#I’m just curious what my general audience is 😂
eddywoww · 5 months
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
I wanted to ask this before I forgot. You don’t have to answer if you’re too busy but I’d really appreciate it!!
You have two successful AUs for the WH fandom and I wanted to ask how you did it? Like, structuring plot and all of that?
I was just curious since I’m thinking of making my own AU soon and I’m working extremely hard on the art pieces, but I know they won’t be noticed? If that makes sense.
To be frankly honest, my AUs weren’t hardly planned out when I made them 😂 They got more developed as they went
I created the Greyscale AU while a LOT of people were joining the WH community all at once so I had gotten a lot of exposure from that. As far as I’m aware, AUs got more popular after that and mine was one of the first handful that got particularly popular for some reason. As of now, there’s so many AUs that creating new ones has gotten overshadowed but the preexisting larger AUs. I wouldn’t let that discourage you though, there’s some recent ones that are incredibly fun and older ones that turned out to be run by awful people 😂
That said, if I were you I wouldn’t assume your work wouldn’t be noticed. It’s a very pessimistic way of looking at what you’re creating and generally speaking already sucks the fun out of making the AU in the first place. So don’t do that! I’m not gonna say it’s a good au or good art, because that’s all up to you, but have some faith
Also, I already had an audience of people who followed me for other things and followed the same general pipeline that I did (going from MCYT to WH) so that helped in getting the AU around as well
Personally, I think it was also that like. All things considered I think I made one of the more unique AUs? Like it’s angsty and dramatic and the people like that. People wanna see Wally frown and be colorless and suffer a little and that’s fine. But I had yet to see someone else do the greyscale concept at the time I made it, and my way of using it is entirely unique to me. I think a lot of newer AUs lack that same uniqueness now that EVERYONE has been making AUs
Again, I wouldn’t let that discourage you. Someone will enjoy it! Just gotta get it to the right people
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Hello, I'm a new account here on Tumblr, I am slightly new to writing, however I have a ton of experience with details from roleplaying for so long. In the end, I was wondering if you had any tips or pointers for me so I can start this fantastic journey.
First off, welcome to the world of Tumblr! 😂 It can be a little scary sometimes but I promise it’s not all that bad once you get used to it!
And I’m sorry for taking so long to reply to your ask! I’ve been thinking about it ever since you sent it so I wanted to take my time and try to be as organized as possible when it came to answering. And as a preface, these are just tips that I find most helpful while writing, so what works for me may not necessarily work for you, and vice versa! There’s no one right way to write after all 🥰
Ok I’m gonna leave the rest under the cut but here we go!
1. Jot down ideas/facts/random things about your story. If you’re not ready to begin writing just yet or just don’t know where to start, grab a piece of paper and just info dump. Make little notes here and there. Where you want your fic to end up, who’s going to be in it, any themes or scenes you want to be sure to include when you start to write it out. I find this especially helpful for OC stories (or even reader fics with very specific attributes or hobbies), sometimes you just have to jot down what they look like or what they do for a living and suddenly you realize something about them that you didn’t know before. (Let’s say, a specific fear or something that happened to them in the past, or maybe a close friend or past relationship they once held dear to them.) No one other than you will ever look at these notes so don’t be afraid to be a little messy with them!
2. Use your roleplaying background for scenes, dialogue, etc. I'm not too experienced with roleplaying so I can't speak for it in general, but if you have a history with it then don't be afraid to lean on it when it comes to fic ideas! Have a specific scene you once acted out, but can't get it out of your head? Maybe you want to try it with another character instead, or tweak the dialogue a little bit? Recycle these ideas for inspiration for your fics and see how they come out!
3. Start writing random scenes in your fic. They don't have to necessarily be in order, and sometimes I find I work better when I'm working from the beginning straight to the end. But if you don't know where to start then pick out a random spot in your fic or an idea you want to elaborate on and go from there. This really helps you to get a feel of the characters, atmosphere, and overall tone of your fic. You don't have to necessarily include this in the final draft but it serves as a nice jumping off point to get your creative juices flowing!
4. Talk about your fic! Whether it's random posts on Tumblr or sending asks/fic ideas to your friends and mutuals, talking about your fics and those ideas floating around in your head help you get inspired to write them out! Discussing WIPs with my moots are so much fun and sometimes they can give you a different perspective or suggestions that you didn't know were there before. (And my inbox is always open, just so you know! I'm curious to see what kind of fics you wanna write!)
5. Write what YOU want to write. This is probably the most personal advice I can give you. Only you know what works for you in what you want to read and write, so don't be afraid to go a little crazy. Overused tropes, crossover ideas, character analysis, different AUs, it doesn't matter at all. Because YOU will be writing it, and your voice and style are what will make your fic yours. So don't be afraid to be a little "out there" with your fics, because no matter what there will always be someone out there who will want to read it! You just gotta find the right audience, but I promise they're out there!
Those are the points I can think of at the top of my head. I hope they'll be able to help you, but everyone's got their own style and way of writing so it's okay if you find something totally different that works for you. Everyone has their own personal preferences, that's what makes writing so much fun after all!
I wish you all the best and can't wait to see what you come up with! 😘❤️❤️❤️
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molliehaswords · 2 years
So, I’ve just rewatched the most recent episode of CR (I missed the first hour or so due to picking up my boyfriend at the airport) and I’m having some thoughts, some of which I feel haven’t been as visible since the episode aired.
I feel like there hasn’t been as much focus on Fearne, Dusk, and Fearne’s parents as I personally would be giving focus, but maybe that’s because it feels like it’s been sort of shunted to next week since Fearne’s parents are a few days away from Bassuras. I dunno. Maybe I’ve got my personal shipper goggles on but I was really interested in the reactions of Ashley, Travis, and Tal (both in and out of character). I loved the exchange of Fearne and Chetney with the music box being for her parents. And Ashton feeling guilty for the shit he gave Dorian with his noble background since Fearne is apparently nobility too. 😂
Something about the crawler things that FCG and Ashton wanted to steal gave me vibes of the bus-like things in Avalir.
Final thoughts:
The new theme animation isn’t my favorite and I still think “Your Turn to Roll” is a better song than “It’s Thursday Night,” but it’s fine. And, most interestingly, I feel like I liked this new animation better on my television (which is how I generally watch the episodes) than I did on my phone (which is where I’d been seeing it). I’m curious how the scaling impacts the potential issues people will likely have with the flashing lights. I do feel badly for the crew for having to make a change this early and still have what feels like a pretty major negative reaction from the audience, but “ew uncanny valley” is probably better than “um offensive.” The best part of the new theme is Travis getting to live his werewolf dreams and transform briefly. The rest of it I’m just sort of “meh” on because I’m in the camp of people who wants more of a focus on the characters (like the M9 animated or the VM cosplay) in the theme but I also loved the retro theme at the beginning of C2. But hey, not my show, not my decision. 🤷🏼‍♀️
I have no idea what I want to do with these thoughts.
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Um, hi, hello. I was just wanting to know. I was reading your Keeping Up With the Raptors series (sorry, that gives me a little giggle because the Raptors are the basketball team in Canada so I still have trouble connecting 'Raptors' and 'hockey', sorry, anyway) on Ao3, and I was just curious to know if you ever think you'll write more? For that series? Cause I think it's really cool and quite well written. And I'd love to know how it's supposed to end. No pressure if it's something you've abandoned, just wanted to know. Thanks.
Also, thank you, because it's rewoken my love for my original works and characters and I'm going crazy about them all over again, and I'm actually writing about them again. A little, anyway. So thanks for that. :)
Sorry that sound you just heard was my body hitting the floor in shock that anyone is reading that series.
You know, I think I’d planned to make a joke about the Toronto Raptors sharing a name but I never got around to it?
If I did continue KUWTR, I’d have to do a bit of a reboot on it. Especially considering Seattle has a hockey team now. That’s why I orphaned the series; it was cluttering my profile and probably not continue-able in its current form.
Honestly, the lack of engagement with KUWTR and original work in general killed my motivation (hence my shock at getting a message on it, haha). I started writing it to prove to myself that I was a “real” writer after doing mostly fanfic for my entire life. But after awhile I felt like I was just writing into a void. With almost no feedback, I didn’t know what was working for the audience or if I even had an audience. I also floundered with trying to write a long-form/novel story, as that’s never been my strength.
KUWTR also required a lot of legwork. I had to dig pretty deep into the inner workings of the NHL and hockey culture and shotgun several things I couldn’t find. It was just plain exhausting and I wasn’t getting a whole lot in return. Once I got married and had kids I couldn’t dedicate the time anymore, hence my return to fanfiction where I could have fun writing with less time investment—and a lot more engagement on my stories. I’m not as active in sports fandom as I was before kids either, and I live in an area now where professional sports aren’t much of a thing (college football, on the other hand…) so it’s easy to lose touch.
I do, however, still think about KUWTR a lot. I love those characters and it means so, so much to hear that someone else loves them too even 10-ish years after the last update. I’d planned to have the series end with Hank’s retirement. But then I had some ideas for his daughter’s adventures playing for the US national team. 😂 So who knows when it would really end? If I rebooted the series, I think I’d make it a smaller focus on Hank and his family. Trying to include half the team as main characters was overwhelming and looking back, I’m sure it contributed to the series’s decline.
I can’t thank you enough for this ask. For real. It’s made my whole day to know even one person likes that universe I spent so much time crafting. Now that I’m “established” on tumblr and AO3, maybe KUWTR would get some more readers? It’s certainly worth thinking about. ❤️
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golbrockstar · 3 years
Reaction Video Reactions of the Evidence:
Shadow in the Mirror: Yeah, I saw this one on Twitter, too, but I didn’t find it that compelling since not everyone was in the shot, it was easily explainable to me so I’m glad that they concluded it was Colby.
Thing in the window w/ the fan: idk I feel like it goes by too quick in the video to really get a good look at it, it could just be something in the room’s shadow. I’m glad they tried to figure it out though, and I agree it could go both ways but I’m not convinced.
The thermal boy: Ah this one again. I feel like the face is a coincidence but who knows lol. I don’t think anyone would have thought the two looked alike without the association with the conjuring house.
Names in the Sand: Nope, sorry snc. Not convinced. Somebody wrote those, even if it wasn’t you two. Also, thank you Seth for thinking logically.
“Hey”: Mmm, idk, it’s not that convincing to me. I feel like I only hear it if I’m listening intently. I’m not watching this with headphones so maybe it’s true, but idk it’s super breathy and 🤷‍♀️
Shadow man in the window: Now this one is creepy, but I don’t think it has a tophat colbs sorry 😂 And thank god they went back and checked, they should have left that in! Also, this one I can’t explain away, unless it was just a light trick somehow? But I don’t think it is. It’s probably one of the best evidence they’ve gotten.
Estes Method: At this point, everybody knows I think this is compelling. And I wish we the audience could hear the audio because that would make it seem more real. Less like it’s possibly faked. I don’t think they’re faking it (I wasn’t present nor do I know the boys so I can’t say definitively one way or the other) but viewers would be more convinced if we could hear the direct audio.
James: Pretty cool, don’t have much to say on this one, really.
Exorcism: Dude, I forgot how intense this part of the video was. Like the look on Colby’s face down there? The music they added? Just the words in general? Feels like it should be a scene in a scary movie, but it’s real.
Also Colby got the worst end of the deal for that video lol Sam should’ve taken the attic or whatever. I don’t want them to beat a dead horse, but if they ever return to the Conjuring House, Sam should go in the basement alone.
Ending: NATE AND SETH? PLUS SAM AND COLBY? IN THE VILLISCA HOUSE? Oh, it might kill me. Oh my god. Ahem.
Curious what they’re gonna be doing for Hell Week next year because of course they’re gonna wanna top themselves. Also Sam and Colby Seasons? Cool, cool, but like don’t give yourselves YouTube burnout boys. That’s a lot of work even in chunks. And Season 1? Boys, at this point you’re on at least Season 3 or 4 of your video.
Trailer: Oh, I’m hyped but like their trailers always get me hyped 😂 plus Nate seemed freaked out.
Other Notes: I love that they had the Hell Week poster sitting there lol. I also love that Josh seemed like he hadn’t watched the video before.
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