#I’m literally so smart
moths-are-better · 6 months
wakfu ep 12 spoilers
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I fucking called it
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katesheretoday · 1 year
friendly reminder your bones are probably pink
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onyxedskies · 8 months
qpr sylmerciegrid………..
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jaybirdiewrites · 2 years
just realized I’ve been reblogging shit onto here by accident instead of my main blog, sorry for everyone who follows me from my Wattpad!
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dukeofdadykes · 3 months
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I drew Sage bc I LOVE HER rahHH her powers are so cool I’m so interested to see what they end up doin w/ her!! 😤
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inluvwcaitvi · 2 months
vi is a lot smarter than she gets credit for and it’s kinda weird to see that ppl genuinely write her off as “haha punch and angry”. i mean, yeah, that's def a part of her but that clearly isn't her entire character, just like jinx obviously isn't only "haha bomb go boom". at first i thought it was just a joke and it was funny but ppl… actually think that??? 💀
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i'm not saying she's some fuckin super genius or anything but i've seen some ppl talk abt vi like she's genuinely stupid and has never displayed any intelligence whatsoever and i find that so strange.
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sherbetyy · 1 year
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lunerabo · 2 months
Been thinking about making this post for a while and only recently figured out a good way to articulate it but I unironically think Gege’s kind of a genius for using what is most definitely censorship of a gay relationship to his advantage in writing whatever was between Gojo and Geto.
I think what a lot of people get wrong in saying things like how this was a perfect setup for a romance and it’s bullshit that he wrote all that just to label them as best buds is the fact that they’re forgetting that in general homosexuality is nowhere near as accepted over there as it is in the west. BL and GL absolutely exist but read any of them and it becomes very clear to you that the general attitude towards it is that it’s seen as a taboo fetish and not a preference. If you have that in mind, it suddenly makes a lot more sense why they’d want to censor it especially in shonen manga (even though you still get boys falling face first into racks large enough to have their own gravitational fields—something Gege’s also notoriously avoidant of, thank goodness). Not saying it’s right or that it’s not problematic, but when you take into account the differences in attitudes across the board, it’s easier to understand.
Gege’s aware of this. If he wasn’t, and was less careful about putting queer characters in the story, jjk would have never seen the light of day. We know he’s not shy about doing that, as proven by the existence of Megumi and Mai, who are both canonically bi/pan, Kirara, a trans woman, Mahito, who is genderless, and Kenjaku and Uraume, who are loosely implied to be nonbinary or genderfluid. The reason he can get away with this is because none of them are the larger-than-life hero holding the gaze of every fucking pair of eyes on the planet even in death. He’s already toeing the line with the aforementioned characters, for the same reason that other progressive authors only ever seem to make background and side characters queer but never the super important ones. Gojo as a character has a lot of fans and is arguably the thing that attracts readers in the first place, so it goes without saying that a less accepting audience would get turned off by the confirmed queerness of their favorite character. It also goes without saying that this would be very likely to cost Gege his job, so confirming anything is too big of a risk to take. All he can realistically do is tiptoe around it and lay out the signs and hope we read them right.
Gojo and Geto were not in a relationship and couldn’t ever have been simply because Gege wasn’t allowed to write that. So what do you do when something in real life is influencing the story like that? Ultimately, you have to find a way to use a roadblock like that to make it fit in seamlessly, and I think he did a really good job of it. Because the fact is actually that it wasn’t a perfect setup for a romance; the feelings were there but the lives they led were not ones that a relationship develops in, especially not after both of them fell off opposite deep ends in the different ways that they did. What it was a perfect setup for was tragedy. He can’t confirm a relationship but clearly he’s allowed to make them pine for each other, so being barred from bringing them together helped to create a tragic so-close-yet-so-far type of situation that fit everything really well, and made it that much more painful to see them ripped apart.
Idk. I’m tired.
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clown-eating-pig · 5 months
Have we yet discussed the possibility that the reason that Gerry’s hair color isn’t mentioned in tmagp is not because he has a good dye job now, nor because he does not have one at all, but because Happy Gerard Keay is actually just Bald As Hell?
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sirmanmister · 1 year
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A little gory/exaggerated but I actually like this a lot :D
I like the idea of the freeze being REALLY rough on the sole survivor, and there’s physical trauma involved that they have to deal with past the mental trauma of waking up 200 years in the future.
Damien gets pretty bad barotrauma from being frozen for 150 years, wakes up to see Shaun get taken, then freezes again pretty much immediately afterwards. It’s not like he could fully thaw in those 2 minutes it took Kellogg to open Nora’s door. So now Damien is deaf in his left ear, and he has trouble keeping his hands warm :)
Closeup under the cut
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mushroominaforest · 16 days
I love drawing extreme expressions in my cartoony style, it’s so fun for no reason lmao
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(me when the panic is attacking)
Hehe overly dramatic scenes like this are so fun to draw lol
I hate getting panic attacks, but when they aren’t too severe and I can still function, I often calm myself down by drawing. Lo and behold, when I’m panicking I also tend to draw myself panicking. (Idk, I guess it’s just on my mind lol, plus it kinda helps express my feelings or whatever) This time I drew my sona bc they’re so silly, so there they are hiding behind their door like they’re in a horror movie or something lmao. I might be a chronic overreacter (thats definitely a word trust me) but it gives me plenty of dramatic scenes to draw lol
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pacific!falls au
Stan and Ford were drift compatible (maybe all twins in universe get tested on the off chance?) and Ford wants to study the rifts that form around the kaiju while Stan just likes a good fight.
Together, they make a really good drift team.
However, Ford starts to make big progress with his study of the rifts and how he wants to shut them down. So much progress in fact, that there’s talk of decommissioning them as a drift team since Ford is more valuable by himself than he is paired with Stan in a mech.
Stan is upset by this and accidentally breaks something on Ford’s lab before being kicked out of the program. Ford is also kicked out of the program for not being able to prove his theories about the rifts and its considered a waste of resources.
Stan drifts around the world after that, becoming closer to a normal civilian and dealing with the fear of living while there are constant kaiju threats.
Ford begins having dreams about the rifts and wants to test a theory but needs help constructing something (the portal).
Fiddleford is one of the technicians who upgrades the mechs and agrees to help Ford construct his portal during his leave (instead of visiting his family).
We know how this ends. The Bill equivalent of this universe is sending the kaiju through the portals and wants Ford and Fiddleford to construct one he can pass through. Fiddleford catches on, Ford summons Stan and ends up on the other side of the portal.
Thirty years later, Mabel and Dipper are drift compatible and sent to live with their Grunkle to talk about the process of drifting and to learn from him.
He teaches them about drifting, lets them pilot a mini mech as practice.
When they get Ford back there is an understanding that he and Stan will need to work together to defeat Bill, but they’re working under the impression they’re no longer drift compatible.
By defeating Bill, the kaiju incursions stop but at the cost of Stan’s memories.
To regain Stan’s memories, Ford finds out they’re still drift compatible and enters their shared mindscape to get his brother back.
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mushramoo · 3 months
so Batman and Superman are like. super gay right
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green-tea217 · 19 days
when the friend crush so massive it looks like an actual crush
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cavennmalore · 3 months
over the course of the series so many other characters give keefe a plot net/armor to catch him when his plans fail that i’m so excited for that not to exist in unraveled. let him make mistakes!! let him fail!! let him actually be smart enough to get himself out of those situations himself!!
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I gave Junot some dessert
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