#I’m rereading AH to put myself in the right mindset
lust-bts · 4 years
woke up to 2 scenes for Afterhours in my ask!! I’m so excited to write some more for this fic so ty anon, I love your ideas and they’re on their way!
If you’d like to see your favourite couples from your favourite fics in a specific scenario, send them in!!
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scoundrels-in-love · 4 years
Okay, so I am going to try and write about something that I just can’t stop thinking about.
Which is, once again, Seun Gyeom’s diary. I spoke about it a good, long time ago (that’d be ep 7 or 8, I think?) here and rereading the post, it was really interesting to see what withstood test of time.
And in some ways what was actually true then but has shifted to be different now because he has grown as a person and immensely so.
Specifically, that’d be how Seun Gyeom was protective of his diary around Yeong Il but didn’t try to conceal it when Mi Joo was there. I speculated that he, in some way, had had very little privacy in his life and this was innate and simple trust, yet learning to draw borders in regards of Yeong Il. (And then I went on to extensively talk about how he’s not aware of walls he puts up and how verbal expression of care is still unfamiliar to him and something he is eager to welcome and replicate.)
And I feel like I was right, actually, even as Seun Gyeom hesitated to hand over his diary to Mi Joo this episode. Especially so, in truth.
First, he really was actually stalked and investigated by his own father and with the way that man acted, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had demanded Seun Gyeom to hand over and show his phone or some such at some point. Which, yikes on pikes.
Second, we’re back at to theme of self-love and him establishing his own person also independently from Mi Joo.
I didn’t speak of it much other than in few tags, but back when he confessed to Mi Joo, I got caught up in the way he said she gives him value. Because no matter what, it’s... It’s not great to stake your value being based on what you think someone else gives you. It’s a start, if you’ve never felt you had any, but it’s basically just shifting that task to someone better, rather than his parents or his teammates.
I bit my tongue and told myself - it’s something they will work on. And I was right. The show delivered and even more overtly than I expected. Because Mi Joo called him out directly about it. When? After their break up.
First, in the break up scene itself - he does assert himself to an extent, he gets upset that she makes him say the words instead of braving it herself, because it makes him take responsibility for it, to take her wishes as if they’re his own - which is something that his father has continuously done. He goes as far as to say it’s only mistake she’s made that night - because the rest he can understand and give it time, but this was cruel in a way he didn’t expect or wish to experience from her. But okay, I’m getting offtopic because it’s something I’ve thought about a lot.
The point is, he starts by asserting himself in the scene and then he continues with: “Let’s give each other time. It’s the least you can do for me. I think I deserve as much.” Which. WOW. Amazing. Beautiful. First time we see him saying “I am deserving of something, of being treated fairly and with kindness. and my feelings have value.” so plainly.
And then... Then he collapses a little on himself and asks her “Don’t I?”. He is still hurt, he is still angry, but he goes back to questioning because his value is STILL dependent on her on some level. He might’ve accepted on some unconscious part if she had said ‘no’, even if he had rebelled against it mentally. It’d have been a lot to overcome, in my opinion. But of course it’s Mi Joo and she doesn’t do that.
The same pattern repeats when he runs after Mi Joo and pleads her not to leave. It’s not the pleading itself, but the fact he apologizes for crying and breaking her heart with it. I went ‘oof’ immediately and, essentially, so did she. “How can you apologize even in moment like this?” Because even then, he is prioritizing her feelings and being sorry for taking up emotional space in not positive way, even though he’s breaking apart.
I truly and well think it’s what makes her say ‘you should love yourself more, for us to be in healthy relationship’ that same night. Because he still doesn’t. He’s learning, but she still is the root and the heart of his self-value and what creates any warmth he might feel toward himself.
I am not going to talk about every little moment in-between where we get to watch her nudge him toward healthier, loving mindset about himself or where he actually follows it through that we get to see. This is hella long as it is.
So. Third point, even if it’s actually still second. Him buying diary was her suggestion, him struggling with its concept and learning to write in it (with her help) was an important lesson in self-actualization. Him being protective of it toward Yeong Il, but not as much with Mi Joo, to me, felt like sign he does want to be vulnerable with her but also doesn’t know how to establish boundaries.
Something Mi Joo constantly tells him - my work and myself are the most important things to me, there’s a space in my life that is only for me and that is healthy and good and you should have for yourself!
And now that she asked for his diary, he had that belief in himself. I have something private, only mine, and just because I love her - and she loves me -, it doesn’t mean I have to give it up to her to be judged for its worth, or to share if I don’t explicitly wish to. To me, it was like him stating - I know I am truly my own person, with my own value independent of you(r affection) although it is important to me, I have my own thing that is purely my own.
It looked almost comical, how he didn’t let go of the diary and someone else might think of it as funny moment, ah pouty Seun Gyeom getting possessive of his belongings, what a cutiepie but also like stop, but to me that was such a quietly loud landmark of his journey towards self love that I quite physically can’t stop thinking about it.
Maybe it’s just me, maybe I am ascribing more importance to it than it actually has. But whenever I think of him learning to love himself, I will think of that moment, I will think of Mi Joo respecting that he doesn’t want it to be read and the long, long way the had went from that sunny day where he sat on the low wall, trying to find words for fear in his heart. And maybe I will tear up, again.
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2019 has already ended but here’s a list (+ my unasked for opinions) of all the books I’ve read in 2019 in chronological order, Part 2.
((Disclaimer: this is a shitpost for myself and highly overrun by my emotions — I shall not be held accountable if my opinion is taken seriously. And I know it’s 2020 already, but procrastination is prevalent.))
By the way, here’s part 1, if you’d like.
8. The Dragon Republic
Rin was an absolute mess the entire book and god knows how frustrated I got with the dumb decisions™ she made every step of the way. But the poor girl was going through some shit and she picked it all up at the end, so I’m ready for the third installment, and to finally, see the end of the poppy war. Also, THE THIRD BOOK HAS BEEN NAMED “THE BURNING GOD” and I stan. But generally, book 2 wasn’t very memorable to me, and I don’t remember it very well anymore so it was eh.
Characters: 3/5
Plot: 3.5/5
General feel things factor: 3.5/5
9. An Ember in the Ashes
God, I WAS SO DISAPPOINTED BY THIS BOOK. I almost hate it. I might actually. It’s definitely the book I dislike most of 2019. Ok listen, I’m pretty sure I dislike it because I hadn’t been in the right mindset to read it, and it just ended up not being the kind of book I was looking for in terms of plot and mood. Maybe it was intentional, but everything ended up being really dreary and boring and so underwhelming to me. I didn’t feel anything for the story nor for the characters (whose names I no longer remember). I mostly wanted to follow the first girl’s story rather than the other two characters (even though honestly, I didn’t care for what was happening to her either) so I ended up skimming half of the book and then forcing myself to finish the rest of it. Why didn’t I just DNF it? I don’t know too. I was probably going through some kinda mood.
Characters: 1/5
Plot: 1.5/5
General feel things factor: 1/5
10. To Kill a Kingdom
NOW. I’ve seen some reviews on this, and boy, were they mixed — but let’s ignore them, because here is my significant opinion: it was cute. I think tkak is just a simple, short fantasy-romance that got out a cute couple and was done with it. I loved Lira’s character, idk there was just something about her dryness (hah, even though she’s a siren-) that I really enjoyed. Although I have to say, the main guy character had been rather bland, and I don’t remember his name anymore. But anyway, I liked the first-meeting-girl-slaps-boy-scene. I liked the pirates. I liked the romance. I liked the straight-forwardness. I liked the happy ending. (And after AEITA, this was exactly what I needed.) So 10 points to Alexandra Christo.
Characters: 3.5/5
Plot: 3.5/5
General feel things factor: 3.5/5
11. An Enchantment of Ravens
SO. DAMN. ADORABLE. Some people hate enchantment, some people don’t. I personally absolutely loved it. I found Isobel and Rook so cute together, and everything was just really soft and fluffy. Like tkak, it’s just a short and sweet romance, but it leans more towards the fairytale vibes — and I was vibing. I found both the main characters so whimsical and dramatic and ridiculous and they were just so ENJOYABLE to read about. The plot was simple and to the point and it didn’t meander when it didn’t have to — so I don’t care what anyone has to say, an enchantment of ravens is probably one of my favorite reads in 2019 and I adore it. (And the line “Now stop making me feel things.” is just iconic to me. I mean, please, Rook.)
Characters: 4.5/5
Plot: 4/5
General feel things factor: 4.5/5
12. Graceling
Alright, so this is the book I ended on before I stopped reading, aka stopped ignoring the reality of my exams, to start studying for my exams. I found Po and Katsa cute together and I enjoyed their dynamics, but they got a little boring towards the end. I think their relationship got too mature and serious for me (or maybe exams looming over my head just made me really depressed) so they lost the childish charm about them that had drawn me in in the first place. But that doesn’t change the fact that Katsa is an absolute badass, that the entire scene in the courtyard where they fought is iconic, and that the truth behind Po’s sight at the end made me cry. Wasn’t my favourite, but graceling was enjoyable, which was exactly what I needed to feel satisfied to end on, and not too drawn into a world that I needed another one to replace it after it ended. Thank you Graceling, for saving whatever had been left of my grades.
Characters: 2.5/5
Plot: 3/5
General feel things factor: 3/5
13. The Cruel Prince (& The Wicked King & The Queen Of Nothing)
This is definitely my favourite book (and series) of 2019 and I was ruined by it. I actually had to reread the cruel prince, because the first time I did, I didn’t enjoy it and that didn’t sit right with me — I mean, come on, Holly Black is my queen and there’s no way I’d dislike a 4.2 star book of hers. And boy, was that one of the best decisions I’ve made in 2019. I was so immersed in Jude’s world and everything she was about to face; I rooted for her the whole way. I loved her character so, so much (for once, we get an mc that is actually smart). I loved Cardan so, so much. Honestly, I truly liked all of the characters. And Jurdan? I live for that sh*t. I was completely floored by this trilogy and I. Still. Want. More. (+ The quotes from this series??? Just freaking iconic.)
Characters: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
General feel things factor: 5/5
14. Sorcery of Thorns
Ah, yes, another one of the books I was disappointed by. After An Enchantment of Ravens, I had been so excited to read the second work of Margaret Rogerson, but it wasn’t what I thought it’d be. I really enjoyed it at first, but around the half way point I started to get bored and almost DNFed it. And yes, I am aware that Sorcery is meant to be an epic fantasy and is different from Enchantment, but I just thought that the characters would still have that whimsical, ridiculous flair that had been done so well in Enchantment — but the character building here kind of just fell flat for me. Although there were moments I did enjoy reading about Elisabeth and Nathaniel, I just didn’t really see the chemistry between them and I couldn’t appreciate their interactions and banter much. I felt like Silas was just a cookie-cutter “cold on the outside but warm on the inside” character as well. Okay, I’m being extra harsh on this book because of my crushing disappointment from great expectations, but actually, Sorcery had been a pretty good read that started off well. Although the middle got a little dry, i think it picked itself up again at the end and I felt compelled to finish it. Plus, Silas’ moment made me tear up even when I hadn’t expected myself to, so, that’s always a bonus.
Characters: 3/5
Plot: 3/5
General feel things factor: 3/5
15. The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
So whimsical. So funny. So light-hearted — yet it had the surprise punch-you-in-the-gut feels. I spent a good deal of time laughing over Henry’s antics (when he ran naked around Versailles???? Oh my god, what are you doing, Henry?) and his efforts at trying to be a decent human-being. It was honestly, a very heart-felt and romantic story, which really has me torn up because how does Mackenzi Lee weave in so many heavy, important themes like abuse, trauma, racial and sexual discrimination and mental illness, and still make it such a light-hearted story — that was done well? (And lets not forget how she’s also managed to include some serious Fullmetal Alchemist vibes in there complete with murders and violins and pirates. Geez.) She’s a genius that’s how. The number of times I’ve almost cried, but was saved by Henry’s comments is just- ugh. If there’s any book I’d recommend just for being a damn good book, it’d be this one because, wow, was it good.
Characters: 4.5/5
Plot: 4/5
General feel things factor: 4.5/5
16. Carry On
We have now reached my final book of 2019: it was an absolute delight and one of my favourites. I just loved the characters, like they were so enjoyable to read about. I mean, I felt like Simon had a stick up his ass for a good portion of the beginning, but he softened up later on and my god, Baz. I loved his character so much. And the pining? HELL YES. And then, of course, his refusal to admit that he was pining to anyone else but himself. Simon and Baz were just extremely shippable, and I was ready to gobble up whatever I could of their romance. So fluffy, so ridiculous. Rainbow Rowell also made good use of the switching POVs. I normally dislike it when author’s switch the perspectives because it tells a side of the story that I really don’t care for (ahem, an ember in the ashes...) but Rowell did it so damn well. Even Agatha’s pov was enjoyable. She provided a different perspective on things compared to the other characters and I actually really liked her “I don’t want to have anything to do with this bullshit” take on things. It was fresh, and funny, even if she was being an ass half the time. So, Carry On? It’s a yes from me.
Characters: 4/5
Plot: 3/5
General feel things factor: 4/5
And finally, my 3 DNFs, in which I will rant about them just a little:
1) Wicked Fox
Didn’t like the writing style. Normally I don’t notice writing styles much because I’m just not that good with the technicalities, but Wicked Fox’s bothered me and I just couldn’t enjoy it. Also, I wasn’t in the mood to be patient, so I just decided to drop it.
2) Serpent & Dove
I actually really liked the beginning, but I think I wasn’t in the right headspace and I started to get bored by it, so I stopped reading. I’ll probably pick it up again in the future when I’m in the mood for it though :)
3) Throne or Glass
My god. I picked this up purely as tribute for Feysand — which, I guiltily admit, I really enjoyed — but- I- I couldn’t get past the first five chapters of tog. Putting aside the writing style (Why! Are! There! So! Many! Exclamation! Marks!), I didn’t feel anything for any of the characters, and any of the scenes. I don’t know what it is, but everything just felt so disconnected from me, and I had an inkling that I wasn’t going to care about what happened to the mc, or what happened with her and the other two (who I presume are) love interests because even on first impression, and a little past that, both seemed so bland to me. Sigh.
That’s it for the list; if you’re still here, good on you.
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collectedbooks · 5 years
name:  olivia. nickname:  olive is my nickname and generally what i go by anyway. faceclaim:  uhhh i use critical role caps for reactions and i’ve used brittany robertson in the past bc she has my vibe. pronouns:  they / she. height:  5′4″ birthday:  may 1st. aesthetic:  practical, moody, and a little wannabe punk, usually with a pithy t-shirt. last song you listened to:  salt - bad suns. favorite muse(s) you’ve written:  my three all-time favorites have been gabriel from supernatural, john constantine from hellblazer, and fake ah crew ryan haywood from gta / achievement hunter vids.
what inspired you to take on this muse:  i actually made this blog like six years ago!! aziraphale has always been a favorite of mine, writing him is where i could just ramble about books and be nice to people. so when the tv series came out and was SO AMAZING like, ofc i’m gonna come back to my sweet boy! on top of that, i’ve just been in a really positive space in my life and his hopeful mindset and determination to be his own person have really resonated with me.
what is your favourite aspects of your current muse(s):  aziraphale is so overwhelmingly kind. in general, my muses tend to be the bastardly ones with hearts of gold, often regarded in fandoms as secret sweethearts, but aziraphale is really more kind than dickish, or he’s dickish in a way that still lends itself to helping others; betraying heaven for the sake of humanity, for example. i like a lot about him: i adore his passion for books, i love the way he cares so much about the world, i love that the ballsy motherfucker straight up lied to god’s face, and i love that he threw his safe, comfortable life away to save humanity. but more than fucking anything, the fact that he just wants to Do Good and Help People hits me right in the gut.
what’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing:  talking to people and rereading the book! the book will always put me in the right mindset for some dry, hopefully actually funny humor, and just bouncing ideas off of other people leads to some of the most absolutely fucking fantastic ideas and headcanons that i never would have thought up on my own! everyone on here is wonderful and talented and creative and i would not have nearly as much muse without them!
favourite types of threads:  anything that we’re having fun writing! i’m an angst goblin and a fluff fiend, personally, but anything where we’re passionate and excited about the writing is automatically going to be a favorite.
biggest struggle in regards to your current muse:  for me, there’s this pressure to writing aziraphale to like, match the tone that good omens sets. that dry kind of humor that blends wit and pure silliness. sometimes i get really caught up in that and psych myself out about how i’m just not funny enough to write him the way terry pratchett and neilman intended. i also just put a lot of pressure on myself in general! but i have a LOT of fun when i get that thread of humor sounding right in my head. i also just don’t have fuckin TIME to write anything, but that’s just my biggest struggle in general, not specifically with aziraphale!
tagged by:  @fakehappied​! tagging:  anyone who wants to!
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consecotaleo · 7 years
Boku No Hero Academia Light Novel Vol. 3 -- Unofficial English Translation -- Chapter 1: “Cheers”
T/N: I saw Aitai’s translation of the Fantasy AU today and decided to throw this out there... an unofficial translation for the first chapter of the BNHA Light Novel Vol. 3. I haven’t read the other light novels, so I apologize if this isn’t how they usually read. This is a Chinese > English translation, so some of the translations could be paraphrased or totally different from the actual Japanese version.
(The following occurs around Chapter 96-97 in the manga, where Aizawa and All Might go on home visits for 1-A. You should definitely reread those chapters and at least the wiki page for the Hideout Raid Arc so you understand what’s happening. Anyways, Aizawa and All Might agree to go out for drinks afterwards, so here they are.)
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Chapter 1: “Cheers”
Hoping to better his relationship with Aizawa-sensei (despite their strong differences in personality), All Might strikes up a conversation. Unfortunately, Aizawa's responses are curt, and the atmosphere remains awkward. Though All Might can’t partake in alcohol himself, he plies Aizawa with drinks in the hopes that the man will relax and open up to him. Yet Aizawa, despite quietly finishing off several drinks, appears totally unaffected! Perhaps Aizawa has been accidentally drinking All Might’s own non-alcoholic beers? All Might despairs, but suddenly remembers Midoriya and the vow he’d made to himself on his home visit – to protect the boy and his dreams. Now he’s even more determined to better his relationship with Aizawa, who’s also a mentor for Midoriya.
“Aizawa-san,” All Might begins, “I’d like to ask you something. Can you tell me about the mindset of a teacher, or tips for teaching, or something to that effect? I’m still very new to teaching, after all.”
 All Might had hoped to kill two birds with one stone: become closer to Aizawa while also gaining some insight on teaching. But the silence stretches out awkwardly, Aizawa scratching his head.
 Finally, Aizawa replies. “If some secret teaching method existed, I’d ask for it myself. Personality, home environment, personal growth rate are totally different among the students. If there was a universal way to successfully mentor everyone, we’d live in a world with no villains at all.”
 “Well said,” All Might mumbles, abashed. The conversation lulls.
Mulling over Aizawa’s words, All Might muses that youths nowadays were growing at an almost alarming rate. It felt like just yesterday the Young Midoriya had been chasing after All Might’s shadow, but now the boy was hurtling forwards all on his own.
 Aizawa, who had been quiet for a while, suddenly chides All Might for favoring Midoriya too much.
 All Might is eager to restart the conversation, but Aizawa’s phone suddenly rings.
 It’s Present Mic, who’d called to let Aizawa know that he’d be over in 5 minutes once the secret meeting was over, and wanted Aizawa to save a spot for him.
 Mic and Aizawa have a great relationship, despite their stark differences in personality. How did they become friends in their school years, All Might asks? Mic cheerfully exposes Aizawa’s student life.
 “Aizawa in his school years?” Mic snickers. “He’d always doze off as soon as class ended. He’d never do anything beyond the bare requirements. For a while, his nickname was ‘Energy-Saver’.”
 Aizawa shoots him a warning glare. But All Might looks surprisingly interested, so Mic continues. “First he was ‘Sleeping Prince of Relaxation’, which got shortened to ‘Sleep Prince’, and eventually became ‘The Master of Sleep’.”
  “Stop saying unnecessary things.” Aizawa puts Mic in a firm chokehold. “It’s impossible to get this guy to shut up any other way,” he says to All Might’s dubious look.
Thirteen and Midnight suddenly come bustling in. Mic immediately complains to Midnight that he’s being bullied, but Midnight scoffs – Mic had clearly been shooting off his mouth again, and could only blame himself for his suffering. In the end, Thirteen kindly comes to Mic’s defense, imploring Aizawa to let him go.
 Midnight settles in next to Mic, and Thirteen takes a seat by All Might. Since All Might coming out for drinks was a rare occurrence, Thirteen passes up on his usual tea and orders some alcohol as well. Midnight, who can hold her alcohol, picks something extra strong for tonight.
 “Time to get wasted!” Midnight yells at Mic. “I’ll positively drown you in alcohol.”
 “Do it,” Aizawa agrees.
 Mic gasps. “Oi - my friend! How could you betray your own friend like this? Oh my friend! I was the one who gave you your hero name! I made you! You wouldn’t be a cool hero without me!”
 **bold = originally in English
 “If my hero name means I have to be nice to you, I might as well change it,” Aizawa retorts.
“… So you’ll switch to Energy-Saver?”
 “Shut it.”
**Add-On 2--> Missing scene **Add-On 3--> Nickname mistake and missing line
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Meanwhile, Thirteen and All Might are chatting animatedly about the Yaku cedar, a shared interest. But being too excited makes Thirteen’s body heat up, which makes him thirsty, which means he drinks even more! Thirteen finishes off his drink. All Might warily eyes the now-tipsy Thirteen and advises him to have some water. Thirteen immediately goes off on a spiel about the delights of water.
 On the other side, Midnight has mixed together a terrifying concoction of alcohol and cajoles Mic into tasting it. He grimaces, for once speechless, after she forces him to take a huge gulp of the monstrosity. All Might looks on, a bit horrified. “A drink that tastes so bad that even Mic shuts up? How scary! It’s a good thing I can’t drink.”
All Might sweeps his gaze over the high-spirited bunch – with the exception of Aizawa, who still appears perfectly sober. Feeling rather out of place and not wanting to be a bother, he decides to head back home. As he attempts to quietly sneak away, Aizawa grabs his hand.
 After letting go, Aizawa scratches his head. “Stay a while longer, okay?”
 “Um,” All Might flounders a bit. “But…”
 “There’s something I need to tell you today,” Aizawa presses on.
 “Oh. What is it?” All Might concedes.
 All Might is expecting Aizawa to tell him off again, perhaps tell him he’s not qualified to be a teacher.
 “Because you fought out there, I can continue to protect my students. So… thank you.”
 ** This refers to the Hideout Raid Arc. Summary
All Might feels a rush of warmth in his chest. Finally, he and Aizawa are getting closer. There’s just one thing, though…
“Aizawa… that’s the Buddha…”
The whole time, Aizawa has been talking to the Buddha statue behind All Might.
“What are you going on about? I’m being serious,” Aizawa insists.
“No, we’re all pretty certain that’s a Buddha statue.”
“Aizawa’s quite drunk,” Mic confirms wryly. “He’s the sort of drunk that doesn’t remember a single thing the day after.”
When you don’t recall ever getting drunk, that means you just don’t remember all the times you’ve been drunk, All Might speculates.
 But since Aizawa already roped him into staying longer, All Might can only sit back down. It’s rather difficult for him to fit into the group, since this is the first time he’s been out for drinks. And for some reason Thirteen’s called up some other teachers to join them.
** Add-On 1--> Alternate translation of above scene
** (2/15/2018) “Buddha statue” should’ve been "Daruma figure” 
Once the other teachers are thrown into the mix, it truly becomes a shitshow. People are crying, people are singing, people are arguing (Aizawa and the Class-B homeroom teacher compare their students), people are puking (Thirteen).
 All Might, the only sober one, just wants to go home. To collect his thoughts and give himself a breather, he escapes to the restroom. As he’s pondering whether or not he should just up and leave, Mic comes into the restroom as well.
 “Everyone usually gets this wasted, huh? It’s a little scary…” All Might ventures.
 Mic blinks. “Usually?”
 “Eh?” All Might responds, “Isn’t this the usual behavior?”
 “Oh no,” Mic laughs. “Today is totally out of the ordinary! The people who usually don’t drink are making an exception, and the people who do drink are going especially hard.”
 Seeing All Might’s incredulous look, Mic smiles gently at him. “We get the chance to drink with the hero of heroes, All Might! Even among heroes, we all look up to you. Of course we’re celebrating the occasion.”
 All Might stands in the bathroom for a few long moments, astounded. Finally, he heads back towards the others. Hesitating in the hallway, he peeks at everyone else. They wouldn’t actually notice if he was gone, right?
 “Hold up, where did All Might go?”
 “Isn’t he right here?”
 “Aizawa, that’s the Buddha.”
 “Eh? He didn’t head out, did he?”
 And so All Might returns to the rowdy group. He’s immediately accosted by his colleagues, who quickly encircle him and welcome him back.
 With the exception of Aizawa, who scoffs. “I told you All Might was right here.”
 Someone, in their flailing, knocks over the Buddha statue.
 “Ah!” Aizawa cries. “All Might has fallen over?!”
 “Seriously, that’s the Buddha.”
 The other teachers, completely drunk and all vying for his attention, finally drag All Might back to his seat.
 Seriously... for real… I’m never going out for drinks again! All Might swears fervently.
 -- End of Chapter 1 --
Chapter 2
Later Edits:
Add-On 1--> Alternate translation: Aizawa and All Might have a heart-to-heart
Add-On 2--> Missing line: Aizawa never gets drunk...
Add-On 3--> Energy-saver Shou-chan nickname correction + missing line & Add-On 3 correction
(3/5/2018) Add-On 4--> Missing scenes: (1) Awkward conversation between Aizawa and All Might, (2) Midnight offers Aizawa a drink, (3) Aizawa and Blood King argue over students
2/15/2018--> the Buddha statue is specifically a Daruma doll. You can see this in Japanese fanart for the chapter (e.g. here, here, and here) and explained in Japanese in a tweet by azxxxxxxx. Terribly sorry, this was my mistake!
Extra manga context for the last section
Full Light Novel Vol. 3 Translations Masterlist
Fanart compendium for Light Novel Vol. 3 at /fanworks. 
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comicteaparty · 4 years
April 25th-May 1st, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble  chat that occurred from April 25th, 2020 to May 1st, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What is your warm-up routine before you write or draw something related to your story?
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Honestly? I don’t have a formal warm-up, but I definitely like to have my fingers all warmed-up and ready for lots of typing! I really need to get in the mindspace for the particular image/idea being portrayed, though.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
1) Seek out music that matches the energy of the page, 2) Draw some circles/spirals/hatchmarks to loosen up, 3) Pick the easiest thing on the page and finish it first to build momentum, 4) Repeat Ad Infinitum
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
-listen to music from my playlist -read some fanfics -watch YouTube videos from my subscription -get some tea -stretch/workout -wear my comfiest clothes
i'm also another one that listens to music before doing story stuff. (sometimes either is a favorite song/song i'm obsessed with atm or one that matches the current scene)
Eilidh (Lady Changeling)
I usually reread my comic so far and listen to some music I associate with it to get me in the mindset and excited for it
eli [a winged tale]
I have a warm up character to go to! Usually I try for some gestures before getting right back to the panels. It gets the rustiness out of the way for me!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Ooh I love your warm ups, Eli!
eli [a winged tale]
Thank you! It’s easier for me to get into a routine when I have something fun to draw first (with zero expectations)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I don't always need a warm up, but doing panel borders for HoK makes for an excellent warm up. It gets my brain switch gears to comic mode. Music is great, but I only turn it on for important moments (or illustrations outside of comic). There are certain moods that... recur in important moments in my story, and I have playlists for those. e.g. 'sad emotional intimacy'
eli [a winged tale]
I love how music influences our work! I would love to hear all your playlists if you have them easy to share
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
ooooh @eli [a winged tale] i like the motion in your warmups! They're very fluid and nice to look at @keii’ii (Heart of Keol) Keii, I agree with separating playlists for moods! I usually just group them all in my favourites and mentally search for them
Gosh I'm one of the most boring people. Lol I don't have a routine, I don't need one since I'm always in comic mode. Like, all I ever draw is comic pages. I don't have a script or anything that requires writing, so no need for a warm-up for that. I just jump right into it.
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Sounds like you live on the edge which is the opposite of boring 8)
eli [a winged tale]
I dunno, it would be cool to do warm-up drawing. That would sure help for gesture/color/anatomy practice. I just don't have the time, a page takes about 4 days to finish without outside distractions, so I have to get to work right away.
eli [a winged tale]
If you can jump right in, that’s great! For me otherwise I just stare at the inks and wish it would colour itself
Ffff I'm like that with dynamic shots where the perspective points are off the page, and I have to tape scrap paper to it, and sometimes my ruler isn't long enough. Working in a traditional medium can be such a pain in the ass sometimes. Lol
This panel is a good example.
Top view perspective lines went way off the page, I hate it.
Anyways, that's my complaint for the day.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
When I draw warm ups. This was of my 'for practice' comic art. I wanted to practice the vertical scroll storytelling. A lady gets her purse string cut, and the thief runs off. Whenever I want to figure out action scenes, I do little character interactions. It helps me learn more about certain character behavior(edited)
eli [a winged tale]
Nice! Practice comics are great!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
yeah it's really good too!
it's also a great way to possibly have new stories/series
kinda like.....brainstorming, but applied
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Thank you Eli, Shadow. I try to combine my knowledge of storyboarding, since vertical scroll sequences, are similar to that in some regards.(edited)
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
I.... Don't do warm up. I just... Start drawing(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
dang Holmea you living the risky life
that's brave
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
I am pretty sure of my skill. Should I warm up?? Could be super to start warm ups! I check my mail, find out how we are doing online with our comic and just begin to draw. I guess since I have done it professionally as a 2d animator, and there is not really time to warm up, that I have learned to just start
I do warm ups for everything! though what I define as warmups depend on each creator. For me, it begins with stretches and sketching, ill doodle things i need to get out of my head so i'm not distracted by those ideas- they usually involve studies, certain character interactions, or thumbing out pieces I want to tackle later! I may sure to draw everyday to flex that too, so its also important to be able to relax those creative muscles with some pre-work!
also! my warm ups vary with what medium i work in. if Im working in watercolours, i practice fine pencil work and get my lines as loose as possible. when it's comic (so mainly inking) i do what I described above with character studies and what not
I’m really bad at remembering to do warm ups. I should.... actually do them more, but the time I have dedicated to drawing is usually pretty limited
Deo101 [Millennium]
Because I usually finish off whatever I had been working on the day before, warmups for me are kind of the process of starting a new piece. All the sketching and thumbing to get my next idea out work pretty well for warming me up, and then I feel ready to go by the time I'm needing to do things like lines. I also get music going that fits the mood of what I'm working on, like lots of people seem to do! I also need to remember to do stretches more :/ And I usually get myself some kind of drink, tea or something, to keep me company while I work ;)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Sounds like you are pretty busy, Kayotic. Yeah warm ups can be a good practice before diving into a big illustration
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Weirdly I don't think I've ever done warmups for illustrations. Only comic work!
Probably because illustrations, I just do them whenever I feel like it, so my brain is already ready (i.e. I don't start if my brain isn't ready)
whereas comic... I can't just wait for my brain to get ready. I need to keep updating it.
Page, Rambler Extraordinaire!
Pro-tip: if you decide to not do anything and procrastinate, you don't have to warm-up!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
hmm, can't say i've really tried warming up for art before, but i've heard it can really help! What are you guys' art warm up routines?
Deo101 [Millennium]
For me it's just kinda mindless sketching til I hit what it is I wanna be doing
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Make panel borders (not really a routine though, at least I don't think it is)
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
When I do watercolor, I usually don't do warm ups unless I'm planning from thumb-> sketch ->color thumbs and figuring out local colors for watercolor then doing my watercolor flats from there
Deo101 [Millennium]
Instead of staring at a blank screen and waiting, making little circles or scribbles or drawing like. Some arms or something til, eventually, my brain thinks we're working and then it's like "ah yes! Here we go!"
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
but digitalllyyyyy I shoullddddddddd
my brain when looking at my comic: "aight time to do the thingy lmao"
Deo101 [Millennium]
If I've already got a sketch waiting to go I can jump right in though
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
idk, I should but my time is usually limited so I haven't done a warm up in a while lmao.
now I have the time, I probably would
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
ohh i see
like some quick sketches
i see how that can help- whenever i'm figure drawing or drawing people in a cafe or something my later ones are always better
how is making panel borders a warm up? don't you have to do that anyways?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Lines with intent! Doesn't matter what the purpose is, same kinda thing as drawing a bunch of straight lines in a row or practicing ellipses a bit
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
It's something I can do with my brain turned off. While I do it, it wakes up the comic-making part of my brain
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
oh ye
Deo101 [Millennium]
Which I'd encourage doing things like drawing a ton of ellipses or straight lines, it gets your hand into the groove so you can draw stuff right the first time
Do I do it often? No But I do encourage it
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
ah i see keii
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
So for me, the panel borders can function like a warmup without being a "ritual." Kinda like if you're... say... hiking, walking from your parking spot to the trailhead can be a warmup even if it's not a ritual and is necessary anyway
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
ooo that's an interesting way of putting it
... man I really should consider warm ups often. I have been touching my sketchbook less and less so lmao
I do find making small thumbs and coloring them in relaxing for me, not sure that count as a warm up but its something I like doing when planning out watercolor illustrations lol
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Relaxing/chilling/ "reward after a long day" arting is also an interesting topic, though not 100% suitable for this week's question...
I find it interesting how a lot of people seem to like, make cute ship doodles, whereas I uhhh
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
lineart is the easiest for me to do though. I don't have to think much about it
maybe i should like line a page as warm up?
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I'll drop some examples in art share in a bit
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
ooh please do(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
That sounds like a good idea! Worth trying
Feather J. Fern
I actually read in a artist self care comic "Draw Stronger: Self Care of Artist" that you are supposed to stretch and stuff before you art so your body is warmed up for long periods of sitting. Things i draw before getting into main art, the one line challenge where you draw something using one line, gesture drawing warm ups, and always becuase it's something I recently been doing, is drawing a thumbs up on a page that I can erase later or keep in a sketchbook as in like "Good job "(edited)
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I don't have a warm-up routine before I sit down and draw / write comics. Besides making a cup of coffee before I dive right in. (edited)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I don't follow rules
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
i don't really have any warm up routines. it helps that 3d art is less physically demanding than drawing. during/after my work, i try to look away from the screen and relax my eyes every so often, but i can't think of anything i specifically do before working.
Erin Ptah (BICP | Leif & Thorn)
Another dive-right-inner here. I mean, I do loose pencil sketches before putting down lineart, but it's not like a separate warmup drawing before the real one, it's just the start of the real one.
If my brain isn't in "comics mode" and I need to get a page done...I find a nice secluded spot, sit down with the blank sketchbook, and stare at the empty paper until ideas start clicking into place. Unrelated sketches would be a distraction at that point -- same as checking twitter, just one more excuse for my brain to focus on something other than the page.
Used to do the seclusion in local restaurants( whether it's a nice place or just a plastic fast-food table), but obviously that hasn't been an option for a while :/
My warmup is working eight hours at an unrelated job l-lol
eli [a winged tale]
Haha aw that’s a mood
Oh boy do I feel that
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
oh that got real
0 notes