#I wish they showed him/him and Nina/hellgate more
laurent-ofvere · 1 year
Maya spill the hot hot tea of what you think of Shadow & Bone series (I’ll say it cz I’m evil, it sucks—-except the cast, the crows in particular really look the part)
I mean listen ive only seen 5 eps of the second season, I haven't read the shadow and bone books to compare and im watching this season with maca who's the worlds biggest hater and we cant get through 2 minutes without her finding things to bitch about and it CLOUDS MY OPINIONS bc I try and think of a scene and all I can hear is her YAPPING
that being said okay mmm I really truly dont give a fuck about the shadow and bone plot, like I just dont care and borderline skim lmao the special effects when she does her light stuff make me violent + does ANYONE like her and mal?? anyone??
I hear nikolai is meant to be hot and charming and all that? physically he bores me lol he's just giving baby face frat boy and im not about it but like, I get it, I guess he does the job (I say as someone who's unfamiliar with his written character and dont know what the job is)
ben barns is hot hes HOT he's so hot and I would rather watch him sit in his dark vibey room and be mute and pissed off for 45 minutes than watch another scene of alina whine about thinks I dont care about and thats really the situation. also, I love genya and david is a punk ass bitch and I wish they went more into her trauma and fucked up past lmao
I so agree on the cast! I really think the crows are FANTASTIC, a way better portrayal than I would have expected. I just, like, we're all on the same page regarding the crows being the more enjoyable part of this show? yes?
im really enjoying how this season seems to be more about their actual book events (unless im remembering wrong? I feel like s1 was mainly made up stuff and backgrounds to tie them into the show and s2 is more book 1 stuff?) and for a story where so much of the oomf is in between the lines and in the "you need to read 600 pages of so many small things that alone mean nothing but together have such an impact" of it, I do think theyre doing a solid enough job. I do think that a lot of it can be quite cringey, but personally I feel like this kinda story and some of these finer dynamics are inherently cringey when on screen and more palatable when its on paper so thats not really a critique on them, more so just is what it is. I also appreciate and am endlessly surprised by how much screen time the crows get given its not technically theyre show. but thats probably bc its just the better story :)
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iliveinarainbow · 2 years
now here’s the thing: was it book accurate? no it was not, but i didn’t hate that
i appreciate that even though they changed a lot when it came to the plot they were still able to stay true to who the characters are, and for the most part show characters did what their book counterparts would’ve done so i’m ok with the changes
-no comment on david’s ending bc i still haven’t accepted his ending in the book so i’m choosing to live in denial :)
-MY BABY GENYA, i’ve read the books so i knew what was going to happen but my god i’m heartbroken
-zoya (aka my wife) deserved more screen time
-jesper only recognizing wylan when he was on top of him was so funny for no reason
-inej on the rooftop with the gutter guy… i was PETRIFIED just staring at my screen like an idiot
-the kanej scenes when inej was hallucinating? I WAS SPEECHLESS, and a little confused ngl
-the nina and kaz dynamic was EVERYTHING
HOWEVER, the whole helnik cliffhanger thing… no thanks, i truly wish the crows had managed to get to matthias bc as someone who loved the society i’m still traumatized four years later, WHAT IF THEY DONT GET A THIRD SEASON AND MATTHIAS IS JUST STUCK IN HELLGATE?!
(crooked kingdom spoilers: yes i’ve read the book, yes i know how matthias’ story ends, no i do not want to see that on my screen but i still would’ve loved a helnik reunion)
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reonnex · 2 months
24. What is a backstory detail about a character that you wish we learned more about?
11. What is your happiest headcanon for (insert character/ship/etc)?
12. What is your saddest headcanon for (insert character/ship/etc)?
Thank you for the ask!
24. What is a backstory detail about a character that you wished we learned more about?
I honestly wished we learned more about Matthias's family before he became a drüsukelle. What was he doing that day? Did is family try to hide him? Or did he wander off himself and came back to a burning village? There's so much more I want to know about his past.
11. What is your happiest headcannon for (insert character/ship/etc)?
Wesper marriage!!! I like to think that a few years after the events of crooked kingdom, Wylan and Jesper get married, but in a way, they both accidentally propose to each other.
Maybe they go on a date together, Wylan grabs something from his bag and when he looks back to Jesper he sees him down on one knee and all Wylan can do is laugh as he shows him the ring he bought as well. Bonus points if it's the SAME ring they bought for each other.
12. What is your saddest headcannon for (insert character/ship/etc)
I have a lot of very sad headcannons, but if I had to think of my saddest... It would definitely have to be one with Kaz. Specifically the fact he thinks more often times than he should that Joride deserved to live more than him, and if there ever was a chance it was possible, Kaz would gladly trade places for his brother to live instead of him. Of course, he would never admit it to anyone, and sometimes, he can't admit it to himself. He knows that without him, Inej would still be in the menagerie, Wylan would be struggling to survive in the Barrel, Jesper would more often than not be dead due to his debts, Matthias would be in Hellgate and Nina would still be working at the White Rose. But there are momments when the thought does slip.
Six of crows ask
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shesmyplusone · 2 years
oh boy.
So, I've watched all of S&B season two in less than a day. And let me tell you...I'm very disappointed!
As a show, there were things I liked. I'll start with some of those-
the acting: Really good! I really took to all of the new actors- especially Nikolai and Wylan, who have always been two of my favorites. Strong seasons from Daisy Heard, Jessie was great as always, and really came around on Nina's actor too.
Costumes: I enjoyed about 90% of them (not Zoya's dress at the end of the season. but that's a whole other can of worms). Jesper looked great!
The Darkling: He was shown to be as pathetic and sad as he's always been. Him dreaming about Alina and her stabbing him was wonderful. Happy Genya and Zoya helped put him in the ground, at least for now.
Zoya/Nina: I was actively really upset when Zoya wasn't sending Nina off on her mission before season 1. Their dynamic means so much to me and the narrative, but I had assumed we were going to have to sacrifice Zoya's SoC storyline to allow her to build her S&B storyline! But we weren't! They got to interact. I wish it had focused more on Nina leaving in the middle of the war, and what it was like for her to come back, but there were just too many different characters and moving pieces to get in depth focus on that, and I understand that.
Jesper!: He was great. he's always great. Zero notes! Loved him a Wylan having a past. It made up for the other Crows reallyyy going through it with their love interests.
And the bad things:
As an adaption: Really rough. Like I understand the desire to get through both S&S and R&R. but they completely butchered my favorite book in the trilogy (maybe the whole series!) to do it. They took the Apparat out entirely. They lost most of the Sun Summoner cultists and Alina granting her power to them on the Fold. Nikolai did not become the monster and spend half of the season chasing the crew around. No firebird hunt! Alina lost her little trip with her friends, lost the comradery that came from traveling up and down Ravaka with Mal, David, Genya, Zoya, Nadia, the twins, and Adrik. No Oncat at all!!!! Alina never thought she had more to lose because she never realized she even had it!!!!!!!
They rushed her into wanting to save Ravaka, pulled her away from the girl who wanted peace to herself and to help children like she was.
I understand they didn't want to lose Jessie, Archie, and Ben at the same time. (Debatable about Ben. but that's for later). The set up and destroyed so much of the story for the hope they might get a season 3 (with Netflix's trackrecord, i'm not hopeful).
But man. they lost so much of what i loved about the trilogy. I know most folks don't love it. even going through the tag I can see most people are mostly here for the crows. Where was the huge awful civil war!!! one battle!!! with a rip-off Zoya (bangs and all). And a different squaller got to do lightning before Zoya!!! I'm grumpy.
and there is a slim chance that we get a season 3 that ends with Mal and Alina on their little farm. but man, i don't want to take that bet. What a waste!
Matthais: i love the boy, but man, ever single one his scenes at hellgate were like pulling teeth for me. insane he had a whole arc to himself while zoya was shoved whereever the writers needed her to be.
Nikolai's Monster: So happy they snuck it at the last second. But man, it should have happened earlier. My favorite R&R Zoyalai scene is not the ones with Alina, but when Nikolai turns back into a man and Zoya catches him falling out of the sky, a scene that is paralleled in RoW. I get it, yet again, that the viewers barely knew Nikolai, so turning him into the monster halfway through the season was silly, but they could have done it in episode 7 and i think it could have worked.
DAVID!!!!: Are you kidding me!!!!! I know he could alive, as there was no body, but we already went through this one. GENYA already goes through this once. this happened solely so the triumvirate could be Alina, Zoya, and Genya. But when Zoya said the world I literally burst into tears. It's supposed to be David :( Alina's "oh we don't need the orders anymore" is supposed to come from Zoya figuring out in KoS/RoW that the lines are not so neatly drawn. David has to help Nikolai with his inventions!!!! Like!!!! Who's going to chain up the monster!!!
Mal: he should not have fucking left. that speech he gave about being happier on the ship with Strumhund is NOT his story. it's Nikolai's. He would never leave Alina!!!!
Zoyalai: I'll just get to it. It feels like the writers were baiting me specifically. "Let's let Nikolai interact with literally ever other character in the universe. but Zoya!" And at the end, when i thought we might get something with Alina telling Inej to tell him where Zoya was. Nothing! (Well, Elivabeta's Bee was a nice touch) but! not a single conversation! Alina's going "comfort him" while he's king. She's still in charge of the second army, while Zoya's just "in charge of training". They're still engaged!!!! I literally thought she was stopping the engagement when she gave the emerald back. but nope!
i have no faith there will a season three, and honestly. not sure i want one. what a mess. if these showrunners had wanted a crows show so badly, they should have just fucking done one. the trilogy is not perfect, but had a solid, good storyline with characters with arcs and purposes and and it's really hard to see how they redeem that.
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corporalicent · 2 years
there is fire in the snow
Tumblr media
nina zenik x matthias helvar
sinopsis: their journey in the snow brought back memories.
a/n: english is not my first language, sorry if there is some grammatical errors. i love this couple and their journey as enemies to lovers to enemies again to lovers (just ignore ck finale, pls). i really hope y’all like this.
ao3 link
The moment their shoes touched the snow, Matthias’ mind was flooded with memories of his roots in Fjerda and of his past with her, Nina. 
They are at the same place where their hearts touched each other and their love flourish. Sadly, the love that once felt for the other turned into hatred in a second. 
For Matthias, loyalty was the more important trait someone could have. You could say it was due to his training as a Drüskelle. So, when Nina outed him as a Slave trader and sent to Hellgate, his respect and admiration he felt for her were gone in a second. But, as much as he wishes this wasn’t real, his love for her never went again.
Now, they are walking on the snow to the Ice Court side by side feeling miles apart. The tension between them grows when they realise they were behind the others crows.
The silence was eternal but comfortable, until his voice broke this setting. “Why did you save me?” Her eyes met his, those were his first words directed to her that weren’t “i wish you were dead” related. 
“Believe it or not, since you were gone, i’ve been looking for a way to free you from that hellhole” Her gaze quickley fall to the ground.
“Well, it’s so hard to believe. You were the reason i was in Hellgate.” His voice didn’t hold back, his goal was to make sure she wasn’t forgetting her actions. “Excuse me if i am not buying your saint act when you were nothing but selfish with me”.
Her blood temperature rise with his words, she tried so hard not to look at him and let him know the anger she was feeling throught her whole body.
“Selfish?” Her attempts of not showing her anger failed. “I have gave up everything to get you free, even getting involved in this mission. I did what i did because it was you going to jail or end up dead”. And she was right, his destiny was between the Kerch people or the Grisha. 
And he knew this very well. But maybe the mix between anger and revenge didn’t help to make him understand her reasoning.
“I would have rather died, knowing your loyalty to me was intact and your love would have avenge me” His tone was sure of the word his mouth just said, but his mind was glad he was alive and by her side.
“I will remember your wish next time” were her last word directed to him, the rest of the journey in the eternal snow were silent. It was better for the two of them.
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wraithblogging · 2 years
Overall thoughts on Shadow and Bone season two:
- They tried SO HARD to make everyone hate the Darkling. It was ridiculous tbh
- Meanwhile, they made everyone else way more likeable, especially Mal, Baghra, and Zoya.
- They did Kanej dirty by taking Inej out of formative scenes like the police wagon scene and the scene where Kaz threatens Pekka and instead made them more physical. They robbed them of their intimacy and that kiss scene... don't get me started
- It was very annoying to me how good Jesper and Nina were with their powers. I guess with Nina it was more established for the show, since she was pretty good in season one already. But Jesper?
- I did like that Matthias did get more of a plotline and we got to see him in Hellgate a bit
- I am DYING over Inej traveling the seas on the Volkvolny. Her being the lookout made everything this season didn't do well completely irrelevant!
- I'm glad they picked up on Inej's brother again, even though it was briefly. I think it served as a good bonding moment for Kaz and Inej without the same magnitude that him finding her parents has (cause that would have been way too early)
- I wish there would have been more Nina and Inej friendship and more bonding between Inej and Zoya. I missed that a lot tbh. Although there were moments.
- I was interestingly not annoyed by Malina in the show this time. It made sense kinda and their communication was better written, making them way nice than in the books. Also at so many parts their lovestory felt so much less fragile than in the books, especially with their split up (but not break up) in the end. It made them more their own characters even though the show was heavily relying in them as a pair
- I'm not quite a fan of the way Nikolai's demon was handled. It's very clear here that it's a setup for the Six of Crows Spin-Off but still, it didn't really vibe with me
- the pacing was kinda weird and there was a bit too much going on storywise imo.
- Jesper's plotline was a bit too fast for me. It was kinda handled on the by instead of showing what a deep issue this is for him. I guess they tried. But meh
- I kinda had some issues with how characters traveled from one place to another in seemingly no time? Especially at first it seemed like Nikolai was in Ketterdam and Weddle at the same time?!? Like mate, that's quite some way
- I did like what they did with Alina as a character. It felt like the showrunners listened to the complaints fans had with her being too passive and how many didn't like her ending, so they turned that around.
- I feel like the Crows got way too much screen time. Especially Kaz and his backstory sometimes made me forget I was watching a show about Alina
- I was kinda missing the whole 'exploring Alina's shu heritage' thing that they teased in some interviews? Like they mentioned it like twice. That wasn't necessarily exploring for me.
- I kinda feel robbed of Nikolina. Like, I did love how their friendship was portrayed but my Nikolina heart did want a kiss at least 🥲
- I'm glad they cut that whole sun summoner cult plotline! That was really annoying in the books imo
- can't believe they killed off Hellen off screen. David too. Like what? Also where were Ivan and Fedyor? Boyfriend grisha were exchanged for girlfriend grisha Tamar and Nadia lol
I might add more when I sorted my thoughts more.
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Could you rank your least favourite to favourite characters of S2? Maybe even MVP?
This did get a little hard in places, because I really do love most of the characters, but here's my list. From least favourite.
Mal- He's not as bad as the books but I do find him bland, I just wish the writers would do something more with him.
Adrik- I really liked this character and loved his relationship with his sister, but he wasn't a major character and so we didn't see much of him.
Zoya- Much like Adrik, I like Zoya and really enjoyed what we got of her but I don't feel like she really did much this season.
Nadia + Tamar- I am putting these together as I really can't decide which one I liked more. I thought the little moments we got of their relationship were really cute and I also think they are both badasses but again, as with the others above, we just didn't get enough of them for them to outrank other characters on my list.
Tolya- I love how soft this guy is but also how he is a badass at the same time, I also really love that he loves poetry but no one else around him does but that doesn't stop him from reciting it whenever he feel the need. He is also really supportive of Jesper when he messes up with Wylan and I liked that we got to learn a little more about his fears through the poison at Sankta Neyar's home.
Matthias- You are going to get tired of me saying this but again loved what we saw of him but wish there was more, it was really interesting seeing his conflicted feelings about Nina, how he has this anger at her but still misses her, the fight scenes were also cool and that scene with the wolves too. I happen to adore wolves so that probably played into his favour with his placement in this list. I really hope they get him out of that hellhole soon though.
Wylan- I think he was a really great addition to the crows and I love his relationship with Jesper. I would love to learn more about his backstory though, why can't he read, how did he get into explosives, where are his family etc?
David- Loved that david got to do a bit more this season and I am so happy that he and genya got together, I adored his speech to her about how inside she was steel, brave and unbreakable. He better show up again in season 3 or I riot.
Nina- Her story this season was heartbreaking, it is clear how desperate she is to get Matthias out of Hellgate and how much she hates that he seems to hate her. That scene where she is talking to Zoya about whether it was all worth it and a single tear runs down her cheek really got at me. But she was also had her kickass moments and I actually really enjoyed her interactions with Kaz.
Jesper- Loved learning more about his backstory and that he was actually grisha and seeing him come to accept that. As I mentioned above I also really loved his relationship with wylan and how that helped him accept who he was. Seeing him use his powers was so cool too as I don't think we've really seen a durast use their powers in a combat setting before.
Nikolai- I thought Nikolai was a really fun character and I really enjoyed seeing his friendship with both Mal and Alina grow. He really did show that he was a good friend and he cares about them. I also think he genuinely does care about ravka and the grisha and wants to be a good king.
Genya- This was another story line that was just heartbreaking this season. She goes through alot and watching her come out the other end of it and grow in her confidence and self esteem was good to see, for her to learn that she was more than just her own beauty. Hopefully she can be reunited in season 3 with david because I refuse to accept that's the end of their story.
Inej- It was interesting to see her dynamic with Kaz this season, it is clear that they both have deep feeling for each other and want to be together but can't. I liked seeing inej challenge Kaz more and point out that he can trust her, I also love how when he did open up about his brother she supported him. She is always there for him when he needs her. Of course her fight scenes were as amazing as ever and loved seeing her wield the magic sword. I am also interested to see where she goes from here as she did make that decision to leave Kaz, which honestly as heartbreaking as it was I do think it'll be good in the long run.
Alina- I actually really enjoyed Alina's arc this season and watching her become more and more like Aleks and seeing her moving towards that point of no return for her corruption arc. I just thought it was really interesting to see a more angry slightly darker Alina this season but one who still had alot of compassion for her friends. Obviously really excited to see what they do with her arc in season 3.
Aleks + Kaz- So I am cheating a bit here by putting both these characters as MVP, but I genuinely could not decide between them both, I went back and forth alot but they were both just too good this season. I really liked seeing the effect merzost had on Aleks and how it seemed to make him sick, his scenes with baghra were also really interesting, watching his range of emotions shift throughout the season was fascinating too, how he had moments of anger, of despair, of grief but also moments of hope and peace. Ben Barnes' acting was just amazing. But then Freddy also did an equally amazing job this season. That scene in ep 4 when Kaz takes down Rollins still gives me chills every time I watch it. We learned alot more about his backstory too and honestly it really was so heartbreaking and explains so much about Kaz and his motivations. I also thought it was interesting seeing both of these gentlemen so conflicted over their ladies. It is obvious that Aleks is longing for Alina and Kaz for Inej but that they both see wanting and love as a weakness and so are struggling with the feelings they have. Honestly both of these characters arcs and both actors performances were so amazing this season and I really can't choose between them.
So that is my list, I am really hoping I didn't forget anyone. I am curious to know how everyone else would rank the characters in season 2, who would you have as your least favourite and your MVP characters?
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thefandomtraveler · 1 year
Everything I liked about Shadow and Bone season 2 (warning: much comments about the crows + fangirling about the cast):
- first off all the new characters are amazing, I'm in love with Nikolai, still not over how perfect Jack is as Wylan, and Tolya and Tamar were so god damn cool I can't
- also everyone looked so good
- loved the whole part where they were in Bhez Ju (and the story about Sankta Neyar)
- Freddy Carter I bow down to you that performance was amazing, seriously I couldn't picture a better kaz
- also Daisy was so good too, like I was crying everytime she was on screen
- and basically everyone else, I'm so amazed by this whole cast, they really all brought these characters to life
- while wesper pining is like one of my favourite things in the books, i still really enjoyed what they did in the show
- just Wylan looking at Jesper like he is the only person that matters
- Jesper's reaction to Wylan playing piano had me smiling like an idiot
- AND THE KISS i gasped so loud... i was giggling and kicking my feet in the air and had to replay the scene
- also kanej was everything this season, we got so many scenes from the books and more (really glad they didn't kiss, though... netflix really had me worried at some points that it would happen)
- Nina Zenik was amazing the whole time, just her comments and looks whenever Kaz was being an idiot
- helnik had me in chokehold
- Kaz' reaction at wesper kissing was so funny (also not him cockblocking them in the morning, a really Kaz thing to do + Jesper's "No!" had me rolling)
- "I kinda like your face." just let me die here and now
- Tolya talking about poetry and him helping wesper
- Jesper realizing he HAS met Wylan before, only when he was LAYING ON TOP OF HIM... in the middle of a FIGHT
- Wylan talking about butterflies while everyone is dying, please he just wanted to tell Jesper they are so cute
- Jesper meeting his mother again I CRIED
- just Kaz' whole backstory, already hung on every page when I read it, my emotions were all over the place seeing it on screen
- Kaz talking to Pekka Rollins, just that whole performance deserves an Oscar thank you
- literally every fight scene
- first meeting of Nikolai and Kaz/Jesper (and Kaz figuring Nikolai out SO FAST and him side eyeing Jesper)
- Jesper calling Kaz his brother... this show wants me dead
- Nina and Inej friendship
- Jesper in a Kilt for like half of the season
- Nikolai revealing who he really is had me on the floor, i love that man so much (also Alina punching him in the face for keeping it a secret lol)
- Alina being a badass queen. That's it.
- felt so bad for Mal this season, my man was really going through it damn
- Ben Barnes' performance as the darkling was so good, but we already knew that
- Genya and David had my heart... I was already emotional every time they were on screen together but when Genya found the ruby and the scetch of the ring I was bawling my eyes out
- everytime Genya and Alina hugged
- Tamar and Nadia just being happy lesbians in the background, good for them (wish we would have seen more of them)
- just every Tolya and Tamar interaction (especially the hug when Tolya came back), also wished we could have seen more them
- Jesper hugging Inej and twirling her around (they are best friends i love them so much)
- the whole sequence of Alina and Mal at the end destroying the fold
- Matthias seeing the wolves and feeding them + the scene at the end where he doesn't fight against them and they stand next to him instead
- the difference between Nina telling everyone Matthias is the love of her life and him being in hellgate, having the worst time of his life, because he hates her but also really doesn't
- Inej killing the shadow monsters with the sword (what a queen)
- Zoya just being herself
- "And how will you have me?", that whole scene had me holding my breath....
- "I will have you without your armor, Kaz Brekker. Or I won't have you at all." screaming into my pillow
- Jesper shouting "That's my man!" when Wylan threw the bomb at the shadow monsters (+ him saying that they don't have to put a label on it just after realizing what he said)
- Jesper trying to figure out how to get things right with Wylan (and failing rip)
- Wylan and Jesper standing in the background holding eachother after they talk and make things right
- Wylan trying to hide the fact that he is the son of one of the richest man in Ketterdam
- and him trying to convince Kaz that it isn't Alby's fault, who his father is because Wylan knows how that feels
- Genya looking for David's heartbeat
- David telling Genya she does not need to be fixed
- Baghra casually breaking out of her prison, because really, what did Kirigan thought? Leaving her and Genya without a supervisor and assuming she would sit still in her cage... really wasn't his smartest move
- "Someday, someone is going to sweep you off your feet so hard, you won't know what hit you." / "I could fix him." I can't WAIT for Zoyalai (if we ever get another season)
- Jordie and little Kaz 🥺
- Nina getting waffles and Kaz giving her a look of pure confusion
- also their whole interaction at the tea shop
- Inej not being able to leave Kaz after him panicking
- Wylan telling the others he wants to know the plan too and then crossing his arms (i'm sorry babes all you do is looking adorable we need to work on that one)
- "You guard against pain. You guard against joy. But when you allow yourself to be blindsided by love... two hearts make a universe" her whole speech had me in tears
- Neyar and Jesper's talk about his powers and that he has a lot to catch up to
- over all him slowly accepting who he is and not wanting to hide anything (including Wylan)
- Wesper healthy communication is all I needed actually, they mean so much to me you don't understand
- Wylan and Jesper breaking into that landhouse and pretending to want to fix the piano
- Nina getting the information about the office so easily and Kaz being impressed (i love her)
- Wylan looking away whenever he smiles
- "What you did back there, made you a Crow" and "When was the last time you ate"... Kaz Brekker you aren't beating those dad crow allegations
- the moment when you think Nina actually betrayed Kaz but then realise it was the plan all along because obviously, it's Kaz Brekker
- Tolya and Nina bonding over food (mood)
- Wylan being so offended when Jepser calls him a total stranger (i'd be too tbf)
- "Are you worried about me Jesper Fahey?"
- the scene of Baghra and Kirigan where she sacrifices herself (I really like that this scene shows that there is still something human about the Darkling)
- "My demolitions expert." / "Expert? I mean, yes, expert." Never change Wylan
- Nikolai and Dominik bromance
- Tolya and Tamar knowing the other is there and alive by their necklaces
- Jesper embracing his grisha powers
- Inej and Zoya fighting together is something I didn't know I needed
- the five of crows joke
- the parallel of Matthias seeing Nina in the beginning of the season and ignoring her vs both of them screaming eachother's names while being dragged away at the end
- Mal and Nikolai just getting along and trusting eachother
- the teasers about Jurda Parem, the ice-court heist and Sankta Lizabeta
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arillusionist · 11 months
s&b s2ep2 reactionn once again it has been. too long since i watched this show
oh hell nah why is this episode so long
i might have to start now finish later
THE KNIFE BOMB AND GUN IN THE INTRO?? please tell me this is a crow centered episode of sorts 🙏🙏
everyone calling nikolai a pirate is so funny
she looks like inej from the back or maybe im just crazy
"my alina" is crazy hes so fucking weird
crow centered episode my ass its been 10 minutes and theyre still not here
maybe theyre js showing everyone else first
get your hands off her get a job 🗣️ i've said it before and i will say it again
genya looks terrified
Is that ketterdam i actually cannot tell i cant imagine it in the daytime
yay it is
young kaz looks so unkaz its hard to believe its kaz
OH kaz blew up the crow club why did i just realize that... anyways that feels so wrong to me i kinda wish they just did the book's plotline
why does kaz calling matthias nina's man sound so funny
yeahhh he knows what hes doing putting jesper and wylan together
"i like having her around" ong me too
seeing hellgate in daylight is also very wrong
"our god will forgive you" Not with that dream he wont?? ur going to hell matthias
well that was almost 15 whole minutes of crows so maybe i was right
can alina please hang out with these people more they're better than mal
this is where i take a break because the darkling's parts are so boring
its literally the next day but im back
get his ass inej
the way he still doesnt know mals name
and the way mal still calls him a pirate lmaoo
is he on the same island as alina i cant tell
no probably not
i dont get why alina doesnt want to kill it like theres no way she can tame that giant ass thing
the sea whip looks so small - like i get why they changed it but still it feels weird
nina is so cute 😍
why isnt jesper teasing wylan why do they keep removing the funny from the characters
they got inej oh kaz is going to murder him for that
Nvm they havent got her yet
THAT SMILE STOP i feel like kaz rn
oh my god this scene is breaking me amita suman is such a good actor 😭😭
if kaz dont get his ass over here RN
every time i think "damn maybe pekka is as smart as kaz" they prove me wrong
get him inej who needs kaz
please dont let the episode end yet ahh
somebody needs to smack some sense into kaz because hes literally taking advantage of them but hes acting like their lives dont matter
did they get the sea whip or not
oh they did
i like alina's storyline now but everytime the darkling comes on... 🥱🥱🥱
mal doesnt seem like hes jealous or whatever tf he was feeling in the books hopefully it stays that way
i cant take the darkling seriously who is he talking to
and done i might watch ep3 today if i have time
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immobiliter · 2 years
alright spoilery thoughts below the cut!
okay so let me preface this by saying that i do think a lot of reworking of the og trilogy was needed. i'm personally not a fan of a lot of stuff in the trilogy and there were changes that they made in the first few episodes that i thought made sense. however by ep 6 it seemed to have gone completely off the rails lmaoooo. not to mention that my favourite part of the trilogy is the ending for alina & mal and i really hate that it was changed here. alina losing her powers in favour of a quiet life running an orphanage with mal is such a powerful thing after all they both go through, and now to suddenly hint at "dark" alina while packing mal off on a ship to play at being sturmhond is just. dumb. lazy. not a fan. assumedly it's a way to keep the actors involved provided that the show moves forward but still. bleh.
my other issue with the way they kept borrowing things from every single grishaverse book is the way it all felt very crammed in. the plot just kept going and going and it was as if they wanted to get as much in as possible in case the show gets cancelled after its second season. but that came at the expense of the characters, who in many cases were not allowed to breathe or have the development that they needed for some of the emotional beats to actually land. there were plenty of things i didn't care about because the plot simply didn't allow me room to care about them.
positives, though: kaz, nina, genya and david were the highlights, although i cannot believe that they have killed (?) david off without his bromance with nikolai. but genya and kaz really did kill this season and were the most watchable parts
the crows were wonderful, i can understand why they brought in aspects from the duology ( and a lot of stuff from crooked kingdom ), although i kinda wish the pekka rollins thing wasn't wrapped up after four episodes ( even though i'm assuming from pekka being in hellgate that it's Not Over Yet ). i'm still not sure how i feel about jesper and wylan already Knowing each other, but they were cute so there is that. kaz and inej were one of the strongest dynamics this season.
the show vastly overestimates how much i care about the darkling moping around in his dilapidated mansion. nor do i care about the unhinged tidemaker girl. i don't give a shit about either of them, thanks.
the fight scenes were so very camp and it was both funny and also kinda sad.
hahahahahaha nikolai okay. so my overall opinion is that he was Fine and if it was anyone other than nikolai that would be okay, but nikolai as a character is meant to be so much more than fine. he is meant to crackle with charisma and steal every scene that he is in and not just be the dashing privateer and boy prince, but a madman and an absolute pain in the ass for everyone around him, and i just ??? didn't get that ?? he did get better as the show went on but, aside from his scene in ketterdam in episode 1 ( that i did really like ), he really did blend into the background when he was sharing the screen with the likes of kaz and jesper and even tamar. i don't wholly blame the actor, i think it was also a combination of the show's breakneck pace with its plot and the writing, but i just found him bland in comparison to all of the other characters
i also still don't really know how to process what was going on with his family. vasily ????? like he's an idiot but why did they make him a full blown antagonist ?? also why wasn't he blonde like the lantsovs are meant to be ??? he was so cookie cutter it was ridiculous
whoever decided that nikolai and zoya should be kept apart for the entire season. i would just like to talk. zoya was so sidelined and even though i liked some of her stuff with nina it was kinda ridiculous seeing as she has such a key role in the og trilogy
and then don't even get me started on how it's not even the darkling who turns nikolai into a winged monster, and that he still hasn't transformed or become the king of scars by the end of s2. i don't like it. i also don't like that they kept the political marriage between nikolai and alina and followed it all the way through to nikolai's coronation.
but yeah. i probably have more thoughts but on the whole. i think i'm going book based lmao
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mcheang · 2 years
Shadow and Bone S2 E3 recap
This one definitely has the best title opening so far.
Spoiler alert
The scales have sunk partially into Alina’s skin, making it look more like a bracelet. Alina already looks and sounds corrupted with power in this first scene…
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Cuff or bracelet?
Jesper calls out Kaz for caring more about vengeance than his injured crew. Kaz sends him and Wylan to one of Pekka’s holdings to investigate. Inej disappears. Kaz finally tells Nina who to look for in Hellgate. Nikolai takes Alina and Mal through the Fold with a flying boat. Alina’s power actually lets them see either sky or the other side of the Fold. But her connection to the Darkling interrupts the process and her light fades as she passes out. After a fight with the volcra, the boat crashes into east Ravka. After seeing the size of the Fold, Alina’s power post-seawhip, and ignoring what I know about R&R, 3 amplifiers don’t look they could destroy the Fold either. Why not just make a tunnel for the time being? Sturmhond finally reveals himself to be prince Nikolai and Alina punches him lol At Kirigan’s headquarters, David arrives and stops Genya from warning him to leave before the Darkling overhears. I think it was creating monsters that was a dealbreaker for her, rather than the Fold expanding. Anyway Kirigan asks David to see if he can use merzost without the side effects. David seems more comfortable around Kirigan than Genya, whose nerves are obvious. Vasily is in charge of the First Army and focuses on Grisha rather than Fjerda, ignoring the northern front and clearly scaring the Grisha to join Kirigan. Wow. He is an idiot. At the Spinning Wheel where the royal family are hiding, Nadia greets Alina. Hmm, if Fedyor is not there, is he with Kirigan? Anyway we meet Adrik, who looks older than I expected. Zoya is there too. Jesper and Wylan break into Pekka’s estate where his son is living. Kaz finally tells Inej Pekka killed his brother when she also calls him out for gambling their lives. She kills the assassin hired to hunt her. I think the Darkling’s line to Alina in S&S about how it gets easier to kill with time is best applied here. Kirigan hears the news of Alina’s return and demands Baghra tell him what she knows of the Firebird. He cuts off her finger. Ok, I take back what I said about him in recap ep 2 about being better than book Darkling. Losing is a finger is just as bad as blinding her! This is the dealbreaker for David and he agrees to leave with Genya and warn Alina. I hope they are careful but I know what happens in S&S and I suspect I know what Kirigan will do to traitors. Alina learns Kirigan is alive and Nikolai proposes to her because he believes their alliance with help keep Ravka from falling apart and protect her. Unlike book Mal, show Mal actually keeps his cool, stays modest and points out they need the alliance to Alina. Wow, they really did a character change for him….I mean it was obvious before, but this is shown especially in this scene, at least for me. I kept asking myself is this really Mal…? And while I agree Kirigan is too toxic for Alina now, I still wish the Malina scenes would speed up. I’m still not a fan of that. Genya and David have better chemistry to me. Speaking of whom, Kirigan catches Genya escaping while David manages to avoid detection and runs. Genya calls Kirigan out for using her to get to Pyotr. Kirigan refuses to let her go after she pleads to leave and sets the nichevo’ya on her. Jesper and Wylan agree not to tell Kaz about Pekka’s son but he already knows, he just wants the name. Matthias and his cell mate are getting along but Matthias is forced to fight. Nina witnesses it and Pekka’s notices her interest in Matthias. He blackmails her to bring him Kaz. Kirigan despairs that his grandfather’s journal is missing as he had hoped it would contain answers about a cure for his condition. This is what finally sets him into a screaming rage, in private. But then he decides to focus on the tether and visits Alina while she is sleeping. His message is wasted if she is sleeping! Alina agrees to be engaged to Nikolai. But considering they are both in pajamas, the scene looks rather intimidate and reminds me of when Alina visited Kirigan at night in season 1.
OMG, the guy who acts as Kaz’s brother so reminds of Ethan Diaz from the Disney show Stuck in the Middle. When it comes to the nichevo’ya, I know i forgot to add it for the S2 E1 post, but my reaction to them is…unafraid. I skimmed through a Netflix horror movie earlier called Come Play and Larry is scarier. These ones are practically fog humanoids…so I can’t be scared of that. Much as I like Kirigan, I do say that cutting off Baghra’s finger is unforgivable. She may have betrayed him…like massively, but she did raise and protect him for years. For someone so afraid of being alone, he sure is doing all he can to ensure that. I still hope he manages to find a happy ending, somehow redeeming himself. I do blame Anastas for the whole mess with the Fold.
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seeminglyseph · 3 years
I guess being kidnapped from Ravka makes it impossible for Nina to pretend not to be Ravkan but robbing her of all her acting and lying scenes is really depriving her of establishing character moments. In fact they show her using magic to manipulate people when in the books she manipulated people easily with her own charm and charisma drawing people to her and spinning lies on the spot. I guess they aren’t infiltrating the Ice Court here but still, her acting skills should come in more useful than her magic, that’s... Nina. Her not having a moment of trying to lie to Matthias about who she was and having him ambush her instead changes the whole dynamic. In the book he was actually drawn in a bit at first and that helped him connect, her being one of the first Grisha he caught and the hold being such an awful rotting place I imagined filled with people trapped and wasting away, shaking something in him that helped break his brainwashing. Also in the books they said his hair was long and flowing and golden and pretty as shit and in this he just has normal short hair is disappointing. did Druskelle always not have a uniform? I always imagined them in uniform not... mismatched furs. Like you can wear furs without it looking like you stapled it together without cut or pattern. They’re so strict and orderly in Six of Crows it seems weird they don’t have a uniform of some sort. Also also I can’t tell if that’s a polar bear pelt or not but at first I thought it was a wolf pelt and that would be a pretty intense conflict. Also like Nina didn’t need to make a huge personal growth moment on their magical journey through the snow, but Matthias did, and having it be part of his backstory instead of like... story story meant that he was relapsing into his indoctrination and was therefore already primed with ‘a lot of the shit I was taught was not right how much else is not right?’ and then you know a year of hellgate? how is he the same without having been beaten down by hellgate? I wish they hadn’t combined stories I think, it’s taking the Dregs out of their book places and making it more and more fanfic feeling ‘the characters you love in fun new situations’ which is fine, but because they’re not doing their book’s plot, their plot seems to be handled by other, less..... practiced? writers who have Ideas. like yeah, Nina the loyal child soldier is a revolutionary for free Ravka? okay.......... I guess............. if you need her to be there..............
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