#I will gladly take this thank you very much <3333
ssaaaronmontgomery · 1 year
God I want Hotch to be my sugar baby and wear the gucci ties I pick out for him and the cuff links with MY initials (bc duh he’s cuffed now) and I want to swindle a moving company into suddenly upgrading the couch and wheely chair and coffee machine in his office and I want him to find flowers delivered to said office all the time and to police stations throughout the country wherever he is I WILL SPOIL HIM
Omg yes<3333. I love the idea of sugar baby!hotch
You spoil him so so much. And at first he's a bit embarrassed and shy when you do. He gets all red and flushed! He's not used to being the one that is spoiled by someone else. And every time he sees something new show up in his office his heart flutters and he smiles so much all day<33. And when you refurnish his office he calls you because somehow he knows it was you (profiler skills and also because you asked him what his favourite colour is recently and the couch happens to be that colour) and he definitely tries to talk you into returning them when he sees them because "no no, this is too much. I can't accept these" but you're not having it and eventually you make him agree to it no matter how much he tries not to. He honestly loves the new furniture and when you ask him he quietly answers you with a shy "yes *blushes* very much. Thank you" and even though you can't see him you know he's looking down at the floor with a little smile<3. On cases he very much loves when he gets things from you. Because they're a bright light in all the darkness. It makes everything just a little (lot) better and it briefly takes his mind off of the case at hand and gives him a breath of fresh air that he desperately needs even if he doesn't realise it. It's hard for him to admit but he loves being spoiled by you. And it takes him awhile to get used to it. At first he definitely tries to return the sentiment by trying to spoil you as well but you quickly shut that down because he's your sugar baby. You're not...sugar partners...(he wants to be though 😂❤️). But he does get to spoil you on special occasions. Like a birthday or certain holidays. And he GLADLY wears things with your initials on them! He loves it actually. He gets very comfortable with being yours. (Also he definitely wants to know how you know where he's at if he hasn't told you yet lmao. "How do you know exactly where I'm at?" "I have my ways" he gives up on trying to figure it out) and when he asks how he can repay you since he can't go out and buy you new furniture too "well what can I do for you?" "A hug. Or snuggle with me. Or just eat something and get some sleep because you need it and we both know it" he's so stubborn at first because he wants to buy you everything too. But eventually he accepts it and loves it. He always gets flustered when you tell him how good he looks in his new tie<33. (And yes this man is very cuffed and very much loves it) Also 😂 "how did you get a moving company to do all this?" "I told you, I have my ways." If the team knows, Garcia definitely tells you where the team is at all times because she loves that her boss man has someone taking care of him<3. Like he deserves<3.
I never thought of sugar baby!hotch and now I need it.
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boysbeloving · 1 year
Hiii.. How r u doing my friend. I m sad and crying and smiling and everything in between. So not ready for KinnPorsche to end.
Sending u this lovely photo to bribe you to write about his back.
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i'm also feeling SOME KIND OF WAY about the last KPWT...as bible said...'don't be sad it ended...be happy it happened'....it's cheesy af but i love cheese so ya...gonna lap that up
BUT COMING DOWN TO BUSINESS THAT IS MILE'S HOT AF BACK....uuuuuufffffff....like....you really didn't have to do this to me you know (the fertile phase of my cycle is going on, bestie THIS IS FAP MATERIAL RIGHT HERE)
at the risk of outing myself as the person who chooses 'massage' in the porn categories, i will massage mile's back with my boobs like those porn ladies (they are VERY HOT btw)....and i want to paste my front on his back and FEEL him move when he does those arm stretches at the gym that build back muscles....like this one
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(yes this ^ is mile)
or the ones where the back is straight and the gym equipment is like two bars that one has to separate and bring back
added bonus for me coz my tits are VERY sensitive and any touch/friction/slide gets me VERY wet so yay me!! (i also want to dip my fingers into my cunt and then run my wet fingers down the middle of his back)
also....if i'm riding his ass for fun (coz lbr that ass is quite juicy i just want to feel those ass cheeks between my thighs) i can hold on to those shoulders for balance coz damn they be looking VERY HOLDABLE
i know there are mile back appreciators in the fandom I KNOW YOU GUYS....so yes i completely understand why one can thirst over someone's back
also ALSO also...i would gladly massage his back in a non-sexual, strictly actual massage way....i personally am not very good at taking massages, they somehow end up hurting me more lol (i'm like my dad in this) BUT i give very good massages...and honestly...i feel mile could use some....man's got too much going on...i would love to get him to relax a bit
who am i kidding i'm sure he gets massages on the regular (actual and the sexual ones too i think)....good for him <33
thanks for this my dear friend
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sophierequests · 2 years
Hey!! Can i please request a nina fic where she is the tough head corporalnik trainer at the little palace but has a soft spot for a kind and quiet corporalki student? Very cool writing and thank you!
can't we just be honest?
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Navigation┃Main Masterlist┃Requests
Pairing: Nina Zenik x gn!Reader
A/N: MISS NINA ZENIK, I'M ASKING FOR ONE CHANCE, I WON'T DIE SO SOON I PROMISE!! I need more Nina in my life, so this request was greatly appreciated <333 Also, reader and Nina are similar in age, because I say so, and I don't want to make it creepy. Also also, Danielle is just so <3333
Summary: The reader’s friends tell them that a certain Heartrender has a crush on them, but they aren’t too sure whether that’s true.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: Mention of death and pain, but not too much
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“Ugh, tell me why I chose heartrending as the branch that I wanted to take.” you groaned, as you threw yourself on the chair next to your friends.
The two Grisha sitting lounging next to you. Mila - a black-haired Tidemaker - grinned at your exhausted state, slowly sipping her still steaming cup of coffee. Her blue kefta was only loosely hanging off her form, revealing the rather comfortable clothes she was wearing underneath. Zai - a rather quiet Zemeni Fabrikator - was cosily seated next to her, gnawing at a piece of skillet bread, that he probably got snatched from the kitchen. He looked rather put together, his purple kefta still draped neatly over his form.
“You tell me. I would’ve bet my liver on you becoming a Healer.” your friend laughed, as she gave you a sympathetic smile.
Becoming a Healer was your initial plan. But after a certain time spent in the initial Corporalki training, you realized that healing wasn’t something that you could imagine yourself doing for the rest of your life. You knew that heartrending could be cruel and unjust, but it also had a certain allure to it, that reeled you into the practice. Most people could only laugh at you when you told them what branch you chose, since they weren’t expecting the quiet and soft Y/N to work on becoming an active torturer.
“Trust me, we all were shocked when you told us that you willingly chose to enter the Heartrender training. Especially after already knowing who your trainer would be.” Zai murmured, his eyes flying over your features.
“Maybe that was precisely why they wanted to go into heartrending.” Mila mocked, flashing you a quick wink.
“What are you insinuating with that?” you inquired carefully, secretly already knowing what she was referring to.
“Oh, you definitely know what we’re talking about!” he commented smugly, reaching over to offer you a piece of his food, which you gladly took.
“Don’t start with that again, guys.” you whined, a soft pink flushing your cheeks embarrassingly quick.
“But it’s so much fun seeing you get all flustered.” the Tidemaker snickered, giving you a light jab to the shoulder.
“I don’t understand what you see in her.” Zai added, raising his brow at you.
“You don’t understand, because there is nothing to understand. There is nothing going on between us.” you defended yourself futilely.
“She totally has a thing for you.” Mila assessed, suddenly sounding quite serious.
“Nina Zenik does not ‘have a thing for me’. You guys are just over-interpreting every interaction I have with her.” you hissed, loud enough for them to hear, but quiet enough to not be heard by the other Grisha also sitting in the room.
“If that helps you sleep at night.” the Fabrikator mused jokingly.
“And how would you even know that? It’s not like you ever even shared one word with her.”
“That’s a lie.” she chuckled, starting to recount an almost forgotten memory, “Do you remember the first week of your training? When we waited for you in front of the training room? Everybody was already out, and only you and Zenik were still inside, but as soon as she saw us lingering outside, she started scolding us.”
“Wow, that was precisely the only interaction you had with her.” you began, twirling around the last piece of bread in your hands, “She’s not as cruel as everyone makes her out to be.”
“Why would literally everyone else think of her as such, then? Why is she only kind towards you? Don’t you remember that one time when Ade didn’t manage to slow a mouse’s heartbeat and that Corpsewitch literally started berating him for hours?”
You flinched as a response to that comment, whether it was because of the uncomfortable memories of having to put a mouse into a coma, or because of the mention of Nina’s alias. She hated that name with a burning passion, and she made sure that everyone around her was well aware of that. If she caught some of her students using it for her, she would give them an especially difficult task in the next lesson, guaranteeing that they would keep it in the back of their minds.
“Don’t call her that, Mi. She despises that name.”
“Alright, alright.” she scoffed, leaning back in her chair, “But honestly, why don’t you just talk to her? You like her, she likes you. You’re already spending more than enough time together outside the lessons, so it’s not like you don’t have enough chances.”
She was right, of course. You did like her. But the thought of her liking you back just seemed wrong. Even if you did, in fact, regard each other as good friends, genuinely dating her was something you tried to ignore as best as you could. Sometimes your feelings towards her made you hate being this close to her. After she told you about her past relationship with a man named Matthias, you felt horrible for even considering asking her out, feeling as if you didn’t take her grief seriously.
“You could ask for private lessons!” Zai chimed in with a wink, also earning a playful jab from the woman sitting next to him.
“You two are horrible.”
“We’re great.” they both agreed, stifling a laugh.
This conversation replayed in your mind for the entirety of the following night, giving you no proper opportunity to rest correctly. You felt as if you had been run over by a coach when you woke up the next morning, body aching and head thrumming, as you heaved yourself out of bed. Things didn’t get better when you realized that you would have to see her again for training later.
Your feet felt heavy as they shuffled towards the training floor, quietly entering the designated room for the group lesson. Nina was already standing at the front of the room, her arms were put behind her back as she sternly talked to a group of other Heartrenders. When you passed them, her gaze met yours, and she gave you a quick smile before returning to her chat. You returned it slightly, with a bit less enthusiasm than usual, sliding silently into your seat.
After the last few students entered, she started the lesson. You were thankful that she wasn’t physically trying to get you to basically torture another living being. To your delight, she only held something akin to a Grisha theory lesson, talking about the effects of jurda parem and how it should and shouldn’t be used. You realized how uncomfortable she was with the topic, knowing that she also had to go through the painfully exhausting process of the drug, still carrying some of the effects with her.
The lesson seemingly dragged on for an eternity, as you felt yourself almost fall asleep from time to time. Her eyes landed on you multiple times, but she didn’t seem to have the energy to scold or even question you for your current negligence. You were only occasionally jolted awake when she called upon the students around you.
After she finally ended the lesson, you only yearned for one thing: going back to bed. But Nina had other plans. Before you could give her a small wave goodbye, her hand was already on your shoulder.
“Wait, Y/N,” she called, a look of concern on her face, “I’ve noticed that you seem really…tired today. Is everything alright?”
You stared back at her bewilderedly, not sure how to answer that question, so you just stayed quiet for a bit.
“I’m sorry, I'm just a bit bummed out. I couldn’t sleep that well, so you don’t have to worry about that.” you stammered awkwardly, already feeling your cheeks getting rosy again, as you realized that her hand still rested on your shoulder, “I didn’t even think that you would’ve noticed that.”
“I like to believe that I’m pretty observant. Especially when it comes to people I care about.”
“Don’t let your other trainees hear that, or they might think that you play favourites.” you joked, giving her a soft smile.
You hated to admit it, but her presence affected you greatly. Her touch was excruciatingly hot against your shoulder, even the heavy fabric of your kefta wasn’t able to stop the heat from pushing through. You secretly prayed that she wasn’t listening to your heartbeat right now.
“Can I…uhm…help you with anything? Do you want me to slow your heartbeat down, it’s beating pretty fast?” she asked worriedly.
Shit. There goes that.
“No, no, don’t fuss over it! I’m probably just hungry.” you lied, constructing a story that didn’t really make sense.
“Okay, do you mind if I join? I haven’t eaten anything yet, and I’m basically starving.” she chuckled, her cheeks now matching yours, “If you don’t have anything else planned, of course! I don’t want to disturb you.”
“That…that would be nice.”
Her hand moved from your shoulder, as she grinned at you, opening the door for you to slip out before her.
Instead of sticking around the dining hall, you two just decided to grab a plate and move to sit outside. The day was nice enough to enjoy the fresh breeze and eat outside. And since Nina was one of the Head Corporalki, no one would question it anyway.
"Why did you choose to become a Heartrender?" you asked suddenly after the silence has been going on for too long.
She looked back at you, a brow furrowed, as she bit her lip in thought.
"To be frank, I didn't decide much." she started, seemingly remembering what happened during her childhood, "When powers were discovered, I was immediately trained to be a heartrender. A child soldier serving a cause she didn't understand."
You were speechless for a second, regretting your question, but still feeling as if something else needed to be asked.
"Why did you choose to train as a Heartrender?" she asked in return.
"I don't know. It just felt right." you sighed, keeping your eyes trained on the plate, "I doubt that I would do much good as a Healer, and by being a Heartrender I might be able to change something. To help others in some twisted way. I just hope that it was the right choice."
"There's never a right choice, Y/N. Only the choices that were taken and the ones that weren't."
"Well, that was depressing." you chuckled, bumping your shoulders against hers in an endearing gesture.
When you looked up at her, you noticed that her cheeks were glowing in a rosy pink again. You couldn't quite understand why that was the case, though. So you decided to do something that could potentially be more than risky.
As she turned her attention back to the food in front of her, your hands moved quickly, and barely noticeable. A small surge of power vibrated inside your chest, flowing from your heart to the palm of your hand. Suddenly, an erratic thudding sound was running through your mind - Nina's heartbeat. It was going fast. Probably similarly as fast as yours, not even half an hour earlier.
It was at that moment, that you knew that your friends were right.
“I suppose that’s also what I’ve been doing - helping people in some twisted way. The Second Army, the Crows… and now teaching all of you.” she smiled softly, desperately trying to hide her blush.
“Training us isn’t twisted, though. We are all free to decide what we use our gifts for, maybe some of us will use them to do some good. Or did you ever think about helping a group of criminals before coming to Ketterdam?”
She laughed, recalling the times she told you about her old friends - the Crows.
“I should really take you with me to Ketterdam sometime. You’d probably genuinely enjoy meeting them.”
“I doubt that they would enjoy another Heartrender sabotaging their plans.” you giggled.
“I bet they would. And I would enjoy your company, too.” she said, almost swallowing the last sentence.
“Now it’s my turn to ask you about slowing down your heart rate. It’s beating pretty fast.” you teased, finally taking matters into your own hands.
“You’ve been listening to my heartbeat?” she grinned sheepishly, leaning forward to tease back.
“It’s hard not to when it’s just so loud. Be careful, or I might have to stop it.”
“What if you already did?” her flirting was now getting more and more obvious.
“Then we should probably do something about it. I suggest we might-”
You didn’t even get to finish your attempt at flirting before her hands cupped your cheeks, and a soft pair of lips met yours. The kiss was expected, but it still managed to catch you off-guard. When she pulled away, you felt her hot breath fanning against your face.
“Y/N, I think…”
“I think the feeling is mutual.”
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always-andromeda · 2 years
Hiiii first off I want to congratulate you on 500 followers!! Woot woot ╰(*´▽`*)╯
I was wondering if I could make a request for a pairing?
Eve (I often go by my nickname Evie) Any Paul characters pls!
19 F, she/her
My vibe is kinda the coquette aesthetic. Very feminine. I adore taking time to make myself look all pretty. I love poetry, I love reading and writing it! I’m a hopeless romantic, I’d imagine my partner to be my muse for my poetry. I enjoy cooking/baking and caring for my loved ones. I take on a caretaker role. Ex: cooking, cleaning, housewife duties tbh lol. I love babies, being a stay at home mom sounds so sweet and endearing. (Kinda random, idrk what to write for this but I’m trying!) I’m 4’11 (i <3 that PD is tall, I LOVE a big size difference lol). I’m sensitive, easily gullible. I have a “I can fix him” mindset, daddy issues lol. I love candles, my favorite scents are lavender, musk, and vanilla. I love listening to my vinyls, I’m currently listening to black star by Radiohead. My favorite artist is Lana del rey, my favorite band is a tough tie between Radiohead and the neighbourhood.
I don’t know what else to say soooo I will leave it at that! I hope this request reaches you! Once again congratulations!! Thank you so much, i loveeee your works! <3333
Author’s Note | ooh hoo hoo hoo, I feel like his pairing is fairly obvious? at least to me? either way, I hope you're happy with my thoughts on this one, Evie, because I may have gone a little bonkers!! thank you so much for sending a request!! and thank you so much for the kind words!!
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I am pairing you with ✨ Calvin!! ✨ Now I know some people aren't huge fans of Calvin. Even I dunk on him every once in a while! But I actually genuinely love his character; now, allow me to plead my case.
First and foremost, I think Calvin would love your attentive nature. He's a little bit selfish and wants attention almost all of the time. However, it's just his fears of being abandoned peeking through. Calvin wants all of the romance that you can offer him, mostly because he, himself, is a hopeless romantic.
I think he'd readily embrace your presence. There's something artful about coming home to a vinyl record playing and a lavender candle burning as the sugary smell of some new confection you're baking fills his nostrils. Even if you had on an apron covered in flower, he'd gladly ruin one of his sweaters to scoop you up in his arms and twirl you around, asking, "How's my girl today?"
Make Calvin your muse. Pretty please with a cherry on top! Write deeply analytical poetry about his character that makes him question his own perception of himself a little bit. Then make him melt with prose about the way his brow pinches together when he's concentrating. How sternly handsome he looks hunched over his computer as he types. The way his arms hold you like they'll never let go. Because they certainly won't. He had the privilege of catching you. And he most certainly won't let that go to waste.
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sttoru · 6 months
I'm glad that you're well!! ♡ I've been okay and doing my best to take care of myself!
Thank you so much, I hope I'll keep on enjoying my course hihi. ^_^ How are your studies going? You seem to be very passionate about it. <3333
Mmm... right now my favourites are: Mago - GFriend; Killing me - Chung Ha; Pity party - Jamie (kpop) and No soy yo - Emilia & Darell; No bailes sola - Danna Paola & Sebastián Yatra; Fresa - Tini & Lalo Ebratt (reggaeton). (°u°)
Heheh, yes, we are ♡, and there's no need to worry about preparing me anything. Just talking to you normally is enough. <3
- ☀️
HEYYY!! glad to hear u’ve been doing well! my studies are also going okayyy, i’m a bit busy here and there but im surviving luckilyyy
ALSO THOSE SONGS ARE SO ICONIIICCCC!! ive listened to almost all except for Fresa and Pity Party 😦 omg ur music taste is so yummmmmm i love no bailes sola the most out of the ones u named aaaahh
BUUUUUT sunshine anon!!! of course i’d like to take this moment to wish you…
thank you so much for your continuous support over the span of i think a year or two (taking in my previous account as well). every time you come into my inbox, it’s like a breath of fresh air 🤍
i love love love hearing from you and about you, i love how you type (sososo cute with the kaomojis) and the way you’re so loving and friendly. i may not know who you are personally, but i just know you’re a great great great individual w a pure heart.
i love you so much and i hope you have many birthdays yet to come & i hope you’re surrounded by nothing but love during your entire lifetime. im giving you a thousand kisses and remember that i appreciate & care for you. if you need ANYTHING, let me know and i’ll gladly help you in any way i can.
again, thank you for being here and thank you for coming back. you’re an amazing person and you’re very dear to me & forever will be!! :3
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darlingpwease · 2 years
Did u manage to get Jean?? I have her but I haven't played her yet
I've never been a big builder, but a friend of mine is and she's kinda inspired me to start :))
I plan on using Heizou with Bennett, Ayato and maybe Keqing (I might as well lol)
If I don't get scara, I'm hoping I can get al-haithem or dottore maybe :)) BUT– if/when scara baby gets a rerun I will gladly wish to my hearts content again <333
I wanted to make it short
I'm super glad it came out either way. be it short or long, I knew it'd be amazing (and low and behold, I was right!!)
I loved the way you used the colored text as well, I thought it was a lovely touch <33 /gen it came out really well!!!
I loved the gradient with Yuutas name as well, I thought those colors were super pretty :))
you're over-praising
Oh please, I don't think it was enough!! /t Such a lovely lovely Dove with such wonderful amazing talents!! /gen /pos
thank you so much for leaving me such pretty ideas,,,,,
Ahhh u don't gotta thank me :))) I plan on sending some more too after finals this week!! (Speaking of which, I truly hope u do well bubba, I'm cheerin u on!! :DD)
-panna cotta
yes <3 she's very cute and I loved using her e because it's funny enough.
i also like her new design, even if it was caused by censorship — maybe it's some kind of problem with my preferences, but I love well-dressed feminine person, especially when almost their entire body is covered;;; a good character should make you want to either hug them or undress them /hj /pos
ahhhh, when we talked, I wasn't inspired by the idea of building, — but now I've decided to finally take up them and try </3 even if it's these annoying mushrooms
I mean, it would be irrational not to use c2 keqing /t /pos
uhu, good luck with the building, lovely panna cotta!!! <3333
awww, you are ready for a new battle with banners, dear? <3
I'm glad scara came home, because I don't plan to touch them for the next few months; although I agree that they look tempting <3
I think my parental instincts have become stronger than my lusting ones. my tastes are irretrievably spoiled; tall, muscular people no longer interest me if they are not pale as a moth, do not have bags from fatigue under their eyes and do not look as if they are about to die or lose consciousness. I took the worst from Yuuta </3
you're still the same charming talker, dear~
no wonder you write so well, considering how good you are with words <3 but, honestly, it's amazing how such the lovely coquette can hide behind a quiet and introverted person, my my.
some people are really born with this gift of being cute, mm?
good luck to you, dear panna cotta!!! don't push yourself too hard and take care of yourself properly; don't forget about rest and sleep.
everything will end for me only at the beginning of february, so I will not switch to light mode soon, but I hope that they will be easy and good for you, lovely <3
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stormflypirateskin · 2 years
hi hello hi umum can i request the choi twins with mc / reader spoiling them in some way, with gifts or making them something because they are lovely and i like seeing them happy <3
take your time as well!! dont stress yourself <3
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Reader Spoiling The Choi Twins! (Separate)
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Omg my first request is le Choi twins themselves ajdbsbdhs yes yes yes they deserve the whole world!!! <3333
Thank you for requesting~!
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-Give literally anything to Saeyoung and he will probably tackle hug you with a wide grin. He cherishes every single gift you give you and he's so happy to receive something from you!
-It can be any gift, but! Giving him something of the things he loves (space, cat stuff, games) will make him jump from excitement! You better watch out cuz he is definitely coming after you to shower you in his affection.
-If your gift was a place somewhere, one of the best places you can bring him to is an amusement park or somewhere really nice at night so you two can stargaze! Saeyoung really loves stargazing with you and loves fun stuff, bring him to one of those and he will cling to you happily, he is just so happy!
-The whole time, Saeyoung just has this smile on his face on whatever place you've brought him or just casually admiring the gift you have given him, he never thought he would be able to do things like these but he is definitely happy.
-But if you spoiled him with even MORE gifts.. honestly he might cry tears of joy. He never really had experienced stuff like this and you coming into his life and making him feel this happy? He is so so grateful for everything you have done for him. Let him hold you and stroke his hair as he sobs into your shoulder.. how can you be this amazing??
-At the end of the day, he thanks you with cuddles, kisses, everything nice you two do together! He wants you to know that he is very happy and grateful for the gifts you gave him. He loves you so so much and will make sure to thank you by showering you with his HUGE affection! You are definitely gonna be stuck with him for hours, he loves you so much!!
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-Anything you gift Saeran, he is gonna keep it with him gladly! He loves everything you give him and will keep them with him whenever he can. He is very happy when you give him something!
-He really likes it when you gift him something YOU made! He loves it cuz it was made by you and if it's something small, he really loves carrying it around with him. He will hold you and give you forehead kisses with this adorable smile on his face as he blushes!
-If you bring him somewhere, there is a lot of good choices! You can bring him anywhere he hasn't been to and he will gaze around curiously and happy as he holds your hand the whole time. One of the best places to bring him in is a place with flowers or somewhere really peacefully as you two enjoy your picnic together.
-Saeran is just very happy being with you and you giving him gifts makes him have this sweet and warm smile on his face and he can't stop it! He is really happy to be doing things like this with you and now he is definitely holding your hand tightly and omgosh he loves you-
-Spoil him more too and like Saeyoung, he'll probably cry tears of joy. Saeran never really had good things in his life and just being able to have good things now and experience so many new things with you makes him extremely happy. He has this grin on his face as he holds you, he won't let go for a while, let him show his love for you!
-Saeran thanks you with flowers, his affection and with so many sweet words. Saeran will always be happy with your gifts and he wants you to know JUST how much you truly mean to him. He will want to spend time with you and just be with you as he shows you how much he adores you, he feels so warm and happy around you!
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cherrysweather · 2 years
Heyo! I have read some of your works and I really like them! So I wanted to make a request! Let’s see, uhm Miles Edgeworth and Franziska headcanons as a parent? Thank you! ❤️
Hey hey heey Anon! Thank you for your kind words 〒▽〒<3
I already wrote some headcanons for Franziska as a parent but I will use this opportunity to re-write them better and add some other things Enjoy and stay hydrated<3333 -----------------------------------------
Miles Edgeworth & Franziska von Karma: Parent Headcanons:
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Miles will need some persuasion before giving in to the idea of becoming a father;
He has his motives for doubting his capacities as one, but if his partner really desires for a child, he will support them;
And, to his surprise mainly, he is a good father;
A bit clumsy the first period, but he learns quickly and is always there to help his partner when needed;
He would move better with a son;
But regardless, he will give his child all the attention needed;
He would buy them a lot of toys that stimulate the brain and teach basic things to kids;
Or Steel Samurai themed toys, no useless things in the house;
He would read to them whenever he has free time;
Reading to his child reminds him of when his father read to him and this feeling comforts him, mainly knowing that he could be what he was to him for his child;
He would also teach him how to read and, at the right time, other languages, by gifting them books and also video games in various languages;
Since he doesn't have that much free time because of his work, gifting and teaching things to his child seems to be the best way of bonding with them;
So when he is at home, he kidnaps the kid from his partner;
Both to make them rest, if they're the ones who always take care of them, and to let the child know that he is there, too, if anything is needed;
He would be a very patient parent but also strict when needed;
If the work isn't too much, he gladly brings his kid with him during work trips once they're old enough;
So, if his partner comes too, they can see the country while he finishes his work;
All the gifts and drawings his kids give him are kept inside the safe at his office;
So he can look at them when he needs some good vibes and I just know that he proudly shows them to Gumshoe when they're together.
Overall rating: 7.5/10
He can be both the best dad and the most strict one ever.
Definitely at his happiest because he's reminded of his dad every time he's with his kid.
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Ok so
Franziska actually desires kids in the first place;
She sees parenthood as another way of trying to resolve her complexes, since her kids will need her best self;
She doesn't like kids in general, but since she's the one who will raise her kids, she'll love them;
Give her a daughter and she'll raise her to be the best;
She's strict and doesn't let her kids misbehave from childhood, but she's fair when scolding;
She doesn't involve herself too much with taking care physically and emotionally of the kids because she doesn't trust her capacities in doing so;
BUT, she's the first in line when her kids deserve praises and rewards;
Did they learn to write a word? Praises until the next day and gives them small gifts or treats;
They got a good grade in school? She will try to cook their favorite food and cuddle with them to make them rest after this small goal;
She does this not to spoil the kids, but to make them understand that if they do their best they will get rewarded, to spur them to always give their best in life;
Her kids are the most behaved, intelligent, curious, independent
They're the best;
Only if they succeed with their own will, however;
Because Franziska would rather retire from the prosecutor career than impose to be someone or something on her children;
She won't be like her father, neither now nor never;
At the cost of repeating it to them every day, her children will learn to shine with their own light and won't live in the shadow of their parents;
Franziska, as already mentioned, is strict, but inside the intimacy of the house she's at the mercy of the kids;
She keeps them on her chest or lap for hours while softly caressing their hair, their small faces when she takes breaks from her work but also while working;
DO NOT, talk badly about her kids;
You'll regret the day you're born;
Obviously because of her, but also her children know perfectly how to stand up for themselves;
It's for these eventualities that Franziska insists on teaching self-defense and attitude to the kids.
Overall rating: 6/10
Could be better with emotional comfort.
She’s never had a good example to take inspiration from, she's doing her best :( .
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cozymoko · 2 years
Hello author!!! Welcome back!! <3333
What are some of your fav fandoms to write for right now? What particular fandoms are you focusing on/want to focus on?
I hope that you’re feeling better, and I can’t wait to see what you produce! We (your followers) will gladly wait however long you need, because your writing is soooo good ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
Hello there, I am very happy to be back!
Personally I wouldn't mind working on anything in particular, however Naruto does not interest me at the moment so I'd rather avoid that.
Ugh, thank you so much. You're so kind!
Take care of yourself, eat well. ♡
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illmaticreid · 4 years
We Fell in Love in October - Part Three
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DESCRIPTION: Noah is in college studying film and has been a very boring freshman thus far. Her roommate demands that she goes to a party with her and this is where she meets an extremely bold Matthew. 
Warnings: smut, language, drinking
A/N: Sorry this took so long to get out!! I appreciate all the love the first two chapters got. I would love some feedback or if you guys have any ideas please lmk  <3333
Word Count: 2,786
The week had gone by smoothly, and I hadn't seen Matthew outside of class at all. I was trying to do my best to keep a distance between us. He made that very hard considering the flirting through texts and in person never stopped.
I was trying not to get attached to Matthew because as far as I knew,  this was just sex. Mindblowing sex that left me wanting more and more of him every single day.  A part of me would love to tell him how I feel about him. The other part of me knows what happens to girls who spill their hearts out to guys who couldn't give a shit.
Luckily, Ellie had invited me to another party tonight. I was looking forward to it because I would be able to relieve some stress and maybe even see a certain someone. I let Ellie do my hair and makeup like always, knowing how happy it made her to see me all dolled up.
Tonight was supposed to be very casual considering only a handful of people were coming. So, I opted for a much more casual outfit than last time. I had on a denim skirt and a cropped NYU shirt that was so short my lacy bralette peaked out from underneath. I didn't intentionally cut it so short but it looked cuter this way anyways.
"I am so jealous of you. How can you be so effortlessly beautiful?" Ellie asked me with a sad look in her eyes as I finished getting ready.
"You have no reason to be jealous, Ellie. I see how guys look at you, you're gorgeous." It was the truth, she had beautiful long black hair and bright blue eyes. If anything, I was jealous of her looks. She gave me a sweet smile as a thank you and we headed out to our Uber.
The place we were driving to tonight was somewhere different. Someone else that I had never met. I didn't mind being around new faces, it was nice to meet new people.
When we walked through the door, many people stood up to greet Ellie with hugs and hellos. I said hi to everyone absentmindedly as I scanned the room for Matthew. I quickly spotted his brown hair in a corner, talking with a couple of other guys. I immediately felt flustered as I looked at him. How could he make me feel this way when he's 20 feet away?
Ellie's friends kept talking to me and telling me how excited they were to meet me or how nice it was to meet me. I replied, saying the same thing back to them but, I wasn't exactly paying attention. He was the only thing that I cared about, I couldn't focus on anything else. He's driving me crazy.
I wanted to do everything I could to make it seem like I didn't come to this part just for him, even though I did. I started talking to other people and swigging back drinks. I had already taken about 5 shots in the past 30 minutes.
I know I said I didn't really like liquor, but tonight it would have to do. I felt myself getting a little tipsy as I took my sixth shot. Someone started playing music on a speaker nearby. It wasn't obnoxiously loud, but it definitely made some girls get up and start dancing.
"Dance with me," I told Ellie before I took another shot with her. She nodded her head excitedly and we started dancing in a cramped kitchen. I started laughing as my face started going numb and I realized how much of a lightweight I was. Ellie grabbed my hips and bent me over so I could sway my hips against her. Someone offered us another round of shots and we gladly took them with smiles on our faces.
"I love you," Ellie screamed in my face as we kept dancing with each other. My head fell back with laughter as I let out loud giggles.
"I love you more!!!" We laughed with each other and kept dancing like no one was watching. I felt my body getting very sweaty so I stopped to get a drink. I probably should have gotten water but instead, I just made myself a mixed drink. I chugged the entire cup within a couple of seconds, and I wiped the remnants of my drink with the back of my hand.
My eyes scanned the room unconsciously, and I found Matthew again. Except this time, he wasn't talking with some friends. He was talking to a girl who was unsettlingly close to his face. They talked quietly with each other as if they were in their own little world.
I felt my body fill with rage as I stared at them more and more. I was a very jealous and protective person so, something like this would obviously piss me off. I wanted to scream. But, I had to be smart about this. I wanted to make it seem like I had the upper hand this entire time. I quickly took two more shots, trying to build up my confidence.
I walked over to them and tried to keep my balance because frankly, the room was spinning a little right now. Keep it together, Noah. Their eyes met mine as I approached them.
"Hi, Matthew," I said with a sultry voice as I leaned up to kiss his cheek. His face immediately turned the cutest shade of red. Normally that would make my heart flutter, but right now, it was doing the complete opposite.
He gave me a small smile and weakly said, "Hello." The girl that he was speaking to must have been very confused, so I decided to give her a little show. I wrapped my arm around his back and put my hand on his chest.
'Hi, I'm Noah. Nice to meet you," I said to her, trying to make my voice sound as sweet as possible. I put my hand out towards her, trying to shake her hand. She looked almost as uncomfortable as Matthew.
"Um..hi, I'm Stella. Nice to meet you too," she finally spoke out. If I thought my face was numb earlier, it was definitely numb now. They both didn't say another word, so I figured I would break the silence.
"What are you guys up to?"
"Nothing, we're not doing anything," Matthew said hurriedly. Yeah, that's believable, I thought to myself.
"Oh okay great. Then you wouldn't mind dancing with me, baby?" I asked Matthew, gleaming up at him.
"Bye Stella! It was so nice meeting you," I said to her sarcastically as I waved bye to her and pulled Matthew with me by his hand. He gave her an embarrassed look as she just rolled her eyes and walked away.
Obviously, I didn't want to seriously dance with Matthew. I just wanted to get him alone so I could tell him how much of an asshole he was. I could feel the vodka flowing through my blood and I probably should have stopped drinking a while ago but, who was going to stop me? I stopped in the kitchen to take a shot.
"Do you want to take a shot with me? You look like you need one, baby," I asked him before pouring two shots anyways.
"I'm okay, Noah. Why hasn't anyone cut you off, yet?" I ignored his response by taking a shot and shoving the other one into his face. I let out a loud giggle as he took the shot unwillingly. His face scrunched up and his whole body shuddered. He was so adorable. I wanted him to fuck me into next Tuesday. I grabbed his hand and walked around to a quieter and more secluded area so we could talk.
"Did I tell you how cute you look right now?" I asked him as I kissed his neck sloppily, letting my tongue glide against his skin.
"You look very cute too. Your lips are bright pink. How much have you had to drink?" His thumb rubbed against my bottom lip and me being horny, I shoved the entire thing into my mouth and sucked on it. He smiled at me before taking away his thumb completely and resting his hand on my visible rib cage.
"But, your shirt is basically falling off of your body. You might as well just wear your bra by itself," he said matter of factly as he tugged on my shirt, exposing more of my skin.
"You would like that, wouldn't you, Matthew?"
"Of course I would, sweet cheeks."
As much as he was making my girly bits tingle, I was still supposed to be mad at him. I wasn't gonna just forget that he was flirting and eye-fucking this random girl. Like I said, I know we aren't exclusive but at least be decent enough to not do it in front of me.
"So, what were you planning on doing with that girl? Were you gonna take her back to your apartment and fuck her?" I asked him, not fully ready for the answer he was going to give me.
"Why Noah? You don't like the thought of me fucking someone else?" He jibed back. The thought alone made my skin crawl.
"So you were going to fuck her. That's all you care about. I don't want to be apart of your stupid game anymore." I told him seriously. As much as I loved being around him, I wasn't ready to be some side hoe or whatever.
"No, I don't want to fuck anyone but you. I like spending time with you, you make me happy, Noah." His face looked sad like he was really hurt that I thought that about him.
"I feel that way about you too, Matthew. That's why I wouldn't go to a party and start flirting with the first person that gives me the time of day."  I did feel bad for being so harsh with my words but, I meant it.
"You're right. I'm sorry, I have no idea what I was thinking." He spoke sadly as he wiped a single tear from my cheek. I hadn't even realized I was crying. Drunk me is an idiot.
I leaned up towards him and connected my lips with his. I wanted to make sure he knew everything was okay, and this was the best way I knew how. I deepened the kiss and let my hands find their way between his curly hair. He tasted like mint and a little bit of vodka, it was tantalizing.
I stopped myself before things got too crazy, even though I wanted nothing more than to take him into some random room and continue on.
"You taste like you drank a handle of vodka," Matthew said when I pulled away, laughing at me. I giggled with him and neither of us could stop laughing. I hid my face in his chest with embarrassment, knowing that he was right.
"Take me home," I said to him as the laughter stopped.
"Of course."
We both knew that home meant his apartment. I texted Ellie letting her know that I left and I was okay. She sent me a winky emoji back, knowing good and well who I left with.
The whole car ride to his apartment, Matthew left his hand on my knee. He rubbed circular motions on my inner thigh and I felt my head spinning.  I leaned over the center console and began kissing his neck, nibbling on his ear every so often.
"You're distracting the driver, my sweet girl."
"Oh? You can't handle it?" I whispered into his ear and licked up the side of his neck. He chuckled lowly, sending a shiver through my body.
"I think it's you that can't handle it." Matthew had a sinister grin on his face and I shortly realized why. His hand slipped up my skirt and he moved my panties to the side with ease. I gasped and moaned all at the same time.
"All this for me? Aw baby, you shouldn't have." He said as he gathered my slickness on his finger before sliding it into my entrance. He was right, I couldn't handle it. I immediately fell back into my seat, trying to surrender. That didn't stop him, though. He continued to fuck me with his finger, knowing exactly what it was doing to me. My head flew back as he curled his finger inside me and stroked my g-spot. I felt my stomach tighten as he continued.
Just when I was on the brink of orgasming, he pulled into a parking spot outside of his apartment complex and removed his finger completely. I opened my eyes and looked at him, with a look of shock on my face. He took his fingers into his mouth and sucked my wetness off of them.
Matthew moaned around his fingers and his eyes rolled back before he stopped and said, "I love the way you taste. I can't wait to get you upstairs. Unless, of course, you can't handle it, Noah? That would be such a shame." I pulled my skirt down quickly and got out of his car. I heard him let out a laugh as I shut the door behind me.
While walking up to his apartment, I felt my excitement dripping down my thighs when they rubbed together. Holy shit, I am such a mess. As we walked through his front door, he threw me over his shoulder with ease and carried me to his room. He gently laid me down onto his bed, and slowly took my skirt off.
Things felt a little different considering we never acted like this. It was always rough and crazy. He could sense that I felt as though something was off.
"I want to take care of you. Lay back for me, baby," he spoke and laid a gentle kiss on my lips. Without saying anything else, I scooted back onto his bed and laid down. He took my panties off and just stared at me. I felt my face get hot, getting slightly embarrassed.
"Is there something wrong?"
Matthew looked up at me and simply said, "You're beautiful." My heart felt heavy in my chest at his sweet words. He could say the most meaningless thing, and it would still make me feel some type of way.
He grabbed onto the top of my thighs and pulled my ass to the end of the bed as he got onto his knees. My feet rested on the back of his shoulders and his face found a home in between my legs. He laid gentle kisses all over my thighs before kissing me right where I needed it the most.
He paused before placing his tongue on me and laying it flat against me. I was already soaked. He teased my entrance making me squirm even more. I grabbed the sheets tightly with my hands and of course, Matthew noticed and shot me a devilish grin.
He slipped a finger inside of me and continued to tease me. He knew my body very well and could always tell when I was close. It could be because I was always moaning as loud as possible. He inserted another finger in me before sucking on my clit. My back arched off of the bed as my legs started to shake.
"Fuck, Matthew." I moaned out as I came close to my orgasm. He started pumping his fingers faster and just demolishing me with his mouth. I felt the knot inside of me get tighter and tighter as I came onto his mouth, spewing out profanities.
As always, he would never stop on his own. I had to push his head away from me so I could relax for a second. My legs were still shaking as I tried to crawl toward his nightstand to grab a condom.
"I want tonight to only be about you," Matthew whispered to me as he put the condom away. I had a defeated look on my face, knowing that I finished without him.
As if he could read my mind, he said "it's not always tit for tat. I enjoyed it just as much as you did. Besides, you need to rest for the morning sex I will unleash on you tomorrow."
My mouth fell open and he just laughed at me. As much as I wanted to return the favor, he reassured me it wasn't necessary. After Matthew cleaned me off, he climbed into bed next to me and I fell asleep to the sound of him breathing.
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adamnsey · 4 years
for ya raven cycle ask meme because your takes are steamin hot, 13 & 29
13. A character you dislike/hate? 
to be absolutely fair maggie makes it a lil hard to hate even the villanous characters as she gives them all (i think) charismatic traits and usually exposition of some sort ....but im gonna have to say, i really have never liked Kavinsky, i know I KNOW theres his thing with ronan and he’s repressed yes yes i get it but guess whose also repressed ??? ronan!!!!!! guess who is not (usually) that much of an asshole and abusive and mean???? ronan!!!!!!! like i just think Kav is not the best. as a character, very interesting and i understand necessary to ronan’s plot maybe, but as a person, like he is terrible lol. also do not super care for Niall Lynch, esp after reading cdth. not the best daddy in my humble opinion. goes without saying i would gladly rip every single one of R*bert Parrish’s teeth out if i got the chance. also on that note i dont like Gansey’s dad either !!!! he made that comment on adam and is probably conservative!! no good dads in this book, expect maybe Blue’s who is a tree. but i digress 
29. Do you have fancasts for any characters?
just finished I am not okay with this and my blue fancast is most DEFINTELY now Sofia Bryant, i think she’d make a wonderful Blue :D and like everyone else i also think Lydia Graham would be an incredible blue hehe
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i dont even know this bitchs name but i saw this photograph by Richard Avedon and immediately i was like That’s Ronan so here it is:
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like this was taken in the 90s so obviously its not a realitsic fancast but like this dude looks like a ronan adam mixture but heavy on the ronan and i just think its PERFECT. also reece king was an original ronan fancast and i stil stand by it
adam i find it hard to have fancasts for because he looks specific but also vague in my mind..... i’d want someone with really wideset eyes, and also delicate looking..... rarely do i see a pic and think thats Adam!! so i’ll hav to get back to u on that..... Gansey is more or less the same. im sorry i know thats boring hjshjhfjdk but i’ve never rlly been super into fancasts. always prefer fanart of the characters 
thank YOUUUU for this ask
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Can't stop imagination. Then.. Gosh. I'm glad you did. Being in someones clutches, it irritates me to think about it. You're right, we do learn much from this. I sure have from you. More than I did before. I'll probably need it aswell. And the deer.. It sure is good CGI if it can make you cry for that long. I would gladly take the bother to comfort you, just so you know. I'm by your side
It was very scary. Looking back on it, the signs of the danger ahead were as clear as a bell but in my innocence and naivety I didn’t see them. Or, maybe I did, towards the end, but I didn’t know how to stop it or what to do. I had to literally run away. Like, literally. It was terrifying. But I got through, I got out. It was horrific to watch, the deer scene. I didn’t actually finish all of it, I was so upset. I keep telling myself it wasn’t a real deer at the point of impact but imagination is my best friend and my enemy at times like this. Oh, thank you so much, just knowing that you would comfort me is a comfort.
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babykooks · 7 years
Rules- Complete survey and say who tagged you at the beginning. When finished tag 5 others :)
I got tagged by my pAPI @boymeetsfiction GRVNKHBVKVHHR <3333
1. Are you named after someone?: nopety nope
2. When was the last time you cried?: i  honestly can’t remember, it was a long ago
3. Do you like your handwriting?: depends on whether i’m actually trying to write or if i’m just slapping some ink on the paper lmao
usually when i’m actually writing my handwriting is p cute
4. Whats your favourite lunch meat?: i eat literally anything - i’m serious. i’ve eaten snails before? and i liked them? i’m not too picky about my food
5. Do you have kids?: thank god i don’t, i hate kids (+ how could i take care of a child when i can’t even take care of myself LMFAOOO)
6. If you were another person would you be friends with you?: no i’m so annoying jbfbgiurvuhnrlnc 
7. Do you have sarcasm?: bish, sarcasm is my second name
8. Do you still have your tonsils?- nope
(funny story, when i got them removed as a child i was so angry when i woke up that i began to hit my parents and yell at them. gladly i was so young that there was really no harm done)
9. Would you bungee jump?: omg no i’m afraid of heights
10. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: depends on the shoes. when it comes to the shoes i currently wear, yes, i do untie them
12. Do you think you’re a strong person?: hell yeaaaah but i do have sum extremely weak spots and am very sensitive when it comes to them
13. What is your favourite ice cream flavour?: again, i eat pretty much everything so any flavor is fine by me
14. What is the first thing you notice about people?: their eyes maybe? or just their overall appearance
15.  Red or pink?: i love pastel pink
16. What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself?: my nose, my thighs and my stomach. i also have an almost-double chin even tho i’m normal weight and??? i hate it???
17. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now?: dark blue 
18. What was the last thing you ate?: pasta and some chicken sause with ketchup
19. What are you listening to right now?: nothing, i’m home alone 
20. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?: idk man, that’s a weird ass question 
21. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?: *checks who was it because literally never calls anyone* my mom lol
22.  Favourite sport to watch?: i don’t really watch sports but if i had to choose, ice hockey 
23. Hair colour?: half black half pastel pink 
24. Eye colour?: green-blue-hazel idk my eyes are weird
25. Do you wear contacts?: Nope
26. Favourite food to eat?: everything, i love food lmao
27. Scary movies or comedy?: comedy, i hate scary movies and cannot handle them
28. Last movie you watched?: It was the anime movie ‘Your name’. what a frustrating movie
29. What colour of shirt are you wearing?: white and dark blue striped shirt
31. Hugs or kisses?: BOTH, i luv skinship *looks at tae*
32. What book are you currently reading?: 'It’ by Stephen King (even tho i hate horror movies, horror books are the best)
33. Who do you miss right now?: i don’t miss anyone atm i think???
34. What is on your mouse pad?: Don’t have one
35. What is the last TV program you watched?: Arrow - good shit, good shit
36. What is the best sound?: Rainfall and the sound of a coffee machine (sAtIsFyInG) anddddd idk music just overall maybe??
37. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?: both
38. What is the furthest you have ever traveled?: Greece, probably
39. Do you have a special talent?: i can eat and sleep a lot, i can kinda do art 
40. Where were you born?: i’m actually not quite sure lmfAO
I TAG: @taehyungs-nuts @agust-d-d-daddy @jiminslolli @pxrcie @teagguks
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