#I’m gonna text my manager like these r my breaks u can schedule me :)
I’m really out here making so many promises let’s see how many I can keep
#I’m like omg I actually cannot stand my college so like I’ll gladly stop by every long weekend I have to work#and yes. I’ll gladly do that. Will I have time? the effort? that’s a long trip#like for sure I’ll be there over the winter break but like still#I’m gonna text my manager like these r my breaks u can schedule me :)#no also like I’m fully aware I’ll be back so like why am I so sad about leaving???#like I’m not gonna see these people in like a month or 2#also like I wanna tell people I’ll miss them but god knows the words won’t leave my mouth that’s too close to a human emotion#my face resting looks pretty miserable but being at work keeps me pretty entertained so my face is rarely resting#i was waiting on something tonight and one lady was like what’s wrong :( and I’m like bestie that’s just my face I always look a little sad#and like 3 different people were like no you always look so happy!!#oh also I have freezing hands all the time and love bothering people and one lady was like well you know what that means#if you’ve got cold hands you’ve got a warm heart. and that’s definitely true with you#same woman who told me there’s about 4 billion and 4 cups of tea brewed a day. is she my favorite person? easily#no I told her that too today she said something nice and I’m like u know I think ur one of my favorite people here#and I’m like. oh so mouth and head r running separately ok that almost sounded like I care (I do and will not admit it)#that’s so funny that I can’t just be like I’m gonna miss you :( I gotta be like u know ur one of my favorite people#like girl please#soup talks
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izukult · 4 years
haiykuu boys react to a long distance partner surprising them
characters: hinata, kageyama, oikawa, sugawara, nishinoya, tsukishima
established relationship | warnings: swearing, my fan behavior, why are my head canons so long in this gd it’s like a tiny story without structure
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hinata shōyō
-SUNSHINE BOY (i went crazy for this one i’m so sorry)
-you were sugawara’s old middle school penpal which turned online friend
-so obviously you’d heard about his volleyball team and the new first year star players
-and one thing led to another where he introduced you to hinata
-actually you were facetiming suga and you saw hinata and told your old friend you thought the tangerine boy was cute and then koushi “accidentally” put you in a gc together
-you and hinata have been dating for about four months
-you’ve heard everything to a t, including small little remarks from tsukishima to every toss, kill, and miss your boyfriend and kageyama managed
-side note but it’s so cute this boy is so whipped for you if you don’t respond for a certain amount of time he’ll find some dumb excuse to talk to suga just so he can shift the convo to making sure you’re safe
-so you’re going to meet suga finally
-like FINALLY you’re so excited
-but you’re also boutta see your boyfriend!!!!!!
-buuuuuuuuuut your boyfriend didn’t know
-so it’s safe to say you were a little nervous about it
-you made suga swear up and down that he wouldn’t tell any of his teammates that you specifically were coming, but he did ask to make sure it was okay to have a semi open practice
-so you’re standing outside the volleyball gym with sugawara, backpack with hinatas favorite snacks over your shoulder. practice had already started so suga was late, but he still stood outside with you and let you prepare yourself
-you felt like you were about to throw up even though that’s shoyo’s thing
-suga walks in before you and you follow shortly after, holding in a sharp breath.
-there he was. standing on the other side of the gym, talking to who you knew as kageyama
-he hadn’t seen you yet, but other member of karasuno had
-”yoo who’s this hottie” bald, flirtatious, you had to assume its tanaka
-hinata was in the middle of jumping for a spike when he saw you, and he froze and fell to the ground, stumbling to keep his balance
-the gym got quiet at the tangerines reaction, but he was just staring at you.
-and then he was doing that “woosh” run he always told you about and before you knew it his arms were around your waist and his head was buried in your shoulder.
-everyone (literally EVERYONE) was looking at you two but you just laughed and placed a hand in his hair (which, holy fuck, is soft)
-you mouthed an apology to suga and he shrugged you off, and focused your attention back on the boy in front of you
he pulled back just enough to look at you, leaving his hands to rest on your back. his eyes were filled with tears (cute) and he offered you a smile.
“you’re here” his voice was quiet, for once, but it didn’t have any lag this time. and it was so fucking beautiful.
“i’m here.” you nodded, eyes scanning the features of his face. he chuckled lightly, a tear falling to his cheek as he shook his head.
“you’re so pretty.” his voice was watery and he moved his head back in your shoulder before you could utter a compliment back.
-he stayed attached to you for like minutes okay and this man completely ignored the teasing of his classmates.
-eventually you tried to pull him off you so he could get on with practice (and so you could watch him practice) but he refused to get off
-”bubs. babe. honey. you gotta get up”
-”hey hey hey, what about showing me a cool spike?”
-”i am literally asking you to do your favorite thing in the world sho,”
-”new favorite thing is holding you.”
-eventually you did get him off of you and he practiced the HARDEST he had
-after practice he introduced you to everyone as his girlfriend even though you’d literally been introduced to them like an hour before
-his eyes stay on you and he constantly tells you how pretty you are face to face and how you smell good and how soft your hands are
-it would sound stalkerish if you werent whipped
-its ok hes whipped too
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kageyama tobio
-no idea how youd meet this mf online
-maybe some volleyball forum or like arguing over which setter was betting in youtube comments
-or if you know nothing about volleyball,,,,
-i have no fucking clue BUT
-he doesnt mind long distance honestly
-he doesnt have to get worried about completely embarrassing himself and he never has to make like physical moves
-but he does wish he could hold your hand sometimes.
-but he ignores it🙄
-so you are like obsessed w this bitch u r in love w him🤢🤢
-and ur a good 90% sure he luv u too
-so you plan a trip to him
-you do it all out. you talk to his mom, you find the cheapest hotel that’s perfect distance between his house and his school bc ur just that cool
-and you even make up an excuse to kageyama for why you won’t be on your phone during the flight
-you know he’s gonna be at practice bc you know his schedule cos gf things
-you stocked up on banana milk (aka you brought like four)
-you hit him up yknow yknow
- “hey bubs i’m back<3 how’s practice going?” you’re literally standing outside the gym but you want to make sure you’re not coming in at a bad time
-after like three minutes he texted u “good:). just got done with a practice set.”
-so now you’re going and you’re excited and you’re Nervous
-you open the door and you’re met with a rly tall guy with a headband on
-“hi, can i help you?”
-“uh, is kageyama here?” and he turns his head, and you follow his eyes, and there he is
-and he’s already staring at you
-a ball is lightly held in his hands
-if anyone who didn’t know him saw him they would genuinely think he’s angry
-but it was kinda the same look he’d give you when you talked about things you cared about on facetime
-so maybe that’s love? 😳😳😳
you give him a little wave
-“sup kags”
-he’s just staring
-blankly staring
-which you should’ve expected
-“sorry, are you mad? i should’ve told you i was coming, that’s my bad i just thought i could surprise you and it would be really nice and then you wouldn’t be stressed out sorry-“
-literally why are you saying all this all of his teammates just like “wtf”
-he shook his head quickly and opened his mouth to say no but just continued to stare
-“i- uh- you want to watch me set?”
-you LAUGH. and i mean LAUGH girly and he just turns all kinds of red and you know his team is gonna be on him for that
-“yea! if that’s like, allowed?” daichi doesn’t care so you are literally balling
-you watch him play and like at first he’s REALLY awful like rly bad but then he kind of tunes everything out (i.e. you) and gets back in his groove
-afterwards he comes over to you and asks you what you think and he’s looking at you like this is normal but you can tell he’s shaking and he kisses your forehead REALLY REALLY FAST and mumbles a quiet “i’m glad you’re here”
-he opens up w affection more along the trip
-he appreciates the banana milk. sm.
-from then on out he constantly brags ab having a gf to the team
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oikawa tooru
-he suspects smth is up to be honest
-he’s like “ohhh shawty gon do sum😫”
-(he doesn’t fucking call you shawty)
-but to be fair he figured more like you were gonna send him smth rather than send yourself
-surprise again he’s AT PRACTICE who would’ve guessed
-but this time you come at the end of practice because seijoh has like set schedules and oikawa tells you everything so
-you’re just standing by the door waiting for him to come out, ignoring the literal group of girls forming at the end of the hall knowing dAmn well they are your bf’s fangirls
-oh well
-you hear his voice before you actually see him
-he’s giving someone tips on their serves and you hear someone make a snide remark at him and you only assume its iwa
-he’s in the middle of a sentence and he just stops.
-there’s a good couple of seconds where he completely loses composure
-which is not tooru like
-you took a step closer and smiled
-”is this the oikawa tooru fanclub?”
-”nah it’s actually the oilykawa hate club” it’s the same voice from earlier and it’s definitely iwa
-you laugh a little and keep looking at your boyfriend
-”that’s even better”
-he just walks up to you and gives you a real, genuine smile
-pushes a piece of hair behind your ear
-and KISSES u
-”what are you doing here, pretty? come to see me play? if so, i hate to break it to you, but you’re late”
-you just roll your eyes and kiss him again
-once you two are alone he literally cries
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sugawara koushi
-literally the only one who can keep his cool out of all these mfs (aside from tsukishima)
-however, when you show up to his practice wearing the hoodie he sent you like two months earlier, he lost his shit
-you set it up with daichi and everything beforehand.
-(and daichi literally made sure suga would look like a setting genius the day you showed up)
-he had just made a really good set when you walked in and you clapped
-”nice one, koushi”
-he looks at you like 😦 & is just like “you- what- you’re- how- why?”
-lol and then he goes on “not why like i’m not happy you’re here just how”
-and all the third years think it’s so funny to be honest, because typically suga can keep his cool
-he eventually gains his cool and shines you one his signature amazing smiles (which, is somehow better face to face)
-omg he goes over to you and once he gets there he turns to his teammates and like
-”this is my s/o!!!”
-mf is BEAMING
-he’s so happy
-you find out right after he gives literally the best hugs ever i live by that and i will die by that
-he doesn’t kiss you til you two are alone
-and its so fucking sweet and personal he puts his forehead on yours and tells you you’re the most beautiful person hes ever seen
-he is literally so in love w you
-i love him.
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nishinoya yü
-ok he’s so loud
-literally the second he gets a gf everyone knows
-he shows the team pictures of you literally anytime one of them will look
-he luvs u
-he is your BIGGEST fan no doubt
-you make a nice meal? he wants to post about it
-you have a nice outfit? he will put it on his story
-you breathe? expect an “omg baby im so proud of u”
-so when you show up, he reacts the way you expect him to
-so like obviously this man isnt checking his phone during practice
-but he puts his phone on dnd and has you as his only favorite contact
-so you can text him if its an emergency during practice
-you know that, he knows it, the team knows it
-he gets the little ping!
-and he’s out the game
-no one is recovering the ball #peaceout
-he jogs over to check because you never text his number during practice bc you respect his passion for volleyball
-the text just says “come outside:))”
-he’s like wtf?? but bitch gonna do what u say😐
-he sees you and he just yells “holy shit” so loud dude
-daichi goes to call him on his language but steps outside and sees the short libero hugging the person they’d all seen in the photos, he just goes quiet
-nishinoya will not shut up as he hugs you
-he’s literally just hyping you up and asking you literally every single detail about how you’re there, where you’re staying, when you’re leaving, how your flight was, everything
-you just kiss his forehead :)
-literally only good vibes
-you guys have such a good trip bruh
-after you leave he literally just cries while looking at pics of you two together
-^ he took so many pics and vids of you pls
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tsukishima kei
-unlike the others, you wouldn’t meet him at practice
-you don’t really know his team, nor does he tell you about them outside of mostly complaining
-you do know tadashi, but like you’ve only talked to him in a gc all three of you are in and never like alone
-you did not tell him you were coming because you’re 100% convinced he would’ve accidentally told tsuki even though he can keep his own shit secret lol
-you just show up at his door when you know he’s home
-and he’s texting you as you’re there and he had actually had a moderately rough day so you told him you were gonna order him food from his favorite restaurant
-which, technically wasn’t a lie you just had to make an extra stop
-you knock on his door (once you’ve prepared yourself because you honestly have no idea how he’s going to react)
-and he opens it ready to give a half hearted thank you to some delivery guy
-but instead his s/o
-he just stares at you
-he looks like a fish
-after like fifteen seconds you decide to try to break the ice bc you are nervous
-”delivery here for uh one…” you pretend to look at the paper, you’re doin a whole skit here “one dumb bitch. are you dumb bitch?”
-he just rolls his eyes and shoves your head
-he walks back but he leaves the door open
-”take your shoes off”
-he’s not even looking at you smh but you smile so fucking wide bc that’s the kind of reaction you were honestly hoping for
-(what you don’t know is he will literally break his whole hard exterior act if he looks at you right now and he is not ready for that)
-you put the food on the table and move to stand next to him
-and after a bit he finally looks at you
-and you look at him
-and you smile
-and he does too,, kind of
-(which is so fucking cute,)
-and you just keep starin at him and bite your lip to keep from grinning
-and after a couple minutes you clear your throat
-”can i hug you?”
-bro he’s so fucking whipped he doesnt even answer he just wraps his arms around you and puts his head on top of yours
-and he mumbles a thank you and its so fucking SWEET
-he does open up more the longer you’re there and u have a very good trip mwah in luv
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koutarouthighs · 4 years
『 orange slices 』
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S U M M A R Y ― orange slices are usually eaten during or after sports events to replenish hydration, vitamins, and antioxidants; these characters can be forgetful, so what will you do to help them remember that sometimes it’s important to take care of themselves even though all they want to do is get lost in the game of volleyball?
post type ➺ headcanons fandom  ➺ haikyuu!! characters  ➺ daichi ⧾ bokuto ⧾ kuroo genre ➺ fluff tags ➺ college!au; established relationship;  word count ➺ 2k+ request ➺ [YES/NO]      ↳ request here!
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⤭ people always tease you and daichi, calling you mom and dad, or playing around and saying, “oh, it’s like you two are already married!” and you suppose, most of the time, they’re right. you two just click. ⤭ you try to make it to as many of daichi’s intramural games as possible, given your busy school and work schedule. and every time, without fail, whenever he spots you on the green chatting with another one of the player’s girlfriends, that signature little bento box is seated safely beside you. ⤭ after the game is over, he snags one last refill of water from the team jug before jogging over to you, standing in the way of the sun so you’re not blinded when you look up at him. although, he shines brightly enough all on his own that it’s still tough not to narrow your eyes even just a little. ⤭ he makes small talk with the girls around you, their boyfriends slowly trickling in as they wrap up from their games. daichi sits next to you, hand on your knee, careful never to interrupt or overstep, always aware of you in every capacity. there is laughter as you all share stories about your least favorite professors and that one assignment you just can’t shake. ⤭ daichi waits until his stomach growls to make a move for the bento, knowing that the box is big enough for the both of you. you unravel it carefully, putting the cloth wrapping to the side before allowing him to unlock the lid.
more below the cut ↴
daichi’s eyes practically roll into the back of his head as the steam from the still-warm meat and rice wafts upward to his face. he sighs and leans forward, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek before taking the set of chopsticks and digging into the food.
everyone else is watching you two, in awe or disgust at the natural ease of your relationship. you two sit closely, read one another’s minds as you get him a napkin when you see sauce drip from his chin, and he passes you the thermos filled with some sort of tea when he notices you trying to stifle a cough.
“thanks, honey,” daichi wipes his face clean before kissing your temple this time, one hand on the back of your head to steady you as he leans forward. he tucks his tissue into the empty box and nuzzles your cheek with his nose, “you always make such good lunch.”
it’s a simple recipe, one even tanaka couldn’t screw up, but the affectionate words are not lost on you. your face still heats, your eyes still avert his saccharine gaze, and your skin still buzzes at the sound of him. you thank him in that small voice you get when you feel self-conscious, and daichi wraps you up in his arms, pulling you tightly against his still-damp chest, mouth against the shell of your ear, “i’m so lucky to have you, y’know? always looking out for me.”
“daichi,” you groan, your skin burning as he kisses your cheek relentlessly, uttering little sweet nothings against your face like stardust. you wrinkle your nose and shove at him, but it has no intent. you curl your fingers around his jersey, “we look after each other, you silly goose. no need to thank me.”
daichi huffs and you look up at him, noting the wrinkle in his brow. just as you go to ask him what’s wrong, if you’ve said something that’s hurt him, his lips part, “i will never stop thanking you for being the wonderful person that you are. if i do, then i’m taking you for granted and that’s not fair.”
you know that he’s being overly dramatic, but you don’t have the heart to refute him. rather, you press your palm to his cheek and tilt your head upward to meet him halfway, a warm kiss passed from you to him. daichi’s hands seize around your waist, an anchor holding you to the grassy lawn you’ve been camped out on since early this morning. he sighs as you pull away, utterly enraptured by your graceful nature, “you deserve the whole world, darling. i just hope that what i can give you comes close enough.”
and you know that it will be. daichi was always more than enough.
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⤭ bokuto always forgets his water bottle, no matter how many little notes you leave around the apartment as a reminder for him to pick it up, or how often you place it in the most easy-to-find and obvious places, he still manages to forget it entirely ⤭ even though he’s too focused on the intramural game to text you and ask you to bring it, you always show up after you’ve done your morning study routine with his huge water canister filled to the brim with ice cold h2o ⤭ after the first set, when he gets a five minute break before they start up again, bokuto spots you with that signature black water bottle hooked by the key chain attached to it’s lid looped around your finger, swaying it back and forth in midair, a little smirk-turned-smile on your pretty lips ⤭ bokuto has no bashfulness when it comes to your relationship. he loves you, is totally smitten, and wants everyone to know it. so he has no qualms with running across the green to pick you up around the waist and hoist you into the air, twirling you as he blabbers a dozen different thank you’s ⤭ he’s always so appreciative of the way you never get upset that he’s forgotten something yet again. rather, you pick up his slack, helping out where he lacks. today this trait shows by you bringing by his water bottle [and a little bento box filled with his favorite food for after the game is over]
"i left it on the front doorstep, bo,” you chastise him just before he manages to plant a kiss on your lips, effectively cutting short your admonishments. he chuckles, the sound reverberating his chest and yours, before settling you down on the ground so you can get your bearings straight before he kisses the breath out of you all over again, “yeah, but then i wouldn’t have had an excuse to come over here and kiss you.”
your whole body goes hot, from ears to toes, and you look down at his sneaker-clad feet so you don’t have to stare up into his shimmering golden irises. but bokuto, ever the steady-hand, notches his knuckle under your chin to tilt your head upward, “thank you, baby. i don’t know what i’d do without you.”
“dehydrate,” you deadpan, trying your hardest to keep from turning to a molten pit of lava right here on the campus green, “starve.”
“you little...” a mirthful smirk tugs on his lips and then he’s devouring you all over again, grabbing you around the waist and invading your space as he leans forward to kiss you square on the mouth.
“bokuto! time to start the next set!”
reluctantly, and with a low growl, he departs from you, raising a pale brow as he nudges your nose with his, planting one last chaste kiss to your mouth, “gonna watch the rest of the game, babe?”
you nod, smiling as he pulls away, “of course, bo. i always watch your games.”
“just checking,” bokuto pinches your hips before finally unraveling from you, “can’t wait to show you my new power serve i’ve been working on! you better watch me!”
pushing him away, you lick your lips and grin uncontrollably, his energy infectious as he bounces on his heels at the sight of you and the thought of playing another set of volleyball. you take a breath before nodding up at him, “i can’t wait to see it, kou. you’re always amazing.”
he can’t help but to kiss your cheek one last time before jogging back towards the volleyball court, his water bottle still hooked around your finger, forgotten once again.
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⤭ kuroo is not forgetful of his things like jerseys, water bottles, etc. but he can lose track of time. usually he’ll have played so many games without eating that you have to interrupt him after a few games too many and only then does he realize how lightheaded he is. ⤭ you press your palms to his heated, sweaty face and force him to focus on you, reminding him that he needs to take a break every now and then. his eyes will flit around for a moment before he finally zeroes in on your features. ⤭ one of his classmates who has been taking a break on the bench tells kuroo that he’s going to sub in for him, he wants to try blocking against the other team for a while. you know it’s just the classmate trying to help you out, so you give him a small nod over kuroo’s shoulder and then turn back to your boyfriend. ⤭ you force kuroo to sit down on the grass underneath a big tree, the shade already cooling him down as he guzzles water from his bottle for a few moments without speaking. you simply sit next to him, keeping your distance because you can tell by his posture and the flush of his skin that he’s overheated, and you don’t want to contribute to his warmth by touching him with your palm to his knee. ⤭ finally, after a few minutes, he looks across at you with a genuine grin on his lips, his eyes practically lighting up at the sight of you now that he can see you in your entirety. he reaches towards you to press a palm to your cheek, tilting his head before kissing you slowly.
"you worry me, tetsu,” you whisper as he pulls away, your fingers clutching at his jersey.
kuroo kisses the tip of your nose and then your forehead, smoothing your hair away from your face before sitting back on his thighs, still towering over you even as you sit close together. his free hand drifts to your knee, drawing little swirling motions along your skin, warmed from the sunshine beating down through the sparse leaves of the tree, “i know, sweetheart. i just get lost in the game sometimes, i forget how long i’ve been playing. i promise i’ll be better.”
the same promises every time, but you know that he misses playing with nekoma. he misses being a captain. he misses the camaraderie. and who are you to tell him that he can’t have that any longer? who are you to rob him of his sidelined dreams that are played out now in the form of recreational volleyball?
instead of arguing, you purse your lips, silently asking him for another bout of affection. kuroo chuckles before obliging, rather enthusiastically, tackling you down into the grass. he loiters over you, lanky and long and bulking as always, broad shoulders down to a trim waist, knees caging you in on either side of your hips.
“thank you,” he murmurs as he pulls away, translucent lids still partially hiding his amber irises from your view, “i don’t know where i’d be without you to bring me back down to earth.”
“you’d manage,” you whisper, tracing his jawline with your thumb, “but i like to think i make your life a little easier.”
a slow blink and the gentle tilt of his head has you completely enraptured in the beauty of his eyes coupled with his smile. every time you see him, you’re completely blindsided by his mere presence, and he never ceases to amaze you, no matter how many days you spend together. your fingers slot into his hair at the nape of his neck, thumbs brushing along his throat, like this is what you were built to do, easy and smooth.
kuroo kisses your lower lip and then your top lip, paying closest attention to every part of you, “i don’t think you know how much you mean to me, baby. guess i’ll just have to remind you.”
if you two get lost in each other against the tree trunk, the sun setting and bringing about a newfound chill in the air, nobody seemed to notice. almost as if you two were in your own world, completely lost, unable to know where one of you ends and the other begin. eventually you have to go home, but for now you’re going to bask in one another’s presence.
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perhapsthanatos · 3 years
10:32 pm with yuta ♡
nct’s yuta x fem!reader (got inspired by a dream of mine & found the idea really cute)
alternate title: be the james dean to my audrey hepburn
genre: fluff. a pinch of angst. non idol au. badboy!yuta au.
word count: 1400~
playlist: chinatown by wild nothing, lover’s rock by tv girl & work this time by king gizzard and the lizard wizard.
warnings: featuring johnny (not a warning though). smoking cigarettes. cursing. lowercase intended. not proofread.
a/n: hi i was supposed to post a vampire!haechan fic but i really wasnt happy w it in general :( the plot or overall idea of the fic was really good, but i just felt as if i didnt do it justice so here we are :( but ngl, i kind of like this concept more? maybe bc i can see it more vividly? idk, i feel like my writings r getting repetitive & its getting on my nerves lmaoo this is getting long im sorry do u guys even read this part anyway? i would also like to apologize abt the amount of projecting im doing lmao ive been having some rough days & i love my sister but hate being compared to her so often so this is a way for me to rant abt it ig? also so sorry its coming out a little later bc i woke up late today (& procrastinated for the rest of it so here i am posting really late at night) & decided to go to the convenience store to get ice cream (& a ton of other bad shit pls dont do this its rlly unhealthy) for breakfast bc i can :) any who, enjoy lovelies <3
“oh my, y/n! you’ve grown up so well! just like your sister!”
“oh! i’m sorry i’ve almost mistaken you for your sister! y/n is your name, correct?”
“y/n, darling, you are looking so dashing! you really do resemble your sister, don’t you?”
“ah, you must be y/n! i’ve heard all about you and your sister from your father!”
you swear that your reddening cheeks are threatening to fall off any moment now from all the fake smiling. the hundreds of superficial compliments, the insincere flattery and the need for these people to constantly compare you to your godforsaken sister makes you feel even weaker than you are. it gets harder and harder to keep up with a big persona that isn’t at all you. as lucky as you are to live such a lavish lifestyle, you can’t help but hate how your family has to be so perfect. you hate how you have never fit in with them, even if you are so good at faking it. you hate how you have always been stuck in your sister’s shadow, constantly haunted with the reminder that you yourself aren’t good enough. you hate how you now have to entertain the rich and brainless guests at your parent’s gala because she’s gone for some stupid prodigy competition and everyone is only talking about her in front of your face. so what if she’s better the better sister? you still have the right to earn respect, right?
you’re exhausted from all the small talk. your facade gets more brittle by the second under all the pressure. your body feels as if it's gonna give out due to your brain shutting down after all that interacting. you try to keep on going with the night as it unravels itself by being the perfectly poised poster child, trying to make your parents proud. but alive yet almost completely devoid, you decide enough was enough. what if you left right now? no one would notice, would they?
after pulling up your phone discreetly to send a few text messages, you pass through lots of people dressed in gold and finery in a way that wouldn’t have you noticed right away. keep your head down and don’t you dare make eye contact with anyone. nearing the end of the room, grabbing the first glass of whatever alcohol you see and downing it in one gulp, you start walking away as quickly as possible from the ballroom. “ignorant privileged fucks,” you angrily whisper to no one in particular, setting the now empty glass on whatever surface and begin to head to the main exit where no one could spot you running away.
“and what do you think you’re doing here, miss?”
a voice interrupts you, looking up you see that it is your father’s head butler; johnny. he is dressed in a simple black suit that makes him appear taller than he is. his long brown hair is slicked back and his bowtie seems brand new. you have known the man since he started working in your household less than ten years back. you were a reckless child, often trying to find ways to sneak out, finding a way to escape from this life and he sympathized with you. after all, he could barely imagine living your life, never catching a break for yourself and always pretending to be someone you weren’t. he often helped planning when you would sneak out into the night, scheduling things like what time you should leave and what time you should be back, more specifically a time when no one would notice. he would take care of your form of transportation and have your location on at all times, just to be extra safe. as much as he wants you to have fun and have a bit of freedom, he still worries that something might happen to you. because of all this, you two have grown to have a very strong bond. you could confidently say that he is most definitely a parental figure in your life since your parents (and even your sister) are often overseas for work.
“what do you think i’m doing? you think i wanna be in a room with those half-baked bipeds? fuck no!”
“i know, i was just joking. you looked like you were about to explode in there, i wish i could help.” he laughs, pulling out his phone preparing what you might need. “so what will it be for today? the driver? we just need to pay him to keep his mouth shut. a taxi? it’s cheaper than paying the driver, but you still need to pay… not like that’s a problem for you though. maybe an uber would be good enough—“
“actually, i got myself covered. thanks.”
his jaw slightly drops and his eyebrows furrow. he looks straight at you in shock. “what do you mean you got yourself covered?”
you look down at your feet, a nervous habit. “i got myself a ride, you don’t need to help me. i’ll be back as soon as dawn comes.”
he raises his eyebrow. “who’s your ride?”
“doesn’t matter,” you glance down at your phone seeing a notification and wave a goodbye, leaving rather suddenly. “i gotta go, i’ll text you when you need to open the gates!”
“y/n! wait! who’s your ride— and she’s gone.” johnny sighs, watching as you run towards the front gates, tossing your stiletto heels away on the grass while you’re at it. he heads back inside, silently hoping you’ll be fine.
knocking the window of the old black mustang parked outside behind the big bushes, the driver rolls down his window and sends the most charming smile.
yuta in his black beanie, long blonde hair, worn out doc martens, signature leather jacket and black skinny jeans. it almost makes you laugh on how he wears the same thing almost everyday but still manages to look so good.
he is most notable for having a big bad boy reputation and you knew that he was the breath of fresh air you needed in your life. a person who can understand having the pressure of having to be or to fulfill your persona. a person you can completely be yourself around. a person who is full of warmth no matter how cold he may seem on the outside.
“get in, princess.”
and that was all you needed. you tiredly walked to the other door and sat yourself in the car. rolling his window back up, he looks at you. you are wearing a simple yet stunning black dress along with silver jewelry adorned on your neck and wrists. your makeup is perfectly done but still struggles to hide the fog in your eyes. he has the sudden urge to clear them away. he softens at the sight of you. no one is perfect, but he finds you being perfect enough without ever having to dress up.
“where to?” he asks as gently as he could. he knows that you are most vulnerable during these moments and that it is hard to finally break down your walls after a day full of stress, so he doesn’t pry immediately. all he wants to do is to keep you here, safe and away from your burdens and for you to stay comfortable with him, even if it couldn't be for long. but is that too selfish of him to ask? he hates how you hate your life and it is taking every bone in his body to not run away with you. but who is he to tell you what to do or what to change anyway? all he can do for now is try to find a way to make you genuinely smile.
“take me anywhere,” you whisper to the latter. “i just want to be as far from myself and my life as possible. miles away or the nearest convenience store, just take the long way home before dawn.”
you look down at the cup holders, spotting an open cigarette box. you tug one out of the nineteen and light it with the lighter you kept in your pocket. you lean back and close your eyes. he only admires as you bring the cigarette to your lips, exhaling a cloud of smoke afterwards. letting the radio play quietly, he starts the car and begins to drive away from the mansion. he can’t help but wonder how you (an elegant daughter) and him (a bad boy) are millions of worlds apart, but more similar than you think.
© perhapsthanatos (efa)
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dreamsafterhours · 4 years
college boyfriend!markhyuk au series: III (mark’s pathway)
a universe in which roommates!markhyuk meet each other's s/o in class
markhyuk are roommates, my/n and dy/n are roommates, mark and dy/n take classes together and so do donghyuk and my/n — how will their fates intertwine?
genre: fluff pairings: mark+my/n (fem), donghyuk+dy/n (fem), platonic!mark+dy/n, platonic!donghyuk+my/n format: dotpoint AU universe: non idol, college bf warning: some swearing
or click here to meet your soulmate, paediatrics!donghyuk!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
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III: 별빛이 내린다 샤라랄라랄라라 (2+2=4)
the meeting of two souls: mark & my/n
hi hello good day how are you? i hope you're well today/tonight this is like 3 weeks late isn't it :D pls don't come after me i lost some motivation to write for a while but here i am now so let's get to it!!
aight so you met donghyuk's roommate for the first time yesterday and,,
you honestly had NO IDEA someone could be that cute
highkey regretting not asking for his name but you were so caught up in lingering on the fact that he implied you were pretty , like wHO DOES THAT ASDFKJL
you highkey shouted the verbal equivalent of a keyboard smash with ur roommate and she was all !! oh so this guy cute cute
you were contemplating whether or not to sneakily ask donghyuk for his name but you were worried bc hyuk has,, crazy sense when it comes to reading people and seeing through their words
and honestly you didn’t want to have to deal with hyuk potentially teasing the shit out of u for having a maybe crush on his roommate whom u’d just met
so you just beat your pillow sleep on it after your roommate reminds you it’s getting late and no life decisions should be made after 12am!! live by it
you wake up craving jjajangmyeon but alas if you were to get any satisfaction of that kind of hunger, it was going to have to wait because
~~ we love ~~ packed schedules ~~ in this house ~~
i hopes the sarcasm was noted in that previous sentence bc now u wish for life to cease
4 weeks into the semester and you were drowning in the midst of reports and lab pracs and content and revision
you were ready to ascend to the next life with only regret and an ability to vaguely explain the properties of a prokaryotic cell and endosymbiosis
but honestly donghyuk’s been a big help throughout the past month
your only friend in classes
official study buddy
2am revision session consultant
personal older brother bc he claimed you as his adoptive sister
another reason your roommate told you to go to bed was bc you literally have
a tutorial class + 2 consecutive 1.5 hour lectures + a 3 hour lab class to finish your day off
with no break for lunch in between :’((
looks like you’ll be starving through your library study session with dy/n
but oop
you find that dy/n had stayed up long after you’d fallen asleep writing her essay 
leaving your dorm feeling a twinge of guilt that u might have distracted her from focusing on her work to listen to your rambles and kept her up later than she should have been
but a text from her in the afternoon reassures u that honestly she wasn’t even planning to write that essay and The Feels™ had just hit her last night and that she made it to class
you: oh PHEW that’s good
you: sorry i didn’t wake you up on my way out, u looked so peaceful i couldn’t bear to disturb
dy/n 🦁: dw dw it’s all g i made it n e way
dy/n 🦁: also is it cool if my friend and his friend comes to the study sesh as well we have to go through some lecture content
you: ah yes don’t see why not :)) i’ll probs have my earphones in the entire time anyways lmao won’t affect me
but will it
“who u texting in the middle of diffusion” cue hyuk peering over at the phone you’re hiding in your lap
you click your tongue at him and lock your phone, “someone twice the man you’ll ever be”
he gasps in mock horror like he’d just witnessed a murder as quietly as he can ,,
“you’re texting a guy? in the middle of diffusion?”
“no. my roommate lmao”
“and what? is it me or your roomma—”
“—my roommate” you glance back up at the prof without looking at him
“you dare?”
“if i don’t dare, who will”
and due to this exchange, you miss the osmosis slide
“ah shit what was osmosis again”
“lmfao what makes u think i know that”
“isn't it just.. net movement of free water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration”
sorry my bio neural pathways are being excited again after being revisited for the first time in two years
/stares at him/ “why was that infuriating to hear from u”
after class you prepare to head to your dreaded 3-hour lab class you have with donghyuk but he stands up and stares into the void blankly
“where am i going”
“where do u think”
“oh, hell, most likely”
you scoff at the accuracy and drag him out of the lecture hall
you look at donghyuk and he’s visibly resisting the urge to poke your cheek when he first puts on his gloves
“what’s with you today”
he stares at his hands forlornly, “idk ask that to my timetable”
“week 4 got u dead huh”
he glances at you with a frown, “don’t act like u’re not dying too”
“damn. touché”
to your dismay, the lab class runs later than scheduled and you get out of it 20 minutes after it was meant to finish but luckily it’s your last class
with a quick goodbye to donghyuk and a text letting dy/n know you were going to be a lil late, u stop by ur dorm to pick up ur textbook before rushing to the library
you were highkey exhausted and just. famished by that point
but a promise is a promise and you weren’t going to back out of one now
especially when you felt like you owed your roommate one and it was you who originally suggested a library session
so you get to the library, bag strap slung over your shoulder, checking the photo of the seats dy/n had saved for you in the library
highkey getting lost once or twice but you manage
you get to the general area and spot dy/n sitting at a four-seater (wow how’d they get that) but you
freeze when you see who’s sitting next to her
it’s ??
/error 404/
ur heart goes into panic mode bc
it’s not even kidding it’s donghyuk’s roommate
and despite ur brain short-circuiting
you manage to remember that dy/n had said that mentioned her friend’s.. roommate.. also coming along..
and if her friend was donghyuk’s.. roommate..
you: :                             )
you: oh my god they were roommates
and speak of the devil
“oh hey fancy seeing u here”
you turn around and it’s donghyuk legit chills right there
you barely reply a “hi”
“i thought u were going to ur dorm for dinner”
“ah yeah—no i’m.. gonna go over some.. diffusion”
“oii! over here dude” his roommate whisper-yells out at donghyuk
dy/n waves at you “heYY my/n”
donghyuk waves and turns back to you “welp i’m gonna join a study group.. you could join if you came alone? i’m sure they won’t mind”
“about that”
“u waiting for someone?”
“i’m going over there too”
he glances over at the table and then back to you
“that’s my roommate. right there next to your roommate”
you point her out and then donghyuk’s jaw drops
“what the fUC—” and you both. burst iinto laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation
like ?? how???
“talk about a coincidence.. oh my god my cheekbones hurt” he says as he clutches his side
so you get to the table and dy/n tries to introduce u to donghyuk’s roommate
“mark, this is my/n, my/n this is mark”
ah yes so mark is his name, you think
cute name for a cute boi
“nice to meet you again, mark”
dy/n: “?? again?”
mark gives u a rlly wide smile “yeah we’ve met. hi my/n”
you swear you’ve never had your heart flutter like this
then mark introduces dy/n to donghyuk and they start talking about how they’re your legal guardian and telling the other to “get in line”
leaving you in middle like “ok mum and dad” but also thinking back to when donghyuk was highkey flirting with you,, and now how he’s flirting with dy/n ,, oh dude he’s flirting
and highkey ,,, you don’t have any hard feelings about it ,, you know she’s also got this kind of humour code and she’s far more comfortable with meeting new people
until dy/n jokes about custody rules and donghyuk replies with “who says we’re split”
ok mum and dad
n e ways you came to study and study you will
so you settle down and go through your notes for the day
albeit being a lil distracted by mark who sits right across from you somehow, somewhy,,
somewhy should be a word you can’t tell me how to english
you keep wanting to steal glances at him but you have to physically restrain yourself from doing so
and also donghyuk who keeps poking u under the table and texting u even though he’s right next to you
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
💩hyuk: bro
you: wHAT
💩hyuk: nvm lol
you: im boutta slap u. give me my pen back i saw that
💩hyuk: damn
💩hyuk: also r u hungry
you: terribly
you: why
💩hyuk: does ur roommate have any allergies
you: not that i know of
you: again
you: why
you: u buyin?
💩hyuk: 🤡<- you
💩hyuk: 🤡, how do you feel about dinner
you: invalid question. no variable answer
💩hyuk: alright, 🤡. im not buying for u
you glower at him but he isn’t looking at u,, he leans back and laments about how he’s craving chinese food
did he read your damn mind how did he know
and apparently he’s read dy/n’s mind too at how she jumps up at the mention of chinese and agrees profusely
so you find yourself abandoning your studies for the rest of the night and in a restaurant lmfao
“chill,, guys,,, jjajang is fine”
rock paper scissors for the cheque ends in mark’s tears
“no it’s ok. i’m ok it’s our first meeting as a fateful group and it makes sense! for me to pay”
after you satisfy your cravings the boys walk dy/n and you back to your dorm
mark tells dy/n to give him her bag for him to carry and while she practically gives it up to him, he has to insist that he’ll carry yours too
to which you’re like omg no it’s fine i can carry it it’s not that heavy i swear—
until donghyuk takes ur bag off ur shoulder and passes it to mark
because of the narrow path, you’re forced to walk in pairs and you end up walking next to donghyuk who makes happy sounds about how good that food was and how priceless mark’s face was when he lost rock paper scissors
then dy/n takes the initiative to make a group chat for you four,, asking for donghyuk’s number to add
you give her a look like damn gurl but you have no idea if she saw or if she just ignored you on purpose lmfao
also donghyuk looked way too happy afterwards
either way you slapped her when you got back to the dorm like “SINCE WHEN WERE YOU SO ?? BRAVE?”
dy/n: um
dy/n: honey
dy/n: have you met me
and thus the chaos of a group chat was born and just like a real child, you spent hours on it
dy/n 🦁: ok we inside
you: thanks for dinner again mark!
💩hyuk: he says you’re welcome
💩hyuk: i say we “accidentally” lose our purses next time we go out
you: nah you’re paying next
💩hyuk: y
💩hyuk: y, 🤡
dy/n 🦁: yes y, 🤡
dy/n 🦁: HAHAH WHY IS SHE 🤡
💩hyuk: i thought you of all people would know
dy/n 🦁: why is she just as dumb in class as she is in the dorm?
💩hyuk: i knew it
dy/n 🦁: she poured too much hot water into her tea the other day it overflowed and spilt onto her foot
mark: oh no were u okay
💩hyuk: looks like you’re gonna have to study osomsis
💩hyuk: osmoiss
💩hyuk: fuck
you: yes i’m okay it wasn’t that hot i had socks on too
💩hyuk: osmosis
dy/n 🦁: avoided tragedy luckily
💩hyuk: finally
you: there is a reason you’re saved as 💩hyuk on my phone
seriously you just don’t know just how much this group was going to mean to you yet
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click here to meet your soulmate, paediatrics!donghyuk!
II ⇤ | III | ⇥ IV
shoot me an ask if you’d like to be tagged in future parts!
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hannie-dul-set · 5 years
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when the stars align
→ watch soonyoung and his (futile) attempts to get noticed by his crush 
15 // for now
a/n: oof 2k words of soonyoung being the whipped boy he is. hope ya’ll enjoy
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 
Soonyoung let out a faint sigh as he buried his phone back into his pocket. It had been four hours, twenty-seven minutes, and thirty-one seconds since he had stealthily left his apology note on top of your desk for your previous class, though up until now, he’s still feeling quite anxious.
Did she read it yet? What if it got blown away by the wind? What if she doesn’t see it and it’ll be left there for the rest of the year? What if someone else finds it? Oh god, what if that person uses it as blackmail against me and I’d end up having to do their bidding for the rest of my life-
He shakes his head, dishelving his hair (which was already a mess in the first place due to him brushing his fingers in it far more times than necessary.) Ease up, Soonyoung. Y/N’s gonna read it, she’s hopefully gonna forgive you, and you will be saved from further emotional torment caused by your friends and yourself. Yeah, that sounds good. He let out one last deep breath before diverting his attention to the bustling campus before him.
A few moments of basking himself in self-pity and silence pass until he sees a familiar figure in  his peripheral vision. He squints, trying to make out who this mystery person could be. The gears in his head stopped turning when he realized just who it was (along with a rather audible “fuck” that startled those near him.)
You were walking towards him.
Maybe it was the anxiety finally getting to him, or maybe he was getting delusional from the heat, but what he could see was holy fuck Y/N is literally walking towards him.
He stifled out a cough, readying himself for the impending and inevitable embarrassment that was about to come, which of course, will be brought upon by none other than himself.
A looming shadow interrupts his incessant pep-talk (which mostly consisted of you better not fuck up, Soon but no one needs to know that.) He could feel your presence before him, but he’s way too terrified to face you. Not to mention that might actually pass out.
He nearly chokes on his own spit before he actually manages to look up at you.
And damn, he swears his eyes landed on a goddess, herself.
All of the courage he was trying to concur jumped out of the window at that small instant, Throat dry, and chest pounding, his mouth opens and closes (much like a fish) while he conjures up something to say that won’t humiliate this crap out of him this time.
“W-what’s up?” He mentally punches himself in the balls for stuttering. But hey, better than last time, right?
“Soonyoung, right?” You asked, a small smile adorning your lips.
Soonyoung believed he would’ve passed out right then and there but he couldn’t risk embarrassing himself for the umpteenth time in two weeks. His heart wouldn’t stop hammering. He blames it on the fact that you looked so fucking adorable in that yellow sweater of yours, or the fact this his name coming from you sounded like Apollo himself orchestrated your lips, or the fact that the glow of the sunset made you look ten times more radiant than you usually were.
Whatever it was, Soonyoung could conclude one thing– you were absolutely breathtaking and it put all of his senses to a halt.
Your faint cough brought the boy back to reality, making him realize that he, in fact, had not yet responded to your question.
“Uh, yeah, Soonyoung. That’s me, yep!” He wondered who (or what) would give up first; you or his will to live. 
Upon hearing the affirmation, your eyes lit up. “May I take a seat?”
“Oh uh. Y-yes! You may take a seat” Soonyoung grabbed his belongings and stood up.
The both of you looked at each other for a few seconds.And a couple more. His eyes held a look of confusion which mimicked yours. Soonyoung’s heart rate began to quickened even more. Why were you still standing? Did you not want to take a seat? Did he not hear you properly? He started sweating profusely.The poor boy could only look at you in confusion in the midst of hi mini mental breakdown. The poor boy looked like a child that got caught breaking his mother’s favorite vase.
Honestly, you think the sight before you was pitiful, yet at the same time endearing. Deciding to cut his misery short, you spoke, “I meant beside you, dummy.”
He immediately reddened once he heard your words. “R-right, of course!” You dumb fucking idiot. Soonyoung sat back down and you followed after him. You might think that he had calmed down after tha, but oh no– he felt like he was about to fucking burst into pieces.He’d never been in this close proximity to you (the pool float incident did not count, according to Soonyoung) and he was beyond skittish. His eyes wandered anywhere, everywhere, but you.
 “So, uh, I got your letter.” That immediately made Soonyoung snap his head towards you. Don’t get me wrong, he was hoping that you would’ve received it, maybe even read it, but he definitely did not expect you to confront him about it. 
“Oh, y-you did?” You nodded, smiling, hoping that would give the visibly tense man some comfort. “I-uh, I-I actually wanted to apologize to you personally but- but I was too scared to do it. D-don’t get me wrong, you’re not scary or anything! It’s more so just your friends- I-I mean! I they just make me nervous, y-you know! A-and, uh, and maybe I’ll just stop talking,.”
You let out an airy laugh, placing your hand above his. This action made Soonyoung flinch a bit, eliciting a not-so-lowkey “holy shit” from his lips. You bit your bottom lip, trying to prevent yourself from smiling too much. How one man can be this adorable was beyond you.
‘It’s fine. Don’t worry, I get what you mean.” You chuckled, making the male beside you ease up a bit. “They could pass off as intimidating sometimes, especially Wonwoo, but they mean now harm. Don’t tell them I told you that, though.”
Soonyoung looked at your smiling figure before him. Every time he looks at you, he nearly loses it because, fuck, how could he not? 
“I-I’m really sorry for what happened at the party last time, It was an accident, I didn’t mean to hurt you in any way- I’m just really dumb sometimes-”
“Hey, don’t call yourself dumb.” You furrowed your brows. “You said it yourself that it was an accident, and I didn’t get hurt or anything. You don’t have to keep apologizing.” You pouted while giving his cheek a light poke. That took the male aback, a light pink spreading across his cheeks 
“If you say so…” He trailed,his attention traveling to his other hand that had been fidgeting with the bottom hem of his shirt.
“Actually, there’s another thing I’d like to ask you about.”
“Yeah?” All his attention was suddenly poured onto you. The way he looked at you a slight twinkle in his eyes nearly caught your breath. The corners of his lips, slightly curving upward, as he expectantly waited for your next words. No one had ever looked at you with this much attentiveness and intensity before. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t adore every second of it.
“Ah um- I was wondering…”
Soonyoung let out a tiny ‘hmm?’ while nearing just a tiny bit closer.
“The note and the cookies. Were they from you?” You were no genius, but it wasn’t that hard to put two and two together.
The visibly panicked look that surfaced on Soonyoung’s face made you sort of regret your decision of asking him, but still, you wanted a confirmation coming from him.
“Uh, yeah, god I probably sound like a creep to you now. I-I just found it hard to talk to you directly, fuck. I mean, even now I’m just still really really obviously nervous. I don’t even know why the fuck I’m rambling right now, you probably kinda hate me. I-I uh, I should probably leave-”
Before the male could stand up, you grabbed onto his wrist. You feel bad for touching him without permission (especially since you’ve just formally met)  but you’d feel even worse if you let him leave thinking about all these negative things about himself, which certainly aren’t even true.
“Soonyoung, listen to me for a sec.” He slowly went back to his seat. “No, I don’t hate you, nor do I think that you’re a creep, Soon. Frankly, I actually think the gesture was really sweet.” You gave his wrist a light squeeze, giving him some assurance. Your words and the fact that he was still in your grasp almost, I repeat, almost made him cry but he managed
“You serious?” You nodded. “Like really really serious?” 
You tried holding back a laugh “Oh my god. Yes, Soonyoung, I’m really really really serious.”
“Hey, maybe someone paid you to say that.” 
“Who the hell would pay anyone to say something? We’re all broke.” You playfully nudged his arm.
Soonyoung looked at a pair of birds mindlessly wandering on the ground, an evident smile on his face, “Dunno, maybe a sugar daddy or something.”
You gasped, feigning fake offense, and inducing a distinct laugh from the starry-eyed boy beside you. You can’t help but notice the way his cheeks squish upwards and the way his eyes somehow disappear when he’s in the midst of his chortling. Again- how the hell does he manage to be this adorable? It took every fiber of your being to not squish his face in between your palms. 
A muffled vibration interrupted the both of you. “Oops, that’s mine.” Soonyoung fished for his phone inside his pocket. An apparent frown bloomed from his face as he read a text.
“Everything good?” Soonyoung lazily shoved his phone back inside his jeans. 
“Yeah, just my friend telling me it’s time for dance practice.” Usually, Soonyoung couldn’t wait for his schedules practices. It was the highlight of his day (besides seeing you in class, of course) but this time he wasn’t really looking forward. One, because it cut short the only time he had the chance to talk to you. And two, he doesn’t really want his younger friend to pester him with a mountain of questions.
“You’re in the schools dance team?” 
“Yeah..” He bashfully looked away. “I, uh, I gotta go. Sorry for leaving all of a sudden.”
“Oh no, it’s totally fine.” You grinned, sending him an okay sign with your hands. “On one condition though.”
Soonyoung eyed you expectantly, hand clutching the strap of his backpack. “What is it?” That definitely threw Soonyoung off guard.
You stood up so that the both of you are at an eye-level (it didn’t really matter since he was still taller than you.) The corners of your lips twitch upwards, slightly amused at the male’s visibly strung up expression; a recurring look throughout your whole encounter. Is he always nervous?
“Promise me you’ll say ‘hi’ next time we meet?”
Soonyoung pauses. Oh. He stifles out a laugh. Oh my god. “Yes, ma’am.” He playfully salutes, the huge grin on his face unfaltering.
“Good. Now hurry up to your practice, you big dummy.” The smiles never seem to cease from the both of you/ He gave you one last salute before marching away.
He can’t seem to suppress the unending chain of butterflies the erupt by the very thought of you. The curve of your lips, the warmth in your gaze– he’d drown himself in them for as long as the universe would let him. Your presence lingers in his mind up to the moment he’d reached the door to their club room. It would be an understatement to say that he couldn’t wait to see you again, the only thing that he could do was look forward for tomorrow.
For now, at least.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 
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Book Two: Famine (Prompto x Reader) Chapter One
Once again, I’m literally just copying and pasting from my Wattpad account (Link located on my profile!)
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A/n: As stated in the first book, you'll only be able to choose your name and eye color. Hair color is already determined due to which role of the Horsemen you take upon in said book. Hope you all enjoy! Love you all!!! •••••••••••••••••••• "Finally made it," Noctis sighed in relief after stepping off the boat and walking through the streets of Altissia.
Prompto had his camera at the ready for anything that caught his eye. He found himself enthralled by the beautiful city upon the water and was tempted to take a picture of everything. "I'm gonna need more space on my camera."
"Let's look around the city for a while. We could use a break," Noctis said.
"Indeed," Ignis agreed with the young prince.
Without a care in the world, Prompto dashed off in search of the most beautiful sights in all of Altissia. He was distracted by the numerous of stalls and what they offered. Many were brimming with gorgeous flowers while others sold little knickknacks.
When Prompto felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, he lowered his camera and checked to see who was contacting him. It was a short text from Noctis.
Meet at the Leville when you're done
Prompto decided not to text back due to how excited he was to add more photos to his growing collection. He slid the device back into his pocket and took off, once again, with a joyful skip in his step.
While taking a picture of a fountain, the photographer felt something hit his shoe. Lowering his camera, he glanced down to see what had thumped against his boot. "What is that?" He bent down and picked up the golden, spherical object.
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Eyes narrowed, he examined the glowing orb. It radiated with a bright yellow, but it wasn't overbearing. A small wisp of white pulsated inside the strange ornament and surged around the small space it was housed in, bouncing off the glass-like texture.
"You're the one, huh?" Prompto spun around at hearing the feminine voice and saw a girl in strange attire standing directly behind him.
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He stumbled back in shock, nearly falling into the fountain. The girl quickly lunged out and grabbed the front of his shirt before he fell into the water. She pulled him back onto his feet and released him when he was steady.
Prompto swallowed nervously, unable to make eye contact with the beautiful girl in front of him. "T-Thanks..."
"You're welcome," she smiled sweetly in return. The sharpshooter felt his heart flutter at the kind, beautiful gesture and gulped nervously. He could feel his palms sweating just being in her presence.
When he remembered what she said when he turned around, he held out the orb. "This is yours, r-right?"
"Yeah, but..." She placed her hand over the object and pushed it towards his chest as it remained in his hand. "Could you hang on to it for me? I'd appreciate it."
"U-Uh, sure," he meekly responds. He placed the orb into his pocket and nervously fiddled with his camera.
"What's your name?" The golden-haired girl inquired.
"Prompto," the boy responded, finally being able to have some control of his voice. It cracked a little, but he looks up to see if the girl heard. Luckily, she didn't acknowledge it if she did.
"Nice to meet you, Prompto. I'm (Y/n)." She spotted the camera in his hand and pointed to it. "You're a photographer?"
"Um, yeah. But I'm not a professional," he said.
"May I?" She politely asked. Prompto handed his camera over, allowing her to browse through the numerous of photos from his journey so far. She sat down on the edge of the fountain and admired each and every shot. Her (e/c) eyes gleamed in astonishment, flabbergasted at the boy's skill. "Wow... And you said you aren't a professional photographer?"
"Yeah." Prompto sat beside (Y/n), who continued to scroll through the pictures.
"You're kidding, right? These are amazing," she complimented, tearing her eyes from the small screen to meet Prompto's gaze. "If you want, I can show you a few places where the view is amazing." Prompto didn't need to ponder his answer. He accepted her offer and the two departed from the fountain.
Hours passed and Prompto had been gifted the most beautiful sights Altissia had to offer thanks to (Y/n). Unbeknownst to the girl, the sharpshooter took her picture while she was occupied with watching the setting sun.
(Y/n) waved farewell to Prompto in front of the Leville before vanishing into the night. The giddy smile plastered to his face didn't budge as he found out from the desk clerk which room Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis were in.
The moment he set foot in the hotel room, Gladio noticed the smile glued to the younger boy's face. "What's with the weird smile?"
"Nothing," Prompto snappily replied, not wanting to tell the others about his day with (Y/n), especially knowing Gladio would brutally tease him until he was satisfied.
Noctis looked up from his phone as he laid down on the bed beside the window. "Something happened. You're just not tellin' us."
"Noct!" The blonde wailed.
"Tell us, blondie," the brute demanded.
"A lady, perhaps?" Ignis pondered.
"N-No..." Prompto meekly declined.
Gladio grinned, knowing the tactician had hit the nail on the head by seeing the marksman's reaction. "Haven't been in Altissia for a day and you're already hitting it off with the ladies, huh?"
Prompto thumped his fingers against his camera, hesitant in revealing (Y/n) to his friends. "M-Maybe..."
"What's her name?" Noctis pried, sitting up and swinging his legs off the side of the bed.
"Not telling you," the blonde retorts smugly. "She's my very own goddess."
"We definitely need to find out who she is," Gladio guffawed.
"What about Cindy?" The prince asked. "Thought you had a crush on her."
Prompto moves across the room to sit on the end of the same bed as Noctis. "Cindy's married to her job. At least this girl actually wanted me to hang out with her."
"Wait..." Noctis stopped for a brief pause before continuing. "She asked you?"
The sharpshooter pouted, offended by his best friend's question. "Yeah! Why do you think no girl would want to ask me to hang out?"
"No reason," the raven-haired boy shrugged before laying back down.
"Bet you were a stuttering mess the entire time," the shield rebuttals with a chuckle.
"Only in the beginning..." Prompto responded under his breath for only his ears to hear. He placed his camera on the nightstand, ignoring the remaining comments from Gladio. He got ready for bed and was able to sleep soundly.
A couple of days have passed since the royal retinue arrived in Altissia. They managed to find Maagho as Cid had told them about an old friend of his and Regis' who owns and runs the bar on the boat ride from Cape Caem to Altissia. While chatting with Weskham, the group had received an unexpected visit from Camelia Claustra, the first secretary of Accordo.
Camelia invited Noctis to her estate within the city to discuss the rite, which was scheduled for tomorrow. In fear of the empire attacking during the rite, the prince managed to strike a deal with the first secretary to ensure the safety of everyone.
Once satisfied, Noctis left the estate and saw Prompto was missing. "Hey, where's Prompto?"
"Wandered off to see his girlfriend," Gladio scoffed.
Noctis rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Guess we'll tell him when he gets back to the hotel."
On the other side of Altissia, Prompto and (Y/n) were enjoying each other's company. They were riding in a gondola, chatting about anything and everything that was on their minds.
The golden-haired girl crossed her legs, leaning against her knees as she sat across from the boy on the small boat. "So tell me, Prompto—have you heard the tale of the Four Horsemen?"
"Well, yeah. Why do you ask?" Prompto pondered.
"Oh," (Y/n) exhaled. "No particular reason. I was just simply curious."
The gondola came to a stop and the two hopped off the boat. They walked around the city for a few more hours before Prompto had to leave in order to meet the others at the Leville.
"Heyaz," Prompto greeted as he saw Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis sitting in the lobby.
"Not gonna invite your girlfriend to dinner with us?" Gladio teased with a grin.
"She's not my girlfriend," Prompto declared with a small hint of venom in his words. "Besides, she said she had other plans tonight." He wasn't very good at lying, but he hoped it was good enough to fool his friends.
"Eat now, talk later," Noctis groaned.
Ignis couldn't help but agree with the whining prince. "Yes. Let's."
The next day, all hell broke loose during the rite. The empire arrived and the entire city was in chaos. With the wrath of Leviathan ravaging the city alongside the imperials, the citizens of Altissia were frightened and searching for a way out of the city. Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis were on evacuation detail, helping the citizens to the docks.
Noctis had rushed off to the altar, worried about Luna. The trio kept to their duties of escorting people to the boats while the prince took off into the destroyed streets of Altissia.
While ushering people to the docks, Prompto searched the sea of terrified faces for one person. When he didn't spot (Y/n) amongst the crowd, he pushed through the wave of bodies but was stopped when a hand gripped his arm. Yanked backwards, he saw Gladio glaring fiercely at him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"
"(Y/n) isn't here! I'm gonna go find her!" He yelled back, determined to find the girl.
"It's suicide to go back into the city!"
Prompto yanked his arm out of the shield's grasp and ran through the crowd.
"Prompto!" Ignis bellowed, but the blonde ignored his cries.
In the streets of Altissia, Prompto searched the rubble and the remaining buildings that withstood the attacks of the Tidemother and the empire. He shouted (Y/n)'s name over and over again in a desperate attempt to find her.
The sound of hooves clacking against stone grabbed the marksman's attention. He turned around and saw a horse heading directly for him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Prompto feared the horse would trample him at how fast it was approaching.
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When the black and white steed came to a sudden halt in front of him, Prompto's eyes widened in shock. Slowly, he reached out to pet the animal as it lowered its head. "What're you doing here, buddy?"
The horse neighed, nodding its head up and down. It walked in circles, clicking its hooves against the cracked pavement below.
"Limos!" A feminine voice yelled.
Prompto looked over his shoulder, peering through the smoke and debris. The girl he had been looking for was storming towards him. Her (e/c) eyes widened when she saw the sharpshooter. "Prompto? What're you doing here? It's dangerous!"
"Looking for you! A-Are you okay?" He asked in concern, noting the smudges of soot on her arms and face. "You need to get to the boats!"
"I'm fine, Prom," (Y/n) reassured him. "I'll explain everything later. For now, I need you to head to the boats. Remember that orb I gave you?"
Prompto patted his pocket and felt the spherical object. He was relieved to know he hadn't lost it. "Yeah."
"Good," she sighed in solace. "Take the orb in your hand and say my name."
"W-What?" He gasped in bewilderment.
"Like I said, I'll explain everything later. Right now, you've got people to save. I've got my hands full with imperial forces. I'll see you soon, Prompto."
"Wait!" (Y/n) hopped onto Limos' back and rode off before listening to the boy's protest. He tried to chase after her, but he was no match for the steed's speed.
Helplessly, Prompto glanced around at the piles of debris surrounding him. Over the radio, he heard Gladio talking to Ignis. The advisor and shield had been separated and the tactician headed to the altar to aid Noctis. He listened to their conversation before storming off to return to the docks.
Arriving back at the docks, Prompto realized all the citizens were evacuated. Gladio stood at the end of the port, watching the boats head to safety.
A loud explosion startled the blonde as his eyes darted up to the sky. One by one, the imperial dreadnoughts exploded into pieces, lighting up the dark and stormy sky. He felt his heart racing as he watched the pieces of the ships hurtling into the water. "What's happening?"
"Doesn't matter," Gladio spat. "What does is those imperial bastards are falling like flies. Whoever's behind the explosions is definitely on our side and I ain't complaining."
The two stared up at the sky, watching the storm slowly dissipate. The rain ceased and they exchanged looks before dashing off in the direction of the altar.
They discovered Noctis' and Ignis' bodies, rushing to their sides. While tending to them, the horse (Y/n) called "Limos" strode up and nuzzled her muzzle against Prompto's cheek. He glanced around, wondering if the girl was with the steed. When he saw no sign of her, he gently petted her. "You wanna help?"
Limos nodded and with a neigh, stepped away from the blonde and gestured to her back. Gladio supported Ignis' body as he made his way over, amber eyes wide in surprise. "Where'd the horse come from?"
"A friend," Prompto responded, grabbing ahold of Noctis. "She's here to help."
"Good," the shield sighed. "'Cause we're gonna need it."
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serendipityseulgi · 6 years
soccer boy.
— lee jeno
・*:༅。 the one where you fall for soccer player jeno.
aka, a really cute headcanon :)
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so let’s make your best friend in this story our dearly beloved Mark Lee ™.
as your best friend he often tries to drag you to his soccer practices since soccer season has been coming up but you never rly got the chance to bc
p o i n t l e s s and b o r i n g
just kidding
you’ve just been super duper busy so you haven’t been able to attend
but AT LAST your schedule has finally freed and you get to see your bff in his element
so after school Mark’s dragging your arm onto the field and he’s all changed into his clothes and knee high socks with his new cleats that he made you buy with him
homeboi was so excited for soccer season
he’s dragging you on the field and all his teammates r giving him The Eyes ™ and the coach is all like
“Lee, is that ur girlfriend?”
and your eyes widened and he started fake gagging and you’re just about ready to scream
“no swearing, Lee.”
“sorry coach.”
but you’re literally retracting in disgust at the assumption bc
you love Mark more than anything yes, but he’s your bff and he’s just gross
anyways enough about Mark, let’s bring in Jeno.
so the moment you arrive on the field with Mark, Jeno instantly sees you
and he’s all **heart eyes**
he thinks you’re so pretty
and boom.
just like that,
he’s in love with you.
jk, not yet but he’s extremely interested in you and he's heard Mark talk about you a few times and from what he's gathered is that you’re super nice and smart and really funny and that you annoy Mark A LOT but that’s not important
so when Jeno sees you for the first time he literally loses his breath because what Mark failed to mention was that you were sO PRETTY
so you on the other hand are once again being dragged by Mark so he can introduce you to his teammates
you meet Jaemin and Donghyuck first, then Lucas, and a few other guys, but the last person you’re introduced to is Jeno
and when you meet Jeno
now YOU’RE the one in love.
and you notice his pretty eye smile, and his pretty face, and he has such a nice laugh
so there you go,
now you got a crush.
and if Mark finds out, then you’re in for hell of a shit show.
so you keep quiet and take a seat on the bleachers
now you promised Mark you’d come for him, which you did
but you couldn’t help but stare at Jeno
the whole time, might I add.
and you notice how .. freaking good he is??
see like i don’t know a lot about soccer but
this boy is scoring goals left and right
when he kicks the ball to pass it to another member it’s spot. on.
at a point he had to play in the position of the goalie and he managed to block every single damn goal???
you don't know
but what you do know is,
you're so impressed,, and it makes your heart go !!!!!
so about an hour and a half later the boys finish up and you go to meet Mark and he’s all like
“so how good was I doing?”
and you're all like “uhhhhh”
and he’s like
“you weren’t watching me were you.”
and you're like “I WAS AT FIRST.”
and he's not mad at all, because you've been to past practices before in the past many years you've been friends.
but he does question WHO you were watching because ..
if it wasn’t him then it was someone else on his team
you shrug it off and change subjects
but what you didn’t know what was that, while Jeno and Mark were taking breaks on the bench Jeno was asking so many questions about you
“Dude you didn’t tell me y/n was so pretty”
“Ew are you gross??”
“She's so ugly lmao.”
“Shut up she isn't.”
Mark is such a bitch but you know he's only teasing
anyways, he catches on to Jeno’s peaking interest in you
“You know, if you like her I can ask her about you.”
Jeno starts choking on his water as Mark starts patting his back.
“Wha- I don’t l-like her wha??t the ?? fuck ?? lmao stopnfnsns”
that’s enough indication that does in fact like you he's just too scared to admit it because he's only met you like .. half an hour ago and you guys talked for .. 30 seconds at most
on the way home Mark starts asking you questions about Jeno and you're getting hecka nervous bc ???
he wasn't supposed to know so soon ??
“Mark why do you keep asking me about him, I met him like an hour ago.”
“I’m just wondering what your opinion is on the guy, am I not allowed to ask questions?”
“well for your information, you nosy fuck, he seems really sweet and he’s really cute.”
“ah, noted.”
“noted for what??”
“lmao did i say that out loud?? lol dwbi.”
so of course you started freaking out because Mark is about to expose your ass
“Mark don’t tell him oh my god, don’t ruin my life!!”
“RELAX. i’m not.”
and so to your better judgement you trust that your best friend will do as he says.
(( spoiler alert: he doesn't ))
so for the next few days you’re forced once again by Mark to attend soccer practices
in turn, Mark gasses you up to Jeno and he gasses Jeno up to you
to Jeno:
“so as much as i want y/n dead sometimes, she’s a really good best friend. she cooks for me, she takes care of me when i’m sick, she can be kinda strict but she’s also super fun to be around, she likes to drag me to different places to explore and she loves going to new restaurants and she especially loves getting ice cream or donuts at 2 in the morning and then sitting on the roof of her car to talk. see, if you date her you’re in for a fun ass adventure ;)))))”
to you:
“Jeno is very dedicated to soccer but this boi is hecka smart, so friendly, he really likes going out and having f u n and he also enjoys volunteering at that daycare next to our school bc he likes kids, and YOU like kids and wow, he’s amazing-”
“are you sure you don’t wanna date him Mark?”
“stfu and listen to me bitch, he is very nice as well so I KNOW for a damn fact that he’s gonna treat u really well. and you know how protective i get when guys try to talk to you, but clearly i like Jeno enough to let him date you.”
after that, you two were instantly sold for one another.
sO, it’s thursday right, and after a practice Jeno taps you on the shoulder and is like
“s-so I heard you um, liked, ice cream,, do you maybe wannacomewithmeandgetsome?”
and you nearly combust on the spot bc JENO JUST ESSENTIALLY ASKED YOU OUT
on the inside ur like!!@$@$#%!
but on the outside ur like, “ya sure why not.”
so you go to Mark and tell him you’re going with Jeno and Mark just winks at you and tells you to have fun and aLSO “DON’T FORGET OUR FIRST GAME TOMORROW” before pushing you off to go with ur soon to be man ;)
so Jeno can drive which means he has his own car and he opens the door for you and you get in and it smells so CLEAN AND FRESH
(stan a hygienic king)
he suddenly pulls off his shirt and you're like o_o
and he’s like “oH MY GOD IM SORRY. force of habit?? I always change in my car.”
and you’re like “DW IT’S OKAY” like really, you’re not complaining
but anyways, he relaxes because the last thing he wants is to already make you uncomfortable and he's relieved he hasn't royally screwed this up
so you two drive to your local ice cream place and this boi pays for you
you told him it was okay but he refused 
so you guys go outside and the sun is starting to set and he helps you onto the hood of his car and he sits beside you
you guys start to talk
you tell him some stuff about your childhood, what subjects you liked in school, how Mark became your best friend,
all that Good Stuff
and then he begins to tell you about himself
he loves science and gym
hates math (but doesn't everyone tho lol)
he’s really close with his parents and he thanks them everyday for getting him into soccer
“My dad would play soccer with me when I was like 4, everyday he would take me out onto the backyard and set up a small net and I would play with him for hours until my mom would call us in for dinner, and then my mom noticed how good I was and she signed me up for a team and I’ve been playing ever since. They always encouraged me to get scholarships and to do my best, but only to do it so long as I was happy. And I think that’s why I love it so much is because they always made me feel confident about it and always encouraged me but they never pressured me to continue if I didn’t want to.”
you melt on the spot
and he would tell you what kinds of things he enjoyed doing other than soccer, and he, similar to you, liked going to new places and going on adventures 
“we should make a bucket list and go on adventures together”
“Mark might get a little jealous, but he’s always complaining, and I’ve spent too much of my life with him.”
Jeno laughed and your heart skipped a beat bc he has such a nice smile
“okay, we’ll make a bucket list.”
and so you do.
and now you have a whole list of things Jeno and you plan to do together.
you haven’t realized how many hours you’ve spent in the parking lot, laying beside each other on the hood of his car, your ice cream finished a long ass time ago
you check the time on your phone
it’s almost ten o’clock
you’ve spent nearly six hours with the kid, not that you’re complaining but you really need to get home bc school tomorrow
so he drives you home and you’re watching him
you realize right then and there that you’re in deep for the kid
when he drops you off you feel kinda sad but it’s okay bc he knows you’ll text him
“Thank you for tonight”
“Don’t thank me, I would do this again a million times.”
your heart? sNATCHED.
“You’re coming to the game tomorrow right?”
“Of course I am.”
he leans over and kisses you and you’re STUNNED
but you kiss back obviously and 
you’re kissing for a solid minute before he pulls away, and his eyes crinkle into that eye smile
“I’ll see you tomorrow beautiful.”
“see you tomorrow”
and you walk into your house with biggest grin on your face and you go to sleep so so so happy
sO IT’S FRIDAY the school is joining for their first soccer game
everyone’s hyped as fuck and you’re wearing your school colours.
you get front row seats bc ur special to now TWO boys on the team
before the game starts Jeno sees you
“okay, fun fact, i always do a lot better when you watch me during practice, so now you’re my good luck charm. oh and also, if we win this game, you're my girlfriend.”
and with that he runs off and you’re just O_O but again
you’re not complaining
so the game starts and
things are going rly well
but then Mark gets benched for nearly assaulting someone on the opposing side and Mark is one of the best players 
and a few of the other guys are benched to give the other players a chance in the game
you’re currently winning anyways so you don't worry too much
but then
no offence but now the sucky players are on
and now,
unfortunately, they’re losing by a lot
and you feel sad bc you know how hard these boys worked and also, Jeno’s words “if we win this game you’re my girlfriend”
they’re losing by a lot and you’re all in a slump and even tho the coach is starting to put back the better players they have a lot of catching up to do
it’s down to the last minute and you’re tied to the other team
you’re now feeling hopeless and everyone is on edge hoping for the best 
Mark is now put back on to play
he passes the ball to Jeno and Jeno iS DOING THE FUCKING MOST
and guess what??
and so you run down the bleachers and you’re screaming and you practically tackle Jeno to the ground but boi is strong as fuck so he catches you and you’re so glad he won that you just
KISS HIM in front of the whole school
and everyone’s like screaming too now
and you pull away and he’s like
“you’re my girlfriend now.”
and the last thing he cares about is how he score the winning goal, all he’s focused on is that YOU’RE HIS GIRLFRIEND NOW
so fast forward, you’re officially dating
you’re dedicated as fuck to going to every single soccer game, and as tradition, you, him and Mark will go out for ice cream or pizza
sidenote, Mark gets a girlfriend so y’all will double-date a lot but also when you and Jeno hang out alone Mark no longer complains that he’s being left out
you’re still BFFs with Mark tho,
after all, he is the reason why you and Jeno are together.
Jeno as a boyfriend is honestly the most amazing feeling. 
he is exactly how Mark described him to you, and after practices he’ll often take you to that daycare he volunteers at and you and him have a good ass time with the kids
one time he accidentally blurted out that he couldn’t wait to marry you and have kids of your own
of course he was embarrassed but you reassured him that you were perfectly fine with having that future
so he often talked about your future kids a lot
“-And our little boy or girl is going to be the next best soccer player. He or she will take after their mother’s good looks and their father’s amazing ball skills.”
you feel like your heart is going to burst
and Jeno will often take you out onto the field and try and get you to play soccer
you suck at it
but he enjoys spending time with you
and he’s so happy you’re wiling to do the things he loves
because yeah, soccer, and you (and school) are his biggest priorities
he begs his coach to make another jersey with his last name and number on it so you can wear it to his games
which you do
your coach lowkey loves you guys together so he does it
and Jeno forces you to take cute couple pictures with the jerseys and captions it something cheesy like “the two things i love” with your username and a soccer ball and heart emoji next to it
and Jeno has two soccer hoodies and he gives one to you because it smells like him and you LOVE the way he smells
and he loves the way you look in his oversized hoodie
OH and that bucket list you two made?
you complete every single one
and add more to it
every day is an adventure with him tbh
you two have so much fun
and you two have the best late night talks
you become each other’s lovers and best friends (shh don’t tell Mark)
you guys are so close
“All thanks to me fuckers” - Mark Lee, 2018.
Jeno loves you so damn much man
and you love him so much too
he makes you so happy
and you’re so glad that he came into your life
(thanks to Mark)
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huangfilms · 6 years
summary: so i found an eviction note on my door when i came home from a shift so i looked on a bulletin board in the lobby and i saw an ad for a roommate and that ad was from you, my really cute neighbor and i was wondering if that offer still stands???
requested by: a lovely anon ❤️ thanks for waiting patiently sweetheart !
(A/N) i have finished!!! thank you for waiting very patiently for this,,,,, i know i haven’t been on my A game recently but thanks for not rushing me JDJSJD anywho i love you thanks for requesting! ❤️ i hope u like this !!
it was midnight and you were absolutely slumped, stressed, and kind of angry
work really kicked your ass that night
working at a 24/7 diner sucked so much cause sometimes the people would come at odd times
and there were some snappy customers
that night during your shift there was a particularly rude customer that ruined your mood so you just really wanted to lay down in your bed
but once you go to your door you found an eviction note saying that they’re going to kick you out in a week if you don’t pay your rent
right then and there you could feel all of the stress from that day form into tears
so you open your door in a haste and c r y
because??? you don’t get payed until next week??? so you’re basically screwed
but you decide to try and sleep it off because you are way too tired for this and it’s your day off tomorrow anyway
when you wake up you forget about the eviction note but you remember when you go to make coffee since it’s sitting on the counter
you let out the Biggest Sigh ever
you leave the paper on the counter and then you go down to the lobby to see the bulletin board to see if there are any roommate papers or open apartments
when you look you see something
‘looking for a roommate! contact at +xxx-xxx-xxxx na jaemin’
and you recognize the name cause hey!!! that’s your neighbor!!!
you never really talked to him before, only the few nods of the head at each other when you see each other
he’s cute or whatever
you decide you’re going to ask jaemin if you could be his roommate cause that seems better than living on your own
smh rent is high these days what were you thinking of anyway HAHA
moving on though
you go back up and try to build up the courage to knock on his door
but you don’t even know if he’s home
you knock anyway, and about a few seconds later you can see jaemin’s bright smile
angels are singing
‘did you need something y/n?’
you get snapped out of your daze
‘uh i saw the ad of you needing a roommate, and i was wondering if that offer still stands??’
and he looks confused cause? you’re his neighbor w hat??
and you see the confused look so you start to explain to him that you just got an eviction note last night and you really don’t know where else to go 
your parent don’t live in the same country as you
your friends,,,,, uhhhh ??? very m i a i guess 
and you won’t get payed until next week so you start to really beg him to be his roommate
and he can see how stressed you are so he accepts
and you just give him such a big smile and he metaphorically melts to the ground
and you really don’t even have to pack anything the whole week you move your stuff into his apartment and get rid of a l o t of things
you just found out you were a hoarder LMAO
but anywho!! 
it takes a couple more days than planned to move everything into the other bedroom 
but it’s all good
so the day you finally moved everything into his apartment he asked if you guys wanted to go grocery shopping cause his your guys’ kitchen was empt y
but you declined cause you needed to fix and arrange some stuff in your new room
and hes all like no problem i’ll just ask a friend to go with me, i’ll see you in a few hours!! and he grins and locks the door
you didn’t even fix stuff you just knocked out cold onto your bed 
anyway fast forward it’s been a few days since you moved in
it’s been a lil awkward cause you guys don’t really interact with each other
your guys’ work schedules don’t match so hes always out when youre home and vice versa
so you never really get to talk with him
but!!! by some miracle your job/school schedules do match
and you guys FINALLY talk and break the VERY awkward tension
the dynamic in your house is so much better wow
sometimes when either of you couldn’t sleep you guys would venture out or just crash into the other’s room for the night
one time jaemin’s friend walked in on you guys cuddling in his bed cause he had a spare key
his friend (jeno) asked him about it a while later and jaemin was so blatant
‘oh we’re just friends’
‘mhm sure jan’
‘shut up jee-no’
so it’s been months now
(yes i time skipped sigh)
but anyway, jeno was still Skeptical cause?? friends don’t do all that couple stuff
literally everyone Been Knew you guys like each other except for:
oh right YOU GUYS.
you guys Flirt 25/8
even when its Not even necessary like when you’re hanging out with your friends
for example you’re having a movie night with the dreamies
‘jaemin sweetie can you get me something sweet’
and he nods and goes to the kitchen only to come back empty handed
and ur all like??? jaemin wheres My Snack
he just scoffs and goes ‘what are you talking about i’m literally right in front of you’
bitch i would too the Fuck
you just snort and lightly push him on the shoulder before pulling him down to sit next to you
then on instinct he just wraps himself around you
everyone: confused
but they don’t question you guys and just watch the movie
when you say you’re going to bed and leave the couch with a goodnight to them
jeno jumps onto the spot next to him
and he just goes ‘do you like them?????’
jaemin is so ??? cause wha t you’re just really close friends!!!!
jeno just looks him in the eyes and goes ‘not even a little bit??’
‘i’m sure’
and so jaemin just sits and thinks for a little though
cause hm,,,,, maybe he does like you-OH MY GOd HE LIKES YoU
and he has an internal breakdown cause oh my god???? what??? when???
not that there’s anything bad about you!!! he just,,, as cliche as it may sound
he doesn’t want to make anything awkward with you 
and so he decides: to take more shifts and study out at the library cause he doesn’t want to think about this
what he don’t know, is that you’re in your room thinking the s a m e thing blease talk to each other
so you!!! also take more shifts but you stay locked in your room as well
when the dreamies come over one day without a warning you’re both in your rooms just minding your own business
and so when they barge in they’re all like
????? where’s the couple?????
and so jaemin goes out and hes like oh why are you guys here LMAO
‘we wanted to watch movies?? it’s friday cmon go get y/n’
and so he just laughs a little awkwardly but he goes to you anyway
he knocks and goes ‘so uhhh the guys are here and we’re about to watch movies??? wanna hang out ??’ and in his head 
he’s just wondering when everything became so awkwar d
oh right when he realized that he likes you
but anywho you open the door and he does a little half smile that makes your stomach flip in a good way
and you smile at him too
when you guys go out though,,,,,
you sit on one end of the couch and jaemin sits on the opposite end
donghyuck sits in between the both of you
‘why aren’t you and jaemin sitting next to each other like usual????’ donghyuck asked you quietly to make sure no one else heard
cause He Knew
you just give him a side eye and you tell him ‘you already know why now Shut the movie is starting’
he leaves it be but in the middle of the movie he gets up to use the restroom
and then chenle says ‘move over i like sitting by the arm of the couch’
‘no just let me sit here’
chenle is just r eally confused ‘but you always sit next to jaemin b l e a s e y/n’
and thats how you two end up next to each other
jisung decides to squish in and so you’re pressed up against jaemin
you dont know who’s more uncomfortable : you or him
the room feels s o awkward and literally everyone feels it
and so you just ‘i’m gonna get something to drink anyone else want water???’
‘i’ll go with you’ and its jaemin standing up
‘i-i um no it’s oka-’
he just takes your hand and he leads you to the kitchen and behind the corner so they won’t see you guys
‘why are we being awkward??’
and you just shrug cause?? you guys literally haven’t talked for w e e k s you dumb bitc-
and he just goes is such a quiet voice
‘i miss you’
and your heart!!! palpitated!!! the hell!!!
‘i-i miss you too’
and so he just hugs you and says Really Confidently
‘i like you, be my baby’
and you !! are about to Faint! 
‘i-i,,,,i like you too’
and when you pull back he just ! kisses you really softly 
and you’re Red cause oh this is Really Happening Right Now
you guys walk back out of the kitchen (with the drinks) but you’re holding hands
you both are just :D
everyone knew what was happening cause you Guys Aren’t Quiet
just cause they can’t see you doesn’t mean they can’t hear you !!!!
and so they’re just like ‘congrats now shut the movie is still Playing’
you guys are So gross with each other 
everyone regrets everything
but anyway!!!
now that you guys are together!!! you guys smooch
you like to smooch his nose and he just laughs every time you do that
okay but when you study for smth you do it in your room cause he’s going to distract you
he still manages to do it
he sends you the Ugliest Texts
‘when u free bb 😳‘
‘we??? live??? together???’
okay but being serious!!!
he’s such a softie and he’s so happy that he gets to wake up next to you all the time
and ugh my heart! is hurting! 
since you guys live w each other its weird not seeing each other cause your schedules don’t match up sometimes
and jaemin is so :( 
and it makes you so :(
hes such a clingy one 
he flirts at all times of the day just to get a reaction out of you
but anyway
ugh roommate jaemin ! what a concept
there’s never a dull moment when it comes to him!!
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teddywancurlobi · 6 years
pretty little liars [01.16]
previously on pretty little liars:
aroo: i think that bad feeling is called jealousy.
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he’s getting it in with a snacc
she needed to borrow hitch a ride with on you. curious.... curious.
chemistry? was that supposed to be foreshadowing? or was it just fucking ironic?
spemily... still leagues better than ezoria and ezero himself.
how the hell did emily miss that big ass book sticking out? maybe she should have tripped on it.
spencer: i owe you an apology.
emily: you should apologize to him, not me.
he was twitching because he was hiding the fact that he was deep sea diving in ella's depths.
i think i just heard a dam break. hanna, was that you?
but it's really annoying.
hanna's quips are really me.
a: caleb's quiet, but how r u gonna shut ME up?
i'm pretty sure A is me. A coming out with this savage lite. honestly, i would not even toy with her since i would tell aroo right after sending hanna that text.
pll theme plays
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SHUT UP, PARGE. this is why no one likes your ass.
ella, i wanna walk with you, hold your hand.... i’ll stop there. (see tags for more information)
pre time jump hanna is definitely me.
i don’t trust anyone either. toby’s got the right idea
i wouldn’t come in.
i can certainly try staying away from you.
who would want to be alone with ian?
i may not be toby’s biggest fan, but his is better than ian.
more conclusion, but this time by the adults.
rosewood: where stupid is contagious.
it’s better to have a well managed schedule and my dear spencer knows how to do that very well. hell, i would even let her tutor me.
byron.... gross.
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aroo: was that..... mom?
mood: toby calling spencer out.
spencer is auto piloting through emily’s homework
you learn nothing doing that.
what are they doing? the are doing the nasty in the stacks. please don’t finish in that book.
aroo is surprised? why?
they are cheating on each other with each other. that’s a real affair there.
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you are not that slick, hanna
parge should’ve wrecked more than her bike.
i do hate you, parge. thanks for reminding me.
spencer looks so adorabale. that navy blue looks so good.
he stiffened up so fast... in more ways than one.
do all of the liars get moist this fast? romancing too damn quick. i get they are playing teenagers, but get fucking real.
guess emily didn’t have standards.
so maya is the furthest though from her mind.... parge ain’t the special, bitch.
A: almost got you busted. wanna know how? ask hanna.
A, i would have told aroo right away and then told aroo’s parents with proof of the illegal relationship. EZERO FOR PRISON.
aroo: but there is nothing A would threaten me with that would make me do that to you.
season seven aroo: bitch, hold my black hoodie.
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if parge wasn’t so overly aggressive and obsessed with emily, i think i would be fine with her; like bitchy alison and emison, but looking back at it ali was too damn rough for comfort when it came to emily.
awww. poor, poor aroo. she mad. idc.
cleb is still annoying as fuck, but he wins points for staying with hanna.
no one wants ian so....
demon spawn.
we’re pregnant? is ian knocked up too?
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hornyforgrapes · 7 years
would you. be willing. to write griffin fingering himself. asking for a friend.
i GOTCHA buddy. i had a LOT of fun with this one. hopefully shipboys is your thing also damn? this is the first time i’ve written Generic Bottom Griffin TM since my very first fic
#nsfw #fingering #masturbation #nickgriffin #sexting #santanico.txt
Griffin falls asleep while texting Nick. He doesn’t like doing that, but he can’t help it, sometimes. The two hour time distance rarely impacts their work schedule, but when they’re trying to just be themselves, it can be exhausting.
And Griffin’s exhausted as is.
Griffin wakes up with a start at four in the morning. He isn’t sure why - he doesn’t have to be properly awake until eight, and he didn’t plan to get up early - but he’s awake, eyes wide and the only sound in the room the ceiling fan.
Then, Cecil, scratching gently at the door.
So that was it.
Griffin flicks on his light, opens the door for the cat, and crawls back in bed. He feels wide awake, but he’s sure if he turned the light back off and crawled under the covers, he could get back to sleep in ten minutes. He checks his phone instead, and there’s a stream of texts on the lock screen, reminding him that they’d been texting before he passed out.
Nick R.
U asleep?
Shit ok u def are haha sorry
I know it’s late. But i miss u. Can we facetime tmrw? Lemme know
There’s a twenty minute break at midnight for Griffin, and then Nick continues.
Nick R.
Sorry this is really shitty but fuck i’m trying to sleep and i just can’t think abt anything else
I miss fucking you
Is that too forward? It’s just been a really long time
Griffin stops scrolling, sets the phone down and presses the heels of his palms to his eyelids. Nick should be sorry. This is an awful way for Griffin to start his day. He shifts a bit, then looks back at his phone. He wasn’t anywhere near the end of the texts.
Nick R.
I don’t tell you every time i jerk off, obviously. Lol that would probably get annoying
But when i do it’s cuz of u, every time
Like right now
I’m thinking abt you looking at me, flat on your back, digging ur nails into my shoulder
I miss fucking you w/my fingers and just watching u
Fall apart u know?
Sometimes i just get this urge to fuck you til you cant walk straight
“Shit,” Griffin says out loud, drops his phone. There’s no need to be subtle or pretend, Cecil doesn’t give two shits, so he yanks off his boxers and scrambles for the lube. He warms it up in his palm, gives his cock a few hurried strokes. He gets hard embarrassingly fast, it takes almost nothing.
He looks at his phone, with his other hand, sitting back and jacking his cock, more slowly now.
Nick R.
My hand is nothing compared to u
Your ass your mouth i don’t care
I miss you just tight around me
Miss fucking you so hard the headboard hits the wall
Griffin i miss you
Griffin stops again. He’s nearly at the end of the texts. They’ve been sparsed out, maybe a minute or two between every other message. Griffin shifts, sits up, lets go of his cock and spreads more lube on his left hand. He sits with his knees apart, focuses on finding the right angle. He teases his hole with the tip of a wet finger, circles the ring of muscles and sinks inside. It’s not as good as Nick - his fingers, his cock - it can’t be, but it’s something.
Griffin manages his cock and his ass together, jerking off steadily as he pushes in a second slick finger. That’s easy enough, and he doesn’t need to fuck himself too deep for the sensation to rocket into his dick. It’s all just hot, solid sweetness, and Griffin thinks about Nick. Thinks about Nick’s cock, the head against his hole, the way Nick’s face tightens and his eyebrows furrow and he groans as he bottoms out. The way Nick says, “God, you’re so fucking perfect,” and showers Griffin with pointless, honey-sweet praise.
Griffin’s jacking himself harder, each upward stroke bringing him closer, and just the fullness of his fingers is enough to make it perfect. He groans out Nick’s name as he comes, can’t help himself as he spills hard into his palm, squeezing around his fingers.
“God, shit,” Griffin breathes, sliding his fingers out and looking at his nasty hand. He’s a little dizzy but he takes a trip to the bathroom, washes his hands, brushes his teeth, takes a piss and then rinses the sweat from his face. He crawls back into bed and looks at his phone, embarrassed he never finished Nick’s texts.
Nick R.
Wish u were here is all
Sorry i know this is gonna suck to wake up to
But i just came so fuckin hard just from thinking about fucking u til u cried
Love ya
Griffin laughs, drags his fingers through his hair before he texts back.
Woke up at 4am and saw these
U can imagine how my morning started
Okay maybe not. I fingered myself and jacked off
So not so bad.
Miss ya too
Griffin wonders, vaguely, if Nick’s still awake. Probably not if he was sexting at eleven and it’s two, now. So Griffin turns off his phone screen, puts away the lube, strips his bed of the sheets he had stained (it’s just a tiny spot but enough for him not to want to deal with it right away), and positions his pillows to fall asleep again.
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btsffuniverse-blog · 7 years
Our First Song [Jungkook FF] (Prologue, Chapter 1,2,3)
DESCRIPTION: This is my first fanfiction and it’s Jungkook biased. My chapters are kinda short so I decided to put a couple of chapters into one post. I hope you will read it and like it. I’m sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my native language and sometimes I write really fast so there may be some misspelled words. Here we goo! :) Prologue Y/N: Hi mom! Yes, yes we landed. Our flight was nice and exciting. Yes, we're on our way. Vee: I can't wait to meet your parents. She said with excited voice. My parents lived in Germany. They moved when I started high school, but I stayed home with my aunt because I wanted to finish school at my country. They really wanted to meet Vee so this time I went to Germany with her. I was soo happy she's here with me. We bought tickets for S Bahn and traveled through the city. It was dark outside and a little bit cold, but we didn't mind it at all. We were just so happy we are here together. My parents really liked Vee and they were getting along nicely. Days were passing and we were having sooo much fun. Because Vee brought her guitar and some of the equipment with her we sang all the time around the house. One day my mom gave us idea. Mom: Girls, you are so talented. Why don't you sit somewhere in Königstrasse and play a little bit. Maybe you earn some Euros. Vee: That's a nice idea! Y/N: Yeah, mom. We should totally do it tomorrow. Mom: Great. You can take dad's car so you don't have to carry all of that in U Bahn. Y/N: Really?!?! Thanks mom, you're the best! I said and hugged her. 1: Street Love My best friend Vee and I were bored so we decided to performe on the streets of Stuttgart. We were singing and playing guitar when suddenly a group of guys came through the crowd. They were amazed and looking at us with big eyes. We didn't notice who they were. We enjoyed our performance too much. I decided to look at a crowd when I noticed a familiar face; but I thought it was not possible so I just looked away. After half an hour we decided to take a break. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was HIM! I feel my cheeks getting red, my heart beating through my chest and my knees getting weak. NO! It is a dream! It cannot be! It's impossible!! Is this really happening? Can this really be HIM….????? He smirked and said ???: Hi! You two are amazing! I couldn't say a word; I just looked at his eyes. My friend noticed that I'm speechless so she came and said Vee: Thank you. We're glad that you liked it. Wanna sing with us? I couldn't believe what she was saying. I wanted to kill her but I felt excited. ???: Yes, can I sing duet with her while you play? He said while pointing at me. I was shocked. ME?!?!?!? WHY ME?!?!?! OMG! I saw his friend staring at us and looking at him with judging eye. Than I realized it's really them. ALL of them. This is reality. I quickly pinched my arm to check if I'm dreaming. Finally I managed to say Y/N: What song do you wanna sing? He asked Vee: ???: Do you know how to play Nothing like us by Justin?   She answerd : Vee: Of course, I love his music too. He smiled and looked at me. I wasn't ready at all, but I didn't wanted to miss this chance and embarrass myself. I actually loved this song and knew lyrics very well. We started to sing. Other members and people were looking at us and were amazed. He sang so beautifully and I was more and more nervous. When my part came I sang better than ever. When we were done people were clapping and cheering for us.  People were putting a lot of coins in guitar suitcase. His members came towards us and congratulate us for a wonderful performance. They told him in Korean to hurry up, but didn't know that I understand them. My friend and I were studying Korean and we're actually going to Seoul University this fall to study music and art. He followed his friends but after a second he turned around and rushed to say something to me. ???: What's your name? Are you going to be here tomorrow at the same time? I was just looking at him, not knowin what to say but I managed to say „yes“ ???: Great! Meet me here than. My friend: Bring your friends too! ???: I will. He smirked and walked away. After he left we started to scream and panic. Is this really happening? Did we really sing together? Y/N: Is it really?? Is it r-really…?? My friend: YEES!! IT WAS JUNGKOOK!! 2: The Meeting It was 7 o'clock. Almost time to meet him…to meet Jungkook. We were already performing for an hour but all that I was able to think about was: what is he doing here? Is he really gonna come? What should I do? My friend saw that I was panicking so she tried to calm me down. Vee: Don't worry. You look amazing. This dress that you're wearing is looking boombayah on you! He's gonna L-O-V-E IT! I wonder if his friends are also cute. I didn't see who was he with because I was focused on playing the guitar. Oh no! She didn't see them and now I realized why was she so calm. She didn't see Jimin. But I knew if she did she would freak out and panic more than me. Oh no. If they really show up with him she's not gonna be able to sing and play anymore. But she was also dressed up and looking amazing so if he really comes I think he will like her style. We took a break to drink water cause our throats were a little bit dry. As I drink water I almost spilled everything on me when I heard: Jungkook: Yaah! You're really here! I was really worried we're not gonna see each other again. I tried hard to come even though I have a busy schedule. I couldn't believe my eyes. He was really standing in front of me AGAIN. He was wearing black ripped jeans, white flowy t-shirt and pair of timberlands. He was looking amazing just by wearing simple pieces. Vee: Hi! You came! My name is Venus, but you can call me Vee. Jungkook: Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm Jungkook. And I didn't hear your name yesterday? He said while looking at me. Y/N: I'm Y/N. I blushed. Jungkook: Wow…you're name is so beautiful and uniqe. I blushed even harder. Jungkook: My friends are on their way. They just stopped by Starbucks  to take a coffe. I convinced them to come with me. My friend Namjoon thinks you two are really talented.  He didn't expect to hear such beautiful voices here. Vee: Oh thanks! I can't wait to meet them. How was she so calm? Did she not realize it was BTS?! We're going to meet freaking BTS!!! Than we saw a 5 guys coming towards us. They all introduced themselves and I saw Vee's face going pale. I think she finally realized it was really them. Vee: Wait a minute! You're BTS! OMG! I'm so happy to meet you. But I didn't see Jimin with them and I think she is a little dissapointed and also relieved because she would lose her shit if she met him. She always talks how he's going to marry her. She's just so cute with her imagination. She turned around and whisperd to me Vee: Oh my freaking GOD! Why didn't you tell me it was the WHOLE freaking BTS! Y/N: I thought you knew! They were here yesterday. Vee: No! I saw Jungkook but I thought he was here alone with his highschool friends. This is amazing. I smiled and turned around. Oh HELL NO! Jimin is coming with his Starbucks cup in his hand towards us. Oh no, oh no, oh no! She's gonna freak out. I hope she doesn't propose. Okay…keep it cool. I repeated Jungkook's wise words in my head: Safety first, safety second, COOLNESS third. I acted like nothing is happening. Jimin came and introduced himself. I can see Vee shaking. He also complimented on her guitar skills and said he always wanted to learn how to play a guitar. She looked at me with an unsure smile. I wasn't sure if she's alright but she acted cool so I played along. I managed to get courage and asked Vee Y/N: Are we gonna perform for these wonderful gentlemen? Jungkook smirked and said Jungkook: Wow…such a classy girl. I smiled and blushed. Vee nodded and took her guitar. She whisperd to me: Vee: We can't fuck this up, this has to be flawless. I gulped and took the mic and sang like I was alone in my own world. We performed for another half an hour while BTS was drinking their coffe and looking at us amazed. I was really suprised they stayed this long. They were cheering for us so loud after every song. Vee and I were soooo happy!! We finished our repertoaure and started to pack our stuff. Boys came to us asking if we needed any help. Jungkook didn't even ask, he just started to pack with us. All of the members joined him. Only Suga was not in the mood for this but he started to rap so it was kinda cool. When we finished packing our stuff in our car Jungkook came to me. Jungkook: H-heyyy Y/N…I wanted to ask you ss-something. He looked down and I was confused. Why is he stuttering? He is an idol, superstar and he's talking to me while stuttering… Jungkook: I really liked your voice and I think you are amazing so can I get your phone number? OMG! What?! Wunderbar! I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I just looked at him while trying to say yes but words couldn't leave my mouth. I saw him getting soo nervous; his palms sweating, so I just ask him to give me his phone. He imidiately grabbed his pocket and gave me his phone. I wrote my number and he smirked. Jungkook: Thanks! I will deffinitely call you. He winked and left to pack last thing. We all said goodbye. Vee and I got in the car. I saw she was so excited and she couldn't hide it. We were waiting for them to dissapear from our sight and than started to scream. Vee: Holy moly! Can you believe Namjoon asked me if we wanted to join them for a brunch tomorrow and I sad yes. He said Jungkook is going to text you the adress and time. I'm soo happy. Jimin smiled at me, can you believe this. Oh Goood! Suga rapped! J-Hope danced! Jin blew me a kiss and V..well he was being him haha! Weirdoo, but a cute weirdo! She was blabbering gibberish and I couldn't help but laugh. But i didn't actually listen to her. All I was thinking about was him..about Jungkook. 3: If I call you darling will you make me pancakes? We were strolling around Königstrasse, looking for a place that we were supposed to meet. When we reached our destination boys smiled at us. They were wating for us in front of a restaurant. Namjoon: Finally! It wasn't a party without you. He smiled dearly. Suga: Let's go eat! NOW! I'm hungry! V: Yes, I really want to try those pancakes! J-Hope: Hobi wants to try them too!! We smiled at them and walked in. After we ordered our pancakes we started to chat. We talked about a lot of things. Everybody had a great time.Those pancakes were delicious. Jungkook: MMMMM delicious! I couldn't help but smile. He was so cute. Finally I asked them what are they doing in Germany? Jin: Well, we came to relax here and discuss our future tour in Europe. Vee: No way! Tour in Europe? Finally! Jimin: Aww you're so cute. Are you ARMYs? I could see Vee blushing so hard after Jimin called her cute. Y/N: Yes we are. We love your songs. You're such an inspiration. Jimin: Thank you, I hope you will continue liking our songs. He said while squeezing his eyes. Jimin: Soo, who's your bias? He started to giggle. Vee and I looked at each other and gulped. We said:“Oh we love all of you, we don't have a bias.“ We were clearly lying but didn't wanted to embarass ourselves. But Jimin didn't stop. He kept teasing us. Jimin: Oh come on. That's impossible. You must have a bias. It's okay, you can say.We won't be offended or sad. It's a normal thing. We looked at each other and didn't know what to say. Should we say it out loud? I saw Jimin looking at us with a wondering eyes. Jungkook: Ahh jinjja hyung! Leave them alone. If they don't want to say it, let them be. Jimin: I'm sorry. I was just curious. He looked down. I felt sorry for him. To break the awkward silence Namjoon asked Namjoon: What can we do in Stuttgart while we're here that's fun? Y/N: Weell…there's a lot of things but first thing that comes to my mind is amusement park. Vee and I were planning on going there tomorrow. We want to ride the roller coster. And tomorrow is the last day it is open. J-Hope: Look girls, I like you, but I ain't riding that roller coster no more. Suga: Hahaha J-Hope is scared like a little girl Hahaha J-Hope: Come on hyung, don't tease. You know I don't like that. Vee: It's okay. You don't have to ride a roller coster. There are other fun rides too. J-Hope smiled. Namjoon: Well then we have to go there. It's a deal! When were you planning to go? Y/N: About 7 PM. Namjoon: Cool. Than we'll meet you there. We finished eating pancakes and chatted a little bit more. Soon they had to leave because they had a meeting. When they were leaving Jungkook took my hand and said Jungkook: Can't wait to see you tomorrow Y/N. I shivered. This feeling. I can't take. I can't take it no more. He's driving me crazy. But I love it.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
November 26th-December 2nd, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from November 26th, 2018 to December 2nd, 2018.  The chat focused on Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R by snuffysam.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R by snuffysam~! (http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until December 2nd to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 3. Since the comic utilizes a wide variety of comedy, what have been some of your favorite jokes to appear in the comic so far? What about the joke worked for you? Name as many as you would like for this question.
QUESTION 4. Do you believe that Mizuki will eventually discover her own magical talent, or will she be stuck stealing others’ abilities forever? What might her magical talent be? Also, regardless of your answer, how might this issue change Mizuki?
DA-POW! (Yayao Yuying Studio)
Okay, so I haven't actually gotten to reading this comic yet-- just started like... right now. But OMG. XDDDDDD I'm loving how they're breaking the fourth wall and poking fun at stuff. My favorite scene so far is this one:
And of course the follow up:
I really like the guard so far, though I have absolutely no idea if he'll ever appear again seeing as I'm still in the first chapter. ;v;
The fact that he makes fourth wall breaking remarks is what sort of sold me. If he doesn't appear again, hopefully someone else along with the main character will make better jokes that will sell me good.
BUT OMG!!! This one really caught me off guard:
The comedy here is really up my alley man. ;W;
O v O
Just found my new favorite character.
Mr Holy Tree:
AH! Btw, I love how the siblings who are governers of the Sikode plain's clothes sort of match up with the work hours they took. <333
Just finished Chapter 3. 8^U!!!! If I have more time tonight, Imma try to read a few more chapters yo! But this comic is really snatching me with dem scripts.
glad you like it so far!
DA-POW! (Yayao Yuying Studio)
Of course! >W< Thank you for creating this silly hidden gem!!! <33333
I love that it’s not perfect, and this is not an insult. My favourite character so far is the guy who sliced that squid in half he seems like a boss
It’s also amazing to see how far the author has come in their art, I looked at the original pages a bit.
Cahe Is A Good Boy
Cahe is good, but I do wonder about the magic of how quickly they had their baby... Maybe it's one of their magic love powers.
also yeah, I've changed a lot over these past three-ish years lol
there's been exactly one hint as to why that happened, and it's in probably the most obscure place imaginable
the game where you can play as everyone's favorite archery ace
I obviously didn’t get to any baby yet whups
oh no that's not for a while
Snuffy is pretty good at lighting and shading too. I still have plenty to learn about that
the baby doesn't happen for another like 350 pages from where you are
Oh hi snuffy!
My bad lol
hi lol
i'm in blue this week
Hey how do you know where I am?
oh i just assumed given your comments
Yeah I know
Oh okay
I’m in the middle of chapter 2 I think
yup so i was right lol
Daaaaaang. That's some good accuracy. I'm lucky if I can remember my own name some days
i did have to look up the page numbers lol. it was just a matter of guessing that sharose hadn't started chapter 3 yet
anyway yeah i wrote a shader script for blender to do the lighting properly. took me a couple years to figure it out but i got there eventually lol
Oh my word I can barely use blender yet
So it IS CGI! I couldn’t tell for sure I thought maybe it was supposed to mimic CG
a lot of stuff is drawn in with photoshop. and i think i just recently passed the point where more than half the comic is CG as opposed to being drawn.
but ye
Wow. I don’t think I’ll be doing my comics with CG but I do wanna be an animator one day. Good for you!
No prob. I just got to more doodley pages
yeah haven't updated chapters 3 onward yet
Oh okay. I can relate lol. I’m glad to see this up here, you’re a brave artist
thanks ha ha
They are so innocent ohmiword
“I thought for sure 1+1=2!”
mizuki may not have gotten an A in all her math classes, but she at least knows that much
QUESTION 5. Who exactly are/were the Galaxy Knights? How did they come to be, and what goals did they have? Do you think we’ll see more former or current members? Also, what are your theories about their involvement in the story given they’re in the title?
1) it's still the end fight of book 1. which i wont go into too much detail cause i dont want to spoil for those just starting up. but i still love the entire choreography of that fight. seeing mizuki solve everything in the most unconvenentional ways possible is so immensely fulfilling. 2) cahe's mustache. i cant wait till it gets fed up with cahe, rips itself off his face, and joins mizuki to fight the good fight. (but also probably electric zebra because he believes in the power of love) 3) there's too many jokes to name. theres a lot of great ones. although one of my favorite more recent ones has actually been a callback to the fact that cahe never names his village. and lo and behold his village is revealed to be unnamed village. i was slain by the joke. 4) i think eventually mizuki will discover her own thing. but at the same time i dont think thatll stop her from using others' abilities cause i think she turns what others view as a weakness into a strength. so basically mizuki will just have more ammo for her mind magic arsenal. 5) i mean the obvious answer is that they were protectors of ppl and that mizuki is gonna join them. but idk. i def think were gonna see more former and current members though given the title. and mizuki will thrash them all with the power of stealing their abilities and stubbornness. in the end, there is only one super galaxy knight deluxe and that person is mizuki. lets not ask what the r stands for.
I haven’t even finished chapter one yet but I love this guard guy.
lodu is best boy. i'm actually planning on having him show up again for real in the next chapter. and by book 3 he may even have enough screentime to jump up to major character status.
also rebel you really have a knack for asking questions that will be straight-up answered within a month or two.
like in the weekly chat back in may one of the questions was "what is the plot of book 2"
not saying which of the questions you asked will be answered in a month but just overall, it's an impressive skill lol
and yeah chapter 8 is my favorite arc in hindsight. i'm not sure i'll actually manage to out-do the 1v1 fight choreography there for a while.
I have to admit, I'm really enjoying the current fight scene. The banter's top notch. >:3 Dramatic text meets no-nonsense. Now give Mizuki that damn generator so she can win the talent show!
talent show > crimebusting
he can get it back after the crimes are solved... But the bigger crime really is that the King--- wait the King gets to make the laws doesn't he
....wait, what I just said doesn't make sense. Oh well. He can get it back after the talent show is done -- it's a crime Mizuki can't win it!
the two of them should bring criminals to the talent show and bust them on-stage
mizuki should get back to the talent show if only because i bet the old man is still on stage trying to tell horrible jokes
get that man a google assistant... or sub him to r/dadjokes
https://www.blog.google/products/assistant/ok-google-tell-me-a-joke/ I'm sorry, I can't get over how bad some of these jokes are.
it's been well over 12 hours, and it's the middle of the night now. do you really think he's still on stage?!
(the answer is yes)
Of course! He's waiting for Mizuki
of course he is, he is an angel. and everyone is too polite to tell him to get off the stage and go home
well they're waiting for mizuki too
interested to hear what the caught-up folks' reactions to today's page will be...
don't say that, now I want to throw all my homework out the window and catch up all the way
as much as i want to tell you to go for it... put your homework first lol
I am definitely planning to catch up once I have homework and finals out of the way. Unfortunately…that will also be after this week's bookclub will be over and we'll be discussing someone else's comic by then.
aww oh well
I hope to read more before, then, though, so I can discuss some things. I just won't be fully caught up, hehe.
and of course, no reason you can't keep reading after your finals are done and just comment in the comic itself
(though this is a much better place for people to get theories out there)
-procrastinates from homework-
Okay this restaurant owner
"Everyone does horrible things sometimes. So really, I was completely justified."
I love this so much
Protection from indecency!
QUESTION 6. Why do you think Mizuki drifted apart from Cahe and Pejiba so much between Books 1 & 2? Why did the couple not invite Mizuki to their own wedding? Will Cahe and Pejiba make a comeback, or are they settled down into domesticity forever?
im gonna be optimistic and say her letter just got lost in the mail
because cahe asked someone terrible to deliver it
maybe the anecestral tree
and cahe walked away before the ancestral tree could remind him that hes rooted to the ground
or the ancestral tree was pissed he wasnt invited
I think Cahe and Pejiba were just so in love they forgot! Or ultimately, they just didn't like Mizuki so much. Granted, it's been ... a very short duration
maybe its gonna be an it was all a dream thing somehow
mizuki has been having trouble sleeping
there is a misunderstanding involved, but it’s less about “why didn’t they invite mizuki” and more “why would they invite zebra over mizuki”
thats easy: zebra is the best
Zebra also is much better at music, so
I don’t mean to be rude but I wish Mizuki would wear more clothes
Actually, me too…
And IMO the boobs are too exaggerated. But I like how she eats the food lol
y'all are on chapters 3-4?
Yeah I'm on 3
I guess she actually doesn’t know what a shirt is? Whoa there are cool animations!! And the lady’s power is cool. @snuffysam I’m not sure hang on I’ll check
No wait I'm on 4, oops.
I’m on chapter 4
she buttons the jacket in chapter 5, and her proportions get fixed when i switch to 3d
Yeah she’s less exaggerated in 3D for sure, and I’m glad she buttons up the shirt
the outfit in chapter 4 is a reference to how in the original short film i made that this comic is based off, her actor decided to wear the jacket with no shirt (which is not something i, like, wanted or expected)
Huh okay
but i changed it because i didn't think it made sense to draw her like that
How did you get gifs in the comic?
(though the in-universe explanation is that it just got windier)
i use photoshop to animate, if that's what you're asking
Oh awesome, I didn’t know photoshop could animate
Oh cool! I've dabbled with PS animations before.
most things are frame by frame, with motion & opacity (like the lights fading in and out, cahe flying around the room) being done with photoshop's tweening
Ow hot sword.
You are a better animator than me so far lol
Or you have more experience
I love how they’re like “Oh no prob!” After the whole fight
I think that whole fight was a test to see if the two main characters were fit to be the new Galaxy knights or something
And that’s a nice sunset drawing in chapter 4. I love sunsets
"What, are you going to throw your sword at people now?" HAHA!
So so,done just got shot in the face
Yikes that!s a mean lady
and a magic mean lady at that
Yeah I can’t believe he’s not dead
captains are very resilient
QUESTION 7. Do you think we’ll see Gynu and Suzigu in Book 2? If so, do you think they have one of the power gems Mizuki needs? Will they give it to her? Alternatively, what other places or characters might reappear do you think, and how will things have changed?
"Maybe we DO want them to get the wrong idea."
Using this as an excuse to finally get caught up with SGK. Should have a remark or two by weekend.
looking forward to it!
(the archive for last week's chat on The Angel with Black Wings is now up! @Mharz https://comicteaparty.com/post/180645388940/november-19th-25th-2018-ctp-archive)
QUESTION 8. Why do you think King Zebugu closed the magic portal? Is he up to something evil, or did he actually turn over a new leaf and is trying to do something helpful that he just won’t explain? Will he succeed or will Mizuki defeat him do you think?
king zebugu turns over new leaves all the time
birch, pine, oak
it's the highlight of the month
what about old leaves?
-is still in chapter five and has no idea who this king is-
if my leaf of the month club sent me an old leaf, i'd probably cancel my membership tbh
unless it was like... historical in some way
this is too plausible not to be true
7) I think we'll see Gynu and Suzigu probably. Although I feel Mizuki might be at a disadvantage since they already lost to her. so now they know what he game is or something like that. and i dont think theyre gonna just give her the gem given the whole food fiasco and i kind of get this sense they want to test her? as for other characters, i hope we get to see our favorite immortal captain again. and electric zebra. electric zebra needs to come and sing about the power of love and all that. or at least be on tour and give mizuki a signed cd. 8) i feel hes not doing the evil, but i feel whatever the king is up to probably is dumb at least. maybe this is an elaborate prank from the wizard guy who is mad about having to put all the food back. he gave the king the wrong prophecy and now the king is trying to undoom the world. at the end mizuki will win, but winning might not matter. i think shell lose the talent competition tho. shell make it back in time but get disqualified over something trivial. like misspelling something on the contest form.
something worth pointing out about both those answers - in book 1, nobody knew what zebugu was up to except for the people in the castle (and the ancestral tree, cause of the omniscience). people like gynu and suzigu wouldn't have agreed with zebugu if they had known what he was doing. in book 2, zebugu has roped other people into his plan by giving them a gem to protect. zaxaty knew what her brother did, and so did the ancestral tree (being specifically instructed by the king to guard the gem and not tell mizuki the reason why). even taci ramino knew that the portal had been turned off, and zebugu didn't even give him a gem! so if gynu and suzigu do have a gem, what did king zebugu say to them to get them on board? and was he truthful to them, or is this all an elaborate ruse?
the fact hes roped other ppl into it makes me believe that it is for the greater good. but on the otherhand blackmail and bribery are also options. maybe zebugu has an embarrassing photo of gynu from their last xmas party.
*life day
QUESTION 9. Do you think Mizuki will be able to win against Sword Warrior? Do you think Sword Warrior could be a potential ally, or is he just a one-off villain? What are Sword Warriors actual goals?
keeping in mind that sword warrior now has twice as many swords as before
i feel like thats a hint
he must want the worlds largest sword collection
that was a hint as to whether or not mizuki can win
but sure
also, interesting how you seemed to describe "ally" and "one-off villain" as the only two choices...
mostly cause i dont want the questions to be immensely long
that's fair
i believe in mizuki to be able to win. shes just gotta punch the swords hard enough to shatter them. and then sword warrior will have to change his name to just warrior
she already shattered a sword though. was sword warrior just "warrior" for that two-page period? are names all but an illusion giving us some sense of identity? is that identity earned?
yes to all that, with a semi yes on the third one. you cant call yourself sword warrior without a sword. thats false advertising otherwise
Okay, so, obviously the baby isn't theirs, unless gestational periods are really short or there was time travel hijinks. My money is on them looking after Zebra's kid, in exchange for him performing at the wedding. That's why they got him on short notice, for free. Though adoption's also possible.
I mean y’all can’t just skip over short gestational periods and time travel hijinks in a world where trees talk and sailors just forget that they’re mortal
But that’s a solid possibility
I mean, there's magic, and then there's magic!
Clever plot twist in the most recent pages. I did not see that coming. I actually thought Taci had lied about getting one of the gems because he was embarrassed that the Swordsman had already stolen it.
Also, magic can be used to change dialogue into cursive, or something.
I'll get to the questions later.
-Scene-wise is tough, I don't even recall what I said last time. ^_^; The fight against the king was pretty epic though. Character-wise, I like Pejiba. Just something about her I guess, helpful, first major magic user, that kind of thing.
-Like Rebel, I'm not sure about grabbing any particular comedic moments. The stuff with the tree is pretty good though. Even more recently with the 'I am a jerk but that's not the reason' sort of thing. Also, used firewood...? O.o
-I dunno, stealing the powers of others can be a power itself, see Rogue from X-Men. Plus I think Mizuki'd be worried that once she finds her own, she'll lose the ability to copy everyone else.
-The Galaxy Knights are actually a bunch of mathematicians, that's why the King's advisor is one (if memory serves). Seriously though, I like how they were just randomly brought up recently. It's kind of like they're their own story running in parallel somewhere else. (Which isn't too far off, Gynu and them were in a guest comic series elsewhere, I think.)
Actually, it's impressive the number of guest comics and literary tie-ins that exist.
-Since only, like, a week passed between Books, idk. Maybe Cahe was given bad information, or their messages were cut off. Though the whole wedding seems like a rush job because honeymoon in an all female hotel what now? I feel like they'll still have cameos.
-Hoping we'll see Zaxaty again. That blush had to mean something. (Also, back to comedy, "Get out of my house", hah.)
-The King's probably doing this as some sort of test, like to see if Mizuki can be a new governor or something. After all, he seemed okay with how she spared him. Alternatively, the Galaxy Knights wanted him to do this, so that they could test for new recruits.
-Related to that answer is the possible answer to snuffy asking about what Gynu might have been told if he has a gem. All in a day's work. (Though a photo would be amusing.)
-Sword Warrior will be useful in terms of giving Mizuki many more magic ideas to steal. (Also, since he can make his own swords, I don't think Mizuki will win that way. Maybe she can get him to zip off the edge of a building.) I think Taci just has a thing for vigilantes.
math, are you completely caught up now? including wednesday and friday's pages?
I'm trying not to be too spoilery though. (I may be failing at that.)
na it's all good lol
also i don't remember gynu being in a guest comic series somewhere else? so if someone did that without letting me know
actually i guess there were the crossover things on comicfury. but that was ages ago
if that's what you're referring to
Yeah, the crossover things. I'd read those for the original Discord chat.
I haven't kept up on the latest literary stuff from StArt Faire though.
to respond to some of your things specifically - - the advisor is a statistician, which... i guess is a mathematician? usually when i think "mathematician" i think of people who write proofs for really difficult problems and not, like, nate silver. also, the wizard is a magic researcher, so he does a lot of math for his work. i guess the active galaxy knights are pretty math-y, except for that third as-of-yet-unnamed active galaxy knight that's shown up. -yeah the wedding was very much a rush job. zuzu was already a member of the family by the time cahe and pejiba were on their honeymoon. -we'll see zaxaty again sooner than you expect. and yeah, there's something there. blushes don't lie. (fun fact: the fight against zaxaty was originally going to be the first time in the comic it's implied that mizuki is into women. when drawing book 1 chapter 6, i changed my mind and worked a love triangle plot into the story. that's the main reason why mizuki never says anything to pejiba about being interested - because it's not in the script. that's also part of the reason why zaxaty's island is "lesbos 2: sappho harder". the timeline for making the comic gay got moved way up, so zaxaty had to be a bit over the top) -won't say much else here, but i like that people's impressions seem to be that zebugu's plot might be morally dubious, but maybe not exactly evil. we'll see how that pans out. -if he had the chance, taci would absolutely start dating sword warrior. he's totally into the tall, slender, vigilante crime-fighter type. (which may lead to some butting of heads down the line...)(edited)
That's very cool... both about having Zaxaty in mind so early on, and for managing to foreshadow Mizuki's interests. Also, I don't know that Zaxaty was necessarily over the top (I didn't see a harem), though she does seem to like putting her interests (frustrations?) into her artwork.
As to Zebugu's plot not being evil, it allows for a scene where Mizuki goes off on him and him having some sort of retort. Even if it is to defer to the wizard or something. (Hey, maybe the wizard wanted all magic off so that no one would know that he was on sabbatical.)
you don't see a harem NOW because zaxaty went into seclusion.
it would be nice if zebugu gave his wizard a vacation, considering that he was kind of a jerk to the guy in the first book
Ahh, right, I vaguely recall that. Missed the free love vibes what with all the tripping out.
To be fair, he was kind of a jerk to everyone.
true. maybe this is part of his new leaf that he's turning over?
I wonder who convinced him to collect new leaves. His other sister, Pokemon? ^.^
he's a big animal crossing fan
he thinks he's stealing people's furniture
I guess his wizard better tell him he's moving to another town soon, so Zebugu can try to give him leaves and present boxes to get him to stay.
wizards love to scam people out of presents like that
... T_T Same with half of my animal crossing townies
ahhhh animal crossing
QUESTION 10. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
one thing i'm really looking forward to as the author is creating book 3. i think it'll answer a lot of your questions about the series, and there will be a bunch of character interactions that I know people will want to see
DA-POW! (Yayao Yuying Studio)
What I'm looking forward to is seeing the creator update all the pages into the 3d model style! <333 Although, I gotta say I really do enjoy seeing the hand drawn pages too. ;V; I'm still behind in reading, but hopefully when I have time, Imma try to get through more pages. But what I've seen, I've liked and enjoyed immensely!
But can I just say, I love how crazy and silly everything has been so far? XDDD Thanks to this discussion, I found this gem and ended up sharing it with a friend of mine. And they loved the golden comedy too! (Not to mention they're favorite scene was the tree saying they were a jerk as well. O v Obbb)
And I'd also like to commend the fact that the creator has been able to power through and draw so much content (not to mention reworking those pages into new ones. OMG!) OAO!!! As an artist myself, I know how much work it is to get to the number of pages I am now. Thank you so much for signing up for the discussion (because if you hadn't-- I probably would have never discovered yer work) and hope you continue to update the awesome sauce of a story Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe is! <333333(edited)
More hints of Galaxy Knights is always fun. Wonder if they're all human, given there's a tree as a character.
@DA-POW! (Yayao Yuying Studio) glad you and your friend liked the comic! I hope you both continue reading after the week ends! and yeah, getting this far has taken a bit of time. I've spent over 1000 hours total on the art aspect alone!
@mathtans i originally planned on one of the galaxy knights being a giant cyclops (in a future book), but i ended up writing him out.
I could see lack of depth perception being a problem.
The big twist is probably that Cahe's kid is a Galaxy Knight. Explains everything.
...i'm trying to remember if zuzu actually does grow up to be a galaxy knight or not...
"marries a killer cyborg" is definitely in there for one of the zuzus, but i'm not sure about being a galaxy knight
im looking forward to finding out if that old man really will just continue on with the talent show until mizuki comes back. and then ironically winning because ppl decided they liked his talent of talking for billions of hours
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R this week! Please also give a special thank you to snuffysam for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/
The Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R Twitter: https://twitter.com/Galaxy_Knights
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