#I’ll put prev fixations in tags
ratsncryptids · 7 months
I need a new hyperfixiation to rotate in my head, any recs for tv, podcasts, anime, etc?
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enhas-bestie · 3 years
uni love [15]
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chapter 15: it's d-day. time to ruin a date
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"there’s absolutely no way this plan is going to work.” jake says critically from his crouched position behind one of the artificial potted plants that decorated the interior of mall. besides him were jay and sunghoon, too preoccupied with shoving each other out from behind their makeshift hiding place than to bother listening to him.
“will you two stop? you’re gonna blow our cover!” 
“I’ll stop when sunghoon stops hogging all of the space!”
“i’m not the one hogging anything. you’re the one who brought a whole bag of useless junk that we’re not even gonna need. you’re the one taking up all the space!”
jay scoffs and clutches his designer duffle bag tighter to his body, “fine--but don’t ask me for any of the junk in this bag when we need it.”
“we’re not gonna need it-”
jake sighs as he watches two of his closest friends continue to bicker. the few people who happen walk pass them shoot them strange judgemental looks (understandably), but the mall seemed relatively empty and for that jake was thankful. sunghoon and jay continue to argue and jake is half listening to them when he just so happens to turn his, spotting none other than lee heeseung himself (aka, the target) walking towards the movie cinema.
jake immediately perks and points to the two figures, “look! it’s heeseung--and yeji.” he adds after seeing the girl walking besides his friend. 
sunghoon, jake, and jay’s eyes lock onto their targets as they watch the couple approach the cinema. heeseung looks shy (as they expected of their friend), but the two of them seem to be locked in amicable conversation.
“they almost look like friends.” jay comments as he watches the two get nearer and nearer to their destination, “heeseung doesn’t even look that flustered to be around her.”
“that’s because he doesn’t have a crush on her anymore--he’s just too stupid to realise it.” sunghoon states matter-of-factly as he watches their every move.
“once again--you have no solid proof of that.” jake reminds him, “all you have is a hunch.”
“well at the end of this date it won’t be a hunch anymore,” sunghoon mutters determinedly, “we’ll ruin this date so bad they won’t even want to look twice at each other ever again.” 
“look! they’re going inside--let’s move.” jay announces as he grabs hold his friends’ jackets and yanks them up. as they follow heeseung and yeji into the movies, they all fixate on the same goal--securing heeseung’s future happiness by making sure he has the worst date ever.
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synopsis : you have high hopes for your second year of university. so it’s a damn shame that your university’s administration messed up your timestable and put you in a business course you had no intention of being in. you’d think being assigned an attractive teaching assistant would at least make things a little bit better, but of course you were wrong once again. luckily, you’re allowed to swap modules in the new term, but only on the condition that you pass the business module. sounds good,, except for the fact that you’ve never done business in your life...but not to fear! TA Lee Heeseung promises to help make you pass your module.
you just have to set him up with his crush, hwang yeji.
p.s do NOT fall in love with him :)
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typhonserpent · 5 years
You Showed Me, Chapter 6
Fandom: Dragon Age 2 Rating: Explicit Genre: Romance/Omegaverse Pairing: Fenris/Anders Summary: Omegaverse AU. Fenris has a secret that nobody else knows. When he has to travel to Orlais to help Hawke and her new friend Tallis steal a priceless jewel, his secret becomes harder to hide. When Anders discovers what Fenris is hiding, what he does with the knowledge is not what Fenris expected.
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Fenris awoke to Anders' heavy snoring. He was still snuggled up under Anders' chin, one arm lazily draped across his shoulders. The sky was pale blue outside, only a soft light peeking through the windows. It was still too cold to leave the comfort of Anders' body heat, Fenris told himself.
Fenris took another deep breath of Anders' scent and idly traced patterns on his chest. There were a few scars there but not nearly as many as Anders sported on his back. Nicks from darkspawn blades or arrows, wounds too deep to heal completely. The most prominent was the bonding mark on his shoulder, dark brown and unhidden by hair. Touching it, Fenris discovered it wasn't nearly as deep as it's appearance made it look. Just a slight dip in the skin, but otherwise smooth.
"We met on the boat to the circle tower." Anders said.
Fenris' hand retreated and curled against his own chest, fearing he'd done something wrong. Anders was staring at the ceiling.
"I couldn't stop crying. Couldn't say a word through the crying. Just ... wailed nonstop hoping it would convince someone to take pity on me. After a few hours, Karl ... he slapped me on the face and called me a twit." Anders huffed a laugh and rubbed his glazed-over eyes with the heel of his hand, "Snapped me out of it, I'll give him that. He had a way with words."
Fenris looked away from Anders.
"That's why," Anders said, voice cracking, "That night on the boat ..."
Fenris set a hand on Anders' cheek and turned his head for a kiss. Anders' eyes fluttered shut. He sighed into the kiss. By the time Fenris pulled away, Anders was smiling again.
"Mmm ... I like that." He hummed, "We should wake up like this more often."
"To you pouring your heart out like a smuggler in a confessional?"
Anders barked a laugh, "If it involves more kissing, I wouldn't object." He leaned forward and stole another kiss before adding, "Besides, it feels nice to talk about."
Fenris rested his chin on Anders' chest and allowed the mage to hold him. "Does it not pain you to sleep with other people after having lost your mate?"
He shrugged, "Karl is gone. I need to move forward. Haven't you ever courted anyone?"
"There was Hawke, but ..."
"Yes, well," He chuckled, "Who isn't interested in Hawke?"
Fenris cocked an eyebrow, "You?"
"I proposed it, but she seems only interested in women. Have you really had nobody else?"
He shrugged, "Dithari, perhaps."
"The girl who tended your wounds? What happened with her?"
"Slaves shuffle in and out of the master's care all the time." Fenris sighed, "It is not our place to wonder why or where they went. Besides, it would not have worked out. She might have known my secret, but after I matured Danarius wanted me only at his side."
"Well ..." Anders' hand idly moved to Fenris' hair, stroking it, "Let me put it this way. You let go of Dithari, and I let go of Karl. There's no point in living in the past. We move forward."
"We move forward."
They laid in silence for a few minutes, Anders stroking Fenris' hair until Fenris began to lightly purr. Anders huffed air through his nose, and though Fenris' eyes were closed he could feel the smile boring into the back of his head.
He didn't mind, he decided. Anders wasn't hurting anyone by smiling.
The purrs ceased immediately when there was a loud rap at the door, and Fenris' eyes snapped open at the sound of Tallis calling, "Wake up, boys! We have a party to attend! Hawke's already there!"
With a sigh, Fenris pried himself away from Anders and left the warmth of their nest to retrieve his clothes from the floor. "Be there in a minute!" Anders called.
They dressed in silence. Fenris generously slathered the cologne onto his neck while Anders ran his fingers through his hair and tied it back. He left while Fenris was still strapping his gauntlets to his wrists.
Fenris stepped out to see Tallis in the hallway, leaning with her foot up against the wall. Anders was a few steps ahead, paused and waiting for him.
"Ready?" Tallis asked, kicking off the wall.
Fenris silently turned and walked towards Anders, who was already moving forward.
"Fenris?" Tallis called, causing him to pause.
Their eyes met, and hers immediately moved to the floor. He cocked an eyebrow. Was she nervous?
"You ... smell nice." She said after a moment.
He drew his lips into a thin line. What was that supposed to mean? Had she caught his scent? No, he'd been sure to lay the cologne on thick after sleeping with Anders. If she knew, why didn't she just come out and say it? What did she gain holding this over him?
Either she was a very good actress, or the glare Fenris fixated on her broke through her resolve. She shuffled her feet, hands wringing together. "Well ... Better not keep Hawke waiting." She stammered.
"Yes ..." Fenris growled as he watched her pass. Suddenly, it felt like a very bad idea to let her leave his line of sight.
Which wasn't easy at the party.
The whole of the courtyard was decorated with chairs and tables, along with an array of food. Servants shuffled in and out, replacing dishes as they were consumed or went cold and offering bottles of wine and trays full of glasses to everyone they passed. It took perhaps five seconds for Fenris to lose track of Tallis in the crowd, and another two seconds for him to decide that he didn't want to brave the crowd to search for her again.
He positioned himself against a wall near a potted shrub, where only the most dedicated servants would disturb him. Once, an elven woman approached him and held out a tray of tall, thin glasses. He took one for the sake of getting her to leave.
He was tipping back the glass of wine when Anders appeared at his side, a tray of food in one hand. "Have you tried these skewered fish? They're amazing." Anders asked.
Fenris curled a lip in disgust, "I hate fish."
"Well try the venison then. You have to be hungry. I know you didn't eat breakfast."
Fenris hummed but didn't respond, taking another sip of the wine.
"Here, try this." Anders jabbed a piece of red potato off his dish and held it in front of Fenris' lips. Immediately, Fenris tightened his lip. He could smell the char roast on the blasted potato and it was close enough to see the herbs that it had been doused in prior to cooking. Smelled the same as the herbs they'd thrown on the fish on Anders' plate. Did the mage intend to feed him like a dog at the dinner table? The potato poked his lips ... twice, then Anders sighed and set the fork back down.
"Alright, what do you like?"
"Apples." Fenris replied without hesitation.
"Very well. Wait here."
Anders sat the plate down on the edge of the planter beside them. Fenris stayed only because he had no intention of leaving in the first place. He swirled around the white liquid in his glass. He preferred red wine, he decided.
Anders returned with a second plate, piled mainly with pastries. Fenris recognized the apple scent before he even noticed the pile of roasted apple slices or the tarts next to it.
"Here, open." Anders held a flaky golden pastry in front of his mouth. The light, airy scent of the crust tickled his nose.
Fenris opened his mouth and allowed Anders to push the treat inside. He could best describe it as a miniature pie. The crust was stuffed with minced and sugared apples.
"Good, right? Try this one, it's pork and apples."
Anders stabbed one of the apple slices, and only now did Fenris notice the cubes of meat that were mixed in with the apple slices. He allowed himself to be fed again, and again approved of the taste. They continued until the pile of pork and apples was gone.
Anders was reaching for one of the tarts on the plate when Fenris interrupted, "I can feed myself, mage."
"I know, but it's fun like this, isn't it?"
Fenris chose to ignore the question, focusing his attention on the crowd. A gentleman in a beaked mask and a feathered cap leaned over the table towards a woman who straightened her collar while she spoke. Anders held an apple tart under Fenris' nose.
When Fenris didn't make a move to eat the treat, Anders followed his line of sight. "Are they a cute couple?" He asked.
"She is mated," Fenris explained, "He is not. She is covering her mark with her dress. That isn't a dress built for movement, she isn't a hunter. She must have come here with a mate. Where is he?"
Anders eyes scanned the crowd and rested on a potted rose bush, next to which an armored man with a flushed face and a wine glass was making loud conversation with some other hunters. "He's wearing the same colors as she is." He said, nodding at the man.
"That he is. Matching their family crest, no doubt. What does she hope to gain by flirting with-"
He was interrupted by Anders shoving the tart past his lips. Fenris narrowed his eyes, squinting at the mage and half-tempted to spit the pastry back at him. Fortunately for Anders, that would have been a waste of good food.
After taking a bite, Fenris said, "Was that necessary, mage?"
"No, but the look on your face was worth it." Anders grinned ear-to-ear.
"If this had been fish, it would be splattered on your coat."
The grin did not cease. Instead, Anders set down the plate and followed Fenris' eyes into the crowd.
"Those two just finished making out." Anders said, pointing to a pair lingering near the fountain, "See how his shirt's all wrinkled? And the bruise on his collarbone?"
Two Orlesian men stood next to one another, and the one in the red-and-gold mask had the top button of his shirt undone. Wrinkles like ripples on a lake spread out from his collar. The man next to him straightened his collar to cover the bruise.
Fenris' eyebrows perked, "Good catch. Have you played the game before?"
"The game of feeding handsome men apple treats and people watching? No I can't say I've made that a habit."
"Handsome, am I?" Fenris turned to Anders, one corner of his mouth turned up.
Anders' ears turned pink.
"Orlesians refer to the aristocratic grab for power as the game." Fenris explained, "It's a sick and twisted way to refer to a system that allows rulers and nobles free reign to cheat and murder. But it does make for a good show, I suppose."
"So it's a game of spot-the-assasin, is it?"
"For me it is." Fenris shrugged.
Tallis shouldered her way through the crowd, slapped Anders on the shoulder, and stepped between them. "Hey, we're finally in." She said, wearing a triumphant smile. There was a key on a leather cord dangling from her finger, "Don't ask what we went through to get this. Come on. Hawke's already waiting."
She wasted no time in trotting off, and the pair were forced to follow lest they lose track of her in the crowd. She led the way around the edge of the courtyard and out along the wall connected to the kitchen. In seconds, the murmur of the crowd faded into silence.
"In a hurry?" Anders quipped.
"I just want to find the ... jewel. And get this over with."
Fenris and Anders met eyes briefly.
"You don't sound excited." Anders replied.
"This is something that's been a long time coming. That's all."
Fenris hummed, "This jewel is so important to you?"
Her feet froze to the ground, her eyes downcast.. Anders nearly bumped into her. When Fenris came up beside her, she turned away from him.
After a second of Fenris staring, she finally said, "Yes. I want this part of my life finished. You know how that feels, right? I want to move forward but I have to ... get this over with first."
“All this fuss over a jewel?” Fenris said, one eyebrow cocked.
“It’s more than the jewel, it’s … never mind. I’m rambling. Let’s go.”
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