#I’ll probably look like that if joe is sitting in front of me
andrwgarfields · 2 years
why does kit look so in love bye
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youthereader · 5 months
Gator blackmails you.
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pairing: gator tillman (fargo) x teenage fem!reader
summary: 1.9k. to avoid arrest, you do something for gator.
rating: e; dubcon, mentions of underage drinking, reader is an 18 year-old high schooler, blowjob (m recieving), vaginal fingering, praise kink, toxic dynamics
a/n: there's just something about this guy! I hate him but I want him! this is my first ever joe keery character fic, so please be gentle.
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“Go fuck yourself!”
“I wouldn’t be talkin’ to me like that if I were ya.”
This town makes it easy to hate cops, especially because of Sheriff Tillman and his son. Luckily for you, or not so luckily, depending on how you look at it, you’re dealing with Gator tonight.
He has you backed into the side of his car, all alone, and it’s freezing cold. You can see your breaths in front of your faces, your body occasionally shivering. Your cute outfit just feels idiotic now, along with many other decisions that led you up to this point.
Gator’s eyes shift to the end of the street, which is completely deserted. You and your friends were there together up until a few minutes ago, when his cop car turned the corner and spotted you.
“Your friends ain’t gonna help ya,” he says. “They’re long gone.”
“And I meant it when I said it the first time – go fuck yourself!”
He smirks, lifting his vape to his lips and inhales. He exhales away from you, but you can still smell the mango scent as it drifts into the night. He smells like whatever body spray he showered himself in earlier, too. It’s not bad, exactly. Just invasive, lingering. Kind of like Gator himself.
You’ve known each other for years. He was in your older brother’s class in high school, in and out of your life forever, and this is the closest you’ve been to him in a long time. He always sort of scared you as a kid, but now it’s a different kind of fear. Less boogeyman, more realistic and sadistic.
Especially after he told you to suck his cock so he doesn’t arrest you for drinking underage.
“Somethin’ like this on your record when you’re applyin’ for college…”
He trails off, shaking his head. Your face warms and your guts twist. He can’t be serious, and yet you find it entirely possible he means it. His eyes dip to your lower half, your stupid short skirt and tights. You’re not even wearing snow boots, what the fuck were you thinking? You’re not even tipsy anymore by how sobering this is.
“Your brother would be shattered, too.”
“Don’t talk about my brother,” you snarl.
You take a step forward and he doesn’t flinch, eyes dipping to your lips. Your stomach flips at the sight of him taking you in like that.
“You a virgin?” he whispers.
You step back, face on fire, ignoring him. He makes a show of sighing, putting his vape away to take out his handcuffs.
“Okay, turn around.”
“You can explain you and your delinquent buddies down at the station-”
You do think of college now. You care about getting out of this town, away from shitbirds like Gator Tillman. Without college, it’s that much harder to succeed. You think of the shame and humiliation your family would feel, because it would get around so fast, your drinking.
“Okay, okay! Okay!” you yelp, as he spins you around.
He presses up against you, hips to your ass and you gasp at the force of him.
“Okay, what?”
“Okay, I’ll do it,” you whisper. Your eyes shut and you gulp. “I’ll blow you.”
“Nope, changed my mind-”
You start to beg, but he still cuffs you, takes hold of your wrists to open the backseat and pushes you inside with ease. He’s deceptively strong. You land sidewards, and he slams the door shut as you struggle to sit up, slipping into the front seat.
“Asshole,” you hiss, hating him.
You start to wish your arrest would be for more, like assaulting an officer. He probably tried to blackmail you just to see if you’d say yes.
He takes off and you manage to sit up, huffing as you glare at the back of his head through the divider. You realize then that he’s not headed towards the station, but further out, further away from the center of town. You feel panic start to set in, your eyes meeting his in the rear-view mirror.
“Hey, what the fuck?”
“Y’know, I was on my way home when I picked ya up,” he calls over the engine.
He’s speeding and you feel each lurch of the car, every swerve.
“I wasn’t even lookin’ for some action tonight. But you always are. Fuckin’ whores.”
He can’t be talking to you. He must mean the collective ‘you’, of all the girls in town he sees. Has he done this before?
“You’re all whores.”
He seems on a roll, so you stay silent. He drives to the high school, to the football field at the back, the turf iced over and crunching underfoot. You know this because you walk across it most days, dreaming of somewhere far warmer. College was meant to take you away from the cold.
He parks the car. As it idles, he turns around in his seat.
“So have we got a deal?” he says, and you blink at him.
“Uh, yeah.”
He seems to have changed, he seems younger. You stare back at him and he frowns. It’s almost comical.
“What did ya think I was goin’ to do?”
“What kind of question is that -?”
He jumps out of the front and opens the back, crowding you, and he shuts it behind him, settling beside you. You glance down at your own arm pointedly, and he moves forward to uncuff you.
“I wasn’t gonna rape you or somethin’… your brother’s my buddy.”
“I hope he’s not,” you snap.
“Hey,” he says, and he tugs you toward him. “I still could arrest ya. Public intoxication? Underage drinkin’? Intent to sell?”
“Intent to sell what?” you retort. “I have nothing on me-”
“For now.”
You glare at him, rubbing your sore wrists, and he smirks again. His gaze dips again to your mouth.
“You’re kinda cute when you’re pissed off, did ya know that? You’re eighteen, right?”
“You are fucked up,” you say.
The silence between you is heavy, and he pulls in a breath, not disagreeing with you. You close your eyes for courage, breathing in his scent. Annoyingly, he smells really good, and the heat of his body makes it weirdly intimate.
“If I do this, then you’ll let me off the hook?”
Your eyes meet and he nods. “Sure, baby.”
You sigh, moving to unzip his fly and put a hand in his underwear. He’s hard already, and huge. Holy shit, you were not expecting that – and neither did you consider physically reacting to him like you do. Your stomach flips as your face burns with want. You want this.
You obey, ducking down to swallow him, trying not to cough, and Gator sucks in a breath on impact. His hand finds the back of your neck and squeezes, your thighs pressing together. His direction helps you with your initial nerves. Giving bad head would surely mean arrest.
You find yourself trying to not show too much enthusiasm, either. This tightrope means sucking his cock but suppressing your moans, because you’re not a virgin. You’ve done this many times before, but it hasn’t been like this. It hasn’t been risky, or so matter of fact.
He holds you like someone with experience does, and you like it a lot. You shift your hips a little, heat below your navel. He yanks you off him, drool on your mouth and chin, and kisses you.
His hot tongue pushes into your mouth and you grunt in surprise, not disgust, and he’s good. He’s really good at making you go in for more when he moves his lips away from you, staring at you with a glazed expression on his face.
“I knew it,” he whispers. “I knew you’d enjoy this.”
“Shut up,” you mumble.
“Hmm, I like it…”
His hand trails down your side, then under your skirt. You turn your head away from him, whimpering when his fingers curl into the waistband of your tights, pulling them down. You take his cock into your mouth again, re-doubling your efforts, and Gator groans for the first time, his hand more determined.
His fingers meet your underwear, rubbing over the clothed cut of you. You know you must be wet by now, and he doesn’t humiliate you for that. Instead, he pushes aside the material to reach your cunt, tucking two fingers inside with ease.
“Fuck,” you moan, because he’s not gentle.
You bob your head, tasting his pre-cum, sacrificing air to get him off. You’re fighting the building pleasure inside you, until he pinches your clit and you cry out, starting to tremble.
“That’s it. Good girl,” he whispers, and you cough, taking him as far as you can out of sheer desperation. “Good girl…”
You come, your orgasm ripped from you, and you can’t hide it by how you clench around him and shudder. You ride his hand to the very end, and his fingers stay inside you, that possessive edge to him still as he grips your neck a little tighter.
He starts to pant, your eyes streaming now as you commit to his end, and within a minute he follows you over the edge. His come hits the back of your throat and you go still, unsure of whether you’ll swallow. He doesn’t let go, and you decide then that you’ve gone this far already, you may as well…
“Good girl,” he gasps, and that does it.
You swallow, panting. Your ears are ringing and you feel dazed. At some point, the events of tonight will feel real. For now, you have to feel outside of yourself, watching Gator’s fingers move from under your skirt up to his mouth. He licks them clean and then tucks himself away, zipping his fly.
It is utterly bizarre, especially when he glances your way, searching you.
“I’ll drive ya home.”
“Yeah,” you murmur.
“Your friends are shitty, for runnin’ away like that,” he adds.
You nod. You wonder what you look like, sweaty and wrecked.
He moves back to the front seat, and you stare at him through the divider. When he finally looks at you again, you realise he must remember the way to your house from years ago. Something about that makes your chest ache. It’s been a weird night.
“Don’t do shit like that again, alright?” he says, and you nod again.
You don’t know if you’ll do as he says. He is right about your friends, though. Whatever apology they offer you when they see you on Monday will be bullshit and you know it. At least Gator isn’t bullshit.
He stops the car outside your house, and the lights are off. You snuck out hours ago, and your parents won’t know you ever left. But Gator will.
You think about seeing him again in town but don’t feel as miserable as you expect.
“I still think you should go fuck yourself,” you say, ducking under his arm when he lets you out of the car. You feel a little better already.
You glance back at him, and his eyebrows lift. He smirks.
“Okay, baby.”
His vape is back and he watches you walk to your front door. You smell his body spray still, you can taste his come. You’re still a little congested with it, your lips rubbed raw.
“Good girl,” he calls, as you unlock your front door, your back to him.
Your head whips toward him and he disappears into his car, the engine coming to life as you slip inside, heart pounding, the image of his glistening fingers still fresh in your mind.
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Thank you for reading! If you liked it, consider throwing me a like or reblog it. 🖤
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clairifys · 5 months
Prolonged love - Joseph Liebgott x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Sometimes the best things in life take a long time, and sometimes life throws you for a loop. It sure threw (Y/n) for a loop when grabbing German POWs in Hagenau turns into her having to babysit a young Dutch girl.
Tw: Swearing, death, reader being trilingual, mentions of war, mentions of concentration camps, mentions of abuse, killing, slightly dirty? not full on smut, reader is female, slight misogyny due to the time period, she/her pronouns
Word count: 6.5k
I do not own Band of Brothers, nor do I own any of the characters. I am not intending to be disrespectful towards any of the people on this show
The Dutch name is pronounced like (Tina-ka) Tineke, and the nickname Tine is pronounced as (Teeny)
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I was born in Chicago. My mother was born in Groningen, Netherlands, and my father in Antwerp, Belgium. I was the oldest child, and after me, my parents had five others. Despite having six kids, we were all taught Dutch and German from a young age. The sole reason I was accepted into the military was because of me being trilingual, I’ll forever be grateful to my parents for teaching me their languages. 
February 9, 1945 
Easy Company was on its way to France. We were stationed in Haguenau, which had been taken by the Allies in December. Honestly speaking, I didn’t really know what to expect when we got there. I was sitting in the back of a truck, squished between Babe and Liebgott. Joe had become a close friend way back in Toccoa when he’d fallen running up Currahee, and I stopped and helped him up. We both had our 48-hour weekend passes revoked, but we made the most of it that weekend together. After that, we’d spend our weekend passes together and hang out.
I was leaning against Joe as I’d been almost the whole ride, his arm slung around my shoulders as I read a book that I had found when we invaded Foy. It seemed the Krauts enjoyed good literature as I was reading For Whom the Bell Tolls in German. I was a translator for Easy Company, being able to speak English, German and Dutch, I was a heavy asset to the team. It was a beautifully told story about the Civil War that had some romance aspects while also being brutal. I finished the book twice, and now I was reading it a third time.
“Jesus doll, I think I’ve seen you read that damn book about forty times now. How good can it be?” Joe said when he noticed my attention had strayed.
“Oh it’s a beautifully told story, Joe. Although, I don’t think you could read anything that didn’t have pictures.” I replied jokingly to him, looking up at him from where I was leaning against him. I could hear Babe and Malarkey laughing, and a young soldier, Jackson watching intently. 
“How can you read that, (L/n)?” A quiet voice asked in front of me. It’d been from Jackson. He lied on his documents so that made him 20 right now while I, at 23, was considered young. 
“I can speak and read German. Although my mother is a Dutch immigrant, my father was a Belgium immigrant.” I spoke honestly. Picking up languages was a bit of a gift for me. I’d always been good at remembering and learning languages, probably since I was taught three languages at once from a young age.
“(Y/n)! I’ve read that book! It’s so beautifully written.” A new voice spoke from the opening in the back of the truck, I quickly jolted from Joe’s shoulder, as he groaned from lack of contact, to see who the familiar voice belonged to.
“David Webster? Where the hell have you been?” I interrogated, while simultaneously giving him a toothy smile. He blushed slightly while asking Jackson for a hand to get up on the truck and suddenly Joe spoke up sharply, 
“The hospital. Must’ve liked that hospital Webster, cause uh, we left Holland four months ago.” After saying that he gave Web a dismissive look while tightening his hold on my shoulders. Suddenly, I felt very awkward, and slightly bad for Web - the war was tough and it was understandable to be afraid, it just wasn’t fair that some men snuck out only to get killed or injured more severely than the first time. They started going back and forth, jabbing at Webster passively, although it didn’t seem to be because they didn’t like him, they were just tired and upset. I gave Web a smile before getting off the truck, following Joe close behind.
“Y’know, you didn’t have to be so mean to Web.” I said calmly, making sure to not seem mad at Joe as to not have him get defensive.
“I guess, but it’s bullshit that we had men come back just to get killed.” He said quickly. When he said that, I saw Lieutenant Lipton sluggishly walking towards a building. The poor man had a bad case of Pneumonia, so I ran over and put his arm under my shoulders to help him. As I did that, explosions rang over our head and fell a little farther than we were. He gave me a smile and I helped him into the building he was walking towards. It was pretty on the inside, Luz and Captain Speirs were in the room along with Webster walking in. 
“Hey look who it is. Nice digs, huh, Lip? (Y/n)?” Luz said to me and Lipton as I helped Lipton situate himself on the couch.
“Yeah.” Lipton called back, unenthusiastically and coughed slightly after.
George came over with a blanket and put it on Lipton. He had a lit cigarette in his mouth, so I took it out and took a long drag from it.
“Hey what gives (Y/n). Just ‘cause you’re a pretty dame with a nice rack doesn’t mean you can steal my cigs.” He said while laughing, only partly joking. I gave him a look and replied,
“You’re just mad, this is all you get to see of my ‘nice’ rack.” 
He laughed and replied with a ‘you bet’. As he said that, a new voice spoke up, mock confident.
“Ahem. Is this the company CP for Easy?” He asked, looking at me and Luz weirdly before I went to get Lip a cup of hot coffee. 
From the kitchen, I could vaguely hear that he called himself Lieutenant Jones and that he was asking for Captain Speirs. I came out with a coffee for Lipton as Speirs was drilling him about going to the back to sack out and rest. I noticed Jones had stood up when Speirs walked in.
“Christ Captain, give him a break. He’s got Pneumonia!” I told Speirs as I handed Lipton his coffee and gave him a squeeze on his shoulder. Lipton thanked me with a small smile as the new guy looked at me with an expression I couldn’t decipher.
“Hello to you Ms. (L/n). If he doesn’t rest up though, that Pneumonia won’t go away.” He said pointedly at Lipton.
“I’m sorry, are you a field nurse? I didn’t think they let field nurses come this close to action.” Jones asked me, even though he wasn’t asking with any malicious intent, and it was all curiosity, I still got upset.
“Why d’ya think I’m a field nurse? I’m literally in uniform.” I deadpanned at him while giving him a little attitude for automatically assuming I’d be a field nurse just because I was a woman.
“Oh. I’m sorry, truly I was just curious. I didn't mean any offense, I just didn’t know they let women become paratroopers.” He said quickly, face turning slightly red.
“They don’t. (Y/n) here has some insane stamina, and she’s a helluva shot!” Webster spoke up for me, and I threw him a smile.
“Oh gee, Shifty’s got a better shot than I’d ever dream of having.” I replied, giving credit to Shifty, as he did have a better shot and he was just the sweetest man alive. At that, Winters walked in and told us he’d need fifteen of us on a patrol tonight to capture prisoners. When he said he’d need a translator, I instantly knew it’d be me or Joe as we were the only two in Second Platoon who could speak German. Webster could as well, but we didn’t know which Platoon he’d be in. 
After Nixon and Winters left, Speirs began talking to Lipton about who should lead, and who he could take for the patrol. During this, Jones asked to be on the patrol, which Speirs answered quickly and easily with a no, that he hadn’t any experience. 
“Lipton, how many prisoners do you think there’ll be?” Speirs asked the man in question.
“Honestly, sir, I’m not quite sure, anywhere between three to forty it seems.” He said in reply.
“(L/n).” Speirs called for me as I was sitting in a chair reading.
“Ya want me to be a translator, that it?” I asked, knowing that’s what he was about to ask me.
“Yes ma’am.” 
When Webster and Lieutenant Jones left for OP two, I decided to get going as well. I knew Liebgott would be there so that was a good enough reason for me.
“Web, I’m comin’ with. Joe’s probably there right now.” I said to David, although slightly talking to Jones as well, to let him know I’d be going to.
“Yeah, no problem. Say when you’re finished with that book, d’ya mind if I reread it?” He asked me as all three of us walked down the street.
“Awh hell Web, I’ve read this thing three times now, you can go ahead and read it now.” I said while throwing him the book, silently noting how quiet Lieutenant Jones was behind us. The two men were running around crouching behind a little garden wall as I stood up, not seeing why they were doing that. When I heard the door open, Sergeant Kiehn came out, greeting me and Web and telling us where OP two was at. Before anymore words could get exchanged, bombs and mortars started raining down on us and we started running and ducking to take cover. We sat against the wall of a building before a man shouted out that it was all clear. After that, we quickly got to the building where OP two was located. Once inside, I immediately went upstairs and sat down on Joe’s bunk and plopped my stuff down.
“Hey doll, where’d you run off to?” Joe asked while wrapping his arms around me as a way to annoy me.
“Went to help Lip, where’d you go?” I asked while laughing at him.
“Came here.” He replied while digging his face into my stomach and faking sleep. Web and Lieutenant Jones came up not too long after I had, and when Jones saw me and Liebgott he immediately stiffened and gave me and Joe a weird look.
“This spot taken?” Webster asked.
“Nah it’s all yours.” Joe said to him while turning his face away from my stomach, my hands went down to card through his hair and he took notice of Jones’ look.
“Fuck are you staring at?” Joe asked him while sitting up and giving him his own glare.
“I’m sorry?” The Lieutenant asked, offended.
“You got a starin’ problem? Why you lookin’ at me and (Y/n) like that?” He challenged him.
“Alright, alright. Quit fighting, we’ve got news.” Webster said, breaking up the fight.
“Dummer, zimperlicher Junge, der dich so ansieht. (Stupid, prissy boy, lookin at you like that)” Joe mumbled to me in German, only loud enough for only me to hear.
“Er ist einfach sauer, weil du mich berührst und nicht er. (He's just mad because you're touching me and not him)” I said back laughing.
Me and Joe got up to go talk to a bunch of men in the corner laughing and smoking, while Webster and Jones went to talk to Malark. When Joe heard them talk about the patrol he pulled Web aside and I went and sat next to Babe to listen to what he was going to say.
“What do you know about this patrol thing?” Joe asked Web quietly.
“Uh, nothing.” Web said while nodding his head.
“Oh, come on, Web. You gotta know something.” Ramirez interrogated.
“I don’t” He replied adamantly 
` “Bullshit.” 
Web and everyone went back and forth and soon more people sat down to listen. I knew Web wouldn’t give anything up, so I decided to. My head was starting to hurt and I wanted to lay down before the patrol knowing I’d be on it at 0100.
“Speirs is picking fifteen men, Jonesy boy wants to be one of ‘em.” I said while yawning. Joe looked down at me and said,
“I say let the kid go, he could use the experience.” He smiled then Ramirez perked up,
“And I bet they could find fourteen other replacements to help him out.” while smirking.
“Nope.” I said, popping the p. “Babe, McClung, Ramirez and I are going out there.” I said dismissively.
“(Y/n)!” Web hissed at me.
“What?” I asked, confused. Then proceeded with,
“Pssh, I’ll just say it was you who said it, Joe and Babe’ll back me up, won’t you boys.” I asked, smiling up at Joe then at Babe.
“Course we will, doll.” Joe replied and Babe grunted. Webster deadpanned me and sat down when Malarkey started telling us about the patrol. 
When the phone rang, and the PX supplies came in, I was ecstatic. New shoes and a shower? Felt like late Christmas. On our way out, the Krauts started to bomb us. We ran down the stairs and I threw myself under a table with Joe. When we had made it outside, we heard there was a casualty, Bill Kiehn. He was a Toccoa man. It was upsetting and it was unfair that he’d gotten through Bastogne only to die like this. I hadn’t known him too well, but the fact that I’d been talking to him 30 minutes prior made me feel like throwing up. Instead of staying to watch, me and the rest of the second platoon went over to the showers to pick up our new ODs. 
Arriving at the showers, we went to go pick up our new ODs, and anything else they’d dropped for us. Nixon was standing by the depot and was holding a box with my name on it. Being the only woman paratrooper here meant I’d need a different size uniform and boots. I thanked Nixon and grabbed the box, opening it. Inside there was a uniform my size, boots, and women’s sanitary needs, a new bra set, and a few new pairs of panties.
“Well ain’t you a lucky gal, getting new undergarments while we’re stuck with the same briefs.” A voice came from behind me. Getting ready to yell at whoever was looking over my shoulder, I turned and realized it was Joe.
“Aww, poor baby has to wear the same briefs.” I replied, feigning upset and then laughing when I saw his disgruntled expression.
 Before I could run off to take a much needed shower, Malarkey called for us to let us know who’d be going on the patrol.
Heffron, McClung, Ramirez, me, Liebgott, Grant, Wynn, Jackson, Shifty and Webster. When we heard how many second platoon men were going, you could practically feel the rage flowing from us. 
We’d all been pissed, wanting to complain but knowing it’d do us no good. Malarkey went off towards the showers and told us to as well. There were men standing at the entrance, undressing and some coming out wet. I didn’t want to undress, even if it was only down to my bra and panties. I’d been behind Joe when I took my first few layers of my tops off. Down to my black bra and army-issued pants was when Webster came up to talk to Joe, effectively, scaring the shit out of me.
“Jesus, Web, you came outta nowhere.” I said, holding my hand to my chest to calm down.
“Oops, sorry (Y/n).” He said while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I’d noticed his face had turned a bright shade of red, but I thought it was because he was embarrassed that he’d scared me. A hand shot out to grab my arm and turn me around when I noticed it was Joe. 
“What’s the matter?” I asked curiously.
“Do you not see everyone lookin’ at you like they’re starving men looking at their last meal?” He asked bewildered. Suddenly, I became hyper aware of most of the men's eyes on me, waiting for me to finish undressing. Before I could respond Joe spoke up again.
“Nevermind that, just finish and we can go in together.” Quickly I went to undo my belt, and I realized Joe was already down to his briefs, waiting on me. I felt bad to make him wait, but he didn’t have to if he didn’t want to. I took this time to really look at Joe. Sure he was cute, and I’d definitely thought about him like this before, but would he really want me? I tried not to let my hopes get up, and as I slipped my pants down my legs, I forced myself to look away from his bare chest.
Having a hot shower was probably the best thing I’d had in a long time. Quickly scrubbing my body and hair down and then rinsing off, I stepped outside in a towel and grabbed my new uniform, and new undergarments.
Joe had finished showering, so I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to a random building to change, and do my hair. When we got in, there was nobody there, probably all in the showers, so I took Joe to the first mirror I found in a bedroom and made him sit down. He had no obligations and I told him I’d be back after changing. Once I finished, I brought out my old undergarments and towel and hung them out to dry.
There was a vanity on the opposite side of a bed, with a little cushion seat, and some old, dusty hair products. I quickly got to work using them and braiding up my hair.
“Why’d you pull me away doll? Want me that bad huh?” He questioned while smirking at me and drawing a cigarette from his front pocket.
“Yeah, you wish. I wanted someone to talk to.” I joked back before replying honestly and looking at him through the mirror. I finished doing my last braid as Joe was telling me about one of his comics he found that he enjoyed. Standing up, I walked over to stand in front of him, looking down on him as he was sitting on the bed. He stopped talking and we made eye contact. He looked as handsome as ever sitting in his new ODs, with a fresh shower.
“Well don’t you look handsome in your new uniform with your hair combed.” I said to him in a sweet voice running my hands through his wet hair. His eyes darkened as his hands went to hold onto my hips.
“Jesus, (Y/n). We’ve been through hell and back and you’re still the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen.” He said confidently. I could feel my face getting hot, he’d said things like this before, but this time, it felt different. Stronger almost. 
“Oh, Joe. You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever met.” I whispered to him, and he looked up at my lips, silently asking me. I slowly closed my eyes and let my hands fall from his hair down to his face, I slowly leaned down as he looked up and closed my eyes. As our lips were less than a centimeter apart, someone awkwardly coughed.
We sprung away from each other, embarrassed that we got caught. Looking at who it was, some random replacement apologized and said he left something in here and it was his room.
When he left, I started laughing and grabbed Joe by the arm to pull him up.
“Come on, I bet everyone is wondering where we went.”
“Goddammit Johnny, you’re breaking my heart.” Luz said.
“Come on, George, just give me, I don’t know, ten, fifteen bars?” Martin pressured him
“Juicy fruit, happy?”
Johnny and Cobb had been pestering George to give them Hershey bars. I knew there wasn’t enough, and that it wasn’t fair so I just stayed quiet the whole time. Cobb began badgering George again and when George went to defend himself, a whole group of men walked in.
“Whoa, Hershey bars!” Joe exclaimed, coming up behind me to rest his hands on my shoulders from where I was sitting in front of the table of candy and treats.
“Jesus Christ.” Poor George just couldn’t catch a break.
“Wait your turn, Liebgott.” Cobb said, pissing me off. I never really liked Cobb and he didn’t like me.
“Yeah, who they for?” Liebgott asked George.
“Not you, Lieb.”
“Oh come on George, one bar!” Joe pestered, wanting to get that bar.
“Y’know who they’re for? People who don’t interrogate me. Here, (Y/n), have a bar!” George replied while looking Joe in the eye.
“Oh George! Thank you!” I exclaimed excitedly. I hadn’t known the last time I’d gotten chocolate.
“Christ, you’re only giving it to her because she’s a woman and you wanna get on her good side in case the opportunity arises to fuck her!” Cobb said angrily as I turned around, glaring, ready to hit him.
“That sounds more like something you’d do, knowing you couldn’t get a woman to sleep with you willingly if your life depended on it!” I yelled back at him which caused him to call me a slur of colorful words. After that, Joe yelled at him and I ignored him.
“Hey big mouth! Give Lieb a Hershey bar, huh?” Perconte asked.
When I heard his voice, I jumped up, running up to him to give him a hug.
“Perco! Your back!” I exclaimed as he hugged me back.
“You gotta be shittin’ me! Look who it is!” George laughed and said.
“How ya feeling?” Joe then asked him, smiling.
“As long as you keep your hands off my ass, I’ll be fine.” Perconte replied, laughing.
“Have a Hershey’s!” Luz threw one at Perconte.
“Hey he gets a fuckin Hershey bar?” Joe asked, offended as I came to sit down next to him, opening up my Hershey’s.
“Ask ya girlfriend to french ya when she’s done eating it.” George joked as I took a bite into my bar and broke it in half.
“I’ll do you one better, Joe.” I said after I swallowed and handed him the half I didn’t bite into. He took it with thanks.
“That’s not one better, he’d rather you kiss him (L/n)!” Luz said while laughing right after. Joe pushed him backwards while also laughing
At 1700, there was a briefing about the house we’d be going into. I was next to Shifty, talking with him. Every now and again me and Joe would make eye contact, until the other looked away. Winters, and Martin walked in which caused Joe to look away first. Winters explained Johnny would be going in Malarkey's place, and that made everyone slightly more comfortable. I was on Johnny’s team, along with Webster. I walked out and Liebgott was waiting for me, he left with me and as we passed Speirs, he told Joe he didn’t have to go on the patrol.
We’d been all stationed in the basement for now before the patrol. Having to eat slop and we couldn’t have our helmets. I sat with Shifty as I ate.
“Youse gonna be out there with a gun?” Shifty asked me in a sweet voice, I knew what he was talking about. He was asking if I’d be helping shoot.
“Nah, well obviously I’ll have a gun, but I’m mainly a translator.” I smiled at him and he smiled back.
“I don’ understand why they never let you shoot with me. You’re a helluva sniper.” Shifty told me, making me giggle at him.
“Oh Shift, you know how to make a woman feel good about herself.” I replied, happy that I got to talk to him before the patrol. He always knew how to make someone happy, even during nerve-wracking times.
At 0100, we were getting into those rubber boats, and setting sail on a short trip across the river. Before the fourth boat could even get far, it flipped and we were down three men. I wasn’t too nervous, knowing that I’d been through worse. When we got to the other side, Martin had someone cut the fence and me and Web, being translators, meant that we had to be up front in case we found any Germans. 
So far, we’d gotten up to the steps of the house we’d need to get prisoners from. Johnny had shot into the window, and Jackson went up to throw his grenade, except, instead of waiting for it to finish detonating, Jackson didn’t stop and immediately went into the house, getting hit straight in the face with his grenade. As we ran in, me and Web were yelling at the men in German. We started to split the three men up when I heard a small cry in the corner of the room. I stopped to turn to go towards the sound.
“(L/n)! What are you doing?” Johnny yelled at me.
“Sir! There’s a child!” I shouted, confused. When I got down eye level with the little girl, I noticed she was only in a thin, white nightgown, with no shoes. She looked malnourished, hurt and mostly scared. 
“Alsjeblieft! Alsjeblieft! (Please! Please!)” The little girl cried in Dutch, shrinking away from me when I went to get her.
“Het is goed schat! Rustig maar, ik ben hier om te helpen! (Its okay dear! Relax, I'm here to help!)” I replied to her in Dutch. What had a little Dutch girl been doing here? I didn’t have time to continue to calm the little girl before Johnny started yelling about getting on the boats and leaving.
“Klein meisje, ik ga je ophalen. (Little girl, I'm going to pick you up.)” I warned her before grabbing her bridal style and running with her out of the house and covering her eyes to make sure she didn’t see what was happening around her with Jackson. Pushing everyone into the boats, the girl I was holding onto kept crying and crying. The poor little girl couldn’t have been more than four years old. 
“Het is goed schat. Het is goed schat. (It’s alright baby. It’s alright baby.)” I kept repeating to the small frightened girl. When Webster jumped into the boat behind me, we started going back to our side. He had his head ducked, as the Krauts kept shooting at the back boat. He had his arms around me when he realized I was shielding a child.
“(Y/n)! What the hell? Why do you have a child?” He yelled out over the gun fire.
“I don’t know! She was in the corner, she’s Dutch!” I replied, still confused as to how she got here and why she wasn’t in the Netherlands. We all ran downstairs, I was still holding onto the little girl, she had come from the Germans territory so I had to stay with her by the other prisoners. Nobody had come up to me about the girl yet so I took this as a time to try to get information so she wasn’t bombarded when adrenaline wore off.
“Wat is je naam? (What’s your name?)” I asked her calmly. She looked up at me with teary dark blue eyes. “Tineke.” She responded in a quiet voice. I was sitting on the floor and I held her so she was only facing me. I could feel someone watching me, but for now I didn’t care.
“Mooie naam! De mijne is (Y/n)! (Beautiful name! Mine is (Y/n)!)” I replied while smiling at her and gently carding my hand through her dark brown strands. Her skin was deathly pale and it was obvious she hadn’t drank or eaten anything in a long time. I gave her my canteen and she took it wearily. She wouldn’t drink it because she was scared of what could be in it. I took it back and took a small sip and gave it back. When she noticed I was okay, she started drinking out of it rapidly. 
When she finished drinking, I asked her more questions. 
“Spreek je Engels? (Can you speak English?)” I asked her. “Little bit.” She replied hesitantly.
“Very good, mijn liefje! (My love!)” She seemed to smile a little at the name I’d given her.
“Where is your mommy?” I asked slowly. She started to get upset at the mention of her mother but she replied anyway.
“She die. The Duits kill her. I am Joods. They take her and kill my mammie in de camps for Jodens. Then they keep me. (The Germans kill her. I am Jewish. My mommy. Camps for Jews.)” She told me in a somber tone. When she couldn’t think of the right word, she’d just say it in Dutch. I thought about bringing her to Joe later knowing he was Jewish, she might feel comfortable with him. 
“You’re safe now, liefje.” I told her while bringing her close to my chest. She ended up falling asleep not even ten minutes later. It gave me time to think about what she had said. She never mentioned a last name which made me believe she didn’t know it. The camp she was talking about was also weird. What did she mean by a camp for Jewish people?
Jackson had died. That boy who’d just turned twenty, had died. He had his whole life ahead and he died in a stupid war. I hadn’t even known him too well, but he just died in front of me, in front of everyone. I was thankful Tineke was asleep as she’d already seen enough. 
A day had passed since the patrol. The Germans were taken away and Tineke wouldn’t talk to anyone except me, and occasionally Joe. When Winters had found out about her, he had to ask her questions. I had come with because she couldn’t speak English very well and she refused to go anywhere if I wasn’t with her. The poor girl had been traumatized and it seemed like she’d been like that for a while.
While asking her questions, we found out her family was Jewish, and when the Germans found out, they took her and her family out of their homes to be sent to a camp. She didn’t know much, just that her mother and her got away and when they were found by the two Germans, her mother tried to fight against them resulting in her getting shot. Tineke was then taken as a hostage. 
Doc Roe came in to see how she was and it turned out she had been malnourished, and if I hadn’t found her when I did she would’ve been dead. Later that day I took her to the building where the second platoon was located to introduce her. 
I walked in and held onto Tine and went upstairs.
“Guys, this is Tineke. She was found in the house with the other POWs and she’s Dutch. She can speak some English, but don’t bombard her.” I spoke when I went upstairs and saw everyone. They all looked at us, and one by one I walked around with her and had her say hi to everyone. When I got to the last person, Joe, I sat down on the bunk with him and had her greet him.
“Tine, why don’t you tell Joe what you are.” I reminded her. I had told her to tell him she was Jewish before we went upstairs.
“Jewish.” Was all she said, nervous and not knowing too much English, she turned her face away into my chest. I rubbed my hand down her knotted, dirty hair realizing she needed a bath.
“Ain’t that cool! I’m Jewish too!” Joe responded in a sweet voice, smiling down at her when she slightly turned her head towards him. Before any more words could get exchanged, Webster came in to break the news that we were to go on another patrol that night and there would be another meeting at 1800. It was currently 1530 so I decided to bring Tineke down to the kitchen sink where I could give her a makeshift bath. I remembered how my mom would do that for me and my siblings when we were little and there were no baths in any of the houses.
I grabbed some soap and put it in her hair while I’d tell her stories to pass the time. 
“A long time ago, there were two moons. It was said one of them, named houden got too close to the sun, and out came thousands of dragons.” I told her a story my mother used to tell me all the time.
“Houden? To hold?” She asked as I began rinsing out her hair.
“That’s right. That’s how dragons were born.” I told her. As I finished saying that, another voice piped up from behind me.
“I didn’t know dragons were born from the moon.” Joe came up behind me and waved at Tineke, who brought her hand up slightly.
“That’s because I never told you that.” I said while smiling up at him. He moved to have his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. I finished rinsing Tine off then I grabbed a towel and wrapped her in it. Nixon had got clothes small enough to fit her from one of his sources. It was a small, black dress with a dark brown fluffy shawl. She also had stockings and tiny boots. When I finished dressing her, I braided up her hair and put on a hat.
At 1800 we all went down to the basement to await Winter’s meeting he called.
“Whatcha lookin’ at Webster.” A drunk Cobb said. I put one of my hands on Web’s shoulder, holding Tineke to my chest as she slept on me, and he turned to give me a smile.
“That’s what I thought, college boy.” Cobb said while swaying lightly on his feet. I gave Cobb a glare and squeezed the hand I had on Web’s shoulder.
“Are you drunk, trooper?” Lieutenant Jones asked him, angrily.
“Leave me alone.” Cobb replied, looking away.
“Answer the question.” Jones said firmly.
“Yes, sir, I am drunk, sir.” Cobb said sassily before adding, “Drunk, and sick and tired of fucking patrols. Taking orders-”
“Hey Cobb, shut up. It’s boring, okay.” Martin cut him off before he could finish what he was saying.
“Taking his side, Johnny?” “Yeah, I am.”
After that shit show I went and sat by Joe, wanting to make sure I wouldn’t be in Cobb’s line of fire in case he decided to throw something.
Winters came in to not only tell us that we didn’t have to go on that patrol, but that we’d also be off the line tomorrow. After he left, everyone started talking, which woke up Tine, who had no idea what was going on, but was happy because everyone else was. 
When I went upstairs, Winters was waiting for me.
“Hey, (Y/n).” He said, a bittersweet tone to his voice.
“Hello, sir. Anything I can help you with?” I asked, slightly nervous that he had waited for me.
“It turns out, we found one of Tineke’s family members. Her aunt and uncle. They’re set to come tonight.” He said quietly.
“Oh. Well that’s great!” I smiled slightly, feeling my heart get heavy at the fact that the young girl would be leaving.
“Tine, you hear that? Your aunt and uncle are coming to pick you up.” I told her, looking down at her. She perked up, looking between me and Winters and then she smiled. She smiled bigger than I’d ever seen her smile.
When her aunt and uncle arrived at 2100, Tineke ran up to them and they picked her up. They repeatedly thanked me and Winters and before they left, I gave Tineke a hug and kiss and turned around to walk away. As I did that, I noticed Joe was standing there waiting for me, smiling sweetly at me. We walked away, arm in arm to go back to the house together. The next day, we’d all been sent to the trucks to move to our new location. I was sitting next to Joe, my head on his shoulder as I slept. 
We had made it to Germany. The Krauts surrendered and Hitler shot himself. We were finally able to stay in an actual house, with actual baths and actual beds. To us, life couldn’t get any better. 
Me and Joe had been sharing a house with Perco and Luz. Frank and George went out to get eggs from a farmhouse a few blocks down so right now it was just me and Joe.
“You excited, doll?” He asked me from the table. I put down one of the wet dishes I was washing, and replied,
“For what Lieb?” “We got through the hard part!” Oh. I hadn’t really thought about that yet.
“Well, yeah, I guess. I’m just scared that I’ll have to go to the Pacific if this war finishes soon.” I replied genuinely.
“Oh don’t worry about that right now.” He said while standing up and coming behind me. I put down the last dish and pulled off the wet, yellow gloves I had on to wash the dishes in.
“Y’know, Perco and Luz just left.” 
“I know Liebgott, I’ve got eyes.” I replied, smiling up at him while turning around to face him. He put his hands on the sink behind me and smiled down on me.
“Well if your eyes are any good, then you’ll be able to see how much of a hold ya got on me.” He spoke before closing the distance between us and closing the gap.
I immediately closed my eyes and kissed him back. We slowly pulled apart, and without another word he slammed his mouth into mine. This time, he was much more passionate. His hands wandered down to my waist, and mine went up to his neck and hair. I gasped as he bit my bottom lip, and he snuck his tongue into my mouth. I kissed him back with as much fervor as I could, slightly pulling on his hair without realizing. He moaned into my mouth and the vibrations caused heat to pool in my stomach.
His hands started to roam down my body, causing me to moan as well. He pulled me flush against him and then pulled me up the stairs into one of the rooms I was occupying. I gently sat down on the bed and his fingers went to my uniform top, unbuttoning my shirt. 
Perconte and Luz were walking down the trail to the house they were sharing with (Y/n) and Joe, they had eggs to cook up for everyone. When they got inside, they expected to see (Y/n) and Joe downstairs, waiting for them like they had been before.
“Hey, where’d they go-”
“D’you hear that?” George cut Frank off when he heard what sounded like muffled banging from upstairs. The two men immediately smirked at each other, and Luz ran upstairs.
They stopped outside of the door getting ready to knock, when they heard moaning from the other side.
Before Frank could hold George back, he knocked on the door yelling, 
“You two better hurry up before me and Perco eat all the eggs!” It was quiet for a moment before Joe shouted out towards the two men,
“Go ahead! I’m eating something way better!”
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IM SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG! If I missed any TWs lmk and I'll add them!
173 notes · View notes
wrongplacerighttime · 7 months
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Hi!! This is my first fic that I’m posting. I wrote it loosely based on this love by taylor. I write for my own enjoyment usually but this is my first time sharing my work!! I hope you enjoy it <3
word count: 7.5k (got carried away lol)
tw: smut MDNI!!, hints at dom harry, fluff, angst, drinking, kind of feelings of regret, mentions of a cheating partner.…i think that’s it but lemme know if i missed any :’)
This Love Left A Permanent Mark
This was a terrible idea.
My inner monologue has been repeating the phrase through my head like a mantra from the moment I walked through the glass doors of the club.
In hindsight, I don’t know why I didn’t think this sooner. Why did I think coming to my ex-boyfriend's album release party was a good idea? In what world would that ever be a good idea? Especially the way we ended things. I mentally note to never let Ginny talk me into something like this ever again, even if she is dating a member of his team. I recall the conversation we had about it a mere four days before this moment.
“It’ll be fun! And he’ll be busy talking to people all night anyway. He won’t even know you’re there, probably.” she insisted
“I don’t know, Gin. I really don’t want to crash his night.” I mumble, twiddling with the menu on the table in front of me.
“You need to get out of the house. All you do is sit and read your books and play your guitar. It makes me sad and depressed.” her nose crinkles in displeasure.
“What’s wrong with that?” I shoot back, raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing, I guess.” She shrugs. “I just think you deserve to have a good night. I won’t tell Joe you’re coming so he doesn’t mention it to Harry. You can just hang around and mingle and drink and dance with me.” She reaches over the table and takes my hand in hers. “Please. We haven’t had a night out in so long.” she gives me a pouty lip and I roll my eyes.
“We could go out any other night.” I point out and she sighs loudly.
“True…but this would be perfect. You don’t have to pay for any drinks or deal with sleazy guys at the bar. Just industry people doing industry people things and listening to the album at a big party.”
I contemplate her request. What’s there to lose? I weigh the options in my head for a moment. If I don’t go, she’s right, and I’ll just sit in my room all night flipping through the same romcoms and sitcoms that I’ve already watched 3 times over. I’ve been doing fine for a few months now. I’ve been going on dates again, and meeting new guys. On the other hand, no one will ever be him and I have no idea how I’ll react if I do end up seeing him…or if he sees me. But, there will be so many people there, he’ll be mingling, and he probably won’t see me, right?
“Fine. But if he sees me, I’m bolting. .” I mutter and she squeals in excitement.
Now here I am, sitting at the bar alone in the same spot for the past 45 minutes. Ginny is nowhere to be found, and I’m in an uncomfortable dress that’s too short for my typical comfort zone and the sequins are making me itchy. I twirl the straw around in my drink and sigh, holding my head in my hand.
On the plus side, I’ve avoided him for most of the night. The first time I spotted him was when he was walking into the club, making his grand entrance. I was hiding behind Ginny and he didn’t see me. But when I saw him my heart skipped. He’s wearing a cream colored suit, that looks almost a baby pink color if it’s in the right light, with a white tank top underneath that shows off his toned chest along with the two swallows tattooed on his tanned skin, and his cross necklace hanging from his neck. He’s got a pair of glasses with orange colored lenses perched on his head also. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wish I was on his arm right now.
This was a terrible idea.
It’s been over a year since I saw him last. I don’t even know what he’s writing about in his music because I avoid every single thing about him. Arguably one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do because he’s everywhere right now. If I see his name in the news, I don’t read the article. If he’s on the TV, I change the channel. I scroll past anything I see that his name associated with it. I learned my lesson the hard way in the beginning. I purposely searched his name in the weeks following our tumultuous end, and saw so many pictures of him with other women…and every time I saw him with them, the picture of him that I saw that night comes to my brain. So I stopped putting myself through that misery.
I hear a loud noise like someone patting a microphone. I turn my head to see Harry standing at the front of the room on a small stage. He’s looking out to the crowd of people who are now mostly turned to face him. He looks my way for a moment, and I feel my breath catching in my throat, but then he skips over me and continues skimming the crowd, and I let go of the breath I was holding.
“Hello, I’m Harry.” His deep voice sounds so smooth in the microphone and my stomach churns. It’s been so long since I’ve heard his voice.
“We know!” Someone yells back to him and the room erupts in laughter, making Harry chuckle into the microphone. So many thoughts are going through my head while I stare across the room at him, like the last time I heard him laugh like that. I turn back to face my drink so I don’t have to look at him. How good he looks.
“I just wanted to say thank you all for coming. It really means the world to me that I get to celebrate the release of my third album with all of you. I wouldn’t be here, in this moment, if it weren’t for every single one of you. All of you have played such an important role in making me the artist that I am. So thank you.” I sneak a peek at him from the corner of my eye. He brings his hand up to place over his heart in an endearing gesture. “Now, let’s get this show on the road and listen to it, shall we?” He says cheekily and the crowd sounds off with applause and cheers. The speakers in the room begin to play the tune of the first song and he walks off the stage making his way around the crowd of people, stopping to shake hands and chat with some of them.
I feel a hand on my shoulder and flinch in surprise, only to whip my head around and see Ginny hopping up into the seat next to me. I shoot her a look that shows I’m not happy with her and she tilts her head. The song changes and the next song is just as upbeat as the first.
“What? What’s wrong?” She questions and I roll my eyes.
“I’ve been sitting here alone for 45 minutes. You left me. You said you wouldn’t.” I pout, looking back down at my half-empty drink.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. Joe wanted to introduce me to some people and then I lost track of time. I won’t leave again. I’m yours for the night. Promise.” She wraps her arm around my shoulders and squeezes me into her and I smirk. She orders a drink and I turn to face the crowd again. I don’t see Harry anywhere, and I feel the tension I was holding in my shoulders release a fraction.
We sit for a while, drinking and chatting amongst ourselves and other people who come to the bar while they’re waiting for their drinks to be made. They mostly talk to Ginny and ask how things with Joe are going, while I just listen and add little bits to the conversation here and there. I’m turned to face her at the same moment the 5th song ends and turns to a slower one, not as upbeat as the others. And they’re all so good. His talent really shining through in all of these words he’s written.
The chatter dies down a little, everyone taking in the beginning of the song before it picks back up again. Some people are swaying to the music and others are standing in groups. While looking through the crowd I spot some of Harry’s famous friends and when one of them makes eye contact and waves at me, I wave back. I feel a little stab in my chest, thinking back to a time Harry and I would be over there talking to them together. We would talk about how their projects are going and their plans for the future. Harry would always have his arm draped over my shoulder, pulling me closer to his side and kissing the top of my head. I sigh and continue to look around the room, looking for anyone else I might know, but then I spot him.
He’s sitting in a large curved booth with three others. He’s leaned over listening to one of them speak. I watch as his jaw clenches, and a small piece of hair falls down over his forehead. His eyes crinkle the way I always remember when he smiles and I can feel my breath leave my chest, just looking at him like this stole it away. His hand comes up to push his hair back off of his forehead while he nods and I catch the rings adorned on all of his fingers. One of them in particular catches my eye though.
The lion ring.
I gave him the ring as a gift for our anniversary a few years ago. He used to wear it every time he performed, but I didn’t realize he still wore it. You would if you’d ever pay attention to him, my conscience informs me and I swallow the thick lump in my throat. Ginny taps me on the shoulder once, pausing before tapping again, I turn my head towards her, but my gaze was still on the ring on his finger. My eyes work my way back up to his face before I tear them away, admiring his features for another moment. His beautiful green eyes…but when I turn to look at Ginny, I have to do a double take back to him.
His eyes?
After a single second my brain catches up and registers that he’s looking at me. He opened his mouth once, then closed it again, his brow furrowed and shaking his head. I see the confusion laced through his expression, and I’m cursing myself, but I can’t look away.
“Fuck.” I manage to squeak out, and Ginny follows my gaze over to Harry.
“Oh shit. Laine, don’t—” she starts to say something but stops when he’s holding up his hand to whoever is speaking to him, signaling for them to give him a moment, and his eyes never leave mine.
“Laine?” I saw him mouth my name. A sight I’ve memorized ten times over. My breathing, my heart, and my mind all stop. Everything stops. It felt like the entire world stopped turning.
Within two seconds he’s standing, pushing his way through groups of people towards me. As he stands, I’m running for the door. I don’t look back. I just keep moving forward through the groups of people, pushing myself through…in the same sense that I have been for 19 months now. Running away and never looking back.
“Run away like you have from everything else.” The words that have infiltrated every single thought in my head for the past 19 months.
This was a terrible idea.
I’m pushing to the door, the air suddenly thick with dread that clouds my mind. I can’t breathe and it’s suddenly so hot. The room around me blurs and I can’t see where I am because there are tears clouding my vision. I’m blinking fast to clear them and all I hear are the last words he ever said to me, and then I feel the familiarity of his touch, and the flashback of the fight comes so quickly that it hits me like a freight train. Coming to the forefront so easily after I’ve tried so hard to just forget.
“Laine! Stop. Please, you don’t have to do this.” His voice drops an octave on the last few words, desperate for me to stay, and I knew I couldn’t.
“No, H. I can’t. This isn’t working. I can’t keep sitting here waiting for you to care about this, about us, when you’re photographed necking a girl at a bar. I sit here looking like a damn fool, waiting for you to love me.” My voice trembles and I shove him away from me.
“It wasn’t even what it looked like! You’re being irrational.” He throws his hands up in the air.
“Me? Irrational? Don’t. We’re falling apart. You’ve been growing so distant. Every time you go out you’re photographed with some other girl…and this time you’re all over her? I know we haven’t been the best lately but this is too much. You’ve gone too far.” I argue back, throwing things into a bag.
“You should know the paps twist everything. Please let me explain!” He’s practically yelling now, and I turn back to face him, rage clouding my mind.
“You cannot explain away this one Harry. All I wanted was for you to look at me the way you look at them. You used to. I used to be the only one you looked at.” My voice trembles, the tears threatening to spill. “It’s time to stop lying to ourselves, this was over a long time ago.” I snap at him with a shake of my head. He looks at me, defeated.
“Fine, Laine. Just go. Run away from this like you have everything else in your life. You’re so predictable.” He shoots back and I visibly flinch, I never thought he would use my past against me.
“You don’t get to say those things to me after doing this. This is your fault. I’m done. It’s over. Go call your new girl, I’m sure she’s waiting for you.” I grit through my teeth. I don’t let him say anything else before I walk out the door, leaving the only place I've ever called home behind.
“Let go of me!” I yell, trying to catch my breath and gasping for air. Trying to push and pull my way out of the grip on my arm. I know it’s him. I’d know the feeling of his hands anywhere. My eyes are squeezed shut.
“Hey! Laine, calm down. Look at me.” He shakes me slightly trying to get me to come back down to earth. I feel his hands let go of my arms and he grabs my face. “Please. Look at me.” I shake my head.
“I can’t. Because if I open my eyes and you’re really standing there and it’s not a dream, I will pass out.” I say quickly, so quickly that my words run together and I’m not sure he even understood what I said. But what am I so afraid of? It’s just Harry. But then again, my mind is replaying his words from that night over and over again. Run away like you have from everything else.
“If you do, I’m right here. I’ll catch you.” His voice is deep and he speaks slowly. His hands are still holding my face. I don’t respond, my lips pressed together in a thin line. My heart is beating out of my chest.
“What are you doing here Laine?” He asks, so quietly it was almost a whisper.
“I-,” I stop myself, realizing I have no good explanation, to collect my thoughts. I realize that my eyes are still tightly closed, and I probably look ridiculous. But now that he’s here and the entire world hasn’t imploded yet, I’m beginning to come back down to earth. I realize I don’t hear the music, I don’t hear anyone else talking, and my back is against a cool concrete wall. I open my eyes slowly, and I’m outside, and he’s there. Right there in front of me, not a dream, not a figment of my imagination. His eyes are so green, his jaw is sharp with little bits of stubble beginning to grow. His lips are full and pink, and they look so, so kissable. His hair is perfectly wavy sitting on top of his head, and he’s just close. Closer than he’s been in so many months. I turn my head, looking away from him and down the alley. I take a shaky breath.
“Ginny invited me. I don’t think she told Joe I was coming. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come. I-I didn’t think…” My gaze travels back to his, and he’s smirking.
“Didn’t think what? That you’d run into me at my own album party?” He asks.
“In hindsight it was not the smartest decision.” I mutter and look down at the ground. I can’t look at him. If I look at him again I’ll want to kiss him and I can’t do that, not anymore. “I think I’m just gonna go home.” I add and look back up at him through my lashes.
“Don’t. Stay. I’m sorry that I scared you. I just haven’t seen you in so long, it caught me off guard. I didn’t know if it was really you sitting there or if my mind was playing tricks on me again.” He rubs his hands down my arms, stopping at my wrists and going back up again, keeping me warm in the cool night air.
“Again?” My brow furrows.
“Yeah. Again. See you everywhere I turn, have since…” He trails off, then shakes his head slightly. “Please, come back in…I’m sorry that I startled you.”
“I need to anyway. I ran out and left all of my stuff with Ginny.” I wrap my arms around my torso to try and shield myself from the cold. He moves out of my way and stands beside me. We walk back inside in awkward silence, and this feels like some terrible kind of walk of shame. He holds the door for me and I mumble a thank you. Someone catches his attention when we walk into the main area so he stops to talk to them and I take that as my cue to walk away before it’s even more awkward. I make my way back over to the bar and Ginny is still in her seat. Her eyes widen at me as she sips through her straw.
“Oh my god. Are you okay? I didn’t know what to do. I saw him coming this and then you were running and then he ran after you and I just froze. I’m sorry. Should I have come to save you?” she rambles on and I shake my head.
“It’s fine. I think I just overreacted. I haven’t seen him in so long and when I saw him coming towards me I panicked. Nothing bad happened.” I sigh and run my hands over my face. My mind wanders, thinking about what he said. He said he sees me everywhere, and he has since the night I left. I didn’t think he even wanted anything else to do with me. Thinking about what he said pulls at my heartstrings and I’m confused…I decide I don’t want to feel this way.
I order a drink from the bartender.
Then another.
Then another.
And before I know it, another hour has gone by, and I’m drunk and on the dance floor laughing with Ginny. I have a drink in one hand and the other above my head, holding onto Ginny’s and swaying our hips together. I’ve not felt this way in a long time. I feel on top of the world, like I’m floating. She leans into me and whispers something in my ear but I don’t quite catch it. I turn towards her with a confused look on my face.
She gestures her head across the room and my gaze travels that direction. I look to find Harry, sitting in the same booth as before. He’s leaned back with one leg crossed so his ankle is resting on his knee. He’s got a drink in his hand, bringing it up to his mouth with a smirk on his face. Smirking at me.
“He’s been watching you for, like, the past 10 minutes. I know because I counted.” Ginny slurs in my ear and I look at her with an eyebrow raised.
“You counted?” I repeated back, skeptical. I don’t think I could even count to 20 right now.
“Um, yeah. It was for like two and a half songs that’s pretty much the same as 10 minutes right?” Her words run together and I turn my head to look at him again over my shoulder. A woman is sitting next to him, trying to get his attention and he’s nodding to whatever she’s saying, but his eyes are still on me.
I don’t really think my brain can comprehend why he’s staring at me in this moment. So I keep dancing with Ginny, and then eventually with other people too. I end up dancing with one of his friends that came up to talk to me, his arm around my shoulder and jumping around, singing the words to a popular song we’ve all heard repeatedly on the radio. I don’t remember when it happened because all my thoughts are running together and Ginny just keeps handing me drinks, and I’m so grateful for that. Grateful that he doesn’t come over to me. But why was he grinning at me like that?
Another hour goes by, I’m standing at a table talking to someone I’ve never met before, but Ginny knows them. Another one of Joe’s clients he manages, I think. I don’t really remember. I’m sipping my drink through a straw, slightly swaying to the music and listening to one of the women at the table speak when I feel hands on my waist, pulling me away from the table. I stumble backwards, feeling my back collide with a strong chest. I turn my head to see that Harry is the one pulling me away. His eyes are dilated and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. He grabs my hand, pulling me into the shadows of the club where no one can see us. He leans down and I can feel his breath on my ear.
“You look so tempting. It’s not fair.” He cups his hand around my cheek, running his fingers down my jaw line then holding my chin between his thumb and finger. He tilts my head up so my eyes meet his. He reaches up, running his thumb over my mouth, pulling my lip as he drags it down. He breathes a heavy sigh through his nose. Bravely, and not in the right state of mind, I gently bite his thumb between my teeth, closing my lips around it and sucking lightly. He chuckles and shakes his head. He just looks so good.
“You’re killing me.” He groans and drops his forehead to meet mine. “All I want right now is you and I can’t have you.”
“Who says you can’t?” I whisper back to him, looking up at him through my lashes, and our faces are so close. So close all I can see are his eyes. He grins and leans in, leaving a small kiss on my neck under my ear, and I feel tingling where his lips touch. I can smell his cologne. I would recognize it anywhere. He grabs my hand and leads me through the crowds of people towards the back door.
“My place or yours?” He asks, his eyes peeking at me over his shoulder.
“Yours.” I answer back without hesitation.
He opens the door and I feel the cold air biting my skin, instantly making my body shiver. We’re walking fast towards his car, his hand still wrapped around mine and pulling me along behind him. He walks me around to the passenger side of his car and opens the door for me. I slide into the seat and my teeth are chattering, when he comes to the drivers side he takes his jacket off and hands it to me over the center console.
We drive to his apartment in silence, his jacket shrugged over my shoulders. The air is filled with tension, both sexual and nervous. I don’t want to speak because I don’t know what to say. He grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles, making my heart flutter in my chest. Like he always used to. I don’t pull away. I let him hold my hand against his mouth.
We make our way up to his apartment with haste. The elevator stops and opens to his penthouse, and once we’re inside he’s pushing me against the wall, not wasting a single second, and his lips finding mine. He grabs my hips so hard that I’m sure there will be bruises. When my mouth opens he’s slipping his tongue inside and I feel my knees weaken. He kisses me like it’s the last time he’ll ever get to.
He’s grabbing my thighs and lifting me up, all without breaking the kiss and instinctively my legs wrap around his waist. My hands work their way into his hair and pull slightly, making him groan into my mouth. He carries me into his room, the room we used to share, and lays me down ever so gently. He’s hovering over me, his knee between my thighs and putting pressure on my center. His kiss and his touch feel so familiar that it hurts, and I can feel it in my bones. Something I’ve longed for since the very last time. I feel my muscles melting into the bed with the weight of him on my chest. I moan into the kiss and he pulls away slightly.
“Been thinking about this for so fucking long, Laine. Think about you every day.” He whispers, touching his forehead to mine. My brain feels fuzzy and somewhere in my mind my conscience is telling me not to sleep with him, that I’ll regret it, but I push the thought out of my mind and focus on him hovering over me, paying attention to me. The only thing I’ve ever wanted him to do. The only thing I’ve craved for the past 19 months.
“Just kiss me.” I say breathlessly, and he does. His hand travels to the nape of my neck and grips tightly, holding my face to his. His lips are as soft as I remember. My veins are buzzing with a mixture of pleasure and alcohol, and I feel the heat grow through my entire body. Before I know what I’m doing, I’m grinding my hips against his thigh that's still between my legs and I whimper into his mouth at the friction it gives and he pulls his lips away just far enough to speak.
“Needy girl.” He purrs and I nod, lolling my head to the side while still moving my hips against his thigh. “Look at you. Need me this badly? No one else than take care of you like me, can they?” He pushes his leg against me harder and I gasp. “Answer me.” He grits through his teeth.
“No.” I choke out, “Nobody but you.” I whine, telling him what he wants to hear. And it’s the truth. Nobody could ever make me feel the way he does.
His hands travel down my body and push my dress over my hips, exposing me to him. He pulls away and looks down at the lacy piece of white fabric settled on my body, biting his lip and running his finger across the waistband, his light touches making me shiver.
“Is this okay?” He murmurs and I nod.
In one swift motion he hooks his finger in the fabric and pulls them down my legs, kneeling in front of my knees. He hooks his arms under my legs and palms the top of my thighs. I close my eyes and feel his breath trailing over my thighs and ghosting over the spot where I needed him the most. He peppers small kisses on my inner thighs, teasing me. I reach my hand down and tangle my fingers in his hair.
“You’re dripping.” He grins and looks up at me through his lashes. “All for me?” His warm breath on my wet center sends chills up my spine.
“No one else. Please, Har. Need you.” I say breathlessly, and I feel him smirk against my skin, grabbing my legs and opening them so far I feel the stretch in my muscles.
“How much?” He mutters, his voice low and gravelly.
“Please. So much. Need you so much.” I whine and gasp when I feel his tongue begin to lap at my clit, barely letting me finish my sentence. My back arches off the bed and he uses his hands to grab my hips and force me back down. He groans against me and the vibrations travel through my body, making me writhe against the bed. My hand still in his hair tugs at the root slightly, making his eyes flutter closed. My other hand grips the bed sheets so tightly I can feel my nails digging into my palm through the fabric. He trails his tongue down to my leaking hole and thrusts it inside while his nose creates friction at my bundle of nerves.
“Fuck, Harry. So good. Feels so good.” I manage to gasp out between moans in broken phrases. He lifts his head and his chin is glistening with my arousal and he smirks. Going back in fervently he brings me closer and closer to the edge. I feel the coil tighten in my belly and he doesn’t stop.
“I’m so close.” I whisper between gasps and he moans against me again, and the vibration it provides is enough to send me over the edge. The coil snaps and my vision goes white, and I’m moaning his name over and over while he continues to move his tongue against me and working me through my high. I try to push him away from my body on his shoulders but he’s stronger than I am, and the overstimulation brings tears to my eyes and he stares back at me devilishly as he thrusts his tongue into me and my hips buck.
“Please.” I whisper breathlessly. “Hurts, Har.” I gasp as he licks against my now sensitive clit. Finally, he pulls his mouth away from me and stands between my legs at the edge of the bed. My eyes, barely open, travel down his body and stop at the outline of his hard cock in his pants. I sit up and hurriedly work on undoing his belt, not saying a word. I look up at him through my lashes and he’s watching me intently. He wraps his hand around the back of my neck and squeezes, letting me know what he wants. Once his belt is undone I push his pants and underwear down and his cock springs free and hits his abdomen. My mouth waters at the sight, a sight I’ve been dreaming of for months.
I lean forward, wasting no time and lick up his length and he tips his head back with a low groan. I wrap my lips around his leaking tip and suck lightly, then spitting. I pull him into my mouth until he touches the back of my throat and I swallow around him, causing him to curse and tangle his fingers in my hair. He holds my head there for a moment and then let’s go, and I’m coming back up for air before going right back in. I flatten my tongue around him and the tip hits the back of my throat again, my nose meeting the skin of his waist.
“Fuck.” He hisses between his teeth. “If you keep doing that I’m not gonna last.” He moans with his head thrown back, looking at the ceiling. I pull back and take a breath through my nose before repeating the motions over and over, his tip repeatedly hitting the back of my throat until I gag and that’s when something snaps in him. He grabs my hair and twists it in around his fist, moving his hips so he’s fucking my mouth. I moan, causing a vibration to travel from my throat through his cock and then he’s pulling me off, a string of saliva falling out of my mouth. He grabs both sides of my face, pulling me to stand and kissing me with so much force it almost knocks me over completely. “Don’t wanna finish yet. Not done with you.” He mumbles against my lips before pressing them against mine again.
He pushes me down onto the bed and climbs over me. He wastes no time settling himself between my legs. He pulls my dress off over my head and throws it somewhere in the room. He brings his hands up to cup my breasts, and then he tweaks both of my nipples between his fingers, making my mouth drop open in a small, quiet moan escaping. Then, he’s dragging his cock through my folds and pushing into me slowly. I gasp as my back arches off the bed and he grabs my hips to hold me down. I almost forgot how much I missed this. His hips meet mine and his eyes flutter shut and he groans. I writhe under him, needing more and a whine escapes my throat.
“Please H, need you. Please, please.” I whisper. He leans down, bringing his lips to mine and kisses me slowly, his tongue dancing with mine. I moan into his mouth and he grins as he pulls away from me, resting his forehead on mine.
“No. Wanna go slow, missed this so much. Wanna feel every inch of you.” He mutters, rubbing his nose against mine. His eyes are dark, his pupils blown out. He trails little kisses down my skin, finally moving his hips slowly. I feel every drag of his thick cock against my walls and the sounds that leave my mouth are almost pornographic.
Savoring the moment doesn’t last long. He picks up his pace, his fingers gripping and digging into my hips so hard I’m sure there will be bruises left in their place. Quickly he pulls out of me and flips me over onto my belly. With his hands still on my hips he brings me up to my knees and pushes back into me, quickly pounding into me without remorse making me cry out.
“Oh god, Harry.” I whine and he tangles a hand in my hair, and yanking so my head lifts from the bed.
“Take me so well, baby. The only one who’s ever taken me so well.” He grits through his teeth, the sound of his hips snapping against my ass echoing through the room along with his demanding tone and me moaning his name over and over. I feel the familiar warmth traveling through my belly as he continues hitting the right spot deep inside me.
“I’m gonna cum, please don’t stop.” I beg and his movements become sloppy. The familiarity of this scene gives me deja vu, back to a time when things were simple and all that mattered to us was each other. My brain is fuzzy, and I’m remembering the way he says my name through his gritted teeth and just thinking about it makes me feel euphoric.
“Yeah? Gonna cum for me? Go ahead, cum all over my cock.” He demands. “Shit, Laine.” He growls through his teeth, as if he read my mind and saw my memories and knowing how my name dripping from his tongue gives me exactly what I need to send me over the edge.
“Oh, I’m cumming. Fuck, H.” I gasp, and the warmth blossoms at my center and I’m a moaning, whining mess, my walls fluttering around his cock. He groans and stills, and I feel his warmth inside of me, spurting into me and painting my walls with his cum. His hips stutter before pulling out of me and he sighs heavily as he topples onto the bed beside me.
I roll onto my back, my head lolling to the side and looking at Harry through hooded eyes. His eyes are closed and he’s breathing heavily through his nose, both of us coming down from our highs. And he’s perfect. In every way I remember. My eyes trail down his face to his tattooed chest, the butterfly rising and falling with each breath he’s chasing. The muscles in his arms that flex and relax when he runs his hand down his face…and he’s just so perfect…and I missed him, more than anything…and I still love him, more than anything.
Somewhere in the midst of this, the cloud that hangs over my sense of judgment begins to dissipate and I feel my heart sink to my stomach. Why was I here? The first time I’ve seen him in almost two years and we fucked like it was just a hookup? I was doing so well trying to forget everything about him. But this…this puts me right back at square one.
“I-um…I need…” I stutter, trailing off and scrambling out of his bed. I look around and try to find my underwear and my dress strewn across the room, but it’s dark and I can’t really see well.
“What are you doing?” He sits up, propping on his elbows and watching me with a raised brow.
“I need to go.” I say quietly, bending over and pickup up my underwear, then walking to the other side of the room and looking for my dress.
“Why? You can stay here. This was your place once upon a time, too.” He stands up and pulls his pants back on, walking over to me. I’m frantically looking for my clothes, my heart feeling like it’s beating out of my chest. When I still can’t find it, my breathing picks up rapidly and I’m standing there with my hands in my hair, completely nude, about to have a panic attack.
This is so pathetic.
“Hey, Laine. It’s okay. Take a deep breath.” Harry says quietly, and I feel his hand on my shoulder. I drop my chin to my chest and I bring my hand up to cover my eyes.
“We shouldn’t have done this.” I mutter between my palms, desperately trying to calm my brain.
You’re irrational. Run away from this like you have everything else. You’re so predictable.
“Why?” He asks like he doesn’t know. Like he forgot. I’m clenching my teeth, wincing because I’m already trying to push it out of my head. “Don’t leave. I want you to stay.” He says softly, his hand trailing down to my waist.
“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” I ask, nervously. He looks at me with a look of confusion, but doesn’t respond.
“Do you know where my dress is?” I ask, throwing up hands up in the air, gesturing around the room. I slip my underwear back on so I feel at least a little bit covered and he walks into his closet. He comes out with just one of his t-shirts and hands it to me. I slip it over my head. “Thanks but I can’t go home without pants on.” I mutter.
“Can we just talk?” He snaps at me, and I look at him and blink, not registering that he was growing impatient with me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for that to come out the way it did.”
“What is there to talk about, H?” I ask with a small sarcastic laugh. The nickname I always used for him slipping out like it’s an old habit recently rediscovered. I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the wall.
“Us. Please.” He begs and I sigh.
“There is no us. There hasn’t been for a long time.” I shoot back at him.
“Can I just say what I want to say and then you can decide what you want to do. Please just hear me out.” He asks and I hesitate for a second before agreeing. I’m not sure what he’s going to say, and I’m also not sure how I’m going to react. If I leave now, then what he said to me last time would be true. I’d just be running away like I always do. I give him a nod, letting him know that I’ll listen to whatever he has to say, and he steps closer to me.
He grabs my hand and leads me out of the bedroom and to the living room. He sits on one end of the couch and I sit on the other end facing him, bringing my knees to my chest and resting my chin on top of them, chewing on the inside of my lips nervously. He sighs and runs his hands through his hair.
“So…how have you been?” He asks, scratching his head and I furrow my eyebrows together.
“Really? Small talk?” I ask and he scoffs, shaking his head and looking away from me, averting his gaze to look out the large glass windows in front of us that overlook the city. This was always my favorite room. He stands and walks over to them, leaning his shoulder against them.
“I don’t know what to say. I thought I had it all planned out…what I was going to say if I ever got the chance…and now, I just…” he trails off, shaking his head again and sighing. “I never stopped loving you, Laine. Not even when I was being a fuck up, I think I just forgot…and then I got blindsided by the attention I was getting and I screwed up. But that was never an excuse to treat you the way that I did. I never apologized, and I sincerely am so sorry.” He says, glancing over at me. “If you don’t believe me, I understand. I just wanted you to know that I still love you. I think about you every single day.”
“I wanted to know that you loved me back then, too.” I whisper, hurt lacing my tone. “That’s all I ever wanted.” I close my eyes and try to control my breathing before I let my emotions talk for me. “I gave you everything, every piece of me, waiting for you to love me. I don’t have anything left to give. I’ve been trying not to think about the last words you ever said to me every single day for the past 19 months. It keeps me up every night and eats away at my thoughts, knowing that that was the way you thought of me at the end of our relationship, and using things I told you in confidence against me. When it was never me fucking anything up, it was you…and that hurt me. You said I was irrational for wanting to leave after I saw you with another girl pushed up against a wall, kissing all over her neck.” I stated, bringing back the memory of the night I left. He winces.
“I know, Laine. Fuck, I am so sorry. I would do anything to prove to you that I’m just so fucking sorry.” He strides over to where I sit on the couch and drops to his knees in front of me, pulling my hands into his. “At first, I tried to forget you. I couldn’t. You were in my dreams every single night. When I was with anyone else for the past five hundred ninety-seven days, all I ever did was compare them to you. They were never you.” He holds my hands against his chest. “It’s always been you. I am so sorry I didn’t realize that sooner. I should have fixed us instead of letting you leave.” His voice cracks on the last few words and he’s searching my eyes for any indication of my feelings. “When I saw you tonight, I knew. I’ve been begging to any god that was listening for a sign and then, there you were, and I just knew. It’ll always be you. I don’t want it to be anyone else.”
“Harry, I just…” I trail off, both sides of my feelings fighting each other in my brain. On one hand, this is everything I ever wanted him to say to me. On the other hand, I’m unsure if I can trust him, no matter how sincere his words sound. I look at him, here in front of me on his knees, and I feel the tears stinging the corners of my eyes. “All I ever wanted was you, and you betrayed my trust. How can I trust you again?” I ask.
“I’ll do anything.” He answers quickly. “I will work for the rest of my life to prove that you can trust me. I’m not the same person I was then.” He squeezes my hands. “I know my words aren’t enough, but I promise I will prove them to you. I know I was selfish then. I’m not anymore.” He shakes his head, looking into my eyes. I feel a single tear escape down my face, and he lets go of one of my hands to cradle my cheek and wipe it away. “I just want you to come back to me, baby. Please.” He whispers, bringing my hand to his lips and kissing my knuckles, his eyes closing and taking in a deep breath.
I’m silent for a moment. I know he’s waiting for a response. I know he won’t pressure me if I say no…he’ll let me walk away if I really wanted to, and I think that’s what he’s expecting. The thing is, I don’t want to. I don’t want to run away this time. I’m so tired of running…running from my thoughts, my feelings, from everything. I remember all of the good. Writing with him, playing board games with him, going to events with him, the way he used to stroke my hair in bed every morning, the way he would come up with silly songs to make me feel better when I was having a bad day, the way we would dance in the kitchen while we were making dinner together, the way he always made me laugh and knew the right words to say…and when I think about him, before everything came falling down, all I can think of is the good. Before I can think about it any further I decide to go with my gut.
“Okay.” I whisper. He lifts his head up to look at me, his eyes glistening.
“What?” He looks at me with an expression of disbelief on his face.
“I said okay.” I take my hands from his and grab his face, pulling him closer so I can kiss him. Our lips meet and it’s like everything fell right back into place. After a few seconds, I pull away, touching my forehead to his. “I never want it to be anyone else, either.”
ahhh!! i’m so excited to post this. I think i’m going to write more of their story, like how they met and things leading up to the break up. idk though!!! i hope you enjoy. 🥹 it’s not my best work but i still just love them so much. <3
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Patients, Plural
Summary: A bengals athletic trainer gets caught up with her favorite and his friend. 
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: mild dub con / inappropriate workplace behavior 
A/N: Apparently I don’t have rules or boundaries because this is X Reader which is against all of the above. So fuck it, I guess let me know if you want more, of whatever this is specifically. 
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“Pigtails today, huh?” Sam is laying back, staring at you like he always does, with that funny look in his eye like he might know something he shouldn’t.
“Yup.” You pop the ‘P’, trying to seem nonchalant as you work your way up from his knee. It’s always a knee, one or the other.
He comes in, limping a little, wincing when you finally get up to his thigh. Always hiding the same slight smirk when you tell him to take his leg out of his pants—just the one—so you can tape him up. He always goes for both legs, pretending to be flustered when you tell him you only need the problem leg undressed.
So that's where you are now, face to face with his problem leg, trying not to blush as he flexes beneath your touch. It's worse today, with two sets of eyes on you. Joe Burrow is in the chair behind you, waiting with more patience than Sam has probably ever held a day in his whole life. But he’s looking at you, watching—albeit with a different look in his eye than Sam.
“It’s cute.”
You say nothing, biting your tongue as you wrap the black tape around his kneecap, one hand tracing over it as you press it to his skin.
“You’re cute.” He twists slightly beneath you, looking over at Joe. “She’s cute, isn’t she?”
Joe says nothing, and though your back is to him, you’re sure he’s probably blushing like you are, shy under Sam’s dangerous tone.
“Joey thinks you’re cute too.”
You sigh, looking at the warped tape, your work messed up by his movement. Committed to the bit, Sam sees the frustration on your face and puts a hand over yours, swinging his legs off the table as he hoists himself up to sit in front of you.
“You know, it actually feels pretty good. Thanks for taking a look at it.” He shakes his leg for good measure, knee knocking against your thigh. Somehow, he’s still holding your hand, and when you pull away, his grip tightens. Smiling at you, he rips the tape off his knee with his free hand.
“Your turn Joey.” Sliding off the table, he stands in front of you for a moment before letting you go, moving to stand beside you. “I think I’ll watch.”
“Your quad again?” You look at Joe, trying to keep your tone professional. He nods, standing up from the chair. God he’s tall. They both are. Sam’s taller, bigger too, but they’re both so damn tall. For a moment, you falter, getting lost as you stand between the two of them.
“‘Kay, get that right leg out for me and hop up here.” He’s wearing shorts, always more thoughtful than Sam is.
With broad hands, he tucks the hemline into his briefs and hops onto the table with his thigh exposed.
All too aware of Sam behind you, you turn your fractured attention to Joe, prodding him with delicate hands to identify the source of his discomfort. Where Sam is always a knee, Joe is always a thigh. For a moment, you find the pattern between the two of them. It slips from your grasp as Sam inches closer, until his chest grazes your shoulder.
Shuddering at the touch, you blink slowly, trying to look harder at the man lying in front of you. “Here? How about here?”
With a soft groan he tenses beneath your touch. The area is tight to the touch—at least he’s not a faker.
Pressing your fingers deeper, you feel around the area for more tightness. Behind you, Sam shifts, bracing against the table.
“I thought I was special.” From the corner of your eye you can see him pouting slightly. “You touch everyone like this?”
“I’m a trainer.”
“Did you think you were special, Joey?”
“I am.”
“Oh Mister Quarterback thinks he’s special.”
“I am.” Taking the bait, Joe looks up at you with a glint in his eye. “Aren’t I?”
It’s unconscious, the way you play into his hand. He’s trickier than Sam, with those baby blue eyes and long lashes. It seems so innocent.
“Very.” You turn away from them both, reaching for your tape, regret only flashing through your mind when you turn back to find Joe smirking at his friend.  
“She thinks I’m very special.” He swats Sam across the stomach. “I’m probably her favorite patient.”
“I—” Yes, yes definitely.
“He’s your favorite? Joey’s your favorite patient?”
“I don’t…” You falter, suddenly very aware of the way Sam is standing against you.
“You don’t have favorites?”
“Careful, Sam gets jealous easy.” Joe laughs, his nose wrinkling as the sound rings out.
“I’m not jealous.” A hand is in your hair suddenly. From the corner of your eye you can see Sam winding his fingers through the end of one of your pigtails. “Not yet.”
Joe has a serious look on his face suddenly, and he’s tense beneath you. Leaning on your hands for balance you pry away from Sam’s looming figure. How long have you been holding his leg like this?
“Does Joey get special treatment? Since he’s your favorite?” It’s so hot in here, and Joe’s on fire beneath you. You’re still holding him? “Do you blush when you touch him? You get all rosy when you work on me, I bet you blush for Joe don’t you?”
It’s hazy, the scene before you. Sam’s voice is deep and soft, softer than the hip of his that's digging into your back. When did Joe sit up? Your hands are on his thighs still, fingers spread across the broad space.
“You kiss him better? Your favorite patient?” Sam's hand is on your back, crawling towards your waist until he’s holding you steady against the table, between Joe’s spread legs. “She kiss it better for you Joey?”
“I don’t.” It's weak, your voice. Why does it sound so small?
“But you want to don’t you?” Sam’s breath is on your ear, he’s leaning down next to you, the scruff of his chin grazing you gently. They’d walked into your room together today, smirking at each other now that you were trying to remember. What had Sam been saying? Why hadn’t you paid more attention? “You wanna kiss Joey better?” There's his voice, pulling your attention back.
Without thinking, you dig your fingers into Joe’s skin, trying to find something to hold onto. Kiss who? Kiss him.
In your periphery, Sam is nodding. Why is he—oh.
Joe is kissing you, cupping your chin as his mouth works over yours. He’s so soft, so gentle against you. There's a whimper lost between the two of you, caught as he slides his tongue over your lip. Somewhere behind you, there's the distant sound of a door shutting and a lock falling into place. That's good.
A hand leaves his lap, finding the nape of his neck, your fingers work through his hair while he nips at you. He’s even gentle then, biting at you, with a grin you can feel. Another whimper leaves your lips as you press against the table, trying to get closer to him. Sucking at his lip, you let the palm of your other hand dig deeper into his thigh, sighing when he takes a hold of your wrist and pulls you even closer.
There's weight behind you suddenly—Sam. Before you can react, his hand is back on your waist where it had been moments earlier, and his breath is on your neck, and then his mouth.
You falter against Joe, shivering as Sam kisses the side of your neck. “’S’okay.” He whispers against you, his other hand coming up to hold your chin steady. Together, he and Joe both now have a hold on your face. Broad hand around your neck, you relax into Sam’s grasp, lost between the two of them.
It’s dizzying, when they finally let you up for air, Sam’s hand even softer on you as Joe’s falls away completely. Hands in his lap, his forehead rests on yours, a loose curl trapped between the two of you. He’s breathing heavily, and his cheeks are flushed pink. God he’s pretty.
“I think Sam feels left out.” You follow his eyes to your right, catching Sam’s gaze. “Go on.” Joe's voice is gentle, and soon his hand replaces Sam’s on your waist.
With far less grace, Sam presses himself against you. He’s rougher to the touch, the scruff on his chin rough against you as he kisses you. He’s heavier on you, and he bites harder, nipping at your lip like he means it, tugging on it until you relax into him. There's a warm feeling spreading through you when he finally lets up a little, sucking on your tongue as he holds you by the throat. Tighter, you think.
You must say it out loud, into his mouth, because his grip is stronger suddenly, fingers pressed into the side of your neck as he kisses you harder.
A hand still on your waist—is it Joey’s still? Another grabs at the one still in Joe’s lap, splaying your fingers across something warm. Twisting in Sam’s grasp, your eyes open. Hand over yours, Joe has you touching him. A whimper rises in your throat and Sam’s grip tightens again.
Releasing your mouth, he turns his attention back to your neck, relaxing only enough to let you look down at Joe’s lap. He’s hard under your hand, thighs flexed as he strains against your touch.
“I think Joey’s sore, baby.” Sam’s hand is falling from your neck, sliding down until he’s got your breast in his palm, rolling the sensitive skin under his fingers. “You don’t want your favorite patient sore, now do you?”
Your head shakes, and before you can think about it, Joe is helping you with the waistband of his shorts. God he’s—whose hand is that?
Still pressed to your back, Sam has a hand over your breast and another over the front of your leggings, his fingers grazing your center. “Joe, baby, worry about him. I’ll worry about you.” I’ll worry about you. Has Sam’s voice always been so deep?
Leaning back on the table, Joe has a hand braced behind him, and the other on the band of his shorts, holding them down as you turn your attention back to him. It’s big, just like the rest of him. Ignoring how heavy he is, you wrap your hand around it, shuddering as Sam touches you again.
There's a brief blur, as you begin to stroke Joe, all while trying to focus through Sam’s hands. He’s being so, so rough. Faltering against Joe, you shudder as Sam pulls your leggings down, tearing through the fabric.
You don’t know what happens first, but there's a hand at the back of your head, and one around your throat and you're choking for a moment. Joe’s cock is still in your hand but now he’s in your mouth, leaking onto your tongue. Behind you, Sam has his fingers on you—no—in you.
“That’s a good girl.” Joe’s voice sounds sweet, earnest, despite the vulgarity of the situation. You’re smiling at his tone when he pushes further into your mouth. When he moans, you’re grinning.
“Such a good girl, kissing Joe better while I touch you.” You're dripping around his fingers, warmth spreading down your thighs as he works his fingers within you. “You want more baby? You think she can take more, Joey?”
Through heavy eyes you look up in time to see Joey nodding weakly, jaw slack as he keeps himself steady against the back of your throat. I can, I can take more, please, Sam. You nod too, spit slipping down your chin.
And that's all it takes, in an instant, his fingers are replaced by something much bigger, and when you think it’s almost too much, just when you start to choke, he’s moving against you, hands braced at your sides as he grips the table in front of you.
“Just like that Sam, fuck.” Joe tenses, his thighs flexing as you rock against him. “God I wish you could see her face.”
“She’s so pretty.” Joe looks down at you, that same, earnest look in his bright blue eyes. “You’re such a pretty girl, taking him like that, choking all over me. She’s trying so hard.”
He’s still talking moments later, even when you’ve gotten lost again, and when he tenses again, he doesn’t stop. “Sam, dude, I can’t—fuck. God she’s so—Jesus Christ.” Babbling incoherently, his cock throbs against your lips until he’s spilling down the back of your throat, eyes rolling in his head.
You’ve hardly let him go when Sam follows. Hands tight on your waist, he bears down against you, chest pressed tight on you as he comes hard. And that’s it. It’s over in an instant, the heat of the moment gone, leaving only the wet feeling between your legs and the dribble of spit on your chin behind as evidence.
Body limp, you crumple against Joe’s chest, breathing heavy in time with the rising and falling of his shoulders. His heartbeat is loud and fast, thundering in his chest as you rest on him, unable to move.
With a hand on your cheek, he pulls you closer, using his shirt to wipe at your chin. In a moment of clarity later you would realize the sweetness of it, but for now, you just whimper into his hand, letting your tired eyes close as he holds you.
“Shhh.” Stroking your face with his thumb, you can hear movement behind you. Sam’s calloused hands are on you, tugging your leggings back up. With fingers too thick for fine work, he fumbles with the waistband, trying to smooth it out across your skin.
“There she is. How’s my favorite trainer?” Joe tilts your chin, meeting your eyes with a smirk playing on his lips. Really, really good.
“I…” Have you always stuttered this much? “I’m good.”
“Tired?” He presses a kiss to the crown of your head, laughing.
“Thirsty?” It's the first thing you think of, cheeks pink with a twinge of embarrassment. They seem so put together, why are you such a mess?
“Yeah? You wanna get a beer, with your favorite patient maybe?”
“Patients. Plural.” Sam's voice is low and clear behind them. “It was my idea, after all.”
A/N: Find the next part here. 
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Monza Surprise (Daniel Ricciardo)
Daniel's wife goes into labour while he is racing for a race win in Monza
Note: english is not my first language. I hope I did a good job for my first Daniel request!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated  and I'm not taking requests, but I am writing some blurbs when I can (usually at nighttime when I can) so if you have any ideas or concepts that can be written in a small amount of sentences and you want to share, feel free to do so!
Tw: pregnancy (tiredness, body aches, trouble sleeping), childbirth 
“Are you sure it’s a good idea for you to come to the race?”, your husband said as he rubbed your bump with one of the many pots of oil you had been given by friends and family on the baby shower, the routine now well settled everytime he was at home for nighttime, “Daniel, I’m fine, doctor said that if I take it easy I’ll be able to go and, besides, your parents will be there too. Trust your mother to tell me to rest, and sit down, and drink water, and eat some more”, you chuckled, remembering one of her last visits where you could definitely see where her son’s caring (and overprotective) nature came from, “Just looking out for you and little bug”, he said as he kissed over your bellybutton. 
The Italian Sun was shining on the Sunday your husband was on the front line of the grid, the whole family sitting at the hospitality and enjoying some lunch, “Don’t you want to go and take a nap in my room, my love? Little big kept you up pretty much all night”, Daniel offered as he recalled last night where you had to move to the sofa in the hotel room as you couldn’t sleep and kept moving around in the bed, choosing to let your husband get his very much needed rest before his race while you binge watched some comedy shows on the TV, “I’m good, surprinsingly not that tired. And we’re both very excited to see daddy on the frontline, maybe even get a win today”, you wiggled your brows, “A podium for sure”, he smiled as he rubbed your bump. “Mum, keep an eye on her, will you?”, you heard your husband say as he put his balaclava on, pressing a kiss to your lips before adjusting it so it was covering most of his face, "Daddy loves and mama so much, little bug", he said before he was urged to get in his car so it could get on the grid.
Getting up with their help, "I feel fine so I guess we still have some time to wait", you said before you felt a pressure, assuming it was a contraction and counting the seconds, "that was awfully long, dear, I think we should go to the hospital", Grace said as she looked for Michael, who had already been looking at the scene and had a bottle of water and juice in his hand, "thought you just needed some sugar but turns out it's something else", he smiled, "want me to tell Daniel?". Your wide eyes spoke for themselves, "absolutely not, you'll tell him after he's done, and after he's done with his celebrations", feeling confident in today's race, "if you tell him I swear you'll never see the light of day", you had threatened as you felt another surge of pressure, "we're going to the hospital", you breathed, "and we'll see how it goes. It's probably going to take a while so just tell him once he notices I'm not here, okay?", you said as you waddled with your parents in law to the car.
Checking into the hospital, you were lucky to find that the team were fluent in English and were able to speak to you in a clear way, as well as the other way around, "my dear, just lay down while we got your vitals in", one of the nurses said as you looked at Grace, "Joe was incredibly calm driving here for someone who is not from here and is driving someone to the hospital", you chuckled as you noticed the TV in the room, grabbing the remote and tuning it to see the race, the screen displaying "yellow flag", as your heart rate increased until they panned out to Lewis' and Max's cars, "My goodness, are they okay?", you whispered as the nurse chuckled, "if you keep watching it like that, we'll have to turn it off, you're a bit worried about as I see", she giggled as her senior entered in, "sorry, I forgot to ask. Are we expecting the father to arrive?", she asked you, "the father is currently racing there and nearly giving me a heart thing", you pointed to the TV, "Oh, I knew I recognised your face. You're Daniel's wife, right? If he wins, it will be even sweeter!".
"He's leading, and Lando is second too!", you cheered your best as you bounced on a ball, allowed to be in it as the nurse figured you'd be entertained and able to get out all of the adrenaline, stopping the cheers when a contraction came and you needed to pay attention to your body, "He's doing really well", Joe said as Grace nodded, "Daddy is doing really well, little bug, hopefully you're being good today too and not knackering my body too much!", you chuckled. The race finished as your husband was the first driver to see the red flag, hearing how happy he was over his radio and seeing him doing all the interviews before you saw him heading for a McLaren employee, his eyes nearly coming out of their sockets by whatever reply they gave him, "Do you think he found out that we are here just there?", Grace chuckled before Michael texted you, "he already knows, wanted to know where the three of you were because he hadn't seen you with the rest of the team", and you nodded, "seems like he did", you mumbled as you watched his expression unfold. The podium announcement and celebrations came quickly and you were now bent over the side of the bed, arms supporting yourself as you moved your hips from side to side in order to relieve the pain, "I'm going to do a shoey and then I'm heading out because my wife is in labour! We'll celebrate it later, okay?", he said to the entirety of the fans at the track as well as the people at home, "so much for "keeping it on the down low", Daniel", Joe joked as he handed you the ice chips you asked for, hearing a phone ring before you mother in law stood by your side again, "he wants to FaceTime, are you okay with it?", she asked before you nodded, "Hi honey, congrats on your win!", she said to her son, "where's Y/N? How is she?", Daniel asked with a worried tone, "I'm here, and I'm alive", you said as Grace propped her phone up so you could see eachother, "Hello, my love. Are you good then?", he said as he took what looked like his fireproof long sleeve inside a car, "Daniel, are you changing inside the car?" , you asked, "yes, it's nothing you haven't seen before, given the position you are in, and Michael has seen too, no need to get jealous", he winked, "we're heading to the hospital right now", he smiled, "Mum, what did the doctor say?", he said as he put a t-shirt on, "she's 6 cm dilated, she's progressing very well, no issues so far. She's taking it like a champ", Grace said, "Congratulations on your win, handsome", you whispered as you felt another contraction, "I wishing could be with you, GPS says we're ten minutes away, okay, my love?", he said worriedly, making you nod before Grace told him the room you were staying in so he could ask at the front desk.
Like he promised, 15 minutes later, your husband arrived in the room, knocking impatiently before he was allowed in, greeting the team as he went straight to you, now lying sideways on the bed in a position that allowed the best comfort, "hi", you said as you puckered your lips for a kiss before the nurse discarded her gloves, "there can only be one person in the room for the delivery and that will happen any moment now", she explained as Grace and Joe got up, "thank you so much", you said as your mother in law came to kiss the top of your head, not caring how sweaty it was, "always, darling", she said before Joe winked at you and the nurse ushered them outside before the midwife came in along with the rest of the team, "Let's have this baby, shall we?", and you looked at Daniel, "Let's have this baby", before you pushed when your body told you too, Daniel supporting your back as he whispered encouraging words, "you're so strong, my love, you can do it. There's no one else in the world that is going to be the best mummy for this little girl and she's going to be so proud of you, just like I am now", he said and you got to the final push. Sitting back against the pillows, the nurses lifted the little girl and after a few taps on her cheek, she let out a high pitch scream both you and Daniel would remember for the rest of your lives, "she's here, Y/N, congratulations mummy and daddy", the midwife said as she placed the baby on your chest. You couldn't believe it, she was finally here. A head full of hair, chubby cheeks and eyes wide open just taking in the world around her, the commotion on the room already endearing her. You briefly looked at Daniel and, like you, tears were running down his face as he kept caressing your shoulders and whispering a chain of praise and "thank you" on your ear. "She's here, Sophia is here", and saying it out loud sounded even crazier. From dating back to when you were attending university and Daniel travelling nearly every weekend for most of the year, contracts and deals on and off, moving in together and getting married, and now holding the beautiful life your love created, you still couldn't believe it. "Now we're gonna need to take little one to check everything while you deliver the placenta, okay?", one of the nurses said and you extended your arms so she could grab her. Daniel moved so he could be both close to you while keeping and eye on his daughter, looking over to the nurses' station as they measured and weighed her before he looked down to you, "Thank you for gifting me the most important person of my life, my love, she's the best thing. Ever.", he said with loving (and still a bit teary) eyes grabbing your hand in his and kissing them before touching your forehead lovingly, "I love you so much. Thank you for managing to get here", you whispered and you kissed his hand that was caressing your cheek, "the win is even sweeter today", he said as he kissed you again, the nurse that said the same earlier smiling.
After delivering the placenta and having your baby girl back in your chest, Daniel couldn't stop the overwhelming surge of feeling in his chest. He was so happy and grateful for you, for the life he's had so far and the life he had yet to have and fill with memories with his family. You were already in your room with the nurse helping you feed Sophia when Daniel announced that his parents were outside the room and eager to meet their granddaughter, “I can tell them to come back later if you want”, he said, not wanting to impose anything, “bring them in, they helped me so much after all. And it’s their little baby girl, aren’t you little bug?”, you cooed at your daughter as she finished her milk, moving to cover yourself back up before burping her with the nurse’s help, just in time for them to get inside the room, "Here's our little babygirl, hello", they said as they peaked for her face, her cheeks nuzzled in the blankets, "so far she likes being al wrapped up", you giggled before offering her for your husband to hold her, "she hasn't had a proper cuddle with daddy yet", you said and Daniel was a natural, sitting next to you before ensuring you weren't in any pain and craddling her I'm his arms, "Hi, baby girl, look at you, you look so much like your mummy", he commented before he heard sniffles from his mum, "my baby has a baby of his own, leave me be", she said as she watched her son roll his eyes, feeling her husband rub her back.
They stayed for a bit before retiring back to rest in the hotel, leaving you and Daniel with Sophia, "you should rest, my love, I'll wake you up if she gets hungry", Daniel offered as he sat on the lounge chair shirtless after he had a proper shower and got clean clothes from Michael (who had been and angel and brought you a massive pasta dish from the restaurant you had dinner in the might before), your daughter doing some skin to skin with her daddy, "We'll have some chats, daddy will tell you about his race today, because a lot happened while you were pestering mommy to come out!".
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joeshiestyslover · 1 year
i love u
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pairing: lsu!fratboy!joe burrow x volleyballplayer!reader
summary: sometimes all you need to forgive your ex is two nosy best friends
warnings: language, angst, sad joe, some fluff at the end
a/n: y’all part 2 of i hate u is finally here!!! i’m so sorry i haven’t been active! hope y’all enjoy 🫶🫶
lowercase intended
masterlist part one
the past few weeks have been complete and total hell for you. you can’t even look at joe without feeling the urge to break down and cry. you try to avoid him and his teammates at all costs, including ja’marr. you’ve been sitting on the opposite side of the room, not wanting to tell him about what happened with his best friend, but be probably already knows.
ever since that night with your ex-boyfriend, you’ve been completely self isolating. when every you’re not in class or at volleyball practice, you’re in your dorm room. eve has felt so guilty because she was basically the reason you and joe got into the argument in the first place, but you constantly assure her it wasn’t her fault. you love eve, but if there’s one thing she’s good at, it’s getting into your business. she’s been begging you to talk joe ever since you told him to get the fuck out of your room, and you tell her no every time. little do you know, her and ja’marr have been plotting for the past week to get you and joe to get back together, at the very least stand each other. 
you are walking out of your econ class when you think you hear someone calling your name. you ignore it, thinking it’s your imagination until you feel a tap on your shoulder. you turn around, and behind you stands ja’marr; your eyes widen. “hey y/n. can we talk?” he asks you. “umm yeah sure.” you reply to him , not having the energy to argue. ja’marr leads you down the hallway so you’re both outside a storage closet. “so, why did you want to talk to me?” you question, stuffing your hands into your jacket pockets. “i’m sorry.” he tells you. “for what?” you ask him, confused. “for this.” ja’marr then shoves you into the closet you were just standing in front of. before you’re able to push against the door, it’s slammed shut and locked from the outside. “ja’marr let me out you dumbass! what the fuck is wrong with you?!” you begin to pound your fist on the door, but you get no response. he probably walked away, but why would he lock you in here in the first place, you think. 
you stand there for a bit before your thoughts are interrupted by the door opening. you think it’s ja’marr or someone else saving you from being trapped, but you notice another person being pushed into the closet to join you. as the door closes, you hear a, “what the hell?! let me out!” oh no. your heart drops as you hear the voice of the guy you’ve been avoiding for the past two weeks. “shit.” you whisper to yourself. 
“y/n?” joe asks you, somehow hearing your voice. “joe” you reply to him coldly. “did you get locked in here too?” he inquires. “no, i just decided to chill out in here for a few hours!” you exclaim sarcastically. joe lets out a sigh, hopefully he’s finally given up at starting a conversation with you as if you’re best buds. 
“y/n” joe speaks up again. you ignore him, not wanting a replay of a few weeks ago. “y/n please say something, anything.” he pleads. “i have nothing to say to you. i’ve already said everything i needed to.” you cross your arms over your chest, not even looking him in the eye. “okay fine then i’ll talk.” you continue to avoid his eye line. “i will never stop telling you how sorry i am for what i did. i was a stupid and an asshole. i lost sight of myself and i became someone that i didn’t like. you never deserved that. i hate myself for how i ended it with you. i’m so, so sorry.” you don’t know what to say because you really wanna forgive him, but you don’t know if you can. he hurt you more than anyone else has in your life. how do you even begin to forgive someone for that?
“joe, i understand that you feel sorry now, but you didn’t feel sorry when it first happened. you seemed to be having the time of your life, partying and hooking up with random girls while i was at home crying my eyes out every night wondering why you didn’t want me anymore. tell me, was it easy for you to forget me?” “trust me, there was never a moment where you weren’t on my mind. i thought i did what was right at first, but as time went on, i realized that i had made the biggest mistake of my life. i tried to text you, call you, and even dm you on instagram, but you blocked me, which i completely understand by the way.” joe tells you, starting to become desperate. 
“you still hurt me joe. you made me feel as if i did something wrong, like i wasn’t enough for you. i thought that you left me for someone better.” you tell him while looking at your shoes. “it’s not your fault. it has never been your fault. stop beating yourself up over something i did. i promise you i found no one else that was better than you because there is no one better. i will never find anyone i love more than you. you are truly the most amazing and the most beautiful girl i have ever met. you’re it for me y/n.” “really?” you ask him, becoming more open to the idea of forgiving him. “i promise. i love you y/n, i never stopped.” you’re finally able to look him in the eyes. “oh joe, i never stopped loving you either, but i won’t forgive except under one condition.” “anything.” you replies, hope beginning to gleam in his eyes. “you never, ever pull shit like this again. if you do, don’t expect another chance.” you state. “done. i promise i won’t break your heart again.” he begins to step closer to you. “will you kiss me now?” you ask, looking up at the blue eyes you fell in love with when you were six. joe smiles and leans his head down while cupping the sides of your face. you close your eyes and wait until joe’s lips meet yours.
you two stay like this for a while before you hear the door open. you and joe both look towards the open door and see ja’marr and eve with shit eating grins on their faces. “i told you it would work!” eve turns towards ja’marr. “you guys planned this?!” you yell at the both of them. “well yeah. we had to get you both to make up somehow, you guys were fucking miserable! and we need our quarterback to actually make plays, you know.” ja’marr tells the two of you. “i’m sorry we had to do it like this but we were desperate.” “i hate how you did it, but thank you.” joe says, looking at you lovingly. you look back at him and give him a quick peck on the lips. “awww!” you hear ja’marr and eve exclaim. “shut up.” you and joe tell your friends before letting out a loud laugh. you start to feel like your old self again. it’s as if nothing changed, and you couldn’t be happier.
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
How Many Times? - Joe Burrow 
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Due to my lack of posting, here you go 🫶🏻
“How many times are you going to look me in the eyes and lie to me?”
“Because I’m not!” He yelled before letting out a low chuckle, “If you don’t believe me on this, then why the hell are you still here?” he asked, “Maybe you’re just as naive as everyone else says.” 
“Fuck you Burrow.” You clicked your tongue on the roof of your mouth, “and maybe because I want you to prove me wrong. I want to be wrong that I wasn't just a bet for you to sleep with.”
“You did, don’t forget that.” he shrugged, “Besides, what does it matter? You don’t like and I don’t like you.” he said, “It was just two people getting laid at this point.”
You and Joe had history. Granted, it wasn't great, but you two had known each other for a while, mainly because your parents were great friends; you two, not so much. 
Matter of fact, you genuinely didnt know if you could even classify yourself as friends. More like.. enemies that only spoke because of their family. 
But it didn’t help that you ended up at the football OSU party off campus, which just so happened to be hosted at his and some of his teammates home, you winding up in his bed the night before, leading you to the argument you were currently in now, you dressed in his t-shirt and gym shorts standing in the middle of his room, him sitting on the edge of the bed in just a pair of grey sweatpants.
“Don’t raise your voice at me.” you hissed as he rolled his eyes, looking up at you, “Also you don’t get to speak for me. I never said I didn’t like you, but after this little fucking stunt..” you started, but quickly shutting up as he stood up, taking a step towards you. 
“After this little stunt, what?” He asked as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, his touch leaving chills on your body.
“I’ll be damned if- uh..” Your mind blanked as his face was just mere inches from yours. 
“If what?” He asked, his breath fanning on your lips as his head dipped to be closer to yours. 
You came back to your senses, not focusing on the handsome man in front of you as you shoved him back, “I gotta go.” 
You could hear footsteps following you down the stairs, but you chose not to look back as the door slammed behind you.
You mom was currently sitting on your bed, a slightly disappointed look on her face as she listened to you explain it all. 
Explain how you hooked up with her best friends son, who you despise. 
“Honey,” she let out a sigh, stopping you mid ramble, “Do you like him?”
“No! Thats the problem!” You flopped back on your bed, “At least I dont think I do.” you whispered causing her to let out a laugh.
“You do.” She grinned as she sat beside you, pulling your arm to get you to sit up, “and there’s nothing wrong with that. We always thought you two would somehow end up together.”
“That’s disgusting.” You fake shivered, “Besides, he hates me as much as I hate him.” “He doesn't hate you.” She said, “I promise you that.” 
“And you know this how?” 
“I have my ways baby.” She replied as you rested your head on her arm, “I’m telling you though, you two would be awfully cute!”
She let out another laugh as she continued to talk you off the ledge, you finally calming down about the situation. 
“I will say though, Robin has talked to me on multiple occasions about you and him and this ‘hatred’ you have for each other. She thinks his is just as fake as yours.” your mom said as she tossed quotations around hatred. 
“I think you both are head over heels for each other and you're too blind to see it right now.” she admitted to you.
“Yeah right.” You snorted as she gave the look.
“Y/N.” she raised her eyebrows at you causing you to stop laughing.
It had been a couple of days since the incident occurred and you felt like you had eyes on you everywhere you went. 
Not to mention, you were being pinged as ‘Burrow’s new girl’, which you did not appreciate at all. 
So in reality, you probably did have eyes on you, and it was worse the moment Joe pulled you aside. 
“You..” Joe laughed as he watched your facial expressions change, “You told your mom?” 
“What? It’s cute.”
“Its.. cute?” You gave him a confused look at he shot you a smirk.
“It is.” He said, “Mom told me all about what your mom had told her.”
“Like?” You asked trying to play dumb with him, hoping he was just bluffing at this point. 
“A little bird mentioned that they think were in love and whatever this is,” he motioned between you two, “is just a facade and bullshit.” 
You nervously laughed, “Yeah, I think she's-”
“But you, you told her we hooked up which is fueling the fire Y/N.”
“At least I didnt tell her it was a bet, you ass.” 
“I still don’t know how many times I need to tell you this,” Joe hissed, “It was not a bet.” He enunciated every word he spoke, “If it was a bet, you wouldnt have found out baby.”
A blush covered your cheeks as you watched his face change, “What did I hear then?”
“He was making a bet for Saturday’s game.” He sighed as he looked up towards the sky, “If I got so many passing yards and won, which obviously I’m going to do, I had to be a man and finally ask you out.” He looked towards you, waiting for your reaction, “If I didnt get them and we lost, I paid his rent for the month.” He continued, “It was not a bet for me to sleep with you.”
“Oh.” You whispered, your mouth slightly dropping as he waited for some sort of reaction, “So our moms were right then, huh?”
“Per usual.” He shrugged, “So we doing this or what Y/L/N?” 
“I guess we are Burrow.” you replied, “On one condition.”
“What’s that?” He asked as he stepped closer to you. 
“No more bullshit bets, especially if it involves me.”
“Now that I’ve got you here, with me, you won't be involved in anything like that.” He grinned as he pressed his lips to yours, “I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited to do that.” “I mean you did it a couple of nights ago.” You joked.
“I mean with you actually being mine.”
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Should've Been Born Later, Nix - Chapter 4: The First Night
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Easy Company x Fem!OCs
Chap. Synopsis: What will happen to Easy Company the night of their Fall?
Words: 3,502
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Author's Note: Hi everyone! Hope y'all are having good days so far~ Also, I want to let you know that I'm open to writing Bonus Content for the series! If there's a particular scene you'd like to be written in more detail, or any specific headcanons, please don't be afraid to let me know! As always thank you a million times over for all the support and I love you all dearly!! 💖
Once at home, the boys all filed out of their makeshift clown cars, Chrys retrieving the black duffel bag she put the men’s things in from the trunk. “I’ll keep these in my room till y’all need them,” Chrys said.
Speirs, Guarnere, and Toye all started to protest, before captain Winters put a stop to it. “Men, we can clearly see that the atmosphere around weapons is different in 2023, I don’t like it either, but we need to follow our hosts on this one,” he explained to his men. The men grumbled but agreed with their CO.
“Alright y’all! Have we got everyone?” Zay asked, her “mom friend” instincts kicking in - she always had an instinct to take care of and protect everyone around her, maybe that is why she went into nursing.
Speirs performed a silent headcount before responding, “Yeah we have everyone, lead the way!” Zay smiled in gratitude at Speirs, turning on her heel before her bouncy saunter could be seen leading the pack. Chrys hung back to talk with Toye, probably about what kind of guns they have - it was a bit of a hobby for her. No one but Winters saw the subtle glare Nixon tossed at Joe after he started chatting with Chrys. Finally, he had something to fire back at Lew the next time the intelligence officer said something about Zay. Everybody, focused on their own conversations, missed Speirs pulling something out of his pocket. Ron inspected the colorful pens he had swiped from the receptionist’s desk, “Sharpie Premium Highlighters” displayed along their sides. Speirs had never seen pens with these colors before, so of course, he needed to have them.
Before they knew it, the group was at the elevator. While this was a larger elevator and could fit all twelve of them, they were once again squished like sardines. While Zay wound up being squished against the back wall with Liebgott, Chrys was squished towards the middle, Nixon on one side, Toye on another. Now, it was Winters’ turn to sit back and enjoy the show. Nixon immediately began to strike up a conversation, causing Toye to return the glare Nixon cast his way earlier. Dick let out a silent chuckle, unaware of the similar situation happening behind him. Joe Liebgott, feeling confident, subtly slung his arm around Zay’s shoulder.
“Sorry, doll, it’s just so crowded in here,” he said in a quiet voice, a smirk evident on his lips. Zay simply snickered and rolled her eyes, letting Joe keep his arm around her. If looks could kill, Luz and Roe would have been accused of friendly fire. They were towards the front of the elevator, turned to the side to help fit everyone in. They were glaring at Liebgott, who simply returned to them a smug smile. When the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Zay moved from beside Joe to the front and led the pack on their way, unaware of the situations around her.
As the group filed out of the enclosed space, Roe made sure to wait for Liebgott, “It’S jUsT sO CrOwDeD iN hErE.” He mocked him with a low voice, ensuring Zay didn't hear.
"Hey, I'm the one that got to put my arm around her," Liebgott replied to the medic. The self-satisfied soldier continued walking ahead with the group, while Roe was fuming internally, praying it did not show up on his face. Meanwhile, Zay led the group down the hallway to a door that read 553. The door opened to reveal a modest but comfy apartment. There was a combined kitchen/living area, with the kitchen to the right of the front door. In front of the group was a coffee table with a full size couch against the wall. Flanking the couch was a loveseat and an armchair, framing the coffee table on their respective sides. Directly across from the couch was the entertainment stand, the boys trying to process all the electronics they have never seen before. Across the room was a sliding glass door that led out to the apartment's balcony. To the right of the TV was a small hallway with a door on the left, on the right, and at the end.
"Welcome to casa del Bennett!" Zay cheered as everyone filed into the apartment - there was an eclectic feel to the furniture and decorations. It was easy to see that Zay and Chrys collaborated on the decor, neither of them losing their styles to the other. The decor was a mix of bright, cheerful artwork and trinkets, with posters and models of cars mixed in all around, a perfect blend for the sisters. “Make yourselves at home!” Zay stood beside the kitchen as the boys took a look around, Chrys making her way back to her room, opening the door on the right side of the small hall and disappearing behind it.
“This is a nice place you’ve got!” Luz said, plopping down on the couch in the living area. Toye and Guarnere politely sat down on the loveseat, while the rest of Easy Company gathered to stand in the living area rather awkwardly.
Zay smiled and locked the door, a nervous habit, before walking off down the hallway. “Y’all get comfy, I’m gonna change my clothes really quick.” With her signature bounce, Zay went into the door on the left of the hallway. Easy Company was left to fend for themselves, at least for a few minutes. Roe helped Malarkey sit in the armchair, while the medic opted to sit beside Luz on the couch, close to Malarkey if he needed anything. Bull rested on an arm of the loveseat, while Liebgott took the last seat on the couch, securing Luz in the middle. Winters and Nixon stood off to the side, next to the loveseat, and Speirs rested on an arm of the couch, beside Roe.
“What do you think all that is?” Malarkey asked, motioning to the entertainment center. While someone from 2023 would recognize the twins’ internet router, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and bluetooth speaker as common electronics, the boys had absolutely no idea what they were looking at. As if on cue, the two sisters returned to the group, both having changed their clothes. Chrys was wearing a black sweatshirt with an Alfa Romeo logo the boys did not recognize on the front with a pair of plaid pj pants. Zay opted for an oversized, navy blue t-shirt with the band Queen’s logo on the front, though once again, unrecognized by Easy Company. The shock displayed on the men’s faces came from the fact that Zay seemed not to be wearing anything on her lower half. While Chrys sat on the ground, close to Guarnere and Toye, Zay stood confused at the boys.
“Is everything okay?” She asked, concern thick in her words.
“Um… I think you… forgot something in your room,” Luz mumbled out, bright red and trying his best not to stare at Zay’s legs.
“Hm?” Zay followed Luz’s eyes to the point of confusion. “Oh!” She let out a small giggle, slightly lifter her shirt to reveal her bright yellow pajama shorts. “This is the style for pajama shorts in 2023, helps to keep cool at night,” she explained, opting to sit on the floor - she wound up sitting at the feet of Richard Winters, merely intending to sit beside Chrys. Winters could not help but blush, seeing her so close to him. “How’re y’all feeling?” Zay questioned the group in earnest, looking at the men.
There was a brief pause, as well as a few glances around from the men, before Guarnere spoke up, “Still kinda shocked, I guess… it’s still so weird that this is all happening.”
“To be honest, I’m worried about our other guys,” Liebgott chimed in, his arms crossed and his leg bouncing anxiously. “There’s no way to tell them where we are, and we’re not there if they need us.” Joe said all this while staring at the floor, his jaw clenched. The rest of the men nodded in agreement - the soldiers relied on each other, especially in the winter wasteland of Bastogne. Knowing that they were so far away from the rest of their men hurt their hearts in more ways than they thought possible.
Zay and Chrys listened closely to the group. “I’m sorry y’all have to go through this, I can’t imagine the pain and anxiety you’re feeling right now,” the blue-haired girl said after a beat. “I wish I had answers to your questions, but I can assure y’all, Chrys and I will do everything in our power to help you get back to your men. For now, y’all have had a really long day, and you need to be at your best to-”
Zay was cut off by what sounded like the mating call of the humpback whale. All heads turned to the source of the sound - Nixon’s stomach. Lewis let out a small laugh before speaking, “I sure hope you still eat dinner in 2023.”
“Nope, eating as a concept stopped in the 1990s,” Chrys replied, her face and tone deadpan. There was a beat of silence, the boys unsure whether or not the woman was joking, before Chrys let out a snicker. Zay and Chrys began to descend into laughter, followed by the rest of the boys. The group continued to discuss dinner, Zay explaining the concept of Door Dash to the soldiers. Swears, confusion, and laughter abounded throughout the technology education.
“So we can really get anything we want? And they’ll just deliver it?” Malarkey asked, wonder in his eyes. Zay smiled and nodded her head. Malarkey looked at the boys before exclaiming, “We could get actual pasta!”
“Are you kidding? We could get warm juicy American burgers!” Luz retorted.
“Hey what about Chinese food? That shit’s delicious,” Toye argued back. The group descended into bickering, sounding like child siblings in their tones.
“Men!” Winters scolded, causing everyone to fall silent and turn their attention to their captain. Dick looked down at Zay, “We’ll take whatever you recommend.” Dick had a polite smile on his face, imitating Luz as he tried everything not to look at Zay’s bare legs. The girl looked back up into Dick’s green eyes, a blush rising on her cheeks, as well as a thankful smile.
“How about some fast food?” Chrys offered, “McDonald’s usually has something everyone likes.”
“Sounds perfect!” Zay replied before going to Door Dash on her phone. After what felt like forever while the twins explained the options for food to the boys and take their orders, Zay pressed the “Complete Purchase” button. “Alright! The food will be here in a little bit. In the meantime, would y’all like anything to drink? We have water and soda, but also beer, wine, and some other stuff.” Zay explained with a mischievous grin - she saw how the men loved to drink on the show, save for Winters, and was excited to relax and have fun with them. A chorus of intrigued “ooh”s and whoops came from the men of Easy Company as Zay stood up to go to the kitchen. After getting everyone’s drink orders, Zay headed to the kitchen, not noticing Dick following her.
“Thought you might want some help carrying everything,” he said more bashfully than intended when Zay noticed him. Zay returned his smile as they reached the tile of the kitchen area.
“That’s really sweet of you, Captain Winters,” she responded, blushing as she looked up at the man in front of her. Her mind could not help but wonder, what would he do if he knew how big of a crush she had on him?
Dick laughed quietly and smiled at the girl, his blush matching hers. “Please, call me Dick.” Zay’s smile widened as she shifted her gaze to her feet, praying futily that he did not notice her blush growing. “Doc was right earlier, you know, it is really kind of you to take us into your home like this,” Dick mused, grateful for the girl in front of him. Her eyes immediately returned to meet his gaze with a smile.
“Oh it’s nothing, really! Chrys and I have people over all the time, so it’s no trouble, I promise.” Zay went to the fridge as she spoke, starting to take out the bottles that were requested - a coke for Dick, red wine for Zay, Speirs, and Roe, and beers for the rest of the group. Once Zay had organized the eight bottles and three glasses, she bent down to grab her serving tray from the cupboard. Dick wanted to avert his eyes, he wanted to be polite, be a gentleman, but alas, he was entranced. The captain was just barely able to turn his head away before Zay returned to the drinks, acrylic serving tray in hand. Once Zay put everything on the tray, Winters was quick to pick it up, Zay shooting him a Look. “Thank you,” Zay said reluctantly, trying and failing to hide her smile. Dick simply nodded before following her out of the kitchen.
The night continued to devolve into drunken, chaotic fun, with laughter and Chicken McNuggets abounding. Soon everyone was burping and hiccuping with inebriation, of course save for Winters. “You guys wanna play truth or dare?” Chrys asked with a smirk as Zay clumsily emptied the group’s third bottle of wine into her glass, splashing a couple drops onto the carpet.
“Yeah! Let’s use the bottle to pick!” Guarnere said, gently plucking the bottle from Zay’s hand. The twelve made a circle on the floor, pushing the coffee table flush with the sofa. Zay wound up sitting between Winters and Roe, while Chrys was between Nixon and Bull. “Who wants to go first?” Guarnere asked, placing the bottle on its side in the center of the circle.
“I will!” Chrys volunteered, spinning the bottle. As Chrys leaned forward, shifting her weight to her knees, Nixon could not help but be floored by the dark-haired woman in front of him - she seemed so genuine, so down to earth, he needed her in his life. The bottle spun and spun before landing on, of course, Captain Nixon. A chorus of “ooh”s and chuckles erupted from the group as Chrys asked, “Captain, truth or dare?”
Nixon smirked and looked at the girl, heavily relying on his liquid courage. “Dare, doll,” he replied. Chrys, hiding her blush, smiled and walked to the kitchen, returning with a fresh bottle of beer.
“I dare you,” she paused as she used the bottle opener, “to drink this entire beer in 10 seconds.” She held the beer out to him, intrigued to see if he could do it.
“Done and done,” he replied casually, immediately starting to down the drink. It may not have been Vat 69, but Nixon still drank the beer like it was the best thing he ever tasted. Before Chrys reached five, Nixon handed her the empty bottle, covering his mouth as he felt the carbonation expel itself. The group laughed at Nixon’s belch but cheered as he spun the bottle in front of him. The bottle slowly came to a stop, pointing itself at Wild Bill Guarnere. “Alright Gonorrhea, truth or dare?”
Bill laughed as he finished off his fourth beer. “Truth, Cap’n.” he said assertively, leaning into the circle. Nixon thought for a minute before asking his question.
“Tell us about the worst kiss you’ve ever had.” the captain asked the staff sergeant. Guarnere thought for a minute before his facial muscles cringed with disgust.
“Suzie Watson at my Senior Prom, we were slow dancing and next thing I knew her tongue was licking my lips,” Bill recalled. The group responded with sounds of ick as Guarnere flicked the bottle. The game continued to bring wild revelations and compromising positions to all in the room. At one point, Luz had spun the bottle, and it landed on captain Dick Winters. “Captain Quaker, sir,” Luz addressed Winters, earning laughs all around him, including from the captain himself, “truth or dare?”
Dick chuckled and shook his head. He debated whether or not to participate when the game began, but when Zay plopped herself next to his feet and looked up at him with the sweetest doe eyes he had ever seen, how could he not? The captain weighed his options, considering which answer is more of a risk. “Truth,” he answered, looking over at George.
“You got a girl waiting for you back home? And if you don’t, are you looking for someone?” Dick could see Zay's head perk up out of the corner of his eye; he could tell her head turned towards him, but he was nervous to meet her gaze.
“Can’t say I have someone waiting at home, but I would like to have a family, someday,” Winters replied quietly, his bashfulness and beet red cheeks warming Zay’s heart. In a moment of wine-fueled impulse, she laid her head on Dick’s shoulder as he spun the bottle. Surprised, Winters looked over at the girl, a content smile on her face as she rested on him. Now it was Winters’ turn to feel his heart warming. The game continued on until about midnight, when a few soldiers allowed themselves to yawn.
“Alright y’all, looks like it’s time to get ready for bed. For where y’all are sleeping, once we put up the air mattress, we can sleep four of you out here, then three in my room and three in Chrys’ room,” Zay explained. She wobbly tried to stand up, resembling a baby giraffe learning how to walk, before losing her balance and falling into Roe’s lap with a squeal. Eugene caught her in one smooth motion, looking at Zay with concern and amusement. “My bad,” the girl said between giggles. No one saw Liebgott and Luz roll their eyes at the scene, save for Winters. Roe helped the girl stand back up while they all discussed sleeping arrangements.
“I can sleep out here,” Speirs spoke up.
“I’ll take the couch,” Bull added.
“I can room with Zay, if you don’t mind,” Eugene looked up at the girl, who smiled and nodded her head.
“Hey! I wanna room with her!” Luz cried out, pushing Roe’s shoulder childishly.
Liebgott somehow got involved in the scrimmage as well, while Zay simply smiled down at the still-sitting Winters. “Would you like to stay in my room?” While she has not revealed the fact they would share a bed yet, Zay certainly preferred the idea of sharing a bed with a gentleman like Winters. Dick smiled and nodded, agreeing to her offer. Zay returned his smile before raising her voice to get the men’s attention. “Y’all! Dick already claimed a spot, so the other two spots go to Roe and Luz.”
Liebgott groaned and rolled his eyes, walking over to the loveseat - his bed for the foreseeable future. While all of the bickering was occurring, Chrys agreed to Nixon, Toye, and Guarnere bunking in her room. “Do you guys want pajamas? Our brother comes to visit us a lot, and he usually leaves his clothes here… his memory isn’t the best,” Chrys told the group, quiet laughter making its way across everyone’s lips. Chrys smiled and made her way back to her room, the rest of the men standing from the floor.
“I’ll go grab the air mattress,” Zay said over her shoulder, bouncing away to her room.
Ron stayed quiet until the twins left. “Sir? What’s the plan for tomorrow?” he asked Winters, everyone suddenly remembering the problems at hand.
Dick thought for a moment before responding, “We’ll go back to where we first arrived and see if we can find anything and go from there. If we don’t get any information, we’ll ask Zay and Chrys for input… maybe even watching the program we’re on could help.” Speirs nodded in understanding as Chrys came back into the room with a laundry basket of t-shirts, pj pants, jeans, and other bits of clothes for the men to use. Once Zay returned with the air mattress, she and Chrys set up their respective pull-out couches in their rooms while the boys changed, the clothes somehow being a good fit for everyone, even Bull.
Once the boys were all decent, Chrys and Zay set up the air mattress in the living room, supplying the four sleeping in said room with a plethora of pillows and blankets. Soon, the men were settled in their respective bunks - Bull on the couch, Liebgott on the loveseat, Malarkey and Speirs on the air mattress, Guarnere and Toye on Chrys’ pull-out couch, Roe and Luz on Zay’s pull-out couch, and finally, Captain Winters and Captain Nixon were, in fact, about to share their beds with Zay and Chrys, respectively. Since there was nowhere else for the boys to sleep, the four of them felt their own versions of excitement, nerves, and every other emotion under the sun.
Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
Taglist: @b00ks1ut , @blueberry-ovaries , @bucky32557038ww2 , @claudycod , @dontirrigateme , @emilee1421 , @executethyself35 , @hanniewinnix , @ithinkabouttzu , @jump-wings , @love--persevering , @panzershrike-pretz , @stolen94 , @xxluckystrike
Thank you again for reading!! Be on the lookout for Chapter 5 coming next week!! 🥰✨
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
I Was The Best Husband
An Elvis Presley One-Shot
A response to the writing prompt "‘are you always this shy?"
Many thanks to my lovely compatriots @whositmcwhatsit @be-my-ally @vintageshanny @ellie-24 @missmaywemeetagain @from-memphis-with-love @powerofelvis for talking me off the ledge every time and holding my hand and reminding me why I love Elvis and how fun this can be.
Summary: It is March 1972, a month after Priscilla officially told Elvis about her affair with Mike Stone and her decision to leave him and request a divorce. He is in LA, getting ready to go back on tour and his entourage have invited some women over to help cheer him up.
Warnings: Some mild soft core make-out stuff. I think my smut generator is broken. Please send help. Oh, I wrote this today and there are a lot of typos. And some of it or all of it may not make sense. I'd honestly skip it.
Word Count: 4.2K
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I Was the Best Husband
Friday, March 31, 1972, 8:30 p.m.
La Fortuna Apartment Complex
Just off Pico Blvd in West Los Angeles, CA
Her first response had been a firm no when Caroline stuck her head around Maureen’s bedroom door and asked if she wanted to come to a party in the hills at Elvis Presley’s house.
“Please, please PLEASE, Mo, I need you there to make sure I don’t drink too much or do anything stupid. 'Sides, Joe told me to bring some friends.”
“Who’s Joe?”
Caroline walked into Maureen’s room and sat on her vanity stool, wiping the corners of her mouth.
“I met him at the Whiskey last summer, when I was in the cage. He’s works for Elvis, took me out to Palm Springs for Labor Day, ‘member?” Carolyn's long, golden hair glistened in the bedroom lamp light.
“Right, how many girls were there? Twenty? Didn’t you say the trip was a bust?”
“I go to sit on Elvis’ lap for a whole gospel song, and then he asked me and another girl to make out in front of him. That’s a story I’ll be telling my grandchildren one day. Don’t you want to be able to do that?”
Maureen shook her head. “Hmmm, I think I’d probably leave out the second part. I don’t know, Cari, I -”
“Ah ha! You’re thinking about it. Get dressed, we gotta pick up Teresa. You don’t want to miss your opportunity to meet Elvis!”
“Right, maybe if I’m lucky I’ll get to watch the two of you make out on his lap. I don’t know why you need me to come if Teresa is, she makes since, you' 're both waitresses at Bootlegger’s. I’m not sure this Joe was thinking of me when he told you to bring some friends.”
Maureen looked down, smoothing her tee over her small bust while Caroline jumped up and spritzed Maureen’s perfume over her wrists.
“You’re cute, you’re funny, and you have a car, so shake a tail feather and let’s go.”
Carolyn turned up the radio and “Maggie May” resounded through the car as Maureen guided her Volkswagen bug up the steep incline into the Hollywood Hills. The road twisted and got narrower as they went along and she had to lean forward to feel steady shifting the gears.
Maureen found herself staring at Teresa’s beautiful brown skin as it gleaming in the streetlights while they walked up to the front of the large, white Tudor-style house. Maureen felt like an ugly duckling about to wander into lake full of swans, and hastened her gait, jogging up to link her arm between the other two taller, dazzling women as she balanced herself on her wooden clogs.
Knocking a few times, the door was finally opened by a tall white guy whose name was either Dick, Rick or Nick, and the women made their way into the foyer and down the split level steps towards an large open living room where guests were milling around talking, dancing, drinking. 
Carolyn leaned into whisper, “Joe says they’re trying to cheer Elvis up, his wife just asked for a divorce and moved out.”
Maureen only had a moment to reflect on this when Carolyn’s wrist was grabbed by a stout, short balding guy wearing black sunglasses inside at 10 p.m. at night. This, apparently, was Joe. He reminded Maureen of a a think, fat ground hog with no neck and a big, friendly expression that hid rows of sharp teeth. Joe smiled as he kissed Carolyn’s cheeks and checked out Teresa, then nodded politely at Maureen, as he took Carolyn in hand and led them to go meet “the boss.”
They could hear Elvis’ voice echoing through the air before they saw him as they walked out to the pool patio.
“Man, I don’t know how she could do this to me, I was the best husband a woman could ask for. Ain't no one in my family ever been divorced, 'cept my mean-ass, desertin' no good sonofabitch grandaddy. Unnatural for a woman to wanna break up a family like that. After everything I gave her, too. Provided everything a woman could ask for. And what thanks do I get? She steals my baby away and breaks up our fucking family .”
Elvis stood there at the side of the pool, his arms around two beautiful women as he spoke to a short young white guy, maybe in his late twenties or early thirties, with long greasy dark hair and bushy eyebrows. Elvis paused his diatribe to kiss one of the woman’s cheeks and ask what her name was again, before his eyes met Joe’s and he made a half grin.
“Hey, EP, you remember Cari from Palm Springs, huh?”
Elvis let go of the women he was with and drew Carolyn into his side,  kissing her cheek and saying of course he remembered her. He hummed a few bars of a gospel song, which made Carolyn giggle, and then asked her to introduce him to her friends as he took Teresa and then Maureen’s hands, kissing them one at a time. Maureen shivered when Elvis took her hand, his eyes narrowed as his mouth turned upward into a crooked grin and he winked at her. She forgot how to talk as his nose grazed the top of her hand and he squeezed it to his mouth for light, warm kiss.
“This here is Arty Shiskee, he’s workin’ on this picture we’re makin’ with MGM, been filming our tour rehearsals all day.”
The short, dark haired man smiled anxiously, and uncrossed his arms to shake their hands. Carolyn leaned into Elvis, and Joe took Maureen by the waist to “show you around, maybe get you a drink, babe?”
Maureen felt as Joe was moving her out to pasture with the other guests not selected for Elvis’ harem, so she tilting her head toward the bar inside and said thanks.
Waiting for three white wine spritzers, Maureen turned to see Arty.
“Hey, Art, is it?”
“Actually, it’s Marty. I don’t have the guts to correct him, he’s Elvis, ya know? I guess I’m a coward. Also, how can I give the guy a hard time? He’s wife just left him.”
“Yeah, he seems real broken up about, huh? How will he ever find another companion?”
Marty chuckled, and pulled his hair behind his ear as Maureen carried on, she always talked more when she felt nervous.
“I guess it’s good he feels comfortable talking about it.”
“Um, yeah, ‘comfortable,’ that’s one way to put it.”
Before Maureen could ask him what he meant, her drinks were ready, and she enlisted Marty’s help carrying them back to the others. This was not easy, Elvis and the girls had disappeared from the patio, and Marty diligently followed Maureen through the mansion until they spotted the back of his shag hairdo on a couch in a large den. Maureen handed her friends their drinks and settled onto the floor, leaning back against the side of a brown velour couch and resting her shoes on the fur rug that extended out from the coffee table. Carolyn seemed at home sitting atop Elvis’ lap, buffeted by two other women sitting on either side all listening attentively as Elvis spoke.
“I am telling ya what, man, I gave her everything a wife could ask for, she wanted a horse, I got her a horse. She wanted ranch we drove by in Mississippi,  by god, I got her the damn ranch. And I bought everyone a truck for the ranch. She wanted a bigger house in Los Angle -lesss, why, I bought this huge goddamn house. Gave her unlimited budget to decorate this place to her heart’s desire. New car every time she blinked. Jewelry boxes filled with diamonds. A closet full of new designer clothes.”
Elvis rubbed Carolyns waist and extended his other arm around the redhead next to him, looking at one, then the other, as he asked. “Now, wouldn’t you like that, honey? Would that have made you happy?”
“Uh huh, daddy. That wouldda made me the happiest.”
Elvis kissed Carolyn’s cheek as she said this. “Right? Thank ya, baby. That’s cuz you’re sweet, normal, nice girl, ain’t got anti-freeze running through your veins.”
He kissed the redhead’s cheek too, and then her lips as she turned toward him and put her hands around his neck.
“I would have been so happy, Elvis, I wouldda let you know, twenty five hours a day, eight days a week.”
The loud smacks of their sloppy kisses echoed through the room, and Maureen suddenly felt very self conscious, as if she was watching something she ought not to. She didn’t go to these Hollywood people parties very often, although perhaps it wasn’t soo weird, she reasoned, for a handsome, wealthy, star like Elvis to make out with good looking women in his own house.
Surrounded by other good looking people.
Who were mostly 20-something females.
Maureen looked around and clocked at least another ten girls just in their area alone, with only three other men hanging out among the guests. Two after Marty waved a small goodbye and slipped out through the side door onto the patio.
Maureen returned her gaze to Elvis, who had paused his kisses with the sympathetic redhead in order to continue talking. Every few moments, Maureen thought she caught Elvis glance at her out of the corner of his eye, but she told herself it was nothing.
“Ya see, honey, now, that’s what I told her, I said any other woman would fuckin’ kill to be where you are, to have what you have, to have a husband like me. Uh huh, but not my wife. Nah, that bitch has a heart of stone. What thanks do I get for everything I’ve done? Come home to find all that swag I bought, gone, man, gone.”
He snapped his fingers. “She packed it all up, gave up on a ten year relationship, over ten years, and and left me for another man.” Elvis shook his head, his squeezing Carolyn’s knee.
A smile came over Elvis’ face as he looked from Carolyn to the redhead, and Maureen thought maybe he was going to try and get the two  to make out. Instead, he asked them, “Hey, want to see something out of sight?”
As they nodded, he jumped up, and looked around, his eyes settling on Maureen as reached out his hand to draw her up from the floor.
“Check this out honey, Imma show you how a real man protects his family. ’Git up here, woman, I need ya.”  Maureen stumbled up as Elvis pulled her to the middle of the room and positioned her arms out. “Alright, baby, now stand still and Do. Not. Move. Do you trust me?”
Maureen nodded hesitantly, her eyes wide with what could probably be best described as the opposite of trust. Elvis face lit up, and then he took a deep breath, his hands together in prayer as he centered them in front of his face and down to his chest. Then he proceeded to thrust his leg up, extending the knee forward in a swift karate kick out at her side.
Maureen froze in terror as Elvis grunted loudly and proceeded to demonstrate a rash of karate chops on either side of her face, followed by a few more high thrusting kicks, his black hair flounced in the air from his movements and “hiyas!” echoing around the room.  He chuckled as he caught his breath, rubbing her shoulder.
“Whoa, hey there, you can breath darlin, it’s ok. I’m a black belt.”
He turned to the little crowd that had formed around the room as they clapped and he took a bow.
 “See y’all? That’s how karate can be, if ya know what ya doin’ like I do. I can control my movements precisely and protect my family. I could kill a man with my bare hands if I wanted to.”
Then his face erupted into a grin as Maureen chuckled nervously.
 “Course, I wouldn’t. A true master only uses deadly force as a last resort. Against those who mean him or his family harm.” Elvis growled, and Maureen quickly ducked under his arm, about to sit, or flee, an option she was seriously considering until she felt his grip on her wrist.
“You did great, darlin, I could tell you liked it, saw it in your eyes. Watch out, once it gets you, there's no going back,’” he murmured, and kissed her on her lips, his hands on the sides if her face. Then he held out her hand for her to take a bow before he released her.
“Didn’t she seem fearless? Give it up for Colleen, everyone, bravest little gal in here. Probably the craziest too. Could see it in her eyes.”
He winked as Maureen joined people standing at the edge of the room, before sneaking off to use the bathroom and grateful she hadn’t peed her pants during Elvis’ karate demonstration. It had been terrifying, exhilarating, and mesmerizing. The violence and intensity of Elvis might even have turned her on a bit, but this sensation was almost certainly overwhelmed by the mortal fear that he was going to kill or seriously injure her.
It was past one when Maureen made a concerted effort to find her friends and persuade them to go home. She had been enjoying the free drinks and picking at some fried chicken as she made small talk with  other guests, avoiding the areas where she heard the loud refrain of the best husband in all of Memphis, Hollywood and the goddamn world. But now she would have to face him, and found Elvis in the living room where she made her way to the corner and scanned the area for Carolyn and Teresa. She was distracted by Elvis' direct glances at her every few minutes. Realizing her friends weren’t with him or in the room, Maureen turned to leave but was stopped by Joe's hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, boss man wants you to come join us," his arm snaked around her as he led her over to the few people still hanging out.
“Hey there, it’s my karate partner. Where’s the fire, honey? Come on,  take a load off.”
Maureen’s eyes widened but she found herself stuttering and unable to talk in the glow of Elvis full attention.
“I’m, uh, I’m sorry, I have to find my friends, Carolyn and Teresa, I think they may have actually been on your lap, at one point.”
Elvis’ lips curled up, and he bit his bottom one as he muttered. “Oh yes, Careful Carolyn, mmhmmm, yeah, I think she and that purty Black girl went home with Jerry, huh Joe?"
The ground hog nodded.
Elvis winked, and then his eyebrows creased as he saw Maureen’s face fall. “Oh it’s ok, baby,  did your friends leave you behind? It’s ok, I, uh, I think they was lookin’ for ya, actually, yeah, they said to tell you not ta worry.”
Elvis squeezed her hand and nodded to the others as he turned and guided Maureen away from the living through a hall.
“C’mon, I know something that will make ya feel better. It’s my cure all for when life gets me down.”
Elvis’ hand slipped around Maureen’s waist, and she let her head dip into his side, more from exhaustion than anything else. The feeling of Elvis tall, sturdy body as he held her to him and kissed the top of her head was comforting, she made the decision not to think about how he seemed to be instantly intimate with every woman he met. She definitely decided not to question whether this quality had been appreciated by his soon-to-be ex-wife.
Elvis pushed them into a large country style kitchen, with a wide, wooden island in the middle. Loosening his grip, Elvis went to the fridge while Maureen determined she would be more comfortable sitting down and settled on the nearest and therefore most logical option: the island’s yellow tiled counter. This is where she sat swinging her legs as Elvis returned with a gallon of vanilla ice cream and a bottle of chocolate syrup.
“Well, now, ya hardly said a word all night, sweetheart, are you always this shy?”
“Um, only with people I don’t know.” Maureen murmured, looking down and pulling the strap of her black jersey dress back up from her shoulder.
“You sayin’ you don’t know me?”
Maureen looked up into Elvis’s eyes, and her heart fluttered as he stepped closer. Now his long arms pushed over her lap to settled alongside her body on the counter as he moved between her legs. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and felt the movements of his chest acutely against her nipples as he leaned closer and hovered in front of her. Exhaling through her nose, she tried not to gasp as she tapped out her fingers nervously and looked down. A lone, nervous giggle escaped her mouth.
“Um, not really. Not who you really are.” Maureen whispered to her lap, which now included Elvis’ hands, rubbing her waist.
He lifted her chin, speaking softly as he looked into her eyes. “S’ok baby, I don’t bite. Much.”
Then Elvis chomped his teeth together loudly into Maureen's face and she jerked back with a giggling gasp.
Elvis laughed, straightening his yellow tinted sunglasses. “Well, I’m Elvis, Elvis Presley. Nice ta meet ya, Colleen.”
“Maureen. It’s Maureen, though my friends all call me Mo.”
Elvis’ finger’s trailed up the side of Maureen’s outer thigh, and she swallowed as he widened her legs around him.
“Alright then, see, I didn’t really know who you were.”  He murmured into her cheek. “Nice ta meet ya, Mo.”
Elvis seemed to recognize the effect he had on her, as her breath hitched in her throat and she found her self incapable of talking. He stepped back with a chuckle, and dragged the ice cream over the counter next to Maureen’s hip, pulling off the container top and flipping the chocolate syrup lid with his teeth and a dramatic exaggerated “humpf."
Maureen and guffawed watching Elvis poured the chocolate sauce directly into the ice cream container.
"What are you doing? No one else'll be able to eat that."
“Honey, do you see anyone else here? S’my house, now, dammit, and I’ll do what I want. Ain’t got no wife to nag at me. If I wanna eating ice cream outta the box, then I'll get it out of the box." He said, slurping a messy spoonful into his open mouth.
Elvis brought a second helping to Maureen’s lips. “Now, open wide, like a good lil gal.” He chuckled as she let him push the spoon into her mouth slowly, moaning in delight as she swallowed the sweet, cold, sugary goodness.
“MMhmmm. See, now, do I know how to make women happy or what? You wouldn’t have left me, would ya, Mo Mo?”
“No, but I'm pretty easy to win over. I'd forgive almost anything if a man feeds me ice cream.”
Maureen winked at him and wiped her mouth just in time for another spoon of chocolate swirled ice cream, which Elvis followed with a soft, grateful kiss. He threw the spoon down and leaned into her, his hands moving up her body until they were cupping the back of her head and his lips settled again over hers.
Slow, soft, tender movements turned needier as they rocked back and forth. Maureen’s hands stroked the top of Elvis' shoulders, pulling him in by the lapel as she opened her mouth to meet his tongue. Her wooden platforms hit against each other as she notched her legs around Elvis, gripping him to her, as close as as she could bring him. Elvis stepped back, panting as he wiped his mouth, his lips contorted in a dopey grin.
She could hear the front door slam as people left the party, but they weren't going back to that way when he drew her off the counter and left the ice cream melting where it sat. She could see it in his eyes, a hungry wolfish glare, and his arm pulled her the other way, away from the people, the music, and the main part of the house.
“C’mon, baby, let me give you the VIP tour.” Elvis announced as they walked through the other side of the kitchen to a narrow stair case.
“These are some stupid, expensive-ass refurbished stairs.”
He bounced into the second floor, and turned to draw Maureen into him once more, his hand at the back of her neck and her body thrummed with need as his fingers played with the scruff of her hair. Then he was pressing her to the wall, pressing all her thoughts and misgivings away with his lips, while his hands blindly felt their way over her hips.
Minutes passed by measured by the metronome of air popping softly between their lips. Elvis fingers began to migrate lower, tugging at the hem of her dress. He smiled at the arousal in Maureen’s wide, brown eyes, leading her through a door at the end of the hall.
“Oh loook, huh, I think,” he paused as he walked to turn on one solitary lamp on top of a dresser on. “I think we found, the, uh, bedroom.” He looked down, almost shy, as he grinned.
Maureen swished from side to side playfully, anxiously, hesitantly in place where she stood across the room from him. Suddenly self-conscious, her desire faltered as she thought about where she was and who she was with, and became profoundly insecure about her sexual prowess.
“MMhmmmm. There is a bed.” She murmured, her arm up behind her neck, twisting her long, brown hair aside. “And, it is a room. So I guess it fits the definition.” 
Elvis eyes narrowed in recognition as he strode back to her and took her hand, his lips kissing the top lightly and his nose nuzzling into Maureen’s knuckles. “Hey baby, we don’t gotta do nothin’, ok? You’re the boss.”
Maureen felt a blistering heat grow between her legs, and she let out a breathy exhale as Elvis moved his lips up her arm, kissing his way to the nape of her neck.
“We aint’t gotta do nothin’ you don't wanna do, nothin' at all, ok honey? Don’t shake, sshhhh, s’ok.”
Maureen put her hands around Elvis’ neck, willing away her trembling nerves as the knot in her belly propelled her to be as close to him as possible. She felt ashamed of how much she wanted to do the opposite of nothing, right now, all at once as soon as possible.
“I, um, I’m not one for, I mean, I don’t usually do one night stands.”
He took her hand, and led her over to the bed and pulling her onto his lap. “There, we don’t have ta stand at all.”
Maureen exhaled with a chuckle as Elvis rubbed his hand up and down her thigh slowly, suddenly sheepish and uncertain. He let out a hesitant exhale. For some inexplicable reason, Elvis’ sudden nervousness made Maureen relax a little, and she lifted her fingers to caress his cheek before stranding to take off her dress.
He stopped her, and lifted her right foot to his lap, and then her left, chuckling at her cries as he throw her shoes across the room. Then he pulled her up in front of him, instructing her to lift her dress slowly. Very slowly.
Maureen’s breath escaped her nose in long gasps as she lifted her black dress, drawing it over her head, inch by inch, encouraged by the short gasps Elvis' throat made as his eyes locked into hers. He groaned loudly and bit his lip when she revealed the light, yellow flowered panties with a little yellow bow at the middle. Lifting her dress like a curtain, revealing her belly inch-by-inch, then her breasts, then her nipples, the feel of the fabric brushing over her skin was titillating. Naked, except for her panties, she moved her arms over her tummy and did an awkward little wiggle as she hurriedly sought out the warm of Elvis’ embrace.
His movements were slow and purposeful, trailing his over her as he removed her arms from her tummy and just soaked in the sight of her body, biting his lip and breathing. He met her eyes, and gather her body on top of his, planting kisses along her clavicle, each breath made Maureen’s pulse quicken and she ran her hands through Elvis’ soft hair. He laid her back on to the bed, on his knees between her legs as he slid her underwear off, watching as he revealed her wooly, warm labia, sucking in air as he shook his head with reverence and whispered a low goddamn, goddamn.
Maureen let out a breathy chuckle. “What? What is it?”
“Just beautiful, honey, I just like looking at it.”
“I’m, uh. I think I’ve probably done this less than you.” She let out another nervous chuckle, every cell in her body was telling her to shut up but when Maureen got nervous, she started talking more. “I don’t know how I’ll compare to Vegas showgirls or or even —”
Elvis put his finger her to her lips, then he calmly stood up and kicked off his shoes, hanging up his sports coat and printed dress shirt over a chair.
“S’ok, honey, don’t get all up in your head like that. Shhh, just remember to breath and  uh, follow my lead.”
Elvis returned to hoover above Maureen and kissed her gently. He winked, and Maureen felt him tremble as he moved to unzipped his pants.
“I really was the best husband, ya know? I never expected anything from my wife. Ever. Knew it was my job to provide. And, uh, when it cimes to making love." He blushed. " I, uh, know, well, that its the man’s job to make it good. You’ll see.”
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teabights · 2 years
Ready To Make Some Magic?
Summary: You and Joseph kinda hate each other, but will a certain scene change that for you guys ?
Warning: SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI (dom!reader x sub!joseph quinn)
AN: this started out with a tiktok inspiration and apparently i just got too !!! While writing it so. If you dont like then sorry
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You curse as you hold the cigarette in your mouth. You dig in your pockets, trying to find the lighter that wasn't there. You roll your eyes as you glance over at Joseph who was standing a few feet away, texting on his stupid phone, with a lit cigarette hanging out of his lips. You walk over to your co-star and stand in front of him.
"Quinn, can I bum a light?" You ask, taking the cigarette out of your lips.
"What? You brought a whole pack of cigarettes and no lighter? Left your head at home today?" His words are like fire to your ears.
"Listen, I am having a hard day. Can you stop being an ass and light my cigarette?" You ask him in one last attempt before you are ready to just go without a cigarette.
"Yeah, whatever." He says.
You put the cigarette back between your lips and instead of pulling out a lighter, Joe pulls his cigarette out from his lips, singeing the end of your cigarette with his own cherried cigarette. You inhale it and make it light. He pulls his cigarette back, placing it between his lips again. That pulls a weird turn in your stomach. It was awfully sensual for no reason.
"Are you going to be able to focus now?" He asks.
"Uh, yeah, cheers." You say as you feel a blush creep on your face, letting out a little smoke.
You walk back over to where you originally were, just to help hide your face from him.
"Oh, now that you got your light, you hate me again?" He jokes.
"I don't hate you, Quinn." You speak out the lie. You think you love him?
"That's news to me. When did you start liking me?" He raises an eyebrow at you.
"Uh, I think you've become more bearable to be around, not necessarily like you." You say.
"Ah, sure love." He says with a wink.
Joe finishes his cigarette, tossing the butt to the ground, and stomping it out. He walks across and gazes at you. You see him eyeing you up. Your cheek flush again as you focus on your cigarette. After your cigarette, you find your way back to the main set. Your eyes watching the scene going. Joseph is not missing a beat. His lines come flowing out of his lip so perfectly. You are so amazed that he was just that good. You sit in your little chair. He catches you staring at him, giving you a little wink, which makes your cheeks heat up yet again. He continues with the speech about love to the other character. Wait… does he feel the same way? The scene ends and they stay still in their spots. The director goes over the scene and dismisses them from the scene.
“Okay, y/n, get in there. You feeling better now?” the director asks.
“Yes, I am sorry.” You say as you get on the set.
You do your whole solo scene, not noticing that Joseph was watching the entire time. He was always amazed by your acting, just like you are of him. He thought you are one of the best actors that he’s ever worked with, even on your off day. You walk off of set after the director yells cut. They talk to you for a brief moment before dismissing you. You walk over to sit in your little chair again.
“You’re so brilliant.” Joseph says from his chair.
“What?” You ask.
“You are so good at this. You know how to capture people into the scene. I felt like I was right there with you, feeling everything you felt.” He responds to you.
“Uh, thank you. You are pretty good too. You make it look so easy.” You say as you pull your phone from the pouch on your chair.
“Thank you.” Joseph says. “Hey, there is a little club near my apartment, do you want to go tonight at like 9?”
“Uh… who else is going?” You ask.
“Probably some crew members…” He responds, lying to her.
“Okay, yeah, I’ll see how I feel.” You say.
“Cool.” He mumbles.
You send a quick text to your best friend about how things are going. You also send a text to your mom.
“Joseph, Y/N, it’s time.” The director says.
You notice the depletion of staff, only a select few were there. You also realize the bedroom scenery was set to a more romantic feeling. You forgot that the sex scene was today. Why of all days was it today?
“Joseph, you are stripping off your clothes in the scene. Y/N, you can strip down just to your underwear and get under the covers." The director says. “We’ll do a camera change after Joseph strips to his boxers and that is when Joseph will climb into the bed. We’ll leave you two up to make the magic happen.”
“Uh, can I keep my bra on?” You ask.
“We have pasties if that’ll help you feel more comfortable.” They say.
“Yeah, that’ll be fine.” You say.
A couple members of the crew open a partition so you can change, one of them holding pasties in their hands. You move to go behind it. You strip yourself down to just your underwear, thank God it was a cute lace black thong type of day. You help the crew member put the pasties on you. You grab the robe that they provide. You wrap yourself up in the robe. You walk over to the bed and the partition follows you, helping you climb into the bed, letting you adjust the blanket around you.
“Ready.” You say. The crew members carry the partition and the robe out off the set.
“Perfect.” The director says. “Joseph whenever you are ready.”
Joseph walks into the bedroom and that is when you feel your heart thump hard.
“Action.” The director calls.
You watch Joseph come over to the bed. You lean up on your elbows, letting the skin of where your breasts are connected to your torso show. He is supposed to be goofy as he strips down to his boxers which he is. It made you genuinely giggle. His big brown eyes give you a certain look when he is over you on the bed. You just nod your head.
“Cut! Okay Joseph under the sheets please. Y/N, you’re okay?” The director asks.
“Yes, I am.” You say as you keep your eyes on Joseph.
The director gives you a thumbs up. They get distracted by the camera shifting, trying to get it right. You watch Joseph climb under the cover, feeling his eyes on your body and you flush beet red. Joseph has to position himself between your legs to help sell the scene. He keeps his eyes respectfully on your face after.
“You really wore those today?” He asks in reference to your undergarment.
“Sorry, I totally forgot it was today. I literally just threw on whatever I grabbed last night. I can ask for more cover up if this is going to make it hard for you… not literally hard… figuratively hard.” You stumble over your own response.
“Shut up.” He says with a small eye roll, but his lips pull into a smile.
“These at least offer a little more cover up for my…” You comment.
“At least.” Joseph says.
“Ready to make some magic?” The director asks.
“Yes.” Joseph and you say urgently at the same time.
“Alright… 3…2…1…action.” The director says.
There is a moment where he leans down to kiss you. You kiss him back so softly. His lips move perfectly against yours as he starts to rock his hips. The feeling of the blankets moving, you part your lips from him and start with the fake moans. Soon the ‘thrusts’ coming from Joseph start to become more quicker, which makes you change up the moaning pattern. You are surprised that he thought that he would need to move quickly. You two start to make noises of two people who just came. His forehead drops to land on your forehead, capturing your lips in a kiss despite all the fake panting. The kiss was desperate. You can feel the slickness between your thighs and you can’t even close your legs with Joseph right there.
“Cut! Good job guys.” The director says and claps. Everyone starts to clap, knowing that it will help ease the awkwardness of filming a sex scene.
Joseph pulls away from your lips, almost seems like he didn’t want to stop and would had fucked you if that was allowed. He moves from between your legs, laying down next to you.
A crew member hands you your clothes then hands Joe his clothes. You two are quick to pull on your clothes. You might have to go hide in your trailer and take care of yourself. You notice Joseph standing up, his pants looking a bit tighter than they did at the beginning of the scene.
“We are going to end with that today. It’s emotionally tolling, so we are going to release early today.” The director informs you two.
“Okay, thanks.” You say, just pulling your shirt over your tits, leaving your bra off.
“Oh, they match.” Joe comments.
“Yeah, I am not a complete monster.” You say with a small chuckle. You get up off the bed. “I’ll see you tonight, Joe.”
Joseph’s lips pull into a smile. “Joe? Damn, who knew that all I needed to do was fake fuck you to make you call me by my name and not my last name.”
“Shut up. See you at 9.” You say as you walk off to go to your little chair, fishing your phone out. You immediately start texting your best friend about the scene and how you got wet from it. You also go off about his kisses and how soft his lips are. You walk to your trailer first to grab your bag. You get inside your trailer and grab your bag, shoving your bra inside. You hear a slight knock on the door. You move to the door and open it, seeing Joe there.
"Hey, uh.. " All his cocky attitude was gone. You look down at him.
"What's up Quinn?" You ask, trying to mask the excitement you feel when you see him.
"Was I too much with the scene?" His voice is nervous, you can hear it.
"It was fine. We have to sell the fact our characters are in love." You say with a shrug and go to close the door.
"But you were comfortable? I didn't weird you out by commenting on your underwear?" His voice catches you off guard. You hold the door open for a moment.
"Joseph, I was truly fine. I didn't care. I've done sex scenes with a whole lot worst. I am used to comments. I don't let it affect me and you don't have to feel bad, I promise." You say to him.
"You promise?" Joseph asks.
"I'll fucking pinky promise with you right now." You day to him.
"Okay… Well, I'll leave you alone now, y/l/n." Joseph comments, not budging.
You look at him. You know he had a small chub from fake fucking you. You take a moment to lean out of the trailer to grab him by his shirt collar and pull him into your trailer, more like he lets you pull him in. You lock the trailer door, press him against the door, and kiss him. He is quick to reciprocate the action. His hands resting on your waist. You guys hold the kiss until your head is spinning.
"Listen, this is going to be a one time thing… I am going to let you fuck me, mostly because I need to get off." You say.
"Oh, did I make you wet baby?" His words are smooth like butter.
You had no problem shoving your hand down his pants to grab at his cock through his boxers. "Did I make you hard?"
His knees buckle for a moment under your touch. "Maaaybe." His voice is a bit singsong.
Your hand finds its way down his boxers and you start to stroke his cock. "Mmm, I think I did.”
“You are wearing those fucking panties.” He mutters as his hips buckle a little bit into your hand.
You collect the precum that has leaked out. You move your hand out and give him a small slap on the face. "You didn't seem to mind."
He lets out a small gasp. You start to undress, which was easy because of already being so undressed earlier. You peel the pasties off and you can see Joseph licks his lips.
“God, your tits are perfect.” He mutters.
“Shut up.” You say with a small eye roll. You aren’t into being lovey dovey with him. “Fucking get naked and get on the couch.
"S-sorry." He says as he starts to strip off his clothes. He gets on the couch, his cock standing straight up.
You get your clothes off. You move to straddle his hips. "You're gorgeous." You mutter. You rub your slick onto his cock.
He whimpers out and moves his hand to grab his cock to try to slip it into you. You smack his hand away with a small eye roll.
"I am in charge here. You can fuck me when you beg for it." You say to him.
"Fuck, yes…" He says as his hips push himself against your folds. "Can I please… please fuck you?"
"Ha, no. That is the worst begging I have ever heard." You say.
"I've never…" He says, surprisingly turned on by your dominance.
"Beg." You speak.
"Fuck, please, please, please, fuck, can I please fuck you please." Joseph begs, it was like a song to your eyes.
"Awh maybe." You say.
"Please, please, please y/n." He begs more.
"Very good." You say as your hand moves to sink down on his cock. You moan softly. His hands scramble to grab your hips. "I am still in charge."
“Yes ma’am…” Joseph whines.
You start at a painfully slow pace, mostly to stretch yourself to him and to tease him. You can see his eyes clench close as little whines leave his throat when you would sink down and clench your walls around him. Your hands move to take his hands tightly. You start to move yourself quickly up and down his shaft. Moans and skin slapping fills up the room. You hate that his cock is one of the best cocks that you’ve had. You hated this man. You gasp loudly as your walls clench around him and you start to orgasm. His moans are weak and you could tell that he was close.
“Fuck - fuck - fuck -...” He says.
“Fucking cum in me already Quinn.” You demand.
“Yes ma’am… fuck…” His hips snap up to meet yours on the down stroke a couple of times before the symphony of moans and whines leaves his lips. His hips still for a moment before he goes limp under you.
“Good boy.” You lean down to kiss his forehead.
“You’re fucking rude.” He whispers between pants.
“You came didn’t ya? You should be so lucky I didn’t make you beg for it.” You say as you move off of his cock, letting the pool of his cum mixed with your own dribble onto his lower pelvic bone. You move quickly to the little bathroom to get a wet rag. You return with the rag and you wipe his pelvis and his cock clean. “Don’t let this get to your head, but your cock is impressive.”
“Yeah? Thank you.” Joseph’s cheeks flare up into a pink.
“Probably the best I’ve had in a while.” You mutter as you clean yourself up. You toss the rag on the table. You start to get dressed.
Joseph gets up after a minute and starts to get dressed himself. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a woman boss me around, it was nice.”
You pick up you bag again. “Alright, get the fuck out of here. I’ll see you tonight.”
“I’ll see you tonight.” He says with a chuckle as he walks to you.
“Don’t even think about it, out.” You say as you open the door.
“You just -... Fine.” His eyes roll a little bit, but his smile doesn’t fade.
He walks out of the trailer. You walk off after he does and lock the trailer up. You definitely were going to have to tell your best friend about this.
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dirtysvthoughts · 2 years
okayy now imagine going to party (looking hot is a must) and ordering your favorite drink,, your friend nudges you to look at the side to where mingyu leans against the wall. his intense gaze on your body, his strong arms gripping the beer in his hands and a sinister inviting smirk towards your direction.
hhsbskahsksbk can you tell im going feral?!?!? 😭😭😭
AHHHHH YES A MINGYU ASK, WE DID IT JOE! 😆 i feel like in order to make it in the svt smut world, you at least gotta have one mingyu ask or fic written - so, momma i made it LOL💀💀 thanks for the lovely ask! 😘
a/n: i feel like i make my casual asks into whole drabbles that require a word count and tags lol, but i wanna give y’all as much detail as possible so you can feel things 😭😭 if they are a bit long, do let me know and that’ll be something i work on for the future! but for now, it’s time for mingyu horknee hours 😈😈😈
i’m pretty sure we’ve all seen those photos of gyuhao in busan (i’ll drop them for reference), and whew chileeeee- both of them looked so hot, so this ask is gonna be based off that!
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imagine going to busan with friends for a few days, and during the weekend, you guys decide to hit up a popular club in the city. every single one of you saved your hottest outfit just for this night, and the moment you guys step through the doors, everyone has their eyes on you. you know you look good as your dress is hugging your body in all the right places.
as you guys order rounds of drinks at the bar, laughing and enjoying each other’s company, one of your friends gently nudges you and points in the direction of the nearest wall to you guys. your eyes widen as you take in the sight standing in front you: the most attractive, beautiful man you’ve ever seen - his gorgeous tan skin, his height, his sculpted muscles peeking through his short sleeve shirt- he looks too good to be true, like a greek god.
he holds a lager in his hand, and is dressed head to toe in one of the finest luxury brands - was it burberry? prada? versace? you couldn’t tell from where you were sitting, but the thought of such an attractive and expensive person sharing eye contact with you is enough to get your legs crossing. tightly.
“he’s been eyeing you for a while now, y/n,” your friend giggles tipsily, as you silently wave at him. he smirks back at you and waves back, your face automatically flushing and turning away at his simple, yet insanely hot gesture. “i’m jealous, he’s probably the best looking man in this entire club.”
you get up from your seat at the bar, approaching this mystery man, refusing to break eye contact with him.
“y/n… where are you going?” your friend whines at missing your touch, nearly falling out of their seat as they reach for you. “you were my support..”
“i’ll be back in a minute, there’s - just something i wanna do first,” you say as you move away from the bar and finally approach the man. you cross your arms and smirk at him, trying to look unbothered when you were already turned on.
“you finally came,” he takes a sip of his lager and puts it back down on the table next to him. “i’ve been craving you next to me since the minute i saw you,” he says as his eyes move down to you body, melting at the thought of how your breasts looked in your tight ass dress and getting hard at the thought of your boobs out of it.
his words go immediately to your core and it takes everything in you not to moan right then and there. “funny how you’ve been craving me - but yet, we don’t even know each other’s names,” you say as you boldly approach him closer, nearly chest to chest.
“mingyu,” he bends down and whispers into your ear. “think you can tell me yours if we move someplace a little less crowded? i rented a section in the corner.”
you take his arm and wrap it around your waist, smirking at him as he watches in arousal.
“lead the way.”
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axel-skz · 11 months
My perspective is broadening
A/N: so, I told my sister about some of this and now I’m scared it’s terrible :D if it is, don’t tell me! Now, the song we got for this fic is Scars.
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You were someone who rarely trusted anyone. The friends you had were people you had found after a long time of being cautious. You had a lot happen in your past and you were ok with not making more friends.
This didn’t sit right with your family though because how would you find yourself a boyfriend this way?
So now, for months, you had been going on these random dates with many different people. It made your head spin. You said you didn’t want to but your parents would not stop setting them up.
You respected your parents but they never realised how gross and misogynistic most these people were. You had a hard time with people anyway and this was not helping you at all.
It took a while but after 3 months of constant annoyance, you went to your parents to finally put an end to it. They said they wanted you to go on one last date. You guys made the deal and you were relieved that this would be the last bit of torture.
Today was the day and you were looking forward to it being over. When you got to the restaurant, the guy was already there. At the table you guys had agreed to.
…You have got to be kidding me… He’s like a million years older then me…
You went over and politely introduced yourself and sat down. He looked extremely confused to see you and you explained that you were his blind date.
He proceeded to explain to you that he was here for a business lunch.
You were horrified :D
You apologised profusely before getting up and walking over to the restaurant bar and taking a seat. You called your date and the person didn’t pick up or reply to your texts.
You ordered a drink and sat there, miserable and embarrassed.
‘You okay?’
You jumped a little as someone tapped your shoulder. You looked up in confusion and saw a random, very handsome, man.
‘Um, yeah, sure…’ you sighed.
‘That sounded so convincing! I totally believe you,’ he smiled sympathetically as he sat down next to you.
You laughed, ‘I’m sorry, give me 5 minutes and I’ll try again.’
‘With that frown, you’re probably gonna need 10,’ he teased.
‘I’ll have you know, I’m usually very convincing,’ you turned when your drink was placed in front of you.
‘Oh well, my bad for approaching you when you’re so distraught.’
You laughed a little and looked down at your drink after you took a sip.
‘So, what are you doing here then?’
‘I hang around the plants till I see beautiful women at the bar.’
You looked at him with concern, ‘that’s… good for you?’
He laughed, ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry! It sounded so much more creepy out loud then it did in my head. I also got stood up so I’m here.’
Also got stood up? But you hadn’t mentioned you had been… maybe you did and you were just very distracted…
You guys continued to talk and he was quite funny. You hit it off and planned another date.
He introduced himself as Jeongin, you called him joe and he judged you. It was a great start to your… situation.
He felt like a breath of fresh air to be around. He made you smile and always looked after you. Always listened and remembered the little things you said. Not to mention how much you loved just sitting and watching him concentrate on something he liked. He would be in the zone and his face would be all serious and that one stray hair would be annoying him and you could watch him all day. Something about him lured you in.
You hadn’t felt this way for a long time and you got so caught up in it. You spent months with each other, his friends absolutely adored you too.
You spent so much time doing the most random activities with them. You guys had gone to laser tag and you found that Seungmin and Minho were your best teammates. You loved gaming with Felix. He helped you with your Genshin account. It was especially sweet when he only laughed a tiny bit at your ultimate lack of knowledge in the game.
It was amazing. But there has to be a storm at some point. It’s only natural.
There came a day where he didn’t answer your texts, which hadn’t happened before and that’s when reality set in. You realised how attached you were getting to him. You hadn’t stopped to think about it and now you felt like the fun rollercoaster you had been enjoying, was dropping you off and leaving you behind.
You were overthinking and freaking yourself out and it resulted in you pulling away. You stopped visiting everyday and planning things to do. You weren’t replying to any of their texts nearly as much as you did.
Jeongin had seen enough and he was now fed up. He made his way to you one night when you cancelled plans. It was the last straw for him. You were getting ready to have a comfy night on your sofa with a tub of ice cream and some old movies when you heard the banging on your door.
You opened it with a blanket wrapped around you and a very confused look on your face. Even more confused when a very out of breath I.n stood there looking at you.
‘Hey, did you run here or something? Are you ok? Do you-‘
‘Do you hate me now?’
‘Am I not good enough? Did I do something to upset you?’
‘Are you-’
‘No, seriously! If I did something to make you feel any hurt or sadness, I’m sorry! Just tell me!’ He looked tired as he looked you in the eyes.
‘Are you… I don’t… you didn’t do anything…’
‘Then why on earth are you icing me out?’
You were unsure of what to say as you looked off to avoid his eye line.
‘Look, I wasn’t going to say anything. I was going to let it come up naturally but I like you. A lot. I care about you more then I have cared for anyone else in a while.’
You looked back at him, at a loss for words.
‘I can feel that you like me too. I know you do and I’m putting it all out there by doing this. I’m terrified but… I want to be terrified and at least have given it a shot…’
You stood there and contemplated what to do for a moment that felt like an eternity for him. You could see him about to pull away and the disappointment, edging onto his face. You panicked, you didn’t want him to leave and you had to face how important he was to you.
You grabbed his arm, pulled him down a little and kissed him. It only lasted a moment before you pulled away. You were also terrified but then he kissed you. It was amazing.
There was a very serious conversation that followed that but you guys were together. You loved him. So much. He had become such an important part of your life.
You spent the next few months in the most comfortable, happy bubble. Anytime you had a problem, he would be there for you. You guys worked through it together. Relationships scared the hell out of you, you had also been so scared that you would never have a healthy relationship but it was so easy with him.
Tonight, you had a dinner with your parents. He had met them before and everyone hit it off. You both got there on time and everyone was sat for dinner. Your mum had gone to go get dessert from the kitchen and your dad left a little while later to go see what was taking her so long.
You got up because this was your chance to use the bathroom. You kissed Innie as you went passed him. On your way up to the bathroom, you heard your parents speaking and they mentioned Jeongin.
You shouldn’t but your dad speaks like he has a megaphone, even when he whispers. You listened to what they were saying. It started with your dad saying he was just so happy that you were happy.
But then he praised your mother on how smart she is. The plan she came up with was genius. The fact that you wouldn’t have liked anyone they picked so they made it seem like I.n was your choice. Exquisite.
You felt sick.
You went back to the table and started to pick all your belongings up. You told Jeongin to pick up all his stuff, you weren’t feeling well so he would come back to your apartment with you. You guys said goodbye to your parents in a hurry and left.
The car felt too full. Too hot but too cold. The air was stuffy. Your heart was beating out of its chest. You couldn’t stop picking at your finger nails.
There was a tension in the air and he kept looking at you whenever he had the chance.
When you got inside your apartment, he came in straight after you. Plagued with worry.
The rage slowly rose from your stomach to your throat as tears filled your eyes. The anger and frustration were like stepping stones for the helplessness to get closer and closer.
He was the last person you expected to lie to you.
He came and tried to rub your back and comfort you but him being close to you only hurt you more.
You stumbled away, ‘you liar!’
He looked hurt and confused, ‘what are you talking about?’
‘How we met… tell me you didn’t know me before we met that day…’ you looked up at him with tears in your eyes. He was a blurry image but still, you could clearly see the emotions change on his face.
‘What are you talking about?’
‘I know you lied… I know my parents sent you… that day…’
He looked panicked, ‘look, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to do it like that. But they said you wouldn’t give someone a chance if he came from them… they told me about you and you sounded so amazing…’
‘…no… You need to leave… I can’t be here-you can’t be here with me…’ you faced away from him as you tried to hold yourself together, if only for a moment. You couldn’t look at him.
‘Look, I know that wasn’t a good way for us to find each other but the most important thing is that we did!’
‘I can’t look at you right now… Trust is something so incredibly important to me… I’m gonna need time to get through this… I care for you… so much…’ you were crying again, ‘but all I see now is that you lied… god knows how much you already knew about me before we actually talked about it…’
‘I love-‘
‘DON’T! ITS BEEN MONTHS! YOU HAD EVERY CHANCE TO TELL ME!’ You took a moment to breathe and calm yourself down, ‘just leave. I need time. I don’t want to yell at you… please just go…’
You’re both heartbroken but he knows you need time.
‘I’m not leaving without saying I love you… I really do…’ and with that, he’s gone.
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Repost and stuff *too lost in staring at him*
Jeongin: I think I can safely say I’m her favourite.
Minho: she’s irrelevant anyway *walks away*
I glare at him: I didn’t like you either!
Changbin: wow… always hostile… but like, I’m actually your favourite right?
Han: as if! She got me when she did that one quiz.
Hyunjin: look, she knows who the best is. *he points at himself*
Jeongin: yeah, me. *stealing the spotlight*
They all argue while Seungmin walks over to me: can you believe them?
I smile at him: I can never just have a script end in peace.
Seungmin: no, there was that one with Lix.
Ooo there was. *we turn and watch them all argue. Chan and Felix trying to stop it but being unable to with Changbin being too loud for them both.*
Me and Seungmin both look at you: who’s your bias?
(All jokes aside, I love them all! Even my angsty version of Minho 😂)
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garciaasfluffypen · 1 year
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bright beginnings pt 6.
pairing: single dad!joseph quinn x fem!reader   wc: 1.6k  warnings: mentions of hangover, 
part five • part seven
a/n: not me clicking “save draft” instead of posting this smh, sorry y’all
you should not have picked up this saturday shift.
everything hurt the next morning as you walked into work, the sunglasses on your eyes doing nothing to help the pounding headache you had. you somehow had managed to give yourself a raging hangover, which was crazy to you seeing as you had paced yourself throughout the night. or at least, you thought you paced yourself. maybe the dirty shirleys with titos wasn’t the way to go. either way, you had fun last night and got to sleep in a bit this morning, so that was a plus.
“oh, you look like crap.”
your head snapped up to see joe sitting at the front desk. “ah, just a headache.”
“mmhmm,” joe’s eyebrow raised. “i got some midol in my office. top rightside drawer.”
“if i need it i’ll take some, thank you.” you smiled. “what are you doing up front?”
“trying to organize the files in the cabinet, honestly. they’re a hot mess. kids from five years ago who no longer go here still have files, so i have to pull them out so i can shred them.”
“oh one of us could have done that-”
“nonsense, you lot already do enough for me, and besides, you’re in charge of the play area today instead of the toddler room. constance called out.”
you chuckled. “of course constance called out. i can be ready in like ten?”
“there’s no rush, it's just the twins here right now. saturdays are typically slower since most parents try to keep their children at home for the weekends. we can probably have almost everyone except for the youngsters in the playroom today.”
“that is very true.” you smiled. “and that sounds like a good plan. how many of us are there this morning?”
“you, sophie, donna, and lucille.”
“sweet. a good bunch. let me go put my stuff down, i’ll be out soon.”  
running to the back room, you made sure you had everything you’d need for the day- your stanley cup dupe, a protein bar for later during snack time, and of course your phone, just in case anything happened. you’ve never had to call anyone for life threatening injuries, and you’d rather keep it that way- but it was better safe than sorry to keep your phone on you just in case you did need to call 999. you walked back out to the play room, smiling at the twins who were playing in the kitchenette with all the fake food. there were a couple of other toys thrown around haphazardly, most likely from when the kids had lost interest in them. you kept an eye on the twins as you did so, making sure that the playroom was clean for when the other kids started to show up.
you had noticed more and more that joe always liked to be here when the opener came in. there could be lots of things affecting this, sure, but john had never come in until 9am sharp, leaving the openers alone until then. It was quite the difference, but it was a nice difference- especially when things were going wrong. you shuddered involuntarily as you remembered the toilet incident, shaking it out of your brain before continuing to pick up around the kids. the playroom was quite messy, and not like you remembered it at three when you left for the afternoon. it had become an unspoken rule that you clean up the playroom whenever you’re a closer, just to make it easier for the morning people. you scoured your brain to figure out who closed last night, wondering if maybe it was one of the newer girls who hadn’t gotten the full training in the playroom yet.
“who closed last night?” joe turned the chair around to look at you. “the playroom is a lot messier than i had left it when i left at three.”
“uh, i’d have to check the books. why?”
“normally whoever closes has to pick up the playroom before we leave. just so it's nice in the mornings and everything. it’s no big deal but-”
“it is a hassle for you girls to have to clean it in the morning while the kids are running around. i get it.” joe got up from his chair. “lauren’s mum shouldn’t be in until 9, i can help a bit.”
“nonsense, you have important stuff to do.”
“no no, i insist-”
before joe could get another word out, the twins ran over to him and engulfed him in a giant hug. you couldn't help but smile as you watched the two of them interact with their father, wondering how he had gotten so lucky to have such angel-like kids. granted, you knew nothing about what their home life was like, but it was enough to know that they were very clearly loved… at least by one parent. joe was able to corral the kids into helping clean up, turning it into a game and promising extra ice cream at dinner that night to them if they cleaned up the whole playroom. you couldn’t help but chuckle as you watched the kids run around, helping you put things away where they needed to go. sophie, one of the new girls, finally made it in around 9, moments before lauren and her mom got there. joe took care of everything with the mom as you took lauren back to the playroom, giving joe the space he needed to do his important things.
you had to admit, having those few hours alone with joe and the kids really changed your perspectives on things, and you didn’t want to admit it, but maybe it was true that joe was cute. even without the kids, joe made sure to pay attention to everyone and everything around him, not leaving anyone out. it was a nice change, considering john wouldn’t ever have gone out for drinks with you and the girls, and for sure had favorites. you were never john’s favorite, but it didn’t bother you at all. you came in, did your job and played with the kids when you could. it was one of the best jobs you could have asked for, if you were being honest. spending the day with some of your favorite tiny humans? you’d put your name at the top of the list to be doing that every day. while some days were more tiring than others, you always found a way to make the day fun for not only yourself, but the kids around you as well.
the morning passed pretty quickly and you found yourself in the back room for lunch, sitting down at your desk and pulling out your lunch box. microwavable ramen stared back at you as you grabbed the package, along with some fruit, chips, and a little brownie cup looking thing you had picked up at spar that morning when getting yourself some coffee. you missed 7-11 coffee so bad, but spar was as close as you could get to it, so it would have to do. you’d have to make a trip back to america soon, simply for the taste of the shitty gas station coffee you missed so much. and obviously to see your american family, but that was most definitely last on the list. following the directions on the package, you slipped the container into the microwave that was in the corner of the room, leaning up against the wall as you looked through your notifications. nothing super interesting had popped up, a few buzzfeed articles looked interesting enough to read, but of course, tik tok was calling your name.
the best part about having the whole back room left for the staff was that you could watch tik tok on your lunch breaks. considering you all mainly took them alone, it wouldn’t bother anyone if you didn’t use ear buds either. it was a nice change from your other jobs, where you had to have your earbuds in or earphones on all day so as to not bother the people around you. it also gave you some time alone to recharge, which was an added bonus. you loved your coworkers so much, yes, but this thirty minute break you got to take alone was one of the many highlights of your day. if you didn’t get to recharge, you weren’t sure if you’d ever make it through the whole day without snapping at someone.
it also gave you time to think, circling back to the thought you had earlier that oh shit, maybe joe is cute. you were allowed to think that people were cute, right? that wasn’t a crime. and sure, maybe he was eight years older than you and literally had kids, but he was cute. and nice. and very gentlemanly. and everything you looked for in a-- nope. you stopped that train of thought before it even finished. you were not allowing yourself to go that far into the train of thought, because then your brain would never shut up about it and things would get weird. you’d say the wrong thing, things would totally get weird and then joe would fire you. yep, that’s exactly what would happen.
the microwave beeped, signaling the fact that your ramen was ready to eat. you grabbed it from the fridge and went back to your desk, curling up into the chair that was way too old to still be used, holding the cup under your chin as you figured out what you wanted to do for entertainment during lunch.
at this point, anything would be sufficient if it meant distracting your brain from developing a crush on your boss.
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sunnyie-eve · 2 years
Celebrity Crush || Interviews Day 1
Paring: Joseph Quinn x Original female costar
Word Count: 2134
Summary: It’s the first day of many for season 4 interviews
Warnings: cute interactions
A/N: For this I’ll be using my OFC in Trouble in Hawkins for this OFC to play her.
Last: Premiere | Next: Theories & More
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"Look who's last to show up." Maya says as I walk into the room. "There were some problems with the car." I take my seat between her and Natalia. "Presley is always last to show up." Joe says making me turn to look back at him, "I am not!" I slap his knee. "Sometimes..." Joseph adds making me turn the other way to look back at him. "You know what... I may be last but I'm still always on time. I've never been late." I turn back around to face the front. "That's a fair point." Natalia gives me a pass. Before the long interviews start, the five of us just sit on our phones bored.
Joseph: You just had to wear green pants too.
I look back at him and realized he was wearing green pants as well.
Presley: I look better.
I send him the text and he lets out a chuckle before we're told it's time to get ready. The first question was about Maya and Natalia working together since last season they had no scenes of them together really. "Joe, Steve's storyline in the first few episodes is about him trying to figure out his own love life. I'm curious what you think Steve needs?" The guys asks him so I look back some to look at him. "A swift kick in the butt." He says making us laugh. "He literally has the perfect girl in front of him and he messed it up and needs to fix it." He answers. He then asks Joseph what was it like jumping into the show and he tells him it was great because he felt comfortable with us. "What can you guys tell me about the big bad this season, Vecna?" The asks us. "Sexy." Maya says making me cover my mouth from laughing too loud. "He's not good." Joe adds. "Cruel with how he kills." I add and the others agree.
We have a few minutes before the next person so I get a drink of water. "I think I actually pull off the green pants better." Joseph walks up beside me. "What makes you think that though?" I tilt my head looking at him. "People can actually see my pants on camera not you. So that means I look better." He gives me a smile. "It doesn't work that way." We go back to our seats for the next interview. "Who always nails it in the first take?" The man asks us. "Priah, Gaten and Presley." They all say so I agree with them. "Who is the last one to always leave their trailer?" I point back again the Joe's. "Wig and something else." I say and they agree. "Oh right, yeah." Joe nods his head. Slowly I start to zone out but still listen to the man just nodding my head. "Yeah, we do laugh a lot." I agree with Maya. "Presley, usually starts the fun with Gaten." Joe adds.
The next lady asks on a scale 1-10 how scary the show was and how dark it got. "It was so fun seeing the friendship between Steve and Skylar, then last season the both of them with Robin. Now this season we get Robin and Nancy and Eddie and Skylar." She goes on about the girls being together and not about Sky and Eddie once so I speak up. "I'd like to add I like how the brothers give the viewers some knowledge of that Eddie and Sky already being sort of distant friends so their friendship being close this season wasn't too random." I speak up looking back at Joseph. "Yeah, that knowledge for us made us working together easier." Joseph nods his head.
"I actually really love the chemistry between Eddie and Skylar... If you guys were a viewer watching the show who would you pick Skylar to be with?" She asks us. "Wow, that's a tough one... if I was a viewer, I'd probably pick Steve. Only because we've seen their relationship change and grow throughout the last three seasons." Natalia looks at the three of us. "That's true. From the whole enemies to friends to lovers trope." Maya agrees. "Steve, because they've been through a lot. He just needs to man up and fix their relationship. As a viewer you can tell they love each other." Joe answers. "As a viewer Steve but being biased I say Eddie." Joseph laughs. "Great, it's my turn now..." I laugh thinking about it, "I would say I don't care." I answer truthfully. "Really?" The lady asks. "I say that because I see she has chemistry with both. Yeah, there's more history with Steve but one; he cheated on her. Two; he's taking his time trying to fix his mistake and their relationship. With Steve taking his time it lets there be more time where Sky and Eddie think about their feelings for each other. So I don't care because she's good with both."
"Presley, how was it for you playing a character who has boy problems?" The next lady laughs. "Weird because I never have that problem. I've never had so many guys like me one after another." I laugh. "Wait, are you saying guys don't find you attractive?" Joe asks shocked. "My whole like I grew up as the ugly friend and people reminded me daily." I nod my head. "Bet they take it back now." Joseph says making me laugh, "One did apologize." I tell him. She asks if we had all the power and control what would we manifest for our character. "Maya I feel like you would have a great answer for that." Joe puts the spot light on her. "I think I would like to umm, have a powerful love story with Nancy Wheeler but she chooses Jonathan instead of me. Also I die sacrificing myself to the monster just for trauma to being Steve and Skylar back together." She answers the questions. "That's exactly what I was gonna say." Joe jokes. "I'd say for everyone just to have a ending they deserve. Eddie goes through stuff and I feel sorry for the dude. Robin needs to find love, Nancy needs to realize she doesn't need a man, Steve and Skylar need to become best friends again." I answer.
It felt like the interviews got longer and long as time with on because I was getting so tired. "Whose performance blew you away this season?" We're asked. "My baby Sadie Sink and then I'd say this lovely man to behind me to my left." I turn towards Joseph patting his knee." I say happy with my answer. Who has the best taste in music was next. "Me. Because I'm offended when people don't like my music." I laugh. "I think I am sitting with three people who have very distinct very good taste in music." Natalia says then gives me a smile. "I'm joking it's four. Presley listens to like everything so you never know what you get when she shuffles music." She says and the others agree.
"Would you rather rent a movie, play D&D, or hit the roller rink?" We're asked. "Rent a movie. I suck at D&D and I can't roller-skate." I answer. "Your asking a room full of actors if whether or not we're watching a movie or do anything else. I think the answers probably watch movies." Maya answer. "What 80's movie would you rent?" The next question is asked. "Either The Labyrinth or Lost Boys." I smile then Joseph says any by John. "Who makes you laugh the most on set?" He asks us. "We have a lot of laughs in set. That's the best part about this show. That's pretty much all we do." Joe says. "It's very true but picking a person I pick Gaten." I laugh.
Finally when we were done we clap our hands because sitting in these chairs were hell. "I'm starving." I get up stretching my arms. "Do you wanna go out for lunch?" Joseph walks up beside me. "Do I wanna go out for lunch? Like with you?" I ask turning to face him. "Or you can go have it alone. Whatever you prefer." He says with a smile making me laugh. "Do you have anything in mind?" I ask as I get my things together. "Not really. Do you?" He asks as I put my bag over my shoulder. "Anyplace with breadsticks. I really want some breadsticks." I let him know. "I think we can find place with breadsticks for you.” He chuckles. “Yes.” I clap my hands excited.
We find a place to eat at before we leave then go in our separate cars. “Table for two, please.” I tell the hostess and they take us to a table. “You were determined to talk about Skylar and Eddie earlier during that one interviewer.” Joseph speaks as we look through the menu. “Because I didn’t want you left out. She brought it up but only talked to Maya and Natalia. Why bring up our characters if you’re not going to talk to us about them.” I tell him and he just nods his head with a slight smile. As soon as the breadsticks hit the table a huge grin spreads across my face. “Come to mama.” I reach for one as see Joseph laughing at me. “What?” I ask with a slight frown confused.
“Come to mama and your smile… it’s cute since it’s for breadsticks.” He takes one himself. “Because I love them. Especially the ones with mozzarella cheese in them. Mmm, I love them.” I think about them. “Are you looking forward to sitting in a chair for hours tomorrow again?” He asks as we wait for our food. “I just hope they don’t ask the same questions over and over. It’s so tiring. Then it sucks when people catch on and realize you’re annoyed of the same question because your answer gets flatter and flatter.” I explain with a sigh. “Then they get mad at you for seeming rude when you’re just tried if repeating yourself.” He says making nod my head agreeing.
As we eat we and the restaurant got slightly more crowed a few people started to recognize us but we ignored them. “Oh, back to the topic on interviews tomorrow… what do you plan on wearing so we don’t match. I have to make sure I look better than you.” I joke with him. “Maybe tan colors. I don’t know yet.” He makes a face laughing. “So boring got.” I laugh at him. “What all are you doing tomorrow?” He asks. “I have a friendship test with Sadie, theories and the rest of the interviews with y’all. Then the following day I have a wired autocomplete by myself along with my first. Sadie is doing those tomorrow, I believe. Along with Noah and Gaten for the wired autocomplete.” I give him the run down.
“You’re a very busy person.” He says as we finish up. “I’m not normally. Since the second season that’s when my schedule slowly got longer. Us older ones are never as busy as the kids since the show is mainly about them. Makes me happy I’m not their age.” I laugh then pay for both of our meals. “I could have paid for mine. You didn’t have to do that. Plus I asked if you want to come have lunch.” Joseph gives me a look. “But it was my idea to come eat so that’s why I paid. And I’m just being a good person.” We stand up from our table. “Next time we eat… I’m paying, got that.” He points his finger at me so I laugh at him. “Fine, you can pay next time we have lunch together.” I say as we go outside to our rides. “See you tomorrow at work.” He waves goodbye to me.
As I get into the vehicle I get a text from a friend saying a fan posted a picture of Joseph and I eating and now people think we were on a date. “God. Can two people of the opposite sex not have lunch together without people thinking their on a date?” I ask out loud. “Everyday people can but when you’re a celebrity no. The public will automatically assume things.” My driver speaks up making me look up at him. “I didn’t ask for you input James.” I say with a chuckle. “You spoke out loud Miss Presley. In a form of a question, might I add.” He now chuckles looking at me from the mirror. “Fine, you win.” I put my hands up. “That’s what now? Six to five?” I roll my eyes at him. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re ahead by one point.”
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appetite4savage · 9 months
Bitter (Joe Elliott) Part Two
Warnings: language, adult content
Joe’s POV
The album recording process went exactly as I expected it to. Mutt asking for perfection, the band working to the bone, and avoiding her like the plague.
I walk to the quiet room just to escape for a moment while we have reached a stopping point.
With my eyes closed, I lean back onto the couch. I hear the door open and close but absentmindedly ignored it, assuming it was probably Sav who needed a break too.
My eyes fly open, and I get up from the couch at the speed of light. “Get the fuck out.”
“Joe, I-“
“I have NOTHING to say to you!” I growl.
“Can you please just shut up and let me speak for five minutes?” She speaks up. This is the most I’ve ever seen her stand up for herself.
“Go on then, if it’s so important that you have to interrupt my quiet time.” I roll my eyes, sitting back down on the couch.
“I know it’s not enough, but I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking that night.” She begins.
“Don’t bullshit with me. You’ve had eyes for him since you were kids. And the feeling was mutual.”
“Joe, his tongue was down ten other girl’s throat after that.” She admits. “He pushed me against the wall, I swear.”
My eyes grow wide. “That motherfucker.”
“I did love Danny. I’ll always be grateful for everything he did for me. But he will never be you.” She says, sitting down on the couch next to me.
My breath catches in my throat at the sight of her being within arm’s reach.
“How do I know it won’t happen again?” I look her in the eyes.
“I cut off contact with him completely. He moved to South Africa with his latest whore.”
“You’re serious?”
“Completely. If you would have let me get two words in I would have been able to tell you sooner.” She smiles.
The room is silent for a moment other than me clearing my throat.
“Perhaps I should have let you explain yourself.” I mutter.
“That’s right. The little green monster just took over, didn’t it?” She teases, putting a hand over my knee. My body tingles at the feeling of her soft hands on me.
We slowly move closer to each other, to the point where her face is so close that I can feel her breath on my lips.
Our lips were millimeters from connecting when the door flew open.
“Elliott! Get back in here!”
“What’s gotten into him?” Rick whispers to Sav.
“He must’ve gotten into a bit of of Mary Jane.” Sav chuckles, elbowing him in the chest.
“Alright, enough. We’re on a deadline here fellas.” Mutt commands.
I’m unable to focus thinking about what just happened. After months of perceiving her as the devil I almost kiss her? Just like that? My younger self would be so disappointed in me, falling to a woman’s mercy like that. But she isn’t just any woman.
“Joe?” Steve snaps his fingers in front of my face.
“I said, what do you think about re-recording Hysteria.” Mutt sighs.
“But we’ve already done it twice!”
“Your high notes just aren’t quite where I want them to be.” He adds.
“Okay, since some heads aren’t in the game anymore, we can call it a day. Go home and rest.” Mutt says in defeat. At that, we all exit the studio.
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