#I will always have opinions on HP Fanon and especially Marauders Fanon
rewritingcanon · 7 months
Hi, I know I'm over a week late and all, but I couldn't leave it be cause this subject is really a sensitive matter to me for tragic personal reasons. I want to say that the reason you don't remember James ever "continuously asking Lily out; sexually harassing Lily; always asking her out and not taking no for an answer" is not because it's been a while since you read the books and forgot, no, it's simply because is DOESN'T HAPPEN IN THE BOOKS! PERIOD! It's not CANON and it boils my blood to no end when people make shit like this up and make such grave accusations when anyone owns the books and can check on their own that this did NOT happen in them! I dare anyone to bring forth any passage from the books that says any of that! The more they insist that this is canon, the angrier and more offended and hurt I get! I'm endlessly sorry about anyone's personal experience with such crimes (if I wasn't clear enough, I'm unfortunately familiar with them, too) but that does not change simple facts of what happened in the books, what IS and what is NOT canon and it's not an excuse to spread lies so insistently and passionately. Either this is willfully spreading lies or, and I will give benefit of the doubt, it's just people confusing canon with fanon after being in fandom and reading fanfics too much, in which case I would suggest rereading the books and brushing up with the canon knowledge, before spreading such harmful and hurtful rhetoric :/
hi, thank you for this ask and i’m sorry for what you’ve had to go through as well. yeah, i haven’t heard anyone contradict what i said in that post so i assume it was just something the fandom made up. i’m sure ace just confused fanon with canon— no victim would purposefully be spreading lies like that even if they did hate james because they would know how serious sexual abuse is having gone through it themselves. plus i’ve seen them complain about the same things with what some marauders fans say about snape, so i’m sure they didn’t do it on purpose and their intentions were good. but i won’t put it past other people in the hp fandom/snapedom to use it as a bandwagon to continue shitting on james without doing their due diligence and checking if something as serious as that is true or not.
i do agree that people need to be more focused on what is canon and what isn’t, especially with the harry potter fandom since its so large and very removed from a lot of its content, and especially if they are in the snapedom and the marauders fandom, because both fandoms seem to get the most carried away with their characters in my personal experience. i’ve seen people throw around creepy allegations at many characters and it really hurts and annoys me too, even if those characters are considered nasty. it’s one thing to say something like “[x] canonly likes porridge” (who cares in this instance) or “[x] is canonly gay” (annoying and probably ignorant but also whatever), and then say “[x] canonly sexually harrassed [y]” (….helllo??? cant speak for everyone but its definitely offensive to me lol). sometimes concentrated sub-fandoms may be a little like echo chambers so its good to brush up then and again on certain things. its good to interrogate people’s opinions and challenge them. you dont have to comment or reblog (i know i don’t…. usually 🧍‍♀️) but it can keep you from falling into repeating things that just confuse (or worse, hurt) people more.
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starrylayle · 5 months
what are your opinions on Severus snape and lily evans, as individual characters and as friends?
oooh thanks for asking!! i love talking abt hp characters and their relationships with each other ajhkasgfi. warning tho, this is very looooooong.
ok let's start with severus first because i feel like my relationship with him has been the most... turbulent lol.
i was pretty neutral on snape's character when i was first reading the series, perhaps leaning more to dislike. It wasn't until DH where it was revealed that snape was in love with lily the whole time 13 year old me was SHOOK. i became the biggest snape stan and snily shipper. I hated both James and sirius (still loved remus tho lol). and i remember watching so many snape youtubers and yeah i would write praragraphs defending this man and how lily should have chosen him. lmao now u all know abt my snapie past.
However, during my next reading, in about 2018, i began to see snape's flaws more. I was also very active on the wattpad hp fandom (yes shhh ik) and a lot of my friends loved the marauders as characters (they were not in the marauders fandoms, they just liked the characters) and a lot of them hated snape. And then i began to hate snape too lol. However, i really enjoyed reading and watching videos that dissected his character. and i still watched videos from snape stans
i then joined the marauders and atyd fandom in 2021 and now was a pro snape hater. like mans was now the definition of pure evil. Made hating snape a personality trait lol. Though he was the worst of the worst.
it wasn't until late 2023/early 2024 when i became fed up with mauraders fandom and how they fanonise everything. especially considering so many of them stan regulus (which the way they characterise him in fanon is how canon kid snape was depicted anyway) and barty and evan and all those fucking death eaters who were wayyyy worse than snape ever was -- but no, snape is sill for some reason the No.1 evil.
now, i feel like snape is a much more interesting character than people give him credit for, and especially as a kid, was not as bad as marauders fans depict him to be. However, I don't really interact with the snape fandom so much because i feel like they either ignore excuse the shittier things he did as an older teen/adult. I am also of the opinion that James and sev were rivals, and it wasn't a bullying situation but yeah. i wish there were more people who enjoyed both the marauders and severus who didn't make either or both to be saints lol
Ok, I'll be honest, Lily's character did not really interest me until I read atyd. To be fair, jkr spent a a lot of time characterising harry's dad and his friends, but we were not given too much info on Lily, and almost no info on if she had any other friends besides severus.
I loved Lily's friendship with Mary and Marlene in atyd, and of course with Remus. and i loved how her personality in that fic to. I don't consider that fic to be canon compliant now and don't agree with a lot of the characterisations but it was still pretty good.
Lily was a bit too sensible in atyd, and whenever we're given descriptions about her from slughorn for instance, or her personality in SWM, she's presented as 'vivacious' and cheeky' so i like to think that she wasn't really a hermione 2.0 but rather more similar to snarky and sassy harry, tho perhaps more popular and well-loved. Her and James were totally academic rivals to lovers omg.
ok now onto what i think u really wanted me to address - sev and lily's relationship.
No, i don't think sev was 'obssessed' with Lily, i think he truly loved her but he was also a selfish person. (however tho, how would sev convince voldy to spare harry,, like that was literally all voldy was after like....)
anyways, as kids, they were very close -- maybe a little codependant. I imagine Lily was always facinated with Sev his talk about magic, and to sev, Lily was an escape from his abusive homelife. I think they both may have had a little crush on each other pre-hogwarts.
As they went to hogwarts, they grew apart as they were placed in different houses. Snape was surroundd by pureblood facists which slowly radicalised him, and Lily began making friends in Gryffindor. A war tensions grew, i can imagine snape and Lily's relationship became more tense and strained, and no one knew why they stuck together. But they knew things about each other that no one else did and understood each other in ways no one else could. However, after SWP, it was clear that they were heading down different paths so lily cut him and that was that.
Lily always felt hurt after their break up, but she had supportive friends to keep her afloat. Snape however, was filled with guilt, bitterness and regret and thus became deeply radicalised. I don't think tho that Snape was very high in the death eater rank until the search for harry/prophecy was on.
anyways still mulling things over but yeah, i think they're both facinating and i'd love to see their relationship explored in complexity in more fics!
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fandoomrants · 7 months
welcome back to ur fully hp obsession <3
it's just...i really respect ur opinion but as someone who ship Wolfstar for so many yrs I think i have to say sth
This story (harry potter) has so so SO many ships, like everyday we get a new pairing ...you can't tell me the only reason why wolfstar has been so popular for nearly 20 yrs is bc we didn't get interaction between marauders... otherwise what? prongsfoot would be the most popular one or Wolfstar would not be this popular? because we always knew that Sirius and James were extremely close. it's literally there..in the books...we know that.
I never understand the "Sirius was closer to James" argument...yes they were so close but that didn't stop James from falling in love with lily (shocking right? these days ppl tend to forget that this man was in love with someone that is not reggie and they got maried and had a child who this whole series is about)
And yes Sirius was taller than Remus ...ty for mentioning , love u <33
Hi, yeah, soo first of all, thanks for this ask, actually! I mean, I share my thoughts and I appreciate it when someone actually takes the time to read it and especially when they have something to say about it! I'm afraid that's gonna be one very long answer coming at you.
Second, I feel the need to start with this here cause likee, these things I wrote are just a bunch of random canon facts (plus one I just think makes sense) that I realised after going through some stuff and they sent me into a near depression episode because I have totally forgotten most of these things thanks to fanon and I think I'm not the only one. I actually lost a bit of sleep that night.
Third, I knew my wording in that part of the post was weird and was going to create the wrong ideas. So don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Wolfstar. Likee, to me they make sense and I hate what happened in the end. I just meant they're a popular ship because we really get to see lots of interactions between them. And the reasoning is that we got to see these interactions between them as adults, with one of their best friends already dead and one of them (and later the other) aware that it's another one that killed him. We basically get to see only their dynamic and that's what started the ship.
But about what I said that maybe they wouldn't have been that popular if we had seen more interactions between all four of them was based on if we had seen the whole story in chronological order. Without the knowledge that James is going to die or that Peter would betray them.
And I don't think if that was the case, people would have shipped James and Sirius much more. I'm a firm believer that there is this level of platonic friendship that is so strong that there is absolutely no way it can be seen as something else, and this is exactly the type of friendship between Sirius and James. Why I mentioned the closeness between them was just because a lot of people somehow seem to forget that they were the closest ones and instead seem to believe that Sirius and Remus were the closest ones because we first saw them interact as adults when the others weren't around. Not to also mention the Prank or some other things that might have made people a bit wary of the ship. So I think that if we had seen the story in that order, maybe they would have still become a popular ship but not as fast or maybe there would have been people shipping the two of them with other people too, maybe even Peter. Or maybe we would have seen evidence of them being closer to canon than we thought!
I also want to say that in any case, I have things which I love and ship but I also don't mind other people's ships and I don't judge, even if I don't see the appeal myself and I might even read things that have such ships in the background, as long as what I ship is not in any way harmed (e.g. read a fic where one of the people in a ship I have is with someone else). Like, I might dislike a ship only if it is abusive or there is something that's really not okay with it. As I shared a post earlier, there are some ships I don't entirely understand but this doesn't mean I hate them. In that trail of thoughts, I also understand most of people's hcs and somewhat fanon facts that everyone accepts and I don't mind these at all.
Finally, again thanks for this post! I plan a second part where I'll also mention that in addition to Sirius being taller, he also had short hair.
Feel free to ask again or, yk, just send a DM.
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