#I swear Walter
bogos-bint3d · 16 days
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She doesn't know either
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phantom-paradox · 2 years
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pissfartboy · 2 years
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no way they broke bad 😨
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hazellekat · 2 years
ppl are scared the mcu is gonna pair she hulk with daredevil like its the worst thing ever, and my bi emotional ass is just here like "yes i think matt murdock deserves to be carried bridal style by a big green lady" and "matt wouldn't care whether jen is hulked out or not"
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alexpdcl · 2 months
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i need more people to ship waltsaul me and oomf are literally starving
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gardenwolfc · 7 months
I seriously can't stop myself from thinking about names in AC6.
Handler Walter calls them 621. A number. A distancing tool. He still gets attached to his dogs regardless, though.
Ayre calls them Raven. A symbol of freedom, a name with meaning. It is a name they stole, but it's also a name they earn.
Carla and Chatty call them tourist. It's what they are - just another person stepping on the locals to have their little fun and take their home's resources. ...resources they want to eradicate but still
Rusty calls them Buddy. A friendly nickname, used both to raise your spirits and lower your defences. A dog and a wolf.
Iguazu calls them Freelancer, Merc, Freak. He just fuckin hates them. He hates their superior skills and their freedom most of all.
G13. Hound. Dog. Intruder. Wallclimber. Worm Killer. Imposter. Registration # Rb23 - call sign Raven.
But who are they? They don't choose their own name. The only name they get to really choose is the names of their ACs. Everyone else calls them whatever they want. Something Something what's in a name.
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boneinator · 3 months
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Look at the NORMAL doodles I did while feeling NORMAL about NORMAL ROBOTS.
(reblogs > likes !!)
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joethehoeee · 2 months
I am still alive and I brought you all a gift because it took me so long to post. (That definitely didn’t take long)
So this sound trends on tiktok and I immediately thought of those two. My brain just couldn’t bare the thought that they might never be drawn/edited like that...
but then I realized, I can draw...I HAVE THE POWER!
So I took it in my own hands.
Have fun with this, It might take a while until I am back...tho I do try to be more active. But for now, enjoy the love (and a bit of angst/past trauma.)
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Pretty obvious what I was trying to do, right?
It's kind of the fact that Barbara will always have this trauma, this pain that he caused. Even tho she can infact learn to love him again, there will always be this ever so small fear of getting hurt like he did before. She forgave him but she dosen't fully trusts him, at least not yet.
Also Walter reaches after her in his troll form but slowly stops in his human form. He let's her go, he let's the past go, his old self. He realizes that trying to appear more like human self is not the way and that she will only let him in if he is himself. If he is what he was forced and lived to become. A Changeling, tho not a Monster anymore.
I did try to include my headcanon Design for post-Eternal night. Obviously Barb is a little over the top (it's more a outfit for dates) and a new coat for Walter. I would say this takes place like 3-6 weeks after they defeated Morgana, so Walter dosen't really tried to ✨️express✨️ himself fully with his clothing...and i wanted to draw him in his old Design but also in MY and little new style so yeah. NO human clothes for my man. He has no shame, walking around half naked.🤭
Also small headcanon, Barbara likes him better with longer hair and his new style (mixing human/troll together). It makes him look and ferl like a new person and makes it easier for her bc she can see his true self, wich is a bit of both his forms. It's a reminder that not everything he said was a lie.
Do you all know this "She fell first, he fell harder"? Well I firmly believe it's them. Although Walter probably fell first AND harder.
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campbyler · 9 months
re: derek and will
we see a lot of people screaming crying and throwing up over these two since the timeline went up, and while we don’t want to spoil anything too heavily, we do think it’s important to clarify the following:
derek is older than will by 10 months and a grade above him. there’s nothing predatory or skeevey or inappropriate about their relationship. they meet in a shared art class in high school. they start dating when will is 16 and derek is 17, will turns 17 during their relationship, and derek turns 18 before they ultimately break up. we promise there’s no power imbalance and will is completely fine outside of being upset that a relationship he was in ended. he won’t appear in acswy and will is doing good 💛
we love seeing y’all make theories and we love to mess with y’all, but it was important to nip this one in the bud before it got too out of hand. we have a whole universe we’ve built and it’s important to make references to their past — that said, the companion fics are not our priority, and ultimately, the derek/will drama is not important to acswy, our current focus. all will be revealed eventually, but please be patient, because we’d rather you learn the story from ao3 than our askbox on tumblr :)
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3milesup · 2 months
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okay so, on the occasion of alton’s birthday imma just drop here this gifset of debatable quality that has been sitting in my drafts for about as long as the smokey/alton fic no one asked for that the gifset is related to (read: for years), and i’m gonna stare at it till my writer instinct kicks in and i edit it for posting... because this rare non-existent-pair has been living in my rotting brain rent-free ever since i saw the series, don’t get me started on how and why, and i am just that self-indulgent^^
anyway, don’t mind me here, i just miss the bob fandom and my tumblr times a lot. something something wanna bounce back bcs it was the best times or whatever.
from 3milesup with love <3
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lexumpysfunland · 2 months
So does wally's arms fold out similar to like stitch from lilo and stitch?
Hehe I suppose they do yes. This is the closest thing I can picture so I'll say yes x)
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taps on ur shoulder any mh thoughts or hcs spinning around in your head rn
Honestly, I love thinking about trans Alex Kralie so much, usually transfemme Alex because, like, look at that guy, especially in that one video where he was with Amy, "he" was She in that video I believe it with my whole soul.
But like, just thinking about Alex being closeted transfemme and in a big ol' polycule where she's the hinge partner between Amy and Jay, Tim and Brian (so Amy is Tim, Brian and Jay's metamour) like, just thinking about Alex coming out to Amy first, not because she thinks the boys wouldn't be accepting, or even that she thinks Amy would be more accepting than they would, just because to come out to any of the boys she'd then feel obligated to come out to all of them at the same time, she wouldn't want to tell one of them before the others, so she'd have to tell them all at once and that feels too big. So she just comes out to Amy first.
And that goes super well, and it's so much less scary than she thought it'd be. So she comes out to Amy and Amy starts offering to take her clothes shopping, or buy stuff for her if she doesn't feel comfy enough to buy her own stuff. She teaches Alex how to do her make up (and they definitely do that think like that one photo, with Amy sitting in Alex's lap to do her lipgloss for her and Alex has a huge sapphic crisis over it and gay panics for half an hour because holy shit her girlfriend is so fucking gorgeous and she's sitting on her and her face is so close to Alex's, and she's doing her lipgloss for her and oh my god Alex needs to kiss her and mess up that lipgloss immediately)
So it goes like that for a few months, with only Amy knowing, and Alex is slowly getting more and more comfy in herself. She knows how to do her own eyeliner and mascara, she knows how to use foundation and contour now, and she pretty much never leaves the house without nail polish any more because it just makes her feel so pretty, and if anyone asks she can say she's "just a guy who's not scared to wear nail polish, fuck off alright?"
But obviously, eventually she feels kinda ready to tell her other partners. Amy offers to go with her, and Alex agrees immediately because god she's so nervous, even though she knows it'll all go absolutely fine. Like, Tim is trans himself, of course it'll go fine, literally how could it not, Alex already knows all her boyfriends are totally fine with dating someone who's trans. But that obviously doesn't stop the nerves. So Amy picks her up a bit early and takes her out for a little cafe date to try and help her calm her nerves: "A coffee date without the coffee because it'll just make you even more nervous and jittery. You're getting hot chocolate and that's final."
So they have their little no coffee coffee date and head on to go meet up with the others, and Alex is so nervous, like, knee bouncing, fingers tapping, picking at the skin around her nails so that she doesn't pick off the nail polish that she put on the night before. And Amy just leans over and kisses her once they're parked up outside Brian and Tim's apartment, which is where they all agreed to meet because it's the biggest of everyone's places.
Amy and Alex knock on the door and Alex is panicking over the outfit she chose to wear, even though it's her favourite outfit and Amy constantly reminds her how utterly gorgeous and pretty and so hot she is in it (and out of it). Jay's the one who answers the door and he just kinda stares at Alex for a moment like, cartoon heart eyes floating off the ground drooling at the sight of a beautiful woman, because he's a total fucking loser and gorgeous women are his weakness (gorgeous men too, but right now all he can think is "holy fuck Alex is wearing a skirt and lipstick. I MUST KISS.")
So like, they get into the apartment and the whole conversations goes absolutely fine, just like Alex knew it would, and Amy had promised it would. And the day just ends with the whole polycule (missing Sarah, because I fully believe she's in this polycule too, except she's only dating Amy and Jessica, and not Alex or any of the boys so she wasn't massively needed for this conversation) the whole polycule all cuddled up on and in front of the couch, with Alex in the middle getting just absolutely doted on because they all saw how much she was shaking and how anxious she was and just NEED to show her how loved she is. Like, everyone seems to need to have at least some part of themself touching her at all times, whether it's fingers laced between hers, their head on her shoulder, a hand on her thigh fiddling with the hem of her skirt, whatever.
And she just feels so happy. Like, she's pretty sure she's never been more in love and she can't WAIT to start wearing make up and more feminine clothes in front of her boyfriend's because she KNOWS that they'll all just trip over themselves to do what she wants. Because they already did that anyway, and she knows from their initial reactions to seeing her all dolled up that that'll just get worse as time goes on :]
As in, if she wants kisses, she will have all three of her boyfriend's waiting in line because she's wearing lipstick and they're obsessed with getting lipstick marks on their cheeks and necks and stuff. Bonus points if it's black lipstick she's wearing, Jay goes nuts over it. Amy says she looks prettiest in dark red lipstick, and absolutely takes any excuse to climb on top of her to apply it herself before they make out just so she can see it all smeared and messed up afterwards. Amy is very gay for her girlfriend who could 100% flip them over at any second but just Doesn't because she likes looking up at Amy and seeing her smile :]
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Gustavo was wrong. He and Walt are really alike, but in another way.
This is the moment when he realizes it.
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felixcosm · 1 year
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biffybobs · 9 months
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Harper resorted to updating her new simsta account from the bathroom, and when Walter found out he wasn't too impressed.
Harper Bakewell: Drama Llama aspiration, Slob + Overachiever
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glendover · 5 months
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okay perhaps I do know how to draw beards 🫡
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