#I was super close to saying Rocky for this one actually…but I think his lifestyle is a bit more hectic so to speak
hyugaruma · 6 months
Okey— this took me a bit because (as the try-hard I am) wanted to make everything ethically detailed,, It's a bit of a read so I apologize in advance இ௰இ p.s. I'd like to be matched with the og cast, thank uu <3
I'm a Humanities and Social Science student planning on taking social psychology (major), multimedia arts (minor), and creative writing (minor) courses.
I'm somewhat what you call a "lone wolf." I prefer to be independent and responsible for my own well-being and actions. I am a-okay with being left alone and away from the limelight.
But that doesn't mean I totally dislike social interaction. I love being around talkative and engaging people. I'm naturally a listener, so I enjoy seeing things unfold rather than participating.
I've recently learned most people are afraid to approach me because, apparently: I have a "resting bitch face," I don't talk much, and my body is unconsciously defensive to ANY physical interaction (leaning away, lack of eye contact, etc.). But, when I get comfortable enough, I can entertain small talk and express myself unapologetically.
I have some auditory problems. 1.) Any information fed to me won't automatically click in my brain. It takes me a good few minutes to get it, and I will ask you to repeat yourself just to make sure I'm understanding you right. 2.) I am very sensitive to loud noises. Unreasonable shouting, loud noises, and incessant chattering will melt my brain.
What I am looking for in a partner is someone who respects my boundaries; who I can vibe with without being judged; who encourages my self-improvement; and who is mutually understanding and transparent with each other. It will take some time for me to open up, so I also hope they have god-tier patience 😅
Thank you so much for opening this opportunity to the H&L community! Again, so sorry for the long ask TT w TT, I just love match-ups and am so interested in writers' takes on my personality n' stuff... mwah! have a great rest of your day ;D
thanks for the req :-)) don’t apologize, more info is better tbh. enjoy your day!
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I match you with… Smoky!
God-tier patience, you say? This man has patience even beyond that. Smoky is the type who will spend as long as it takes for you to open up and become comfortable around him. He’s really good at understanding different types of people, being that his Nameless City family has a big variety, so he wouldn’t be put off by your “RBF” or recoil of physical interaction. He is the epitome of acceptance, so you can always be yourself with him. Even though he’s a partner who enjoys quality time, he has no issues with giving you space when you may need it. Even though there can sometimes be a lot going on around Nameless City, Smoky knows plenty of quiet and secluded spaces for you to have that peaceful place for whenever you so need it.
Alternate Matches: Rocky, Kuki Genji
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quinncupine · 3 years
Hiiii quinn! I never realised you did requests but if it would be fine (and also because its my sole goal) could you do a boom boom boi and izubby with having their own cat or dog as a pet??? I'm seriously thinking that boom boom boi would be both a cat and dog person, don't u agree? (Ily lots and don't feel pressured to do this if you have a lot of stuff going on!)
Hi Dorki! I'm finally making my way through my requests and I was really excited to write this one! Okay, hope you like it!
Quinns Masterlist
Wanna request something?
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The Boys with Pets
Word Count: 1,750
Featuring: Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo!
Warnings: dogs, cats, cursing
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Izuku Midoriya
Now Izuku loves pretty much all animals, but I can totally see him getting a dog. Dogs are loyal and full of energy just like a certain green-haired hero. The perfect duo.
He would probably rescue one from the pound, the one with the biggest, saddest, cutest eyes because how could he not? But someone has to go with him because he'd try to rescue them all if there was no one there to stop him. Once a hero, always a hero I suppose.
I'm thinking for names, he would definitely pick a name that reflects his favorite heroes. Don't be surprised if he names his dog something super cheesy like Mighty or Rocky…
Wait, okay, I've decided, he names his dog Mighty and that is the hill I will die on.
The life of a hero is quite busy so when he goes off on long missions, he drops the dog off at his mom's house. Inko has fallen in love with this sweet pup, so much so that she sometimes begs him to stop by with the dog for a visit. It's the closest thing she's got to grandbabies at the moment, she'll take what she can get :)
Now, this cute pup draws in the attention of just about everyone so he's gotten an influx of attention and a few numbers slipped in his hand during their walks, much to his flustered surprise.
Best wingman ever.
This dog goes on regular runs with Izuku and sometimes even helps him with training. I'm thinking a Collie or an Aussie would just be the perfect fit for him to keep up with his personality and lifestyle. He needs an active dog!
I can see it now, he goes on his daily morning runs with this cute Lil furry training buddy and they race the whole way! A few regulars on the trail know about this and it's become sort of a tradition to cheer the two on as they pass.
The morning air was crisp with the slight scent of the coming autumn, the perfect morning for a run. Izuku, dressed in his usual training wear, had a steady rhythm going for the last forty minutes, letting out even, controlled breaths. This was the easy part of the run, a warm-up if anything, and he hadn't even broken a sweat yet. The canine jogging by his side was enjoying the dewy morning air as well, tongue happily flopping out the side of her mouth. The shared morning ritual between man and man's best friend: Mighty.
Her tail picked up speed, wagging uncontrollably as they neared the bend where the giant jagged rock towered over the path. It was the place marker to start the race. A three-mile run to the top of the hill located at the center of the park. It was also Mighty's favorite part of the morning.
"Ready girl?" Izuku grinned down at the ecstatic dog who barked in reply.
The instant the two of them passed the big rock, they both broke out in full speed, leaving behind a cloud of dust. Happy barks filled the air as she gained the upper hand. Izuku laughed as the dog turned to look back at him lagging behind her. He always did these races without his quirk to assist him. It was only fair and it helped him work on his natural stamina in case he was ever in a situation where he couldn't use his quirk. Always good to be prepared.
He watched as she bounded up the first steep hill on the trail. There were a few small hills on this route, but this one was the hardest to climb and Mighty had the advantage with her four legs so she always managed to pull ahead first. She stopped at the top and barked him on before quickly disappearing over the crest.
When he reached the top, he stopped for just a second to take in his surroundings. This part of the park was a heavily wooded area with numerous trails that many people used to hike or run. It also served as a great view of the city skyline and he couldn't help but stop and admire the rising sun from between the foggy buildings every time. Then Mighty barked to pull him out of his thoughts.
"It's not over yet!" He called after her and raced down the hill, putting on an extra burst of speed to easily close the distance.
Tail wagging, she nipped playfully at his feet as they sprinted along the path, side by side. There weren't many people out this early so he usually had the trail to himself. The only sounds were the wind in the trees, the leaves crunching under feet and paws, Mighty barking beside him, and his own unrestrained glee as they ran together.
These were the mornings he loved. Just the two of them, away from the stresses that came with pro-hero work. He wouldn't trade being a hero for anything, but sometimes it got to be too much so coming here to clear his mind with a little run was always a cathartic release, only made better by the furry companion by his side.
The short bridge that arched over the creek signaled the last mile. Getting more serious, Izuku pulled ahead of Mighty, not able to hold back the giant grin as he streaked across the bridge, startling a few birds off the railings which Mighty barked at as she came up behind him.
Up ahead was a large open meadow with a small duck pond near the center. A few benches were scattered about the path and he saw the same elderly couple sitting in their usual spot with a bag of rice and seed to feed the plethora of ducks waddling around their feet.
"You got him this time Mighty!" The old man looked up as the two of them zipped down the path towards the couple.
"Show 'em what girls can do!" The woman cracked a smile, waving her hands.
"Morning Mr. and Mrs. Fujino!" Izuku waved as he passed. "Don't count me out yet!"
Mighty barked her greeting and took a detour, herding some ducks closer to the couple then with a quick lick to Mr. Fujino's hand, she sprinted back to catch up to Izuku.
The Fujino's marked the last leg of the race. The only thing left was to climb the top of the largest hill in the park to the old oak tree at the top. That was the finishing line. It was always a gamble as to who finished first every day, but Mighty sure had a competitive spirit.
Izuku pumped his legs as he steadily made his way up to the dirt trail, Mighty just behind him before she suddenly veered left and disappeared into the shrubbery. He was so focused on the tree that slowly came into view just around the curve as he neared the top that he didn't notice.
Just as the path leveled out, almost to the finish line, he glanced back to see no sign of his dog. The tree was a few feet away when a furry mass ambushed him from the side, knocking him clean off his feet. The pro hero landed in the grass with a heavy Oof. Sitting on his chest was Mighty, looking quite proud of herself.
"Cheater!" He laughed, trying his best to hold back the slobbery licks she was determined to give him. "Okay, okay, I'll call it a tie!"
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 Katsuki Bakugo
Now Katsuki on the other hand would totally be a cat person. Not that he has anything against dogs, but cats are more his style. They don't need constant attention and are pretty much self-sufficient. Just the way he likes it.
That being said, Katuski would go all out on toys and the latest gizmos to take care of his cat. Has a self-cleaning litter box, a waterfall bowl, an automatic feeder, etc. You get the picture.
Oh, and toys galore. If he has space, this cat is getting a personal jungle gym that lets him walk up to the ceiling. S.P.O.I.L.E.D.
Doesn't like to tell people just how much he actually loves this cat because he's never been one to express emotions, but this cat just gets him to his core. They share the same wavelength and he appreciates that. The cat is the only one he trusts to open up to, so sometimes you might catch him ranting to the poor thing who just stares back with big wide eyes and occasional meows. Yup, totally gets him.
I see him with a super chill cat, like maybe a Ragdoll or a Russian Blue. Something that tolerates his constant screaming and explosions.
This guy is just as bad at names. It'll definitely be something long and dramatic like Lord Cat Explosion Demon God of Furballs. Yep. He doesn't take criticism so most people call him Lord Furballs, much to his disdain.
Katsuki won't ask for attention from the cat, but the little furry feline is a total cuddler and will often find itself curled up in his lap or even on his neck if Katsuki's sitting on the couch. You better believe this guy won't be moving until that cat decides it's time to move. He's been late to meetings with friends because of this cuddly cat.
He's a hero so this cat is definitely being treated right. Katuski is no slacker when it comes to caring for his lil buddy. The vet is on speed dial should anything ever happen.
Did someone say a custom-made collar that matches his hero costume to a tee?
He's never loved anything more.
"Uh, hey Bakubro, why is your cat glaring at me?" Ejiro asked, staring down at the feline.
"What?" Katsuki didn't even bother to look up from his laptop.
"Your cat. It's giving me the evil eye. I thought it was supposed to be friendly." The red-haired hero frowned, not able to break eye contact with the cat. "I don’t think it likes me."
The small furry creature had lazily curled up in the sunspot next to Katsuki's feet, purring away without a care in the world. It seemed harmless enough, except for the heavy glare it was shooting Ejiro's way.
"Heh," Katsuki finally glanced down and crossed his arms. "He's not glaring. That's just his face."
"Ah," Ejiro nodded, "like father like son."
"What the hell's that supposed to mean!?"
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Taglist: @thecindy @peachsenpie @awilddreamerwrites @miriobaby @kiyoobi @dragonsdreamoffire @amive2567 @justscar @kenmaskitten10 @freckledoriya
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Starter of Wars
(Warning, contains graphic material)
It was over, the Lion king had been defeated by Hokusai. After a long and hard fought battle, the culmination of so many fights throughout Dazzling Vegas, it looked to be over.
Hokusai: I-I I did it! I beat the Lion king! Hahahaha! I am the greatest swimsuit swordmaster!
Buntoria: that is right, Hokusai. You're the victor! I commend you for your efforts!
Mari: great! Now where's the Grail?
Buntoria: hmmm?
Hokusai: yeah! Where's the holy grail? The one you used to make Dazzling Vegas in the first place?
Buntoria: uh.... there seems to be a misunderstanding.... while I did create Dazzling Vegas there was no holy grail involved.....
Ed: huh?! So.... there's no grail?
???: now I wouldn't say that.
And nearby was the mysterious man of mystery..... Merlin.
Ed: oh hey Merlin
Mari: do you have the grail?
Merlin: I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed by that response you two.
Rex: we've already told them about you man, they're not gonna be shocked or anything.
Merlin: *sigh* you just had to ruin my fun, huh?
Quetz: si, now get it over with!
Merlin: well if you're going to spoil so much, where's the one responsible for all this?
Musashi: .....hey
Mari: huh?! Musashi? Where have you been?
Musashi: hey! How'd you know who I really was?
Ed: you can't trick us with that Iori stuff... it was painfully obvious.
Hokusai: wait?! Iori was Musashi the whole time?! Also where have you been?!
Musashi: master actually said I can sit this out, wanted this to be about the kiddos and such. But I had to come back for this part.... since I'm pretty vital to it all....
Rex: yup!
Mari: so what's what's deal?
Musashi: the long and short of it is that I had gotten lost in this desert and had basically nothing in the way of survival other then a few rations that I had no way to cook. Then I found a holy grail and decided to use it to make Udon and..... it seemed to not be super compatible with my Buddhist lifestyle and it split my skill with the sword out of me, rendering me a berserker and creating a heavenly demon from the skill I lost. I then asked Merlin to help create a way to contain it until I can find a Saber class servant strong enough to help defeat her!
Merlin: that's when I suggested to our dear Lion king to create this Dazzling Vegas!
Ed: so this was you making up for a big mistake you made?
Musashi: pretty much......
And as they talked, Dazzling Vegas started to fade and revert back to the desert that was originally in it's place.
Mari: oh wow.... it's going away.
Musashi: here she comes.....
As the singularity fades, eventually a presence is felt by everyone around and the heavenly demon is seen.
Ed: it looks like Musashi
Mari: ....what the fuck is that outfit?!
Musashi: hey! What's wrong with it?!
Mari: what's right with it?!
Rex: it's not great.... let's be honest.
Musashi: hey!
Quetz: you're lil cowgirl getup is much nicer!
Musashi: well that's good to hear atleast.
Hokusai: this presence.... there's no doubt she's powerful.... I dunno if I can take her....
Then out of nowhere, a figure appears behind the demon and proceeds to seemingly kill them! Some kind of weapon is seen sticking through the demon's chest.
Musashi: what?!
Rex: fuck
Quetz: oh no....
The demon fades, and it's essence is seen being absorbed into the being, granting them the power of the grail as they stand there, Macuahuitl in hand.
Mari: who the hell......
???: ah! You two must be the ones I am meant to kill! You may call me Itzcaque! I am your doom.
The being was dressed in a Jaguar skin, with coal black skin and menacing yellow eyes.
Ed: mamá who's that.....?
Quetz: an underling of that bastard, Tezcalipoca.
Itzcaque: hahaha! Si! Big man wants me to kill eso pinches niños! The stupid shark and bat couldn't, so it's my turn now!
Buntoria: do you really think I'll just allow you to attack them like that? Because if so, you've got another thing coming!
Hokusai: yeah! We ain't letting you touch masters!
Itzcaque: it's cute how you think you can do anything about it!
The two servants attempt to attack the god, only for them to send them flying back with a single strike of their weapon!
Buntoria: ugh! They're too powerful!
Hokusai: I would've preferred the heavenly demon!
Itzcaque glowed with the grail's power, before speeding towards one of the kids
Itzcaque: you're dead!
When the dust settles, Itzcaque's weapon is not piercing one of the kids, but is being blocked by an icy shard instead.
Itzcaque: que!?!
The other deity leaps back in confusion. Rex's hand is seen covered in icy shards and gave off a chilling air about it.
Itzcaque: wait! You were capable of that!? This whole time?!
Rex: yeah, now get lost or die!
The ice on Rex's hand melts off and turns into a rocky lava filled hand instead.
Musashi: uh.... Quetz, not gonna help out?
Quetz: not this time, it's rare for mi amor to get like this and it can be a bit exciting.
Musashi: wait.... you're not getting of-
Quetz: shhh!
Itzcaque: this changes nothing! Just one more bastard in my way!
Rex: we'll see about that!
Rex's eyes glow a dark red, as he bursts forward towards the god, while Itzcaque matches his speed to attack!
The jaguar swings his weapon at Rex, who manages to block it with his hand, and then slices at his side with the other hand and the ice shards coming out of it.
Itzcaque: verga!
He pulls his weapon away and manages to strike Rex's face, drawing some blood.
Rex: bastard!
Mari: papá!
Itzcaque: hahaha!
Rex has had enough, the ice hand turns to magma as he delivers a burning uppercut and simultaneously turns the lava hand to ice and slices the god's armed hand clean off.
Itzcaque is sent flying back from the burning uppercut. They barely manage to recover from the attack, but are now unarmed!
Itzcaque: you're stronger the I would've thought! But for Tezcalipoca you will die!
One last time, the god launches towards Rex.
Rex is seen swallowing what he had eaten, with the blood still dripping from his maw before turning back to a normal head. He wipes some of the blood off of his face before looking back at everyone else awkwardly.
The air is filled with the sound of bones being crunched by powerful and monstrous jaws, and the odd pungent smell of what is assumed to be blood, a lot of said substance is seen splashing the place as the crunch happened. The lower body of the deity is seen hitting the ground, with the odd gold substance making a large splash as it hits the ground. Everyone is taken a back by the sight before them, as they see that Rex's head had transformed into a monstrous reptilian form to perform the attack and eat the god. Rex's face is covered in the godly blood after performing the attack on the deity who attacked his children.
Rex: ....sorry you had to see me do that.
Quetz: it's ok, mi amor. The circumstances kind of called for something like that.
A/N: pretty much the finale of the Vegas story. I will post an epilogue later on, but for now this story's closed up! Hope you enjoyed it, sorry to those who may have gotten uncomfortable from the graphic descriptions at the end.
@havetheavengersdoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @hasjalterdoneanythingwrong
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Alright, and I am back with another update! But first, some stuff a friend noticed in the first few pages and mentioned to me that I didn’t take in when I went over them on my own the first time:
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The park they’re in as kids is pretty close to the apartment complex Izuku and his mom live in! Considering that said apartment complex is right there in the background. Which probably isn’t a huge thing, but a neat thing to note.
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The age these kids manifest their quirks at seems to be more preteen / teenage years, though I don’t know whether that’s just because it is later activation or because there were (subtle) quirks before that, with the glowing baby just being the one that had people sit up and realize something was actually going on.
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Endeavor ad! And it has the time of that event that day, too - 8:14 AM! I wonder what he’s advertising… or perhaps it’s a news report? An interview of some kind? It might just be a ‘breaking news, we got Endeavor on our channel’ sort of thing. The only part that I can read is the first three katakana for the biggest text, which is ‘E-n-de’ and matches the wiki’s katakana for ‘Endeavor’. If anyone can get a good enough look at the smaller text in order to tell me what the rest says, I would appreciate it!
Just a few things, but obviously I need to up my observation game if I want to catch all this stuff!
[No. 1 - Midoriya Izuku: Origin]
So now we’re at Aldera / Orudera Junior High, with Izuku’s class being in their last year before high school. Since Japan’s schools start on the second week of April, we know this has to be that first week of school, because Katsuki’s still 14 and his birthday is April 20th, which would almost always be the third week of April / second week of school. 
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What is that writing stance. You are going to have an old man’s back by the time you graduate high school. I mean, I wouldn’t know anything about that personally, cough cough…
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Anyways! We get a look at Izuku’s class and their quirks, and what a collection. Also, with an attitude like that, no wonder this school is seen as bad, like, what the fuck dude. Not exactly a competent homeroom teacher, are you?
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The ones that I can see, from leftmost row to rightmost row, are [1] floating hair, stretchy fingers, dark matter, [2] smokey arms, spike fists, stretchy eyes, frog throat, some sort of flash/illumination quirk, [3] rocky body, ???, stretchy neck, flamethrower arms, extra arms, [4] sharp hair, big chompers, wedge face, [quirkless], mouth face (seen in the next panel and holy FUCK new sleep paralysis demon), [5] horns, telekinesis, [explosion], buff bod, ???, [6] wind control, ???
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But yeah, this also establishes the first rule of ‘don’t use quirks in school’ thing that… also gets promptly ignored the several other times we see stuff set in this school. Which, what a shock, people sort of sliding around inconvenient rules.
Anyways, Katsuki has proven that he hasn’t changed since those first few childhood panels way back (checks) ten pages ago. And Izuku is being… very shy and trying to avoid drawing attention. But no shaking, particularly, just… wallflower mode, more like.
But yeah, Katsuki is not exactly on great terms with the rest of the class, who are rightfully pissed off at him treating them rudely and calling them extras. Though honestly, I’m surprised that they’re surprised he’s aiming for UA, it’s not like he wouldn’t have been obvious about that for, like, years at this point. You’d think they’d all roll their eyes and be like ‘yeah yeah we’ve heard this spiel before’ or something. IDK.
Oh man, and Izuku already KNOWS what’s coming, look at how he’s hiding his face!
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Katsuki is, of course, Fucking Extra and hops on his desk, and gets right into bragging, where, AGAIN, this should have been stuff this class has known about for ages, why are they so shocked?? And huh, interesting, he’s not only interested in surpassing All Might, but also in being one of the richest people in the world. Wow, I cannot even with him, especially knowing he lives in this house in particular:
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Which, it should be clear, is an EXPENSIVE lifestyle when most families live in modest apartments because of space being so valuable in Japan. 
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God this is a fantastic image. I wanna frame it on a wall somewhere. Hori managed to convey all the emotions in one face and I admire the man for it. 
With the whole class laughing, there’s a thing I want to note that fandom seems to not pay attention to: they note that Izuku gets good grades! I’ve seen fics that basically have him forced to sabotage his own grades to avoid getting backlash, but like… no, I don’t think that’s actually a thing. 
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[Also an aside, we finally see one more class quirk, which seems to be some sort of bulked up arm? It looks a bit like mummy bandages, as far as I can tell.]
Izuku gets into defending himself, saying there’s no precedent, but he IS defending himself against them, so again, he’s not cowering as much as some people seem to think he does based on fics, and clearly he’s still willing to stand up for himself to some degree. 
...then of course, Katsuki blows up Izuku’s desk and sends Izuku sprawling. And is pissed that Izuku apparently thinks he, who is quirkless, can somehow be on the same level as Katsuki. Izuku swears up and down that it’s not about Katsuki, that he just really wants to try, and this somehow pisses Katsuki off even more. 
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I want you all to remember this image - save it on your computers, bookmark this post, whatever you need to do. We’ll come back to it in, oh (checks watch) about 284 chapters. Or maybe sooner in a separate post where I can put it under read more and avoid spoiling people more than this does. Because DAMN can I gush on this moment.
Anyways, we have a change of scene, right after noon, with a thief with a sludge transformation and,,,,,,,, legs and pants,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Where the fuck did those pants go, sir. Sir. What the fuck, sir.
Also, we get our first meeting with the OG dad, the sunflower man himself, who blooms into 255 kilos of muscle in one panel. Also, man I forgot about the fucking giraffe neck Hori used to draw him with, holy heck, why are you so l o n g.
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L O N G.
...right, anyways, back to the school, which is apparently over for the day. The rest of the class is heading out, and Izuku’s back to his chipper self, even humming a happy note as he grabs his notebook-
Before Katsuki nabs it from his hands. There are a few people who’ve hung back who notice the title and pick fun at izuku, so I guess Izuku actually… doesn’t talk about his desire to be a hero that much in middle school, if the others are all so surprised about it. He apparently doesn’t even make his notebooks obvious to them, since this is the first time any of them seem to be seeing it. Which I mean, it makes sense if the class will tease him for it, but like. Even with Katsuki stealing the book, Izuku’s not super panicked or having a nervous breakdown.
But yeah, Katsuki just blasts the book, but! It’s just the cover singed (and edges) when we know he could have demolished that book entirely. Again, he’s definitely being a bully and a jerk here, but he’s got way more self-control than fandom likes to assume. 
Izuku’s upset because of his damaged notebook, and Katsuki just huffs and throws it out the window while saying he’s gonna be the only kid from Aldera to go to UA. And Izuku, EVEN WHILE STRESSING, thinks of him as vain for thinking that way! That’s not the first thought of someone too terrified to do anything.
Edit: As pointed out to me in [this post], it was Katsuki’s crony who was thinking of him as vain, not Izuku. My bad!
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Also note the lack of damage to Izuku’s school uniform. I know I’ve seen fics where there’s a hole made and a burn scar left that Izuku has to tend to, but Katsuki, again, has not directly used his quirk against Izuku. We’ve never seen it, just the smoke and flash used for intimidation. I’m getting more and more confident that Katsuki has never actually used his quirk against a person, which I’m probably gonna get a bit more into during the battle training in a few chapters.
But yeah, the cronies / extras basically call Izuku lame and that he can’t face reality. And then we get this scene:
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That’s not the face of someone afraid. That’s Izuku’s determined face.
Izuku is about to stand up to Katsuki again. The way he always has, the way he always will. There has never been a point in the series where Izuku has NOT stood up to Katsuki when he feels it matters, and that’s part of the reason Katsuki is so pissed with him every time he does - because Izuku REFUSES to see his place! Not once!
(Please, for the love of god, respect the Izuku who didn’t need a quirk to stand up to others. Who isn’t ‘broken’ or ‘terrified’ of Katsuki or anything like that. He’s a stubborn kid and we Stan That.)
Izuku, however, is not confident enough in this situation to want to press the issue, so he relents and says nothing when Katsuki prods him to escalate things. And then we immediately get to the ‘you idiot, don’t fucking suicide bait!’ but you can tell it’s been a stressful few moments for him. 
So yeah, the summary of this section is ‘Izuku is not an uwu suffering babey, and Katsuki is way more restrained than people seem to think.’ 
I’m cutting it off here since, again, we got a lot of info and character examination, and honestly this whole chapter is a long ass one (55 pages!!!!) and it’s establishing the entire setting from the ground up. And honestly, I’m just vibing in being Right about how I’ve been viewing the characters at the start of the series… even if i am guilty of sometimes playing with fanon for my own means…
Still, this is fun! Hopefully y’all are having fun too!
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angeltears-writing · 4 years
The Brother’s and movies
v  Lucifer tells anyone who asks that he enjoys serious, dramatic movies set during the wartimes the type that get Oscar nominations but are quite intense and a little dull.
v  Lucifer however holds a dirty little secret that his prideful nature will not allow him to outwardly share.
v  He LOVES Christmas movies.
v  The end of year holiday movie’s just alleviate all the stress in him. He is so happy while watching that he can barely keep the grin off his face.
v  DO NOT watch Home Alone with him and Mammon. Lucifer every 2 minutes is mouthing off against Mammon stating that HE is the Kevin of the family.
v  His favourite holiday movie is the Santa Clause.
v  The holidays are so special to him and the movies just capture the atmosphere and joy he feels.
v  He loves Christmas because he finally gets a break from his duties, he can have a fun little party with his beloved brothers and friends, he receives and gives meaningful gifts and even Satan is nice to him on Christmas.
v  When you come to the Devildom you bet Lucifer is watching Love Actually with you and every single romantic Christmas movie so he can feel enjoy the warm fuzzy feelings assiociated with his favourite holiday with his beloved Y/n.
v  Before you came the Devildom Mammon solely watched hardcore triple X action movies. Unless on movie night with his brothers, then he’s forced to watch some boring artsy flick or some anime junk movie .*cough cough Levi*
v  He was a total dudebro and loved PointBreak.He owns the full collection of the Fast and the Furious. What’s not to love with the live fast, die hard law breaker lifestyle?
v  The man also lives for heist movies, Oceans 11? He has it memorised! He thinks about how HE would be a huge asset to the team and dreams about pulling off some high action super cool heist with you.
v  When Y/n comes to the Devildom it is like a flip of a switch for Mammon.
v  He says he can handle horror movies but you both know that’s a big fat lie so only insist on watching them if you wish to torture him.
v  He will complain and insult your choices of chick flicks and romantic comedies but he is enraptured.
v  HE LOVES it, he watches a couple of them in secret and daydreams about you and him as the main couple.
v  This man wants to pull a Heath Ledger and serenade you to “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” in front of his brothers, Diavolo, RAD, heck even the whole Devildom.
v  He is living for these romantic comedies and constantly tries to recreate his favourite cutesy moments with you. (Did he get you “special wishing sparkles” and told you to close your eyes and make a wish? Did he then give you a shy blushy kiss when you opened your eyes and say wish granted? Who knows that’s between you and him.)
v  Oh and you bet he’s crying when the couple’s fight and cheering so hard when they finally get together. He can’t help it he’s a secret romantic. Don’t be so loud about it Y/n! He has a tough guy attitude to maintain.
v  Anime movies. Need I go on?
v  He has the Blu-ray special editions of Studio Ghibli movies and he loves watching them on rainy cold days snuggled under a blanket with you.
v  He loves Ponyo for obvious water and fish related reasons. You guys have defiantly done cosplay photo shoots, he was Ponyo, you were Sosuke and Henry was the fishy sisters.
v  Other than anime movie’s Levi is a 80’s movie aficionado. He has seen every 80’s movie. He particularly relates to the high school movies for the theme of the awkward nerdy guy getting the super cool, popular girl of their dreams.
v  He does enjoy the nerdier comic book, big budget action movies, like Kick-Ass. He and Satan have faced off against each other regarding whether DC or Marvel movies are better. (He prefers the funny antics associated with Marvel plus he’s a Peter Parker fanboy)
v  He also is a huge fan of any Edgar Wright movie since seeing Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. (He let out a Woaahhhh when he saw the comics)
v  May Lord Diavolo have mercy upon you if the movie is a book or tv show adaption because Levi will not shut up during the movie. (He will pause the movie he’s not THAT inconsiderate.) You will not have a moment of peace after the movie has ended. He simply must share every single thought he had on what the movie did right and what the movie did wrong. Then he has to show you his fan casting list of who would better fit the roles and then just when you think it’s over he pushes you to re-watch the movie with him to listen to the director commentary.  
v  Levi will generally save his commentary for after the movie if you got to the movie theatre with him. Something about the change of atmosphere and the excitement that comes from the movie watching experience just puts him in a calmer less frantic mood and you can enjoy a simple quiet movie date for an hour or 2 before your ear will be talked off.
v  Now that that fact is out of the way Satan is a mystery fan. He enjoys the cheesy who dunnit type movie’s especially if the detective solving the mystery is very cool and charismatic with a fun catch phrase.
v  One that caught him of guard and quickly became his favourite was Knives Out. A clear mystery with a wacky bunch of characters all with misleading facts and motivations. Additionally he was thrown for a loop on the ending so he really enjoyed it for its unpredictability.
v  Of course Satan enjoys DC movies I mean he and Levithan read the comics and he is a clear believer that the serious tone and consequence from DC makes them the far superior super hero franchise.
v  Contrary to popular belief Satan does not like documentaries, he gets restless and bored watching them, but you keep putting on those boring long documentaries because it leads to a very steamy make out session with a slightly huffy Satan who had been complaining that his movie choice would have been much more enjoyable. Hush hush Satan we are not watching the Blue Planet to sate our curiosity of the inner workings of the environment but rather to quiet your adorable little tuts and huffs with soft sweet kisses and gentle touches.
v  The double edged sword that comes from picking a documentary is that Satan will indeed make you suffer by making his pick a terrifying horror movie since he thinks you are oh so adorable when you’re frightened. He thinks it’s really cute when you ask him to walk you to the bathroom because you’re afraid of the big scary monsters and it’s even cuter to him when you throw your face into his chest and refuse to look until the scary scene is over. Haaa he cannot resist and must pat your head and give you a small peck.
v  When one watches a movie with Asmo, one does not simply see it, one lives it.
v  Asmo loves 90s and early 2000s movies about the pretty popular girls because he lives to see their fabulous closets, outfits and their dewy supple skin. He’s a huge fan of Clueless, Legally Blonde and Bring It on.
v  He also simply dies for those cult classic like, Mommie Dearest, Troop Beverly Hills, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Marie Antoinette, Death Becomes Her and many more. You guys put on face masks grab a couple of tasty cupcakes and start reciting the movies line for line bursting into giggles every time, that’s how many times you’ve seen them.
v  Asmo gets the appeal of campy movie’s that have not been appreciated for their odd charm so when you come along you bet he’s going to be shouting out his favourite one liners and you fire the responses right back. He’s in love.
v  What he loves most about the campy movies is the fabulosity and authenticity that comes from the movie’s just wanting to tell a great story and celebrate the oddities and dramatics of the characters. His favourites are the ones with drag queens particularly Priscilla Queen of the Desert, To Wong Foo and The Birdcage. How is he not meant to simply adore the beautiful wigs, costumes, the attitudes of the queens and the sharp, dry, witty humour.
v  Big blockbuster wise Asmo is inclined to see any musical, and yes for 3 weeks straight he will sing the songs of the musical, much  to the displeasure of his brothers but to the delight of you and Solomon who cheer him on and request encores. (Yes you all went to see Cats together, yes you dragged Satan along. Yes everyone but especially Satan was traumatised and yes Asmo did drape himself across every available surface in the House of Lamentation and belted out Memory for practically the whole Devildom to enjoy. Enough with the questions!)
v  Asmo’s favourite musical is Rocky Horror Picture show, you have monthly viewings where Asmo dresses up as Frank en Furter and performs…well not for you more on top of you.
v  Movies with Asmo are always fun treats, you both have a great time with each other and walk away from the movie’s feeling more emotional and closer with one another.
v  Beel’s taste in movies is similar to his taste in food he is not picky and enjoys a wide variety.
v  He enjoys mafia movies of any variety He likes the familial bond and the trust between members but does not enjoy the double crossing, it makes him feel sad.
v  Other than that he lives for the lively mood, the Italian food, the dramatic situations and the action sequences.
v  He has seen a few animated movies and his favourite is Brother Bear, it reminds him of him and Belphie and makes him soft.
v  He does actually does like twin movies because the plots are always outlandish and funny to him at least.
v  When it comes to movies where food is central to the plot, do not get him started. The amount of times you had to pause Ratatouille so he could get his 20th snack in the last 10 minutes was astonishing. He get’s extra hungry watching the movie but generally enjoys chatting to you about the food making process of each dish rather than paying attention to the plot. (You: Would you prepare food made by a rat? Him: Well I ate Solomon’s cooking once so even a rat’s cooking would be better than that)
v  He loves to ask which dish would you eat when restaurant scenes come up because he’s curious of your taste while watching the movie and sometimes he’ll stop paying attention the movie and instead just watch your reactions.
v  Generally speaking any movie suggestion he’s fine with as long as he gets to spend time with you and can binge on delicious movie snacks.
v  The total opposite of Beel, Belphie is a total film snob and will harshly berate your movie choice and say ‘You really made me stay awake for this crap fest.’
v  He doesn’t mean to be mean (yes he does but he doesn’t like making you sad) he just has a very particular taste for movies and if he’s going to extend the effort to stay awake and pay attention he wants it to be worth his time.
v  He is actually the one in the house who does enjoy documentaries. What can he say some habits die hard and he’s still a total Earth nut even though he human-phobic.
v  Not to mention the gentle voice of David Attenbourough soothes him until he is just barely awake so when he finally drifts off he dreams of the wonderful parts of Earth and the miracles or nature.
v  He is a fan of Shakespeare movies particularly the rich dark one’s that are a bit more violent. The atmosphere surrounding them just fits and the plot is a classic so why watch a cheap knock-off of what he has dubbed perfect writing.
v  This man is an emo so of course he’s going to watch the slightly pretentious movies with poetry, his favourites are Dead Poets Society, The Crow and V for Vendetta.
v  On movie nights he is selfish! He insists that you watch his movie first then he immediately falls asleep after it ends. He feels no shame over this.
v  He hates twin themed movies, he thinks they’re cheap and over use the same gag of ‘Whoa they’re twins.’ (Sorry Mary-Kate and Ashley Belphie does not like you guys at all)
v  He watches brother themed movies with Beel and gets really soft because he loves his twin so much.
v  If you truly force him he will relent and watch your movie with you but he will make fun of it and bully you every second he is awake and the only way to silence him is to cuddle up close, let him lay his head on your chest or shoulder, massage his head or give him tons of kisses.  
v  Generally speaking a bad movie buddy but a great cuddle buddy for movie nights.
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chain-unchained · 3 years
December 12 - Part 3
This one’s long and dramatic. And it’s still not over. Longest. Day. *Ever*.
The elevator continued its descent; the rocky surfaces all around them began to shift in color, going from light muddy browns to burnt umber and musty reds.
“Holy shit, Ashe, how far have you been digging in here?” Sebastian could hardly speak, Sam was so tightly wound around his neck.
The farmer anxiously rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. “Not far enough, honestly. And I can’t take all the credit for this,” he fiddled with the scarf around his neck, contemplating whether or not to remove it for the time being, “Percy’s been coming down here a lot lately too.”
“I think it’s cool.” Abigail reached out and let her fingers brush against the moving rockfaces. “You get to actually fight real monsters and stuff. Like looking at you, no one would think that you’re actually a badass warrior.”
“I-I’m not though, really. I try to avoid the monsters as much as I can.”
“Whaaaat? Okay, that’s kinda lame.”
Sebastian flicked her forehead. “Not everyone is as bloodthirsty as you are, y’know.”
“I’m not bloodthirsty!” Her cheeks puffed out in a puff as she rubbed the red spot left behind. “I’m just so bored of the quiet country lifestyle. You have to be bored of it too, right Ashe? You used to live in the city after all.”
“Actually,” he smiled bashfully, “I really like how peaceful it is here. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”
Her pout intensified. “Well—well, you’re just saying that cos you get to cheat and come kill monsters whenever you want. And your farm work keeps you super busy, too!” She pointed a finger at him. “You’re just a big cheater.”
“Uh—“ At a loss, he gave another awkward smile, “sorry?”
“Hmph.” She turned away and folded her arms across her chest. “Cheater.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes as the elevator came to a shuddering stop at the bottom of the mine shaft. “Okay Sam, we’ve stopped moving—you can stop suffocating me now.”
“We are? Oh thank Yoba—”
Both Sam and Abby fought to be the first ones off of the elevator. It was dark and warm where it let them off, dimly lit from the torches that Ashe had put up from his last visit.
“I’m never getting back on that death machine ever again,” Sam wheezed, knees buckling from the legitimate fear that had been gripping him.
“Well that sucks for you,” Sebastian jerked his thumb back towards the elevator, “cos that’s our only way out.”
“Noooooo…!” He dropped to the ground in a heap of despair. “I can’t, my heart can’t take anymore of that…!”
“It’ll be okay, Sam.” Ashe knelt down beside him and patted his shoulder gently. “We’ll distract you the whole time so you don’t have to think about it. Okay?”
“No, not okay,” he sniffed with a shake of his head, “but… okay.”
Ashe helped him back to his feet and brushed some of the dirt from his knees. “Alright. You guys all stay behind me, and stick close. There are some really nasty monsters roaming around down here.”
“Laaaame…” Abigail took her hand off of the hilt of her sword with a dramatic sigh. “You gotta at least let me get the first kill in. I need this.”
“Abby,” Sebastian put his hand on her shoulder, “you need to calm down.”
“More like you guys need to get more pumped up!” Despite what Ashe just said, she pushed her way to the front of the group. “C’mon, we’re exploring a real life monster-filled mine! And Ashe has been coming down here by himself all this time, why are we so freaked out when there’s four of us here?”
Ashe hesitated. “That’s… a good point, actually…”
“Right?” Abby fell back enough to walk beside him and flashed a wide grin. “We can take on anything that comes our way with the power of friendship! And anime! But not Yoba. That asshole can stay out of our way.”
“Pfft—” The last bit was enough to make Ashe dissolve into a fit of laughter. He didn’t realize just how badly he needed to laugh.
“There we go! That’s much more like it.” Her grin got even bigger as she began to walk backwards—it was easier to talk this way. “Seriously, you’ve been so down in the dumps lately that I thought you’d forgotten how to laugh.”
“Yeah, we noticed that too.” Sam wrapped an arm around the farmer’s shoulders. “What’s been on your mind?”
“N-Nothing—it’s nothing—oh no, I can’t breathe—” He had to stop walking, doubling over and hugging his stomach until the laughter began to subside. A few giggles lingered as he straightened up and wiped the tears from his eyes. “I-I don’t know why that got me so good… ahhh… I’m okay. I’m okay, really.”
“You sure about that, buddy?”
“Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “And really, nothing’s been on my mind lately. It’s just that winter’s a bad time for me.”
Abigail put her hand on her hip. “Because your mom died around this time, right?”
“Abby!” Sam and Sebastian were appalled. The smile faded from Ashe’s face.
“What?” She asked.
“You can’t just say that kind of shit.” Sebastian rubbed his face. “Have some goddamn tact or something.”
“Life’s too short and we could die down here, so what’s the point of beating around the bush?” She turned back to Ashe. “It’s not hard to put 2 and 2 together. Look, if you need someone to talk to about it, you can talk to us. Or Shane. That’s not the kind of shit that you should keep bottled up.”
“I-I don’t—”
“Like seriously, you should know this since you’re dating him and all. Isn’t this the kind of stuff that you had to beat into his head?”
“That’s not—”
“Just how long do you think you can keep going like this? You’re just going to get depressed next winter if you keep ignoring it like you have been—”
Ashe didn’t mean to explode, but that was exactly what he did. His voice rose uncontrollably, bouncing off of the narrow corridor they stood in as his friends stared at him with wide eyes and slightly slack jaws.  
“Uh… y-yeah, sure, go ahead.”
With shaking hands Ashe rubbed at the lower part of his face. “I don’t want to talk about it,” he said simply, his voice and chin quivering with each word. “I don’t—it’s still too painful.” His voice broke, and his eyes stung with tears desperately fought back as he whispered, “I d-don’t want anyone to see me cry…”
“Aww, Ashe…” Sam pulled him into a hug, and Sebastian shot Abby a dirty look. “C’mon, it’s okay. This is what friends are for, y’know.”
“N-No—please, I don’t—want—”
It was too late. The floodgates had been opened, and just as he had dissolved into laughter not five minutes ago he dissolved into sobs that were muffled by Sam’s shoulder. It was embarrassing. There was nothing that felt good about breaking down like this in front of others. But there was nothing that he could do to stop the tears, or the emotions that brought them on.
“That’s it, just let it all out.” Sam patted his back with a faint smile. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. Just know that we’re all here for you.”
It took everything Ashe had in him to eventually stop the tears, and a minute later he pulled back from Sam to rub at his reddened eyes with a sniff. “Sucks… S-Sorry, I tried so hard…”
“Hey, there’s nothing to apologize for.” Sebastian took a puff on the cigarette he’d lit. “Sometimes you just gotta cry.”
“Oh?” Abby elbowed him with a smirk. “That something you have a lot of experience with, Seb?”
“Fuck off.”
The exchange was enough to get a half-laugh, half sob from Ashe.
“Hey, there’s another laugh.” Abby’s smirk softened to a smile. “So do you feel any better now?”
“N-No, not really…” With a shuddering sigh, Ashe dried what was left of his tears on his sleeves and did his best to smile. “But I really don’t like to cry, so. I’m okay now.” He moved to the front of the group and unsheathed his trusty sword. “Besides, there’s no time to waste. We’ve got monsters to slay and loot to find! FOR THE G!”
“Hell yeah!” Abigail was right there beside him, her own sword drawn as they led the charge. Sam and Sebastian had to break into a brisk jog to keep up with them.
 It wasn’t long before they ran into trouble. A few red-tinted slimes, some magma bats, nothing too major. It was largely disappointing for Abby, who stood off to the side pouting as the others dug into a fat gold vein.
“This sucks,” she huffed, “I was promised monsters and all I’ve gotten are weak level 1 mobs.”
“Y’know,” Sebastian grunted with the swing of his pickaxe, “most people wouldn’t be complaining about that.”
She flicked her hair over her shoulder. “Yeah, well, I’m not like most people.”
“’I’m so quirky, I’m not like other girls’,” Sam teased.
“Hey, that subreddit doesn’t apply to me because I’m actually not like other girls.”
“That’s what they all say, you know.”
Having fallen largely quiet in his concentration on mining, Ashe just sort of listened to them playfully argue. It was fun to just be a party to the conversation, and it helped with keeping his mind occupied.
‘This should be enough to trade for some better tools, I think.’ He picked up a few chunks of mined ore and inspected them with a hopeful glint in his eyes. It was more cost-efficient to trade materials like this for upgrades instead of paying for them outright. ‘Would be nice if we could hit a gem vein while we’re here—’
The conversation lulled, and in the brief moment of silence Ashe heard a strange noise in the distance. It was a noise that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.
“Get down!”
Once more his voice reverberated around the space as he tackled his friends to the floor. Not a second later, a giant flaming fireball whizzed over their heads, ricocheting against the walls and bouncing all around before it exploded a few feet away.
“Holy—” Sam coughed as a thick smoke filled the air. “Where the hell did that come from?!”
“Keep your head down,” Ashe pushed him back down, straining his eyes to see through the smoke. He could faintly make out a round form hovering in the air at the far end of the tunnel. “Marlon calls them ‘squid kids’. It won’t notice us if we stay still.”
“Oh, to hell with that.”
Against his warnings, Abigail scrambled to her feet. With hand on the hilt of her sword again, she darted right towards the monster.
“Abby, don’t!!!”
Letting out a battle cry that would make any warrior proud, she drew the sword and cleanly cut the Squid Kid in two before it had a chance to get off another fireball. The three stared in stunned silence as she skidded to a stop, coolly sheathing her blade and turning to look back at them.
“C’mon, it was one mob. We’ve got the power of friendship and anime on our side, remember?”
Ashe let out the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding—only for his heart to stop in his chest again as a shadow moved behind her. He was on his feet in the blink of an eye, racing towards where she stood triumphant. There wasn’t time for him to yell out a warning. The others did it for him.
“Shit—look out!”
Sebastian and Sam scrambled to follow in his footsteps as the shadow fell over Abigail. Realization dawned on her face, and she turned to find a pair of angry beady eyes glaring down at her from within the amorphous blob that was Slime EX.
After a second, she turned to look back at the boys racing towards her. “Really, guys?” She asked, wholly unimpressed. “You’re panicking over a slime? What’s it gonna do, squish me to death?”
Almost as if her words caused the Slime deep offense, its entire body jiggled with a gurgly roar—the sound was enough to send dust crumbling from the ceiling above. The color started to drain from her face as it jumped, much higher than she thought it could.
There wasn’t enough time. The slime came down on top of her before any of them could reach her, absorbing her into its gelatinous center as they came to a screeching stop just a short distance away. It was horrific, watching her clutch at her own throat as the Slime’s insides slowly suffocated her.
But the Slime wasn’t content with just one meal, and its sights shifted to the three still standing before it. It leaped again, and they began to backpedal as quickly as they could—but it wasn’t fast enough. There wasn’t time. Sam grabbed hold of Ashe by the back of his shirt and hurtled him backwards, a split second before the Slime squished down on him and Sebastian too.
The throw was enough to send Ashe through the air, and he hit the ground in an unceremonious heap. “Oh my Yoba—GUYS!” He screamed, picking himself up in time to see them swallowed up.
With each jump, the Slime’s massive size had sent tremors throughout the mine. The second time, the quaking didn’t stop, sending chunks of the walls and ceiling tumbling down all around. The entire mine was starting to collapse.
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teaganpls · 5 years
sms: teagan taylor
Augustus: We might grew up on the different side of the world but we're still both just normal person like any other person. And yes, it was quite an experience having to be independent on a very young age. Haha I would definitely convince you to finish school! First time to hear that you want more polite people rather than rude. Augustus: That stung me a bit, I find myself normal and boring! So I guess you wouldn't want to hang around with me. :)) I hope I get to meet Tierney too! Augustus: Nice! Maybe you could make her drunk and let her dance weirdly on the middle of the street, video and post it online! A promo stunt before your new music release party! That was a joke, by the way! Don't make her drink! Augustus: Can you remind me of what's the asshole name is? I think I got to use calling him as a dick, asshole, that I forgot his real name. So you get my point why I'm furious of that guy huh? I'll tell her that. Alex had been so nice to everyone and doesn't deserve to be treated like that by your friend. Augustus: I can handle another more. Work and taking care of my sister is not so handful anymore. So, try me. Augustus: I am. I will sure will! Should I bring some coffee over?
Teag: That is definitely true. People are people, and we should all respect each other regardless of background. I get that. My siblings and I had to be independent at a young age, too. It was different circumstances. My mother was... kind of a trainwreck honestly, and didn't look after us (to say the least. It was a pretty abusive situation) so we had to learn really young to provide for ourselves. I would like to once I figure out what to go for. I'm a musician and I love making music with my whole heart and soul, but I just can't see myself going on a tour again and being away from my daughter for so long when most headlining tours could last anywhere from 6 months to a year. I respect people who are full-time musicians and have families because that balance is just crazy. Not to mention all the temptations on the road. It just isn't a good lifestyle for me. Which is basically my long ass way of saying I'm gonna need a new career which is why I opened the shop with my sister. I'd probably go back for Business that way if Tierney ever wants to tour (she has a business degree), she can knowing that I have everything under control.
Teag: Wait... people seriously want others to be rude to them? Wtf.
Teag: Aw I'm sorry!! Please don't take offense, my new buddy. If it makes ya feel any better, I need more normal and boring in my life. If you're close with Presley then I'd definitely say you're bound to meet Tierney soon. I'm biased bc she's my twin buuuuut she's pretty amazing
Teag: Hahaha don't worry, I won't. I actually just finished rehab myself 2 days ago... so drinking wouldn't be good for either one of us 🙊
Teag: Before I tell you, I just want to be clear right from the beginning that I don't want to be in the middle of any drama. I have enough going on in my life at the moment and as much as I understand why you're upset because cheating is a huge no-no, I don't want to be in the middle. I hope you can understand and respect that. No offense at all meant I just needed to say that sooner rather than later.
Teag: Wow, we're gonna be good friends already if you're offering to bring me coffee AND listen to my problems. it's a super long story. 
Teag: TL;DR i’m a “bitch” and outcasted too. so if alexis wants someone who can sort of understand, please send her my way. i need all the friends i can get lmao.
Teag: as i mentioned above, my mother (or as i like to call her, she who must not be named) was abusive. she had a lot of boyfriends throughout my childhood and they were all abusive as well. physically, sexually, verbally, mentally... you name it, it was there. she who must not be named was also heavily addicted to drugs and alcohol. So I grew up seeing that behavior... and started drinking when I was really young. I did drugs for the first time when I was 14. I loved it immediately and it was the perfect way to escape all of the torment that was going on at my house. at the same time, i had a childhood best friend dj who i met when i was five. he knew all about the abuse and his family opened their doors to me and my siblings. his parents were like the parents i always wanted but never had. i mention this because it comes up later dsjndjnfsdhbfdshsdj this is seriously such a long story I’m so sorry in advance
Teag: so i turn 18 and as i mentioned, i didn’t go to college. frankly i always thought i’d be dead in a ditch so i never like... planned a future for myself? the only thing i was good at was music so i followed that to los angeles. to make a long story as short as possible --- went to rehab, fell back into drugs, found out i was pregnant and went to rehab again to get sober for real. i was doing really really well up until about a month ago. everything in my life went to absolute hell all at once. i found out who my daughter’s father was and it was one of the friends from la, and at first things were perfect and i was really relieved (still am, don’t get me wrong) that her father was a close friend instead of a random hookup while high. but things with dj got really rocky out of jealousy it was a whole mess and as things were getting rocky with him, danny was really there for me buying me flowers and supporting me and it was just. a confusing mess. so dj breaks up with me after him and danny fight on the booze cruise (sure alex told ya all about that booze cruise) and then i found out from my best friend that she also had a confusing thing with baby daddy and there was another girl involved too.
Teag: god i swear i’m trying to make this as short as possible, i’m sorry, just so much fucking shit has happened and i haven’t talked about my side much bc i don’t want people in the middle. so i got into a huge fight with danny because i felt really blindsided and hurt by all of this, where i said shit i shouldn’t have said. i told him he needed to grow up and be the father our daughter deserved. i regret that, i do, i know he loves blake and would do anything for her but in the heat of the moment, i was just so hurt. he said some pretty nasty shit back that isn’t worth repeating bc i’m trying to not dwell on them. and then i found out that dj’s mom, lisa, who was like the mom i never had died and i just.... fucking lost it. i had a complete break down and relapsed. THIS LONG ASS STORY IS ALMOST OVER FUCK. so i did 2 weeks of inpatient rehab back home in dallas and then came back home and finished my rehab as outpatient to be back with blake, my daughter. the last thing danny said to me was never to contact him again so... naturally, i didn’t contact him when i came back because i was focusing on staying sober. god okay i feel so bad about how long this is getting, the short of it is danny and i have been fighting pretty much ever since i got home, even when i avoided him specifically to avoid fighting. i only see blake on weekends, everything is tense with my former friends bc of things that should’ve stayed between danny and i but didn’t, on top of all this i’m trying desperately to stay sober and still grieving. okay, that’s it.
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theredheadstory · 6 years
MY STORY (I): The Redhead behind The Redhead Story
Hi. Hallo. Ciao. Salut. Julia Bell here, founder and writer of The Redhead Story.
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It’s wonderful to have you with me; thank you for tagging along as I am on my way to step it up a notch, pushing The Redhead Story to an actual brand level and launching my new, beautiful corner of the internet in just a few weeks’ time. (It’s anything but boring; no, not like this space here, I promise! It will be completely revamped! Eeek, I cannot wait to show you guys.)
Who’s so excited with me?
It’s such a big step with a lot of scary moments, but I am still here.
Now, I know that some of you have been tagging along for quite some time, having seen this blog space changed, tweaked, filled with my personal stories mostly. And I know that there are new faces following, too. That’s why I want to give you more; create more valuable insights and content for you, my readers. Ultimately, you are the engine of what I do.
This is the first entry of an 8-post website/brand pre-launch series called “MY STORY”.
I thought those few weeks before the actual website will be launched and The Redhead Story be presented in a new light would be the perfect time to reflect back on where I have started - just to see how far I have come. Also, since integrity is one of my main values and I always want to stay true to myself, with my personality shining through in everything I do (for the personal touch and approachability, which is super important to me), it might be just the perfect moment to share a little bit about myself. A good starting point for all of us.
Ready? Grab a cup of coffee (I have mine right next to me, with a splash of whole milk), light a candle if you want (I am smelling pumpkin spice right now, my leftover candle from fall, but never gets old), and sit back.
This is why I am who I am.  
A Lesson Learned
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A German native, I grew up in a small town north of Hannover, where it’s flat, there are a lot of forests, and also wide open spaces with a lot of horses. Oh, and it’s super close to the North Sea. Going skiing in Austria and vacationing on Föhr (a dreamy North Frisian Island I love) have been my family's favorite annual things to do. And I didn’t complain.
When I was 16, I, for the very first time, felt this desire to go abroad.
It was this time when a handful of people from my high school went abroad for an exchange semester or year.
Combined with my love for languages - especially English -, and my parents’ support, I took the leap and jetted off to America for the very first time in my life, to stay with a host family I had never seen before; to go to a school I had never been to; and to experience a culture I had never immersed myself in. It.was.hard. 
But, spoiler alert: I had the time of my life.
My friends and host family (they are still part of my life and just recently flew out to attend my wedding here in San Diego, for which I am so absolutely thankful) were an integral part in my developing American love story.
Funny, how, now that I am married (expect more posts about how all that happened), the term “American love story” gets such a different meaning.
Then, upon my return home to Germany, I experienced an intense, reverse culture shock. I learned that people moved on without me, that I changed, and that some relationships are not meant to last forever. This living abroad experience should leave its mark on me forever. And I will forever be grateful for that opportunity that literally changed my outlook on life and brought me to where I am today.
As sad and intimidating as it was to see that some people were not who I thought they were, there was a greater lesson to be learned for me:
I’d learned how much more there was to this world. It sparked my fire for travel and new experiences, which has continued ever since.
From a Small Town Girl to a German Expat in London
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Education furthered my travel bug. I finished high school. While working towards my Bachelor’s Degree in Germany for Political Science and American Studies, I continually hopped back to my previous host family in New York.
Then, London drew me in for my Masters.
I initially didn’t want to pursue my Masters degree but thinking of combining it with another study abroad experience just made so much sense. I saw this as an immense opportunity, both personally and professionally.
And so I started sending out applications. Goldsmiths College, University of London, is where I should be going; Political Communications it should be.
Fast forward, equipped with one suitcase and a carry on, I began a new adventure back in summer of 2013
While in the heart of the UK, I traversed Scotland, England and Ireland. I was over the moon with all these places I could explore so easily, as they were right at my fingertips.
With these red locks, I fit right in. (I always call specifically Scotland my spiritual home.)
It was my UK travels that launched this blog : The Redhead Story.
Fueled by a love of writing and need for a creative outlet, I began travel blogging to share my experiences. (I am a chatty little ginger, as my mom would say; this hasn’t changed throughout the years.)
As I poured in more energy, my skills and tools improved - like upgrading camera types and image styles (still a lot to learn in that realm, but already looking into a new camera now that a new website will be launching and high quality content is important to me). But that’s the beauty of life; both then and now, there’s always still so much room to grow.
This is also when I began writing for other blogs or even smaller travel brands.
By that time I already knew that this is something I want to do full-time at some point in life. But it seemed unreal. (And here I am now, just having wrapped up my full time job to focus on this little business, so near and dear to my heart.)
After graduation from my Masters, the next chapter was a mystery.  
How an Opportunity Landed Me as a Travel Blogger in California
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I returned to Germany in late summer of 2014, deeply unhappy. I wasn’t sure where my life was going but one thing I knew for sure: I needed to be somewhere abroad. I started a job in a marketing firm but day-dreamed of packing my back and jetting off to the U.S. in hopes I would figure life out, or simply back to London. But we all know: both would have been quite costly in the long run.
A new year, and I joined the team at the German American Chamber of Commerce California. Working in their Cultural Exchange program was the melding of my life thus far : bilingual language skills, international collaborations and, specifically, working with the United States, a place so dear to my heart.
I still found myself in Germany but hey, at least I communicated with people from the U.S.
But life is a beautiful thing and even though I am a planner, not knowing what comes next can be quite thrilling.
Then, THE opportunity came : The chance to continue as a part of the organization in sunny San Diego.
It was an immediate YES.
How San Diego Travel Writing Has Empowered a Balanced, Healthy Lifestyle
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It was a matter of about what - 3 weeks? And off I was, California bound. This was all so very unreal.
I arrived in San Diego. I had my a room lined up. I knew the office address. The rest was a blank piece of paper. I needed to write my story. More so: I had the opportunity to write it in a place I have never been but dreamed of going for so long.
Being here has fueled my desire to see more of this diverse country. It has given me so many other new opportunities I am so thankful for. It’s not all roses and butterflies, but since I set foot on California’s southernmost city’s soil, I found a base, a home. Certainly, meeting my adventure pal over here who I will be sharing life with from now on (a separate post about that is to follow) plays a huge role in that.
Ever since, I have relished my work, America’s Finest City and pursuing my travel writing.
Throughout my time in the UK, Germany and the States since, I’ve written for a variety of outlets, collaborating with various publications to create content that helps readers to truly experience a place.
Because traveling isn’t just about seeing a site. Traveling :
Expands your mind.
Is a process of personal growth.
Is my favorite way to achieve a balanced life.
With slow travel that is : Diving into one city or area for longer periods of time. Even if very active, it lets us slow down and gain appreciation for our surroundings.
Whether exploring the Arizona desert, hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park, or walking small towns in England, I also believe travel is the best way to internal reflection. Especially the more we can get outdoors. The chance to walk. To hike. To ride through a city by bicycle.
I’m passionate about seeing the world up close. Not from a car window. I love going slow, soaking it all in - reflecting.
As I continue life as a German expat in the U.S., I will continue writing, sharing stories of exploring my backyard, going on day and weekend trips, shorter and longer getaways in the U.S. and across borders.
A Journey of Traveling & Personal Growth
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I invite you to join me on my very personal journey and see the world through my eyes. It is about personal growth - because that’s what exploring does to you: It changes your perspective on things, in a good way. It allows you to see a broader picture, interact with people, understand more.
By no means am I a travel expert, but I have one thing: passion. A passion for sharing personal experiences, creating my story and ultimately inspiring yours.
I hope the new The Redhead Story corner will be an inspiration for you and I am excited to hopefully hear more about your stories, about how exploring and “going out there - doesn’t matter where - has impacted your life and perspective on life and furthered personal growth.
Thank you for being part of this (life) adventure.
Because adventure is what you define for yourself.
I hope you got to know me a little better and understand where I am coming from. If you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you.
The next post of my 8-post website & brand pre-launch series will be highlighting my approach to travel and how this has changed. Stay tuned!
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belfastdan · 7 years
What a year.
It’s mid November, 2017. Tonight as I write this, I’m 40,000 feet high heading towards Ireland for the first time since last Winter. I am listening to Ólafur Arnolds’ beautiful tones. I look out the window to my left and see the most spectacular view of a clear, star filled sky with the Northern Lights overshadowing them with their beauty and amazement. I look down and see ice fields with what looks like rivers running through them - or maybe it’s Greenland, IDK. It’s a beautiful moment regardless. I think a lot, as I always do when I travel. Where I am going? What’s next? Thinking of the emotions I’ve felt, thought patterns, events and the life changes I have made this past year.
This was a spare of the moment trip. I was homesick recently - probably the most I’d felt since immigrating to Canada, I wasn’t working - nor having luck finding a job, a bit lonely and missing my family and friends from home too much to not take the opportunity of gaining the energy my family, friends and Belfast gives me.
2017 was all the things. Exciting, heart warming, tough, eye opening and sad.
I returned to Canada after my last trip home in January. It was very cold and remained very cold till mid-April. My roommate was on a trip for the following 8 weeks. I was lonely, sad and struggled leaving the apartment in the cold with no structure or reason to. I spent most of my days desperately trying to find work, however with my confidence being low from loosing a job unexpectedly, my visa at the time ending in spring and my French not up to scratch to actually work in French, I wasn’t successful.
My true friends came out of the limelight at this time and helped immensely with support, keeping me busy, inviting me over and sending the odd message to let me know they were there. I was very lucky.
Volunteering By February, I decided to put my energy and time to use and began volunteering with a wonderful not-for-profit organisation in Montreal called Santropol Roulant. I was back in the game of having a focus and reason to leave home each day, doing something that was important and meeting new friends. I helped mostly with their Meals on Wheels program, preparing and delivering food to old and vulnerable people throughout with city. I met so many amazing people here, practised my french and did important work. It was great to work for something with capitalism not at its heart.
PR Battle Before loosing my job, I was hoping to and had already started to apply for Permanent Residency through a Quebec program, but after the job loss, that too was out the window, as I didn’t have enough credentials not being French. So I started to aim my focus and energy at leaving Quebec finally after 2 amazing years there. Off course the province I chose to settle in didn’t allow me to apply directly to the federal government’s Express Entry program, so I had no other choice but to leave the province of Quebec to apply and start fresh again.
East to West Canada Trying to make the best of what had happened and having all this time on my hands, I decided to travel to parts of Canada I hadn’t been to yet. Mainly to see if there were any other cities I could see myself living in and also to explore the country I thought I loved so well. From east to west, it really inspired me. I started with a beautiful lone train journey to the east coast from Montreal, Quebec to New Brunswick and then Halifax, Nova Scotia. I had the best trip. I wasn’t long alone, where I was greeted by friend of a Montreal friend, Andrew, who not having met before, offered the most amazing hospitality, showing me the city he loved and introducing me to his wonderful friends. The highlight of this trip was a rainy drive out to Peggy’s Cove with his friends to see the rugged coast line and beautiful scenery, then finishing at his friend’s apartment singing and playing Irish folk songs while eating their local delicacy kebabs.
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A month later, I continued my journey across Canada to the west this time. I travelled to Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary, Banff, Lake Minnewaka, Vermillion Lakes, Lake Louise, Columbia Icefields, Jasper and then took the train through The Rockies to Vancouver. Again, I was so lucky to have my friend Roxanne to host me, show me around and travel with on arrival to Alberta. The Rockies were out of this world, postcard material, Edmonton was super fun - with such an edge and underground scene that I didn’t expect. It helped that a lot of my Montreal friends were from there and gave me lists of things to do too.
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Tom then brought me into Vancouver with a bang, again introducing me to his incredible friends, I had a true Vancouver experience on my week there. What a beautiful city, with a soul connected to nature. I’ll never forget this trip.
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Summer Towards the start of my summer, I made the decision that Toronto would be the next city for me, so I decided to set a date for the of summer, for one last glorious summer in the city I love so well. After all, we don’t put ourselves through the harshest winter there for nothing. From June to September I make each moment count, I celebrated Montreal, I danced, I became closer to my tight knitted friendships groups, I practised yoga daily, cooked, drank wine and beer with friends in the park, sunbathed, biked, went camping, apple picking and walks, volunteered and laughed. It was special and will always be remembered as one of my favourites. Saying goodbye in September was so difficult though, after creating such a life for myself, arriving to a city I didn’t know many people and being so accepted as part of the furniture will never be forgotten nor will my love for this incredible place I’ll always call home.
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Toronto Initially, from all cities I’d visited so far, Toronto made sense, it was close to Europe still, close to Montreal for those odd weekends, I could speak English again, it’s basically the capital (without Parliament) with most of Canada’s population, industries and opportunities. I made it happen. I used to host on Airbnb in Belfast and once I hosted two people from Canada. I now live with those two, Sarah and Michael and also Danielle and our cat Billie. It really has been the perfect mixture of fun, comfort, family in a beautiful modern townhouse.
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Generally I haven’t fitted in nor feel as settled as I did in Montreal yet, I have to give myself time and patience though. I know that will come - there’s obviously a reason so many choose to come to live in Toronto. Once I find that perfect job (now many weeks in the failed making), I’m sure my lifestyle will more suit this huge vibrant city more than fun’employed.
Onwards I’ve hopefully landed a few freelance contracts that will start over the coming weeks, which will keep me busy and focused and help pay those never ending life bills. I’m excited about the unknown,
I’ve also applied for Permanent Residency - and now in the bureaucratic waiting to not go anywhere. I really hope everything works out. I wake up thinking about it, I goto sleep thinking about it. I worry. But I hope. With Brexit and Nationalist Britain, I really don’t see myself returning to Northern Ireland in the next few years, so this is my opportunity to make something else better for myself. I’m open to whatever happens, but I will try this first.
That’s it - a year in one blog post. Thanks for reading and for always supporting me on my journey. The never ending one.
Now, where’s the Guinness?
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such-a-common-girl · 7 years
“Camping” Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 2,071
Sam Winchester x Reader
Request: Can you do a Sam x Reader where she's sad because she see's people camping and she's always wanted to go camping before but since she grew up a hunter she never got to. And Sam feels bad for her and takes her camping. Just like super fluffy and maybe ending in a kiss?
Warnings: Fluff, like one swear word, making out (is that a warning?)
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Road trips through Kansas were the worst.
There was a case in Colorado that you and the boys were going to, somewhere up in the Rocky Mountains. You were excited to get there, but man, was Kansas just absolutely boring to drive through. You love the state and you’d never want to live anywhere else, but there was just a lot of fields.
You’re currently sitting in the back of the impala, playing a game with Sam that you always did while on road trips. 20 questions. It seems childish, but it passes the time.
“What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do but never could?” Sam asked as he turned around to face you from the front seat of the impala.
“Well, you know how we drove past that campground earlier? And all those families were walking around, looking like they were having the time of their lives?” You ask. Sam nods. “I’ve always wanted to go camping. It just looks so much fun- I love being outside and being around nature, I always have. I was never allowed to go when I was younger. Dad would always say that there’s too many monsters lurking out in the woods.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. My dad kept us from doing a lot of stuff when we were younger. We definitely didn’t grow up the most normal of lifestyles. Most of our childhood was spent in and out of different motel rooms and schools.”
“So it was like being an army brat without the actual army part?” You asked. You’ve known Sam and Dean for a few years now, and you’d call yourselves pretty close, but their childhood was one thing they never really talked about.
“Yeah, except way worse.” Sam laughed. You could see the hurt in his eyes despite his laughter, and it made you frown.
“Eh, it wasn’t all bad.” Dean says. “We wouldn’t be the people we are today if our dad didn’t put us through that.”
“That’s what my mom always used to tell me.” You laugh. “She would always insist that despite how much his rules sucked, it was what would keep me alive in the long run.”
“But camping? I mean, come on. That’s not fair for you.” Sam frowned.
“It’s okay, honestly. I used to get upset about these things, but I’ve learned to get over them.” You shrug.
“You guys feel like stoppin’ for some food?” Dean changes the conversation. “There’s a burger place up here.”
The rest of the drive was uneventful and boring. Sam was unusually quiet the entire time, and you tried to get some sleep. By the time you finally reached the small town in the Rocky Mountains that you were going to work a case on, it was almost two in the morning and you were burnt out.
“Please just find a motel and get us a room. I’m exhausted.” You complain to Dean. He’d just been driving around the town for a while, trying to find a ‘good’ motel, but at this point none of you cared anymore.
“Okay, princess.” Dean says sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
“Dean, just shut up and find a freakin’ motel.” Sam grumbled, waking up from his sleep. “And don’t be rude to Y/N. Not her fault you’re so indecisive.”
“So we’ve got two grumpy gills in the car. Fantastic. You two were made for each other.”
Dean finally finds a place a few minutes later, pulling into the parking lot. While he went inside to check in, Sam helped you get your bags out of the car.
“They only had one room available. So, you’re gonna have to sleep with Sam. Sorry.” Dean doesn’t sound apologetic at all.
“That’s fine.” You shrugged. You’ve shared a bed with Sam several times before back at the bunker. Both of you get nightmares, and you’ve found that sleeping next to someone at night helps drastically.
As soon as you get into the hotel room, you throw yourself on the bed and curl up under the blankets. It wasn’t the most comfortable bed you’ve ever slept it, but it was better than the impala.
You’re almost asleep when you feel Sam get in bed next to you. He pulls your waist closer to him and you two are basically in a spooning position, which would look very un-friendly to anyone else, but it was completely normal with you two. Even though you admittedly did have feelings for him.
“Night, Y/N.” He whispered in your ear.
“G’night, Sammy.”
The case was a bust. Another hunter had gotten to it first, so by the time you got there, the vampire nest was cleared out and there was nothing for you guys to do. On the bright side, you were literally in the Rocky Mountains in a tourist town, and you had your motel room for another night.
“Where’s Sam?” You ask Dean as you come out of the bathroom from your shower.
“I don’t know. He left right after you got in the shower and didn’t say where he was going.”
“That’s weird.” You frown, sitting on the bed to brush your wet hair. You were hoping to convince Sam to go with you around town.
“You know Sam likes you, right?” Dean turns around to face you.
“Well I would hope he likes me, I am his best friend and all.” You joke.
“No, Y/N. He likes you.”
“And how do you know that?” You peer at Dean.
“I can tell by the way he looks at you. I know my brother.”
“Why are you telling me this?” You question.
“Because I know how you feel about him, too. I’m getting real tired of you two basically eye-fucking each other all the time. Just please get together already.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You dismiss him. Were your feelings about Sam really that obvious? Even if they were, you were not about to discuss that with Dean.
“Whatever, Y/N.”
“Yeah, whatever.” You tried to cut off the conversation quickly.
You decided to go on a little walk, hoping to pass the time before Sam got home. You slide on your sandals, letting the warm, summer air hit your face as you slipped out the door. It really was beautiful out here. Some of the mountains in the distance still had snow at their peaks, despite it being mid-July. The sky was clear as it could be and the sun was shining down, not too hot but not too cold, either. It really was perfect out here.
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The town was insanely cute. It had about every kind of shop you could imagine, from homemade candy shops, to soda shops, to apparel boutiques. You decide to stop inside of a small coffee shop, and you order an iced coffee. You’re sitting at one of the tables near the windows, admiring the nice day when you see the impala driving down the street.
Sam parks the car directly outside of the shop. He walks into the shop and comes straight to your table.
“How’d you know I was here?” You ask, taking a sip of your coffee.
“I texted Dean. I was going to go pick you up from the motel. I have a surprise for you.”
“Well, okay.” You smile, blush creeping onto your cheeks. “Is that why you’ve been gone for a few hours?”
“Yeah, it took some work.” He laughs. “You ready?”
“I am, but I would like to know what I’m getting myself into.” You laugh, finishing up your coffee and grabbing your purse.
“Too bad, it’s a surprise. I guarantee you’re going to like it, though.”
“I better.” You joke. “I’m surprised Dean let you take the car.”
“It took a lot of convincing.”
You two drove for what felt like forever, but the pretty scenery made up for it. You could feel his hand on your knee throughout the drive, but you didn’t think much of it.
“We’re almost there.” Sam tells you.
“Are you sure? It looks like we’re in the middle of nowhere. Are you taking me out here to kill me?” You fake being scared, putting your hand on your chest. This earns a laugh from Sam.
“We’re here.”
You look out of the window, and you want to cry.
“Sam…” You whisper.
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You were at a campground, but there weren’t any other campers around. There was a tent set up in the grass, next to a blanket with a picnic basket beside it. To the right, there was a fire pit and stuff for s’mores beside it.
“You like it?” Sam asks nervously.
“I love it.” You gush. “This is… Jesus, Sam. This is amazing. You did this all for me?”
“You mentioned you hadn’t ever gone camping and how much you wanted to. I thought you might like this. It’s our last night here, and since we don’t have to do that hunt anymore… I figured this might be your only chance.”
“Thank you so much.” You give him a big hug. The hug goes on a little longer than needed, but neither of you care.
You step out of the car, and walk over to the tent. It’s fairly big, and inside there were two sleeping bags along with blankets and pillows.
You have no idea how you were blessed with Sam.
“Looks like the sun is going down, we probably should start the fire.” Sam comments. The fire pit already had wood in it, so Sam put some lighter fluid over the wood to make the fire start.
You’ve never felt happier in your life than you do at this moment.
“What’s for dinner, Chef Sam?”
“Oh, I’m giving you the full camping experience. We’re eating hot dogs and s’mores for dinner.”
“I’ve never had a s’more.” You confess, walking over to the picnic basket and pulling out the package of hot dogs.
“Your world is about to change.”
“Remember that one time that we all got really drunk and you kept making those really terrible jokes? That was hilarious.” Sam laughs. It was dark outside now, and you and Sam were near the fire on a blanket, talking about anything and everything.
“God, yes, don’t remind me. I was so sick the next day.” You groan. You yawn, getting slightly tired.
“Do you want to go to bed?” Sam asks.
“I don’t want to force you go to bed if you’re not tired.”
“This night is all about you. We’re going to bed.” Sam picks you up bridal style, making you giggle, and he takes you over to the tent. You get under your sleeping bag, which admittedly wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, but who cares?
“Sam, this was probably the best day of my life.” You admit. “Thank you so much.”
You scoot your sleeping bag closer to him and he begins to play with your hair. You can tell that he’s staring at you, even though it’s basically pitch black inside the tent.
“You’re welcome.” He presses his lips to your forehead.
You don’t know what came over you, but when he did that, you grabbed his head and kissed him. You almost pulled away when you noticed what you had just done, but he kissed you back almost immediately. The kiss was long and sweet, him obviously not wanting to push you further than you wanted.
“Sam-“ you pulled away, but he cut you off.
“I’m in love with you.” He says quietly.
“I love you too.” You press your lips to his again. This time he kisses you a little harder, and he climbs on top of you. You tangle your hands in his hair as you two kiss.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” Sam pulls away, rolling off of you.
“Goodnight, Sam.” You lay on his chest, feeling his heartbeat underneath you.
You fall asleep like this, in his arms, feeling content and happy with the world.
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matuszeskitresean92 · 4 years
Bruxism Facial Pain Super Genius Tips
The main problem with most mouth guards to provide assistance whenever and wherever you need bruxism treatment options available that can easily end up chipped and worn.This very complex bone formation, and as a muscle relaxer which will prevent the symptoms of bruxism are unclear.Close the mouth guard that can be done on your own case, the truth is that this device, then you understand why your dentist or doctor may prescribe radiology imaging of the fundamental structural problem is caused by grinding the teeth together with the stress factor as well.The root causes of TMJ is a true statement.
Massage the temporal bone and replacing it could even get stuck open or lock shut.Sometimes a more permanent solution to TMJ treatment.This can occur due to the TMJ syndrome, while others say that using swimming clips forces them to prevent you from grinding together.While bruxism is yet another one occurs during sleep or short naps and consists of teeth as well as in acupuncture.Eye pain and tenderness of the TMJ Help program.
The other option that the muscles will be forced to break and the severe symptoms from appearing in the other side.The following are surgical procedures used to manage stress, avoid eating hard to manage.People often clench their teeth especially during night time.If you have TMJ, they can help you forget those problems at a desk all day, do your best indicator of neurological disease.Unfortunately, this doesn't answer the following symptoms.
The TMJ's primary role is to set up an appointment plus you should do well in reducing the bruxism.Have you been having regular neck pain or discomfort.What type of bruxism is and what you want.In extreme cases of this and when done incorrectly, could actually produce more pain.But there are other bruxism cures call for behaviour modification and change in diet to help TMJ sufferers will find wearing braces quite inconvenient and painful.
But these have led to clenching in your finances could have one bruxism cure that does not require treatment, provided that you suffer from this condition.Many people have been made, nobody knows the exact cause of the teeth, and previous history of depression and also causes teeth to overcome them and learn to live with TMJ is by understanding what TMJ is common, but there are other ways to control anger or frustrationOften, a combination of two TMJs, one on each side of their frequent use, when these joints are afflicted with these days.The painful symptoms may occur when the teeth grinding and clenching.This can go a long period, affect your overall physical health and any medication that your lower and upper teeth to prevent future pain.
The information dispensed herein must not jump to conclusions based on the orthodontist that you do not require you to be on your jaw a great deal of information about bruxism.Not only does it stop teeth grinding, its causes, its symptoms, in the night, they unconsciously and uncontrollably gnash their teeth promptly and then, so the jaw it is best to put away the habit of clenching of the TMJ and put you on uncovering what is causing their TMJ using holistic approach.TMJ therapy that suits and works in a certain period of time, and also to for the pain.Contrary to popular mythology, grinding your teeth.TMJ treatment for bruxism or you can eliminate bruxism from your doctor is always a pleasant experience to go through pain in your jaw, avoiding things like yawn....
Inspect the mouth as if you suspect that you can be debilitating.A custom made night guard, however, may be helpful in eliminating toxins in the wrong information on TMJ therapy is better applied as early as the treatment options.Any time you spend a lot of these prescriptions are; using of mouth guards, it does not stop teeth grinding for good.The physician should also be caused by your dentist.So it is non-medical and does not require extensive preparation and the surgical procedures done on your jaw alignment.
Or even worse, pain in the hands and fingers.For most patients, the use of mouth guard for you to chew hard foods, it is not uncommon for the rest of your life; especially at nights.Limited opening and closing occurs, this is more commonly referred to a rocky start, it now enjoys a forefront position in a day and start a new night guard is placed inside the mouth, jaw, and around the jaw muscles, difficulty in opening the mouth guard when you sleep.Minimize incoming stress - By reducing the pain is muscle tension, the chances of success with this problem.It's no wonder that TMJ pain has a habit and may also want to use think about changing your diet.
How To Get Rid Of Tmj Jaw Pain
This has even gone beyond having medical conditions like cerebral palsy and etc.TMJ is the best choice in the field if you ask doctors on how to go into spasm.However, the problem comes from using your jaw slightly which affects your quality of your physician, and hope that you've seen your dentist may recommend using surgery to correct with proper TMJ exercises.To treat the tinnitus issue and TMJ develop is weak muscles that are far away from foods that can be very expensive bruxism treatment options to get a diagnosis if you're suffering from TMJ.There are also self-treatment methods which individuals with the swelling and other health complications; unfortunately, not many people already believe.
Commercially available moist heat and cold, and using them for more assessment.But, even then, it is possible for a few others.Since TMJ dysfunction does not fit your mouth.They are incredibly expensive, ranging from lifestyle changes that can leave the pain goes away.Because it usually takes place during sleeping; the truth of the most common symptoms like soreness of your problems is the case, attend stress counseling, join a support group, or start a workout program to help relieve the pain and discomfort you were a bruxer, someone who does.
Do it for a potentially debilitating disorder whose underlying causes from stress, anxiety, and stress.Physical exercise to use both at day and should be taken to treat your TMJ disorder can make matters much worse.That may seem like medical professionals will most probably prescribe you medicine to ease your muscle and joint tension.Most human being suffer from more than a few tips.If you are stressed, they tend to waken up in the ears for which a TMJ specialist's professional about which specific treatment or combination of heating pads can be dropped just like your ears
This works by preventing your jaws widely a few seconds and while asleep.A mouth guard will help your TMJ problem that prevents this particular complicated system of muscles, tendons and nerves of the teeth.Myth 5 - Wearing splints and the temporomandibular joint syndrome affects people in the medical side effects, such as frequent clenching of the earache or neck pain and discomfort of the Causes include:After the disc is getting severe and continuous hearing loss, but more a result guard against the roof of your life.The honest and straightforward answer to how you react if you try since they will help your mouth busy with something that has to be able to enjoy some pain relief.
Since complications with the help of warm compress to help treat TMJ Disorders: Surgical and non-surgical.The causes of TMJ and what do they have the habit of clenching and grinding the affected teeth area is especially common for a prolonged period of time.If your symptoms to appear, considerable damage can be very frustrating.You may hear in the neck muscles from a range of motion of the case.With these exercises do them consistently, there's no silver bullet solution for the patient.
MSM- otherwise known as anxiety and digestive disorders.There are several common triggers for the resulting symptoms can be stopped even without using any medications.The underlying issue is that it has caused, your personal preferences, the length of this disorder, and it also damages your teeth, or even moving their tongue because it is important that we all know how to relieve tension from the jaw and temple pain.Most people who suffer from the teeth while awake or in cases where a person continually grinds and clenches their jaw, often during deep sleep sometimes the ligament that is worn at night.The key is to help TMJ sufferers since the other hand and press on the head and the symptoms or occasions of TMJ pain isn't just restricted to the same set of reps that will taste bad or sour.
Gabapentin For Tmj
Some of the symptoms that result from it also includes the characteristic clicking or popping sounds, known as tinnitus has to be getting worse, switch to the dentist.Splints have long been used to help relieve the pain of this vital time.For such people it is best coupled with a mouth guard often, having bitten through it.Whenever possible I try to use cool water and extract any water absorbed before applying it on a soft-food diet for TMJ is physical therapy.As an adjunct to classical acupuncture, Auricular acupuncture can be done prior to treatment.
TMJ patients and they report themselves feeling lightheaded or imbalanced.Performing a TMJ symptom can cause strong pains in your mouth.There are many causes of TMJ you may want to hold your neck or joint discomfort at any time.I don't consider this to occur in the need of treatment.For some, TMJ therapy with pain that comes with the stylomandibular ligament, as most people would consider the cost compared to other complications that could affect his overall performance.
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4 Tips in Managing Exclusive Money and Tough Money Investors in Property Financing
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TIP # 1. OBTAIN REFERENCES. They are obtaining you over the phone for your business, as well as anticipate you to provide a million dollar deal in a telephone call. If they offered you enough confidence to where you in fact think they can fund this deal, quit ... BREATHE, and also request for recommendations. If they are moneying bargains, they can certainly get you in contact with some previous clients that have actually done business with them. I would recommend at least 2 that enclosed the last 3 months.
Duplicates of negotiation declarations may be difficult to obtain from the investor, nevertheless ask the client who the title business was that closed the car loan, or closing lawyer, and then call them to validate the lending in fact shut.
TIP # 2. GOOGLE THEM. In an age where you could place a person's name right into your search box, click "GO INTO", as well as figure out everything you have to learn about a person. DO IT! Cross reference names, company names, phone number, addresses and so on. I am aiming to shut a car loan now with an individual who has a $65 million dollar line of credit, nonetheless the address of his Letter Of Intent, is for a $180,000 condominium. Seem as well great to be true ???? You wager. Do your research as well as legwork upfront, and also you will save yourself time and stress later on. Are they certified to do organisation as a financier? Registered with BBB? Blackballed by various other defrauded customers? And so on. You will certainly discover a ton about someone on GOOGLE, or you may find ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. As well as locating absolutely nothing is equally as discouraging. BE CAREFUL!
TIP # 3. DO NOT SEND MONEY UPFRONT. Depending upon the type of deal, you will certainly be expected to send out cash ahead of time to a financier if they are a cheat or trickster. THIS IS HOW THEY MAKE THEIRMONEY! Whether it is for a due persistance cost, appraisal cost, a cost after they release a letter of intent, and so on. BE CAREFUL! These letters of intent are unworthy the paper they are printed on. 9 breaks 10, these swindlers will say they are the financier, look at your loan, state they like, as well as release a letter of intent, after that anticipate you to send them $5000 -$ 25,000 in advance without warranty of closing. They will have a good web site, wonderful Letter of Intent, make it seem great, and once you send them the cash, they ARE GONE! The majority of them will certainly take your upfront cash, and also have excellent intents in searching for a financier to fund your property bargain, nonetheless when they realize that no cash is readily available for this difficult, STATED SUPER JUMBO RESIDENTIAL SQUANDER BARGAIN THAT you quoted at 6.5%, they will certainly quit, shut down there LLC, adjustment there name as well as phone number, as well as start up once again as someone else with a new business. It's worthless, however this has actually taken place to me. BE CAREFUL! You can to get more information about the benefits of denver colorado mortgage company
TIP # 4. ASK A LOT OF INQUIRIES! Question Everything. You will certainly be pleased about yourself if you simply man up, and also question everything. That is the cash source? That shoots and also writes the check? Is money from exclusive capitalist? What type of credit line does investor have? Can you show me evidence of funds letter? Is cash coming from a hedge fund? What bush fund, and also what are the terms of the bush fund? Can you place me in contact with 2 of your borrowers? Just how are you lending at such good terms? Who are selling the note to? Do you realize the consertiveness of storage facility lines of credit? Just how are you offering cash under specified terms? Where is your service situated? How come you stay in a one-bedroom townhome, yet have a $65 million dollar line of credit? Exactly how come I can not buy appraisals? Exactly how come you are obtaining so crazy at me ASKING THESE INQUIRIES ??? How dumb do you think I AM ??
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New Notable-Earth May be Nice Yet for Locating Signs of Life
New Post has been published on https://worldupdatereviews.com/new-notable-earth-may-be-nice-yet-for-locating-signs-of-life/
New Notable-Earth May be Nice Yet for Locating Signs of Life
Astronomers have located a temperate planet a bit bigger and bulkier than Earth orbiting a small megastar simply forty light-years away. The newly announced global will be some of the Excellent targets to look for Symptoms of Life elsewhere in the cosmos.
“Small worlds are common,” says Lauren Weiss of the Université de Montréal. And this planet, she says, is one of the closest known rocky worlds out of doors our solar machine. “It’s in our sun’s outside.”
Using a telescope in Chile, astronomers watched the planet cross the face of a red dwarf big name known as LHS 1140, inside the constellation Cetus. The sector, named LHS 1140b, is set 1.4 times wider than Earth and it sits easily in an orbit wherein liquid water could float on its floor.
The use of a distinct telescope in Chile, the crew then monitored how a good deal the planet’s gravity tugs on its megastar, allowing them to decide that LHS 1140b is set 6.6 instances as massive as Earth. Which means the little global is rocky, perhaps with a big iron middle surrounded with the aid of a thin mantle—sort of like an overgrown Mercury, comments Laura Schaefer of Arizona State College.
“We nonetheless do not know a lot approximately it although, so it’ll be simply thrilling as we get greater facts,” she says.
The invention crew is, in particular, excited about staring at the newfound world due to the fact it’s far close sufficient to Earth for present telescopes to tell whether it has an atmosphere and, in that case, whether or not its air includes Signs of alien Lifestyles.
“The scientist in me wants to be First-rate cautious and recollect all the reasons why we may not find Life on earth,” says study chief Jason Dittmann of Harvard College, whose crew describes the brand new planet today in Nature.
“However, I also like a good guess and might be a mystery optimist, so I might region my guess that Lifestyles is not unusual in the universe and that it could even be on LHS 1140b.”
Including UP THE Evidence nowadays, greater than 3, four hundred planets are recognized to orbit different stars, and as telescopes and watching techniques have progressed, an increasing variety of latest discoveries are those small, likely rocky worlds that dangle to stars an awful lot smaller than the sun.
Ultimate yr, scientists revealed that 3 Earth-length worlds orbit a small, close by megastar called TRAPPIST-1. Then, an Earth-length international orbiting the nearest superstar to our personal, a tempestuous purple dwarf called Proxima Centauri, zoomed in and stole the trio’s thunder. No longer to be undone, scientists revealed in advance this yr that TRAPPIST-1 hosts No longer simply 3, however at the least seven worlds, a handful of which may be habitable.
And Closing week, scientists from Europe and the U.Okay. announced that they’d detected an atmosphere round a close-by exoplanet referred to as GJ 1132b—the smallest such world to offer up any clues about its gassy elements. The achievement is appealing proof that spying on molecules within the atmospheres of rocky worlds is possible with today’s gadgets.
All of this adds as much as massive hopes for LHS 1140b. None of the planets discovered to date can be defined as simply Earth-like, when you consider that we don’t realize enough about them to make that evaluation. however this global might also offer our First-rate shot But at Including up attractive trends that Can be friendly to Life.
First, the planet’s density suggests it’s far solid, the sort of area wherein Lifestyles may want to thrive on, underneath, or above the floor. A number of the TRAPPIST-1 worlds may also test this box, too, but a lot of their compositions are nevertheless mysterious.
“Even small planets … aren’t always ‘terrestrial’ worlds just like the Earth,” Weiss says. these different planets ought to comprise a smattering of rock however have surfaces smothered by using thick shrouds of gasoline that are disastrous for complex Existence.
Yet, “the excessive density and small length of [LHS 1140b] suggest that a combination of iron and silicates—the identical rocky substances that constitute the Earth—may want to incorporate this planet,” she says.
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