#I wish we got more art and fics exploring these themes. But that’s what we’re here for isn’t it? ❤️🐉
ninadove · 4 months
Hey how about we do the ask game…..um…..Kagami for 25
My girl! ❤️🐉
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I actually got back into Miraculous after a years-long break (through no fault of its own, my attention had just been stolen by other media), so I knew of Kagami and Luka before actually “meeting” them in the series! Going in, I thought it was pretty cool and refreshing that we got secondary love interests that were fully fleshed out as characters and not demonised in any way.
And Kagami is just!!! So much like me!!! I feel so seen!!! ❤️🐉
There’s the likely neurodivergence:
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The obvious sapphism:
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Side note: I really enjoyed Marigami while it lasted. I think Adrien taught Kagami what she didn’t want in a relationship, while Marinette showed her what she did want but couldn’t get from her. Wrong person, right idea, basically.
The creative passion:
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The… you know… Tomoe:
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And a general sense of feeling things differently, too much, in the wrong way, to the point that you’ve been convinced you’re inadequate or even dangerous:
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And thanks to S5, I’ve gotten to see her overcome her circumstances, grow as a person, and be loved in the way that she wants to be (fiercely and gently and without hesitation or compromise), and it has genuinely healed something for me. The post-credit scene in Pretension in particular gave me so much hope and transformed me from Strong Feligami Enjoyer (which I already was thanks to some Diamonds’ Dance spoilers because have you seen these kids) to Positively Insane About These Two, Never Going To Even Consider Another Ship Ever Again.
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The gist of it is that I love her forever and always, that she is a wonderfully written and extremely important character, and that I should really be working on my WIPs right now. ❤️🐉
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Thank you for the ask! ❤️🐉
Ask game here!
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sagemoderocklee · 3 years
Writer ask meme - everything divisible by 3
Sorry this took so long to reply to! I was writing out my responses today, but while watching Rosewell New Mexico with my roommate and that show is SO good. anyways this is really, really long so I will put part of it under a read more however if you are reading TAoL and want a sneak peak at an upcoming chapter, my answer to 36 is the entire first scene for that chapter
3. What is your favorite/least favorite part about writing? Other than the obvious writer's block, I think that my least favorite part is feeling insecure/wanting validation via comments and such. Writing is something I really enjoy doing and take great pride in trying to grow as a writer, but it's impossible to completely shake off that feeling of insecurity and sadness over something that doesn't get comments. There's this common thing in fandom where like you can pour a lot of heart and energy into something, be really skilled, only for it to get overlooked. There's obviously a lot of reasons for that, but some of those reasons are kind of annoying—like god forbid something not have sex in it, ya know?
6. Favorite character you’ve written?
So, that's hard.... If we're talking the canon Naruto characters, it can really vary from story to story. I obviously enjoy writing Gaara and Lee, but I was surprised to find that I really enjoy writing Shikamaru, Kankurou, Temari, Neji, and Tenten as well. I think all of them are really interested, have a lot of potential, and are fun in very different ways. Kankurou is definitely just flat out fun to write, and I think Tenten is very similar in the way she's fun to write. I think this like handful of characters are all faves for very different reasons so it's hard to say who my absolute fave is, but I really enjoy writing all of them. Definitely my fave thing is being able to write all of them interacting together, however.
9. Favorite/least favorite tropes?
Least: Soulmates. I hate that shit with a passion—it's boring, it's artificial, it's easy. There was a post I just saw recently that said “soulmates are stupid. I love you on purpose” and that just sums up so much of my issue with soulmates. If something is predetermined by some fucking cosmic power, do you really ever love that person? Do you really ever know that person? Soulmate AUs will always be something that bore me and also insight anger. It's just not for me, and I wish that fandom spaces would just get over it, in all honesty. Fave: uh. I don’t really know about like trope-wise. I just really like anything with good world building and politics.
12. Which story of yours do you like best? Why? Oh gosh.... um. That's really hard to answer because every story I write has a special place in my heart for different reasons. Alliance is my baby; TAoL is a huge emotional investment and has allowed me to grow even more as a writer; Absolution is something I've always wanted to explore; Flyweight Love is super fun and cute; IEYH is a new experiment in writing for me; GoD was also an experiment... and on and on. It's hard to pick like a favorite story because like they're all my faves in different ways. There are certainly things I like more or prefer, like I'm not that into modern Aus as much so it's easier for me to say that like Find Me isn't a one of my best—it isn't, there's a lot of things I want to fix on it, and while it is a decent fic, it's not like groundbreaking imo. But like for all of the things that need fixing with Alliance, that fic is my baby and really grounded me as a writer in a way no other writing project had before it. So like I could never not love it. Anyways, I'm babbling at this point, but basically I love all my fics so I can't choose.
15. How do you deal with self-doubt when writing? Rereading my writing tends to help and hoarding some of my favorite comments I've been left by readers. I know I'm a good writer, self-doubt and insecurities aside, so re-reading stuff is really a good confidence booster—but when that's not enough, it is really helpful to look back at old comments.
18. Tell us about that one book you’ll never let anyone read
Of mine??? Well, obviously by 'book' we're going with fanfiction because none of my original content is at a point where I'd really even consider it for this question. Um. Honestly, I don't think there's much if anything. Maybe some HP fics but not because I'm not like... proud of the writing or premise. Like I'd say my ideas are really good, it's just a matter of like my own time management and shit.
21. What aspect of your writing are you most proud of?
My world building. I'm also generally proud of the premises I come up with, and the themes I explore with my writing. Like I think I'm a good writer in terms of the like technical writing aspect—pros and such—and also characters, but I think I excel at world building and overall plot.
24. Do you remember the moment you decided to become a writer/author? The first time I ever wrote anything I was seven years old. I was at a party for my mom's boss? I think it was a birthday party? Anyway, I was the only kid there—which was fine because I was used to being the only kid in gatherings—but I was sitting alone by like a window and I just like started writing a poem about the night. That was like the first time that writing really became a part of me. When I was thirteen, when my mom got sick, I started writing poetry more. And when I was fourteen, I started writing fanficiton and that's kinda just... never stopped. I've been writing stories ever since.
27. Every writer’s least favorite question - where does your inspiration come from? Do you do certain things to make yourself more inspired? Is it easy for you to come up with story ideas?
My inspiration comes from everywhere, not to like be cliched. But inspiration really is in everything and everyone. I tend to find inspiration really easily in music, but it's also in just like the day-to-day; it's in other writers; it's in washing dishes; it's in a day trip to the ocean; it's in a quote or a touch or a word. Like genuinely, it's in big things and little things and things that shouldn't even be things. I don't feel like I really struggle with inspiration so much as motivation, really. And that is... a much harder thing to find sometimes (especially when you're mentally ill)
30. Do you like to read books similar to your project while you’re drafting or do you stick to non-fiction/un-similar works?
Um. I like to read fantasy mostly, but I don't look for something similar or different from my projects intentionally. I just.... look for things that I like? But I don't really know how to explain that lol
33. What’s your revision/rewriting process like? Since I'm writing mostly fanfiction and the culture of having a beta reader has dwindled significantly, making it hard to find one, I do a lot of self-editing. I'm usually re-reading a lot as I'm writing. So until a chapter is done, I'm always going back and reading/editing before moving on to the next scene. And then once I'm done writing a chapter I'll usually edit it about two or three times in full in the document, then I put it in draft on Ao3 for another edit before posting.
36. Post a snippet All right a snippet..... Let's go with something from: The Art of Love, Chapter 13 (not the next chapter, but the one after). Since I left everyone hanging for so long with that last scene of Gaara and Lee, this is the entire first scene to ch13: It was all his fault. If he hadn't let himself get so carried away in the dream of Gyokukakushin, in the dream of Gaara, in the dream of safety they didn't have this wouldn't be happening. Their belongings had been stuffed haphazardly into their various bags. Despite how many times he'd checked and double checked, Lee felt sure that he'd overlooked something—some wayward item that had rolled beneath the bed or fallen behind the desk that would give them away. Gaara had watched him silently, his thoughts kept to himself as Lee dashed about their room like a mad man.
“I think that is everything,” Lee managed over the mantra of 'My fault, my fault' cycling through his mind. His voice trembled as he spoke. Every inch of him trembled. Every breath he took rattled in his chest. Every beat of his heart was a stutter against his rib cage. Every ounce of blood pumping through his veins burned with the need to run.
“This is useless,” Gaara said, the first words he'd spoken since the beach.
Lee snapped his head up, meeting Gaara's enigmatic gaze. “But—”
“They don't set sail until the end of the month,” he reminded Lee. “What use is being packed? Besides, it will look suspicious if we leave now.”
Tears burned at the corners of Lee's eyes. “But if they are coming—”
“They're coming,” Gaara murmured. “But even if they arrive before we've departed, we have our disguises. You have to trust that we'll be fine.”
Lee's head spun. How could Gaara be so calm? How could he sit there, quiet and unshakable, when Lee felt as though the world were falling apart around them? How could he be so sure that eleven days from now, they'd set sail, free and undiscovered? How was he not furious with Lee for his complacency?
Gaara was at Lee's side before Lee could shake the spinning in his head, a gentle hand at Lee's elbow and a surety in his eyes.
“I know you won't let anything happen to me,” he told Lee, as soft and insistent as the thumb he'd once pressed against the corner of Lee's mouth.
“No. Never.” Lee's stomach twisted, guilt rising like the tide. He'd let his feelings jeopardize everything.
“Then what do you have to fear?”
A trembling laugh escaped Lee, soft and unsteady. He had everything to fear, yet Gaara's gaze implored him to forget those fears. He managed to speak, his tongue heavy with the lie, “I do not know.”
“Then do not know fear. It will make this harder for us, especially if the Daimyo's soldiers arrive before we've left.”
“If they do—”
“If they do, we will be as unknown to them as any other traveler. And if not, I trust your speed to carry us to safety.”
“We would miss our ship.”
“If it comes to that, so be it. We can find other ways of traveling to Tea Country.”
Lee allowed himself to believe all would be well because he couldn't believe anything else when looking into the depths of Gaara's eyes, but there was no escaping his gnawing guilt or the knowledge that his heart had led them to ruin.
39. Do you spend a lot of time analyzing and studying the work of authors you admire? I wouldn't say a lot of time per say, certainly not as much as I should, but I definitely do like to analyze other works and learn new skills, etc.
42. How many drafts do you usually write before you feel satisfied? I don't really write “drafts” per say. Since I'm just writing fanfiction, I'm usually just writing and then heavily editing. Sometimes editing does mean taking out and entirely rewriting entire scenes. And sometimes in writing fics, I do jump ahead—though very rarely—and write a rough draft of a future scene so I don't lose the idea/beats/etc, and then that will be re-written fully when I do get to it. But on average, I'm just doing a lot of editing.
45. First or third person? Third, definitely. I'll never be able to write first person cause it just doesn't really suit me and, overall, I think that it's a very hard point of view to write from. For me, it takes a special
48. Do you prefer to write skimpy drafts and flesh them out later, or write too much and cut it back? So before I write something, depending on what it is I will write an outline that can vary from a few sentences to like pages.
51. Are you a secretive writer or do you talk with your friends about your books? A bit of both really. I love talking about the things I'm working on, but I also love to keep things a surprise so I can see what people's genuine reactions are to like plot twists or whatever. Of course, my problem is that I have to like—talk about my projects to stay motivated. It's a hard balance. I usually end up talking with my roommate since they also write fanfic for Naruto but not GaaLee. We can bounce ideas off each other, when we're stuck, etc.
54. Favorite first line/opening you’ve written? Ugh this is another hard one...  I think im gonna go with the opening from IEYH right now as one of my fave becuase I think I did a decent job of setting the tone of my very first horror project: Too often, ghost stories begin with dark nights or horrible, gruesome death. Real ghosts don't follow the patterns of a novel; there are no beginnings, middles, and ends; no rising action and falling action; no denouement. Ghosts do not achieve resolution; ghost do not experience the climax of their own tale. There are no happy—or even sad—endings. There are no endings at all.
Ghost stories go on and on and on, rambling endlessly towards nothing and no where, only stopping for the finite amount of words one can speak or write in one's lifetime.
That is the true horror of death: ceaseless, unending nothingness.
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matan4il · 4 years
3, 9, 10, 12, 13
Thank you, querida!
3. Favorite character you’ve ever written?
I honestly love writing every character and trying to delve into their minds and worlds, but I think with Blue Against Blue, I got to do that with Eddie to such a degree and explore his incredibly complex POV that it would have to be him, hands down. Second favorite is probably Jewish Buck, I didn’t get to dive in as deep or for as long yet, but the things he's allowing me to look at are so unique that I adore him, too.
9. Favorite trope
Does PWP count? ;) I’m actually rather serious, I love seeing how people explore the connection between the physical and the emotional. I know that’s what attracts me to writing it. On a sfw note, probably fake dating. There’s just so much good tension at play there, in the "we’re not, but we’re pretending we are, and we secretly wish we were", which is like a 5 layer chocolate cake. You can never go wrong with a 5 layer chocolate cake.
10. Least favorite trope
MCD. It’s the worst of the unhappy endings and fandom is my happy place where I escape all the unhappy endings we’re already inundated with in rl and the media. But also, and this is a very personal experience, I find that more than with other types of angst, it’s easy to make readers sad by simply killing a loved character, so some writers of MCD end up not really doing much more than that and to me, that feels kind of hollow.
12. Favorite piece you’ve written
You know, I honestly can’t choose? In general, it might be this poem, originally written in Hebrew (note: ‘your name’ in Hebrew is one word), because I used the feminine form of the word in the title, this was my coming out poem -
Your Name
I am the man who speaks many languages But says only one word Like that fool, who keeps banging his hand on the table And believes that that’s called music.
In terms of fics, so many mean a lot to me. I think the fact that I adore BaB is obvious, also the Jewish!Buck 'verse means so much for very personal reasons, I’m really proud of Soulmate, Dry Your Eye as well because it was incredibly challenging to write. And then Dancing Where the Stars Go is poetry and prose intertwined? So I love it, too. And there's the charcoal fic that I just finished and love for the art theme, and the WWII AU that I'm dying to expand on. And the beginning of the pirates AU! I kind of adore how it kicks off. Fuck Me Yourself, You Coward, for restoring my faith that I can write humor other people enjoy. IDK, how am I meant to choose when they're all special in a way?
13. Favorite line you've written
OMG, if you thought I couldn't choose just one fic! XD OK, ask me again in an hour and I'd probably choose another line, but right now I'm thinking, from Soulmate, Dry Your Eye - "And there is no changing that, no fighting it, nor moving on from your soulmate, there is no getting over them, even when they aren't yours." It expresses my love for the power of the soulmate trope, even if here, it's in a sad context.
Really enjoyed answering these! xoxox
Ask me about my writing/fics
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mogoona3000 · 5 years
Irondad & Spiderson Extravaganza—Fanfic Author Appreciation Day Edition
In honor of Fanfic Author Appreciation Day, here’s the fic list that haunts me at night, that list I cannot stop reading even if I wanted to. There are a few more but this was going to run too long, so I’ll just add my AO3 bookmark link because wow. Everything I bookmarked deserves the look over. Promise.
Lights to Guide You Home - @jolinarjackson
This is that story I cannot stop reading, and I love it more each time I do. It introduces other characters from the MCU, and honestly, Jules can give the Russos a run for their money with the way storylines are connected here. It’s elegant and perfectly paced. It’s one of my favorites. I recommend the entire series wholeheartedly. 
What We Are - @yellowdistress
A sucker for biodad Mr. Stark = me. 
Guys. The very first chapter--the very first line in this story holds right at your PULSE. And it doesn’t let go, not until it wants to. Which is never. Precious Peter Parker is an UNDERSTATEMENT. You want some AU Stark boys going through their lives as best as they can? With your canon “chaotic & heart of gold” Tony, and “walking disaster & too pure for this world” Peter? This. This is it. The whole series. The whole thing. 
The Third Option - Uncertainty_Principle
My very first fic in this fandom and it was, indeed, the best start I could’ve possibly gotten. This AU is outstanding. Man, what a job well done. I have so much to say that I can’t even begin to express it all. This fic blew the door wide open for me. It’s..yeah. This is masterful. 
Hydra’s Not a Home - @tempestaurora
Ugh. There is something about biodad Tony that just fills my lungs with air. This entire series was so complete, so well done; it was fun, and witty, and hurtful and feelings were everywhere. Also, also..Pepper is everything and more in here, and I love when she’s heavily involved. And it’s done well. It makes me FLY. Needless to say..yes. So much yes. The entire series. The whole entire thing. A must read. A muuuuuust. Yes. 
Webcams and Webshooters - @losingmymindtonight
I’m trying very hard to keep my composure because THIS SERIES RIGHT HERE, MAN. WOW. These two chaotic messes are being ridiculous on Peter’s YouTube channel and it’s the funniest, the most enjoyable thing. Nothing short of the most loving and endearing clips until it punches you in the mouth, leaves you bleeding, and then patches you up. All at the same time. If you listen closely, you can still hear my love and tears over this. Goodness, this was outstanding. 
It’ll Be Over (And I’ll Still Be asking When) - @jbsforever
My heart. The jokes. The tears. The Bruce. The way this story is handled, the way Peter Parker..I just..And there is that one scene that I just go back to all the time, because y’all just write the coolest things, and my nerd tears are LOUD. Someone read this and geek out with me. Message me right after you’re done. RIGHT AFTER.
Reviving Peter Parker - @yellowdistress
Here’s what happened: I read this and it took me the h out. 
You know, some times we wish for things that we know cannot take place. And when they actually do happen, because in the world of Tony Stark, aliens and gods walk amongst him so nothing can really surprise him anymore, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Denni has a way to tell a story with such very human-like emotion, and responses from our boys, that it’s almost too much. The tears were present right with their sibling pain. Read it all. All the parts. You won’t regret it. 
The Closest Thing He’s Got - @ grilledcheesing 
The..things I underwent with this wonderful work..All the emotions in the spectrum. Just so many things to feel. 
You love Steve? Read this. You hate Steve? Read this.
You love Spidey? Read. This. You hate Spidey? Read this, but good luck.
You love Irondad & Spiderson trope? Read this!!!!!
You love Tony Stark? Read this right now. Because he’s dong his best and everyone needs to back off. 
You hate Tony? Read this and eat your heart out.
Read this. Read this read this read this
5 Times Peter Parker Saved Tony Stark - @madasthesea 
There is a special place in my heart for all things “Peter Parker saving himself + others” and Tony just impressed with him each time. Because yeah, Tony. You found a good one. And he loves you just as much as you love him. “Ugh. So proud of that Spiderbaby” was what I murmured throughout this whole thing, with the occasional scream :)
5 Times Peter Made Tony Laugh Out Loud - @ grilledcheesing
There were tears rolling down my face when I read this. It was the funniest thing. I love Peter, that walking disaster. I’m just glad Tony is in his corner. Please read this and have yourself a good laugh. It is the best. But beware that all jokes must stop at some point.
5 Times Everyone Thought Spider-Man was Iron Man’s Favorite Superhero -  @madasthesea
Mr. Parker deserves all the love, and all the support. All the encouragement. All the good and “doing his best to be good” Irondad. This is the fic where my boys are loving on each other and everything is right with the world. 
Here’s to All the New Beginnings - @groo-ock
There is no retired Irondad like this author’s retired irondad. Gosh, Tony is a MESS, but what a good one he is. This gives you origin pieces here and there, and Tony being comically distressed over Peter, and loving him so much, it’s almost unhealthy. Also, love me some Pepper Stark nei Potts. I laughed so hard and then cried just as much. Peter’s growing and Tony can’t handle much of it. 
Honey Bee Theorem - @ closingdoors 
There are so many ways Tony’s life could’ve been lived, so many things that could’ve happened, so many things that could’ve been said. Pepper explores all of them, and it leaves you breathless no matter which way she presents them. This was quick and painful and gorgeous. We stan Queen Stark nei Potts. And we might not be okay, but yeah, he can definitely rest now. 
Soul of Wit - @yellowdistress
Sometimes I’m in bed at night thinking, “hmm, Denni is out for blood.” And by that, I mean she’s out for mine specifically. This ridiculous one-shot shot me right in my chest. Leave it to Denni to literally show you the world as it is, and make you feel this..ache in your chest, and have you THANK HER FOR THE PAIN SHE’S CAUSED. I love her work so much, that talented bean. Read this. Till the very, very end. It’s gonna suck, but I promise you’ll love it. 
Holdfasts - @groo-ock
“I know this is just my under-treated anxiety talking,” Tony says, “but if I leave this chair or close my eyes even for a second, the kid is going to die. So I have to stay here.”
Tony and Peter are a walking disaster. It’s so bad, oh my gosh. It’s so bad. The laughing while simultaneously panicking as I read this was unbelievable. The things these authors make me FEEL. Y’all don’t understand how good this is. Like, lol, seriously. This is just straight up phenomenal. Phenomenal.
Four Paragraphs - @iron--spider
WOW. Okay. The softest thing in all the land is what takes place when this majestic author creates a story. I mean, seriously, these were the best four paragraphs I’ve ever laughed and cried through. The love, the pride, the longing, the gentleness. “Everything is alright. We’re okay” is always the theme with iron--spider and honestly? I STAN SO HARD, IT MIGHT BE ILLEGAL. Loved this so much. So much. 
Call This Fixer-Upper Home - @3wworms 
Amy has a way with words. It’s surreal how a simple one shot about a couch can have someone aching, eyes prickling, and long after the tab for the story is closed, the thoughts of it all produce salty tears. Maybe it was the note she left before the story started. But..nah, Amy has a WAY with WORDS. It’s unmatched. It’s surreal. 
I Am One of You Forever - @groo-ock 
Say goodbye to your canon broken heart because this is coming for it full force. This was entirely too beautiful; it was easy. Simple. Genuine. It was SO moving. The closing chapter to the brand new book. Like a dream. Mundane, loving, friendship, love. You name all good things, this one-shot has got it. The tears will be inevitable. On multiple occasions. 
Star Child - @iron--spider
This is so organic and so soft. It’s wholesome, so much so it made me cry. These two really deserved more time. And I will never thank this author enough for giving it to them. Always. My Pete is undoubtedly a star child. Don’t fight Tony on it. 
The First Birthday After - @iron--spider
Goodness. No words. Just tears. 
Happy Birthday, tincan. 
We miss you. 
Flight of the Navigator - @3wworms
Everything, and I mean everything Amy posts is truly organic, mature and just nothing short of phenomenal. This is my favorite from her. The level of detail and characterization displayed here leaves me speechless. Always. I literally run from her fics. She pushes things out of me with the most mundane, simple concepts. A conversation, a thought, a LINE. Goodness, did I cry when I read this. It’s elegant and intelligent, insightful. It’s just so great. There is a tone to everything she creates, and it’s always so heartfelt. Everything. Everything everything is truly a work of art. 
Blankets and Brain Melting Fevers - @hailing-stars
I love some ridiculous, overprotective, comical Tony Stark. And I love even more the way Peter’s heart always has a thing for showing something new to this man. Something as simple as spaghetti-o's, and to make me CRY real tears. This was so funny and truly wonderful. Uncalled tears! But wonderful nonetheless. 
On My First Son - pansley
I almost didn’t include this. There are some things some would say are better left..unread. But what a disservice would that have been to you, to us, to the author. 
I cried throughout the entire time I was reading this. Literally. The moment you meet Peter, you already lost. 
This is absolutely incredible. What a piece. 
This one is the definition of a tear jerker. Period. It will wake up things inside of you that you’d never even know you’d felt for these characters we grew with. 
I cannot emphasize this enough: I was dangerously dehydrated. 
Heavens, what a story. I was breathless. 
Read this, but sincerely do so with extreme caution. 
Hold on to everything, because this one-shot is coming like a tsunami. No ifs ands or buts.
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ffma-2020 · 4 years
The Dark and The Light
Interpreting the theme
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The theme for this year’s Finnlo-focused Multiship Anthology is The Dark and The Light.
(If you would like to know more about this project, including how to sign up, please refer to our Announcement Post and FAQ.)
As well as providing scope to explore opposing Canonverse ideas about the Force (Dark Side vs Light Side) or political alignments (First Order vs Resistance) this theme makes room for individual character contrasts, such as histories, personalities, families, and childhoods.
Literal ‘darkness’ or ‘light’ may also provide scope for imagery, or could lead to the exploration of mythical or supernatural themes or creatures associated with these concepts.
You may, of course, interpret this year’s theme however you please as long as you center your fic or art around a Finnlo-focused ship, and represent the characters with respect in your contribution. 
For those who need motivation, or who may just like a prompt, below we have put together a few bulleted-lists of suggestions, images, and quotes to further inspire you. We hope something here will help get you started and assist you to submit your outline. 
Please feel free to use, adapt or amalgamate any of the suggestions below the cut, or in turn leave them all behind and come up with your own. Do also feel free to brainstorm in the Discord with us as it’s just fun and we like it :)
Prompts are below the cut if you need them! If not just keep scrolling, or indulge for a moment in the dance ;)
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If you like to write or draw Canonverse or Canon-divergent, consider...
> The idea of switching sides or allegiances (Dark Side to Light Side, or the reverse):
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren might defect from the First Order and join the Resistance, or the reverse!
Knight_of_Ren!Kylo might somehow become Jedi!Ben, also reversible!
An untrained Force-sensitive Finn might somehow become a Knight of Ren (Apprentice AU).
FN-2187 might learn the ways of the Force (Jedi, Sith or other!) and end up as perhaps either Jedi!Finn or Dark_Side_Apprentice!Finn.
Padawan!Finn could meet Padawan!Ben just before the destruction event at Luke’s Jedi Temple. 
Just-beginning-to-Fall Ben / Emerging Kylo Ren might meet up with FN-2187.
> Pre-TFA era, set between Age of Resistance - Finn #1 and Episode VII:
Remember this?? **cough**the smut potential**cough**
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> A TRoS ‘fix-it’:
Set after TLJ, Kylo/Ben and Finn start to experience Force-connections.
Finn and Kylo are rival leaders, Finn of a stormtrooper uprising/rebellion and Kylo as Supreme Leader of the First Order.
A post-TRoS story with a redeemed Force-Ghost Ben Solo.
A complete HEA re-write! 
If modern AUs are more your thing, consider...
Finn and Kylo/Ben have very particular coffee preferences (Coffee Shop AU!)
Photography students who meet in the darkroom developing film and making contact sheets (College AU)
Scientist!Finn finds a Mothlo during field research one night (bug kink)
Finn and Ben are Chess-Club-Nerd rivals (High School AU)
Laser tag AU (heroes-and-villains or enemies-to-lovers)
If you’re into mythical/supernatural creatures, here are just a handful with clear connections to the light, but we’re sure you can think of more!!
Vampires > Hate sunlight
Werewolves > Love/hate moonlight
Angels > One take is that they’re born of the light
Demons > One take is that they’re banished from the light
And lastly some quotes about the darkness to inspire you...
“Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely.” - Edna St Vincent Millay
“No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.” - Terry Pratchett
“There is the darkness that frightens, the darkness that soothes, the darkness that is restful… There is the darkness of lovers, and the darkness of assassins. It becomes what the bearer wishes it to be, needs it to be. It is not wholly bad or good.” - Sarah J Maas
“I am blinding / Autoluminescent / I am white heat / I am heaven sent / I was a nightmare / But I'm not gonna go there / Again” - Rowland S Howard
“I feel it again. The pull to the light.” - Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
“My nightly craft is winged in white, a dragon of night dark sea / Swift born, dream bound and rudderless, her captain and crew are me / We've sailed a hundred sleeping tides where no seaman's ever been / And only my white-winged craft and I know the wonders we have seen.” - Anne McCaffrey
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bloodydamnit · 5 years
Updated Red Rabbits Guide!
Hello there! So, we’ve noticed that we’re getting a ton of new readers!!! Since so much time has passed and lots of new things have happened, I thought we should update this for those who are just hopping on the RRP train! 
Everything still stands!! The episodes and audio notes still follow the same format, but there have been a few minichapters in between, and chapters that show insight to Andrew and Neil’s story. The differences are always said in the authors notes, so you never get lost!!!
Hello everyone! So, I’ve seen a few people lost, confused, or scared to ask about where to start with Red Rabbits! I know it’s a bit confusing to start at first, especially since there’s so much going on. So here is an updated guide! (It looks really long. It’s not, I just ramble. That’s how we got to 20k words in 2 chapters. lol)
Reminder that Red Rabbits spans across several platforms. However, if you prefer to just stick with the fic, you totally can! There will be summaries of the past week from posting during Andrew’s Audio Notes! So no worries. If you do not want to interact with the social medias, you totally don’t have to!
What is Red Rabbits?
Red Rabbits is an investigative journalism!au, in which Andrew Minyard starts a podcast to find out what happened to Mary and Nathaniel Wesninski when they disappeared ‘15′ years ago. Set in current times and after the wildly popular documentary, The Butcher (by Edgar Allen Productions), we follow Andrew on his journey and Neil on his escape, for/from the truth. 
Alright. Here we go :)
Listen to the Theme Song
Chapter 1: Pilot 
Pilot - Official Transcript
Pilot - Edited Transcript
Listen to the [ Redacted ] part of the transcript be read by our voice for Andrew!
Family Portrait
The Butcher Movie Poster
Chapter 2: Audio Notes #1
Andrew’s wall photo
Explore our Tumblr 
Exploring @redrabbitspod​ is fun all on its own. We have a full directory to help readers/listeners find their way on the blog. As well as a fun team page and music player for the theme song (and perhaps in the future, songs that Andrew is interested in).
The website is updated daily and maintained by me (aka Seth)
Explore Andrew’s Twitter!
Chapter 3: Episode 2
Basement Photo
Zillow Ad
^^^^^^^ If I listed all 23 chapters, this post would be even longer than it is. But, every piece of evidence is linked in the chapter either in the authors, or end notes, so they’re easy to find.^^^^^^^^
On the blog and twitter, you will also be kept up to date with all Andrew’s whereabouts, as well as any announcements and updates from the RR team, also ‘evidence’, ‘audio clips’, photographs, art, character sketches (in the future), etc! I make evidence for every chapter! And we post new things throughout the week! This follows directly with the storyline and will be summarized every other week in Andrew’s Audio Notes! Again, you can make it through RR without it! It’s not necessary. But this is just a fun extra step that you can take if you wish :)
We post once a week, every Sunday. If there is a delay, we will keep you posted on both Twitter and Tumblr. With that being said, we alternate between Neil and Andrew chapters. Neil’s chapters will always be titled ‘Episode:____’, while Andrew’s will be ‘Audio Notes #____’. 
This, for now, is just a fanfiction. Interactive! Yes, but there will not be full audio podcasts. I handle all the audio and art for this project and it’s a lot of work, as well as being demanding for our voice actor! With that being said, if you see photos of the apple podcast app, that is edited! For the purposes of immersion in the fic! So, just keep that in mind that this is a written fic with a lot of other elements. We do have audio clips though! (posted above and found in our directory!) And we hope to continue making them :)
(A timeline and map will be posted soon!)
There are also a ton of fan accounts out there engaging with this world! This page was updated a few days ago and there have been many more made since then, but here is a small list that I hope to update regularly! You can hop on their blogs to see memes, mood boards, extremely detailed timelines and notes for each episode, etc! 
In that same vein, we have a discord for RR! Quick updates, sneak peeks, access to a brief timeline and world directory are on there as well. You can interact with other RR peeps, create your own oc, interact with the world, conspire, come up with theories, etc! It is welcome for everyone! DM me for a link and I would be happy to send you an invite! 
If you don’t want to join the discord, our inbox @redrabbitspod is open for any leads, inquiries, etc. As well as our email, which you can send your ‘leads’ (we’ve already gotten some good ones. omfg) [email protected]! Keep in mind that on the RRP blog, we are all in character. So if Andrew is an ass to you, don’t take it personally lol! It’s his job :)
Also! If you choose to engage with the RR world in any way, know that you have the potential to alter the story! This is interactive! You, as a reader/’listener’ play a part! We have a set direction this story goes in with several important events, but a lot of you are altering how we do things! So get creative and have fun! Just remember, you only know what is on the blogs, twitter, and what Andrew explicitly tells you in the chapters. Remember to read the authors notes at the beginning of the chapters to understand what we mean!
I think that’s it for now. This will be updated regularly with each chapter and new content so people can keep up/know where to start!
-The RR Creators/Team @bloodydamnit @jtmann182 @seabearthirteen @fuckyeahdisreputablekibeth​
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copperpearl · 7 years
You used to be anti "A Long Way from Home". What happened to change that?
The extended explanation, which I strongly encourage everyone to read(YES, EVEN IF YOU’RE DEFINITELY NEVER READING THE FIC), but scroll to the bottom bolded part if you must:
First, it’s important to understand my initial introduction to the fic and why my reaction was so severe: Someone who will not be named, who I am no longer in contact with, recommended it to me. This was knowing I deeply identified with Pearl, knowing I was an assault victim, and knowing that I was using jaspearl with Pearl being a survivor to help cope with that. I wasn’t warned about the contents, just told that it was a good jaspearl story, and given the illustrated version to read.
Being easily triggered by graphic images, this did not end well. Without knowing anything else about the story, and the initial assault scene very nicely mirroring my own experiences, AND it involving the rape of a character I identified with by a character I was shipping her with to heal that pain, I was, as you said, VERY against the fic. I was under the immediate impression that it was rape-as-entertainment porn. I got nauseous every time I saw the title, or even mention of the author’s name. NONE of this is her fault, and it’s important to remember that. I know a lot of people say things about her, and they really aren’t fair, because I know for a fact that reactions such as mine are not something she wishes on anyone, because she’s said just that to me. I’m only mentioning them again to show how significant and sincere the rest of the story is.
I was(and still am!) in a discord chat centered on an SU character, one of the first people who were in it, and I became a regular voice in it. Around mid/late October, Butts got added to it. I immediately got upset and worried, and I went to the creator of the discord chat for help. I knew it was rude of me to be so upset, since she seemed nice and others were excited about her being there. I had the idea to try and talk to her. Maybe knowing why she wrote what she did, and what the purpose of it was, and an affirmation that it wasn’t “rape is hawt lol” junk, would help stop my irrational fear of her. But since I wasn’t sure what she was like or how the rest of the VERY long fic outside of that first chapter progressed(plus a few snippets of the early chapters that were also sent to me to mess me up), I was way too nervous to do that. Thankfully, the chat mod had read it, and assured me that it was all about survival and subversion, and NOT what I had been led to believe it was. Still something I was sure I’d never want to read, but I still wanted to talk to her.
And I am very, VERY glad I did. She immediately apologized. Yes, apologized for the fact that someone else made their own choice to use her content to hurt me. After a bit of conversation she said this, which I’m putting copied from that convo since I couldn’t say it better myself(with her permission):
“ No, it makes sense. I understand coming into it and not expecting it must have been jarring. The first 6-7 chapters have some very difficult, hard-to-swallow content. There are themes there that point out and enunciate every ugly, demeaning trope that we have become normalized to. And it’s on purpose. Because I wanted to explore the characters in the context of a society that condones that behavior. I want Homeworld’s culture and flaws to reflect ours in an acute, unmistakable way. Building up these issues and the society that breeds them in the first ~7 Chapters or so is only for the explicit purpose of later tearing it down from the inside out. I wanted to show Jasper unravel herself from the Homeworld mindset and I wanted Pearl to come into her own through the experience as well. I’m currently in Act II of a three-act fic, so it’s quite a long game I’m playing. And yes, it’s not always pretty. It’s a hard fic to read and stomach for some. I won’t deny that. But it’s the fic I needed to write for myself as an artist and a creator to deconstruct some of these themes.I apologize–I know hearing about it might upset you. But I also hope it will help explain some of the choices made from my perspective. Know not every fic I write as those themes.  But when I do write about them, I write them for a purpose.I’ll be honest, it can be a little upsetting that there are a lot of conclusions draw about me and my writing before I’ve finished it. I’ve had people call it “that fancy rape fic” and other such things that really make me uncomfortable. Yes, there is non-con in the fic, but that’s not what it’s ABOUT. Not to me.”
There was much more to our conversation, but that’s the bit that helped take away the majority of my fears. And even after accepting and thanking her for her explanation, she not only told me to let her know if she ever did anything else to make me uncomfortable, but offered right there to excuse herself from the server if I felt her presence would be too much for me. That wasn’t something she had to do. She could have just given her explanation and left it at that, and I wouldn’t have blamed her for doing so! But she still offered. I declined, and we’re still both in the server.
It would have ended there, except for two things:
1. A friend of mine who also didn’t want to read the fic or hear about any of the darker parts, but did think Butts had a lovely art style, mentioned looking at the later chapters for the pretty art.
2. I was still getting much milder but still irritating reactions when I came across mentions of the fic or looked in the art tag of tumblrs that reblogged some of the earlier art and stumbled across it. Not to mention, tumblr savior and blacklist are just plain shitty sometimes, and people also just don’t feel like tagging their reblogs either.
Because of that, I decided maybe some mild exposure therapy would help, on my own terms. If I looked just at the later chapter art, and saw the pretty things my friend liked, which I knew wouldn’t be triggering because she was avoiding the fic itself for similar reasons, maybe I’d be able to associate content and talk about it with things that weren’t immediately disturbing.
And of course, I made the mistake of not asking to clarify WHICH chapter art that friend thought was pretty, or going to Butts herself or any other fans for direction to which illustrations would be safe for me to view. So I looked a liiiittle too early, and saw things like Pearl in her cell/the nursery Pearl(”Hello”) next to her, and the three Pearls in the brothel. These weren’t enough to be triggering or that upsetting, but I didn’t like them at first and was annoyed that this time I didn’t take the right precautions to avoid them.
But I’m glad I messed up, because it got me intrigued. From those pictures(and some others) plus snippets of sentences I caught while scrolling, I got the feeling this wasn’t just a fic that subverted awful tropes and handled the idea of a society that has no concept of sexual assault well. It was one which also had themes and worldbuilding elements around that main concept that I, specifically, would enjoy and appreciate. Remember, I’m currently working on two projects involving Pearls that are sexually abused and either healing from or fighting to escape said abuse, though all of the assault happens off-screen. Take all the written/drawn instances of it out, and replace Jasper with an OC since I don’t like thinking of canon characters as assailants, and you have something I might write myself!
I thought, ok, what if I try reading part of the fic? I remembered that Butts had said it was the earlier chapters that had all of the especially hard to swallow things before the subversion and tearing down of tropes started. It wasn’t a guarantee, but if the world she’d made was as captivating as I thought it might be, that could help with my lingering issues. With the few snippets I saw, I really, REALLY wanted to try. After some debate, I decided to go to Butts for advice on where I should start. She was the person with the most information on how badly the earlier versions had triggered me + an extra intimate knowledge of where certain themes were.
And hoooly shit am I glad I went to her. I explained that I’d seen snippets of middle/later chapters, both from being linked to earlier/middle stuff and from looking at middle/later stuff myself. I wanted to try reading the fic, just for the exploration into the Homeworld she created. I had a lot of questions. I wanted to know if it was possible to read from a later point, and if she would be ok with just telling me important plot bits of the earlier chapters, and if she would be ok with me asking questions while I read if I was confused about anything.
She did that, and WAY more. This wasn’t long ago, just over a week; looking at our convo shows my questions about reading started on the 9th. We talked for hours about the things I was intrigued by, the concerns I had, and what scenes exactly would be hard or impossible for me to read. We literally talked for HOURS about the themes she had, what her intentions were with them, worldbuilding stuff that other fans had never asked but I was curious about, seeing if I was understanding the mindset of the characters properly, etc. I even spoke a lot about the similarities/differences between her headcanon for Gem reproduction and mine, and a lot of my own original ideas in general.
She suggested I start at a specific point in chapter 7, gave me a phrase to ctrl + f to start from, and EXPLICITLY warned me of some future things that may have been upsetting, since she wasn’t sure what other things I was triggered by. This resulted in, from mid-chapter 7 to chapter 13, over several days, my reading what I could in short bursts and stopping both when I needed a break and when I was confused/had questions.
And Butts happily and enthusiastically answered every. Single. One.She was very attentive to my concerns, and even gave me a spoiler for something I was very worried about and said I would have to mentally prepare myself if handled a certain way(No, I’m not saying what it was or whether it’ll be handled that certain way or not, don’t bug her about it either, it was a personal issue for me). My questions even prompted the idea of a chapter-by-chapter reading guide for those who like me would enjoy the plot but needed to be careful about certain scenes! No guarantee on that, just bringing it up as that is the kind of genuine concern and thoughtfulness Butts has about these things.
It got to the point where I was pausing in my reading not because I had to or I was confused, but because the way something was being handled or something a character did had me very excited due to how WELL it was done, and I just had to fangirl over it to her directly. I even did a “liveblog” to her of my reading the latest chapter(14) via private messaging, again because I was just so damn excited(hence my partial analysis of the chapter). There are still rough themes, still things I have trouble reading, but now it’s all done with the knowledge that the author truly understands the gravity of these things, and how serious they are, and how delicately they ought to be handled.
That said, it’s still a very dark, very heavy fic. A lot of people won’t like it, and just plain won’t be able to read any of it. That’s fine! But I want to assure everyone that no, Butts does not write rape as entertainment. She doesn’t treat sexual assault lightly. She doesn’t want anyone to be hurt by her writing, and knows the importance of taking harmful tropes associated with assault and tearing them down. And, in the eyes of someone who once had full-blown panic attacks at just the words “A Long Way From Home”, she’s doing it EXTREMELY well.
In short: Yes, by no fault of the author, ALWFH once hurt me terribly, due in part to the noncon elements and how they are at first portrayed. Now, after just a week of careful guidance from Butts, those same exact elements are helping me to heal.
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drowningbydegrees · 3 years
1 and 11 for the writer asks?
<3 1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
I am working on a number of things right now, some of which I can talk about more than others. Novigrad Exchange fic About: It's a seeeeeecret, but I'll be posting it in the next week. Progress: Almost done! With any luck, I've got less than 2k to go, so we'll see. What I love: This is one of those concepts that, when I got into fandom I never would have written. But I am having a ridiculous amount of fun. I meant for it to only be maybe 3k total, but that ship has long since sailed. It Doesn't Break But It Bends (for the GBB) About: Time travel shenanigans! Jaskier can't accept Geralt's untimely death so he traps himself in a time loop trying to outwit destiny to fix it. Progress: 2/3 of the way done, I think? What I love: I'm always a fan of playing with tropes in ways I haven't seen done six ways from Sunday. Plus, I will very enthusiastically talk about ethics at great length if you get me going, so I'm having fun with the moral quandary of, now that Jaskier has put himself in a place to fix this, if he can't do it and he gives up, does that make him complicit?
Fic for Beyond the Continent About: I don't know how much we're able to share, so I'm going to err on the side of caution. It is exploring Yennefer and Ciri's relationship. Progress: Maybe 25%? The outline is done and generally once I've got the framework done, the rest comes together smoothly though, so that percentage is a bit misleading. What I love: I adore the art I'm writing this to go with. I have done a really embarrassing amount of staring at it. But on a more personal level, I'm really enjoying getting to dig into two characters I haven't explored quite so much.
Once Written In the Stars About: Fae!Jaskier rescues Geralt and gets himself exiled from his home in the process. Geralt ends up sort of stuck with a creature who has rarely even met a human, let alone had to pretend to be one. Cultural disconnects, magic used for ethically dubious purposes, and other shenanigans ensue. Progress: 😭 This fic is the one I currently point to to remind myself, "Rachel. We do not post WIPs in this house." I have a bunch more written and the whole rest is outlined, but because I am a ridiculous person, I have not updated it in a year. It is written into my writing schedule now (because I am that kind of nerd), so hopefully I can rectify that soon!
The Heart of the Matter About: Geralt ends up cursed to act on anything he thinks. The mage assumes he'll get irritated and harm Jaskier (or worse). Geralt assumes this too. Much to his distress, Jaskier believes otherwise. Progress: Almost done! It's not for anything, so it's been kind of languishing in my Google Drive for a while, though. What I love: At the end of the day, I will pretty much always lean towards h/c and this is definitely an opportunity to drop a character into a sad, angsty situation but give them a soft place to land.
There are a bunch of other things sitting partially done in my WIP folder, but none that really merit talking about just yet.
11. What do you envy in other writers?
For some of this, I'm not sure it's so much envy as admiration, but there are definitely things I appreciate in other authors that I wish I were better at.
Functionally speaking, I think it's mostly a matter of output. I have a few favorite writers that I swear publish things constantly. Which I love! I consider myself, as a reader, very spoiled. <3 But personally, I don't think I can ever write fast enough to keep up with all the ideas I even have. It turns into this sort of race of how quickly can I put these together/how many can I get out into the world before I drift off to another fandom.
For that reason, I'm also very much in awe of people who can bounce between projects and reliably post more than one WIP at a time. I've generally set a "no posting WIPs" rule for myself because that's often a death sentence for actually getting the story done. Every fandom, I break it at least once. Every time I kick myself for it later. 😂
From a style standpoint, the things I do legitimately most envy are the things I am most self conscious about in my own writing. There tends to be a little bit of sameness to my work in that there are things I will reliably describe very similarly every time, there are themes I fall back on a lot, I have a style I keep to, etc. So I'm just perpetually impressed by writers with range, who are adaptive to what they're writing.
Meta asks for writers <3
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