#I will not shut up about Heathers
p4per-cr4ne · 7 months
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my sona dressed as Heather Chandler for Halloween ❤️💛💚💙
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the-spaced-out-ace · 10 months
Y’know what? I'm curious.
Not necessarily which one aged the best, just the one you still get the most enjoyment out of.
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evans-gallery · 3 months
Met a boy who likes my body. He said he wants to break your teeth.
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I finished this sketch and I just can't resist to make a collage for it.
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moonchild-in-blue · 10 days
my favorite pieces are the Detroit Industry Murals at the Detroit Institute of Arts painted by Diego Rivera and Flowers in a Rococo Vase by Paul Cézanne, which I saw at the National Museum of Art back in 2015!!!!!!! tell me yours if you want
I LOVE hearing about people's favourite pieces like. This is fr my love language 🥹 it's amazing to look at something you would maybe not give much importance through someone else's eyes 💙
AND YOU GOT TO SEE THEM??? WOW that's so incredible!!! Those murals are gorgeous - I can only imagine how surreal it must've been to stand there like 🥹✨
Okay so, in order, mine are Monet's garden paintings - I don't think I have one specific favourite, but the water lilies and bridge paintings are so special to me! Love love love Monet (did see some of his work at the London MoMA!!! So special!!!).
Then we have Psyche Revived By Cupid's Kiss by Antonio Canova, which I have been very annoying about in here before lmao. It's on the Louvre and I really want to visit it 🥺 I know for a fact that I'll weep seeing it in person 🥺 (it's also my favourite myth btw 💘)
Then my most favourite is probably Portrait Of A Lady by Gustav Klimt. I've been in love with it for a million years now 💙 HERE:
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Everyone talks about The Kiss or Adele or any other with his famous patterns like Death and Life and The Virgins, etc etc. But for some reason Portrait Of A Lady makes me go all fuzzy and warm and teary-eyed. I can't explain why. Would also love to see it in person one day - it's in an Italian museum (forgor the name).
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the 80s had heathers, the 90s had clueless, the 00s had mean girls, the 10s had the most popular girls in school, and now the 20s is trying to do another bitchy teen girl school drama with euphoria not understanding the bitchy teen girl school drama genre, played straight, will never be as good as what tmpgis did
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whimsicalcotton · 30 days
once again suffering from Thinking About Heather Duke Disease
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
billy, steve, heather and robin all going to watch dirty dancing together when it comes out
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
someone reblogged my ‘seventeen’ post that’s all the motivation I need to analyze heathers more
I was thinking about the idea of tragedy in the narrative & crucial moments when there’s a ✨vibe check ✨ from black comedy to bleak tragedy because there absolutely IS a shift. the show uses elements of dark comedy AND tragedy throughout its entirety but there’s a crucial shift in the story where you realize it’s not all just jokes & what these characters are doing is wrong & it does have consequences
I think that while ‘seventeen’ marks the last moment where it feels like there’s any hope for a happy ending for jd & veronica or a redemption arc for jd, the moment that the tone of the show truly shifts is actually ‘tiniest lifeboat.’ both ‘the me inside of me’ & ‘dead gay son’ trivialize the deaths jd & veronica are responsible for & are pretty funny as well as painting these deaths as a positive thing. ‘tiniest lifeboat’ drills home that these are damaged teenagers, that their deaths are tragic, & that the message that suicide is the answer is horrifying. & heather duke & heather chandler before her are a big part of the problem but jd & veronica are making it worse not better
jd & veronica are wrong for encouraging the suicide narrative but their actions are a symptom of the problem because they never would have killed anyone if relentless bullying wasn’t an issue at westerberg high. the fact that it’s a heather singing the song though, & this moment where we start to really understand mcnamara, is crucial to understanding the show. the heathers aren’t good people but they’re people & jd’s method for dealing with them is wrong. the heathers aren’t ‘solid teflon’ & untouchable, they’re people. flawed people with feelings, & mcnamara is struggling because jd & veronica thought that they should get to choose who lives or dies
at the same time…duke is struggling too, with her eating disorder & insecurity, does that make her silencing mcnamara ok? let’s not forget the reason jd & veronica killed kurt & ram was because duke & mcnamara both ditched veronica alone with them & they attempted sexual assault. like, the point I’m getting to is that it’s all very complicated but this song is a turning point from “yes justified murder icons” to “oh this is a tragedy full of fucked up people hurting each other”
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absentmoon · 1 year
um idont like u tbh :/
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place your bets, ladies, on whether or not I'm going to start watching yet another show with language my mother would not approve of come January
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lacnunga · 2 years
In my foth dragon au it's common for English people to get their dragons from one of the worshipful company of breeders associations, but it is considered natural that the high-class families would breed the dragons of their parents and give the offspring to their children. Keith didn't think anything of it when he met Arthur at one of the breeders. It was only when Francis received his dragon from the mating of his mother dragon and the Earl of Stowe's that it actually hurt.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
I'm not tagging the person who sent in this request I'm just talking about this because I find it kind of funny. I can't picture any scenerio where you start singing a song from a musical and a slasher doesn't violently end you. Like I'm sorry but it's just so funny to me. No hate to the person who requested it I'm still gonna write it but I just find it funny
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al3x-fi3rro · 4 months
Warning // talks of suicide and murder
In the Heathers fandom, a lot of people talk about how "Ich Lüge" is german for "I lie/I'm lying", and a lot of people are like "Damn it JD, you tricked us all. you're admitting to lying in german" but i feel like the "i lie" premise still works. The whole (fictional) concept of the bullets is that the germans used them to fake their suicides, which is what? A lie.
I don't think much would have changed about Veronica believing JD because, like JD said, she wanted to believe him. Even if she took german she'd probably have tried to rationalize it, thinking "well the germans were lying about their suicide, so it makes sense to name them "I lie bullets" ". She wanted to believe JD, whether it was because she wanted Kurt and Ram dead subconciously or because she trusted him.
Besides, it's not like he had tricked her into killing someone before (she grabbed the wrong cup and she had no idea he noticed and didn't tell her). The last person they killed was an accident from her point of view and he had the great idea of making it look like suicide, so she/they wouldn't go to jail. She'd have no reason to actually distrust him.
Therefore she'd probably believe him anyways. Even if she did know that "Ich Lüge" meant "i lie/i'm lying".
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semiconducting · 5 months
more bitching about td23 season 2 lol
i think the thing that bothers me the most about the recent total drama season is just that there was absolutely zero desire for characters to grow or have a complete arc of any kind. emma got to do nothing, just started the season broken up with chase but didn't really get to form any new relationships (or make up w her bestie from last season.......bowie and emma i miss u) before she left. the cheating in challenges arc between bowie and raj never got solved. priya's entire storyline revolved around caleb and there is no conclusion to be had from their plot, they got together even though caleb is a shitty spineless noncomittal boyfriend to her. caleb Has this issue and nothing comes of it except for like cheap "tension" in the ep where priya gets eliminated. julia has Nothing going for her except that she's Mean and she's Good At The Game and is the reason behind HALF of ALL THE ELIMINATIONS and it all happens OFF!!! SCREEN!!! like heather had mad plot armour in her seasons but god at least she was fun to watch. zee did nothing, not nearly as entertaining as he was last season. they set up a GREAT opportunity for scary girl to come back for Vengeance after being eliminated in the first ep and then do Nothing to follow up. mk is literally glued to julia at the hip and gets no time to shine on her own. BOWIE gets eliminated IMMEDIATELY when the teams merge???? axel and ripper having nothing going for them after they get together and overstay their welcome. DAMIEN! DOESN'T! GET! TO! KEEP! HIS! IMMUNITY! IDOL! and we don't fucking see julia actually take it from him!!!!!!!!!! it's just like they didn't bother with Any interesting plot decisions for any character just to prop up julia who herself doesn't even get to be entertaining. she has some funny lines, sure, but she takes up so much gaddamn screentime and for WHAT.
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berryblu-soda · 1 year
yall know what would be really funny? characters with exoskeletons doing the minecraft skeleton damage sound whenever they do anything, like:
character *sneezes*
minecraft skeleton sound: https://youtu.be/TpDMzkOH1Ys
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bellsliturgy · 1 year
heather mason was born (manifested) in 1983, was 17 during the events of silent hill 3, and is 40 years old in current year (2023). i won't be rping her during the events of silent hill 3 unless it is plotted, so she will be well within her adult years in unplotted threads/asks/what have you. her exact age will also be dependent on the verses of others who have more modern settings/verses too (such as yakuza/rgg).
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