#I would like there to be doughnuts
thisisourlovestory · 1 month
have a french exam tomorrow should be revising can’t be bothered to revise cause it’s French and yet watch me be awake until 4 in the morning and then fall asleep during the test
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uncanny-tranny · 2 months
Something beautiful about the word transsexual is that contrary to popular (often by transmeds) belief, it has always included people who don't medically transition in anyway. It simply is an older word for what a lot of people would now call transgender and there are so many transsexual elders who never went on hormones and never had surgery but have identified as transsexual for decades and still do. I know transmeds have been around back in the day too, claiming that transsexual is only for medical transitioners, but many elders will disagree. Even if you look at some trans glossaries from 15 years ago they will define transsexual the same way that we define transgender. Transsexual and transgender are largely synonymous with different connotations to different people. The beauty is that we as trans people get to choose whether we want to reclaim a term that was put on us by cis people, or if we want to claim a term that was created by us for us, and both are beautiful and radical in their own way.
The thing about the history of transness is... we have documentation of trans people having existed for at least a thousand years. Trans history is ancient. We are a fact of humanity, not an option.
The interesting thing about transsexual is that it's a new word - coined in German as Transsexualismus by Magnus Hirschfeld in the 1920s, introduced later as transsexual. Around this time, more people were interested in what would be known as transsexualism. It's around this time and after the war that more and more medical transition options became wide-spread and practiced. Medical transition is by no means as experimental as people fear monger it to be, but in terms of trans history, we're living in a vastly different era than our trans ancestors.
The understanding of transsexual depends on who you ask, but it's my opinion that we ought to include as many transsexuals as possible. The idea that transsexuals are the Good Trans People, the ones who Put In The Work is an idea that's based on transphobia, not the language that's used. The attitude is the problem, the idea that we are inherently broken or must prove ourselves worthy is separate from the words that we identify with or are used to describe us.
It's for this reason that transsexualism is important to me. It's for this reason that I want as many people to be transsexuals as possible, whether or not you medically transition. I personally started preferring transsexual because I see it as political, as personal, as a community of beautiful people I want to help make good. If you don't identify as transsexual, that is great! But, please, know that transsexuals are also not stereotypes. We're not the Good Ones. We are part of the broader trans community, and thus, we should all work together.
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ghost-proofbaby · 6 months
As someone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas I feel like Eddie would light up at getting to be the one to introduce you to all things Christmas traditions.
as someone who doesn’t really celebrate it all that much anymore either, i! fucking! agree!
it’s in the big things — getting to put up a tree with him & wayne and decorate it, nitpicking how ornaments are placed, making garland until you both swallow your pride and admit to wayne that yes the tinsel kind he bought at the store is in fact better — but it’s also in the small things. like that thought vomit i posted about getting hot cocoa and going to look at the lights.
he’d revel in showing you just how much warmth the holidays can hold, and i think he’d be a big sap over the way you make them feel like they did when he was a little younger, like they do in the movies. it’s all so cheesy and so sweet he’s got a tooth ache, doing ridiculous things like singing christmas songs obnoxiously in the shower as he washes your hair and you beg him to stop being so loud through your laughter. being adamant on putting up the decorations the moment thanksgiving is over because you won’t say it, but you like when the magic of the holiday lasts a little longer. when it all gets to linger the entirety of december. he’s putting so much effort into how he wraps your gifts that wayne is convinced the boy has to be severely ill, or that some stranger came in the night to steal him away before replacing him with a ome festive replica version.
and don’t even get me started on how eddie would be if you celebrated/grew up celebrating a different holiday than christmas.
he’d want you to show him all your traditions, would listen to carefully to each explanation and do his absolute most to respect each and every one the same way you do his christmas ones. he wants to enjoy latkes with you (and your family, if that’s in the cards), he wants to decorate a yule log with you (and be there on solstice to burn it with you). he’s just so irrevocably in love with you that he wants to learn and partake in every aspect of your life.
to be loved is to be changed. to learn their traditions and take them in as your own. and eddie munson would demonstrate that perfectly, no doubt.
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trans-xianxian · 8 months
I have become so frustrated w the job search process for an education position that I've finally broken and just started applying for food service jobs again 😭
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tokaritoo · 2 years
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hypothetical doodles for a hypothetical actor au
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lacunasbalustrade · 5 months
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gaito: the idiot
you’re not the strongest if you need to prove it
#to me Buddyfight is the Center of a jam doughnut#it’s something that like a whirlpool has absorbed my life but it’s also been a pillar of strength and even when I felt lost and had many#conflicted thoughts about it and strange feelings I could never hate it because it’s hope#has always been. Buddyfight taught me how to love. at the time I was forced to play games I didn’t love to be company for my brother. I was#studying and I learnt what pressure to achieve and succeed meant.#then that was that one episode where Zanya chooses Tsukikage not because he’s the better option but because he’s his buddy#and I realised that ‘oh- maybe just maybe I can have that too.’#I didn’t even truly understand the concept of love until I watched that.#I was so lost back then haha#it made me want to run away. and even as Buddyfight changed I changed along with it and had to learn to accept the changes in life.#Buddyfight is a game but to me it was the equivalent of a companion. of a confidant. Buddyfight taught me a lot of what I hope I became#it was as close as I could get to a childhood love.#Buddyfight now. It’s the show that brings me comfort to watch. The show that caused me to get into pretty much everything I have now. If yo#Removed it from my life everything would topple down because my entire life was involved with it and continues to be. and I’m comfortable#with that it’s like always having a hand to hold when I need help. it’s the game that teaches me to think inventively and that connects me#to my everything. I wouldn’t be who I am today without it. and it’s always in my heart. my precious friend.#<fcbf live-blogging>
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academicgangster · 1 year
perhaps I should think myself up a cup of coffee and a chocolate doughnut with some of those little sprinkles on top, while I'm thinking
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elementaldoughnut12 · 9 months
Nick Wayne! You seem very relaxed and chill!!💘
Yes!!!! I can now see how we have the same energy! I try to be chill and relaxed but if you mess with me... you will go through a wall also thank you virtual friend!
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robotpussy · 10 months
the charli xcx speed drive music video coming out this late is.... omg
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I'm GLAD bagel is losing do you hear me I'm GLAD
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justleaf · 2 years
I guess it's burnout or whatever but I'm sitting here trying to do work and all I can think about is writing about Vernon Roche's dick. The intrusive dick thoughts are winning.
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piplupod · 2 years
i know the answer is greed and potentially also rising costs but why does anyone need to pay anything over $300 for a place to live. especially when its a studio apartment like... it doesn't make sense idk
#infuriating bc im rly trying to look at if its realistic for me to be alive dnfjdkl#and like. if i get on disability thats 1400 a month (2k is below the poverty line in canada and yet... 1400 is enough for disabled ppl 🤪)#but then most supportive living places want to charge me 70% of my wages (so disability+any money i make outside of that)#like. what am i supposed to use to survive then lol#how tf do u expect me to pay for groceries and transportation and other necessities. i can probably manage that but.#then theres no money left over for fun things. thats fucking miserable#thats 980 for rent. then 420 left over for Anything Other Than Rent#idk if the supportive living places even provide internet or if u have to pay that#so fuck me i guess lmao#i think i can manage like $50 a week for groceries if im careful#which does leave me $220 for anything else. but idk#if i had to pay for internet that'd be roughly $100 from what I've seen for the cheapest plans available... rough#so 120 left for whatever else. also the groceries isnt counting like.. anything other than food oops#so i guess i will just never be able to have any savings djfjdkl#like maybe if i keep my limit of spending to $50 a month for any clothing or ice creams or whatever else#art supplies or plushies or whatever else. doughnuts etc. then maybe i can squirrel away 70 a month#the 50 would also have to go towards bus tickets probably bc govmt doesnt always give u a bus pass for disability#i think u have to pay for it each month? i cant remember#god that sucks#like legit if it's going to be like that then I'd kind of rather kill myself dbdjdl that sounds miserable to me#esp since i have no irl friends and i dont think im going to be able to make any bc im so twitchy and jumpy and bad at socialising fhjdkl#idk. i dont think I'll even be approved for disability to be entirely honest. don't think im disabled enough for the govmt to approve me#so rest in peace me i guess maybe literally fjfjdkl#idk how anyone is alive anymore this is just a fucked up world and i think im tired of dealing w everything#suicide tw#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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i wanna eat a spincrystal so fucking bad oh my god
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contrappostoes · 2 years
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accounts that post pics of their mini fuwakororins in various situations are possibly the only reason to be on twitter
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hollenka99 · 4 months
Tłusty Czwartek :D
Not having access to pączki D:
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rubys-domain · 10 months
sooooooooo, now that the stream spilled the deets, let's talk 4.0 banners shall we?
1st half: Lyney, Yelan; Lynette
2nd half: Childe, Zhongli; Freminet
pulling plans below cuz this is gonna be a long one
so, on my main account. i don't know if i want to pull zhongli this rerun tbh. i already have layla and she's serving me pretty well already. maybe after i get the other 5 stars i really want. yelan though......
see. on my main account, i already have xingqiu. and i probably won't need a team where i'll be using both of them anytime soon. originally i wanted her because i thought i would need xingqiu in both teams in the abyss. but 1) i still can't be bothered to do the abyss, and probably won't be for a good long while, and 2) i'm not even gonna need him for my chongyun team in the abyss since i'd be going the melt route. my cyno team would benefit from having her instead of xingqiu, sure. i just broke my back pulling for kokomi though, and i don't fancy doing that again in literally the next round of banners. therefore, yelan will have to wait until her next rerun.
so, new characters. i am kinda curious about lyney. but i know nothing about him except that he's a pyro bow user. so i'm gonna do it like this: if i want cons of the other 4 stars on the banner, i'll casually pull (i.e. not being on a mad dash to grind primos like i'd been for the past week or so). if i don't, my primo wallet can finally take a breather.
for the second half, despite me giving freminet the massive side-eye back when he was leaked, i'm a sucker for cryo in general so i might be tempted to get a copy of him. if i do then i'll pull on the zhongli side. if i get a zhongli along the way, that's cool too. but honestly i'd rather i lose the 50/50 (and get tighnari, fingers crossed), which would make me a little more ready if venti or anyone else of personal interest gets a rerun soon after
okay, time to talk about the alt.
this is a bit of a tough one tbh. since yelan is getting a rerun before xingqiu comes back to the starglitter shop, i am incentivized to pull for her since i don't have xingqiu there yet and it doesn't feel good in the slightest. but i still haven't gotten kokomi there yet, and she would also be a godsend to have. so i need to figure out whether or not i should keep pulling for kokomi or wait until yelan's banner.
and i'm probably gonna skip zhongli's banner there honestly. even though i still haven't gotten her shield strength up to snuff, the bottleland event did give me a free layla. and even though he would be a massive upgrade in the shield department, i'm gonna be exhausted as all hell after grinding primos for kokomi/yelan.
actually... how about this. a few days before the current banner ends, hoyo releases a notice for the next half's banners. so what i'm gonna do is this: i'm gonna hold off on pulling in the alt until then. if xingqiu turns out to be one of the 4 stars featured with yelan and lyney, then i'm gonna keep waiting until 4.0 to pull. (still gonna keep my starglitter tho in case i get super unlucky and don't get either of them). if he's not one of the featured 4 stars, i'm dumping all my primos into kokomi's banner. and then it's all up to luck — if i win the 50/50 i get kokomi, and if i lose the 50/50 i get yelan. or at least a higher chance of getting yelan depending on how many primos i can grind. i'll still pull even if i get kokomi though. at least until i get a rosaria or the banner ends. i won't pull on yelan's banner until the 2nd half banner notices drop. then, if there's still no sign of xingqiu and there aren't any 4 stars i want in the next banner besides freminet, i'll dump all my remaining primos into yelan's banner. if i get her, yay. i just really need to grind up starglitter to get xingqiu cuz i want to get him either way. if i still don't have enough starglitter by the time yelan's banner ends, i'll wait for the 4.1 stream and 1st half banner notices before deciding whether or not to pull on the zhongli banner. if there's a 5 star i really need or a 4 star i really want cons on, then i'll continue pulling for starglitter on the 4.1 banners. if none of the 4.1 banners sound useful then i'm pulling on the zhongli banner. getting freminet or zhongli along the way would be a happy bonus.
sigh i do hope i don't have to get yelan though... i'm not confident that my alt can farm the ruin serpent without everyone being on life support after every single fight. farming the aeonblight drake for layla was painful enough.
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#i just like rambling ig#my main is mostly for pulling whoever i want#while my alt pulls are purely for utility#yes i am still gonna try wishing for the doughnut on main lmao#there's just no way in hell they'd rate-up chongyun again in 4.0 when he already had a rate-up in 3.7#and he's probably not going to be on the limited banner again until next year#and shenhe's also likely not rerunning until next year#so yeah#those are probably the only two reasons i can think of for wanting to religiously save my primos for a banner#venti and albedo i can always spend for when i have the money. i'm in zero rush to get them#especially since i'm not yet satisfied with the builds of the characters i already have#pulling them now would only make me feel pressured to level them up instead of grinding for talents or artifacts for my other characters#yeah i really want them and i'll still use my f2p primos to pull for them. i just prefer to have my other characters built better first#especially in the case of albedo. i'd essentially be committing to building an entire team since none of my geo characters are built#my alt pulling plans will drastically change if sac sword gets a rate-up again tho#i'm almost guaranteed a xingqiu via starglitter yet i don't have a single sac sword on that account#if it's in the 1st half of 4.1 then i'm not even gonna bother pulling on the character banner#i'll just keep pulling for as many sac swords as possible#in that case then hopefully lyney's weapon is good so i can epitomize that and give it to yoimiya if i happen to get it along the way#aqua simulacra would also be fine. it's just that the hp passive is kinda wasted on her#plus lyney's bow HAS to have a reddish color scheme right??? would make way better drip for yoi than yelan's bow#also hopefully it's a crit rate bow because goddamn do i struggle with getting crit rate#i mean i /guess/ i could go polar star if sac sword gets a rate-up with that#i don't know who i would give vortex vanquisher to if i happened to get it though. shenhe ideally but i don't have her#and idk if i'll ever pull for her on the alt tbh#cuz i definitely can't use it on zhongli. and i'm not using any polearm users atm so it's probably just gonna sit there#if i get the vortex vanquisher then i'd feel almost obligated to get shenhe since apparently it's her#second bis behind her sig
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