#I will however NOT check tumblr or ao3 tomorrow after I post my stuff. I wanna love myself some <3
breitzbachbea · 2 years
After watching a bit of a Luigi's Mansion Let's Play, I am no longer insane and will be back on my bs tomorrow. Goodnight.
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solarsavoy · 2 years
WIP Wednesday!
If you'd like to see a list of my WIPs, check out my AO3 profile.
Today, I'm gonna talk about a WIP I'm really excited about, Zodiac Killers.
(Sidenote: I was gonna say "we're gonna talk about" but I feel like this is a one-sided conversation right now…)
Zodiac Killers is yet another Assassination Classroom fic told through Nagisa's POV that will be 12 chapters long and I already have them planned out. I'm halfway through writing chapter 2 and will begin posting 2-3 times a week after it's complete. There is a surprise crossover fandom, but just like with most of my other stuff, you won't need to know it to enjoy the fic. It is a very popular fandom though (not BNHA, sorry, I know this one is commonly crossed over with AC). Here's a little sneak peek.
Chapter 1 beta read by JackieWepps. (Thank you Jackie!)
*Altered slightly so as to prevent spoilers.
All I know is that when I woke up yesterday, I was normal. I’ve no idea what happened to change that. Was it Shiro while I was focused on trying to help save Itona? Was it Korosensei? Is it puberty? Who. The fuck. Knows. But right now, it’s dark. It’s cold. I don’t have hands. My tongue feels weird and I have the inkling to stick it out ahead of me for whatever reason. I have no idea what’s going on, but yesterday, I was normal. Why am I not now??
I wiggle my way forward and find it oddly easy to do. Soon enough, my belly touches the cold tile on my kitchen floor and I sigh in relief. There’s a bone chilling scream above me and I glance up, my eyes bulging out of my skull when I see my mom.
Why is my mom so huge?
She rushes over to the pantry. “What the hell did you do to my son?” She cries out, her voice choked with emotion.
“Ma—Wha—I’m right here!” I try to explain.
She whips her head around, broom in hand. “Nagisa?” She seems to look right over me. “Where are you?”
I wiggle around to face her. “I’m right here. What happened? Why are you so big?”
Her face goes pale and she glares down at me, absolutely horrified. “What did you do to my child?” She says in a voice so volatile and unfamiliar, I am frozen with fear by it.
And that’s how I knew it wasn’t a dream. As she stands there, holding me up in her arms, I put it together.
I change when people touch me.
She faints and I don’t blame her. However, I’ve no idea what else to do in this form, but apparently sleeping turned me back before, so I might as well try that. I’m tired again anyway. I manage to find my way to the bed and snuggle under the covers. At least it’s more normal if I wake up naked in my own bed. As for the rest…
I’ll just have to figure it out tomorrow.
I'm hoping to finish writing this up after Karmagisa week, but like I said, I'm really excited about it. What are you're thoughts on this little snippet? And which fandom do you think it is?
For future WIP Wednesdays, feel free to ask for sneak peeks of stuff. I'd rather not straight up spoil anything, but sometimes talking about it inspires me to work on it, so any asks regarding this or my other WIPs are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for joining me on my first WIP Wednesday. 😊
**Just a note for tomorrow, I'll be posting it as fanart Friday even though it's Thursday and then posting Thursday covers on Friday because of Karmagisa week. I figure in the long run, it won't really make a difference since Tumblr doesn't tell you the date/time a post was made. So yeah. I'll, uh, see you tomorrow for "Fanart Friday". lol
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
Can I request reader and Henry Cavill, reader is decides to hide the fact she’s hurt herself while working out with him and when he comes back from being on set all day he finds her unable to move, she was scared to say what happen from a past experience with an ex🙏🏼 P.S: this happen to me a couple of years ago
 Hi love, first of all, i know you got my messages but just want to say again, i’m sorry this happened to you and i hope this can put a smile on your face as no one deserves to feel shitty or sad. Plus it’s Henry and i love him so i’m glad you picked him for this. Enjoy...
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Warning: slight angst but mostly fluff.
Word Count: 1,767
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @supersweetstache go check them out 🥰
Nothing Like Your Last
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You take a seat next to Henry, holding up his phone to film as he continues to work out, sweat glazing his forehead. 
He turns his head to look and smile at you, earning a giggle from you as he does so. One thing you’ve not necessarily noticed yourself but others have, the way he looks at you. Henry’s brothers say it’s that smitten look. The look of love. But you’ve not said those words yet so you always wave them off when they tease you.
You feel it though, love. Whenever you’re around him, it’s like nothing else matters or exists.
“You coming to join now?” he asks, standing up and putting the weights down, you smile and walk over, placing his phone on the side. Kal nudges at your leg, whining until you kneel down to give him fuss “such a good boy” you talk in a baby like voice to him, as if he’s going to talk back. Instead he just barks, his way of agreeing you guess.
You lie down on the floor in a sit up position, Henry puts some weight on your feet so you can properly execute a good 10 without flailing all over the place.
“So i was thinking we could chill tonight. Chinese takeaway, lord of the rings and all that” 
One of the many things you adore about Henry is his geeky side. He loves gaming and lord of the rings and it’s the cutest thing when he get’s excited about them.
“I’d love that”
With the 10 sit ups completed, he then sits down so you can help him do his own, obviously more than 10 but you only workout to keep fit. Whereas he does it because of filming and to bulk up.
Suddenly, you hear the phone ring in the other room “you gonna be okay here for a couple minutes?” he asks, resting his hand on your arm in a protective manor, waiting for you to give the go ahead. Which you do. He rushes out to go answer and you carry on.
You do some Russian twists, some push ups and a plank. All of your usual work out exercises. 
Just as you’re doing the last couple of Russian twists, you feel a huge shooting pain up your side. You wince and feel tears brimming but as soon as you hear Henry’s footsteps, you stand up and shake it off. 
“Shall we warm down and then shower?” you ask and he nods, you try to get through it without him noticing, thankfully he doesn’t.
Once you finish, you both head for the shower. He starts kissing you and being overly affectionate.
He’s away all day tomorrow filming so you won’t see him until really late, so he’s probably just making it up to you now. By the time you wake up tomorrow morning, he’ll be gone.
You shove on one of his rugby shirts, some knee high socks and panties before joining him in the kitchen for dinner. He ordered a Chinese as soon as you got out of the shower.
“Something smells good” the smell brings a huge grin to your face. Well, that and Henry standing there laying the table. 
It’s times like these where you picture a future with him, where every night is like this eventually and that thought fills your heart with the biggest amount of happiness.
You sit down, eating away as he tells you about how filming has been going for The Witcher season 2, hearing him talk about something he’s very passionate about is just another thing that makes you fall more. 
“So what time are you off out tomorrow?” you ask, shoving some chow mein into your mouth, not even caring how un lady like you look. Henry never complains so surely he doesn’t mind.
“I have to get up around 6 and i’ll be back around the 8 in the evening” you just continue to eat, humming in response “It’s just a couple of scenes tomorrow but the makeup and hair is a nightmare to get on and off but don’t worry, as soon as i get home. We have a couple of days to relax. Just me and you” he stands up to collect the plates and put them into the dishwasher, kissing your forehead as he walks past. 
The rest of the night is spent with cuddles, making out and a whole lot of laughs. 
Which is not unusual, you always find yourself laughing a lot with him, he knows exactly what to say and do to keep you feeling good and you’re the same with him.
You’re gonna find it hard to be away from him tomorrow but it’s just one full day right? It won’t be long until he’s back in your arms.
As you get out of bed and head to the kitchen for some breakfast, you spy a note on the counter. 
‘Good morning baby,
Obviously i had to leave early 
But i cannot wait to get back to you tonight
Lots of love
H x’
You smile at the note, your tummy full of butterflies as you go about making some breakfast and tea for yourself before settling down in front of the tv.
If there’s one thing to be said about Henry being away it’s that you can watch shows like Love Island and Dance Moms. He tried to get into them but failed. So you watch whenever he’s away. 
You finish with eating and stand up to go clean your mess up but when you reach up to the shelf for dishwasher stuff, a shooting pain rushes through your side. Making you wince like you did yesterday after hurting yourself during the workout. 
You never told Henry about it because you were embarrassed and worried that he’d laugh.
The memories of your last relationship come flooding in despite your best efforts to prevent it.
“Get up for god’s sake”
“I can’t, it hurts, i can’t move it” you protest, trying to defend yourself against his venomous words.
“I’m sure you do this on purpose you know, injure yourself to get out of housework”
You don’t, you’d never do that. 
You hurt yourself on a run with your friend Jules, but he doesn’t care about that right. He just cares that the dusting hasn’t been done, neither has the washing up.
“I’ll just put some ice on it for a couple hours, i should be fine soon”
“No, the dishes have been sitting there all day whilst i’ve been at work and you really think i’m gonna do them. I’ve had a stressful day as it is, don’t need you making it worse” 
“Okay, i’m coming. I’m sorry” you use the arm of the sofa to get up before you begin to limp and hop to the kitchen, ready to finish the housework.
He’s right. The last thing he needs is you making things more hectic for him. 
You soon wipe the tears that you didn’t even realise were falling from your eyes and go about sorting this pain in your side.
You rummage through the draws and cupboards, searching for any form of painkiller. As you pull open the last drawer, there they are. Paracetamol. 
You take 2 immediately and pray that it’ll magically go away soon or better yet, that it’ll go before Henry returns.
 “Honey, i’m home” he calls out before appearing in the doorway, a huge cheshire cat like grin plastering his face.
“I’ve missed you” you run up to him, he squeezes you tight, bringing the pain on again. 
“Ahhh” you whimper, clutching at your side like it’ll somehow bring the pain to a halt.
“What’s wrong?” he pulls away from you, lifting your chin up so you’re looking directly into his eyes. 
“It’s noth-”
“Come on, it’s clearly something” he walks you over to the sofa, sitting the two of you down and you lift your shirt up to point to your side.
“I think i pulled something yesterday during our workout” your voice laced with shame.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you shrug, but before you can even look away from him, his index fingers keeps your head in place, keeping your eyes on his.
“I don’t know. I guess i was just embarrassed”
“But why? I don’t get it”
“It’s just my ex used to pick on me whenever there was a slight sign of weakness. He’d make me feel like i was a dead weight, useless. He’d even go as far as to make it harder for me to heal and i just i don’t kn-”
“Hold on. Baby, you should know by now that i would never do any of that. You mean the world to me, if you’re hurt i want you to be able to tell me. Maybe that was his style but it’s certainly not mine”
“I’m sorry, i didn’t mean to assume the worst of you but i-” he cuts you off again.
“Don’t apologise. It’s my job now to prove to you that i’m nothing like your last, i’m always here to take care of you, make you feel good about yourself and this is one of those times where i need to take care of you. Let me go and get some ice for it. Wait here” he makes his way into the kitchen. 
You hear the freezer door open, along with the draws until a simple “there they are” comes from the kitchen, you giggle and seconds later, he re appears. 
He helps you lie down, placing the ice to your ribs area and handing you some more pain killers.
He brushes the hair out of your eyes, lowering his head to kiss your lips.
“Thank you” you mumble
“Don’t thank me. It’s my job to take care of you. If i plan to love you forever, then i might as well start as i mean to go on” your heart skips a beat as he says it.
That word.
“You love me?” 
You see his cheeks turn a little red, he looks down, chuckling.
“I do, but don’t worry, i won’t force you to say it-”
“I love you too”
He kisses you once again.
“Please don’t ever be scared to talk to me okay? Like i said, i love you, i want the best for you and i’m not here to hurt or upset you”
“What did i do to deserve you eh?” you both smile, forehead to forehead.
“I was about to say the same thing. But I guess we both got lucky”
“I guess we did”
General Tag List: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @princess-evans-addict @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @adriannajackson @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 @toni9 @aaliferouss @bradfordmyworld 
Just Chris & His Characters Tag List: @onetwo3000 @persephonequeenofthedead @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @rynabarnesrogers @princess-evans-addict @stxvercgersslut @chris-evanslover @bval-1 
Henry Cavill Tag List: @summersong69
If you want to be added to my Henry Tag List, drop a comment, an ask of or a message and i’ll add you. Thank you
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Hey there!
I am quite new here and I was wondering how you got into this fandom. Specially the carlandofandom :)
Also, when did you start writing? I saw your posts the other day about not being able to write all of it, so it somehow triggered me to write some stuff myself (some requests were just too cute).
Havent been properly writing for ages though and I am not quite sure if anybody wants to read my stuff...any advice? Im so indecisive...
Thanks for all your great stories and have nice day :)
Hey you, anonym and especially – welcome to the fandom! 🤗❤️
Oh my God, believe me – you actually don’t want to know how I got to this fandom, it’s such a long story.. You better grab yourself some Coke and popcorn, because this will be a longer one.. 🥤🍿
But alright, everything has begun with that the TWD (The Walking Dead) fandom has started to annoy/boring me, also because the show has become pretty bad and I wanted to leave the sinking ship before it will be too late. That must have been around autumn/winter 2018. During the winter months I really, really love to watch ski jumping, also because it’s pretty popular in my country (Austria). I was already a fan of it since many, many years, but I only became a real fan at that time. I always say I love this sport so much, because those jumps are always so “quickly over” – meaning that I don’t have to wait for too long to find out the results. Yeah, the competition itself isn't that short, but the individual jumps of each athlete are. That’s why I actually “hate” F1 so much, because I have to wait freaking two hours of pure stress, several mental breakdowns and heart attacks later to finally find out who will win, and also because so much can happen during a race, while those ski jumpers are practicing individual – does that make any sense!? However, so I got pretty deep into the ski jumping fandom over that time, especially also here on Tumblr, where I have met a pretty nice girl back then, who had been as thrilled about the fandom as me. But you know, during the summer there aren’t any competitions, so it had been pretty boring in the ski jumping fandom and then suddenly that girl came up with F1.
The first thing I have thought was ‘NO WAY! NEVER EVER!’ – you have to know, I have really hated F1 with a passion before August 2019. I was always making fun of my boyfriend watching those cars driving in circles for two hours. I just couldn’t understand it how someone can watch that voluntary (I sometimes still can’t..😅) and I really, really hated it with everything I had. My boyfriend even was at the Austrian GP in 2019 and back then my biggest nightmare would have been if he would have forced me to come with him (he got there with his father in the end – today I would give everything to get there!)
I remember, we have been on vacation during the beginning of August 2019. We were in a theme park, when my boyfriend said at one point that he will get over to that bench in the shadow under the tree now and watch the qualifying. I have really thought he was kidding me, because I couldn’t understand how the hell someone would watch something so stupid like F1, while being in a freaking theme park. Well, today I would be the one sitting there on the bench, while my boyfriend would probably urge me to please finally stand up so we could go on 😅
That was at the beginning of August 2019 – so I must have slowly but sure fallen for the fandom around 15th of August. And if you believe me or not, but I have neither fallen for Lando nor for Carlos at the first place. It was actually Max, also because he was one of the less drivers I have known next to Lewis, Sebastian, Valtteri (I always had to think about Harry Potter because of Bottas..😂) and probably Nico. But I have actually began to “stalk” when I have got to know about that Max has a little sister and I have found those sweet pics of him with her together (Do you know which pics I mean? You should really check them out – they are so cute). And somehow Lando came into the play as well and so my first story for this fandom resulted. Back then I have really, really thought it would be the first and also last story I will ever publish for this fandom. Well, that didn’t aged well..😅 Somehow my interest grew and grew with every more day stalking the internet for content and by the time of the first race after the summer break, I was already a fan. Spa 2019 has been the first F1 race I have ever watched from the start till the end and I have to say that this weekend has broken me (literally). Of course, because of Anthoine, but also because this time of the year is since 2017 never easy for me and on that weekend also Carlando finally came into the play. Check out this post from a few weeks ago – Carlos’ birthday on Sunday and that Lando has supposedly hugged Carlos after his DNF has really, really touched my heart and since that day these two boys own my heart and I remember, that the next day after the race I have got up at five in the morning to write “Tomorrow will be kinder” – because writing is sometimes my only way to deal with things, so I just had to write my thoughts/feelings down and it was the beginning of something beautiful actually.
But there is one more little story I have to tell you about my F1 past – this story right here is actually one of @hurtsprincess favourite ones. Because back in 2015, when F1 was finally back in Austria again, I was there by the race as probably the biggest F1-hater under all of them. Half of our town and so also most of our friends has got there, so it was kind of peer pressure, why I have finally joined them as well. We had to stand up really, really early – actually it was still in the middle of the night (I think it was three in the morning or so) and got to Spielberg with the bus. It was one of the hottest day of the year back then and after watching “the race of generations” with Niki Lauda, Gerhard Berger and some others and then following also the F3 and F2 races (Me, back in 2015: What do you mean there are races before the actual race? What the hell is F3 and F2?) and because we were so damn tired after standing up so early, most of us, including myself, were sleeping in the meadow during the F1 race. So I have missed over half of the race and I really can’t even remember anymore who has won 😅 But it had still been a funny day for my as a F1-hater, but believe me - if I should ever get to a GP again, this won’t ever happen to me again! 😅 I promise! 🤞🏼
Wow, this has turned out longer than you have actually wanted it, right anonym?! 
Your first question about how I have got into the Carlando fandom is probably answered now and also half of your second question. But I have actually started writing fanfictions back in autumn 2016 for the TWD fandom. I have written overall 16 stories for that fandom and 4 stories in German for the ski jumping fandom, but as much as I have already loved to write fanfictions back then, it only really became my passion and biggest hobby with Carlando. I just can’t stop writing about them, also because they make me so happy and for me so easy with those dorks just being them 😊
Yeah, I’m still very sorry about that I just can’t write stories to all of these great requests, even tho I would really, really like to do - but if you have got inspired by one of these, you should give it a try!
But if you are really that indecisive and shy, you could use the anonymity of the internet for your favor (in this case this posibilty is a good thing - as long as you use your anonymity not for spreading hate/attacking/bullying someone) You know what I mean? I actually did/do that as well. Only three people here on Tumblr know who I really am. Some of you may know from where I am (because I don’t make a secret out of it) and some here even know my name, but that’s it. I don’t share any more personal things about my identity, because I also prefer to stay anonymous here, especially because only my boyfriend, my best friend and my mother know about that I’m writing fanfictions. All those other people I call “friends” don’t know about it or me having this account here and I also don’t want them to know, because they simply wouldn’t understand it.
What I’m trying to say here - if it makes you feel better and also more secure, you could upload your story on AO3 without telling anyone it’s you. Or if you don’t want to post it on AO3 and you also don’t want to post it on your Tumblr account, I offer you to send me your story anonymous. I would post it in your “name” aka anonym, saying that this story isn't mine and you could watch/read the reactions.
You don’t have to lose anything, anonym 😉 I would really, really like to read your story, no matter if you will decide to publish it with your name or anonymous. Because there won’t ever be enough writers out there, blessing us with their great stories. Also because I am as much a passionate reader than a writer. And I’m also pretty sure about that you are talented and also about that your story would be more than just worth reading it 😊
Thank you so much for your message, anonym and I’m sorry my answer turned out to be so long 😅 but I really hope my words have helped you in some way, because I’m pretty sure about that you actually don’t have to have a reason to be that shy and indecisive 😉 Just give it a try, as long as it makes you happy 🤗❤️
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luci-bae · 4 years
One Big Happy Family
trying posting my fics onf tumblr this one is cross posted on Ao3 by the same name. DreamSMP fic where Dream are immortal siblings and are adopted by Tubbo’s family. On-Going
Chapter 1
Dream didn’t know how long he’d been walking. It’s been ages since he’s slept properly in a bed and warm home. It made him miss his old village but what could he do. He was more than 1,000 years old and he’s seen so many of his homes be destroyed and die out. But that was expected 
and it didn’t help that his brother Ranboo had to endure this with him. They knew that whenever they joined a village they’d have to prepare for when the village eventually died but it never failed to hurt. Especially since they could never stop it. They walked into a spruce wood forest where the trees were so tall they couldn’t see the sky. As they were about to settle down in a tree for the night they noticed a warm light. Moving through the trees they were careful not to make too much noise in fear of scaring away whoever was there.
Once they were close enough they came upon a wooden two story house. They shifted they’re forms into something younger. Dream went from looking 30 to looking 10 and Ranboo looked like a newborn. Dream held the now small Ranboo in his arms and walked up to the door and knocked. When the door opened a man with ram horns and ears with fluff on the insides. The man wore a suit and looked down on the two slightly confused.
“Who are you and what are you doing here? Where are your parents?” The man had a deep, hoarse voice and seemed to be looking around trying to find the boy's parents. Dream looked down and quietly mumbled something the man couldn’t hear. 
“Kid I’m gonna need you to speak up.”
“We don’t know where our parents are. I woke up in a tree and my brother was nearby.”
“Well I can’t let you two stay out here all night..Come on in.” He moved out the way and let the boys enter. Dream noticed there were more people living here. A small boy with tiny horns and floppy ears as well as a taller older man. The boy wore a green sweater and brown pants and when he saw Dream he rushed over and greeted him. The first man took little Ranboo from Dream and called for the other guy to get the crib out the basement. Called him the Captain.
The little boy tugged on Dream’s arm trying to get his attention and once he had it he started rambling.
“Hi my name is Tubbo!! What’s your name? Are you new? Do you live around here? Is the baby your brother?”
“Tubbo calm down. You’re gonna overwhelm the kid. Anyways hello there. My name’s Jordan but people call me the Captain.” The man now the Captain said as he reentered the room. Ranboo was gone and so was the first man. The Captain guided Dream to the living room and had him take a seat before leaving the room. Tubbo was playing with blocks on the floor and when The Captain came back he had a cup of tea and a sandwich. He handed both to Dream and sat down on a chair in front of him.
“Alright kiddo wanna introduce yourself now?”
“Oh..uh.. Sure. My name is Dream and the baby is my brother Ranboo.”
“Why were you out in the woods? It’s almost winter you know?”
“Yea..I don’t know why we were out there. I just woke up in a tree and Ranboo was tied to a branch.”
“Ahh.. so you don’t know where your parents are either?”
“No sir..”
“Would you like to stay with us? I’m sure Tubs wouldn’t mind siblings”
“Oh that would be great thanks!!”
The Captain smiled at the young boy and left Tubbo and Dream to their own devices. The two were building a city out of legos and talking animatedly to each other while The Captain was in the kitchen cleaning up any mess left behind from dinner. When he deemed it late enough He ushered the two boys upstairs. He read them stories until they fell asleep. Dream knew he shouldn’t get attached but this, being read bedtime stories in a warm comfy bed, it made him happy and he could only imagine how Ranboo is feeling. 
Dream fell asleep with a content smile on his face. The Captain dimmed the lights and left the room leaving the door slightly ajar. As he headed back downstairs he passed his brother Schlatt in the hall. Schlatt sighed tiredly and told Jordan that he was taking care of them tomorrow before heading to bed. Jordan quietly laughed and headed to his own room and fell asleep thinking about the two new kids of his.
Chapter 2
The next few years went by fast. Dream was now “15”, Ranboo was “5”, and Tubbo was 10.  The Captain now Dad to the three young boys and Schlatt their uncle each took turns staying with them. While one was out working the other here in the house teaching them everything he knew. The Captain taught them manners and core subjects like math, english, science, and history. Schlatt on the other hand taught them social skills, business, and street smarts. They worked well together and the boys were able to learn a lot. 
Until one winter. Ranboo had begged to be able to go outside and help the Captain. And the Captain who couldn’t say no to the little kid, let him join him. They left but soon after they did a blizzard came in. Schlatt told Tubbo and Dream not to worry, The Captain was smart and he'd come back when the storm ended. So they waited. And waited. 
And waited for the storm to stop. It went on for three days straight and when it finally stopped Schlatt didn’t hesitate to dress the boys up in their winter jackets, scarves, and gloves. He handed them lanterns and they started searching for the two. They checked for any hastily built shelters, any footprints, anything that could possibly help. But they found nothing. Not even a body. 
At least if they found a body they’d get some confirmation on them. But there was nothing. When they got inside Dream and Tubbo ran up the stairs and locked themselves in separate rooms. Schlatt could hear quiet sobs from the blond freckled boy and loud wails from the small brown kid. Schlatt knew he had to do something so he went to find a few items.
Winter had come and gone and now it was spring. The boys stayed inside and continued to build their perfect city. Schlatt was outside planting so everything will be grown in time for fall. Soon he called for them to come outside and handed them a couple of things. 
To Tubbo he gave bees. He guided Tubbo to a mini garden full of flowers and bees for Tubbo to take care of. Tubbo was instantly infatuated with the buzzy little things that flew around the tiny stubs growing from his head. The bees clearly liked him and Tubbo seemed at peace around them. He started planting flowers while playing with the bees. 
From Dream though Schlatt gave him something different. It was a large oversized green hoodie and a white mask with a smiley face on it. Dream looked at him confused and Schlatt explained that these belonged to Captain.
“But why me? I’m not even the Captain’s real son....”
“Listen Dream. Before the Captain had his military fame, he was just Jordan. Jordan the kid that would do anything for his family.”
“You deserve it. I know you’ll do the Cap justice.”
“...Thank you Schlatt.”
Schlatt helped Dream put on the mask and adjusted the mask on him. The hoodie was big on him but Schlatt assured him that he’d grow into it. After he put on the hoodie he smiled behind the mask. The spring air felt much lighter than before. Dream and Tubbo were given weapons by Schlatt and were told to go hunting. They did start out hunting and were able to get some food but were soon distracted and started to play.
“Woah Dre you’re so cool!”
“Aw thanks Tubs.”
“Your name is Dream but you can be such a terror sometimes..hm..” Tubbo held his chin as he thought about something. Dream jumped down from the tree he was in and stared at him. He ruffled Tubbo’s hair which made the younger smile up at him before saying
“I know what you are!!”
“O-oh do you now?”
“Yeah! You’re a Dreamon!”
“What’s a Dreamon? Tubs?”
“A Dream Demon aka a Dreamon!”
“Oh really? So what makes you think I’m a Dreamon?”
“Oh- Hmm….I don’t know...heh…. You just are!!”
Dream and Tubbo laughed as they walked back to the house. Inside Schlatt was cooking and the house smelt of cinnamon and apples. While the home felt slightly empty without the Captain and Ranboo, everything would be fine. Maybe it was because Dream had the Captain’s stuff but in his head and heart he knew they would both show up again.
Dream slept peacefully that night after months of restless nightmare filled sleep. They would both come home. He knew it.
“Captain? Where are we?”
“I don’t know Ranboo… Stay quiet though..”
They awoke in a small room that didn’t have any defined doors. Ranboo stayed off in the corner trying not to do anything because the Captain didn’t know his truth. He didn’t want to scare the Captain and there would be a lot to explain afterwards. The black obsidian walls reminded him of the pillars he saw back home but this space was much tighter and cramped than he liked. 
The cold hard obsidian made the Captain shiver and reach out to protect the small boy in his care only to find himself in shackles connected to the wall. Ranboo however had no restraints. Maybe it's because their captors didn’t see the boy as a threat and if they didn’t see him as a threat the Captain could use that to escape. 
He gestured for Ranboo to come closer. Ranboo shuffled over to his adoptive father and looked up at him, surprisingly calm. Ranboo knew he could probably escape easily; he had been in much more challenging situations than this before. He listened carefully as the Captain told him to find a way out and get help. The lanky boy nodded and stood in a corner, his white half against the wall hidden.
Ranboo kept his eyes shut while trying to stay as hidden as possible. The door opened and Ranboo prepared to make a break for it but was stopped in his tracks. Their captors grabbed Ranboo by his collar and left the Captain screaming in the cell alone.
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colorofyourhair · 7 years
A Lucky Reservation
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Prompt Rating: K
Note: Requests are currently closed. I will make a post with guidelines when they are open again. As tumblr is the only site that will let me list an individual rating per chapter I’ll rate them as content demands. However the larger compilation on both FFN and AO3 are rated M.
Also posted here:
Erza snapped the book shut, shoved it aside, and moved on to the next. Though her method of checking them in was efficient in movement, the bin wasn't quick to empty. The object of her distraction had seated himself at the far end of the row of tables. His eyes flit back and forth from the pages of his book to his laptop. After a while he reached up to stretch and run a hand through his perpetually messy hair. Erza sighed. Everything he did was pretty.
The computer beeped as she scanned the next book and Erza jumped. She glanced down at the book and back to the screen. Apparently, this particular edition had been placed on hold – by him. Her brain teetered between two choices. One one hand, she could let the system run its course. He'd get an email about the availability and pick it up at his leisure. Nothing would change and she'd continue to attempt to flirt with him in the most embarrassing of ways. The previous week she'd meant imply she wanted him to come into the library more often and instead gave him a rundown of their late fee policy. He'd smiled politely and promised he'd always return his books on time.
Or... Erza could be brave. She tapped her finger on the spine of the book and, before she could change her mind, grabbed the stack of sticky notes from the desk. With a hand that shook a little more than she'd like, she scrawled her number across the bright pink slip of paper and stuck it to the inside of the cover. Erza hugged the book to her chest and strode across the library floor with a purpose. When she reached his table, her heart was beating painfully and her fingers dug into the spine and fore edge respectively. His gaze slid upward and she felt her face warm.
“Have you come to fine me?” he asked with a grin. “I was so sure I still had a small window on that last one.”
Erza blinked. “Uh –”
“That bad, huh?” He sighed and leaned back in his chair. “I suppose you'll revoke my library privileges?”
“No!” she blurted and stepped forward into the back of the chair across from him. The top rail hit the edge of the table and Erza's cheeks burned. “I just –” She cleared her throat and loosened her grip on the book to place it on the table beside his others. “Here.”
His eyebrow quirked and the dimple in his left cheek deepened. “Oh!” He pushed his laptop away and slid the book in front of him. “I really appreciate the table side service. I'll be sure to reserve books more often.”
“I –” Erza's tongue felt glued to the roof of her mouth. How did she manage to be so impossibly bad at flirting? “I mean, it's not –”
“I'm teasing you, Erza,” he said easily, still smiling.
“How did you know my name?” She didn't remember giving it to him, not that she minded he knew it. He pointed to her chest.
“Your name tag.” His lips spread wider and Erza wanted to fall through the floor. Like an idiot, she glanced down and saw the name tag she'd pinned to her sweater herself. Of course.
“Right,” she laughed awkwardly. “Enjoy your book –” Erza paused and bit her lip. She made another snap decision before she could back out of it. “Jellal.”
His name came out with a soft edge of want she couldn't quite mask. When she turned and left him at the table, Erza could feel his eyes on her all the way back to the desk.
When her phone rang, Erza nearly spilled tea on her dinner – cake, it was always cake. The number was unfamiliar but the voice on the other end wasn't.
“Did you intentionally give me a book with your number in it or was it meant for someone else?” he asked with a lightness that sounded a little forced.
“There's no one else,” she replied.
“I was worried there for a second.” He laughed and Erza pictured his smile and the dimple she loved so much.
“Don't be.” Her voice took on the same same tone as it had earlier that day and, though she was alone, Erza blushed.
“When can I see you, Erza?” He paused and her breath caught in a delightful in-between place. “I should've said something to you sooner but you were working and –”
“Now is fine!”
“Um,” Erza floundered. She was already in her pajamas. Now? “Yeah, why not? I mean – later is fine too, of course. You know, whenever.”
“Meet me at the restaurant across from the park on Fifth. You know the one?”
“Okay.” He ended the call abruptly and Erza was left staring at the face of her phone. She wasted too much time handling her still-hot tea kettle and forgot to actually dress for a date. In the end, she stuffed her feet quickly into her snow boots and grabbed a coat before dashing out the door.
The restaurant on Fifth was a twenty-four hour pancake house. Erza tapped her foot nervously on the edge of the curb to knock the show off her boots before heading inside. Right away she realized her one slice of cake would not keep her stomach from growling in the face of breakfast food aromas. From across the dining room she could see the university logo printed on the thigh of Jellal's sweat pants. At least she wouldn't feel underdressed in her pink plaid pajama pants.
“Hi,” Erza said, sliding into the booth across from him.
“You made it!” Did his smile need to be so disarming?
“I didn't mean to blurt out that tonight was fine.” Her lips curled into an embarrassed grin and she felt the blush from earlier creep up her neck. “You could've said no.”
“I didn't want to say no.”
A waitress appeared and, feeling emboldened by Jellal's order of a full meal, Erza ordered a stack of pancakes with fruit and whipped cream.
“So you're into sweet stuff, then?” he asked, watching her add four sugar packets and creamer to her cup of coffee.
“It's a weakness. I try to keep it under control but when I'm – well, when I'm nervous, I tend to over do it.”
“Do I make you nervous?” His dimple appeared in his left cheek and Erza filled her mouth with hot coffee. “Not too nervous I hope?”
“No, it's exactly the right amount of nervous.”
The streetlights filled the avenue with a warm winter glow when they exited the restaurant. Without any fanfare – besides the racing of her heart – Jellal took her hand and pulled it into his pocket. His fingers slid through hers and Erza pressed herself into his side. The air was colder than before and the snow still piled slowly. His coat wasn't as thick as hers and Erza knew he couldn't last too much longer.
“I'm glad you called,” she said quietly.
“I'm glad you were impatient.” He smiled down at her and Erza stopped caring about about the blush on her cheeks. “Do you live far from here?”
“No, just up there. The building with the grey brick. You?”
“Just around the corner. Iron rails out front.”
“The one with all the weird shrubs? I didn't know you lived so close.”
“It's meant to be, I guess.” He stopped in front of her building and squeezed her hand in his pocket. “When can I see you again?”
“Tomorrow? This weekend?” Erza smiled and couldn't bring herself to retrieve her hand or hold her tongue. “Every day?”
“I'm okay with every day.” His eyes fell to her lips and, impulsively, Erza rose on her toes to kiss him. His hand that wasn't in hers, touched her cheek and then her neck. The tips of his fingers caught in her hair as he returned her kiss and sighed airily. “You taste like syrup.”
“You taste like bacon.” Erza smiled and kissed him again softly. “You're shivering.”
“I'll live.” He tilted his head and caught her in another kiss. Erza's lips parted and she suddenly couldn't feel anything at all but Jellal's mouth. A gust of frigid wind righted her senses. She pulled back.
“You won't if you don't get home and warm.” Erza pulled their hands from his pocket and kissed his fingers. “Call me tomorrow.”
Jellal called her the next day and the next day after that. She was most happy when he didn't have to call anymore because she woke with him already beside her.
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
Why Him? | Ransom Drysdale | Part 9
A/N : Here is part 9, this is a shorter part. 
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than my Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3. However, reblogs are welcome.
I hope you guys like this. 
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Ransom’s POV
I wake up to a loud knocking on my front door, i sit up and look to the other side of my California king bed to find that Claudia isn’t there. I shove on some boxers and head down. I hear the door open and a familiar voice. My mother’s voice. “Ransom honey, there you are. We’ve been calling you” i roll my eyes as i kiss Claudia’s forehead “Morning doll” she smiles “Morning”. 
“Ransom, don’t ignore your mother please” dad pipes up “I don’t have anything to say” i walk off into the lounge, sitting down on the couch. “Ransom, last night was horrible. We need to sort it” Claudia offers them both coffee to which they decline “No thank you sweetie. Ransom, we feel bad about letting it happen and best believe your grandfather gave them a stern talking to” words that come out of their mouths mean hardly anything to me anymore. 
“I couldn’t care less how they speak to me at this point mom, it’s Claudia that deserves an apology. They treated her as if she was some hooker that i bought home. Like trash. She’s my girlfriend for Christ sake” Claudia walks over to me, sitting beside me, her hands resting on mine. Calming me down instantly. “Claudia do you mind if we have a word with you in private?” wearing nothing but my cable knit sweater and booty shorts that are showing way too much ass, she heads over, they lead her into another room.
Claudia’s POV
“I’m so sorry about how my my brother behaved last night. His behaviour was unacceptable and we’re sorry you didn’t get the welcome you deserved” Linda explains. I can see the embarrassment on her face. “He warned me this would happen. I didn’t quite understand him as a person until last night. I feel bad for him knowing he’s had that negative impact for god knows how long” she nods her head in agreement.
 “You’re absolutely right. We’ve been dealing with this for as long as i can remember. He has a way of getting under people’s  skin sometimes which is no excuse for how things went down. Walt’s outburst was completely unprovoked and we want to make it up to you. Would you be willing to convince him to come over today?” i sigh “I’ve seen how you are with him in the short time that i have seen you together. You managed to calm him down just now and last night the way you defended him. I can see he’s besotted” she pleads some more. I take a deep breath “I’ll try my best but no guarantees” she leans in for a hug and so does Richard. “The mansion, 2 hours. Hope to see yu there” they walk away, bidding Ransom a quick goodbye before leaving.
“What did they have say for themselves?” he scoffs as he gets himself a drink in the kitchen where i’m stood. “They were apologising, asking if we would go back round in 2 hours, to try again” he shakes his head. “No way, i’m not letting them take another whack at you” i cup his face with my hands “Please, just try. Plus like you said, i can hold my own” a smile forms onto his lips. I kiss him passionately “Please Ransom” he breathes out, turning his head away before agreeing. “But if it gets heated. We leave” i kiss him once again. “Deal”.
He grabs onto my ass with a tight grip “Those shorts might as well be panties, your ass is hanging out” i wink at him “Well you like the view dont you?” he chuckles “That i do, doll”.
We get ready and i decide on a no make-up look this time around. I’m too lazy to bother.
We pull up to the mansion and we both get out to make our way inside. “Ransom, Claudia. You came” i greet them all with a fake smile. Trying my best to hold my tongue. I greet Harlan with a hug. “Come, sit down in the lounge” he invites. I take a seat in-between Joni and Donna. Ransom sits on the arm chair opposite me. he flashes me a wink when we lock eyes. 
“So... what was the invite for?” he asks, intrigued to see what they want. “I think some people here have something to say to you both” Ransom looks at Walt, whose head is bowed. “I’m sorry about my actions last night, it wasn’t acceptable” he looks up at Ransom who just glares at him. 
“I couldn’t care less about how you speak of me. It’s not me you should be apologising to” he nods towards me. Walt looks my way “Claudia, i apologises for my actions last night. I never set out to upset you. Can we please start fresh?” i can see Ransom smirking, i take it Walt never apologises. 
I fake a smile “I won’t say that your actions were okay but i can move past them and start a fresh” he smiles and we all go to move on but Ransom stops us. “Meg, are you going to apologise” she furrows her brows at him. “Don’t think i didn’t hear you laughing at Walt’s comments and you Joni” Joni denies it. “Ransom, whatever you thought you heard, you’re wron-” he rolls his eyes “Up your ass Joni” my eyes widen as they get into a domestic. “I might have laughed and for that i apologise Claudia but my mom didn’t” she swears. “Matter of fact, eat shit” i stand up from my seat and pull ransom out of the room. He continues to make comments as i pull him away. 
“Babe, you promised to behave” i drag him into Harlan’s study. “Why did you pull me away?” i push him against the door. “Will you quit the attitude” he pulls me closer “Oh you wanna get rough doll?” he raises a brow and i pull away from his grasp. “No, this is merely me putting you in your place. They have apologised. As much as i hate how they acted i’m not about to have your family hate me” he walks closer to me. “Okay, i’ll try. i promise. Can we just get this meeting over with” i unlock the door and we return to our seats. Linda gives me a surprised look when Ransom apologises for wrongfully accusing Joni. What can i say, i’m like magic.
I check my phone for the time to discover that it’s 9:00pm. We ended up staying for lunch and then eventually dinner. They got monopoly out and i can’t resist a good board game. Me and Ransom decide to leave being as i’m back at work tomorrow and i need an early night. I say goodbye to everyone and we head out to the beamer. “What time are you in work tomorrow doll?” he grips my thigh “I’m in at 8:30 why?” he looks at me occasionally as he responds “I just wondered if you wanted to stay at mine tonight. I can take you to work and pick you up”  all my stuff is at my place “I can’t all my clothes are at mine but you can stay at mine though” he agrees and we arrive at his place so i can collect my stuff and some clothes for him.
Ransom’s POV
I head upstairs as soon as we get to Claudia’s place so i can shower before we head to bed, she stays downstairs in the kitchen to have a hot drink. I wash my hair and body quickly before i step out, wrapping a towel around my waist. As i come out to go to her room i hear giggling coming from downstairs. “James, omg no. You don’t understand, it’s massive. The man ruins me” i smirk to myself, knowing full well what she’s talking about as i head to go change.
I dry off, putting some boxers on and i make my way downstairs. I hear her laughing again, almost as if she’s having a fit. “On a scale of 1-10 how good is the sex?” she shushes him “Be quiet, he could overhear. I’d say over 10. You don’t understand. It’s like he’s a porn star or some shit. And that dick just drives me crazy” i see her blushing as i poke my head round the corner. “You totally love him” she waves him off. “I don’t but it’s definitely heading that way. He’s not like Jordan at all. He’s kind and caring and he fucks me so good. I just- i really think he’s the one” i can’t believe what i’m hearing. She’s falling hard. Hearing her admit it causes a huge cheesy smile to form on my lips.
I wait a couple of minutes before strolling into the kitchen. “Hey” i lean down to kiss her forehead, playing coy and pretending not to notice the FaceTime call that she’s on. “Ransom, this is my best friend James, James meet my boyfriend Ransom Drysdale” she wraps her arms around my torso as i stand there, chatting away to James.
He starts telling me some embarrassing stories of their drunken antics. Making me laugh so loud. Like the time he said that she swore at a nun in the street after bottomless brunch. “I was hoping you’d forget that” she pouts. “So, when do we all get to meet you in person Ransom?” i shrug, looking down at her. “Whenever this one is free, i’ll be available” we say goodbye to James and Claudia finishes her drink before locking up. 
“Swearing at a nun huh? not so very sweet and innocent doll” she slaps me playfully as we walk up the stairs. “I was highly intoxicated” i desperately wanna bring up what i heard but i think it’s best to leave it.
She brushes her teeth and does her skin care routine then she joins me in bed. “I hope you don’t mind the early wake up call” she checks “It’s fine, i’ll drop you off and then head back to mine for the day to do some work before i come get you” she smiles, leaning down to kiss me. “As long as you’re sure it’s no trouble?” i kiss her again “It’s honestly not” she sets her alarms for the morning and we lie down. I kiss her slowly, gliding my tongue across her bottom lip, asking for entrance. This kiss isn’t like the other ones we’ve had. There’s more passion there. I pull away and we decide it’s best to stop. I don’t want to get carried away with her. I plant a kiss on her forehead “Goodnight baby” she lays on my chest, closing her eyes “goodnight”.
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
Why Him? | Ransom Drysdale | Part 7
A/N : I hope you enjoy this next part, i really appreciate the likes on this fic so far. Thank you sm. I’m taking requests too for other imagines. i write for everyone!
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than my Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3. However, reblogs are welcome.
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Ransom’s POV
I pull up at my grandads mansion, locking the beamer as i walk towards the doors. The dogs bombarding me. “Stop” i call out, walking inside. “Ransom” Meg mutters. “Meg, so lovely to see you” i spit as i make my way to the lounge to take a seat. “The party is tomorrow night” grandad states “83 years old and you don’t look a day over 30″ mom chuckles, he waves her off as if to say ‘stop that’. I continue to listen in on the details of tomorrow. I don’t usually enjoy parties, which they all consider ‘quality family time’ but as it is grandad’s birthday, i guess i’ll have to present and find some way to entertain myself. I don’t say a word the whole time until dinner.
We sit there eating away, everyone is talking and there must be about 3 different conversations going on. This isn’t the usual vibe in the Thrombey house. It’s odd but also a very nice insight into how enjoyable dinner with us all here would be if it was like this every time. I just want to spend time with Claudia, maybe this could be the perfect opportunity for them to meet her. They all seem to be a little nicer towards me today “So grandad, can we bring a guest to this party tomorrow?” everyone stops, turning to stare at me. “Well yes, i suppose you can. May i ask who?” he quizzes. I stop the smile from forming onto my lips as i think of Claudia. “There’s someone i’d like you all to meet” he nods “Well i look forward to it” i smile slightly as i continue to eat
Once we finish, Frank makes her way out, clearing the table for us “How’re you Fran?” i barely speak to her and i feel bad “I’m good thank you, how’re you Hugh?” only the help calls me Hugh. “Very well thank you” she speeds away from me as i reply. I wasn’t even mean this time.
I was stuck there for another few hours, playing family games, even though i don’t always feel like part of the family. We always let Marta and Fran join in with the games, after all they do spend most of their time here. I feel my phone buzz, i pull it out of my pocket to see a text from Claudia ‘I’m off to sleep now, talk tomorrow daddy x’ i feel my cock twitch at the nickname. It drives me crazy when she calls me that. ‘Goodnight doll x’ send. I go back to the game with my family. Trying not to let my mind wonder. It gets to 10:00pm and one by one, everyone stars going to their rooms. I take the opportunity to head up myself. I still need to ask Claudia if she wants to come tomorrow. I can always go see her in the morning to ask her face to face, i’m sure she will say yes. Not that i’ve made my family seem very appealing. 
I start hearing a lot of talking outside my room, causing me to wake up. I check the time 8:00am. Too early. “Ransom?” I hear my dad knock on the door. “Breakfast in 5. Downstairs please” i huff as i get out of bed. Fully nude. I throw on some boxers and head out to the hallway to go shower. I bump into Marta as i walk towards the bathroom “Sorry” she mumbles as she shoves past me. 
Once showered and dressed, i make my way down to breakfast, late as always. “Morning everyone, happy birthday grandad” i smile. “Thank you Ransom” he’s opening gifts from us all as we all shove food into our mouths. “Do you guys mind if i head out quickly?” i check “Is this about your date for tonight?” Walt mutters in an annoyed tone. “Not that it’s any of your business ass hat but yes” he rolls his eyes at me. “So it is a date then? a girl perhaps?” Joni looks towards me. “Ransom with a woman? That isn’t a hooker? Don’t make me laugh” i chuckle at Meg’s insults. “Eat shit Meg”.
We all finish eating and i head out to the beamer, unlocking it and then hopping in. I speed away, making my way to Claudia’s place. A little worried that she won’t be home since i’m turning up unannounced. I park up and head to her door knocking twice before she answers. “Hey” i wink as i lean down, pressing a kiss to her lips. “Hi” she gestures for me to come in. The first time i’ve been inside of her place. It’s very nice, really modern and all neutral colours. 
“I know this is very last minute. To be honest i forgot about it myself but every year my family have a party for my grandad to celebrate his birthday. It’s kinda like a family tradition for him. We all attend. It just so happens that today is his birthday and i’m allowed to bring a guest but i’d rather call it bringing a date” there are a couple of seconds of silence and she looks at me confused but i can tell she knows that i’m trying to invite her. “You, i want you to come and meet my family. You can stay the night at afterwards too if you like” she pauses everything she’s doing, turning to me with a look of worry on her face. “I uh. Ranso-” she’s gonna say no. 
“I know i’ve not made them seem like the most welcoming bunch but i swear they will love you” i don’t think i’m convincing her. “Please, it’ll mean a lot to me and truth be told i want to get this over with. The thought of this scares me too but what better time to do it than now” she nods her head before walking towards me as i lean against the island in the kitchen. “Okay, but you’re gonna have to help me with what to wear” she grabs a hold of my hand, leading me up the stairs and into her closet.
“Right, pick” i look at her in confusion “You pick my outfit, i know you have a great sense of style” i walk in and starting looking through her dresses before settling on a blue number. It’s a mid thigh and off shoulder dress. Perfect. I then find a black belt and she picks some heels. “Did you want to stay at my place tonight?” she nods with a huge smile on her face. “Good, i did leave some stuff at my grandads but i’ll make sure i grab it before we leave the party” she starts packing an overnight bag as i lay her outfit out on her bed. “When is the party?” she questions “7 ish” she purses her lips. “I’m gonna go run some errands now but i’ll be back to pick you up at half 6″ we head downstairs and as we reach the door “I’ll leave you to it. See you tonight doll” i lean down and kiss her forehead before heading out. She waves me off. I hope they approve of her and this evening goes down without a hitch.
I head home to make sure everything is tidy and ready for when she stays tonight. I don’t normally clean myself as i have a maid but it’s her week off.
I make sure i have condoms and everything i’m gonna need. Knowing full well that i’ll be getting lucky. Not that any of that matters, i’ll be happy just to be in her presence with cuddles. The nerves start to wash over me as i start getting ready, choosing my clothes for tonight. I settle on some black jeans, a blue sweater and my signature long brown coat. Sorted. I finish off and head to Claudia’s house to pick her up. No turning back now.
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
Why Him? | Ransom Drysdale | Part 11
A/N : hope you guys enjoy this part, it’s only a short one but hope you still love it.
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than my Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3. However, reblogs are welcome.
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Ransom’s POV
My eyes flicker open and my head kills not to mention the sun almost blinding me, What time is it? I reach out for my phone for it to be revealed that it’s almost time for lunch. I slept in. I head to the bathroom to shower and get myself ready for the day. I hear some distinct voices as i make my way downstairs. I try to match the voices to who i think it could be, only to realise it’s none other than my personal maid and chef. Who have returned today from having the week off. I stare at them when i pass through the kitchen. 
“Good morning Hugh” my maid greets “Good morning Maria. I’m heading out for the day. I expect everything done before i return. You may leave early today considering you complete your jobs” she nods, walking away to get started. What can i say, i’m feeling extra nice lately. Guess everyone has Claudia to thank for that. 
“I have a parcel coming today also, listen out for that and leave it on my bed when it comes” and with that i head out to my car.
I always go to my grandads most weekdays if he needs help with paperwork. It’s the least i can do when the man helps me live. “Grandad” i call out, Marta walks out of his study “He’s in here” she moves out of the way to let me past. “Ransom” i greet him back, taking my coat off and placing it over the back of one of the chairs.
“How are things with Claudia?” i smile at the mention of her name, I’m smitten. There’s no denying that. “They are great. She’s focusing on work this week but i’ll be seeing her Friday” i can see how much he approves. “I didn’t get much time around her but from what i saw, she’s good for you. Keep a hold of that one. She’s special” that she is grandad, that she is.
I head out of the study to grab myself something to snack on whilst i help out. “You know Walt’s comment? Do you agree with him?” i never needed validation before. “Of course not. I told Walt off for those comments he made” i shrug it off and continue with my work. Eventually i finish up “Thanks Ransom. I’ll see you soon” i smile “See you soon grandad” i head out to the beamer to get back home. My package should have arrived by now.
“Maria, did any mail come?” i hear a faint echo of her voice as she edges closer to me. “Yes Hugh. I left it on your bed as instructed” i turn to face her “You completed all your jobs?” she nods “You may go, see you tomorrow” she smiles, grabbing her stuff and leaving. I head upstairs to check my parcel out, it’s a diamond necklace for Claudia. I would have gone to the jewellers for it but i had stuff to do today.
I hope she likes it. 
It’s Thursday morning and it feels like the week has barely even happened. I pick my phone up and text Claudia real quick but she’s beaten me to it. ‘Good morning. I’ve got a really busy day today and i wont be able to text until later. Hope your day goes okay. Miss you’ i instantly type my reply. ‘I’ll be honest i have no plans for today but i’m sure i’ll find something to occupy myself. Have a nice day baby doll. Miss you too’ send.
I don’t really know what i’m going to do with myself today, i have another parcel coming in for Claudia but as far as plans go, i have none. It’s gonna be a day of movies and eating. I throw myself onto the couch and flick through Netflix for a film and eventually settle on American Psycho, who doesn’t love this film?
Halfway through, just as i’m getting into it, i hear the doorbell go. Maria answers, taking the parcel and bringing it over to me. “Sir, this just came” i take it from her grasp and wait for her to leave before opening it. 
I use my car keys to cut into the box, ripping it open. There it is, in all of it’s glory. It’s one of those toys that you insert into the vagina. It vibrates and i have all of the control. 
The thing about sex with me is, i didn’t wanna go too far with it at first. Seeing as though she’s made it clear i’m the biggest she’s ever had and the initial sex was a big thing for her. I can fuck her rough all right but all the experimental stuff. I wanted to build her up to that slowly. I’m an impatient guy though, so i thought i’d get this to see how she reacts to it. I take it to my room and head back downstairs to continue with my movie. I cannot wait until tomorrow.
Dinner time rolls around and i’ve not heard from Claudia, she’s probably exhausted so i decide to not bother her. Let her relax. 
I finish eating and check my phone to see a text ‘Hi, i’ve just got out of the bath and about to eat. Sorry i didn’t text. Today was mad. How was your day?’ instead of typing my reply i decide to call her. 
“Hey, i thought i’d give you a ring instead. If that’s okay?” i ask, nervously. “I’m glad you did, i was getting kinda lonely on my own” she places her phone on a stand so she can walk around and prepare her dinner. 
“Anyways, you didn’t answer me. How was your day?” she mumbles, pulling a saucepan out. “It was alright, watched some movies and ate a lot of food” she giggles “Talking of, i need to start teaching you to cook” i raise my eyebrows. “I can cook” total lies. “You have a chef, that tells me otherwise. No for real, i’ll teach you” she’s brave. “Oh my grandad asked after you the other day. I forgot to mention” she has a curious look all over her face. “He said i need to keep a hold of you because you’re good for me and you’re special” she starts pretending to blow at her nails and act sassy. “What can i say?” she’s so goofy, i love it. We talk until she finishes cooking and then i hang up to let her eat. 
I can’t wait to see her tomorrow.
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