#jax tell x y/n
lqveharrington · 2 years
Sleepy | A.P.
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Summary: Gorgons, having a head full of snakes, turn out to be extremely tired and clingy during cold seasons.
A/N: we need more fics of my fav gorgon, and if we don’t have any, i take matters into my own hands :)
Warnings: (not proof read) Use of Y/N L/N, use of she/her, cursing, ajax being soft and adorable, mainly fluffy fluff, reader is a witch, xavier and wednesday are dating, lmk if i missed any !!
Pairing: Ajax Petropolus x fem!reader
Word Count: 2k+
Every winter, snakes brumate over the winter. They stop eating as the temperature drops, their metabolism slows down, and they look for an underground place to hide from surface temperature changes. Which seems perfectly normal for a snake to do once the season changes.
But when your boyfriend and a fourth of Nevermore’s population happen to have a head full of snakes for hair, it becomes more complicated.
During winter, Nevermore’s community of gorgons get drained easily or just exhausted in general from their genetics, so they had an exception for sleeping in class and their lack of being active.
But what you noticed with Ajax was that he was more clingy to you than usual. He would find any possible way to be close to you. You were eating with your friends? He would take the seat next to you and wrap his arm around you, head buried in your neck. When you took notes, he’d have his hand in yours, head resting on your shoulder. In Jericho despite the weather being absolutely freezing? He would stay by your side and order a hot chocolate from the Weathervane for you both to share.
You let him do what he wanted amid winter, never minding the extra close proximity. You quite liked his clinginess.
“Jax?” You murmur, his head resting on your shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“M’just tired, don’t worry.” He gave a soft response, not wanting to bother your conversation with Enid.
“Are you sure? We can go back to your dorm if you’d like.” Your brow creased as you rub circles into his hand that held yours. “I can just tell Enid, she’ll understand.”
He let out a small sigh, “I… You’re having fun with them, I don’t want to—“
“Babe, you’re gonna pass out sooner or later, and I would rather have you pass out in your bed than in a lounging area.” You interrupt the gorgon, catching his eyes full of love and exhaustion. “And you are not leaving on your own.”
For a few seconds, Ajax just stared at you, wondering how fucking lucky it was that you wanted to date him of all people. And in those few seconds, you had just finished explaining to Enid why you had to go, giving her a small smile.
“Let’s go,” You nudged his arm, snapping him out of his thoughts. “The comfort of your bed awaits!”
The trek to his dorm wasn’t as bad compared to when he had to sneak into your dorm. Polonius Hall was rarely checked upon by the hall master who was instructed to ensure the strict rules were being taken seriously. You did have trouble pulling him up the stairs from the common room to his room, the more tired he was, the more it seemed he was intoxicated. Which he wasn’t.
Finally getting to his room, you took the keys from his pocket, and— You forgot which was the right key.
You poke his cheek, earning a hum. “Which is the key?”
“The one with the snakes.” He mumbled, pointing in no particular direction.
Silently thanking him for decorating all his keys with different designs, you unlock his door, quickly taking him to his bed.
“Wait, aren’t you a witch? You couldn’t use your witchy powers to open my door?” Ajax sat slouched on the bed, pretending to use his hands to make the door move.
“I didn’t want to— That’s not the point right now, go get changed.” You try using an authoritative voice, but only hear a whine and a tired chuckle come from your beloved’s mouth. “What?”
“Nothing, you’re just cute.” He stood sluggishly and kissed your nose before heading to his closet. “η όμορφη κοπέλα μου είναι τόσο αξιολάτρευτη.” He said in a sing-song voice, his words confusing you.
“Babe, you know I don’t understand Greek.” You pout jokingly, leaning against his dresser. “What’d you say?”
He tapped his cheek first. You rolled your eyes at him, giving him a small peck. “Happy?”
“Of course.” Ajax grinned lazily and started to hum, completely ignoring your previous question.
“You were— What the fuck?” You take your phone out of your back pocket, Enid’s name dragging across the screen. “Hello?”
“Hi! I know you’re like, very busy right now and you just left, but this is kinda an emergency and we need you. Like, now.” She spoke fast and it sounded like she was pacing.
“Uhm, alright, I’ll be there in a few.” You quickly ended the call and met the eyes of a curious gorgon. “Enid has an emergency—“
“It’s okay, I’ll be fine.” He reassured you, wrapping his arms around your torso. “Need to take a shower anyway.”
“You’re lucky I removed that mirror from your bathroom, A.” You cup his jaw, bringing him down so you could pepper his face with kisses. “It’ll be quick, then I’ll come back here.”
Separating from Ajax, you flash a small smile toward the tired male and then turn to leave, not before he wrapped his hand around your wrist, making you look back at him.
“I love you.”
Your smile gets slightly wider, “I love you too, Jax.”
Quickly parting from him, you speed walk to where Enid was, trying to figure out along the way what could have been the emergency.
— — —
“Oh my gosh, thank god you’re here!” Enid rushed over and grabbed your arm, pulling you toward the situation. “Look.”
“It’s a hat.”
“No, not that!” She turned your head toward Wednesday. “That.”
You blink once. Twice. “Wednesday, are you okay?”
“I’m absolutely splendid.” Her mouth twitched a bit.
“But you’re…”
“Smiling!” Enid shoved a mirror in front of her face, peeking behind. “What did you do?”
You glance at the girl’s phone, watching as Xavier’s contact pops up. “Did you go on a date with Thorpe, Wednesday?”
“No.” She spun around and shoved her phone inside a drawer, silently cursing her own stupidity. “Why would I ever willingly hang out with that—“
“She’s blushing! You’re blushing!” Enid jumped up and down, squealing at the usually pale Addams. “Wednesday has a boyfriend!”
“I do not!” She cleared her throat, pulling the monotone face again. “I don’t have a particular interest in this conversation you brought me in.”
“You like Xavier, there’s no denying it.” Enid happily says, clapping her hands together. “My blog must know!”
“Don’t, E.” You wring your hands. “You don’t want another Ajax and Y/N situation.”
She froze, “Right, sorry about that. Uh, I promise not to speak about it until you let me.”
“Good. Or I’d have you six feet under.” Wednesday almost grinned. “Now why aren’t you with your boyfriend?”
“Because Enid said this was an emergency.”
The werewolf threw a small glare toward you, “I mean, it kinda was? She was smiling so hard! It should be concerning!”
“Yeah yeah, I’m happy for you Wednesday. I hope he treats you right.” You give her a minute smile. “If not, Enid will full-on wolf out on the school’s resident tortured artist.”
“Yep.” Enid flashed a toothy smile. “I can terrify the shit out of him.”
“With your colorful nails? Of course.” The pigtailed girl sarcastically remarked.
You let out a small laugh, trying to avoid the pillow being thrown at you. “Enid!”
“What?” She threw another one at you, soon laughing along. “You’re laughing at my nails!”
“I’m not!” You defend yourself, deflecting the pillow with a flick of your wrist, red encasing the soft cushion.
“You so were! And that’s cheating!”
“How?” You throw the pillow back.
“You’re using your powers!”
Wednesday shook her head at the two of you, “Y/N.”
“Yeah?” You turn to her, but not before Enid threw one last pillow at your face, causing you to glare at the blonde.
“So you came here because smiling was an emergency?” She had an eyebrow raised, arms crossed. “I’m sure Ajax has been missing you since you left him alone approximately eighteen minutes and fifty-six seconds ago.”
“It hasn’t been over five minutes.” Your eyes flicker up to the clock on Enid’s side table, seeing it had indeed almost been twenty whole minutes.
“Your journey to Enid and I’s dorm from the boy’s dormitory takes way longer than you think it does, even with your speed walking.”
“How did you—? You know what? I probably won’t get a straight answer.” You check the clock again, biting the inside of your cheek. Taking your phone out, you check your messages, seeing that Ajax has indeed texted you. “Shit, uh, I have to go.” You awkwardly point to the door with your thumb, looking between the both of the girls.
“Okey-Dokey, it’s no biggie.” Enid grinned at you, her roommate rolling her eyes at the words she chose. “We all know how Ajax is during this season. Very clingy.”
You flash her a grateful smile, giving her a quick hug and Wednesday a nod. Leaving Ophelia hall, you take a sharp right, bumping into your hall master, Miss Thornhill.
“Oh! Miss L/N, I didn’t think you’d be out of your dorm at this hour. You know it’s past the times you’re allowed to go out.” She gave an off smile, one that gave you the creeps.
“I…” Your answer died on your tongue, racking your brain for anything that would avoid getting both you and Ajax in trouble. “Ajax… He has my… My textbook for your class! Yeah, he wanted to use mine because he totally forgot where he put his and—”
She put her hand up, indicating for you to stop. “I know you and Mister Petropolus are a thing, Y/N. I also know that gorgons have difficulty processing stuff during cold seasons. So if you really need to go over to him, I’ll give you permission. As long as you both are not caught, all right?”
“Yes, of course.” You silently thank her for having some sort of favorite.
“And no funny business either.”
Too late for that. You nod, knowing she’ll figure out the lie within your words.
“Good, now off you go.” Thornhill dismissed you, missing the way you let out a breath and cursed at not paying attention.
And this time, you recorded the time it took from Ophelia Hall to Ajax’s dorm, which turned out to be eleven minutes. Though Nevermore was big, you didn’t know it was that big of a school. Entering Polonius Hall’s common room, you heavily sighed, hands running through your hair. You didn’t think you’d be tired from everything that happened within the last hour.
Quietly, you pushed open your boyfriend’s door, finding him sleeping on his bed, showered, and changed into his plaid pajama pants and a band tee, a different beanie snug on his head. Though some of his snakes were already out, snoring as well. You tugged your converse off and changed into one of his shirts, trying not to make loads of noise. Wincing when you knocked the cup of pens and pencils over while putting some of his stuff away.
Taking in the way he was positioned on the bed, you opted to sleep on top of the covers, staying as far away from him. It was only to not disturb his slumber, but you knew when you felt the bed shift you had woken him up.
“Baby, what’re you doing?” His voice was raspy from sleep.
“Trying not to wake you up.” You reply.
Ajax lifted the blanket up, letting you slide underneath it and into his embrace. “I think you failed.”
“Go back to bed, ’m sorry.” You feel the warmth emitting from his body, legs immediately intertwining with his.
“η όμορφη κοπέλα μου είναι τόσο αξιολάτρευτη.” He said again, kissing your forehead. You hum, fatigue taking over your body. “My beautiful girlfriend is so adorable.”
“Is that what that means?’
“Mhm.” He put his head on top of yours. “Also, don’t worry. I couldn’t sleep without my beautiful girlfriend with me.”
“Go to sleep, my love.” You peck his collarbone. “You can flirt with me in the morning.”
© lqveharrington — all rights reserved. do not copy, translate or share my work on other media platforms.
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gloryofroses19 · 26 days
So It Goes...
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Pairing: Eris Vanserra x mate!reader (Reader is apart of the Dawn and Night Court), former lover x reader
T/W: Sexual themes and allusions to sex
Walking out onto the balcony, [y/n] was met with an expectant sight. Tall, handsome but not dark. 
“I didn’t need your protection from that mongrel brute.”
Mother save her from the ego of males, she silently prayed as her eyes rolled.  “Why don’t you admit that you like me?” 
Her traitorous heart skipped a beat as she realized she fell into his trap. His proud challenging gaze and devilish smirk were evidence enough. “You first, Firefly.” 
She supposed she could but was this the time? Leaning on the balcony’s balustrade, she took in the night before her. The balcony held an autumn warmth despite the chill that had set across Day’s desert terrain. 
However, her words of gratitude died on her lips as a touch grazed her upper arm. His heat spread across the lines of her bandages, the only evidence left of the failed assassination attempt. “Why was this not properly healed? Was Thesan too cock drunk to help his childhood friend turned Court emissary?” 
“Do not talk about Thesan that way!” Ripping her arm from his hold, she glared at him. But the outburst was more out of anger for herself than Eris. Anger towards herself for failing to be there for her childhood friend when he had only ever been there for her. Even when she was a traitor to her Court while she helped her family in the Night Court. “The blade was covered in Aspidistra.” She sighed, “He did all he could, but sometimes things need to heal naturally.” 
“And the bodyguard?” The edge to Eris’ voice was not lost on her. She felt the same way when Thesan suggested it. Despite her protests, she knew her friend would only let her attend this meeting if she brought Jax. Beautiful, blonde broad Jax whose smile rivaled the sun. Who only ever wished to shine that light onto her. 
“As a general myself, I didn’t know suffocating you counted as his job.” Eris snidely commented. He knew that this was dangerous, that she was dangerous to both himself and his plans. And yet, he couldn’t stop. Damn the Mother and this female. 
“Am I interrupting something?”  An unapologetic voice spoke, breaking the tension.“Please tell me no because I surely want to join. I would love nothing more than to be between your twin flames.” 
“Lord Helion.” Returning Helion’s smile, [y/n] exhaled the breath she was holding.
“I had to fight your soldier to get in here [y/n].” Joining the pair on the balcony, Helion curiously eyed the fireling heir. “How did you get in here Eris?” 
Eris took a moment to consider. Or rather pretend to consider, his cryptic smile offering no truth. “As lord of this court, you should know of the many doors in this hall.” 
“Yes,” Helion began matching Eris’ smile before glancing at [y/n].  “Especially the ones left purposefully open.” 
As if tired of Eris games, Helion turned his attention fully to [y/n]. Bridging the gap between them, Helion took her hand in his.  “A little flower told me you’ve left your soldier quite unsatisfied in recent months.” 
“My Lilli telling you sordid stories amidst the throes of passion?”  She asked, her tone amused. How it related to her best friend’s fun with Helion she didn’t dare or care to guess. But she didn’t mind that her best friend spoke of her and Jax. She and Jax were a thing of the past and Lord Helion the diary of fae pleasures. 
“Well if you joined us, you could have done it yourself.” As he kissed the back of her hand, [y/n] realized she was wrong. Helion hadn’t been tired of Eris’ smoke and mirrors but rather was toying with Eris. Toying with the intention to figure them out. She wondered if Eris knew. 
With a clearing of his throat, Eris decided he was tired of this farce. He knew it would show weakness but the choice was between a throat clear or ripping Helion’s throat out. 
At the sound of the interruption, Helion’s eyes swept across Eris’ figure. A knowing smile spread across Helion’s face as if the Lord of this Court wouldn’t know what was brewing between them.  
Dropping [y/n]’s hand and stepping back, Helion put his hand over his heart in mock deference. “Forgive me, I’ll leave this healing salve on the table for you [y/n].”  But turning once more back to them, Helion offered a final smile, “Though selfishly,  I did very much enjoy the scent of your arousals.” 
Once Helion was gone, Eris allowed himself the moment to roll his eyes. With his gaze on [y/n], on the soft planes of her face and beautiful eyes, he knew Helion was right. If this was a taste of the smell, he would never survive this. He knew he would never survive them. 
“What?” She demanded, rueing his gaze. “What, Eris?” 
“Nothing,” Moving in closer, Eris traps her between his body and the balustrade, a pregnant space between them. “I just find it curious that he has been left unsatisfied since after the Mountain.”  With a step forward, their bodies almost touch. “Is it because of me?” 
Eris was shameless for her truths. Shameless in knowing that the bond, an ancient and primal thing, demanded nothing but clear devotion from them both. No matter how hard they fought it. 
Looking into his amber eyes, the gold flecks within them seemed to shimmer. The breath she took, didn’t steady her heart as she hoped. Instead, it made her realize how she was a hostage to her feelings in his gold cage. “A lot of things happened after the Mountain.” 
Watching her, Eris realized denial never looked so good on anyone as it did on her. 
“Mmhm,” The sound was a deep pleasant hum, and his lips tilted up teasingly. “And yet your gaze tells me differently.” 
“And what of yours?” She threw it back at him, “You are not above it all Eris. I saw your envy in Jax’s hand on my back, in Cassian’s hug, in Rhysland’s hand kiss, in Helion’s -“ 
His gaze hardened with each mention of a name until the words burst out of his mouth. “I do not need you to remind me of the casual touches you so willingly allow those males.” 
“Why? Say it.” The conflict in his eyes did not dissuade her from pressing further. “The choice is yours, Eris.” All the hardness in her voice softened, “I am yours to keep or I am yours to lose.”
“Vulnerability from the indomitable [full name]?” Eris’ deep voice fell into a conspiring whisper as he softly gazed at [y/n].  
Holding his gaze, [y/n] kept her voice steady. “Sensitivity from the unconscionable Eris Vanserra?” As his name left her mouth, his warm hand cupped her cheek. With each gentle caress, she found herself momentarily obnoxiously frozen beneath his touch.  
Neither of them knew who leaned in first. All they knew was that there was a space between them and then it was dwindling. Knew that they were gazing at each other and then suddenly their eyes were closed as their noses brushed against each other. Knew that they had had their own breaths and then suddenly they were sharing one as their lips brushed against each other’s. 
“We can’t do this.” [y/n] murmured breathlessly, as her fingers brushed the visible skin by his collar. The smooth warm expanse of skin was the only temptation she would give herself as all her strength went to not crushing her lips against his. 
“I know.” Eris wantonly replied, tilting her head to the side allowing him the reprieve of getting closer to her. Of allowing him to nuzzle his nose against hers as he tested his self control of her lips being a fraction of a space away. 
“We must be careful. If anyone were to find out, it would be disastrous.” He forced himself to not think of how sweet she felt in his hands. 
“Yes.” She forced herself to not think of how fast his heart was beating against her hand. 
Neither of them moved from their shared proximity despite those evident truths. With their foreheads leaning against each other, she supposed it would paint quite a pretty picture. She could see it now, Freye would call it ‘The Mating Bond: A Choice’. 
As if the Mother knew neither of them had the strength to separate, the door to her suite opened and closed. While the intrusion was not welcome, it was necessary. 
“Lord Eris.” Like a sunbeam breaking through a cloud, Jax watched out onto the balcony.  “I wasn’t aware sneaking into places was your thing.” 
[y/n] never quite understood when people spoke of a ‘sexy smoldering look’, how can burning slowly be sexy? But a flash, a flash spoke of uninhibited and unconscious things, of involuntary sparks that fan a fire. 
Like the flash of frustration across Eris’ face and the clench of his jaw from this interruption further sparking the flame of arousal burning inside of  her. 
She knew she could rationalize it all away. Maybe it was their placement in the Day Court. A court known for its prioritization of love and pleasure that had kept her in a constant state of arousal since her arrival. Having nothing to do with her brush with death a day ago nor arriving and seeing Eris. Eris who swaggered in looking like a man with nothing but free time to tease her. Or maybe, it was her close proximity to her former lover who once brought her immense pleasure and would do it again, if she only asked.
Or maybe, it was more primitive than that. Maybe having two handsome generals fighting over her and their constant snips for possession of her were going to drive her to insanity. Death by lust, she wondered how many beings died this way. 
“I think it speaks more about your skills than  mine when you left such a wide window of space.” Eris’ derisive tone was a stark contrast to his polite smile. 
Laughing mirthless, Jax clapped his hands behind his back. “Or maybe I let you ‘sneak in’.” 
“Did you?” 
Sensing this would only end badly, [y/n] stepped in between them. “I think it’s time to retire.”
Agreeing with the sentiment, Jax extended his right arm toward the door. “You heard the lady, goodnight lordling.” 
Stepping closer to [y/n] once more, Eris held Jax’s gaze as he leaned in to whisper in [y/n]’s ear.  “You should know by now that I always play to keep. Never to lose, Firefly.” 
And like a flame extinguished, Eris Vanserra winnowed away. Leaving [y/n] cold and short of breath by the implication. When the bond snapped, he called it a game but his words now spoke of intention. An intention to not run or reject the bond. She understood why many spoke of the mating bond as a blessing and a curse. 
“You need to be careful. I trust you, and your decisions but I don’t trust Eris. Why was Eris here? The assassination attempt very well could have been from Autumn, Beron is unpredictable. Or even Rhysland, we don’t truly know the motives of the Night Court.”
More like you don’t know the Night Court motives, she thought as she turned toward the balcony’s view. “Jax, I know Thesan sent you to watch me but I take very good care of myself. The assassin was literally dead before anyone even noticed he was there. You can relax and think of this as a vacation.”
“This is no vacation. You don't even believe that.” He joined her against the balustrade. 
“You’re right,” She sighed, wrapping an arm around herself. “We don’t know a lot, which is why we are here.” It was another pretty lie. 
Placing his hand over hers, Jax spoke with utter devotion. “I am here because I want you to be safe.” 
“Thank you.” It would be so easy to cup his face and enjoy the brush of his scruff against her hand. Easy to accept the offer of marriage sitting on the tip of his tongue. But it would all be a lie. It was after the Mountain. Now his sunshine burned and suffocated her. Now, she craved the warmth from a roaring fire and not a strong sunbeam. “I’m going to bed. If the couch is too rough, you can always take the suite next door.”
“This is Day, [y/n].” He called after her, watching her retreating figure. “These couches are made for comfort.”
A/N: Feedback is always appreciated! This is partly inspired by the song So It Goes by Taylor Swift and the show My Lady Jane
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Two bikes (2)
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Summary: You’re back in your hometown and meet two men from your past.
Pairing: former Jax Teller x fem!Reader (pre-story), Biker!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Warnings: smitten Bucky, fluff, light/implied smut scene
A/N: I wanted Jax and Biker!Bucky in one fic. So suffer with me…
Two bikes (1)
Two bikes masterlist
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He moves slowly but with enough strength to punch the air out of your lungs. You gasp with every powerful thrust, torn between lust and regret.
How could you end up in his arms? How could you let him fool you again?
“I knew you’d feel this good, baby,” he groans in your neck. His body presses yours into the mattress and you are glad that he can’t see your face.
You’re close to tears because of your bad decision of getting close to the man breaking your heart more than once.
If only he chanted your name when you were not tangled in each other. If only he meant the words he whispers in your ear while taking you apart.
You know better, and still, you fell for him again.
“Look at you, all fucked out,” he groans with the last thrust. He is still on top of you, his face buried in your neck long after he came inside of you. You feel his chest pressed against your back, so close that it feels like you are one person. “Shit, you gave me another one.”
He finally slips out of you, huffing as you do not move. “That was amazing,” he says while already looking for his pants. “Uh-maybe you should head home. It’s getting late and I’d hate for you to walk in the dark.”
“I-“ your voice fails. How can he be a passionate and sweet lover one moment, and the next he turns into the selfish asshole you know so well. “You’re right.”
You slip out of bed to grab your clothes and throw them on. He watches you hastily dress with amusement. “You can go slow. Give me a little show.”
“Fuck you,” you snap at him. You walk out of the room, your jacket, bag, and one shoe tugged under your arm to get away from the next mistake you made. “How could I have been so stupid?”
You walk away, ignoring passersby watching you walk along the sidewalk with only one shoe on. Your apartment isn’t far away from his place, and you are too out of it to put your second shoe on.
You’re more running than walking when you see your building. With your last strength, you spring toward the building and unlock the door with shaking fingers.
You stare at the word count before rereading the words. “That’s awful. A bad sex scene and the angst doesn’t hit right.” You rub your tired eyes. “Three hours and I only got three hundred and eighty lousy words. You’ve got to be kidding me, Y/N.”
Slamming the laptop shut you sigh deeply. Of course, your personal experience is always a good inspiration, but not this time. You want to start this book with a perfect opening, so the reader doesn’t want to put the book away until they read every single sentence.
“What do we do?” you hide your face in your hands and sigh again. Since the day you met Jax again, your mood turned sour.
You believed coming back to your hometown would spark your inspiration. Instead, you got your heart broken by the very same man causing you to leave town years ago.
“Fuck, I need to come up with something better than this shit.”
You’re about to give up when your phone starts ringing. Reluctantly you leave your unfinished first chapter to answer the call. “Hello, this is…”
You don’t get to tell your name before Bucky calls you doll. “Hey, doll,” he chuckles when you squeak a hello. “I wanted to tell you that I fixed your car. You can get it this afternoon if you want to.”
“That would be great, James,” you smile to yourself. Hearing Bucky’s voice saved you from despairing over your first chapter. “I can be there at five, is that okay?”
“No, no doll,” he stops you before you can say more. “I’ll pick you up, doll. I can’t let you walk or take the bus. And please, stop calling me James. My father called me that when I did something stupid. I hate it.”
“Did he call you James often?” you tease. “I bet he did because you did something stupid all the time. Like smoking or driving too fast.”
“Ma’am, I’m a responsible driver, and I do not smoke,” he replies, but you hear the joke in his words. “Maybe I like a good drink, but that’s all. Oh, and don’t worry. I don’t drink and drive.”
“I can call a taxi, Bucky. You don’t have to pick me up,” you try not to owe Bucky another favor. He refused to take money from you for repairing your car. That’s more than enough.
“Doll, if we want to stay friends,” he tries to sound serious, but chuckles, “you’ll accept a ride on my bike, miss. I’ll pick you up at five pm sharp. Please wear something…nice.” He laughs when you mutter into the phone. “Nah, just kidding. Come as you are, Y/N. That’ll be enough.”
“Fine, but I’ll pay you back somehow.” He makes an odd noise but plays it cool. “Oh! I know. I’ll devote the first chapter of my new book to you, Mr. Barnes.”
“A new book!” He gasps. “Will it be about the same woman? Another part of your series? Please say yes.”
You’re surprised Bucky knows your books. “Yes, and no. I try to…I don’t know.” You huff. “I want her to have a fresh start, just like me. Old habits die hard, but it’s time. If you know what I mean.”
“I know damn well what you mean, doll. I’ll pick you up at five and we can talk about that fresh start some more…”
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“Here,” Bucky holds a leather jacket in his hands. It’s too small to be his, and you frown. “I got you a jacket, so you won’t freeze.” He grins when you glance at the jacket.
“Bucky, I’m not your old lady,” you point out, knowing about the traditions of bikers.
“Not yet,” he retorts. Bucky helps you into the jacket, and a big smile on his face when he zips it up. “Looks good on you, Y/N.”
You roll your eyes. He’s very charming, but you know the flirty banter will turn into something more if you don’t stop him. But…do you want to stop him?
“I got you a helmet too,” he grabs the helmet and helps you to put it on. He taps it twice and grins. “Perfect. Now we can go for a ride…”
Bucky gets on his bike, planting his feet on the ground to steady it. He holds out his hand to help you get on the back of his bike.
“Hang on, baby. I don’t want you to fall off my bike.” He smirks when you laugh. “You can hold tight onto me, Y/N. I won’t mind.”
You hesitate for a second. This situation is a little too familiar for your liking. You look at his back, reading the wrong club’s name on it. “Howling Commando,” you whisper.
“Is everything alright,” Bucky asks. “We can wait if you’re scared of driving in the back.”
“No,” you shake the memories of the past off and wrap your arms tightly around Bucky. “All good, Bucky. We can go.”
He starts the engine, ignoring he can feel you pressed against him. If he gets too distracted by your closeness, he’ll crash his bike with you in the back. And that’s the last thing he wants to do…
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shipmansflannels · 4 months
welcome home, cheater | jackie taylor x reader
oh, hi! well, sorry for promising I was going to post something yesterday but ending up not doing it. I was trying to take some time out of the computer and trying to organize my creativity. so, this is what I could manage to post after a day off. hope it's fine. enjoy! sorry if it's too short, it was actually based on a youtube video I saw a long time ago and I couldn't remember all the details in it. hope you enjoyed it anyway. thanks for all the support, and the rebloggs, and the likes, and the following!
sorry for any grammatical or coherence errors, english is not my first language and I'm trying to improve!
welcome home, cheater | jackie taylor x reader
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-> prompt: after an embarrassing situation at the mall, jackie has a jealous crisis. <-
warnings: non cannon, no crash, most fem!reader but it works for gender neutral readers too, jealous!jackie, jackie being a girlfaillure, 1996 timeline, mentions of randy walsh, plot twist.
She had spent the entire trip back in silence.
It had become an awkward silence in the car and you couldn't help but look at her and make sure everything was okay in the passenger seat, but Jackie hadn't said a word since you left the mall and she hadn't said anything when you were driving home either.
Her parents were on a business trip, and as two teenage girlfriends who did everything in secret, you were taking advantage of those days to be together. But suddenly, everything had become a confusing mess.
Opening and closing the car door with force, Jackie grabbed the bags of clothes that were hers and set off into the house in a hurry, before you could even park the car properly in the Taylor's huge garage.
Picking up your purchases and following her into the house, you threw them on the couch and promised that you would organize it after finding out what was wrong. As you imagined, Jackie had locked herself in her room and was probably listening to loud music on that damn Walkman you had given her for her last birthday.
In fact, if you had known that it would be the cause of all your ruin, you would have thought twice when you saw him in the store window begging to be taken home.
Knocking on the door three times just to be sure, you kept your voice low, hoping she would hear you anyway, over the loud music.
"Jax, can we just talk for a minute?"
There was no response. And instead of insisting, you just pulled the handle, not at all impressed that the door wasn't locked.
"Jackie, I'm serious. What did I do? Could you please talk to me for a second and sort things out?"
She looked at you, clearly listening to you, and with a sigh, she took the Walkman from her ears and threw it back hard, those huge eyes staring into your face. Like a stubborn child, she crossed her arms and sighed again.
“I think I should be the one asking that question,” she whispered, her voice a little firmer than you were usually expecting. Generally, while you had a calmer and more relaxed posture, Jackie was always excited, always outgoing, always talking loudly, as if she was always filled with sugar all over her body.
You frowned. "What the hell does that mean?"
"What did I do wrong, (Y\N)? What did I do wrong for you to leave me so easily, and right in front of my face, for Randy Walsh? What's different about him?”
Once again, you frowned, looking at her. "Jax, I don't get it. What the hell are you talking about?"
She huffed, returned to her normal expression and, with a roll of her eyes, leaned against the headboard. That was the signal she used for you to start a cuddle session on ordinary days, but now, you didn't know if you should join her.
So you just sat on the edge of the bed, still with your eyes fixed on her. "Is there something wrong? You can tell me, I promise I won't explode. You know I hate it when we fight, Jackie."
"You. Randy Walsh. At the video game store. Small talk. That pissed me off."
She explained, in pauses, now avoiding looking at you. Relaxing your expression, you gave an incredulous smile, but waited for her to continue, just to prove your point, and not to interrupt her in the middle of her justification.
"And what's worse, you left me waiting for hours in front of that stupid ice cream shop with my stupid raspberry cone in my hand, with my stupid shopping bags in my hand. Not hours, but…", she counted on her fingers, like if she was trying to remember. "... fifteen minutes, approximately."
You laughed again, scratching the back of your head. And she continued rambling.
"And you two were giggling, and you looked like a fool in love. I wouldn't care if it was a girl or a nice guy, I swear, but Randy Walsh! It's unacceptable, (Y\N)! How many times have you bumped into each other? through the school hallways? Once? Half a minute?”
You looked at her. "Look, love, listen… You got it all wrong."
"And I know I'm freaking out like it's a nightmare, like it's the worst thing I've ever seen in my life - and it really is, but whatever -. It's just… what would you expect me to do? I swear, it made me want to take your car, go home and leave you there alone, just to welcome you with a fucking sign stuck in the living room saying "welcome home, cheater"… But of course I didn't do that, I'm freaking out like it's the worst thing I've ever seen in my life, (Y\N), do you happen to realize what you fucking did? Randy Walsh, really? Are you fucking kidding me?"
You laughed again. "Jackie, please let me explain."
"Ah, now you want to explain? Well, go ahead. Explain yourself."
You sighed, looking at her and thinking exactly how you were going to put each thing into words, regretting it soon after, but knowing that you should move on. Looking straight into her eyes, you decided to start slowly, as you should.
"Do you remember the last day we went shopping? The day we spent at the new game store that opened on floor three and you saw that Nintendo 64 and your eyes lit up? So…", you bit your lip, nervously. "That day when you saw me talking to Randy for the first time, after coming back from practice, I was just trying to see if I could buy one cheaper, since he works at the game store in the other mall and I didn't have money specifically for the Nintendo from that store… And he promised me that he would try to ask his boss for an order, and that he would give me answers later…"
She widened her eyes, following you speaking as if it were the most important thing in the world, and from her reactions, you realized that you had made a mistake, and you realized that she also knew that she had made a mistake in judging you so early.
"Today, we were just passing by the aisle at Randy's game store, so I thought I would try to see if he had gotten the Nintendo yet… He told me yes, that it was on order and should arrive in a few days. And that made me extremely happy, Jackie, because… because it was my gift to you and because it was… well, it was your surprise birthday present."
With another bite on your lip, you laughed softly as you avoided looking at your girlfriend, who had her eyes even wider and her mouth open.
"That-? What-? How-? Oh, my God, babe… I…"
You nodded, laughing again.
"I screwed up, didn't I? I got it wrong and screwed up-"
"No, it's okay, I also overreacted, I should have told you… not told you, but at least given signs."
Jackie pouted regretfully and opened her arms. You fit into them well and breathed in her strawberry scent while ruffling those still wet hair. She whimpered a few times and hid her face in your neck, embarrassed. Her cheeks were too red, almost rosy.
"Shit, I'm so sorry, love. I didn't mean to ruin the surprise," she whispered. "It's just that seeing you and Randy together, I thought-"
"It's okay, Jax, I said it's okay. It was half my fault anyway…"
You shrugged and lifted her face to kiss her slowly. It started with a peck and then turned into a kiss that lasted a few seconds longer. When you pulled away from her, you whispered, touching the white blouse with butterflies sewn on the chest, looking down.
"Listen, I told you that I want to be clear about my feelings, and that I want to make us work, so… if I were cheating on you, which obviously I'm not, I would probably tell you. There's no reason I hide this from you, Jackie. Not even out of shame." You touched her lips with your fingers. "I love you. I wouldn't trade you for anything in this world. I swear to all that is sacred. You are the most incredible girl I have ever met and you are the woman of my life, I have never been so sure of that as I am now. "
She sighed and smiled, making another pout that you couldn't resist kissing, laughing softly and taking a moment to pull away from her.
"Besides, Randy Walsh isn't my type, and I'm not his type either…", you laughed again. "And when I say that, I mean it literally…"
Jackie frowned, her clear eyes emanating curiosity. "What you mean?"
“Jackie…” you shrugged, scratching your forehead. "He is gay."
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theemissuniverse · 11 months
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SUMMARY : You’re a deaf kombatant that can read lips extremely well. Your power is all knowing. You are half Earthrealmer and half Outworlder. (You mainly grew up in Earthrealm though) Everyone in Outworld knows sign language. Some Earthrealmers also know sign language or at least a little bit.
This is more an x reader with Cassie Cage, Kitana, Jacqui Briggs, Mileena, and Skarlet but with funny intros with other characters
Also love friendship between Kano and (Y/N) in this
WARNINGS : suggestive
Italics mean the reader is signing. Not speaking
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Cassie Cage : You know, I just got the perfect man for you
(Y/N) : If you say Kenshi I will strangle you
Cassie Cage : Sheesh. Nevermind
Cassie Cage : So tell me why you and Kenshi won’t work again?
(Y/N) : I am deaf…he is blind…how will he be able to see me sign to him?
Cassie Cage : Well now that you mention it…
(Y/N) : Why are you so persistent to set me up with someone?
Cassie Cage : Okay, I know the Kenshi thing was stupid but Takeda? He’s right for you
(Y/N) : His son?!
Cassie Cage : Um, why didn’t you tell me you liked girls?!
(Y/N) : You didn’t ask me
Cassie Cage : We’ll, guess I gotta call off the date I set up with you and Takeda
Cassie Cage : Wait. If you’re all knowing then does that mean you know-
(Y/N) : That you have a crush on me? Yes. Very much so
Cassie Cage : Goddamn it!
Cassie Cage : If you’re all knowing then does that mean you’ve seen me naked?
(Y/N) : It does not work like that but you can give me a demo if you want
Cassie Cage : *nervous laugh* Is it getting hot in here?
(Y/N) : I’ll whip you with your own pistol
Erron Black : If you’re doing it then I’m into it
(Y/N) : I gotta start off conversation saying ‘I like girls’ when I battle you people
Jacqui Briggs : If you’re all knowing then who’s gonna win the fight?
(Y/N) : Me. Obviously
Jacqui Briggs : Are you just saying that because you’re a bitch or are you serious?
Jacqui Briggs : Takeda is mine, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : I’m more interested in you
Jacqui Briggs : Oh shit-
Jacqui Briggs : I’m taking you out, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : I’m flattered but Cassie will be crushed
Jacqui Briggs : What? That’s not what I meant -
Jax : If you knew about other timelines, why didn’t you say anything?
(Y/N) : Nobody asked me
Jax : That’s the stupidest thing I ever heard
Johnny Cage : So why do you gotta be mute and deaf?
(Y/N) : You are a fucking idiot
Johnny Cage : I’m a fucking idiot? Well-can’t argue with you there
Johnny Cage : If you’re deaf then how come you can read my lips?
(Y/N) : I’m deaf. Not blind you idiot.
Johnny Cage : All I got from that is you calling me an idiot.
Johnny Cage : Okay, this sign language thing is hard
(Y/N) : How did your daughter pick up on it and you didn’t?
Johnny Cage : Yeah. I didn’t understand a word you just signed
Johnny Cage : Stop flirting with my daughter
(Y/N) : Trust me, a Cage is not my type
Johnny Cage : I don’t know if I should be offended by that
Kabal : Kano’s gotta soft spot for you
(Y/N) : Of course he does. Have you seen me?
Kabal : I don’t see the hype
(Y/N) : I am surprised you of all people know sign language.
Kano : You think I don’t do my work with deaf people? I’m not an ableist. Murderer yes but not that
(Y/N) : Dear God…
Kano : How can you tell I have an accent?
(Y/N) : Your mouth moves different than an American
Kano : That’s fucking cool
Kano : Come join the Black Dragaon, love
(Y/N) : So I can run from an ugly blonde with a gun? No thanks
Kano : She is ugly isn’t she?
Kitana : You know that I’m with Liu Kang, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : Ugh. Mr. Chosen one. Come be with a real woman
Kitana : Find her and I’ll be with her
(Y/N) : Liu Kang can’t handle all of that.
Kitana : *laughs* And you can?
(Y/N) : Very simple. Yes.
(Y/N) : I’m standing in front of the embodiment of beauty
Kitana : Flattery will not save you in this fight
(Y/N) : Well I tried
(Y/N) : He can’t give you what I can give you
Kitana : You know if you’d just asked me out before him then I would’ve been with you
(Y/N) : Wait…I actually had a chance??
Kitana : Skarlet is bad news, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : At least she actually likes me
Kitana : I did like you
(Y/N) : Your sister is obsessed with me
Kitana : She is hardly my sister
(Y/N) : Mileena was right. You are annoying
Kung Lao : You know you like me
(Y/N) : I tolerate you
Kung Lao : In my world, that’s the same thing
(Y/N) : I’m not interested, Kung Lao
Kung Lao : Kitana will never go for you
(Y/N) : I don’t need second rate monk to tell me that
Kung Lao : Why didn’t you just say you liked girls?!
(Y/N) : Even if I did like men-you would not be my type
Kung Lao : I’m everyone’s type
Kung Lao : So say if you did like men…who are you picking? Me or Liu Kang?
(Y/N) : You really want me to answer that?
Kung Lao : *sighs*
(Y/N) : Your friend may not pick up on my signing but tell him I am not interested
Liu Kang : Oh he knows but that won’t stop him
(Y/N) : Let’s see if a grave does
Liu Kang : I heard you have affections for Kitana
(Y/N) : Does that bother you, monk?
Liu Kang : I mean this in the humblest way possible, I am not threatened by you
(Y/N) : Mr. Chosen One
Liu Kang : You were always jealous of me, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : I wouldn’t be jealous of you if it bit me on the ass
Mileena : I can treat you better than my sister
(Y/N) : What are you gonna do? Eat me?
Mileena : Isn’t that what you’re interested in?
(Y/N) : Tell your father that I’m not joining his concubines
Mileena : None sense. You will be mine
(Y/N) : Holy shit
Mileena : My sister is missing out on you
(Y/N) : You’re implying that you have me
Mileena : Soon I will
Mileena : If I were Kitana, I would’ve picked you
(Y/N) : Smart and…a little freaky looking. I like it
Mileena : You will like more
Noob Saibot : We admire your skills in kombat
(Y/N) : Thanks dark shadow thing
Noob Saibot : But they will not save you from me
(Y/N) : People doubt me because I am deaf
Raiden : That is the advantage you have
(Y/N) : They won’t ever see me coming
(Y/N) : How come I wasn’t the chosen one?
Raiden : Are you prepared for-
(Y/N) : That sounds like too much work
Shao Kahn : You will join my concubines
(Y/N) : Read my hands. Hell no.
Shao Kahn : I wouldn’t be so convinced
Skarlet : You have infinite knowledge
(Y/N) : A blessing and a curse
Skarlet : Feed it to me
Skarlet : Your affections for Kitana are ridiculous
(Y/N) : Enlighten me
Skarlet : There are far better women in front of you
Skarlet : Your skills are far greater than a regular warrior
(Y/N) : Aw. You flirting with me, Skarlet?
Skarlet : I cannot resist
(Y/N) : Not gonna lie, you do look good in red
Skarlet : I am flattered, Psychic
(Y/N) : Baby, I can give you more than flattery
(Y/N) : Keep your boyfriend in check, Blade
Sonya : Keep your ego in check, deafie
(Y/N) : You did not just call me that
Sonya : Stay away from my daughter, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : She’s the one glued to me, moron
Sonya : I don’t know what you just said but I’m gonna kick your ass anyway
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loveharlow · 2 years
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PAIRING‧₊˚ Ajax Petropolus x Telepath!Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚ [2.4k] After Ajax and Enid didn't work out, Y/N finds that she has a thing for him and he's taken an interest in her. The only problem? Enid can't know.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, sneaking around, fluff, little angst, (forgot to mention—characters are 18)
A/N‧₊˚ I literally ran through every Ajax fic on here the second I finished Wednesday and not enough people write for my boy and it's so sad.
˗ˏˋ ajax masterlist ˎˊ˗
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“Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU?” I heard Enid's voice from wherever she was searching for me near the main courtyard of Nevermore. I sighed as I broke the connection that had Ajax’s lips on mine for the past 5 minutes. His hands still on my waist as he laughed in my ear and I clutched my eyes shut in frustration.
“Duty calls.” He joked as I peered up at him with a mock-offended gaze.
“Five minutes.” I sighed, drawing back from him slightly as I stuffed my belongings into my bag, preparing for Enid to come bounding into the courtyard any moment. “That’s a new record.” I joked half-heartedly. “Maybe this is the universe getting back at me for sneaking around with you.”
The boy sighed pitifully. “You gotta stop feeling so guilty, y/n.” Ajax comforted, his hands that were on my waist trailing up to cup my cheek as I leaned into his warm touch.
“It’s just, I like you. A lot. But, Enid’s my best friend, Jax. I can’t help but feel like a shitty friend.” I sulked, throwing my tote bag over my shoulder and standing up from where we had been sitting at an empty table.
The courtyard was empty as everyone was busy or in class, where my boyfriend and I should've been. Ajax and I had snuck off to get some time alone and in private, as there wasn’t much of that at Nevermore. Someone was always watching.
He and Enid had ended whatever they were two months ago - they weren't together but did couple-y things. They remained friends and, sure, they said they were over each other, but I still couldn’t help the pit of guilt that formed in my stomach.
“Hey, look at me,” He stated, standing up after me and lifting my chin into his hand. “You’re not. I’ll tell her if you really want me to. I don’t want you to feel like this.”
I shook my head and lightly grasped the wrist of the hand that held my face to pull it away gently, intertwining my fingers with his. “No. No, I have to tell her. And I will.” I reassured, smiling up at him. “It’ll be fine. Promise.”
“Y/n!” I heard Enid’s cheerful voice boom behind me, much much closer this time. Spinning around, my hand still connected with Ajax’s but my body concealing the interaction from Enid’s view, who was standing in front of me now with a bright smile on her face. “There you are. You didn’t hear me calling you?” I opened my mouth to speak when her gaze shifted behind me to the purple beanie-wearing boy. “Oh. Ajax, hi.” She said in greeting, her smile faltering in surprise and confusion.
Swiftly disconnecting my hand from his before she could see it, I smiled back at her. “Ajax and I were just talking about something we have to do with the Nightshades. What did you need?”
Her bright eyes traveled back to me as she eagerly clutched her hands in front of her. “You weren’t in class so I volunteered you as my partner for the project we have to do.” She beamed. “So, you’re coming with me so we can start because you are going to love the idea I came up with-” She rambled, grabbing my wrist and dragging me behind her with ease due to her werewolf strength, making me almost topple over my own feet.
Looking back behind me, I mouthed a ‘sorry’ to the boy who was left standing alone as I walked behind my best friend. He simply waved me off with a gesture of dismissal and a flirty wink, making my cheeks go hot as I turned my attention back to Enid, that is until I noticed Wednesday standing behind one of the pillars in the courtyard, not out of sight but she’d go unnoticed if you weren’t paying attention. Her eyes locked with mine as I gave her a half-hearted smile but I couldn’t help the way my stomach dropped to my ass.
How long had she been there? More importantly, how much did she see?
“Oh, hi Thing. Is Wednesday here?” He hopped to change directions and clearly pointed to Wednesday’s side of the room, where I now tuned into the sound of her typing harshly at her type writer. “Thanks.” I told the hand that I’d grown notably fond of.
Closing the door behind me, I walked over to Wednesday who made no move to acknowledge my presence. I didn’t take any offense by it. She and I weren’t overly close, but we’d become good friends. I've come to learn that it's just how she is.
“Hey.” I announced myself. It was no use in beating around the bush. If Wednesday was in that courtyard long enough, she saw Ajax and I. If not, she most definitely heard our conversation, or at least part of it. Wednesday wasn’t stupid — very far from it. I just didn’t want her to say anything to Enid before I had the chance to.
“Hello.” She said flatly, her typing never seizing.
“Listen, about what you saw, or may have seen between Ajax and I earlier-” I stuttered out, not wanting to make it seem like I was trying to silence her.
“I saw everything. Heard it, too.” She deadpanned, fixing the typewriter to start a new sentence as Thing flipped through Enid’s magazines. 
“O-oh. Okay...”
“If you’ve come to here to request I keep quiet about you skulking around with Ajax behind Enid’s back-”
“Skulking?...” I whispered to myself in confusion.
“-then I assure you that my lips are sealed.” My eyes widened in shock. Wednesday’s about as close to Enid as I am, so the fact that she wouldn’t tell her was surprising to me. She finally stopped her typing and turned stiffly to peer up at me. “It is not my place to do so and I have the hunch that you want to tell Enid yourself. You seem like a decent person and I doubt that you are doing this to hurt her. However,” she continued. “A word of advice — tell her before she finds out herself. I am not keeping a secret, y/n. I’m giving you time.” She stated, clear and firm. And with that she turned away from me and back to her typewriter.
I smiled to myself and nodded slightly, even though she couldn’t see it. “Thank you.” I said smally, before bidding farewell to Wednesday and Thing, who wiggled his fingers goodbye at me as I left the dorm.
“Ajax! Stop it-” I laughed, squirming underneath him as he refused to let up on his sensual assault. My hands went to his chest, making a feeble attempt to push him away from me. “Jax, please!”
“This is what you get for teasing me.” He mumbled into my neck, moving his hands to actually tickle my sides, my laughs growing louder and sucking in deep breaths in between as tears pricked the corners of my eyes. Suddenly, my own hands instinctively went up to grab the top of his beanie, forgetting the whole reason he had to wear it.
Thankfully, he caught my hands in his own before I even had the chance to pull it back, pinning them onto the mattress beneath his own as he straddled me, pulling his face from my neck as he smiled down at me and raised a questioning eyebrow.
“Careful there, I can’t exactly tickle a statue.” He joked as one of the snakes slightly slithered from underneath his cap and quickly retreated. 
My chest was still heaving from his previous assault as his hands still pinned mine to the mattress. It wasn’t long before I got lost in the way he was looking at me. Without meaning to, I focused in on his thoughts.
She can’t look at me like that. I wanna kiss her so bad. Shit…
“Do it.” I blurted, a sly smirk edging it’s way onto my face.
His head cocked to the side as his face screwed in confusion before it settled into flat, knowing expression. His hands released my wrists as they moved to cradle both sides of my face. “I told you to stay out of my head.”
I scoffed. “We both know that if I’m not in your mind, I’m on it.”
He rolled his eyes. “Someone’s cocky.”
She’s right. 
I cocked my eyebrows and a knowing smirk at him and he quickly caught on. “You are insufferable, you know that?” 
“How could I not? You remind me everyday, yet you still end up in this same position, everyday.”
“Hm. And what position is that?” 
“This one.” I whispered, barely audible before craning my neck up to crash my lips onto his. His touch was electrifying and my hands traveled to his back to grab two fistfuls of his shirt, his nevermore blazer long discarded to my bedroom floor.
I didn’t have a roommate since my old one got expelled a couple weeks back. So, when he could, this was where Ajax would come to meet me, as this was as much privacy we could get on any given day.
One of his hot hands left my cheek to travel down to where my shirt and skirt met, slithering his fingers beneath the fabric to make contact with my bare waist, sending a prominent shiver up my spine that made me pull him closer out of pure instinct and want. 
His lips never leaving mine, our heads tilting in opposite directions, his tongue peeking out occasionally to tease mine.
A hand of my own was forced to release his shirt and travel up to cradle the nape of his neck, pulling him closer into me and he let out a low groan into our kiss, prompting me to let out a moan of my own.
My whole body was getting hot and it started to make moves of it’s own, one of my legs coming up to trail up his calf before wrapping around his waist and letting him put some of his weight down on me.
“Y/n, you will not believe-”
At the sound of the cheery voice I heard everyday, I jumped away from Ajax who fell onto the other side of my mattress. My shirt was lifted, showing some of my stomach as my lipgloss was smudged past my lip-line. Ajax’s face was flushed a light shade of red and some of my lipgloss was on his own mouth, making his lips shine slightly under the light.
This whole scene was bad. Exceedingly bad.
Us kissing on my bed. Our blazers and shoes on the floor, thrown without a care. He was just on top of me for crying out loud. 
Enid looked around in awkwardness as none of us could come up with what to say and she finally settled on swallowing harshly, letting her head down and leaving the room.
“Enid, wait-” I quickly got off of the bed and trailed after her. Socks thudding on the hard-wood floors as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.
I trailed after her until she came to a stop in the halls, far enough away from my own dorm, whose door was still open. She turned around stiffly to look at me.
I couldn’t stop myself before I was tuning into her thoughts. Maybe it was the need to know how she really felt before she lied to put my needs before her own. Enid cared about other people more than herself.
I’m not mad. But why didn’t they tell me? I hate secrets. Why did they lie?
“I didn’t mean to.” She blinked at me with the utmost confusion. “To lie to you, I mean.”
“You’re really going to read my mind right now?” She reprimanded, crossing her arms over her chest and squinting her eyes at me.
I shook my head and rubbed the back of my neck for comfort. “Right, sorry.” I apologized. She sighed and let her arms fall back at her sides.
“How long?” She asked in a monotone.
Meeting her gaze, I shrug awkwardly. “About a month. Somewhere close to that.”
She just nodded and looked away, her tongue prodding the inside of her cheek as she shot her eyebrows up in thought.
I stood awkwardly and silently until she looked at me again. “I forgive you.” She said plainly. “I know you didn’t actually apologize yet but you were going to anyway. So, I forgive you. But don’t lie to me again. “ She said with her chin up before swiftly throwing her arms out towards me, trying to hold back a smile.
I took the hint and practically threw myself at her in a hug. “I’m really sorry, Enid.” I mumbled into her shoulder. 
She sighed and patted my head. “It’s fine, y/n. I meant it when I said I was over him.” She assured. “But, you totally broke girl code. So, you owe me.”
I laughed into her shoulder as I hugged her tighter. “I love you.”
I could feel her vibrate with a laugh as she put her hands on my arms to push me back to look at me. “Well, who doesn’t?” She joked, winking at me. “Kidding. I love you, too.” She said pushing my shoulder lightly, which still sent me back a bit due to her strength.
Down the hall, a throat cleared that echoed down the halls. Both of us turned to see a sheepish Ajax peeking from the door frame, half of his body poking out. “Everyone okay out here?” He asked, palming the back of his neck, sporting that oblivious grin he always held on his face.
I rolled my eyes as Enid scoffed. “Everything is fine, you dumbass.” She shot at him.
He disregarded the entire second half of her statement and smiled brightly. “Oh. Okay, good.” Pointing his thumb back inside of the dorm, “I’m gonna- yeah.” He said as he retreated back into the room.
Enid and I turned to face one another before laughing. Once it died down, I sat a hand on her shoulder. “You’re really okay with this?”
She nodded with a smile – a genuine one. “Totally. You really like him. I can tell.” She said happily. “Being honest, I thought he had a thing for you when we were kind of together. That’s why I ended things.” 
“Mhm. But it’s okay. I actually found someone else a while ago..” She trailed off hands clutched behind her back as she swayed side to side.
My eyes widened as I smiled. “ Ooh, who is he?” I squealed. Her brows cocked and she smiled mischievously. 
“He?” She hinted and my eyes went even wider as she giggled and ran off to her own dorm. 
“Enid! You can’t drop a bomb like that and run!” I shouted after her, laughing as she slammed the door behind her. “I support you!” I laughed after her.
Now looking back at it, she always did look at Wednesday differently.
Walking back to my own dorm, I saw Ajax sitting on my bed. He peered up at me with his puppy-dog eyes.
"We're good." I assured him.
He nodded and smiled before gesturing for me to join him on the bed again. "Great. Now can we go back to what we were doing before? I really liked that.."
I laughed and shook my head. "You're ridiculous."
"Is that a yes?" He asked, pulling me closer with hands on my hips.
"What do you think?" I asked sarcastically as he crashed his lips against mine.
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
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stxrrwritess · 11 months
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‘need some help?’
jax (the amazing digital circus) x reader smut
warnings : masturbation, hate fucking, porn w little to no plot, penis in vagina sex, reader is afab, slight degradation (use of slut & whore), creampie, probably ooc
words : 1,177
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Ever since appearing in this god forsaken circus, you and Jax have had constant back and forth bickering. It’s not to say you hated him, hate is a strong word. But, he definitely knew how to push your buttons and you couldn’t help but want to rip his head off sometimes.
You were in the main hall of the circus, talking to Ragatha while wandering around. You two had become pretty close since you got trapped in the circus. As you were walking, you were suddenly tripped over, falling flat onto your face. You looked up to see who the culprit was. Of course, it was Jax. Your face grew red with anger and embarrassment, as you picked yourself off the ground and dusted yourself off. “Oh, heya, toots. Didn’t see ya there, was jus’ stretchin’ my leg.” He grinned that shit eating grin, chuckling. You pointed an accusatory finger at him, as you spoke through gritted teeth, “You did that on purpose, asshole.” Before you could get another word in, Ragatha placed her hand on your shoulder, an indication that it wasn’t worth the fight. You sighed, and Jax walked off smugly. “Ugh. What a dick.” You grumbled under your breath, huffing as you crossed your arms. Ragatha seemed way too nonchalant with what had just happened, laughing softly. “Oh, come on Y/N. We all know you have a thing for him. Why don’t you just get it over with and tell him?” She asked, cocking a brow. You were gobsmacked. You? Like him? You batted your hand dismissively, a soft ‘psh’ sound escaping your mouth. “As if, Rags. You have to be kidding me. You couldn’t pay me to have any sort of feeling for him other than complete and utter dislike.”
What a lie.
Later that night, or rather, later (you couldn’t really tell the time in the digital circus. It was always a clash between both times.) You were in your room. You couldn’t help but think about what had happened earlier, and how Ragatha seemed to see right through your façade. All of the other residents were in the main hall, ‘eating’ a feast that Bubble had prepared after one of Caine’s silly adventures, and you had decided to sit this one out. Despite not even being allowed to curse in the digital circus, you wanted to experiment. You had made sure your door was locked, and slyly slinked your hand into your panties. Huh. The devs must be some sort of pervs, because you definitely felt something. You slid a finger into your heat, gasping softly at this oh so familiar feeling you hadn’t felt since getting stuck here. You began pumping your finger in and out, before adding a second. You were getting close to the edge, when you heard the doorknob of your door jiggle.
Jax had assumed you were with everyone else in the main hall, and thought it’d be funny to play a little prank on you. He jiggled your door open with one of his many keys, only to find you inside with your blanket loosely thrown over you, your eyes wide as you tried to wipe your slick into the covers. “Jax? What the fuck? What are you doing here?” You asked, your voice shaky as you panted slightly. “I-Uh, I thought you were with everyone else.” He stammered a little, feeling caught off guard to have walked in on you. He didn’t even know doing.. that was possible here. Guess you’d proven him wrong. You glared at him, wondering why he hadn’t left yet. He did the complete opposite, taking a step into your room and closing the door behind him, placing a hand on his hip. He chuckled dryly, looking you up and down as his grin grew wider. “You seriously gettin’ off in here while everyone else eats? What a whore.” He snickered, as he sauntered over to your bed. It’d be a lie to say the degradation didn’t make slick ooze down your naked thighs. “Need some help?”
“F-Fuck, Jax!” You whined breathily underneath him. Jax had you bent over, one hand supporting your waist up and the other tangled in your hair. His dick (that he just realised he’d had) slammed into you at a rough pace, and he leaned down to whisper into your ear. “Ah, ah, ah, don’t want your friends to hear you being stuffed full of the guy you pretend to hate, do you?” He moved one of his hands to cover your drool covered mouth with a laugh. You were barely able to form coherent thoughts, as a string of censored curses fell out of your mouth and soft gasps. You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, before he suddenly pulled out. You were about to protest, before he flipped you over onto your back. He lifted one of your legs over his shoulder and shoved himself back into you, this new angle doing wonders, hitting all the right spots inside of you. “Fuck, s’too much!” You felt tears prick in your eyes as he kept jackhammering into you like an animal in heat, his dick hitting much deeper now. “Take it, slut. That’s right, milk my cock.” He grunted, as he continued fucking into you, his pace staggering slightly. He leaned down, latching his lips onto your neck as he began to mark you. You knew everyone would see it tomorrow, but that was the least of your worries at this point. “You’re such a little whore , y’know that? Pretendin’ ya hate me, but I know ya were thinkin’ bout me when ya were in here gettin’ yerself off. Admit it.” His voice was strained as he panted into your ear. You could barely form the words, all that as coming out was, “Y-Yes, I was, j-just don’t stop!” You begged, your hands finding his back, scratching him slightly as you tried to hold on. He took that too literally, as he picked up his pace once more. “C-Close. I’m close, Jax.” You moaned into his ear, before coming undone around him. He kept thrusting in and out, fucking you through your orgasm until he came inside you. He stopped, as he rode out his own climax, filling you up in the process. He had his head in the crook of your neck, and you could feel his hot breath on your skin as he finished. “Haah, fuck, toots, didn’t take ya for a slut.” He said with a slight laugh, before pulling out of you and laying next to you on the bed. “Soo.. Still hate me?” He snickered, and you gave him a little too hard of a nudge to the stomach. “Shut the fuck up. Don’t push your luck before I kick you out.” You grumbled, but cuddled up against him all the same. “Fine. I was gonna offer to help you out more often, but guess not.” He teased, as he put an arm around you.
Maybe you two didn’t hate each other that much after all.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
a/n : first smut fic i’ve ever written ! apologies if it was lowkey bad i just felt goofy . i’ll probably start getting more active on here but don’t hold me to that bcs i always forget i even have a tumblr page LOL
anyways hope you enjoyed 💥
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juicesgf · 4 months
I was wondering if you could do something with a teen sister reader and happy or juice, platonically. Maybe it could be like a lockdown and they had to bring her and no one knew she existed until then.
If you don’t want to write this just ignore it.
hi anon! ofc i can, i love this request! I hope you enjoy and feel free to send some more requests❕
Mini Killa {H.L.}
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Warnings: fluff, swearing, age isn’t stated but reader is around 17, horrible writing
sister reader x happy
“You have to come with me to the clubhouse.” Happy murmured grabbing Y/n’s bag and putting some of her things inside
“What? Why? I thought you didn’t want them to know about me.” Y/n replied watching him pick up her pink bunny giving it a funny look before putting it in the the backpack before zipping it up.
He turned to look at her before holding out the bag. “That’s not true.” he responded keeping his words short. “It was always safer for you this way, until now. Come on.” He finished not giving her any time to respond before he left her room and headed outside.
Y/n hopped off Happy’s bike taking off her helmet and handing it to him. She looked around seeing tons of cars and other bikes in the lot. Her nerves starting to strike.
Happy noticed and placed a hand on her shoulder. before nudging her slightly so she started walking. When they walked inside all eyes immediately turned to them some small gasps being let out when they saw Happy with somebody.
“Brother.” A blonde man with longer hair smiled looking down at Y/n “who’s this?”
“I’m Y/n.” She replied giving the man a smile.
“Jax.” He looked between them
“Jax, this is my sister.” Happy finally spoke up shifting his weight from foot to foot.
“Sister?” Jax questioned his jaw slightly dropping “Guys! Happy has a sister.” Jax practically shouted looking at the others.
Y/n started fiddling with her fingers at all the attention she was suddenly getting. Happy could tell she was getting nervous and decided to speak up. “Y/n why don’t we get you settled in my room yeah?” She just nodded eagerly at his words.
The guys watched as something pissed Y/n off and she immediately snapped like Happy usually does.
“Damn, like brother like sister.” Juice snorted as she flipped off the person she was playing against in pool.
“Kinda hot.” Tig blurted the guys instantly giving him dirty looks.
Happy immediately turned in his seat giving Tig the nastiest look as he rolled the toothpick in his mouth. “Run.” He muttered.
Tigs eyes widened as he stood from his seat and started sprinting towards the door shouting apologies as Happy started chasing him, the guys dying of laughter as they all watched the scene unfold.
“Let’s hope he doesn’t kill him.” Y/n giggled walking over to the guys as she watched Tig scream like a little girl still running. “Last time he did that i had to help cover it up.” She joked.
Juice slowly backed away from her “Woah, Mini Killa.”
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star-writez · 11 months
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Jax x depressed gn angst to fluff
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(This oneshot was requested by a user on wattpad so if you want to let yourself be known)
(Anyways enjoy!)
~2nd person pov~
Jax has always had a crush on you and it was quite obvious to everyone
Well...Accept you of course
You were the only person he was actually somewhat nice to you
Yes he still teased you a little here but he was still super friendly to you
You two were best friends and you two were basically inseparable
But lately it's been different
You started staying in your room more and you started acting more hopeless and empty on the inside
Which was weird cause you always were full of happiness and hope for life even when it got rough
Jax was quite cornered by this point
It's already been a week since you started acting like this
So jax decided to finally do something about this
Jax was walking down the hallway looking for your room
He had only been to your room a few times but he couldn't really remember that much about it
Jax continued to walk picking up his pace getting more worried
It was weird for jax to act like this most of the time jax acted like a jerk but he was actually...acting sort of nice?
After he finally found your door he pulled out a key
He had keys to everyones rooms which was actually a good thing in this instance
Jax finally unlocked your door quickly running into your room
"Hey y/n are you in here?" jax asked quickly looking around trying to find you
Starting to get a little cornered again
But after a few seconds you came out from under your blanket
"Hey...." you said looking very miserable and a total mess
"Oh my god y/n you look like a total mess!" jax exclaimed still seeming very cornered "are you actually concerned about me?" you asked seeming a tiny bit shocked that jax could actually act nice "of course I am you're my friend!" jax said crossing his arms getting a little annoyed you thougt he didn't care about you "I know...I know...." you said yawning and rubbing your eyes looking very sleep deprived "are you ok y/n?....you look absolutely miserable?" jax asked putting one of his gloved hand on your cheek making you look at him "just...a little bit tired and depressed..." you said sighing again blushing a tiny bit at the physical touch "why didn't you tell me?!" jax asked getting annoyed again not wanting you to suffer in silence "well I didn't want to bother you..." you said sounding very guilty trying to look away but jax had a tight grip on your cheek "you never annoy me y/n...I want to tell me if you are ever struggling with anything...I'm here for you...." jax said his words sounding very genuine like he REALLY cared for you "ok...." you said still blushing a little feeling a tiny bit better now that jax was here "this may sound a bit weird but um...can I give you some cuddles?" jax asked becoming a bit awkward realizing that maybe he shouldn't have said anything "....that actually sounds very nice....sure" you said starting to smile softly
Jax started to get a tiny bit excited then he scooped you up in his arms carrying you over to your messy bed sitting you down then he sat down rapping his arms around you keeping you close to him
"I hate it here....I wish I could leave" you said pausing for a moment as you looked at him directly in the eyes "but... being with you makes me actually feel slightly happiness..." you said starting to smile again but then jax became a dark shade of crimson becoming very flustered at your words but he didn't look away he just stared back at you
There was a awkward silence for a minute or two but then jax spoke up finally
"Do you uh...um.......love me?" jax asked becoming very flustered and awkward again "yes....yes I do..." you said starting to blush s lot again being overwhelmed by emotions
"Do you love me?" you asked your eyes starting to sparkle a little as you continued to blush your heart pounding quickly
"I love you a lot..." jax muttered not used to loving someone or even being loved his ears trying to cover his face seeming slightly embarrassed then you grabbed his face giving him a quick but loving kiss which made jax's heart melt (not literally don't worry)
"So does this mean we're like officially together?" jax asked seeming a little confused not really knowing how relationships really work
"Yes does does mean we're together..." you said holding jax close to you hurrying your face in his chest which made him wrap,his arms around you trying to keep you as close as possible
After a few minutes you finally fell asleep getting the sleep you obviously needed
Jax sighed looking down at you smiling softly
"Sleep well darling...."
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shaunamilfman · 6 months
i'm just gonna call you mine
summary: Jackie answers Shauna's phone call while you're fooling around, and well, you didn't feel like stopping. A/N: Jackieshauna x reader smut if it's not obvious. based on this post by @t4tnat
You curse softly under your breath as Jackie reaches for her phone. Her face lights up as she flips it over, quickly swiping to accept the call. “Hey, Shauna,” She says excitedly, grinning at whatever Shauna says in reply. 
“Are you serious right now?” You whisper. Jackie quietly shushes you as she presses the phone closer to her ear, nodding enthusiastically as she talks to Shauna. You catch something vaguely about Mari's boyfriend, but you find that you don't really care all that much. Better women than you have been distracted by far less than their half-naked girlfriend sitting in their lap. 
You slump back defeatedly against the couch, your gaze shifting downward as Jackie shifts in your lap. Your eyes land on her bra, laying uselessly against the couch next to you. Inevitably you look back at her breasts, still glistening with your spit. The beginnings of a hickey marked where you'd buried your face between them. You watch with no shortage of disbelief as Jackie giggles with Shauna with her dress still hiked up to her waist, seemingly oblivious to the visible damp patch on her panties. 
Whatever. She could talk to Shauna if she wanted to, but this was your time. You couldn’t prove it, but you knew Shauna did this shit on purpose. You squeeze your hand still resting on her thigh, digging in your thumb as Jackie gasps. She quickly attempts to play it off as a surprise to a suspicious-sounding Shauna. She gives you a weak glare but doesn't seem to actually be upset about it. 
You lightly grab the back of Jackie's neck as you pull her towards you, immediately intent on giving Jackie another hickey. You feel oddly relaxed at the soothing sounds of Shauna's voice coming over the phone, providing a stark contrast to Jackie's shaky replies. You wonder what Shauna's making of Jackie's breath hitching as she unconsciously grinds down on your lap. 
“What are you doing?” Shauna asks, a hint of suspicion coloring her voice. “You sound… weird.”
“Nothing,” Jackie insists, the word coming out much whinier than she probably intended. “Just tell me about your day, Shipman. I missed you today.” 
Shauna's silent on the other end of the phone, the soft sounds of her breathing the only sign that she's still on the line. You take Shauna's indecision for what it is, a gift, and palm Jackie through her panties. She gasps, biting at her lip halfway through in an effort to muffle it. 
“Please,” Jackie says, words laced with desperation. “Tell me,” She adds after a moment, for a confused Shauna's benefit. Her face flushes in embarrassment but she still looks at you pleadingly. 
She melts into you, head resting on your shoulder as she silently spreads her legs looking like it was all she could do not to start begging. You keep your hand still, just a teasing pressure until Shauna resumes talking about her day. Jackie catches on unusually quick as you start and stop touching her with every lull in the conversation, leaving her torn between paying attention to the conversation to keep it going or relaxing into your caresses. 
Jackie squirms in your lap, trying unsuccessfully to hide her moans. Still, she can't help but whine when you pull your hand away. You breathe out a laugh as you gently push at her shoulders, standing her up on shaky legs as you get the rest of her clothes off her. 
“Who's that?”
“What?” Jackie asks with a nervous chuckle as she impatiently settles back in your lap. 
“Is… Is someone there, Jax?”
“Oh. It's just uh– just Y/N. Say hi.”
“Hey, Shauna,” You say amusedly. 
“Has she been here the entire time?” Shauna asks slowly. 
“Yeah, we're just hang–” She gasps as you pull her thighs apart, her fingernails digging into your arm as she continues, “hanging out.” You hesitate, giving Jackie a warning look that she completely ignores as she whines for you to continue. You shrug. If she wants to embarrass herself in front of her best friend, that's her business.
It’s your turn to stifle a groan as you slide your hand between her legs, finding her already soaked and wanting. You could feel how wet she was through her panties, sure. But this was something entirely different. Jackie tenses at the touch, stuttering over her sentence before arching into feeling, always seeking more– harder, faster. Anything that didn’t involve putting actual work in.
Each movement of your hand, every circle of your fingers, was calculated. Carefully avoiding anything truly sensitive as you revel in her stuttering attempts at conversation, a hand gripped tight on her thigh as she tries to force your fingers inside her. Jackie’s nearly tearing up in frustration as you keep teasing just at the edge of slipping inside of her. You can tell from the look on her face that in any other situation, she’d have her back turned to you, huffing and sighing dramatically till you gave her the attention she so clearly wanted, but you’re too far into enjoying one of the rare times you get to just play with her.
Your eyes narrow suspiciously as you realize that the conversation has gotten rather brusque and choppy on both ends. She definitely knew. You're a little surprised about how much the idea excites you, but as you take a moment to gather your thoughts you realize that it shouldn't be all that surprising. Knowing that Shauna Shipman, the perpetual pain in your ass that constantly fought for your girlfriend's attention, was enjoying listening to you feel Jackie up gave you a perverse thrill.
Well, if Shauna wanted something to listen to…
“Fuck,” Jackie moans, drawing out the word into something unmistakable as you finally brush your fingertips against her clit. Shauna lets out a harsh gasp at the sound, silent as she listens with bated breath to every sigh that escapes Jackie’s mouth as you tease her.
“Something’s come up, I’ve got to go,” Jackie rushes out, quickly tiring of this game and wanting to really get into it.
“No!” Shauna snaps, pausing a moment before pleading. “No, I’m sorry. Please. Please don’t hang up.”
Jackie looks torn between the two of you: the desire to give into the increasingly firm touch between her legs that she’s been begging for all night, and the desire to give into anything that Shauna wanted from her. “Put her on speakerphone, Jackie,” You offer with a roll of your eyes, making the decision for her.
Jackie's eyes widen dramatically as she glances back and forth between your face and the hand between her legs. “She obviously knows, Jackie. Tell her Shauna.”
Shauna’s voice comes out loud and clear over the phone, a quiet rustling sound indicating movement as she shamefully admits “Yes.”
Jackie moans, trying to hide the reaction as you purposely begin to rub firm circles over her clit. “The whole time?” Jackie complains, almost seeming offended. You’d be nervous if you didn’t know how obviously upset she was about her lack of subtlety than anything else. You’re sure she thought she was being so sneaky as she whined and whimpered over the line. God, you love this girl.
Shauna makes a noncommittal noise through the phone, clearly coming to the same realization. “You sound really hot,” She offers, trying to diffuse the situation. Credit where credit is due, you suppose, as Jackie visibly relaxes. Jackie thinks it over for a minute before obviously coming to the same conclusion: Yeah, she did sound hot.
You could tell by the sound of Shauna’s breathing, rough and needy, that she was fantasizing about fucking your girlfriend. “Are you touching yourself, Shauna?” You ask. Her rough breath and silence on the other end of the line told you all that you needed to know.
“... How am I touching myself?” Shauna asks slowly, hesitating after your confirmation before committing fully. 
“I'm laying on my back, I've got my… fingers inside of me.”
“How many?” You ask.
“Just the two.” 
“Yeah? Does that sound nice, Jackie? Do you want two of my fingers?” Jackie nods immediately, an excited look crossing her face before she sheepishly glances at the phone and shakes her head.
“I do but… Shauna can hear,” She whispers, face flushing with embarrassment as she looks imploringly at you. You shrug as you reach for the phone to hang it up, not entirely committed to the idea anyway. 
“I’ll call you back later, Shauna,” She murmurs, relieved.
Shauna shushes her over the phone and Jackie immediately quiets, looking surprised at the action. “Stop playing shy, Jax. You know you want to show off.”
“You think I want that kind of attention?” Jackie asks, almost offended. She pouts, almost on the verge of crossing her arms and walking away in a huff. “I'm not– not that kind of girl.” She's a little interested despite herself, slowly relaxing back against you as she seems to consider the idea. 
You groan internally. If Shauna fucks this up for you… 
“I think you want my attention,” Shauna continues. “You'd like that, wouldn't you? My full attention as I listen to you whine and moan as you get fucked?”
Jackie sighs dreamily and it takes everything in you not to roll your eyes. 
“You… You’ve been touching yourself? This whole time?” Jackie asks lowly, verging on a whisper.
“You sound so good,” Shauna says. “I thought you were by yourself too, but I should’ve known it was Y/N.” You laugh softly against Jackie's neck, listening closely to the quiet sounds Shauna’s trying to stifle on her end.
“She’s so wet, Shauna,” You say, rubbing Jackie gently before sliding your hand down. You slide a finger inside her, earning yourself a sharp gasp– a sound that's picked up clearly by the phone as Shauna sighs into the receiver. “Bet you’d love to be the one touching her, wouldn’t you?” The question hangs in the air for a long moment, the tension skyrocketing as an uncaring Jackie grinds against your palm.
Shauna groans out in agreement, voice thick with desire and just enough desperation that it makes you squirm. “Yeah? Are you thinking about the way she���d feel around your fingers?” You continue, adding another finger to the mix much to Jackie’s benefit.
Jackie cries out a little louder than normal, clearly putting on a show for Shauna’s benefit. You give her a knowing look as she catches your eye, but she doesn’t falter for a second as she half-heartedly rocks against the rhythm of your fingers.
“God, yes,” Shauna finally admits softly, a surprising touch of actual emotion slipping through. “Wish I was touching her. Wish you were touching me. It’s killing me knowing that…”
“I want your fingers inside me,” Jackie interrupts, more than used to skating over Shauna's more morose moments. You curl your fingers in thanks, wrapping one arm around her to hold her still as she arches off your lap with a shuddering moan. 
“Hear that, Shauna? She gets so turned on when we share her,” You comment. There's a brief flash of embarrassment on Jackie's face, but she gets over it just as quickly. 
There's a faint sound of buzzing as Shauna says “Maybe we should pass her around sometime. Would you like that, Jax?” 
Jackie whimpers at the mere thought of it, nodding furiously in agreement. Shauna cries out suddenly, a long needy sound unlike anything that's previously left her mouth. You listen closely to the faint sounds of Shauna's bed creaking in response to the movements of her hips, each creak accompanied by a desperate noise as Shauna chases her high. Jackie’s whining in your ear and nearly clawing at your shoulder as she pleads with you to speed up, clearly affected by each and every gasp leaving Shauna.
“Fuck,” Shauna groans. 
“Shauna,” Jackie whines, fumbling for the phone she's got loosely gripped in her hand. 
“I grabbed my vibrator,” Shauna admits with a gasp. ”My fingers weren't enough.”
“The– the blue one?” Jackie asks. Your eyes narrow slightly, but you'll come back to that after. 
Jackie gives you a pleading look so pathetic that it takes everything in you to not immediately give in to what she wants. "Tell her what you want, baby," You prompt Jackie. 
Jackie acquiesces with a petulant groan, gripping the phone tighter as she mumbles “I want another one.”
“I thought you wanted it faster?” You ask. 
“I want both,” Jackie complains impatiently. 
“Another what? Another finger?” Shauna asks, punctuated by an irritated click of her tongue as Jackie quickly agrees. 
“Fine, Jackie. You can have it. Whining too damn much to beg properly, anyway,” Shauna adds with a touch of derision. 
“Be nicer to her,” You admonish. 
Shauna scoffs. “You know she likes it.”
Jackie moans as you slide another finger in, gently working her open before speeding up like she's been begging for. You hum in consideration, before finally admitting. “She's certainly wet enough for it.”
“I can hear you,” Jackie mutters, face flushed with embarrassment as she hides it in your neck. 
“Quiet baby, the adults are talking,” You chide with a grin, pressing a kiss against her neck. Jackie bites at your shoulder in warning but is clearly hanging on to every word that leaves either of you as she whines out her agreement. 
“You're so loud,” Shauna comments. 
“Mmm, Yeah?” Jackie asks breathlessly. 
“Yeah. Whole neighborhood is probably enjoying the show, it's a wonder Y/N hasn't gone deaf with all that screeching you're doing,” Shauna starts, slowly gaining traction as Jackie listens intently. “Tell me, can you survive a moment without being the center of attention or do you save that just for us?”
“No. No, I can't,” Jackie agrees pitifully. 
“Don't listen to her, Jackie. You sound so good whining for us like that,” You say. 
“Please,” She cries out, voice cracking slightly. 
"Oh, she really liked that,” You comment idly, thumbing at Jackie's clit as her hips stutter. She's at a loss for words as she makes an incoherent plea against your ear, her arms gripping you tightly as she loses any semblance of a rhythm in favor of bonelessly letting you fuck her. 
You can faintly hear Shauna's voice coming over the phone, but it's drowned out by the sound of Jackie's ragged breathing interrupted by an occasional moan of your name. 
“Look so pretty, Jackie. You're taking it so well,” You murmur, shifting to accommodate her as she absolutely melts into you at the words.
“You close, baby?” Jackie nods exaggeratedly, a desperate noise escaping her that you're more than familiar with. 
“Ask her to come for you, Shauna. She likes that.”
“Yeah? I want you to come for me, Jackie. Please? I want to hear it.”
As loud as Jackie's been the whole night she's nearly silent as she comes, mouth open in a silent moan that turns into a long drawn-out noise of utter satisfaction after a moment. Your fingers work steadily inside her as you help her ride out her orgasm, only pulling out as she bites pointedly at your shoulder. 
You can hear the soft sounds of Jackie and Shauna's breaths as you rub gently at Jackie's breath, the silence stretching on for a comfortable few minutes until Jackie breaks it. 
“Shauna,” Jackie murmurs lazily, “Did you…?”
Shauna's quiet for a moment before slowly saying “Uh, yeah. Yeah, I did.”
“When did you–” 
“A couple times,” Shauna says firmly, clearing her throat awkwardly. You grin. 
“Wowza, Shipman,” Jackie breathes out, nosing into your neck. “You're kinda easy, aren't you?”
Shauna scoffs. “Says you.”
“Says me? I'm not the one who…”
You groan in irritation as you relax back against the couch. They'll never change. 
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baby-bearie · 2 years
shut up - ajax petropolus x reader
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a/n: if i can’t find the angst, then i will write the angst
pairing: ajax petropolus x reader
warnings: fights, cussing, the usual cheese
genre: angst with fluff, 1.2k words
tags: @sunflowermotel @maraseavey @tinylatina01 @obx-direction-sos @stfukie @voguesir @morgansmoreid @yunhosleftpinky @adoreyou976
“C’mon. Don’t do that.” Ajax huffs, hands stuffed in his pockets. He stands a good eight feet away from you.
“Do what? Seriously, Jax, do what? Tell me what we are doing, I would love to know.” Your eyes widen as you speak.
Ajax is an ass. Ajax has no idea how to communicate. Ajax is telling you, after about two years of flirting and leading you on, that he needs space to figure out what he wants.
“Don’t do that! I’m not doing this to be mean, Y/n. I seriously just need to figure my own shit out. Give me some fuckin’ time!”
You want to scream. You want to shove his stupid beanie into his stupid face and accept the rocky consequences. “Time? You want time?” You seethe.
He does not take the hint that he should immediately say no. “Yes! I swear, Y/n, I do like-” “Shut up, Ajax. Fuck you.”
You interrupt him. Ajax groans at the sky and prepares to deal with the next argument you throw at him, but it never comes. He looks back at you, and is terrified.
There are tears in your eyes. And he has no idea when they began or what he’s done, but Ajax is speechless for the first time in years. Finally, after standing so far from you during this whole spectacle, he takes one step towards you. “Y/n, don’t cry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
You take a step back. “Shut up. God, just shut up,” your voice is weak and you sniffle in the pauses between words. Ajax feels each pause somewhere in his stomach, a hit to his soul. “You know what, Ajax,” you back further away from him, “You want time, you got it. Take all the time you need. Take forever. It doesn’t matter anymore. I can’t wait anymore for you to decide whether or not you actually want me. You have ruined me for two years. I won’t give you more time, Ajax. Take it for yourself.”
You finish strong, which you think is a win. At least you have not lost all of your dignity in front of him. But he watches your bottom lip tremble, and he feels panic rise in him. His hands are shaking and he is suddenly remembering the way he felt the first time he stoned his best friend and ultimately thought they were dead. The fear that he has forced you away and is now really, finally, losing you takes hold. Time. He just needs time. He just needs to figure out how he can permanently stop himself from turning you into stone, just enough time for that. But how does he say that? ‘I’m so sorry my hair is made of snakes and every time I get near you I want to be extremely close to you and I’m terrified that I might hurt you and it scares the shit out of me, but I can’t really get rid of them, please give me time to figure out how?’
He supposes that is exactly how he should tell you, but he has no words. Instead he sputters out, “Wait,” as he’s watching you walk away from him. And the way you don’t pause for him, don’t wait at all, should be reason enough for him to leave you alone.
But when has he ever been reasonable?
And so he trails behind you like a lost puppy, gasping for air in between his words as he tells you he really does want to be with you. His feet drag through puddles of recent rain, and your hair is a little damp, and first he hopes your sniffles are because of the weather and not him. Then he wonders how long you’d been out here before he came looking. How long did you wait for him to realize you were gone?
He hopes the splashes the puddles make cover up the wavers in his own voice. “Y/n, please, just listen. I swear it’s not like that. No one else. There’s nobody but you, Y/n. I’ll fix it, okay? Just a little time, okay? You know how I feel about you. Please, Y/n. Say something.”
He mumbles the last part as you enter your dorm room. You turn around to close the door and he sees your face as you grip the frame.
“It’s late, Ajax. You should go.”
He does not want to go. He is running on pure adrenaline and a little weed when he scales the brick wall up to your dorm window. His mind has never been clearer. The deadly climb up here locked in his plan and his words. He finds the door onto the balcony is unlocked and he stumbles into your room.
You groan and stand. “Jax, go.”
“Shut up.” He snaps, pointing a finger at you. “Sit down. Shut up and sit down. Listen. I have something to say.”
You sit down on the bed. You prop your hand on your palm and nod to him to talk.
He takes the hint. “I get it, okay? I’m stupid. Dumb as fuck. Really out of the loop. And I’m bad at telling you what’s going on, but it’s only because I really like you. Never felt like this for anyone. You know that. You know I’m head over heels for you.” He tilts his head to the side.
“Cheesy,” You mutter.
“Shut up.” He points again. “And I’m sorry if I made you feel any different. I didn’t know I was doing that. But, Y/n, I’m so scared of being with you. I’m so scared of hurting you. And don’t tell me it’s only temporary, it wouldn’t just be temporary. Things would be different.” He doesn’t say the word, but you know what he means. “You wouldn’t trust me, I’d be even more scared of you. Don’t look at me like that, I’ve thought this out. I’m smart enough to know what that would mean. And what about when I fuck up? I have no brain around you. I’ll do something stupid and I’ll hurt you like I am now.” He rambles, eyebrows drawing closer together as he word-vomits in front of you. He looks away for a second, as if he’s trying to string his mind together. You know what he means.
“You ever want something so bad, that when the chance to have it comes, you can’t take it? Because you have no idea what it’ll feel like? And you’ve wanted it for so long, that now you can’t ruin it. And if you do, it’ll be all on you. And you won’t even have that chance anymore, you’ll have nothing. And what do I do if I have nothing, Y/n? What do I do if I mess up? How do I fix it?” He finishes finally, and finds that he’s made his way closer to you. Closer than he’s been in weeks, close enough for you to stand and grasp his hand.
“You’re fixing it now, Jax.”
He looks down at your hand holding his. “I’m not great at this.” He whispers.
“You’ll learn.” You answer.
He looks up at you and is relieved by your smile.
“Do you still need time?” You tease, eyebrows high. He surges forward, pressing his lips to yours, practically suffocating you. He presses warm kisses to your face and then your neck, walking you backwards towards your bed.
You push away from him and he chases after your lips, leaning forward.
“Actually, how did you even get in?” He silences your question with another kiss, hand coming up to grasp the side of your neck, thumbing over your jaw.
He shakes his head, “Shut up. Seriously. I have waited so long for this, shut up.”
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vxntagedior · 2 years
heyy love, i dont know if you are taking requests rn but if you do can you maybe do a ajax x fem reader where they are together and during the poe cup game the reader is distracting him from getting his teams flag so her team can take their own one.
tysm and i hope you could understand this <33
distractions, distractions
summary | using your relationship with ajax, you're able to distract his attention during the poe cup
pairing | ajax petropolus x fem!reader
warning | fluff, ajax is down bad for reader
word count | 1.0k
“I can’t do that to him.” You looked over at Enid, distraught. “I know we want to win but I can’t do that to Jax.”
“Y/n, please.” Enid whined, snaking your shoulders, “This is our year and I don't want those jokers getting in our way.”
You turned towards their boat, seeing Ajax and the rest of them getting the final touches ready for the race. Just before you turned back, you saw that Ajax was now looking your way, “you're going down.” He mouthed towards you. 
“You know what,” You smirked, turning back to Enid, “I’ll do it, I think they need a few pegs knocked down. 
Enid was now practically screaming for joy, pulling you down towards the docks and into the boats. Getting into positions, you were at the head of the boat. Turning you saw Bianca and Divina already looking at you. Though the three of you were friends, it didn’t matter for the next hour because you needed to win. Turning your head to the other side, looking over at Ajax’s boat who was already looking at you. 
Giving him a small smile, and blowing him a kiss, hoping to send him off his game before turning your attention back to the water. 
Hearing the gun shoot into the air, the four boats were off. The four of you were making a good pace, knowing if you started off faster, you’d start to slow towards the end. 
“Excuse me ladies!” You turned to your right seeing Xavier smirking, pushing themselves into your boat, turning you off the course. Grumbling under your breath, you picked up your pace. Getting caught with an ax over your boat, you all started to continue to row, hearing Wednesday to tell Thing to flip the switch on the neat under the boat. 
Passing the Gold Bugs, you gave a little wave to Divina and Bianca finally making it to Raven’s Island. You and Wednesday were the two that were tasked to get the boat while Enid and Maria were to watch over the boat. 
“C’mon Wednesday.” You yelled, hiding by one of the trees to catch Ajax. Nodding her head, you watched Wednesday continue through the trail, hearing two voices coming towards you. 
“We’re gonna win it this year?” You heard Ajax hear, finally stepping out from the woods.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, love?” You smirked, staring down at him. Xavier just laughed, muttering something along the lines “you’re on your own” before running back towards the boat. 
“You look so handsome.” You smoothed down the collars of his costume, “And the jester makeup looks so good.”
You could already tell you were getting to him, seeing his Adam's apple bob as he gulped down, his breath wavering. 
“Y/n.” He whined, “I can’t do this right now.”
“You’re just gonna leave me here?” You faked a frown, “I thought you wanted to see me?”
Ajax could never leave you sad, his eyes widening as he started to rapidly shake his head. “No, no of course not.” He was conflicted, Ajax loved you with his whole heart and hated it when you were upset (not knowing you were faking it) but it was a competition and knew how much Xavier wanted to win. 
Taking him out of his find, feeling you wrap your arms around him, you just hugged him tightly. Tucking his head in your neck, you smirked seeing Wednesday running back your way, she was able to run past the two of you without Ajax seeing her. 
Parting ways, you just adjusted his wrap around his head, before running off back to the boats. 
“Sorry Jax!” He heard you yell. Cursing himself, Ajax ran back to the boat, seeing how they were the only ones still on the island. Xavier was pissed along with the two other boys, who know had to haul themselves back to Nevermore. 
“You are terrible Y/n.” You heard the monotone voice of Wednesday say, “It suits you.”
You took what she said as a compliment, turning around to see Ajax coming closer towards you, you were surprised that they were able to make it far without sinking. 
“Hey, hey, what’s going on.” Bingo. 
“I just thought to myself, WWWD, what would Wednesday do?” Enid said happily, knowing it was just the Black Cats and the Gold Bugs left. Seeing the finish line so close, you didn’t feel bad anymore about Ajax, knowing your final show would take the Gold Bugs out. 
Rowing closer and closer to their boat, Wednesday flipped the second switch, the daggers coming out of the bed. But as they were to puncture their boat, you felt your own boat being sent back. Looking down in the water, you saw Kent pushing you away. Trying to paddle against him, you heard a small splash in the water, seeing a hand coming towards Kent. 
“Good work, Thing.” You smile, the four rowing back to the Gold Bugs.
Watching Bianca’s face as you ruined the boat, made it feel good to know that you all won. Dismounting the boat onto the dock, you quickly tied it to the post before running with your team towards the finish line. The four of you jumped together with the flag in your hand.
Going back towards Nevermore, the entire student body stood in the Quad listening to Weems present you all with the trophy. Cheering with your friends, you looked out to the crowd, seeing Ajax smiling and clapping for you. 
Yoko demanded that you all had a party in Ophelia for the win. It wasn’t hard to sneak out after curfew and you knew Weems would make the exception for the one night. The common room of Ophelia was packed with students from all the halls, the music loud, everyone dancing and drinking. You saw Enid practically gripping the trophy with all her strength. 
“Congratulations.” You turned to see Ajax standing behind you, “Though we should have won.”
“Really?” You smirked, “because if I remember correctly, you guys couldn’t even make it halfway back.”
You were teasing him at his point, knowing why. “All is fair in love and war.”
“I’ll get you next time.” He swore, a playful glint in his eye.
“Of course, Jax, I’ll be looking forward to it, but can we dance now.”
Ajax just laughed softly, shaking his head, but obliging. Kissing you before pulling you towards all your friends. 
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acewritesfics · 6 months
Beautiful | Jax Teller 
Pairing: Jax Teller x Winston!Reader 
Request: No. Find original here -
Synopsis: Jax takes his old lady out for the night.  
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, alcohol, swearing, talks of body parts, mentions of dressing and undressing. This was originally a Song-fic. H/C - Hair Color. E/C - Eye Color
Word Count: 2,186
Main Masterlist
Jax beams as he watches the woman he's madly in love with hurry around their bedroom, dressed in her black lace bra and panties set, that just so happens to be his favorite, oblivious to him standing there, focused on trying to decide what to wear. His eyes scan her body, stopping on her ass, admiring his third favorite part of her body. 
He never imagined falling in love with Y/N Winston, the younger sister of his best friend, but something changed when she left for college. When Y/N left Charming for college, she was just Opie's annoying little sister; but, when she returned four years later, it seemed as though she had completely changed. She was now a woman, not a girl. 
Y/N settles on a pair of skintight black jeans and a flowing deep crimson tank top. On the bed, she has her leather jacket that he gifted her for her 21st birthday, laying next to her jeans.  She eventually catches him standing there as she slides her legs into her jeans.  She pulls on her top as he enters the bedroom, a bit disappointed that his second favorite part of her body was now also hidden from him. 
After giving him a short kiss, she walks over to her dresser and gathers up her make up bag and hair brush. "I thought we were going to meet up at the clubhouse?" 
"Church got out a little early," he muttered, his eyes following her as she entered the ensuite connected to their bedroom. He observes her brushing her H/C hair as he leans against the door frame. 
When she put down her hairbrush, he closed the gap between coming up behind her so they're back to chest. He slides his arms around her waist, his fingertips caressing the flesh on her left hip where his crow was inked before resting his hands on her stomach and kissing the side of her head. "I figured I'd be a gentleman and come pick up my old lady." 
"You'll be driving the cage," she quips as she looks at him through the mirror.  
"I know," He smiles looking back at her, his baby blues meeting her E/C eyes. He takes a step back from her as she starts to apply her makeup. 
They got it confirmed last week that Y/N is pregnant again, after speculating that she was a few days before hand. Aside from not being able to ride bitch right now, they haven't told anyone about the pregnancy yet. Being just nine weeks along, they choose to hold off until the second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is significantly lower. The first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 11 weeks, and it wasn't only them who were devastated by it. 
Despite the fact that they are quite certain their family aren't buying into the excuse, they used her being sober driver as an explanation for her abstinence from drinking and riding on the back of Jax's motorcycle. They noticed Gemma, Opie's, Piney's and even Clay's suspicious looks when she would deny a drink or avoid being on the of a motorcycle. Y/N could tell Gemma was the most suspicious and that she was picking up on more than just those two things. 
Once Y/N has finished applying her makeup, she exits the bathroom to retrieve her jacket and put it on, with Jax close behind. 
"How do I look?" She asks as she slowly spins around, flaunting her appearance. 
He closes the gap between them once again, encircling his arms around her waist and planting a scorching kiss to her lips. He smiles as she responds kissing him just as heated as he was.  Nobody else has ever made him feel the way he does when he kisses Y/N. He knows he had the same effect on her as she always left him out of breath. He knew this because of the small moment after their kiss when her eyes remained closed and her lips pouted. 
Before letting her go, he quickly kisses her and doesn't say anything as he leads her to the car, locking the front door on their way out of the house. 
"I never answered your question," he says as he opens the passenger door for her but blocks her from entering the vehicle. She looks at him puzzled. "You look fuckin' beautiful," he whispers as he kisses her lips again before helping her into the car before getting in himself and driving to the SAMCRO clubhouse. 
When Jax pulls into the lot, the music is already booming from the speakers, there is already a strong odor of weed and cigarettes in the air, and beer bottles and cigarette butts are scattered all over the ground. He exits the car as Y/N gets out and meets him at the front of the car. He smiles as she slips her smaller hand into his larger one and laces their fingers together. As they enter the clubhouse, he brings her hand to his lips and gently kisses the back of it. 
As soon as they are inside, surrounded by patches, friends of the clubs, old ladies, sweet butts and crow eaters, Jax let's go of her hand and placed his arm around her waist pulling her into his side. A few people stared and scoffed at them, he was unable to control the smirk that grew on his lips. The women envious of Y/N and the men who aren't members of the club wishing they were him. 
Jax orders drinks from the prospect behind the bar before noticing Tig and Chibs sitting nearby. He leans close to Y/N to talks to her without having to yell, "Go sit down with Tig and Chibs, and I'll bring the drinks over." 
She gives him a quick peck on the cheek and moves over to the table where his SAMCRO brothers are seated. He watches when both men stand up and hug her before she sits down. 
He catches a few men glancing in her direction with hungry eyes as he surveys the crowded room. As his gaze returns to her, he suppresses the temptation to pound their faces into the nearest surface. Jax is unsure of what he did to earn her love, but he is glad that he did. He couldn't picture his life without her. 
Jax has only ever been in one committed relationship before he got into one with Y/N. Because of Tara's decision to go medical school, his ex-girlfriend ended their relationship but not without trying to convince him to leave with her. He'd been crushed and drowned himself in weed, alcohol, and pussy when he wasn't working his way up in the club. 
All of it came to an end when Y/N returned from college. 
After she returned home, a lot of things changed for him. Y/N became the reason he stayed awake and alone in bed most nights, her face being the one he saw when he tried to take another girl back to his room. When she wasn't with him, he thought of her constantly, wondering what she was doing and if she was safe. He had to stop himself from calling her every chance that he got  He existed solely for her and the club. Even though the guys made fun of him for being whipped, he didn't know where he'd be without her. He couldn't picture his life without her. He didn't want to. 
Jax brings the drinks over to the table and sits in the empty chair next to Y/N's handing her bottle of water to her. She leans in close to him, kissing his cheek once again, and whispers "thank you" as he drapes an arm across the back of her chair. 
"Hey, where's my kiss?" Tig is heard asking. 
"Not here, but maybe if you ask her," Y/N chuckles, pointing to a brunette crow-eater who is gazing lustfully at the club's resident crazy while wearing next to nothing. "She might give you one." 
"You might be right." He smirks, looking in the direction that Y/N is pointing.  He gets out of his chair and moves over to the couch where the crow-eater is seated. 
After an hour and a few drinks, Jax glances at Y/N as Chibs walks away, finishing their discussion. He finds her looking back at him with a small smile and love in her eyes. Now that they are alone at the table, he smiles tenderly at her as everything around them fades, Y/N becoming his sole focus for now. He didn't want to admit it, but she had turned him into a love-sick idiot. 
"How are you feeling?" She asks, concern in her eyes as she takes in the faint bruise on the side of his head. Moving her hand from his leg, she reaches up and runs her fingers through his hair. This afternoon he'd been hit in the head by some thug the club had to deal with, earning him a nasty headache.  However, it vanished when he took a few painkillers before church. His headache was returning, and the loud music was not helping. 
"I feel wonderful," he says trying to ease her worry and kisses her to distract her knowing she'll see right through his bullshit. 
"You're an awful liar." 
"I know." He offers her a small smile. "My headache's back." 
"We don't have to stay. I'm beginning to feel a bit worn out, myself." 
"Let's go home," He stands and offers his hand to her, helping her stand up also. They say goodnight to the most of the club members before Y/N makes plans to meet Gemma for lunch the following day. As they exit the building and walk to her car, Jax hands Y/N the keys. 
"Take these and lay down." Y/N offers Jax a glass of water and some pain relief she'd snagged from the kitchen on her way to the bedroom. As soon as they walked through the front door, Jax made his way into their bedroom, stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed while she double checked that everything was locked up and all the lights were off. He takes them as she instructed and leaves the half empty glass of water on the bedside table. 
He doesn't move from his upright position while he watches her undress till she is only wearing her bra and panties. 
His eyes follow her once more as she walks over to his dresser and picks out one of his SAMCRO shirts before entering the bathroom. A few minutes later, she returns wearing his shirt and with her face make-up free. He continues to observe her as she removes her bra, pulling it from the sleeve of his shirt and discarding it on the chair in the corner of their room. He moves to lay down as she climbs into bed, facing him. 
"How's your head?" She softly asks. 
"The pain is starting to fade." 
"That's good. 
"How are you feeling?" he questions, cupping her face and caressing her cheek with his thumb. 
"Amazing," she says as her eyelids close, relishing in the tenderness of his touch. "Though I was feeling a bit queasy earlier." 
He rolls onto his back to reach his bedside table and switches off the lamp. Y/N moves in closer and places her head on his chest. 
With his arm around her holding her close, he kisses the top of her head. "I know I never tell you I love you as much as I should, but I do love you." 
"I love you too," She smiles. His spoken 'I love you's' are rare but he didn't have to say it for her to know it's true. Every day, in the smallest things he does for her, he tells her he loves her.  
"I don't mean to turn into a huge sap but you're the most wonderful person I know," He kissed the top of her head again. "I don't know what I'd do without you or if anything happened to you." 
"I hope we never have to find out." 
"Me too." He sighs. A silence falls over them but is soon broken by Jax. "We should get married." 
Y/N sits up looking at him in the darkness, a look of shock plastered on her face. "You wanna get married?" 
"Yeah I do." he admits. They've never had the marriage talk until now. They hadn't had the baby talk before she got pregnant both times. "We have a good reason to. I love you, you love me and we're going to have a kid." His hand reached under the shirt she was wearing, his fingers brushing the skin of her belly.  
She smiles. "Okay, let's get married." 
Jax smiles back and pulls her down to him making her giggle. He runs a hand through her hair tucking a few strands behind her ear. "You really are wonderful." 
"Just kiss me already," she orders him. 
"Sure thing, Darling." he laughs and pulls her into a passionate and mind-blowing kiss that was bound to leave both of them breathless. 
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holylulusworld · 11 months
Rescue you - Flufftober 23
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Summary: When your ex comes to town, Jax sees red.
Pairing: Jax Teller x fem!Reader
Characters: Clay Morrow, Wayne Unser, Harry "Opie" Winston, Juice Ortiz, Tig Trager
Warnings: angst, mentions of a past abusive relationship, protective Jax, angry Jax, light violence against the reader, implied character’s death, fluff, hurt & comfort, blood
A/N: I didn't name her ex. You can imagine any guy. I imagined Brock Rumlow because he's hot and a bad guy. 😳 I'm a visual writer and need to imagine a face.
Trope: Rescue romance
Idea by: @dawn-petrichor-world
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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The day you met Jax Teller changed your opinion about men.
Until then, you believed every man is like your ex. Angry, loud, and thoughtless.
Jax is different. He’s rough around the edges, strong, wild, and yes, dangerous. But with you, he’s gentle and kind. You never felt safer than in his arms.
In those fleeting moments, you can spend alone, he dreams of another life. A life without violence, and maybe, children running around the house.
Your boyfriend is not a man of many words. He shows you his feelings with soft touches and small gestures.
The tea he brews for you every morning before you must go to work. A soft kiss goodnight. Or the way he hugs you. All these small gestures tell you Jax Teller loves you.
You believe in him, and his love. Jax will never hurt you or leave you for some other girl. He promised to love and protect you for the rest of his life.
Today, you must believe in his love, and hang on. If only you can hang on and wait for Jax to find out what happened to you…
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Four hours earlier, …
“Bye, have a great weekend,” you wave at your colleagues from the library. They return the gesture and wish you a great weekend too.
You yawn as you make your way toward your car. Only a few more minutes apart you from meeting up with your boyfriend.
“Look what I finally found.”
You freeze. That voice.
How you wished to never hear his voice again. You lived in a bubble for the better of two years. Your relationship with Jax is going steady, and your past is only a few burned pictures, and torn memories you refuse to talk about.
“No. You can’t be here,” you shake your head as you look at your ex. He smirks darkly at your reaction. Your hands tremble and your eyes sting with tears. “What a pity he didn’t pick you up today, huh? Every Friday night your fine boyfriend has something better today than bringing his girl home.”
“What do you want here? You can’t be here.” You take a step back, and another as your heart hammers in your chest. “Please just leave me alone.”
“I’m here to get my girl back,” he looks over your shoulder, checking if anyone is watching you. “I can’t just let you go, can I?”
“You had fling after fling,” you sneer when he tries to touch your cheek. Slapping his hand away you glare at him. “What do you really want?”
“I can’t have my girl run around with that bastard. Jax Teller, Y/N? Really?” He scoffs when you look around the area for help. “No one is coming for your aid, babe. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way.”
“Fuck you!” Your head snaps to the left when his hand slaps your cheek hard. You gasp, and press your hand to your cheek, fighting the tears wanting to break free. If you cry now, he’ll know how scared you are.
He grabs your arm, tugging harshly. “You will come with me and shut your mouth. After I’m done with the chapter of the sons in this shitshow of a town, you can thank me by being very nice to me…”
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Now, the clubhouse, …
“Where is she? What can you tell me?” Jax nervously runs his fingers through his hair. “Juice, you need to do your thing…trace her phone or shit.”
“Jax, you need to calm the fuck down,” Clay tries to calm Jax. One of them got kidnapped, an old lady. He’s furious and ready to rip anyone apart. “We will find your old lady.”
“She left the library four hours ago, Clay! Four fucking hours!” Jax kicks a chair out of his way. “If anyone touched one hair on her head, I’ll kill them…I’ll kill them all.”
“We talked to her colleagues and the owner of the shop across the street. Her colleagues didn’t see shit. Y/N left the library wished them a nice weekend and walked toward her car,” Tig grunts.
“Yeah, they didn’t even want to talk to us because you scared the shit out of them,” Opie bites back. “Anyways,” he clears his throat as he looks at Jax. Opie can see the fear in his friend’s eyes, and it breaks his heart a little. “The old geezer across the street said, that there was a guy and a girl. The guy hit the girl, and that was when he called the cops.”
“We checked the cameras from the stores nearby,” Unser tries to get Jax’s attention. “One of them captured the car of the bastard. We got a license plate and a name.”
“We’ve got a name?” Jax grabs Unser by his collar. “What are we waiting for then? You had a name for how long?”
“Twenty minutes, Jax,” the sheriff grunts. “I’m not an idiot, and I like the girl.”
“Who is he? Who dared to raise his hand against my girl?” Jax is out of it. He’s ready to rip the sheriff apart, limp by limp if he doesn’t get answers soon. “Tell me his name, UNSER!”
Unser yells your ex’s name, making Jax gasp. You told him about what happened with the man you dated before him. “We need to find them!”
“Jax, calm down! We are on it! Juice is on it,” Clay tries to calm your boyfriend down again.
“I try to hack her service provider to find out about her last location. Give me more time,” Juice tries his best to remain calm. He’s used to working under pressure. But these are exceptional circumstances. “Just one more minute…“
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You try not to think about what will happen if Jax doesn’t find you. Your ex was taunting you over the last hours, telling you how much he will enjoy watching Jax despair when he finds your broken body.
Taking deep breaths, you try to remember all the times Jax told you how much he loves you, or how he asked you to go for a ride with him for the first time.
The silence is deafening, and worse than your ex yelling at you. It takes a toll on you, as it feels like seconds turn into hours.
You hide your face in the palms of your hands, silently crying as you fear that you’ll never see Jax again.
“Where is she?” someone yells loud enough for you to hear. “I’ll kill you!” Gunshots hit the wall, and you scream as one of the bullets breaks through the door and hits the wall next to you.
“Y/N! BABY! Where are you!” It’s Jax. Jax found you!
“HERE!” You scream his name. “I’M HERE!”
The door flings open, revealing a beyond-worried Jax. His face is covered in bruises, and blood covers to his knuckles, but all you can think about is that he's here.
He tugs his gun away as you run toward him to throw yourself into his arms. “I knew you’ll find me…I just knew…” He breathes you in. "I knew it..."
“Did he hurt you? Did he touch you, baby?”
“No…I mean he hit me but…no…I…you’re here,” you cry into his chest. “You’re…here…”
"I told you," he kisses the crown of your hair, "I'll burn the world for you and kill anyone hurting my girl..."
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naturesapphic · 7 months
Hiya! How are ya?. I would like to request a Rhea ripley x reader for Valentines Day, where reader is apart of The Judgement Day and ( also married to Rhea if possible) and is about to have a match with Nia Jax to avenge the attack of Last week Monday on Rhea, and after the match, Reader goes backstage and celebrates with The Group but one she gets bk to the hotel, Rhea decides to thank her properly and thoroughly ( Smut and Fluff if possible 😊 😀 ❤️) plz and thank you
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Rhea ripley x wrestler!fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, cussing, smut ;)
You had Nia jax pinned down when she squirmed out of your hold and pushed you off of her which made you lay flat on your back. Now was on top of you, You looked over at the judgement day as they where cheering you on and screaming that you got this and you caught Rhea looking at you which drove you further. You are doing this to avenge your wife and that’s what you are going to do.
You yelled as you pushed nia off of you before the referee could get to three and you stood up and rammed her into one of the corners. You started punching her and slung her to the ground and jumped up and did your famous elbow drop that completely knocked the air out of her and you immediately got on top of her and pinned her down. You counted with the referee until she got to three and the bells dinged which signaled you got your win.
You jumped up happily as the referee slung your arm up and claimed your victory. Your theme song started playing and the judgement day got in the ring with you and hugged you. Rhea pushed them out of the way and picked you up in her strong arms and spun you around. Everyone awed in the audience and started cheering, but you weren’t paying attention to them, you were solely focused on your wife. She put you down but held you closely by wrapping her arm around your waist.
After a few moments in the ring celebrating your victory with your fans, friends, and wife, the judgement day got out and walked backstage as their theme song came on and Rhea jumped out with you following behind her. You were over the ropes and standing at the edge as Rhea catches you into her strong arms and carried you backstage with everyone else. “You did amazing out there lass!” Fin exclaimed as he went over to you and started ruffling your hair with his hands.
You giggled and pushed his hand away “thanks finny” you called him as you are the only person who’s allowed to call him that. Everyone congratulated you and Rhea kept looking at you with a soft expression but there was a look you knew all too well that was hidden behind them. Lust. You can tell she wanted to ravish you but she had to keep her composure, especially since the cameras were still rolling and people were everywhere backstage. After a few moments of everyone talking and congratulating you, Rhea stepped behind you and wrapped her muscular arms around your waist, pulling you into her warm body.
“Me and y/n are gonna go ahead and head back to the hotel…” Rhea rasped out as you felt your body get chills and a deep blush covering your cheeks. Everyone said their goodbyes to you as you and Rhea went out to her car hand in hand. She opened the door for you and closed it as she went to her side and jumped in, starting the car and driving off to the hotel. Motionless in white was playing in the background as her tattooed hand was on your thigh, rubbing it gently. She was trying to get you worked up and she was doing exactly that to you. After a few moments, rhea parked her truck into the parking lot and got out but not before running to your side and opening the door for you.
You smiled at her then squealed when she picked you up bridal style and went inside the hotel to go to y’all’s room. She got the door unlocked and gently pushed it open with her boot and threw you gently on the bed. You giggled as she went over to you on the side of the bed and looked down at you with the softest expression. “I can’t thank you enough for what you did tonight babygirl. You avenged me and the judgement day and I couldn’t be more proud of you.” She said with a gentle voice as you sat up and hugged her waist. “Of course my love. I will always be there for you. No one beats mami and gets away with it and especially since you are my wife.” You stated and she giggled as she gave you her famous cute smile.
Rhea leaned down and gently captured your lips with hers as she gets on top of you. You wrap your body around hers as her tongue gently slides in your mouth, which caused you to moan into her mouth as she smiles against you. Usually she’s very rough and dominant but right now you can tell her mood is different than her usual one. She pulls away from your lips and looks deep into your eyes with her blue ones as she slowly starts taking off your clothes slowly, one by one. Once she was done, you were bare and naked for her and you felt her eyes rake down your exposed body which caused a blush to cover your cheeks. “You’re so fucking gorgeous…all mine…” she whispered but loud enough to where you can hear her.
“T-that’s right…all y-yours mami..” you replied and Rhea’s eyes shot up to yours and looked at you with a smirk. You knew calling her mami got her going and you are using it to your advantage. Rhea started kissing all over your body, letting her lips linger on your scars and bruises. “M-mami please…I-I need y-you.” You begged your wife and all she did was smirk at you as she kept kissing all over your body. She went up to your chest and took a rosy pink nipple into her plump mouth and started suckling it softly. You threw your head back against the pillows and cupped the back of her head so she wouldn’t move, not like she wanted to anyway. She switched back and forth to your breasts and left some dark hickies behind. Her lips trailed down to your stomach and to your thighs as she gently pulls them apart to reveal your glistening pussy to her.
Rhea’s mouth started to water as she kept staring at your cunt and you started to feel anxious at how she was staring at you so you started to close your thighs until her strong arms kept them opened. “Tsk tsk…no closing them baby…I’m admiring my snack before I feast.” She said lowly, her accent showing more than ever as she gives you a smirk. You blush at her words and before you could say anything she licks a long hard stripe through your folds which caused you to squeal out. “F-fuck!! M-mami!” You moaned out as you felt her cold tongue piercing through your folds and onto your pulsating clit. She swirled her tongue on your clit a few times before sinking her tongue deep into your pussy which caused your hands to fly to her hair and grab onto it. She moaned at the pull which caused a pleasurable vibration to course through you and you moaned loudly.
A few moments of her tongue fucking you into oblivion, you came hard and fast into her mouth and on her face. She pulled away which caused a string that was mixed with your cum and her salvia to show and you blushed wildly as Rhea grinned happily. “You taste so good babygirl…I could eat you forever 24/7 if you asked me to.” She stated and you giggled at her answer as she climbs up beside you and pulls your body against hers. You smiled up at her until her felt her long fingers sinking into your pussy which made you gasp out. “You think I was done thanking you? Not a chance pretty girl…” she smirked as she added another finger into you which made three in you so far. She curled her fingers to hit your g-spot and you felt your eyes roll to the back of your head at the action.
Soon enough, another orgasm was coming and you screamed into the pillow as you squirted and cummed all over the bed and her hand. Rhea kept slowly pushing her fingers in and out of you so you can ride it out which made your legs twitch. She smiled big and took her fingers out slowly as she pops them into her mouth to clean them. She kissed your head and got up and got a warm washcloth to clean you up with. “It’s okay babygirl…rest…tomorrow we are gonna properly celebrate with the boys and throw a party at dom’s house.” She smiled down at you, giving you a loving look as you closed your eyes and started to fall in and out of sleep as she talked to you. “Okay…I love you Demi…” you whispered out as you fell into a deep sleep. You missed the way demi looked at you as you called her by her real name as she felt her heart fill with butterflies. She leaned down and gave you a sweet kiss on your cheek as she turned off the lights and got in the bed with you. Demi pulled you into her strong arms and fell asleep with her holding you.
A/n: 1580 words. I hope you like it @teganc ! I know this was supposed to be for Valentine’s Day and I’m sorry for the delay. If anyone wants to request more rhea ripley let me know! I have my own buy me a coffee page! You can give me a dollar and it will help. I also have some different commission types I will do so here's my page to look into it :) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturesapphic Requests are open for yeehaw!wanda, country!wanda, and any other southern variants of Wanda or Natasha! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y'all!
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parrythisucasual · 11 months
Jax x Reader who rants about their special interests?
Jax x Reader (Who rants about special interest)(Established Relationship)
Hello and thank you for the submission! Again, I’m sorry for it taking so long to get to this, there’s quite a few of you and I’m very grateful for that!!!
Since you didn’t tell me what sort of special interest Reader has, I’m gonna go ahead and slip in a few of my own. Hope you don’t mind anon!!!
“...and that’s why it’s the coolest pet you could ever own!” You shake your drawing of a crow at Jax. He chuckled a bit, reaching up and flicking you in between your eyebrows, “You’re such a birdbrain, (Y/N).” You grin in response, 
“I’m serious, Jax!” you hum happily, despite the stinging on your brow, “crows are hyper-intelligent and super cool! Did you know they remember a face generations later? Even if they’ve never actually seen that person their entire lives, they can recognize them!
“And to make things even better, they have funerals for each other too! And they hold court! And they have accents for different regions!” You squeal, bouncing on your toes a bit, “I’ve always, always wanted one!”
“Oh really? I couldn’t tell,” He rubbed your hair, still grinning. You never ceased to make him smile. It was just the way you are, never out of things to talk about, adorable all the while. He plucked the drawing from your hands, inspecting it closer. You’d drawn quite a few crows on the paper, at least twelve.
“Mine now,” Jax turned and, cackling, dashed up the hall. “HEY!” you giggle, running after him, “give it back, Bunny Boy!” His legs were much longer than yours, and he kept ahead easily, “Now you’re really not getting it back, Birdy!”
You put on an extra burst of speed, giggling through your heavy breathing, “Jax!” He dipped into his room, closing and locking the door behind him. You stop at the door, a grin wide on your face, knowing exactly what he’s doing.
“Come on, let me in!” you call through the door, knocking on it a bit. “What’s the password?” his voice playfully responds. You bend down and peek in the keyhole, but all you see is a very shadowy yellow, “You covered the keyhole, you’re such a cheat!” You stand upright again.
“I dunno, Birdy, peeking into people’s rooms is kinda creepy.” You knock again, “Jaaaax, let me in!” “Biiiirdy, what’s the password?” He matched your tone.
“Fine. I’m a birdbrain,” you hear the lock unlatch, and he swings the door open, “Correct!” and he reaches down and grabs you, hugging you close as he yanks you inside, spinning you in the air. You’re laughing, holding him around the neck, “Jax!!” 
“Aw, come on, I can’t do the thing you were talkin’ about yesterday? What was the characters… Fizz and Ozzie?” Your face flushed pink, realizing he really did listen to everything. You nod a bit, “Well… maybe we can,” you press your forehead against his, holding him tighter.
“So… you like it?” he pipes up after a long while. You lift your head, raising a brow, “Like what- oh my gosh!” He’d hung up every drawing you’d given him. His walls had at least thirty drawings, all of the things you’d told him about. You glanced around, stopping at the drawing hanging above his bed. Fizzeroli and Asmoedious. Your face split into a huge smile.
“Bunny…” you face him once more, “this is adorable!” You lean down and press your lips to his. Jax pulled you closer, leaning into the kiss. When you finally pull away, you giggle a bit, “So… are you gonna set me down yet?” “Nah,” he carries you to bed, flopping down on it, you on his chest, “I’d rather just hold on.”
You snuggle against his chest, feeling so loved you could barely contain it, “I love you, you doofus.” You close your eyes, relaxing. “Love you too, Birdbrain.”
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