#I’m happy to spread my brainworms
cherrysha · 1 month
just wanted to say that your sukuna fix was my final push to get into jjk. Your writings are some great stuff
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Oh em gee :,( ari :,( thank you for yapping at me…………. My brain juices started flowing…….. I knew all I needed was some of your ideas…,,, and the little hamsters in my brain started running around again!!!!!!!!!!! Ik u said don’t feel bad for sending asks but…. I feel a little guilty sending another one….. but the brain hamsters started working and I can’t deprive them of spreading their little hamster ideas 😔😔 BUT ALSO??? I NEED TO TALK ABT HOW U REPLIED TO MY PREV ASK. THEM TALKING WHEN UR SLEEPING??? AND MAYBE?? YOU SECRETLY HEARING??? IM GOING INSANEEEEEEE IM LITERALLY DISINTEGRATING AS WE SPEAK :((( satoru wanting to confess bc he doesn’t want u sad over ur ex……… sugu convincing him they shouldn’t rush u…….. :( sobs… they r so special to me. imagine what would happen if u just sat up in the middle of them talking like “🤨🤨I heard all of that btw.” but like. What do you think they’d do if your ex did try getting back together with you? Either that or just trying to get back into contact ……. Just an idea :3 giggles…. N E WAYS I HOPE UR HAVING A WONDERFUL DAY SLASH NIGHT!!! MWUA MWUA TAKE CARE AND DRINK UR WATER !!!! ^_^ — stsg anon 💐 < with bouquet. For u!!! :3
STSG ANON !!!!!! i’m telling you our brains are synced…… every time ur brain juices flow mine do too……… i’m so happy your little brain hamsters r running around 🐹🐹🐹
okok first of all ….. NEVERRRRR feel guilty for sending me asks 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫 never ever ever!!!! i love them so much!!!!! even if i’m slow at replying sometimes i promise i read them instantly and they always feed me so good!!!!!!! i should literally be paying you for these that’s how much i love them. if i catch u feeling guilty again there Will be consequences so watch out …. (ominous)…..
BUTTTT ok :3 YES . THE STSG IDEAS. i’m so happy you liked my little brainworms phdkdjj i just!!!! think it’s a tasty concept!!!!!! and PLSSS reader just sitting up and calling them out 😭😭 i KNOW they’d scream . even sugu does a little squeak bc he was so convinced you were asleep…… but goddd i think they’d actually be a little flustered <//3 our babies. once they recover satoru would be so smug tho. bc now you finally know!!! he doesn’t have to wait!!!!! and sugu is obv very happy too….
but… gahhh…… STSG ANON ………. if your ex tried getting back with you………….. ohhhh gosh. they’d be very offended . on your behalf . in a ”can you believe the audacity” way ….. but ofc they’d also be very furious and protective . like. maybe you tell them that your ex texted you wanting to meet up and they’re both INSTANTLY on guard…. ideally you’d block them ofc but if you insist on meeting them just for the sake of closure then they’re immediately convincing you to let them go with you!!!!! for scary dog priviliege . i’ll be honest i don’t think there’s much your ex could do 😭😭 bc stsg WILL be glaring at them. behind you. and if they even try to lovebomb you or blame you in any way they’re . Stopping Them . in one way or another. i think they get very very scary LMAO sugu stops smiling entirely and satoru smiles in a distinctly furious way 😭😭 ..
but ohhhh ……. if . you were the one who wanted to get back with them ….. then i think stsg would feel so helpless :’3 bc like . they can’t control you. they don’t want to. but i also think they’d rather die than have to watch you be with someone so undeserving…… so i feel like That’s when they’d confess. bc they’re so desperate . and let’s be honest who would choose a cheating ex over stsg????? no one <33333 problem solved. they’d be really terrified though…..
MWAHHHH one big kiss for you my lovely little stsg anon <33333 i’m putting the bouquet in a big beautiful vase <33333333 here r some handpicked flowers just for you :33 🌷🪻🌻🌷🪻🌻 i hope you’re taking good care of yourself too!!!! eating and drinking and sleeping lots . it’s what me and stsg want for you!!!!!! thank you as always for the food i hope u know how much i adore you <333
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bestworstcase · 1 year
Diff Anon, but I also want to send my appreciation for your analytical takes on RWBY. You've honestly opened my eyes to the very many layers of storytelling and intricacies that I vaguely had a feeling were there, but couldn't articulate, and also the other elements that I never would have considered otherwise.
salutes i am always very happy to spread my brainworms around :)
and rwby is very fun analytically because the highly intertextual nature of the story (and the often slantwise use the narrative makes of allusions!) encourages associative and like, concentric readings of the text and that is very much How My Brain Works. (and in THIS volume the key allusion happens to be a story i’ve adored since single digits gdgsvckf they wrote this for ME!) so yeah. show is good i’m having a blast and i’m glad that brings other people joy too
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chrissy-n-eddie · 1 year
o………m……..g…….sequel to glowing heart thing?!?!?! my fave is getting a sequel?!?!? IM BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS!!!! (if you have a teaser as to what will be involved that would be SO welcome but only if u want to share, i’m happy to wait with bated breath until it drops!!!)
aaa!!! it's the direct result of an anon asking about hellcheer doin’ it raw... kind of following on from the lil brainworm chrissy had about it in the glowing heart thing.
snippet below! also i love you now <3
“Aah!” Chrissy squeals, wriggling. Eddie tugs her little white cheer shorts down. It gets halfway before she wriggles and he has to yank it again. That peach of an ass reveals in tugs. Pale skin, the sexy little mole under her left asscheek. The the fine, dark hairs down her crack and then— fuck
Eddie buries his face in the gap — thighs, ass. His taste buds cramp. He groans, rough and shameless.
“Eddie!” Chrissy laughs, and kicks her legs a little. It’s part protest for the way his nose is digging into her and part thrill. Eddie takes a long, dragging inhale and groans — the smell of her. Wet and warm and a little earthy. He presses his thumbs in on either side and pulls back grinning. 
Everything kind of clicks when he’s looking her. Bent over and wiggling. Her pussy haunts his fucking dreams. And plush like that, all squeezed between her thighs---
Her trimmed pubes are slicked down with how much she wants him. Her pussy lips spill out wet and full and mind-blowingly cute.
"What are you doing?" Chrissy whispers, but he knows she likes being looked at, so---
“Looking," Eddie says. His voice comes out kind of rough but it’s only because he’s hard already and he missed her a lot. In the way that school felt empty without her in it, hallways yawning and wide and even though they don’t have any classes together he missed just… like her presence. Knowing she was in a classroom on the other side of the school picking apart algebra equations or debating Great American political issues. 
And then coming home and having no plans with her. Barely snatching fifteen minutes to hear her voice and tell her a little bit about his day. Y’know like, if a tree falls in the forest and Chrissy’s not around for him to tell her about it, does it even make a sound?
Eddie spreads her pretty little pussy with his thumbs. 
“Missed you,” he murmurs, and spits in it. 
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calowlmitygoddess · 9 months
:3cc Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
(I’m holding up a big-fan sign waiting for my bug fics updates)
SHOOT hm ok i've got a few works so mm
The Sun Rises- REALLY like this one, Lys beloved, still have another one shot of her i must get out of my system. OC origin story
Worlds Apart- Radiance centric, also still pretty happy with this one
How far have we fallen - PK and Radiance, i need to write more of these two tbh, they scratch my brainworms.
Our Birthday- Honkai Impact 3rd, Amber and Theresa centric, because They are Sisters your honour, and also terribly underatted
And lastly this one's for you dropout
We're so close but so Distant- multichapter fic where the HK siblings fail to communicate anything with eachother, and end up involved with yet MORE god bullshit but in another kingdom. I swear i'll get back to this one i just gotta finish my Original Wip that has consumed my brain
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badger-writes · 3 years
2020 Creator’s Self-Love Extravaganza/Creator Tag Meme/8 Favorite Works
I was tagged by @findswoman! (also my first ever meme tag, so thank you x2!)
This was a very apt time for this meme since this was easily my most active year writing fan fiction (mostly because what else am I supposed to do, what with the Everything™ happening this year)
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works! 
I only completed about 9 separate stories altogether in 2020, so this is very much a list looking back on 2020. Here we go:
working vacation (10 chapters, 20,072 words, still ongoing) Not really a secret that this one’s been my baby this year. My first big breakthrough on AO3 and I’m still thrilled to death with how much engagement there’s been - especially since it started as basically half-experiment/half-boredom killer on my part. Plus it was nice to breathe some new life into a rarepair.
boonta’s eve, and luckless (oneshot, 1,653 words) I’m probably only ranking this one as high as it is on account of how recently it was released and also the Greedo brainworms that have been infesting me for the last week or so, but honestly, I really liked this one once I had it typed out. It’s kind of fun taking a character everyone else sees as a one-note joke and trying to do something serious and heartfelt with them. Probably very inspired by Tom & Martha Veitch’s Greedo story in Tales from Mos Eisley Cantina, but also the general malaise of 2020.
a song of healing (oneshot, 1,715 words) I had a Zelda phase this year as well, in which this internal crossover between Majora’s Mask & Breath of the Wild presented itself. What can I say, BotW is really popular and I’ve always had a soft spot for Skull Kid. Also I fill my library with melodramatic fluff bc there’s a depressing shortage of it in real life.
a very busy fellow (oneshot, 841 words) Written for the 20th anniversary of Majora’s Mask, a timely piece of media if ever there freaking was one. I was pretty deep in the fan lore at this time and it kind of bled through into the text, but I think for this one it works out well. The deliberately sparse and lyrical style was an attempt to preserve the mystery of Happy Mask Salesman even though the point of the story was, like, a biograph.
The Crane Conundrum (3 chapters, 6,416 words, complete) Written in late spring when the DC Comics brainworms were still in full force and I still had a job. It was fun getting into Eddie’s head for this one, especially in a circumstance which dictated showing how he gets his info rather than just telling you that he did.
every good apothecary needs a stuffed crocodile (oneshot, 3,220 words) Dipping my big toe in the world of comic book smut. To be honest, still pretty proud of this one. Crack rarepair, of course, because I’m trash and Arkham Asylum has been infesting my brain since 2009.
a talk about strategy (oneshot, 2,197 words) One of two stories written shortly after Episode IX, when I was still trying to headcanon and create my way out of accepting what had been given to us. Eventually I grew out of that mindset when I realized I didn’t have the time, energy, or investment to fix JJ’s problems for him. If I were writing this today I probably would’ve gone all in on Stormpilot, but I’m fine with it as is, honestly, and I don’t personally feel like revisiting the world of the sequels anytime soon. Also the last story published before global quarantine, lmao
ain’t no mountain high enough (oneshot, 2,426 words) Another anniversary piece, this time for N7 Day 2020. I had my first fling with Mass Effect since high school and the omnishambles that was the last 15 minutes of ME3 and fell out with it again just as quickly. Tali best girl 2K∞
Honorable Mention: cenotaph (oneshot, 834 words) Another attempt to “fix” the sequels, of which there were a lot in the wake of IX. I barely feel anything for this one now, quite honestly, which about matches where I’m at on Kylo Ren as a character. The only thing I want people to take away from this is that Leia’s saber should have been purple becuase Carrie motherfuckin’ Fisher deserved that much. Or at least indigo like in that one Empire Strikes Back Infinities comic from Dark Horse. The hilt can stay, though, because LFL artists showed up to work on this film even if the writer/director didn’t.
I don’t know of any of my other mutuals who actively write/create, so if anybody else ends up reading this and wants to play, go for it!
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wetalkinboutbooks · 5 years
The Bird King by G. Willow Wilson
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The Bird King is a 2019 fantasy novel set in 1491, the novel takes place in the Emirate of Granada during the territory’s final days. The story concerns the flight of Fatima and Hassan, a concubine and mapmaker, respectively, from service to the Emirate’s last sultan. (Taken from Wikipedia)
We follow Fatima and Hassan on their search for the Bird King as they avoid soldiers of the Spanish inquisition, and meet a variety of characters along the way.
Our Ratings: 
 → Geena: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
 → Kae: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Overall: The Bird King is an amazing book that manages to be complex yet light-hearted. It touches on subjects like faith, love, and friendship. The characters are engaging (and absolute drama queens) and the plot is fast-paced so there’s never a dull moment. The dynamic between the characters leads to the funniest situations that will have you dying. In summary, reasons to read this book if you haven’t already:
C - Vikram 
D - Stupid
~ Spoiler-full discussion below ~
The Good: 
→ Hassan and Fatima’s Relationship
Geena: The best thing about the bird king (aside from the horse named Stupid) was Hassan and Fatima’s friendship. IMO it was so wholesome and they were so in love (PLATONICALLY!!!!). When Hassan said seeing Fatima walking around was like seeing his heart outside his body…… a BITCH DIED!!! Also, the fact they would take shots at each other constantly? Loved it. HOW COULD I FORGET… HASSAN CONSTANTLY BEING HORNY AND FATIMA BEING LIKE “CAN U CHILL!”  
Kae: OKAY MOOD LMAOOO. So boom. Geena covered it. We love this book! Hassan and Fatima are the definition of the 💯 emoji. But these bestie-bitches are DRAMATIC af. I’ve never seen two best friends who love each other as much as they do. They’re hugging and crying one moment, then the next they’re jealous that one of them is talking to someone else. DRAMATIC. I love it. Have we talked about Gwenny and Stupid yet?  
Geena: WE HAVEN’T TALKED ABOUT THEM, the perfect accessories to the Hassan-Fatima duo. Gwen is the token white boi, there for Hassan to thirst over and Fatima to learn how to sail a ship. Stupid on the other hand…. God bless that horse all it did was drown and then LIVE!!!! The absolute legend.  BUT Kae HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE GWEN AND STUPID? HMMM
Gwen: I only love God
Also Gwen: *sleeps with Fatima on the deck of the ship while Hassan is 3 feet away* 
Kae: Well... Gwennec. Ol’ Gwenny Gwen Gwen. Gwen, the Monk who FUCKS. PAHAAHA. Gwen was a new Monk who was at first, totally against helping our favorite bestie-bitches. But Fatima was all “Don’t test me white boi I will kick ya ass.” And Gwen lowkey thought it was hot so he let them slide. He taught Fatima and Hassan how to sail while Hassan made googly eyes at him and definitely wanted to tap that. But, as previously stated, Fatima and Gwen got it ooonnn.  Hassan found out and as like “Fa, I can’t believe you slept with my husband who doesn’t know we’re married yet!”,  and that was basically that.. Then we have Stupid. The horse who was just as damn stupid as his name. The horse lived to spite the Grim Reaper just to prove it would breathe another day. We also haven’t mentioned our Jinn friend and their literal lifesaver/guardian angel, Vikram.  
Geena: VIKRAM, aka another dude/djinn/dog man that Hassan wanted to fuck but couldn’t :( Vikram was essentially the only one in the group that had a substantial amount of brain cells, and spent most of the time trying to make sure Fatima didn’t accidentally kill herself. The fact that he saw his death and it was in the arms of a “beautiful woman” should sum up his character really well. 
Kae: Geena is sooo right. Vikram was the only one with brain cells because Fatima and Hassan both shared two. Our loveable, dramatic, but also a little dimwitted faves wouldn’t have survived any of their adventure without Vikram. He lead them through a Jinn filled tunnel that Hassan made. Escorted them across the land with the Inquisition right on their asses, and fought off whoever tried to hurt them. Initially, he agreed to save them because of a debt he owed to Fatima’s Sultana. But in the end, Vikram helped them because he wanted to. He was a weirddog/man/Jinn who just wanted Fatima and Hassan to stop being dumbasses for five seconds. But they couldn’t so he was constantly annoyed and probs wanted to eat them to shut them up. BUT WE STAN THAT FURRY LEGEND BECAUSE WITHOUT HIM, OUR ESCAPEES WOULD BE DEAD-EEE. Also he was one suave, smooth talking mofo and I feel like if he walked up to you and said “You’re lovely, but you’re an idiot. It’s okay, because you’re pretty tho.” that compliment sandwich would go right over your head and you’d thank him.  
Geena: ok FIRST OFF I would be like “why do you have a tail” but god Kae you hit all the points. 
The Bad AND The Ugly
→ The Sultan and His Mom Being Pedos 
Geena: Ok so, Fatima is 17 and I’m assuming the Sultan was in his mid-thirties, because he has kids Fatima’s age 👀. So I am sure it was historically accurate, the fact that the old ass man had a 17 year old concubine, but that doesn’t make it any less gross!!!! What’s worse is that Fatima’s mom was originally a slave for the sultan, so when she was born the sultan’s mom raised her and had her instated as a concubine when she was 15!!!!!! Scuse me while I 🤮. 
Kae: Yea, Geena said it all. The Sultan was ewww. Fatima was his favorite and I guess he talked to her like she wasn’t a concubine? She was treated very well. For a concubine. Probably better than any concubine I’ve read about Like, she had rights and could talk shit without punishment. But still, DISGUSTEEENNNG. Our girl was groomed so we do NOT stan the Sultan. 
→ Luz
Kae: we also have our main villain, Luz. She arrived at their palace to play peaceful, but she had ulterior motives that involved her spreading the word of the LORDT and taking Hassan in to be tried for Witchcraft and all that magic shit. Because if we didn’t say it before, Hassan can draw anything on a map and make that place a reality. Luz has this little worm in her eye that basically makes her super weirdly strong and badass. But fuck Luz. When Fatima finds out that Hassan is to be tried for witchcraft, she goes to him so they can both escape. Fatima wants to be free and she doesn’t want to see her bestie die. So what do they do? They dip. And now our friends are on the run. 
Geena: UGH Yes, can I just say the moment that Fatima realized that Hassan would get canned she was like “fuck all these people” and peaced out with Hassan? Friendship goals… But yes LUZ!! I enjoyed reading her as a villain because she genuinely thinks she’s a good person and that her life’s mission is to “Save” people like Fatima from people like Hassan. You really end up liking her in the beginning, and then she turns around and murders a few people and you’re like…. Ah…… i see….. aND THEN it turns out she was being controlled by some brainworm that was also trying to get to the Bird King and you kind of wonder…. How much of what Luz did was her being a violent inquisitor and how much was the worm controlling her… you kno? She redeems herself by dying, so I guess she gets…. Like one (1) right. 
Kae: Damn girl! Well said!!! LITCHERALY that is a perfect summary of Luz’s character. I can’t say anything else because it’s been SAID.  Villains are always interesting when they don’t see themselves as the bad guy. They’re righteous and unforgiving because they believe they are doing the right thing. That’s what scary about them. 
Kae: Okay, so in conclusion. This is an amazing book and in all honesty, I enjoyed the hell out of it. I was never bored reading it. Hassan, Fatima, and Vikram had quite the adventure and all the dramatics of made it that much more enjoyable. They left the palace in hopes of freedom. Hassan and Fatima got the idea of The Bird King from a story they liked to read, but never knew the ending. So they continued the story on their own, making it up along the way. In hopes of escaping their new fate to Luz and the Inquisition, Hassan drew up a map to the Bird King in hopes to find it. Their journey took them to meet Gwennec who sailed them to said island, where they discovered used to be inhabited long, long ago. Soon, others began to show up on the island. Hassan even got him a MANS. A DOCTOR. Whew. He’s got taste. The island is also forever changing and some of the remaining inhabitants are Jinn. 
Geena: Kae summarized the story really well!!! The journey to the end was an absolute trip, but G. Willow Wilson tied up the story neatly. We get to see Fatima become less dependent on Hassan (thanks to his doctor bf who told her to chill out) and Hassan finally find the happiness he deserves. Gwen, unfortunately, doesn’t make it to the end (press F to pay respect). Luz essentially sacrifices herself by taking the map Hassan drew, getting off the island, and ripping it up. Why does she do this? Because to make a place or passage Hassan drew disappear the map has to be ripped. And leaving the map to the island wasn’t an option because the Spanish inquisition never stops!!
Kae: And if they ripped the map on the island, the island would cease to exist! Upon arrival to the island, everyone had their ships wrecked. Luz got fucked up on the shipwreck and that worm thing got ripped out of her eyes and then it became a monster on the island that was NOT to be trifled with. Since Luz got all jacked up, she was gonna die anyway and no one wanted her to stay--
Kae: LMAOOO HONESTLY. XPECIALLY FATIMA NEVER HAVING WALKED SO FAR BEFORE AND BEING A BIG OL BABY. but she DIIIID have messed up shoes that blistered so I’ll give her that BUT YES HASSAN WAS A DRAMA QUEEN “waaah, I have red hair and im pale BUT I'M STILL HOT AND I LIKE TO F U C K” But yeah, Luz got voted off the island and voted herself off the island, ripped up the map, and then they were safe and lived happily ever after. Vikram even made his final appearance to say his goodbyes to Fatima, even though he hates goodbyes. I give this book a 10/10. It was funny, the characters were likeable and relatable, and it was just a good adventure read.
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