#I’ll make a header later-
How do you know the Philosopher? What are your thoughts on them?
"O..Oh! Theo? I actually ran into him before coming to the manor. Ah well.. it’s more of he came across me on one of his little.. erm world understanding adventures. We also both happened to be participating in the same manor game. He’s one of those leader types, a real nice person! A bit eccentric and very curious but.. he’s also very helpful! ..Much more helpful than I am…"
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loverium · 5 months
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  Check out this Awesome Move .ᐟ
⏝⏝⏝ March 7th Twitter Layouts。
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kexing · 1 year
your header!!!!!!! i really like the new layout🧡💙🧡💙
🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 i’m glad you like it!!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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giannaln4 · 2 months
Nursed By Love
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lando norris x fem reader
summary: Lando got sick during the first race of the triple header and you made it your mission to take care of him.  (2.7k words)
warnings: stablished relationship, fluff, sick!lando, taking a shower together (not in a sexual way), use of Y/N
a/n: not gonna lie, this turned out shorter than i expected 😭 i wanted to write more and include the entire weekend but i literally couldn't come up with more, i’m sorry if it feels a little rushed but i hope you still like it!
check out the original request here! also, this is somewhat of a prequel to my fic Sick; it has a couple of references here and there but it can be read as a standalone.
↺ back to navigation — send me a request!
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Lando woke up before you, something that was normal in your relationship given the strict agenda he had to follow almost on a daily basis. He checked his phone to see how much time left he had before having to get up, sighing when he realised his alarm would go off soon. 
He valued his sleep, like a lot, so he figured he wouldn't let those few minutes go to waste, so he pulled the covers again up to his neck, but he was feeling a little colder than usual, so he did what he usually does: he reached for you and pulled you into him, embracing you so lovingly.
This made you wake up, slowly opening your eyes to get used to the light. “Hey,” you whispered, not completely sure if he was awake.
"Sorry, baby,” he said with a sleepy voice as his nose nudged into the crook of your neck.
“It’s okay. What time is it?”
“Almost time to go, actually.”
“Okay, let’s get going then.” You said, pulling away from his embrace, making him whine as he quickly reached for your arm.
“No, let’s stay in bed a little longer,” he looked at you with his sweet eyes as he tried to convince you to go back to him.
“I don’t want us to be late again.”
“We won’t. We still have a few minutes, I promise.”
With that, you cuddled him again, this time facing him. After all, how could you possibly say no to him? “Okay, but as soon as the alarm goes off, we are getting up.”
"Yes, ma’am,” he replied happily as he buried his face on your neck again, enjoying the way you were scratching his scalp. 
Truth is, he was feeling more tired than usual. Sure, he always hated having to wake up early, but something about the way he was feeling that day wasn’t right. You felt it too; his skin against your neck was hotter than it normally was.
“You okay?”
He shook his head, hugging you tighter. “I think I’m getting sick.”
You pulled away again, the back of your hand falling on his forehead. “Baby, you have a fever.” He just hummed in response as he tried to get you to go back to your previous position. “Lando, I’m being serious. You can’t just ignore it.”
“It’s not like I can call in sick.” 
“I know, but you can’t go around all day without at least taking something. What else are you feeling?” You asked, worried eyes looking back at him.
“I’m just cold… and tired.”
“Okay, I’ll run to get you something, and you start getting ready. Sounds good?” 
He immediately shook his head and, once again, tried to cuddle you. “You promised we’d stay here until the alarm went off.”
“I know, my love, but this is the first race of the triple header, and you need to be okay. You shouldn’t do it while being sick,” you said, rubbing his check softly. “I’ll meet you at the track, yeah?”
“No, please. Let’s just cuddle for a bit longer,” he insisted. 
You sighed, debating in your mind what you should do. On one hand, you knew he wouldn’t give up, and it really couldn’t hurt to just cuddle him for a little while; he really needed it after all, but on the other, he really needed to take something so he wouldn’t feel that way for the rest of the weekend—not only that, but the two other weekends he had ahead of him.
“It’s only media day. I’ll be okay.”
“Okay,” you finally gave in, “but I’m serious, you have to take something.”
“I will. I will get checked later today at the track. Don’t worry,” he reassured you. 
“Yeah, I’ll make sure of that.” You went back to your cuddly position as your hand caressed the back of his head.
“I know you will.”
The minutes went by too quickly to his liking, the alarm going off just moments later. To him, it felt like 5 seconds, not 5 minutes. He groaned when you started to get up, leaving the warmth and comfort of the hotel bed to start getting ready for the day.
“We had a deal, c’mon,” you said, offering him your hand. He took it, but that didn’t mean he wanted to.
“I wish we could stay here all day.” He stood in front of you and cupped your face as his thumbs caressed your cheeks.
“Aw, I know, my love, but the day will be over before you know it, and we can come back later to cuddle a little more, okay?”
He just nodded and made his way to the bathroom. You both started getting ready quickly, knowing the car that would take you to the track was probably already downstairs waiting for you.
Once you had everything you needed, he took your hand and gave it a little kiss, whispering a soft “Okay, time to go” before leaving the room.
You got to the track, and he immediately had to start doing things for the weekend that awaited him; you knew he wouldn’t get checked or take something unless you were on his hair about it, so you thought telling Jon would be a good idea.
It was hard to find a moment to go to the clinic due to their busy schedule, but you were able to finally drag him there.
You were standing close to him as he dangled his feet on the small bed, getting his throat checked by the doctor.
“It seems like you have a cough, nothing too serious,” the doctor said as she stepped away from him, writing something on the piece of paper attached to the wooden board where she was writing down his symptoms. “I will give you some medicine; take this right now, and then make sure you take it every 8 hours. Something for the fever too, in case you feel sick later, but only take one, and only if you get a fever. Also some painkillers; have you had any headaches?”
“A little bit, last night.”
“Any other thing you have been feeling?”
“I think that’s all.”
“Alright, that should be all then. Drink a lot of fluids and stay away from any alcohol or smoking. It’s not too bad, but if anything comes up, you know where to find me.”
Lando was just nodding, but you paid attention to everything she said, making a mental note of how to take care of him. 
Once they were done with all the paperwork, you left the clinic, Lando holding everything the doctor had prescribed. 
“I will hold on to those, thank you,” you said, taking all the medicine and putting it in your bag, safe and sound. You checked the time and set a reminder for 8 hours, so you didn’t forget about the cough medicine.
“Thank you, my love,” he said before kissing the top of your head.
You looked up at him with a smile, feeling sad that he got sick at the beginning of the triple header. You knew how demanding his job was and how demanding he was on himself, so it wouldn’t be a smooth recovery, so the least you could do was help him however you could.
“Lando, we have to get going. I think they are already waiting for us,” Jon said as he typed something on his phone.
The rest of the day was a little boring, which was expected considering Lando and Oscar had to spend all day talking to people or recording some videos and interviews, but you never left his side, just in case he needed something or started to feel sick again. Any time he was away from the people or cameras, you immediately ran up to him, your hand landing somewhere on his skin to make sure he didn’t have a fever.
“How are you feeling?”
“Still a little tired, and my throat is starting to bother me again. But other than that, all good.”
“Oh, is it too bad?”
“Not too bad; I guess all the talking isn’t really helping,” he chuckled, in hopes of not worrying you too much, but you couldn’t help it, and he knew that.
“I figured. You should drink some water,” you handed him the bottle you had been holding all day. He took it and drank the water that was left, thankful that you made sure to have it on you the whole time.  “Where are we going now?”
“We are staying here. We have a couple more things to do.” You nodded, holding his hand for just a moment since someone called his name from the other side of the room. “I’ll see you in a bit, yeah?”
“Okay.” You let go of his hand, watching as he joined Oscar and some other people on a big couch. They were talking about the next video they had to film, so since he was busy with his job, you figured you could step away for a moment.
You wandered around as you looked up what the best tea was to help with a sore throat. Once you settled on ginger, you looked everywhere for it, but it wasn’t as common as you hoped. You did manage to find some, finally, and you ran back to the McLaren hospitality so you could give it to him. Thankfully, when you found him, he was just scrolling on his phone, sitting away from everyone.
“Hey, I brought you some tea. This should help your sore throat.” He looked up from his phone to take the disposable cup you were holding. “It might not be as hot as it should be, but it should still do the trick,” you said nervously.
“What is it?” He asked, sniffing it.
“Ginger? Where did you find ginger tea?”
“You don’t wanna know,” you said as you sat on his lap.
“Thanks, darling,” he whispered before taking a sip, clearing his throat afterwards. 
“You should drink all of it.”
“It’s a little spicy. Do you want to try?” He said, offering you the cup.
“No, I don’t want your germs,” you joked, making him laugh. You laughed with him, enjoying the little glimpse of his dimple.
“I’m afraid you got those when we kissed.”
It wasn’t instant, but the tea definitely helped. The rest of the day went on quicker since all the major stuff got done in the morning, so before you knew it, you were already back at the hotel.
“Lando, take this.” You were taking out the bag of medicine you got from the doctor that morning, picking up the bottle that he was supposed to drink every 8 hours.
“What is it?”
“Your medicine, silly. It’s time.”
He made a disgusted face as he took it. “It tastes horrible.”
“I know, but you can’t skip it.” You stood there until he was done, an even more disgusted look adorning his face. “Are you feeling better than this morning?”
He nodded, giving you back the bottle since he knew you wanted to keep all his medicine together. “Will you take a shower with me?” He asked out of nowhere. You raised your eyebrows at his question, and he realized how it came across so immediately clarified. “Not for that reason.”
You couldn’t hold your laugh, but you quickly realised he just needed help. “Do you want me to help wash your hair?”
“Please.If you are okay with it.” 
You followed him to the bathroom, turning on the water and making sure it was warm and nice  while he discarded his clothes. He stepped in first, letting out a small moan when the warm water started to cover his body. He offered you his hand once you got naked, his strong arms wrapping around your body when you joined him.
You stayed like that for a moment, until you pulled away to gently massage his scalp. 
“This is nice,” he cooed, his eyes closing as he relaxed at the feeling.
“Mhmm, I’m glad, baby.”
“Are we going to sleep after this?” His eyes met yours as he awaited for your answer, smiling when you nodded. “Good, you promised some cuddles this morning.”
“I know, I haven’t forgotten.” It warmed your heart that he had been looking forward to it, but it broke it at the same time because, even though he always asked for it, you knew it was different this time. “Bent down a little for me,” you instructed as you reached for the shampoo and squeezed some on your hand. He did as you asked, leaving his head in perfect reach for you.
Your fingertips went back to massage his scalp gently as you made sure you covered all of it. He was humming at your touch, his eyes closing as he enjoyed the soothing sensation.
“Does your head hurt?”
“A little,” he admitted, “not too bad, though.” You looked at him with sad eyes, wishing you could take his pain away and take it yourself.
“Okay, I will give you something for that, and then we can go to bed, okay?” 
You continued helping him for the rest of the shower, and then he offered to help you the same way you did. You accepted, but it did take a little longer considering you had a lot more hair than he did, but he was happy to do it. When you were both done, you stepped back into the bathroom, handing him a towel and making him sit on the little stool in front of one of the mirrors.
With tired eyes, Lando met your gaze through the mirror, paying attention to your every move as you dried his hair. He loved the way your face scrunched when you were focused, sticking out your tongue from time to time. You were being so gentle with him that he almost felt like crying, but he held those emotions back, not wanting to worry you even more than you already were.
Once his hair was fully dried and you helped him with most of his nightly routine, you guided him to the bedroom and gave him a pill for his headache, letting him get under the covers afterwards. He dragged you with him, pulling you into a hug as soon as you got there.
“Can we do this every night?” He asked, his face burying in your neck as he usually does.
“Of course. Anything you want, my love. Are you comfortable?” You asked, a smile spreading across your face when he nodded.
“Thank you,” he whispered after a moment of silence, his mind drifting off into a peaceful sleep as you massaged his muscles.
Lando fell asleep almost instantly, allowing you to go to sleep once you made sure he was fully knocked out for the night. 
A few hours went by, both of you enjoying each other’s warmth, until the sound of an alarm interrupted your sleep. You groaned as you reached for your phone to turn it off, but immediately sat up and grabbed his medicine.
Lando shuffled next to you, groaning too as he slightly opened his eyes to quickly scan the room. “It’s still dark outside, why do you have an alarm?” He asked, his voice sleepy and his eyes half closed as he looked at you.
“Sorry, love, it’s time for your medicine again.” 
He sat up and took the little spoon you were offering him, his sleepy state saving him from the terrible taste it had. Once he was done, he fell on his pillow again and pulled into him, going back to your previous position.
“Thank you for taking care of me. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Even though the sleep was evident in his voice, you could still hear how truly thankful he was.
You placed your hands on each of his cheeks, causing his eyes to flutter shut in contentment. “Of course, what type of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t?” A soft kiss was pressed to his forehead before he brought you closer to him, a little ‘I love you’ scaping his lips as he went back to sleep.
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six-eyed-samurai · 4 months
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SUMMARY: The other Pillars are convinced Tomioka has something against the latest Hashira, but have no idea your husband is simply looking for you during your pregnancy. A/N: I think something glitched when I was making the header...didn't crop properly. Anyway, enjoy this trash and I'm sorry if it's not up to my usual standard but I just got the random idea in the middle of the night! WARNINGS: Fem Reader, pregnancy MASTERLIST/PREVIOUS FICS
Everyone was convinced Tomioka Giyuu hated you right from the start.
You were first introduced to the Hashira when Oyakata-sama called them all for a meeting on the latest reports of demon activity, but requested them all to stay a little longer before being dismissed. Amane gestured for you to come forward with a gentle smile and you shuffled out of the shadows with your hands clasped together in nervousness but with a bright bream upon your face. The Hashira’s eyes caught yours in surprise, wondering if you were perhaps a new Kakushi since you weren’t wearing a slayer uniform, but instead a traditional (f/c) yukata.
Then their eyes strayed downwards and changed their minds about that, but nonetheless still remained in confusion.
“This is our newest member, (y/n) (y/l/n), the (b/f) Hashira. She was supposed to join our ranks quite some months ago but due to her sudden pregnancy she will for now be an honorary member.”
The only sign of your anxiety was the blush on your cheeks and the hand rubbing at your swollen abdomen. “Hi everyone! I’m so happy to meet you all! I won’t be on the battlefield for some time and I’m sorry I can’t fight alongside you for now, but I look forward to getting to know you all. If you need anything, I’m always at the (e/n) Estate.”
The ice was broken and you were immediately approached by many of the Hashira. Himejima-san cried and wished you and your child good health, making you feel a little embarrassed but thanked him anyway. The Mist Pillar Tokito simply stared at you, then at the sky, then at you again before asking what were you doing here again (later on, he startled you by appearing behind and questioning you in that airheaded manner of his if he could talk to the baby).
You were also tackled by the Love Pillar who introduced herself as Kanroji Mitsuri and your new best friend as well as the calmer Insect Pillar, Kocho Shinobu, who despite slightly unnerving you with her smile touched you greatly when she said you could always stop by the Butterfly Mansion for checkups or simply a visit.
“How far along are you?”
“About five months, I think!”
“KYAAAAAAAAAAH! Your baby is going to be so cute! What’s it’s name? Do you know if it’s a he or a she yet? I can’t wait to be an aunt!”
“Heh, I’m not too sure yet, but I have a feeling it’s going to be a boy!”
Mitsuri squealed again, causing you to laugh at her genuine happiness. She whipped her head behind her and called out to the silently glowering Snake Pillar. “Iguro-san, don’t you think the baby will be cute? I really wish I’ll have some of my own one day!”
You and Shinobu shared a smirk as the Wind Pillar grumpily slapped his friend’s back and dragged the furiously red Iguro away, muttering viciously about not wasting any more time in hunting a Twelve Kizuki.
“Oh look, there's Tomioka-san. Why hasn't he come and said hello yet?”
“Ah well, a lone friendless wolf as always.” Shinobu didn't see you originally visibly brighten at Mitsuri’s words and turn surprised at hers.
Indeed Tomioka was standing awkwardly as always a little - long, actually - way off. What was not as always was that horrified, slack jawed look on his face instead of his usual blank, emotionless one.
“Tomioka-san? Are you alright? You've been making that face for a long time already…” Shinobu's eye twitched, but you didn't notice, suddenly preoccupied with Muichiro’s intense questioning of whether he could play with the baby when it was born.
“She shouldn't be a Hashira.”
The remaining Hashira found themselves narrowing their eyes at the Water Pillar's blunt, if not rude, words.
That would be just one of the many events that further convinced them of his intense dislike of you.
You started going over a lot to the Butterfly Mansion over then next few months, becoming a fast favorite among the girls for your cheerful attitude and your baby; even Kanao cracked a smile at you when you came around. When the other Hashira arrived to be healed you always made it a point to go pay them a visit and in turn you pretty soon had every one of them in your back pocket, including the harsh, loudmouthed Wind Pillar Shinazugawa who constantly gave you a jolt with the complete 360 with his attitude around you, to the point you could call him a good friend.
Being friends with him usually meant hearing him grumble about the stupid waterboy.
“Why doesn’t he ever look at you anyway, turning away like that. So rude, that little (beep) (beep) (beep)-”
“Eheh, Shinazugawa-san, don’t swear so loudly, he’ll hear you!”
You had stopped by to Sanemi’s room when Shinobu had mentioned he was there to be patched up after a mission and knowing how busy she was, had offered to go help change his bandages with the basic medical knowledge you had picked up over the years of being a slayer. Reluctantly she had agreed and so here you were, chatting away with him until he spotted Tomioka passing by (he poked his head in actually, otherwise Sanemi would never have noticed him) and started complaining about him once more, especially when you had called out to him and Tomioka had simply whipped his head to the side to stare into the distance.
Really, Sanemi wasn’t the only one to notice how Tomioka avoided you like the plague with that stupid, vacant, red expression of his.
“He’s just shy, he doesn’t mean to be rude!” You defended the poor Pillar, continuing with rewinding the new wrappings.
“Tch, you should see how he acts at the meetings, like he’s better than us or something,” was the growling reply. “(beep) doesn’t know how to (beep) talk with anyone with his (beep) attitude.”
“I don’t think he thinks he’s better than all of you, maybe it’s just something else,” You hum, finishing up. “That’s all! I’m glad the demon didn’t go any further than a scratch.”
Shinazugawa grunted, then his gaze caught yours and softened. “By the way, who’s the dad?”
“Oh, it’s -”
“(y/n)-san!” Three heads peeked in from the door shyly. “Can you come and play with us?”
“Of course! Bye, Shinazugawa!”
Like always the reply was only a “tch”.
Another thing was that he never stopped repeating what he said at the first time everyone met you: “She shouldn’t be a Hashira”, going as far as to attempt to prevent you from wielding a sword, although this was only noticed by Tanjiro.
You had agreed to the Kamaboko Squad’s requests (aka demands by Inosuke and begging from Zenitsu) to train together, despite Tanjiro’s worries which you brushed off. The boys were very rambunctious and did tire you out quite a bit, but you were having so much fun and they were so eager you just went on sparring with them until even Inosuke muttered a plead for a quick break, unable to beat your incredible swordsmanship.
“(y/n)-chan!!! Who’s the lucky guy you married?! You never told us and I want to know how he managed to score someone so beautiful like you so I can do it with Nezuko-chan!” Zenitsu simpered, scooting closer, ignoring Tanjiro’s scandalized look.
“What’s married?” Inosuke’s voice was muffled underneath his boar mask and the mountain of onigiri you had brought he was stuffing into his mouth, so none of you heard him.
You giggle, placing a hand on your stomach. “He’s very sweet, although he’s honestly very shy and doesn’t talk much. I’m sure you’ve met him before! Can you guess?”
“Woah, really?” Tanjiro brightened, wondering who it could be, but his next question was interrupted by an interrogative monotone.
“What are you doing? You shouldn’t be training.” Tomioka stood in front of them, the first time anyone had seen him interact with you without just staring at the ground. His face was as empty as the void but there was a tiny crease between his eyebrows and Tanjiro didn’t have to inhale to smell the worry reeking off him.
“I didn’t know you were so concerned about (y/n)-chan, Tomioka-san.” Zenitsu’s eyebrows shot up, disappearing under his hair while he glowered judgmentally.
Tomioka made no reply, only swiftly grabbing and removing the sword from your hand. “She shouldn’t be a Hashira, much less train. You nearly died fighting a demon not too long ago, you’re in no shape to be doing this.”
With that he abruptly walked off and left Zenitsu and Inosuke to scream at him for being such an un-gentleman and for not fighting with them while you looked away sadly.
Tanjiro wondered why he didn’t once smell dislike on Tomioka. Only fear.
“What’s he got against (l/n)?” Obanai joined in on the conversation from his perch on the tree. He’d look for reasons to hate against the Water Pillar all the time, but unlike the others this time round his hatred was justified.
Tengen rolled his eyes flamboyantly. “I know! He’s constantly acting like she’s a pest to be around, but she doesn’t seem to have beef with him. What’s wrong with that bland creature?”
“Oh come on! We don’t actually know if he hates her,” Rengoku protested mildly.
“Then why does he keep refusing to even make eye contact with her?”
“I mean, Iguro, you can’t talk, you only ever look at Kanroji” - Obanai turned away, blushing furiously as Tengen cackled - “but I get your point. The other day I walked in on them arguing. I can’t believe he would keep reminding her of past failures without keeping her current state in mind!”
“Perhaps he only wants to try and convince her to stay safe during this time and discourage her from slaying for now?”
“Rengoku, my best buddy, you’re too optimistic.”
“There’s no other reason he’d give her the cold shoulder 24/7.”
Soon the conversation drifted to other topics, but little would they know Rengoku was the closest to the truth…
Shinobu already had enough on her hands with all the screaming, panic and blood, but of course Tomioka just had to show up at the most inopportune moment.
It had been a relatively quiet day as the two of you sat on the engawa, exchanging war stories over tea when with a sudden cry you had doubled over in pain. Your water had broken and you were heading into labour - quickly.
Just barely the Insect Pillar had managed to get you to a bed and sent the Butterfly Girls scurrying for the necessities, hiding her uneasiness at the slight earliness of your boy’s arrival to keep you calm and help you through it. You were doing well under her coaxing to use Total Concentration Breathing, and thankfully Shinazugawa was still around to help you relax with a familiar face.
Then Aoi had burst in with a frantic expression and thundering footsteps from behind that certainly weren’t hers.
“Shinobu-san, Tomioka is demanding to be let in-”
“Keep him out!” Shinobu grimaced, returning her attention to you. She’s heard and seen what he’s like around you, and other than the fact he has no business to be here she didn’t want to send you into a further state of panic. “He doesn’t like her, and if he opens that mouth of his to say anything more I might be responsible for two deaths.”
You dug your nails into Sanemi’s proffered hand, screaming in pain. He winced but said nothing, only looking up with a determined look in his eyes at Shinobu. “I’ll go keep Tomioka out, just make sure she delivers safely.”
Without waiting for a reply Sanemi rushed out to bar the doorway, leaving Shinobu to assure and handle your birthing with the anxious assistance of the Butterfly Girls. The pain in your stomach was surely abominable, intolerable, and Shinobu found herself growing more alarmed with every minute the baby wasn’t coming out.
“(y/n), I need you to push harder, alright? Can you do that for me?”
“N-no - where is he?”
“Your husband? I’ll get someone to call him, don’t worry,” Shinobu lied with dawning horror that in the entire time she had known you…she had no actual idea who you were married to. “But he wouldn’t like you see you like this, right? You can do it. Just keep your breathing under control.”
“JUST (beep) OFF, TOMIOKA!” Shinazugawa’s voice bellowed through the Mansion. His stocky form soon appeared, stubbornly acting as an indomitable barrier against the equally stubborn Tomioka who was desperately trying to barge his way through.
“Tomioka, we don’t need unnecessary people here to worry (y/n) more-”
Whether it was because Tomioka had never raised his voice before or the sheer shock of it all or the fact you reached out for his hand, Shinobu and Sanemi let him through.
“I thought I was going to lose you when I heard you screaming like that from outside.” Giyuu nuzzled deeper into your neck, absently stroking your baby’s tiny hand. “Don’t scare me like that again.”
You played with the strands of his hair with a teasing smirk. “You did to, banging into the room like that, with the “That’s my wife!”. It was very romantic of you, Giyuu~”
“I was in a rush.” Giyuu smacked his face into the pillow, embarrassed while you laugh.
“Ara ara~ Are you both done cuddling? I want to perform a quick checkup on your baby now, if you don’t mind, and all the Hashira are here to ask you a lot of things, Tomioka.” Shinobu stood at the doorway with her customary smile, a twitching eye and crossed arms. Behind her were the shadows of the others trying to peek over her shoulder or head into the room to congratulate you on your baby or beat up Tomioka (both for some).
“Ask about what?” Giyuu lifted up his head in confusion. You snort at his obliviousness, cooing at your precious sleeping baby before gently passing him to Shinobu.
“KYAAAAAAAAAH! That’s so cute of you, Tomioka!”
“Do you hate us all or something?!”
“No…? No one asked and I thought (y/n) would have told you,” Giyuu said blankly, glancing at you with wide blue eyes. You sheepishly raised your shoulders.
“I tried to tell them but we kept getting interrupted or had no chance.”
“You did make us all think you hated (y/n) with your behaviour, Tomioka.” Shinobu raised an eyebrow. “After all, you rarely spoke to her and when you did it was only to reprimand her, but I can see now it was probably out of worry for your child and her…although rather harshly.”
“Oh!” You burst out laughing, shaking so hard you nearly couldn’t take back your awakening baby Shinobu was handing over. “Giyuu’s just very shy! See-”
You pressed a quick peck to his cheek.
giyuu.exe has stopped working.
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adrienneleclerc · 3 months
That’s Not My Name
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N decides to prank her boyfriend by not calling him by his nicknames
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: I haven’t posted Charles Leclerc content in a while and I’m SORRY, i am working on them, te lo juro juradito por las haditas.
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Y/N was cooking dinner while Charles was working on a new song, gotta love his side quests. While she was cooking, she was on FaceTime with her friend, Vivian.
“Viv, I’m not gonna do that.” Y/N said.
“You should! My boyfriend freaked the fuck out when I called him by his government name.” Vivian replied.
“He’s gonna get all sad and I can’t handle that.” Y/N said.
“But it will be so funny. Besides, I think he deserves it after calling you Romina, don’t you think?” Vivian asked.
“But that was so long ago, and I don’t think I should be pulling pranks like this after what happened in the triple header.” Y/N said.
“Do it, do it, do it.” Vivian said
“Always the instigator.” Y/N said.
“Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please..” Vivian begged.
“Alright! Are you sure you weren’t the youngest child?” Y/N asked.
“Haha, I’ll call you later, tell me how it went.” Vivian hung up and Y/N charged her phone. She drained some of the past water but not all of it, mixed in the eggs and Parmesan cheese mix into the pot, added pancetta and pepper, and fettuccini carbonara was finished.
“Charles, dinner is ready!” Y/N yelled. Charles stopped playing piano and had a very confused look on his face. He did not move. “Charles, I made carbonara!” Y/N yelled but charles didn’t move so she went to him and saw his face. “Quita esa cara de tonto and come eat.” Wipe that dumb look off your face
“You called me Charles.” Charles said.
“Well duh, that’s your name, now please come into the kitchen to get your pasta before it gets cold and I eat without you.” Y/N says, walking back into the kitchen. Charles got up to follow her. Y/N served herself the carbonara and served some for charles, both walked into the dining room to sit. Y/N served herself soda and gave charles water.
“Did I do something?” Charles asked.
“No, why do you ask, Charles?” Y/N asked, eating the pasta. “Ugh, I love carbonara.”
“Because you keep calling me Charles!” Charles exclaimed.
“Because that’s your given name! Your name is Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc, which is such a pretentious name might I add, but it does suit you.” Y/N said, drinking some soda.
“Are you mad at me or something? How come you’re not calling me muñeco?” Charles asked with a pout.
“I Don’t know, did you do something to make me mad?” Y/N asked.
“I didn’t do anything.” Charles replied.
“Then I am not mad. Now drop it and eat, you love pasta.” Y/N said. They continued to eat in silence. Y/N then served herself more pasta because reheated carbonara is not good at all. Once both have finished eating, they put their plates in the sink.
“Is it because I don’t help around the house?” Charles asked, breaking the silence.
“Charles…” Y/N said exasperatedly.
“I’ll wash the dishes, Mon coeur.” Charles said, kissing her cheek.
“Thank you, Charles.” Y/N said. She went to the couch and when Charles finished the dishes, he sat next to Y/N. “What do you want to watch, Charles?”
“That’s not my name, Mon coeur.” Charles whined and Y/N laughed.
“What do you mean that’s not your name? Your name is Charles. It’s not like I’m calling you Eugene or something.” Y/N commented and that’s when it clicked for Charles.
“Is this because I pranked you?” Charles asked incredulously
“Yes it is, muñeco.” Y/N said and Charles hugged Y/N.
“You called me muñeco again. I thought I really did something.” Charles said.
“No, you didn’t do anything, Viv convinced me to pull this prank.” Y/N said,
“Your friend Vivian? Remind me to cancel her Prada order.” Charles said and Y/N laughed.
“Oh come on, mi vida, that’s for her birthday.” Y/N said.
“Then she won’t get a Christmas gift.” Charles said.
“Fair,” Y/N said, kissing Charles and they’ve chosen to watch Gossip Girl.
The End
Hope y’all liked it! Sorry for the lack of Charles content, I was busy posting for Lando, Logan, and Oscar if you ever want to read those, Masterlist for them coming soon!
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 7 months
Can you write a one shot where Bucky and reader have a daughter. One day when reader and their little daughter are at home and Bucky is at the compound or on a mission, reader accidentally hurts herself. She says something like this to the daughter :"Don't tell daddy." But later when Bucky comes home she says something to Bucky and he immediately gets worried. And then maybe some cuddle time with the Barnes Family.
Thank you in advance 💗
Mommy Hurt » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Husband/Dad/Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Wife/Mom!Reader with daughter Daisy
Summary: Bucky gets worried when he finds out from his daughter that Y/N got hurt while he was on a mission.
Warnings: Fluff, language, small injury, brief mention of blood, hugs and kisses, cuddling, uses of nicknames/pet names
A/N: Thank you for requesting @lives-in-midgard 🩵 I had fun writing this🥰
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found this one on Pinterest.
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“Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!” Yours and Bucky’s 3 year old daughter Daisy comes running in the kitchen with a piece of paper in her hands. “Look what I draw!” She says, holding the picture up for you to see.
“It’s beautiful, sweetie. Tell me about.” You say, looking down at her.
“This is daddy. This is mommy. This is Pine Pine. This is me.” She says, point to each stick figure in the picture.
You were trying your best to do the dishes and pay attention to what Daisy was saying which probably wasn’t the best idea, because the next thing you know, you felt a sharp pain in your hand. You gasped and dropped the knife you had in your other hand in the sink, clutching your hand in your other one.
“Mommy?” Daisy tapping on your leg. “What happened?” She asks, looking up at you.
“I-I’m fine, baby.” You tried your best to not cry in front of your daughter. “Mommy cut herself.” You tell her.
You slowly opened your hand to see a small cut on the palm of your hand with a little bit of blood coming out of it. You grabbed a kitchen towel that was next to the sink and put it on your hand, applying pressure.
“Mommy have a boo boo?” Daisy asks.
“Just a little one.” You say.
You crouched down to her height and gave her a hug.
“Don’t tell daddy.” You tell her.
“No tell daddy.” She says.
“Good girl.” You smiled and kissed her cheek. “Why don’t you go watch cartoons in the living room and I’ll be there in a few minutes.” You tell her.
“Ok, mommy!” Daisy says, running off to the living room.
You went to the bathroom and got the first aid kit out from underneath the sink. You cleaned out the cut with alcohol and wrapped some gauze around it and taped it with medical tape. You put the first aid kit away and went to the living room to see that Daisy put on Barbie. You took a seat next to her and watched it with her.
A couple days later, Bucky came home from a week long mission. Bucky frowns in confusion when he didn’t see you and Daisy greet him immediately like the two of you normally do.
“Where are my girls?” Bucky’s voice echos through the house.
Bucky heard Daisy’s little footsteps running towards him.
“Daddy!” Daisy says excitedly.
“There’s my baby girl!” Bucky says happily as he picked up Daisy.
Bucky gave her a bunch of hugs and kisses, making her giggle.
“Mommy hurt.” She tells him.
“What?” Bucky felt his heart drop, thinking that something bad happened to you while he was on the mission. “Where is mommy?” He asks her.
“Kitchen.” Daisy says, pointing towards the kitchen.
Bucky walks in the kitchen with Daisy in his arms to see you putting groceries away.
“Bucky, you’re home!” You smile widely and hugged him.
“Are you ok?” Bucky asks with worry in his voice.
“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?” You asked.
“Daisy told me you got hurt.” He says.
“I told her not to tell you.” You say, looking at your daughter.
“Sowwy, mommy.” Daisy says, feeling bad.
“It’s ok, sweetie.” You say, moving a piece of hair from her face.
Daisy tapped on Bucky’s shoulder, telling him that she wants down. When Bucky put her down, she ran to her play room.
“Show me.” He says.
“Babe, it’s nothing.” You say.
“Doll…” He says.
You sighed and took the gauze off of your left hand and showed him the cut on the palm of your hand that was starting to scab up. Bucky gently took your hand in his and inspected it.
“How did you cut yourself?” Bucky asks.
“I was doing the dishes while looking at a picture Daisy drew and I cut myself with a knife.” You explained.
Bucky felt relieved, knowing that you’re fine. He brought your hand up to his lips and kissed it softly, making you smile. Then he kissed you passionately.
“How about I properly patch up your hand.” Bucky says.
Bucky led you upstairs to yours and his bedroom. You took a seat on the bed while Bucky got the first aid kit from the bathroom. He came out of the bathroom and sat down next to you. He cleaned it with alcohol and wrapped it with gauze, also making sure it wasn’t too tight and tapped it with medical tape. He brought your hand up to his lips again and kissed it softly.
“Better?” Bucky asks.
“All better.” You say, leaning forward to kiss him.
“I’m taking you to the Compound tomorrow so Bruce can take a look at it.” He says.
“Fine.” You say with a playful pout.
Bucky kisses your lips once more, but the kiss was interrupted when Daisy came running in the bedroom.
“Hey!” Daisy shouts, getting yours and Bucky’s attention. “Up!” She says, doing grabby hands at her daddy.
You and Bucky smiled at her cuteness. Bucky picked her up and placed her in between the two of you.
“I draw something!” Daisy shows you and Bucky a picture. “This is daddy. This is mommy. This is Pine Pine. This is me. Me and Pine Pine are superheros like daddy in this one.” She tells you guys.
“It’s beautiful, princess.” Bucky says, kissing the top of her head.
You guys heard Alpine meow loudly as she jumped up on the bed. You guys gave Alpine some lovings before laying down with Daisy in between you and Bucky and Alpine on the pillow next to Bucky’s head.
“I wuv you, daddy. I wuv you, mommy.” Daisy says, kissing yours and Bucky’s cheeks.
“We love you too, baby.” You and Bucky say, kissing her cheeks.
Bucky turned on Barbie for Daisy while you guys cuddled for the rest of the night. Bucky couldn’t ask for anything better than this.
-Bucky’s Doll
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niki-phoria · 1 month
폭풍처럼, you're my favorite / 후회 없이, baby
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pairing: leon kennedy x gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 845
notes: randomly had an idea for a leon fic so here you go, set in the re4 castle, debated using a gif but i think i like the header more tbh, don't expect re fics regularly lol, not proofread !! pls forgive any mistakes <33, title from nct 127 - favorite (vampire)
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you swat a cobweb out of your face, grimacing at the sticky feeling that lingers against your skin. the warm light from your flashlight occasionally flickers, making you curse beneath your breath. “it’s so dusty in here,” you murmur as you shine the light across the room.
straws of hay crunch beneath your feet as you begin to wander around. the wooden pillars leaning against the wall are beginning to rot, sagging beneath the weight of the stone floors they hold up. vines decorate the edges of the room - overgrown and unruly. you can faintly smell the natural ivy smell they emit. it’s admittedly a nice change from the usual earth and blood that lingers in the rest of the castle. 
LEON KENNEDY smiles, stifling a quiet laugh beneath his breath. your flashlights dance across the stones, fighting against the darkness of night. “it could be worse,” he says. his fingers twist around the hilt of his knife as he tucks it back into the small hoster on his waistband. the barrel of his gun taps against his thigh with each step, a sharp reminder of your mission. 
you hum, shoving your own gun back into your pocket. your pants are covered in patches of dirt and blood, staining the fabric. leon’s gaze lingers on a cut stretching against the back of your bicep, deep enough to leave a scar. 
his laces bounce against the sides of his boots as he takes a step closer. leon gingerly reaches up, tugging your arm closer to examine it. “you’re bleeding.” 
“oh,” you shift, turning to glance backwards at the wound. “i didn’t even notice.” 
leon gives you a resigned nod. adrenaline must have prevented you from feeling the injury. it was a common enough occurrence that you had both grown accustomed to giving and receiving stitches. 
“it’s not too deep,” leon concludes after a few minutes.  setting his flashlight aside, he rips some fabric from his shirt before you can protest. he mumbles a small apology at your wince as he ties it tightly around your bicep. “try to keep it clean for now.” 
you nod, thanking him with a soft smile. leon makes a note to search for some bandages later. for now, he’ll just have to hope that his shirt sleeve will be enough to protect the injury. 
setting your flashlight against the floor, you wander over to the least-dirty looking wall. a yawn escapes your lips before you can prevent it. leon follows after you, leaning back against the large stones. “tired?” he asks, stretching his legs out. his muscles ache at the feeling; his body silently thanks him for the break after running around all day long. 
“a little,” you sigh, pulling your knees up to your chest. you shuffle closer to him before leaning your head against his shoulder. he unconsciously stiffens at the contact before he sighs, smiling softly. “it’s been a long day.” 
wrapping his arms around you, he tugs you even closer until your body is resting against his chest. “get some rest,” leon murmurs. his voice is raspy when he whispers; his breath ghosts against your skin. glove-clad hands meet your own when he reaches out, intertwining your fingers together. “i’ll keep watch for a while.” 
“what about you?” you whisper lazily. the darkness seems all consuming. you blink harshly, fighting against your body’s natural urge to succumb to the need for rest. 
leon chuckles. the sound reverberates around the room, instantly easing some of your nerves. he gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. “you worry too much,” he teases. 
“of course i do.” leon pauses. his gaze wanders to the stone walls surrounding you. cracks run through the stones like spiderwebs. they look like they’re falling apart - as if a breeze too harsh will cause the entire castle to crumble into dust. a layer of grime has settled deep into the cracks. the consequences of not being cared for, he supposes.
moonlight shines in through the gaps between the bricks, illuminating the stray dust particles floating throughout the room. you shift slightly in his arms, breaking him out of his daze. you tilt your head to look up at him. “i’ll be okay,” he finally says. his voice is so full of sincerity that it makes your heart skip a beat. “i just want to protect you. i won’t stay up long.”
you smile softly. even in the dim light, with bloody hands and messy hair, you never fail to make him nervous. you shift just enough to hold your pinky finger out. “you promise?”
leon laughs. a soft, genuine laugh. heat floods his face, tinting the tips of his ears an embarrassingly deep pink. he sends a silent thanks to the universe that the darkness is concealing his blush before he intertwines his finger with yours. “i promise.” 
satisfied, you take a deep breath, finally allowing your eyes to flutter shut. he traces miscellaneous shapes against your skin; the steady rhythm of his heartbeat slowly lulls you to sleep, safe in leon’s arms. safe, for now.
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if you enjoyed this fic, please consider leaving a like, comment, feedback, or rebloging !! and if you want to support me, consider checking out my resident evil masterlist <3
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little-diable · 1 year
Kinktober Day 11 - Draco Malfoy
Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading them, your comments keep us writers motivated. Enjoy my loves. xxx
🩶 Day 11 🩶 Hands
Warnings: 18+, obviously smut, unprotected piv, oral (f), both are 18+ for the sake of it
Draco Malfoy x fem!reader (1.2k words)
header by @deathofpeaceofmind
My Kinktober Masterlist
“Love? Are you listening?” (Y/n) had to blink a few times, shaking her head to rip herself out of her wandering thoughts, drawing her eyes from Draco’s veiny hands. A soft chuckle left him, hand reaching for her chin to keep her head in place, not giving his girlfriend a chance to move away. “I’ll see you after the game, alright?”
“Mhm, of course, I’ll wait for you.” She shifted her weight, pressing a kiss against Draco’s cold lips before he let go of her, disappearing to join the others. With an almost dreamy sigh leaving her, (y/n) turned away, set on finding her friends before the Quidditch game could start, not wanting to miss a second of it. 
Excitement bubbled deep inside of her as her mind used the few moments of silence she was now offered, once again thinking of Draco’s hands, the hands she desperately wanted to feel on her body, wrapped around her throat, no longer able to remember when he had touched her last. It had been too long, too long without his body pressed against hers, too long without hearing the sinful sounds he’d produce as he was buried deep inside of her, fucking (y/n) into oblivion.
But tonight they’d finally get another chance to find solace in one another’s closeness, using the handful of hours where the others would get drunker and drunker, not sparing the two lovers any of their attention. 
(Y/n) couldn’t concentrate on her friends, not as the game started, not as the end was near, eyes solely focused on Draco, watching him hold onto his broom, smirking whenever his piercing eyes found (y/n)’s dilated pupils. He was all too aware of the thoughts distracting her, the pictures her mind painted – pictures Draco’s mind also clung to whenever he allowed his thoughts to wander. 
“I take it we won’t see you later?” Her friend’s chuckles rang in (y/n)’s ears as she turned towards them with a slight smile, shaking her head without letting one single vowel leave her. Her mind was too occupied with the thought of Draco, thighs clenched together as the first waves of arousal, mixed with anticipation, began to flush through her system. Whatever he was set on doing, she’d allow it all – just for him.
“There you are, I was looking for you.” Draco’s scent clashed against her frame, leaving her mind to race as the mixture of green apples and expensive cologne crawled up her nostrils. His lips had found hers before her reply could leave her, a sight that left their friends laughing, turning away from the lovers to find their way down the hallway, set on getting drunk within the next hour. “Come, let’s go to my room.”
“Don’t you want to celebrate first? You deserve it!” Draco’s piercing eyes found hers before he let his gaze wander down the hallway. With a gasp leaving her, (y/n) was pressed against the nearest wall, held in place by the hand finding her throat, thumb teasing her cold skin. 
“Do you want me to go down there? I certainly had other things in mind we’d be doing tonight, and taking it from the way you keep staring at my hands today, I’d say your mind is also focusing on something else.” Draco pressed himself even closer, allowing her to feel the growing bulge of his, making her moan in a desperate need for more. 
“Take me to your room.” 
“Don’t close your eyes, keep on watching, love.” Draco was nestling between her thighs, tongue pressed against her skin, tasting her arousal. Her moans echoed through the room, swallowed by the spell keeping their sounds hidden from people walking past his room, offering them the privacy they were aching for. He pushed her closer and closer to the edge, with one hand taking care of her pulsing bundle of nerves, while the other was placed on her stomach, fingers interlaced with hers. 
(Y/n) found herself staring at his hand at any given chance, even as he dipped his tongue into her tightness, making her walls flutter, high on the way Draco was making her feel. She kept choking on his name, unable to let go of the words burning on her tongue, unable to express the way he was making her feel, only able to communicate with her arousal laced sounds. 
“My pretty girl, look at you, you’re so needy for me, I could do whatever I want, and you’d still beg me for more, huh?” Draco found pride in the way he seemingly was making her feel, guiding her body like a raft sailing through the uneasy ocean, a raft that would drown without his help. 
“Draco,” his name left her like a spell, laced with enough strength to catch his attention, carrying a deeper meaning only he could pick up on. “Fuck me, please, I need to feel you.” 
He didn’t need to be told twice, naked body moving up her frame, hovering above her with his signature smirk tugging on his lips. Draco caught her lips in a kiss, making her taste herself on his tongue – a distraction from his shifting, positioning himself at her entrance, pushing into her tightness without another warning. 
The moan leaving him forced her eyes open once again, staring up at him with awe swimming in her pupils. (Y/n) trembled at the sounds ripping through Draco, sounds that filled the room with every ferocious thrust, forcing his cock deeper into her tightness. Both were set on chasing their highs, not daring to drag this moment out, at least not for the first round of many to come. 
No words left Draco as he raised one hand, bringing it up to her mouth, forcing (y/n) to suck on the two fingers he pushed down on her tongue. The sight left Draco groaning in satisfaction, thanking his lucky stars for pushing (y/n) into his life, the one he’d die for, the one he’d chase till the end of their time, if it meant being with her forever. 
Her walls fluttered around him whenever he met her swollen spot, once again pushing her closer to the edge, all too aware of her arising high. Draco was set on making her cum, set on making (y/n) scream his name with her arched back and her curled toes. And within the next moments he managed to do so, watching her fall apart beneath him. 
Draco’s name left (y/n) as she came, fingernails clawing at his back, leaving scratches that wouldn't fade for days. He kept fucking into her, even as her body began to relax, reaching his own high with a deep growl ripping through him. She watched him cum with hazy eyes, relieving himself on her warm skin, watching his cum paint her skin white. 
“I should have picked up on the way you keep staring at my hands a lot earlier.” His whispers left her chuckling, arms finding their way around his neck to pull him in for a kiss, murmuring a soft though teasing “I want to feel them around my throat as I suck you off”, leaving Draco groaning in excitement for their upcoming adventures.
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airbendertendou · 3 months
CHERRY TiNTED! ♡ chifuyu matsuno
synopsis : timeskip!chifuyu learns something about you from the past... it changes things.
cw : non-sexual bathing together , mutual pining but theyre both DUMB
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
"It's too bad," Hinata speaks as she picks at the frosting on her cake. Her lips poke out absentmindedly as she scoops a glob onto her fork. Takemichi tilts his head with a tap to her shoe — Hinata jumps, as if remembering he was with her. "That [Name] is leaving. That Chifuyu never felt the same. We became close friends and now..."
Takemichi blinks, memories that don't feel like his racing into his head. Flashes of you — a friend of a friend that Kazutora vouched for — and the pinkened, lovey-dovey eyes you always had set on Chifuyu popped into his mind. Along with the pining — from the other side, it seemed. "What do you mean?"
Hinata takes a sip of her drink. "[Name] never made a move because Chifuyu was always going on dates with other people. Took the hint, you know?”
"There was a chance," Takemichi blinks dumbly. Hinata sits up in her chair. leaning closer as her own eyes widen. "Chifuyu has a crush on [Name]. Always has."
The red-head sits frozen for a second before she sinks into her seat, closing her eyes in defeat. "What idiots."
Bloody, bruised knuckles greet Takemichi when he comes back. He's panting and staring up at the sky, then at Chifuyu. The blond holds his hand out, pulling Takemichi up with a grunt. "All good?"
"Yeah," Takemichi breathes. His memories come back with a blink — past him decided to run his mouth again and couldn't put up a fight. "Thanks. Did I win?"
"Oh, yeah," Smiley pops up. His grin seems to widen — Takemichi thinks he's laughing at him. "Won big time. Always do."
Chifuyu clicks his tongue, looking away before slinging an arm around the timeleaper. "Let's get patched up. See you later!"
It's with alcohol stinging his cuts and a cold, pre-boiled egg on his eye that Takemichi remembers. There was a drink — your favorite that Chifuyu always brought home ; there was an ice cream — one that matched the color of your eyes.
You — he couldn't fight well, but maybe he could change your future. Make sure your heart is accepted ; your pining and Chifuyu's finished.
“Chifuyu.” Takemichi holds onto his shoulders. The blond blinks, eyes wide and confused. Michi sighs, “you have a chance with your roommate. You always have.”
He walks away, leaving Chifuyu confused. “Roommate…?” Something must’ve happened in the future, he thinks with a finger held to his chin. Chifuyu nods to himself, I’ll stop it!
The shower is running when Chifuyu finishes getting ready. He waits on the spritz of his favorite cologne — he waits, for what, he's not sure. His shoes stay by the door — socks fresh on his feet as he runs a hand through his hair.
"[Name]?" He taps on the bathroom door softly with his knuckles. "I'm heading out now."
"Sure you don't want to join me first?"
It's something you always say — sly, flirty invites that he always denies. Chifuyu smirks, tugging on the sleeves of his shirt. Little did Chifuyu know, the sound of the shower muffled your sniffles and hiccups. He didn’t know then, but now—
Takemichi’s voice echoes in his head.
Turning on his heel, Chifuyu welcomes himself into the warm, steamy bathroom.
The curtain slides open, revealing you with your mouth agape, staring in shock. Chifuyu slots right under the shower, the water drenching him and his clothes. He lets out a sigh, cupping your cheek. “Why are you crying?”
“I’m not,” you deny. Your nose scrunches as you sniffle, “s’the water. Why are you in here with your clothes on?”
Reddened, lithe fingers shake as they unbutton the top he’s wearing, slinging it onto the bathroom floor with a plop! His pants and underwear go next — you avert your eyes quickly. Chifuyu chuckles, “why are you so shy now?”
“Didn’t think you’d actually get in here,” you mumble. Blinking as his hands latch onto your hips, you frown. “What about your date?”
Chifuyu doesn’t think as he says, “want you more.” He’s fighting the urge to bury himself into your neck and take a nibble — your body wash smells so good and you look divine.
“[Name].” It’s said with a loud, exasperated laugh as Chifuyu’s head falls back. “Do I have to spell it out for you?” One hand shoots to your cheeks, gripping them softly as he connects your eyes. “I like you — so much. I want to share a room and go on grocery store dates and get so lovesick it’s annoying. Got it?”
Your eyes are wide and almost pink as you speak through puffed cheeks. “Got it.”
something short nd silly to post!! thank you for reading ♡ if youd like to b tagged / untagged in any tokyorev content, let me know! ♡
🍓 TOKYOREV TAGLIST : @night-shadowblood-writes2 @chrofeisnightmaregf @natsumesakasakisupremacy @emperorsnero @hajimeseyo
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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9-1-1 Masterlist
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Oh gee finally a place I can keep these! Thank you to my bestest most amazing friend in the whole world for making these headers for me i literally actually literally could not do it without you
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Two of a kind
Buck can’t stop thinking about his coworker, so he does what every guy at 3am does on a 24 hour shift!! He sneaks out to his car to get off. But it turns out, certain coworkers (that might possibly be the love of his life) have the exact same idea!
Fairest of Them All:
The party downstairs rages on as Buck decides to do something about the pretty little thing he’s been staring at all night
Clothing Optional:
I can’t. I can’t keep writing summaries. I’ve done 2
After a stupid work shift, in the stupid heat, Buck just wants to enjoy a sweet little sundae, fortunately it comes with a side of dat ass (I’m not sorry)
That Should Be Me:
Buck has never ever been jealous ever a single damn day in his life
Gamer Girl
Buck thinks you’re so, so pretty. You’d looked even prettier with your thighs around his head
Now You See Me:
✨Mirror sex✨
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Growing Pains:
Everything is all wonderful and cool and dandy until you nearly die from your appendix!!
Cry To Me:
Eddie loves when you’re crying during sex, nothing turns him on more… except when those tears are very very real and he’s very very worried
10 Things I Hate About You:
You guys freaking h a t e each other… or do you? Wink wink wink wink enemies to lovers wink
I Spy:
Eddie is the sweetest neighbor in the entire world… who knows where you work
Better Than Revenge:
You and Eddie get locked into a closet at your job after an accident, it also turns out your now EX boyfriend is a cheating asshole! Eddie has absolutely no problem filling in for the revenge role
Front Row:
Why do firehouses have to work f o r e v e r. Eddie needs a freaking shower and to pass out for the next six years on an overnight shift. It turns out someone has the same idea, and possibly another idea on how to left off some steam
Yeti Point:
Eddie finally takes you on that skiing vacation you’ve been begging him for and it’s going great! Until you get snowed in. But that’s okay, Eddie has a secret plan to keep you both warm
Slow and Steady:
Buck helps Eddie into the house, holding him up as you frantically get the bed ready for your injured boyfriend. Turns out, pain killers make Eddie horny!
Dad!Eddie x Daughter!reader
Nightmares never get easier no matter how old you get. Especially ones where your father dies
Smoke Dector:
Eddie always has to be the hero, okay not really but it’s hard when you see your boyfriend running into a burning building for the first time
One Puff Or Two:
Take your freaking inhaler Eddie 🔪🔪🔪
Into The Fire:
You’ve been on edge lately, and Eddie knows there’s something up. One night things come to a head when you have a nightmare about what happened and Eddie wakes up to a very bad situation
Night Changes:
Eddie comforts you after a bad nightmare about him dying over and over in different ways (based off of 5.14)
Busy Bees:
Two words ✨Sex Pollen✨
Soup or Salad?
✨I’ll freaking summarize this later✨
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A Rose by any Other Name
This is one of the funniest titles I've ever made up. Buck finds your simple collection of toys and shows them to Eddie... and now they want you to put on a little show for them
Finish Line:
A little game of "whoever cums first loses"
Twice Bitten:
Double Penetration from my kinktober list!
Alexander Hamilton:
Buck can't stop having feelings for Eddie's girlfriend... but what if that's okay?
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See The Road You're On
Elks Chapter 1 Version 2.0
Pairing: Jackson Joel Miller x Female Reader Chapter Rating: T. (Nothing explicit for the first few chapters.) Chapter Summary: The man you've had a crush on since he showed up to Jackson just so happens to be your favorite student's caretaker.. and he just saw you do a brutal face plant in front of his home. Chapter Warnings: soft jackson joel, outbreak and quarantine zone memories, ellie has a smart mouth, anxious reader, mentions of blood and an injury from falling, everyone lives happily ever after, joel and ellie don’t leave jackson, early 2000’s indie rock Words: 5,500 Header courtesy of @saradika-graphics
Next Chapter
Masterlist Playlist “Caring Is Creepy” - The Shins
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The world ended the day after you bought your homecoming dress. You begged your mom for it–a beautiful deep forest green sequined sweetheart a-line gown–the neckline perfectly showed off your prized gold daisy pendant. You felt like a princess, life couldn’t have been better. Your alarm buzzed on the morning of September 26, 2003, the only worry floating around your teenage head was the grade you’d receive on your essay about René Magritte for AP English. While walking home after a typical boring high school day with your guitar slung across your back and headphones on, little did you know you were hearing the final lyrics before everything changed:
“Hold your glass up, hold it in Never betray the way you’ve always known it is One day, I’ll be wondering how I got so old, just wondering how”
Twenty years later, hardened by life in the Denver Quarantine Zone and gently softened by your now comfortable life in Jackson, you’re still waiting for your first dance.
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Art and music have always been at the forefront of your life; you’ve never allowed anything to take away your creativity. Continuing to create no matter how much pain the reality of losing everyone you’ve loved to the plague roaming the earth brought you. You create for yourself using art as a way to soothe your thoughts and anxieties, you create for the Settlement of Jackson to give back to the town that has given you a good life for the past five years, and most importantly you create for your students at the school you’ve taught at since your arrival. 
The fifteen years spent in the Denver QZ tried to steal your colors and mute your songs, joy became more difficult to find as each year behind the giant iron gates passed. The only sources of happiness were supplied by your small group of friends and your students in the desolate school you taught at. You never graduated high school, there was no pomp and circumstance, just a teaching job assigned to you because you were young and still remembered most of your high school education. That’s how your career was decided, funny how an apocalypse job search happens.
You tried to carve out as much of a life as you could under the overbearing and always watchful eyes of FEDRA soldiers, but it never felt whole. When the opportunity to leave Denver arrived thanks to your kind neighbor’s sister, you grabbed the few items you could and ran away from the only state you ever called home. Now, five years after your escape through the wasteland of the world to a better existence in Jackson, your life is now filled with art, music and purpose. Art supplied by the jars of paints you learned to make and what the patrollers bring you back. Music from the CD player in your house and the guitar you strum. Purpose from the weekdays spent teaching your impressionable students with actual well-rounded futures no longer doomed to become FEDRA fodder, along with the Saturdays spent working at the library you run out of your classroom. It's a good and comfortable life here, even if the nights are lonely and the only company you have in your small cottage are your cats Ripley and Penny. Some extra lonely nights, when the moon sits high atop the mountains, you can’t silence the thoughts that there’s nobody in your life who creates beautiful things for you. Too many nights you find yourself thinking about the man that lives down the street from you… Joel Miller. 
He’s so intimidating, handsome and caged off, akin to an art piece you’d pay admission to be able to stand near. Your own little museum piece you keep to yourself now that museums are obsolete. You’ve never seen anybody more gorgeous… not even in the faded celebrity magazines you cut up to make collages and art out of. Soft and full lips always hidden under a frowning mustache that rests below a large hooked nose. His dark brown eyes often focused forward, always looking in thought underneath furrowed brows. Wavy hair that matches his eye hue with soft silver streaks painted throughout. His body is strong and broad, often hidden underneath a tan flannel lined jacket. He’s tall and big–so big–somebody who has always been a protector. His hands are also large to match the rest of his features with thick fingers that sit capable and dexterous… you can tell they’re efficient for any task you ask of them. His skin is golden, born that way and bronzed by years spent outdoors. The precious pages of your notebook quickly deplete when you try to sketch and master the lines of his face. Maybe you could get the minute details if only you could stop being so afraid of the feelings he stirs inside of you.  
You’ve been enamored with him since he first showed up to Jackson– your life, and all of those feelings you’ve tried to avoid for years– upended by his presence. 
It was a normal day, like any other, when you walked into the Tipsy Bison to drop off some extra shoelaces and push pins for the community swap basket. Your eyes paused at the long communal table where your friends Maria and Tommy were seated with two strangers. A small teenage girl with a tight pony tail and a tattered sweatshirt was talking animatedly with her mouth full. You know kids well after all your years of teaching, you could already spot her tenacity across the room. Sitting next to her bent over a plate of food untamely clutching a fork was a man with a mess of graying hair and a permanent scowl plastered on his handsome face. You noted his strong jaw as he chewed his food, his eyes stared straight forward void of kindness, you wondered when the last time somebody created something beautiful for him. He was the most handsome man you’d ever seen– so intimidatingly sized even in his seated and hunched stature. You quickly flitted over to the corner where the communal basket sat and deposited your items before turning around to head back to your home when you noticed the handsome stranger looking right at you. His eyes darted away right as your eyes widened at his focus before you made your hasty retreat out of the tense room. That night you wrote a song about a once warm and inviting cabin sitting in the woods now cold and desolate with tattered floor boards and a cracked window.
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The girl you saw at the Bison with the handsome stranger showed up in your class the next week. Ellie quickly became your favorite student thanks to her love of art and her smart mouth. She’s always so eager to learn in the mornings before heading out with the other older kids for patrol and community training. She doesn’t shut up about your handsome stranger, he’s Joel, Texas born and raised, he’s grumpy, and he loves coffee. He’s not her father, but he’s her protector, everything she tells you makes you think about him more. 
Sometimes you’ll see him walking down the road headed right towards you, a quick tuck of your head down or dash around the nearest corner helps alleviate the panic of being near him. One night you see him with Tommy at the Tipsy Bison in the corner drinking whiskey, your eyes stared unblinking before you realized how anyone could look over and see the way you’re ogling, you quickly created a reason to your friends why you needed to head home, to overwhelmed by his presence just a couple of rows down. Seeing him stirs up so many foreign emotions inside of you, but you like the rush. You like having your little crush, as long as you can keep your distance from him.
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“Jeez, what were they thinking when they named these bands? The Shins? The Strokes? The Yeah Yeah Yeahs? Did every band just pick a random word and put The in front of it?” Ellie questions as she peruses your CD collection while you grade papers. With training for the older students canceled due to the winter snow outside, Ellie decided that you needed company in your classroom after school.
“Seems like it, doesn’t it?” you answer. “I’ll have to play them for you one day, those were some of my favorite bands when I was your age.”
“Really? Wicked! I’d love that!” she looks up from your CD book with an enthusiastic smile. You return her smile, happy for the bond the two of you share. “Joel loves music too, wonder if he’d like any of these.” Your pen pauses and your heart rate increases at the mention of his name, you feel foolish for the crush you have on your student’s “father.” 
“I’m sure there’s something in there for everyone,” you say, stacking your papers and capping your pen. “I think we should get going, before the sun sets, El. I’ll lock up.” 
“Aw man, there’s nothing to do at home,” she sighs. 
“Sorry kid,” you shrug. “I’m helping Helen at the Bison tonight and I need to eat dinner beforehand.” 
“Fiiiiiine, thanks for letting me hang with you, this was really fun,” she says as she grabs her backpack and jacket. “Bye Teach!”
Watching her leave, the thought plants in your head that she’s only a couple years younger than the age you were when the outbreak happened. 
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The world thaws when winter turns to spring, the sun stays up longer allowing patrollers a better chance to scavenge and bring their finds back. The wish list posted above the communal basket in the Tipsy Bison is filled with requests. Residents ask for a broom, a TV input cable, a glue gun, crayons, and other utilitarian items to help make life easier. You think about writing down the one thing you wish for the most, a new CD player. Your prized possession finally spun its last song a couple days ago making your home fall silent without your constant companion of music. The irony isn’t lost on you that your just as ancient guitar now lays silent against the wall, the crack on the neck finally broke from overuse. You don’t write down your main wish, instead choosing to note that the school needs chalk and you need a new oven mitt. 
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“Thought I told you not to touch my stereo kid,” the deep timbre of a Texas accented voice shocks you. Your heart begins to thud against your chest while goosebumps spread along your body; you’re frozen on the floor while you attempt to hide your internal panic. Joel is home. Of course he’s home, this is HIS home and you’re in it breaking HIS rules listening to your favorite mixed CD on HIS stereo system that’s much grander than your pitiful broken CD player. Why did you think letting YOUR STUDENT who’s half your age convince you this was a good idea?
“I know, relax! I’m being active in the community like you asked me to,” Ellie’s response drips with her unshakeable sarcasm. 
Your head turns to find his deep brown eyes boring right into you, he gives you a half smile as you stare back at him, mouth slightly agape. Joel Miller is in Joel Miller’s house with you. 
“This is the teacher I told you about, her stereo broke and I know how important music is to her–kinda like how it is to you. I invited her over so she could play me some of her stuff,” Ellie reasons. The kid is never not convincing. 
You quickly stuff your CD case into your backpack and stand, trying to escape the anxiety of being here in the cozy Miller household with the not-so-cozy-looking Mr. Miller. 
“Mm,” Joel grunts out before turning to you and reaching his hand out. “I‘m Joel.” His big hand envelops yours when you softly grab it to say hello. 
You nervously give him your name, trying to calm your panicked heart. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overstep any boundaries... I-I really appreciate her offering to help me. My stereo broke a couple days ago and she knew it upset me.” You nervously stammer feeling like a thirteen year old in trouble again as you begin to fiddle with the gold daisy chain around your neck.
“Don’t worry about it,” he urges before looking at Ellie, “I can look past this if it means means you’re getting out of that damn garage.” 
Ellie rolls her eyes, you wonder if every conversation they have is Joel putting a rule down and Ellie breaking it. “She has way better music taste than you have old man. None of that twangy sad music you try to get me to listen to.”
You start to feel antsy as Joel crowds the small space around you. 
“I-I have to head out, I promised Helen I’d help her at the Tipsy Bison.” You’re not due for another hour but you can’t fathom the idea of being unwelcome in Joel’s house.
“Oh, okay. Well, you’re welcome back whenever you want… right Joel?” Ellie looks at him, angling her eyebrow, knowing she’s going to get the answer she wants from him. 
“Uh— of course. S’pose any friend of Ellie’s is welcome here,” Joel hesitates with a smile, his deep brown eyes crinkle in the corners. He’s ridiculously handsome this close, it’s staggering. 
“Thank you again Ellie, I’ll see you tomorrow, make sure you bring your notebook,” you say, turning to walk out the door. 
You rush home, hoping the distinct woodsy smell of Joel’s house on your clothes will linger for a while. You almost trip when you realize you’ve left your favorite mixed CD in Joel’s stereo.
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Weeks pass, and the weather gets warmer. Spring is in the air, the trees are covered in bright green leaves, flowers bloom along the vast gardens of fruits and vegetables, everyone’s days turn longer with more tasks to accomplish. There’s always a hopeful breeze in the air for everyone, no longer bunkered down and locked away by the snowy weather. 
Your mixed CD is now a victim of your inability to be anywhere near Joel. Either Ellie decided to keep it for herself, or Joel's decided for you that you don't want it back, especially since you obviously crossed a line. In an odd way, it’s actually a nice feeling, kind of like old times when you'd forget a CD in your friend's car or in your locker over winter break.  It's not like you have anything to play it on, your house is still silent, save for the purring of your cats or whatever song you can remember to hum to yourself. 
It's a warmer day than usual, the sun shines bright and hot in the clear blue sky; all you can think about is getting home and taking a long bath after helping out at the community garden. Your hurried footsteps pitter patter against the warm asphalt in front of Joel’s house. Your heart always begins to race as it comes into view, once in a while you'll get to steal a glance of him leaving for patrol at the same time you're heading to school– those are good mornings. This sweltering afternoon you’ve certainly lucked out, he’s in his yard working on repairing a broken fence post. Your steps begin to slow as you see him set the hammer down, wipe the back of his hand across his sweaty brow, and stretch his back. Panic sets in at the realization he could look right over and see you in the state you’re currently in. You’ve been up to your knees in soil since school ended, watering and deadheading plants while letting the dirt on your skin bake in the warm sun. Your anxious steps pick up pace, failing to hop over the divot in the road you always remember to avoid. A trip and a fall ends with you landing hard on your stomach knocking the wind out of you. You can just make out the fall of heavy boot steps on the ground over the sound of your lungs gasping for air as you turn over.
“Whoa whoa whoa, you okay darlin’?” Joel asks. His broad body eclipses the bright sun when he bends over your body splayed out on the pavement. “S’alright, s’alright, breathe.” 
You lose even more breath at the sight of him. The sheen of sweat against his skin makes it glow bright. This is the first time you’ve seen him without a jacket or flannel, there’s a constellation of freckles on his neck you’ve never noticed. His biceps strain the fabric of his short sleeves when he reaches to put a comforting hand on your shoulder. You can’t tell if you’re still panicking from your fall or the stress of Joel seeing you as pathetic as you think you look. He called you darling and you feel like a fool. 
“I’m okay–I-I’m sorry…. I’m okay,” gasps out between breaths. You whimper from pain as you attempt to stand but it hurts far too much. 
“Hold on, hold on, there’s no need to rush, you took a mighty fall. Ya’ got a big cut on your knee, let me help you,” Joel’s eyes roam you under brows wrinkled with concern. 
“No, no, I’m okay really, I-I’m really okay,” you try to calmly assert, losing terribly against your rising embarrassment. 
“S’alright now, I have some peroxide and bandages in my house, Ellie’d kill me if she knew I left you injured,” he implores reaching his hand out. "I want to help you, come here."
“I– okay,” you grab his hand, his strong fingers wrap around yours, oh god he’s so warm, “I-I don’t want to bother you.”
“Now, I’ll have none ‘a that, come on,” he helps you stand steadying you with an arm around your waist, the adrenaline of being this close to him makes a bit of the pain fade, though the humiliation remains. 
He slowly leads you up his walkway, his hand lays splayed against your hip holding you tight. Your head rests against him close enough to feel the dampness of his sweaty shirt against your cheek.
He leads you into his house, the realization isn’t lost on you that this is now the second time you’ve been inside his home. Both times you’ve felt like an idiot. What is your luck?
You slowly sit down on his couch, Joel gently helps you settle against the cushions before placing a pillow behind your back for support. "You alright?” he asks, his voice drags heavily with concern. You nod, keeping your eyes focused on your bare legs, marred by dirt and gravel mixed with blood. “Just relax for a second, I’ll go grab everything." He retreats, his loud boot steps get fainter allowing you to take a deep breath and attempt to center yourself. 
The last time you were in Joel’s home you were far too anxious to focus on anything besides Ellie and the music coming out of the stereo. Solitude now allows a chance to look closely at Joel’s living room; for somebody with so many stories swirling around town about his gruffness and irritability, his home sure is warm and inviting. Wood carvings sit on shelves, a couple of tattered sports magazines lay on the coffee table, a chipped owl mug sits atop a book on the side table next to a chair. All of it presents quite domestic and comfortable for a single man and an adopted daughter in the apocalypse. Your eyes roam along the beige walls and pause when you spot a familiar painting hung near the front window. An elk stands alone, amongst a field of flowers, large antlers reach into the light blue sky. You painted it just a few months ago, using your favorite water colors. You gave it to Tommy for Christmas, as a thank you for always making sure you have first dibs of paints that patrollers bring in. Why does Joel have it?
“Don’t have any large bandages but I got a gauze roll,” Joel startles as he takes a seat atop the coffee table across from you. 
“That’s my painting? I painted that… for Tommy,” your inner thoughts escape your mouth, surprising you.
He turns and follows your eyes to the small piece of paper pinned on his wall. “You painted that? S’good. Saw it on my brother’s wall and asked him if I could have it, he was kinda reluctant but I told him how it reminds me of the painting I used to have over my bed before… everything.” The last word comes out as a huff, like he still doesn't know what word to use for these last twenty years.
“I love elks, they remind me of where I’m from… I’ve always liked painting the wildlife I grew up around the most,” your eyes remain focused on your painting. “Herds of elk used to live near my Dad’s home in the mountains, I used to hear their calls during the mating season.” 
“S’nice to remember those small moments, I guess your painting helps me,” he gently muses. 
“I’m glad,” you whisper.
Joel delicately lifts your leg up and places it on his lap, resting it against the soft strength of his thighs. Your heart feels like it’s going to burst out of your chest when you look down at this intimate moment with your dream man. Your breaths escape your mouth in rapid succession, your only hope is Joel blames your panic on the threat of the peroxide and not his close proximity. 
“S’gonna sting,” he warns before pouring the clear liquid onto your knee. Your breath catches in your throat when it hits your sensitive skin and burns. You suppress a whimper and feel slightly dizzy at the sight of him bending forward and delicately blowing on your wound. His breath cools the heat of your burning skin but lights a fire inside of your body you haven’t felt in years.  He glances up, his dark brown eyes stay focused on your face. “Doin’ alright?” 
You nervously chew on your bottom lip and nod. “Y-yes, yeah,” you mumble, “I-I’m okay it just hurts a lot to move.” Heaven forbid you tell him the truth, that you’re acting this way because he’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen, and now his hands are on you.
"I know, that gravel is a sucker," he gently reassures, picking up your other leg and placing it on top of his lap. “S’bouta sting again,” he warns. 
You try to focus on the burn of the peroxide and not on Joel’s fingertips resting against the back of your knee. He blows on the peroxide as it bubbles again, your heart skips a beat when his deep brown eyes meet yours again. You get the sense that he knows exactly why you’re responding the way you are. 
He lifts a faded gray wash cloth up and wipes both of your knees with the utmost tenderness. He picks up the fabric bandage, and lifts your knee higher to rest your foot against his broad chest. 
“Place a finger here so I can wrap you,” Joel directs just as gently as his touch, “let me know if it’s too stiff for you.” His hand tightens around your knee as he slowly unravels the gauze around your leg and bandages your wound. “How’s that?” 
You bend your leg back and forth and place it on the floor. “Feels good, thanks.”
“Course,” he says, lifting your other leg higher to start. He smirks when you place your finger on top of the bandage without him asking, and begins to wrap the gauze around your other leg. 
“I’d try to take it easy the next few days, give you a chance to heal,” Joel utters, tucking the bandage in and smoothing it down. 
“I will. Thanks for all your help… you really didn’t have to,” your voice cracks in embarrassment. 
“You don’t have to thank me, Ellie’d kill me if she found out I left you hurt in front of my home,” he cracks a smile at the mention of her name. “She talks about you a lot, I should be thanking you for giving her a reason to love goin’ to school.”
“She’s one of the best parts of my day,” your smile matches his when you think about her smart mouth, “I love having her around, she’s always so eager to learn and give her opinion."
“She's always showing me some new art way she learned from you or talking about a band she wants to hear that you told her about. You mean a lot to her.”
“She’s a special kid.”
“She is,” he says, his deep brown eyes look into yours. You’ve never noticed just how much his dark eyes glisten. Like the perfect color of black coffee. 
The sweet shared moment turns more awkward as you both maintain eye contact and nod over your shared adoration of Ellie. It feels like he’s looking at you under a microscope.
You cut the tension and softly clear your throat before slowly rising from the couch. “Well, I should get going, I’ve already taken up enough of your time. I really appreciate everything.”
“S’no problem at all,” he quickly stands and places a steadying hand on your back before leading you to the door and down his walkway.
You spy his tools laying abandoned and strewn across the lawn. “I hope I didn’t keep you from finishing your fence,” you apologize.
“I’ll manage… take care of yourself,” his hand retreats from your back when he opens the gate for you. 
“Thanks Joel, you too.” You really shouldn’t have looked back at him to get one last glimpse, he’s beautiful, especially now lit by the slowly setting sun. 
Walking away from him as confidently as you can, you feel his eyes follow you the whole way. You’ve never been so thankful to see your little cottage, escaping behind the protection of your front door before you grin and grab your paints and brushes. That night you paint another photo of an elk, this time with golden toned fur and deep brown eyes. 
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Saturday mornings are always busy, running your library never allows you the luxury to eat pancakes at the hall like everyone else on the weekends. You’re always turning to the left rushing towards the schoolhouse while everyone takes a right heading to eggs, pancakes, and coffee. This particular Saturday you’re moving slower thanks to your injured knees and the large box of books patrol brought you from their runs. 
“Mornin’," Joel shouts, quickly striding towards you from the hall exit. “Lemme take those for you.” 
“Oh, hi,” you pause in your tracks when he stops in front of you and grabs the box out of your hands. “You really don’t have to take–"
“None ‘a that,” he shushes, effortlessly lifting the box of books higher. "Where are we going with these?"
"Just over to the school house for the library," you nod your head towards the little brick building.
“How are the knees doing?” he asks, slowing his gait to match your slower pace.
“A lot better, thanks.”
“Glad to hear.” 
You fish the key out of your pocket, unlock the door, and let Joel follow you down the hallway to your classroom. You flick the lights on, fluorescent bulbs buzz illuminating your second home. 
You sit in your chair to rest your already aching knees, you’d still be halfway to the schoolhouse if it wasn’t for Joel’s kind assistance. 
“You can put the box on my desk,” you direct, rubbing your sore knee. 
He places the box on your desk before his eyes focus on the bright mural on the wall behind your desk. “Wow, I haven’t seen something like this in a long time. S’beautiful,” he breathes out incredulously. 
A grin lifts your tired face before you swivel in your chair to look at the mural. “Goodness, thank you. I just finished it a couple of weeks ago. I really wanted to make sure the kids had something fun and colorful to focus on while in class. It was hard for me to work in this plain, white room for so long. It took a long time to save up enough paint.” 
He slowly walks over and places his hand on the cold cinder block wall. “Bluebells. The flower of Texas,” he faintly whispers.
His large fingers trace the outlines of your painted indigo petals, you feel like you shouldn’t be allowed to see this type of gentle tenderness coming out of such hard and strong hands. He delicately touched you like this when he bandaged your knees. There was once softness surrounding all of Joel, the permanent grimace and rough reputation for him brought on by the harshness of existing in this world. 
He turns to you, keeping his hand on your mural. “Where you from?” he asks, curiously gazing into your eyes.
“I was in the Denver QZ.”
“No, where were you from before everything?”
“Oh, sorry. Still Colorado, just more in the mountains,” you say, concentrating on the columbine flower next to the bluebell. “Florissant to be exact. It’s a little town famous for dinosaurs. My students, especially Ellie, love to hear all about dinosaurs. I was very lucky to be where I was when everything–happened–just far enough to escape.”
“Nice state, I went skiing there once as a teen, had plans to go again before… everything,” he turns to look back at the bluebells again.
“Big of a Texan to compliment Colorado,” you jest, standing up and grabbing the library supplies from your desk.
He chuckles with a shake of his head. “Good one. Did y’know you forgot your CD at my house?” 
“I did, sorry about that. I figured Ellie just decided to keep it for herself. I don't mind, not like I have anything to play it on right now,” your voice drops thinking about how long it’s been since you’ve heard your favorite songs.
You begin to place down your hand painted placards on the tables. 
He walks over and picks one of the cards up and admires it. “Can I help you?”
“If you want, just pick up a pile of books and put them on their respective tables. Children’s, Mystery, Romance, Non-Fiction, Sci-Fi, Miscellaneous.” 
He dutifully picks up a stack of books. “You do this by yourself?”
“Usually, I sometimes have help but I think everyone here works so hard during the week they like their slow Saturdays, I can’t ask them to give up sleeping in.” 
“Sleeping in, must be nice. Can’t do such a thing. Ellie would sleep all day if I allowed her.”
“You’re right,” you say, squeezing by him to grab a pile of books. “Must be nice.”
He holds up a thick paperback with yellow pages and a burgundy cover, a muscled, orange toned man with long blonde hair holds a wispy brunette damsel. “I take it with a title like ‘Burning Tenderness’ it goes in romance?” Joel winks. You’d never imagine you would ever see someone like him joke.  
“Well, I’d fire you on the spot if you placed it in non-fiction.”
His bellowing laugh echoes across your classroom. You like hearing him laugh. 
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The library is set up a half hour before opening thanks to yours and Joel’s expeditious work.
You take a seat on the edge of your desk to rest your knees.  “I’ve never gotten done this early before. Between your help earlier this week and today I feel like I owe you something. Is there any way I could repay you for your kindness?” 
He sighs, glancing back at your mural. “Those bluebells you painted,” he inhales a large breath, “do you think you could paint some of those for me in my house?” 
“Oh my, I’d love to,” your face lights with a smile. You can’t believe he’s asking this of you. “I can start it anytime.”
“D’you want to come over Monday after you’re done at the school? I told Ellie I’d spend the day with her tomorrow.” 
“That sounds great,” you reply, not believing your luck that Joel Miller is inviting you over to his house.
“Great. Should probably head out and start my day. Taking this as payment for my work today,” he says holding up a book.
“‘As I Lay Dying?’ Didn’t pin you as a Faulkner fan,” you muse, opening your logbook to note the title down.
“Liked the horse on the cover.” 
“You’re so Texas. It’s a good book, enjoy it Joel.”
“See you Monday. Good luck today.” 
“Yes, Monday,” you respond, trying not to smile too hard. “Thanks again for all your help.”
“Course,” he nods before walking out the door. 
Today’s going to be a great day, it already started out better than you ever could have hoped.
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Back home after a busy day you sit in your favorite chair with your cats on your lap and sketch bluebells until you fall asleep with your pencil in hand.
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yuusishi · 6 months
Hi how’s it going? I saw that your requests were open and I was wondering if I could request a headcannon of how Kaeya, Diluc, and Dainsleif react to reader saying “I can get it, just don’t ask how”? Can be either platonic or romantic, whichever you prefer. Thanks in advanced!
pairings : Kaeya Alberich , Diluc Ragnvindr , Dainsleif x gn!reader
genre : fluff
cws/tws : implied violence but it’s rlly short
a/n : warning this is lowkey ass cuz I didn’t really know how to go about the whole plot so sorry if it’s messy 😭. I’ll be putting the headers later cuz I’m not on my pc rn and that’s where I make them !!
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He thought you were just trying to lighten up the mood seeing his stressed expression upon walking in his office, but seeing your dead serious face he couldn't help but get curious about what your "way of finding the missing artifact" could be.
You weren't part of the knights, just a simple adventurer from the guild, and definitely not on par with the Traveler.
He mentally weighed his options until giving up and leaving it in your hands.
He really wasn't expecting much, possibly a lead or two, but the entire missing artifact that the knights were searching for for weeks showing up at his office definitely woke him up without any need for caffeine that morning. It was safely tucked in a basket too...
Letting out an amused chuckle, he walked towards the basket. The fragile artifact was encased in a bundle of blankets to prevent any breakage, as well as a note tucked in the corner.
“I spent all night getting this so you owe me! The map to the thieves’ den is on the back of this note” signed with your name, even then he could probably recognize your handwriting at a glance without the need for your signature.
Sure enough a shockingly detailed map was drawn at the back of the small note. That was the day Kaeya considered recommending you to Jean as the Knights’ private investigator.
You need to have one hell of a way with words if you were to ask Diluc to even remotely involve you in his investigations. He’s well aware the dangers his nighttime escapades pose if he were to bring others with him, that’s the whole reason he works alone in the first place.
He had mentioned in passing that his messenger owl had gone missing for the past few days, no longer answering his calls or bringing back any letters, that’s when you had an amazing conversation with Dawn Winery’s owner.
“I can give you the lead but…” “But…?” “I want to go instead” “Not a chance” “Please!” “Then tell me how you’ll be doing it” “I can’t tell you” “Then it’s still a no” “I promise I can do it myself! The only thing you have to do is swear not to ask questions tomorrow morning”
A heavy sigh left Diluc’s lips as you wait expectantly for his answer, “Should you harm yourself in any way while you’re out, you’re getting banned from the tavern, alright?”
If he had to be honest, he stayed up later than usual that night (at least when he doesn’t need to be the darknight hero). He wished you would stroll up to Dawn Winery in the middle of the night and said that you gave up on the investigation, but you didn’t.
He had work the next morning, he went to sleep and hoped to the archons that putting faith in your abilities was a good idea. Sure enough, that very morning he found his owl on a bench outside Dawn Winery with a note attached to its foot.
“No questions, alright? Just get me something from Good Hunter as a thanks!” Usually he’d find your letters amusing, but he couldn’t help but let his heart drop ever so slightly upon seeing the speck of blood on the corner of the page.
You had met Dainsleif enough times to be considered more than an acquaintance to him. As he travels across Teyvat, he still manages to frequent the tavern you work in. Every couple months you’d see the familiar tuft of blonde hair accompanying his eccentric appearance.
You were just an ordinary bartender, so Dainsleif wouldn’t dare try to involve you in his plans against the Abyss even if you held a vision. All of his plans managed to endanger even the Traveler after all.
He mentioned something about a precious item related to Khaenri’ah that he needed, and just his luck you knew a couple visitors to the tavern that could aid him. But they weren’t the most approachable people.
“I can get you a couple leads, only catch is that no questions will be asked, ‘kay?” A bad feeling buried itself in your stomach every time he mentioned something about the fallen kingdom, yet you still offered.
After giving the offer a moment’s thought, he agreed, warning you to be careful.
The next week he came back, but you weren’t there, instead Dainsleif was greeted by another bartender covering your shift. Curious, he asked what happened with you, the only answer he received was that you managed to overwork yourself and got sick. The bartender swiftly handed him a paper filled with leads for the item.
He swore to come back to properly repay you after he completes his investigation.
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httpsserene · 1 year
ꜱɪɴɢɪɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴡᴇʀ w/ ʟɴ4
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📖ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: lando’s usually well spent sunday off with his girlfriend is different this time around. you put off your everything shower and wash-day causing some edits to the usual routine. how the night ends, however, is 100% lando’s fault. 📖ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: fluff/borderline?crack(if u think im funny). one or two mentions of sex, not explicit at all. not edited to beta-read. 📖ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2k words 📖ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: lando norris x black!fem!reader 📖ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: oneshot 📖ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅᴛʀᴀᴄᴋ: singing in the shower ~ becky g
ᴘʀᴇꜰᴀᴄᴇ: preface: hello! it’s late night or early morning for me, i guess, when i’m posting this. i was going to say this is my first rpf ever, but that’s a bold-faced lie ☠️but! it is my first f1 work! i hope you enjoy it! i’d love to have some f1 mutuals out here, if anyone wants <3. also requests are open, just come talk to me and ramble about anything, or any idea you have the f1 boys, i’d love to have some great anons and asks to fulfill. hope you enjoy it :)
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it’s a rare sunday where you and lando are both home together. usually you two would take advantage of this and make the most out of it. you’d lay in bed late into the morning with an excessively cuddly boyfriend, cook a nice and healthy brunch together you cook, lando handles the soundtrack and vibes because he loses all coordination in the kitchen, play a co-op video game that you guys have been working your way through for a month, go out on a nice little dinner date, and have great sex before knocking out.
HOWEVER, this week you have kinda forgotten that you need to do your hair. originally you had an appointment that tuesday to get a silk press done with your usual hairstylist, but she canceled on you. once you got that “hey girly...” text you’d known there was no hope of rescheduling, for that week at least. so, you decided to do your own hair sometime later in the week, but your boyfriend was home for the first time after a triple-header, and was a terrible lovely distraction. you also had to work, unfortunately, you had to clean the flat, you had to eat, and you had to breathe—so understandably, you’ve ended up pushing your wash-day/hair-day and everything-shower to the last minute.
you apologized several times to lando during breakfast for your forgetfulness and wasting valuable “boyfriend-girlfriend time” as lando coined. but lando is lando—a sweetheart at his core—so he refused to accept your apologies with an “don’t apologize for something so minor, love,” and even offered to help you tackle the fight you end up almost losing every time…. vs. your hair. 
you kindly denied his assistance knowing damn well that if he was in the shower with you, your hair wouldn’t be done until late that night due to a different type of lando-distraction. you suggested that lando streamed while you were doing your shower and hair, and that you could still go out for dinner that evening. lando was pretty receptive to the idea, especially after he made sure that you were 100% okay with him not helping you do your hair (he usually does, you’ve got him trained pretty good; all he needs is the license at this point), and the fact that it’s been like 3 months since he last streamed.
lando posts that he’s streaming starting at noon, and after a brief make out against the sink post-dishwashing that leaves your lips swollen and head foggy, he goes to take a shower and start setting up his stream equipment. cursing lando’s smug-ass face as he walks away, you let him know that you're stepping out to the beauty supply store to get a few items before you start your little routine and that you might not see him before his stream starts. he does a 180, and rushes back to you from down the hallway to give you one more mind boggling kiss and with a smile says, “text me when you get there and when you’re back. i’ll have my phone on dnd but your messages are set to pass through it, so if you don’t want to be seen on stream today you don’t have to worry about it.” internally, you’re pretty sure your heart just imploded at the mindfulness this boy has—that your boyfriend has. somehow, it still surprises you how mature lando is for how silly he acts most of the time.
“you’re too sweet to me, lan.” you respond with a shy smile, “i probably won’t interrupt you today—i’ll let your delulu fans have custody, and deal with you!” lando throws his head back and does his usual demonic laugh, “hey! my fans are not that delusional, but i am afraid that you’re losing the custody battle!” he kisses you on the cheek, and with that you separate until later that day.
or so you thought. you knew lando’s super sweet behavior was too sus without him being his usual gremlin-self at least once.
when you get back from the beauty supply store (which should’ve been a fifteen-minute trip at most, turned into a near hour after the usual shenanigans you find yourself involved in buying things you don’t need), lando’s already started his stream. you text him letting him know you’re about to hop into the shower, and start heading to en-suite bathroom.
when you open the door, the mirror is slightly covered with remaining steam from lando’s shower, and you can see his clothes hanging half-inside the hamper. which is an improvement from being left on the floor—choose your battles, ladies. but as you move further into the bathroom, setting down your everything-shower supplies, changing into your silk robe and bonnet—you pick up on a lingering scent that should not be present.
your ninety-four fucking dollar scalp revival shampoo.
you’ve had that shampoo since you were seventeen, using it only when extremely necessary. you didn’t even pay for it, it was something your mom bought you as a pretty thoughtful and useful gift after you complained about your scalp suddenly getting super sensitive. it lasted through your senior year of grade school, all of university, and goddamn-it, two boyfriends!!! you let out a bit of an hysterical giggle (seek mental help, babe) and walk to the shower to grab the jar. the problem is: you know there was only probably one more usage left.
turning the cap off, your worst fears are confirmed...it’s…empty. with an anguished cry, you fall to your knees on the tiled floor—it’s like your childhood pet died. you gently set the jar down on the floor, and stare dazedly at the ceiling. what makes it worse is: you know that lando probably didn’t even use it properly. he most likely didn’t even let it sit for the mandatory 15 minutes that all girls do as an excuse to waste more time in the shower, he prob- he probably rinsed it out right after he massaged it in; that thought right there almost had you crying. oh, and what makes it even worse-r , what was a one-use sized amount for you was like, three for lando, so if he used it sparingly, you would’ve at least gotten to cherish it for the last time.
and with that, you rise from the floor, like some sort of re-animated monster—and with a twitching eye, start stomping to lando’s stream room. before you barge in, you remember what you're wearing: a black silk robe, matching bonnet, glasses, and your cute orange shark slides (lando bought them for you, he has a matching pair). you do the mental math of caring about this being on the internet for the rest of your life, but eventually the opportunity of terrorizing lando wins out over whatever a digital footprint is.
the door swings open, and with your shout of, “lando norris!” the pinging of his chat becomes rapid. lando looks wide-eyed at the camera and whispers, “oh fuck.” he half spins in his chair to look at you in the doorway, and is met with a flying shark slide to the neck. “oW! what did i do??” he cries out.
“you used the last of my ONE-HUNDRED DOLLAR shampoo, YOU THIEVING GREMLIN!!!” the chat notifications start cutting each other off with how fast they’re being sent.
“i didn’t use your shampoo??” he says with a bewildered look, clutching the shark slide to his chest. you seethe, “the fucking WOODEN JAR, that you didn’t even have the AUDACITY throw away, and left in the shower?!”
lando pauses, and makes an ‘a-ha’ sort of face goes, “oh, i thought that was conditioner.” you scream again and this time you don’t miss your mark. the remaining shark slide bonks him right on the forehead. “oW, again?!”
“yEAH?! WELL, i didn’t expect  MY GIRLFRIEND to ASSAULT ME with the shark slides that I bought HER!!”
“yEAH?! WELL, i didn’t expect MY BOYFRIEND to waste MY hair products!!”
lando cackles but surrenders, he reaches for you in the doorway and pulls you in between his legs with his hands gripping your hips. 
he pouts, “i’m sorry. i can buy you another batch, if you’d like. if you need it for your shower right now, i can pause the stream and run and go get for you, or get it delivered?” you sigh, looking at his wide blue eyes. you let him stew for a minute, trying to find it in you to remain mad. his thumbs start petting you gently while you think, and he leans his head forward to rest on your tummy.
you sigh again, hand coming up to play with the hairs at the nape of his neck, and cave, “nah..don’t even worry about it. i don’t even need to use it today, i just wanted to remind you to keep your nosy-ass away from my hair products.” he nods against your abdomen, you start to pull away, and he does the same. you lean down and give him a brief peck on the cheek, and turn to exit the room. 
“oh!” you exclaim now in the doorway, one hand on the doorknob, “i love you, even though you steal all my shit.”
lando giggles, cheeks turning a light pink, “i love you, princess,” the simp dripping out of every pore in his body. you point at him, “this is actually a mutually beneficial situation! now, for date night you can take me to the store to buy hair products,” lando’s smile drops, “don’t worry we can get some for you too, curly boy!” lando doesn’t even try to fight it once he sees the borderline manic grin on your face, just begging him to test you one more time. he accepts his face, “yes, love. i can’t wait for tonight, princess.”
he turns back to his stream when the door closes all the way and shakes his head. he claps his hands once, ready to get back into it, but you burst in again,
“and when i get out of that damn shower in an hour—you’re sure as hell gonna help blow dry and flat iron this shit! it’s silk press season, lando norris, we cannot be caught slacking!” you slam the door shut, and leave.
lando just blinks at the camera, mouth slightly open like that one pikachu meme. he briefly reads the chat, trying to recover, and looks at all of the chatters pick on him like he just got called to the dean’s office. some messages start to roll in about him having to end the stream.
he waits to hear the bedroom door shut, and a few more seconds for the shower to start running before he pseudo-whispers into the mic, “don’t worry, chat! she may have said an hour, but we actually have more like three. it’s her ‘everything-shower’, no-way she’ll finish that quickly. she needs an hour just to sing and dance in there before she starts actually doing anything.”
he starts to open a lobby in cod, sending invites to a few of the boys online and his phone starts vibrating on the desk. the chat starts to go wild again, recognizing its the ringtone he set for your messages. his face drops again when he opens your text thread, “oh my god, chat. she heard me, i forgot she pulls up the stream for background noise. i’m screwed.”
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yninstagram • 2hrs ago
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liked by landonorris, ybfsinstagram, and 123,978 others
yninstagram hairstylist did his thing for silk press season 👅
tagged landonorris
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landonorris can’t even see our faces but you can’t tell we’re both pretty
➥yninstagram pretty gyal takeover
➥user bro 😭 i can’t even call this sassy
➥user he’s just keeping it real with y’all
landonorris i’ll always take care of you like a princess
➥landonorris and one day very soon, forever treat you like a queen
➥ynistagram lan ☹️🥺
➥user proposal hint?!!!
➥user it’s a 4ever thing y’all wouldn’t understand 🥱
➥user i do 🙄 y/n comes home one day every two years and takes care of our eight children
➥user bitch—LMFAOOO
user not her gatekeeping the stylist 😤 not very girl’s girl of her
➥yninstagram he’s booked out for the foreseeable future sorry babe
➥user oh uh. that’s completely understandable. he doesn’t take walk in’s ? 😃
landonorris • 3hrs ago
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liked by yninstagram, maxfewtrell, and 2,321,768 others
landonorris you attract what you fear? word, oh no a pretty gyal who lets me do her hair😱 oohhhhh how scaryyy
tagged yninstagram
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yninstagram damn 🥵 she’s pretty fit
yninstagram heard her boyfriend’s finer
➥landonorris shouldn’t listen to gossip, her bf can’t match her beauty by far
➥user now THATS SOME RIZZ i didn’t know he had it in him
carlossainzjr y/nnita keep brainwashing him i’m getting good teasing material
➥ynistagram sí señor, el gusto es mio
➥carlossainzjr aye,lando her spanish is better than yours🤣
➥landonorris my tractor is better than yours, mmm yeah that’s what i thought
➥yninstagram he will be issuing a formal apology at the paddock next sunday señor sainz
➥user i just KNOW she got him at shark slide-point
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© httpsserene 2023
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adrienneleclerc · 3 months
Shopping Trip
Pairing: Lando Norris x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Lando and Y/N go to the mall and Lando is bored
Warning: Spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: based the scene from the Barbie Movie, you know the one.
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Lando was in Monaco, came home after the triple header and like most drivers, he missed his girlfriend. Lando was asleep in his bed when he heard Y/N getting dressed.
“What are you doing up, sweet thing? I thought we could stay in bed.” Lando said.
“Mm, I would love to, mi fresita, but I can’t. I have a nail appointment at the galleria.” Y/N said.
“You mean the metropole shopping center?” Lando asked.
“It’s a big indoor mall, I’m calling it a galleria. I’ll probably have a look around too.” Y/N said.
“Can I come with you?” Lando asked.
“You wanna come with me to get my nails done?” Y/N asked.
“Yeah, I could pick out your nail color, I’m paying. Let me shower real quick and we can go.” Lando said.
“Okay, amor.” Y/N said. Y/N had a quick snack and looked for Pinterest photos of nail designs while she waited for Lando to shower and get dressed. Once dressed, Lando got out of the room and sat next to Y/N. “Great, pick which design you like.” Lando took Y/N’s phone and searched through her Pinterest board until he landed on a design he liked.
“This one is very you. Plus, it’s cute and girly, and the color suits you, you ready to go?” Lando asked. Y/N nodded and both of them left the apartment to go to his car.
Though the rules are ‘driver picks the music, shotgun shuts their cakehole’, Lando let Y/N pick the music. Once they arrived at the mall, Lando opened Y/N’s door to let her out and they walked into the mall, some people were asking for photos on their way to the nail salon. Y/N walked in first.
“Hello, I’m Y/N, I have an appointment.” Y/N said.
“Ah yes, we were expecting you, we have your chair ready right here.” The employee lead Y/N to the ‘nail station’ while Lando sat in the waiting area. As soon as Y/N was settled, they began their work, using the nail drill to buff her nails. The acrylic isn’t even on Y/N’s nail when Lando decided to stand next to her.
“Darling, I’m bored.” Lando said with a pout, Y/N turned her head.
“Cariño, you wanted to come with me. Just entertain yourself, find something to do.” Y/N said, turning her head back to make conversation with the nail tech. Lando looked around the nail salon.
“What am I supposed to do?” Lando asked.
“Lando! Go for a walk or something.” Y/N said
“By myself?” Lando asked.
“Yes!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Where?” Lando asked.
“Anywhere!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Can i go that way?” Lando asked, pointing to a store across the nail salon.
“Yes.” Y/N said. Lando started walking but he didn’t leave the salon yet. “Don’t go too far.” Y/N said.
“Okay!” Lando exclaimed. He walked back to where Y/N was sitting. “I’ll text you what store I’m at, here’s a couple hundred bucks, I love you.” Lando said, kissing her temple, adding the couple hundred bucks in her bag.
“I love you too, stay on the first floor please.” Y/N said.
“I will.” Lando said before leaving.
An hour or so later, Y/N’s nails are finished, she paid the nail tech, and checked her phone to see what store Lando is at but she found him sitting by the water fountain, eating chicken wings.
“You got food?” Y/N asked.
“I was hungry and I came here to spend time with you, which means we will check the stores together. Let me see your nails.” Lando said and Y/N showed him her nails.
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“Beautiful, they did a great job. Maybe when it’s time for me to propose, I’ll send you here to get your nails done.” Lando said, getting up from the fountain edge to walk with Y/N,
“Wow, you think about proposing to me?” Y/N asked.
“Of course I do, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I plan on spending the rest of my life with you.” Lando said,
“You are the sweetest. Think we can go to Sephora?” Y/N asked.
“You spend too much money at Sephora.” Lando said,
“It’s not my fault Ulta isn’t available in Europe. Which is stupid, by the way, Sephora is so expensive for no reason, they don’t have my favorite shampoo and conditioner.” Y/N said.
“All right, let’s go to Sephora.” Lando said.
“Yay!” Y/N said.
The End
Hope y’all liked it, short but cute, do you think Lando would be like this?
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 23 days
hey Darling, would you write smt about Bucky suddenly having a breeding kink mid session but reader doesnt show that she doesnt like it. she is distancing herself the next day and cries when he isnt home and cries when he does that again the next time while they fuck
later she explains that she wants to have a baby and that she doesn't like breeding kink bc it's not real. and they never talked about kids etc. buck is the next one distancing bc he is shocked. but in the end its fluffy and he wants to take that step with her
Want To Have A Baby » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader
Summary: You want to have a baby with Bucky, but you don’t like the idea of him having a breeding kink.
Warnings: some Smut (18+), Fluff, language, crying, dirty talk, kissing, hickeys, unprotected sex, praise kink, breeding kink, pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creator.
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The second Bucky walked through the door of the house, he littered your body in hickeys and practically tore your clothes off. He just came home from a week long mission and he’s taking what he’s been wanting all week. As of right now Bucky was hovering over you with your hands pinned above your head and fingers intertwined with yours as he fucked you.
“This is the only thing that has been on my mind for a week.” Bucky says panting.
You nodded and hummed in response. You’ve been wanting this all week too. Your head was thrown back against the pillow, giving Bucky perfect access to your neck to mark you up some more.
“Fuck…” He moans. “You’re gonna look so pretty when I breed you.” He says breathlessly.
You eyes opened wide at what he say. You blinked a couple times, trying to process what he just said. For the moment, you just went with it. You were coming close to your third orgasm of the night.
“Bucky, I-” A moan left your lips before you could tell him that you were going to cum.
“I know you’re close, babydoll. I can feel it.” He says, speeding up his thrusts.
Your legs began to shake against his sides. You were right on the edge. You were sent over the edge when his cock hit your sweet spot one last time. You came, moaning his name loudly. Bucky gave your clit one last rub before focusing on his own orgasm, which wasn’t too far behind yours. His thrusts got sloppy, but he regained rhythm. He came inside of you soon after. His thrusts came to a slow stop. He slowly pulled out of you, making you whine at the loss of his cock. Bucky sat back on his knees for a few seconds, smirking when he seen his cum leaking out of your pussy.
Bucky laid down next to you and pulled you close to him. Both of you laid there panting and sweaty. Bucky moved your hair to the side so he can kiss your shoulder softly.
“You did so well for me, babydoll.” He says softly.
You hummed tiredly in response and snuggled yourself against him. Bucky covered the two of you up with a sheet and shut off the bedside lamp, draping his arm around your waist. You laid there while Bucky fell asleep, thinking to yourself for a few minutes before falling asleep.
The next morning, you woke up to see Bucky getting dressed. He turned around, smiling when he seen that you were awake. He walked over to the bed and leaned over to give you a kiss.
“Last night was amazing.” Bucky says.
You smiled softly and nodded in agreement, trying not to think about his breeding kink.
“You ok, doll?” He says, moving your hair from your face.
“Yea, I’m just a little tired from last night.” You say, lying through your teeth.
“Go back to bed. I’ll see you tonight.” He gave you another kiss. “I love you.” He says.
“I love you too, Bucky.” You say, smiling softly.
You watched him walk out the bedroom door, closing it behind him. You listened for the front door to close before you started crying. Your mind went back to last night. You couldn’t stop thinking about what Bucky said during sex. He wants to breed you. Last night, it didn’t show signs that you didn’t like it. Now, you don’t like it. You weren’t sure if he meant it or not. After a few minutes, you got out of bed and got ready for the day. You couldn’t stop thinking about Bucky’s breeding kink all day. You tried your best to push it out of your mind and went on about your day.
You were in the kitchen making dinner when Bucky came home from work. He went to the kitchen, smiling to himself when he see you. He walked up behind you, wrapping his strong arms around your waist from behind and kissed your cheek. You didn’t greet him like you normally do.
“Aren’t you going to greet your man?” Bucky asks, trying to make you laugh.
You didn’t laugh or even smile. You turned your head just enough to kiss his bearded cheek and went back to making dinner. Bucky just assumed that you’re just too focused on making dinner so he didn’t think much of it. He gave you one more kiss on your cheek before going to the living room to watch TV. He knows that you’ll come get him when dinner is ready.
After dinner, Bucky took a shower and you cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes. Bucky walks out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel that hung low on his hips and went to the kitchen, knowing that you’re still cleaning up from dinner. He walks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist from behind again. You could feel his bulge through the towel.
“The dishes can wait till tomorrow, doll.” Bucky whispers in your ear. “Let’s go to the bedroom.” He says.
You were trying so hard to resist him, but you couldn’t. You know you can’t and so does Bucky. So you finally gave in, turning the water off and turned around to face him. Bucky kissed you hungrily. Your worries of Bucky’s breeding kink washed away in that moment. At least for a little bit.
Bucky grasped the back of your thighs and picked you up, carrying you to the bedroom. He shredded your clothes off of your body the second you two got to the bedroom. You reached a hand down and pulled his towel off.
Bucky slid his cock inside of you the second after your back was on the bed. Your hands found their way to his back, raking your nails down his back and leaving new red line marks on his skin.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, doll.” Bucky softly kissed just below your ear, knowing how much you love it. “I bet you’d look round with my child.” He says.
A whimper fell from your lips. Bucky took it as a pleasurable whimper. He didn’t have to say the word breed. It was just implied. You didn’t want to ruin the moment so you went with it again.
“Bucky…” You moaned.
“I love it when you moan my name, doll.” He says, almost growling.
Your moans urged him on. For the rest of the night, you tried your best to not let his breeding kink bother you.
The next day, you got to thinking. You want to take the next step in your relationship with Bucky. You want to have a baby with him. Or babies you should say. You weren’t sure on how to tell him. You and Bucky have never talked about having kids. It’s something you really want with him and you hope he feels the same way about it. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t hear the door open and close when Bucky came home.
“Doll, I’m home!” Bucky announces. “Are you home?” He asks.
Bucky frowns when you didn’t greet him at the door or answer him. He looked all over the apartment for you. He finally found you in the bedroom, lost in your thoughts.
“Doll?” Bucky says, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You blinked a couple times, realizing that Bucky is home. You leaned up and gave him a small kiss on his lips.
“You looked like you were off in space when I walked in here.” He said as he took off his jacket. “Do you want to tell me what you were thinking about?” He asks, sitting on the bed in front of you.
You looked down at your lap, nervously playing with your fingers. Bucky put his hands on yours, getting you to look up at him.
“Whatever it is, you can tell me.” He says with an assuring smile.
You gave him a smile and took a deep breath before saying anything. You decided to be straightforward with it.
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I hope you feel the same way as me about it.” You started. “I know we haven’t talked about it at all and-” You were cut off when Bucky’s hand gently caressed your cheek.
“Babydoll, you’re rambling.” He tells you. “Just say it.” He says softly.
“I want to have a baby with you.” You blurted out. “I want to do it the right way. Not with your breeding kink.” You say.
Silence filled the bedroom and Bucky’s eyes went wide. Bucky didn’t know what to think. You sat there nervously and waited for him to say something.
“Bucky?” Your voice sounded nervous. “I want to have a baby with you.” You say again.
“I-I know. I heard you.” Bucky says.
Bucky put your hands back on your lap and stood up, walking to the bathroom to take a shower. You watched him closed the bathroom door behind him. A sad whimper left your lips, thinking you just screwed up everything with Bucky. Your eyes teared up. You sniffled and laid down, facing away from the bathroom door. You covered your mouth with a blanket to muffle your whimpers so Bucky’s enhanced hearing didn’t pick up the sound of them.
Bucky stood in the shower, water cascading down his body. The words “I want to have a baby with you.” was the only thing on his mind. He still didn’t know what to think. He closed his eyes and shook his head, rubbing his hands over his face. He sighed loudly before cleaning himself up.
When Bucky walked out of the bathroom, he seen you facing the opposite direction. He sighs softly, thinking he hurt your feelings by not saying anything after you confessed that you want to have a baby with him. He got ready for bed and laid down next to you, staring up at the ceiling for a while before drifting off to sleep.
The next morning, Bucky woke up, quickly noticing that you’re not in bed. That’s when he smelled coffee coming from the kitchen. Bucky got out of bed and got ready for work. He walked out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen, hoping you were in the kitchen and you were. He walked in the kitchen at the same time you were pouring coffee in a travel mug for him. You handed it to him without saying a word. As he was about to leave for work, you stopped him by grabbing him wrist. He looked down at your hand and then looked at your face. You stood up on your tippy toes and gave him a kiss on his cheek as a way of saying have a good day at work. Bucky gave you a small before leaving for work.
Bucky was distracted at work. He stared off at a wall during a meeting, lightly tapping his fingers against the table and bouncing his leg. The words “I want to have a baby with you.” echoed in his head. He was so distracted that he didn’t even feel Steve tap on his shoulder. He felt it the second time. He stopped tapping his fingers on the table and stopped bouncing his leg, turning his attention to his best friend.
“Are you ok?” Steve whispered.
Bucky nodded his head yes before turning his attention back to the meeting, getting quickly distracted again. He didn’t listen to a single word that was said in the meeting due to him being distracted. After the meeting, Bucky walked out of the conference room to go to the gym. Steve seen him walking down the hall and caught up with him.
“What’s got you all distracted today?” Steve asks.
“What means you think I’m distracted?” Bucky asks.
“You were staring a the wall, tapping your fingers against the table, and bouncing your leg during the meeting.” Steve points out. “I’ve known you for a long time and I know when something’s on your mind. Tell me what it is.” He says.
Bucky sighed, knowing that he’s not going to get out of this easily without telling Steve what’s on his mind so he might as well tell him.
“Last night, Y/N told me she wants to have a baby with me.” Bucky tells him.
“Wow. I bet that came as a shock.” Steve says.
“I still am shocked.” He says.
“Is she pregnant?” He asks.
“No.” He answers and then frowned. “At least I don’t think she is.” He says.
“Do you want to have a baby with her?” Steve asks.
“I-I- of course I do. We’ve never talked about having kids.” Bucky says with a stutter.
“Then that’s what you should tell her.” He said. “The Bucky I know would love to settle down and have a family. I know that guy is still in there somewhere.” He says, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Bucky couldn’t help but smile at his best friend. Steve is right. The guy who wants to settle down and have a family is still in him.
“You’re right, man.” Bucky smiles. “I should tell her. In fact, I’m going to do that right now.” He says.
“Let me know how it goes.” Steve says, patting his shoulder.
Bucky left the Avengers Compound and went home. He stopped at a floral shop and bought your favorite bouquet of flowers before going home.
You were finishing up notes for work in the dining room when Bucky came home. You looked up and put your pen down when Bucky walked in the dining room. You looked from him to the bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hand.
“You got my favorite bouquet of flowers.” You pointed out, still looking at the bouquet.
“They’re for you.” Bucky says like a nervous teenage boy, handing them to you.
You took the bouquet from his hand and admired the flowers. Bucky took his jacket off and put it on the back of the chair and sat down in the chair next to you.
“I want to talk about what you said last night.” He says.
You felt yourself get nervous quickly. Your heart pounded in your chest, waiting for him to continue.
“I thought about it- actually I talked to Steve and he-” Bucky was cut off when you put a hand on his arm.
“Baby, you’re rambling.” You repeated his words from last night.
Bucky nervously chuckled.
“What I’m trying to say is that I would love to have a baby with you.” He says.
“You do?” You asked.
“Of course I do.” He smiles widely. “The guy who wants to settle down and have a family is still in me.” He tells you. “I found the most beautiful woman in the world and I want nothing more than to have a baby with you.” He says.
A huge smile grew on your face. You leaned forward and kissed him sweetly. Bucky’s hand caressed your cheek.
“I love you so much, baby.” You say in almost a whisper.
“I love you more, doll.” Bucky softly said. “How about we start making a baby?” He suggests.
“You read my mind, babe.” You whispered, looking in his beautiful blue eyes.
Bucky took the bouquet of flowers from your hands and put them on the table. He stood up and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder, making you squeal in excitement. You and Bucky went straight to the bedroom and started to make a baby right away.
-Bucky’s Doll
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