, a cute, cuddly, and manly bear that i wanna squeeze!  Last but not least was Minhyuk.  He was sssooo super adorable and his cute smile just made him even more adorable!!  He made me feel so squishy and fluffy inside!!  Omgsh i really just wanted to hug him so bad bc of how cute he was!
Without realizing it, my night was coming to an end.  It felt so fast, too fast as i was leaving the building.  Even though I saw them for just those few seconds, it wasnt enough. I didnt want to turn and look at the building bc i knew that if i did, i might run back in just to see them one more time.  I wanna tell every single one of them that I love them all.   So we headed back to the hotel, when i got to the hotel i walked towards the window and looked at the theatre from below. (we were at the very top floor BTW!).  The sky was dark and the stars were already shining despite some clouds still roaming around bc it was going to rain.  I reached up and touched the cold glass with my hands as I looked out the window.  I sighed a breath and said aloud, "Im going to miss all of you....."
It was finally the next day to go home.  As we packed our things in the car and started driving, I turned and watched the theatre disappear from a distance.  Then the overflowing tears that Ive been holding this whole time came down like a waterfall.  I couldnt stop myself.  Even though i know its not the last time im going to see them but why does it feel like it is??  What is this pain i am feeling in my chest??  Why cant i stop the tears from flowing??  I dont like this feeling of pain at all.  It really feels like a long distance relationship that's coming to an end.  Why am I crying so much?  I miss them that much even though it was just a short meeting??  Or Is it because im finally going back to my reality and I dont want to wake up from this euphoria?  Maybe this is what missing someone really feels like.   Maybe this is what love really feels like.  With the short about of time of meeting them, it feels like you've known them your whole life.  All i know was that, no words can describe what i just experienced.  My love for them will continue on forever.  I dont know if ill ever grow out from this, but right now just let me enjoy this moment just a little bit longer.  Thank you Monsta X for everything.  I love you.
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