#I’m calling it vivio
rennyrose · 1 year
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Seeing scars- I crave more tenderness
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raemarlon-blog · 5 years
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                                            ‘‘I’M AGAINST HAVING EMOTIONS, NOT USING THEM.’‘                                             . MARLON RAE .
                                ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– holitas; jess por aqui ! trayendoles a este niño problematico con el fc de zayn malik. cualquier cosita, mis im’s estan abiertos. 
Marlon es un joven complicado. Generalmente otros lo identifican como el tipico ‘’chico malo’’ pero la realidad es diferente. Esta lleno de matices, contradicciones y de cambios. Fue un niño abandonado que crecio en la calle y esto mucho tiene que ver con su personalidad y manera de ver la vida. Es amante del terror, lugares abandonados, los demonios y lo sobrenatural, los museos, el arte, el bosque, los libros, la marihuana, los numeros y la ciencia, la naturaleza, pintar, dibujar y la astrologia. Cree en las vibraciones y la energia del Universo y duda que exista un Dios todopoderoso que todo lo puede. No es religioso pero la curiosidad mato al gato. Intenta hacer contacto con el mas alla cada vez que puede y tiene muchas historias para contar. Tiene problemas con figuras de autoridad (padres, maestros, jefes, la ley), se le dificulta seguire ordenes y desprecia el sistema que la sociedad impone a diario. Es divertido pero irrespetuoso, no tiene filtro, dice lo que quiere cuando quiere y rara vez piensa en los sentimientos de los demas. Solo siente empatia por las personas cercanas a el y le cuesta trabajo confiar en otros. Nunca se ha enamorado pero disfruta las relaciones fugaces y sin compromiso. Le gustan las conversaciones profundas y existenciales y se aburre facilmente. Cree que las mujeres son seres mas inteligentes y evolucionados que los hombres y esta seguro de que todo seria mejor si existieran mas mujeres lideres en el mundo.
Nacio en Nashville, TN. el 30 de Octubre, un dia antes de Halloween. Su mamá, Erika, era muy joven para cuidar de el y a los dos meses de nacido lo dejo a manos del sistema de asistencia social. El pequeñito fue llevado a un orfanato a las afueras de Nashville. En ese lugar vivio muchos abusos y maltratos de los que prefiere no hablar y a los 7 añitos decidio huir del lugar. Desde ese momento, vivio solo en las calles de Tennessee, Georgia, Florida y Boston. – No tiene familia y lo unico que sabe de su mamá biologica es su nombre.
Dejo de ir a la escuela cuando tenia 12 años por multiples razones. Su incapacidad de respetar la autoridad (profesores y maestros) siendo la mayor razon de todas. Sin embargo, decidido a aprender todo lo que pudiese, se dedico a leer libros de temas variados. Tiene una impresionante habilidad para los numeros y en un mundo perfecto le encantaria ser matematico, astrofisico o quimico.
Empezo a vender/distribuir droga cuando tenia 13 años y desde ese momento ha considerado eso su trabajo. A veces da tutoria de Matematica, Fisica o Quimica a cambio de dinero y lo disfruta mucho. Actualmente, vende todo tipo de drogas ilegales en Los Angeles y ha hecho suficiente dinero para rentar un pequeño apartamento tipo estudio en el que actualmente vive solo.
Estuvo preso por primera vez a los 14 años y paso 7 meses en un centro de detencion para menores. Las causas:  Vandalismo, Intento de robo a mano armada y Consumo de alcohol antes de la edad legal. Ha estado preso/detenido otras 4 veces mas por delitos menores y graves.
Literalmente estoy abierta a cualquier plot, siempre teniendo en cuenta lo mencionado arriba en su bio, claro. Pero, en serio, lo que quieran. No pongo una lista de conexiones o plots porq de veritas casi siempre digo que si a todo entonces pa’ que hacer listas? Si tienen alguna coneccion chevere que crean que mi niño pueda llenar, lo hablamos y listooo. Tambien pueden mandarme un mensajito privado cuando quieran, siempre estoy abierta a ideas nuevas!
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rickyriddle · 6 years
My top 10 yuri ships
Hi everyone! Here’s my top 10 favourite yuri ships in anime and manga (as well as Japanese game). Keep in mind that it’s my personal top 10 and I’m not saying those ships are better than the others, just that they are those I prefer.
10. Kaguya X Mokou (Touhou Project)
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My favourite ship in Touhou Project. I have a thing for love/hate relationship as well as rivalry. Those two are immortals and keep trying to kill each other due to an old grudge. How romantic. But as immortals, they can understand each other since they are going through the same thing, and know they won’t end up alone. My main reason to ship them is that I find the concept of them being together really hot (and one of them as firepower so it’s fitting).
9. Yoko X Aya (Kiniro Mosaic)
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Ship from one of my favourite slice of life anime. Yoko and Aya are the typical “shoujo manga couple” with the tsundere girl to shy to admit her feeling and the dense guy. But not as typical, since they are both girls. Aya, better known as Ayaya (or Gayaya), is so memeable. Her love for Yoko can be both cute and funny, and I do hope one day Yoko will realize her feelings and reciprocate them. They are what I prefer in Kiniro Mosaic, their episodes are those I enjoyed the most.
8. Otoya x Shiena (Akuma no Riddle)
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I hesitate to put this one since I’m more obsessed about it than actually liking it, but I guess that I can’t just write so many fanfics about them and not put them on my top. I’m truly obsessed and fascinated by the possibility of this pairing. I must admit that I have a fascination for psychopaths, and a relationship with one of them intrigued me. So to see a normal girl like Shiena being paired with a psycho serial killer like Otoya is like a fantasy to me, it’s satisfying my dark fantasy. I like to imagine how they could actually work as a couple. So unhealthy and dark...Ah, not that I approve such relationship, but it’s fine in fiction. If you’re interested, here’s an analysis I made for them: OtoShie analysis.
7. Komaru X Touko (Danganronpa) 
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A relationship that truly touched me. They are so good for each other, they support and help each other. I honestly ship them either romantically or as friends, I just want to see them together. Just seeing pictures of them together is enough to light up my mood. Touko has a hard time trusting others because of her past, so it’s moving to see her open up to Komaru and eventually see her as a close friend. And Komaru is just so sweet and adorable. Please Touko, forget about Togami and just go with Komaru, who respect and treat you well You deserves better than that rich prick!
6. Sakurako X Himawari (Yuru Yuri)
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What’s better than a tsundere? Two tsunderes being tsun-tsun for each other! My favourite thing in that anime is actually those two and their interaction. Individually I don’t really like any of them, but together they are just gold. We know they actually like each other, but they can’t help but being rival. They used to be really close as kids but ended up fighting growing up (probably because of Hima’s boobs, they start all of this). But the rare sweet moments between them are what truly matters, and I hope for actual development for them.
5. Homura X Madoka & Sayaka X Kyouko (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica)
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Two ships for this positions since they are from the same anime and I can’t choose one. We can’t deny Homura’s love for Madoka, it’s pretty much canon with the third movie. Just how far she went for Madoka’s sake, the sacrifices she made, the pain she underwent. I wish for a happy conclusion for them, but I feel like it won’t be the case. As for KyouSaya, I like how both of them is tomboyish, it’s rare to see that type of yuri ship. They started as enemies to eventually friends, I liked the evolution of their relationships and they truly shine in the third movie. Again I wish them a happy conclusion. But it’s PMMM, so I doubt it will happen ^^’
4. Nanoha X Fate & Vivio X Einhart (Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha)
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Again, two ships at the same position for the same series, because I couldn’t choose. NanoFate is a classic in yuri, they are basically canon. I mean, they live together, sleep in the same bed, bath together, and adopted a girl they raised together. Everything about their relationship is perfect. They start off as enemies but learn to understand each other and eventually become close friends, and it continued to evolve as they grow older. Vivio and Einhart are kind of a mirror of their relationship but softer. They started as rivals and ended up friends, and their ancestors knew each other (they were a couple I think). There’s a good romantic potential with those two, sweet yet spicy. You know what they said. As mother as daughter.
3. Sumireko x Banba (Akuma no Riddle)
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Another one from AnR, my otp, SumiBanba! With both Banba’s personality, Mahiru and Shinya. They are the combination of my two favourite type of ships: Overly cute and dark. Most of their interactions are so cute and fluff, yet since they are both not exactly sane (and Banba being clearly insane), there’s a potential of darkness with that ship, given Sumireko’s obsession with power. The potential of her abusing her power with Banba is strong, yet there’s also the potential for them to help each other with their respective issues. This relationship as both the potential to be good or bad, mostly depending of Sumireko’s action. If you're interested, I made quite a long post to analyze their relationship: SumiBanba analysis.
2. Hibiki X Miku (Symphogear)
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Those two...I love them so much! They are so cute and fluff. They both have a strong bond with each other, they are calling each other sunshine and bright sun. They are so much acting like a married couple, even their VA agreed. I mean, they have bunk bed yet sleep in the same bed, while holding hands and cuddling. They are so perfect for each other, they compliment each other pretty well, Hibiki being more immature and Miku more responsible. And it’s pretty obvious that Miku does love Hibiki, it’s even confirmed in the OVA. But as Hibiki’s friend told her once, she’s as dense as a harem MC. Let’s hope they got actual romantic development in the upcoming season 5 (urgh only airing in April...)
Before I reveal my number 1 yuri ship, here are some ( a lot) honorable mentions...
Honorable mention
Every ship in Akuma no Riddle
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Nana x Junna (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight)
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Shirabe X Kirika (Symphogear)
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Shinobu X Alice (Kiniro Mosaic)
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Zuikaku X Kaga (Kantai Collection)
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Haruka X Michiru (Sailor Moon)
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Minami X Yutaka (Lucky Star)
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Haruka X Yuu (Sakura Trick)
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Mahiru X Hiyoko (Danganronpa)
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Akko X Diana (Little Witch Academia)
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Croix X Chariot (Little Witch Academia)
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Miu x Nanano (Koihime Musou)
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Yuuna x Tougou (Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru)
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And the number 1 is...
1. Bernkastel X Lambdadelta (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni)
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Those two. Words are not enough to describe how much I love them. They are everything I love about a ship, they are cute yet dark, love/hate, and rivals. They are actually lovers, friends, enemies, rivals and opponents. Yes, they are canonly a couple. They are immortal witches who deeply love each other, yet also try to kill each other from time to time to pass time. Lots of candy and sugar symbolism with them, as well as stuff like “I’ll impale you to my bed and kiss you each morning and night” or “I’ll gouge your eyes so you can only look at me and put them into my tea”. So romantic, so fucked up. I love that. Despite all the creepiness, they do honestly love each other, they just have their own way to show it. I guess it’s normal when you’re a 1000 years old witch.
And this was my Top 10 yuri ships. If there are any yuri ships you like that wasn’t in my top or in the honourable mentions, don’t hesitate to share it with me and I’ll tell you what I think. Thanks for reading and seeya! :)
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booksandchainmail · 5 years
nanoha vivid liveblog: episode 9
We left off in the opening rounds of the competition, with Vivio and Miura slated to fight each other at some point. 
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The other belkan girls!
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I think I remember them being friends
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Soft music and slow-mo here, as we get our first look at sieglinde’s eyes
... which are entirely ordinary
huh, i was kinda expecting more heterochromia
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look I know youre overdramatic teenagers but I promise you giving yourselves nicknames about how good you are at fighting doesn’t actually make you seem good at fighting
also, i like to imagine that victoria’s been trying to get people to call her victor for most of her life, and sieglinde is the only one who will. victoria gave her her own nickname in thanks, and sieglinde was so happy about having a friend to give her a nickname that she didn’t care about the theme
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have you considered losing the waist long twintails?
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weirdly wholesome considering the subject matter
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who’s this boss? Presumably one of the other competitors we’ve seen, and I’m guessing harry as the only one who runs a thing (as well as one of the only returning successful contestants)
please tell me she didn’t pick that nickname/title herself
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theyre cute together
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and sieglinde pulls her hood back on as soon as more people arrive
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i guess i shouldn’t be surprised that the ojou and the delinquent dont get along
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at least it looks like it runs both ways
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i really do like this dynamic of harry and victoria constantly trying to fight, and meanwhile sieglinde’s just there in the background trying to calm down her friends
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oh hey the last unintroduced girl from the op! presumably she’s a returning fighter considering she seems pretty familiar with the others
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… I can’t tell if “violator restraints rule master” is one skill, two skills, her job, or her personality
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would they be wrong?
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let the fangirling commence!
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oh gods shes trying to hide behind that popcorn
it is very much not working
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i feel like this scene should be one of those draw the squad memes
also, these four are great together, more scenes with them please
I do like how in the returning champions we’re presented with three people who all hate each other, and then one person who they all like. it’s a good setup for comedy and shipping
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awwww, even while being shy, she’s still nice to einhart
come to think of it, i wonder if she also has memories of belka, and if so does she recognize einhart
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those chains were completely ineffective i guess
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i like to think that harry and victoria didnt break out immediately because they didnt want to hurt els’ feelings
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els is extremely indignant and harry is just having a good tiem
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okay that’s cool, they edited the OP now that we’ve seen sieglinde with her hood down
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how do these two know each other? I mean I’ll believe it, but I’m curious now.
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so what were the fights we saw last episode? 
I guess prelims for the qualifiers? Which explains how some people are seeded already
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this tournament sure has a sense of the dramatic
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she is actually a rule master school president
and brought her council with her i guess
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I mean, I would take harry fighting just about anyone, but this is an excellent clash of anime character archetypes
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The fact that there is canonically Japanese immigration to midchilda is one of the weirdest things about this setting to me. I mean, Nanoha and Hayate just moving to another planet with magic and magitek and spaceships is weird enough, but Subaru’s family immigrated generations back. How the fuck did that go? Can you imagine being a random Japanese peasant circa the 1700s and then suddenly you’re on a different world that has magic and also computers.
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oh gods
she looks so happy and i love her but her nickname is so stupid
and thats saying a lot considering the competition
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extremely on brand
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… that is the most “go ahead please” face I have ever seen
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and theeeeres the competition making an abrupt return
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i mean, she could still totally call you that even if you win
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i dont know if she planned it in advance, but letting harry see and underestimate her power beforehand was pretty smart
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A ranged attack?
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she just... blew up her own arm
That’s kinda clever. And also really metal.
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Thank you for the reasonable reaction
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the kind of attack name you expect from a girl called buster head
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Well that was fast
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Oh okay they have a set time to get back in the ring. makes sense considering how easy it is for a lot of them to send people flying
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nove suddenly has competition as the best punchy redhead in this show
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shes so good
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…you entered a martial arts competition without looking up the injury rules
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i cant decide if this is smart and practical or really creepy
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that is some powerful simulation
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Idk if it’s just saving on fight animation, but while their powers are cool, the actual fighting technique doesn’t seem equal to what we’ve seen from vivio and einhart
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please get hurt less
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where did that bandaid come from?!
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~tempting faaaate~
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Oh no wait shes pulling on it with her teeth
That’s… more reasonable, I guess?
Still fucking badass
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this is gonna be brutal
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also, anime nosebleed
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i love harry’s emotionally supportive girl gang
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this idiot
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For some mysterious totally not screen-time related reason
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That said, I do like them establishing that vivio&co are unusually talented even by this competition’s standards. I’d have a hard time buying that there are that many fighters on their caliber in the tournament
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because as is well known the inter-middle tournament involves fighting buses
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she’s just from a completely different samurai anime than everyone else
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magic infused or something?
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Oh fuck. 
Okay, scary sword girl vs. the wolkenritter’s student
…and whichever of them wins, vivio still has to fight
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I feel like I have a lot in common with this announcer man
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Is this like a general shyness thing, or an actual issue, or something minor that you’ve made into an actual issue…?
come to think of it, she mentioned leaving the tournament a year ago before she could fight victoria. did she also skip out on fighting mica? or was something in her fight with mica why she left
also, kudos to micaiah for having a sensible nickname
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call and...
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... response
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the purpose of having a gang is to force your friends to be supportive of each other
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How many times do you think vita’s gotten mistaken for a contestant? Actually, how many times do you think she’s got asked if she’s old enough to compete?
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in nanoha terms, i’m pretty sure this counts as a love confession
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Oh yeah, vivio&co have a personal connection to both contestants. That’s gotta be awkward
Also, does everyone bring an entourage to this tournament?
Actually, considering zafira and vita are there, it looks like you get a couple helpers (which I think is a thing in actual fighing tournaments), and presumably most people have a coach or friend or parent, we just happen to have seen a bunch of fighters with minions
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~tempting faaaate~
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Okay, I get the whole “magic doesnt cause actual injuries, we just simulate them” but like micaiah isn’t using magic. That’s a real sword.
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Well that’s a hell of a lot of damage from one attack. I don’t think Miura can afford to be hit again at all. 
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I mean, I don’t know about her but I’m definitely thinking that
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haven’t mentioned this before, but miura’s outfit with the heavy shinguards is really cool and well-suited to her fighting style
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pot meet kettle
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miura backstory! and yeah, this makes a lot of sense. she’s very cheerful, but the way she’s nervous all the time and latches onto team nakajima so quickly makes her seem pretty isolated form her peers
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and here we can see a demonstration of why carrying swords of different lengths is useful. Miura’s within the reach of Mica’s longer sword, so she switches to the shorter one to drive her back
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fancy kick coming up!
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Sword draw? Since she doesn’t seem to have one, I’m guessing it’s a kick that uses similar principles. Now the question is, is Miura’s secret weapon a technique that happens to be similar in principle to Mica’s fighting style, or is it a copying technique?
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1) this is a very pretty shot
2) it would be really funny if instead of powering up her own sword draw, mica just ran over there and stabbed miura before she can power up the breaker
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Didn’t seem to do a whole lot of damage for a special move
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Oh ok, she can keep kicking like that for a while
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Disadvantage of using a weapon: it can be broken
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its pretty interesting that the show sets up various rematches and rivalries and thematic fights that can’t all happen by the design of the tournament. it makes the fights a lot more suspenseful when there would be plot and character reasons for either side to win
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...remember what i said about how wanting to fight people in nanoha is basically a love confession?
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cheesytoucans · 6 years
I know you've watched 137 animes since vivid strike, so you might have already forgotten some things, but do you remember when Einhart was introducing herself to Fuuka and Fuuka was having trouble pronouncing her name, so Einhart with a serious face says "you can call me Haru-nyan"? That's a nickname Sieg came up with, and it was a really cute scene in the manga and since it's my self appointed mission to get you to read it I thought I might show you
fanfox.net/manga/mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha_vivid/v10/c048/20.html Its this page and the next two, the context is that they are in the infinite library searching for a book that is basically the diary of Sieg's ancestor when they lived with Einhart and Vivio's ancestors
I have no idea what you’re talking about, I don’t even like anime. But I totally remember that scene and it was cute as fuck and that scene from the manga is also cute as fuck so thank you for sharing. I don’t know how close Sieg is to Einhart in the manga but I’m gonna go ahead and assume that they’re pretty close in which case I would like to say that I’m glad Sieg is to Einhart like Victor is to Rinne, like this older sister figure who helps them along. Obviously it’s a little different for Rinne because of Rinne’s emotional and violence issues but one of my favorite things in anime is when girls have older girls supporting them so I approve wholeheartedly of this. 
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miky91ftw · 6 years
The Protags of Knights of Almadel 1-10 just for basic introductions!
Thanks for asking! Some of these answer are a bit generic, but on mobile I can’t insert link or stuff, so I’ll probably revise them later. (edit: various link have been added)
1 - Favorite colors:
Nico likes purple. This may or may not be related to the fact that purple is the main color of his rugby team.
Rio prefers pale tones like azure and celadon.
Eli doesn’t have a specific preference, but is usually more drawn to vibrant colours (bonus point if they have unusual names).
Wilfrid likes red.
2 - Collections:
Aside from the shared effort aimed at collecting the Cosmic Eggs (which is not really a collection per se), Eli has a decent stash of comics in her room (her siblings also used to buy them, even if each one had a different taste. for these reason, there are comics from all over the world, such as manga, American comics and European productions).
Rio has a small collection of minerals, which he sometimes threatens to use as throwing weapons against Nico if he doesn’t shut up.
Wilfrid used to be an avid reader and used to collect books.
Nico collects Heismans on a weekly basis. whenwillheeverlearn.jpg
3 - allergies:
Nico has a mild form of pollen allergy! (Spoiler: this is actually an important plot point.)
4 - clothing style/preferences:
Nico prefers loose, comfy clothes. He is more often than not in his jersey/tracksuit. He tends to dislike hats (”you know, you’ll go bald if you wear hats too much. Hair needs to breathe too“).
On the contrary, Rio has a more sober and elegant style, often wearing button down shirts and/or his school uniform even after the classes have finished. Sometimes he overdresses, wearing clothes a bit too much fancy for an otherwise pretty casual occasion.
Balancing between the two there is Eli, which tends to prefer a simple style with an occasional fancy touch. More often than not she wear hand-me-downs from her siblings. Some of her style trademarks are floral patterns and really heavy scarfs/gloves/coats during winter (she kind of suffer the cold).
Fashion-wise, Wilfrid is an oddball, often ascending to actual fashion disaster. Like, how did he even get a customized uniform in black and grey? Somebody should stop him.
5 - first memories:
Nico: playing outside with an old friend of his on a snowy day. Returning home as it began to snow once again.
Rio: the days before meeting Lyris for the first time, when he befriended Marco and saw him use his powers for the first time.
Eli: playing with Marco and her older sister, meeting Nico for the first time at the kindergarten.
Wilfrid: playing with his siblings around their old house, pranking the butler.
6 - favourite/least favourite animal
Nico doesn’t have a favourite animals, but he is not particularly fond of worms and other “slimy things that can be easily chopped”. Ew.
Rio loves his two cats. He used to be a bug nerd before moving onto collecting minerals.
While Eli has been over her infamous horse phase (Nico sometimes teases her about it. He usually regrets this soon after), she has recently grown fond of deers: one of the characters of a videogame she played recently had the appearance of said animal and it was love at first sight. She dislikes centipedes (can you blame her tho?)
Surprisingly, Wilfrid is a dog person. When he was a kid, his family owned a big dog called Josef.
7 - element(This was kinda improvised. I tried to choose images that could both refers to elemental forces/concepts and to the innermost, true nature of the four Knights)
Nico: solid rock, ground, the dark soil
Rio: clouds, mist, the sky when a storm is brewing
Eli: the ember under the ashes, the warmth of the hearth.
Wilfrid: a lightening bolt in the dark, unknown starts glowing in an alien sky
8 - theme song(This part needs to be revised and explained later)
Nico: Tonight, Tonight, Tonight (Beat Crusaders)
Rio: Mowgli’s Road (Marina and the Diamonds)
Eli: La Cura (Franco Battiato) (link to a version with english-translated lyrics)
Wilfrid: the trollolol jingle. No, seriously, maybe something like “Immortal” (by MatD once again) or “Wisemen” (by James Blunt)
9 - faceclaim/voiceclaim(I’ll do a separate post with proper links so that you can actually know what kind of voices I’m talking about)(also, as of now I’ll just put some Italian voiceclaim because they are the one I’m most accustomed with. Later I’ll think about possible English ones)
Nico:Flavio Aquilone  (link to a video with some snippets of his various roles throug the years)
Rio: Marco Vivio (link to a clip where he voices Ron Stoppable from Kim Possibile)
Eli: Veronica Puccini (link to a clip where she voices Rei Ayanami from Evangelion. Keep in mind that this clip is from, I dunno, a lots of year ago, so her current voice is not as shrill as it used to be - tough she is still one of the best italian dubber IMO)
Wilfrid: Patrizio Prata (which btw is Zoro’s Italian voice actor. Note: he also sounds like this)
10 - deadly sin
Nico: sloth
Rio: pride
Eli: greed
Wilfrid: wrath
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italicwatches · 6 years
GAMERS! Episode 01
Nobody participated in the game! Jerks.
I kid, I kid. I love you all.
So now that we’ve hit some of the big shows I’ve wanted to do for a while, it’s time to get at some of the lighter things! And mostly, I mean lighter workload. One-cour specials that I can burn through in a fortnight. Is that how you spell the actual word? The game has been so massively omnipresent over everything I look at that I can’t tell anymore.
…Anyways it’s GAMERS!, episode 01! Here we GO!
-We begin, with a blue sky, a flying plane, and a title pop! Then we scroll down from a school roof, down into a classroom. Everyone’s staring. It’s nearly 4 PM. Two figures stand against each other. Some folks have some pretty amazing faces on. Time is still. Like, full-on ZA WARUDO level time is still.
-And then…The clock finally clicks over. The cicadas start to buzz…And then die. Alas, poor cicada.
-Hard cut to a game store advertising some naughty materials, as a narrator explains how some people are ‘above the clouds’. All the hottest titles for the PZ4 are out in force, and I’m pretty sure I recognize at least one cover. A young man gathers up some older, cheaper games on sale, as the narrator explains how these people might be an idol, a world-stage athlete, someone you truly adore…And for some, it might be a 2D character. As he picks up the game Golden Memories and I swear to god that girl in the center of the cover looks like she was in New Game. Is this from the same studio?
-Most can only watch these figures from afar, a source of distant admiration…So, when the cutest girl in school walked into the game store at the same time as this young man narrating, and suddenly spoke to him, one Amano Keita lost all capacity to get his body and brain to communicate. The entire stack of games (including titles like LEGION OF THE FANTASY, BASE COMBAT, and a baseball game I can’t read but I know I’ve seen that art style in a Japanese baseball game before) falls from his hands, and his eyes turn cartoony as his thought process just breaks.
-And Tendou Karen introduces herself properly…As Keita’s brain hooks together what he knows of her. The rich, call, curvy, flawless young lady of the school, the sort that draws admiration from her fellow girls and adoration from the boys. She’s smart, she’s beautiful, and she’s got amazing athletic results too. She seems almost too perfect to be real.
-The visuals make it clear that all this is going to fall apart. And our sloppy goofy hero is the reason why.
-She’s not famous, but she IS the kind of girl who has to hold a bag under her locker because of how many love notes are gonna fall out when she opens it every day. The idol of the school. Meanwhile, Keita’s a goofy loner dork who’d rather play vidjagames and is firmly in the middle of every metric the school tests him on. Average height, B- grades, damn near perfectly in the middle of all his athletic tests. Like, it’s almost impressive how nondescript he is by the on-paper metrics.
-And his brain is snapping and oh god he’s freaking out HE’S FREAKING OUT OKAY DEEP BREATH CALM DOWN CALM DOWN. She ends up helping him pick up the games, as he begins to wonder if this is going to lead to extortion or something. (The X makes it sound cool) Because he just cannot ponder why Tendou Karen of all girls would be talking to him, in a game store, and not the kind of family-friendly super mainstream one that only sells E rated games your little brother’s heard of, either. There’s an eroge poster right outside.
-As they pick up such games as STOIC BATTLE 2, and Evil ElEmEnt. But then she asks him if he likes these games, and he freaks out so bad he drops them, and now she’s gotta pick them back up because his hands don’t work. And OKAY DEEP BREATH CALM DOWN SHE’S JUST A NORMAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT LIKE YOU NO NEED TO FREAK O—
-She picked up Golden Memories.
-Oh god it’s even worse.
-The game advertises itself as specifically selling blonde-girl fantasies, and includes wardrobe malfunctions.
-You get three guesses as to what color hair Karen has and the first three don’t count.
-And thus now SHE’S having a bit of a freakout and both try to play it off and woooooo boy this somehow managed to get even more awkward. Could a spout of flame please consume him now to end this torment thank you Satan. He has to try and play off why he had a blonde-gals dating sim in his hands and he insists he just was reading it to see what it was about and of couuuurse, she totally understands, yes let us both just lean on this easy explanation that lets everyone walk away…
-But of course Keita is actually kind of a total dork for the design process of them and how tightly they managed to sell a game which is when he realizes he miiiight have oversold it OH GOD TOO FAR PULL OUT PULL OUT
-Yep she’s staring.
-But she breaks out into the giggles, because she’s amazed with his passion about it…And she’s…She’s like him to…To join her…
-In the game club!
-The what now?
-Hard cut to an arcade, with a small group of folks from the same school playing a flashy mahjong arcade game, when a pink-haired young lady needs the help of one guy, Tasuku! There’s an amazing(ridiculous) looking stuffed cat in the claw machine, and he’s got the magic touch…And of course, having a desperate young lady needing his help would turn the eyes of any straight young man.
-But you’re paying for the play. You’re not cutting into his game budget with this thing.
-EVEN BIGGER EYES. Why you little…
-But, okay. Deep breath. In goes 100 yen, and okay, focus, watch the toy…And Tasuku pulls the magic trick, hooking the stuffed cat’s tag with the claw! One play, and it’s in this young lady’s hands! He tries to play it cool, but inside he feels like a total badass having pulled this off for his cute, if slightly ditzy, girlfriend. The visual cue would like to let you know that his pride will soon fall.
-That night, the whole gang finally leaves the arcade…When Tasuku spots Keita over by a bench, just kinda staring down onto the bench? What’s going on with him? …Well, it doesn’t matter. He’s just some dork without a hot girlfriend.
-The visual cues want to let you know that soon this dork and Task’s hot girlfriend will be meeting in secret and Tasuku will fail.
-So Keita is staring, because Karen is explaining. She just started the gaming club, since, well, there isn’t one. It doesn’t even entirely exist yet since she hasn’t done the initial round of recruitment to get the school to accept their existence, and youuuu are her first recruit! And wow, you’re polite. …Chill, Keita. Even her classmates are all super polite. Her teacher is polite to her! Hell, when she plays Mario, Bowser himself is polite! Okay that one has to be bullshit. Maybe it was a bug?
-It did happen after three straight days of trying to beat the speed running world record for the game… You were unconscious and dreaming! Your body collapsed from lack of capacity! The only bug is the one in your damn head that led to you thinking that was a smart thing to do!
-And Karen breaks out into the giggles, having finally gotten through Keita’s shell…As she admits that the gaming thing is a bit of a secret. Her friends don’t really know about it…She even picked this school because it once had a famous gaming club. But…It collapsed, in the time between her testing in and her first day at the school…She spent her whole first year politicking behind the scenes to get the school to let her revive it, and now she’s ready to make it stronger than it ever was! That’s actually impressive.
-But what will it be, exactly…? Well, playing games, of course. But not just that. They’ll be playing them seriously. Competitively. This isn’t just about the love of games. This is about games as self betterment. And for that, she needs the kind of souls who can slam themselves against the wall again and again until they finally, finally break through. And she found one, in you! The wind picks up, the springtime cherry blossoms swirl around them, and Keita is in awe, as he finds himself…
-Finds himself…Unsure what to say…When her mother texts her! She has to get going she’s already breaking curfew wait for her after school tomorrow BYE! Ohgodrunrunrunrunmom’sgonnabesomad
-That night in his tiny little apartment, Keita slacks upon his bed, playing his totally-not-a-PS-Vita. I think I will call it a PZ Vivio, because stupid references are the best references. So anyways he’s playing it, and he can’t help but feel like this game club thing…This could be huge! The event in his youth that he’s been waiting for! Is this a dream? A magical wonderful dream—He just got a text.
-Okay. Deep breath. Pick up the phone. See what it says.
-Oh, it’s just an alert. A game friend, Mono-san, is requesting help in a mobile MMO type deal. Sure. Sure thing. PZ Vivio go down, phone goes up…
-And then we fade over to the cutesy, curly-haired girl who is Mono-san…Just to make it clear what we’re dealing with here.
-Cut to the next day! Class just wrapped, and Keita takes a deep breath, as he has to decide what to do…And Mono-san needs help again? Well, he can take a couple minutes to dive into a boss battle, besides Karen was probably just fucking with hi—
-Yep she went and found him because waiting for him to find her sounded boring. And dang, you play mobile games too, huh? And everyone’s starting to stare. Okay. Okay deep breath they should go to the club room right now! He races out after Karen, having just declined the help request and please forgive him Mono-san…As Tasuku and his group watch this hapless dork walk off with the hottest girl in school.
-To the stairwell! Where we meet Misumi Eiichi! Keith is confused. He’s her other first recruit! She found him at the arcade playing vintage puzzlers! And he’s all kind of embarrassed, as Keita quietly realizes how much of a fucking idiot he was thinking he had a chance at this…
-But then Eiichi extends a hand, and admits he’s not a super sociable guy. But he’d love to be friends with Keita. And…You know what? There’s not a damn thing wrong with ‘just’ making some good friends who he shares a passion with. Keita shakes that hand with both of his own, and it might not be the dating sim fantasy he had in his head, but this still could work out just fine…
-As all three head for the clubroom, where Karen admits she had to do some very cunning work to get them to approve the club…But they get there, and she flips the door sign to reveal it is now OPEN! She even did a custom club sign with cute pixel art on it!
-The place is already kitted out with tons of games and setups, fight sticks and spare pads…And the other recruits. Kase Gakuto, who Karen has to introduce because he’s busy playing. Then, over there playing Guilty Gear is Oohiso Niina. Both of these two are the senpais of the group, and Niina is not listening because all that matters is the Guilty Gear.
-And Gakuto here is one of the top FPS players in the world, as he wrecks face at CSGo. Or as Keita calls it, COS. And Eiichi admits that he really only knows vintage puzzlers. Well they’ll have to teach you!
-And the best part? Everything here was bought over the last year by entering in local tournaments! The school may not be super into games, but they damn well like having trophies to display and students bringing in their own club funds! But what good is a game club if there’s no game playing? Come on, guys, pick something and play~!
-And Gakuto wants to see what these guys can do…
-Straight up first round, team deathmatches in Battlefield. Gakuto wrecks face, with Karen close behind, and the rookie guys do…Poorly. Next round! By the fifth match, Keita is better than two of the bots on his and Gakuto’s team, while Eiichi is slowly but surely improving a little. MORE ROUNDS. 30 rounds in, Keita is actually slipping from sheer exhaustion and Eiichi is getting intense too…
-A full two hours later, and Keita collapses. Karen even has to ask Gakuto to go a little easier on the new recruits, but no. He’s not running a damn training school. You learn or you fall behind. Do you want to be stuck here all on your own again, jerk?
-Also as an aside, they have a legit straight-up Guilty Gear XRD Rev2 poster up on the wall. No BASE COMBAT for that franchise.
-Also Gakuto strongly questions whether Eiichi has really never played one of these before. You got the hang of twin-sticking it really quickly for someone new…And you got three kills on him. Eiichi insists he just got lucky, but at this point I’m pretty fuckin’ sure he’s lying. But whether he’s secretly got practice or just is a fast learner…
-But as for Keita, why the hell did you just stand in that corner jumping up and down on that car in the last round?! He, he wanted to see the scenery past the wall…Well you’re making everyone else on your team’s life harder, you jackass!
-And soon Karen has to calm everyone down and call for a break, as she and Eiichi step out onto the balcony…And Keita just stares, as Gakuto goes right back to CSGO on the PC and I’m not entirely sure Niina even realizes the two newcomers are here. Karen ends up asking what got the two into games…And Keita realizes he doesn’t, really, have one…
-Contrast, say, Gakuto, whose father is in a PMC and so he came into the FPS genre with tons of core practices already in his head that got translated into game mechanics. Or Niina who is trying to pull her best friend back from the dark side. (Your friend turned out to be a Gator, huh? I’ve been there, lass. May your trials serve to bring them back to sanity.)
-And Keita suddenly feels very, very awkward…At least Eiiichi doesn’t have any good reason either, so Keita can just relax, and take a deep thorough drink from his coke can…
-He just lost his memoirs and when he came to, the only thing he was good at was vintage puzzlers.
-Keita suddenly feels like the only sane man in a world gone mad. And Karen tries to lighten the mood and encourage them to stick around. This isn’t about being some world-class gamer. It’s just about the core idea of self-betterment through games, and anyone can do that, no matter where they’re starting off! Eiichi is sold. Give him the form, he’ll be joining!
-And Keita? Well…Keita…
-As he steps out of the room, Gakuto promises to teach him proper team play, and Niina silently shoves an old fight stick into his hands. They might be weird, they might be a bit intimidating, but there’s a kind and genuine heart in their core. This might just work. He can make this work! So he can most definitely say that he’ll—
-Pass! You guys are all super competitive and he’s into single player stuff and RPGs.
-New day! Class! Keita has realized by now how much of a FUCKING IDIOT he was, when his phone buzzes! Mono-san needs his help…Sure, sure thing, that’ll clear his mi—
-Karen appears! And she’s not giving up. Join. Her. Club. She’s interested in you! And that gets everyone to go silent, as she holds out her hand…And the timer on Mono-san’s request ticks down, lower, lower…Keita reaches out, and…Taps it at the last second! What were you saying, Karen?
-…He…Look. He can’t join the game club.
-Why? Is it because you don’t think you’re good enough? They’ll take care of you, rookie or otherwise!
-…No. He’s…He’s not into competition. He likes the love of games. He’s not a competitive guy at all. Your focus is fantastic, but it’s just not for him, so…
-So Karen suddenly feels like she just got dumped. And everyone’s staring. She goes tsuntsun to try and save face but god dammit quit trying to be nice to her! She walks out in tears…Only to slip on a banana peel and faceplate so hard that she’s got to flee at top speed in a panicked sob…
-As Mono-san sends Keita a thank-you note for the save.
-Episode 01: Amano Keita and Chapters of the Chosen
…You fucking stupid idiot.
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dlamp-dictator · 7 years
Allen’s Rambling XVIII: Cute Girls, Fractured Bones, and Villains (Vivid Strike)
What’s this? A Rambling that’s numbered for once? Yeah, I’m a little surprised too folks. 
Anyway, I was going to do this in my Anime Update, but I felt like it’d be better if I just talked about Vivid Strike now while it’s fresh in my mind. Besides, I really wanted to talk about Vivid Strike in depth and I’d like to keep my Updates at no more than 3 paragraphs per anime.
Now, if there’s anything you should know about me, it’s that I love watching shows about cute anime girls. And if there’s anything I love more than watching shows about cute anime girls, it’s that I love watching shows about cute anime girls BEATING THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE IN ONE-ON-ONE HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT. So with that in mind, I totally fell in love with the show Nanoha Vivid, a spin-off/continuation of the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha series. I watched a bit of the dub of that and I have to say I surprised to heard Cristina Vee as Nanoha, and I actually like the story, but… I just wanted to watch the first season of that to get a bit background info. Anyway, Nanoha Vivid focused on Nanoha’s adopted daughter Vivio and her journey as a magical girl/martial artist/MMA fighter. The show had cute girls, martial arts, intense fights, and compelling characters, even if I didn’t know the background and relations of most of them. The only thing I can really strike against Nanoha Vivid is that it felt like I needed to watch all the seasons and spin-offs before that show to truly understand the context of everything, such as Vivio and Einhart’s relationship and past. Other than that, it was a pretty good action show. My favorite fights were Einhart vs. Corona and that giant battle royale in the training phase.
Now with that said, when I learned that Vivid Strike was going to take that same concept of cute girls and martial arts and make an AU of Nanoha Vivid with new characters so I wouldn’t have to do mountains of research, I was instantly sold. I watched that series like it was crack, and I liked it a bunch, it’s something I’d recommend if you guys have Anime Strike or don’t mind shelling out five more bucks along with your Crunchyroll subscription. I finished rewatching Vivid Strike this month and I still like it, but I feel like a lot of potential was wasted.
Let me put it this way: as a martial arts/sports/shounen anime it’s fine, as a story... it’s got some glaring issues. 
Awhile back I said I felt this Vivid Strike was the Rinne Berlinetta Show featuring Fuuka Reventon, and after binge-watching this series I’m convinced that’s the case. For those that don’t know, the basic premise of Vivid Strike is that a rough and tough street fighting orphan, Fuuka Reventon got into a fight with her best friend Rinne Berlinetta, a bullied crybaby at her orphanage and grew apart. Rinne decided to learn martial arts and participate in MMA matches after getting adopted in order to get stronger and end her bullying. While Rinne does get stronger she also turns into a jerk that follows a Darwinist mindset and beats up Fuuka to prove she no longer needs a protect. Fuuka, seeing the dark path Rinne is on, starts to train at a local gym ran figuring the gang from Nanoha Vivid, becoming Einhart’s protégé, and trains to fight and beat Rinne to prove her path is the wrong one.
Simple enough, right? From the sound of that it looks like this show would focus on Fuuka, give details about how exactly her and Rinne grew a part, we learn Rinne’s reasoning for being so ruthless, and then get a kickass fight scene and have happy, fun, lighthearted yuri times. The show does does all that, but… I don’t think it gave Fuuka enough screentime to really sell me on that. The first few episodes focused on Fuuka and her past, but after episode 4 it’s... the Rinne Show. We learn how Rinne grew so cold, how she picked up martial arts, how she feels about Vivio Gang, how she things becoming the Under 15 Champion will make her feel strong, and so on. And Fuuka… we learn she picks up techniques quickly and can probably match Rinne’s with a few months of training, quickly raises through the ranks in the rookie tournament, and can beat Rinne with the power of love and friendship.
Yeah, that’s really it, and what really stings is that her training arc was only covered in the OVAs and not the main story. I feel like I would had liked this series a lot more if it just had Rinne as the main character instead and we only got hints about Fuuka throughout the series. Seeing the cold, cruel, ice queen slowly defrost would had been a great show to see, but... well, what we got wasn’t bad.
And speaking of Rinne, I don’t think the writers really knew how to keep her a villain and likable at the same time, because throughout the series Rinne had:
Hospitalized three students
Emotionally destroyed her opponents after she beat them
Critically injured a member of the Vivio Gang in a match
Was seen as an brutal and violent fighter most of the Magical MMA community
Tried to win her fight against Vivio attempting to break her legs and cause critical injury to end the fight early.
I think those are all the big things, but you get the idea. The happy yuri times happened at the end, but to ignore all these things Rinne is just something I can’t get over. Rinne herself did apologize for all of these things, but the fact the story didn’t punish too heavily for her behavior outside of the beating Fuuka gave her just… leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.
Now, the action was great. I loved all the fights in the show. My favorite being Rinne vs. Miura. As an action show, I was satisfy, but the few glaring issues were just a little too glaring for me to not call out. Overall, I recommend it. Go watch it if you have Anime Strike.
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eiledon · 7 years
20 Questions Meme
I was tagged by @sugirandom!
Answer 20 questions and tag some amazing followers you would like to get to know better!
NAME: Eiledon
NICKNAME: Leelee, Ledon, LedonKate, KitKat. Honestly, since no one can ever pronounce my name, just yelling in my general direction is a surefire way to get my attention.
HEIGHT: 5’5 (last time i checked)
ETHNICITY: Whiter than a piece of paper. But now I’m gonna do that thing that hella white people do. I’m like, 1/4 Scottish, and at least half German, if not more. My grandma was actually born in the UK so I’m only a second generation American. But yeah. I’m hella white, so… Yeah.
FAVORITE FRUIT: Bananas, pears, oranges, apples… I dunno. I get cravings for certain foods ’n stuff so I never really have “favorites”.
FAVORITE  SEASON: I… Honestly don’t know. They all have their pros and cons. Like, winter is pretty from inside, but outside it is a nightmare, spring is beautiful and a nice temp but allergies, summer is void of school and it has my birthday but it’s hot as fuck, and fall has Halloween and smells nice and the leaves are all pretty, but school exists of again and it’s getting colder.
FAVORITE BOOK: Born A Crime by Trevor Noah
FAVORITE ANIMAL: Wolf or Owl (which is funny ‘cause i fucking HATE owls)
FAVORITE BEVERAGE: Dr. Pepper. Oh, and there’s this drink called a Big Luke at my favorite restaurant, Vivio’s. I only ever go there once or twice a year, since it’s in the town near my family’s cabin in Michigan.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Well, I really only need 3 - 5 to function, but I usually get around 6 - 8, depending on when I fall asleep, and if I decided to head back to bed after I wake up in the middle of the night(thanks for the insomnia, dad!).
NUMBER OF BLANKETS SLEPT WITH: Two, usually. I think I might fall back to just one, ‘cause lately I’ve been waking up drenched in sweat, which makes sense because the AC is on AND my window is usually open… (tbh, i hope ive reached menopause hella early in life ‘cause periods SUCK)
DREAM TRIP: EVERYWHERE. I want to travel the world.
BLOG CREATED: I have no idea. Like, maybe four years ago..? Yeah, like 2013 or something(oh my god that was four years ago o—o).
NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: 1,714 last time I checked.
I tag: @geekymushroom, @7thlifeofaaron, @browniebrittle, @ninjacookiexd, @reallyreallylazy, and @sheikah13!
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alteredphoenix · 4 years
At the Valley of the End (Old WIP)(Nanoha)
A/N: This is an old fic on another USB dated August 20, 2012. It was around this time I was writing profusely in the Nanoha fandom (before Warcraft overtook it years later), and unless I have my dates wrong this was way, way before Vivid and the movies came out. I always had a fondness for StrikerS, even though it’s kind of considered the black sheep of the franchise, and I still wanted Force to continue despite the fact that by now it’s not going to (and the fandom collective has purged it from memory in a case of self-inflected amnesia in the same way the Type-Moon fandom attempts to give the Tsukihime anime damnatio memoriae). So I wrote a lot of StrikerS-centric fics - kind of crappy ones now, but I was just a kid back then.
I’m not sure how this fic came about. I think it had something to do with my discontent with Nanoha showing tough love to Subaru and Teana for being too reckless and...just not being punished for it? Because Nanoha’s a fucking monster, and with her magical power it’s a miracle she didn’t outright kill the two of them (you must forgive me, it’s been dinosaur ages since I’ve watched StrikerS let alone the entire series).
So, going over this fic (and trying to jog my memory), I believe the premise was “Teana flips off the TSAB after getting her ass beat and goes rogue in search for more power via Jail, goes off the deep end from said power and gets killed by Nanoha, who, in turn, is so wracked with guilt she becomes an alcoholic that Subaru tries but fails to put a stop to because Vivio’s an impressionable little girl who’s going to notice sooner rather than later if it keeps up.” (If Fate shows up in this, I have no recollection.)
I honestly don’t remember what comes after, other than it being a pretty melancholic and not so happy story. It’s mainly a fic that deals with the fallout of Nanoha’s actions and how they struggle to reconcile with Teana’s absence in their lives.
It began with a bang and drowned in a whisper. No one suspected her to turn away from the path they had laid out for her, but by the time they realized what she intended to do it was far too late to stop her and much more to save her.
Nanoha should’ve known better than to have hurt her. Hayate should have slapped her with a dishonorable discharge on the spot (she didn’t), but she did share Shamal’s fit of conniption over the state of their friend’s condition (because the shard was still there, and the more she abused her power, the more pressure she put into her Linker Core and damn it Nanoha you’re not invincible you’re only human so stop please stop doing pushing yourself).
Nanoha should’ve known better and she tried to make it better, but instead she made it worse and now she was going to live with that mistake for the rest of her life. Subaru couldn’t blame her because she tried too, tried in vain to pick up all the pieces and put them back together. The picture would be cracked (FOREVER) but at least it would (appear) be whole.
After all, Subaru was Teana’s friend – her best friend. Nanoha may have been their teacher and knew just about everything there was about them, but Subaru had been witness to some of the darkest moments in Tea’s life.
She understood, but not as much as Teana. Never as much as Teana.
(She wishes she could have, but wishes don’t come true. They) almost (never do.)
“Gimme another,” says Nanoha; her cheeks are rosy and her voice is colored the faintest tint of a slur. She holds out the shot glass like a beggar pleading for change.
Subaru sighs, hand still on the bottle. “No more.”
“C’mon, just one more hit. I promise I won’t drink anymore.” She reaches out, grasping dumbly for liquid gold.
Subaru pulls it away. “You’ve had enough. Pull yourself together. Rest. If Vivio sees you—“
“Please. I need this.”
She shakes her head. “Last one,” and she fills the glass to the brim.
Nanoha knocks it back as soon as the bottle’s removed. Her chest shakes with a breath that sounds too loud in the empty kitchen. “Gods Above!” she exclaims. She whips her head up and lowers it to the island’s cool metal countertop, chestnut locks shadowing her face. “I didn’t know beer could taste so good!”
“I guess,” Subaru says, screwing the cap back on the bottle. “I hope you know what else beer can do to you, ‘specially when you have too much.”
“Can’t a budding woman be allowed to forget? Just for one day?” The hand not holding the shot grabs a fistful of hair, bones drawn so taut Subaru’s afraid she’s going to pull those strands out and drip blood all over the floor. She doesn’t. Instead she curls in on herself and sniffles. “Won’t you let her disappear?”
(Like Tea did?)
Subaru stomps her heart flat, dams the tide of tears pushing to overflow. She puts the bottle back in its appropriate place on the shelf and shuts the cupboard. She doesn’t dare turn around, meet that crestfallen face. “I can’t,” because if I do, “but it’s too late to be saying that, don’t you think?” I won’t be able to control myself.
The anguish.
The emptiness.
(“Cool your head, neophyte,” the Devil said tonelessly, and the day was set aflame with the subsonic screams of the spell rocketing toward the girl.)
That black rage….
“’Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’” That was what Ginga had quoted a couple years ago. Their father had to be called away for a case and they had the house to themselves. Night was fast approaching and Subaru had an essay on the history of Ancient Belka to finish before tomorrow morning.
Sitting out on the veranda with a six-pack of lemon-lime soda and Subaru’s history textbook opened between them, they had gazed upon the first pinprick of stars twinkling into existence. The air had been cool, comfortable, and it caressed their skin like a lingering snake bite.
“The knowledge the Belkans possessed inspired them to become greater than they had believed to be. With it they unlocked the secrets of nature, of modern-day science, and built upon their primitive foundations. Their understanding of the universe grew, expanded their minds, and bolstered their strength to heights that contested with the reigning dominant worlds of the time.
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katejmannie · 5 years
French Soul, California Roots, Philly Grit (Sosie Wines Recent Releases)
Over the Winter holiday break, I managed to catch up with talented Sonoma-area winemaker and Philly-boy transplant Kieran Robinson, who will soon be opening a tasting room for his wines in the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it one-block section of downtown… Downingtown, PA.
Downingtown is basically my backyard, so I’m very much looking forward to the advent of Robinson’s new digs, and especially to trying to convince him to hire my band for live gigs once the tasting room opens (seriously… I have no shame when it comes to band gigs). But this little blogging vignette isn’t about Robinson’s wines, at least not directly.
Kieran brought along his friend and boss Scott MacFiggen, the main man behind Sosie Wines, and for whom Robinson consults as a winemaker. MacFiggen – who started the Sosie brand after falling in love with French wines in Nuits Saint Georges and falling out of love with the corporate world – has a sort of mutual love-affair with 1WD, and so I was happy to meet and get my grubby lips on more of their Napa-Sonoma-based products.
Sosie is a small outfit – they produce only about 800 cases, and so tend to hy away from the ‘major’ varieties” as MacFiggen puts it. As for Robinson’s decision to consult, he put it this way: “no distributor wants to pick up someone with just one wine; business-wise, that doesn’t work. And you get itches to make new stuff.”
Those itches make for some very satisfying scratches, some of which I’ll attempt to relay in the far less satisfying written word…
  2016 Sosie Wines Roussane Vivio Vineyard (Bennet Valley, $38)
Clocking in at a modest under-14% abv, this is a bit of a rarity for Sonoma Roussane in its lithe, bright profile. “It was about to rain so we had to pick it,” MacFiggen remarked. He summed up the approach to this white as “No amendments – that’s really important to us. We don’t add anything. Sulfer dioxide, that’s it.” That hands-off approach works well here, with textural, toasty, and broad tropical fruit elements mixing in with the lemony acidity and white flower aromas. As is the case with all of Sosie’s wines, the back label is a well-designed (+1 on the font choice, bro!) treatise on the technical aspects of crafting the wine (which means it probably reads like Sanskrit for the average consumer…), as example of which I’ll post here (but will assume the curious are capable of checking out the website for the same details on the other selections).
Fond of detail much?
2016 Sosie Wines Roberts Road Vineyard Pinot Noir (Sonoma Coast, $43)
Roberts road vineyard’s fertile soils produce wines that end up being “a bit too rich” for MacFiggen’s tastes, so they’re dropping it for future releases. Which is a pity, because this all native, 20 percent stem, 50 percent new oak Pinot is a minor wonder. Black tea, deep blackberry like fruit, well developed, spicy tannins with sweet edges… It’s a sexy combination that’s not easy to get when utilizing stem inclusion. “That’s the benefit of the cooler area,” MacFiggen added, “you get longer hang times and riper stems.” Four barrels made, so you hedonists out to grab it while you can.
2016 Sosie Wines Spring Hill Vineyard Pinot Noir (Sonoma Coast, $43)
MacFiggen describes Spring Hill, on the western side of Petaluma, as “right in the edge of being functional. It’s super windy, super wet; I’ve shown up at 11 and couldn’t see the end of the vineyard, it was so foggy. The berries are just minuscule. I call this my Steak Pinot. It’s intense.” Added Robinson: “the soils are non existent, it’s on the brink of being un-growable.” Spicy, earthy, peppery, red and black berries, intense structure, long finish… there’s little (if anything) not to like here. Hints of exotic and citrus fruit, caraway seed, tons of character going on, it’s everything to love about the sort of ‘new California’ Pinot movement.
  2016 Sosie Wines Syrah Vivio Vineyard (Bennet Valley, $38)
Earlier picking, a bit of whole cluster, and 7 percent Roussane co-fermented all come together to make this red the most clearly French-inspired of Sosie’s lineup. There’s excellent floral lift, a bevy of red plums, dark berry compote, wild herbs, mint, bramble, and baking spices. The palate is at once large, smooth, meaty, and long, without losing a sense of composure.
Dying breed…
2016 Sosie Wines Cabernet Franc Stagecoach Vineyard Block K5 (Napa Valley, $80)
I loved – looooooved– the 2015 vintage of this wine. The 2016 is just as excellent. Unfortunately, the vines just got pulled due to virus pressure, a tragedy that I might not get over any time too soon. Black cherry and fantastic herbal spice introduce this tight, taught, young blockbuster, giving way to some grit and grip and lovely graphite notes. Characterful throughout, with dark fruit and even darker mineral notes. “Get it now, because it can never be replicated,” Kieran wisely advised… and I was crying on the inside when I heard it…
Grab The 1WineDude.com Tasting Guide and start getting more out of every glass of wine today!
Shop Wine Products at Amazon.com
Copyright © 2016. Originally at French Soul, California Roots, Philly Grit (Sosie Wines Recent Releases) from 1WineDude.com – for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers! Source: http://www.1winedude.com/french-soul-california-roots-philly-grit-sosie-wines-recent-releases/
from Linda Johnson https://meself84.wordpress.com/2019/02/21/french-soul-california-roots-philly-grit-sosie-wines-recent-releases/ from Sommelier Courses https://sommeliercourses.tumblr.com/post/182961164122
0 notes
static-pouring · 5 years
French Soul, California Roots, Philly Grit (Sosie Wines Recent Releases)
Over the Winter holiday break, I managed to catch up with talented Sonoma-area winemaker and Philly-boy transplant Kieran Robinson, who will soon be opening a tasting room for his wines in the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it one-block section of downtown… Downingtown, PA.
Downingtown is basically my backyard, so I’m very much looking forward to the advent of Robinson’s new digs, and especially to trying to convince him to hire my band for live gigs once the tasting room opens (seriously… I have no shame when it comes to band gigs). But this little blogging vignette isn’t about Robinson’s wines, at least not directly.
Kieran brought along his friend and boss Scott MacFiggen, the main man behind Sosie Wines, and for whom Robinson consults as a winemaker. MacFiggen – who started the Sosie brand after falling in love with French wines in Nuits Saint Georges and falling out of love with the corporate world – has a sort of mutual love-affair with 1WD, and so I was happy to meet and get my grubby lips on more of their Napa-Sonoma-based products.
Sosie is a small outfit – they produce only about 800 cases, and so tend to hy away from the ‘major’ varieties” as MacFiggen puts it. As for Robinson’s decision to consult, he put it this way: “no distributor wants to pick up someone with just one wine; business-wise, that doesn’t work. And you get itches to make new stuff.”
Those itches make for some very satisfying scratches, some of which I’ll attempt to relay in the far less satisfying written word…
  2016 Sosie Wines Roussane Vivio Vineyard (Bennet Valley, $38)
Clocking in at a modest under-14% abv, this is a bit of a rarity for Sonoma Roussane in its lithe, bright profile. “It was about to rain so we had to pick it,” MacFiggen remarked. He summed up the approach to this white as “No amendments – that’s really important to us. We don’t add anything. Sulfer dioxide, that’s it.” That hands-off approach works well here, with textural, toasty, and broad tropical fruit elements mixing in with the lemony acidity and white flower aromas. As is the case with all of Sosie’s wines, the back label is a well-designed (+1 on the font choice, bro!) treatise on the technical aspects of crafting the wine (which means it probably reads like Sanskrit for the average consumer…), as example of which I’ll post here (but will assume the curious are capable of checking out the website for the same details on the other selections).
Fond of detail much?
2016 Sosie Wines Roberts Road Vineyard Pinot Noir (Sonoma Coast, $43)
Roberts road vineyard’s fertile soils produce wines that end up being “a bit too rich” for MacFiggen’s tastes, so they’re dropping it for future releases. Which is a pity, because this all native, 20 percent stem, 50 percent new oak Pinot is a minor wonder. Black tea, deep blackberry like fruit, well developed, spicy tannins with sweet edges… It’s a sexy combination that’s not easy to get when utilizing stem inclusion. “That’s the benefit of the cooler area,” MacFiggen added, “you get longer hang times and riper stems.” Four barrels made, so you hedonists out to grab it while you can.
2016 Sosie Wines Spring Hill Vineyard Pinot Noir (Sonoma Coast, $43)
MacFiggen describes Spring Hill, on the western side of Petaluma, as “right in the edge of being functional. It’s super windy, super wet; I’ve shown up at 11 and couldn’t see the end of the vineyard, it was so foggy. The berries are just minuscule. I call this my Steak Pinot. It’s intense.” Added Robinson: “the soils are non existent, it’s on the brink of being un-growable.” Spicy, earthy, peppery, red and black berries, intense structure, long finish… there’s little (if anything) not to like here. Hints of exotic and citrus fruit, caraway seed, tons of character going on, it’s everything to love about the sort of ‘new California’ Pinot movement.
  2016 Sosie Wines Syrah Vivio Vineyard (Bennet Valley, $38)
Earlier picking, a bit of whole cluster, and 7 percent Roussane co-fermented all come together to make this red the most clearly French-inspired of Sosie’s lineup. There’s excellent floral lift, a bevy of red plums, dark berry compote, wild herbs, mint, bramble, and baking spices. The palate is at once large, smooth, meaty, and long, without losing a sense of composure.
Dying breed… :-(
2016 Sosie Wines Cabernet Franc Stagecoach Vineyard Block K5 (Napa Valley, $80)
I loved – looooooved– the 2015 vintage of this wine. The 2016 is just as excellent. Unfortunately, the vines just got pulled due to virus pressure, a tragedy that I might not get over any time too soon. Black cherry and fantastic herbal spice introduce this tight, taught, young blockbuster, giving way to some grit and grip and lovely graphite notes. Characterful throughout, with dark fruit and even darker mineral notes. “Get it now, because it can never be replicated,” Kieran wisely advised… and I was crying on the inside when I heard it…
Grab The 1WineDude.com Tasting Guide and start getting more out of every glass of wine today!
Shop Wine Products at Amazon.com
Copyright © 2016. Originally at French Soul, California Roots, Philly Grit (Sosie Wines Recent Releases) from 1WineDude.com - for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers! Source: http://www.1winedude.com/french-soul-california-roots-philly-grit-sosie-wines-recent-releases/
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booksandchainmail · 5 years
nanoha vivid liveblog: episode 8
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oh the castle from the op
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and looks like it’s the saint church, makes sense
… this was probably already established, I just forgot
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must be awkward fighting clone jesus in a tournament when youre a nun
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this is a really good point, and also raises questions about vivio’s friends all training together
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some sort of invisibility?
Oh no wait she was the speedster right? So too fast to be seen
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Also, cool device design
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Okay, paying attention during the tournament section of the op this time, and it looks like harry punching with fire, 
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victoria with a polearm and lightning,
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unknown glasses girl with chain circles, chantez with her tonfa (do they spin?), 
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shrine maiden with a katana, 
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miura gets a longer segment, 
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and then sieglinde still hooded
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That is the least trustworthy thing you could possibly say
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called it
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I feel like attacking before your opponent is armed is cheating
Then again, vivio was in a fighting stance and ready to go, so maybe its legit
Also, on a closer look I think chantez’s weapons could also be wielded like swords (edit from later: no kidding she can, her style was listed as dual swords)
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Huh, have we ever seen a non-transforming power up before?
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naruto run
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eye glint! magic is happening her folks
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i will never get over how happy vivio looks all the time when she’s fighting
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dramatic much?
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wait what
(also i promise this looks genuinely worrying when its not a screencap paused on a goofy mouth) 
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oh okay it was a vision? Killer intent or whatever?
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Do not tempt fate like that chantez
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like i said, maybe don’t fight clone jesus in church when you are a literal nun
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it’s the tie club
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awww, they have a family gesture thing
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...okay, those particular kitties are kinda doofy looking around the faces
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agito has good clothes
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thank you for giving this child one soft cute thing, even if it also a weapon
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well fuck now im sad
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oh gods
so they just actually are nerds
okay then
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that’s a really good name that i had completely forgotten from the manga and am now suddenly flashing back to
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this is very fair, and a major disadvantage of being an unarmed fighter. normally that gets mitigated by speed i guess, but no one in this show seems to have trouble swinging giant weapons around, so that might not actually give an advantage
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So golem practice for corona, and maybe some basic review just in case her golem goes down? Though at the level she’ll be competing at, basic skills probably won’t help
More martial arts for rio I guess. It might be better for to be training with her family since she uses their style?
And vivio either needs a weapon, which I kinda doubt based on the shape of this anime, or techniques to counter weapons and range
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With who? I guess it could be chantez, but that seems implausible for the whole “going to be competing against each other thing”
Presumably the tsab group is too busy with work, and hayate has her own candidate, so maybe another number?
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Oh so it was another competitor, and a new character. Bit of a conflict of interest there, but im glad nove has made friends
And holy hells is she experienced
actually, I took a look at the wiki, and nove is technically 17 (barring clone weirdness). Which means she’s younger than this girl, and could totally be participating in this tournament. Honestly, if your teenager’s tournament has coaches who could compete in the age bracket they’re coaching it’s probably a sign you should narrow the brackets. 
That said, I’m guessing nove doesn’t compete because this is a civilian tournament, and even four years on I doubt she sees herself as a civiliain
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So… do you have any strengths?
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... they used to belong to jesus, so if anyone you’re fighting is religious it’ll throw them off?
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Okay, I thought nove was just going to go for some sagebrecht power thing, given the eyes association, but using the cradle would probably disqualify vivio
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~magical girl show technically~
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called it!
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didn’t call it!
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Yeah, nanoha probably has access to a hell of a lot of training materials, plus footage of high power fights
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oh, for chris? didn’t think of that
... the fact that he’s looking for this on his own raises disturbing questions about how sentient devices are
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this reminds me a lot of bnha where baby izuku watches all might, except its just a tiny plushie
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Oh that’s gonna be hard for rio
Though they both have similar personalities I think? And maybe both use flames? So could be a fun matchup
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So that’s sword girl against vivio? And her weakness is weapons, and that girl has a long sword…
Honestly kinda surprised it doesn’t look like einhart and vivio will fight each other
Maybe they’re saving that for past the qualifiers? But honestly with the power levels we’ve been shown, idk if vivio could make it realistically, and idk how much this show will push protagonist plot powers
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So we do have two of our protag group in direct competition, but not a pairing that’s thematic
And no mention of who else is in that group. Probably at least one other important character? Victoria or sieglinde would have belkan relevance to einhart
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theyre also so sweet and kind about violence
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good team name!
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Every group competing at once is probably the only practical way to get through this many people, but it must be annoying if two good/personal matches are on at once
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this year’s contestants are noticeably more anime than the girls in the video from earlier
also, are there any guys in this thing? there’s no mention of it not being co-ed, so i guess were just running on nanoha rules of very few guys existing
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His voice is so deep
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There are at least 367 contestants in this thing? Even with six matches at once, that’s at least 60 rounds, and those things could run for a while
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Oh she’s tiny and excitable, it’s like vivio’s mirror
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also they can’t use devices this round, which makes things fairer I guess. Probably non-device weapons are allowed, otherwise this would bias towards hand-to-hand fighters, but this levels the playing field in terms of money and equipment
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Someone weve never seen before, who’s disparaging towards our protagonist… yeah she’s going down
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she is so nervous
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in utter contrast to literally all of teachers being battle hardened knights
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so she’s kicking focused? a good contrast to all the punch girls
also, im a big fan of miura’s opponent
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MAGICAL GIRL LYRICAL NANOHA: where tiny girls beat up teenagers
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Oh so that’s the personally important matchup they’re going for
also i guess it isn’t one ring per group
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cheesytoucans · 6 years
*grin* I like the car ramble, it also helps me understand cars more! And I like that story about your friend because it sounds like the kind of thing Fate would do, if you didn't know her. I definitely think she's going to purchase a car with her favorite colors. Ooh! Here's the thing, when did Fate become a car nut? Do you think it's something she learned on Earth or on Midchilda? I feel like before this she did't *get* cars until she was behind the wheel herself.
pt.2 I feel like the moment the adoption papers went through she and Nanoha to buy the minivan (in Vivid) together. She still has her car/s in storage but she only brings them out if it’s just her or Nanoha and her are alone. I wonder, if Vivio will ask to learn to drive from Fate when she gets old enough? (I doubt even with the adult body Fate would allow Vivio to drive, especially her fast cars!)
yeah I definitely feel like Fate didn’t even think about cars until she was like 16 or whenever you’re allowed to start driving in Japan and Lindy offered to teach her a bit before they move to mid permanently since going by strikers it seems like that’s a skill she was going to need. So you know you start learning in a parking lot and it’s boring and slow or like nerve wracking if your parent is yelling at you the whole time, but Lindy is pretty laid back and Fate is a really smart kid so I’m sure that went just fine. But I don’t think it would click for Fate until Lindy told her to go ahead and get on a main road and once she actually gets to step on the accelerator hard for the first time I think the gears would turn in Fate’s head so quick, like “oh… this is fun… I like going fast” and then it would be fucking over. 
Also let’s be honest, Fate probably cried the first time she had to drive a minivan of all things, she knew it was for the best, not putting a toddler into a flying death machine of all things, but she still hated it, probably made Nanoha drive it at first.
But Vivio totally asks Fate to teach her to drive one day, in that aspect Fate is definitely the fun parent. Vivio probably brings it up to Nanoha one day like oh I’m old enough to start driving now and Nanoha just tells her to go call her other mother, she knows Fate wants to be the one to do this. Fate probably does her best to keep Vivio away from the really nice cars at first, you definitely shouldn’t let a teenager drive an audi for their first driving experience, but Vivio is smart and tenacious like both her mothers and Fate is easy so it probably didn’t take too long to convince her to at least let her ride along with Fate. So that’s how it starts, Fate takes Vivio out for a spin in something like the R8 now that she’s older, and Vivio can be a bit of a wild child when she wants to be and she just fucking loves it.
Nanoha honesty probably expected this outcome, she knows how her wife and child are, she knows that Vivio can take after Fate in some unexpected ways, and really she’s probably cool with it too. You don’t allow your kid to be a combat sport but don’t want them to drive fast cars, and you know Vivio is a really good kid and I don’t think she would ever do anything too dangerous. Also this probably gets Einhart curious about nice cars too cause she also seems like someone who would be into that and basically they’re power couple 2.0 in many different ways. 
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Last time on Nanoha, Jail got a very fancy cradle for all of his cyborg kids.  Has all the best features: dimensional warp drive, shielding, laser cannons, forest parkland on the deck… Anyway, Nanoha is not happy about this as it’s powered by her kid, and so things will presumably get violent very shortly.  Let’s find out just how violent with episode 20, “Infinite Greed”.
* Carim blames herself for not understanding her own prophecy, while Hayate tries to reassure her by saying nobody can know the future.  Despite the fact that they’re talking about a prophecy.  That foretold the future.
* Chrono calls up to tell Hayate that the Saint’s Cradle has just been officially designated Lost Logia: Highly Dangerous, so the fleet is moving in and her force has full permission to act.  It’d be kinda neat to see ship to ship fighting in this show, but given the nature of the show I don’t think that’s gonna happen.
* Uno’s plan as explained to the others is to get gain enough altitude and move to the proper position that they can use the Saint’s Cradle to use the magic of both of Midchilda’s moons to fuel an assault on the surface.  If they can pull that off, they’ll be able to hold the entire planet hostage, meaning the TSAB fleet won’t be able to touch them.
* Huh, apparently Vivio had been cloned from the Belkan equivalent of the Shroud of Turin.  Though the way it’s phrased makes it sound like there are multiple “Belkan king” clone embryos out there, and Vivio’s just the one that was used.  And the priest who did it did so because… a cute girl asked him to.  What.
* Sein also asked about the High Council, as apparently they’re the ones who gave them funding besides Regius, and also approved of the artificial mage and Gadget projects.  And the “revival” of Lutecia and Zest, which it seems Regius did not know about given the way he practically wet himself when he saw who was coming to kill him.
* Ah, so Regius funded the cyborgs, while the High Council funded artificial mages and relics.  Both thinking this would help keep things safe, while breaking every law out there and putting their trust in a mad scientist. *slow clap* Great plan, there. Ends justifies the means, right? Yeah, this kind of crap is one of the many reasons why that philosophy is bullcrap.
* Out in the shadows the viewscreens of the High Council aren’t happy about this sudden yet inevitable betrayal.  But they don’t want to kill Jail because he might still be useful.  These guys are completely incapable of learning, aren’t they?
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* … Those are brains in jars.  WHY IS THE HIGH COUNCIL A BUNCH OF BRAINS IN JARS?!  WELL I GUESS WANTING JAIL AROUND ISN’T THE ONLY BAD DECISION THEY’VE MADE, AS AT SOME POINT THEY APPARENTLY DECIDED TO BECOME BRAINS IN JARS!  Also they apparently want the Cradle themselves to install a fascist ruler who will in turn take orders from them.  Because fascist rulers are well known for wanting to listen to others once they have power.  Well let the record show, just because you’ve got nothing but brain that doesn’t mean it’s a very smart brain.
* Incidentally, who do the Brains have for their Pinkies?
* I think that musical sting was supposed to indicate that the woman taking care of the brains was the woman that seduced the priest?  Kinda hard to tell with the lighting and anime face.
* One of the Three Admirals calls up Chrono to exposit to him about the nature of the High Council, and that they were the ones who founded the TSAB.  The admiral also claims that Regius and the brains have always strove to preserve the peace.  Hayate points out that they’ve done a crap job if that’s the case as they trusted a known criminal and now they have a giant warship and an army of drones above the cities, meaning the peace just went down the crapper thanks to their “plans”.  Regardless of intent, thanks to them they now have a madman with a spaceship on their hands, and they have to do something about that.
* Fate apologizes to her kids that they ended up getting placed into different teams when Hayate decided to split the party, but the kids are more worried that she’s gonna go Rambo and try to take on Jail herself.
* Signum exposits what she’s found out about Zest.  He was once a mage in the TSAB who was a friend of Regius, but supposedly died 8 years ago.
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* Oh hey, family portrait. Should make keeping track of who’s who easier as the collar isn’t always in a good spot to read.
* Nanoha and Vita break the news to the kids that they’re on their own for this mission.  But Nanoha tries to encourage them by telling them to close their eyes and remember their training.  These are very painful memories for them.
* Subaru needs a bit of extra encouragement, even though that’s the opposite of what Subaru had stuck around for.
* As Storm Raider carries the kids off to their battle the adults drop out of the bottom of the Arthra, and Carim completely removes their limiters.  Even Hayate’s.  Full power, total destruction!
* Fate flies up to Nanoha and tells her that she knows Nanoha won’t listen to anybody about not using her dangerous forbidden powerup, but that she’d appreciate it if Nanoha didn’t overdo it when she does inevitably use the thing.  I can only image the ulcers Fate would end up getting if Nanoha ever learned the Kaioken.
* Nanoha retorts that Fate’s just as likely to use her own forbidden powerup.  I swear, these two… this is what happens when shonen heroes fall in love.  Even if they are magical girls.
* Oh look, the woman who was taking care of the brains is one of Jail’s minions.  And she just killed two of them with cyborg claws before starting to monolog to the remaining brain.  I’m guessing she would be Due then.  Well, can’t say I’ll miss the brains.  Really, they were stupid enough to trust a mad scientist.
* On a sperate note, huh, we’re getting to see a character in this series actually make a kill. Mind you they’re brains in jars so there’s not a whole lot of gore here, but a kill is a kill.
* So the brains didn’t just hire Jail.  They created him.  And the code name for the project was Unlimited Desire.  Yeah, smooth going there guys.  Due even spells out that power you can’t control is inevitably going to come back to bite you, and that they were doomed from the moment they created the not-so-good doctor to do their dirty work.
* The episode ends with the TSAB mages going to town on the Cradle’s Gadget escort, and Chrono being informed the fleet will reach firing range in three hours.
 That episode took some unexpected twists.  You wouldn’t really expect brains in jars from a show called Magical Girl Magical Nanoha. You also wouldn’t expect them to kill the brains in the same episode.  But well, Due wasn’t wrong about that outcome being inevitable.  The brains metaphorically played with fire, and they got burned.  And by burned I mean they died, and their entire world is now in danger because they ignored the advice of never calling up something you can’t put back down. Stupid brains.  But beyond that it would seem the actual action was put off at least one more episode, as this was all pretty much exposition.  But it was exposition that left the viewers with a lot more answers rather than questions.  Other than “who thought it would be a good idea to take orders from brains in jars”?  Apparently not Jail and Hayate at least, though Regius and the Admirals seemed to disagree on that.  I think this would be one of the subjects I agree with Jail about.
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sommeliercourses · 5 years
French Soul, California Roots, Philly Grit (Sosie Wines Recent Releases)
Over the Winter holiday break, I managed to catch up with talented Sonoma-area winemaker and Philly-boy transplant Kieran Robinson, who will soon be opening a tasting room for his wines in the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it one-block section of downtown… Downingtown, PA.
Downingtown is basically my backyard, so I’m very much looking forward to the advent of Robinson’s new digs, and especially to trying to convince him to hire my band for live gigs once the tasting room opens (seriously… I have no shame when it comes to band gigs). But this little blogging vignette isn’t about Robinson’s wines, at least not directly.
Kieran brought along his friend and boss Scott MacFiggen, the main man behind Sosie Wines, and for whom Robinson consults as a winemaker. MacFiggen – who started the Sosie brand after falling in love with French wines in Nuits Saint Georges and falling out of love with the corporate world – has a sort of mutual love-affair with 1WD, and so I was happy to meet and get my grubby lips on more of their Napa-Sonoma-based products.
Sosie is a small outfit – they produce only about 800 cases, and so tend to hy away from the ‘major’ varieties” as MacFiggen puts it. As for Robinson’s decision to consult, he put it this way: “no distributor wants to pick up someone with just one wine; business-wise, that doesn’t work. And you get itches to make new stuff.”
Those itches make for some very satisfying scratches, some of which I’ll attempt to relay in the far less satisfying written word…
  2016 Sosie Wines Roussane Vivio Vineyard (Bennet Valley, $38)
Clocking in at a modest under-14% abv, this is a bit of a rarity for Sonoma Roussane in its lithe, bright profile. “It was about to rain so we had to pick it,” MacFiggen remarked. He summed up the approach to this white as “No amendments – that’s really important to us. We don’t add anything. Sulfer dioxide, that’s it.” That hands-off approach works well here, with textural, toasty, and broad tropical fruit elements mixing in with the lemony acidity and white flower aromas. As is the case with all of Sosie’s wines, the back label is a well-designed (+1 on the font choice, bro!) treatise on the technical aspects of crafting the wine (which means it probably reads like Sanskrit for the average consumer…), as example of which I’ll post here (but will assume the curious are capable of checking out the website for the same details on the other selections).
Fond of detail much?
2016 Sosie Wines Roberts Road Vineyard Pinot Noir (Sonoma Coast, $43)
Roberts road vineyard’s fertile soils produce wines that end up being “a bit too rich” for MacFiggen’s tastes, so they’re dropping it for future releases. Which is a pity, because this all native, 20 percent stem, 50 percent new oak Pinot is a minor wonder. Black tea, deep blackberry like fruit, well developed, spicy tannins with sweet edges… It’s a sexy combination that’s not easy to get when utilizing stem inclusion. “That’s the benefit of the cooler area,” MacFiggen added, “you get longer hang times and riper stems.” Four barrels made, so you hedonists out to grab it while you can.
2016 Sosie Wines Spring Hill Vineyard Pinot Noir (Sonoma Coast, $43)
MacFiggen describes Spring Hill, on the western side of Petaluma, as “right in the edge of being functional. It’s super windy, super wet; I’ve shown up at 11 and couldn’t see the end of the vineyard, it was so foggy. The berries are just minuscule. I call this my Steak Pinot. It’s intense.” Added Robinson: “the soils are non existent, it’s on the brink of being un-growable.” Spicy, earthy, peppery, red and black berries, intense structure, long finish… there’s little (if anything) not to like here. Hints of exotic and citrus fruit, caraway seed, tons of character going on, it’s everything to love about the sort of ‘new California’ Pinot movement.
  2016 Sosie Wines Syrah Vivio Vineyard (Bennet Valley, $38)
Earlier picking, a bit of whole cluster, and 7 percent Roussane co-fermented all come together to make this red the most clearly French-inspired of Sosie’s lineup. There’s excellent floral lift, a bevy of red plums, dark berry compote, wild herbs, mint, bramble, and baking spices. The palate is at once large, smooth, meaty, and long, without losing a sense of composure.
Dying breed…
2016 Sosie Wines Cabernet Franc Stagecoach Vineyard Block K5 (Napa Valley, $80)
I loved – looooooved– the 2015 vintage of this wine. The 2016 is just as excellent. Unfortunately, the vines just got pulled due to virus pressure, a tragedy that I might not get over any time too soon. Black cherry and fantastic herbal spice introduce this tight, taught, young blockbuster, giving way to some grit and grip and lovely graphite notes. Characterful throughout, with dark fruit and even darker mineral notes. “Get it now, because it can never be replicated,” Kieran wisely advised… and I was crying on the inside when I heard it…
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Copyright © 2016. Originally at French Soul, California Roots, Philly Grit (Sosie Wines Recent Releases) from 1WineDude.com – for personal, non-commercial use only. Cheers! Source: http://www.1winedude.com/french-soul-california-roots-philly-grit-sosie-wines-recent-releases/
from Linda Johnson https://meself84.wordpress.com/2019/02/21/french-soul-california-roots-philly-grit-sosie-wines-recent-releases/
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