#quick on the characters bc this post is long and doesnt need to me
laurent-ofvere · 1 year
Maya spill the hot hot tea of what you think of Shadow & Bone series (I’ll say it cz I’m evil, it sucks—-except the cast, the crows in particular really look the part)
I mean listen ive only seen 5 eps of the second season, I haven't read the shadow and bone books to compare and im watching this season with maca who's the worlds biggest hater and we cant get through 2 minutes without her finding things to bitch about and it CLOUDS MY OPINIONS bc I try and think of a scene and all I can hear is her YAPPING
that being said okay mmm I really truly dont give a fuck about the shadow and bone plot, like I just dont care and borderline skim lmao the special effects when she does her light stuff make me violent + does ANYONE like her and mal?? anyone??
I hear nikolai is meant to be hot and charming and all that? physically he bores me lol he's just giving baby face frat boy and im not about it but like, I get it, I guess he does the job (I say as someone who's unfamiliar with his written character and dont know what the job is)
ben barns is hot hes HOT he's so hot and I would rather watch him sit in his dark vibey room and be mute and pissed off for 45 minutes than watch another scene of alina whine about thinks I dont care about and thats really the situation. also, I love genya and david is a punk ass bitch and I wish they went more into her trauma and fucked up past lmao
I so agree on the cast! I really think the crows are FANTASTIC, a way better portrayal than I would have expected. I just, like, we're all on the same page regarding the crows being the more enjoyable part of this show? yes?
im really enjoying how this season seems to be more about their actual book events (unless im remembering wrong? I feel like s1 was mainly made up stuff and backgrounds to tie them into the show and s2 is more book 1 stuff?) and for a story where so much of the oomf is in between the lines and in the "you need to read 600 pages of so many small things that alone mean nothing but together have such an impact" of it, I do think theyre doing a solid enough job. I do think that a lot of it can be quite cringey, but personally I feel like this kinda story and some of these finer dynamics are inherently cringey when on screen and more palatable when its on paper so thats not really a critique on them, more so just is what it is. I also appreciate and am endlessly surprised by how much screen time the crows get given its not technically theyre show. but thats probably bc its just the better story :)
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scover-va · 1 year
Its late enough in the evening/early enough in the night where its not prime posting time but not too late and therefore i can post abt my silly fnaf au without feeling fear. Anyways since i am remnant’s biggest hater (you cannot have spirits be both a being and an essence. You cannot. It doesnt make sense. Its magical glowy mental stuff in metal but somehow it turns into a physical being to kill william? We dont need a scientific explanation for ghosts and possession oh my god) and also continue to get aneurisms from whatever is going on in the books. So voila. Fnaf au. Au and not hcs bc since i ignore so much canonical material i think saying hcs is missing the mark by a long shot. I refuse to interact with canon fnaf however
ANYWAYS so uh. I dont have a concrete, solid idea im running off of that i can use as a summary here. It’s essentially me carefully fitting together things that personally interest me, and also rewriting bits of canon that bug me. And also giving a major rewrite to security breach. I’ll get to that eventually
For now however im starting with what ive dubbed Era 1, from the 1970’s til 1993. Take some Fredbear’s time designs for now
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(Quick notes: I hate the common mrs afton interpretation so I’ve decided to go the opposite route and give william a ‘take no shit’ wife he loves very much instead of a woman who mopes all day every day, aunt jen from the books is being replaced mostly because i forgot she even existed, and also elizabeth and evan are twins in this au)
Bonus stuff under the cut bc this is already very ramble-y and long
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Character profiles for the Afton and Emily adults! Since it’s a family diner I figured it’d make sense to. Well. Have the two families as the main employees.
As well, as of 1983: Michael, Charlie, and Sammy are all 13, and then Evan and Elizabeth are 8. Ik liz looks kinda tall but im p sure i accidentally made her a bit bigger scale wise than the others
And finally, an additional doodle
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moss-and-marimos · 11 months
oh? (<- curious abt your pathfinder character)
[heavy breathing] oh my god you dont even know the brain worms I have for this character. they dont have a name (they have a name ive been calling them for simplicity but its not like their actual canon name, I just needed something quick for the oneshot I played them in to try pathfinder) but theyre like one of my favorite ocs I have. oh my god. so theyre a catfolk, theyre a tuxedo cat, and this didnt get explored at all in the oneshot I played but their backstory is 'reflection.' meaning that they literally got magically pulled out of a mirror. like oh my god. their background is acrobat, technically. their class eventually becomes swashbuckler. The 'original', the person theyre a replica of, worked in a circus as an acrobat and tightrope walker and such. My pathfinder character got pulled out of a mirror in the hall of mirrors. can you imagine. you are just quite literally pulled into existence, you dont know by what, you dont know where you are, you've never been alive before, you've never thought before, you look like an adult bc youre an imperfect replica of someone who was, but you've never existed until now, and you just have to fucking deal with that??? so for like 3 months they stay living and working at the circus, because where else are they supposed to go?? they dont know anything else!! im not entirely sure what happens with this part of the lore yet, but they either get framed for killing their original, or the original goes missing or something, something happens and it makes replica look really suspicious, and so its kind of the last straw, and they decide to leave and become their own person and explore the world. this is where the swashbuckler class becomes a thing. At some point along the way, theyre given or steal or something a sword called a 'bastard sword', and bastard swords are called that because they have no 'family' as far as swords go. well guess what, my character doesnt either. They have a really hard time for a while, obviously they havent been around for a long time to learn social cues or anything, and theyre forced to learn rather quickly that people dont take kindly to reflections. ive been trying to decide whether or not they themself have a reflection, because on one hand I like the idea of it being a detail for other people to notice that something is up, and like it makes sense, they were the reflection of course they dont have one of their own, but also like it would be equally as angsty and cool for them to have a reflection and to constantly be having the existential crisis about 'thats a person in there. I was in there.' and people would probably make fun of them for being 'confused' about mirrors but no, there is so much to unpack there the art potential this character has is so so so much to me, either waking up your first moment of sentience either being surrounded by empty mirrors, not knowing what a mirror is anyway to know you even should have a reflection, or your first moments of sentience being surrounded by copies yourself, in a room where you are aware that they are people just as much as you are, that they are you but simultaneously a replica of you and the existential issues of that oh my god I need to draw them in a jesters costume or something and just make angst about them being 'the fool' or other assorted circus themed angst because my god I have brainwork's about this character you dont even know Fun fact about them: one of the errors in their being a replica is that they dont have claws, they were copied without them, and so just imagine you are brought into a world entirely unfamiliar to you, you dont know who or what or where you are, and you dont even have a way to defend yourself. everyone in the world who is like you naturally has a way to defend themself, except you, who arguably needs it the most. just another way that you were a mistake. (part 1 this got too long and it wont let me post, part 2 in reblogs)
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locklylemybeloved · 1 year
i can sort of understand why ppl are calling lockwood kaz brekker dupe, but like,,, think abt it. they have their similarities but in NO WAY are they “same character, different font”. like at all. (bear with me, this is gonna be long asf, dont say i didnt warn you) DISCLAIMER THIS POST IS BY BOTH A SOC AND A LNCO FAN I LOVE BOTH WITH ALL OF MY HEART
yes, they both are edgy white boys who have dead parents and were left to be taken care of by an older sibling whose death scarred them forever. yes they both wear suits. yes they both call the girl they love some form of financial holding. yes they have ungodly amts of trauma and mental issues and are now the assigned leader of their respective found families. thats all valid. but.
kaz brekker is a child yes (well, like, seventeen but whatever. still a child.) but hes not a teen in the sense that lockwood is. hes hardened, cruel, and quite literally a dangerous crime boss. he is a criminal mastermind, hes super smart, always has a plan, almost always seems to be controlling everything.
and then theres lockwood. yes lockwood seems dark and mysterious, but thats partly just cause were seeing it from lucys pov for the most part. hes insanely charming tho, always smiling and outright showing his love to george and lucy (and holly) even tho, yeah, he could do better when it comes to romantic love for lucy. but hes not a mastermind. hes smart, yes, but hes reckless. hes impulsive. kaz mulls over things a million times, starts planning with each teeny step, lockwood takes one look at a problem and thinks quick little thoughts in his brain and formulates a plan. and then does it. like, way more often then not they are extremely dangerous and in many cases borderline suicidal.
lockwood relies on charm for the most part when it comes to living beings, but when that doesnt work, when he cant get someone to do what he needs, hes almost lost. look at barnes, winkman for gods sake. when hes hit a million times, he breaks, and he shows it. and he isnt always outright violent. and in that way, he just seems so much more like a kid than kaz brekker.
again, i totally understand why ppl think theyre similar, they def are, i mean on top of the stuff i already said, theres also the fact that they both only do what they do with the amt of zeal that they have bcs they are seaking revenge in their own ways. and then theres the cane/rapier thing, and ofc like i already said but im saying it again, jessica/jordie. and theres probably more.
but my point is, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME CHARACTER. THEYVE MADE THEIR MISTAKES, THEYVE DONE SIMILAR THINGS, BUT IN THERE DEPTHS THEY ARE SO DIFFERENT. yes i see the similarities, but i can also see all of the differences. and yes, saying kaz brekker dupe can be funny if its a joke, but it also feels a little bit like ppl are trying to mash lockwood into something hes not. and it bugs me sometimes.
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chthonicgodling · 1 year
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HEY UH HOLY SHIT IT'S (somehow the one year anniversary of-) LEUKE: A SHORT COMIC - now in 2023, remastered and compiled into one singular post! gasp!
newly relettered and resized to be actually legible! and yes this is uh. an obnoxiously long upload but <33 i hated having it stretched into a billion diff posts so o well. once again the description of this :
whereas no one needed me to draw this (unprompted and ridiculously long-winded indeed) but this was a more fun way to explain the random new character i had added to the background of our elysium pantheon than just writing a notes app paragraph would have been.
a year later, Leuke is still a character who HAS NOT APPEARED EVER ACTUALLY IN THE CANON ELYSIUM;VERSE and doesnt need to, she solely exists in the form of this comic & from me shoehorning her into every art challenge bc shes pretty and we love villains. yyyeah technically shes a villain! im so sorry to jump from one Maci ex to another Maci ex back to back but oh well fgkgk
if i can get briefly uncharacteristically sincere and mushy real quick aggain, im reposting this too on its anniversary bc drawing this comic last year really snapped me out of the mostl,y artless funk id been trapped in for the few years prior and my sillyyyy little mental health crisis - so it holds a special place in my heart forever<33 this was also the first like, long-form fully colored and huge multi page comic that I've ever sat down and finished and i still love how it looks a year later! learned a lot since then including just making my own font so that people can actually READ my bubbles -
in short i guess 0 grateful for this nasty little zombie tree nymph (AGAIN BARELY A REAL CHARACTER) for single-handedly reviving me from the dead - and again everyone who's since found me and decided to stick around n watch what im doing, n put up with me writing essays like this in the captions of my art.. its so so appreciated! so without further ado - enjoy!
*Leuke, Maci, Seph, Hades, Demeter all belong to me - Tory, Hecate belong to @fenixethekid!!
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@mostpowerfrog I MEAN. aside from my last post being insanely wrong, i was like also kind of right but i must admit i didnt expect it to be this cute <;3 good work on this thing !! and by this thing im talking about vampire x hunter if it wasnt clear ;;
let me ummm dump about the whole thing here real quick. so overall, its great !! and like it feels like it hit me way harder cuz of how long the wait was between the updates so i was just like getting residual hype in the background from wanting it to be complete and then when i saw u actually post about it was all like: It's feasting time. and like it was so worth !! the story doesnt need to be super complex to suck me in but it still had like really interesting elements to it that like make more sense now considering the direction u went
like, for some reason i expected it to be more wrapped up even tho i kno thats not really your style so i didnt even consider it going this direction BUT that also means my first post may be more true further into the story like arcen questioning his whole motivation for this and the whole bannon clan and also more stuff about vance and and. ugh this is also one of your strengths where combined with the exposition and worldbuilding and characters and the small bit of story we get to see it really makes it seem like theres a whole world with a grand long story to tell if we were to ever explore it which is SO COOL but at the same time kills me a lil bit knowing ill never have like 300 chapters of your comics ...
that leads me to ask, do you have a lot of ideas for your comics that dont make it in or do you just have this small story you wanted to tell and then had to come up with all the stuff around it to have an excuse to make it? like, "ok, cool design just dropped. i wanna have him fight some other guy cuz its cool." and then coming up with a motivation for the mc and the whole story? or is it more like you already had some plans for characters and a story like this and then just had to execute it?
but umm yeah i def like this more than tenfold rings EVEN THOUGH tenfold rings has the same strengths and it was still great but this feels like you took that in stride and then made a more polished pilot for a potential longer story, aswell as having like way more of a settled(?) artstyle... ?? ok at this point im just saying words but i mean its even more flowy and the pacing is suited exactly to my taste and the paneling is really cool and the art is kind of like janky on purpose? like working with a pen with no line weight change or tapering and then allowing some parts to look super off-model to exaggerate the characters better while still having a lot of cool perspective shots and composition, n then also not trying to make aspects look too polished like some lines in the background will be going to the middle of nowhere but the overall composition and look from afar is so strong it doesnt even matter (it kind of makes it sound like an insult but this is great i tell u bc i spend way too much time focusing on polishing some random thing no one will care about) so basically you kno where to put your strengths and what people will actually pay attention to so you dont have to spend too much work
the action for me is also way more readable i remember being a little lost in some panels of tenfold and it wasnt exactly focused on action so it didnt matter too much but everything in vxh is readable and that makes the action scenes feel like ... awesomesauce swagaliciousness !! ive gotta say i aspire to learn your ways because therses so many cool small things i keep noticing on rereads that you did with the art and i especially love the paneling and use of contrast IT JUST LOOKS SO GOOD !!
im sorry though that you had to fight thru artblock n burnout to just get it out, def fine with you doing whatever for your next projects as long as it makes you feel more comfortable with creating the stuff and without burning yourself out n all that :v whether its more pilot comics or some longer form thing or some other medium idc!! u can probably tell im insanely rabid about your art so ill literally take whatever you make. and this is like supremely strange to me because im never obsessed with anyone elses art so i guess you somehow managed to scratch that itch no one else could thus far :O
so overall thoughts: vampire x hunter SUPREMELY goated and you should feel good about it forever. and good luck with every endeavor you ever pursue in the future forever +maximum
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
every time you post something new i’m absolutely blown away by how deeply you seem to understand yoongi. like everything he does in this chapter just seems so in character. the way he ran to her when she couldn’t get a word out because her heart was too heavy I SCREAMED ACTUALLY. i truly feel like yoongi would drop everything for his lover because that’s what really matters above all else. like tae said he was probably having an even harder time and i really admire the strength.
i felt physical dread in my stomach while reading the first half. i really feel like i’m there experiencing it. this chapter sucked me in to the point where i felt like i almost couldn’t hear the world around me. felt like i was going to cry for a good while but made it out without shedding a tear a real feat for me i cry about everything
so many things that had me kicking my feet and as a fic writer myself i’m going to include them bc i know i like it when people give me specific reactions
“It was just nights ago that you cradled all his moonlight in your palms.” YOUR WORDS INCREDIBLE MY HEART ACHING
“Yes my love” RYEN RIP MY HEART OUT AND STOMP ON IT IM SURE IT WOULD HURT ME LESS. i know this is a happier moment but the way i vocalized so hard i need some citrón tea
the smut was so delicious and i didn’t expect it to be THAT. it makes so much sense because of the MONTHS of frustration but the way it manifested was just perfect. the changing of positions and begging and her FUCKING SHOES !!!!!! scrumdiddlyumptious ! a full course fucking meal.
ryen you never disappoint and i’m so excited to read the other half of this chapter even if it’s going to leave me crying and damaging my vocal chords.
i’m sorry this is very long i just enjoyed it so much. anyways thank you and now i’m going to make theories with my bestie🫶🏻💜
AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH OMFGGG! i love your commentary let me bring this to under a cut so we can converse >:D
every time you post something new i’m absolutely blown away by how deeply you seem to understand yoongi. like everything he does in this chapter just seems so in character. the way he ran to her when she couldn’t get a word out because her heart was too heavy I SCREAMED ACTUALLY. i truly feel like yoongi would drop everything for his lover because that’s what really matters above all else. like tae said he was probably having an even harder time and i really admire the strength.
oh. my god. i'm blushing so hard?? not even two sentences in and i'm already hiding in my hoodie LOL you are way too kind. he really said "where are you" like that was his first reaction? the way my heart beat so damn loud😭 this man got serious quick. thank you for saying that about him.. i truly do love 3tan yoongi with all my heart and wanna protect him at all costs.
i felt physical dread in my stomach while reading the first half. i really feel like i’m there experiencing it. this chapter sucked me in to the point where i felt like i almost couldn’t hear the world around me. felt like i was going to cry for a good while but made it out without shedding a tear a real feat for me i cry about everything
whoa. that is some huge praise! it's so interesting to hear too bc when i'm working on it, sometimes i just get lost during the writing process that time goes by and i don't really remember what i wrote. so when i go back to read, it's kind of a surprise! the dialogue itself sometimes gets me immersed enough like i'm actually in it, and i'm just writing what they're all saying?? super intriguing.
so many things that had me kicking my feet and as a fic writer myself i’m going to include them bc i know i like it when people give me specific reactions
YOURE SO REAL FOR THIS THANK YOU T^T “It was just nights ago that you cradled all his moonlight in your palms.” YOUR WORDS INCREDIBLE MY HEART ACHING
i am blushing again!!
“Yes my love” RYEN RIP MY HEART OUT AND STOMP ON IT IM SURE IT WOULD HURT ME LESS. i know this is a happier moment but the way i vocalized so hard i need some citrón tea
umm no lie you made me want citron tea so much that i had it the same night you sent this LOLL. it helped a lot because my brain was so fried from posting, so thank you for that😂 BUT ALSO THIS LINE YEAH....
i really did think of him during this moment and ugh.. to be able to listen to something like that would be so.. yeah.
STOP IT x1000 IM GONNA FLIP THIS DESK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the smut was so delicious and i didn’t expect it to be THAT. it makes so much sense because of the MONTHS of frustration but the way it manifested was just perfect. the changing of positions and begging and her FUCKING SHOES !!!!!! scrumdiddlyumptious ! a full course fucking meal.
oh gosh.. this makes me so happy bc like,, i think smut is still my weakest point lol. like i really need to get better at it! but this was so intense because of the buildup and i know i needed it to be Extra Spicy, you know? THE HEEEEEEEEELS FCK.
ryen you never disappoint and i’m so excited to read the other half of this chapter even if it’s going to leave me crying and damaging my vocal chords. i’m sorry this is very long i just enjoyed it so much. anyways thank you and now i’m going to make theories with my bestie🫶🏻💜
WAIT I WANNA HEAR THE THEORIES ARE YALL GONNA GATEKEEP OR- lmfao i love yall! thank you so so much for reading and for the kind as hell words. you have know idea how happy you made me feel!
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thepictureofsdr · 2 years
i saw your post about alastair and now im curious about all ut thoughts on Matthew
this ask. is like half a year old. I am So Sorry however i have thought about it literally every day bc my feelings on him are so… complex
i think i can break it down into two categories: 1. his character in context of the whole series, and 2. the bubble of his character, not taking into account his actions and impact towards other people
1. um. he makes me SO MAD. listen i have said time and time again that the thieves dont owe alastair forgiveness but that doesn’t extend to matthew actively trying to fuck up alastairs life. what pisses me off is that this whole agenda is centered on matthews wants, its not because he cares about his friends and wants them away from someone he thinks is bad. when he tells thomas about alastair at the party, there’s no concern for thomas. hes told at their best friends party, probably the first night of happiness since his sister was killed, while intoxicated and very much in public. math didnt take thomas aside or wait for a better moment. [I DONT HATE MATH I JUST LOVE THOMAS] matthew doesnt like alastair, so no one can like alastair, even if he has to hurt others to obtain that. hes very clearly stringing the other thieves along in this its just for him, they all like alastair or dont care about the past. kit doesnt give a shit, james respects alastair to a degree and thomas is head over heels. he even manages to make cordelia call his manipulation of alastair “kind.” he condemns alastair for spreading rumours yet he himself has deemed spreading gossip fun [i can’t STAND hypocrisy its a very easy way to get me to dislike a character unfortunately] he unconsciously blames alastair for the death of his sibling and now alastair and thomas are paying for it. understanding where a mental dip and lashing out are coming from can happen at the same time as not agreeing with it. i understand why matthew acts like this but that doesnt mean i can just ignore how matthew pushed alastair back down to his lowest yknow?
2. i adore him, and i sympathize with him, and he makes my heart hurt in every possible way. he was my tied fave character in tales, this young energetic boy who wants to be friends w the quiet kid, who stood up for his friends, and my heart SHATTERED when i read the poison story. at his core hes a genuinely good person, so i can’t even imagine the guilt thats been crushing him all these years. not only the pain of hurting his mother but killing the baby, my heart breaks every time i think about him and what he’s been carrying all these years. it hurts to even think about this burden hes placed on himself, the silence and ever growing self hatred and inherent belief that hes a problem. all i want is for him to receive that forgiveness hes been desperately needing for so long, and for him to see himself through the eyes of others, for him to see that goodness he possesses and the light he brings into the lives of others and for him to be loved as he so deserves.
there’s more but i cant lie im really scared of matthew lovers but also id feel so bad leaving this in drafts 😭 all in all my feelings on him are so complicated, i love him but hes also hurt someone else i love, hes a walking grey area. but i dont hate him, i feel like a lot of people are quick to assume any criticism is pure unfiltered hatred which clearly isn’t true considering my fave is ALASTAIR talk about someone who’s actions can be criticized 😭
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cajunfoxnight · 2 years
Where to go from here?
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OH HEY ITS BEEN A REAL HOT MINUTE SINCE I TALKED ON HERE. And oh boy do I have... thoughts. :T Mostly regarding my blog, Ask October Fox. There is a lot to read here..
Wow ok so.. this is a post that I have been putting off pretty much all year long. It was one of those “I will cross that bridge when I get there” and oh boy, wouldnt you know it.. there’s the bridge. I had wanted to make this sooner but for some reason my brain just wouldnt let me. Im posting this here first since I think about 90% of people who follow October, follow me here too, so this seems like where I might reach the most people but I will also reblog this on her blog as well. I have just been trying to gather my thoughts, but it feels like every time I do, I just end up with a scattered mess trying to explain myself. Id like to keep this short but.. well thats not going to happen, i’ll try tho So... to be upfront with a somewhat TLDR, I dont know how much more I will be running my ask blog. This doesnt mean October herself is going anywhere, she’ll still be around, I just dont know if it will be here. Its a bit of a complicated matter, and one that I have been struggling with since the beginning of the year. My main problem is that I dont know if I can physically keep doing it. I know I had mentioned last year about the amount of pain I was in with my old tablet and how hard it was getting to draw. But on the plus side, since getting a monitor tablet, a new desk and set up, those problems have gotten significantly better. Every so often they might flare up, but with regular breaks, slightly more structured schedule, and daily exercising, its few and far between. So on that front im good! I still dont want to risk getting hurt again, which is why im just unsure if I can put that kind of strain on myself again.. and it doesnt help that I feel like im drawing slower than I used to, tho that could just be me. Secondly, is.. is there anyone here anymore? I used to check Tumblr every day, multiple times a day, and then I just... left for like 3 months bc it felt like hardly anyone was here anymore (another reason why I didnt make this post sooner. I have avoidance issues.). I feel like I might have joined Tumblr around its peak, just before The Ban™️ came down and most people- rightfully- left. October’s story is finally starting to come to light and while it was something I have been planning for a while now, the big story isnt something that I want to do to an empty audience, if that makes any sense. And thats on me, really. I waited too long. Thirdly, there were/are certain things that needed to happen before I could tell that story- and sadly I feel as tho I am missing a big key factor that is needed to link the story to the next part. But without that key factor...I feel like Id to have to retcon the entire story. Not that that in itself is a terrible thing, the story has been ever changing for a while now, but this had been one of the main things I had planned for a long time now. Not to mention I still want to tell stories of some of the other characters. There are a few more personal reasons, but these are just the main ones. Im just.. not sure what to do anymore. I would still like October to continue to interact with people, that is something that I have greatly enjoyed in the past couple of years with the quick replies, and thats what she was meant to be all about for the most part. Im planning on having October doing stuff outside of this blog this year- lots of ideas planned, like streaming art and maybe some games- but as far as the nightly comics.. eehh... So I guess my question is this.. would people rather I just tell them the rest of the story, or would people rather I still try and draw it out, tho more like a graphic novel style and not in a full comic form? Tho again going back to the the third section, I still have to figure out how that would play out anyway. I hate to say how much this has been stressing me out, and how much I am upset with myself over how things have played out. Many things I probably should have done differently but now im just going to have to roll with it. As mentioned the story, October, and the characters arent going anywhere. There are still stories and characters to be talked about, I just dont know how or where that will be.  There is a lot more than I could go on about but for now I think its best to end this rambling here. Once I get some input or answers then I will move onto the next step. I apologize for the massive wall of text here, and for anyone who read all of it, I cant thank you enough for that. For now I will continue to work on the planned projects, as I still have a little time to finish those things up, but wow.. September is sure moving a lot faster than I would like :T
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ssurveycorpss · 3 years
You can delete this if this isn't allowed, but can I request X for all the warriors?
asking for multiple characters is totally fine (as long as you're not requesting full one shots lol) i'll update my rules! also the layout of these is a little different than the others bc this one is just a little fun lol.
i included zeke, reiner, pieck, porco, and colt. i definitely wont write for the four kiddos or marcel but i can write for annie and bertholdt if you request them.
tags: modern au, cigarette/nicotine mention in zeke's, alcohol mention in colt's, emetophobia warning for colts, mention of car accidents in porco's, sfw, not every single one is romantic lol sorry and colts is missing one headcanon bc i only have two for him
hc game
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
zeke jaeger:
pretentious coffee fan. owns like a 300 dollar espresso maker and refuses to drink starbucks. spends like 8 dollars minimum on a latte and lurks on the coffee subreddits. its almost comical how he drinks fancy coffee and only smokes cigarettes and not e cigs... so pretentious...
acts like he has no interest in social media but spends hours trying to pick a lyric from an obscure band for his caption. has like 3 posts, lots of followers, and less following. will post the occasional story with you in it but otherwise not much going on there.
coaches little league baseball despite not liking kids that much because he doesn't really have time for coaching middle or high schoolers. his kids are fucking ruthless they are like monsters on the field and every other team is terrified of them. you know how they don't keep score for kids softball and stuff like that? zeke does anyways and he tells them every time they win. does well with baseball moms bc their kids could go pro no matter what and hes really good looking and suburban moms could use the eye candy.
more under the cut!
reiner braun:
his favorite music genre is bubblegum kpop. porco groans everytime reiner has the aux bc he just plays really preppy cute songs kpop songs about falling in love after school. he doesn't like... stan any of the groups like he doesn't know every detail of their lives but he casually watches their interviews sometimes and knows all the member names of his favorite groups. he has a photocard from an album you gave him, and it sits in his phone case behind a polaroid of you two. also he learns the dances sometimes.
likes watching cartoons sometimes, he wont binge watch an entire season of them but if he has sometimes he'll throw on a cute mindless cartoon just to relax. he usually watches slice of life and romance tv shows in general, stuff without much tension or drama and is just cute.
good cook, terrible baker. if he bakes something it will look awful and taste kind of bad. but his cooking is really good, once you guys got comfortable together instead of going out to eat you opt for him cooking for you two instead.
pieck finger:
likes to buy her clothes second hand. she's a really well dressed girl but she's not concerned with being overly trendy, so she finds that a lot of stores don't really have things she likes. she likes long hemlines and almost everything is cropped these days, so she opts for thrift stores and vintage stores to get things her style. plus she saves a lot of money. she really suits pearl jewelry and has a timeless sense of fashion.
she has a minivan and will drive anyone anywhere, and she rarely asks for gas money. often picks up zeke porco and reiner when they hang out and will always pick you up for dates. her car is ancient but runs like a charm because shes knowledgeable about maintenance, and super fuel efficient.
has a really old phone with no cracks or scratches or anything. doesn't see the point in getting a new one until one day she notices how convenient porco's brand new up to date iphone is and starts saving up for one, but every time she saves up enough a new one comes out.
porco galliard:
plays volleyball, and is on a scholarship for it. jumps really high and is really lithe and quick, making him a good libero (but this is the extent of my volleyball knowledge so i will not make anymore comment. please let me know what position porco plays.)
gets in (non fatal) car accidents surprisingly often, and speeding tickets even more. marcel is tired of it because it is throwing his insurance costs over the roof and forces him to enroll in lessons but they really don't help.
he is the one to pay for the streaming services and has everyone else plus you leech off his account. he complains abt it but texts the gc every time he changes the password so he doesn't really have the right.
colt grice:
on the blacklist for several frats because he went to their block parties, drank too much, and vomited in someones bed, another person's cat's litterbox, a different persons laundry basket, a different different persons moms sweater, and another frats oven. he's really apologetic and always cleans up and reimburses everyone as much as he can, but he is a menace and is only allowed in if he promises not to drink. on that drinking note if you need advice, go out for drinks with colt. he will get incredibly inebriated, give you the best wisdom and advice you've ever heard, and forget everything the next day.
really bad at video games but really fun to play them with. doesnt get on very often, but will play when he has some free time or is asked by his friends. only on weekends and only for like two hours at a time. the video game system at his house doesnt even belong to him its Falcos.
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bookofmirth · 4 years
everyones entitled to their opinion but the amount of people who have been saying how “confusing” az’s chapter is and how sjm’s a bad writer for writing it that way honestly annoys me? you said you felt vindication when you read it and tbh, same, it confirmed everything i thought since acowar and made perfect sense with what we know of az as a character - that he’s deeply traumatized and incapable of creating and maintaining healthy relationships (as of rn). but beyond that, i dont see how it was unclear in the terms of which ships will be endgame?? before that chapter i was still uncertain and thought it could go either way (tho i was leaning to elucien bc of the already existing bond), and now im pretty certain its not gonna be elr*el in the long term. idk, i just feel like a part of fandom has built their own vision of the characters and future events that isn’t supported by text and now that theyre disappointed it isnt canon, they blame sjm for it? i really dont think it was a confusing chapter at all, i thought her intentions were perfectly clear with the types of tropes she used, i dont think its fair to say it was badly written just bc it didnt support their fanon ideas that was built more on headcanons than actual textual evidence... idk if i sound mean lol but just my 2 cents, obviously it doesnt go for everyone i feel like a certain part of fandom has a certain version of characters in their heads that they consider as canon bc they want to see them that way, but they aren’t really the same as the actual characters we’re presented in their story
Anon, I am going CRAZY over here.
I’ve been trying to figure out why I take on some arguments and others I don’t, and it basically comes down to 1) what is supported in the text, 2) people’s very wild interpretations of the text, and 3) people confusing their interpretation, fanon, what have you, with canon. 
I actually make my students read this article before they respond to a text because it’s super important to understand what, exactly, they (and we) are responding to. It’s nothing to do with literary criticism, but it still has bearings here because people are taking lines of text and imposing these wildly different meanings that have zero support. Like I mentioned in this post, we cannot say why Elain’s face gets tight or she shrinks from Lucien. There is literally no evidence one way or another, so I could that she like....... has a bad problem with farting when he’s around and is embarrassed. And who’s to stop me????
And you’re right, the problem here is that they think they are responding to canon, when actually it’s this wild interpretation of canon that began before acowar even came out, for the sole purpose of furthering hate on Mor. It had nothing to do with actually, genuinely liking it. But it’s grown into this monstrosity we see today and yeah... people are literally making posts where their “evidence” is two people being a room together and noticing that fact = endgame super romantic ship.
And that’s totally different from actually acknowledging the bare minimum of evidence, and saying “fingers crossed I hope it happens because I love it!!” That would be fine. I literally do not care if people do that. I do care when they willfully misinterpret what’s on the page and try to act like 1) they have found facts, and 2) they pretend like that “fact” should have any bearing on what other people ship. 
So, re: Az. 
I literally made this argument four years ago lol and if you read it real quick you can see that that ship came about (in January 2017) not because of all this “evidence” people found in acowar, which didn’t exist yet for us, but before that for other fandom, fanon reasons. 
And since acowar came out, I’ve pretty much avoided talking about Az because I know that somehow, the fact that he’s dark and twisty is.... controversial??? Yeah, I compared him to Tamlin and I still hold to that (I saw a vagueblog about my idea and I still think that comparison is accurate, but anyway). But people just? Don’t want to hear anything like that about Az. Even though that’s literally what we are given.
There is nothing wrong with saying that he’s dark af. In fact, all of the evidence we have from the book is that he is not only dark, but that he is increasingly  losing control. There was the blowup in acowar, and the increased disrespect of Rhys (and Feyre) in acosf, refusal to take orders from someone he is supposedly so loyal to. Even back in acomaf there were multiple signs that Mor was concerned about bruising his ego (literally the first thing that Mor says about Az is that he would want to know something, I’m not going to look it up but the implication was that he would be upset if he didn’t know).
From acosf:
Az had a vicious competitive streak. It wasn’t boastful and arrogant, the way Cassian himself knew he himself was prone to be, or possessive and terrifying like Amren’s. No, it was quiet and cruel and utterly lethal. (pg. 254)
“He’d tortured it out of someone. Of many people.” (pg. 224)
“Some silent conversation passed between him and his mate, and Cassian knew Rhys was asking about the torture - apologizing for making Feyre witness even the ten minutes Azriel had worked. (pg. i lost my place idk)
“Opening movements in a symphony of pain that Azriel could conduct with brutal efficiency. (pg. 375)
So asdkhasldkjasda if only we could STOP saying that Az is actually a dark soft boi and just acknowledge that he’s fucked up and that him being with ANYONE at this point would potentially be harmful to that person, be it Elain or Gwyn or whoever? That chapter did NOTHING but continue a line of character development that had already been in place, and I get the need to romanticize dark boys, but idk, don’t pretend he’s something he’s not.
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kaitosimp · 3 years
AHWHAUDHDNA i have more song ideas that i shall enlighten you with
more the crane wives bc i love them... tongues and teeth reminds me of oumota a LOT, “when you come in quick to steal a kiss, my teeth will only cut your lips” referring to how kokichi has distanced himself from everyone on purpose but kaito still wants him,,, the line “i am not a vessel for your good intents” reminds me of their hero/villain dynamic and how kokichi dislikes his heroic attitude, but now that i’m listening to it again it can also sound like kaimaki??
love like you from su reminds me of saimota, especially “i always thought i might be bad, now i’m sure that it’s true/cause i think you’re so good, and i’m nothing like you” referring to how shuichi admires kaito a lot and wants to be like him because being with kaito gives him strength :,)
sweet hibiscus tea by penelope scott reminds me of shuichi SO MUCH... “and i am not your protagonist, i’m not even my own” hit me like a freight train, kinda referring to his reaction to tsumugi telling him that team danganronpa “created” him, but this is a pretty popular shuichi pick so i’m not surprised if you’ve heard it
burning pile gives me kokichi vibes... “throw my troubles at the world again/it goes, all my troubles on a burning pile” referring to how kokichi decides to completely abandon his true self in order for his mastermind plot to work and so he could sacrifice himself to end the killing game
life letters also gives oumota vibes,,, i prefer to listen to the no glitch version but the song is also just so pretty... (keep in mind i don’t actually speak russian so i have to rely on translations 😭) “the average person can tell up to two hundred thousand lies a day/and now i lie, and you will leave me here” GAHDHSHAGD,,, give it a listen it’s awesome
Heck yeah lets go!! 🌚💜💜💜 I only know love like you from a prev ask so like always, im excited to listen to the rest of these 😂
I did not expect my wig to fly the second the lyrics to tongues and teeth began but I was wrong, literally starting off with the "ive grown a mouth so sharp and cruel its all that i can give you" immediately made me think of all the cruel and mean shit Kokichi says to keep the others away, specifically Kaito in this case 👁👄👁 I agree 100% with the 'to steal a kiss' line you mentioned, its rlly how Kokichi kept everyone as far away as he could but Kaito didn't give a fuck 👀 *slaps table* AGAIN, I AGREE WITH THE NEXT LINE "i know you mean well but i am not a vessel for your good intents" IT RLLY REMINDS ME OF KAITO'S HEROIC NATURE AND HIS NEED TO HELP EVERYONE AND KOKICHI HATES THAT- the next part about breaking all the pretty things but the person being fine with that and fine with being theirs is Kokichi being damn well aware he could only just end up hurting Kaito but he knows doesnt care 😔✋🏽 GOD THE REST OF THE SONG IS JUST KOKICHI TRYING TO CONVINCE KAITO AND PROBS HIMSELF THAT IT WONT LAST AND THAT ITS NOT PERMANENT AND THAT ITS NOT LOVE AND HE TRIES TO WARN KAITO BUT KAITO DOESN'T C A R E, AND YEAH I SEE THE UNDERTONES OF KAIMAKI IN THERE TOO
Love like you makes me feel so nice and s o f t, man 😭😭😭😭 Back when i first heard it i thought of it in Kaito's perspective @ Shuichi cause of how he admires Shuichi and his skills and thinks so highly of him even if he doesnt show it but now I also think of it like you said in Shuichi's perspective @ Kaito with how much he also admires him and his charisma and strength and he loves him so much and he doesn't understand how Kaito could think highly of someone like him and just??? Man, I'm in mY FEELS 😭😭😭
I haven't heard the sweet hibiscus tea song before actually! You should know i only came to find out about the existence of the v3 (and the 2nd game) characters back in september and i never interacted with the fandom at all till i made this blog so i never knew it was a popular pick for Shuichi 😂 But you were right, it rlly did remind me of Shuichi! Aside from the obvious bit with the protag which absolutely refers to that last trial where the truth is revealed, it also made me think of Shuichi's self doubt and anxiety and insecurities regarding his usefulness aND IT ALSO REMINDED ME OF AFTER KAEDE DIED AND HOW FED UP HE IS WITH THE KILLING GAME
Can I just say, burning pile made me want to burn something so bad 💀😂 I agree tho! I dunno how to explain but I got Kokichi vibes too, when it said the stuff with "all my troubles on a burning pile all lit up and i start to smile" made me think of him thinking up his plan and him pretending to be enjoying all the shit he has to do (by smiling and pretending to be happy) and "if i catch fire then i'll take my turn to burn and burn and burn" made me think of him planning out the fact that he might die due to his behavior/actions/etc and he'll be ready to "burn" (die) :,)))
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akireu-13 · 3 years
why does t*vros annoy you
^ this is my wife and i love her. this is going to be a long post and feel free to disagree bc this is just a personal opinion.
look tavros actively opposes change and it annoys the shit out of me. every other character changes whether for the good or bad. its been a while since i read homestuck, im only up to act 4 on my reread, but for example eridan actively changes. he seeks out change for himself and becomes a villain with intent. vriska noticeably but passively changes. she learns to care about people and be a better person without really meaning to, on her quest to be a hero.
if they dont change its because they didnt live that long. again, its been a while since i read it, but nep doesnt really change because she dies too quick, same as feferi.
tavros *actively avoids change*. every time he needs to be brave or man up, he shys away. or, when he does try to change, he does it in a way that hurts someone and then never tries again like we see with jade. at times, he is different, but only when he is *forced to be* by vriska. literally all he does is bitch and whine and either cause problems or be a puppet for vriska.
fanon tavros? great!! wonderful!! canon tavros? annoying as shit!! i want to bully him.
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zukkatrash · 4 years
im pretty sure nobody wants this content but:
aged up, no bending atla x fallout 4 crossover!!!
(spoilers for some atla and fo4 stuff obviously, and in sukis part i rant abt the ending where ur against the brotherhood, so major spoilers for that too)
lets start with katara
katara is a minuteman, no lets be real shes the goddamn general, preston took one look at her and immediately knew she'd protect the people of the commonwealth with all she had
elder maxon is actually scared of her, which is why he refuses to let her on the prydwen so none of his underlings see him fold under her stare
shes probably the first minuteman that hancock like actually truly respects bc he knows shes 100% abt the ppl and goodneighbors motto is literally "of the people for the people"
katara is a probably a bit conflicted about him at first bc u know hes a bit ruthless for her taste, but she can see his heart's in the right place
she definitely helped marcy long with her grief and turned her anger into smth productive, aka marcy is now probably a high ranking minuteman
def a railroad agent (i read alchemy, sue me)
him and tinker tom are the best buddies and yes sokka got convinced to drink his weird serum thing, stop bringing it up!!
god just the crazy inventions those two would cook up, they'd probs scare the shit out of the institute
on topic of the institute, theres probably like at least one abduction attempt from them a month but hes not only smart but a badass too
hes also one of the only people dr. amari is actually nice to and will routinely rescue him from irmas relentless flirting
he definitely fanboys with kent collony over the shroud
i feel like deacon would drive him mad, because on one hand he gets the secrecy and that he doesn't want anyone to get too close but also deacs, my man u cant shut everyone out with ur lies
okay now im thinking abt them bonding over their dead gfs and am sad
when he meets nick he has to hold back soooo hard to not ask invasive questions, bc nick is basically a walking insight into the institute, but hes alao a person who sokka respects and really doesn't wanna be an ass to
also with the railroad(but shes a heavy ofc), probably mostly bc shed get more action there
sokka and tinker tom def made her some really cool gadget à la seismic sense so shes still a BEAST
she can also hear a raider ambush/lurking wildlife before anyone else and if shes not with anyone who needs to avoid that kinda stuff she pulls out her trusty missile launcher and makes quick work of her enemies
probably participates in cage matches at the combat zone and raiders shit their pants when they see her
toph is either dating glory or cait or both, cant decide, just badass wlw
or maybe fahrenheit 🤔, i mean the only refrence of tophs type we have is that she mightve had a crush on sokka who is not only strong but smart and u cant tell me fahr isnt smart, she might only have like 5 lines but at least one of them is abt chess which is a common shorthand for intelligence and she is undoubtedly a badass so yes toph and fahr! never thought id think of those two as a ship but here we are haha
is the silver shroud, you can't change my mind he's a righteous theatre kid ofc he's the shroud
also a minute man, probably kataras second in command
shes the one training the minutemen at the castle
danse tried so desperately to recruit her but suki is too smart to fall for the bos' bullshit
probably plays into his whole spiel tho to get an inside look at the bos and takes them down from the inside
and not by blowing the ship up wtf there are kids on the prydwen what the fuck why cant u get them out beforehand??? why is that the only option to get the bos out of the commonwealth???? they steal poor farmers crops ffs i want them gone! WITHOUT killing innocent children that are being indoctrinated what the fuck
im actually having a really hard time to imagine aang in fo4 bc u know its a biiit violent for a pacifist monk but i really dont wanna just make him a farmer or some boring shit, its just that stuff usually needs killing in some way in fo4
okay nvm i can def picture him on the island mediating that whole conflict between arcadia, the children of the atom and far harbor
oh god aang finding out how dima kept the 'peace' would be a brutal fucking scene, i dont wanna spoil too much if possible but aang would def feel really betrayed by dima
i can see aang arriving at the island and really trying to make everyone understand that dima only wants arcadia to be safe and left alone and i have no idea how he would actually deal with dima once the truth comes out but fuuck, bending or not aang def entered the avatar state there
but just to be clear he still protects arcadia, just bc its built by smn who thinks the ends justify the means doesnt mean that synths dont deserve to live in fucking peace for once
also aang would absolutely adore erikson and his puppies ^^
but back to the commonwealth
aang would for sureee advocate against the mind wipes the railroad makes and try to find other ways to help synths
he probs cannot deal with desdemonia saying that erasing the synths memory and identity is the only way to keep them safe, aang knows what loss means and he wont stand for it
and i can see him do a lot of the actual building in the settlements and helping all those small communities to flourish
now for the crack, as in i dont think this is in character but i thought of it so now yall have to read abt it:
the fire nation is in nuka world, also there is no overboss per se bc except for like 3 lines we know nothing of colter
ozai leads the operators, but also kinda everyone, so basically the overboss
post breakdown, pre redemption azula leads the disciples
zhao leads the pack bc like mason hes an animal and i hate him ^^
gage is dead bc unfortunately ozai isnt dumb, altho ozai was dumb enough to underestimate zuko when he literally told him his plan to join the gaang, but then again gage didnt like colter bc he didnt get shit done and unfortunately ozai does get shit done so gage is probably delighted :(
if anyone actually read this and wants to add on pleaseee do!!!
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Pending Requests
Here is my list of pending requests! I will cross them off once they are completed and you can search my tumblr page for the tag “request” to see when it will be posted <3. I update this daily so if you don’t see yours here by the end of the day that means I didn’t get it. 
(after these are done I will be on an indefinite writing hiatus so I am not taking any new requests. Any that are sent to my inbox will be deleted)
Anon requested: I have a request idea, um,so in my native language when we want to say Oops we say Oppa 😂 so I've always wandered how the boys will react if reader makes any small mistake and says that around them (to add to the weirdness - she's older than some of them 😂) idk I think something funny may come out of this
Anon requested: If you're still doing requests, this one is a bit strange but I read your "when a pregnant fan attends their fan meet" reaction and I loved it, it was something different and I do like to read different things. So anyways, I wanted to know if you'd do a reaction to a fan going into labor and giving birth at a fan meet or concert. As I said, its a bit strange but its something that has never been done before and its something that I would like to see.
Anon requested: Can you do types of kisses with Yoongi too? ☺ If you're not too tired of the idea 😄 the Jimin one was sooooo cute 🥰
Anon requested: can i request a reaction post for BTS OT7 where the reader has a panic attack/emotional breakdown and his/her service dog notice it first before him and quick to calm the reader down and ask for the member’s help? so they both end up comforting the reader and just fluffy fluffy 🥺 thank you for your hard work and don’t overwork yourself!! love uu
Anon requested: a jk scenario where he has been distant and his female s/o feels like he might not love her anymore, so she "prepares" for the moment when he brakes up with her? A little angsty but with a happy ending 🥺 Its okay if you cant, dont worry 💕
Anon requesteD: So you know how some people find Tae intimidating? I believe it's bc he's so beautiful and, well, to me he looks perfect. So how about the reader feeling the same way? They think Tae is perfect and waay out of their league and act too shy around him. He finds out somehow and tries to change that bc he really likes them. Also, give them a happy end 😊💜
Onetwoyoongi requested: A reaction where the boys find out their s/o is a raver?? Like they're looking at future outfits or they buy new things for an upcoming rave plz and thank you!! I love ur reactions so much 💗
Anon requested: would you be able to write a BTS reaction to their crush being asexual and she's worried about starting a relationship with them, even though she also has a crush on them, because she thinks they would definitely want sex? (I used 'she' to make the request clearer but please feel free to use gender neutral pronouns!) 
Anon requested: where the reader like meets BTS but doesn't want to make a scene so just pretends everything's cool... totally forgetting they're wearing some merch? And then gets all flustered when called out playfully by a member bc they just didn't want to stress them out on downtime? I crave some cute platonic/friends BTS content please? 
Anon requested: Can you do prompts 23. “ You weren’t there... why weren’t you there?” 24.“I needed you! I needed you!” With Jimin with a happy ending bc We don’t like seeing Jiminie sad
Anon requested: Got7 Reaction request for you because they are barely requested ;-; Can you do a reaction where they have been kind of distant and their s/o thinks they don’t love them anymore? Thank youuuu :)
Anon requested: my job is sort of frowned upon by my friends for some reason. I’m a party princess where I dress up as a Disney character and surprise kids and all that. I was wondering if you could do a BTS reaction to their s/o being a party princess 
Anon requested: AU Jimin & female junior at college who has a huge crush on him like every other person😝(not for looks though) but she isn't taking to the idea of relationship for she is unexperienced & she is way too flustered around him to even look at him(Can't like for face if u don't look at it😝)She is perfectionist, dedicated student & likes the same about him. He feels she doesn't like him a lot as she communicates well with others.
Anon requested: I'd like to request for a prompt 37 with Tae~ If you are occupied with other stuff I'd understand. No issues~ Take care~
         prompt: “I want someone I can melt around. I want someone who melts around me too…I don’t want this standoffish, unromantic love that you’re offering. I want more than that.”
Anon requested:  a Drabble with Yoongi where he for once is the one to drag you of your room form working too much ? I’ve been up all nights these past weeks after getting this gig , too worried I’ll mess up & when I tried to confined , I got a quit or stop complaining as a response.
Rainyflowerruins requested: I wanted to ask for request BTS reactions when their s/o (who is also a popular idol) surprisingly comes to visit them after the concert while both of them are on tour. Thanks 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
anon requested: Can u do the types of kisses thing that u did for mark but this time with Jimin?
Anon requested: Could I request a bts reactions to someone who can shred a guitar? I have yet to see anything like that
Anon requested: Hey, I was wondering if I could get a wolf au! Where bts sees the reader in the woods and they'reb(bts) in a pack and you get scared because you think they're a real wolf pack that will eat you. I dunno if this is clear enough, but don't feel pressured to do this. Love your blog! 💜
Anon requested: 2 prompts: 74 & 1 with JK! (Atleast 74 if only one~) Could you keep the character as a nuna though for JK if possible. If requests are closed then np! Haha! Thanks again Katie! And take care okayy! 1. “Have you ever kissed anyone before?” 74. “I didn’t take you for the settling down type.”
Anon requested: A reaction for jhope with a s/o that has short/buzzed hair. 
Anon requested: Can u make a scenario for Jackson wang, where u want a second kid, but he’s scared to do it and get u pregnant because of ur experience with the first one (u were throwing up constantly, u were in pain all the time, u couldn’t sleep at night at all, some days u couldn’t walk etc.) thx!
Anon requested:  a oneshot with yoongi where he's a heir prince but he's tired of all his royalty responsibilities and just want to enjoy his youth as long he can. so one of his escapes from palace he finds reader who's a just commoner and following the cliche line yoongi gets enchanted for her. thank you ♥
Anon requested: a reaction where BTS’ female s/o keeps making headlines because she’s a wealthy and successful businesswoman/ceo that remains humble at all times? Thank you!
Anon requested: a request of BTS reaction to their relationship getting exposed by dispatch while they are on tour and their s/o is still in Korea? Thank you?
tata anon requested: Daechwita Yoongi AU: Peasant/lost heir yoongi is attempting to run his coup and gets captured and it seems like hes gonna die at the hands of his brother BUT he doesnt ofc you end up reunited 
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maandags · 5 years
Eidolon (Angel!Keith x Demon! reader) {part iii}
something resembling peace n  quiet (ish) b4 the real shitstorm yeet
Summary: Keith is an angel, and he’s completed mission after mission for the Upper Hand, the organisation controlling all of the Above. He’s only failed a mission once: when he was assigned to kill you, a surprisingly charismatic demon. He roamed Earth–Middle Ground–for years before he was caught by the Upper Hand again, and things quickly go south.
Word count: 6.3K
Genre: Angst 
Notes: ft witch!Coran bc he doesnt get enough love -- masterlist -- {previous} -- {next} --
small-town boy in a big arcade
i got addicted to a losing game
 ~ Arcade, Duncan Laurence
His fever isn't going down.
It's been five days and his fever just won't go down.
He's passed out on your couch, waking up occasionally so you can feed him and give him water to drink. Sometimes you have to shake him for minutes at a time just so he wakes up. You tried everything you knew, but the medicine you give him has no effect and the medicine you probably need is nowhere at your disposal.
It's safe to say you have no clue how to proceed and also are frustrated: you're risking everything here. You're risking being found by everything you have been outrunning for years and years. The combined auras of an angel and a demon are the closest thing to a signal flare you know.
And he just might die, and it will all have been for nothing, and you might still be located by Management and you would have to move. Quite bittersweet, you think wryly.
So Keith dying isn't an option. That much is clear. But as you sit in your armchair and glare at him, arms wrapped around the knees you pulled up to your chest, you have no idea as to how you're going to stop it from happening.
You clumsily wrapped him in a blanket when he collapsed on your couch. He's kicked it off since, and it lies in a bundle at his feet. His skin is ashy and pale and sweaty and his hair sticks to his forehead.
And his fucking fever isn't going down.
Usually you'd go straight to a doctor if any of your human friends were to contract a fever this stubborn–but you suspected bringing a dying angel to the average doctor won't do much good except frighten the poor sod to death. He looks like Death, you remark. What with his black wings and overall dark aesthetic, which is quite rare for an angel to have. You think, at least. It's not like you've met lots of them.
You sigh, filling a glass of water and holding it to his lips. He reacts almost subconsciously–he's not quite all there, but he's gulping the water down with gusto and you can only pray to the Dark Below that he'll hold it down, though that did seem to get better the last day or so.
The first two days were a nightmare. Keith tossed and turned and held nothing down, his stomach too upset. You had him spend his second night in your bathtub because he puked all over your couch. When he was asleep (which was most of the time) he had nightmares and whimpered constantly, and when he was awake he had hallucinations, his eyes clouded over. He even tried to attack you at one point ('tried' being the keyword here–he took a most pathetic swing at your face and cried when you dodged it easily).
If you had any common sense, you would have kicked him out long ago–hell, if you had any common sense, you never even would have considered taking him in.
Yet he is here. And you are here. And you don't exactly know how to feel about that.
Half the time you wish he'd just die already so you could be done at least with all of this. The next moment you feel horribly guilty and internally yell at yourself for thinking that way–because you made this choice. You decided to help him, and you should go through with it, even if it meant to be woken up at three in the morning because Keith was wailing again.
You brush your fingers across his forehead, hoping against better knowledge his fever had gone down, but he's still burning up. He's not tossing and turning anymore, he's not throwing up everywhere anymore. The last time he had a nightmare you actually noticed was more than a day ago. His breaths are shallow and irregular, and while you're no doctor, you know that's never a good sign.
You'd almost gotten used to having him in your apartment, and now you barely even notice he's here.
You've been on some extensive phone calls with Allura since Keith flopped into your life (which mostly consist of you yelling and Allura listening, occasionally muttering "go off, sis" into the horn) and you were itching for one now. You pull out your phone. Allura picks up on the third ring.
"Y/N, love, I have time for like, maybe a ten minute rant, because I'm at work and even though it's my break time my co-workers are giving me huge side-eyes and I still have four hours to go–"
"That's okay," you say quickly. "I'm fine, actually. No rants."
Allura pauses. "Sure about that?"
"Positive. I just had a question." You decide to throw in your favourite excuse whenever you have a weird question. As a nurse and your friend, Allura is often your first choice if you need to fact-check anything health-related."I'm writing this story..."
"Ah," Allura says. "Of course. Shoot."
You feel kind of bad for lying to her. But then again, telling the truth isn't really an option here, is it? "What does one do to break a fever that's been going strong for, say, five days, and literally no kind of aspirin is working and you can't take them to a doctor?"
"Huh. Well. All you can really do without, like, medical intervention, is wait, really. Yes, Jane, I'll be done in a minute. Have them sweat it out. Keep hydrated, remove excess layers of clothing, all that jazz. How high of a fever are we talking?"
"Um..." You glance at the thermometer on the coffee table. You'd taken his temperature just before calling Allura, to see if there was any change. Spoiler alert, there wasn't. "41.2 degrees Celcius."
Allura whistles. "For an adult? 'Cause if this is a kid, they have a problem."
"No, no, it's an adult."
"Okay. Well. You know, fevers aren't inherently bad for you. It's actually a way for the body to, like, kill heat-sensitive bacteria and viruses. So it's actually a good thing. Honestly I'm gonna just advise your character to stay in bed and drink water and sit in front of a fan. They should be fine."
You pucker your lips, poking Keith's arm with your toe. He doesn't move. "All right."
"You sound kind of unsure," says Allura, a tinge of concern to her voice. A pause. "Certain this is a fictional character?"
You bite back a curse. "Well. You know. I was–I was just curious."
Allura sighs. You imagine her rubbing the back of her neck as she shakes out her legs. "You know... as a medical professional–" the sarcasm drips from her voice– "I'm not really supposed to, like, recommend these types of methods to people because generally everyone thinks they're bullshit, but..." She hesitates. "My uncle Coran has this shop. He sells lots of weird, like, plants and crystals and crap like that. God, I can't believe I'm saying this. He might be able to help. Here's the address."
You lurch over to your desk and snatch a pencil and a post-it block, scribbling down the address she dictates. "Thanks, Allura."
"You are very welcome, dearest, but I really need to get back to work now. Bye."
You stare at the note for a while after Allura hung up. You don't exactly know the place, but a quick Google search helps you pinpoint it. It's not even that far, maybe a 20 minute walk. But something makes you feel uncomfortable about it.
He sells lots of weird, like, plants and crystals and crap like that.
It definitely sounds like something you should be a bit suspicious of. Plants and crystals. Hm.
But then again, you think as you cast another look at Keith who hasn't moved in over an hour, chest rising and falling with uneven breaths, it's not like you have many other options.
Allura said to wait it out. But maybe fevers aren't as harmless on angels as they are on humans. Maybe waiting it out will kill him, and you will have to live with it knowing that you did nothing to stop it.
Grumbling through gritted teeth, you yank your jacket from its hanger, write out a quick note for Keith in case he wakes up (he probably won't, but just in case) and dash out the door.
It takes you surprisingly long to find the place.
What was a 20 minute walk turned to a 30 minute walk, then to an hour long walk. You zoom in on your phone's map, narrowing your eyes and combing through every little alley you passed, gnashing your teeth. No matter how hard you look, the shop simply doesn't seem to exist anywhere but on the map. Is this Allura's idea of a prank?
But that's not like her, you remind yourself. And somehow, the fact that you can't seem to reach the place only makes you want to find it more. So you grit your teeth and clench the note with the address (that you just can't seem to memorize, no matter how hard you try) in your fist and march on.
You round a corner and slam into a tall and lanky body.
You yelp, arms flying out to regain your balance. The person in front of you gives a surprised hum–they don't seem to be fazed at all. You look up, prepared to give them a scolding about how they've got to watch where they're fucking going and blink, all words dying in your throat.
"You okay, kiddo?" says the most eccentric-looking man you've ever seen.
"Uh..." you give your head a shake, trying not to stare at the man's bright orange hair and moustache, or the fact that he's dressed like one of those fortune tellers out of fantasy stories, complete with the huge ornate earrings and everything. "Yeah. Fine. Thanks."
The man's light eyes narrow ever so slightly, and you make a mental note to not let his appearance deceive you: you have the feeling he's much smarter than he looks. "Were you looking for something?"
You clamp your mouth shut, running a hand through your hair. "Hm. Actually. Yes." You frown, wondering if this is a good idea, but if anyone would know where Coran's shop is–the shop selling weird crystals and plants and crap like that–this dude would be it. You hold up the crumpled note. "Do you know where this place is?"
The man takes one look at the writing and smiles, a wide and slightly unhinged grin that has you almost instantly regretting your choice. "Well, I sure would hope I know where my own shop is!"
You try and resist the urge to flinch. "Oh, really?" you squeak, shrinking back. It's not a very demon-like thing to do, you think at the very back of your mind, but this guy looks like he could give even the scariest entities of the Below a run for their money. "Neat."
The man–who you assume is Coran–grins even wider and whips an arm around your shoulders. "Well, then! Let's not beat around the bush any longer!" He has an accent you can't place. It fits him, strangely. Everything about the guy is strange.
He whirls around, dragging you with him, and walks exactly three steps before slamming open the door to the shop on the corner. You frown, ducking out from under his arm and giving him a suspicious glare. "What is this? I've passed this shop at least five times." You glance up at the sign and do a double take. Where had previously hung a sad wooden board announcing a tailor's shop hangs now a weirdly pretty sign that seems to be made out of plants. Vines twisting to and fro and entwining and overlapping, fluorescent yellow-and-blue flowers you have never seen before dropping from it in clumps. It sways slightly in the air. There is no wind.
All the hairs stand up at the back of your neck and your fists clench at your sides.
"Maybe you weren't looking hard enough," comes Coran's amused voice from behind you. You spin on your heels, narrowing your eyes at him. You're not unfamiliar with these kinds of experiences–the supernatural, the unsettling, the technically-impossible–yet Coran manages to throw you off in a way nothing really has before.
The atmosphere around you has dimmed, the sole source of light the doorway and the glowing flowers dangling from the sign. You're not in the alley you were in not one minute ago anymore. Coran raises an eyebrow and cocks his head, and you notice how different he looks in this new environment. He fits here perfectly. The slight curl of his lips says, Well? What are you waiting for?
You think of Keith. How he would react if he were in this situation. If the roles were reversed and you were the one dying on his sofa. You push the door open and march into the shop.
You almost slam directly into a tree.
"Careful, careful," says Coran quickly as he grabs your elbow. He slips past you and leads you into his shop that looks like no other shop you've ever seen.
Shelves are stacked with pots and vials and little baggies, all propped one on top of the other. It looks extremely unstable. You resist the urge to pluck out one jar from the bottom and see if everything tumbles down.
Every price tag is hand-written, and when you take a closer look a chill runs down your spine. One never-before shared secret. Three childhood memories. none of the prices ask for actual money, which now seems pretty useless and weighs down the wallet in your pocket. One particular tag says Your deepest fear. How dramatic.
Every plant seems to glow, for some reason. You notice more of those fluorescent yellow-and-blue flowers like the ones hanging from the sign outside, and flowers that look similar but in different colours. There are plants that remind you of grapevines, snaking around trees and shelves and tangling themselves around every support they can find. Clusters of small transparent bells float from the branches, even smaller flicks of light trapped inside them. You squint at one of them, grabbing it out of the air and studying it closely. Something is fluttering inside of the little sphere. A firefly, maybe. Maybe. When you release it, it zips back to its original spot among the other glowing bubbles.
Coran plucks a few dead leaves from a tree stump partially hidden from view by a huge black-and-white striped candle. He grinds the leaves to dust in the palm of his hand and drops them in the candle's flame. It glows bright green for a moment, then a comforting scent begins to spread through the air. You inhale deeply out of reflex. It smells like nothing you've ever smelled before, vaguely familiar scents all mushed into one; your favourite hot chocolate (with a hint of caramel), Allura's fruity conditioner, the animal shampoo you use on the dogs at the shelter. The air when it's just stopped raining. Towels, fresh out of the dryer.
You blink yourself back to reality with a sharp jerk of your head. Coran is already moving on to the very back of the shop and you hurry to catch up with him, ducking to avoid the arms of a rather sad-looking ragdoll as they reach for you. "Hey, hey–who are you?"
He raises an eyebrow. "Coran."
"Yes, I know that, but like–" you gesture vaguely to the general space around you– "who are you?"
Coran thinks about that for a moment, one finger pressed to the side of his nose. "A hobbyist," he decides.
"Right." You take a step back, eyeing the dark and slimy substance shlorping across the floor towards your feet suspiciously. It shrinks back beneath your glare. "What are those hobbies, exactly?"
"You know," says Coran, waving his arms around, "plants. Medicine. The occasional cursed artifact. Just regular stuff like that."
"Regular stuff like that," you echo. Caws sound from above you. When you look up, you spot a bird slightly hidden in the shadows of the tree in which it is perked (was that tree this big before?), glowing red eyes fixated on yours. You raise an eyebrow at it, cocking your head. It mirrors you, feathers ruffling and swooping from one side of its head to the other. It screams again, then spreads its wings and climbs up the tree with a speed you didn't expect. Literally climbs: there are claws on the joints of its wings that it uses to hack into the tree's bark. You brush a bit of dust off your shoulder and continue walking.
Stepping over the puddle of dark slime, you follow Coran even further into the shop. "You said you do medicine," you shout after him. "I need medicine to save my–" The words hitch in your throat. What is Keith to you? An acquaintance? An enemy? A guest? "My friend," you settle on.
Coran throws you a look over his shoulder, throwing off his ornate blue coat and suspending it in the air where it floats obediently beside him. He plants a hand on a bony hip. "Your friend," he repeats, a glint in his eyes you don't trust at all.
"Yeah." He's not getting more out of you, you assure yourself. That's it.
Coran watches you for a moment. "Hm." He turns around and starts rummaging through the shelves packed with jars and boxes and bottles, pulling out a number that all look the same to you, but evidently Coran knows exactly what he's doing. Occasionally he asks you questions.
"Reasonably high fever, is that right?"
He fumbles for a mortar and dumps a clump of brown-reddish leaves in it.
"Hallucinations? Nightmares? Inexplicable bouts of extreme hunger?"
"Yes, yes, and... no? Not that I know of?"
Humming, he adds a few drops of a clear liquid and a pinch of powder from a leather pouch. The mixture starts to sizzle and you eye it cautiously. Its colour shifts from a muddy purple to a darker blue. Coran whistles through his teeth, narrowing his eyes at the many pots around him as he searches for the next ingredient. His eyes focus on something behind you and he gestures with his pestle. "Grab that round orange pot for me, will you."
You turn. The pot in question is small and kind of hard to spot, and you have to twist your arm in strange shapes to reach it from where it's blocked by other plants and rocks. It's dusty and surprisingly heavy, and when you turn it over there's a crudely painted picture of a skull on the lid. Your head snaps up and your fingers tighten around the pot.
Coran rolls his eyes. "I didn't have any other pot to put it in. I'm not gonna murder your friend."
You hand the pot over to him reluctantly, keeping a close eye on whatever it is he's doing. Inside is a reddish-brown paste, and Coran scoops two heavy spoonfuls out and mixes it into the blue mixture. It becomes a pleasant shade of violet. He grabs a round marble-like thing from a vase filled with similar spheres and chucks it into a fire pit at your feet. Flames burst to life, searing hot and sending you stumbling back from the wave of pure heat that comes rolling over you. Coran puts a lid on the mortar and drops it into the fire.
"So, that's gotta bake for a minute," he says cheerily, spinning around and clapping his hands. He snaps his fingers, and immediately vines begin writhing and entwining until a stool has formed. He plops down, facing you. "You have questions. Ask them. Go on."
"Will you answer them?"
he flashes that wicked grin of his. "Maybe."
You grit your teeth, staring into the flames roaring in their pit. The longer you look at them, the wilder they grow. Agitated.
"Oh, dear, don't look at them. They don't like being watched."
Your gaze snaps back to him. "How did you know what's wrong with my friend?"
"I didn't. I guessed," he adds with an eyeroll when you narrow your eyes at him. "It's easier to guess than you might think. When customers are especially preoccupied with something I can usually read it right off of them. You were no different."
"Right." You pause, not sure which of the hundred and forty questions swirling through your mind to ask next. "What if the medicine doesn't work? Can I come back?"
"It'll work."
"But if it doesn't–"
"Are you doubting my abilities?"
"What? No, but–"
"It'll work."
His tone makes it clear there's no room for discussion. At the sight of his dangerously glinting eyes (or maybe they're just reflecting the flickering flames) you decide to veer onto a safer topic. "Can everyone get into your shop? Why couldn't I find it until you showed me?"
Coran slouches a bit in his throne of vines (it's got a back and armrests now, too, and it's growing those little glowing grapes) and considers the question. "Everyone can technically get into the shop," he says slowly, as if carefully choosing his words, "but not everyone will. It's not hidden, exactly–not to the people who aren't looking."
That confuses you. "So you're saying one won't be able to find the shop if they're actively looking for it?"
"Sort of."
"Does that mean that the people who do find it aren't looking for it in the first place?"
"I guess so? Man, kid, you're asking difficult questions."
"I'm curious." You fold your arms, tucking your chin down to your chest. "And that makes no sense anyway because I found it and I was looking for it. So."
"Yeah, but you didn't find it until you actually ran into me and I showed you." Coran leaps up and stretches out his lanky limbs. "So, we still have a bit of time left before that's ready. Do you want to arrange payment now?"
Caution crept into your veins as you remember the strange price tags you saw upon entering the store. But you're not getting this medicine for free, you remind yourself. Keith won't get better by himself. The price was the price and you're willing to pay it. So you nod.
Coran grabs a box. He opens it, and inside are the last things you expected: stacks of paper, each one scribbled upon with minute precision, every sheet adorned with different handwriting. He hands you a blank sheet: it's about the size of a business card, yellowish-white and kind of grainy to the touch. It reminds you of parchment.
He also hands you a pen. It looks like a regular ballpoint pen, and when you shoot him a questioning look–you had expected at least, like, a quill with purple ink or something–he shrugs. "They're cheap. And easy to charm."
Right. You roll your eyes. "So what's the price?"
His eyes are just a little bit too shiny. "What do you want most?"
You sigh, long and drawn out. Your grip on the pen tightens ever so slightly. "Really? The way too overused one?"
Coran shrugs again, gesturing to the blank card in front of you. "It's overused for a reason, kid. It just happens to work really well."
You clench your jaw, tapping the pen against the wooden surface of the table, forcing yourself to think about the question in a serious manner.
What do you want most?
You rack your brain for an answer, puckering your lips. There are a lot of things you want. You want Allura to be safe and happy. She's got a demon for a friend, for fuck's sake. You want to not have to worry every day about Management finally tracking you down and locking you up in the Below. To feel safe.
You bring the point of the pen down to the paper and start writing, frowning when the ink doesn't appear. You go over the lines a few times, even scribble a bunch of lines in a corner to get the pen to work, but to no avail. The ink stubbornly refuses to stain your piece of parchment.
"Your pen doesn't work," you say, irritated.
Coran casts you a knowing smile. "It works just fine. Try again."
You try again. No results. You throw down the pen, letting your head drop and taking a deep breath as you lean against the desk, because you know exactly where this is going. You have experience with these kinds of enchanted objects. You chew on the inside of your cheek, glaring at the pen as if it personally murdered your firstborn.
It wants the truth.
And you refuse. You refuse to give it what it wants because it's ridiculous. Absolutely and utterly ridiculous.
But this is the price. This is the price you told yourself you would pay no matter what.
A deep breath. One more.
You snatch up the pen, gripping it so tightly your knuckles go white, and press it down onto the paper. Immediately the ink flows out, letting you write your re-evaluated answer. It almost seems to sneer at you and when you throw the pen down, handing the card to a way too smug-looking Coran, you refuse to look him in the eye.
The medicine is ready.
Coran pulls it out of the fire using tongs (because it might be magical fire, but it's still fire, and it's generally not a good idea to stick your hand in fire) and drops it in a tub of water you're sure wasn't there before. A moment later he pulls it out and removes the lid.
The paste has transformed itself into a rock-hard ball about the size of a large pill, perfectly round and kind of rough and sandy at the surface, and when Coran hands it to you it's almost freezing to the touch. It startles you so much that you almost drop it.
"Smash it to bits and put the shards in this here baggie–" he hands you what looks like a tea filter– "and let it hang in a glass of cold water for a while. When the thingie's drained of its colour and goes clear and the water has turned bright blue you make sure he drinks the whole thing before it goes warm, yeah? That's very important. He's gotta drink it right away, and he's gotta drink the whole thing. It might not work as well if he doesn't drink the whole thing."
The fact that Coran refers to the pill as "the thingie" makes you more than a bit uncomfortable, but you decide to take his word for it, because what other choice do you have?
"Right." You turn to leave, when one more thing pops into your mind. "Actually," you face him again, "I have one more question."
Coran sighs. "You have a lot of questions."
You ignore him. "How do you know Allura? Or, rather, how does Allura know you? She's the one that gave me your address in the first place," you explain. "She's my friend."
To your surprise, Coran smiles–a genuine smile this time, where his eyes crinkle in the corners, not the manic grin he's shown up till now. "I knew her father very well. I've watched her grow up. She knows she can always knock on my door."
It doesn't make much sense–what business would Allura's dad, world-famous scientist, have with this man? You decided to give it the benefit of the doubt. "How much does she know? About all this?"
"I think she knows, deep down. I don't know how much she believes. What she tells herself is real, and what isn't."
You hesitate. "Does she know about me? What I am, I mean?"
Coran heaves an exasperated sigh. "Yeesh, kid. How am I supposed to know that? I didn't even know who you were up till now!" But you get the feeling he's lying. "Now get going. Go on." He starts shooing you towards the door, gently pushing you through the shop.
You blink in surprise, too stunned to do anything but follow suit. "Wait," you stammer. "Wait, I have more questions! Will I be able to come back?"
But Coran waves you off, giving you nothing but a smile and a "Bye-bye!"
You stumble over the threshold, the pill and its baggie in your clenched fist. Cold renders your fingers almost numb, and you open them, exposing the pill to the night air. White smoke curls up from it, and you turn it over to your other hand, wincing as you rub your fingers to get a bit of warmth in them again. It's like you're holding a hailstone.
When you look up, you're disoriented by the bright lights from street lamps around you, and the fact that you're not in the same alley you were in before you entered Coran's shop. It's not even the same block. You make a full turn, dazed, before you recognise the little grocery store on the corner of the street: it's the store where you do most of your shopping. It's right across from your apartment building. Coran deposited you as close as he could to your home.
You push open the door to your apartment with your shoulder, icy pill in one hand and two bottles of chocolate milk and scotch whisky in the other, letting exhaustion creeping into your muscles as soon as you enter the familiar environment. One look to your sofa confirms Keith has barely moved over the hours you were gone. The note and the glass of water you left for him sit untouched on the coffee table.
You make your way to the kitchen and set down the bottles, grabbing a small tray on which you drop the pill. Smash it to bits, said Coran. The back end of a kitchen knife does the job just fine. To your surprise, the pill shatters immediately, shards flying everywhere. You curse, sweeping them all up and dropping them into the tea filter and filling a glass with cold water. As soon as you hang the bag in the glass, blue drips out of it in wisps, slowly tinting the water a cool blue colour. You drop onto a kitchen chair and watch with your chin in your hands, the droplets of blue seeping from the bag mesmerising.
When the water doesn't seem to get any bluer, you peek into the bag. The shards are completely colourless, now resembling bits of clear glass more than anything else. You carefully pick up the glass, hissing through your teeth at the coldness of it.
Keith is still fast asleep, shivering. He's thin, you notice. You can see his ribs through his shirt. Setting the glass down on the coffee table, you try gently nudging him awake. He doesn't respond.
"Come on," you grumble, grabbing his face and tapping his cheek. "Wake up!" Your stomach twists at the thought that he might not wake up in time. The medicine will have warmed up. You should have woken him before preparing it! "Please," you whisper, swallowing back the lump in your throat. "Don't let this have been for nothing. Come on. Wake up, dammit!"
He groans under your touch. You breathe out a shaky sigh of relief as you coerce him into sitting up. "Don't you fucking dare fall asleep again." He looks at you groggily.
You raise the glass to his chapped lips. "Drink up."
He takes a sip and flinches, bursting into coughs. "Cold," he manages. You almost wince at how weak his voice sounds–barely a whisper. He'll get better, you remind yourself. He just has to drink this and he'll get better.
"I know," you mutter, nudging the glass to his lips again. "Drink it. It'll make you feel better."
He eyes you suspiciously but obliges, squeezing his eyes shut as he gulps down the contents of the glass. He shivers, smacking his lips when it's empty and you put it on the floor. "Ah. Gross." But as he shifts, you can already see the colour return to his cheeks.
"Rest," you say, brushing strands of hair away from his forehead. "You'll feel better in the morning." Your voice is shaky and your hands tremble as you bring the glass back to the kitchen and thoroughly wash it, using about a quarter of the bottle of dish soap, running it under the hot water until the stubborn cold is completely gone.
You're tired. You don't even have the energy to shower, so you brush your teeth and crumple into bed, only taking off your boots and trousers. You keep your socks on and pull the comforter tighter around you. You're cold.
As you turn to face the wall, you think back to Coran's stupid enchanted pen. Wondering if you've made a mistake. The words you ended up writing down looping through your mind, over and over again, lighting up in front of you whenever you close your eyes. What do you want most?
I want to be safe from Management, was your first answer. The answer the pen hadn't let you write down. And it was what you wanted most–or at least what you wanted most until Keith had shown up on your doorstep just over a week ago.
What do you want most?
You drift off to sleep, the question nagging at the back of your mind.
You jolt awake at the crash, bolting up from your bed and racing for the kitchen, where the sound had come from. In your hand is the knife you keep in your nightstand. Your knuckles are white around the hilt. You slam a hand on the light switch, and the person bent over and hidden behind your fridge hits their head and yells in pain, and you brandish your knife and scream at them to Stay back!
"It's just me! Y/N!" Keith says, holding up his hands above his head.
You huff out a breath, letting the knife drop to your side. "Keith?"
He nods, blinking and squinting against the bright light. You're only barely over the shock of seeing him up and about, yet you can't help but notice how thin he looks and how weary and sunken his eyes are. His eyes keep flicking back to the knife still in your hand, and you quickly snap it shut, slipping it in the pocket of your sweatpants.
"So I take it you're feeling better?"
He nods again. "I'm hungry," he says. His voice isn't quite back to normal–it's still quite hoarse from not having used it in over five days–but you suspect it won't take very long. "Sorry for startling you. I'll go back to sleep."
You grab his arm before he can walk past you. "Nonsense. You've slept for five days straight. I'm hungry too, anyway. I can order takeout?"
He gives you a tentative smile. "That'd be great."
And that's how you end up sitting in your brightly lit kitchen at four in the morning, eating out of cardboard Chinese takeout boxes, with an angel whose life you saved. His wings are completely concealed now and don't bother him when he sits in a chair or lies down. While neither of you talks much, you both sneak glances when you think the other isn't looking.
What do you want most?
He looks nervous, and even though he insists he's not tired you can tell he's fighting against the weight of his eyelids, his movements droopy and slow, as if he's moving through layers of syrup. When he almost drops his fork (at four A.M. you're allowed to eat Chinese with a fork) out of exhaustion, you nudge his leg with your foot under the table.
"Go back to sleep."
"I'm fine. I'm still hungry."
"You can eat tomorrow. You're barely able to hold yourself upright, idiot."
He sighs but pushes his chair back and stands up. His knees immediately buckle beneath him, and you shoot out of your chair and only just manage to catch him before he drops to the ground. "All right, okay. There we go. I got you."
"Not feeling as good as I thought," Keith mutters into your shoulder as you practically drag him to the sofa.
You tuck him in (it seems like such a childish gesture–but curled up like that, looking thin and fragile, Keith reminds you of a small kid and it just feels like the right thing to do) and resist the weird urge to plant a kiss on his forehead. You settle for a somewhat awkward pat on the shoulder.
You stick the leftover food in the fridge and make your way back to your own room. You're still kind of cold, so you keep the sweatpants and sweatshirt on, bringing the knife out of your pocket and setting it back on your nightstand before climbing into bed.
The buzzing of the city outside of your window keeps you up for hours as you toss and turn. Feelings you don't know what to make of churn through you. Relief at the fact that the medicine seems to be working. Fear, because you don't really know how to proceed now. A demon saving an angel's life–that one's pretty much unheard of, you think bitterly.
Oh, if Management were to find out... not only would your fate be settled, you would have signed Keith's death warrant along with it. The comforter bunches in your clenched fists and you twist around, shutting your eyes resolutely.
What do you want most?
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