#I will give more lore and writtings to you
joethehoeee · 9 months
"Why did you save me that night?" The question bore through his heart like a sharp dagger. The thoughts about that night hurt more than the phantom-pain of his broken horn. His back faced her, he was about to leave into the woods, like he always does if the guilt was to much to bear.
He tried to let his emotions deep in his heart. He wouldn't let them out. Not now. "Because you couldn’t save yourself." He answered coldly, his rough words rip through the cold air of the night. He knew that the words hurt her, even if she would try to play it off. He was a bloody asshole towards her. He knew it. He shouldn't be.
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The red-headed women behind him scoffed in a playful tone, yet he could pick up on the small disapointment in her voice. "Is that all? Just because you pity my weakness?" She shoke her head with a hurt chuckle, was she nothing to him? The leaves on the trees nearby rustle from the wind as she spoke. He could hear her tho, his ears would always hear her voice even through the roars of the dark lord right next to his ear.
No...That's not all..., the voice in his stubborn head urged to tell her the real reason. "I...Loved-....Love you. I love you, Barbara. I loved you then. I love you now. I will always love you." He confessed, yet the voices only grew louder, ...no, that's not the only reason why you disgusting scumbag. Tell her. Tell her the truth. His voices echoed in his mind.
"What...?" Finally, he turned towards her, his eyes wide as if he hadn’t planned to say it out loud. The salt and pepperd hair streak fell over his face (like it always did since he let it grow out). His face consorted into a soft, yet somehow...guilty...look. He took a step towards her, one of his hands moved to her cheek to cup her face, wich was still hurt but the light in her eyes couldn’t be mistaken. His clawed thumb stroke the scar she had gotten from the night when all of it started. God he hated himself. HE was that light. But why?! Why would her eyes light up for him.
"I couldn’t let you die. I would've never forgiven myself if...not after-..." his voice grew softer and he tried, with all of his willpower, to not break down. But he couldn't stop it. Not anymore. Everything was to much for him...the lack of sleep, food, water and the guilt...it was to much. He opened his mouth again but-
Her soft and warm lips suddenly brush over his own cold ones. His tusks tickle her skin as he pulled her against him. He should stop. He knows that he should stop her right now. He does not deserve this. It dosen't matter if he showed guilt or redeemed himself by giving her a grave, bones or this damn jacket that he was hiding in his bag (for now).
He pulled away. He pulled completely away from her touch. He stepped back, leaving as much space as he could. "Walt-"
"NO. Don’t say it. You don’t. And you won’t ever will...not after..." He steps back, shaking his head furiously as she tried to walk towards him. Suddenly she stopped, just looking at him with a confused and hurt look on her face. "I don’t care what-"
"I know. But this isn’t what I-" he growled, more to himself than to her. "It's my fault." He looked down at his hands. Tears form in his eyes but he stopped them from rolling down his face. He could still feel and smell the childs blood. And hers...hers too. "Walt, I don’t understand...? What are you talking about?" She sighed. "Look I don’t care about your past...I care about you now. And I...I love you too..."
"It's my fault that Jim died."
"I...I killed Jim."
Wasn’t that fun?
Well technically he didn’t kill Jim personally but-
He was ordered to make the plan. It pretty much went like the battle of the bridge just that they won. Strickler made that plan. (At least i think so but if not then he made it in this AU.) He also didn’t do anything as Jim was killed and Barbara dies believing that he didn’t care (in that moment) but he was actually frozen in shock. He loved that boy even if he wants to deny it.
This conversation obviously goes on and would be a bit more detailed if I write an actual fanfiction but this should work out, for now.
Well second non-"canon" Version.
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And with light-
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Aaaand closeup:
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More Context:
Barbara was attacked while she came home. In this version she wanted to dress a little up for her boys theater role. Tho, she almost never made it out of the house.
The times are a bit differently from the canon ep. Jim was killed and Gunmar got free like an hour before the school theater. Wich is why Strickler could save her.
Gunmar saw his weakness in her and Strickler couldn’t let her die just like that. He dressed properly (bc he knew he would now be Gunmars enemy wich made him disgusted of his former clothes.) and saved her. She was subconsciousin the burning building and he brought her to a save place.
At least until it wasn’t save and he fought against both Gunmar and Bular to keep her save. He lost his horn only a few days after that night.
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bagelb0nes · 1 month
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more creechur farmer???? (it doesn’t have to be a drawing, just lore or anything like that works, i absolutely love the idea and art!!!!)
Omg hahaha i didn't expect this many people to like my lame ass farmer (i love my child 🫶). Tbh i haven’t pieced out everything about em myself and i'm just making doodles/illustrations of em and putting them together, especially in the cryptid department. But i can tell you some of the more basic stuff and maybe some of the cryptid things that I think are not gonna change…?
Anyways here are some of the writting stuff:
The farmer can speak but just doesn't cause it, well they don't want to. They do occasionally when they feel like it or when it's necessary. Otherwise they just use a notepad or sign language. 
Tends to be quite curious, like borderline dumb curious. Went inside a water cave once because they thought there might be treasures inside of it. Got dragged out by their older cousin.
Silent fucker, doesn't make any sound usually when walking to places unless they are carrying something heavy. 
Got quite strong after moving to the farm, the farmwork and construction helped them build more strength. 
Falls asleep easily in uncomfortable places. Idk why the guy is just weird.
The farmer has a family back in Zuzu city and some relatives near the valley, like a couple towns away( more lore I guess? There is so much haha). I have actually made a family tree for em but it's mostly sketching and the portraits are quite old so I will need to update it at some point. 
The farmer's family consists of one sister and two moms. The farmer and the sister are not adopted. 
Baby farmers' first words were bark. 
They are only close to one of their mom’s, their sister keeps them at arm's length (no idea why) and their mother is quite strict.
The farmer is in their mid 20’s and did not go to university, the guy took one lecture and dropped out. Instead they took some courses and job hopped until they landed in Joja. They worked there for only 3 years. 
Used to volunteer in the animal shelter, quite fond of animals. Sometimes they thought they could understand them.
Very minimalist when it comes to stuff like clothes, food and activity. They keep a certain amount of clothes since they don't find it necessary to have more than what they can use. If they do get new clothes it is usually because the old ones are destroyed. 
Used to live in a tiny apartment (I mean TINY, I will make a sketch of the old apartment if i remember.) somewhat resembled a studio apartment but less picturesque. But they liked it, felt cosy to them. 
Has actually quite a lot of friends even though they never tried to socialise, the guy is often described as “magnetic”. They do have a couple close friends and usually talk to them in their free time. 
Likes pickles as a snack and collects bear related stuff. On their weekends they would go to the animal sanctuary to look at bears and eat cucumbers.
HA, this bitch cant pull. They do attract but they can't pull, horrible at socialising, just awful. 
As said before even though they absolutely suck ASS at socializing, something about them is magnetic to people. But those people are usually kept at an arm 's distance, since the farmer knows that they don't seem to really have an interest in em.
Has had a couple relationships before, mostly stiff and boring ones since they never desired anyone to THAT extent. But if they do fall they fall hard. 
Their closest relationship right now in the valley is Linus, The wizard and Evelyn. They are trying really hard to befriend others but don't know how to properly approach it besides just giving them gifts and doing tasks for them. 
Does in fact have a thing for Shane. Poor guy is going through it. 
The farmer does have avian genes from the non grandpa side of the family.
The grandpa had “relations” with a forest guardian. By relations i mean that Gramps and the forest guardian become friends after Gramps comes across the secret woods and FG was like “hey i think you are cool and a good candidate as a future holder of the valley” and gramps was like “nice” and then he gave them some hair, skin and sweat. FG mixes it and after a year the farmer's mom and other siblings are born. 
They are kind of a “fae” I guess but i don't know if they qualify as they do have some of the traits but not all?
 When the green rain happens it  causes them to forcefully transmute into their more avian form. They have no control over it, since it's a new thing to them. Their wings are usually as big if not bigger than them and they get a tail. The change is mostly painless as for the most part its natural materials around them that helps them shape it. Besides the fur and feathers that shit is coming out of them.
The aftermath of the transmutation it's usually a lot of shedding and getting their instincts in check since when it happens their senses get heightened.  
Shane has seen them in the midst of a tranz when walking back from the mines, it was one of the first times the farmer started noticing the weird stuff going on with them.
Oh yeah, they do have fangs or something similar to it, they occasionally puncture their tongue so they are unable to speak for a certain amount of time.
That's all i have so far X0
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evander2511 · 9 months
Dude, thank you so much for these reblogs and hearts; I did not expected to have such a nice surprise. If I can ask- what is bothering you the most in Helluva/Hazbin (f. ex. writting, worldbuilding, characters) and what do you actually like about it (if there is anything)?
You're welcome
What's bother me about helluva boss?
Bothering me about the show
1. The main thing that bothering me about helluva boss is the portrayal of abuser that's obviously stella and i really appreciated you make that post regarding stella as an abuser. Some abuser like paimon and stella are really feel like villain cartoon instead of actual abuser you know i found ironic the fandom actually can give much more accurate depiction stella and paimon. When that job supposed to be on the writer not the fandom. I'm gonna said this disney character who's abuser like judge frollo, mother gothel, lady tremaine, odalia blight even though disney is famous for their villain who's over the top their villain who's abuser come far more accurate than stella. Crimson he's actually quite accurate but he lack the motivation, the screentime showing us how before he become abusive, less making him the reason he's abuse moxxie just because he hated him(i remember reading one of the post with the tag helluva boss critical vivziepop portrayal of abuser is just black and white if i remember correctly).
2. The other thing that bother me is inconsistent from world building, character, story, lore.
3. The character who are supposed to be horrible person are not being acknowledge as horrible person, to simplify it blitzo and stolas are gary sue both are never being punished including loona she's also a mary sue well more precisely jerk sue.
4. Some heavy topic or social commentary in this show are being handle poorly
5. The character design are just terrible
6. Helluva boss is pro rich show
7. Portrayal of demon just not that great like they can make the demon more neutral or something like ok we have evil demon then we have another demon who's more neutral
8. The normalizing of SA, fatphobia, rape, toxic and parasocial relationship, abusive relationship, infedility
9. Infact this show demonize people who have valid anger like octavia and stella toward stolas, barbie wire and verosika toward blitzo
10. The lack of development and depth on female character
11. The creator immaturity
12. Too much villain but don't even bother to developing the villain and making them interesting. Striker he's threatening but then become a joke
13. Colorism the character with darker skintone often potrayed in a very bad light. Verosika crew who's incubus most of them are brown and darker skintone as prosmicuous and abuser. Barbie wire human disguises who's darker skintone is a groomer
14. Ableism the r word and moxxie character that is shown to have autistic trait but of course stolas gonna be mention first instead of moxxie since their favorite uwu sad boi come first. Moxxie actually did show sign of autistic behavior but i only see a few people mention it. Blitzo ableist behavior is not being hold accountable
15. Antisemitism the greedy jewish people in the first episode of helluva boss
The thing i liked on this show
1. The voice acting
2. The animation
3. The fighting scene is great
4. Angst teen trope being done right
That's all i can think about what i liked on helluva boss
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tortillasconsal · 2 years
I made one for Splendorman, so now is Trenderman's turn
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The list will be a little bit longer because a lot of my thought process is linked on his lore and more story-oriented headcanons (which I'll be writting in another blog soon) so I have to give lots of context and more glossed over explanations
First things first, I know its says right there that he uses browns and neutral colors, and that is right. I just wanted to make an American Psycho reference bc I'm taking a lot of inspiration from Patrick Bateman for Trender's character.
He wears lots of neutral colors to be as little noticeable as possible since his methods involve him hiding on plain sight. But that also can be a way to cshow his indifference and his ideals and views of fashion (as he is also based on minimalism and is a very close-minded person, believing there's only one way of living: the mainstream).
I kept the brown to be true to the original character and still have him recognized by the community. But also to make him seem harmless since brown is a very cozy color usually used for background characters.
His style also helps with this. I took inspiration from 50s trends since the 50s are known as a very casual and friendly-looking decade despite being extremely conservative and intolerant. Also because they used lots of knitwear which help for the "false sense of security" thing.
Like Splendor, Trenderman has a more brownish and "natural" skin color, only he's more desaturated. This is because he does spends a lot of time within humans and is interested in fashion -a very culturally significant aspect of humanity- and how their society works, but he does not give a shit about them. He uses humans and the things he learns from them for his own gain and other than that he's very anniliated from them, being way more alien than his relatives sometimes.
He does not have tendrils. Personally I could never view him with tendrils or tentacles, so I just didn't give him any, I'll be glossing over this in my future blog about the Faceless' lore, but basically there were complications on his birth (and he tecnically is disabeled now that I think about him). He is also very short for his species for the same reason.
Since he literally comes form a mannequin I want him to have stiff and very artifical mannerisms. He moves like a robot. And I think that can also help with the uncanny feel of his character and how he tries to give his victims a false sense of empathy or relatability but he ultimately fails because he just isn't human.
He is very expressionless by himself already anyway. Even more than Slenderman himself. So, design-wise, his glasses work so people are drawn to his "face" and see where he is facing but also to further understand that there will be little to no reaction since they're pretty much static the whole time in my drawings.
Character-wise, he uses them to further disguise himself and keep that feeling of relatability, he doesn't actually need them or anything.
I think those are all the points I have. I'm really excited to show you guys my lore for Trenderman, like- I see a lot of potential in his concept and I'm having so much fun writting down his personality and views and methods and stuff. He definetly grew on me.
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sophietv · 11 months
The Ultimate Thread Of Koincidences (2020) Part 2
Ok, I exceeded the pictures limit. So here's part two of all the Koincidences I could find for 2020.
If you haven't seen the other part, I highly suggest you do before reading this one:
Fall of 2019 (X)
2020 Part 1 (X)
As always, I'll include links to posts about specific part of Kaylor Lore to give more context. So when there's a (X) beside something it's to give you more information and help you understand better.
July 23rd:
Where we left off.
Karlie also posted that day a video for Kode With Klossy with a code. And in the code you can read really well : "Easter Egg"
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July 24th:
Folklore is out.
So many references to Karlie in there.
But two things worth mentioning:
That line.
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Source: Kwyw
And the fact that baby is the 13th word after Levi in cardigan:
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Also. Shoutout to the Cardigan's merch that has three stars just like Karlie's Express bomber's jacket (from 2017).
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Thanks Vegasborn on Twitter for finding this.
Another thing worth mentioning is that in Big Sur, there's a vineyard called Folktale and the font is really close to Folklore's.
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Still July 24th
Kimby post a bunch of pictures of Big Sur on Instagram
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July 25th:
Kimby likes a Folklore meme on Instagram:
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Karlie likes a post of Christian Siriano that says that mentions Taylor.
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This is the day of the infamous : "OMG did you just called me "daddy"?" tweet.
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July 26th:
Martha Hunt does a post wearring a Cardigan with the caption "Peter losing Wendy"
Karlie liked that post
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July 27th:
Derek did a post about Cardigan on Twitter. (I can no longer find it).
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July 30th
Taylor comment a tweet with two fairies emojis....
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Just like Karlie's caption on her post dancing in a Cardigan, 13 days before Folklore's release...
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Karlie does a post on Twitter wich is a recall of a 2015 photoshoot, where she posed as Betty Crocker...
With the caption:
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August 2020:
August 3rd:
Karlie's Birthday. Exile becomes a Radio single.
This is one of the two tracks where William Bowery has writting credits.
August 17th:
Betty becomes a radio single.
Still in Karlie's birthday month.
It's the second track where William Bowery has writting credits on.
August 18th:
The Lakes official lyrics video is out.
"I don't belong, and my beloved neither do you"
August 20th
Karlie does a YouTube video on Klossy.
Lots to unpack in this video.
Let's start with how it tied to The Lakes and those lyrics.
One of the books she presents is nammed "Beloved".
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Also. Behind her, the firs clok on the wall is the same as the clock in Cardigan's MV, without the mechanism and glass.
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And another very cute Koincidence is this:
Novembre 2020:
Novembre 13th:
Taylor has her Musicians on Musicians interview with Paul McCartney. (X)
So many interesting things in that interview...
We learn that Taylor was in LA when lockdown happened... and so was Karlie.
2. This whole part about Peace. She is litteraly describing her relationship with Karlie and the Love Blackout.
Swift: That’s the best. I want to hear current things, too, to update me on where the artist is. I was wondering about lyrics, and where you were lyrically when you were making this record. Because when I was making Folklore, I went lyrically in a total direction of escapism and romanticism. And I wrote songs imagining I was, like, a pioneer woman in a forbidden love affair [laughs]. I was completely …
McCartney: Was this “I want to give you a child”? Is that one of the lines?
Swift: Oh, that’s a song called “Peace.”
McCartney: “Peace,” I like that one.
Swift: “Peace” is actually more rooted in my personal life. I know you have done a really excellent job of this in your personal life: carving out a human life within a public life, and how scary that can be when you do fall in love and you meet someone, especially if you’ve met someone who has a very grounded, normal way of living. I, oftentimes, in my anxieties, can control how I am as a person and how normal I act and rationalize things, but I cannot control if there are 20 photographers outside in the bushes and what they do and if they follow our car and if they interrupt our lives. I can’t control if there’s going to be a fake weird headline about us in the news tomorrow.
McCartney: So how does that go? Does your partner sympathize with that and understand?
Swift: Oh, absolutely.
McCartney: They have to, don’t they?
Swift: But I think that in knowing him and being in the relationship I am in now, I have definitely made decisions that have made my life feel more like a real life and less like just a storyline to be commented on in tabloids. Whether that’s deciding where to live, who to hang out with, when to not take a picture — the idea of privacy feels so strange to try to explain, but it’s really just trying to find bits of normalcy. That’s what that song “Peace” is talking about. Like, would it be enough if I could never fully achieve the normalcy that we both crave? Stella always tells me that she had as normal a childhood as she could ever hope for under the circumstances.
3. That part where Taylor has many questions about fame and having kids.
Swift: Did that give you a lot of anxiety when you had kids, when you felt like all this pressure that’s been put on me is spilling over onto them, that they didn’t sign up for it? Was that hard for you?
Novembre 17th:
Karlie announces her pregnancy online.
She also wears the Amulette de Cartier.
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Novembre 22nd:
Taylor does the biggest lie of all time.
There's also the Swift-Kloss Family Crest in the frame on the table.
VERY important piece of Kaylor Lore (X)
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Novembre 24th:
Did Karlie just announced the first re-record? (she did announce Folklore in advance as well as Midnights and Speak Now and so much more).
Also eye theory.
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Novembre 25th:
Long Pond Studio Session is released on Disney +
There's A LOT of hints to Karlie in there:
She wears the same boots that she wore at Big Sur.
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She wears a ring called "Soleil" (sun).
Almost the same as she wore in Cardigan MV
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And she wears a daisy shirt
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Another interesting thing. Is that part where she talks about who William Bowery is.
And Jack is like : "I thought you were doing a bit when you said "Joe and I wrote a song"... I thought it was gonna be like when people write cute songs about their animals "
Karlie's dog is nammed Joe...
Decembre 2020:
Decembre 1st:
Spotify wrap is out. And in Taylor's there's two adult cats and a baby cat.
And a post-it saying : It still feels like March.
(Levi was born on March 11th)
Also the post it seems to point where the possible due date.
The Grammy's were pushed back only in January, so she had no way to know they would happen in March yet.
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Source: KwYw
There you have it! All the Koincidences I could find for 2020.
If there's some missing, don't hesitate to tell me so I can add it.
Here's the two masterposts that hepled me make this one: (X) (X)
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kiigeboi · 18 days
i know this is a odd thing to ask but why did you stop working on hellpark ri?
A lot of things led me to leaving Hp ri,the main reason was the drama and controversy of that moment.
But the second main reason why i left it was the story and changes.
I don't talk about hellpark ri or hellpark in general in this account anymore,i was usually rather active on the hp ri mods server,always wanting to keep up with lore and help with it,the admin already had some things decided on his own for the story,some we couldn't even try to change,"Kevin will die instead of Jimmy",and "Angels will be erased from the au cus they are *too op* and make the story *boring*".
While working on hp ri i made my number of suggestions and ideas for the lore,such as like the one where Leslie takes Kevin body,since,the admin didn't have any plans for him nor how to introduce Leslie,so i pitched the idea of the chapter "Esther" and it got included.
I thought it was very cool that i could contribute and try to help with lore,it's not like i was trying to rewrite the story or become a co-writer or anything,i just thought it was cool.
Then like a month later we were talking about how we would introduce Pocket and how we could tie it to the plot and all,around that time i proposed to make a timeline for Hp ri,since in a call we had with all the mods,the admin said we didn't have one,so i made a veeeery long timeline of the events,but well,i had the timeline done and he approved it,but then when we were talking about this certain scene with Pocket,he started telling us a whole different idea he had for the scene,and honesltly,i'm sorry but it was bad,like real bad,i don't wanna get in trouble if the admin does read this but if he does,hey,i told you back in the day that i didn't like the idea lol.
In that moment i was really taken aback,we all knew the admin was the main writter of course,and i don't wanna be rude,but there were hints in between the times of writting and talking of ideas for hp ri,but this time it was clear to me,Hp ri is just a self indulgent fanfic,if the admin didn't like a character,they wouldn't do them justice,if the admin really liked this ship,well give them more screentime!,more animatics!,who cares what would make sense in lore,nope!.
After that i lost most hope for the writting or story of the au,i had to make a complicated reason to even add Gary as an angel,Terrance was one of the characters the admin didn't like,and would almost completaly be erased from the story,and god,just,the idea of the scene with pocket,it wasn't good :(,it's not like i'm saying that "oh,only myyyy ideas are good",it just that,man,it really felt like it was a Cromas fanfic.
The admin posted part of my timeline on this community post (at least he gave me credit this time),but overall,but with all my conflicts with the writting,this one scene being lowkey rejected,and all that happened after the drama,with the work i did for the au being discarded,whole ass chapters i wrote being uncredited to this day,and my animations being lowkey stolen before i had to go ask him directly for credit,and more and more shit that happened after the fact,just left a horrible taste in my mouth for hp ri and the fandom in general.
The only excuse i can make for this is that the admin is a still a minor,probably wasn't used to handling a team,first time writting a project of such scale and probably got excited and got carried away,but it doesn't make it any less of a bad experience that left me in a horrible place afterwards,i did meet some cool people on the team but aside from that,it was just a very shitty time,specially after most of my work was either set aside or now it's just used by the admin to post "content" of hp ri.
Admin if you see this,don't bother making a video of this,like fr,it'd be super awkward lolol,it is what it is,just give me my credit
And anon!,sorry for the long ask lolol,anyone can make questions of hp ri if they want!,the aftermath of it for now it's mostly "well that sucked",even though i no longer work for it you can ask any questions u want and i'll answer gladly as far as i can say.
ty for asking!,here's a drawing that got cut from the finished fic and i'm still proud of juejue
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ezlo-x · 1 year
god ok i need to get it off my mind or it will eat me alive or I will forget my actual thoughts abt it sooo here I go
Hi...soo this is me talking abt the current Dragon Tears that I obtained. Yesterday I got Dragon tear #5 and today I managed to get #6 and #7 and...yeah. I was originally planning to hold on my thoughts until I completed the Gerudo Region but what I saw in those memories I have things to say and idk how long it would take me to complete it so I'm starting with the dragon tear memories. (also sadly no in-game/cutscene screenshots this time around cause I kept forgetting and didn't took any </3)
So Tear #5 we got more to "know" abt Ganondorf. Where he apologizes abt what he did in Tear #4 to Rauru and Sonia. And I think I'm just going to share what I said last night abt it
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Sooo I wasn't expecting this type of writting with Ganondorf. I obviously sound very emotional in these messages cause I was heading straight to sleep after I got the cutscene, I don't think totk Ganondorf is worse than oot Ganondorf. I think he's a different kind of badly written meanwhile with OoT I can cut him some slack where he's technically the first Ganondorf from an old console game yada yada. Also worldbuild of Zonai?? No? Ganondorf is just gonna casually throw that dialogue that Zonai were once gods or smth like that and never mention it again ok. And like I said in those messages I think what Ganondorf said abt Rauru marrying Sonia was so ughhhhhhhhhh like really? We're gonna make him racist cause you couldn't add depth to a villain really? And his motives abt wanting to become king is just...that he has no motives he has no reason on why he wants to do it just cause he's EVILLLL and he has EVILLL intentions OOOOOOOOOOO like fuck off. How is it possible that nintendo was able to give him depth in Wind Waker and then water down his character to "ummm cringe that YOU as a Zonai married a Hylian Woman you're a beta 🤓" Nintendo says, "we don't want people to like him or find him interesting he's the bad guy! make him say something racist and give him no clear motive on why he wants to do what he wants to do he's EVILLL you're not supposed to root for him!!"
But sure give him no motive on why he wants to do this other than being evil. Nintendo is honestly better off writing comedic villains with dark lore (Kohga) I knew that they would never reach WW Ganondorf levels of good but from what im seeing like wooowww
anyways to add a glimpse of hope Tear #6 came clutch w Sonia and Rauru. I loved the dynamic they both have with Zelda they're like parents to her...wah and I simply adored how Sonia mentions Link like a mother asking for who's that cute boy you've been talking to? and Rauru being so curious to meet him. This memory was so cute I would love to wish blissful of this family living happily.
Final memory I currently got is Tear #7 and ohhhhh this is the one that just drained me.
So Sonia dies, I was honestly like surprised or shocked idk I was not expecting it good ol gotcha moment. and YES I SAW GANONDORF'S NASTY SMILE THAT ACTUALLY FREAKED ME OUT LIKE EW
AND I was sad that we're not going to see Sonia anymore rlly loved her I was hoping for more of her as a character. But yeah I was in shambles when that cutscene happened, like once I got the cutscene I just closed the game cause I just wanted to process what happened.
And that is all I have, sorry if I sound more pessimistic and negative this time around. Just realizing where they are going with Ganondorf just put me into the 10 stages of grief. Looking forward more to the story and the characters just not Ganondorf
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barbwalken · 8 months
Man, I remember when breath of the wild came out I finish it, and play it again and again. And i would devour every lore video and theory i could find. And i would explore every single corner of hyrule just because it is so freaking awesome and relaxing.
Now im replaying tears of the kingdom, and i hate how uninteresting it is to me. I know every single corner of the map because I already played it for ages in botw. The sky islands and the views they give you are so freaking beautiful, but their exploration is so damn monotonous is underwhelming (specially because of the big focus they have on their promotion of the game).
The underground has the same issue, the first time you get there is so shocking and amazing, and creepy ass hell. But once you get what it is about (light up a section of the map, find a yiga base, find a set thats not even new, the stone dudes that sell you things, repeated bosses and repeat) it loses its charm. I think it is too big for the little things to do it offers.
And the story is the most disapointing of all. Because it doesnt deliver even as a sequel. It seems like they just put the zonai to justify everything that happens in the game, and to make the world more playable. The zonai arent lore, they are just a writting device to make things happen magically. And thats part of the zelda games, some times things happen magically, but man, this time they really abuse it. The main things of the previous game disappeared from hyrule? A zonai did it. Really, thinking more about it will just make me hate the zonai 😩
I really was expecting totk to expand on botw story, but it just felt to me like an excuse to reuse that awesome map to add tedious building mechanics.
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moltenraider · 3 months
Fortnite mains
Having a main on Fortnite is something special, loving and caring about a skin that has little to no story and yet playing as them everyday really is different than the normal fandom brainrot experience
And today I want to talk about the character that was my Fortnite main
This is Sig
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He was introduced on Chapter 2 Season 2, the Spies! Season (known to be the Midas Season and one of the best season)
I have NO IDEA why I started liking him, looking back at his design, he is pretty boring(? Nor even handsome, I do think his model was used for more skins(? Maybe to ones with the face covered. But as you can see looks weird
I really don’t remember why I just connected with him, not even with the first time he came on the item shop, it was later because I remember I waited for months for him to come again, and man, the day I bought him, since that day I used him non stop until I quit playing fortnite on chapter 3 season 3
Naturally, I also drew him a ton
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And a lot of things happened since then, I created lore for him, I named him (his name is Sig, in my head his whole nickname was “Signature” and his real name was Edén)
I remember I used him to roleplay, which was what really made me create a deep story and give him characteristics. For example, I explained his white hair and skin by him having albinism (which is not that creative lmao) I also explained that he is always wearing dark glasses because his eyes are very sensitive to light, he was mainly a hacker. And probably one of the most important things I HC for him is that he loves frogs
This was before Fortnite added animals, and when the animals came on the Primal season I WAS SO DAMN HAPPY LMAO
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So then, that I made this drawing of him as a frog
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And I continued using him, playing with friends, having fun, all while I was going through some hard stuffs on my life (pandemic included)
So Sig really became a HUGE comfort character for me, it’s probably the character that I’ve feel more comfort with, and when I think about him to this day, I still smile by just remember the good times I spend while wearing him on Fortnite.
Of course there was some shitty things happening (like people calling him one of the ugliest skins hfjfh. I mean, kinda) but honestly I don’t care anymore haha
At the time I was so pissed tho, but I understand now.
When I had my 20 birthday I even asked a frog to be drawn on the cake, and it was because of him. I don’t have a pic of that, but that happened fr.
And another important thing about Sig is that he was actually the character I used to learn how to draw nsfw and suggestive stuffs, which to me is REALLY important, cuz this might sound crazy but learning that helped me improve my art an insane amount (just think that at the time I didn’t practice much naked human figure. And when I started doing so, my anatomy learn when to a peak. Yes, drawing nsfw helps with learning anatomy)
So he was also important to me artistically speaking
And while writting this I just realize how important he really was to me in so many ways, and for a character that only has a name and one stupid sentence for description, that is…
At last, when I was stepping away from fortnite for personal reasons (and also because my switch was dying) I really wanted to keep Sig in some way
So I made this character, which is clearly based on everything I did with him so far
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His name is Caesar, he is a frog
And he was going to be just that, but after all this and him carrying everything that Sig means to me. He is not just a frog character
He is my sona, my second sona to be exact, being the first one The Vicepresident
And that’s the story of how a fortnite skin became so important to me that I made them an actual original character
Right now, playing fortnite again… it might sound weird, but I don’t use Sig anymore, it doesn’t mean I don’t love him anymore, I still do. But his period as my main skin ended years ago, and I don’t want to ruin those beautiful experiences I had with him back then
That’s why he was my main, and now, I’ll wait for other skin to come and be my new Sig.
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stierhai · 11 months
Thoughts on: The One Within the Villainess
Manga: The One Within the Villainess
Amount read: Up to chapter 12
Impression: Middling positive.
On genre:
I'm not an Isekai person. I don't find wish fulfillment to be compelling in media. I don't care about game mechanics. I don't like characters going into the narrative with all the answers already and just needing to wait to put them into effect. Isekai may run the gamut of tones, with there being as much seinen edgelord bullshit as there is cute reincarnator sidesteps the plot of the in-fiction original work, so I won't say there's never conflict in isekai but... none of that does anything for me. With rare exceptions, the conflict almost always feels extremely shallow to me even when the stakes are high.
This is because they don't typically feel like they're about the characters, so much as they feel like lore infodumps and following a road map. Then top that off with a main character that has either a narratively convenient power that typically is powerful enough to overcome all conflict by default whilst requiring a lot of info-dumping— or the power is skipped in favor of short-cutting straight to the power being a lore and plot dump... they feel less like stories in and of themselves and more like reading a tabletop corebook. Lore is, in my mind, meant to be the stage upon which we tell stories, not the story itself— and I just don't think the stage can stand all its own and pretend to be a competent story.
And that is even assuming the stage was competent to begin with. A lot of Isekai also are very tropey and reference not just the broad strokes of other fantasy settings writ large but other isekai.
And there is no place this is more exemplary than the Villainess subgenre of isekai works.
They've all got this same basic framework: girl dies somehow and wakes up in an otome game she either played or knew about in her old life! However, she isn't the protagonist of the otome game, she's the villainess: an odious character who existed just to obstruct the heroine's chosen route in the game!
But here's the thing. I play otome games. I'm maybe not an expert, but I do have a casual acquaintanceship with the genre. The villainess rival plot that's endemic to this whole-ass genre? It stems from one of the earliest otome games ever, Angelique. However: it's not a trope that actually stuck around in otome games. To the point that Angelique's own sequels and spin-offs also didn't have the villainess rival. Similarly, the idea of the grindy items or whatever-- most modern otome games are not "dating sims", they're visual novels. You can think of them as choose your own adventure books, way more than a grindy dating sim where you have to raise stats, repeatedly talk to the dating options in certain areas on certain days, or give them items. The last set of actual popular otome games that had those elements is probably the [Heart/Spade/Diamond/etc] no Kuni no Alice series, I'm pretty sure? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong. But either way, I can say pretty confidently that Persona 5 is more of a dating sim than most otome games.
The fact is, these manga and light novels are all cribbing notes off each other, not otome games. So I have a grudge against them for that, first and foremost. It's like, okay you're talking shit about the problems and how terrible it is for the villainess to have to suffer just because she also liked the guy and her life is ALSO BAD and it's like. This is just not a thing. These works exist as critiques of a phenomenon that just isn't widespread and barely exists at all. You are all still just mad at Angelique-- or rather, because they don't know their "source material" at all, they're just empty shells of someone else's subversion of an extremely old game. And the subversion of ACTUALLY THE VILLAINESS IS FINE is also eroded even further by the fact a lot of them just decide to have the plot be actually the heroine is the real bad guy. Look at that hussy, chatting up these dudes above her station and stealing someone else's fiance. The issue isn't that the original plot of the game set up these girls as having their own happiness achievable only as mutually exclusive, implying women are all enemies competing for men, the real issue with the initial story is... genki girl bad, elegant girl good. I'm hating on a few specific manga here, but I'm sure there's more than that out there that have pulled that particular twist.
They have nothing to say. But when the framework of the story is we're going to fix the shit that went wrong in the original... it reads like they're trying to be commentary on the original genre. Which just falls so, so flat. Thanks for the commentary on a thing that isn't even a problem with the genre and also your commentary sucked.
So, enough generalities. Onto The One Within the Villainess.
The Plot:
The basic rundown: The villainess, Remilia, was replaced out as a child by Emi, a Japanese girl who was familar with the game Remilia is from. Emi did all the usual villainess isekai protagonist things-- rescued the male love interests from problems in their lives and came to occupy the same space as the protagnist did within the original game's story. Remilia, from within Emi, watched this and was satisfied because she had lived a loveless life with terrible parents but with Emi's memories of her own family in Japan and the second-hand experience of Emi's new life, she was able to finally experience happiness and became protective of Emi.
However, a fellow isekai'd girl has taken over the role of the game's protagonist. Pissed off that the villainess has changed the plot, she plots Remilia/Emi's downfall. Emi suffers the same fate as the villainess in the game, and retreats within herself. Remilia, back in control of her own body, swears vengeance and to make herself happy to fulfill Emi's wishes for her. To these ends, she does some bog-standard villainess things. She takes control of the land she's exiled to, begins doing damage control to her reputation, saves some poor people who were neglected by fate in the "original" timeline, teams up with a demon lord, and kills god.
I won't say the plot is anything special. A lot of the plot points I have read beat for beat in other manga. It also has the issue of not being very familiar with otome games— aside from my usual otome games almost never have a villainess issue, the whole subplot about the shop shows that the writer is thinking of the mechanics of a mobile game. And granted, I've never played a mobile game otoge, maybe they really are like that. But with the genre as a whole taking cues from a very old otome game, it is weird to see the very modern cash shop mechanics thrown in there. It feels like indiscriminate cribbing off the notes of other isekai that just accidentally took something from the wrong source material-- that any one isekai is as good as any other to crib from, overlooking the thing that's supposed to make the subgenre distinct. Which makes sense-- if you don't play otoge, you wouldn't know what the mechanics were like so you probably wouldn't see an issue with a cash shop existing as a plot point and as a major part of a subplot.
Thus far, this review has mostly been negative. But that's because I've focused on what it has in common with most other villainess isekai— a genre I started with saying I don't like. So, next: what sets it apart and what it does well within its trappings.
The Art:
The art fucks /pos.
Manga is a visual medium, and having good art isn't a must persay, but it does a lot to influence audience perception of characters, setting a mood, and just the overall enjoyment of a series. Characters in this manga make great fucking faces. The otoge heroine just runs around making the shittiest faces, the clearest faux-cutesy but complete scumbag expressions ever. They're great. Emi and Remilia technically have the same face but they're very well distinguished by light shines and make-up, sure, but also the kind of expressions they make— Remilia playing at Emi is also distinguishable from what we saw of Emi. Things are telegraphed really well-- you can see the people around Emi being affected by the heroine because they also begin making shitty smug faces (though not to the same degree).
Also, about selling a mood: killing God isn't an exceptional plot point in a JP fantasy series. It's every JRPG I played growing up, it's my beloved Angel Sanctuary, etc. So how do you sell the audience on the gravity of killing this God that was only recently introduced? Radical art style shift from villainess isekai to surreal high contrast Madoka witch labyrinth was the answer this manga landed upon and damn if I can't say it doesn't work. That sequence was great. Excellent choice by the artist.
The character designs are also pretty good. Remilia and Pino Blanchet definitely pass for the villainess and heroine isekai tropes. The demon shopkeep also looks like a minor NPC that for some reason has been taken out of a minor role and been given a more major one, whilst also making sense with the larger world set-up as we get that. The demon king looks like a boy you might romance on an otome route. The gods have weird inhuman forms. The dwarf girls both look like dwarves, in a western fantasy sense whilst still fitting into an otome game! I'm not sure any of them really stand out to me as like damn good job, but I think as a whole they do help get across the setting-- both as a fantasy in its own right outside the "game's plot", and as an isekai into an "otome game".
Emi and Remilia:
Okay. Listen. Listen. I grew up in YGO fandom, alright? Bodyshare romance is peak. And I've got a thing for unrequited love, tragic loves, dead girl haunts the narrative she can no longer directly touch but everyone around her is still impacted by the hole she left. And, to clarify, that isn't what this manga is— I do not think this was written with the intention of being read as hot girl doppleganger ghost romance— but it's got the vibes. That even if that is not the intended reading of the text, it has an appeal that people into that could appreciate.
So, Emi is not textually dead, aside from the whole reincarnation thing. But she is functionally a ghost in the story. After she fell into despair, she retreated within herself and Remilia retook control. In-character, Remilia believes that Emi is as she was— alive, and now merely watching from behind the scenes. With this belief, she seeks to make Emi's ideal world so she can emerge and live happily again, just as she did before. There is no sign of Emi stirring, but Remilia is motivated by her memories and ideals, by what she gave her and honoring her memory. The Remilia the audience knows is a person changed, but not by someone who is in the story any longer. In this way, Emi "reads" as a ghost, haunting the narrative through her effect on Remilia. Dead girlfriend vibes, is what I'm saying.
There's also something to be said for the dynamic necessitated by the bodyshare where despite being deeply invested in the other's happiness, they do and do not have any personal relationship at all. They both know intimately and have never met the other person— we see Emi playing Remilia's game and crying over her; we see Remilia watching Emi living her life on a flat-screen television window in their mindscape. Without direct interaction, they nontheless are invested in each other, their highs and lows, their success and happiness. They're the other's biggest fan, but not in the sense that we usually think of in the modern era when someone says Parasocial. They are aware of each other, and both is individually important to the other. Whilst the situation is fantastical, it comes out feeling like an early internet friendship with both girls lurking on the other's blog, more than it feels like the relationship between stan and oshi.
On Female Characters:
So, this manga is guilty of the whole villainess isekai trend of actually the game heroine is the bad one! twist.
I forgive it.
The most important relationship in the manga, the fulcrum upon which the whole manga's storyline sits, is the one between Emi and Remilia. They're both full characters in their own rights, even though Emi exists only in flashback. Meanwhile, of the major side characters the ratio of male to female characters actually favors women. There's two men, whilst all the other major side-characters with personalities are women. So, Pino being shitty is just like, oh okay she's just a shitty person, not that this author has kind of an unfortunate attitude about women. Also, Pino's character flaws of being incredibly selfish and focused on romantic feelings without caring about the target of her affections as a person-- it rather neatly echoes the evil god featured in the manga as well. The two of them echo each other, so considering we see the exact same flaws in evil incel god and the main female antagonist... Yeah, I don't see the way Pino is written as a problem here.
The Demon King:
So, speaking of side-characters. The Demon King Angel is supposed to have been a secret route from within the game. And while I think this manga gets a lot of shit wrong about otome games I will say this for it: Angel absolutely feels like a true/secret route character. Gorgeous character design, genuinely tragic backstory with a good reason for him to have been an absolute bastard within the story. . . nailed it. Good job. A++. More than anyone else here, I actually buy him as an otoge character.
It's a little bit unfortunate for him that Remilia is only interested in Emi and making Emi's ideals a reality! That just makes him feel like he's properly executed even moreso though, and really drives home that this manga is about the relationship between Emi and Remilia more than any thing else though.
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lilisouless · 5 months
Okay, i saw Hazbin Hotel´s first 4 episodes and first impresions so i could compare with my finals when s1 finishes
As you know i am very character driven, so for the plot itself i´ll say is not bad, but for some season the hotel itself feels like a subplot, like the whole extermination day issue seem more important (to the point that the characters themselves mention that) a hotel to redeem sinners is not a bad concept but i feel like the creators themselves are not actually that interested on it. Anyway, despite the lack of focus on the suppusedly main plot, i am curious on what would happen next, so regardless of the problems i can follow and want to. My theory is that the hotel was the idea from the begining but the creator ended up more interested on a show about the lore and had to use "hazbin hotel" by legal reasons
SO character wise:
Charlie: related to above, she doesn't feel like a protagonist, the whole show actually resembles more an ensemble and thats why she is trapped on the hotel plot that, like i already said, is starting to be pushed aside. Now personality wise i am comflicted, , she is cute sometimes, she is also very sympathetic and while i am not completely sold on her due to lack of explaining why she is the way she is; that can easily be brushed off that there will be soon an episode that explains it. My issue is that sometimes i think they are trying too hard with the all loving hero archetype, to the point she may come as one note. I´ll give the benefit of the doubt because there´s still time to flesh her out and she has flaws so its a character than can easily be worked. I think she worked a little better on the pilot, its hard to put my finger why.
Vaggie: I am WAY less optimistic with Vaggie. Actually, the complete opposite. Let me explain:
The sister series: Helluva Boss has a problem with Mille (and this are things i thought before watching the sarcastic chorus episode) cause while she is not completely there, she walks dangerously close to satellite love interest territory, all she did was directly related to Moxxie and she didn't have an episode of her own even if they were visiting her family. There was a very late episode in Helluva Boss that was a direct response to this critism and tried to focus on Millie (tried because Moxxie also took tons of screentime) they are aware of the problem.
The thing is that , i have a theory that they wanted to go one step ahead of the audience with Vaggie. Is like they saw Vaggie would face the same critism as Millie and made an episode to get ahead. The problem is that, first: the third episode! you are trying to solve a problem that hasn't started. Like: instead of planning on giving Vaggie something future seasons or expanding her character between episodes they just said "there, she feels insecure because she feels she is nothing without Charlie" which is paradox, because to me it tells me the writer don't intent to make her anything without Charlie and this episode is a scapegoat. Don't know if i am explaining myself. The point is that to me the episode is a sign that there is no point in trying to invest emotionally in Vaggie because the writers will never do it.
Like Charlie, she was better on the pilot but with her i can tell it´s because on the pilot she was funnier, not by a lot but still something. I have the feeling the writers toned down her agressiveness on the show because of the "spicy latina" stereotype and while i believe the critism is valid, i don't think the solution was to just water her down.
Angel Dust: I am not sure if i like him. I liked him on the pilot but his whole sex jokes all the freaking time became irritating,specially how much he harrased Husk, i hope that after episode 4 that ends finally. The thing is that those irritating traits they do make sense for him, and he is not a one dimensional character so, lets say that while i don't find him charming or funny, i think he is a good character writting wise and of course i am not unsympathetic to his BS, i am interested in how he will scape Valentino.
Alastor: Its a basic as heck opinion say that Alastor is carrying the show but...Alastor is carrying the show. Of course this was deliberate, he is clearly crafted to be the most entertaining and fan favorite character and its doing his work, specially cause he is so ambiguous that his true motivations are one of the things that hook people incluiding me.
The other ones are simple , Husk is good and i totlly adore Nifty (specially the show version when they decided to level up her psycho self)
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fishedeyelenz · 9 months
Pssst hey, tell me about your take on the old man 👀 ya know who I mean
Also!! I would really like to know about Camille and how she came to meet Billy/how she realized she had feelings for him and vice versa😄
Omg... hello. First of all, love the work that you did for the old man community yk yk but you were truly The First. Thank you so much for inspiring me ough <3333 fair warning this is gonna be LOOOOOONG
About my old crusty man.... Well the lore is a bit complicated now cause I kinda developed two stories for him with the same characters more or less, but with different circumstances. Both of these stories are being written and made into fanfiction that you can read on ao3!!
So give me coffee and tv- the og plotline, first written as a yn x DILF!Billy fic, however after I had written the third chapter I realized I was basically writing for an OC at that point, so I developed Camille as a character and slightly revamped the fic, as well finished the fourth chapter with her as the protagonist. (the og second person perspective version of the fic can also be read here ).
In summary, Camille Morrison is a recently divorced middle aged artist who moves to the outskirts of a new town next to a forest, with her only neighbor being the Moaner himself. He has been more or less rehabilitated, but that doesn't mean he stopped with the phone calls. He uses them to "cope". And of course he just had to call Camille to try and drive her away, cause he still can't stand having people too close to him (they live 15 minutes away from each other </3). But Camille confronts him, and a sort of mutual respect begins to form, then a quiet friendship, but because of their combined loneliness it quickly develops into something more for the both of them. In the hiatus I had while revamping and writting the fourth chapter of So give me coffee and tv I also was talking to my mutuals a lot and questions about how DILF! Billy would act if he were an Actual DILF came up a lot. What I mean by that is, what would have happened if he had a child of his own. And so I started exploring the logical conclusions of the premise, and started thinking about what would have happened if Camille and Billy met when they were younger and somehow by chance had a child. And that child became Bean!!! I love her so much she's a little silly <333 (huge thanks for the development of this this story goes out to @lycanthropiclykoi, beloved mutual)
Rats in the shadows - The baby au of So give me coffee and tv basically. au of an au </3. Story told non-chronologically, it follows the life of and relationship of Billy and Camille and their daughter Bean. A more experimental work, in it Billy and Camille met while Camille was living in the sorority (in sgmcatv she didn't live even close to the same town during college, though in both timelines she is a painting major), After some growing pains (he wanted to kill her when they first met </3) the two of them come to terms with each other and eventually fall in love and move in together. However at one point Camille becomes pregnant, and Billy leaves her, as he fears that he will either hurt her or the baby. Pretty angsty but occasionally fluffy, especially when Bean starts to grow up into something more than a baby. Agnes is there. Brahms Heelshire is there. I am currently focusing on this fic, while sgmcatv is on hiatus atm.
As for the characterization of my old man, it is slightly different between timelines, though rits hasn't touched on him as a middle aged man just yet. So I'll focus on the sgmcatv version. Set twenty years after the movie, Billy spent a good few years after the murders in a psych ward, getting slowly rehabilitated until he made his way into a halfway house, then was deemed fit to live on his own. He is still obligated to attend therapy though, and is kept on a nice cocktail of mood stabilizers, anti psychotics and back pain medication. Works as a projectionist at a local cinema in the town he lives in. Spend a lot of time traveling with by bus or waiting for the bus, given that he lives in a very small cabin in the woods and can't drive a car. Blind as a bat, and dresses like a nerd most of the time. Has adopted six cats, which you can learn more about here. Loves them all to bits and definitely doesn't play favorites, no way! Thrift stores are his favorite place on earth, though going there doesn't help his slight hoarder tendencies. Doesn't like people that much still, but puts up with them most of the time. Very lonely, and likes to call people still partially to get let his built frustrations out onto them, partially to hear the voice of another person. Hes just a creepy middle aged man.
His and Camille's relationship definitely changes depending on the timeline. In short, in sgmcatv their relationship definitely began with a rocky start given that he started harassing her quickly after he saw her walking close to his house, however when she told him to quit it and fuck off to his face he started developing a respect for her. It also helped that after that encounter Camille treated him with respect and kindness. Kindness in general, as well as empathy are some of the defining characteristics of Camille's personality, and without that, they wouldn't be able to get along no matter the timeline. And they started hanging out, being neighborly, finding similar interests. Both of them are very lonely at this point of their lives of course, and it isn't hard for them to start developing feelings and getting horny for each other. Camille has realized by this point of the story I think that she has feelings for him, but she is waiting for the friendship to develop more and is trying to see if Lenz would be a good fit for her, especially since the scars of her divorce haven't cooled off yet. She has enough experience now that she knows rushing into things isn't good usually, though a part of her is pretty confident in knowing what she wants, and Billy does fit her type in a way. Only time will tell how the relationship will develop further ( I haven't written anything else yet </3) In rits it is so balls to the walls chaotic. Sgmcatv has a more stable and healthy ground for the relationship to develop from given that Billy has already seeked help and is honestly doing better than ever, while in rits Camille meets him in the middle of the worst period of his life and also unfortunately, he has a crush on her </3 She needs to beat him up and knock him out with a broom when they first meet. At least he doesn't kill any of the girls in the sorority... The early stages of their relationship aren't expanded up on that much just yet, though I can assure you it involves lots of weed to sedate him </3/j but it all gets sorted out relatively okay for the both of them. By spring I think they will be friends, and Billy starts respecting her more. How she develops and realizes these feelings is still a bit spoilery as I haven't touched on it yet in the fic, but they really do fall in love hard. And when he left it hurt the both of them. He just... didn't trust himself enough to be a father. He starts more seriously going to therapy during this time period, and Camille knows he never truly left. He still visit her at night when she sleeps, and after Bean is born he visits her as well. That's where we are basically for now...
As for Bean she is well... a little bean. Just a little guy. Likes tardigrades and microscopic animals. Loves her mama and that strange shadowy figure that watches over her during the night. Sometimes she is so much like her father it makes her mothers heart hurt. She's just vibing... for now at least... That's it in summary, of course theres more information in the fanfics, and a lot of things will be expanded upon in both aus. Hehehe thank you so much for asking about Billy, and Camille and everything else though. I really love talking about these two stories I have, at any chance I get really!!! I hope you have a good day!!!
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gothcowboyz · 2 years
Hello! I've always been intimidated by you because your art is spectacular, but i'm also VERY curious about the punk x pink komahina au so i must bombard you with some questions:
what are their personalities like? what do they agree about, what do they argue about? how do they portray their aesthetics/subcultures (daily routine? job?), who are their friends? what's the area they live in (a city??) like? please tell us more!
Omg hello, sorry i took so long to reply this but i'm still thinking how to answer haha! is the first time i get asked these things /pos I can't provide full lore explanation but I can say some of the stuff I have so far!:D Hajime has the coldness of Izuru, he can come off as very rude sometimes and doesn't talk much. When I was drawing him for the first time I remember thinking "What if Hajime used aggressiveness to fight his insecurities?" but he is not violent at all, hes just.. more grumpy looking and less talkative- openly sarcastic and all that Nagito is kinda the same as the original honestly, but he is taking more care of himself! When I was drawing him for the first time I also thought "What if he got encouraged to wear pretty things? would he think he look pretty?" (ik is not that easy but in all honestly I didn't consider giving them any lore whatsoever LOL it was all an excuse to draw them in fancy clothes /hj ) maybe i'll have something planned for the future with better writting, rn its very messy. Hajime owns a motorcycle and i've thought of making him a tattoo artist, Nagito can be a model or some sort of famous person! haven't decided yet. Hajime owns a pet tarantula and Nagito didn't know! He went to spend the night at Hajime's home and received a biig surprise lol - but he warmed up to it eventually (kazuichi on the other hand will never get used to it and refuses to get in hajime's home). Kazuichi and Hajime are bros, they met because Hajime had to take his bike to get fixed and get maintenance every once in a while!
Nagito likes to put very cute stickers on Hajime's stuff just to mess with him, and even tho Hajime complains a lot about it he doesn't really take them off either. stay tuned for more? I'll figure it out as i draw them:] <3
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linashirou · 5 months
Things that I want to say after writting "Whispered Rumours ♥"
Initially, when I have in mind to write TEC, I always thought about a second book, with all Hal and Lina's dates, because I was convinced that not everyone would like to read a fic only about them, but lately I discarded that idea, because it would be more work and since some people didn't like the OCxCanon, so I had serious doubts that people would be interested in reading more about them. But I ended up writing one-shot fanfictions about it, so it was like writing practice. Because just last year, I started using English every day (I haven't done that since… 2012 I think) like actually writing and speaking, without any teacher. I just improved because I forced myself to get more vocabulary and read.
Today, I've organized my two "Secret" chapters into a series called "Tales from The Emmerich's Curse", because they are related to the main lore, but they are not an obligatory lecture: Yes, they add more info about Hal and Lina's relationship, but they don't affect the main plot. Also, I've marked the first one of them as a "Register User Exclusive Read" because they're NSFW (Nothing gross, but still NSFW), so if you don't feel like reading that kind of stuff, you can completely skip them.
Finally, I want to thank everyone who takes the time to read me, talk to me, and give me their opinions. You really make my day and keep me going. And a big thanks to @vocalcords for this sketch of Lina!
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ghostatrandom · 2 years
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Honestly for these designs I barely changed their clothing, so I'm just gonna sprinkle more lore than usual (except for Twyla, I have hispanic reasons for her design)
Rochelle Goyle: big gárgola. She is a stone monster made to protect a church, yet humanity feared their grotesque guardians when they proyected life and reasoning. Scaris is built not as a separation from humans, but as a way to observe and be ready to defend both cities. Rochelle doesn’t share the sentiment: "Humans kicked me and many of my predecessors out after creating us with faith and beauty, they don't deserve our power". A great stone dancer, and a chorus monster of terrific tenor.
Robecca Steam: inspired by a mix between the robots from Futurama and the animatronics from Fnaf. Her story is pretty much the same as in the og monster high cause her character depth is peak writting. Except that now she is confused by her own free will and emotions, since she knows that she likes Venus, yet she cannot avoid feeling flustered by Elissabat. After all the confusion, she got herself on a Shaoran situation where her atraction towards Elissabat was caused by the vampire queen's heart. (Dont look at me like that this is my fanfic I decide what ships stay-)
Twyla Boogey: okey now you must hear clearly 'kay. In Spain the name of the Boogey man is "el hombre del saco" or "the man of the sack", so I wanted to give her that as her main piece. Her face is a reference to how we call the boogey here in some parts of latinoamerica "el Coco", that if you wanna get literal can be translated to "the coconut" djfjdsn. Sooo yeah cococut shining face when getting the spooks. And yeah the rest of her is just materialized shadows, BUT funfact she can only appear when there is already a shadow, and usually can be spotted forming part of Howleen's shadow cause this girl is pining hard for the hothead Wolf
Viperine Gorgon: S N E K. Did you know that gorgons are described as having golden wings, claws and fangs? I learned that while drawing Deuce, thats why he has only golden fangs while Viperine gets the whole set. Makeover artist, and maybe the girl Clawdeen dates after moving on from her crush on Draculaura (Clawdeen deserves a W, and that gay box was very convincing for me so yeah).
So here you have it, many more lesbians and sapphics this time around (I mean Rochelle is not, but she's made of stone so she can stay :D)
I have no more ideas for redesigns for now so if you guys wanna recommend or ask about this AU I'm all ears baby college is killing me and I need serotonin
You can support me on my KO FI
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i-bring-crack · 2 months
I just found out you're the one that wrote that insanity good ChulWoo fanfic. And you already wrote an omegaverse hcs (or idk what they're called), and so many more. How do you keep getting more amazing. Your content is like drinking warm soup on a raining day and the soup isn't heavy in your stomach. Am I be your apprentice
Awww thank you so much! I have other chulwoo fics so I have no idea awhich one it might be( kinda sure you are talking bout the Finish What You Never Started since its the most viewed, but i will be surprised either way!) and yeah I do remember writing up some woozhi headcanon (small wip kinda)! unless I did write another chulwoo abo and ive forgotten (╯▽╰ ). Im very glad to feed all the chulwoo fans on a rainy day even if theres still much I must perfect! And the compliment blew me miles away anon! thanks so much, I have no idea how to take in disciples, although I can recomend a few things!
Finish you timeline and dont make get too focused on the character sheet.
re reading chapters helps.
helps to know your own weird lore soyou dont get scrambled between plotholes like i do!
It helps keeping notes on the story or going through the wiki, the more you can add from the canonical content, the easier it is to remember things (at least for me)
dont introduce too many characters (I just learned that the hard way recently.)
Have people critizise your work (even if it hurts. Im surrounded by so many nice people so maybe thats why I havent quit yet despite the shortcomings haha.)
be very careful of plot bunnies
(make many accounts so that the past followers dont know you have dissapeared into another fandom altogether--)
eat and sleep well, i like writting about what i see in dreams so that they can give me more creations on future arcs or stories, I also like to think of how different scenes would go while doing chores.
notebook notebook notebook notebook
for historical fiction I recomend reading novels from famous authors that gre around that time or that wrote about that time, and to use more books rather than short videos or websites. Sure all 3 of them are nice, but academic books feel more grouned and have a lot more things to share that one doesnt think about when it comes to writting in a different time period.
Prowritting Aid (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
If you can have beta readers then all the best to you! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
and of course its very important that you have fun and never see it as something you need to be good at fast, improving at your own pace is the best! (for me it took 3 years of constant writting and 7 years on and off to get to this point :) .)
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